PMDP-FOR-HSE-003 - Ümumi Risklərin Dəyərləndirilməsi

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Sənəd No.

: HSE-001

Səhifə: 1 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

FƏALİYYƏT: Ümumi Tikinti quraşdırma üzrə Risk Qiymətləndirilməsi HAZIRLAYAN: Murad Əliyev

Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 2 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

VASİTƏSİ (Nümunələr aşağıda qeyd olunur): P – EHTİMAL - Dəbilqə
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 3 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

9. İŞ ƏRAZİSİNƏ MƏHDUD GİRİŞ LƏR :Qulaqcıq,üz qoruyucu
çəkmələr,xüsusi təyinatli əlcəklər
və ayaqqabılar və s
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 4 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 5 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

İstinadlar: (Bu bölmə müvafiq sənədlər – Görülən işin metodologiyası, İşlərin həcmi, Prosedurlar və s. ilə doldurulmalıdır).

 Balanklar
 Əmrlər
 Təhlükəsizlik nişanları
 Heyətə giriş təlimatının qeydə alnması Jurnalı
 İlkin və Təkrar təlimatlandırma Jurnalı
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 6 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

Mərhələ 1 Mərhələ 2 Mərhələ 3 Mərhələ 4 Mərhələ 5
lə 6
Tapşırığın / İLKİN RISK Qalıq
fəaliyyətin təsviri L M H risk
Mobilizasiya - Yük maşını ilə toqquşma - Personalın / C 3 M - Tapşırıqdan əvvəl keçiriləcək Təhlükəsizlik yığıncağı A2 (L)
- Sürüşmə / ilişmə / aşma ziyarətçilərin (TBT)
- Həddən artıq yüklənmə xəsarət alması - Müvafiq nəzarət

Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 7 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Zəif işıqlandırma - Əmlaka/ ətraf - Barikada olunmalı sahə
- Pis hava şəraiti mühitə zərər - Mobilizasiyadan əvvəl hava şəraiti və iş yerinin
- Avadanlıqların nasazlığı dəyməsi qiymətləndirilməsi
- Səriştəsiz şəxs - Sertifikatlı avadanlıqlar
- Çimdik nöqtələri - Səriştəli personal
- Əşyaların düşməsi - Çimdik nöqtələrinə diqqət yetirilməsi
- Uçan hissələr - İzolyasiyalı alətlərdən istifadə
- Elektrik vurma - Əl ilə daşıma texnikalarına əməl edilməsi (maksimum
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 8 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Yorğunluq çəki 25 kq)
- Yalnış anlama - Radio və ya əl nişanlarından istifadə edərək, müvafiq
- Əl alətləri əlaqənin qurulması
- Yüksəklikdən yıxılma / aşma - Yalnız səlahiyyətli personal cəlb olunmalıdır
- Zəif əlaqə vasitəsi - Nəzarət
- Məhdudlaşdırılmış sahə - Atəş xəttində heç kəsin olmaması
- Atəş xətti - Tapşırıqdan əvvəl və sonra təmizlik işləri görülməlidir
- Qeyri – müvafiq əl ilə - Müvafiq FMV – dən istifadə edilməlidir (Təhlükəsizlik
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 9 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

daşıma çəkmələri; dəbilqə, aydın görünən jiletlər, əlcəklər,
- Qeyri – hamar səth təhlükəsizlik eynəkləri)
- Əlavə işıqlandırma
- Yanğınsöndürmə avadanlıqları və yanğın nəzarətçiləri
- Alışqan materiallar alışma / yanma mənbəyindən kənarda
- Kimyəvi anbar birbaşa günəş şüasının təsirindən
qorunmalı və təcrid edilməlidir.
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 10 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- İş yerindən çıxmazdan əvvəl hərtərəfli yanğın yoxlaması
- İş yerinə daxil olmazdan əvvəl qüsurlara görə yük
maşınları yoxlanılmalıdır.
Yük qaldırma - Avadanlıqların nasazlığı - Personalın / D 3 H - Tapşırıqdan əvvəl Təhlükəsizlik yığıncağı keçirilməlidir A2 (L)
əməliyyatları - Səriştəsiz \ təlimatsız şəxs ziyarətçilərin - Müvafiq nəzarət
- Həddən artıq yükləmə xəsarət alması - Bütün avadanlıqlar fəaliyyətə başlamazdan əvvəl
- Qeyri – müvafiq qaldırıcı - Əmlaka/ ətraf səlahiyyətli şəxs tərəfindən yoxlanılmalıdır.
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 11 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

avadanlıqlar / qurğular mühitə zərər - Bütün avadanlıqlar üçüncü tərəf tərəfindən təsdiq
- Sürüşmə / ilişmə / aşma dəyməsi olunmalıdır.
- Əşyaların düşməsi - Yalnız təlimatlandırılmış personal cəlb olunmalıdır (kran
- Qeyri – müvafiq təhlükəsiz operatoru, istiqamətləndirici şəxs, montajçı)
iş yükü - Təmizlik işləri tapşırıqdan əvvəl və sonra yerinə
- Asılı yük yetirilməlidir.
- Çimdik nöqtələri - Əməliyyat sahəsi təcrid olunmalıdır.
- Kranın aşması - Qaldırma əməliyyatı, tələb olunarsa, qaldırma planına
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 12 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Zəif işıqlandırma əsasən yerinə yetiriləcəkdir.
- Hava şəraiti - Əlavə işıqlandırma
- Yağın dağılması / sızması - Tələb olunarsa, maddələrin dağılması zamanı istifadə
- Yorğunluq olunacaq dəst yerində olmalıdır
- Yalnış anlama - İş kranın spesifikasiyasına görə yerinə yetirilməlidir
- Zəif əlaqə vasitəsi - Hava şəraiti qaldırma əməliyyatından əvvəl və həmin
- Yanğın xətti əməliyyat zamanı nəzərə alınmalıdır.
- Qeyri – hamar səth - Müvafiq kommunikasiya təmin edilməlidir (radio, mobil
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 13 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Qeyri - müvafiq əl ilə
daşıma telefon, əl nişanları)

- Sürüşmə / ilişmə / aşma - Personalın / D 2 M - Tapşırıqdan əvvəl keçiriləcək Təhlükəsizlik yığıncağı A2 (L)
- Zəif işıqlandırma ziyarətçilərin (TBT)
- Avadanlıqların nasazlığı xəsarət alması - Müvafiq nəzarət
- Səriştəsiz şəxs Əmlaka/ ətraf - Barikada olunmalı sahə
- Çimdik nöqtələri mühitə zərər - Sertifikatlı avadanlıqlar
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 14 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Uçan əşyalar dəyməsi - Mobilizasiyadan əvvəl hava şəraiti və iş yerinin
- Yorğunluq qiymətləndirilməsi
- Əl alətləri - Səriştəli personal
- Yanğın - Çimdik nöqtələrinə diqqət yetirilməsi
İsti iş (qaynaq, - Elektrik vurma - Elektrik alətlərinin ikiqat izolyasiya edilməsini təmin edin
xırdalama, kəsmə - Partlayış - Əl ilə daşıma üsullarına əməl etmək
və s.) - Qüsurlu alət (xırdalayıcı və - Yalnız səlahiyyətli personal cəlb olunmalıdır
s.) - Müvafiq FMV – dən istifadə edilməlidir (Təhlükəsizlik
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 15 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Yağ / sürtkü yağı ilə kontakt çəkmələri; dəbilqə, yüksək görünmə dərəcəsinə malik
oksigen silindri pencək, əlcəklər, təhlükəsizlik eynəkləri)
- Səs – küy - Nəzarətçi yerində olmalıdır.
- Qeyri – müvafiq əl ilə - Əlavə işıqlandırma
daşıma - Yanğınsöndürmə avadanlıqları və yanğın nəzarətçiləri
- İsti səthlər yeriində olmalıdır.
- İş yerinin yaxınlığında (5 metr) heç bir alışqan maddəəyə
icazə verilmir
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 16 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- İş yerindən çıxmazdan əvvəl yanğın yoxlaması
- İşə başlamazdan əvvəl elektrik/ qaynaq / avadanlıqlarının
- Müvafiq kommunikasiya
- İş yerinə təhlükəsiz giriş / çıxış təmin edilməlidir
- Qaynaq maşını müvafiq qaydada torpaqlanmalıdır
- Istifadə edilmiş elektrodlar döşəmədə buraxılmamalı və
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 17 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

səbətə yığılmalıdır
- Elektrod əlcəksiz və ya nəm əlcək ilə götürülməməlidir
- Tapşırıq üçün düzgün iş mövqeyi
- Şlanqlar / kabellər müvafiq qaydada marşrutlanmalıdır
- Tapşırıqdan əvvəl əl alətləri yoxlanmalıdır
- Qaz xətləri üzərində qoruyucular düzgün şəkildə
- Silindrlər qığılcım, istilik, yanğın və elektrik dövrələri
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 18 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

