AUPPHSMUN-DISEC-Mitigating The Use of Bioweapons and Chemical Weapons in Warfare and Conflict

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Research Report
Forum: DISEC (GA1)

Issue: Mitigating the use of bioweapons and chemical weapons in warfare and


Student Officer: Lilian KHOV

Position: Head chair


The use of bioweapons and chemical weapons in warfare and conflict is a long standing,
grave concern with far reaching impacts. The use of these lethal weapons has the potential
to cause long lasting environmental effects impacting not only on the immediate victim but
also on the communities and ecosystems in which they are used.

Preventing the use of chemical and biological weapons is a pressing issue, requiring
international agreements including strict laws, non-proliferation, and reinforcement of
multilateral agreements. In order to prevent these weapons from being created, stockpiled,
manufactured, and deployed, strict restrictions must be enforced. Other measures such as
early detection, intelligence gathering, and international cooperation to rapidly address
emerging threats and strengthen security around these weapons are also essential.

Several international agreements have been implied, including the Chemical Weapons
Convention (CWC) and Biological Weapons Convention (BWC). For these conventions to be
successfully implanted and enforced by all nations, continuous vigilance and work are

Definition of Key Terms


The biological agents or toxins deliberately created or modified to harm or kill humans,
animals, or plants, intended for use in warfare or terrorism.

Chemical Weapons

Substances that are specifically designed to cause harm, disable, or kill humans, animals, or
plants through their toxic properties.


The engagement in armed conflict between two or more parties, typically involving the use of
weapons and military strategies.


A disagreement or struggle between individuals or groups, often characterized by opposing

interests or beliefs.


The rapid increase or spread of something.


The process of reducing or eliminating military forces, weapons, or capabilities.


Non-proliferation refers to efforts aimed at preventing or limiting the spread of weapons

International agreements

International agreements are formal agreements or treaties between multiple nations or

countries that outline specific obligations, rights, or regulations.

General Overview

Chemical weapons have been employed in warfare throughout history, with notable
instances during World War I, causing widespread suffering and casualties. These horrors
led to the creation of international agreements, such as the Geneva Protocol of 1925, aimed
at prohibiting their use. However, enforcement challenges persisted, and chemical weapon
use in conflicts like the Syrian civil war has raised contemporary concerns.

Pathogens and biotechnological innovations are used to create bioweapons, which have
been the focus of study and development. For instance, the 1995 Sarin assault in the Tokyo
underground highlighted the potential for bioweapons to inflict terror. Concerns regarding
adherence to the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) are still being raised by new
biotechnology developments.

The development and deployment of these weapons is forbidden by international legal

frameworks such as the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) and the Biological Weapons
Convention (BWC). Significant chemical weapon stocks have been destroyed as a result of
disarmament efforts, although compliance is still difficult to achieve. The issue is still
significant in areas where there has been armed conflict since rogue states and non-state
actors may try to use these weapons there. The utilization of chemical weapons in Syria and
the reported deployment of bioweapons in conflict zones by non-state actors highlight the
persistent difficulties.

Overall, the effort to reduce the use of bioweapons and chemical weapons in war and
conflict is marked by the intricacy of historical context, ongoing obstacles, and regional
variations. In light of recent events and advancements in technology, this issue remains
pertinent despite international legal framework and ongoing disarmament efforts. Requiring
ongoing global attention and concerted measures to mitigate the associated risks

Major Parties Involved

United Nations (UN)

The UN encourages international collaboration, upholds treaties, and develops standards.
They support diplomacy, keep an eye on compliance, and help countries deal with crisis and

Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)

OPCW plays a central role in overseeing the implementation of the Chemical Weapons
Convention (CWC). It conducts inspections, verifies destruction of chemical weapons, and
provides technical expertise.

Biological Weapons Convention (BWC)

An important international agreement called the BWC aims to outlaw the creation,
manufacture, and purchase of biological weapons. Parties to this treaty take an active role in
discussions and meetings aimed at strengthening its execution.

