Jana Lesson Plan Fruits
Jana Lesson Plan Fruits
Jana Lesson Plan Fruits
I. Subject Matter:
Let's learn about fruits.
II. Objectives:
A. Preliminary Activities
● Prayer:
"Lord, Guide and bless us show us the way to make everything safe and smooth throughout the
day. Amen."
● Greetings:
Good Morning, Children! It's me again, Teacher Angge. Let's ask our classmates if they
are alright!
● Checking attendance.
Do we have any absentees today?
● Classroom Management:
Children, who can remember about the lesson we had yesterday? About
vegetables! Alright, very good!
Children, before we start I need you to stand up. Today we will be going
to sing and dance! Our song for today is "The Fruit Salad Song".
Watermelon, Watermelon
Papaya, Papaya
Pinya, Pinya, Pinya
Fruit salad, Fruit salad
C. Presentation of Lesson
Today, class, based on what we sang and danced, do you have any idea what lesson the
Teacher will teach you today? Very good! It's about fruits! Today, teacher will show you
different kinds of fruits.
D. Discussion
● I will ask the children if they have ever seen and tasted a fruit before, and what
fruit they have tried.
● During the lesson, I will present various types of fruits to the children and ask
them to identify the ones they recognize.
● Once they are done recognizing, I will now discuss the names, color, shapes,
texture, and taste, and the benefits of each fruit in our body.
● After the discussion I will post an activity on the board where the children will
match the fruits according to the benefits of them in our body.
We are now going to play a guessing game! I will describe a fruit with its shape, color,
texture, and taste. And the students will guess what fruit is being described.
G. Valuing:
The students will gain an understanding of the value of fruits and how they can help
their bodies to become and remain healthy.
H. Evaluating:
Match the fruit Pictures.
I. Homework:
I will ask the children to draw and color their favorite fruit on a bond paper.