Is Vortex Stretching The Main Cause of The Turbulent Energy Cascade
Is Vortex Stretching The Main Cause of The Turbulent Energy Cascade
Is Vortex Stretching The Main Cause of The Turbulent Energy Cascade
1. Introduction
Fluid turbulence is a non-equilibrium, high-dimensional system, and in three
dimensions it exhibits an average cascade of energy from the largest scales of the
system, where the energy is injected, to the smallest scales, where it is dissipated
(Falkovich 2009). While the cascade ultimately arises from inertial forces in the
flow, a detailed understanding of the cascade mechanism remains elusive (Ballouz &
Ouellette 2018).
Richardson (1922) proposed that the cascade occurs through a hierarchical process
of instabilities whereby eddies break down and pass their energy to smaller eddies.
However, there is no clear connection between this mechanism and the Navier–Stokes
equation (NSE) governing the flow. An alternative idea, that has become the dominant
paradigm, is that vortex stretching (VS) drives the cascade (Taylor 1932, 1938;
Tennekes & Lumley 1972; Davidson 2004; Doan et al. 2018). Since VS is described
2. Theoretical results
The multiscale properties of turbulence are traditionally analysed using the velocity
increments 1u(x, r, t) ≡ u(x + r/2, t) − u(x − r/2, t), where u is the fluid velocity and
r is the vector separating two points in the flow with centroid x (Kolmogorov 1941;
Frisch 1995; Pope 2000). The Karman–Howarth equation (de Karman & Howarth
1938; Hill 2001) governs K(x, r, t) ≡ hk1u(x, r, t)k2 i/2, the ensemble averaged
turbulent kinetic energy at scale r ≡ krk, and for homogeneous turbulence Published online by Cambridge University Press
1∗ u
e = ∂ r × [2 A
e (x + r/2, t) + 2 A
e (x − r/2, t) + B
e (x, t)], (2.2)
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Vortex stretching and the energy cascade
where A e is the vector potential filtered at scale r, defined through ∇ × A e ≡u e,
and Be is an integration constant. Next, the potential A e in (2.2) is Taylor-expanded
in r, explicitly retaining terms up to second-order and grouping higher-order terms
into a remainder. This is justified since A e is defined through u e, which is smooth
at scales 6O(r). Further, A e is even smoother than u e since Ae is given by the
inverse curl operator acting on ue. The integration constant B is fixed imposing the
e 1∗ u
incompressibility condition for h1∗ u e 1∗ u
ei in isotropic flows (Hill 1997). We then
have 1u = 1 u ∗
e + 1 u , where 1 u ≡ 1u − 1∗ u
∗ 0 ∗ 0
e is the subgrid field. Finally, the
nonlinear energy flux is constructed by means of 1∗ u e, invoking isotropy of the flow
(see appendix A)
∂ r · T = L {h(S e) : S
e·S ωω
e i − 1 he
e i} + F ,
e:S (2.3)
e ≡ (∇e
which involves the filtered strain rate S u> )/2, the filtered vorticity ω
u + ∇e e≡
∇×u e, and the operator
In (2.3), F denotes the contributions involving both 1∗ u0 , and the higher order terms
in the expansion of Ae . In the limit r/η → 0, F → 0, equation (2.3) reduces to
r2 r2
∂r · T = h(S · S ) : S i − hωω : S i, (2.5)
3 12
where S = limr→0 S e and ω = limr→0 ω e are the ‘bare’/unfiltered strain rate and vorticity.
In the inertial range, ∂ r · T is independent of r, which implies h(S e·S e) : S ωω
e i ∝ he e:S
∝ r , and using this in (2.3) we obtain for η r L
r2 e e e r2
∂r · T = h(S · S ) : S i − heωω ei + F .
e:S (2.6)
7 28
It is anticipated that F will play a subleading role in (2.6); this will be assumed in
the following discussion, and later confirmed with data. Published online by Cambridge University Press
eω ωk2 e
λi cos2 (e
ω, eei ), where eei is the eigenvector corresponding to e λi . It is
e:S e = i ke
known that he ωω
e : S i > 0 (Meneveau 2011), whose positivity can only come from e
e λ1
or λ2 . A well-known feature of turbulence is the predominant alignment of ω
e e with
ee2 (Meneveau 2011; Danish & Meneveau 2018). Nevertheless, the contribution to VS
associated with e λ1 dominates (Tsinober 2001; Doan et al. 2018).
