User Manual
User Manual
User Manual
Chapter 1 — Introduction
02 Introduction
Chapter 8 — RFID
18 Learn RFID
18 Use RFID
Chapter 9 — Wi-Fi
19 Sync Results
19 Disconnect Wi-Fi
19 Connect Wi-Fi
NEOGEN®’s AccuPoint Advanced Next Generation (NG) sanitation monitoring system is a lightweight, handheld
diagnostic tool used to validate and verify a sanitation program’s effectiveness by detecting organic residues
remaining on surfaces and in liquids after cleaning when using the AccuPoint Advanced samplers. The system
is composed of three primary components: an electronic luminometer; fully self-contained single-use samplers,
and data manager software.
When used with AccuPoint Advanced ATP samplers, the system will detect adenosine triphosphate (ATP) collected in
the sample and report the measurement in relative light units (RLUs). RLU thresholds are established by a facility to
reflect effective cleaning practices.The instrument compares the measured level of ATP to the established thresholds
and reports the result as a pass, marginal, or fail.
The system will record the time, date, specific test site location, site group, and area information in addition to the
recorded RLU and result. The AccuPoint Advanced NG instrument also gives users the ability to enter notes on individual
test results. This information can be uploaded to the data manager software for additional review and reporting.
NEOGEN continually works to improve its product lines, and nowhere is that more evident than with the AccuPoint
Advanced system. With the AccuPoint Advanced system, innovations allow for better functionality and service than
ever before.
These innovations include the advanced samplers, which feature a bioluminescent reaction in a liquid-stable solution.
This allows for a more consistent reaction that provides a more consistent result. This chemistry also creates a more
robust reaction that has the benefit of providing greater sensitivity through a clearer distinction between very low
levels of ATP. The AccuPoint Advanced NG instrument offers enhanced navigation, touch screen, wireless data transfer
capability, and robust design to take your sanitation monitoring program to the next level.
NEOGEN’s AccuPoint Advanced system can also be used to test dairy products to ensure proper pasteurization when
using high-temperature, short time (HTST) processing equipment. The AccuPoint Advanced Alkaline Phosphatase
sampler is a chemiluminescence-based test that allows the user to determine whether a milk sample has been properly
pasteurized or is contaminated with raw milk. A sample of milk to be tested is collected using the sampler and exposed
to the substrate solution contained within the sampler body. After a brief incubation, the amount of light generated by
the interaction of the substrate with alkaline phosphatase naturally present in raw milk is detected on the AccuPoint
Advanced NG instrument and reported in mU/L.
When used with the AccuPoint data manager version 4.0 software (or later), the AccuPoint Advanced NG instrument can
be set up to record the testing results at user specified test sites, along with the date, time, and user. The test site
information is entered into the data manager program and uploaded to the AccuPoint instrument. The user simply
navigates to the correct site and takes the test. The AccuPoint Advanced NG instrument has built in RFID functionality that
can be used to automatically identify test locations that are set up with RFID tags. The user simply brings the unit
close to the RFID tag and the correct site is automatically identified for that test.
Up to 3,000 unique testing sites can be tracked with each AccuPoint Advanced NG instrument. Up to 4,000 test results
can be stored at any time and are not lost if the instrument loses power. An integrated, rechargeable lithium-ion battery
provides power.
Operating Principles and Technology
The AccuPoint ® Advanced ATP samplers utilizes ATP bioluminescence to determine the cleanliness of test samples. ATP
is a chemical compound found in all living cells, including bacteria, food debris, yeast, and mold. Bioluminescence is
a chemical reaction that produces light. ATP bioluminescence occurs when ATP from a sample comes into contact with
luciferase, an enzyme found in fireflies, and luciferin, a substrate. The amount of light emitted in this reaction is proportional
to the amount of ATP in a sample. After a sample is taken, the sampler is pressed into its cartridge, breaking its seal and
initiating the mixing of reagents. The reaction takes place within the cartridge, and a detector in the instrument measures
the amount of light produced. The reading is displayed on the screen in RLUs. According to preset limits, an icon is
displayed indicating a pass, marginal, or fail result. These limits are defined by the operator, by the company’s quality
system, or by using the system presets.
System Components
Part No. Description
9904 AccuPoint Advanced NG sanitation monitoring instrument
USB thumb drive containing user guide and AccuPoint Advanced
data manager software
9918 USB data and power cable
1232-2 Quick reference guide
9916 Holster, with shoulder strap and sampler holder
9919 Wall charger*
9919E Wall charger faceplates — U.K., E.U.
