SITXHRM007 Learner Guide

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Coach others in job skills

Learner Resource

SITXHRM007 - Coach others in job skills (Release 1)

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SITXHRM007 - Coach others in job skills (Release 1)
© Canberra Business and Technology College
Learner Resource

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Date Summary of modifications Version

27 June 2022 Version 1.0 released for publishing. 1.0

24 August 2022 Version 1.1 updated multimedia and references 1.1

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Table of Contents
USING THIS LEARNER RESOURCE ...................................................................................... 7
ABOUT THIS UNIT OF COMPETENCY.................................................................................. 8
CHAPTER 1: PREPARE FOR ON-THE-JOB COACHING ........................................................... 9
1.1 Identify the Need for Coaching ................................................................................................. 12
1.2 Identify Specific Coaching Needs and Organise Coaching ....................................................... 17
Key Points: Chapter 1....................................................................................................................... 37

CHAPTER 2: COACH COLLEAGUES ON-THE-JOB ................................................................ 38

2.1 Explain Overall Purpose of Coaching ........................................................................................ 39
2.2 Explain and Demonstrate Specific Skills ................................................................................... 41
2.3 Communicate Required Knowledge and Check Understanding .............................................. 53
2.4 Advise Colleague of Organisational Procedures for Tasks ....................................................... 57
2.5 Provide the Opportunity to Practice Skills and Ask Questions ................................................ 61
2.6 Provide Constructive Feedback ................................................................................................ 64
Key Points: Chapter 2....................................................................................................................... 72

CHAPTER 3: FOLLOW-UP COACHING ............................................................................... 73

3.1 Monitor Progress of New Skills and Provide Support .............................................................. 74
3.2 Report Progress ......................................................................................................................... 77
3.3 Identify Performance or Coaching Problems and Refer for Follow Up ................................... 79
Key Points: Chapter 3....................................................................................................................... 93

SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................... 94
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................... 95

SITXHRM007 - Coach others in job skills (Release 1)
© Canberra Business and Technology College
Learner Resource

About the Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Training Package

The SIT Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Training Package contains qualifications to provide skills for
people working in the following industry sectors:
 Hospitality
 Cookery
 Tourism
 Travel; and
 Events
Skills covered in these qualifications relate to areas including commercial cookery and patisserie,
event management, travel consultancy, caravan and holiday park management, tour guiding,
attractions management, visitor centre operations, food & beverage service, hotel operations and
management and tour operations.
To know more about this training package, click on this link:

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Defining Qualifications
When units of competency are grouped into combinations that meet workplace roles, they are called
qualifications. These qualifications are aligned to the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). Each
qualification will have ’packaging rules’ which establish the number of core units, number and source
of elective units and overall requirements for delivering the qualification.

Delivery and Assessment of Qualifications

RTOs must have the qualifications (or specific units of competency) on their scope to deliver nationally
recognised training and assessment. RTOs are governed by and must comply with the requirements
established by applicable national frameworks and standards. RTOs must ensure that training and
assessment complies with the relevant standards.

Qualification Training Pathways

A pathway is the route or course of action taken to get to a destination. A training pathway is the
learning required to attain the competencies to achieve career goals. Everyone has different needs
and goals, and therefore requires a personalised and individual training pathway.

Foundation Skills
Foundation Skills are the non-technical skills that support the individual’s participation in the
workplace, in the community and in education and training.

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Using this Learner Resource

You can find the following icons within the learner resource:

Further Reading
Includes links to websites, articles, or other online
reading materials to aid in your study.

Includes links to videos or audios you can watch or
listen to about the topic discussed.

Note: To access videos, hold the Ctrl key then click on

the link.

Space for you to jot down important details or
information learned from the chapter.

Learning Checkpoint
Asks you to answer the learning activities related to
the chapter discussed.

Links provided within this learner resource are in Blue Text. You can open this link through
the following:
 For Windows Users: Hold the Ctrl key then click on the link.
 For Mac Users: Click directly on the link.

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About this Unit of Competency

SITXHRM007 - Coach others in job skills

This unit SITXHRM007 Coach others in job skills describes the performance outcomes, skills and
knowledge required to provide on-the-job coaching to colleagues. It requires the ability to explain and
demonstrate specific skills, knowledge and procedures and monitor the progress of colleagues until
they are able to operate independently of the coach.
The unit applies to experienced operational personnel and to supervisors and managers who
informally train other people in new workplace skills and procedures.
It applies to all tourism, hospitality, and event sectors.
No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to this unit at the
time of publication.
This Learner Resource has three chapters. These include:
1. Prepare for On-the-Job Coaching
2. Coach Colleagues On-the-Job
3. Follow-up Coaching
At the end of this training, you will be asked to complete an assessment pack for this unit of
competency. You will need to access a supervisor, a manager, or your assessor who can observe you
perform project or workplace tasks and verify your competency or performance.
On competent completion of the assessment, you must have demonstrated the skills and knowledge
required to coach others in job skills.

SITXHRM007 - Coach others in job skills (Release 1)
© Canberra Business and Technology College
Learner Resource

Chapter 1: Prepare for On-the-Job Coaching

Coaching is different from training, although the terms are sometimes used interchangeably. Training
refers to a broader range of situations. It can refer to situations where the person being trained has
no prior knowledge of what they are learning. However, coaching refers to when you are helping
someone further develop existing skills. So, coaching is a type of training. In this unit, the person who
will be coached or trained will be referred to as the trainee. The coaching or training person will be
referred to as the trainer. This will be the role you are learning about in this unit.
Coaching is vital for any business. Ensuring all staff members have the skills required for their role is
necessary. Staff need the right skills for their role for the company to run effectively. The skills required
for any role will change as new technology and market trends emerge. So, staff need to be coached
to update their skills so that the business can keep up with these changes.
Coaching also helps the business to improve and grow. As staff improve and add to their skills, they
can provide more effective service. The company may also be able to change the products and services
it offers. For example, if staff learn to prepare different meals or beverages, the menu offered in a
café or restaurant can be expanded.
Coaching is also attractive to staff. Improving their skillset can make their job more exciting and help
their future career prospects. It will also help them feel competent and comfortable in their role. Staff
may be more attracted to working for businesses that offer good opportunities to be coached. This
means the company may attract more staff and staff of better quality. It also means there may be
reduced staff turnover. In general, coaching helps maintain a positive and effective working

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The overall purpose of coaching a staff member is one of the following:

 To revise previous training
 To teach the staff member extra/additional skills

Coaching to Revise Training

This is when a staff member needs to
revise their learning to achieve
satisfactory performance.
They may have completed a training
course before starting their job but
not learnt a required skill properly.
The way the course taught skills may
not have been suitable for the
current work environment. For
example, organisational procedures
may require the task to be done in a
specific way that was not taught.
The staff member's skill may also have lagged. For example, it may be a rarely done task, so they have
not had enough practice to maintain the skill. So, while they were initially able to do it, they no longer
can to the required standard. This type of coaching may also be needed for a whole team if overall
performance has dropped. For example, you may decide to repeat POS (Point of Sales) training for all
staff if too many mistakes are made. Repeating training for all staff would mainly be if you did not
know who was making the mistakes, but the register did not balance. You might also decide to do
some coaching for all staff, even if you know who was making the mistakes. This could be to avoid
singling someone out, but it also could be because you see others doing the task in a way that may
lead to mistakes.
This type of coaching may occur when staff performance has been inadequate. If this is the case, you
must consider how you approach the training. The staff member may be sensitive about having their
performance critiqued. This will impact how you tell them that you will give them coaching. This issue
will be discussed further in Subchapter 2.1, which explains the overall purpose of the coaching to the

SITXHRM007 - Coach others in job skills (Release 1)
© Canberra Business and Technology College
Learner Resource

Coaching for Additional Skills

This is where a staff member learns a skill in addition to what was previously required in their role.
For example, new equipment may be introduced the staff member needs to learn to use. Or staff may
use to learn how to use existing equipment.
Coaching staff to use equipment can be as follows:

To provide coaching oExtending knowledge about bar work

on existing systems oFurthering coffee training
and equipment oUsing POS facilities

oNew POS terminals

To provide coaching oNew cash registers
on new systems and
equipment, such as: oNew poker machines
oNew cleaning equipment and products

You may also need to coach staff to improve other types of skills. These could be soft skills, such as
those related to customer service. For example, a staff member may but good at dealing with
customers in general but struggle with difficult customers. You may decide to coach them on how to
deal with demanding customers. You would tailor this coaching to address the types of situations they
struggle with.
In this chapter, you will learn about preparing to give on-the-job coaching. That means carrying out
the steps you need to be ready to coach the trainee. First, you will need to identify the need for

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1.1 Identify the Need for Coaching

In this context, to identify means to recognise someone or something. Identifying the need for
coaching means you recognise who needs coaching and what they need to be coached in. This
subchapter will discuss three factors impacting the need for coaching. These are:

Direction from colleague

Own observation and workplace experience

Request for coaching from colleagues to be coached

These are all factors that will impact the need for coaching. You need to assess the relevant factors to
identify the need for coaching. Making an assessment means making a judgement about something.
You need to make your assessment based on the relevant factors. The relevant factors are those that
are closely connected or appropriate.
Not all the factors will be relevant in all situations. For example, if a colleague requests training, you
may not get other directions to train them. You may do this based on their request and what you have
seen of their performance yourself. In this case, the request from a colleague will not be relevant.
To make your judgement, you work out work the relevant factors are. Then review them to determine
if training is needed based on this review. If training is needed, you will also need to determine what
type of training is needed.
In practice, you will often have information from a combination of relevant factors. For example, you
may get directions to train someone and already have observed them. You need to work out what
information you are given is relevant. Identify the need for coaching based on this assessment.
The information you get from someone else should be enough to get a general idea of what the trainee
needs to learn. However, you will usually have to work out the specific training needs of the person
yourself. For example, your supervisor may tell you that someone needs coaching to learn to use the
espresso machine properly. You will then have to work out the gaps in their skills. The next subchapter
will discuss working out the specific skills gaps of the trainee. This subchapter will focus on working
out whether an individual needs coaching. Only a broad understanding of what they need coaching
will be covered here.

Direction From Colleague

The direction in this context means an instruction from someone. This will most likely come from a
supervisor since they are generally the ones who give you instructions. However, sometimes you may
have to follow directions from other colleagues if they are reasonable.

SITXHRM007 - Coach others in job skills (Release 1)
© Canberra Business and Technology College
Learner Resource

If you receive directions from a colleague, you need to:

 Ensure you know who they are discussing
 Use your own judgement to determine if they need coaching
 Obtain enough information from your colleague to work out if the trainee needs the coaching
You will be required to do the coaching if the direction comes from your supervisor. However, if you
think you cannot do the coaching adequately, you will need to discuss this with your supervisor. For
example, you do not have the time to do your coaching and other responsibilities. You may ask if
someone else can do the training instead of you. Having someone else do some of your other tasks
while you are coaching may also be possible. You may also be able to delegate some of the training to
someone else. You will need to discuss the options with your supervisor to find a suitable solution.

Own Observation and Workplace Experience

You may decide to coach a colleague based on observing their performance. Your own workplace
experience will inform whether the colleague should be coached. For example, you may have seen a
staff member frequently having poor client interactions.
If you are considering coaching a colleague due to poor performance, ask yourself the following
 How often have you seen them make a mistake or have poor performance?
 In what situations have they made a mistake or performed poorly?
Thinking about these types of questions will help you understand if the person needs coaching. They
will also help you to understand what the skill gap is. You just need to identify if they need training for
this part of the process. You do not have to go into how much training they need yet.
It is essential to ask yourself these questions
before telling your colleague they need to do
coaching. You may do unnecessary coaching
if you have not thought it through properly.
It could even hurt your relationship with your
colleague. For example, if you had only seen
a colleague making a mistake once, this could
just be a once-off mistake. Everyone makes
mistakes occasionally. If you overreact to a
single small mistake, your colleague may feel
that they are being micromanaged.

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It is generally best in this situation to gather more information before you tell your colleague they
need coaching. It may be a good idea to discuss the mistake with your colleague. They may be happy
to get extra coaching, even if they feel comfortable with the task. Even though the mistake may have
been small, they may like the idea of refreshing their knowledge anyway. However, if they do not,
monitoring the situation for a while may be fine before requiring your colleague to do coaching.
Of course, if the mistake they made is serious, you will at least have to discuss how they will avoid
repeating the mistake. Coaching may also be a good idea. Consider the situation before deciding.
For additional coaching, this is something that should continually happen. It needs to happen
continuously to keep staff skills up to date. If you are responsible for organising coaching in general,
you should consider:

What your business needs to do to keep up to date with industry trends

What skills do staff need for the business to be able to keep up to date with industry trends

What coaching staff need to have these skills

What business opportunities coaching your staff can bring

What skills development your staff want

If you are not the person responsible for the overall coaching organisation, you may still want to make
suggestions. You may see opportunities that your supervisor or manager does not.

Request for Coaching From Colleagues to be Coached

A colleague may request that you coach
them. They may ask to be coached in a
specific task. For example, a barista may
ask you to show them how to make better
coffee art.
Some workplaces may allow staff to
request training or coaching regularly. For
example, they may allocate specific time
for all staff to be trained annually.

SITXHRM007 - Coach others in job skills (Release 1)
© Canberra Business and Technology College
Learner Resource

When a colleague requests that you coach them, there are a few things you need to consider:
 Do they need to work on this task, or is it a confidence issue? Re-enforcing training could still
be helpful even if it is a confidence issue. However, it may be better to ensure that the staff
member gets assigned this task often, so they become comfortable with it in other cases.
 How long has it been since this colleague has had training? Compare this to when other
colleagues have received training. You want to ensure everyone gets a fair chance to improve
their skills through being coached.
 Are they ready to do this coaching now, or do they need other skills first? For example, if a
service attendant in a restaurant wants to learn how to make proper barista coffee, this may
take some time. It would be particularly time-consuming if they have no prior skills in this
area. It may not be realistic for you to coach them in the workplace. You could suggest they
do a short course in their own time to learn the basic skills.
 Are you able to do this training? Consider whether you have the skills to coach the person in
this task. You should only coach others in skills that you are very confident in. Also, think about
whether you have time to do this training. If you are not sure that you have enough time,
maybe there is someone else that you could delegate to do some parts of the coaching. For
example, you might thoroughly run through the task with the trainee a few times. Another
staff member could run through it with them or check that they are doing it correctly.
You do not want to offer training to someone if you are not sure you can do it.