yaradan əməliyyatlardan kənarda saxlanılmalıdır
- Silindrlər üzərində yağ və ya sürtkü yağı istifadə
edilməməlidir (və ya onlar yağlı əllər və ya əlcəklər ilə
götürülməməlidir). Oksigenin nə yağlı səthlərə, nə də
sizin paltarlara daxil olmasına icazə verməyin.
- Silindrlər klapanlarından, zəncir və ya kanatlardan və ya
qaldırıcı maqnitlərdən istifadə edərək qaldırılmamalıdır
(silindr sürüşə və aşa bilər)
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 19 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Silindrlər həmin məqsəd üçün xüsusi olaraq dizayn
edilmiş arabalarda və ya silindrlərin stabil və təhlükəsiz
şəkildə yerləşdirilməsini təmin edən əlverişli
konteynerlər iş yerinə transfer edilməli və daşınmalıdır.
- Yanğından mühafizə üçün örtük yerində olmalıdır.
- Elektrik vurma C 3 M - Tapşırıqdan əvvəl keçiriləcək Təhlükəsizlik yığıncağı C1 (L)
- Avadanlıqların nasazlığı - Personalın / (TBT)
- Zəif kabel idarəçiliyi ziyarətçilərin - Müvafiq nəzarət
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 20 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Qüsurlu elektrik alətləri xəsarət alması - Barikada olunmalı sahə
- Sürüşmə / ilişmə / aşma - Əmlaka/ ətraf - Sertifikatlı avadanlıqlar
- Zəif işıqlandırma mühitə zərər - Tapşırıqdan əvvəl və sonra hava şəraitinin və iş yerinin
- Səriştəsiz şəxs dəyməsi qiymətləndirilməsi (EC)
- Çimdik nöqtələri - Çimdik nöqtələrinə diqqət yetirilməsi
- Uçan hissələr - Elektrik alətlərinin ikiqat izolyasiya edilməsi
- Yorğunluq - Əl ilə daşıma üsullarına əməl etmək
- Əl alətləri - Yalnız səriştəli elektrik personalı cəlb olunmalıdır
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 21 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Yanğın - Müvafiq əlcəklərdən (bıçağa davamlı) istifadə
Elektrik işləri - Zəif təmizlik edilməlidir
- Yalnış anlama - Yalnız təlimatlandırılmış personal cəlb olunmalıdır
- Zəif kommunikasiya - Müvafiq FMV – dən istifadə edilməlidir (Təhlükəsizlik
- Məhdudlaşdırılmış sahə çəkmələri; dəbilqə, yüksək görünmə dərəcəsinə malik
- Yanğın xətti pencək, əlcəklər, təhlükəsizlik eynəkləri)
- Təcrid etməmə - Əlavə işıqlandırma (tələb olunarsa0
- Qeyri – müvafiq əl ilə - Yanğınsöndürmə avadanlıqları və yanğın nəzarətçiləri
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 22 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

daşıma yerində olmalıdır (mövcud nəzarət)
- Kabellərin idarəedilməsi
- İşə başlamazdan əvvəl elektrik avadanlıqlarının
- Elektrik alətlərinin ikiqat izolyasiya edilməsi
- Tələb olunarsa, LO/ TP (Qeyd, etiketləmə) sistemi
yerində olmalıdır
- Qanunvericiliyə əsasən iş canlı elektrik enerjisi ilə yerinə
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 23 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

yetirilərsə, elektrik sertifikatları
- Tapşırıqdan əvvəl əl alətlərinin yoxlanılması
- Əldə hazırlanan alətlərin istifadəsinə icazə verilmir
- Sürüşmə / ilişmə / aşma - Personalın / D 2 M - Tapşırıqdan əvvəl keçiriləcək Təhlükəsizlik yığıncağı B2 (L)
- Zəif işıqlandırma ziyarətçilərin (TBT)
- Avadanlıqların nasazlığı xəsarət alması - Müvafiq nəzarət
- Səriştəsiz şəxs - Əmlaka/ ətraf - Barikada olunmalı sahə
- Çimdik nöqtələri mühitə zərər - Sertifikatlı avadanlıqlar
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 24 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Uçan hissələr dəyməsi - Səriştəli personal
- Elektrik vurma - Çimdik nöqtələrinə diqqət yetirilməsi
- Yorğunluq - İzolyasiyalı alətlərdən istifadə
- Əl alətləri - Əl ilə daşıma üsullarına əməl etmək
- Elektrik alətləri - Yalnız səlahiyyətli personal cəlb olunmalıdır
Demontaj işləri - Yanğın - Nəzarət
/Söküntü / - Qeyri – kafi təmizlik - İşə cəlb olunan şəxslər təlimatlandırılmalıdır
demontaj işləri - Kabellərin düzgün - Müvafiq FMV - dən istifadə edilməlidir
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 25 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

idarəedilməməsi - Nəzarətçi yerində olmalıdır
- Yalnış anlama - Əlavə işıqlandırma
- Zəif əlaqə vasitəsi - Yanğınsöndürmə avadanlıqları və yanğın nəzarətçiləri
- Məhdudlaşdırılmış sahə yeriində olmalıdır
- Yanğın xətti - Kabellərin idarə edilməsi
- Təcrid etməmə - Müvafiq əlaqə vasitələri təmin edilməlidir
- Qeyri – müvafiq əl ilə - əl alətlərinin yoxlanılması
daşıma - tullantıların idarə edilməsi
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 26 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Yüksəklikdən yıxılma / aşma
- Yük maşını ilə toqquşma
- Nəzarətçi yerində olmalıdır
- Tullantıların düzgün
- Zəif nəzarət - Personalın / D 3 M - Tapşırıqdan əvvəl keçiriləcək Təhlükəsizlik yığıncağı B2 (L)
- Zəif təmizlik ziyarətçilərin (TBT)
- Sürüşmə / ilişmə / aşma xəsarət alması - MSDS
- Dəri təması / inhalyasiya - Əmlaka/ ətraf - Müvafiq nəzarət
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 27 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Səriştəsiz şəxs mühitə zərər - Müvafiq FMV; tənəffüs qoruyucusu, kimyəvi maddələrə
- Yorğunluq dəyməsi davamlı əlcək, eynək, önlükdən istifadə
- Yanğın - Müvafiq təmizlik
- Əl ilə qeyri – müvafiq - Müvafiq saxlama tələbi: Axıtılara qarşı altlıq, axıntıya
Kimyəvi maddələr daşıma qarşı avadanlıq, qapalı drenaj sistemi. Kimyəvi
maddələrin saxlanmasına görə uyğunluq cədvəli,
- Səriştəli personal
- Müvafiq daşıma üsulları
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 28 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Yalnız təlimatlandırılmış personal cəlb olunmalıdır
- Yanğınsöndürmə avadanlıqları 5 metr məsafə ilə yerində
- Kimyəvi maddələrin saxlanıldığı yer yalnız səlahiyyətli
giriş üçün bağlanmalıdır.
- Səriştəli dağıntı cavab tədbirləri, yanğın nəzarətçiləri və
ilkin yardım xifməti gösrəfən şəxs
- Sürüşmə / ilişmə / aşma - Personalın / C 3 M - Tapşırıqdan əvvəl keçiriləcək Təhlükəsizlik yığıncağı C1 (L)
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 29 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Zəif işıqlandırma ziyarətçilərin (TBT)
- Avadanlıqların nasazlığı xəsarət alması - Müvafiq nəzarət
- Səriştəsiz şəxs - Əmlaka/ ətraf - Barikada olunmalı sahə
- Çimdik nöqtələri mühitə zərər - Sertifikatlı avadanlıqlar
- Elektrik vurma dəyməsi - Səriştəli personal
- Yorğunluq - Çimdik nöqtələrinə diqqət yetirilməsi
- Yalnış anlama - Xüsusi əl alətlərindən istifadə (qığılcıma qarşı)
Qapalı sahə - Yanğın - Yalnız səlahiyyətli personal cəlb olunmalıdır
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 30 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Yüksəklikdən yıxılma / aşma
- Müvafiq izolyasiya, kilidləmə və etiketləmə və ya
- Məhdudlaşdırılmış sahə
gözləmə rejimi
- Qaz sızması
- Atəş xəttində heç kəs olmamalıdır
- Qeyri – müvafiq elektrik
- Tapşırıqdan əvvəl və sonra təmizlik işləri görülməlidir
enerjisi izolyasiyası
- Mobil telefon / radio

Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 31 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 32 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Sürüşmə / ilişmə / aşma - Personalın / D 3 M - Tapşırıqdan əvvəl keçiriləcək Təhlükəsizlik yığıncağı (TBT) B2 (L)
- Zəif işıqlandırma ziyarətçilərin - Müvafiq nəzarət
- Səriştəsiz şəxs xəsarət alması - Səriştəli personal
- Çimdik nöqtələri - Əmlaka/ ətraf - Müvafiq kommunikasiya təmin edilməlidir
- Bütün işçilər fəaliyyət ilə bağlı məlumatlandırılmalıdır
- Yorğunluq mühitə zərər
- Yalnız səlahiyyətli personal cəlb olunmalıdır
- Əl alətləri dəyməsi - Sertifikatlı avadanlıqlar
- Qeyri – müvafiq əl ilə - Qaldırılmış platform aşağı endirilməlidir.
daşıma - Əgər yüksəklikdə iş görülürsə operator hər zaman aydın
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 33 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Əşyaların düşməsi görüntüyə malik olmalıdır
- Yalnış anlama - Maşrutun maneədən təmiz olduğunu təmin etmək
- Nahamar səth - Nişanlar və maneələr
- Qeyri – müvafiq taxtabənd - Bütün personal tam olaraq təlimatlandırılmalıdır
- Əməliyyat zamanı hava şəraitinə nəzarət
- İşə başlamazdan əvvəl bütün qaldırıcı avadanlıqlar
- Qeyri – müvafiq nərdivan yoxlanılmalıdır
- Sertifikatsız insan səbəti - İşə başlamazdan əvvəl səth yoxlanılmalıdır (tam əhatəli və
- Avadanlıqların nasazlığı düzləndirilmiş qurğular)
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 34 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

