Extract From 526 KSW
Extract From 526 KSW
Extract From 526 KSW
We have entered a very delicate subject, of us really becoming passengers of Universe. We thought
we got everything done with Star Formation (SF) and everything else, (:16) but now you realize your
Star Formation fuel is of the wrong type. You need the right types to be able to make that span, to be
able to travel. You cannot do this with Matter-State, you cannot do this with confirmation of the, what
you thought Gans's will give you, because as I said, you have not learned about the conversion of the
Fields and Matter and Matter to Fields, and either way, understanding the Totality.
…Listen to the Intro and listen to the teaching of last week many times. You will find out I unravel a
mystery, unraveled a knowledge that brings a very big question mark on the whole theory of
evolution. We have evolved on this planet by immigrating, moving, going from one place to another.
By nature of the place, (:18) magnetic (M) fields changed our feature to short, black, white, blue,
Chinese, God knows what.
…We explained that you manifest a time, place and position, according to its fields, according to the
strength that it allows you to manifest. Look at the body of the Man. Look at the intriguing
combination of the layers, organs, cells, operation, the design, the shape, the intelligence, the
emotion, and the Soul of the Man.
Ask yourself one simple question, if you are not prejudiced towards what you've been taught. And
that question is, If Man could immigrate and go through evolution, and become so many different
races and colors and whatever and animals, (:20). according to the time, place and position, as the
Man could physically take himself to, and in interaction of the Soul of Physicality and of the Soul of
the Man and the Soul of Physicality of the time, place and position, and the Planet. You converted it
to short, tall, black, white and the rest of it.
… Then, there is a very big question mark. When you look at the intriguing structure of every cell of
the body of the man, how kidney has different operations, filters for different things, liver, structure
of it. The question for you is, was the planet Earth so clever to produce this structure, over billions of
years, and connect it through what we call neuro system and a blood? Or, if you understood the
subject of transmutation, was the RNA of the man universal condition, in arriving on this planet in the
right place, time and position, having the right field strength, has gone through a transmutation, where
this intriguing structure of the body of the man, is actually completed in another time, place and
position in Universe.
And, depending on how the position and time and the place has been, (:22) has created life due to its
moisture structure on upper atmosphere as we've seen from NASA, in the oceans as we've seen in
what man calls in Africa, and in Central Africa in a lake, and in North America in another shape of
form. And as we know scientifically, originally it wasn't just one race, there were other races, that
over time, one has eliminated one, or has integrated one race into another, that now has reached the
man of today.
So, as the fields of the Universe, carrying the information, the time and place as you were the woman
in London going to the wedding in New York, you're transmuted and you manifest yourself in
different color and shape. As these fields of the structure of the physicality of the man, on the back of
the amino acids of the Carbon 14, in conjunction with physicality of the structure of the Carbon 60,
manifesting, interacting themselves as man of one race in North Europe, and man in one shape in
Africa, and man in another shape in Australia and the rest.
But in fact, the information arrived on this planet, at the same time, the place and the condition of the
position and time, created different men on this planet. Then this makes sense, because stupidly man
does this, this is the kidney, this is the layers of it, (:24) this is the function of this place, this is the
function of that place, excuse me, 4 billion years, according to our scientists, is not enough to develop
such a intriguing structure of body of the man.
So, man has to accept, he has gone through what we call, changes, evolutions, after arriving on this
planet, through the fields of the Universe. If you understand this, this gives you a massive step
forward. Which means, if you can go back to the original fields, which is within the structure of the
amino acids of the man, and in the RNA of the man, man can go back, as a natural way, to other time
and place and position, where the origin of life was transmitted to this planet.
When we tell you, we take you back to Universal Community, you already came from the Universal
Community. You isolated yourself and became a village, where the city and its citizens outside,
carried on with their work.
The interesting point for many of the scientists of the future is, when we come across the citizens of
the Universe, would we look into their structure, to see where our ancestral life, in the depth of the
Universe comes? Which one of them has familiarity in the space, time and energy, as us, on a basic
level, (:26) that shows we are cousins?