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When You Have Identified the Need for Coaching

Once you know which colleagues need to be coached, you can plan the coaching. In the next
subchapter, you will learn to identify the specific coaching needs and organise the coaching. This is
where you will go into more detail about planning the coaching.

This video gives an overview of the different
aspects of the needs assessment process.
It is helpful to have this information in mind
when you learn about planning coaching in
more details in the next subchapter.
Employee Training - Needs Assessment

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Learner Resource

1.2 Identify Specific Coaching Needs and Organise Coaching

In the previous subchapter, you learned how you would identify the need for coaching. You would
have a rough idea of what the trainee needs to learn to do from this. In this subchapter, you will learn
about identifying the specific coaching needs of the colleague you are to train. The specific coaching
needs are what a particular person needs to be able to learn how to do a particular task or skill.
When preparing to coach staff, you must work out what that person needs to learn the required task
or skill. These are their specific training needs.

1.2.1 Identifying Specific Training Needs

You will have some information already about the trainee’s training needs. So, this is the
information that you have:
 Directions from a colleague
 Your own observation and workplace experience
 The colleague who requested the training
To identify your colleague’s training, you need to work out what you need them to be able to
do first. So, you need to work out the objectives and scope of the training. Then, you will need
to identify the specific training needs of the trainee to learn what is required.

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Objectives and Scope of the Training

The objectives of the training are the end goals of the coaching. This is what the trainer wants
the trainee to be competent in. For example, if you want them to be able to set tables for formal
dining, this would be the overall purpose of the training. Additionally, the trainee must show
they have the relevant skills and knowledge after coaching has finished.
The objectives would be the individual, smaller goals for the training. In this example, this would
be learning to place all the cutlery and other parts of the place setting correctly. You may also
want them to learn several techniques for folding the napkins elegantly on the plates. That
would be another objective of the training.
The scope of the training is the range of topics or information to be covered by the trainer during
coaching. Continuing with the formal place setting example, this would include the range of
options for table settings. For example, the range of cutlery, plates, napkin folding techniques
and the types of formal dining you are coaching them in.
Read the following case study for an example of how to identify the objectives and scope.

Case Study: Milk-Based Coffee Beverages

Your supervisor tells you that Dave’s cappuccino looks like a
flat white. You have seen Dave using the espresso machine.
Whenever you see him using the coffee machine, he seems
competent. However, you ask him to show you how he makes
a flat white and a cappuccino. They do look quite similar.
Watching Dave make them realise that he does not know the proper proportions of milk and
coffee to put in. He also is not making proper foam for the cappuccino. He does sprinkle a
bit of cocoa on top if the customer wants this. He does not add any finishing coffee art.
You taste several cups of espresso coffee that Dave has made. He is competent with the
espresso machine. However, he must learn how to make milk-based coffees correctly. So,
the overall purpose of the training is for Dave to learn to make milk-based hot coffees
correctly. The milk-based hot coffees at the café are lattes, cappuccinos, and flat whites.
The objectives will be for him to:
 Learn the correct proportions of coffee and steamed milk for each of these drinks
 To be able to make the foam correctly for cappuccinos
 To make finishing coffee art in the milk foam/froth
The scope of the training is the level of detail the training goes into. Here, the scope is for
Dave to become highly competent at the basic level of each objective. He does not need to
make great coffee art; he just needs to make the coffee look presentable. Also, he does not
need to make more advanced versions of the drinks, but he does need to be very competent
at each one.

Notice how, in the case study, what Dave could already do informs the objectives and scope.
The coaching needs to build on the trainee’s existing skills.

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© Canberra Business and Technology College
Learner Resource

Identifying Specific Training Needs Based on Objectives and Scope

When you know what your colleague needs to learn, you must consider how they will learn it.
The specific training needs are what the trainee needs to be able to learn what they are required
to. All trainees will need you to be appropriately prepared to give coaching. They will also need
constructive feedback. However, trainees will have different needs to learn a specific task or
skill. The task or skill being learnt will also affect the training needs. You need to identify the
training needs for the particular trainee, for the specific task or skill.

If you coach a colleague for poor performance, they may have specific needs based on this.
Consider the following:
 How serious is the issue? If it is serious, will there also be disciplinary procedures
involved? The more serious the problem is, the more critical it is that the trainee learns
the skills correctly. This means you may have to repeat the coaching more times.
 How is the trainee likely to react to being told they need coaching to improve
performance? You may need to plan your approach if it is a sensitive issue. The
sensitivity could be due to the nature of the problem itself or the person’s own feelings
about it. For example, someone who has been a waiter for several years may be
offended if you tell them they need to improve their customer service skills. You may
choose not to say to them that the coaching is because of issues with their performance.
Instead, you could frame it as standard training that all staff must sometimes do.
 Are there tasks your colleague should not be doing until they have been completed
coaching? For example, if someone makes serious mistakes with the cash register, you
may assign them other tasks. It would be best if they are not using the register alone
until you are sure they understand how to prevent these mistakes.

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Keep your answers to these questions in mind when you plan your coaching. There are also
specific needs that you will always need to consider when you are coaching.
Specific training needs will include the below needs that you must address.
 You need to ensure you will have appropriate circumstances for the coaching.
o You need to ensure you have an appropriate environment for the coaching. This
means that you and the trainee should not be in the way of other people in the
workplace. You should also have an environment in which the trainee can learn.
This means it should not be too noisy or busy for the trainee to hear you or to
be able to concentrate.
o All equipment needed for the coaching
should be available and ready for the
coaching sessions. For example, this
must be available if you need to coach
someone on the espresso coffee
machine. It should be available and ready
to use when starting a coaching session.
This may mean you may have to set aside
time before the coaching session to
ensure it is ready.
o The coaching will be organised at a
suitable time. This will be discussed
further in the section on organising
 The trainee needs enough opportunity to practice.
o You need to include enough time for the trainee to practice. They may include
both in the coaching sessions and other times during work hours. You may have
to organise with the trainee’s supervisor for them to be allowed to have extra
practice time.
o You may be unable to work out how much practice the trainee will need in
advance. This depends on the individual trainee, so it may have to be changed
 Assistance overcoming barriers to learning. These may include the following:
o Shyness and lack of confidence
Helping the trainee overcome this issue will be discussed in Subchapter 3.3.
o Language and cultural barriers
This will be discussed in Subchapter 2.2 and Subchapter 3.3.

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 You need to tailor the coaching to the specific trainee.

o Different people learn in different ways and at different speeds. So, you will
have to adapt the coaching along the way.
o When planning the
coaching, consider
the trainee’s existing
knowledge and skills.
This will help you
work out where you
should start with the
training. It will also
give you a rough idea
of how much training
they will need.
o Ask the trainee about their training needs. They may be able to tell you what
they are having difficulty with when doing the task. They may even ask to spend
more time on certain aspects of the task or skill.
o If the trainee is being coached for poor performance, make sure you have
considered the questions discussed above.
 You need to make sure you have addressed any legislative requirements. These will
include Work Health Safety and hygiene requirements. As these are the most likely
legislative requirements to be relevant, they are discussed separately in the next
section. You should consider these requirements carefully. They are essential to ensure
you conduct the coaching safely.
 You need to ensure that you coach the trainee according to organisational procedures.
This means you must show the trainee how to do the task or skill according to
organisational procedures. You should be familiar with your organisation’s procedure
for this before you begin the coaching. Make sure you revise it if you are at all unsure.
Subchapter 2.4 will discuss incorporating organisation procedures into the coaching.
Ensure you know the procedure and consider if it will create additional training needs.
For example, if any specific equipment is needed, you will need to show additional steps
to the trainer.
Make a list of all the specific training needs you have to address. It is a good idea to discuss this
with the trainee. They may think of something you have missed. In the following section,
consider the legislative WHS and hygiene requirements. If they create any additional training
needs, add them to your list. You will need to refer to this list in section 1.2.4 about organising

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1.2.2 Legislative Work Health and Safety and Hygiene Requirements

You need to consider the legislative WHS and hygiene requirements. You need to consider them
when you are identifying specific coaching needs. Your organisation needs to ensure that all
staff are meeting these requirements. If you supervise staff, you are responsible for ensuring
that staff meet these requirements. So, if staff are not meeting the requirements, you need to
address this. Addressing this may include coaching staff, so they meet the requirements.
When coaching someone in additional skills, you must also keep all these requirements in mind.
All the staff always need to meet these requirements. The rest of this section will provide an
overview of these requirements.

Legislative Work Health and Safety Requirements

You must follow the WHS legislative requirements throughout your role. All employees have
WHS responsibilities. If you are a supervisor, you will have additional responsibilities. These
include creating a safe workplace and ensuring staff comply with WHS requirements. You need
to understand the legislation and how this creates requirements in your workplace.
The Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Cth) is the model WHS legislation of WHS in Australia.
This Act aims to do the following:

Protect the health and safety of workers by minimising workplace risks.

Ensure fair and effective representation and consultation for WHS in the workplace.

Encourage employers and unions to take constructive roles in improving WHS.

Assist businesses and workers in achieving a healthier and safer working environment.

Promote information, education and training on WHS.

Provide effective compliance and enforcement measures for WHS.

Deliver continuous improvement and higher standards of WHS.

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The model WHS act outlines the duties of different people in the business regarding WHS in the
workplace. The person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) is the legal entity running
the business or undertaking. The PCBU will usually be the person who owns/manages the
The Act lists specific requirements that the PCBU must carry meet. These requirements are
generally about the PCBU ensuring that the business operates safely. This means with regards
to the safety of its workers and any other people who may be affected by the business.
For example, the PCBU must ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable:
 The provision and maintenance of a work environment without risks to health and
 The provision and maintenance of safe systems of work
 The provision of any information, training, instruction or supervision that is necessary
to protect all persons from risks to their health and safety arising from work carried out
as part of the conduct of the business or undertaking
Sourced from the Federal Register of Legislation at 23 June 2022. For the latest information on
Australian Government law please go to Australia New
Zealand Food Standards Code - Standard 3.2.2 - Food Safety Practices and General
Requirements (Australia Only), used under CC BY 4.0

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Officers are people who have a high

level of responsibility within the
business. They are people whose
decisions can significantly affect the
business. These will generally be
members of senior management within
the company. Due to their high level of
authority within the business, they are
given a high level of responsibility in the
WHS legislation. They must exercise
due diligence to ensure that the PCBU
complies with their duties.
There are specific steps that are included in the legislation for officers to exercise due diligence:
 To acquire and keep up-to-date knowledge of work health and safety matters
 To gain an understanding of the nature of the operations of the business or undertaking
of the person conducting the business or undertaking and generally of the hazards and
risks associated with those operations
 To ensure that the person conducting the business or undertaking has available for use,
and uses, appropriate resources and processes to eliminate or minimise risks to health
and safety from work carried out as part of the conduct of the business or undertaking
 To ensure that the person conducting the business or undertaking has appropriate
processes for receiving and considering information regarding incidents, hazards and
risks and responding in a timely way to that information
 To ensure that the person conducting the business or undertaking has, and implements,
processes for complying with any duty or obligation of the person conducting the
business or undertaking under this Act
 To verify the provision and use of the resources and processes
Sourced from the Federal Register of Legislation at 23 June 2022. For the latest information on
Australian Government law please go to Australia New
Zealand Food Standards Code - Standard 3.2.2 - Food Safety Practices and General
Requirements (Australia Only), used under CC BY 4.0

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The responsibilities of workers are for all workers. This includes permanent, contract and casual
staff. The list below presents the duties of workers for WHS in the workplace.
 Take reasonable care for his or her own health and safety.
 Take reasonable care that his or her acts or omissions do not adversely affect the health
and safety of other persons.
 Comply, so far as the worker is reasonably able, with any reasonable instruction that is
given by the PCBU. This is to allow the PCBU to comply with the WHS Act and the Work
Health and Safety Regulations 2011 (WHS Regulations).
 Co-operate with any reasonable policy or procedure of the PCBU relating to health or
safety at the workplace. The policy or procedure must have been notified to the
Sourced from Regulatory guide - Duties of workers, used under CC BY 4.0.
© Commonwealth of Australia 2020

The WHS act obliges the employee to abide by the WHS procedures of the workplace. These
procedures involve incorporating safe work practices in their workplace activities. So, you
should always ensure that you incorporate these procedures into coaching.
If you did not include an important safety procedure in your coaching, you might not be fulfilling
your WHS obligations. This could be viewed as you not taking reasonable care. Workers cannot
comply with procedures that they are not aware of. For example, the trainee could use
equipment unsafely because you had not told them how to do it safely.
Each state or territory in Australia has its own WHS Act. As mentioned earlier, most of these are
modelled after the WHS Act 2011 (Cth). However, it is still best to check the specific WHS Act
for your state or territory. You can find the legislation in the links given in the Further Reading
section on the next page.

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Further Reading
The model WHS act is the basis of the WHS Acts for each state and territory in
Australia. Access the link below to read the WHS Act 2011 (Cth).
Work Health and Safety Act 2011
The table below shows the links to the WHS Act of each state and territory in

State Legislation

Australian Capital Territory Work Health and Safety Act 2011

New South Wales Work Health and Safety Act 2011 No 10

Work Health and Safety (National

Northern Territory
Uniform Legislation) Act 2011

Queensland Work Health and Safety Act 2011

South Australia Work Health and Safety Act 2012

Tasmania Work Health and Safety Act 2012

Occupational Health and Safety Act


Western Australia Work Health and Safety Act 2020

The WHS Act 2011 sets the standards, and the WHS codes of practice outline how to meet these.
The codes of practice can also serve as guidelines for safe work practices.
Many Codes of Practice are voluntary. A business can create its own code of practice. However,
the official Code of Practice is usually considered the minimum standard. If there is an incident
that someone takes legal action for, a business may have to explain why they have not followed
/the minimum standard.