Yüksəklikdə iş - Yalnış ünsiyyət - İnsanlar üçün nəzərdə tutulan səbətdə maksimum 2 nəfər ola
- Atəş xətti bilər
- Yük ilə təmas - İşdən əvvəl və sonra yoxlama
- Pis hava şəraiti - Hamar səth
- Yalnız təsdiq olunmuş bıçaqlardan istifadə edilməlidir
- Həddən artıq yüklənmə
- sahənin ətrafı Barrikada olunmalı
- Artıq üst-üstə yığma - Müvafiq FMV – dən istifadə edilməlidir. Təhlükəsizlik kəməri
iş şəraitinə görə seçilməlidir.
- Taxtabəndlər müntəzəm olaraq yoxlanılmalıdır
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 35 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Taxtabəndlər təsdiqlənməlidir
- Yüksəklikdə yalnız sertifikatlaşdırılmış insanlar işləyə bilərlər
- Sürüşmə / ilişmə / aşma - Personalın / D 2 M - Tapşırıqdan əvvəl keçiriləcək Təhlükəsizlik yığıncağı B2 (L)
- Zəif işıqlandırma ziyarətçilərin (TBT)
- Səriştəsiz şəxs xəsarət alması - Müvafiq nəzarət
- Çimdik nöqtələri - Əmlaka/ ətraf - Səriştəli personal
- Yorğunluq mühitə zərər - Müvafiq kommunikasiya təmin edilməlidir
- Əl alətləri dəyməsi - Bütün işçilər fəaliyyət ilə bağlı məlumatlandırılmalıdır
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 36 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Qeyri – müvafiq əl ilə - Yalnız səlahiyyətli personal cəlb olunmalıdır
daşıma - Sertifikatlı avadanlıqlar
- Əşyaların düşməsi - Operator hər zaman aydın görüntüyə malik olmalıdır
- Yalnış anlama - Operatorların görməsi üçün maneələr olduqda,
- Nahamar səth istiqamətləndirici şəxslər olmalıdır
- Qeyri – müvafiq nərdivan - Atəş xəttində heç kəs olmamalıdır
- Avadanlıqların nasazlığı - Dağılma zamanı istifadə olunan dəst
- Yalnış ünsiyyət - Nişanlar və maneələr
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 37 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Neft / yağ sızması - Qazıntı metodu fəaliyyətdən əvvəl razılaşdırılmalıdır.
Qazıntı - Hava şəraiti - Barikada olunmalı sahə
- Ağır avadanlıqlar ilə - Müvafiq FMV – dən istifadə edilməlidir.
toqquşma - Qazıntı fəaliyyətləri üçün ardıcıllığı
- Elektrik vurma müəyyənləşdirməkdən ötrü işin metodu hazırlanmalıdır.
- Toqquşma - Qrunt dağıntısına başlamazdan əvvəl yeraltı
- İlan sancması kommunikasiya sxemi bütün cəlb olunan şəxslərə
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 38 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Müvafiq olduğu təqdirdə izolyasiya təmin edilməlidir
- Yeraltı kommunikasiya marşrutu mexaniki qazıntıdan
əvvəl aydın şəkildə nişanlanmalıdır
- Güman edilən yeraltı xidmətlərin yeri əl ilə qazıntı
vasitəsilə müəyyənləşdirilməlidir
- Dərhal həkimə zəng edin, hər hansı tədbir görməyin
- İlan gördükdə digərlərinə məlumat verin
- Yalnız səriştəli şəxsə İlanı tutmağa icazə verilir
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 39 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 40 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Sürüşmə / ilişmə / aşma - Personalın / C 3 M - Tapşırıqdan əvvəl keçiriləcək Təhlükəsizlik yığıncağı B2 (L)
- Zəif işıqlandırma ziyarətçilərin (TBT)
- Səriştəsiz şəxs xəsarət alması - Müvafiq nəzarət
- Yorğunluq - Əmlaka/ ətraf - Səriştəli personal
- Əl alətləri mühitə zərər - Müvafiq əlaqə vasitəsi təmin edilməlidir
- Qeyri – müvafiq əl ilə dəyməsi - Bütün işçilər fəaliyyət ilə bağlı məlumatlandırılmalıdır
daşıma - Yalnız səlahiyyətli personal işə cəlb olunmalıdır
- Əşyaların düşməsi - Sertifikatlı avadanlıqlar
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 41 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Yalnış anlama - Operator hər zaman aydın görüntüyə malik olmalıdır
- Nahamar səth - Operatorların görməsi üçün maneələr olduqda,
- Qeyri – müvafiq nərdivan istiqamətləndirici şəxslər olmalıdır
- Hava şəraiti - Yanğın xəttində heç kəs olmamalıdır
- Elektrik vurması - Dağılma zamanı istifadə olunan dəst
- Toqquşma - Nişanlar və maneələr
- İlan sancması - Qazıntı metodu fəaliyyətdən əvvəl razılaşdırılmalıdır.
Əl ilə qazıntı - Vəhşi heyvanlar – mal – - Barikada olunmalı sahə
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 42 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

qara, itlər - Müvafiq FMV – dən istifadə edilməlidir
- Yeraltı xidmətlərlə kontakt - Qazıntı fəsliyyətləri üçün ardıcıllığı
müəyyənləşdirməkdən ötrü metod bəyanatı
- Qrunt dağıntısına başlamazdan əvvəl yeraltı
kommunikasiya sxemi bütün cəlb olunan şəxslərə
- Tətbiq olunarsa, izolyasiya təmin edilməlidir
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 43 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Yeraltı kommunikasiya marşrutu mexaniki qazıntıdan
əvvəl aydın şəkildə nişanlanmalıdır
- Güman edilən yeraltı xidmətlərin yeri əl ilə qazıntı
vasitəsilə müəyyənləşdirilməlidir
- İlanı tutmağa yalnız səriştəli şəxsə icazə verilir
- Ilk yardım personalının mövcud olduğunu və ilan
sancması zamanı nə edilməli olduğunu başa düşdüyünü
təmin edin
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 44 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Bağlı yerlərə girməyin məs. qayaların altına və ya
- Otların uzanmasına imkan verməyin
- İşin yaxınlığında olan heyvanlardan xəbərdar olun
- Heyvanları qidalandırmayın, bu onları iş yerinə
yaxınlaşmağa həvəsləndirir
- Müvafiq sığınacaq (isidən və ya soyuqdan qorunma) və
istiliyi (tələb olunduqda) təmin edin
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 45 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Hava şəraiti təhlükəli olarsa, işi dayandırın, məs. Küləyin
sürəti yüksək olduqda,səthi təhlükəli vəziyyətə gətirib
çıxaran güclü yağış, qar, buz olduqda, və.s
- Hidrasiyanı saxlamaq üçün ərazidə çoxlu içməli suyun
olduğunu təmin edin
- Günəşdən sığınacaq üçün örtülü sahələri təmin edin

Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 46 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Sürüşmə / ilişmə / aşma - Personalın / B 2 L - Tapşırıqdan əvvəl keçiriləcək Təhlükəsizlik yığıncağı A1 (L)
- Zəif işıqlandırma ziyarətçilərin (TBT)
- Səriştəsiz şəxs xəsarət alması - Səriştəli personal
- Çimdik nöqtələri - Əmlaka/ ətraf - Çimdik nöqtələrinə diqqət yetirilməsi
Əl ilə daşıma - Əşyaların düşməsi mühitə zərər - Atəş xəttində heç kəsin olmaması
- Nahamar səth dəyməsi - Tapşırıqdan əvvəl və sonra təmizlik işləri görülməlidir
- Ağır yük - Əlavə işıqlandırma
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 47 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Döşəmənin maneələrdən azad olduğunu təmin etmək
- Əl ilə daşımanın düzgün texnikalarına əməl edilməsi
(kişilər üçün maksimum çəki 25 kq, qadınlar üçün 16 kq)
- Sürüşmə / ilişmə / aşma - Personalın / B 3 H - Çimdik nöqtələrinə diqqət yetirilməsi A1 (L)
- Zəif işıqlandırma ziyarətçilərin - Əl ilə daşıma texnikalarına əməl edilməsi (kişilər üçün
- Çimdik nöqtələri xəsarət alması maksimum çəki 25 kq)
- Qeyri – müvafiq nərdivan - Əmlaka/ ətraf - Təmizlik təmin edilməlidir.
- Yorğunluq mühitə zərər - Əlavə işıqlandırma
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 48 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Qeyri – müvafiq əl alətləri dəyməsi - Yanğınsöndürmə avadanlıqları və yanğın nəzarətçiləri
- Qeyri – müvafiq əl ilə yeriində olmalıdır
daşıma - Sertifikatlı avadanlıqlar
- Əşyaların düşməsi - Yalnız təsdiq olunmuş bıçaqlardan istifadə edilməlidir.
Ofis fəaliyyətləri - Elektrik vurma - Nişanlar və maneələr
- Uçan hissələr - Müvafiq erqonomik vəziyətə əməl olunmalıdır.
- Yanğın - Açıq ofis sahələrində telefonlar səssiz rejimdə olmalıdır
- Səs –küy - Elektrik kabelləri işə salınmadan əvvəl istifadəçi
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 49 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

