PalacePlayground - Day 1
PalacePlayground - Day 1
PalacePlayground - Day 1
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner
whatsoever except where noted in the text and in the case of brief
quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
A big thanks to our courageous VBS team:
Laura Baldwin-Stout, Jody Brolsma, Stephen Caine, Ardeth Carlson,
Shelly Dillon, Cindy Hansen, Jan Kershner, Michael Paustian,
Mike Porter, Joani Schultz, Rodney Stewart, and Amy Taylor.
Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation,
copyright ©1996, 2004, 2007, 2013, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation.
Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.,
Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
ISBN 978-1-4707-7086-0
Printed in the United States of America
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 25 24 23
Costuming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Bible Content
Key Verse: Key Verse:
“For God has said, ‘I will never fail you. “God is our refuge and strength,
I will never abandon you.’ ” always ready to help in times of trouble.”
(Hebrews 13:5) (Psalm 46:1)
Bible Story: Bible Story:
You’ll reinforce Bible learning Enemies capture Daniel and his friends Daniel interprets Nebuchadnezzar’s
in a big way because the daily and take them to Babylon. (Daniel 1) dream. (Daniel 2)
Bible Point is carefully integrated
into each activity. That’s why n L earn the Day 1 Bible n ear a few God Sightings
each center is so important to the verse and motions. from the whole group.
a glance. Refer to the chart to “Watching Over You,” “Only a Prayer Away,”
and “Stand Firm.” and “Where Do I Go?”
see how each center’s activities
supplement other activities to
make the Bible come to life Draw pictures on
Explore a Dark-to-
Tribe Time
at your church! Paper, and
Dazzling Board,
and discover that
discover that
God is with them in
God is always
life’s darkest times.
with them.
Daniel’s Adventures
Use Trembling Teeth Hold Sticky Sin Slime, Celebrate all they
and a Yikes Poster and realize that Jesus have to be thankful
to share times took our sins upon for as they use
they’re afraid. himself at the cross. Praise Poppers.
Sneak up on a
sleeping lion, Catch a shooting
Launch and catch
pretend to be star, hop along a
crazy stuff with big,
a long-necked constellation, and
bigger, and biggest
ostrich, and pull race around a
like a strong team starry sky.
of oxen.
Tribes________________ Gad
Tribes________________ Joseph
Tribes________________ Levi
TIME Naphtali
_____________________ Simeon
_____________________ Zebulun
_____________________ Reuben
_____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________
6:00–6:15 Celebration Celebration Celebration Celebration
Allow 5 minutes to travel to the next station.
Allow 5 minutes to travel to the next station.
6:40-6:55 Daniel’s Adventures Palace Playground
Allow 5 minutes to travel to the next station. Visit Marketplace
Follow these tips to make Palace Playground something kids and adults look
forward to every day!
Organize for the VBS week. Work with the VBS Director to determine where
Palace Playground will take place. Ideally, you’ll want to meet in a large outdoor
area free of rocks or other sharp objects. Work together to collect supplies.
Familiarize yourself with this manual. Read each day’s Bible background,
Scripture, and games. You’ll be able to convey your enthusiasm and excitement Palace Pointer
if you’re familiar with each activity and how it’s done. Practice several times so Be sure to wear a name tag, too, so
you don’t have to use this manual while you’re working with Tribes. people know your name.
Work with the Director to recruit several teenage Palace Playground Pals.
These middle school or high school helpers will be invaluable to your Palace
Playground success. Prior to each day, review the games so they’ll know how to
help you prepare, distribute, and collect the game supplies.
Learn (and use) names. While you won’t have the opportunity to spend one-
on-one time with participants as the Tribe Leaders do, kids and adults will be
wearing name tags. If you call on people, try to call them by name. What an
easy way to make someone feel special!
Play a role! You are a citizen of Babylon, so instead of saying “Kids back in
Bible times played these games,” you’ll say things like “Kids here in Babylon
love to play this game.”
During VBS, participants will be encouraged to tell you (as well as the
Marketplace shopkeepers and helpers) about our one true God. They’ll learn
that Daniel believed in one true God, but most of the ancient Babylonians
believed in many gods. Play along with the role, encouraging participants to tell
you more about the one true God. Agree to come along with them to opening
or closing Celebrations.
Have fun! Smile! Make participants feel warmly welcomed at your games area.
Don’t just guide people in these unique experiences; you participate too! Have a
blast with everyone as they experience ancient Babylon.
Remember, you’ll only have one-
quarter of the Tribes at one time. Check
with your Director to see how many
people you can expect at each session.
