Bee Unit4 Lecture2
Bee Unit4 Lecture2
Bee Unit4 Lecture2
Rotor Resistance: Since the rotor winding is made of some conducting material
(copper or aluminium), it has a definite resistance (R= ρl/a). Its value remains
constant and is denoted by R2.
Rotor Reactance: Whole of the flux produced by the rotor currents does not link
with the stator winding. The part of rotor flux which links the rotor conductors but
not with the stator winding is called leakages flux and hence develops leakage
inductance (L2). Then
Rotor reactance, X2 = 2π fr L2 = 2π sf L2 = s (2π f L2)
fr = rotor frequency = sf (slip*stator frequency)
L2 = leakage inductance
Rotor Impedance:
Rotor impedance, = R2 +j X2 = R2 + j sX2s
Magnitude of rotor impedance,
Rotor Current and Power Factor:
The rotor circuit diagram of an induction motor is shown in Fig-7
The above equation gives convenient form of rotor ezuivalent circuit as shown in
The resistance R 2/s is a function of slip and can be split into two parts
and R2 represents rotor resistance. The final simplified equivalent circuit for rotor
shown in Fig-9.
Rotor Torque:
The torque T developed by the rotor is directly proportional to (i) rotor current (ii)
rotor e.m.f. and (iii) power factor of the rotor circuit
T E2I2 cos2 (1)
or T = K E2I2 cos2 (2)
where I2 = rotor current at standstill
E2 = rotor e.m.f. at standstill
cos2 = rotor p.f. at standstill
Torque under Running condition (T)
𝑠𝐸2 𝑅2
Substitute Rotor current, 𝐼2 = and Power factor, 𝑐𝑜𝑠2 = in
𝑅22 + 𝑠 2 𝑋22 𝑅22 + 𝑠 2 𝑋22
From above equation, the running torque is proportional to the square of supply
voltage because rotor induced emf E 2 is proportional to supply voltage.
Starting Torque (Ts)
At start rotor is stationary and so the slip the slip, s = 1.0 and the staring torque may be
obtained by substituting s = 1.0 in eq. (3)
𝐾𝐸22 𝑅2
𝑇𝑠𝑡 = (4)
𝑅22 + 𝑋22
Generally, the stator supply voltage is constant, so the rotating flux set up by the
stator current and rotor induced emf E 2 are also constant.
𝐾1 𝑅2
So, 𝑇𝑠𝑡 = where K1 is another constant
𝑅22 + 𝑋22
𝑠 𝑅2 𝑅2 𝑅2
Torque will be maximum when or 𝑅2
or 𝑅2 is maximum viz
𝑅22 + 𝑠 2 𝑋22 2 + 𝑠𝑋 2 − 𝑋2 𝑠 + 2𝑅2 𝑋2
𝑠 2 𝑠
− 𝑋2 𝑠 =0 or s= R2/X2
1. These motors have low starting torque (1.5 to 2 times the full-load torque) with
large starting current (5 to 9 times the full-load current). Their power factor is also
2. Speed cannot be controlled comfortably.
3. These motor are very sensitive to supply voltage fluctuations.
4. During starting, there is more energy loss in comparison to slip-ring induction
Therefore these motors are not used where frequent starting is required.
Slip-ring Induction Motors
1. In these motors, external resistance can be added in the rotor circuit at start.
Hence heavy starting torque at low starting current can be obtained. The maximum
torque can be obtained at the start by making rotor resistance equal to standstill
rotor reactance (i.e., R2= X2S).
2. Speed of the motor can be controlled or adjusted as per need by simply inserting
external resistance in the rotor circuit.
1. Cost of construction is high comparatively.
2. Rotor copper losses are more in these motors and hence the efficiency is low in
comparison to squirrel cage induction motors.
3. The size of these motors is larger due to overhang or rotor winding and slip-rings.
4. Repair and maintenance charges of these motors are more because of slip -rings
and brushes.
5. Because of overhang of rotor winding and slip-rings larges fans cannot be
accommodated which affects its cooling.