tərəfindən yoxlanılmalıdır
- Ofisdə heç bir kobud hərəkətə yol verilməməlidir
- Ofisdə siqaret çəkilməsi qadağan edilir
- Printer kartricləri və batareyalar xüsusi qutuda
- İş masaları yanan materiallardan (kağız, polietilen fayllar
və s.) təmiz olmalıdır.
- İsti içkilər üçün qapaqlı fincanlardan istifadə edilməlidir
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 50 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Fövqəladə çıxışlar maneələrdən təmiz olmalıdır
- Sertifikatlı ilkin yardım göstərən şəxs və ilk yardım dəsti
yerində olmalıdır.
- Sürüşmə / ilişmə / aşma - Personalın / C 3 M - Tapşırıqdan əvvəl keçiriləcək Təhlükəsizlik yığıncağı A2 (L)
- Zəif işıqlandırma ziyarətçilərin (TBT)
- Çimdik nöqtələri xəsarət alması - Müvafiq nəzarət
- Əldə düzəldilən alətlər - Əmlaka/ ətraf - Səriştəli personal
- Zədələnmiş alətlər mühitə zərər - Yalnız səlahiyyətli personal cəlb olunmalıdır
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 51 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Uçan hissəciklər dəyməsi - Sertifikatlı avadanlıqlar
Əl alətlərindən - Qeyri qənaətbəxş təmizlik - Müvafiq FMV – dən, xüsusilə də əl alətlərindən istifadə
istifadə - Səriştəsiz şəxs zamanı əlcək və eynəklərdən istifadə edilməlidir,
- Əşyaların düşməsi - Əl alətləri istifadədən əvvəl zədələnmənin olub –
olmaması üçün yoxlanılmalıdır
- Əldə hazırlanan alətlərin istifadəsinə icazə verilmir
- Yüksəklikdə işləyən zaman əl alətlərinin aşmasının
qarşısını almaq üçün kəmərdən istifadə edilməlidir (işçi
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 52 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

və alət)
- Müvafiq təmizlik
- Avadanlıqların nasazlığı - Personalın / D 2 M - Tapşırıqdan əvvəl keçiriləcək Təhlükəsizlik yığıncağı B2 (L)
- Səriştəsiz \ təlimatsız şəxs ziyarətçilərin (TBT)
- Həddən artıq yüklənmə xəsarət alması - Müvafiq nəzarət
- Qeyri – müvafiq qaldırma - Əmlaka/ ətraf - Gündəlik qaldırıcı qurğu yoxlaması qaldırıcı qurğu
avadanlıqları / tətbiqləri mühitə zərər operatoru tərəfindən aparılmalıdır
- Sürüşmə / ilişmə / aşma dəyməsi - Yalnız təlimatlandırılmış personal cəlb olunmalıdır
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 53 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Əşyaların düşməsi ( qaldırıcı qurğu operatoru, nəzarətçi, montajçı)
- Çimdik nöqtələri - Tapşırıqdan əvvəl və sonra təmizlik işləri görülməlidir
- Zəif işıqlandırma - Lazım gələrsə, Əməliyyat sahəsi təcrid olunmalıdır.
- Pis hava şəraiti - Əlavə işıqlandırma
Qaldırıcı qurğu - Yağın dağılması / sızması - Tələb olunarsa, Axıntı zamanı istifadə olunan dəst yerində
əməliyyatları - Yorğunluq olmalıdır
- Yalnış anlama - Müvafiq əlaqə vasitələri təmin edilməlidir (radio, mobil
- Heç bir ünsiyyətin telefon, əl nişanları)
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 54 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Nişanlar
olmaması - Yalnız səlahiyyətli personal cəlb olunmalıdır
- Yanğın xətti - 5 km/s sürət limit
- Nahamar səth - Geri dönmə / çevrilmə siqnalı işlək vəziyyətdə olmaldıır
- Qaldırıcı qurğu ilə - Qaldırıcı qurğu tanınmış 3 – cü tərəf şirkət tərəfindən
toqquşma təsdiq olunmalıdır.
- Avadanlıqların toqquşması - Qaldırıcı qurğuda yanğınsöndürmə avadanlıqları olmalıdır
- Yer səthi qaldırıcı qurğu əməliyyatlarına uyğun olmalıdır.
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 55 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Avadanlıqların nasazlığı - Personalın / C 2 M - Tapşırıqdan əvvəl keçiriləcək Təhlükəsizlik yığıncağı A2 (L)
- Səriştəsiz \ təlimatsız şəxs ziyarətçilərin (TBT)
- Sürüşmə / ilişmə / aşma xəsarət alması - Müvafiq nəzarət
- Çimdik nöqtələri - Əmlaka/ ətraf - Fəaliyyətə başlamazdan əvvəl bütün avadanlıqlar
- Zəif işıqlandırma mühitə zərər səlahiyyətli şəxs tərəfindən yoxlanılmalıdır.
- Pis hava şəraiti dəyməsi - Bütün avadanlıqları üçüncü tərəf təsdiq olunmalıdır.
- Yağın dağılması / sızması - Yalnız təlimatlandırılmış personal cəlb olunmalıdır
- Yorğunluq - Tapşırıqdan əvvəl və sonra təmizlik işləri görülməlidir
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 56 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Yalnış anlama - Əməliyyat sahəsi təcrid olunmalıdır.
Beton işləri - Zəif kommunikasiya - Əlavə işıqlandırma
- Yanğın xətti - Tələb olunarsa, istifadə olunacaq dəst yerində olmalıdır
- Ağır avadanlıqlar ilə - Hava şəraiti qaldırma əməliyyatından əvvəl və həmin
toqquşma əməliyyat zamanı nəzərə alınmalıdır.
- Dəri təması / inhalasiya - Müvafiq kommunikasiya təmin edilməlidir (radio, mobil
- Toqquşma telefon, əl nişanları)
- Qeyri – müvafiq təmizlik - Nişanlar və baryerlər /maneələr
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 57 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Müvafiq FMV (önlük, kimyəvi maddələrə davamlı əlcək
və çəkmələr, eynəklər)
- Fırlanan avadanlıqlar üçün müvafiq təhlükəsizlik örtüyü
- Əşyaların düşməsi - Personalın / C 2 M - Tapşırıqdan əvvəl keçiriləcək Təhlükəsizlik yığıncağı B2 (L)
- Qeyri – müvafiq nərdivan ziyarətçilərin (TBT)
- Artıq üst-üstə yığma xəsarət alması - Müvafiq nəzarət
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 58 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Sürüşmə / ilişmə / aşma - Əmlaka/ ətraf - Səriştəli personal
- Çimdik nöqtələri mühitə zərər - Müvafiq kommunikasiya təmin edilməlidir
- Zəif işıqlandırma dəyməsi - Bütün işçilər fəaliyyət ilə bağlı müvafiq qaydada
Taxtabəndin - Pis hava şəraiti məlumatlandırılmalıdır.
montajı və - Yorğunluq - Yalnız səlahiyyətli personal cəlb olunmalıdır
demontajı - Yalnış anlama - Sertifikatlı avadanlıqlar
- Zəif əlaqə vasitəsi - Nişanlar və maneələr
- Qeyri – müvafiq əl ilə - Fəaliyyət zamanı hava şəraitinə nəzarət
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 59 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

daşıma - Müvafiq FMV – dən istifadə edilməlidir (çənədən
- Qeyri – müvafiq əl alətləri bağlanan dəbilqə, eynək, əlcək, bədən qoşqusu, xilasedici
- Taxtabəndlər müntəzəm olaraq yoxlanılmalıdır
- Taxtabəndlər təsdiq edilməlidir
- Əlavə işıqlandırma
- Təhlükəsizlik toru qurulmalıdır (tələb olunarsa)
- Fövqəladə əlaqə nömrələri yerində olmalıdır
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 60 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Ayaqaltının fövqəladə hallar üçün nəzərdə tutulmuş giriş-
- Zəif işıqlandırma - Personalın / D 2 M - Tapşırıqdan əvvəl keçiriləcək Təhlükəsizlik yığıncağı B2 (L)
- Pis hava şəraiti ziyarətçilərin (TBT)
- Yorğunluq xəsarət alması - Əlavə işıqlandırma
- Yalnış anlama - Əmlaka/ ətraf - Müvafiq nəzarət
Gecə növbəsi işləri - Əlaqə vasitələrinin zəif mühitə zərər - Səriştəli personal
olması dəyməsi - Nişanlar və maneələr
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 61 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- SIMOPS (Eyni anda icra edilən işlərin idarəsi)
- Müvafiq idarəetmə
- Qeyri – kafi təmizlik
- Müvafiq FMV (yüksək görünmə dərəcəsinə malik
- Tək işləməyə icazə verilmir
- Toqquşma və ya piyadanın - Personalın / C 2 M - Yalnız sertifikatlı və səriştəli sürücülər B2 (L)
vurulmasıi ziyarətçilərin - Bütün sürücülər tibbi baxımdan işə uyğun olmalıdır
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 62 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Sərnişinlərin oturacaq - Təsadüfi hallarda spirtli içki yoxlaması aparılmalıdır
kəmərlərini taxmaması - Əməliyyat zamanı hava şəraitinə nəzarət
- Zəif işıqlandırma xəsarət alması - Ərazinin sürəti maks. 5 km/ s olmalıdır
- Yorğunluq - Əmlaka/ ətraf - Yerli nəqliyyat qaydalarına müvafiq qaydada əməl
- Yalnış anlama mühitə zərər olunmalıdır
- Pis hava şəraiti dəyməsi - Gündəlik nəqliyyat yoxlamaları
- Nəqliyyat vasitəsinin - Geri dönmə siqnalları məcburidir
Avtomobillə iş nasazlığı - Bütün fövqəladə avadanlıqlar yerində olmalıdır
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 63 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

