xHCI Rev1 2b
xHCI Rev1 2b
xHCI Rev1 2b
April 2023
Revision 1.2b
Intel Confidential
Intel Confidential
1 Preface ..............................................................................................21
1.1 Objective of Specification........................................................... 21
1.2 Scope of Document .................................................................. 21
1.3 Document Organization ............................................................. 21
1.4 References .............................................................................. 22
1.5 Index...................................................................................... 23
1.6 Terms and Abbreviations ........................................................... 25
1.7 Compliance ............................................................................. 36
1.8 Documentation Conventions ....................................................... 37
1.8.1 Capitalization ..................................................................37
1.8.2 Bold Text........................................................................37
1.8.3 Italic Text .......................................................................37
1.8.4 Numbers and Number Bases .............................................37
1.8.5 Implementation Notes ......................................................37
1.8.6 Word Usage ....................................................................37
1.8.7 Pseudo Code ...................................................................38
1.8.8 Other Notation ................................................................38
2 Introduction ......................................................................................40
2.1 Motivation ............................................................................... 40
2.2 Goals ...................................................................................... 40
2.3 Key features ............................................................................ 41
2.4 xHCI Product Compliance .......................................................... 42
3 Architectural Overview......................................................................43
3.1 Interface Architecture ............................................................... 46
3.2 xHCI Data Structures ................................................................ 48
3.2.1 Device Context Base Address Array ....................................48
3.2.2 Device Context ................................................................48
3.2.3 Slot Context ...................................................................49
3.2.4 Endpoint Context .............................................................50
3.2.5 Input Context .................................................................51
3.2.6 Rings .............................................................................52
3.2.7 Transfer Request Block .....................................................53
3.2.8 Scatter/Gather Transfers ..................................................55
3.2.9 Control Transfers .............................................................56
3.2.10 Bulk and Interrupt Transfers .............................................58
3.2.11 Isoch Transfers ...............................................................58
3.3 Command Interface .................................................................. 60
3.3.1 No Op ............................................................................61
3.3.2 Enable Slot .....................................................................61
3.3.3 Disable Slot ....................................................................61
3.3.4 Address Device ...............................................................62
3.3.5 Configure Endpoint ..........................................................62
3.3.6 Evaluate Context .............................................................64
3.3.7 Reset Endpoint ................................................................64
3.3.8 Stop Endpoint .................................................................64
3.3.9 Set TR Dequeue Pointer ....................................................64
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4.8.3 Endpoint Context State................................................... 146
4.9 TRB Ring ................................................................................ 149
4.9.1 Transfer Descriptors ....................................................... 151
4.9.2 Transfer Ring Management ............................................. 152
4.9.3 Command Ring Management ........................................... 160
4.9.4 Event Ring Management ................................................. 161
4.10 Host Controller TRB Handling .................................................... 170
4.10.1 Transfer TRBs ............................................................... 170
4.10.2 Errors .......................................................................... 175
4.10.3 Events ......................................................................... 184
4.10.4 IOC Flag ....................................................................... 187
4.11 TRBs ..................................................................................... 188
4.11.1 TRB Template ............................................................... 188
4.11.2 Transfer TRBs ............................................................... 190
4.11.3 Event TRBs ................................................................... 200
4.11.4 Command TRBs ............................................................. 202
4.11.5 Other TRBs ................................................................... 206
4.11.6 Vendor Defined TRB Types .............................................. 210
4.11.7 TD Usage Rules ............................................................. 211
4.12 Streams ................................................................................. 218
4.12.1 xHCI Stream Protocol ..................................................... 219
4.12.2 Stream ID Management.................................................. 223
4.12.3 Evaluate Next TRB (ENT) ................................................ 227
4.13 Device Notifications ................................................................. 229
4.13.1 Latency Tolerance Message Handling ................................ 229
4.13.2 Function Wake .............................................................. 231
4.14 Managing Transfer Rings .......................................................... 232
4.14.1 General Scheduling Model ............................................... 233
4.14.2 Periodic Transfer Ring Scheduling .................................... 235
4.14.3 Interrupt Transfer Ring Scheduling ................................... 243
4.14.4 Asynchronous Transfer Ring Scheduling ............................ 245
4.15 Suspend-Resume .................................................................... 252
4.15.1 Port Suspend ................................................................ 253
4.15.2 Port Resume ................................................................. 254
4.16 Bandwidth Management ........................................................... 258
4.16.1 Bandwidth Negotiation ................................................... 259
4.16.2 Bandwidth Domains ....................................................... 260
4.17 Interrupters ............................................................................ 261
4.17.1 Interrupter Mapping ....................................................... 263
4.17.2 Interrupt Moderation ...................................................... 263
4.17.3 Interrupt Pin Support ..................................................... 267
4.17.4 Interrupter Target Identification ...................................... 267
4.17.5 Interrupt Blocking .......................................................... 268
4.18 Transfer Definition and Attributes .............................................. 270
4.18.1 No snoop ...................................................................... 270
4.18.2 No Snoop and Relaxed Ordering for USB Traffic ................. 270
4.19 Root Hub................................................................................ 272
4.19.1 Root Hub Port State Machines ......................................... 272
4.19.2 Port Status Change Generation ........................................ 291
4.19.3 Connect Status Change Reporting .................................... 294
4.19.4 Port Power .................................................................... 294
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5.3.10 Virtualization Based Trusted IO Register Space Offset
(VTIOSOFF) .................................................................. 355
5.4 Host Controller Operational Registers ......................................... 356
5.4.1 USB Command Register (USBCMD) .................................. 357
5.4.2 USB Status Register (USBSTS) ........................................ 361
5.4.3 Page Size Register (PAGESIZE) ........................................ 363
5.4.4 Device Notification Control Register (DNCTRL) ................... 365
5.4.5 Command Ring Control Register (CRCR) ........................... 366
5.4.6 Device Context Base Address Array Pointer Register (DCBAAP)
.................................................................................. 368
5.4.7 Configure Register (CONFIG) ........................................... 368
5.4.8 Port Status and Control Register (PORTSC) ....................... 369
5.4.9 Port PM Status and Control Register (PORTPMSC)............... 380
5.4.10 Port Link Info Register (PORTLI) ...................................... 383
5.4.11 Port Hardware LPM Control Register (PORTHLPMC) ............. 384
5.5 Host Controller Runtime Registers .............................................. 387
5.5.1 Microframe Index Register (MFINDEX) .............................. 388
5.5.2 Interrupter Register Set.................................................. 389
5.6 Doorbell Registers ................................................................... 394
5.7 VTIO Registers ........................................................................ 396
5.7.1 VTIO Capability Register (VTIOCAP) ................................. 396
5.7.2 VTIO Common Assignment Register 1 (VTIOCA1) ............... 397
5.7.3 VTIO Device Assignment Registers 1 to 8 (VTIODA{1..8}) ... 399
5.7.4 VTIO Interrupter Assignment Registers 1 to 32 (VTIOIA{1..32})
.................................................................................. 399
5.7.5 VTIO Endpoint Assignment Registers 1 to 255
(VTIOEA{1..255}) ......................................................... 400
6 Data Structures ...............................................................................402
6.1 Device Context Base Address Array ............................................ 403
6.2 Contexts ................................................................................ 405
6.2.1 Device Context .............................................................. 405
6.2.2 Slot Context ................................................................. 407
6.2.3 Endpoint Context ........................................................... 412
6.2.4 Stream Context Array .................................................... 420
6.2.5 Input Context ............................................................... 421
6.2.6 Port Bandwidth Context .................................................. 425
6.2.7 Get Extended Property Context ........................................ 426
6.3 TRB Ring ................................................................................ 426
6.4 Transfer Request Block (TRB) .................................................... 426
6.4.1 Transfer TRBs ............................................................... 427
6.4.2 Event TRBs ................................................................... 438
6.4.3 Command TRBs ............................................................. 448
6.4.4 Other TRBs ................................................................... 462
6.4.5 TRB Completion Codes ................................................... 465
6.4.6 TRB Types .................................................................... 469
6.5 Event Ring Segment Table ........................................................ 473
6.6 Scratchpad Buffer Array ........................................................... 474
6.6.1 PSZ ............................................................................. 474
7 xHCI Extended Capabilities .............................................................476
7.1 USB Legacy Support Capability .................................................. 477
Intel Confidential
A.2 PCI PME# Signal ..................................................................... 560
B High Bandwidth Isochronous Rules .................................................561
B.1 High-speed ............................................................................. 561
C Stream Usage Models ......................................................................566
D Port to Connector Mapping ..............................................................568
D.1 Example ................................................................................. 568
D.2 ACPI Code Example ................................................................. 570
E State Machine Notation ...................................................................578
F SS Bus Access Constraints...............................................................580
F.1 Bulk Transfer Bus Access Constraints ......................................... 581
F.2 Interrupt Transfer Bus Access Constraints ................................... 582
F.3 Isochronous Transfer Bus Access Constraints............................... 583
G 0.96 Exceptions ...............................................................................585
G.1 Skip Link TRB IOC flag ............................................................. 585
G.2 Force Stopped Event Optional ................................................... 585
G.3 USB2 L1 Capability Optional ...................................................... 586
H Release 1.1 Notes ...........................................................................587
H.1 Required 1.0 Capabilities/Features ............................................. 587
H.1.1 Hardware LPM Capability ................................................ 587
H.1.2 Contiguous Frame ID Capability ....................................... 587
H.1.3 Stopped EDTLA Capability ............................................... 587
H.1.4 U3 Entry Capability ........................................................ 587
H.1.5 Stopped - Short Packet Capability .................................... 587
H.1.6 Force Save Context Capability ......................................... 587
H.1.7 Compliance Transition Capability...................................... 587
H.1.8 Configuration Information Capability ................................ 587
H.2 New 1.1 Features .................................................................... 587
H.2.1 Ring Underrun/Overrun Transfer Event Handling ................ 588
I Release 1.2 Notes ...........................................................................589
I.1 Required 1.2 Capabilities/Features ............................................. 589
I.2 Optional 1.2 Capabilities/Features .............................................. 589
I.2.2 Get Port Bandwidth ........................................................ 589
I.3 New 1.2 Features .................................................................... 589
I.3.3 Get Extended Properties Command .................................. 589
I.3.4 Set Extended Properties Command .................................. 589
I.3.5 Support for USB 3.2 ....................................................... 589
I.3.6 xHCI Audio Sideband Capability ....................................... 589
I.3.7 Intel Time Stamp Correlation Capability ............................ 589
I.4 Additional 1.2 Updates and Changes .......................................... 590
I.4.1 Endpoint Context State................................................... 590
I.4.2 Short Transfers when not using Event Data TRBs ............... 590
I.4.3 Frame ID ...................................................................... 590