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The Codes of Practice include the following requirements:

 Work health and safety consultation
 Managing the risk of falls in workplaces
 First aid in the workplace
 Labelling of workplace hazardous chemicals
 Managing noise and preventing hearing loss at work
 Hazardous manual tasks
 How to manage work health and safety risks
There are many safe work practices in the tourism and hospitality industry. The list below
enumerates the most common safe work practices in the industry.

Manual handling

•Manual handling refers to lifting or moving objects. These are commonly

observed in tasks like moving stock or equipment.
•Proper manunal handing technique should be used to prevent injury.

Cleaning after spills on the floor and counter

•Cleaning spills immediately can help prevent falls due to slipping. Also, if the
area is still wet after cleaning, place a sign to warn people about this.

Proper use of tools and machines

•Tools used in hospitality include cutting, lifting and shredding machinery. Staff
should be trained to use all machines and tools.

Proper maintenance of electrical equipment

•Electrical appliances are useful but come with risks. Check their condition
before use. Report and replace the devices that have damaged electrical wires
or circuits.

Storage and use of hazardous goods

•Ensure proper storage of harmful goods or chemicals in the workplace. Before

using the substances, ensure to read the SDS. SDS is the Substance Data Sheet.
It will tell you how to hande the substance.

Proper cash handling

•Depending on your job role, you may handle cash in the workplace. It is
important to secure the cash container and storage area. Cash should only be
accessible to authorised personnel.

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Hygiene Requirements
Hygiene refers to conditions or practices that promote health, particularly cleanliness. The main
legislative hygiene requirements are likely to be food safety requirements. There may be COVID
requirements that also apply. These could include precautions such as wearing masks and extra
cleaning. You can check the current COVID restrictions for each state on the website listed in
the Further Reading below.
Food safety requirements relate to how organisations producing and serving food must deal
with it. They will include procedures such as proper handwashing and wearing gloves. The
legislation for this is the Australian New Zealand Food Standards Code – Standard 3.2.2. You can
view the legislation in the link shown in the Further Reading section.
Food safety and food hygiene are essential. Following these requirements ensures that the food
you serve customers is safe for consumption. Food safety and food hygiene help protect
consumers' health from food-borne illnesses and food poisoning. The most relevant
requirements here are those for food handlers
A food handler is someone who handles food directly. Food handlers include staff who prepare,
handle or deliver food. So, this will include kitchen and wait staff.

Employees are responsible for their part in ensuring food safety. Employees must follow
organisational hygiene procedures. This is especially true for employees who directly handle
food or food contact surfaces.

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Food handlers must, when engaging in any food handling operation:

(a) Take all practicable measures to ensure his or her body, anything from his or her body,
and anything he or she is wearing does not contaminate food or surfaces likely to come
into contact with food;
(b) Take all practicable measures to prevent unnecessary contact with ready-to-eat food;
(c) Ensure outer clothing is of a level of cleanliness that is appropriate for the handling of
food that is being conducted;
(d) Only use on exposed parts of his or her body bandages and dressings that are
completely covered with a waterproofed covering;
(e) Not eat over unprotected food or surfaces likely to come into contact with food;
(f) Not sneeze, blow or cough over unprotected food or surfaces likely to come into
contact with food;
(g) Not spit, smoke or use tobacco or similar preparations in areas in which food is handled;
(h) Not urinate or defecate except in a toilet
Sourced from the Federal Register of Legislation at 23 June 2022. For the latest information on
Australian Government law please go to Australia New
Zealand Food Standards Code - Standard 3.2.2 - Food Safety Practices and General
Requirements (Australia Only), used under CC BY 4.0

Hand washing is an essential part of food hygiene practices. There are specific times when you
must wash your hands. In general, you should always wash your hands when they may be a
source of contamination. For example, you should always wash your hands after going to the
You should always wash your hands
before starting food handling or
returning to it. This is because you may
not remember everything you have
touched. You could also have touched
something someone else touched
while they had dirty hands.

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Your hands are likely to be sources of contamination whenever you may have touched bodily
fluid. So, wash your hands immediately after:
 Coughing
 Sneezing
 Using a tissue or handkerchief
 Touching or treating a cut or abrasion (cuts should
also be covered, e.g. by band-aid and gloves)
 Eating
 Drinking
 Touched your mouth or any other body opening
 Smoking, using tobacco or other substances in a similar way
You should also wash your hands after touching your scalp or hair because these body parts can
contaminate them.
An organisation that involves food production or service must ensure the best food safety
practices in the workplace. The business must ensure its staff can follow proper food handling
procedures by providing them with all the required resources.
This includes providing hand washing facilities that are easily accessible for all the staff who
need them. These hand washing facilities must include a supply of soap and warm running
water. If this is not possible, they can provide other items, so long as these can be used to wash
hands thoroughly.
The business must ensure that these facilities are only used for handwashing. They must provide
a way to hygienically dry hands as well. These can be single-use paper towels. A repeatedly used
towel is inappropriate, as it can transfer contamination. If needed, there should also be a
container or bin for the used paper towels.
You can read more about the food safety standards on the website in the following Further
Reading section.

Further Reading
Access the following website to read about Australia’s standards, labelling
and food safety law. It has links to the legislation and resources with
information about the standards.
Food safety standards (Australia only)
The following link supplies information on current COVID restrictions. It
gives information about each state and territory. The Australian
Government Department of Health provides it.
Restrictions, lockdowns and stay at home orders

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1.2.3 Organise Coaching

In this section, how to organise coaching will be
discussed. You need to organise coaching according
to the specific training needs. You identified these
earlier in this subchapter. You also need to ensure
that training is completed within commercial time
When organising the coaching, you need to do the
 Work out how much total time you will need to coach the trainee. Also, work out how
much practice time they are likely to need.
o Work out how many coaching sessions you are likely to need. Also, you should
have a rough idea of what you plan to cover in each coaching session. For
example, consider if the trainee needs to learn to make all the coffee beverages
on the menu. You might want to split this into different sessions, according to
the types of drinks. So, you may do hot espresso drinks without milk first. This
may require several sessions to ensure the trainee is competent with them.
Then, move on to including milk in the later next session.
o Make a plan for what you will do if the trainee needs extra coaching and/or
practice time. For example, you may want to delegate extra coaching to
someone else if you do not have time.
 Work out the time and place the coaching and practice are.
o You will need to work out a time and place for each coaching session.
o For the coaching sessions, you will need to choose a specific time. Make sure
you have enough time to complete the coaching you plan to do in each session.
o For the practice, there may not need to be a specific time. For example, the
trainee may be allowed to take some time to practice during their regular shift.
o You will need to liaise with the trainee’s supervisor. They will not be able to do
all their usual tasks while you coach them. The supervisor may accept that you
take some time during the trainee’s regular shift to coach them. However, they
may also need to roster the trainee at another time. This will depend on their
staffing levels and the availability of equipment and space you need for

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 Delegate some of the coaching or monitoring of the trainee, if required.

o If you may struggle to find time to do the coaching, maybe you can find
someone else to help. You could perhaps delegate some parts of the coaching
to someone else.
o You may do some more detailed training yourself, but ask other staff to repeat
the training. This will help give the trainee practice and repetition to reinforce
their learning without taking too much of your time.
 Ensure all the necessary equipment is available and ready to be used when you begin
training. This may mean you must include time for this in your coaching schedule.
Depending on the task, you may want to do this with the trainee.
 Consider the specific training needs you have listed. For those specific to the individual,
consider your broad approach to addressing them. Estimate how much extra time this
will require and work it into the schedule.
 Organise the training so that it will be completed within commercial constraints. This is
important so that it will be covered in a separate section at the end of the chapter.

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Read the below case study for a more detailed example of how to organise training.

Case Study: Coaching All Staff to Use New POS Terminal

Your supervisor asks you to coach all the staff in the café
on the new POS terminal. All staff will need this training.
The old and new terminals will be there for a short
while, but everyone will need to learn how to use the
new one before replacing the old one. You will not be
able to coach all the staff at once since they work across
the week.
So, you decide to spend time coaching Jane first. She has used a similar terminal in a previous
job. You choose to coach her twice a day for two days. You schedule times for this before and
during her Monday and Wednesday shifts. This should be enough time for her to be
completely comfortable. But you plan to check that she is before letting her train other staff.
You schedule one hour for the first session each day, starting at the beginning of her shift.
Then, you schedule half an hour later in the shift, at 3 pm. 3 pm is usually after the lunch rush.
Jane’s shift starts at 10 am. You roster her for an extra hour, so she begins at 9 am. This way,
you can complete the coaching before the lunch rush. The later coaching session is shorter,
as it will mostly be a refresher for her. You think you may need less time but want to allow
yourself some extra time.
You ask Jane to do most of the training with the other staff. However, you will check that each
of them is competent yourself before they use the new terminal. You cannot let them use a
POS terminal to process payments until they can consistently do the procedure correctly.
You must ensure they are all competent in the new POS terminal before removing the old
one. You have two weeks of overlap while both POS terminals will be there. You decide that
Jane will coach the other staff members when their shifts overlap. She can do this by
thoroughly examining the procedure with them the first time. Then, she will ask them to
practice while checking that they are doing it correctly.
The procedure is not vastly different from that on the old register. So, you do not anticipate
it will take the staff long to learn it. About fifteen minutes for the first run-through and a few
short refreshers during their shifts should be enough.
They must do it correctly, though. So, you provide Jane with a checklist for the procedure
steps to check she covers it in detail with each staff member. There are two staff members
whose shifts do not overlap with Jane’s, so you decide to coach those staff members yourself.
Towards the end of the second week, you will check each staff member’s competency against
the checklist.

Using a checklist in the above example ensures that you have trained each staff member. Since
the procedure is not likely difficult for the staff to learn, you do not need to make a more
detailed plan for the initial coaching than the above.

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However, you should ensure you know what you will do if some of the staff take longer to learn
than expected. This may simply be to ensure you have enough time in your schedule to do a bit
of extra coaching with them.
Once you have made your plan for the training, you need to make sure that everyone involved
knows it. All the relevant staff need to know when and where the coaching will occur. They also
need to know what they will be doing.

Commercial Time Constraints

Finally, make sure you have considered commercial constraints properly. Commercial
constraints are the constraints a business must contend with to be profitable. Constraints are
limitations or restrictions. Your business does not have an endless supply of time, money and
other resources. So, they have to make sure they use those resources effectively. If they did
not, the business would not be profitable.
Commercial constraints include:
 Time
 Money
 Staff (including the number of staff and skills of staff)
 Physical resources, including equipment and the workspace
 Regulations
You will quickly realise that several of these are interdependent. For example, the amount of
money an organisation has will limit how many staff they have.

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This section considers these factors from the point of view of commercial constraints. So, you
need to ensure you use these resources to do not to detract from the business’ profitability. For
example, training will need to be conducted so that it does not interfere with the everyday work
of other staff.
Factors to consider concerning commercial constraints are as follows:
 What will be the impact of the coaching on business operations?
o Consider if your use of staff, space and equipment will take these resources
away from where they are needed.
o Consider if the coaching may get in the way of everyday business operations.
 What will the coaching cost?
o Could the staff time be better spent in another way? For example, if a staff
member asks you for coaching, you must consider whether it is worth the cost.
o The cost of the coaching would be the staff time and materials used. It is
imperative to consider this if you feel rostering on extra shifts to complete
coaching. It is important to consider here that you may be able to get the
trainee to do some practice during their regular shift.
o You need to consider the benefit to the organisation if the staff member learns
new skills.
You need to organise the coaching to minimise the impact on business operations and the cost.
For example, coaching staff outside of business hours so the coaching will not affect business
operations. Often staff are rostered to start a little before the establishment opens. This is a
good time for training. You may also plan to do short coaching sessions during quiet times.

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Key Points: Chapter 1

 Three factors may impact the need for coaching. They are directions from a colleague, own
observation and experience, and a request from a colleague to be coached.
 You need to identify the need for coaching based on those factors.
 Once you have identified the need for coaching, you need to identify the specific training
needs. The specific trainee needs to learn the particular task or skill.
 To identify the specific training needs, you first need to work out the objectives and scope
of the training. This will tell you precisely what the trainee needs to learn.
 You will also need to consider how you will tailor the training to the trainee to meet their
 Consider the legislative WHS and hygiene requirements for the task or skill to be coached.
You need to incorporate this into the training.
 To organise the training, you need to consider the specific training needs. Work out how
to meet those needs within the commercial constraints you have.

Learning Checkpoint
Now that you have finished this chapter, let’s do some learning exercises.
Get your Learning Activity Booklet provided with this Learner Resource. Complete
the learning activities for this chapter.
For guidance and additional instructions with these activities, talk to your

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Chapter 2: Coach Colleagues On-the-Job

This chapter is about coaching colleagues while on the job. As discussed in the previous chapter, it
assumes that you have already made a coaching plan. In this chapter, you will learn how to carry out
the coaching in your workplace.
You must learn a good range of coaching techniques to adapt to coaching each time. Coaching must
always be adapted to the individual trainee and the tasks and skills to be learnt.
You will first learn how to explain the overall purpose of the coaching. It is helpful to give the trainee
an overview of the coaching before starting. This helps them to understand what it is they are
expected to learn.
You will then learn about specific ways of coaching. The following topics will be covered:
 Explain and demonstrate specific skills
 Communicate required knowledge and check the trainee’s understanding
 Advise the trainee of organisational procedures for tasks
 Provide the trainee with the opportunity to practice skills and ask questions
 Provide constructive feedback

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2.1 Explain Overall Purpose of Coaching

The overall purpose of the training was discussed in the previous subchapter. This is what you want
the person you are training to learn. You need to explain to the trainee what they are meant to learn.
To explain means to make an idea or situation clear to someone by describing it in more detail or
revealing relevant facts. You need to make the training purpose clear to the trainee.