We have a forefather and see how they evolved their kidney and the brain and how we evolved ours.
So, if you understand this, this opens a new dimension to the knowledge. But the interesting point for
you will be that the man, who you are, the spin of his fields of energy of the Universe, has a share in
your Soul, connection to your Soul. And interesting enough, as man has created other Souls to
penetrate, to become part of the structure of Universe, has passed this information on to the next
cycle, the next generation of life in the Universe.
It'll be intriguing how the scientists, now knowing that they themselves are part of the travelers of the
Universe, arriving on this planet, going through what I call, no immigration, passport control, arrived
and then, in that process, what we call, took changes according to the time, place and space on this
planet. Evolution of the planet Earth. But, the Soul of the Man, the original part which arrived as
energy, has gone through the evolution of it, for this planet, coming from another dimension and
In a very short time, we open that channel. And if you understood that, you understand why, when
you dream, (:28) you call it a dream, you've been going places you do not know, some aliens, some
familiar, and then you come to understand, the knowledge is embedded with you in your RNA in the
original fingerprint of the Universal Energy and you carry all the knowledge. And you're still looking
for it.
The only thing you have to do, the only thing you have to look for is the key to that knowledge. It's
embedded with you, it's within your RNA, it's within the structure of it. But as you travel through the
dimension (D) of the information line of the Universal Community through Carbon 14 with the
interaction of the what we call physicality of Carbon 60, you have, you will carry the knowledge of
the Universe, and you travel in this dimension.
And once you understand this, a lot of times which you don't remember as part of the dreams of your
sleep time, will start making sense, and you find out this brain has never stopped.
The time you dream about the uncle, it could be 5 minutes of 8 hours of sleep. Where is the other 7
hour 55 minutes has been spent?
In understanding the new knowledge, in exploring the depth of it, you will start seeing why the
scientists, through their ignorance, say man only uses a few percentage of his brain, (:30) where in
fact the brain is continuously used 100% by the Soul, for its interaction and memory bank of data, all
the time.
As I said to a scientist, when we were doing the condition of one of the coma patients. I'll explained
this and if you understand what it means, you have solved half of the problem of your knowledge and
understanding. Is that the brain scientists tell us we use 5 or 10% of the brain and the rest of it is not
used. Where it shows their ignorance.
You put your arm on your side and don't use it for 10 years. It rots. It hangs, the muscles don’t move,
the fingers go through all sorts of changes because it's not used. Then think, is there any part of your
brain which is dead, not working, wasted just to be there because it was created? Or does your brain
stays fresh, working and continuously operating, which means it never stop working. It's in use.
It's our scientists, through their ignorance, have not understood. The other 85 - 90% of the brain of the
man, while the man says, is not used, is continuously used by the Soul of the Man, by connection to
Universal field strength and other operation of the body of the man.
So, we see how science changes, how much wrong information we are given, and how as Knowledge
Seekers (KS) we have to open these doors, and in a way, walk away from fallacies of the past.
Then it comes to you, in how you connect yourself to this Carbon 14, how you use the Carbon 60,
how you open the door of the what I call the knowledge of Universe and you become part of the
Universal Community (UC) in the field strength time, place and position, Creating condition of life
through what we call the transportation fields of the Universe is different. And in so many ways man
needs a step up to do and then you come to see how the Universal Community works by knowledge,
Universal technologies and understanding of the work of the Universe, which in a drips has become
part of what we call, the life of the man.
Now, is for you Knowledge Seekers, to develop technologies which are connected to the Carbon 14,
Carbon 12, and Carbon 60 and then the Carbon 840. You understand why this 840 will come and
Carbon 860 will be conditioned on the back of it.
These are not the knowledge that man knows and in future become part of the work of intelligence,
communication, and life process of the man. It'll be interesting how man will realize this. (:34) There
is a common denominator working in a way isotope combination of fields of the Universe. We call it
the Carbon, in the Universe known as connection lines. How we change field radiation into matter
state. And this has been the dilemma of the man.