I.4.4 Port Speed ................................................................... 590
I.4.5 Host Controller Operated Registers................................... 590
I.4.6 USB Status Register (USBSTS) ........................................ 590
I.4.7 USB3 Protocol PORTLI Definition ...................................... 591
Figure 3-1: Universal Serial Bus, Revision 3.x System Block Diagram .........43
Figure 3-2: USB 3 EXtensible Host Controller ..........................................45
Figure 3-3: General Architecture of the eXtensible Host Controller Interface 46
Figure 3-4: Transfer Ring .....................................................................53
Figure 3-5: Transfer Request Block ........................................................53
Figure 3-6: Simple Transfer Example .....................................................54
Figure 3-7: Scatter/Gather Transfer Example ..........................................56
Figure 3-8: Control Transfer Descriptor Example ......................................57
Figure 3-9: Isochronous Transfer Example ..............................................59
Figure 4-1: Device Context ...................................................................82
Figure 4-2: Slot State Diagram..............................................................85
Figure 4-3: Example Configure Endpoint Command ................................ 108
Figure 4-4: Endpoint Context Addressing .............................................. 144
Figure 4-5: Endpoint State Diagram ..................................................... 146
Figure 4-6: Index Management ........................................................... 154
Figure 4-7: Segmented Ring Example .................................................. 155
Figure 4-8: Enqueue Pointer Advancement............................................ 157
Figure 4-9: Initial State of Transfer Ring ............................................... 158
Figure 4-10: Final State of Transfer Ring .............................................. 159
Figure 4-11: Segmented Event Ring Example ........................................ 162
Figure 4-12: Event Ring State Machine ................................................. 164
Figure 4-13: TRB Template ................................................................. 188
Figure 4-14: SETUP Data, the Parameter Component of Setup Stage TRB.. 191
Figure 4-15: Link TRB Example ........................................................... 207
Figure 4-16: TRB Packet Boundary Example .......................................... 215
Figure 4-17: TD Fragment Examples .................................................... 216
Figure 4-18: Non-aligned TD Fragment Example .................................... 217
Figure 4-19: xHC Stream Protocol State Machine (xSPSM) ...................... 220
Figure 4-20: Stream Context Data Structures ........................................ 224
Figure 4-21: Microframe Index (MFINDEX) Register Mapping ................... 237
Figure 4-22: Interrupt Throttle Flow Diagram ........................................ 265
Figure 4-23: Heavy load, interrupts moderated...................................... 266
Figure 4-24: Light load, interrupts not moderated .................................. 266
Figure 4-25: USB2 Root Hub Port State Machine .................................... 273
Figure 4-26: USB2 Root Hub Port Enabled Substate Diagram ................... 275
Figure 4-27: USB3 Root Hub Port State Machine .................................... 278
Figure 4-28: USB3 Root Hub Port Polling Substate Diagram ..................... 280
Intel Confidential
Figure 4-29: USB3 Root Hub Port DbC Substate Diagram ........................ 282
Figure 4-30: USB3 Root Hub Port Enabled Substate Diagram ................... 285
Figure 4-31: USB3 Root Hub Port U1’ Substate Diagram ......................... 286
Figure 4-32: USB3 Root Hub Port U2’ Substate Diagram ......................... 287
Figure 4-33: USB3 Root Hub Port U3’ Substate Diagram ......................... 289
Figure 4-34: Example Port Change Bit Port Status Change
Event Generation .................................................................... 293
Figure 4-35: Port Routing Example ...................................................... 301
Figure 4-36: BIOS Ownership State Machine ......................................... 308
Figure 4-37: OS Ownership State Machine ............................................ 309
Figure 4-38: Integrated Hub Example .................................................. 330
Figure 5-1: PCI Type 00h Configuration Space Header ............................ 339
Figure 5-2: PCI Power Management Capability Structure ......................... 343
Figure 5-3: PCI MSI Configuration Capability Structure ........................... 344
Figure 5-4: MSI-X Configuration Capability Structure.............................. 344
Figure 5-5: PCI Express Capability Structure ......................................... 346
Figure 5-6: Structural Parameters 1 Register (HCSPARAMS1) .................. 348
Figure 5-7: Structural Parameters 2 Register (HCSPARAMS2) .................. 349
Figure 5-8: Structural Parameters 3 Register (HCSPARAMS3) .................. 350
Figure 5-9: Capability Parameters 1 Register (HCCPARAMS1) .................. 351
Figure 5-10: Doorbell Offset Register (DBOFF) ...................................... 353
Figure 5-11: Runtime Register Space Offset Register (RTSOFF)................ 353
Figure 5-12: Capability Parameters Register 2 (HCCPARAMS2) ................ 354
Figure 5-13: VTIO Register Space Offset (VTIOSOFF) ............................. 356
Figure 5-14: USB Command Register (USBCMD) .................................... 358
Figure 5-15: USB Status Register (USBSTS) .......................................... 361
Figure 5-16: Device Notification Control Register (DNCTRL) ..................... 365
Figure 5-17: Command Ring Control Register (CRCR) ............................. 366
Figure 5-18: Device Context Base Address Array Pointer Register (DCBAAP)
............................................................................................ 368
Figure 5-19: Configure Register (CONFIG) ............................................ 368
Figure 5-20: Port Status and Control Register (PORTSC) ......................... 370
Figure 5-21: USB3 Port Power Management Status and Control Register
(PORTPMSC) ........................................................................... 380
Figure 5-22: USB2 Port Power Management Status and Control Register
(PORTPMSC) ........................................................................... 381
Figure 5-23: USB3 Port Link Info Register (PORTLI) ............................... 384
Figure 5-24: USB3 Port Extended Status and Control Register (PORTEXSC)
............................................................................................ 385
Figure 5-25: USB2 Port Extended Status and Control Register (PORTEXSC)
............................................................................................ 385
Figure 5-26: USB2 Port Hardware LPM Control Register (PORTHLPMC) ...... 386
Figure 5-27: Microframe Index Register (MFINDEX) ............................... 388
Figure 5-28: Interrupter Register Set ................................................... 389
Figure 5-29: Doorbell Register ............................................................ 394
Figure 5-30: VTIO Capability Register (VTIOCAP) ................................... 397
Figure 5-31: VTIO Common Assignment Register 1 (VTIOCA1) ................ 397
Figure 5-32: VTIO Endpoint Assignment Registers (ECDIDA{1..255}) ....... 400
Figure 6-1: Device Context Data Structure ............................................ 406
Intel Confidential
Figure 7-10: Debug Capability Context Data Structure ............................ 517
Figure 7-11: Debug Capability Info Context Data Structure (DbCIC) ......... 518
Figure 7-12: xHCI-IOV Capability Structure........................................... 527
Figure 7-13: xHCI-IOV Capability Header .............................................. 528
Figure 7-14: VF Interrupter Range Register........................................... 529
Figure 7-15: VF Device Slot Assignment Register ................................... 530
Figure 7-16: xHCI Local Memory Capability ........................................... 531
Figure 7-17: Get Extended Property - Get Supported Resource Subtype .... 533
Figure 7-18: Command Completion TRB for Get Supported Resource SubType
............................................................................................ 534
Figure 7-19: Context Structure for Get Supported Resource Command
Subtype ................................................................................. 534
Figure 7-20: Get Endpoint Properties SubType of Get Extended Properties
Command .............................................................................. 535
Figure 7-21: Command Completion Event TRB for Get Endpoint Properties
Command SubType ................................................................. 536
Figure 7-22: Extended Property Context Structure for Get Endpoint Properties
Command .............................................................................. 536
Figure 7-23: Set Resource Assignment SubType .................................... 538
Figure 7-24: Command Completion TRB for Set Resource Assignment
Command Subtype of Set Property Command ............................. 539
Figure 7-25: Get Time Stamp Command SubType .................................. 540
Figure 7-26: Command Completion Event TRB for Get Time Stamp Command
SubType ................................................................................ 541
Figure 7-27: Extended Property Context with Get Time Stamp Results ...... 541
Figure 8-1: VF MMIO Space ................................................................ 546
Figure 8-2: Emulated Hub Device Attachment Example ........................... 552
Figure 8-3: xHCI BAR Space Example .................................................. 554
Figure C-1: Mass Storage Stream Usage Model ...................................... 566
Figure D-1: Root Hub Port to USB Connector Mapping Example ................ 570
Figure E-1: Legend for State Machines ................................................. 578
Table 1-1. References ..........................................................................22
Table 1-1. Terms and Definitions ...........................................................25
Table 3-1: Command TRB Summary ......................................................60
Table 4-1: Device Slot State Code Definitions ..........................................85
Table 4-2: Stop Endpoint Command TRB Handling ................................. 122
Table 4-3: Extended Capability Identifier .............................................. 141
Table 4-4: Event Ring State Machine Definitions .................................... 165
Table 4-5: Summary of USB Transaction Errors ..................................... 178
Table 4-6: CErr Management .............................................................. 183
Table 4-7: USB SETUP Data to Data Stage TRB and Status Stage TRB
mapping ................................................................................ 192
Table 4-8: USB2 Pipe Actions based on Endpoint Response and Residual
Transfer State ......................................................................... 246
Table 4-9: USB3 Pipe Actions based on Endpoint Response and Residual
Transfer State ......................................................................... 248
Table 4-10: Behavior During System Wake-up Events ............................ 257
Intel Confidential
Table 5-40: Event Ring Segment Table Size Register Bit Definitions (ERSTS
............................................................................................ 392
Table 5-41: Event Ring Segment Table Base Address Register Bit Definitions
(ERSTBA) ............................................................................... 392
Table 5-42: Event Ring Dequeue Pointer Register Bit Definitions (ERDP) ... 393
Table 5-43: Doorbell Register Bit Field Definitions (DB)........................... 395
Table 5-44: VTIO Register .................................................................. 396
Table 5-45: VTIO Capability Register (VTIOCAP) .................................... 397
Table 5-46: VTIO Common Assignment Register 1 (VTIOCA1) ................. 398
Table 5-47: VTIO Device Assignment Registers ...................................... 399
Table 5-48: VTIO Interrupter Assignment Registers................................ 400
Table 5-49: VTIO Endpoint Assignment Registers (ECDIDA{1..255}) ........ 401
Table 6-1: Data Structure Max Size, Boundary, and Alignment Requirement
Summary ............................................................................... 402
Table 6-2: Device Context Base Address Array Element 1-n Field Bit
Definitions .............................................................................. 404
Table 6-3: Device Context Base Address Array Element 0 Field Bit Definitions
............................................................................................ 405
Table 6-4: Offset 00h – Slot Context Field Definitions ............................. 407
Table 6-5: Offset 04h – Slot Context Field Definitions ............................. 408
Table 6-6: Offset 08h – Slot Context Field Definitions ............................. 409
Table 6-7: Offset 0Ch – Slot Context Field Definitions ............................. 410
Table 6-8: Offset 00h – Endpoint Context Field Definitions ...................... 413
Table 6-9: Offset 04h – Endpoint Context Field Definitions ...................... 414
Table 6-10: Offset 08h – Endpoint Context Field Definitions..................... 415
Table 6-11: Offset 10h – Endpoint Context Field Definition ...................... 416
Table 6-12: Endpoint Type vs. Interval Calculation ................................. 419
Table 6-13: Offset 00h and 04h – Stream Context Field Definitions .......... 420
Table 6-14: Offset 08h and 0Ch – Stream Context Field Definitions .......... 421
Table 6-15: Offset 00h – Input Control Context Field Definitions .............. 423
Table 6-16: Offset 04h – Input Control Context Field Definitions .............. 423
Table 6-17: Offset 1Ch – Input Control Context Field Definitions .............. 423
Table 6-18: Offset 00h – Port Bandwidth Context Field Definitions ............ 425
Table 6-19: Offset n-03h – Port Bandwidth Context Field Definitions ......... 425
Table 6-20: Offset 00h and 04h – Normal TRB Field Definitions ................ 427
Table 6-21: Offset 08h – Normal TRB Field Definitions ............................ 427
Table 6-22: Offset 0Ch – Normal TRB Field Definitions ............................ 428
Table 6-23: Offset 00h – Setup Stage TRB Field Definitions ..................... 430
Table 6-24: Offset 04h – Setup Stage TRB Field Definitions ..................... 430
Table 6-25: Offset 08h – Setup Stage TRB Field Definitions ..................... 430
Table 6-26: Offset 0Ch – Setup Stage TRB Field Definitions ..................... 430
Table 6-27: Offset 00h and 04h – Data Stage TRB Field Definitions .......... 431
Table 6-28: Offset 08h – Data Stage TRB Field Definitions....................... 432
Table 6-29: Offset 0Ch – Data Stage TRB Field Definitions ...................... 432
Table 6-30: Offset 08h – Status Stage TRB Field Definitions .................... 433
Table 6-31: Offset 0Ch – Status Stage TRB Field Definitions .................... 434
Table 6-32: Offset 00h and 04h – Isoch TRB Field Definitions .................. 435
Table 6-33: Offset 08h – Isoch TRB Field Definitions .............................. 435
Table 6-34: Offset 0Ch – Isoch TRB Field Definitions .............................. 435
Intel Confidential
Table 6-73: Offset 0Ch – Force Event Command TRB Field Definitions....... 456
Table 6-74: Offset 0Ch – Set Latency Tolerance Value Command TRB Field
Definitions .............................................................................. 457
Table 6-75: Offset 00h and 04h – Get Port Bandwidth Command TRB Field
Definitions .............................................................................. 458
Table 6-76: Offset 0Ch – Get Port Bandwidth Command TRB Field Definitions
............................................................................................ 458
Table 6-77: Offset 00h, 04h, and 08h – Force Header Command TRB Field
Definitions .............................................................................. 459
Table 6-78: Offset 0Ch – Force Header Command TRB Field Definitions..... 459