Timeline of Key Events

Date Description of events

1864 First Geneva Protocol established for humanitarian
treatment in armed conflicts
1925 Geneva Protocol banned use of gasses, bacteriological
methods, chemical and biological weapons in warfare
1972 Biological weapons conventions was signed prohibiting
the production and use of biological weapons
1993 Chemical weapons conventions was adopted to eliminate
chemical weapons
2001 Anthrax attacks, a series of attacks in the US that raised
concern about bioterrorism
2005 Biological weapons convention protocol, adapted to
strengthen the BWC was proposed but remains unratified

Previous Attempts to Solve the Issue

The BWC is a significant agreement with the purposes of prohibiting the creation, acquisition
and use of biological weapons. Although the BWC has been essential in shaping how the
world has responded to bioweapons, its effectiveness remains a topic of debate. The
widespread ratification of the treaty by most nations, showcases the treaty’s success.

However, its limitations including the lack of robust verification mechanism and absence of
punitive measures, have opened the door to potential non-compliance and clandestine

On a similar note, the CWC also holds significant importance, its objective is to prevent the
development and stockpiling of chemical weapons. With the majority of countries supporting
this convention, it has enjoyed substantial success. Nonetheless, challenges still persist,
such as the destruction of chemical weapons, the identification of undeclared stockpiles, and
the emergence of new chemical threats.

While these international agreements have laid the groundwork for reducing the use of
chemical and biological weapons, there remains a pressing need to improve their
enforcement and address involving new threats.

Moreover, recent advancements and breakthroughs in biotechnology have increased the

risks associated with the proliferation of bioweapons. The development of biotechnology has
made it easier for non-state actors to develop and utilize bioweapons. In order to effectively
combat these new risks, it becomes imperative to adapt and improve existing frameworks
and establish new ones.

Possible Solutions

A range of potential solutions should be taken into consideration.

First and foremost, fostering international cooperation is crucial. TO prevent the
unauthorized purchase and the use of these weapons, nations should collaborate in the
establishment of diplomatic connections and intelligence-sharing mechanisms. This
collaborative effort could involve the creation of a specialized. international agency or task
forces dedicated to monitoring and addressing the proliferation of bioweapons and chemical

Additionally, international agreements prohibiting the development, production, and

deployment of these weapons can serve as a deterrent. The development of a more
comprehensive, all-encompassing convention or the strengthening of existing agreements
such as the CWC and the BWC could be explored.

Moreover, cutting-edge technology plays a pivotal role in this endeavor. It is crucial to invest
in the development of innovative tools and research for early detection of chemical and
biological threat identification. These technologies can play a pivotal role to enhance global
preparedness and enable quick responses to new threats.


● The Chemical Weapons

Convention (CWC): This treaty, signed by 193 countries bans the production
stocking, and use of chemical weapons
Doc.37_conv%20biological%20weapons.pdf : Convention on the Prohibition of the

Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin

Weapons and on their Destruction: This international treaty prohibits the
development, production and acquisition of biological weapons.
● : The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
(OPWC): implements the CWC and provides information of chemical weapons
● : the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs
(UNODA): information on disarmament issues including chemical and biological


➢ UN, “Measure to uphold the authority of the 1925 Geneva Protocol”. https://
OpenElement , Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 3 December 2012

➢ UN, “Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling

of Bacteriological (biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction”. https://
Doc.37_conv%20biological%20weapons.pdf , Opened for Signature at London,
Moscow and Washington. 10 April 1972

➢ OPCW, “Chemical Weapons Convention” , Convention on the Prohibition of the

Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their
Destruction., 7
June 2020

➢ OPCW: Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.

➢ UNSC: United Nations Security Council.

➢ WHO: World Health Organization.

➢ Arms Control Association. “Bioweapons”


➢ Arms Control Association. “Chemical Weapons”


➢ GlobalSecurity. “Biological Weapons”


➢ GlobalSecurity. “ Chemical Weapons”


➢ NTI, “Biological Weapons Convention Compliance Protocol”.


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