Adobe Scan 31 Mar 2021

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~ M ak e friend s with nu,1, . l

Re ad fig 2 . l X un d un "iw cr th e q11 c-.. tt,

A s a s up pl em en ta ry motcr1ul Lo Lh1 ~ c ~1.;r"
' t'\..
ta ke he lp fro m o glc ,hc <,r u ph y, 1<.. ul rn<
1p ,,f
th e w or ld .
/ , l .xun111H.: th e pl ut c )11 t11 1d1 1rH .: 111 111 'I _ __,
1nu p un d \\ rite 1li1.: 111111 11.: , ,f tit pl 1Jt
, () n \\ h1c h , ld l· "' th~ L,1111111 r 1
on d ~o ut f'i 't,1 nl" I ILU ur l: 1 ll:
.• rr on ~ / I Jl C", ,, IL nt1.:d I \ \ l I
I u r.: l < 'L ul,l:J t h L' r '-= 7
I11 ,, lJJch 11 1.1 unt..u1 1.u1 1 r

h~ co rth q u! Jli: 1 1 1
In \\ I H.: h r c' I" ' = =Jr
L , , n cc n tro t L"i]l~·ur:L...JW..:.__;_1-_:....!-.1..,..1.!!..1......c:C.:...:..,.~ '--'- -:-.- ---

r~o~t,n .,
,. \ clrTl.'. ut c co r• J JU rl:(JIOT

I (>f, <11<.:UTl"':"' ' i .P ut c h< JT cl r l:

G e 9 1 " 1 P h ic o
u v. ii I un dc ri; to nd
B v lo ok ing at fig 2. 18 yo I 'at cd w
- • d1n: ct )' r'- 1
th at pl at e b<,un dor1cs or~ onoes~ ~1ost
ar ea ~ of eo nh qu ok e~ 0nd ; ,.,,(.
J'n' ' '" "" ... • "" " .. ", 11, ..,, .. "
111 ,tll 1hl 1u"kl: ,, un i..

11 hud 11, 1111pm 1 1n

l 1,•r 11 ,., 111,"·,1 ,11 l-..111hmw1d
.. ,'\\"'' 1\ I 1I~
• 111 11il 1111 \\ L''' llt·111 111I ,11 11 1 l nor l 11ulc,h

r[ ,uitl rlll' 1ri·111 11r 11ll' 11~11rl'd 7.9-m ounl lude.
I hi' I II ill11I 11111 :\o of I
, ifl11tl.1· h11 111 11 :-Ill 11111 lurul llmt• 111 o \ hollo w
II ,1111 I IIII

I 1 1, 111 . •· I hr 1,. "<'H 17 11111 j11r 11fler 1hor k,
thfll IIh I ~.
I 0('1
q , r; in lht• 111•,1 '" o uncl hulf hou ~ . \<lid on
m,·11, ur 11,,.111 1 17 11
. , 11 1i1111ol 'lri,11111l1111lrol ( 1•111rc .
I) fl l{rl II I 'lit

\ 11111 Ill' I lrl r r ,hur l. 111r u,11r in1J 11.6 hil ,, lrhln HO mlnulM
' e. I hh I, rlw loq11•~1 t•ur1h~1iok e In 'l<•r,ol or1er
o l rh t tinul.
•• Dun
Intl Ir
HO ,ro,, . lnrlio ho, \t' III rrwm· tt·un" 1mm<·dlu1el) . lrcrr

• 22 S

f· i(Jllr (' 2. 1 : \ rn \J)U J)( r

cuu,L·d thL· lurqc-..,cule cu" uulitic" ?

\\ hul eventi
C \\7H 1l "u~llLc
111uu111 t utk n I t hi: cao hqu akg ! and P
In thi:
o \\ h1t:h ..:1>-t11111 y--,, ll.., thL 1110-.1 ulfcctcd b) end og
th,, cunl14-uuk1.:-.'
• \,he re" ti-. lhL· ep1L·t·11L1.:r ti! Lll~c.urtJJquuke?
e \\-'-In ch urc tile olhc1-uflcr1cd urcu-;°'~.' -
f \ 01t

\ t \\ IW!tkpth \\ u-., tlITT ncu~ locu1cd , ;,,,po I

\\'hut "-ind ll:il u111uyc 1s !)l'Cll bcc.uu~c of J,,,;. I fl

the curtliquukc" • A~

• ·\ l'enrdrnq 111 ,,ru. \\ han -nnld be th c..rc uso n no
heh ind lhc cun hquul-:c l
• ll u, L' )_ nu c, er l'\J1.Criencco u ~in, ilar
cu t1 hquul~: -ni~cu~ .
Various natural events occu r on the earth
fro1n tin,e to ti1ne e.g. noods, storms, sno,vfoll
cx tren1c rainfall, etc. Similarly, because of the
rnovemc nts bclo,v the eart h 's surf ace, naru ra l
events like earthquakes and volcanic eru ptions
occur. For the orga nisn1s li vi ng on earth, th ese
' 'II\• • .
nu, t"---~J• ons·.> f ll l''-l' quc ,t 1011 ~ co n ,n U rl '-l'

lh<..\ '; 11 nd" I n can, \vc: r tl H.:~c. we need lo ~cc

th t• ~ ' ' h ul 1uup o f the rCfJI Oll l oo o lo nCJ w ith
101 1' 1'lH t 111u p .
Whe n we rcod hoth the
llp~ 11 I tu n~ou ~ly. \ V C ~ct l hc on"w cr~ lo
ti • ' nu •
"lllc.· , t It \11\
) J "R L'Ud the 111(tp S firJ. I f I and fig .
fJ IVC ll 1n
on d un,,vc:, th e foll ow in~J quc \li on" 1n
~ nu I no t~bo ok :
111 "h 1l Ii Il'<Jrnn do \ 011 fi n cl c1 tlcn~c
nrt, , or,._1 ,
l> 1 tru11 ~po1 I r<WlC..\ in the n1ur ''
►11O\\ 1,· th e: phy~ ,o~Jruphy o f-::tli tr-- HAJIO n
' ' llh Uc:11,c IIL'l\vt.>1 ~
► \\
h1 l' li I L'fJ1n11 hu~ u , pur\ (: netw ork o f
l run \po1 t I llllll ', ' )

;, I In\\ i~ the pli\ "-IO~J rup hy uf till!-. r~1 on ')

► LnnJ... lor th~ rcy1on lu(.;J...1ng tru n, ~ort
ro u l~:,,.
;. ~\ hut ki nU-U.J, o b:-.true-t1011 L Uil you find
I hcrl.!'.' _j,

When you stud y the maps of physica l

stru cture, rna in roads and railways of the
Satara district, you will und erstand the
fo llow ing issues.
• The western part of the Sata ra district is
occ upi ed by the Sahyadris and its off-
shoots and its elevati on is higher. Its
topogra phy is undul ating. In this regi on,
lies the ex tens ive Shi vsag ar reservoir of
the Koy na Da n, .

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