It is also best to put the overall purpose in context to explain why they need to learn this. This will help
to motivate them to learn. It also helps them understand what the skill or task will be used for. This
will allow them to use the skill or carry out the task more effectively.
For example, consider a restaurant where you plan to coach some of the waitstaff. You tell the trainees
that they need to know more about wines. The context could be that you plan to expand the wine
selection and promote matching wines to meals. If the trainees know this, it makes it clearer to the
trainees what they need to know. They need to know the qualities of the new wines you are
introducing and about matching wines to food.
When coaching someone whose performance has been inadequate, you must discuss this with the
trainee. In this situation, make sure that you are specific about what was insufficient about the
trainee’s performance. Reassure them that you are coaching them to help them improve their

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When you explain the overall purpose of the coaching, it is often a good idea to give more of an
overview of the coaching.
The trainee needs to know the following:
 Why they are going to be coached
o They need to understand why they must be
able to do the tasks or have the skill.
o Explain why this is important to the
business, if possible.
 What they are going to be learning (the tasks and skills they need to learn)
 How this training will take place
 Where and when the training will take place
The objectives and scope of the coaching were discussed in the previous subchapter. Here, you need
to explain them to the trainee and put them in context for the trainee. First, you need to explain the
overall purpose and the context.
For example, if you were coaching staff to use a new POS terminal, you need to explain why they need
to know this. In the previous example, the old POS terminal would be removed after a certain time.
By telling the staff this, they understand why they will be doing the training. This will help motivate
them and help them to adjust their own learning. Since they understand a time limit, they will realise
that they need to learn how to do this within that limit. So, they are more likely to ask questions and
check their understanding.
After you have explained the overall purpose, you discuss the objectives. In this example, you need to
tell them what they need to do on the POS terminal. They will need to know what tasks to perform on
the POS terminal. Becoming able to do these tasks will be the objective of the training. Here, the
objectives are likely to include for the trainee to be able to complete are as follows:
 Cash transactions
 EFTPOS transactions
 Reconciliations on the register
 Storing cash at the end of the shift (e.g. putting it in the safe, informing other staff)
The scope will define the range of tasks to be performed and how extensive the training will be. For
example, this will include the range of situations the staff can deal with. Some staff may be allowed
to deal with a greater range of situations due to greater responsibility. For example, a shift supervisor
may be entitled to decide what to do regarding a variation in the reconciliation.
When the overall purpose has been explained, tell the trainee the aim of each individual coaching
session. You may do this at the beginning of each coaching session, especially if you expect to adapt
the schedule.

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2.2 Explain and Demonstrate Specific Skills

This subchapter is about how to explain and demonstrate specific skills. In this context, to demonstrate
means to show someone how a task is done by performing it so that they can observe it. You will be
demonstrating the tasks or skills your colleague is to learn by doing it so they can see how it is done.
You will also be explaining to them at the same time.
While you are demonstrating and explaining, you need to:
 Match the explanation to the demonstration
o Ensure the trainee can see what you are doing
o Ensure what they see matches what you are explaining
 Adapt coaching to trainee’s needs
 Break down the task or skill into steps
 Use communication techniques appropriate for workplace coaching
Each of the items on this list will be discussed in the following sections.

2.2.1 Match the Explanation to the Demonstration

You will also explain to them how it is to be done. Usually, you will be explaining and
demonstrating simultaneously for at least part of the coaching session. For example, if you were
demonstrating to someone how to cut an artichoke correctly, you may explain how you hold
the knife. You explain while you show important highlighting aspects of what you are doing. In
the example, the trainee may not realise that how you hold the knife is essential.
Another reason you explain while demonstrating is that they may not be able to see everything
that is important. In the artichoke cutting example, they might not be able to see how tightly
you are holding the knife. They also will not be able to see your whole hand. So, you would e.g.
turn the knife over to show them how your fingers are placed underneath the knife. You would
explain to them why you are holding the knife like this.

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Ensure the Trainee Can See What You are Doing

While demonstrating, it is vital that the trainee can see what you are doing. If they cannot see
what you are doing, it defeats the purpose of the demonstration.
You should also make sure that the
demonstration matches your explanation. If
you explain it to them one way but do it
differently, this will confuse them. Even if it
is slightly different, this can be a problem.
You need to review how you are doing it
yourself if you find yourself doing it
differently from how you explain it.

2.2.2 Adapt Coaching to Trainee’s Needs

You must remember that everyone has different experiences and expectations. No two people
are the same. One trainee may pick up a skill quickly while another struggles and takes longer.
This means the coach should be patient and understanding. You should also be encouraging
and supporting each trainee. There is also no room for rigid delivery in coaching.
Flexibility is essential as it means the coach can cater to individual needs. To do this effectively,
coaches must get to know their learners/staff and use the best coaching method for each
individual staff member. Different people have different preferences for how they learn. This
could be by watching, doing, reading, listening, etc. A good coach will match their delivery to
the trainee's learning style.
You must also consider the trainee’s existing skills and knowledge. The more relevant
knowledge and skills they have, the easier they are likely to learn. For example, if you need to
teach mixing your bar’s cocktails to a new bartender. If that person has never worked in a bar
before, you will have to spend more time on it. There will be a lot to show them. They will also
need many repetitions to get all the drinks right.
However, if the new bartender were experienced, they would likely know how to mix drinks.
You may only have to go through your bar’s special drinks with them. You need to discuss their
previous work experience with them to understand what they know. You should also ask them
to demonstrate their skills to see if they are up to your bar's standard. You should also make
sure that they know your bar’s organisational procedures.

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2.2.3 Break Down Task or Skill Into Steps

You must break down the task or skill into steps to demonstrate and explain it. Give the trainee
an overview of the procedure first. Make sure they know what it is you want them to be able
to do. Also, ensure they know any legislative or organisational requirements that apply before
you start. For example, if there are any WHS procedures, they need to be aware of while doing
the task. Subchapter 2.4 will give more details about incorporating organisational procedures
into coaching. Once you have given the trainee an overview of the task, break the procedure
down into steps for them.
Any task to be coached must be broken down into its sub-steps. Then go through the steps in
sequential order. For example, when coaching someone how to make a cappuccino, the
following sequence can be used:

Select appropriate cup Fill cup with 1/3

Steam milk
and saucer steamed milk

Position crockery and Wait for cup to fill with Scoop froth onto
cutlery correctly on concentrated coffee to coffee for remaining
saucer 1/3 mark 1/3

Fill up a single cup Depress single cup 1/3 Sprinkle froth with
espresso holder cup buff on chocolate powder

Fit holder into Add teaspoon to

Tamp coffee granules
espresso machine saucer and serve

When demonstrating the task to the trainee, you must

ensure you do it in this order. You should also explain
each step as you carry it out the first time you
demonstrate it. The explanation will be in more detail
for some steps.

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If you have to repeat the demonstration, you may not have to repeat all of it. It is unlikely you
will have to repeat all of your explanations each time you repeat the demonstration. You should
adapt how you repeat it to the individual trainee's needs. As you repeat it, you will get the
trainee to practice. Giving the trainee opportunity to practice will be covered in Subchapter 2.5.
You will also provide the trainee feedback along the way discussed in Subchapter 2.6.
You may want to provide them with a written list of steps. This may be either before or later.
For example, you might not think it is needed but later decide it would be helpful for the trainee.
There are several factors to consider in choosing whether to give the trainee a written
 The number of steps in the procedure is essential. A written procedure will make it
easier for the trainee to keep track of the steps while you are demonstrating. This is
particularly the case if the procedure is complicated.
 Some people prefer to learn through reading or referring to a written document.
 It allows the trainee to review the procedure outside of coaching sessions. If they did
not have a written procedure, they would be trying to remember the procedure
themselves. This may not be an issue if they see other people doing it or have people
to ask. However, they could check their knowledge with a written procedure if they do
not have this between coaching sessions.
 The likelihood that the trainee will remember the procedure will vary, depending on
the existing knowledge and skills. If the procedure is very unfamiliar to the trainee, it
will be harder for them to remember all of it.
 If a training checklist is a part of your organisation’s training procedures, you may be
able to use this. You can give the trainee a copy of it to refer to. This may also tell them
what standard they are expected to meet.

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The following case study describes a situation where a staff member is to be coached in carrying
a drink tray. The procedure is broken down into small steps:

Case Study: Carrying a Drink Tray

You want to teach one of the waitstaff to carry a drink tray effectively from the bar to the
dining table in the restaurant. You have noticed that this staff member only brings a few
drinks when doing this. You discuss this with the staff member, and they explain that they
are uncomfortable carrying more. You decide to coach them to enable them to do this task
comfortably. You choose to carry out coaching while the restaurant is shut between dinner
and lunch. The staff member is asked to start their shift half an hour early for a few days.
This should give you plenty of time to coach them and for them to get practice in carrying
out the task.
You break down the task into the following steps and demonstrate them to the trainee:
1. When loading a try, pull it towards you first. Pull it off the bar to half on and half off
the surface.
2. Put the heaviest glasses at the back. Then put the lighter glasses on, according to
3. Pull the tray to the bar's edge when all the
glasses are on the tray.
4. Put your non-dominant hand underneath.
So, if you are right-handed, put your left-
hand underneath. You can have it flat or
have your spread-out fingers holding it.
5. As you pull it off the bar, use your other
hand to help balance it. Only remove your
hand if you can comfortably balance the
tray with one hand.
6. Do not just look at the glasses and tray when you walk with the tray. Look where you
are walking as well.
7. When you get to the table, you can use one hand to hold it if you are comfortable. If
you are not comfortable, lean the tray on the table.

The case study shows how small steps can be when you break down a procedure. It is helpful
to break down procedures into minimal steps. It clarifies the procedure and makes it easier to
learn. A procedure like this helps you analyse each part of the procedure. While carrying a drinks
tray is something most people can do when they start the job, they often will not do it in the
best way.

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Giving them a detailed procedure helps them learn to do it most efficiently. Since it is a
procedure, the staff member will do it often during a shift; this can significantly improve
efficiency. It can also help them avoid accidents. If they are not carrying the tray in the best
way, they are more likely to have an accident while rushing. While the way they brought a tray
may be fine for everyday situations at home, it may not be suitable for work in a busy restaurant.

The following video demonstrates how to
carry a drink tray. The task is the same as that
described in the Case Study: Carrying a Drink
Tray. The instructions are slightly different
but note how the task is broken down into
small steps. Also, notice how the
demonstrator ensures the viewer can see what they are doing.
How to be a good waiter: How to carry a tray

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2.2.4 Communication Techniques

In this section, you will learn about
suitable communication techniques for
workplace coaching. A technique is a
particular way of doing an activity. So,
communication techniques are ways of
communicating. Most of the discussion
in the unit so far is relevant to this. For
example, demonstrating a procedure in
small steps is a communication
technique. However, this is a particular
communication technique.
In this section, the types of communication will be discussed generally. Also, how to
communicate clearly and understand cultural and language barriers will be addressed. This is
so you can incorporate general communication techniques into all of your coaching.
Firstly, you must consider that your communication techniques must be suitable for workplace
coaching. So, you should never forget that your communication must suit this context. This
means that it needs to be workplace appropriate and ideal for coaching.
It must meet all your organisational requirements to be suitable for your workplace. This will
include any requirements regarding harassment, bullying and appropriate language use. There
are legislative requirements part of the WHS legislation discussed in Subchapter 1.2. Your
organisation will likely have its own way of implementing this. Even if they do not, you still have
to follow the law. Be sure always to treat everyone in your workplace with respect.
Since coaching may be different from your usual role, you may feel like taking a break from your
regular role. However, you should still be aware that you are at work. The standard
requirements still apply. It can be helpful to create a relaxed environment while training but be
careful that you do not slip into behaviour that is too casual for the workplace.
The communication techniques must help the trainee learn to be suitable for coaching. You
need to consider what types of communication will help the trainee learn what they are
required to do. You need to communicate the necessary knowledge and procedures to them.
So, you need to consider what type of communication will be helpful for this. The next
subchapter will specifically discuss communicating required knowledge. It will also discuss
checking the trainee’s understanding.
You will need to determine the types of communication you want to use. These will be discussed
in the next section. You also need to think about how you will communicate using those types.
The next section again will discuss this. The last section in this subchapter will discuss language
and cultural barriers.

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Types of Communication
There are several types of communication techniques that you will use will training. Verbal
communication and body language are likely essential forms of communication. This is because
most coaching will occur in the workplace with you and your colleagues physically present. Even
if you are coaching staff online through video calls, these types of communication will still be
significant. Verbal communication and body language must be used when trainees demonstrate
tasks or skills. Showing the task will also be used in most coaching situations.
The types of communication used in coaching can include the following:
 Written communication could include emails, written procedures and other
documents. You may give the trainee a document that contains other required
knowledge for the task you are doing. Written procedures were discussed in the section
on breaking the procedure into steps. You may also want to use emails to communicate
information about coaching. For example, to organise coaching sessions or give the
trainee information required about the training. You may also write emails or other
written documentation to report training progress. Reporting training progress will be
discussed in Subchapter 3.2.
 Verbal communication is usually an essential part of the training process. The only
exception would be if you cannot verbally communicate and will use another method
instead. However, in almost all hospitality settings, this will be essential. You will need
to communicate verbally with the trainee to explain the task or skill you are coaching
them. You will also ask them questions. Communication information is in the following
section. This section is mainly about clear verbal communication. The section after
includes information on language barriers, in case you have this difficulty. There is also
further information on this in Subchapter 3.3.

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 You need to use suitable body language with your verbal communication. Your body
language should match what you are saying. In general, you should use positive, open
body language. However, pay attention to how the trainee reacts to this. People
interpret this differently, depending on their culture and personality. See Subchapters
2.6 and 3.3 for information about minimising cultural barriers. Displaying positive body
language is to make the trainee feel comfortable. It is part of creating a supportive
environment for training.
 You will also need to demonstrate tasks and skills to the trainee physically. How to
demonstrate has been discussed earlier in this chapter. However, you must realise this
is a type of communication. The trainee needs to receive information from you when
you are demonstrating. So, you need to check that they are learning from what you are
showing them. Refer to Subchapter 2.5 for information about checking their

These are the types of communication that you are likely to use. You also need to ensure that
you are communicating clearly. Clear communication will be discussed in the following section.
It is also vital to minimise cultural and language barriers. These will be discussed in the section
after that and again in Subchapter 3.3.

