Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction

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Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction

Name: Xzelle Marie Traviña Subject: English - Adjectives

Lesson Objectives:
a) to understand how adjectives use to describe nouns
b) to identify adjective and noun in the provided worksheet
c) to to use adjectives to complete the sentence

Grade Level: 3
Instructional Event Planned Instructional Activities Learners’ Activities Materials/EdTech Tools Needed
1. Gain attention The teacher will start the lesson with an The student are going to listen Projector
interactive game where the students will attentively and actively participating Powerpoint Presentation
guess an object based on the descriptive on guessing the objects using the Marker
clues using the adjectives adjectives. They can also use a marker
to underline their guessed objects
2. Inform learners of objective The teacher will state the objectives Thr student will read and repeat the Projector
objectives Powerpoint Presentation
3. Stimulate recall of prior knowledge The teacher will review the nouns using a The students will actively participate FlashCards
flashcard and will introduce the concept in recalling the nouns and they will Powerpoint Presentation
of adjectives as words that describes a understand the connection between Projector
noun noun and adjectives
4. Present the content The teacher will use a video presentation Students will watch the video and Powerpoint Presentation
to introduce adjectives and will use a carefully listen to the lesson and they Projector
flash cards to demonstrate an example should be able to participate in the Flashcards
on how it will describe nouns with discussions about adjectives Video presentation from youtube
descriptive words
5. Provide learning guidance The teacher will provide worksheets on The students should be able to work Worksheets
the students and she will task them to in pairs and they should be able to
work in pair to identify adjectives and identify adjectives and the noun in
the nouns they described in sentences the worksheet that the teacher
provided on worksheets. provided. They are going to present
it in front
6. Elicit Performance The teacher will provide a sentences The student should be able fill in Powerpoint Presentation
with missing adjective and she will ask with missing adjectives to complete Projector
the students to fill in the blanks with the the sentences
appropriate descriptive words
7. Provide feedback The teacher will review and discuss the The students listen to feedback Powerpoint Presentation
activity which is fill in the missing provided by the teacher and make Projector
adjective at in the class and then she will necessary adjustments in their
provide positive reinforcement and understanding of adjectives
provide feedback on adjective usage
8. Assess performance The teacher will provide a short quiz students will complete the quiz and Paper and Pencil Quiz
for students have to identify adjectives to their best to identify adjectives
in sentences are use adjectives to correctly
describe given nouns
9. Enhance retention and transfer The teacher will assign an assignment The students should do the
where students have to write short assignment applying the knowledge
paragraphs describing their favorite of adjectives to create descriptive
animals, favorite sports or food using and clear description of their chosen
adjectives to make their description favorites

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