Extract 527-2
Extract 527-2
Extract 527-2
As we heard this Intro, it brings a lot of things to us. It brings a lot of knowledge to
us, it brings a lot of changing the taboos, which the scientists never understood
and brought to us. And we accepted it because we thought they know what they
are talking about, and in fact, they knew nothing what they are talking about. It's
just that, what I say brings me credibility, and brings me whatever, and I'll be a
good guy and intelligent.
But now as I said, the intelligence of you, Knowledge Seekers (KS), super-passes
many scientists. And many of the leading, what I call, authorities in the world of
physics, and any other. Because, they read from the book, which they copy, you
understood the process of Creation, and you are the master, one day he has to
read yours, and then he becomes your student.
In the world of physics, as the whole structure of this technology is based on the
physics, (:22) in a way, how two things interact with each other, which creates a
world of physics.
We have a lot of, a lot of, what I call, false belief accepted to be the true science,
and with it we have made everything to confirm the fallacy, which is brought in.
"Yes. It's true, it's correct, because they've done this research, they've done that
It's the fact about the light, thefields of the Universe. If you listen to scientific
papers and lot of work of a lot of other scientists who never understood the true
physics of the light, they tell us you cannot bend the light. And then they measure
how light next to some stars bends. And then they try to prove it.
But, you Knowledge Seekers with what you know, you understand from the Book
number 2, that the light is, or has two characteristics.
It’s a photon or it's a ray. And, when it's a ray, because of the smaller, more
powerful center, moves faster, and then, in one point, interacts, (:24) and releases
its energy, we see it as light.
As a photon, it has a plasma inside it, which interacts with a planet, which it's
passing, so it creates what we call, magnetic (M) field positioning, and it bends it.
But then, in balance of the fields of the Universe, travels to destination, which is
your eye, your equipment you're trying to detect.
But this brings you to a fantastic point, if you know where I'm going. You travel to
another position in the Universe with a system, with your Soul, which is a ray or a
system like UFO, which is a photon.
And then, what happens to you? Do you bend as (you) crossevery Galaxy, every
star, every planet, you are traveling to? Or, do you directly go there?
In a, what I call, nowadays for example, when you go from Beijing to New York,
you go up, you don't bend anywhere, you land on other side. On upper
atmosphere or higher levels, distance from the Earth.
How does your Soul travel? When you go to see the Soul of the grandma, which
was at the level of a very good lady, did a lot of good things, and became a center
of a star, beginning of a seed, some 50 years ago, and now it's the size of a, what
you call it, a football, and it's on its way to grow up to become a star, as it gathers
more energy.
But you know it's the Soul of the grandma or your mother. How do you get there?
Do you bend it, like 'Beckham'? (:26) Or do you go to it directly?
Does your Soul twist and turn in the Universe till you get there, like a "Formula
One' racing around the bends of the course?
What happens if you lose control and you smash into the wall? Or you end up in
another Galaxy or in the Universe. This cannot be, it's never happened, and it will
never happen, if one knows what is in the hand of the man.
So, if you understand the process of the interaction of the Soul, and you have to
bend it to get there, and we see it, all the knowledge about the light travels on a
straight line, goes right to the wall.
In the Space travels of the future, with the structure and the systems we develop,
in having a non-dimensional Plasma reactors, like a Sun, and we manage to
control them in a Star Formation (SF) position, which create literally three stars in
the base and a star on the top, but no container, no reactors, but field forces of
them, keeps the interaction and creates the dimension of the, what you call it,
Space of magnetic fields, which you can
Then, it comes for you to understand something important. Is, or has, or will your
Soul, (:28) or your UFO of your creation by Plasmas, will bend, will dive, will go
through? Would it travel on a straight line or bend somewhere when it needs to?
Does your Soul acts as a ray and the UFO as a photon? And would the future of
the man reaches the point to, in a way, collectively create interaction of the Souls,
which become one of the, what we call, Plasmas of the Star Formation for
collective transportation of the Souls from one point to another, and maybe
through the creation of that, carrying the Soul of the others.
Interesting point, as I pointed out to some scientists years ago, is the reactors
inside a UFO, an aircraft, whatever, are inside the system.