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Since h(Se·S e) : S e i < 0 and he
ωωe:S e i > 0, then according to (2.5) and (2.6), both
SSA and VS contribute to the downscale energy cascade. Note that we are simply
taking h(Se·S e) : S
e i < 0 and heωω
e:Se i > 0 as empirical facts. A complete explanation of
the physics of the turbulent energy cascade would of course require an explanation
for why these average invariants have the sign that they do. Several arguments have
previously been given; however, all of them appear to be at best incomplete (e.g.
Tsinober 2001), and we do not attempt to provide new arguments. Nevertheless,
independent of the explanation for why h(S e ·Se) : S
e i < 0 and heωω
e:S e i > 0, the
interpretation of these empirical facts is unambiguous – namely, that nonlinearity in
the NSE leads to the spontaneous production of strain and vorticity across the scales
of the turbulent flow. Our goal is to understand how these processes relate to the
turbulent energy cascade.
It is important to appreciate that (2.3) does not assume that the cascade is
dynamically local. Indeed, the filtered fields S e and ω e involve contributions from
all scales in the flow that are greater than or equal to the filter scale r, while the
effects of the subgrid scales are fully contained within F . As a result, terms such as
eωe:S e can involve contributions from interactions between scales of different sizes.
Therefore, equation (2.3) is consistent with recent numerical results showing that the
stretching of vortices at a given scale tends to be governed by straining motions at
scales that are three to five times larger (Doan et al. 2018).
We note that the result in (2.6) has similarities with the result obtained by Eyink
(2006b) under the strong ultraviolet locality assumption (UVLA) for the instantaneous
one-point scale-to-scale energy flux Π(x, t), that describes the cascade of kinetic
energy from u e to u0 (it is also similar to the result in Borue & Orszag (1998) for
Π (x, t), although they derived their result using an ad hoc closure model). In contrast
to Π (x, t), however, the instantaneous form of ∂ r · T, namely (1/2)∂ r · (k1uk2 1u),
is not in general reducible to a form such as (2.6), even under UVLA. Moreover,
our general result in (2.3) differs from the energy flux result in Eyink (2006b),
since our result in general depends on gradients in r-space of the average strain
and vorticity invariants. This difference arises since in Eyink (2006b) the multiscale
properties of the turbulence are analysed using a one-point field, whereas ours
employs a two-point field representation in terms of the velocity increments. For
situations where the average invariants are not scale-invariant functions of r (e.g. Published online by Cambridge University Press
h(S e) : S
e·S ωω
e i = −(3/4)he e:S
e i, ∀r. (2.7)
∂ r · T = −(r2 /7)he
ωω ei + F ,
e:S (2.8)
(a similar step to this was taken in Eyink (2006a) – namely, the Betchov relation in
(2.7) was used to express the energy flux purely in terms of VS for a homogeneous
turbulent flow) which appears to show that VS is the mechanism governing the
downscale energy cascade, contrary to our previous statements. Indeed, equation (2.8)
would explain why previous numerical studies seemed to find a strong correlation
between the energy cascade and VS, on average (Davidson et al. 2008; Doan et al.
Nevertheless, we argue that (2.8) is fundamentally misleading with respect to the
physical mechanism driving the energy cascade (and therefore so also is (32) in
Eyink (2006a)). Namely, it invokes (2.7) which is a purely kinematic relationship that
obscures the fact that SSA and VS are dynamically very different, and must therefore
be correctly distinguished. That this is the case may be observed in at least three
different ways. First is the simple fact that the dynamical equations governing the
SSA and VS invariants that can be derived from the NSE are very different (Tsinober
2001). Second, SSA and VS can affect the evolution of other quantities in turbulent
flows in completely different ways. For example, consider the equation for hkSe k2 i
(1/2)∂t hkS
e k2 i = −h(S e) : S
e·S e i − (1/4)he
ωω e i − νhk∇ S
e:S e k2 i. (2.9)
From (2.9) it is apparent that while he ωωe:Se i > 0 acts as a sink for hkS e k2 i, h(S
e·S e) :
e i < 0 acts as a source for hkS
S 2
e k i. Therefore, while h(Se·Se) : Se i = −(3/4)he ωωe:S e i,
the negativity of h(S e·Se) : S
e i leads to an opposite dynamical effect on hkS e k2 i than the
negativity of −he ωωe:S e i. Third, while the average values of SSA and VS are closely
related, their statistics in general differ, and joint probability density functions (PDFs)
of the unfiltered SSA and VS reveal that they are weakly correlated (Gulitski et al.