Work with the Director to collect these
supplies, which you'll use at each
Day 1
attention-getter (such as a bell)
sugar cubes (15-20 per participant)
paper plates (1 per participant)
wooden blocks (15-20 per group of 4)
baskets (1 per group of 4)
several sheets of poster board
Field Test Finding paper grocery sacks
We had our field test indoors because it (approximately 60, to make
was January. All the games worked just 30 “bricks”)
fine inside.
newspaper or newsprint (enough
to fill 30 grocery sacks)
elebration Music CD* or
Palace Pointer
download card
Before Babylon VBS, bring the
CD or media player
sacks and newspaper to staff
training. Have each staff member
help make the bricks. After Day
1 games, use the bricks as part of
the Marketplace decorations.
Day 4
rolled-up sock or cardboard tube
jingle bells
Celebration Music CD* or download card
CD or media player
Day 5
masking tape or powdered chalk
bright-colored paper plates (1 per participant)
10-15 tennis balls
10-15 tube socks
paper cups of water (1 per participant)
*available at
Bible Story: Enemies capture Daniel and his friends and take them to
Babylon. (Daniel 1)
Read the Passage With This in Mind…
y taking young men from royal families as hostages, Nebuchadnezzar not
only gained promising recruits for his own service but also reminded the
people back in Jerusalem that they should not revolt against recently imposed
Babylonian rule.
T he meat offered to the captives was probably taken from animals sacrificed to
the patron gods of Babylon (Marduk, Nebo, and Ishtar, as examples). The wine,
too, was most likely tainted by cultic usage.
T he menu for the captives came from the king’s own kitchens. Refusing the food
could have branded Daniel and his friends as being uncooperative and might
easily have spoiled their chances for advancement.
ejecting the menu could also be seen as rejecting the king and could
result in the very real threat of severe punishment. (Ancient kings, including
Nebuchadnezzar, were capable of extreme cruelty!)
od moved the Babylonian authorities to regard Daniel with respect and
affection. He also graced Daniel and his friends with superior intellect. God
showed he was with them all the way!
I haven’t seen you here in Babylon before. Where are you from?
4. When you hear the timekeeper’s signal, dismiss your group to its next
3. Say: When I ring the bell, you builders gotta do two things: Grab the finger
in your left hand, and try to keep your right finger from being grabbed.
Ready? Pause. Are you really ready? Pause. You sure? Ring the bell.
4. Repeat a few times. Then have everyone shake out their fingers and find
a new place in the circle. Have everyone introduce themselves to the new
“builders” standing on either side. Play the game again.
2. Give each person a pile of 15-20 sugar cubes on a paper plate. Allow 1
minute for individuals to stack their cubes as tall as they can on the paper
plate. Call time after 1 minute, and see how tall the stacks are. (Have fun
with your role, walking around like a contractor who’s encouraging their
work.) Say: Well, I guess I can trust you with a bigger challenge. Are you
sure you’re up to the task?
3. Next, have each person join two or three others to form a group. Give each
group a basket of 15-20 wooden blocks. Give the groups 1 minute to stack
their blocks as tall as they can. Call time after 1 minute, and see how tall the
stacks are. Scratch your chin thoughtfully as you comment on the different
stacks and surprising abilities of the builders. Say: Well, you’re certainly fast
learners. I think we’re ready for the big stuff! Let’s try to build tall pillars
from this pile of bricks!
4. Form two teams, and have them stand on the side of the playing area
opposite the pile of paper bricks. Say: Your team will have 1 minute to build
a pillar from the bricks! Only one person at a time can run to pick up a
brick. Keep sending people to the brick pile to get a brick and run it over
to the rest of your group. If you’re not running, you’re helping to build.
Each team will build their own tall pillar. Ready? Let’s build!
Give teams 1 minute to stack the bricks as tall as they can. Call time after 1
minute, and see how tall the pillars are.
5. Play one more round, having teams work together to build one pillar as tall
as they can.
1. Gather everyone, and say: Here in Babylon, one of the things we’re most
proud of is King Nebuchadnezzar’s Ishtar Gate. Ask:
Did you see it as you came into town?
Act surprised if people tell you they didn’t see it or don’t know what you’re
talking about. Say: Well, you must have come in the back door…because
everyone who comes to Babylon can’t miss it! It’s a huge, massive,
glittering, gorgeous blue and gold wall and arch. It is truly amazing. How
about if we work together and build a mini version of the Ishtar Gate? I
know our mini gate will be truly amazing too. Let’s build!
2. Encourage everyone to use the sheets of poster board and the paper
bricks to build a mini Ishtar Gate. When it’s complete, play this game (like
“London Bridge”).
3. Play the theme song “Through It All” (CD track 1) while everyone walks
through the arch and around in a circle. Stop the song after about a minute.
Whoever is under the arch when the music stops will shout “Welcome to
Babylon!” and give a high-five to three people.