Abstract: Students in Zambia just like any other place in the world do disengage from their respective
Secondary Schools upon completion of their School tenure or other reasons as transfers or any such
thing. And before they can be allowed to completely disengage from their respective Secondary
School, they are required to undergo a thorough clearance process which is aimed at determining
their status whether they owe the School anything worth of return such as , unpaid fees, mattresses,
books, and many other such items in order to successfully permit them to disengage. A clearance
form is given to such students where all parties represented on the form are required to clear the
student up to the final authority who mainly happens to be the School Head Teacher. This is common
among students that have satisfied the academic requirement and go back to their former Secondary
Schools to get their statements of results or school certificates. The process of student clearance
involves many parties such as Boarding, Faculty, Bursary, Library, and Sports, Examinations
etcetera after which the student is allowed to collect their School certificate or given transfer for
those under transfer to other Schools. The aim of this project is to design and implement a web-based
clearance system for Pamodzi Combined Secondary School dabbed “Secondary School Clearance
System (SSCS)”, a web-based information system using the Hypertext Pre-processor (PHP) for server
scripting, JavaScript, Cascading Style Sheet (CSS), Apache and MySQL for database implementation
and help create a central repository for students to be cleared. Hopefully, this system will mitigate
and subsequently eliminate the challenges usually incurred in the manual clearance system thereby
increasing the overall application throughput, performance and enhanced institution decision
making. Among the essential system modules are the Login Module, Add Learner, Make Clearance,
and Administer Module. The administrator creates users using the Administer Module.
Keywords: Clearance, System, Web-based, Academic Requirements, Central Repository.
Paper-ID: CFP/952/2018
1.0 INTRODUCTION school in 2017 to offer both primary and
Students in Zambia do disengage from their secondary school education.
respective Secondary Schools upon In a secondary school like Pamodzi Combined
completion of their School tenure or other School, there is need for an automated method
reasons as transfers or any such thing. And of keeping data, more so a greater need for an
before they can be allowed to completely online school clearance system. Such a system
disengage from their Secondary School, alleviates the various problems and stress
students are required to undergo a thorough involved in the manual method of clearing
clearance process which is aimed at students. Moreover, the issue of delayed
determining their status whether they owe their service delivery processes is because
School something worth of return such as , of mobility to complete the tedious manual
unpaid fees, mattresses, books, and many other process of clearance, which the system
such items in order to successfully permit them intended to curtail.
to disengage. (JICA, 2014). 1.2 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY
A clearance form is given to such students Essentially, the aim of this project was to
where all parties represented on the form are design and implement a web-based clearance
required to clear the students up to the final system for Pamodzi Combined Secondary
authority who mainly happens to be the School School dabbed “Secondary School Clearance
head teacher. This is common among students System (SSCS)”. A web-based information
who have satisfied the academic requirement system using the Hypertext Pre-processor
going back to their former Secondary Schools (PHP) for server scripting, JavaScript,
going to get their statements of results or Cascading Style Sheet (CSS), Apache and
certificates. The process of student clearance MySQL for database implementation and help
involves many parties such as Boarding, create a central repository for students to be
Bursary, Library, and Sports, Examinations cleared.
etcetera after which the student is allowed to This system mitigates and subsequently
collect their School certificate or given transfer eliminates the challenges usually incurred in
for those under transfer to other Schools. the manual clearance system thereby
1.1 Background of study increasing the overall application throughput,
Pamodzi Combined Secondary School is a performance and help in institution decision-
public secondary school in Ndola district of the making processes. Among the essential
copper belt province of Zambia approved by modules will be the Login Module, Clearance
the ministry of education in the year 1976 as a Registration Module, Cleared/Not Cleared
Primary School and upgraded to a secondary Module, and Administer Module.
Paper-ID: CFP/952/2018
The system administrator is responsible for research made in relevance to the project topic.
user creation using the administer module. Many researchers have made some findings on
The project had such objectives as: how this problem could be solved and achieve the
▪ To provide a borderless access system objective of the subject.
to effectively and efficiently process An Online clearance system is an internet-based
student clearance, work that would help ease the queuing system in
▪ To ensure prompt clearance, the university's clearance process. In their
▪ To assuage the problems, frustrations, elaborate journal (Usman Opeyemi Lateef and
and stress of student looping and Olusanya Olayinka O, 2016), highlighted that
queuing up during clearance, and when well implemented the online clearance
▪ Provide a reliable and transparent system would build an effective information
system devoid of personal management that is very convenient to use for
inclinations and possible interests Schools since it is internet based and can be
during the clearance processes. accessed from anywhere. Such a system replaces
1.3 SCOPE OF THE STUDY the manual method of clearance for graduating
This project was limited to the students and that also help students to carry out
development and implementation of a web- their clearance without coming to the various
based clearance system for Pamodzi offices for clearance. To (Agbo-Ajala O. and
Combined Secondary School in Ndola in Makinde O. E, 2015), the design for this software
Zambia. The classes of individuals likely to at a big institution such as a university would
benefit from this project are students, staff serve as a more reliable and effective means of
and faculty members, administrators, undertaking students clearance, remove all forms
parents and guardians and other of delay and stress as well as enable you to
stakeholders of Pamodzi Combined understand the procedure involved, as well as
Secondary School. This system supports how to do your clearance online.
