Pci 1753
Pci 1753
Pci 1753
User's manual
This documentation and the software included with this product are
copyrighted 1999 by Advantech Co., Ltd. All rights are reserved.
Advantech Co., Ltd. reserves the right to make improvements in the
products described in this manual at any time without notice.
No part of this manual may be reproduced, copied, translated or
transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written
permission of Advantech Co., Ltd. Information provided in this
manual is intended to be accurate and reliable. However, Advantech
Co., Ltd. assumes no responsibility for its use, nor for any infringe-
ments of the rights of third parties which may result from its use.
PC-LabCard is a trademark of Advantech Co., Ltd. IBM and PC are
trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. MS-
DOS and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Intel and
Pentium are trademarks of Intel Corporation.
CE Notification
The PCI-1753/1753E, developed by ADVANTECH CO., LTD., has
passed the CE test for environmental specifications when shielded
cables are used for external wiring. We recommend the use of
shielded cables. This kind of cable is available from Advantech.
Please contact your local supplier for ordering information.
General Information
1.1 Introduction
The PCI-1753 is a 96-bit digital I/O card for the PCI bus, which can
be extended to 192 digital I/O channels by connecting with its
extension board, PCI-1753E. The card emulates mode 0 of the 8255
PPI chip, but the buffered circuits offer a higher driving capability
than the 8255. The 96 I/O lines are divided into twelve 8-bit I/O
ports: A0, B0, C0, A1, B1, C1, A2, B2, C2, A3, B3 and C3. Users can
configure each port as input or output via software.
1.3 Applications
• Industrial AC/DC I/O devices monitoring and controlling
• Relay and switch monitoring and controlling
• Parallel data transfer
• TTL, DTL and CMOS logic signal sensing
• Indicator LED driving
PA 00 1 51 PA 20
PA 01 2 52 PA 21 PA 00 ~ PA 07 : I/O pins of P o rt A 0
PA 02 3 53 PA 22
PA 03 4 54 PA 23 PA 10 ~ PA 17 : I/O pins of P o rt A 1
PA 04 5 55 PA 24
PA 05 6 56 PA 25 PA 20 ~ PA 27 : I/O pins of P o rt A 2
PA 06 7 57 PA 26
PA 07 8 58 PA 27 PA 30 ~ PA 37 : I/O pins of P o rt A 3
P B 00 9 59 P B 20
P B 01 10 60 P B 20 P B 00 ~ P B 07 : I/O pins of P ort B 0
P B 02 11 61 P B 22
P B 03 12 62 P B 23 P B 10 ~ P B 17 : I/O pins of P ort B 1
P B 04 13 63 P B 24
P B 05 14 64 P B 25 P B 20 ~ P B 27 : I/O pins of P ort B 2
P B 06 15 65 P B 26
P B 07 16 66 P B 27 P B 30 ~ P B 37 : I/O pins of P ort B 3
P C 00 17 67 P C 20
P C 01 18 68 P C 21 P C 00 ~ P C 07 : I/O pins o f P ort C 0
P C 02 19 69 P C 22
P C 03 20 70 P C 23 P C 10 ~ P C 17 : I/O pins o f P ort C 1
P C 04 21 71 P C 24
P C 05 22 72 P C 25 P C 20 ~ P C 27 : I/O pins o f P ort C 2
P C 06 23 73 P C 26
P C 07 24 74 P C 27 P C 30 ~ P C 37 : I/O pins o f P ort C 3
GND 25 75 GND
PA 10 26 76 PA 30 G N D : G round
PA 11 27 77 PA 31
PA 12 28 78 PA 32 V C C : + 5V voltage outp ut (1A m ax.)
PA 13 29 79 PA 33
PA 14 30 80 PA 34
PA 15 31 81 PA 35
PA 16 32 82 PA 36
PA 17 33 83 PA 37
P B 10 34 84 P B 30
P B 11 35 85 P B 31
P B 12 36 86 P B 32
P B 13 37 87 P B 33
P B 14 38 88 P B 34
P B 15 39 89 P B 35
P B 16 40 90 P B 36
P B 17 41 91 P B 37
P C 10 42 92 P C 30
P C 11 43 93 P C 31
P C 12 44 94 P C 32
P C 13 45 95 P C 33
P C 14 46 96 P C 34
P C 15 47 97 P C 35
P C 16 48 98 P C 36
P C 17 49 99 P C 37
VCC 50 100 VCC
Chapter 2 Installation 9
2.1 Initial Inspection
Before starting to install the PCI-1753/1753E, make sure there is no
visible damage on the card. We carefully inspected the card both
mechanically and electrically before shipment. It should be free of
marks and in perfect order on receipt.