These arguments emphasize that while inserting h(S e·Se) : S
e i = −(3/4)he ωω e:S e i into
(2.6) is numerically legitimate, it obscures the true physics behind the energy cascade Published online by Cambridge University Press
because VS and SSA are distinct dynamical processes that have distinct effects on
the dynamics of turbulence. Their roles in the cascade mechanism must therefore be
distinguished; the true underlying physics is reflected in (2.6), not (2.8).
The above arguments are analogous to the argument that even though in homoge-
neous turbulence, hi ≡ 2νhkS k2 i = νhkωk2 i, it is dynamically incorrect to refer to
νhkωk2 i as the average dissipation rate, since vorticity has no direct causal relationship
with dissipation (Tennekes & Lumley 1972). Indeed, for an incompressible, Newtonian
fluid, ≡ 2νkS k2 , by definition. The result hi = νhkωk2 i, like h(S e · S e) : S ei =
−(3/4)he ωωe :S e i, is purely kinematic, and must not be interpreted as implying a
dynamical relationship.
scales is L/η = 812. Further details on the DNS code and simulations may be found
in Ireland et al. (2013) and Ireland, Bragg & Collins (2016). A sharp-spectral filter
was used to construct ω e and S
e for use in (2.3), but we also compared the results to
those obtained using a Gaussian filter (see Pope 2000) and found similar results.
In figure 1(a) we compare our DNS results for ∂ r · T with the right-hand side
of (2.3). Since we do not know F we set it to zero when plotting the results. In
the limit r/η → 0 this introduces no approximation, since limr/η→0 F → 0. The DNS
data confirm the accuracy of this asymptotic behaviour even up to r = O(η). The
results in figure 1(a) imply that in the inertial range, F makes a finite, but subleading
contribution to the cascade. We also plot separately the SSA and VS contributions
to (2.3). The results confirm that in both the dissipation and inertial ranges, the
average energy cascade is dominated by the contribution from SSA rather than VS,
with the contribution from SSA being three times larger than that from VS.
In figure 1(b) we show the DNS data for the eigenframe contributions to L h i e λi i,
P 3
883 R2-6
Vortex stretching and the energy cascade
10-1 10-1
10-1 ¡3 ¡
DNS 10-2 -L ¯∑i ¬i ˘
10-2 L ¯∑i wi ˘
(2.3) L ¯¬13˘ L ¯w1˘
10-2 10-3 ¡
L ¯¬23˘ 10-3
L ¯w2˘
¡ ¡
VS -L ¯¬33˘ -L ¯w3˘
-3 -4
10 10 10-4
-1 0 1 2 3 -1 0 1 2 3
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10-1 100
102 103
r/˙ r/˙ r/˙
F IGURE 1. (a) Comparison of DNS data (black line with circles) for ∂ r · T with (2.3)
(red line). Also shown are the SSA (green line) and VS (blue line) contributions to (2.3).
Panels (b) and (c) are the eigenframe contributions from (b) SSA and (c) VS to (2.3).
0 0 0 -4
-20 -20 -20
-40 -20 0 20 40 -40 -20 0 20 40 -40 -20 0 20 40
≈1/µ1 ≈1/µ1 ≈1/µ1
F IGURE 2. DNS results for the joint PDF of SSA and VS at filter scales (a) r/η = 0,
(b) r/η = 50, (c) r/η = 200. Here, ξ1 and ξ2 are the fixed phase-space coordinates conjugate
to the fluctuating quantities (S
e·S e) : S
e and ω
eωe:S e , respectively, while µ1 ≡ h(S e) : S
e·S ei
and µ2 ≡ he ωωe:S e i. The colours correspond to the values of the PDF, and the lines are
isocontours of log10 PDF, shown in increments of 1.
This shows that the SSA process that dominates the energy cascade is itself governed
by compressional straining motions at all scales. In figure 1(c) we plot the eigenframe Published online by Cambridge University Press
contributions to L h i W i i, where ω eω ω k2 e
λi cos2 (e
ω, eei ) ≡ i W
P f P P f
e:S i , and the
e = i ke
results show that the contribution from i = 1 is the most positive at all scales.