Table 6-79: Offset 00h and 04h – Get Extended Property Command TRB Field
Definitions .............................................................................. 460
Table 6-80: Offset 08h – Get Extended Property Command TRB Field
Definitions .............................................................................. 460
Table 6-81: Offset 0Ch – Get Extended Property Command TRB Field
Definitions .............................................................................. 460
Table 6-82: Offset 08h – Set Extended Property Command TRB Field
Definitions .............................................................................. 461
Table 6-83: Offset 0Ch – Set Extended Property Command TRB Field
Definitions .............................................................................. 462
Table 6-84: Offset 00h and 04h – Link TRB Field Definitions .................... 463
Table 6-85: Offset 08h – Link TRB Field Definitions ................................ 463
Table 6-86: Offset 0Ch – Link TRB Field Definitions ................................ 463
Table 6-87: Offset 00h and 04h – Event Data TRB Field Definitions .......... 464
Table 6-88: Offset 08h – Event Data TRB Field Definitions ....................... 464
Table 6-89: Offset 0Ch – Event Data TRB Field Definitions ...................... 464
Table 6-90: TRB Completion Code Definitions ........................................ 465
Table 6-91: TRB Type Definitions......................................................... 469
Table 6-92: Allowed TRB Type as function of Endpoint Type .................... 472
Table 6-93: Allowed TRB Types as function of Transfer Descriptor Type..... 472
Table 6-94: Offset 00 and 04 – Event Ring Segment Table Entry Field
Definitions .............................................................................. 473
Table 6-95: Offset 08 – Event Ring Segment Table Entry Field Definitions . 473
Table 6-96: Scratchpad Buffer Array Element Field Bit Definitions ............ 474
Table 7-1: Format of xHCI Extended Capability Pointer Register ............... 476
Table 7-2: xHCI Extended Capability Codes ........................................... 476
Table 7-3: HC Extended Capability Registers ......................................... 477
Table 7-4: USB Legacy Support Extended Capability (USBLEGSUP) .......... 478
Table 7-5: USB Legacy Support Control/Status (USBLEGCTLSTS) ............. 479
Table 7-6: Offset 00h - xHCI Supported Protocol Capability Field Definitions
............................................................................................ 480
Table 7-7: Offset 04h - xHCI Supported Protocol Capability Field Definitions
............................................................................................ 480
Table 7-8: Offset 08h - xHCI Supported Protocol Capability Field Definitions
............................................................................................ 481
Table 7-9: Offset 0Ch - xHCI Supported Protocol Capability Field Definitions
............................................................................................ 481
Table 7-10: Offset 10h to (PSIC*4)+10h - xHCI Supported Protocol Capability
Field Definitions ...................................................................... 482
Table 7-11: xHCI Supported Protocols .................................................. 483
Intel Confidential
Table 7-51: Structure of the Extended Property Context for Get Endpoint
Properties Offset 04h – 07h ...................................................... 535
Table 7-52: Structure of the Extended Property Context for Get Endpoint
Properties Offset 08h – 0Bh ...................................................... 535
Table 7-53: Structure of the Extended Property Context for Get Endpoint
Properties Offset 0Ch – 0Fh ...................................................... 535
Table 7-54: Structure of the Extended Property Context for Get Endpoint
Properties Offset 00h – 03h ...................................................... 536
Table 7-55: Structure of the Extended Property Context for Get Endpoint
Properties Offset 04h – 07h ...................................................... 537
Table 7-56: Structure of the Extended Property Context for Get Endpoint
Properties Offset 08h – 0Bh ...................................................... 537
Table 7-57: Structure of the Extended Property Context for Get Endpoint
Properties Offset 0Ch – 0Fh ...................................................... 537
Table 7-58: Extended Capability ID and supported values of SubType field for
Set Extended Property Command for Audio Sideband Capability ..... 537
Table 7-59: Intel Time Stamp Correlation Capability Field Definitions ........ 539
Table 7-60: Extended Capability ID and supported values of SubType field for
Intel Time Stamp Correlation Capability ...................................... 539
Table 7-61: Supported Get Extended Property SubTypes in the Time Stamp
Correlation Extended Capability ................................................. 540
Table 7-62: Structure of the Extended Property Context for Get Timestamp
Command Offset 00h – 03h ...................................................... 541
Table 7-63: Structure of the Extended Property Context for Get Timestamp
Command Offset 04h – 07h ...................................................... 541
Table 7-64: Structure of the Extended Property Context for Get Timestamp
Command Offset 08h – 0Bh ...................................................... 542
Table 7-65: Structure of the Extended Property Context for Get Timestamp
Command Offset 0Ch – 0Fh ...................................................... 542
Table 7-66: Offset 00h - USB3 Tunneling Support Capability Field Definitions
............................................................................................ 542
Table A-1: xHCI Support for Power Management States .......................... 557
Table A-2: xHCI Power State Summary ................................................ 559
Table B-1: HS High-Bandwidth Behavior for OUT Transactions ................. 562
Table B-2: HS High-Bandwidth Behavior for IN Transactions .................... 564
Table F-1: SuperSpeed Bulk OUT Transaction Limits ............................... 581
Table F-2: SuperSpeed Interrupt Transaction Limits ............................... 582
Table F-3: SuperSpeed Isoch Transaction Limits .................................... 584
Table G-1: Forced Stopped Event (FSE) Option Flag ............................... 585
Table G-2: Secondary Bandwidth Domain Reporting (SBD) Option Flag ..... 585
Table G-3: L1 Capability (L1C) Option Flag............................................ 586
1.2b • Adds USB3 Tunneling Support Capability. See Appendix I.4.15. April 2023
Intel Confidential
1 Preface
1.1 Objective of Specification
The eXtensible Host Controller Interface (xHCI) specification describes the
register-level host controller interface for Universal Serial Bus Revision 2.0 and
above. The specification includes a description of the hardware/software
interface between system software and the host controller hardware.
The architecture (3) and operational (4) sections are followed by two sections
of pure structural definitions that detail the register space (5) and interface
data structures (6). These definition chapters contain little or no operational
requirements or usage models. The final sections describe the xHCI Extended
Capabilities (7), and the virtualization operational model (8). The Appendix
covers useful information not included elsewhere in the specification.
1 Revisions 3.0b and beyond of the ACPI specification define the _UPC (USB3 Connector Type) and _PLD (Group) extensions referenced in
Appendix D.1.1. The ACPI extensions required to support USB Power Delivery are going to be defined in an upcoming of the ACPI
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Spec Revision Location
NOTE: Rather than enumerating the full specification name every time one of the above specs are
referenced in this document, the abbreviation listed in the Spec Reference column shall be
1.5 Index
This document does not include an index. An effective substitute when viewing
with Adobe® Reader® is to use the Search dialog box to locate all references
to a specific xHCI feature or field.
After pressing the ‘Search’ button, the results of the search are displayed in the
‘Results:’ window of the Search dialog box. Clicking on any tree entry in the
Results: window will jump you to the selected text in the spec. Using the Up
and Down Arrow keys while the Search dialog box has focus will allow you to
quickly view all the search results in the document.
In Reader® 8 to open the Search dialog box, select “Edit” then “Search” from
the menu.
In Reader® 10 open the Search dialog box, by clicking on the Tool Bar icon
that looks like a pair of binoculars. If the Search icon is not visible in the Tool
Bar, then right click on the Tool Bar, mouse over ‘Edit’ then click on ‘Advanced
In Acrobat® 9 open the Search dialog box, next to the Search text box there is
a small "down arrow". Click on the arrow and select "Open Full Acrobat
Search...". If the Search text box is not visible in the Tool Bar, then right click
on the Tool Bar, and click on ‘Find’.
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1.6 Terms and Abbreviations
Table 1-2. Terms and Definitions
Term Definition
Aux Power The xHCI supports split power “wells”; the Core Power well and
the Aux Power well (or Auxiliary Power well). The Aux Power well
is optional. For example, Aux Power well voltage may be present
whenever AC or battery power is applied to the system. For more
information refer to section 4.23.1.
Best Effort Service Latency (BESL) BESL indicates the best effort to resumption of service to a device
after the initiation of a resume event by a device.
Best Effort Latency Tolerance Best Effort Latency Tolerance (BELT) messages are supported by
(BELT) USB3 devices (excluding hubs) using an optional USB3 “Device
Notification (DEV_NOTIFICATION)” Transaction Packet (TP) with a
message is also referred to as a Latency Tolerance Message (LTM)
TP. This TP contains a specific value known as the Best Effort
Latency Tolerance (BELT) value that indicates the current
tolerable service latency for that device.
Bus Error Counter The Bus Error Counter is an internal counter that the xHC
maintains, which determines the number of consecutive Errors
allowed while executing a USB Transaction.
Bus Instance A Bus Instance represents a “unit” bus bandwidth at the speed
(BI) that the BI supports. For example, A SuperSpeed BI represents
5 Gb/s of bandwidth. A High-speed BI represents 480Mb/s of
bandwidth, Low-/Full-speed BI represents 12Mb/s of bandwidth.
Multiple Root Hub ports may share the bandwidth of a single BI.
Note that the bit rates are maximums for the respective buses.
Capability Registers The Capability Registers specify read-only limits, restrictions and
capabilities of the host controller implementation. These values
are used as parameters to the host controller driver.
Chip Hardware Reset A Chip Hardware Reset may be either a PCI reset input or an
optional power-on reset input to the xHC, for example, the initial
power-up of the Aux Power well.
Composite Device A USB composite device has only a single USB device address,
and exposes multiple interfaces that are controlled independently
of each other.
Core Power The xHCI supports split power “wells”; the Core Power well and
Aux Power well. The xHCI Core Power well is required and may be
switched on or off to manage xHC power consumption. For more
information refer to section 4.23.1.
Default Control Endpoint The Default Control Endpoint always exists once a USB device is
powered, in order to provide access to the device's configuration,
status, and control information. The Default Control Endpoint is
always endpoint number '0'.
Device Context Base Address Array The Device Context Base Address Array contains 256 entries and
supports up to 255 USB devices or hubs, where each element in
the array is a 64-bit pointer to the base address of a Device
Context. Entry 0 is reserved.
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Term Definition
DCI The Device Context Index (DCI) is a value used to reference the
respective element of the Device Context data structure. Refer to
section 4.5.1.
Dequeue Pointer The Dequeue Pointer is a pointer into a TRB Ring. It references
the next TRB in a TRB Ring to be processed by the consumer of
TRB Ring work items. The Dequeue Pointer for Transfer and
Command Rings is NOT defined as a physical xHC register. A
facsimile of this pointer is maintained internally by the xHC and
system software to manage a respective ring.
Device Endpoint A uniquely addressable portion of a USB device that is the source
or sink of information in a communication flow between the host
and device. Also see Endpoint Address.
Device Resources Resources provided by USB devices, such as buffer space and
endpoints. Also see Host Resources and Universal Serial Bus
Device Slot Device Slot refers to the xHC interface associated with an
individual USB device, for example, the associated Device Context
Base Address Array entry, a Doorbell Array register, and its
Device Context.
Device Software Software that is responsible for managing a USB device. This
software may or may not also be responsible for configuring the
device for use.
Doorbell Array The Doorbell Array is an array of 256 Doorbell Registers, which
supports up to 255 USB devices or hubs. Doorbell Register 0 is
allocated to the Host Controller, the remaining registers are
allocated to individual Device Slots.
Downstream The direction of data flow from the host or away from the host. A
downstream port is the port on a hub electrically farthest from the
host that generates downstream data traffic from the hub.
Downstream ports receive upstream data traffic.
DPH Error A DPH Error may be due to one or more of the following
conditions: an incorrect Device Address, the Endpoint Number and
Direction does not refer to an endpoint that is part of the current
configuration, or the DPH does not have an expected sequence
DPP Error A DPP Error may be due to one or more of the following
conditions: CRC incorrect, DPP aborted, DPP missing, ACK TP with
the Retry Data Packet (rty) bit set, or the data length in the DPH
does not match the actual data payload length.
DSP DownStream Port an SSIC term that “refers to the port of a host
to which a peripheral is connected”.
Embedded hub A USB 2.0 or 3.x hub that is located on the system board, and
between the xHC device and the system board USB connector or
non-removable USB device.
Endpoint Address The xHCI defines an Endpoint Address as 5-bit value that is a
combination of an Endpoint Number (bits 4-1) and an Endpoint
Direction (bit 0). For Control Endpoints, the Direction (bit 0) is set
to ‘1’ to form its Endpoint Address. Note that xHCI encoding of an
Endpoint Address is not the same as the Endpoint Descriptor
bEndpointAddress field defined by the USB specification.
Endpoint Context An Endpoint Context data structure defines a Transfer Ring which
is used to manage transfers associated with the respective
endpoint. An Endpoint Context exists for each endpoint of a
Endpoint Direction The direction of data transfer on the USB. The direction can be
either IN or OUT. IN refers to transfers to the host; OUT refers to
transfers from the host. When computing the Endpoint Address an
IN endpoint is represented by a ‘1’ and an OUT endpoint is
represented by a ‘0’.
Endpoint Number A four-bit value between 0h and Fh, inclusive, associated with an
endpoint on a USB device.
Enqueue Pointer The Enqueue Pointer is a pointer into a TRB Ring. It references
the next TRB location available to producer for scheduling work
items to the Ring. The Enqueue Pointer is NOT defined as a
physical xHC register. A facsimile of this pointer is maintained
internally by the xHC and system software to manage a
respective ring.
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Term Definition
Endpoint Service Interval Time (ESIT) The service period of an Interrupt or an Isochronous Endpoint. An
ESIT defines a period of one or more microframes.
Event Data TRB A Normal Transfer TRB with its Event Data (ED) flag equal to ‘1’.
Refer to section
Fine-grain scatter/gather The xHCI TRBs support byte granularity for the TRB Data Buffer
Pointer and TRB Transfer Length fields, which enables “fine-grain”
scatter/gather operations.
FS See Full-speed.
High-bandwidth endpoint A high-speed USB device endpoint that transfers more than 1024
bytes and less than 3073 bytes per microframe.