On Earth we create the atmospheric condition of the Earth as our scientists tell us. And then we give
it Inertia to give it the manifestation of the matter state. In the Universal M fields, condition of the
containment and what you call Inertia of the matter, becoming Inertia of the confinement of the fields
of the Universe, is done through Carbon 60 and in connection with it, the Carbon range isotopes of
This will give you multi-facet structures, which allows you to live in a Space, go through
transmutation, and then arrive, manifest yourself in the time, place and position.
The Carbon 800 plus, which will come as part of the structure of the work of the transmutation, will
be taught thoroughly in the coming time. This material, these kind of the structure of the field
energies, will bring about conditions that man can transmute to every dimension in the Universe
instantaneously, (:36) and 100% guaranteed that life will never ends, in any shape or form.
In the world of the physicality, you eat food, different combinations, to support different field
strength structure of the body of the man. In the Universe, you need to tap into the Universal Energy,
to be able to feed every layer energy field strength of your Soul, or your transportation system, or
whatever you call it. And this cannot be done by just seeing the fields, feeling the fields.
You have to be within the zone, we have to be within the structure, that holds on to these points of
energies, and there are huge number of them across the Universe. In a way, they are your "takeaway"
in the Space. They are your "supermarket" with everything you need in it, for you to survive any
time, place and position in the Universe.
It's just for you to know where to shop and from which shelf to pick up the right thing depending
which, what we call, taste of the emotion your body has.
If you understand this, you will find out I have opened the secret of Creation and life of the man in
the Universe. But in the coming time, we'll explain it more in detail. (:38) I (will) go through this, in a
very thorough way, show you the systems, materials which bring you to that position. Which allows
you to understand and walk away from, what you call, Gans’s and other things. But you understood
the physical structure, of the field interaction of these materials.
… Those of you who attended last Friday, many of you have gone through evolution of life in your
cycle of thinking, physical life, and emotional, and the living life.
A number of you have started the transmutation by wish, by will, but you still get lost in it, and you
don't know where you are, and you go and do things, and now you're getting more confidence to
become the 'transmutators.'
You find emotion, the strength of emotion of transmutation, which gives you the transmutation. And
some of you have not touched that. You're still looking for physical transmutation. But you have to
understand, you have to carry the emotion of the time, place, and the position, and the emotion of the
Soul of the Man to give yourself manifestation of physicality.
Now you understand how advanced some of you Knowledge Seekers through emotion and feeling
have come and becoming and moving forward with. (:40) You go shopping, you go down the road to
somewhere and you come back and you're aware this was the Soul trip, I'm still here in physicality
(P) of the man.
… If you understand this, you will find out I have opened the secret of Creation and life of the man in
the Universe. But in the coming time, we'll explain it more in detail. (:38) I (will) go through this, in a
very thorough way, show you the systems, materials which bring you to that position. Which allows
you to understand and walk away from, what you call, Gans’s and other things. But you understood
the physical structure, of the field interaction of these materials.
… Those of you who attended last Friday, many of you have gone through evolution of life in your
cycle of thinking, physical life, and emotional, and the living life.
A number of you have started the transmutation by wish, by will, but you still get lost in it, and you
don't know where you are, and you go and do things, and now you're getting more confidence to
become the 'transmutators.'
You find emotion, the strength of emotion of transmutation, which gives you the transmutation. And
some of you have not touched that. You're still looking for physical transmutation. But you have to
understand, you have to carry the emotion of the time, place, and the position, and the emotion of the
Soul of the Man to give yourself manifestation of physicality.
Now you understand how advanced some of you Knowledge Seekers through emotion and feeling
have come and becoming and moving forward with. (:40) You go shopping, you go down the road to
somewhere and you come back and you're aware this was the Soul trip, I'm still here in physicality
(P) of the man.