This is consistent with the results in Doan et al. (2018) that show that at all scales
in the flow, VS is dominated by the contribution from the extensional eigenvalue.
Interestingly, while our results show hW f1 i > hW
f2 i in the dissipation range (as observed
in Gulitski et al. 2007), hW f1 i hW f2 i in the inertial range. While W f1 and W f3 have
fixed signs, the sign of W f2 fluctuates, and as a result, the contribution to P hW fi i
from hW2 i may be smaller than that from hW1 i due to partial cancellation of positive
f f
and negative W f2 in its average. To explore this, we computed h|W f2 |i and found that
at all scales, hW2 i < h|W2 |i < hW1 i, such that the dominance of the i = 1 contribution
f f f
P f
to i hW i i is not simply caused by the fluctuating sign of W2 . It is mainly because
λ1 tends to be larger than |e λ2 |, so that hW
i hWi i, despite the fact that
e f1 i dominates f
e preferentially aligns with ee2 at all scales in the flow (Danish & Meneveau 2018).
In figure 2 we show results for the joint PDF of VS and SSA at different filtering
scales. The shape of the PDF contours are similar to those in the experimental
883 R2-7
M. Carbone and A. D. Bragg
10-2 101
10-3 0.4
10-5 100
10 0
-40 -20 0 20 40 100 101 102 103 100 101 102 103
≈å/µå r/˙ r/˙
F IGURE 3. DNS results for (a) the PDF of ξα , normalized by the mean value µα with
α = 1, 2 (see the caption of figure 2 for the definitions of ξ1 , ξ2 , µ1 , µ2 ), and at different
filter scales r/η, and (b) the correlation coefficient of VS and SSA, ρVS,SSA , as a function
of filter scale. Panel (c) shows results for ζn ≡ h[(−3/4)e ωωe:S e ]n i/h[(Se·S e) : S
e ]n i as a
function of r/η, and for various n. The shaded regions around the lines denote the region
bounded by the error bars (see appendix B for details).
work of Gulitski et al. (2007) (they only considered the unfiltered case), showing the
distinctive ‘corners’ of the contour lines along ξ1 /µ1 = 0 and ξ2 /µ2 = 0. In figure 3(a)
we show results for the PDFs of SSA and VS at different filtering scales. Concerning
the r/η = 0 results, in agreement with Gulitski et al. (2007) we find that for ξ /µ > 0
the PDFs are similar; however, in disagreement with their results, we find that the
PDFs for ξ /µ < 0 are quite different. The difference between the PDFs becomes
larger for the filtered case r/η = 200, for both ξ /µ < 0 and ξ /µ > 0. These results
provide further support for our earlier assertions that the roles of SSA and VS must
not be conflated. Not only are they dynamically very different, but furthermore, as
figure 3(a) shows, the general statistics of the two processes are significantly different,
despite the fact that their mean values are closely related through (2.7). This point is
made even clearer in figure 3(b), where we show results for the correlation coefficient
of VS and SSA, ρVS,SSA . While ρVS,SSA is moderate in the dissipation range, in the
inertial range ρVS,SSA approaches 0.3, indicating a weak correlation. Published online by Cambridge University Press
Finally, we have argued that concerning the average energy cascade, the contribution
from SSA is much larger than that from VS. However, it is important to consider
whether the same holds true for fluctuations of the energy cascade about its average
behaviour. To gain insight into this we consider the quantity
h[(−3/4)e e:S e ]n i
ζn (r) ≡ . (3.1)
e) : S
h[(S e ]n i
The results for ζn are shown in figure 3(c) for different n and filtering scales r/η. For
n = 1, equation (2.7) gives ζ1 = 1, as observed in our numerical results for each r/η.
However, for n > 1, ζn > 1 at each scale, and reaches values O(10) for n = 4, implying
that VS may play a leading-order role during strong fluctuations of the energy cascade
about its average value. This increasingly important role of VS compared with SSA
during large fluctuations of the energy cascade about the average behaviour may in
part be associated with the known fact that the vorticity field is more intermittent
that the strain-rate field in turbulent flows (Chen, Sreenivasan & Nelkin 1997; Donzis,
Yeung & Sreenivasan 2008; Buaria et al. 2019).