As you unpack the PCI-1753/1753E, check it for signs of shipping
damage (damaged box, scratches, dents, etc.). If it is damaged or fails
to meet its specifications, notify our service department or your local
sales representative immediately. Also, call the carrier immediately
and retain the shipping carton and packing materials for inspection
by the carrier. We will then make arrangements to repair or replace
the unit.
2.2 Unpacking
The PCI-1753/1753E contains components that are sensitive and
vulnerable to static electricity. Discharge any static electricity on
your body to ground by touching the back of the system unit
(grounded metal) before you touch the board.
Remove the PCI-1753/1753E card from its protective packaging by
grasping the card's rear panel. Handle the card only by its edges to
avoid static discharge which could damage its integrated circuits.
Keep the antistatic package. Whenever you remove the card from the
PC, please store the card in this package for its protection.
You should also avoid contact with materials that hold static electrici-
ty such as plastic, vinyl and styrofoam.
Check the product contents inside the packing. In PCI-1753's
package, there should be one card, one CD-ROM, and this manual; in
PCI-1753E's package, there should be one card and a 10-cm 20-pin
flat cable. Please make sure nothing is missing.
JP 1 JP C 0 L
JP C 0 H
JP C 1 L
JP C 1 H
JP C 2 L
JP C 2 H
JP C 3 L
JP C 3 H
Chapter 2 Installation 11
Using Jumpers to Set Ports as Output Ports
By shorting the two pins of the jumpers JPA0, JPB0, JPC0L, JPC0H,
JPC3L or JPC3H, a user sets the corresponding ports to be output
ports. (JPA0 means jumper for port A0, JPB0 means jumper for port
B0, etc.) Shorting the two pins of a port's jumper disables the port
from being software configurable as an input port. The initial state of
each of these ports after system power on or reset will be logic 0
(voltage low), unless jumper JP1 determines otherwise. (See Jumper
JP1 below.)
JPB0, JPB1, JPB2 and JPB3: Jumpers for Sets port as an output port
ports B0, B1, B2 and B3
Disables the reset
1 protection function.
All ports return to the default
state (for software-set) or to
output port, output low (for
jumper-set ports) (default)
Chapter 2 Installation 13
2.4 Installation Instructions
The PCI-1753/1753E can be installed in any PCI slot in the computer.
However, refer to the computer user's manual to avoid any mistakes
and danger before you follow the installation procedure below:
1. Turn off your computer and any accessories connected to the
2. Disconnect the power cord and any other cables from the back of
the computer.
3. Remove the cover of the computer.
4. Select an empty 5 V PCI slot. (If you also need to intall the
extension board, the PCI-1753E, to control more than 96 I/O points,
please find two adjacent 5V PCI slots.) Remove the screw that
secures the expansion slot cover to the system unit. Save the screw
to secure the interface card retaining bracket.
5. Carefully grasp the upper edge of the PCI-1753. Align the hole in
the retaining bracket with the hole on the expansion slot and align
the gold striped edge connector with the expansion slot socket.
Press the card into the socket gently but firmly. Make sure the card
fits the slot tightly.
5.1. Repeat Step 5 for the PCI-1753E.
5.2. Connect the PCI-1753 and PCI-1753E with the 10-cm 20-pin flat
cable, which is shipped with the PCI-1753E.