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Clear Communication
Clear communication is communication that is easy to understand. If you are communicating
clearly, then your message is easily understood. Clear communication is about both the content
and delivery in verbal communication. Remember that communication is about exchanging
information. If you are just talking to someone who does not understand you, you are not
communicating clearly with them.
For the delivery, you need to ensure that you are speaking clearly. This means that the words
you are saying can easily be understood. There are several obstacles to this:
 Speaking too fast is one of the most common problems. It tends to jumble the sounds,
making the sounds of the words unclear. It is an even bigger problem when combined
with other issues.
 Mumbling is a problem that reduces the clarity of your words. It often occurs along with
speaking too fast. The issue is usually caused by not opening your mouth enough when
speaking fast.

 Speaking too softly makes it difficult for other people to hear your words correctly. You
must speak loudly enough for the trainee to listen to you, even over background noise.
 An accent can make it difficult for some people to understand you. This will vary
between people, depending on their language ability and their own language
background. If you have an accent, avoid other obstacles to speaking clearly. For
example, if you talk fast, you may further distort your speech. This can make it very
hard for the other person to understand you. Language issues will be further discussed
in the next section.

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 Choosing your words can make it harder to understand what you mean. This means
that the words and how you combine them should make the meaning clear. You should
avoid using jargon and overly complicated sentences. Try to use concise language that
is straight to the point.
Often, people start to speak faster when they are nervous or excited. For example, some people
begin to talk more quickly as they become more enthusiastic about a topic. Many people start
to mumble or softly speak when they are nervous. This is particularly common when people do
not feel comfortable speaking in their situation. If you are new to coaching, this is something to
be aware of.
There are valuable ways to help avoid or minimise these obstacles:
 Be well prepared, so you are less likely to be nervous. Also, if you know what you will
say, it is easy to word what you say, so your meaning is clear. If you are making it all up
as you go along, you will likely ramble or stop and start.
 Check with yourself while you are coaching. Ask yourself if you are speaking clearly.
Think about how fast you are speaking. Also, pay attention to how the trainee reacts. If
they look confused or unfocused, check that they follow what you say. Checking the
trainee’s understanding will be discussed in Subchapter 2.3. If they have not been
following, break down the concepts further or explain them differently. Verbal
communication is likely to be the primary communication you will use during coaching.

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Language and Cultural Barriers to Communication

Communication may be affected by language or cultural barriers. In this section, you will learn
about language and cultural barriers. You will also learn some methods you can use to help
avoid or minimise them. Language barriers are communication issues caused by difficulty
speaking a common language.
A person is particularly likely to experience language barriers if they:
 Speak English as a non-native speaker
 Have a communication disorder
Communication disorders include:
 Difficulty speaking
 Difficulty understanding language
 Stuttering
 Difficulties using voice
A cultural barrier is a communication issue arising from a misunderstanding caused by cultural
differences. Cultural barriers occur between two or more people due to their differences. They
are not inherent to any person.
Tips for interacting with people from a different culture are as follows:
 Observe their non-verbal cues. Mirror their body language when appropriate. For
example, if they do not make eye contact, avoid eye contact. Pay attention to their non-
verbal cues. This is particularly important when someone from a higher context culture
than you. A high context culture is a culture in which the meaning of what someone
says is very dependent on context. The context can include body language, what else is
said and who they speak to. For example, some people will say ‘yes’, even though they
mean ‘no’. The ‘no’ could be indicated by their body language and/or tone of voice.
 Appreciate differences. Different cultures have different ways of communicating. You
should accept these differences without passing judgement whenever possible.
 Do not assume a person from a particular culture will be typical of that culture. Just
because someone is from a specific culture does not mean they will behave typically for
someone from that culture. Everyone has their own personality and opinions. It can
seem insensitive if you make assumptions about someone based on their cultural
 Be patient. It can take longer to communicate with someone from a different culture.
Make sure that you give them time to communicate in their own way. Avoid showing
visible signs of impatience.

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2.3 Communicate Required Knowledge and Check Understanding

In this context, required knowledge is what your colleague needs to know to be able to do the task or
skill required. This could be knowledge of the steps of the procedure. It could also be other knowledge,
such as:

The locations of equipment, stock, or other items

The equipment, tools and ingredients needed (e.G. In drinks or dishes)
Products and services the venue offers
Principles underpinning the skills (e.G. Communication and selling)
Reasons for undertaking tasks, so trainee knows when to undertake the tasks
Legislative WHS and hygiene requirements to follow

When you communicate the required knowledge for the task, make sure you break it down into small
parts. This will be breaking it down into small steps for the knowledge of the procedure.
Think back to the case study in 2.2, coaching a trainee to learn milk-based hot coffee drinks. The
required knowledge would include the steps for steaming and foaming the milk. It would also have
the proportions of ingredients for the different coffees.
Often, cafés will have a menu board or display showing the different drinks. There is some variation
in the proportions of ingredients that establishments put in the coffees, even though they use the
same names. You may give the trainee a small chart listing these descriptions. It can be helpful for
them, especially in the early stages of coaching. They will be expected to memorise them over time.
Similarly, bars often have cocktail
menus that explain what is in each
cocktail. This would be useful in a bar
environment. If there is a lot of
information to remember, written
information to refer to can be a
helpful tool. This is also true for
procedures. Sometimes, you may
give the trainee a copy of the
training checklist, so they can remind
themselves of what they have to
Communication techniques were discussed in Subchapter 2.2. You should use those techniques (clear
communication, etc.) throughout the coaching.
You must communicate the required knowledge to the trainee and check that they understand it. It is
not enough to simply explain it and assume your colleague has understood you.

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2.3.1 Check Colleague’s Understanding

To check your colleague's understanding, you need to ensure they both understand what you
have explained to them and can do what is required. You need them to explain and demonstrate
the task or skill.
Throughout the coaching session, ask the trainee questions to confirm that they understand
what you are saying. Also, ask them to demonstrate how they would do the task.
This will supply you with verbal and visual confirmation of understanding. Checking for
understanding is necessary because trainees often will not learn immediately. There are several
reasons why the trainee may not have understood what you have taught them.
The trainee may have been anxious and thus not able to concentrate entirely. Or, they may
have been trying to absorb earlier information and missed what you just said. Of course, various
scenarios could impact a trainee’s concentration. That is why it is essential to check their
understanding at regular intervals. You need to make sure information is accurately received.
Remember, communication is an exchange of information. To be effective, the receiver must
accurately interpret the sender’s message.
One way to see if the information has been received correctly is to ask open questions. Open
questions require more lengthy answers than closed questions. Closed questions can be
answered with only a ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Ask open questions. Using questions that start with who,
what, when, where and how is an excellent way to create open questions. The table below has
some examples of the questions you could ask.

Questions starting with: Examples

 Who do you report equipment failures?

Who  Who can you ask to help you if you are too busy to serve
all your customers?

 What is the purpose of a thermometer?

 What tool do you use for this task?

 When should you change the bedding in the room?

 When should you ask to refill a customer’s drink?

 Where do you put the mop and bucket?

 Where do you find spare cutlery?

 How do you greet a customer?

 How do you hold the knife?

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When the trainee answers, you need to make sure you are actively listening. Active listening is
when you deliberate in engaging with what the speaker is saying. This means you are trying to
absorb what the speaker is saying, not just waiting for your turn. Engaging with what the
speaker is saying also involves showing your understanding. You show your understanding by
asking relevant questions, using gestures and summarising.
So, when the trainee explains or demonstrates their understanding, you should make an effort
to absorb what they are saying. Show them that you are listening by asking questions and
commenting on what they say. You must evaluate the trainee’s knowledge to check if they
understand what they have learnt.
To evaluate means to assess how good something is. If you evaluate the trainee’s
understanding, you are working out how good their understanding is. You need to think about
their responses and assess how accurate their understanding is. Think about what they have
not understood. You can then repeat your explanations of what they do not understand.
However, you should try to explain it a bit differently. If the trainee had trouble understanding
it in the first place, this might have something to do with how it was explained.
You also need to ask the trainee to demonstrate the task or skill they are learning. You must do
this to see if they understand what they have learnt. This is particularly important when the
required knowledge is a process. For example, if they are learning to make espresso coffee, ask
them to demonstrate this. Depending on where they are in the learning process, you may ask
them to make a particular coffee or do part of the task.

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You need to observe them, evaluate their performance and give them feedback. In Subchapter
2.6, you will learn to evaluate and give constructive feedback. For now, you need to know that
you will be doing this and how it fits in with checking the trainee’s understanding.
You need to work out how close they are to reaching the level of performance the coaching
aims to get them to. You also need to work out what they need to change to reach the required
level of performance.
You may have to demonstrate part or all of them multiple times for more complex tasks. For
example, if you show the trainee how to make a meringue. You may have to show the trainee
how to whip the eggs to the correct consistency a few times. You can correct them along the
way as they demonstrate the skill to you. For this example, you may show them how to hold
the mixer. Or you might stop them if they are whipping the eggs too much and let them know
when they have reached the correct consistency.
You give them feedback to help them modify what they are doing to improve their performance.
You may also decide on further coaching based on your evaluation.

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2.4 Advise Colleague of Organisational Procedures for Tasks

All staff will have to follow your organisation's procedures. Organisational procedures are guidelines
for how work should be carried out. Organisational procedures will, in part, be based on legislative
requirements. They will include the WHS and hygiene legislative requirements discussed in
Subchapter 1.2. Other types of legislation that may be relevant include legislation relating to:
 Liquor licensing
 Gaming
 Food handling
 Health regulations (e.g. Covid restrictions)
However, your organisation will develop its procedures to suit its own circumstances. Different
organisations can have slightly different procedures to meet the same legislative requirements. For
example, all reporting WHS incidents is required by law, and records must be kept. However, various
organisations may have different procedures for doing this. Some organisations use specific apps for
the reporting and recording of serious incidents. However, other organisations, particularly smaller
ones, may have an electronic form to be filled out. This form may be emailed to the correct person.
Organisations also develop procedures to ensure they run efficiently. For example, different
restaurants and cafés will have different ordering systems. Smaller establishments are more likely to
have a simple, paper-based ordering system. For example, they may print the docket from the register
to go to the kitchen for the order. They will print an extra copy for the customer if they want one.
However, large restaurants may have an electronic ordering system. It may be worth investing in it for
them to make it run more efficiently.

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All staff must know the organisation's procedures relevant to their role. The procedures are there to
meet legislative requirements and/or make the business run efficiently. It is essential to your role that
you follow these procedures. The business and/or staff could be penalised if staff do not follow
legislative requirements. For example, there are fines for serving underage drinkers in licensed
establishments. These apply to the company and the staff who served the underage person. The
procedures are also there to make the business run efficiently. So, if you do not follow them, you are
not efficient in your role.
Each establishment adapts its procedures to suit its situation. This would depend on:
 The type of customer experience the establishment intends to give
 The number of customers it can serve
 The physical layout of the establishment
For example, a large formal dining restaurant with table service may choose to have tablets for staff
to record orders. The orders can be sent electronically to the kitchen and managed through the
software. The size and layout of the restaurant may make it difficult for staff to go back and forth with
paper orders. But given the type of dining experience they want to provide, they prefer to offer table
service. Therefore, they did not choose an electronic ordering service based on the POS terminal.
Many larger counter service establishments use an electronic POS system. The order automatically
goes through to the device/s in the kitchen in these systems.
Note that table service is where the waitstaff takes the customers’ orders at the table. Generally,
customers will receive a bill when they want to leave and pay. However, in some less formal settings,
the establishment may require that customers pay when they order. Counter service is where the
customers must go up to a counter to order. Generally, they will also have to pay when they order.

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You need to ensure that the trainee can follow your organisation’s procedures when doing what they
have learnt during coaching. Sometimes, you will be asked to coach someone to perform an
organisational procedure. This is particularly common when new procedures are introduced, such as:
 A new food docket procedure (restaurant, cafe)
 A revised protocol for answering the phone
 Modified method of clearing the registers
Changes in procedures may be because of changes in:
 Management
 Legislation
 Business focus or needs
 Equipment
Changes in legal requirements may be because of changes in existing legislation. Legislation varies
over time. Current legislation can be updated, and new legislation is periodically introduced.
This type of coaching commonly means you must make team members aware of any new or revised
legislation. At times, you may need to demonstrate the new procedures to meet legislative

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Clear Communication and Demonstration of Organisational Tasks

You learnt about clear communication for coaching in Subchapter 2.4. In Subchapter 2.2, you learnt
about explaining and demonstrating skills. In this subchapter, organisational procedures for tasks have
already been discussed. In this section, you will learn about consolidating what you have learnt in
those parts of this Learner Resource.
It is not enough to tell the trainee the organisational procedures. You need to integrate the
organisational procedures into your demonstration of the task. You should not, for example, show
how to set the table in general and then describe your organisation’s procedure for this. You should
demonstrate your organisation’s procedure for doing the task.
You also need to demonstrate specific tasks that your organisation has. Your organisation may have
tasks that other similar establishments do not have. For example, there may be extra menu items in a
café that are unusual. You need to make sure that the staff can make the menu items they need to
make. For waitstaff, they may only need to know these menu items.
While demonstrating the task, you also need to incorporate your explanation. This was discussed in
Subchapter 2.2. However, you also need to integrate information about organisational procedures.
So, you include these in your explanation as you are demonstrating. It is helpful to include the reasons
why your organisation has a procedure. These were discussed in the previous section. There may be
practical reasons, such as the layout or size of the establishment. It was also discussed that this could
be due to the type of experience the organisation wants to give its customers.
Many organisations will have an overall concept of what experience they want to give their customers.
They will incorporate this concept into all their procedures. For example, a formal dining restaurant
will likely require its staff to follow formal dining conventions. This will include:
 How the table is set
 The décor of the restaurant
 How the staff are presented
 How the waitstaff serve, including carrying trays
and pouring drinks
 The types of dishes on the menu and how they
are presented
This will make the procedures in this type of restaurant significantly different from those in an informal
café. There are also many sub-types of formal dining experiences. For example, the restaurant may
feature a particular country or culture’s cuisine. There may be additional conventions for the staff to
follow for this. If it is a formal dining French restaurant, it is likely the management will want waitstaff
to be able to pronounce menu items correctly.
Many organisations will have training checklists. This is particularly likely if they consistently have
several critical tasks for all staff. If one is relevant to your coaching, use it when demonstrating
organisational tasks. Explain how the items on the checklist relate to what you are doing. In particular,
explain how what you demonstrate meets the checklist requirements.