the easy and timely access to needed In almost every institution found in different
information between students, staff and parts of the world, when a person is about to
faculty members and administration, and disengage from an institution, one undergoes a
proper tracking and enhanced security of clearance process to determine the persons status,
student clearance records and information. whether he/she will be permitted to disengage. If
2 LITERATURE SURVEY the person is free to disengage, then he/she will
This section focuses on many related literatures be issued a clearance. To such scholars as (Agbo-
that covers the broad framework from which the Ajala O. and Makinde O. E, 2015), Clearance is
research was done. The essence of this review a certificate giving permission for something to
therefore is to make known of some other be done. In higher institutions of learning, final
Paper-ID: CFP/952/2018
year students that have satisfied the academic School management seeing that all
requirements to graduate are required to undergo transactions or payments with regards to
a clearance process before they can successfully student clearance can be carried out online.
be allowed to disengage from the university. The (Awuzie, 2013).
process of clearing involves the Student’s
academic department, Faculty, Bursary, Students 3.1 SYSTEM ANALYSIS
Affairs, Library, Hostel, Sport department, A. System Analysis
Health Centre and Registry (Exams and The systems analysis methodology for
Records). A student is allowed to collect his/her developing and implementing the students’
graduation certificate only after he/she has been clearance system is presented below. It is
cleared. (Umezinwa Chukwuebuka Ben et al, adopted from the software engineering project
2015), designed an online clearance system models adopted from the traditional System
which was intended to help build an effective Development Life Cycle (SDLC). It is broken
information management for Schools especially down into the following stages: Requirement
for making clearance after graduation. Gathering, Design, Programming,
Their designed software would serve as a more Implementation and testing, and Maintenance.
reliable and effective means of undertaking I.General analysis of the Existing System
students’ clearance, removing all forms of Students in Zambia do disengage from their
delay and stress as well as enable involved respective Secondary Schools upon
parties understand the procedures involved as completion of their School tenure or other
well as how to do their clearance online. reasons as transfers or any such thing. And
The online Student Clearance System would before they can be allowed to completely
be able to manage student’s clearance process disengage from their Secondary School,
across all the departments and units and students are required to undergo a thorough
eliminate the weakness of the manual process clearance process which is aimed at
which mainly lack centralize repository for the determining their status whether they owe their
clearance process. In manual systems the School something worth of return such as ,
clearance process is slow, clumsy and unpaid fees, mattresses, books, and many other
stressful. Therefore, the clearance application such items in order to successfully permit them
can be used for recording and certifying that a to disengage. (JICA, 2014).
student is cleared to disengage or not. The The responsible parties grant clearance forms
clearance applications are recorded and the to such students where all parties represented
status can be determined at any point in time. on the form are required to clear the students
Ultimately, the online clearance system once up to the final authority who mainly happens
developed would offer greater opportunities in to be the School head teacher. This is common
Paper-ID: CFP/952/2018
among students who have satisfied the • Loss of some vital documents as the
academic requirement going back to their filing system is manual,
former Secondary Schools going to get their • Damage of document due to fire or rain
statements of results or certificates. The incident,
process of student clearance involves many • Illegal removal of forms by fraudulent
parties such as Boarding, Faculty, Bursary, staff leading to insecurity and
Library, and Sports, Examinations etcetera • Take a lot of time to retrieve a
after which the administration allows the particular clearance form(s).
student to collect their School certificate or II. Proposed System
given transfer for those under transfer to other The proposed system in this write-up is
Schools. expected to be better than the succeeding ones
The current clearance system used by Pamodzi in terms of speed, features etc. All the
Secondary School is manually d' one. This criticized points (limitations) in the existing
makes the system tedious and time consuming. systems will be handled. The need for the new
Here, a student has to visit all the clearance system is to work and solve the limitations
offices with a clearance form for them to sign, discovered in the previous systems. The new
once this form is signed by all the necessary proposed Student clearance System was
parties, it becomes proof that the student has implemented in order to solve the challenges
been cleared, the process takes much time to be faced in the manual way of Final year
completed and processes a lot of stress to both clearance in our higher institution of learning.
staffs and the students involved. In the manual We design the new system to solve the
system, the file cabinet hubs the documented problems affecting the manual system in use.
clearance forms. The school initializes a search It is designed to be used online thereby
operation in the file cabinet each time they relieving the administrators, staff and students
need the clearance form to locate a particular from much stress as experienced from the
student clearance form. manual system. This does the analysing and
The current system is associated with the storing of information either automatically or
following problems: interactively, it makes use of online access to
• Delay in processing clearance forms, internet. The system also has some other
• Unavailability of some key staffs while features like:
processing some clearance forms, • Accuracy in handling of data,
which leads the students or their • Fast rate of operation and excellent
guardians repeatedly visiting a response time,
particular office in order to sign their
clearance form(s),
Paper-ID: CFP/952/2018
• Flexibility (i.e.) it can be accessed at of a new user by authorizing his user
any time, account.