High-Touch High touch registers are referenced regularly during the normal
operation of the xHC by system software, for example, Ringing
doorbells to queue work, managing interrupts, etc.
Host The host computer system where the USB Host Controller is
installed. This includes the host hardware platform (CPU, bus,
etc.) and the operating system in use.
Host Controller Driver This software entity is the interface between the xHC and the USB
(xHCD) Driver (USBD). It translates system software requests for USB
operations to TRBs scheduled on pipes to USB devices.
Host Controller Driver Enumeration This software entity is a component of the xHCD that manages
Component the enumeration of USB devices at power up, when they are
(xHCDe) attached, and when they are detached.
Host Initiated Resume Duration HIRD is the minimum time the xHC will drive resume signaling on
(HIRD) a USB2 port when it initiates an exit from L1.
HS See High-speed.
Hub Tier One plus the number of USB links in a communication path
between the host and a peripheral device.
Input Device Context The Device Context component (Slot and Endpoint Contexts) of
an Input Context. An Input Context data structure pointed to by a
Command TRB.
Input Slot Context A Slot Context contained in an Input Context. An Input Context
data structure pointed to by a Command TRB.
Integrated hub A Tier 2 USB 2.0 hub that is integrated into an xHC device.
Isoch TRB An Isochronous Transfer Request Block that is always the first
TRB of an Isoch TD. They are only found on the Transfer Rings
associated with Isoch Endpoints. Refer to section
Latency Tolerance Messaging Latency Tolerance Messaging (LTM) adds the capability for
(LTM) attached devices to provide information that can improve the host
platform's ability to select when and how long to sleep. This is
accomplished by an attached device sending an LTM, informing
the host of its acceptable service latency between accesses, that
is, the device's latency tolerance.
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Term Definition
Link TRB A Transfer Request Block that is always the last TRB of a TRB Ring
Segment. Link TRBs are used to form large, non-contiguous
Transfer Rings that cross Page boundaries. Refer to section
LS See Low-speed.
Normal TRB A Normal Transfer Request Block that is used on transfer Rings to
define a single contiguous buffer for a data transfer. Normal TRBs
may be “chained” to support scatter/gather or buffer
concatenation operations. Refer to section
Operational Registers The Operational Registers specify host controller configuration and
runtime modifiable state. And are used by system software to
control and monitor the operational state of the host controller.
Output Device Context A Device Context data structure pointed to by a Device Context
Base Address Array entry.
Output Endpoint Context An Endpoint Context contained in the Device Context data
structure pointed to by a Device Context Base Address Array
Output Slot Context A Slot Context contained in the Device Context data structure
pointed to by a Device Context Base Address Array entry.
PCI Config Space PCI Configuration Space. A segregated address space that
provides a means of identifying and enumerating the host
controller by system software.
Pipe Schedule An internal xHC construct that identifies the endpoints that
currently have work items scheduled for USB.
Register Space The Register Space represents the hardware registers presented
by the xHC to system software that reside in the Memory Address
Root Hub A (tier 1) Root Hub is always presented by the xHC. Refer to
section 4.19 for more information.
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Term Definition
Service Interval The period specified by the bInterval field of the USB Endpoint
Descriptor. Service Intervals are always a multiple of microframes
Service Interval Boundary The point in time defined by the beginning of the first
(micro)frame of a Service Interval.
Service Opportunity (SO) A Service Opportunity is a block of time that the xHC allocates for
moving packets on USB, for a specific endpoint. An individual
Service Opportunity is limited to the number of packets defined
by the Endpoint Context Max Burst Size and Mult fields, however
less packets may be moved in a Service Opportunity.
Service Opportunity Packet Count The number of packets that the xHC shall schedule during one
(SOPC) Service Opportunity. The default value of the SOPC = Endpoint
Context (Max Burst Size +1) x (Mult +1).
Setup Stage TRB A Setup Stage Transfer Request Block that is always the first TRB
of a Setup Stage TD. They are only found on the Transfer Rings
associated with Control Endpoints. Refer to section
Slot Context The Slot Context data structure defines information that applies to
the slot, the device as whole, or to all Endpoint Contexts.
Slot ID Refers to the index of a Device Slot. The Slot Identifier defines a
value that is used to index into the Doorbell Array and Device
Context Base Address Array. It is a logical Device Address that is
used for all system software references to a physical USB device
attached to the xHC.
SS See SuperSpeed.
Stream Pipe A pipe that transfers data as a stream of samples with no defined
USB structure, for example, an Interrupt, Isoch, or Bulk endpoint.
TD Transfer Size The TD Transfer Size is defined by the sum of the Length fields in
all TRBs that comprise the TD.
Total Available Bandwidth The Total Available Bandwidth identifies a Bus Instance’s ability to
move real data. As rule of thumb, the Total Available Bandwidth
will be at least 20% lower than the cited bit rate of a Bus
Instance, or more depending on the mix of packet sizes. Also note
that multiple Root Hub ports may share the bandwidth of a single
Bus Instance.
Transaction Packet Transaction Packets (TPs) are Enhanced SuperSpeed packets that
(TP) traverse a path between the host and device. TPs are used to
control data flow between devices and the host as well as to
manage the end to end connection.
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Term Definition
Transfer Request Block A TRB is a small, flexible data structure in memory that defines
(TRB) the characteristics of a single DMA operation executed by the
TRB Ring A TRB Ring is defined by three parameters: a pointer to the TRB
Ring data structure base address, and Enqueue and Dequeue
Pointers that define the “active” TRBs in the ring.
U0 Maximum power USB3 link state. The USB3 link is in its full power
state and USB3 device in the “On” power state.
Universal Serial Bus Driver (USBD) The host resident software entity responsible for providing
common services to clients that are manipulating one or more
functions on one or more Host Controllers.
Universal Serial Bus Resources Resources provided by the USB, such as bandwidth and power.
Also see Device Resources and Host Resources.
Upstream The direction of data flow towards the host. An upstream port is
the port on a device electrically closest to the host that generates
upstream data traffic from the hub. Upstream ports receive
downstream data traffic.
xHCI Extended Capabilities The xHCI Extended Capabilities specify optional features of a xHC
implementation, as well as providing the ability to add new
capabilities to implementations after the publication of this
xHC instance A xHC instance is either the physical or virtual version of the xHC
presented as a PCIe SR-IOV Physical Function (PF0) or Virtual
Function (VF1-n). A xHC implementation that does not support
virtualization only presents a single xHC instance to the platform.
1.7 Compliance
Adopters can demonstrate compliance of their product(s) with this specification
through the xHCI compliance testing program provided by Intel®. For details on
the xHCI compliance testing program, please send email to
[email protected].
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1.8 Documentation Conventions
1.8.1 Capitalization
Some terms are capitalized to distinguish their definition in the context of this
document from their common English meaning. Words not capitalized have
their common English meaning. When terms such as “memory write” or
“memory read” appear completely in lower case, they include all transactions
of that type.
Register names and the names of fields and bits in registers and headers are
presented with the first letter capitalized and the remainder in lower case.
Terms or names in bold text indicate the sentence provides a basic xHCI
definition of the respective term/name. All other references to an xHCI defined
term/name use the exact same text string as the definition so that you can
search on it easily. Refer to section 1.5 for more information on searching.
Italic text is used to identify Capitalized names that are explicitly named xHCI;
registers, register fields, or flags in registers.
Hexadecimal numbers are written with a lower case “h” suffix, for example,
FFFFh and 80h. Hexadecimal numbers larger than four digits are represented
with a space dividing each group of four digits, as in 1E FFFF FFFFh. Binary
numbers are written with a lower case “b” suffix, for example, 1001b and 10b.
Binary numbers larger than four digits are written with a space dividing each
group of four digits, as in 1000 0101 0010b.
The use of the word must is deprecated and shall not be used when stating
mandatory requirements; must is used only to describe unavoidable situations.
The word should is used to indicate that among several possibilities one is
recommended as particularly suitable, without mentioning or excluding others;
or that a certain course of action is preferred but not necessarily required; or
that (in the negative form) a certain course of action is deprecated but not
prohibited (should equals is recommended that).
The word may is used to indicate a course of action permissible within the
limits of the standard (may equals is permitted).
The word can is used for statements of possibility and capability, whether
material, physical, or causal (can equals is able to).
The abbreviation, that is, is for the Latin phrase id est which means that is.
The abbreviation, for example, is for the Latin phrase exempli gratia which
means for example.
If conditions:
// true operations
// false operations
For conditions:
// operations
The symbol combination “=>” shall be read as “transitions to”. for example,
OCA => ‘1’ means the value of OCA transitions to ‘1’.
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2.2 Goals
The goal of xHCI architecture is to define a USB host controller to ultimately
replace UHCI/OHCI/EHCI, to provide highly power efficient operation, higher
performance, and extensibility to new USB specifications, such as USB3 and
beyond. Key xHCI architectural goals are:
• Efficient operation – idle power and performance better than current USB host
controller architectures.
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• A device level programming model that is fully consistent with the existing USB
software model
• Decouple the host controller interface presented to software from the underlying USB
• Minimize host memory accesses, fully eliminating them when USB devices are idle
• Provide the ability for different markets to differentiate hardware capabilities, for
example, target host controller power, performance and cost trade-offs for specific
• Define an extensible architecture that provides an easy path for new USB
specifications and technologies, such as higher bandwidth interfaces, optical
transmission medium, etc., without requiring the definition of yet another USB host
controller interface
Support for all USB device speeds. The xHCI specification defines support
for all USB device speeds including; USB 2.0 Low-, Full-, and High-speed
devices, and USB 1.1 Low- and Full-speed.
Provides simple, robust solutions for legacy USB host controller issues.
The xHCI specification enables solutions to a myriad of issues, which have
proven to be problematic for USB host controllers. Some of the issues resolved
in the xHCI specification include: Memory thrashing, Memory access efficiency,
and conflicts with CPU power management. The xHCI architecture provides
both new specific features and optimizations to its architecture to solve the
legacy issues.
Optimized for Best Memory Access Efficiency. The xHCI’s data transfer
model eliminates the memory based transaction schedules that existed in
previous host controller architectures. It utilizes Transfer level operations to
Support for Virtual Memory. All xHCI register and data structures are
designed to support the “coarse-grain” Scatter/Gather requirements of page
based virtual memory architectures.
Support for Virtualization. Through use of the PCIe SR-IOV specification, the
xHCI provides a Virtual Machine Manager with the ability to enable Virtual xHCs
(VxHCs) controllers, and assign any USB Device to any VxHC instance.
Virtualization support is an optional normative xHCI feature.
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3 Architectural Overview
A USB Host System is composed of a number of hardware and software layers.
Figure 3-1 illustrates a conceptual block diagram of the building block layers in
a host system that work in concert to support USB 3.x.
Figure 3-1: Universal Serial Bus, Revision 3.x System Block Diagram
Application Application Application
Software Software Software
USBDI Software
Universal Serial Bus Driver (USBD)
Scope of
eXtensible Host
Controller (xHC)
P0 P1 ... Pn Hardware
Dev Dev
• Application Software. This software uses the services provided by one or more
USB devices. Application software interfaces with USB devices through standardized
interfaces provided by the Class Drivers.
• Host Controller Driver (xHCD). xHCD provides the software layer between the Host
Controller hardware and the USBD. The details of the host controller driver depend
on the host controller hardware register interface definition.
• Host Controller (xHC). The host controller is the specific hardware implementation
of the host controller architecture. There is one host controller specification for the
USB3 host controller, which enables support for Low-, Full-, High-, SuperSpeed, and
SuperSpeedPlus devices. The interface presented by the xHC to the system is
referred to as the eXtensible Host Controller Interface or the xHCI.
• USB Device. This is a hardware device that expands the bus topology (hub) or
performs a useful end-user function. Interactions with USB devices flow from the
applications through the software and hardware layers to the USB devices.
The Device Framework allows the USB architecture to separate the details of
the “Bus” interface from that of the application specific (“Device”) interface,
resulting in a split driver model (xHCD/Class Driver). Note that in this context,
Device Class refers to the portion of a USB device that performs some useful
end user application specific function (for example, Mass Storage, Audio,
Human Interface, etc.).
The USB bus driver (USBD) provides a standard method of interfacing to the
transport mechanisms (USB Framework) defined by the USB architecture
(Isoch, Interrupt, Control, and Bulk Pipes) and the Device Class driver is where
all the application specific knowledge resides. A Class Driver will also include
any “value add” that a vendor may provide. As long as the USB Framework
presented through the USBDI remains unchanged, the USB Class Drivers do
not have to change because the USB bus driver does (for example, to support
the xHCI).
Working groups in the USB-IF have defined several standard USB Device
Classes (Mass Storage, Audio, etc.). A USB device vendor may choose to define
a proprietary Device Class for their product or utilize part or all of an
appropriate USB-IF defined Device Class. The USB-IF defined Device Classes
provide a baseline set of features, for their respective class. Several USB
Device Classes are supported natively by today’s Operating Systems.