yerinə getmək və iş (yanğınsöndürmə və ilk yardım dəsti)
yerində - Nəqliyyat idarəetmə planı yerində olmalıdır
avtomobilin idarə - Bütün sürücülərdən hər 2 saatdan bir 15 dəqiqə fasilə
edilməsi etmək tələb olunur
- Hər bir nəqliyyat vasitəsi üçün axıntıların qarşısını alan
avadanlıqlar tələb olunur
- Nəqliyyat vasitələrinin aşarı işə salma nöqtəsindən
çıxarılmalı və kənarda saxlanılmalıdır
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 64 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Ağır nəqliyyat vasitələri / yük maşınları üçün siqnalçı
şəxs tələb olunur
- Nəqliyyat vasitələri yalnız çevrilmiş vəziyyətdə
saxlanılmalıdır (park ediilməlidir)
- Kabin daxilində siqaret çəkməyə icazə verilmir
- Hərəkət zamanı təhlükəsizlik kəmərlərindən istifadə
- Nəqliyyat vasitəsi hərəkətdə olan zaman mobil telefondan
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 65 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

istifadə etmək olmaz
- Hər hansı fövqəladə vəziyyət üçün kabində fövqəladə
əlaqə nömrələri olmalıdır.
- Avadanlıqların nasazlığı - Personalın / C 2 M - Tapşırıqdan əvvəl keçiriləcək Təhlükəsizlik yığıncağı A1 (L)
- Səriştəsiz \ təlimatsız şəxs ziyarətçilərin (TBT)
- Sürüşmə / ilişmə / aşma xəsarət alması - Müvafiq nəzarət
- Çimdik nöqtələri - Əmlaka/ ətraf - Bütün avadanlıqları üçüncü tərəf təsdiq etməlidir
- Zəif işıqlandırma mühitə zərər - Yalnız təlimatlandırılmış personal cəlb olunmalıdır
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 66 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Zəif əlaqə vasitəsi dəyməsi - Tapşırıqdan əvvəl və sonra təmizlik işləri görülməlidir
- Yanğın xətti - Əlavə işıqlandırma
- Nahamar səth - Nişanlar və maneələr
- Qeyri – müvafiq əl ilə - Müvafiq FMV
daşıma - Yüklər bərkidilməli və istehsalçının dizayn
- Zəif nəzarət spesifikasiyasından və ya nəqliyyat vasitəsinin hüquqi
- Pis hava şəraiti limitlərindən artıq olmamalıdır.
- Bütün nəqliyyat vasitələri və maşınlar istifadədən əvvəl
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 67 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

yoxlanılmalı və təhlükəsiz və yaxşı iş vəziyyətində
olduqları təsdiq olunmalıdır
- Nəqliyyat vasitələri istehsalçının tələblərinə uyğun şəkildə
Materialların iş - Bütün nəqliyyat sistemləri mexaniki baxımdan etibarlı
yerinə və iş yeri olmalıdır
daxilində - Nəqliyyat vasitəsinin yükləri nəqliyyat vasitəsinin
çatdırılması qeydiyyat sənədində göstərilən çəki limitlərini
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 68 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Nəqliyyat vasitəsinin yükləri nəqliyyat vasitəsindən
kənara çıxmamalıdır.
- Nəqliyyat vasitəsinin arxa tərəfindən kənara çıxan hər
hansı yük qırmızı bayraq ilə, gecə isə qırmızı işıq ilə
- Nəqliyyat vasitəsinin yükləri müvafiq qaydada
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 69 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Boş alətlər və ya avadanlıqlar sərnişin bölməsində
daşınmamalı və qoruyucu qatın arxasında
- Bəzi müəyyən kiçik ölçülü materialların boşaldılması
üçün düzgün əl ilə daşıma üsullarından istifadə
- Böyük ölçülü materialalrın qaldırılması (bütün
avadanlıqlar istifadədən əvvəl təsdiq olunmalıdır) üçün
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 70 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

qaldırıcı qurğulardan istifadə edilməlidir
- Yük maşınına uyğun SWL (təhlükəsiz iş yükü)
göstəricisinə əməl olunmalıdır
- Çatdırılma zamanı ərazidə siqnal verən şəxsin olması
tələb olunur.
- Gündəlik nəqliyyat vasitəsini yoxlama siyahısı yerində
- Ərazidə materialların boşaldılması zamanı müvafiq
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 71 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

avadanlıq seçimi olmalıdır (qaldırıcı qurğu və yak ran və
- Nəqliyyat vasitəsinin idarə olunmasına dair təlimat
yerində olmalıdır
- Fövqəladə hallara cavab tədbirlərinin siyahısı yerində
- Tullantıların saxlanılması; C 2 M - Tullantıların idarə edilməsinə nəzarət hüquqi tələblərə A2 (L)
- Tullantıların daşınması - ətraf mühitə əsasən podratçı tərəfindən aparılmalıdır.
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 72 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Yağın dağılması / sızması zərər dəyməsi - Tullantılar içərisindəki əşyalara uyğun olaraq etiketlənmiş
xüsusi konteynerlərdə saxlanılmalıdır
- Tələb olunarsa, konteynerlərin üstü örtülü olmalıdır
- Yaranan tullantılar 3 – cü tərəf və ya podratçının özü
tərəfindən transfer ediləcəkdir
- Tullantılar tələb olunarsa müvafiq etiketlər ilə müvafiq
konteynerlərdə saxlanılmalıdır
- Konteynerlərdən heç bir sızma / dağılma halının olmaması
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 73 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

Müvəqqəti təminedilməməlidir. Təhlükəli tullantıların saxlanılması
obyektlər (Ətraf qapalı yerlərdə aparılmalıdır (müvəqqəti obyekt
mühit aspektləri) məkanının planında qeyd olunduğu kimi)
- Tullantıların kənarlaşdırılması qrafik ilə Şirkət tərəfindən
həyata keçirilməlidir
- Təhlükəli materiallar üçün MSDS
- Qapalı sahədə ventilyasiya zəruridir
- Dağıntılar ilə bağlı tədbir görən komanda yerində
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 74 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Tullantılar su mənbələrindən kənarda olmalıdır
- Qida tullantıları vəhşi heyvanlardan qorunmaq üçün tez
bir şəkildə kənarlaşdırılmalıdır.
- Toqquşma və ya - Personalın / D 3 M - Tapşırıqdan əvvəl keçiriləcək Təhlükəsizlik yığıncağı A2 (L)
piyadanın vuulması ziyarətçilərin (TBT)
- Zəif işıqlandırma xəsarət alması - Müvafiq nəzarət
- Yorğunluq - Əmlaka/ ətraf - Bütün avadanlıqlar fəaliyyətə başlamazdan əvvəl
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 75 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Pis hava şəraiti mühitə zərər səlahiyyətli şəxs tərəfindən yoxlanılmalıdır
Sıxlaşdırıcı və - Avadanlıqların nasazlığı dəyməsi - Bütün avadanlıqlar üçüncü tərəfdən təsdiq olunmalıdır.
yükləyici ilə - Artıq üst-üstə yığma - Yalnız təlimatlandırılmış personal cəlb olunmalıdır
torpağın - Sürüşmə / ilişmə / aşma - Təmizlik işləri tapşırıqdan əvvəl və sonra yerinə
doldurulması - Çimdik nöqtələri yetirilməlidir
- Yanğın xətti - Əməliyyat sahəsi təcrid olunmalıdır.
- Zəif əlaqə - Əlavə işıqlandırma
- Zəif nəzarət - Tələb olunarsa, istifadə olunacaq dəst yerində olmalıdır
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 76 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Hava şəraiti qaldırma əməliyyatından əvvəl və həmin
əməliyyat zamanı nəzərə alınmalıdır
- Yağın dağılması / sızması
- Nişanlar və maneələr
- Müvafiq FMV
- Zəif nəzarət - Personalın / C 2 H - Tapşırıqdan əvvəl keçiriləcək Təhlükəsizlik yığıncağı A2 (L)
- Zəif təmizlik ziyarətçilərin (TBT)
- Sürüşmə / ilişmə / aşma xəsarət alması - MSDS
- Dəri təması / inhalyasiya - Əmlaka/ ətraf - Müvafiq nəzarət
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 77 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Səriştəsiz şəxs mühitə zərər - Müvafiq FMV; tənəffüs qoruyucusu, kimyəvi maddələrə
- Yorğunluq dəyməsi davamlı əlcək, eynək, önlükdən istifadə
Boyama - Müvafiq təmizlik
- Səriştəli personal
- Müvafiq daşıma üsulları
- Yalnız təlimatlandırılmış personal cəlb olunmalıdır
- Kimyəvi maddələrin saxlanılması üçün ərazi yalnız
səlahiyyətli giriş üçün bağlanmalıdır.
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 78 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Axıtıların qarşısını almaq üçün səriştəli şəxs, yanğın
nəzarətçiləri və ilkin tibbi xidmət göstərənlər olmalıdır
- Avadanlıqların nasazlığı - Personalın / C 3 M - Tapşırıqdan əvvəl keçiriləcək Təhlükəsizlik yığıncağı B2 (L)
- Səriştəsiz \ təlimatsız şəxs ziyarətçilərin (TBT)
- Həddən artıq yüklənmə xəsarət alması - Müvafiq nəzarət
- Qeyri – müvafiq qaldırma - Əmlaka/ ətraf - Səlahiyyətli şəxs işə başlamazdan əvvəl bütün
avadanlıqları / tətbiqləri mühitə zərər avadanlıqları yoxlamalıdır.
- Sürüşmə / ilişmə / aşma dəyməsi - Bütün avadanlıqları üçüncü tərəf təsdiq etməlidir.
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 79 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Əşyaların düşməsi - Yalnız təlimatlandırılmış personal cəlb olunmalıdır (kran
- Çimdik nöqtələri operatoru, istiqamətləndirici şəxs, montajçı)
Hidravlik krandan - Zəif işıqlandırma - Təmizlik işləri tapşırıqdan əvvəl və sonra yerinə
istifadə - Pis hava şəraiti yetirilməlidir.
- Yağın dağılması / sızması - Əməliyyat sahəsi təcrid olunmalıdır.
- Yorğunluq - Əlavə işıqlandırma
- Yalnış anlama - Tələb olunarsa, istifadə olunacaq dəst yerində olmalıdır
- Zəif əlaqə vasitəsi - Hava şəraiti qaldırma əməliyyatından əvvəl və həmin
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 80 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