• Easy way of back up or duplicating ii. Non-functional requirements: These kinds
data in varied storage media in case of of requirements are sometimes called
data loss, constraints of the system. Non-functional
• Better storage and faster retrieval requirements denote limits of the system and
system, and its expected behavior. They do not impact the
shall record a database of user accounts. • Reliability: The system must not
There are three types of users. The unit contain errors making some system
clearance officer (users) use the student functionalities unavailable or errors disturbing
clearance system for either posting the the user while working with the system.
students status or making the iii. Design Requirements: The system
enquiries/printing reports. The other user must work in a form of online web
is the student users who register in the application. Records deleted in the system
system to be cleared, are able to create shall be kept in the database.
and edit some information in their iv. Implementation Requirements:
clearance record. The third classes of The system must be implemented in PHP 7.0.
users are technical users like the system The presentation layer of the system has to be
administrator who will be creating new, implemented in HTML (version 5.7)
editing, and deleting a user. Framework. The database for the system
Paper-ID: CFP/952/2018
Figure 1: SSCS Login Screen
Figure 1 is a representation of the SSCS login screen. The system prompts the user to supply their authentication details.
If the credentials match with the information stored on the database, the system permits the user to carry out an operation.
Notably, the system does not leave room for autocomplete filling. This is an added authentication feature to ensure
system and data integrity and confidentiality.
Figure 2 illustrates how the privileged teacher can add the student at point of reporting at Pamodzi
combined secondary school. The teacher takes and records all the necessary details as shown in figure
Paper-ID: CFP/952/2018
Figure 3: SSCS Create Account Screen
Figure 3 demonstrates how the administrator activates user accounts. The admin user creates the users
and provides the needed information as per figure 2 which then need activation. He does this at the
time administration gives them power to do so. The full names, age and class identifies each student.
Each user can only do what the administrator specifies on the account. We do this to avoid chances
of unauthorized user privilege escalation leading to defying of some key elements of information
Paper-ID: CFP/952/2018
Figure 3 demonstrates how the system handles the student clearance operation. The systems provide
space to select items the student owes the school. Administrators do this at the time of the student’s
exit from a particular school.
i. Student Registration Form Database Date VARCHAR 10
Structure Date of birth DATE
NAME NAME address
Surname VARCHAR 20 Comment VARCHAR 300
First name VARCHAR 20
Other names VARCHAR 20 Table 2: Student Clearance database
Gender VARCHAR 6
Registration VARCHAR 13 Table 2 is an illustration of the backend
database structure for student clearance.
Level VARCHER 10
Date of Birth VARCHER 10 The requirement needed to implement this
Year VARCHAR 4 system is as follows:
Duration INTERGER 10 a. Hardware Requirement
For the effective operation of the newly
Table 1: Student registration database
structure designed system, we recommend the following
minimum hardware specifications:
Table 1 gives the structure of the backend
database structure during student registration. • The computer system in use should be
IBM compatible (clone systems),
ii. Student Clearance Database
• The Random-Access Memory (RAM)
should be at least 2 GB,
FIELD DATATYPE FIELD • The system should have a hard disk of at
NAME SIZE least 120GB and at least a CD-ROM drive
of high density,
Surname VARCHAR 20
• The system should be equipped with an
First name VARCHAR 20 E.G.A/V.G. A, a colored monitor,
Other names VARCHAR 20 • An uninterruptible power supply (UPS)
Gender VARCHAR 6 units, and
• It should be internet ready.
Registration VARCHAR 13
Notice here that these listed configurations are
the minimum requirement. The higher the
Library VARCHAR 10
report derived the better and the program will
Exams and VARCHAR 20
run much faster.
b. Software Requirement
Department VARCHAR 20
Paper-ID: CFP/952/2018
The software specification required on the eliminated the weakness of the manual process
computer system is: which mainly lack centralize repository for the
• A window 7 or higher version for faster clearance process. Others are the process is
processing, slow, clumsy and stressful. Therefore, the
• Dreamweaver (, 2018
clearance application can be used for recording
stable version),
• XAMP 7.2.7 (MYSQL, Apache server) and certifying that a student is cleared to
and, disengage or not. The clearance applications
• Mozilla web browser or better. are recorded and the status can be determined
c. Operational Requirement
at any point in time.
Internet access in the computer is primary
prerequisite for the new system to be
operational. My profound gratitude goes to God Almighty
d. Personnel Requirement for His grace, favour, and mercies upon my life
A computer system with internet access and and great success achieved within this little
computer literate personnel. time in this project that could have not been
Paper-ID: CFP/952/2018
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