Intel Confidential
Native OS support for Device Classes allows a compliant device to provide a
user with basic functionality if the vendor Device Class drivers are not
available, however a vendor can define their own Class Driver to add value.
Many commodity USB device vendors (mice, keyboard, etc.) take advantage of
those provided by OS vendors and don’t bother to offer their own Class
Drivers. If a vendor offers a USB device that does not fall under one of the
standard USB defined Device Classes supported by an OS then they shall offer
their own Class Driver.
The xHCI is used for all communications to devices connected through the Root
Hub ports of the USB3 host controller.
The xHCI architecture allows the USB3 host controller to provide USB
functionality for all speed devices without requiring, as in previous generations,
companion controllers along with the associated software support for their
respective drivers. The enhanced features of the xHCI architecture are key to
delivering this simplified operating environment.
Note that Figure 3-2 does not imply a particular xHC implementation, however
the functional partitioning that it illustrates is useful for this discussion. The
Host Interface Logic manages the Registers and DMA associated with the xHC.
Bus Bus Bus
Instance Instance Instance
Port Routing
The xHC always manages the respective speed USB devices connected to its
Root Hub ports. Depending on the implementation, the resources of a USB bus
instance (bandwidth, device addressability, etc.) may be presented on each
root hub port, shared across multiple root hub ports, or a combination of
This specification defines the registers and interfaces for the eXtensible Host
Controller Interface.
• MMIO Space. The Register Space represents the hardware registers presented by
the xHC to system software that reside in the Memory Address Space. The Register
Space provides for the implementation-specific parameters defined in the xHCI
normal and Extended Capabilities registers, the Operational and Runtime control and
status registers, and the Doorbell Array used to flag accesses to individual USB
devices. This space, normally referred to as I/O space, is implemented as Memory-
Mapped I/O (MMIO) space.
• Host Memory. This space is defined by the control data structures (Device Context
Base Address Array, Device Contexts, Transfer Rings, etc.) and data buffers that are
allocated and managed by the xHC Driver to enable the endpoint traffic of individual
devices. This space is allocated in the Kernel and User areas of the Memory Address
PCI Extended
Capabilities Operational
The xHCI provides support for two categories of USB transfer types:
asynchronous and periodic. Isochronous and Interrupt transfers are Periodic
transfer types. Asynchronous transfer types include Control and Bulk. Figure
3-3 illustrates that the xHCI provides a homogeneous mechanism (Transfer
Rings) for each category of transfer type.
Intel Confidential
The USB Base Address Register (BAR) in the PCI Config Space points to the
base address of the xHC register interface. The xHC register interface consists
of 4 major components: Capability Registers, Operational Registers, Runtime
Registers, and the Doorbell Array. The Operational and Capability Registers are
concatenated in MMIO space. The Runtime Registers are actually just an
extension of the Operational Registers. Their partitioning allows the xHC to
better support virtualization, by allowing the Runtime Registers to reside on a
separate page boundary. A xHCI Capabilities Pointer mechanism (similar to
that defined by PCI) is presented in the Capability Registers to point to new or
optional capabilities of an xHC implementation.
The term Device Slot is used as a generic reference to a set of xHCI data
structures associated with an individual USB device. Each device is represented
by an entry in the Device Context Base Address Array, a register in the
Doorbell Array register, and a device’s Device Context. The term Slot ID refers
to the index used to identify a specific Device Slot. For example the value of
Slot ID will be used as an index to identify a specific entry in the Device
Context Base Address Array.
The Device Context Base Address Array supports up to 255 USB devices or
hubs, where each element in the array is a pointer to a Device Context data
The Command Ring is used by software to pass device and host controller
related commands to the xHC. The Command Ring shall be treated as read-
only by the xHC. Refer to section 4.9.3 for a discussion of Command Ring
The Event Ring is used by the xHC to pass command completion and
asynchronous events to software. The Event Ring shall be treated as read-only
A Transfer Ring is used by software to schedule work items for a single USB
Endpoint. A Transfer Ring is organized as a circular queue of Transfer
Descriptor (TD) data structures, where each Transfer Descriptor defines one
or more Data Buffers that will be moved to or from the USB. Transfer Rings are
treated as read-only by the xHC. Refer to section 4.9.2 for a discussion of
Transfer Ring Management.
All three types of rings support the ability for system software to grow or
shrink them while they are active. Special TDs written to the Transfer and
Command rings allow software to change their size, however since the Event
Ring is read-only to software, the Event Ring Segment Table is provided so
that software may modify its size.
The Device Context Base Address Array (DCBAA) provides the xHC with a Slot
ID based lookup table for accessing the Device Context data structure
associated with each slot. This data structure consists of an array of pointers to
Device Context data structures. When a device attach is detected: system
software initializes a Device Context data structure, requests a Slot ID from the
xHC, and inserts a pointer to the newly created Device Context into the DCBAA
at the location indicated by the Slot ID.
Note that the first entry (Slot ID = ‘0’) in the Device Context Base Address
Array is utilized by the xHCI Scratchpad mechanism. Refer to section 4.20 for
more information.
The Device Context data structure is managed by the xHC and used to report
device configuration and state information to system software. The Device
Context data structure consists of an array of 32 data structures. The first
context data structure (index = ‘0’) is a Slot Context data structure (6.2.2).
Intel Confidential
The remaining context data structures (indices 1-31) are Endpoint Context data
structures (6.2.3).
The Slot Context data structure contains information that relates to the device
as a whole, or affects all endpoints of a USB device. This data structure is
defined as a member of the Device Context and Input Context data structures.
Refer to section 3.2.5 for information on the Input Context data structure.
As a Device Context member, the Slot Context data structure is used by the
xHC to report the current values of device parameters to system software. The
Slot Context data structure of a Device Context is also referred to as “Output
Slot Context”.
All Reserved fields in the Slot Context are for the exclusive use of the xHC and
shall not be modified by system software except when the Slot is in the
Disabled state.
The Endpoint Context data structure defines the configuration and state of a
specific USB endpoint. This data structure is defined as a member of the Device
Context and Input Context data structures. Refer to section 3.2.5 for
information on the Input Context data structure.
Most of the fields of the Endpoint Context contain endpoint related type,
control, state, and bandwidth information, that correspond to the information
in the associated endpoint related descriptors reported by the device. An
Endpoint Context also defines a TR Dequeue Pointer field, which normally
provides a pointer to the Transfer Ring associated with the pipe. There is a
special case for USB3 Bulk endpoints where Streams may be associated with
an endpoint. Streams allow the data stream of an endpoint to be multiplexed
between Transfer Rings by the device (refer to section 4.12 for more
information on Streams). In this case, a level of indirection is introduced to
access the Transfer Rings associated with the endpoint, and the Endpoint
Context TR Dequeue Pointer field contains a pointer to a Stream Context Array
data structure (commonly referred to as a Stream Array), where each Stream
Context data structure in the array may contain a NULL pointer (if the Stream
ID is not assigned) or point to the Transfer Ring or another Stream Context
Array associated with the respective Stream.
Note that the Device Context and Input Context data structures provide for all
possible (31) endpoints that can be declared by a USB device. Most devices
declare only a small number of endpoints, which means that many of the
Endpoint Context data structures in a Device Context or Input Context may be
The Endpoint Context also contains some fields that are helpful in debugging
the transfer operations associated with the pipe. An Error Counter (CErr) may
be used to force unlimited retries of USB transactions.
Intel Confidential
Context data structures. The number of Stream Context data structures in a
Primary Stream Context Array and its location are defined by fields in the
parent Endpoint Context.
Figure 4-20 illustrates how a Stream Context Array may be used to extend the
number of Transfer Rings that are supported by an endpoint.
The Stream Context data structure provides a pointer to the Stream’s Transfer
Ring and provides some opaque (scratchpad) space for the xHC.
The Input Context data structure is used by system software to define device
configuration and state information that will be passed to the xHC by an
Address Device, Configure Endpoint, or Evaluate Context Command. It consists
of an Input Control Context data structure, followed by a Slot Context, and 1-
31 Endpoint Context data structures. The Input Control Context data structure
qualifies which of the remaining contexts are affected by the command. After a
command is complete, software may reuse or free the Input Context data
Refer to section for more information on the Input Control Context.
A Ring is a circular queue of data structures. Three types of Rings are used by
the xHC to communicate and execute USB operations:
• Command Ring
• Event Ring
• Transfer Ring
The Command Ring is used by system software to issue commands to the xHC.
The Event Ring is used by the xHC to return status and results of commands
and transfers to system software.
Transfer Rings are used to move data between system memory buffers and
device endpoints.
Below is a description of the operation of a Transfer Ring. All ring types employ
the same basic mechanisms to transfer information between the xHC and host
A Transfer Ring exists for each active endpoint or Stream declared by a USB
device. Transfer Rings contain “Transfer” specific TRBs. Section 4.11.2 for more
information on Transfer TRBs.
Intel Confidential
Figure 3-4: Transfer Ring2
Endpoint Transfer Ring
Information TRB
Status (32)
Control (32)
2 When the Dequeue and Enqueue Pointers are equal the Transfer Ring is empty. The Dequeue Pointer identifies the address of the
next TRB to be executed by the xHC. The Enqueue Pointer identifies the address of the next TRB location available to software
for queuing a TD. TRBs between the Dequeue and Enqueue Pointers are owned by the xHC. Operation
For small, single buffer operations (of which many are required in the USB
protocol) a TD will be composed of a single TRB. For large multi-buffer
operations (for example, Scatter/Gather), TRBs can be chained to form a
complex TD. The small size of the TRB data structure allows up to 256
individual buffers to be defined in a 4K Segment (page of memory).
The Data Buffer Pointer field of a TRB provides byte granularity for data
The Length field, which resides in the Status Dword, identifies the size of the
buffer referenced by the Data Buffer Pointer. The maximum value the Length
field may contain is 64K. When Length bytes are transferred, the next TRB in
the ring is automatically accessed by the xHC. It is system software’s
responsibility to ensure that the Length field is consistent with any Page
crossings that may be encountered.
The Control Dword in the TRB shall contain a TRB Type field and may contain
one or more of the following fields: Chain (CH), Interrupt On Completion (IOC),
Immediate Data (IDT), No-Snoop (NS), Interrupt-on Short Packet (ISP), Start
Isoch ASAP (SIA), and Frame ID. Refer to section 6.4.1 for more information
on the contents and use of the Transfer TRB Control Dword.
Figure 3-6 illustrates a Transfer TRB Ring with multiple pending TDs. The
Enqueue Pointer identifies the next TRB location available to system software
for scheduling work (TDs) to the Ring. The Dequeue Pointer identifies the
next TRB in the Transfer Ring to be executed by the xHC. Upon completion of a
Transfer TRB, the Length and Status of the transfer may optionally be reported
Intel Confidential
in a Transfer Event TRB. Refer to section for more information on the
Transfer Event TRB.
Note: A Transfer Ring may include an Event Data TRB. Rather than pointing
to a Data buffer this TRB contains a 64-bit value which software may use to
tag a TD and generate a special Transfer Event to pass that tag back to
software when the TD is complete. Refer to section for more
Virtual Memory environments divide physical memory into Pages, and use Page
Tables to make non-contiguous physical memory appear contiguous in User
“virtual” address space. Scatter/Gather mechanisms are typically used to
concatenate the non-contiguous physical memory Pages into a contiguous data
stream to present to a device. In this case, the host builds a Multi-TRB TD to
define the contiguous virtual memory seen by the User. Because the block of
User memory to be transferred often does not start on a Page boundary, the
Data Buffer Pointer of the first TRB of a Multi-TRB TD may not point to a Page
boundary (and the Length field of that TRB will be less than a Page Size).
Subsequent TRBs of the TD will point to Page boundaries and be Page Size in
length, respectively, defining full Pages of data, except for the last TRB, whose
Data Buffer Pointer will point to a Page boundary but may have a Length value
less than the Page Size.
Software shall never update the Enqueue Pointer (that is, toggle the Cycle bit
of a TRB) until all TRBs between the previous and the new Enqueue Pointer
location are fully formed. It is the responsibility of system software to ensure
that the TDs are correctly formed, that is, the TRBs of a TD are contiguous in
the Transfer Ring and correctly chained.
The size of a Scatter/Gather Transfer is equal to the sum of the Length fields
all the TRBs of a TD.
Rsvd Length
The total TD transfer
Ctrl (Normal) length equals the sum
of its TRB Lengths
In the figure above note that the Chain bit (CH) is set in all but the last TRB of
the Multi-TRB TD. The xHC parses the TRBs in the Multi-TRB TD from the
Dequeue Pointer towards the Enqueue Pointer (top to bottom in this figure) to
form a concatenated data buffer from separate buffers that reside in memory.
If the Transfer Ring was associated with an OUT Endpoint then the
concatenated data buffer would be sent to the USB Device as single transfer.
