Electric Vehicles and Power Management
Electric Vehicles and Power Management
Electric Vehicles and Power Management
Regulation – 2019
Prepared by
4. Compare EV with internal combustion Engine vehicles. (13) BTL 3 Apply CO1
Explain the EV and HV with block diagrams and write the CO1
5. BTL 2 Understand
advantages and disadvantages. (13)
6. Explain in detail about the movement of vehicle. (13) BTL 2 Understand CO1
Explain in detail about the dynamic equation of vehicle BTL 5 CO1
7. Evaluate
motion. (13)
Briefly explain the resistive forces applied over vehicle CO1
8. BTL 4 Analyze
motion. (13)
Write in detail about the rolling resistance with BTL 2 Understand
9. CO1
characteristics. (13)
10. Explain in detail about the aerodynamic drag. (13) BTL 1
Briefly discuss about the Economic and Environmental CO1
11. BTL 1 Remember
impact of Electric Hybrid vehicle. (13)
Summarize motion and dynamic equations for vehicles. CO1
12. BTL 1 Remember
13. Write a note on grading resistance. (13) BTL 1 Remember CO1
Write in detail and compare different Engine ratings. (13) BTL 6 CO1
14. Create
Analyze in detail about the EV and HEV system and CO1
1. write its advantages and disadvantages. (15) BTL 6 Create
Explain in detail about the drive train configuration. (13) BTL 3 CO2
1. Apply
Describe few points about internal combustion engine and BTL 5 CO2
2. also explain the principles. (13) Evaluate
Draw and explain the characteristics of internal BTL 4 CO2
3. combustion engine. (13) Analyze
Explain in detail about the necessity of gear box with BTL 4 CO2
4. characteristics. (13) Analyze
5. Briefly explain the architecture of EV’s. (13) BTL 4
Analyze CO2
6. Explain in detail about the HEV configurations. (13) Apply
Draw the functional block diagram of various HEV CO2
BTL 2 Understand
7. configurations. (13)
Explain in detail about the series hybrid system with BTL 1 CO2
necessary diagrams. (13) Remember
Explain in detail about the parallel hybrid system with BTL 2 Understand CO2
necessary diagrams. (13)
Describe in detail about the power flow in series hybrid CO
10. BTL 6 Create
and parallel hybrid HEV. (13)
Explain in detail about the power flow control in series CO
11. parallel hybrid. (13) BTL 1 Remember
Explain the basic architecture of electric drive train with CO
12. BTL 2 Understand
its configurations. (13)
What is the necessity of EV testing? Explain in detail. CO
13. BTL 1 Remember
Explain in detail about the power train components with CO
14. BTL 1 Remember
neat diagram. (13)
Explain about Vehicle power plant and transmission CO
1. BTL 6 Create
characteristics in detail.(15)
Summarize the basic architecture of hybrid drive trains and
2. analysis of series drive train.(15) BTL 6 Create CO
Discuss about the Torque coupling and analysis of parallel CO
3. BTL 5 Evaluate
drive train.(15)
Analyze complex hybrid power flow control with its CO
4. modes of operation.(15) BTL 5 Evaluate
19. What are the control strategies used in PM machine? BTL 6 Create CO3
20. Describe SRM drives. BTL6 Create CO3
1. Explain in detail about the DC-DC converters for EV CO3
BTL 1 Remember
and HEV applications. (13)
2. Briefly explain the Buck converter with RLE load with CO3
BTL 1 Remember
different modes of operation. (13)
3. Explain the continuous and discontinuous modes of CO3
BTL 1 Remember
operation of converters. (13)
4. Briefly explain the Boost converter with R load with different CO3
BTL 1 Remember
modes of operation. (13)
5. What is the classification of converters? Explain in CO3
detail about the four quadrant converter. (13) BTL 2 Understand
6. Explain in detail about the four-quadrant operation of CO3
BTL2 Understand
chopper. (13)
7. Discuss in detail about the single phase bridge DC-AC CO3
BTL2 Understand
inverter with R load. (13)
8. Explain in detail about Voltage control of DC-AC Inverter using CO3
PWM technique. (13) BTL 3 Apply
Battery Basics, Different types, Battery Parameters, Battery modeling, Traction Batteries, Energy
management system in Electric vehicle – Battery Management Systems.