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Vortex stretching and the energy cascade
In closing this section we note that for a more complete understanding of
fluctuations of the energy cascade in turbulence one must also consider the role
played by subgrid stresses (Buzzicotti et al. 2018). These subgrid stresses interact
e and ω
with the filtered fields S e , and make a contribution to the energy cascade. Such
an investigation will be pursued in future work.
4. Conclusions
We have presented theoretical and numerical results showing that vortex stretching
is not the main mechanism driving the average energy cascade in isotropic turbulence.
Instead, the main mechanism driving the average cascade is the strain self-amplification
process, which is a fundamentally distinct dynamical process from that of vortex
stretching. However, our numerical results imply that vortex stretching may play a
stronger role during fluctuations of the cascade about its average behaviour, which
may be associated with the known fact that the vorticity field is more intermittent
than the strain-rate field in turbulence.
We thank G. Katul, A. Porporato and M. Iovieno for stimulating discussions. This
work used the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE),
supported by National Science Foundation grant ACI-1548562 (Towns et al. 2014).
Declaration of interests
The authors report no conflict of interest.
Appendix A
Here we give details of the steps in the analysis leading to (2.3), using the same
notation as in the paper, and our method to avoid this compressibility issue discussed
in § 2.
e(x, t) ≡ R3 G` (kyk)u(x − y, t) dy, where the filtering length scale `
We first define u
is for now an independent variable. We then denote an incompressible filtered fluid Published online by Cambridge University Press
∂ r · 1∗ u
e(x, r, `, t)|x = 0, (A 1)
e(x, r, `, t)|` = 1e u(x, r, `, t). (A 2)
This now clarifies the notation used in (A 2); 1∗ u e(x, r, `, t)|` means that when,
according to the vector potential expression for 1∗ u
e, the curl operator ∂ r × {·} acts
883 R2-9
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on Ae , ` is to be held fixed – that is, 1∗ u
e = 1e
u when ` does not depend on r. The
solution of (A 4) reads
e ∗ (x, r, `, t) = 2A
A e (x + r/2, `, t) + 2A
e (x − r/2, `, t) + B
e (x, `, t), (A 5)
where A e is a vector potential associated with the velocity field filtered at length `,
defined through ue(x, `, t) = ∇ × A e (x, `, t)|` . Here B
e (x, `, t) is an integration constant,
since (A 4) has been integrated in r at fixed x and `. Using (A 5) into (A 3) we then
obtain the expression for the incompressible filtered velocity increment, equation (2.2).
In order to relate 1∗ ue(x, r, `, t) to the velocity gradient filtered at scale r, namely
Γ ≡ ∇e
e u, we choose ` = r and Taylor expand the terms involving A e in (2.2) in the
variable r, explicitly retaining terms up to second order,
e (x + r/2, r, t) + A
A e (x − r/2, r, t) = 2A
e (x, r, t) + 1 (rr : ∇∇)A
e (x, r, t) + h, (A 6)
where h(x, r, t) denotes the remainder term, defined (since the expansion may be
only asymptotic) as the difference between the left-hand side and the first two terms
on the right-hand side of (A 6). This remainder term will be subleading due to the
smoothness of A e on scales 6O(r).
Substituting (A 6) into (A 3) yields
r 1
e = Γ · r + × (rr : ∇∇)∂r A + ∂r (4A + B) + 2∂ r × h,
e e e e (A 7)
r 2
where Γe = Γe(x, r, t), Ae =A e (x, r, t) and Be =Be (x, r, t). In the paper the dependence
upon r due to the filtering is implicitly indicated by the tilde. The cross product term
in (A 7) represents the ‘compressible correction’ that captures the effect of the variable
filtering length on the velocity increment, and guarantees ∂ r · 1∗ u e(x, r, `, t) = 0 ∀`(r).
Since this term lies in the plane orthogonal to r, the longitudinal increments satisfy
1∗ euk = 1euk , while the perpendicular increments differ, 1∗e u⊥ 6 = 1e
u⊥ .