əməliyyat zamanı nəzərə alınmalıdır
- Atəş xətti - Müvafiq əlaqə vasitəsi təmin edilməlidir (radio, mobil
- Nahamar səth telefon, əl nişanları)
- Qeyri – müvafiq təhlükəsiz - Nişanlar və maneələr
iş yükü - Yalnız səlahiyyətli personal cəlb olunmalıdır
- Müvafiq FMV
- Sürüşmə / ilişmə / aşma - Personalın / C 2 M - Tapşırıqdan əvvəl keçiriləcək Təhlükəsizlik yığıncağı A2 (L)
- Zəif işıqlandırma ziyarətçilərin (TBT)
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 81 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Səriştəsiz şəxs xəsarət alması - Müvafiq nəzarət
- Çimdik nöqtələri - Əmlaka/ ətraf - Səriştəli personal
- Yorğunluq mühitə zərər - Müvafiq kommunikasiya təmin edilməlidir
- Əl alətləri dəyməsi - Bütün işçilər fəaliyyət ilə bağlı məlumatlandırılmalıdır
Canlı olmayan - Əşyaların düşməsi - Yalnız səlahiyyətli personal cəlb olunmalıdır
elektrik xətlərində - Yalnış anlama - Sertifikatlı avadanlıqlar
görülən işlər - Qeyri – müvafiq nərdivan - Nişanlar və maneələr
- Avadanlıqların nasazlığı - Əməliyyat təlimatları mövcud olmalıdır
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 82 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Yalnış əlaqə vasitələri
- Bütün personal tam olaraq təlimatlandırılmalıdır TBT
- Avadanlıqlar ilə kontakt
- Barikada olunmalı sahə
- Pis hava şəraiti
- Müvafiq FMV – dən istifadə edilməlidir.
- Toqquşma
- Elektrik vurma - Personalın / C 3 M - Tapşırıqdan əvvəl keçiriləcək Təhlükəsizlik yığıncağı A2 (L)
- Avadanlıqların nasazlığı ziyarətçilərin (TBT)
- Zəif kabel idarəetməsi xəsarət alması - Müvafiq nəzarət
- Qüsurlu elektrik alətləri - Əmlaka/ ətraf - Barikada olunmalı sahə
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 83 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Sürüşmə / ilişmə / aşma mühitə zərər - Sertifikatlı avadanlıqlar
- Zəif işıqlandırma dəyməsi - Tapşırığa başlamazdan əvvəl və sonra hava şəraitinin və iş
- Səriştəsiz şəxs yerinin qiymətləndirilməsi
- Çimdik nöqtələri - Çimdik nöqtələrinə diqqət yetirilməsi
- Yorğunluq - Elektrik alətlərinin ikiqat izolyasiya edilməsini təmin edin
- Əl alətləri - Yalnız səriştəli MEP (Mexaniki, Elektrik, Boru) personalı
- Yanğın cəlb olunmalıdır.
- Zəif təmizlik - Müvafiq əlcəklərdən (bıçağa davamlı) istifadə edilməlidir
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 84 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

MEP yoxlaması - Yalnış anlama - Müvafiq FMV – dən istifadə edilməlidir (Təhlükəsizlik
- Zəif əlaqə vasitəsi çəkmələri; dəbilqə, yüksək görünmə dərəcəsinə malik
- Məhdudlaşdırılmış sahə pencək, əlcəklər, təhlükəsizlik eynəkləri)
- Atəş xətti - Əlavə işıqlandırma (tələb olunarsa)
- Təcrid etməmə - Yanğınsöndürmə avadanlıqları və yanğın nəzarətçiləri
- Zəif nəzarət yeriində olmalıdır (mövcud nəzarət)
- Təsirə məruzqalma - Kabel idarəetməsi
- İşə başlamazdan əvvəl elektrik avadanlıqlarının
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 85 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Elektrik alətlərinin ikiqat izolyasiya edilməsi
- Tələb olunarsa, LO/ TP (Qeyd, etiketləmə) sistemi
yerində olmalıdır
- Canlı elektrik xəttlərlə görülən işlər zamanı səriştəli və
lisenziyası olan elektriklər
- Tapşırıqdan əvvəl əl alətlərinin yoxlanılması
- Əldə hazırlanan alətlərin istifadəsinə icazə verilmir
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 86 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Boruların aşınması tapşırıqdan əvvəl yoxlanılmalıdır.
- Yoxlama / sınaq ərazisinə yalnız səlahiyyətli personal
daxil olacaqdır.
- Yük maşını ilə toqquşma - Personalın / C 2 M - Tapşırıqdan əvvəl keçiriləcək Təhlükəsizlik yığıncağı A2 (L)
- Sürüşmə / ilişmə / aşma ziyarətçilərin (TBT)
- Rəflərin həddən artıq xəsarət alması - Müvafiq nəzarət
yüklənməsi - Əmlaka/ ətraf - Sertifikatlı avadanlıqlar
- Qaldırıcı qurğunun həddən mühitə zərər - Səriştəli personal / Yalnız səriştəli və təlimatlandırılmış
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 87 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

artıq yüklənməsi dəyməsi personal cəlb olunmalıdır
- Zəif işıqlandırma - Çimdik nöqtələrinə diqqət yetirilməsi
- Avadanlıqların texniki - İzolyasiyalı alətlərdən istifadə
nasazlığı - Əl ilə daşıma texnikalarına əməl edilməsi (kişilər üçün
- Səriştəsiz şəxs maksimum çəki 25 kq, qadınlar üçün 16 kq), lazım
- Çimdik nöqtələri gələrsə, istifadə ediləcək avadanlıqların və ya mexaniki
- Əşyaların düşməsi vasitələrin daşınması
- Elektrik vurma - Radio və ya əl nişanlarından istifadə edərək, müvafiq
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 88 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- elektrik Avadanlıqlarının əlaqənin qurulması
nasazlığı - Yalnız səlahiyyətli personal cəlb olunmalıdır
- Yorğunluq - Nəzarət
- Yanğın - Yanğın xəttində heç kəs olmamalıdır
- Zəif kommunikasiya - İş yerində yaxşı təmizlik səviyyəsi (alətlər / materiallar
- Məhdudlaşdırılmış sahə lazımi qaydada olmalı, dağıntılar dərhal təmizlənməli və
- Atəş xətti s.)
- Qeyri – müvafiq əl ilə - Tələb olunarsa, müvafiq etiketlər ilə tullantıların
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 89 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