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2.5 Provide the Opportunity to Practice Skills and Ask Questions

You must provide the colleague you are training with the opportunity to practise their skills and ask
questions. If they do not get enough time to practise, they may not learn the skills or tasks properly.
Getting enough practice is also vital for retaining what they have learnt. Use spaced repetition to give
the trainee enough opportunity to practice their skills.

Spaced Repetition
Spaced repetition is an integral part of learning. Spaced repetition means repeating learning activities,
with some time between each repetition. This allows what someone has learnt to be better retained.
Knowledge learning involves retrieving memory. Retrieving memories means that the trainee
remembers the information themselves. It is crucial that you remember the information yourself and
not simply re-reading it.
For example, someone may use flashcards to help learn a set of facts. They must only look at the cue
on the front and try to remember what is on the back. The card could have a word on the front and
its definition on the back. They would look at the word on the front and try to remember the definition
on the back. They can check the description on the back once they have been attempting to remember
the definition.
Retrieving memories allows them to become embedded in long-term memory. This allows the trainee
to retain what they have learnt. When someone learns practical tasks and skills, they need to space
their practice. They need to get the chance to practice it with their practice sessions correctly spaced.
Otherwise, they will not make the right connections in their brain. Knowing how to do the task needs
to be connected to the memories of physically doing what is required.
For a task, you need to make
sure that they get to repeat the
procedure until they have
learnt it. For skill, you need to
ensure that they repeat the
skill until it is at the required
level. The skill needs to be
embedded in their long-term
memory to have learnt it. To
ensure this happens, you
gradually increase the time
between repetitions.

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As the task is repeated, you gradually allow them to do more of the procedure themselves. You should
only increase the time between repetitions when the trainee can do almost the entire task without
prompting. Similarly, for skills, the trainee should be able to perform the skill almost to the level
For example, if you are coaching a colleague on how to use the POS terminal, you get them to repeat
the procedure a few times a day at first. When you first start to coach them, you would show them
the whole procedure if it is short. Then, you may break it down into small steps. You would then show
them each step. If the steps are simple, they may pick them up quickly. If they pick up steps quickly,
you can get them to do more of the procedure themselves.
As you can see the trainee becoming comfortable with the task, you get them to show you the
procedure less often. Maybe you would decrease the repetition to a couple of times a week. Then to
once a week for a few weeks.
For skills and tasks, repetition is vital for the learner to develop muscle memory. Muscle memory is
the ability to reproduce a movement without consciously thinking about it. For example, you probably
do not think about how to open a door when you open it. You just do it. This is particularly important
for tasks and skills that require the trainee to learn to do actions quickly. Professionals often need to
do their regular tasks rapidly. For example, a professional chef needs to be able to chop vegetables
much faster than a home cook.
You should constantly adapt the spaced repetition to how quickly the trainee learns for best results.
Coaching ensures that they learn to do the tasks or gain the skills. In Subchapter 2.3, you learnt the
importance of checking the trainee’s understanding. In the following section, you will learn about
ensuring the trainee has the opportunity to ask questions.

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Giving the Trainee the Opportunity to Ask Questions

The trainee must have the opportunity to ask questions. This can save a lot of time and help the trainee
achieve a higher level of competence by the end of their coaching. If they can ask you questions to
clarify their understanding, this saves them from trying to work out the answers independently. It will
likely take longer if they must work out the answers to their questions themselves. Even when the
coaching sessions have finished, there may also be an aspect of the task that they do not fully
You should allow the trainee to ask questions during the coaching sessions. Schedule extra time for
each training session, specifically for questions.
Part of allowing the trainee to ask questions is to make them comfortable asking. You should
encourage them to ask questions. You can directly prompt them to ask questions. You should also
remind them to ask questions if they look unsure at any time. When you have finished demonstrating
the procedure, asking if they have any questions may also be a good time.
To make the trainee comfortable to ask questions, you should take care in how they respond. Many
trainers like to say ‘there are no stupid questions’. This is because it is always better for the trainee to
ask if they are unsure. This is true even if the questions are about something trivial. Small details can
block people’s understanding of a procedure or concept. The trainee must not feel like you judge them
when you answer questions. If they feel like you believe they are silly or incompetent because they
ask questions, they will be unlikely to ask again. Your primary purpose in coaching your colleagues is
to help them learn, not judge them. So, you may want to tell them directly, ‘there are no stupid
In Subchapter 3.1, you will learn about further monitoring the trainee to ensure they have retained
the learning.

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2.6 Provide Constructive Feedback

Feedback is information about reactions, in this case, to a person’s performance of a task or skill. It is
meant to be used as a basis for improvement. Constructive feedback is the feedback that helps the
trainee to progress in their learning. It enables the trainee to build their knowledge and skills. To
understand what constructive feedback is, compare it to destructive feedback. Destructive feedback
only points out faults and feels like an attack on the person getting feedback.
Examples of destructive feedback are as follows:
 ‘You did that incorrectly.’
 ‘You are bad at that.’
 ‘You don't know how to do that.’
Notice that there is no valuable information for the trainee in the above statements. None of the
statements tells them precisely what they did wrong. They do not offer any advice on how to do
anything better. Also, the trainee may feel like these kinds of statements are an attack on them. It will
likely make them feel bad about their performance but not give them any way to improve it.
In contrast, constructive feedback is about giving feedback that will enable the trainee to progress.

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Constructive feedback should be as follows:

 Focus on what you have observed.
Do not make assumptions about why someone has
done something or done it a certain way. Simply note
what you observe.
For example, if a serving attendant is not wiping tables in a restaurant, simply tell them this.
Then tell them how often they should be doing it. You could make assumptions about why the
attendant is not wiping tables often enough. You could assume it was because they were not
focused or not proactive enough. However, you could be wrong about this. The person may
not know it is part of their role or not have noticed that those tables had been used. If you
had told the attendant your assumptions, they might have felt offended.
 Ask the person why they did or did not do it.
It is better to ask the person why they were doing something (or not doing something). This
can give you helpful information that you can use to coach the person. Consider if you found
an attendant had not cleaned tables because they did not realise those tables had been used.
In this case, you can discuss with the attendant how often they should check the tables and
how they keep track of which tables are used.
 Focus on the behaviour, not the person.
This means that you should comment on what the
person is doing, not about them. In the previous
example, you should talk to the attendant about
what they had not done correctly. You should not
make it about the person, especially not to make
negative comments about this.
 Focus on what can be changed.
You may want to sell more beverages in the restaurant, as these have a higher profit margin
than meals. It is more helpful to give your staff strategies that may help cause this change.
This is in contrast to just telling them they should sell more beverages. You could coach them
in upselling drinks to customers. This is something that they can change. They cannot make
people buy drinks; they can only perform actions that make it more likely to occur.
You should give constructive feedback during coaching, not just at the end of a coaching session. It is
more constructive if you correct the trainee while they are attempting a task.

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Giving Feedback in a Supportive Manner

Doing something in a supportive manner means doing
it in a way that provides encouragement or emotional
help. Constructive feedback is intended to help the
trainee improve. However, it works best when you
give them encouragement and emotional support in
the process. Offering practical advice is essential, but
the emotional side is also necessary.
Being supportive in how you give feedback will help the trainee feel more comfortable with you. This
will make them more likely to ask questions if they do not understand something. This will help them
to learn faster.
Also, it is hard for someone to learn if they are feeling anxious or stressed. So, you want to avoid this.
Trainees are likely to feel stressed if they are being coached for performance issues. They may feel like
the fact they are being coached is a criticism or attack on them. So, they may come into the coaching
feeling anxious. People may also feel worried for other reasons. For example, they may feel anxious
to perform well if they are inexperienced in their role. Whatever the reason, it is vital to help them
feel less anxious.
Being supportive will also help them gain confidence in their skills. As they gain confidence, they will
be more willing to try more challenging parts of the task. Again, this helps them learn faster.
There are many ways you can give constructive feedback in a supportive manner. Some of the main
ways are listed below.

Include praise when the trainee has done something well.

Offer encouragement if the trainee is struggling with something.

Focus on the possibility of improvement, not what has gone wrong.

Ensure that your tone of voice and body language are positive.

Remember that destructive feedback is the opposite of constructive feedback. Destructive feedback
is about being negative without being helpful at all. For example, if you said something like, “You
wouldn’t be so bad at this if you practised more.” While it may be true that the trainee needs to
practice more, this is a negative way of phrasing it. This kind of comment can undermine a trainee’s

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Constructive feedback needs to be helpful and framed in a positive way to create a supportive
environment. To do this, you need to give constructive feedback in a supportive manner. For example,
instead of saying the above, you could say, “I think you will improve at this if you practice more.” While
there is an implication that the trainee is not currently giving an adequate performance, it is not
negative. It focuses on the possibility of improvement.
If you were to give feedback in a negative or unsupportive way, you would undermine the feedback's
constructive part. You do not help the trainee gain confidence and improve their skills by being
unsupportive. So, it is not constructive feedback if given in an unsupportive way.

Evaluate the Trainee’s Performance

You need to evaluate the trainee’s performance to give them feedback. To do this, you need to
compare their performance to the objectives identified in Subchapter 2.1. In that subchapter, you
learnt how to identify the objectives of the training. So, you broke the task down into the different
subtasks and knowledge the trainee needed to acquire.
It may be enough for simple tasks to mentally check that the trainee can do all parts of the task.
However, a checklist may be helpful for more complex or critical tasks. Many organisations will have
training checklists for critical tasks. These are to ensure all staff are adequately trained on key tasks.
The trainee and the coach will usually have to sign the checklist.
The most common checklist is for new employees to ensure they have completed all basic training. In
particular, legal requirements, such as WHS training, will be included.

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Below is a checklist form for greeting customers in a restaurant.

Trainer Trainee Date

Signature Signature Completed

Smile when greeting customers

Make eye contact with customers

Welcome guests

Improvised, not scripted conversation

The conversation proceeds at a comfortable

pace, not rushed.

Use appropriate:
 Body language (including hand
 Facial expression
 Tone of voice
 Level of enthusiasm

Conversation and communication style group


When the establishment has a specific way that they want staff to interact with customers, they will
often have a training checklist. This ensures that staff training and performance are consistent in this
area. Usually, checklists will confirm that a trainee has learnt all the relevant parts of a task. Or it will
guarantee that they have learnt a range of tasks.
However, sometimes, the checklist may give a
score for parts of a task, a task, or a skill. These
are often used if training is regularly revised.
The goal will then be for staff to improve their
You will need to use a training checklist if your
organisation uses a training checklist. It can be
a valuable tool to help you plan training as well.
You can use it to help you break up a task into
steps. It is also a checklist to help you cover
what you need in training.

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Using Your Evaluation to Give Constructive Feedback

You need to use your evaluation of the trainee’s performance to give them feedback. Remember, the
feedback must be constructive. The evaluation is about understanding how the trainee is doing and
communicating this to them. To provide them with constructive feedback, you need to give feedback
that will help them improve. So, you evaluate the trainee’s performance to help improve their
performance. This may be through giving them advice on improving or adjusting your coaching.
So, you need to think about what they can do to improve. There are several actions you could suggest
to them:
 You could give them specific advice while they do the task. For example, you notice they are
holding the knife incorrectly, showing them how to do it correctly. You can then ask them to
continue the task while holding the knife, as you have shown.
 Give them suggestions for how they could practice more during their shift. This may not be
obvious to them, or they may feel they need to do it during work time. For example, a trainee
may need to practice setting the table but feel they should be doing some regular cleaning
tasks. If they usually do the cleaning tasks at that time, they will feel they have to do that.
However, you could suggest that these tasks can wait and they can practice setting the tables
 They could watch other staff perform
the task to see how they do it. For
example, you can suggest they pay
attention when other staff are dealing
with demanding customers.
 You could suggest different methods for
them to try. They could then try these
methods during coaching or at another
time during their shift.
 They could review, and quiz themselves, on the written information you have given them. For
example, if they need to memorise drink recipes, you may provide them with a list of recipes.
They can then re-read this and quiz themselves on it. They could use the list itself or even
make flashcards. They can also ask someone else to quiz them.

The learning person needs to retrieve the information they have learnt from their
memory. This is much more effective than just re-reading materials.
For practical skills and tasks, this is also true. They need to retrieve the memory of
the procedure. They also need to build muscle memory for skills.

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You need to tailor your advice to the specific trainee based on their performance. This includes giving
advice and correcting the trainee’s technique along the way. You also need to work towards the
trainee being able to do the whole procedure themselves. This was discussed in Subchapter 2.5 when
spaced repetition was discussed.
While progressing with the spaced repetition, you gradually let the trainee do more and more of the
task by themselves. You need to let them do some of these repetitions without you commenting while
they are doing it. In this situation, you leave your feedback until the end. This is because it allows the
learner to work out their problems. You do not want to jump in with advice every time they are stuck.
Working problems out themselves is an integral part of learning. It is related to memory retrieval,
which has been discussed several times. Sometimes the trainee needs time to remember the next
step of a procedure, and they must get the chance to do this.
You also need to think about adjusting your coaching to help them improve. In particular, adjust how
you demonstrate and explain. If they have been struggling to understand your explanations, try to
explain them differently. This could be using different examples or rewording your explanations.

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Key Points: Chapter 2

 You should start the coaching by explaining the overall purpose of the training.
 You then need to demonstrate and explain specific skills. You need to break down the tasks
or skills into smaller steps.
 You also need to ensure that you use appropriate communication techniques for the
situation. Your communication must be clear.
 Ensure you include the required knowledge the learner needs to know. Check that they
understand what they are learning. You check their understanding by asking them to
demonstrate the skill or task. Also, ask them open questions.
 Integrate organisation procedures into the coaching. Ensure that you are demonstrating
tasks according to organisational procedures.
 The trainee needs enough time to practice their skills. This varies for different people, so
you must adapt the coaching to suit the trainee.
 Allow the trainee to ask questions. Learning is more efficient when the learner can quickly
fill gaps in their understanding.
 Provide the learner with constructive feedback. Constructive feedback is the feedback that
helps the trainee build their skills.