They're not outside the system. In a jet plane we see the, what we call, the jet
engines on the wings, we know where they are, because they're physically
But, when you look at the structure of the, what you call, UFO's, in a Star
Formation, which many of us have seen it, when we look underneath, there are
three lights in the triangular formation, they're inside.
How come we see them from outside? How come we are aware of their
manifestation there? (:30)
Maybe for the first time, you come to realize, how come we see these lights, not
outside the structure, but they're inside the structure? And how come we are
aware of their existence as a light? Do these systems have a containment, a
reactor, which the fields goes beyond the boundary of the reactor and creates this
light? Or is a single Plasma which has created this light, and in dimension of the
dynamic Plasma, it bends it somewhere, it connects it to somewhere else, and in
some places needs to be delivering a straight, what we call, field strength, it
moves as a light. And there is no reactor inside, there is no containment.
This goes back to some teachings, some years ago. Where, I explained, and in the
recent past few weeks, and I explained the Keshe Foundation Knowledge Seekers
team, are reaching a point of creating reactors without a dimension. And, we have
seen it, we have seen in that interaction, without any motors, anything running,
the weight of the larger scales moves up and down in kilograms, and some other
points appears and some other effects we see and we can measure.
This brings us to a point, (:32) that in creating the new line of the interaction of
the Cosmic Rays with these non-dimensional reactors within the structure of the
Soul of the Man as a dynamic Plasma, or as a flying unit as you call it UFO.
What game would the Cosmic Rays play? Would we design, would we understand
that these engines, these Souls can interact with two energies at the same time.
Two lines of reaction.
And then it comes to understand furthermore, that a straight line, what we call
rays, is primarily made of Hydrogen (H). And those lights, which are like your
photons carry Carbon combination with the Hydrogen. Which is in a way Carbon
14 (C14) or Carbon 60 energy backtracking on the field of the Hydrogen.
when it passes the star because of its gravitational magnetic (GM) field, it has to
create magnospheric position, or MaGrav position.
Once man understands this, then you understand why we see galaxies rotating
and creating light and all the light is not shine like a torch on Earth, but is
dispersed across the Universe confirming the existence of a plasma which holds
hundreds of millions of stars within it.
One day man will understand as we see the galaxies, as we see the solar system
like our solar system with Sun in the middle.
But in his Plasma there are many bits called Earth and the others, and in a bigger
dimension we see the galaxies with hundreds of billions of stars within it. Once
man educates itself and goes out of this Universe in part of Unicose, and look back
at our Universe you will see the same.
A big dish with a lot of bits in it and all emit light at a different field strength that
confirms the existence and the position of the galaxies and, God knows, the whole
structure within that Universe.
Nowadays we look at our Solar System we haven't managed to get out of it yet
fully to take a picture of it to see how it looks, but we take a picture of the galaxies
and we see how they rotate and all those systems inside it.
When a man manages in the coming time to go outside this Universe, (:36) you
will see the same structure but in a different dimension as of our Universe within
the Unicose.
And then the fields of the light of whatwe call, Cosmic become what we call,
Universal light. Because these are the lights from the Universes. It becomes a
Unicose light.
These lights are slightly different than the lights we are used to as Cosmic Ray.
These lights are a slightly different that we are used to as a light.
Colors are slightly different because more magnetic field powers are in interaction
than the weaker one. And then the enlightenment becomes totally different.
Once man becomes the 'child of the Universe' as the Unicose, the level of
understanding and the knowledge will change, because a higher order
intelligence, higher order fields come into play.
Now, why I brought this subject up, is because as many of you have started going
through this, what we call, dimension of the travel of the Soul, which is yours, no
one can touch, no one can control, you can’t donate it to anyone, you can’t
become part of somebody else's field, we will observe, when we become wise to
it, the dimension of the enlightenment and the light which we have denied
ourselves, we shall see in the fields, we shall see how the Cosmic Rays is absorbed
by this body, by the Soul, and how the Soul travels in the dimension of the, (:38)
what we call, the ray.
Our physical dimension, as I said, absorbs 80% of its energy from environment,
and primarily most of these are Cosmic Rays.