Anbar fəaliyyətləri daşıma texnikaları saxlanılması müvafiq konteynerlərdə aparılmalıdır
- Səs – küy - Müvafiq FMV – dən istifadə edilməlidir (Təhlükəsizlik
- Kimyəvi maddələr çəkmələri; dəbilqə, yüksək görünmə dərəcəsinə malik
- Neft / yağın dağılması pencək, əlcəklər, təhlükəsizlik eynəkləri)
- Fiziki təsirlər (temperatur, - Heç vaxt hədəf tamamlanma vaxtından əvvəl işçiləri işi
istilik, rütubət) bitirmək üçün tələsdirməyin
- Elektrik kabelləri və girişləri müntəzəm olaraq və vizual
şəkildə yoxlanılmalıdır.
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 90 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Əlavə işıqlandırma
- İş yerinin temperaturu, rütubəti, işıq səviyyəsi və səs –
küy nəzarət altında saxlanılmalıdır ki, işçilərə təsirlərin
qarşısı alınsın
- İşçilər üçün müvafiq iaşə obyektləri təmin edilməlidir
(içməli su, tualetlər, yiuyunma qurğuları)
- Yanğınsöndürmə avadanlıqları və yanğın nəzarətçiləri
yeriində olmalıdır
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 91 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Alışqan materiallar alışma / yanma mənbəyindən kənarda
- Kimyəvi anbar birbaşa günəş şüasının təsirindən
qorunmalı və təcrid edilməlidir.
- İş yerindən çıxmazdan əvvəl hərtərəfli yanğın yoxlaması
- Müvafiq giriş və çıxış vasitələri olmalıdır.
- Uyğun olmayan / qüsurlu materiallar müvafiq qaydada
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 92 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

müəyyənləşdirilmiş qaba, qutuya və ya torbaya
yerləşdirilməli və onlar uyğun olmayan material kimi
- Fövqəladə əlaqə nömrələri və evakuasiya planı müvafiq
qaydada görünən yerdə olmalıdır.
- Rəflərin SWL (Təhlükəsiz yük götürmə qabiliyyətinin)
göstəricisinin həddi aşılmamalıdır
- Maddələr toqquşma / aşma təhlükələri olmadan təhlükəsiz
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 93 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

şəkildə yerləşdirilməlidir
- Dağıntı üçün istifadə edilən dəstlər və səriştəli komanda
yerində olmalı, komandanın əlaqə siyahısı lövhədə
- Giriş / çıxış marşrutları hər zaman maneələrdən təmiz
- Anbar daxilində və əttafında bütün nəqliyyat vasitələrinin
hərəkətinin arxa və geri dönmə işıqları yerində olmalıdır
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 94 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- 85 desibeldən artıq olan iş yerində səs – küy səviyyəsində
müvafiq eşitməni qoruyan vasitələrdən istifadə
- Sürüşmə / ilişmə / aşma - Personalın / C 3 M - Tapşırıqdan əvvəl keçiriləcək Təhlükəsizlik yığıncağı B2 (L)
- Zəif işıqlandırma ziyarətçilərin (TBT)
- Pis hava şəraiti xəsarət alması - Müvafiq nəzarət
- Avadanlıqların nasazlığı - Əmlaka/ ətraf - Bütün obyektlərin texniki parametrlərinin düzgün təsviri
- Səriştəsiz şəxs mühitə zərər - Hesablama nəticələrinə əsasən avadanlıqların texniki
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 95 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Çimdik nöqtələri dəyməsi parametrlərinin, cihazların / detalların düzgün izahı
- Əşyaların düşməsi - Faza ardıcıllıqlarının düzgün təsviri
- Elektrik vurma - İstifadə etməzdən əvvəl generator təlimatını oxuyun
Generator - Yorğunluq - Generator dəstini yalnız təlimatlı və bacarıqlı şəxs
dəstindən istifadə - Yalnış anlama işlətməlidir
- Əl alətləri - Məlum təhlükəli vəziyyətdə generator dəstini işlətməyə
- Yanğın cəhd etməyin
- Zəif əlaqə vasitəsi - Generator dəsti təhlükəsiz olarsa, təhlükə bildirişləri
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 96 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Məhdudlaşdırılmış sahə qoyun və batareyanın mənfi tərəfini aralayın ki, vəziyyət
- Atəş xətti bərpa olunana kimi işə düşməsin
- Qeyri – müvafiq əl ilə - Əlləri, qolları, uzun saçları, boş geyimləri və zinət
daşıma əşyalarını kəmərlərdən və digər hərəkətli hissələrdən
- Yağın dağılması / sızması kənar saxlayın
- Səs – küy - Generator dəsti yükə yalnız bunu etmək üçün
səlahiyyətləndirilmiş təlimatlı və ixtisaslı elektriklər
tərəfindən birləşdirilməlidir.
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 97 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Bütün elektrik avadanlıqlarını təmiz və quru vəziyyətdə
- Generator ətrafındakı sahə təmiz və təhlükəli ola biləcək
alışqan materiallardan azad olmalıdır.
- Generator dəstlərinin mexanik və elektriklərinin əlaqə
siyasını təmin edin
- Yalnız BC və ya ABC sinif elektrik yanğınlarının
söndürücü vasitələrindən istifadə edin
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 98 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Elektrik bağlantılarını müvafiq Elektrik Kodekslərinə,
Standartlarına və ya digər tələblərə uyğun olaraq həyata
keçirin. Buraya torpaqlama və torpaq / yer qüsurları
- Generatorun çərçivəsi və hər hansı xarici ötürücü hissələr
müvafiq torpaqlamaya / torpaqlama naqilinə malik
- Bütün daxili generator dəstləri üçün mühərrikin işlənmiş
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 99 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

qaz sistemi sızdırmayan boru vasitəsilə çölə
- Texniki baxım, yağ və yağ filtrinin dəyişdirilməsindən
əvvəl batareyanın mənfi tərəfini ayırın
- Generator dəstini heç vaxt mühərrik və ya alternativ
qaldırıcı qurğulara birləşdirməyin, bunun əvəzinə bazada
qaldırıcı nöqtələrdən istifadə edin
- Tələb olunarsa, maddələrin dağılması zamanı istifadə
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 100 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

olunacaq dəst yerində olmalıdır
- Aşma altlığı
- Təhlükəsiz məsafəni qoruyun / ofis sahəsi ilə generator
arasında arakəsmələr
- Generatorun qapıların, pəncərələrin yaxınlığında
olmadığından əmin olmaq üçün çöldə ondan istifadə edən
zaman diqqətli olun, ventilyasiyalar qapalı sahələrə CO –
nun daxil olmasına və yığılmasına səbəb ola bilər
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 101 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Müvafiq FMV – dən istifadə edilməlidir
- Generatorun hər tərəfdən üç – dörd və daha artıq fut
sərbəst sahəyə malik olmasından əmin olun ki, müvafiq
ventilyasiya təmin edilə bilsin
- Sürüşmə / ilişmə / aşma - Personalın / B 2 L - Tapşırıqdan əvvəl keçiriləcək Təhlükəsizlik yığıncağı A2 (L)
- Zəif işıqlandırma ziyarətçilərin (TBT)
- Avadanlıqların nasazlığı xəsarət alması - Müvafiq nəzarət
- Səriştəsiz şəxs - Əmlaka/ ətraf - Bütün avadanlıqlar üçüncü tərəf tərəfindən təsdiq
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 102 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Çimdik nöqtələri mühitə zərər olunmalıdır.
- Əşyaların düşməsi dəyməsi - Yalnız təlimatlandırılmış personal cəlb olunmalıdır
- Elektrik vurma - Təmizlik işləri tapşırıqdan əvvəl və sonra yerinə
İşin tamamlanması - Yorğunluq yetirilməlidir
- Yalnış anlama - Əməliyyat sahəsi təcrid olunmalıdır.
- Əl alətləri - Əlavə işıqlandırma
- Yanğın - Müvafiq kommunikasiya təmin edilməlidir
- Zəif kommunikasiya - Nişanlar və maneələr
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 103 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Müvafiq FMV – dən istifadə edilməlidir
- Ərazinin təhlükəsiz, təmiz və səliqəli şəkildə tərk
- Məhdudlaşdırılmış sahə
edilməsini təmin etmək
- Atəş xətti
- Bütün iş yerlərini təmizləmək və bütün alətləri və
- Qeyri – müvafiq əl ilə
avadanlıqları saxlama yerinə qaytarmaq
- Hər hansı qüsurlu avadanlıq barədə dərhal məlumat

Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 104 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Yük maşını ilə toqquşma - Personalın / C 2 M - Tapşırıqdan əvvəl keçiriləcək Təhlükəsizlik yığıncağı B1 (L)
- Sürüşmə / ilişmə / aşma ziyarətçilərin (TBT)
- Həddən artıq yüklənmə xəsarət alması - Müvafiq nəzarət
- Zəif işıqlandırma - Əmlaka/ ətraf - Sertifikatlı avadanlıqlar
- Pis hava şəraiti mühitə zərər - Yalnız səriştəli və təlimatlandırılmış personal cəlb
- Avadanlıqların nasazlığı dəyməsi olunmalıdır
- Səriştəsiz şəxs - Çimdik nöqtələrinə diqqət yetirilməsi
- Çimdik nöqtələri - Aktiv iş ərazisində barikada qurulmalıdır
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 105 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Yorğunluq - Tapşırığa başlamazdan əvvəl və sonra hava şəraitinin və iş
- Yalnış anlama yerinin qiymətləndirilməsi
- Atəş xətti - İzolyasiyalı alətlərdən istifadə
- Qeyri – müvafiq əl ilə - Müvafiq FMV – dən istifadə edilməlidir (Təhlükəsizlik
daşıma çəkmələri; dəbilqə, yüksək görünmə dərəcəsinə malik
- Zəif təmizlik pencək, əlcəklər, təhlükəsizlik eynəkləri)
- Dağıntılar - Əl ilə daşıma texnikalarına əməl edilməsi (kişilər üçün
Demobilizasiya - Ətraf mühit təhlükələri maksimum çəki 25 kq, qadınlar üçün 16 kq)
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 106 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Yanğın təhlükəsi - Radio və ya əl nişanlarından istifadə edərək, müvafiq
əlaqənin qurulması
- Yalnız səlahiyyətli personal cəlb olunmalıdır
- Nəzarət
- Atəş xəttində heç kəsin olmaması
- Tapşırıqdan əvvəl və sonra təmizlik işləri görülməlidir
- Əlavə işıqlandırma
- Yanğınsöndürmə avadanlıqları və yanğın nəzarətçiləri
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 107 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

yeriində olmalıdır
- Bütün elektrik keçid kabelləri yoxlanılmalıdır.
- Bütün maneəli elektrik kabelləri yuxarı səviyyədən
- Əmin olmaq üçün söküntüdən əvvəl kabelləri və
avadanlıqları ayırın
- Ərazidəki bütün kabellərin həqiqətən də sönülü olduğunu
təsdiq edin
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 108 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- İş yerində kimyəvi maddələrin dağılmasını müşahidə
etməmək üçün ərazinin işə başlamazdan əvvəl və sonra
- Ərazinin təhlükəsiz, təmiz və səliqəli şəkildə tərk
edilməsini təmin etmək
- Tələb olunarsa, maddələrin dağılması zamanı istifadə
olunacaq dəst yerində olmalıdır

Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 109 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Suda batma - Personalın / D 3 M - Tapşırıqdan əvvəl keçiriləcək Təhlükəsizlik yığıncağı A2 (L)
- Zəif işıqlandırma ziyarətçilərin (TBT)
- Avadanlıqların nasazlığı xəsarət alması - Müvafiq nəzarət
- Səriştəsiz şəxs - Əmlaka/ ətraf - Bütün avadanlıqlar üçüncü tərəf tərəfindən təsdiq
- Yorğunluq mühitə zərər olunmalıdır.
- Yalnış anlama dəyməsi - Təmizlik işləri tapşırıqdan əvvəl və sonra yerinə
- Əl alətləri yetirilməlidir
- Məhdudlaşdırılmış sahə - Əməliyyat sahəsi təcrid olunmalıdır.
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 110 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Atəş xətti - Əlavə işıqlandırma
- Qeyri – müvafiq əl ilə - Müvafiq kommunikasiya təmin edilməlidir
daşıma - Nişanlar və maneələr
- Pis hava şəraiti - Müvafiq FMV – dən istifadə edilməlidir (Su keçirməz
Dənizdə təmizlik - Əl alətləri soyuğa davamlı kombenzon,su keçirməz eynək,qoruyucu
- Sürüşmə / ilişmə / aşma xilas etmə jileti ,dalğıc komlekti (hava balonu,reduktor,və
- Su altı suxurlar s)
- Ərazinin təhlükəsiz, təmiz və səliqəli şəkildə tərk
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 111 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

edilməsini təmin etmək
- Bütün iş yerlərini təmizləmək və bütün alətləri və
avadanlıqları saxlama yerinə qaytarmaq
- Hər hansı qüsurlu avadanlıq barədə dərhal məlumat
- Sertifikatlı avadanlıqlar
- Səriştəli personal / Yalnız səriştəli və təlimatlandırılmış
personal cəlb olunmalıdır
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 112 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 113 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

QALIQ RİSK (RR) – Bütün təsirlərin azaldılması tədbirləri yerində olduqdan sonra nail olunan risk səviyyəsi

Ad və soyad İş / vəzifə Şirkət İmza
Layihə Meneceri
Keyfiyyət Mühəndisi

Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 114 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 115 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task


Bu sənəd PMD Projects MMC - nin SƏTƏM Şöbəsi tərəfindən hazırlanmışdır.

PMD Projects MMC bununla bilir ki, bu sənədin hər hansı şəkildə paylanması, yayılması, çoxaldılması, kopyalanması və ya digər şəkildə istifadəsi ciddi şəkildə

Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 116 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 117 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

A Ehtimal olunmayan B Uzaq C Mümkün D Ehtimal olunan E Çox ehtimal olunan
Yalnız faktorların qeyri- Yalnız müstəsna hallarda Bəzi vaxtlarda baş verə Bəzən heç bir qeyri – adi Vəziyyət dəyişməz
adi birləşməsi baş verə bilər AC (10-5 bilər AC (10-4 - 10-2) amylin olması tələb olaraq qalarsa, baş
nəticəsində baş verə bilər to 10-4) olunmayacaqdır AC (10-2 verməsi müəyyəndir
AC (10-5 – dən az) - 10-1) AC (10-1 - 1)

Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 118 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

1 Cüzi A1 B1 C1 D1 E1
Cüzi xəsarət / minimal çirklənmə təsiri / İtirilməmiş vaxt /
Heç bir daxili çətinliyin olmaması / Heç bir boş vaxtın
2 Aşağı A2 B2 C2 D2 E2
Tibbi diqqət tələb edən xəsarət / 1 – 3 günlük itirilmiş vaxt
/ Cüzi çirklənmə təsiri / Cüzi daxili çətinlik / 1 günlük boş

Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 119 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

3 Orta A3 B3 C3 D3 E3
Müvəqqəti əlilliyə (məs. sınıqlar) səbəb olan və / və ya
tibbi xidmət tələb edən həyat üçün təhlükəli xəsarət /
Potensial uzunmüddətli işdə olmama / Bəzi onsite / offsite
təsirlər / Kömək tələb edən çətinlik / 1 – 7 gün arası boş

Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 120 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

4 Yüksək A4 B4 C4 D4 E4
Daimi əlilliyə (məs. ətrafların itirilməsi) səbəb olan əsaslı
həyat üçün təhlükəli xəsarət / natamam sağalma /
əhəmiyyətli təsirə malik çirklənmə / çox ciddi biznes
çətinliyi / 4 həftəyə kimi boş vaxt

Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 121 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

5 Əsas A5 B5 C5 D5 E5

Ölüm halı və ya bir neçə ölüm halı və ya daimi əlilliyə

səbəb olan çoxlu sayda həyat üçün təhlükəli xəsarət /

Əhəmiyyətli bərpa işi ilə kütləvi çirklənmə / fəlakətli

biznes təsiri və milli / qlobal media marağı / 1 aydan artıq
boş vaxt

Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 122 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

Risk dərəcəsinə malik istənilən tapşırıq ümumiyyətlə qəbulediləndir. İş mühiti və metodologiya personal üçün minimum riskləri göstərir (bax
yuxarıdakı matriksdə A1, B1, C1, A2, B2, A3, A4)
Risk Mümkün qədər uyğun olarsa (ALARP) bu risk dərəcəsinə malik tapşırıq qəbulediləndir. ALARP qiymətləndirmələri müvafiq ixtisaslı və
ORTA (M) təcrübəli şəxslər tərəfindən tamamlanmalıdır. Bu qrupa aid tapşırıqları yerinə yetirən personal mövcud olan risklərdən tam olaraq xəbərdar olmalı
və onları minimallaşdırmaq üçün nəzarət tədbirləri olmalıdır (bax yuxarıdakı matriksdə D1, E1, C2, D2, E2, B3, C3, B4, C4, A5, B5).
Bu risk reytinqinə malik olan hər hansı tapşırıq tamamlanmalıdır. Bərpa olunmalı və ya riskləri azaltmaq üçün digər nəzarət tədbirlər olmalıdır
(bax yuxarıdakı matriksdə D3, E3, D4, E4, C5, D5, E5).
Sənəd No.: HSE-001

Səhifə: 123 / 123

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task

- Proper Supervision
- Competent personnel
- Establish proper communication
- Slip/Trip/Fall
- All employees to be informed regarding activity
- Poor Illumination
- Only authorized personnel involved
- Incompetent person
- Certified Equipment
- Pinch points
- Operator to have clear view at all times
- Fatigue
- Use a Banks man if operators view is obstructed
- Hand tools
- No one in the Line of Fire
- Cuts
- Spill kit
- Improper Manual
- Signs & Barriers
handling Injury to
- Excavation method to be agreed before the activity
- Dropped object personnel/visitors.
- Area to be barricaded
- Misunderstanding Damage to D 5 H A2 (L)
- Properly PPE must be used
- Uneven ground property/Environm
Excavation - Method statement shall be prepared to identify the
- Improper ladder ent
Separate manual and sequence for excavation activities
- Equipment failure
equipment - Before start ground disturbance underground
- Miscommunication
communication layout must be familiarized to all involved
- Oil leakage
- Isolation to be provided if applicable
- Weather condition
- Underground communication route shall be clearly
- Hit by heavy equipment
marked prior to mechanical excavation
- Electrocution
- Supposed underground services locations shall be
- Collapsing
identified by manual excavation
- Snake bite
- Immediately call to doctor, don’t undertake any measures
- Inform others if discovered a snake
- Only competent person authorised to catch a snake

- Tool Box Talk ( TBT ) to be done before task


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