Schwartz Space and Fourier Analysis
Schwartz Space and Fourier Analysis
Schwartz Space and Fourier Analysis
5.A.1. The Schwartz space. Since we will study the Fourier transform, we
consider complex-valued functions.
Definition 5.51. The Schwartz space S(Rn ) is the topological vector space of
functions f : Rn → C such that f ∈ C ∞ (Rn ) and
xα ∂ β f (x) → 0 as |x| → ∞
for every pair of multi-indices α, β ∈ Nn0 . For α, β ∈ Nn0 and f ∈ S(Rn ) let
(5.61) kf kα,β = sup xα ∂ β f .
does not belong to S(R) since f 0 (x) does not decay to zero as |x| → ∞.
The space D(Rn ) of smooth complex-valued functions with compact support
is contained in the Schwartz space S(Rn ). If fk → f in D (in the sense of Defini-
tion 3.7), then fk → f in S, so D is continuously imbedded in S. Furthermore, if
f ∈ S, and η ∈ Cc∞ (Rn ) is a cutoff function with ηk (x) = η(x/k), then ηk f → f in
S as k → ∞, so D is dense in S.
4The name ‘tempered distribution’ is short for ‘distribution of temperate growth,’ meaning
polynomial growth.
is the Gaussian
1 2 2
fˆ(k) = n
e−σ |k| /2
The Fourier transform maps differentiation to multiplication by a monomial
and multiplication by a monomial to differentiation. As a result, f ∈ S if and only
if fˆ ∈ S, and fn → f in S if and only if fˆn → fˆ in S.
Theorem 5.61. The Fourier transform F : S → S defined by F : f 7→ fˆ is a
continuous, one-to-one map of S onto itself. The inverse F −1 : S → S is given by
F −1 : f 7→ fˇ. If f ∈ S, then
F [∂ α f ] = (ik)α fˆ, F (−ix)β f = ∂ β fˆ.
The Fourier transform maps the convolution product of two functions to the
pointwise product of their transforms.
Theorem 5.62. If f, g ∈ S, then the convolution h = f ∗ g ∈ S, and
ĥ = (2π)n fˆĝ.
If f, g ∈ S, then Z Z
f g dx = (2π)n fˆĝ dk.
In particular, Z Z
|f | dx = (2π) n
|fˆ|2 dk.
This motivates the following definition for the Fourier transform of a tempered
distribution which is compatible with the one for Schwartz functions.
Definition 5.63. If T ∈ S 0 , then the Fourier transform T̂ ∈ S 0 is the distribu-
tion defined by
hT̂ , φi = hT, φ̂i for all φ ∈ S.
The inverse Fourier transform Ť ∈ S 0 is the distribution defined by
hŤ , φi = hT, φ̌i for all φ ∈ S.
We also write T̂ = FT and Ť = F −1 T . The linearity and continuity of the
Fourier transform on S implies that T̂ is a linear, continuous map on S, so the
Fourier transform of a tempered distribution is a tempered distribution. The in-
vertibility of the Fourier transform on S implies that F : S 0 → S 0 is invertible with
inverse F −1 : S 0 → S 0 .
2 n/2
e−|x| /2σ * δ in S 0 as σ → 0.
(2πσ )
The corresponding Fourier transform of this limit is
1 2 2 1
e−σ |k| /2 * in S 0 as σ → 0.
(2π) (2π)n
If T ∈ S 0 , it follows directly from the definitions and the properties of Schwartz
functions that
α T , φi = h∂ α T , φ̂i = (−1)|α| hT, ∂ α φ̂i = hT, (ik)
h∂d \ α φi = hT̂ , (ik)α φi = h(ik)α T̂ , φi,
The Fourier transform does not define a map of the test function space D
into itself, since the Fourier transform of a compactly supported function does not,
in general, have compact support. Thus, the Fourier transform of a distribution
T ∈ D0 is not, in general, a distribution T̂ ∈ D0 ; this explains why we define the
Fourier transform for the smaller class of tempered distributions.
The Fourier transform maps the space D onto a space Z of real-analytic func-
tions,5 and one can define the Fourier transform of a general distribution T ∈ D0 as
an ultradistribution T̂ ∈ Z 0 acting on Z. We will not consider this theory further
5.A.5. The Fourier transform on L1 . If f ∈ L1 (Rn ), then
f (x)e−ik·x dx ≤ |f | dx,
In particular,
|f | dx = (2π)n |fˆ|2 dk.
5.A.9. Riesz and Bessel potentials. For 0 < α < n, we define the Riesz
potential Iα : Rn → R by
1 1 2α π n/2 Γ(α/2)
Iα (x) = n−α
, γα = .
γα |x| Γ(n/2 − α/2)
Since α > 0, we have Iα ∈ L1loc (Rn ).
The Riesz potential of a function φ ∈ S is defined by
1 φ(y)
Iα ∗ φ(x) = dy.
γα |x − y|n−α
The Fourier transform of this equation is
α ∗ φ)(k) =
(I\ φ̂(k).
Thus, we can interpret convolution with Iα as a homogeneous, spherically symmet-
ric fractional integral operator of the order α. We write it symbolically as
Iα ∗ φ = |D| φ,
where |D| is the operator with symbol |k|. In particular, for α = 2 the potential
I2 is the Green’s function of the Laplacian operator and −∆(I2 ∗ φ) = φ, which we
may write symbolically as I2 ∗ φ = (−∆)−2 φ = |D|−2 φ.
If we consider
|D|−α : Lp (Rn ) → Lq (Rn )
as a map from Lp to Lq , then a scaling argument similar to the one for the Sobolev
imbedding theorem implies that the map can be bounded only if
1 1 α
(5.66) = − .
q p n
The following Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality states that this map is, in fact,
bounded for 1 < p < n/α. See [18] for a proof.
Theorem 5.72. Suppose that 0 < α < n, 1 < p < n/α, and q is defined by
(5.66). If f ∈ Lp (Rn ), then Iα ∗ f ∈ Lq (Rn ) and there exists a constant C(n, α, p)
such that
kIα ∗ f kLq ≤ C kf kLp for every f ∈ Lp (Rn ).
This inequality may be thought of as a generalization of the Gagliardo-Nirenberg
inequality in Theorem 3.26 to fractional derivatives. If α = 1, then q = p∗ is the
Sobolev conjugate of p, and writing f = |D|g we get
kgkLp∗ ≤ Ckf kLp .
The Bessel potential corresponds to the operator
−α/2 −α/2
Λ−α = (I − ∆) = I + |D|2 .
where Λ is defined in (5.64) and α > 0. The operator Λ is a non-homogeneous,
spherically symmetric fractional integral operator; it plays an analogous role for
non-homogeneous Sobolev spaces to the fractional derivative |D|−α for homoge-
neous Sobolev spaces.
If φ ∈ S, then
\ −α φ)(k) =
(Λ α/2
(1 + |k|2 )
Thus, by the convolution theorem,
Λ−α φ = Jα ∗ φ
where " #
−1 1
Jα = F α/2
(1 + |k|2 )
This inverse transform does not have a simple explicit expression.