Factory Cleaning
Factory Cleaning
Factory Cleaning
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Narumol Matan
Petroleum Lipid
Type of Soil Soil Subclass Examples
Soluble in acid
Sugar Soluble in water Easy Caramelizes and becomes
difficult to remove
Fat Insoluble in water Difficult Molecules join together
and become difficult to
Soluble in water
Protein Insoluble in water Very difficult Molecules change shape
(denature) and become
very difficult to remove
Slightly soluble in
Soluble in alkali
How to clean?
Type of Soil Cleaning Compound
Organic soil
Bromine compounds
Quaternary ammonium compounds
Acid Sanitizers
◼ Organic acid ex acetic, peroxyacetic, lactic,
propionic, formic acids
◼ pH (significant)
◼ Peroxyacetic acid
Sanitizers (Others)
◼ Acid-Quat Sanitizers
◼ Ozone
◼ Glutaraldehyde
Cleaning cost
% of cost
Labor 46.5
Water and sewage 19.0
Energy 8.0
Cleaning compounds and 6.0
Corrosion damage 1.5
Miscellaneous 19.0
◼ Mechanical abrasives (เครื่ องมือสำหรับขัด) เช่น steel,
wool, copper chore balls
◼ Water Hoses
◼ Brushes (แปรง)
◼ Scrapers & squeegees (เครื่ องขูดและไม้กวำดยำง)
◼ High-pressure water pumps
◼ Steam guns
◼ High-pressure steam
◼ Hot-water wash
Cleaning out of place (COP)