Caution!: Please note that the first pin* of the cable connector
should match the first pin* of the connector CN2 on
the PCI-1753/1753E. (* first pin as marked by the
arrow on each connector
Chapter 2 Installation 15
16 PCI-1753 User's Manual
3.2.1 Introduction
The PCI-1753 and 1753E each emulate four 8255 programmable
peripheral interface (PPI) chips in mode 0, but with higher driving
capability than a standard 8255 chip. Each of these 8255 chip
emulators has 24 programmable I/O pins that are divided into three 8-
bit ports. The total 96 digital I/O pins on either the PCI-1753 or the
PCI-1753E are divided into 12 ports, designated PA0, PB0, PC0, PA1,
PB1, PC1, PA2, PB2, PC2, PA3, PB3 and PC3. Each port can be
programmed as an input or an output port. The I/O pins in port A0 are
designated PA00, PA01,..., PA07; the pins in port B0 are designated
PB00, PB01,..., PB07, etc. These port names are used both in this
manual and in the software library. Please refer to Section 1.5, Pin
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
External Internal
10 K Ω
1.5 K Ω Buffer
0.5 W
Dry Contact: Open High
Close Low
in Wet Contact: 2.0~5.25 V D C High
Parallel 0~0.8 V D C Low
3.3.1 Introduction
Two lines of each I/O port C, plus ports A0 and B0, are connected to
the interrupt circuitry. The “Interrupt Control Register” of the PCI-
1753/1753E controls how the combination of these signals generates
an interrupt. Six interrupt request signals can be generated at the
same time, and then the software can service these six request signals
by IRQ. The multiple interrupt sources provide the card with more
capability and flexibility.
PC00 0 1
1 0
1 1
M 11 :M 1 0
0 0
PC10 0 1
1 0
1 1 VCC
M 2 1 :M 2 0
0 0 D Q
PC20 0 1
1 0 CLK
1 1
M 3 1 :M 3 0 IN T # A
0 0
PC30 0 1
1 0
1 1
S tate ch an g e (P B 0) 1
Example 3.1 Assume that the pattern match function for the I/O
channels PA01, PA02, PA06 and PA07 of the PCI-1753 is enabled (i.e.
PA00, PA03, PA04 and PA05 on the PCI-1753 and port A0 on the PCI-
1753E are ignored during the pattern match monitoring process). The
user can set the pattern match values for the enabled input channels,
and these will be compared to the actual channel states of the enabled
channels. The following is an example.
Bit # 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Base+24 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0
Bit # 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Base+20 1 0 X X X 1 1 X
M1 Description
1 Enable the pattern match interrupt function for port A0
0 Disable the pattern match interrupt function for port A0
d) When the input signals at channels PA01, PA02 and PA07 are high
and PA06 is low, an interrupt signal will be generated. This result is
not affected by the states of channels PA00, PA03, PA04 and PA05.
Example 4.2 Assume that the change of state interrupt function for
the I/O channels PB01, PB02, PB06 and PB07 on the PCI-1753E are
enabled (i.e. the signals in PB00, PB03, PB04 and PB05 on the PCI-
1753E and port B0 of the PCI-1753 are ignored during the change of
state process). When a change of state occurs in either PB01 or PB02
or PB06 or PB07, an interrupt signal will be delivered to the system.
a) First, enable the change of state interrupt function for PB01, PB02,
PB06 and PB07 of the PCI-1753E.
Bit # 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Base+60 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0
M2 Description
1 Enable the change of state interrupt function for port A0
0 Disable the change of state interrupt function for port A0
