Lesson Plan in English 5 - Collective Nouns
Lesson Plan in English 5 - Collective Nouns
Lesson Plan in English 5 - Collective Nouns
I. Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the Grade V learners will be able to:
1.) Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures;
collective nouns and verb agreement.
2.) Identify the collective nouns used in the sentences.
3.) Show cooperation in doing the given task.
III. Strategies/Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities
Say: Good morning class. How are you today? Today, we will be learning another
lesson on subject-verb agreement. So, before we will have our new lesson, let us
review first your previous lesson.
Review/Drill Ask: Can you still remember our lesson in English last week?
Ask: What was our lesson all about?
The teacher will call a learner to answer.
Ask: What are irregular nouns?
The teacher will call a learner to answer.
Ask: Who can give me example of an irregular noun?
The teacher will call a learner to answer.
Say: Ok, now that you remember what an irregular noun is all about, let us try this
Motivation picture and construct a simple sentence based on the given picture.
The teacher will call volunteers to construct a sentence.
B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
The teacher will present on the board what are collective nouns and will
show examples.
2. Discussion
The teacher will discuss further the use of collective nouns in a sentence
through the given example sentences.
Sentence 1: The class listens carefully to the teachers’ instruction.
Sentence 2: The class start their projects while the teacher grades their papers.
Sentence 3: The team is heading for practice this afternoon.
Sentence 4: The team are eating with their families tonight.
3. Guided Practice
The teacher will provide a short activity to assess understanding of topic.
Directions: Identify the collective nouns used in the sentence. Identify the
correct verb to be use inside the parenthesis.
4. Generalization
Group 1
Direction: Identify and encircle the collective noun used in the sentence.
Group 2
Direction: Choose the appropriate collective noun in the parenthesis to complete each
sentence. Write your answer on the blank.
Group 3
Direction: Compose a sentence using the given collective nouns.
The teacher and the learners will correct together their answers.
IV. Evaluation
The learners will answer the given assessment.
Instruction: Encircle the correct verb in the parenthesis that agrees with the collective noun.
V. Assignment
Instruction: List at least 5 examples of collective nouns and use it in a sentence.