A USB Message Pipe is bidirectional and transfers data using the USB
setup/data/status stage paradigm. The data has an imposed structure that
allows requests to be reliably identified and communicated. A USB Stream Pipe
(Isoch, Interrupt, and Bulk endpoint) transfers data as a stream of samples
with no defined USB structure.
USB Control transfers minimally require two transaction stages on the bus:
Setup and Status. A control transfer may optionally contain a Data stage
between the Setup and Status stages. The xHCI defines three types of TDs:
Setup Stage, Data Stage, and Status Stage TDs, which correspond to
respective USB control transfer stages, to support control transfers. Software
“constructs” a control transfer by placing either two (Setup Stage and Status
Intel Confidential
Stage), or three (Setup Stage, Data Stage, and Status Stage) TDs on the
Transfer Ring before ringing the doorbell.
Software is responsible for the amount of data that is transferred with a Data
Stage TD and its direction are consistent with the length and direction specified
by the Setup Data in the Setup Stage TRB. A Data Stage TD consists of a Data
Stage TRB followed by zero or more Normal TRBs. If the data is not physically
contiguous, Normal TRBs may be chained to the Data Stage TRB. All the TRBs
in the Data Stage TD transfer data in the same direction (that is, all INs or all
OUTs), as defined by the Data Stage TRB.
Rsvd Length = 0
Ctrl (Status Stage, OUT)
Bulk and Interrupt Transfer Descriptors use Normal TRBs and depending on the
data buffering requirements can use one or more chained Normal TRBs to form
a TD. Multi-TRB Bulk or Interrupt TDs may define a Scatter/Gather operation
as described in section 3.2.8.
Fractional Isoch Transfers
3 The period between isochronous transfers is often referred to as a “Frame”, however strictly speaking the period is defined by the
Endpoint Descriptor bInterval field. The value of bInterval is in Frames (1ms.) or Microframes (125μs.) depending on whether
the device is LS/FS or HS/SS. In this document, references to “frame” or “interval” in isochronous discussions should be
interpreted as “the period between isochronous transfers”.
Intel Confidential
and 180 bytes are moved in the 10th ms. (to cover the “.1”). Assuming that the
10ms. of audio data is stored contiguously on a single page in memory, then a
set of 10 TDs shall be posted to the Transfer Ring each containing a single
Isoch TRB, with the Length of the last TRB being 4 bytes larger than the rest.
If the audio data buffer is not physically contiguous (for example, crosses a
Page boundary), then an additional Normal TRB will be chained to the Isoch TD
that crossed the Page boundary.
Frame A
Ring Rsvd Length
Multi-TRB Ctrl (Isoch) Last TRB of Data Page
Transfer Descriptor First TRB of next Data Page
TRB Pointer
TRB Frame B 0 Initial Page
Dequeue Pointer Rsvd Length Offset
Enqueue Pointer Ctrl (Isoch)
Frame A
TRB Pointer
Frame B 4 Transaction
Frame C (Lo) Buffers,
TRB Frame C (Lo)
where Frame C
TRB Rsvd Length
crosses a Page
Ctrl (Isoch, Chain) Boundary
Frame C (Hi)
Pointer Frame D
Frame C (Hi)
Rsvd Length
Ctrl (Normal)
Execution Frame D
Rsvd Length
Ctrl (Isoch)
• Four Isoch TDs are defined, representing the Isoch data scheduled for 4 consecutive
• The Isoch data transferred in Frames A, B and D are all contiguous blocks (that is, no
page boundary crossings).
• The Isoch data to be transferred in Frame C crosses a Page boundary. The Pointer of
the Isoch TRB (Frame C Lo) is used to access the first bytes of Isoch data in
memory. A Normal TRB is chained to the Frame C Isoch TRB, and the Pointer of the
Normal TRB (Frame C Hi) is used to access the remaining Isoch data for the frame
on the next Page of memory.
• The number of bytes that will be transmitted in single USB Frame is defined by sum
of the Length fields of all TRBs in an Isoch TD.
This example illustrates a case where the Isoch data buffers for multiple
Intervals are physically contiguous. The xHCI Isoch mechanism also supports
cases where multiple data buffers are transferred in a single Isoch Interval. In
this latter case, one or more Normal TRBs may be chained to the initial Isoch
Commands are executed by the xHC in the order that they are placed on the
Command Ring. System software may add CDs to the Command Ring while it
is running, however the execution of CDs should be stopped if software wants
to delete or reorder (that is, raise the priority of) scheduled CDs. Special
Command Ring controls allow commands to be stopped or aborted.
The table below provides a summary of the xHCI command set. The remainder
of this section provides a high level description of each of the commands.
Name Description
Enable Slot Returns a Device Slot ID and transitions the Device Slot from the Disabled to the Default
Disable Slot Transitions the selected Device Slot from any state to the Disabled state. Any pending
transfers are terminated and the slot is made available again.
Address Device Enables the Default Control Endpoint, optionally issues a SET_ADDRESS request to the
USB device and transitions the Device Slot to the Addressed state.
Evaluate Context Informs xHC that software has modified selected Context parameters.
Reset Endpoint Resets selected Endpoint. This command is used to recover from a halted endpoint.
Set TR Dequeue Updates the Transfer Ring Dequeue Pointer of an enabled endpoint.
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Name Description
Reset Device Resets selected Device Slot. This command is used to synchronize the state of a Device
Slot when resetting a USB device.
Force Event Used with virtualization by a VMM to force a TRB on to an Event Ring owned by a VM.
Set Latency Used by software to set the Best Effort Latency Tolerance (BELT) value for the xHC.
Get Port Provides a means for software to identify the periodic bandwidth available on xHC Root
Bandwidth Hub Ports.
Force Header Allows software to generate SS LMPs or TPs to a Root Hub Port.
Refer to Table 6-91: TRB Type Definitions for the TRB Type IDs associated with
3.3.1 No Op
The Disable Slot Command is issued by software to inform the xHCI that a
Device Slot is no longer needed, and that any resources assigned to the slot
can be released. This command would be issued when a device is detached
from the USB. A disabled Device Slot is available for assignment by the Enable
Slot Command.
Refer to Section 4.9.4 Event Ring Management for more information on the
Disable Slot Command.
The Address Device Command TRB points to an Input Context data structure.
The Input Slot Context and Endpoint 0 Context define the information needed
by the xHC to communicate with the control endpoint of the device. If the
SET_ADDRESS request issued by the xHC is successful, the contents of the
Input Slot and Endpoint 0 Context data structures are copied to the respective
Device Context data structures, and the Transfer Ring associated with endpoint
0 is set to the Running state.
Note that the xHC, not software, selects the address that is assigned to the
USB device. This approach ensures that addresses will not be overloaded when
assigned in virtualized environments.
This command is issued as part of the USB device enumeration process after a
USB device attachment or reset. Once a successful Address Device Command
has completed, system software can complete the standard USB device
enumeration process, that is, issuing GET_DESCRIPTOR requests through the
Default Control Endpoint to retrieve the USB Device, Configuration, etc.
descriptors from the USB device. Using the information in these descriptors
system software may then determine which Class Driver(s) to associate with
the USB device.
Intel Confidential
reject a configuration if the necessary USB bandwidth or xHC internal resources
are not available.
System software also uses the Configure Endpoint Command to inform the xHC
of pipe changes due to selecting an Alternate Interface on a device. Typically
an Alternate Interface setting is used to modify the payload size or bandwidth
requirement of a pipe, however it may also be used to disable or enable one or
more pipes. The Input Control Context data structure of the Input Context
allows software to explicitly identify which pipes are enabled, disabled, or
modified by a target Alternate Interface setting. The parameters of the Input
Endpoint Contexts for enabled or modified pipes shall correlate target pipe
settings (Endpoint Type, Max Packet Size, and so forth). If the Configure
Endpoint Command does not complete successfully, software shall not issue a
SET_INTERFACE request to the device.
The Evaluate Context Command is issued by software to inform the xHC that
specific fields should be modified in the Device Context. There are several
cases during the enumeration process of a USB device where an incomplete
Context is used to communicate with the device. For instance, the default Max
Packet Size for a FS device is 8 bytes. Software will initialize the Max Packet
Size field of the Default Control Endpoint Context to ‘8’. Then use the endpoint
to issue a GET_DESCRIPTOR(Device) request to the device, retrieving the first
8 bytes of the Device Descriptor. Byte 7 of the Device Descriptor defines the
actual Max Packet Size for the Default Control Endpoint. This command would
then be used to update the Max Packet Size field of the Default Control
Endpoint to its true value. Other fields that may need to be updated late in the
enumeration process are the Slot Context Hub and Max Exit Latency.
The command passes a pointer to an Input Context data structure to the xHC.
The xHC evaluates specific fields of the Input Context and updates the Device
Context. The specific fields affected by the command are identified in the
respective context descriptions in Section 6.2 Contexts.The specific fields
affected by the command are identified in the respective context descriptions in
Section 6.2 Contexts.The specific fields affected by the command are identified
in the respective context descriptions in Section 6.2.Section 6.2 Contexts...
Refer to Section 4.6.7 Evaluate Context for more information on the Evaluate
Context Command.
Refer to section 4.6.8 for more information on the Reset Endpoint Command.
Refer to section 4.6.9 for more information on the Stop Endpoint Command.
Intel Confidential
Refer to section 4.6.10 for more information on the Set TR Dequeue Pointer
The Reset Device Command is used by software to inform the xHC that the
USB Device associated with a Device Slot has been Reset. In the Slot Context
of the selected device slot, the reset operation sets the Slot State field to the
Default state and the USB Device Address field to ‘0’. The reset operation also
disables all endpoints of the slot except for the Default Control Endpoint by
setting the Endpoint Context Slot State field to Disabled in all enabled Endpoint
Refer to section 4.6.12 for detailed information on the use of the Force Event
Refer to Section 4.6.16 Force Header for more information on the Force Header
Isochronous transfers are managed using Isoch TRBs. These data structures
are optimized for the variability per data payload and time-oriented
characteristics of the isochronous transfer type.
4 Section 10.1 of the USB3 spec describes a USB 3.x hub as a “logical combination of 2 hubs: a USB 2.0 hub and an Enhanced SuperSpeed
hub”. Each logical hub has its own set of addressable ports for supporting the respective protocol. Each downstream (A) connector of
a hub connects to one port of each logical hub. This allows Low-, Full-, or High-Speed as well as Enhanced SuperSpeed devices to be
attached to any connector. The xHCI follows this model by providing separate USB2.0 and USB3.x Root Hub ports. Refer to section
4.19.7 for details.
Intel Confidential
The port registers provide system software with the control and status
information required to manipulate the port in accordance with the USB
Specification. The supported features include: detecting device connects,
disconnects, performing device resets, manipulating port power and managing
port power management capabilities.
All xHC commands are issued by placing the desired Command TRB(s) (Section
6.4.3 Command TRBs) on the Command Ring, then ringing the xHC command
Doorbell register, that is, writing the Host Controller Command code to the DB
Target field of Doorbell register 0 (refer to Section 5.6 Doorbell Registers).All
xHC commands are issued by placing the desired Command TRB(s) (Section
6.4.3 Command TRBs)Section 6.4.3 Command TRBs6.4.3 Command TRBs6.4.3
Command TRBs) on the Command Ring, then ringing the xHC command
Doorbell register, that is, writing the Host Controller Command code to the DB
Target field of Doorbell register 0 (refer to Section 5.6 Doorbell
Registers).Section 5.6 Doorbell Registers5.6 Doorbell Registers5.6 Doorbell
Refer to Section 4.23.1 Power Wells for a discussion of the effect of Power
Wells on register state after power-on and light resets.
Intel Confidential
Following are a review of the operations that system software would perform in
order to initialize the xHC using MSI-X as the interrupt mechanism5:
• Initialize the system I/O memory maps, if supported.
• After Chip Hardware Reset6 wait until the Controller Not Ready (CNR) flag
in the USBSTS is ‘0’ before writing any xHC Operational or Runtime
Note: This text does not imply a specific order for the following operations, however
these operations shall be completed before setting the USBCMD register
Run/Stop (R/S) bit to ‘1’.
• Program the Max Device Slots Enabled (MaxSlotsEn) field in the CONFIG
register (5.4.7) to enable the device slots that system software is going to
• Program the Device Context Base Address Array Pointer (DCBAAP) register
(Section 5.4.6 Device Context Base Address Array Pointer Register
(DCBAAP)) with a 64-bit address pointing to where the Device Context
Base Address Array is located.
• Define the Command Ring Dequeue Pointer by programming the Command
Ring Control Register (Section 5.4.5 Command Ring Control Register
(CRCR)) with a 64-bit address pointing to the starting address of the first
TRB of the Command Ring.