Learning Checkpoint
Now that you have finished this chapter, let’s do some learning exercises.
Get your Learning Activity Booklet provided with this Learner Resource. Complete
the learning activities for this chapter.
For guidance and additional instructions with these activities, talk to your

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Chapter 3: Follow-up Coaching

Coaching does not finish at the end of the coaching session. It continues until the trainee can
confidently and consistently display the required skills or do the required task. The trainee will have
to keep practising to retain or improve their skills. This can be through using those skills in the
workplace. It could also involve additional coaching.
You must ensure that someone will check whether the trainee is still doing the task or skill correctly.
You need to make sure that there is support available to them, to help them do this. This may involve
follow-up training.
The progress of the coaching will often have to be reported. Organisations often have staff training
records, so you will have to report progress for record-keeping.
This chapter will discuss all these topics. It will also discuss how to identify performance or coaching
problems. This is because it is useful to review any of these problems at the end of the coaching
process. You should have some strategies for how to rectify them.
However, if you cannot rectify them yourself, you may have to refer the trainee to someone else.

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3.1 Monitor Progress of New Skills and Provide Support

Competency cannot always be achieved in the time allocated to a coaching session. The trainee will
have to continue practising. Also, the trainee will have to keep practising to retain their knowledge,
even after they are competent in the task or skill.
Practice should constantly be monitored to ensure that staff members perform as required. To
monitor means observing and checking the progress or quality of something over some time. Another
way of saying this is that you will keep it under systematic review. Review means to assess something
to change it if necessary. So, if you are monitoring the trainee's progress, you are observing them and
checking their progress. You will also be providing them with constructive feedback about their
Here, this is specifically about the progress of
their new skills, where the new skills are those
they have learnt in the coaching. You learnt about
their learning progression in the previous
If staff members are not monitored, they may slip
into bad habits or repeat the same mistakes.
While learning is still new, it is easier for the
trainee to lose what they have learnt or make
slight changes to how they do it.
In this subchapter, you will learn what happens when the trainee has acquired the skills or learnt the
tasks they were meant to. You must ensure that the trainee retains what they have learnt at this stage.
Preferably, you will also aim to see their skills progress further. This is what is meant by the progress
of new skills. For example, if the trainee learnt how to do new coffee art in the coaching, you must
ensure they can keep doing this. Preferably, they would also improve those skills over time. This could
involve being able to make the coffee art faster. It may also involve them learning even more styles of
coffee art through experimenting by themselves as they work.
To monitor them effectively, you will need to observe them and check on their progress regularly.
How often you do this will depend on the task and the environment. With the coffee art example, you
do not need to check on the barista often. They are already competent baristas, and this is just an
extra skill to lift the presentation of their work. You can just occasionally check what they are doing.

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However, there are other situations where you may have to check on a staff member more often. For
example, if a staff member has made mistakes on the cash register, you may have to check their
progress more often. It can be a serious issue, so the trainee must learn to avoid the mistakes
There are several techniques you can use to monitor the trainee:
 You can use a checklist to ensure all learning outcomes/competencies are met. Standard lists
provide that all staff are coached to the same standard and that coaching is uniform across
the board. You may use the same checklist as the one you used to evaluate their performance
in coaching.
 You can sometimes question the trainee. This will help you verify the trainee’s level of
understanding of the knowledge underpinning their skills.
 You should make some visual observations. Verify competence by watching the trainee
perform the task.
 It is helpful to use measurable
indicators to assess the impact of the
coaching. For example, they help
check the variance in the cash
 Utilising multiple assessment tools
helps give you a better picture of the
progress of the new skills. This may
involve case studies, roleplaying,
written questions, etc. It may also
involve the other tools listed.
When monitoring the trainee, keep your intentions friendly and genuine. It should continue the
supportive environment created during the initial coaching session. You need to offer supportive
assistance while you are monitoring. To provide supportive assistance, your monitoring must be
effective. This means it needs to identify any issues the trainee may be having. You will assist them
with any problems they are having. These may be issues you have observed yourself through
monitoring. The trainee may also tell you about issues they are having.
For example, the trainee may tell you they have forgotten part of a procedure. They may ask you to
show them again. This could be small, such as asking which button to push on the POS terminal to
open the cash register drawer. However, you may consider organising further coaching sessions if the
trainee needs help during the monitoring phase.

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To give supportive assistance when monitoring, strive to:

 Monitor as regularly as required
 Give constructive feedback
 Check if the trainee has further questions and answer their questions
 Review parts of the coaching, if needed
 Stay up to date on all procedures, tasks, and skills
 Be consistent
 Offer encouragement
This is similar to your approach while providing
constructive feedback during training. You learnt about
this in the previous subchapter. You continue to use the
techniques you learnt there, perhaps more informally.
You may keep using checklists used in training if they are
suitable for continued monitoring. Or you may simply
observe the trainee regularly and note that their progress
is satisfactory.
While monitoring, you also need to remember to be up to date. Some circumstances will change after
you do the coaching with the trainee. You should remember this when you are monitoring the trainee
after training. For example, the chef may have told the trainee to bring the order docket to a different
place in the kitchen. This may have changed since the coaching on order dockets was done. You need
to ensure that you are up to date with any changes in procedure relevant to the coaching you gave.
Make sure that your monitoring stays consistent. Not only should you be monitoring regularly, but
you should be doing so consistently. Ensure that you are evaluating the trainee to the same standards.
Give them constructive feedback consistently. If you are inconsistent in your approach, the trainee
may become confused. For example, if you sometimes comment on a particular mistake but do not
mention it at other times.
It is also important to offer encouragement to the trainee. Remember to complement the trainee
when they do something well. This may seem trivial but is vital for maintaining a positive atmosphere.

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3.2 Report Progress

To report means to give an account of something. This will be something the person giving the report
has observed, done, or investigated. You need to report the progress of the coaching to the
appropriate person.
A report about the progress of the coaching may be done formally or informally. The method used in
each instance will depend on the organisation’s procedures. You should always follow your
organisation's reporting procedures. Reporting is either verbal, written or a combination of the two.
The results may have to be shared with various people.
The appropriate person for you to report to will depend on your
organisation’s procedures. The appropriate people may include:
 Your supervisor
 Management staff
 Staff in the hr department
You may have to inform one person or multiple people. Who you have to
report coaching depends on who has responsibility for keeping records
for this. This is likely the supervisor or manager’s responsibility for smaller
organisations. In a larger organisation, staff within the HR department
may have responsibility for keeping coaching/training records. The
trainee may also receive a copy of the report.
There are a variety of possible ways you may have to report progress.
 You may simply have to report verbally to your supervisor that the coaching has been
completed. This will likely be in smaller organisations and/or where the skills or tasks are not
the most important.
 You may have to complete a written report or record. This could take a variety of forms. It
could simply be in the form of an email that you write to your supervisor. It could also be a
form that you fill in. There may be a checklist for you to fill out and sign to show the trainee
has completed the coaching.
 There may be more formal procedures, such as more formal testing of the trainee’s skills. This
may involve a pre-arranged time for the trainee to be assessed on their skills. There may also
be another staff member present (other than you and the trainee) to check their progress.
This is mainly for critical skills, where the organisation must be sure that staff are entirely
The method you use for reporting will depend on your organisation's procedures and the situation.
The more serious the matter is, the more formal the method is. More serious issues include where a
colleague has been trained for serious performance issues. The other factor impacting this would be
how critical the skill is. A skill that is a legislative requirement is more likely to require a more formal
reporting method.

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These in-house progress reports can be handy tools for recording information that can be used in a
variety of ways, some of which include the following:
 Checking overall skill levels of staff – This entails keeping a current inventory of all in-house
staff skills.
 Ensuring legislative requirements are met – There are some tasks that the organisation must
ensure its staff are trained in, e.g. they must ensure staff have adequate Work Health and
Safety training.
 Additional coaching purposes – Records will help coaches identify additional coaching needs.
They will help supervisors track when additional coaching should be done.
 Future skill development – Records can identify future training/coaching needs. This may be
for individuals, different departments, and the whole organisation.
 Reference for employees – The employee may ask for a reference that includes a report of
their skills progress. Success with learning can benefit an employee’s promotional and future
employment prospects.
 Employee’s staffing record – As staff increase their skill sets, their employee records should
be updated. Their records need to reflect their increased skill level and increased value to the
organisation. This can later translate to an increase in pay for the staff member.
 Statistical purposes – Many establishments like to keep statistics. They may record details
o The number of staff that have been trained in each period
o How much time was spent on training/coaching
o The amount of money allocated to it

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3.3 Identify Performance or Coaching Problems and Refer for Follow Up

Part of the coaching process is to work on improving your coaching. You should review the success of
your coaching. This will include asking the trainee for feedback about your coaching. You should also
review your own coaching. While you are coaching, you should look for signs that the coaching is
ineffective, but a review at the end is also helpful. You should try to identify performance problems
and difficulties with coaching.

3.3.1 Performance Problems and Difficulties With Coaching

Performance problems are problems with performing a task or skill to the required level. This
can apply to either you or the trainee. If you have performance problems with coaching, you
have difficulties with coaching.
If the trainee is having performance problems, this may be due to difficulties in your coaching
method. The performance problems to consider here are those the trainee has while you are
coaching them. Therefore, these two issues are discussed together, as they are deeply
intertwined. The trainee may have been having performance difficulties that may have initiated
coaching. These have already been discussed in Chapter 1, so they will not be discussed again.
Possible causes of performance problems or
difficulties in coaching are:
 Breakdown in communication
 Inappropriate circumstances for
 Insufficient opportunity to practice
 Language or cultural barriers
 Shyness or lack of confidence
We will discuss each of these possible issues below, including how to rectify them.
Breakdown in Communication
A communication breakdown is when people attempt to communicate but fail to exchange
information. A communication breakdown can happen for several reasons. You may not be
explaining and demonstrating in a way the trainee understands. Different people learn in
different ways, and yours may be different from the trainee’s way. If this is the case, you can
try to modify your coaching style. Discuss the communication breakdown with the trainee.
Sometimes people have very different learning/coaching styles. In these situations, it may
sometimes be best to refer the trainee to someone else for coaching, if possible.
Before doing this, you should try multiple methods of explaining to the trainee. Review how you
are communicating with the trainee and see if you can make improvements. Also, ensure they
have had a chance to try the task or skill themselves several times. Most importantly, discuss
the communication breakdown with the trainee.

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Review your own communication process before discussing the communication breakdown
with the trainee. This is so that you have the best possible chance of communicating with them
when discussing it. Check that you follow the advice about communicating in Subchapters 2.2
and 2.3. Use the tips below for overcoming communication barriers. The content of these tips
overlaps with the advice given in Subchapter 2.2. However, these tips are more focused on
improving communication when it is already difficult.
 Pause to process your thoughts.
Think about what you have heard. Take some time to consider how you will respond.
The more emotional you are when someone is speaking, the more critical it is to give
yourself some time to think about what you will say. You may, for example, feel
frustrated that the trainee cannot replicate a step you have shown them during
coaching. It may be best to show them again later, even in the next coaching session.
Then you can have time to think of another way to explain or show them what you want
them to do.
 Check your understanding of what the person said.
You can ask if your understanding of what they said is correct. It is best to ask this
differently from how they said it initially. So, you can paraphrase or completely reword
what they said and turn it into a question. For example, consider a situation where you
are coaching someone to help them learn to chop vegetables faster. The person may
say, “I understand sharpening the knife, but not how my chopping is wrong.” Since you
have not seen them sharpen a knife, you might ask, “So, are you able to sharpen the
 Ensure that you are communicating in a meaningful way.
o When you are encouraging the trainee,
make sure you are genuine. Do not give
empty compliments. Find something
you can genuinely be optimistic about,
no matter how small. If you give empty
encouragements, the trainee may start
to realise this. They will then not trust
what you say when you give genuine
o Avoid asking the usual questions people use in small talk. This is related to what
you learnt about asking open questions in Subchapter 2.3. You want to ask
questions that will engage the trainee and make them think about their
response. Avoid questions like, “How are you going so far.” The trainee will
likely give a one-word answer, like “good”. This does not give you helpful
Keep this in mind when you are discussing the communication breakdown with the trainee.
You need to make an extra effort to overcome communication barriers. There are
communication barriers to overcome if the communication has broken down.

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You may also want to do something similar with them. Use different examples of how an
explanation is presented and ask them which is easier to understand. This may help you to
understand their learning style.

You will need to discuss the communication breakdown with the trainee. Find a comfortable
space where you can have an uninterrupted conversation. It does not have to be a long
conversation, but there are some topics you should cover.
The main things to discuss are the below topics.
 Work out the reason for the communication breakdown.
o This is not about assigning blame but finding the cause or causes. Focus on
behaviour and circumstances, not on blaming anyone.
o Ask the trainee what they think the reason may be. Discuss what you think the
reason is and try to reach an agreement. If you cannot reach an agreement,
move on to suggestions for overcoming it.
o If you agree on a reason, use this as a starting point to determine how to
overcome it. For example, the trainee may tell you that you demonstrate too
quickly, and they cannot see what you are doing.
 Find strategies to help overcome it. Ask the trainee for suggestions and offer your
o Try to base the suggestions on the likely reasons for communication
o Even if you disagree on the communication breakdown, develop ideas for
improving communication.

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Try some ideas for overcoming the breakdown. Use the trainee’s suggestions, so long as they
are reasonable. Implement the recommendations in several coaching sessions. If you continue
to have the same communication issues, you may have to refer the trainee to someone else.
See the final section in this chapter to learn about this.

Inappropriate Circumstances for Coaching

Inappropriate circumstances are circumstances that are not suitable or proper for the purpose.
If they are unsuitable for coaching, they are not fit or proper for coaching. For example, a new
trainee at the bar is being shown how to make drinks during a busy Saturday night shift. This
would be an environment where it is too difficult for the trainee to learn these skills. It could
even be hard for the trainee to hear your explanations.
So, circumstances could be inappropriate for coaching if there are too many distractions. They
would also be inappropriate if the coaching interferes with the running of the business. For
example, if you are trying to teach someone to mix drinks at the bar while the bar is busy. You
would then be in the way of the bar staff.
If you do not have the resources you need for coaching, you would also have inappropriate
circumstances. For example, if you needed to coach someone in preparing a meal that required
a stove, you would need to be in the kitchen for this.
To rectify this, you need to find appropriate circumstances for coaching. This may mean finding
another coaching place and/or rescheduling a training session. It could also mean that you need
to get or even acquire the appropriate tools for the task. In the example where staff were being
trained to use a new register, they would not be able to learn this properly until the register
had arrived.