1. What is battery? BTL 1 Remember CO4
2. Draw the simple equivalent circuit model of battery. BTL 1 Remember CO4
3. List out the types of batteries. BTL 1 Remember CO4
4. Point out the battery parameters. BTL 1 Remember CO4
5. Define energy efficiency. BTL 1 Remember CO4
6. Write the overall reaction equation of lead acid battery. BTL 1 Remember CO4
7. What are the types of lithium batteries? BTL 2 Understand CO4
8. What is charge equalization? BTL2 Understand CO4
9. Write the use of batteries in hybrid vehicles. BTL2 Understand CO4
10. What is meant by flywheel? BTL 2 Understand CO4
12. Define Carnot limit. BTL 3 Apply CO4
13. What is C rate? BTL 3 Apply CO4
14. Define the term Peukert coefficient. BTL 4 Apply CO4
15. What are the factors to be considered for the selection of BTL 4 Analyze CO4
batteries for EV and HEV applications?
16. Tell few points about super capacitors. BTL4 Analyze CO4
17. What do you mean by ageing effect?
BTL5 Evaluate CO4
18. What is traction battery? BTL5 Evaluate CO4
19. List the application of traction battery. BTL 6 Create CO4
20. Point out the objectives of energy management system in BTL6 Create CO4
Electric vehicles.
Explain in detail about the mathematical modeling of BTL 1 Remember CO4
Lead acid battery. (13)
2. Give in detail about the modelling of battery. (13) BTL 1 Remember CO4
Explain the construction and working of lithium ion BTL 1 Remember CO4
battery. (13)
4. What are the batteries used in hybrid vehicles. Explain its Remember
features, advantages and disadvantages. (13)
Give some points about charging and discharging
5. BTL 2 Understand CO4
capacity of battery. (13)
Explain in detail how to calculate the Peukert
6. BTL2 Understand CO4
coefficient. (13)
Explain the construction and working of photovoltaic cell.
7. BTL2 Understand CO4
8. Explain in detail about the flywheel. (13) BTL 3 Apply CO4
9. Explain briefly about the parameters of battery. (13) BTL 3 Apply CO4
10. What is traction battery? Give brief points about the BTL 4 Analyze CO4
application of EV and HEV applications. (13)
Compare the different types of batteries used in
11. electric vehicles. (13) BTL 4 Analyze CO4
What are the main reasons for loss of voltage in fuel cells? BTL 1 Remember CO5
18. What are the materials used in ultra capacitors? BTL5 Evaluate CO5
19. Compare Electrochemical capacitor and ultra capacitors. BTL 6 Create CO5
20. Give the applications of ultra capacitors. BTL6 Create CO5
Explain in detail about the fuel cell and its working. BTL 1 Remember CO5
1. (13)
2. Explain how fuel cell and hydrogen cell work together. (13) BTL 1 Remember CO5
3. Briefly explain how fuel cell works. (13) BTL 1 Remember CO5
5. Explain in detail about the fuel cell electrodes. (13) BTL 2 Understand CO5
6. Explain in detail about the fuel cell thermodynamics. BTL2 Understand CO5
7. Draw and explain the characteristics of fuel cell. (13) BTL2 Understand CO5
Explain in detail about the hydrogen storage in EV and
HEV applications. (13) BTL 3 Apply CO5
Briefly explain the working of fuel cell and also write its
1. BTL 6 Create CO5
advantages and its disadvantages.(15)
Summarize the concept of hydrogen storage system and
2. BTL 6 Create CO5
also explain its types.(15)
Analyze the different parameters for different types of
3. BTL 5 Evaluate CO5
fuel cells.(15)
Discuss briefly about the ultra capacitors and its
4. applications in EV system.(15) BTL 5 Evaluate CO5