• Initialize interrupts7 by:
o Allocate and initialize the MSI-X Message Table (Section MSI-X
Table), setting the Message Address and Message Data, and enable the
vectors. At a minimum, table vector entry 0 shall be initialized and
enabled. Refer to the PCI specification for more details.
o Allocate and initialize the MSI-X Pending Bit Array (PBA, Section
o Point the Table Offset and PBA Offsets in the MSI-X Capability Structure
to the MSI-X Message Control Table and Pending Bit Array,
5 Refer to the PCI spec for the initialization and use of MSI or PIN interrupt mechanisms
6 A Chip Hardware Reset may be either a PCI reset input or an optional power-on reset input to the xHC.
7Interrupts are optional. The xHC may be managed by polling Event Rings.
• Note that writing the ERSTBA enables the Event Ring. Refer to
Section 4.9.4 Event Ring Management for more information on
the Event Ring registers and their initialization.
At this point, the host controller is up and running and the Root Hub ports
(5.4.8) will begin reporting device connects, etc., and system software may
begin enumerating devices. System software may follow the procedures
described in section 4.3, to enumerate attached devices.
USB2 (LS/FS/HS) devices require the port reset process to advance the port to
the Enabled state. Once USB2 ports are Enabled, the port is active with SOFs
occurring on the port, but the Pipe Schedules have not yet been enabled.
Intel Confidential
4.3 USB Device Initialization
This section describes the process of detecting and initializing a USB device
attached to an xHC Root Hub port.
The USB device initialization process is the same, whether the device attached
to the port is a Function or a Hub. Once the Pipes associated with an external
hub are set up, the Hub Driver will enumerate the devices attached to the
external hub’s ports using standard Hub Class command sequences. This
section focuses on the device initialization process when a device is attached to
a Root Hub port.
Note: The “Disabled” Root Hub port state represents different conditions when
referring to USB3 or USB2 protocol ports. For USB3 ports, the Disabled state
indicates that the port is in the DSPORT.Disabled state (refer to Figure 10-9 in
the USB3 spec.). For USB2 ports, the Disabled state indicates that the port is
in the Disabled state (refer to Figure 11-10 in the USB2 spec).
If successful, the port shall transition to the Enabled state, that is, the
Port Enabled/Disabled (PED) flag shall be set to ‘1’, and the Port
Reset (PR) flag and Port Link State (PLS) field shall be ‘0’. The
attached USB device shall be in the Default state.
System software shall enable the port by resetting the port (writing a
'1' to the PORTSC PR bit) then waiting for a Port Status Change Event
due to the assertion of Port Reset Change (PRC) flag. Refer to section
4.3.1 for an overview of the Root Hub port reset activities.
The completion of the port reset shall cause the PORTSC register PRC
and PED flags to be set (‘1’), the PR flag to be cleared (‘0’), and the
PLS field to be U0 (‘0’). If the assertion of PRC results in a ‘0’ to ‘1’
transition of PSCEG (4.19.2), the xHC shall generate a Port Status
Change Event as a result of the transition of PRC. The reset operation
sets the USB2 device into the Default state, preparing it for a
SET_ADDRESS request.
4. After the port successfully reaches the Enabled state, system software
shall obtain a Device Slot for the newly attached device using an Enable Slot
Command, as described in section 4.3.2.
5. After successfully obtaining a Device Slot, system software shall initialize
the data structures associated with the slot as described in section 4.3.3.
6. Once the slot related data structures are initialized, system software shall
use an Address Device Command to assign an address to the device and
enable its Default Control Endpoint, as described in section 4.3.4.
7. For LS, HS, and SS devices; 8, 64, and 512 bytes, respectively, are the
only packet sizes allowed for the Default Control Endpoint, so step a may be
For FS devices, system software should initially read the first 8 bytes of the
USB Device Descriptor to retrieve the value of the bMaxPacketSize0 field and
determine the actual Max Packet Size for the Default Control Endpoint, by
issuing a USB GET_DESCRIPTOR request to the device, update the Default
Control Endpoint Context with the actual Max Packet Size and inform the xHC
of the context change. Step a describes this operation.
Intel Confidential
a. The USB GET_DESCRIPTOR request requires a Data Stage, so the
Setup Stage TD shall be followed by a Data Stage TD, then a Status
Stage TD. To do this software shall:
i. Allocate an 8 byte buffer to receive the Device Descriptor.
ii. Initialize the Setup Stage TD (a single Setup Stage TRB) on the
Endpoint 0 Transfer Ring.
• TRB Type = Setup Stage TRB.
• Transfer Type (TRT) = IN Data Stage (3).
• TRB Transfer Length = 8.
• Interrupt On Completion (IOC) = 0.
• Immediate Data (IDT) = 1.
• bmRequestType = 80h. (Dir = Device-to-Host, Type = Standard,
Recipient = Device)
• bRequest = 6 (GET_DESCRIPTOR).
• wValue = 0100h. Low byte = 0 (Descriptor Index), High Byte = 1
(Descriptor type).
• wIndex = 0.
• wLength = 8.
• Cycle bit = Current Producer Cycle State.
iii. Advance the Endpoint 0 Transfer Ring Enqueue Pointer
iv. Initialize the Data Stage TD (a single Data Stage TRB) on the
Endpoint 0 Transfer Ring.
• TRB Type = Data Stage TRB.
• Direction (DIR) = ‘1’.
• TRB Transfer Length = 8.
• Chain bit (CH) = 0.
• Interrupt On Completion (IOC) = 0.
• Immediate Data (IDT) = 0.
• Data Buffer Pointer = The address of the Device Descriptor receive
• Cycle bit = Current Producer Cycle State.
v. Advance the Endpoint 0 Transfer Ring Enqueue Pointer
vi. Initialize the Status Stage TD (a Status Stage TRB) on the
Endpoint 0 Transfer Ring.
• TRB Type = Status Stage TRB.
• Direction (DIR) = ‘0’.
• TRB Transfer Length = 0.
• Chain bit (CH) = 0.
• Interrupt On Completion (IOC) = 1.
• Immediate Data (IDT) = 0.
• Data Buffer Pointer = 0.
• Cycle bit = Current Producer Cycle State.
vii. Advance the Endpoint 0 Transfer Ring Enqueue Pointer
Note: To ensure proper operation software shall fully initialize the hubs and TTs of
each tier of the USB topology before proceeding to the next tier, starting at
the Root Hub. Failure to meet this requirement may result in undefined xHC
Resetting a Root Hub port, resets the attached USB device, and if successful,
the port logic reports the speed of the attached device and sets the port to the
Enabled state. Whether successful or not, the Port Reset Change (PRC) flag is
set to ‘1’. If the assertion of PRC results in a ‘0’ to ‘1’ transition of PSCEG
(4.19.2), a Port Status Change Event shall be generated.
To reset a USB device attached to a Root Hub port, system software shall
perform the following operations:
Intel Confidential
1. Write the PORTSC register with the Port Reset (PR) bit set to ‘1’.
2. Wait for a successful Port Status Change Event for the port, where the
Port Reset Change (PRC) bit in the PORTSC field is set to ‘1’.
3. Section 4.19.5 describes the port reset operations performed by the xHC.
The next step requires system software to obtain a Device Slot (section 4.3.2),
then associate the newly attached device with the Device Slot and enable its
Default Control Endpoint.
Note: After a Root Hub port is successfully reset, the PORTSC Port Speed field shall
indicate the speed of the attached device.
The first operation that software shall perform after detecting a device attach
event and resetting the port is to obtain a Device Slot for the device by issuing
an Enable Slot Command to the xHC through the Command Ring. The Enable
Slot Command returns a Slot ID that is selected by the host controller. Refer to
section 4.6.3 for a detailed description of the Enable Slot command.
System software shall wait for the Command Completion Event associated with
the Enable Slot Command before issuing any more commands to the slot. If
the command was successful, software may proceed to the Device Slot
Initialization phase (section 4.3.3).
Successful completion of the Enable Slot Command shall transition the Device
Slot to the Enabled state. Refer to section 4.5.3 for more information on Device
Slot states.
Once an xHC Device Slot ID has been obtained for a USB device, software shall
initialize the data structures associated with the slot. The following steps shall
be performed by system software:
4. Allocate an Input Context data structure (6.2.5) and initialize all fields to
5. Initialize the Input Control Context ( of the Input Context by
setting the A0 and A1 flags to ‘1’. These flags indicate that the Slot Context
and the Endpoint 0 Context of the Input Context are affected by the command.
6. Initialize the Input Slot Context data structure (6.2.2).
• Root Hub Port Number = Topology defined.
• Route String = Topology defined8. Refer to section 8.9 in the USB3 spec. Note
example, to access a device attached directly to a Root Hub port, the Route String shall equal ‘0’, and the Root Hub
Port Number shall indicate the specific Root Hub port to use.
Typically the first operation that software performs on a USB device is to assign
an address to it, which transitions the USB device from the Default to the
Address state. To assign an address to a USB device attached to the xHC,
system software shall issue an Address Device Command with the Block Set
Address Request (BSR) flag cleared to ‘0’ to the xHC through the Command
Ring. Refer to section 4.6.5 for a detailed description of the Address Device
System software shall wait for Address Device Command completion event on
the Event Ring before issuing any more commands to the slot. If successful,
software proceeds to the Device Configuration phase (section 4.3.5).
Note: For some legacy USB devices it may be necessary to communicate with the
device when it is in the Default state, before transitioning it to the Address
Intel Confidential
state. For some legacy USB devices it may be necessary to communicate with
the device when it is in the Default state, before transitioning it to the
Address state. To accomplish this system software shall issue an Address
Device Command with the BSR flag set to ‘1’. Setting the BSR flag enables
the operation of the Default Control Endpoint for the Device Slot but blocks
the xHC from issuing a SET_ADDRESS request to the device, which would
transition it to the Address state.
Successful completion of the Address Device Command with BSR = ‘0’ shall
transition the Device Slot from the Enabled to the Addressed state. Successful
completion of the Address Device Command with BSR = ‘1’ shall transition the
Device Slot from the Enabled to the Default state. Refer to section 4.5.3 for
more information on Device Slot states.
As part of the initialization process of a USB device, the system software shall
select a configuration. A USB device presents one or more configurations to
choose from. The USB Framework requires that a SET_CONFIGURATION
request is issued to a device to set a specific configuration. Refer to section
9.4.7 of the USB2 spec for more information on the USB SET_CONFIGURATION
For software to successfully “configure” a USB device, the state of both the
USB Device and the xHC Device Slot assigned to the device must be
synchronized. Software shall successfully complete a SET_CONFIGURATION
request (with a Setup Stage TD on the device’s Default Control Endpoint) to
select a specific configuration, and a Configure Endpoint Command for the slot
with the matching Endpoint Context configuration information, to transition the
USB device and the xHC Device Slot to the Configured state. Refer to section for more information on the Configure Endpoint Command.
A USB device may declare multiple alternate interfaces, each with different
periodic bandwidth and resource requirements. If a Configure Endpoint
Command for a particular configuration is unsuccessful, software may issue
additional Configure Endpoint Commands with other interface settings in an
attempt to successfully configure the slot. If all interface settings have been
exhausted (that is, none have been accepted by the xHC), only the Default
Control Endpoint will remain enabled.
System software executes the xHCI portion of the device configuration process
by successfully completing a Configure Endpoint Command as described in
System software shall wait for the Command Completion Event associated with
the Configure Endpoint Command before issuing any more commands to the
The USB SET_INTERFACE request allows the host to select an Alternate Setting
for a specified interface in a USB device. A SET_INTERFACE request may
disable or modify the operation of currently enabled endpoints, or it may
enable previously unused endpoints. A SET_INTERFACE request does not affect
endpoints owned by another interface. Refer to section 9.4.10 of the USB2
spec. for more information on the USB SET_INTERFACE request.
The xHC does not keep track of relationships between USB interfaces and
endpoints, so it is system software’s responsibility to explicitly “Disable” any
endpoints that are affected in the current configuration by a USB
SET_INTERFACE request, and then explicitly “Enable” any endpoints identified
in the new Alternate Interface Setting. An xHCI endpoint (that is, Endpoint
Context) is “Disabled” by stopping it if it is in the Running state with a Stop
Endpoint Command and freeing its Transfer Ring.
System software shall wait for the Command Completion Event associated with
the Configure Endpoint Command before issuing further commands to the slot.
Intel Confidential
13. Free9 Transfer Rings of all endpoints that will be affected by the Alternate
Interface setting.
14. Clear all the Endpoint Context fields of each endpoint that will be disabled
by the Alternate Interface setting, to ‘0’.
15. For each endpoint enabled by the Configure Endpoint Command:
a. Allocate a Transfer Ring9.
b. Initialize the Transfer Ring Segment(s) by clearing all fields of all
TRBs to ‘0’.10
c. Initialize the Endpoint Context data structure:
• EP Type = Derived from the Endpoint Descriptor:bmAttributes:Transfer
Type and Endpoint Descriptor:bEndpointAddress:Direction. Refer to Table
6-9 for the encoding.