9919A Wall charger faceplates — U.S., Brazil
9919P Wall charger faceplates — Australia, China, India, Japan 3
Operating Principles and Technology
Sampler compartment
Eject button
RFID antenna
Operating Guidelines and Precautions
Electrical Warnings
The instrument should be used according to the instructions provided in this manual. If used otherwise, the electrical
protection provided may be impaired.
The power source for charging the AccuPoint ® Advanced NG sanitation monitoring instrument must be adequate and
stable. For optimal performance, use only the wall adaptor provided with the AccuPoint Advanced NG instrument. Do
not operate the instrument in an explosive atmosphere, operate the instrument with any covers or parts removed,
and do not attempt to make adjustments, replacements, or repairs to this instrument. Only a certified NEOGEN® service
representative should service the instrument. 5
Operating Guidelines and Precautions
CAUTION: If liquid spills inside the sampler compartment, turn the instrument off and use the AccuPoint Advanced NG
cleaning swab to dry the interior surfaces.
Note: The use of unapproved solvents and swabs inside the sampler compartment may damage the unit or leave
behind swab debris, adversely affecting instrument performance and test results.
Preparing the Instrument for Use
To charge the instrument you must use the power supply provided with the device. The instrument will also charge
while connected to the PC via USB — although the charge time will be longer than if connected using the wall adapter.
An icon will appear to the left of the battery status icon to indicate that the unit is being charged.
• PC connection, 250 mA
• Dedicated charger, 250 mA
• Dedicated charger, 750 mA 7
Preparing the Instrument for Use
Home Page
The home page is considered the landing page once the AccuPoint® Advanced NG instrument is turned on. You will
find the following items on the home page:
• Date and Time — The time and date that each test result will be tagged. Both can be changed in the menu. The date
and time will also be updated when the AccuPoint Advanced NG instrument connects to the data manager software
on your PC.
• Battery — Icon indicates the amount of battery life left on the instrument
• Menu — Navigation menu with: sites, results, setting, learn RFID, WiFi, and about sections
• User ID — If a user has logged into the instrument using their user name and PIN (optional) their name will be displayed
here; if a user is not logged in the display will show <Guest>
• Standard and Quick Test — The different type of testing options avaliable.
Preparing the Instrument for Use
Results Screen
• Plan – ---
• Area – ---
• Group – ---
• Site – <Quick Test>
• User
• Date/Time
• Result
Add Notes
To add notes to the result, select notes* on screen. Type in the note and click the right arrow button to confirm
the note. Notes will be in the comments field when results are imported into the data manager software.
To run a retest, select the retest button on the results screen, insert the sample, and run the test. This test will
be designated as a retest result when results are imported into the data manager software. 9
Preparing the Instrument for Use
Sample Procedure
01. To power on the instrument, press and hold the center button on your AccuPoint ® Advanced NG. Enter user name
and pin if required.
02. Select standard test (when using a site plan) or quick test for general sampling. Under standard testing, select the
correct site to be tested.
03. Sample your site by drawing a 4 x 4 in (10cm x 10cm) square. With a vertical and horizontal back and forth motion
fill in the square. Consistency is critical.
04. Hold the sampler vertically and insert into unibody, and fully depress to activate. Note: The sampler must be
held vertically.
Preparing the Instrument for Use
06. With the instrument held upright, press the eject button and insert the sampler.
07. Close the door to depress the sampler and begin test. Note: keep instrument upright while the sample is being read.
08. The RLU value will display along with a symbol for pass, marginal, or fail.
09. On the results screen, users have the option to enter notes for that result, retest that site, or move to the next site
in their plan. 11
User Access
Logging In
The user login information is set up and administered through the data manager software.For information on setting
up users, see the user management section of the AccuPoint® data manager user guide. By default, when no users are
loaded to the device, the login screen will be bypassed, and the user will automatically be logged in as a guest user.
When users have been loaded in the device, users will be prompted to log in to the device before running tests. The
username of the logged-in user will be recorded on any tests taken in that session.
To log in, select the username field. Navigate to the appropriate username in the list by scrolling with the up and down
buttons on the d-pad or use the search field on the display to search for a specific username. Select the appropriate
username and proceed to PIN entry. If a PIN was established for the user, enter the PIN in the PIN field, and select sign
in to continue. If no PIN was set for the user, select sign in to continue.
Logging Out
The username of the logged-in user will be displayed at the top right of the screen. To log out, select the user icon and
select sign out. Instrument will return to the log in screen and a user will need to log in before new samplers can be read
or other instrument features can be accessed.