They are photons. And, they are not Cosmic Lights, which is singular, in a field
strength, with the central acceleration, which man has not managed to
understand yet.
But, in some cases, when the Cosmic Rays become part, you, then you
understand, how you, if, open the dimension of the absorption of higher order
fields, gets enlightens it. Understand more.
In a way, you are in a dark room, and the torch is in your hand. If it's running out
of battery and dim, you see very little.
If you increase the power of the battery, you see more. And the light becomes
more powerful,
and you see more of the room, what's in it, and you become aware of the
knowledge of what you have in front of you.
It's the same with the enlightenment. If you learn to absorb, you learn to switch
the Soul of the Man with the light of the rays of the Hydrogen, you will see more.
Because it has no dimension. As long as you stay absorber of the, what we call,
Cosmic Rays, whichincludes the C14 and 60 and all these combinations, then you
have that dim ligh you are in the dimension of physicality. (:40)
You are not clear to see the Totality of the light, which comes directly from the
Soul of the Creator (STC).
The true enlightenment, andnobody can control your Soul, nobody can deny your
access, no, it's not for sale in the market. And as some people say, "he's going to
get your Soul and he's telling you lies."
The only lies you're saying is to yourself, because you are the controller of it.
You have to decide the enlightenment, you have to decide, how much of the
information in front of me in this room I want to see, and how much I want to
make the light dimmer, to in a way conceal my own ignorance and lack of
Then, if you understood all this, you understand the lights, which is on the line of
what we call, Hydrogen, the primary light, which is the light from the Creator, does
not bend for nothing. No Galaxy, no Star, no Universe and no Unicose.
And, if you understand that, it means your Soul is connected directly to the Soul
of the Creator.
In the line of the strength of His interaction and understanding of you, from the
dimension of your own existence.
And then, you substitute it by the, what I call, division of the division of the
fraction of the division of the collusion of the light which is started you receive
part of it as a connection to the Soul of the Creator, as a Cosmic Rays to feed your
physicality (P).
Then you understand if man reaches the point of purity and if you manage to
bring enough Souls to collectively to interact, (:42) then you can make a UFO,
which is destination, would be the Soul of the Creator.
Then you will understand how to answer that professor from MIT, which light
bends, which light goes straight. And the reason for it, and the sharpness of it, and
the strengthof it, and what it carries, dictates how it bends.
As the Soul of the Creator never bends, it carries nothing but the love of the
This will come to 'bite' you, if you don't understand it, and try to be the traveler of
the, what we call, the Universe and the Unicose.
And the more you understand this, about yourself, about your Soul, that no one
can control it, there are no Prophets, there are no rabbis, there are no churches
and mosques in the Universe.
And we have that as evidence that NASA, which we believe in everything they tell
us, they've seen many Galaxies, they've found many stars and planetary system,
but none of them up to now have reported any churches or mosques and
synagogues in the Universe.
So, the fallacy of the belief, has come with the man lack of understanding of the
And this, will bring man to the point of demise, if man does not understand his
own potential, his own connection to the line of the Creation, and how much he
likes to bend it to get there.
But, you have to understand, even the Cosmic Rays, if you go down the line,
connect to the Soul of the Creator, (:44) but in a less attachment, as Carbon field
strength attached to it.
But, you have to understand, now you understood about the Soul of the Man ,
and the Soul of the Physicality.
In Space, you'll become aware of the same position. A line to the Soul of the
Creator, and a line to the interaction of the Soul of the Creator, with His own
fields, in the dimension of the fields of the Universe.
The dimension of physicality. In a way, feed you from the center, but you can play
and eat a little bit, here and there, as you like, in dimension of physicality. Be it
eating from the energies of the Universe, or the knowledge which has come from
their interaction.
As Knowledge Seekers, you, as I always say, you have no choice. If you are in a
position,and you are gradually becoming to the point of traveling without t he
physicality, which a number of Knowledge Seekers now report to us they can do.
Then, you go to the next step of maturity. Try to connect to the line of the Soul of
the Creator.
Anybody who tells you, "they are trying to control your Soul." It means, "I (they)
am trying to control your Soul, because they (we) are making it free." As is said in
the Intro, "you have to decide."