Register Format of
Appendix A Calibration 29
A.1 PCI-1753 Register Format
Base Function
+ (Decimal) Read Write
0 Port A0 Port A0
1 Port B0 Port B0
2 Port C0 Port C0
4 Port A1 Port A1
5 Port B1 Port B1
6 Port C1 Port C1
8 Port A2 Port A2
9 Port B2 Port B2
10 Port C2 Port C2
12 Port A3 Port A3
13 Port B3 Port B3
14 Port C3 Port C3
16 Interrupt Control Register for Port 0 Interrupt Control Register for Port 0
17 Interrupt Control Register for Port 1 Interrupt Control Register for Port 1
18 Interrupt Control Register for Port 2 Interrupt Control Register for Port 2
19 Interrupt Control Register for Port 3 Interrupt Control Register for Port 3
Base Function
+ (Decimal) Read Write
32 Port A0 Port A0
33 Port B0 Port B0
34 Port C0 Port C0
36 Port A1 Port A1
37 Port B1 Port B1
38 Port C1 Port C1
40 Port A2 Port A2
41 Port B2 Port B2
42 Port C2 Port C2
44 Port A3 Port A3
45 Port B3 Port B3
46 Port C3 Port C3
48 Interrupt Control Register for Port 0 Interrupt Control Register for Port 0
49 Interrupt Control Register for Port 1 Interrupt Control Register for Port 1
50 Interrupt Control Register for Port 2 Interrupt Control Register for Port 2
51 Interrupt Control Register for Port 3 Interrupt Control Register for Port 3
Appendix A Calibration 31
32 PCI-1753 User's Manual
Pin Assignments of Cable
Appendix A Calibration 33
PIN 01 1 35 PIN 26
PIN 02 2 36 PIN 27
PIN 03 3 37 PIN 28
Port A0 PIN 04 4 38 PIN 29 Port A1
PIN 01 1 51 PIN 51 PIN 05 5 39 PIN 30
PIN 02 2 52 PIN 52 PIN 06 6 40 PIN 31
PIN 07 7 41 PIN 32
PIN 03 3 53 PIN 53 PIN 08 8 42 PIN 33
PIN 04 4 54 PIN 54 9 43
PIN 09 10 44 PIN 34
PIN 05 5 55 PIN 55 PIN 10 11 45 PIN 35
PIN 06 6 56 PIN 56 PIN 11 12 46 PIN 36
PIN 07 7 57 PIN 57 PIN 12 13 47 PIN 37 Port B1
Port B0 PIN 13 14 48 PIN 38
PIN 08 8 58 PIN 58 PIN 14 15 49 PIN 39
PIN 09 9 59 PIN 59 PIN 15 16 50 PIN 40
PIN 10 10 60 PIN 60 PIN 16 17 51 PIN 41
18 52
PIN 11 11 61 PIN 61 PIN 17 19 53 PIN 42
PIN 12 12 62 PIN 62 PIN 18 20 54 PIN 43
PIN 19 21 55 PIN 44
PIN 13 13 63 PIN 63 PIN 20 22 56 PIN 45
PIN 21 Port C1
PIN 14 14 64 PIN 64 Port C0 23 57 PIN 46
PIN 15 15 65 PIN 65 PIN 22 24 58 PIN 47
PIN 23 25 59 PIN 48
PIN 16 16 66 PIN 66 PIN 24 26 60 PIN 49
PIN 17 17 67 PIN 67 PIN 25 27 61
28 62
PIN 18 18 68 PIN 68 29 63
PIN 19 19 69 PIN 69 30 64
20 70 PIN 70 31 65
PIN 20 32 66
PIN 21 21 71 PIN 71 33 67
V CC PIN 50 34 68
PIN 22 22 72 PIN 72
PIN 23 23 73 PIN 73
PIN 24 24 74 PIN 74
PIN 25 25 75 PIN 75
PIN 26 26 76 PIN 76 CON2
PIN 27 27 77 PIN 77
PIN 28 28 78 PIN 78
PIN 51 1 35 PIN 76
PIN 29 29 79 PIN 79 PIN 52 2 36 PIN 77
PIN 30 30 80 PIN 80 PIN 53 3 37 PIN 78
31 81 PIN 81 PIN 54 4 38 PIN 79 Port A3
PIN 31 Port A2 PIN 55 5 39 PIN 80
PIN 32 32 82 PIN 82 PIN 56 6 40 PIN 81
PIN 33 33 83 PIN 83 PIN 57 7 41 PIN 82
PIN 58 8 42 PIN 83
PIN 34 34 84 PIN 84 9 43
PIN 35 35 85 PIN 85 PIN 59 10 44 PIN 84
PIN 60 11 45 PIN 85
PIN 36 36 86 PIN 86 PIN 61 12 46 PIN 86
PIN 37 37 87 PIN 87 Port B2 PIN 62 13 47 PIN 87 Port B3
PIN 63 14 48 PIN 88
PIN 38 38 88 PIN 88 PIN 64 15 49 PIN 89
PIN 39 39 89 PIN 89 PIN 65 16 50 PIN 90
PIN 40 40 90 PIN 90 PIN 66 17 51 PIN 91
18 52
PIN 41 41 91 PIN 91 PIN 67 19 53 PIN 92
PIN 42 42 92 PIN 92 PIN 68 20 54 PIN 93
PIN 69 21 55 PIN 94
PIN 43 43 93 PIN 93 PIN 70 22 56 PIN 95 Port C3
PIN 44 44 94 PIN 94 Port C2 PIN 71 23 57 PIN 96
PIN 72 24 58 PIN 97
PIN 45 45 95 PIN 95 PIN 73 25 59 PIN 98
PIN 46 46 96 PIN 96 PIN 74 26 60 PIN 99
PIN 47 47 97 PIN 97 PIN 75 27 61
28 62
PIN 48 48 98 PIN 98 29 63
PIN 49 49 99 PIN 99 30 64
31 65
PIN 50 50 100 PIN 100 32 66
33 67
V CC PIN 100 34 68