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If you do not have an appropriate environment for coaching in your workplace, you may have
to refer the trainee to someone else. The trainee may have to be trained by an external
provider. Or someone else may be able to create an appropriate environment. This could mean
they can order equipment that you cannot order. Another staff member may also be able to
coach the trainee at a time that is more appropriate for the coaching. Refer to the last section
of this chapter for information on referring the trainee.

Insufficient Opportunity to Practice

If the trainee has not been given enough opportunity to practice, they will not be able to learn
what they need to be able to do. Everyone learns at a different pace and in a different way. So,
you must be patient with the person you are coaching. If the trainee is struggling to learn what
you are coaching them in, you should provide them with further opportunities to practice.
You should also vary the ways you allow them to practice. For example, sometimes it may be
better to let them attempt the whole task, even though they struggle with some parts of it.
They may be stuck on a certain step. Sometimes, going through the entire process can make
the parts make more sense. For example, the trainee may understand why some of the later
steps are done by doing the whole process. This is likely to help them remember the earlier
Providing the opportunity to practice skills was discussed in Subchapter 2.5. Review this
subchapter to remind yourself how to provide sufficient opportunity to practice. If you cannot
offer the trainee enough chance to practise, you may have to refer the trainee to someone who
can. This could be another staff member who has more time to coach them. It could also be to
an external training provider.

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Language or Cultural Barriers

Language and cultural communication barriers were defined in Subchapter 2.2. In this section,
you will learn about rectifying language and cultural barriers. First, you should follow the advice
in section 2.2 to avoid or minimise these, as they affect communication. The following video
gives a quick overview of this advice.

These videos provide information on
effective cross-cultural communication, its
barriers and tips on how to overcome them.
Effective Cross Cultural Communication 101
Cultural barriers at work - How to overcome

The video briefly reviewed avoiding or minimising cultural barriers to communication. However,
these strategies may not be enough. Sometimes there may be a communication breakdown
anyway. If this happens, you can refer to the earlier section in this chapter on communication
breakdown. You can use some general strategies to address the communication breakdown.
Note that checking the person’s understanding is particularly useful if language and/or cultural
barriers exist.
If you have tried to follow the above advice but find the issue still occurs, you may have to try
other strategies to rectify the situation.

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It may help if you do the following:

 Gain more understanding of the other person’s cultural and/or language background.
You may want to research online or ask people you know about the culture/language.
This could help you understand what is causing the issues.
 Ask someone else to help.
o This is particularly helpful if another staff member has relevant language or
cultural knowledge. For example, if someone has the same first language as the
trainee. However, sometimes another individual’s personal communication
style may suit the trainee better.
o Sometimes the difference may be in how people of different authority levels
communicate. In some cultures, it may be inappropriate for someone to ask
questions of someone who has a higher level of authority than them. So, a staff
member at a similar level of authority to the trainee may be more able to get
them to ask questions.

 Check if the trainee has communication difficulties. For example, their English skills may
be an issue if they are hard to hear.
o Try to adapt to the trainee’s communication difficulties. For example, if they
are hard of hearing, see if speaking louder is enough.
o If you are concerned that the trainee’s English language skills are the issue, you
may need to address this. Be careful about this, as you should not bring this up
until you are sure it is the issue. Make sure you have interacted with them
enough to have a good idea of their level of English. Also, check with someone
else who has interacted a lot with the trainee. If you are sure this is the issue,
you may refer them to further coaching. Depending on the issue, they may take
English classes outside work or get extra coaching at work.

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o Also, check if you have communication difficulties yourself. For example, your
accent may be hard to understand for the trainee. Even if you have a standard
Australian accent, this can be difficult for some people to understand. If
someone has learnt to speak another type of English, the Australian accent may
be difficult to understand. It tends to sound fast and as if it has poor enunciation
to speakers of other varieties of English. Slowing down when you speak and
trying to enunciate can be helpful—enunciating means to clearly speak so that
you sound out all the parts of the words. Australian English speakers often cut
off words and use a lot of slang. While your trainee may be fine with everyday
communication in Australian English, it may be hard to learn new concepts in
 Remember, your own language and culture play a role in this. Language and cultural
barriers are due to differences in language and culture. It is not due to the language or
culture of any particular person. So, you need to consider how your language and
culture may affect communication. Think about what expectations you have about how
people communicate.

 Discuss the difficulties with the trainee. Tell them how you see the communication
difficulties. For example, tell them if you have difficulty understanding what they are
saying. Ask them what they think you two can do about the communication difficulties.
Make sure that you are listening actively to their suggestions.
If none of these strategies works, you may have to refer the trainee to someone else. This could
be either to another staff member or to external training.

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Shyness or Lack of Confidence

Generally, people who feel more nervous
in a situation are more likely to be shy. This
is why shyness can be related to a lack of
confidence. Confidence is a feeling or belief
in one’s own abilities or qualities. Lack of
confidence means a person lacks this belief
in themselves. If a person is not confident
in a situation, they are more likely to be
nervous and shy. A person may lack
confidence in themselves generally or
concerning specific tasks.
Shyness and lack of confidence will create similar issues in coaching situations.
If the trainee is experiencing one or both of these, several issues may occur:
 The trainee may have difficulty engaging in conversation.
o They are likely to be reluctant to ask questions. In this situation, you may have
to work harder to engage them. For example, you may have to ask more
questions to get them to engage in conversation. You may also have to check
more carefully if they are learning. They may not tell you if there is something
they do not follow.
o They may speak softly, making them difficult to understand. You may want to
ask them to speak up if you have difficulty understanding them. However, they
may struggle to do this. You may have to work on this, as you help them
generally build their confidence and help them feel comfortable.
 The trainee may be reluctant to attempt tasks.
o They may try to avoid attempting tasks. This is likely to avoid looking foolish or
inept if they lack confidence. If they are shy, they may simply not want someone
watching them. It can be an excellent idea to let them attempt the task while
you are not watching them. You could do something else during the coaching
session while they quickly practice the task. If it is suitable for the task, it may
be helpful if they can be allowed to practice it by themselves outside of
coaching sessions.
o They may try to rush through tasks to get them over with. If they are nervous
about doing a task in front of someone, this is a way of minimising it. You can
use the above advice to let them get some practice without someone watching.
You can also get them to slow down by doing the task in shorter steps.

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 The trainee may have trouble listening and taking information in.
o This is particularly likely if the trainee is very nervous. Being nervous can make
it harder for someone to concentrate. Therefore, it will be harder for them to
learn. You need to make an extra effort to make the trainee feel comfortable.
In general, if the trainee is experiencing shyness, you need to make them feel comfortable. If
they lack confidence, you need to try to build their confidence.
Tips for making a trainee more comfortable are as follows:
 The trainee may be more comfortable if they are not the only one being coached. If
other staff are also being coached, the focus will be less on them. This may make it
easier for them to relax.
 Try to downplay any power gap between you. People are often shyer if they deal with
someone they feel has more authority than them. The wider the power gap is, the more
likely they will feel this way. So, play this down. Make sure you speak to the person like
an equal and ask them to use your first name.
 Ensure that your tone of voice and body language are friendly. You should try to create
a supportive environment and avoid too much tension. You may have had a bad day at
work, but the trainee may think it is about them if you show stress.
 Pay attention to how the trainee reacts to you. There may be aspects of your body
language or how you say something that the trainee is reacting to. For example, some
shy people may be more intimidated by expressive body language or a loud voice. Try
to modify this if that is happening.
 If they are nervous, it can be a good idea to let them know this is understandable. You
may want to share a situation where you were nervous about learning. Tell them how
you overcame this.

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Tips for making a trainee gain confidence are as follows:

 Start with easy tasks or part of a skill. Start by showing them something you think they
will succeed at quickly. Some quick wins can help them build confidence.
 Prepare well for your coaching. If you have procedures broken down into digestible
steps, it will be easier for the trainee to learn. The easier it is for them to learn, the more
likely they will gain confidence.
 Give the trainee extra opportunities to practice. The more times the trainee can do a
task or practice a skill successfully, the more confident they will feel.
If you have tried everything you can, but the issue does not improve, you may have to refer the
trainee to someone else. They may simply not be very comfortable with you. This may not be
your fault. There could just be something about the situation that triggers their shyness or lack
of confidence. Or, they could have issues with this in general. You may need to refer them to
another staff member or for external training.

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3.3.2 Refer to Appropriate Person for Follow-up

You may have to refer the colleague you have been coaching to someone else for a follow-up.
This could involve follow-up coaching for the trainee. You may also need some extra coaching
yourself. This could be on your coaching method or how you handled the specific coaching.
If the trainee is to receive extra coaching, it may be helpful for them to receive this from another
staff member. You need to consider the issue to refer the trainee to the appropriate person.
For example, a waiter having difficulty describing the new menu to customers might be asked
to speak to the chef. The chef can briefly explain the ingredients and methods of cooking to the
waiter. In turn, it may be suggested that if the waiter has further questions about the menu, he
can approach the chef in future.
The reasons to choose to refer the trainee to another staff
member include the following:
 The staff member has knowledge that you do not. This
is the case in the example above, where the trainee was
referred to the chef.
 The staff member has more time to coach the trainee
than you do. The trainee needs more coaching, but you
do not have time to offer enough.
 The staff member can better communicate with the
trainee than you are.
 You want the trainee to experience a different approach to coaching. This could be
because the trainee has difficulty learning. You may be having communication issues
but not have been able to resolve them. You may not even be sure what the problem
is, but you feel a fresh approach may help. You do not want to keep trying the same
approach if it is not working. If you think you have been attempting to modify your
approach as much as possible, it may be good to let someone else try. As mentioned
previously, people’s learning and coaching styles sometimes do not match well.
When you refer the trainee to another staff member, you can usually discuss this with the staff
member. However, you may have to speak to a supervisor or manager if rostering issues are
involved. This would be the case where the coaching takes a significant amount of time and
takes the new coach away from other duties. It may also require moving the trainee’s shift to
match the new coach's shifts.

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If you are referring the trainee to someone, there are other factors to consider:
 Will your organisation be paying for the training?
o If you are responsible for this in your budget, you will have to check if it will fit
in your budget. Otherwise, you will have to ask the person who is.
o If the trainee is to pay for their training, you will need to check if they are willing
to. If it is required training for their job, they will have to. However, if it is not,
and they are unwilling to, you may have to consider other options. You may
help them find more affordable training or consider a mix of internal and
external training.
 Will the trainee be allowed to do the training during work hours? If so, you may have
to organise for someone else to do their shift while they are training. If not, they will
have to organise their time themselves.
 Is there suitable training available? If you have told that trainee to do extra training,
you should discuss the options with the trainee. If they have suggested training
themselves, they may present you with some options. You will then check these to see
if they look suitable.
Once you have referred the trainee to someone else for coaching, you should check in on them
after the coaching should have occurred. Check that the coaching was successful. Ask the new
coach if the trainee has learnt what they need to for an internal referral. If external referral,
check with the trainee if they completed the training. They can show you a certificate of
completion, if available.

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Key Points: Chapter 3

 You need to monitor the progress of the trainee’s new skills. You need to ensure they
retain their skills. Try to help them to improve those skills over time further.
 Report the progress of the coaching to the appropriate person in your organisation. This
may involve keeping records of the coaching.
 Identify performance or coaching problems. You should look out for them during the
training and try to rectify them as soon as possible.
 Possible performance and coaching problems are:
o Breakdown in communication
o Inappropriate circumstances for coaching
o Insufficient opportunity to practice
o Language or cultural barriers
o Shyness or lack of confidence

Learning Checkpoint
Now that you have finished this chapter, let’s do some learning exercises.
Get your Learning Activity Booklet provided with this Learner Resource. Complete
the learning activities for this chapter.
For guidance and additional instructions with these activities, talk to your

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“The world rewards

those who take
responsibility for
their own success.”
Curt Gerrish

A business needs to ensure that staff receive the coaching they need. To carry out on-the-job coaching,
you need to prepare for the coaching before starting. Prepare by identifying the need for coaching.
Once you know who needs to be trained and why they need to learn, you can identify specific coaching
needs. The specific coaching needs are what an individual trainee needs to learn specific skills or tasks.
You adapt the coaching to meet the specific training needs.
First, you need to explain the overall purpose of the unit to the trainee. The coaching will include how
you use communication techniques to explain and demonstrate skills to the trainee. It will also include
communicating the required knowledge. Checking the trainee’s understanding is also necessary. You
need to ensure that your coaching matches the organisational procedures. This includes
demonstrating the tasks according to organisational procedures.
Explaining and demonstrating to the trainee is not enough. You also need to allow them to practice
their skills and ask questions. You also need to provide them with constructive feedback. These are
important for the trainee to progress. Follow-up coaching so that the trainee retains and improves
their skills.

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These are some references that we feel may be of assistance to you in completing the Assessment for
this unit of competency:
• Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code - Standard 3.2.2 - Food Safety Practices and
General Requirements (Australia Only) (Cth).
• Chabber. (2017, November 8). How to be a good waiter: How to carry a tray [Video].
• Commonwealth of Australia. (2021, March 22). Regulatory guide - Duties of workers.
• Commonwealth of Australia. (2021, December 23). Restrictions, lockdowns and stay at home
orders. Department of Health.

• Cross Cultural Communication. (2017, December 22). Effective Cross Cultural Communication
101 [Video]. YouTube.

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• Food Standards Australia New Zealand. (2015, August). Food safety standards (Australia
• Maynard, D. (2013, October 4). Employee Training - Needs Assessment [Video]. YouTube.
• Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Vic).

• Pedro Porto.(2021, March 22). Cultural barriers at work - How to overcome them? [Video].

• Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (ACT).

• Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Cth).

• Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Qld).
• Work Health and Safety Act 2011 No 10 (NSW).

• Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (SA).

• Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (Tas).
• Work Health and Safety Act 2020 (WA).
• Work Health and Safety (National Uniform Legislation) Act 2011 (NT).

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