Running Standard Tests
Select Plan
Plans are subsets of the master site plan. The master site plan is comprised of all unique test sites in the facility. Sites
are organized under groups, and groups are organized under areas in the plan. For more information on setting up site
plans, see the AccuPoint® data manager user guide. Plans can be set up in the data manager software and exported to
the instrument, or standard tests can run without the use of plans (default).
To run a standard test without the use of a plan subset, proceed to area selection. To run a standard test as a part of a
plan subset, select select plan.
Navigate to the appropriate plan in the plans list by scrolling with the up and down keys on the d-pad or use the search
field to search for a specific plan by name. Then, select the appropriate plan by tapping on the display and proceed to
area selection.
Select Area
Navigate to the appropriate area in the areas list by scrolling with the up and down keys on the d-pad or use the
search field to search for a specific area by name. Select the appropriate area by tapping on the display and proceed
to group selection. 13
Running Standard Tests
Select Group
Navigate to the appropriate group in the groups list by scrolling with the up and down keys on the d-pad or use the
search field to search for a specific group by name. Select the appropriate group by tapping on the display and proceed
to site selection.
Note: For large or complicated site plans, the RFID feature can be used to avoid confusion and save time by automatically
pulling up the appropriate group based on the location of a physical RFID tag. See the RFID section for more information.
(RFID tags are required.)
Select Site
Navigate to the appropriate site in the sites list by scrolling with the up and down keys on the d-pad or use the search
field to search for a specific site by name. Select the appropriate site by tapping it on the display. Press the green right
arrow, and insert the sampler to begin testing
Running Standard Tests
Testing Screen
A progress indicator will appear, displaying the progress of the sample. Once complete, the results screen will appear.
Results Screen
The results screen for scheduled tests will display:
• Result
• User
• Date/Time
• Plan (if applicable)
• Area
• Group
• Site
Add Notes
To add notes to the result, select notes* on the screen. Type in the note and click the right arrow button to confirm the
added note. Notes will be stored in the comments field when results are imported into the data manager software.
To run a retest of the same site, remove sample and select the retest button on the results screen, insert the retest sampler,
and run the test. This test will be designated as a retest result when results are imported into the data manager software.
Next Site
To run the next site in the site plan, remove sample and select the next site button on the results screen, press the green
right arrow and insert sampler, and run test. 15
Menu Navigation
The sites list will show a list of all sites programmed into the instrument. This list can be used to select a site to be tested.
Simply navigate to the appropriate site in the list by scrolling with the up or down buttons on the d-pad or use the
search field to search for a specific site by name. Select the appropriate site by tapping it and run test.
The results list will show a list of all test results stored on the instrument. To view individual results, simply navigate
to the appropriate result in the list by scrolling with the up and down buttons in the d-pad or use the search field to
search for a specific result by site name. Select the appropriate result to view all information for that result. Retesting
of the site or testing the next site can be done by selecting retest or next site on the results screen.
• Screen Timeout — Adjusts the amount of time before the screen will dim when the instrument is idle.
• Off Timeout — Adjusts the amount of time before the instrument automatically powers off when the instrument is idle.
• Auto-Select Site — Automatically selects the next site to test at the end of each test.
• Auto-Test with sample — Allows users to take a test any time a sampler is inserted. If a sampler is inserted without a
site being selected first (i.e., if a sampler was inserted while on the home screen), a quick test will run unless auto select
site is checked.
• Language — Change user-specific language settings on the instrument.
Note: this can also be managed through the data manager software.
• Date and Time — Change the date and time display settings on the instrument.
Note: this can also be managed through the data manager software.
Learn RFID
This is where users can program RFID tags once a site plan has been set up and exported to the instrument. RFID tags
are associated with groups within the site plan and are used to automatically pull up the appropriate group for testing
when the tag is scanned. This is especially beneficial for large or complicated site plans to avoid confusion and save
time (RFID tags are required).
Menu Navigation
This instrument offers wireless data transfer capabilities over Wi-Fi connection. The Wi-Fi connection is initiated and
configured through the data manager software. See the setting up Wi-Fi section of the data manager guide for details
on setting up the Wi-Fi connection. Once the instrument is connected to Wi-Fi, test results can be transferred wirelessly
to the data manager software through the Wi-Fi menu on the instrument.
Note: Data manager software must be running in the background on host PC for wireless data transfer to occur. A Wi-Fi
icon with a lock will appear when the instrument is connected to Wi-Fi and ready to transfer. To sync results, select sync
results to transfer test results wirelessly to the data manager and keep the test results stored on the device as a backup.