Once the incompressible filtered velocity increment is defined, the nonlinear energy
flux is expressed using the decomposition 1u = 1∗ u e + 1∗ u0 and invoking isotropy
1 2
∂r · T = ∂r + ek2 1∗e
hk1∗ u uk i + F, (A 8)
2 r
where F(r) denotes the contributions involving the subgrid field 1∗ u0 . Because of Published online by Cambridge University Press
ek2 1∗e
isotropy, the quantity hk1∗ u uk i is physically related to the invariant h(Γe> · Γe) : Γei,
which is then employed to express the third-order structure functions
u3k i =
h1∗e 2
h(Γe> · Γe) : Γeir3 + Hk , (A 9)
h1 ∗
uk 1∗e
e u2⊥ i = 4
h(Γe> · Γe) : Γeir3 + C + H⊥ , (A 10)
where Hk and H⊥ denote the contributions arising from h in (A 7). Here C(r) denotes
the contribution arising from the compressibility correction term in (A 7), which is
determined by incompressibility and isotropy of the flow. Indeed, as shown by Hill
h1uk 1u2⊥ i = 16 ∂r (rh1u3k i) (A 11)
and requiring that (A 11) is satisfied by the incompressible increment, using (A 9)
which is free of compressibility effects, gives
uk 1 ∗ e
h1∗e u2⊥ i = 1
∂ (h(Γe>
105 r
· Γe) : Γeir4 + rHk ). (A 12)
Substituting (A 9) and (A 12) into (A 8), we finally obtain (2.3), wherein F is the sum
of F and the contributions from Hk .
883 R2-10
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Appendix B
In this appendix, we briefly describe the method used to construct the error bars
in figure 3(c), which are important to consider for the high-order moments shown in
that plot.
Let f (x, t) be an arbitrary random field; for a statistically stationary, homogeneous
flow we may approximate the ensemble average h f i by a space-time averaging
1 T ∗
hfi ≈ f∗ ≡ f dt, (B 1)
T 0
f∗ ≡ f dx, (B 2)
where |Ω| is the measure of the domain in which the flow is taking place. In
our simulations, |Ω| is fixed and finite; however, assuming ergodicity, then we
expect limT→∞ f ∗ → h f i. In contrast, in our simulations, T is finite, and it is therefore
important to consider convergence errors in our estimation associated with the finitude
of T.
In order to define the convergence error, we introduce the finite mean µ and
variance σ 2 of the time series f ∗ (t), and define its partial average as
1 τ ∗
f (τ ) ≡
∗ f (t) dt. (B 3)
τ 0
The deviation of the partial average from the exact mean, e(τ ) ≡ (f ∗ (τ ) − µ)2 , is
employed to define the convergence error
1 T
(T) ≡ e(τ ) dτ . (B 4)
T 0
The error defined in (B 4) measures the fluctuations of the partial average with
respect to the ensemble average over the whole time window. Also, this convergence
error (T) vanishes for T → ∞, when the √time average is expected to approach
the ensemble average. Indeed, with (T) ≡ F(T)/T, the fundamental theorem of Published online by Cambridge University Press
calculus, together with the convergence of the partial averages to the ensemble
average, implies
dT F(T) = o(1) for T → ∞, (B 5)
and, if e is smooth (which it is for the quantities we are considering), then F is even
smoother so that equation (B 5) can be integrated yielding F(T) = o(T) for T → ∞. As
a consequence, the error defined in (B 4) vanishes√when the partial average converges
to the ensemble average, limT→∞ (T) = limT→∞ F(T)/T = 0.
Now, in figure 3(c) we plot the quantity ζn (r), defined in (3.1). Let us now introduce
the quantity σn (r, τ ), which is the same as ζn (r), but with the ensemble averages in the
definition of ζn (r) replaced with a space average over the domain plus a time average
over the interval [0, τ ]. As before, we expect limτ →∞ σn (r, τ ) → ζn (r). In the DNS
data, we have τ 6 6τI , where τI is the integral time scale of the flow. We may then
estimate the convergence error using an approximation for (T) evaluated at T = 6τI ,
Z 6τI
˜ (r, 6τI ) = (σn (r, τ ) − σn (r, T = 6τI ))2 dτ , (B 6)
6τI 0
883 R2-11
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since, by the Chebyshev inequality, σn (r, T = 6τI ) is in probability the best estimate
to ζn (r). In figure 3(c) the error bars are constructed using ˜ (r, 6τI ). Note that we
use the estimate for the error in (B 6) since a direct estimation of the error by means
of the Chebyshev inequality would be problematic due to the small number of time
samples we have available (our DNS data consist of 19 snapshots of the flow).
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