To sync and erase results, select this option to transfer test results wirelessly to data manager and erase the test results
from the instrument memory.
The technical device information is displayed on the first page, including the serial number, firmware version, and
Wi-Fi connection status. On the second page, that can be accessed by pressing the down button on dPad, technical
and regulatory information about the device can be found. 17
Learn RFID
Once a site plan has been exported to the instrument from the data manager software, select learn RFID from the menu.
Then, select the appropriate group from the list by scrolling with the up and down arrows on the d-pad or search by name
using the search field. Next, hold the instrument next to the appropriate RFID tag/sign, lining up the RFID icon on the
side of the instrument with the RFID tag/sign. The instrument will vibrate when it recognizes the RFID tag. A green
check-mark will appear next to groups which have RFID tags assigned. Be sure to note on the RFID sign which group has
been associated with it. This will help when posting the RFID signs through the facility.
Once the RFID tags have been programmed, the tags can be used to pull up the appropriate group within the site plan
instantly. To do so, hold the instrument next to the appropriate RFID tag or sign, lining up the RFID icon on the side of
the instrument with the RFID tag or sign. The instrument will vibrate to confirm the tag is recognized. Then pick the
appropriate test site within the group and begin testing.
The AccuPoint® Advanced NG instrument can be configured for wireless communication over WiFi. Wireless configuration
is managed through the data manager PC software. For more information on configuring the AccuPoint Advanced NG
device for wireless communication, see the data manager user guide.
Sync Results
Once the AccuPoint Advanced NG instrument is configured for WiFi communication, the sync results button can be used
to send new readings data to the active data manager database. When the sync results button is pressed, the device
will attempt to re-establish a secure connection to the PC. Once the secure connection is reestablished, the readings
will be synced to the active database in data manager.
Disconnecting Wi-Fi
To disconnect from Wi-Fi, select the disconnect Wi-Fi option in the main menu under the Wi-Fi section.
Connecting Wi-Fi
To reconnect to the wireless network after disconnecting on the device, select the connect Wi-Fi option in the main menu
under the Wi-Fi section. 19
Additional Features
If utilizing NEOGEN®’s new AccuPoint Advanced Alkaline Phosphatase tests, this should be designated upon the installation
of the software. After enabling alkaline phosphatase functionality, the Alk Phos test sites will be automatically loaded
into the instrument when the overall test plan is synced to the AccuPoint Advanced NG instrument. For additional information
on software setup and use, refer to the data manager user guide.
Additional Features
Error 01: Door open during unit initialization while powering on. 21
Additional Features
Additional Features
Error 05: Leaving the door open when the unit is trying to take a baseline reading.
Error 06: The unit battery is low, charge unit soon by connecting to the USB charger. 23
Additional Features
Error 07: The unit battery is depleted, the unit is shutting down. Connect the unit to the USB charger.
Error 08: Tilt warning flag, unit was not kept upright during the test. Test results are marked with this flag because the
results may be compromised.
Technical Information
Operating Conditions
Operating temperature.................................................................................................................................5–35°C (41–95°F)
Relative humidity............................................................................................................................20–80%, non-condensing
Altitude..................................................................................................................................................................... 0–2,000 m
Storage Conditions
Temperature......................................................................................................................... minus 20–60°C (minus 4–140°F)
Relative humidity........................................................................................................................... 20–80%, non-condensing
Altitude................................................................................................................................................................... 0–12,000 m 25
Technical Information
Electrical Requirements
The power supply is designed for indoor use only.
AC line voltage/frequency: 110 to 240 VAC, 47 to 63 Hz.
Maximum input current: 0.32A.
Installation category: This instrument can withstand transient overvoltage according to Installation Category II, as
defined in IEC 1010-1.
Pollution degree: This equipment will operate safely in environments that contain non-conductive foreign matter up
to Pollution Degree 2 in IEC 1010-1.
The AccuPoint Advanced NG instrument carries a 12-month limited warranty on defective materials and workmanship.
Buyer assumes all risk and liability resulting from the use of this product. There is no warranty of merchantability
of this product or the fitness of the product for any purpose. NEOGEN shall not be liable for any damages, including
special or consequential damage, or expense arising directly or indirectly from the use of this product.
©NEOGEN Corporation, 2021. NEOGEN and AccuPoint are registered trademarks of NEOGEN corporation, Lansing, MI 48912 U.S