• Max Packet Size = Endpoint Descriptor:wMaxPacketSize & 07FFh.
• Interval = Refer to section for the computation of the Interval value.
• Max Burst Size = SuperSpeed Endpoint Companion Descriptor:bMaxBurst
or (Endpoint Descriptor: wMaxPacketSize & 1800h) >> 11.
• Mult = ‘0’ or SuperSpeed Endpoint Companion Descriptor:bmAttributes Mult
field if Descriptor:bmAttributes.SSPIsocCompanion field is “0”.
• Max ESIT Payload = SuperSpeed Endpoint Companion
Descriptor:wBytesPerInverval for SuperSpeed Endpoint or (SuperSpeedPlus
Isochronous Endpoint Companion Descriptior:dwBytesPerInteval for
SuperSpeedPlus Endpoints.
• CErr = 3, or 0 for an Isoch endpoint.
• If Streams are supported by the endpoint (that is, SuperSpeed Endpoint
Companion Descriptor:bmAttributes MaxStreams field > 0):
• Select a Max Primary Streams (MaxPStreams) value > 0 and <=
SuperSpeed Endpoint Companion Descriptor:bmAttributes MaxStreams
• Update MaxPStreams.
• Allocate and clear Primary Stream Array.
• MaxPStreams = Size of Primary Stream Array.
• TR Dequeue Pointer = Start address of Primary Stream Array.
9 If just the parameters of a currently defined endpoint are being changed by the Alternate Interface setting then software may choose to
reuse the Transfer Ring for the new interface setting and not free it. In this case, software does not need to allocate a new Transfer
Ring as described in step 4a).
10 The Cycle bit (C) of all TRBs in a TR Segment shall be initialized to the inverse of the value that the Dequeue Cycle State (DCS) field is
initialized to. This pseudo code recommends initializing the all bytes in a TR Segment to ‘0’, which also initializes the Cycle bit to ‘0’ in
all TRBs of the TR Segment, and the DCS flag of the pointer that references the TR Segment to ‘1’, however software may initialize the
Cycle bit to ‘1’ in all TRBs of a newly allocated TR Segment and the DCS flag of the pointer that references it to ‘0’. Refer to section
4.9.2 for more information on Cycle bit (C) initialization.
System software shall wait for the Command Completion Event associated with
the Configure Endpoint Command before issuing any more commands to the
Special provisions shall be made to generate the Split Transactions required for
a Low- or Full-speed device connected through a High-speed hub. A Split
Transaction token targets the downstream facing port of the hub that isolates
the High-speed signaling environment from the Full/Low-speed signaling
environment for this device. To generate the Split Transaction token, the xHC
requires parameters associated with the target hub for which this full-/low-
speed transaction is destined. This information shall be provided by system
software in the Multi-TT (MTT), Parent Hub Slot ID and Parent Port Number
fields of the device’s Slot Context.
The xHC uses the Parent Hub Slot ID to obtain the hub’s address from the USB
Device Address field of the hub’s Slot Context.
The xHC also checks that the Hub flag in the hub’s Slot Context equals ‘1’, to
verify that the Parent Hub Slot ID references a hub. A Parameter Error shall be
generated for the offending TD if the Hub flag = ‘0’.
If the device is not Low- or Full-speed or if the device is attached to a Root Hub
port, then the Parent Hub Slot ID, Multi-TT (MTT), and the Parent Port Number
fields shall be cleared to ‘0’.
Refer to section 8.4.2 of the USB2 spec. for more information on Split
Transaction tokens, and section 11.14 for Transaction Translator information.
Intel Confidential
4.4 Device Detach
When the device is detached from a Root Hub port, the PORTSC Current
Connection Status (CCS) bit shall be cleared to ‘0’ and the Connect Status
Change (CSC) bit shall be set to ‘1’. If a ‘0’ to ‘1’ transition of PSCEG (4.19.2),
the xHC shall report the change through a Port Status Change Event. After the
detection of a detach, system software shall disable the Device Slot associated
with the port by issuing a Disable Slot Command for the affected slot. Refer to
section 4.6.4 for a description of the Disable Slot command.
The Device Context Base Address Array supports up to 25511 USB devices
or hubs, where each element in the array is a 64-bit pointer to the base
address of a Device Context data structure.
The Slot ID is the index that software uses when accessing the Device Context
Base Address Array to retrieve a pointer to the Device Context data structure
or to access the Doorbell Register associated with a device.
11 The total number of USB devices supported by the xHCI architecture is less than 256 (the number of Device Context slots) because
some of the Device Context slots are reserved by the xHCI for special purposes and are not available for enumerating USB
devices. For example, If virtualization is enabled, slots allocated to one VF will appear to be “reserved” to another VF.
Slot Context 0
Endpoint Context 0
(Bidirectional, Control EP)
Endpoint Context 1 IN 3
Endpoint Context 15 IN 31
Page Size-1
When software allocates a Device Context data structure all fields in all entries
shall be initialized to ‘0’.
The Slot ID is the index that system software uses when accessing a specific
Device Slot in the Device Context Base Address Array and the Doorbell Array.
The Slot Context data structure defines information that applies to the slot,
the device as whole, or to all Endpoint Contexts.
A 32-bit Doorbell Register exists in the Doorbell Array for each Device Slot and
is indexed by the Slot ID. The DB Target and DB Stream ID fields in the
Doorbell Register indicates the purpose of “ringing” the doorbell.
An Endpoint Context is “enabled” if it is not in the Disabled state.
Intel Confidential
Ringing the Host Controller Doorbell (Doorbell Register 0) with the DB Target =
Host Controller Command, indicates to the xHC that software has defined a
command in the Command Ring that it wants executed.
Ringing the Device Slot’s Doorbell Register, indicates to the xHC that software
has added work to be executed on the Transfer Ring (pipe) defined by the DB
Target and DB Stream ID field values. Refer to section 5.2.
The term Device Context Index (DCI) is used throughout this document to
reference an individual context data structure in the Device Context. The range
of DCI values is 0 to 31.
All fields of an Input Slot Context data structure (including the Reserved fields)
shall be initialized to ‘0’ with the following exceptions:
Note: The values of the Route String and Root Hub Port Number fields shall be
initialized by the first Address Device Command issued to a Device Slot and
shall not be modified by any other command. The Interrupter Target field
may be modified by an Address Device Command or Evaluate Context
After entering the Addressed state for the first time from the Enabled or Default states, the values
of the Output Slot Context hub related fields (Hub, TTT, MTT, and Number of Ports) shall be
initialized by the xHC by the first Configure Endpoint Command to transition the Slot from the
Addressed to the Configured state. To change the Output Slot Context hub related fields, a Slot
must first be transitioned through the Enabled or Default state.
The current state of a Device Slot is identified by the Slot State. A subset of
the possible Slot States are recorded in the Slot State field in the Slot Context
data structure. The xHCI commands referenced in Figure 4-2 cause a Device
Slot to transition from one state to another. Table 4-1 defines the Slot State
Intel Confidential
Figure 4-2: Slot State Diagram
Note: The Enabled, Default, Addressed, and Configured states may transition to the
Disabled state due to a Disable Slot Command, as noted by the large bubble.
Note: A Device Slot may be referred to as “enabled” if it is not in the Disabled state.
Note: Software shall not transition more than one Device Slot to the Default State
at a time.
Note: When system software initially allocates and initializes the Output Slot
Context data structure, it shall set the Slot State field to Disabled (‘0’). All
subsequent updates of the Slot State field shall be performed by the xHC.
Note: Unless otherwise stated, the unsuccessful completion of a command will not
cause a state transition.
USB Device Default Control EP USB Device DCBAA Slot Context Slot
State EP State Address Pointer State value
Note: The Slot State field of the Slot Context data structure is used to convey a
subset of the possible Slot States maintained by the xHC. The following
sections identify the use of the Slot State field. Refer to section 6.2.2 for
more information on the Slot Context data structure. Disabled
In this slot state the Device Slot is disabled, that is, the slot’s Doorbell register
is disabled and the pointer to the slot’s Output Device Context in the Device
Context Base Address Array is invalid. The only command that software is
allowed to issue for the slot in this state is the Enable Slot Command.
If the Output Slot Context is valid (that is, an Address Device Command has
been issued for the slot), the xHC shall set the Slot State field to Disabled upon
the completion of a Disable Slot Command.
When in the Disabled state, the slot shall transition to the Enabled state due to
the successful completion of an Enable Slot Command.
Note: Software shall not write to the Doorbell register of slots that are in the
Disabled state.
Note: A Device Slot shall not generate events when it is in the Disabled state. Enabled
In this slot state the Device Slot has been allocated to software by the Enable
Slot Command, however the Doorbell register for the slot is not enabled and
the pointer to the slot’s Output Device Context in the Device Context Base
Address Array is invalid. The only commands that software is allowed to issue
for a slot in this state are the Address Device and Disable Slot.
13 Whether a non-Default Control endpoint is Disabled or not is determined by the Configure Endpoint Command.
Intel Confidential
When in the Enabled state, the slot shall transition to the Default state due to
the successful completion of an Address Device Command with the Block Set
Address Request (BSR) flag set to ‘1’.
When in the Enabled state, the slot shall transition to the Addressed state due
to the successful completion of an Address Device Command with the Block Set
Address Request (BSR) flag cleared to ‘0’.
When in the Enabled state, the slot shall transition to the Disabled state due to
a Disable Slot Command.
Note: The Enabled state is a logical slot state that is maintained internally by the
xHC. A unique value for the Enabled state is not defined for the Slot Context
Slot State field in Table 6-7, that is, the Slot State field value ‘0’ is overloaded
for the Disabled and Enabled states, refer to Slot Context Slot State value
column in Table 4-1. Software initializes the Device Context data structure to
‘0’, hence Slot State = Disabled. The Device Context is then assigned to the
xHC with an Address Device Command. The Address Device Command also
transitions the slot to the Default or Addressed state, so there never is a case
where the xHC would actually set the Slot State field to Enabled.
Note: Software shall not write to the Doorbell register of slots that are in the
Enabled state. Default
In this slot state the USB device is in the Default state, the pointer to the
Device Slot’s Output Device Context in the Device Context Base Address Array
is valid, the Slot Context and Endpoint Context 0 in the Output Device Context
have been initialized by the xHC, and the Doorbell register for the slot is
enabled only for DB Target = Control EP 0 Enqueue Pointer Update. The only
commands that software is allowed to issue for the slot in this state are the
Address Device (BSR = 0), Reset Endpoint, Stop Endpoint, Evaluate Context,
Set TR Dequeue Pointer, and Disable Slot.
When in the Default state, the slot shall transition to the Addressed state due
to the successful completion of an Address Device Command with the Block Set
Address Request (BSR) flag cleared to ‘0’.
When in the Default state, the slot shall transition to the Disabled state due to
a Disable Slot Command.
The xHC shall set the Output Slot Context Slot State field to Default and the
USB Device Address field to ‘0’ when this state is entered.
Note: Software shall ensure that only one Device Slot is in the Default state at time,
otherwise undefined behavior may occur.
When in the Addressed state, the slot shall transition to the Configured state
due to the successful completion of a Configure Endpoint Command and the
Deconfigure (DC) flag = ‘0’.
When in the Addressed state, the slot shall remain in the Addressed state due
to the successful completion of a Configure Endpoint Command and the
Deconfigure (DC) flag = ‘1’, that is, the Configure Endpoint Command is
treated like a No Op Command.
When in the Addressed state, the slot shall transition to the Default state due
to a Reset Device Command.
The xHC shall set the Output Slot Context Slot State field to Addressed when
this state is entered.
While in the Addressed state, the Reset Device Command may be used to
transition the slot to the Default state.
When in the Addressed state, the slot shall transition to the Disabled state due
to the successful completion of a Disable Slot Command. Configured
In this slot state the USB device is in the Configured state, the pointer to the
Device Slot’s Output Device Context in the Device Context Base Address Array
is valid, the Slot Context, Endpoint Context 0, and enabled IN and OUT
Endpoint Contexts between 1 and 15 in the Output Device Context have been
initialized by the xHC, and the Device Context doorbell for the slot is enabled
for DB Target = Control EP 0 Enqueue Pointer Update and any enabled
endpoint. The only commands that software is allowed to issue for the slot in
this state are the Configure Endpoint (DC = ‘0’ or ‘1’), Reset Endpoint, Stop
Endpoint, Set TR Dequeue Pointer, Evaluate Context, Reset Device, Negotiate
Bandwidth, and Disable Slot.
The xHC shall set the Output Slot Context Slot State field to Configured when
this state is entered.
Intel Confidential
Upon the completion of an Evaluate Context, Configure Endpoint, Reset
Endpoint, Stop Endpoint, Negotiate Bandwidth, or Set TR Dequeue Pointer
Command while in the Configured state, the slot shall remain in Configured
When in the Configured state, the Reset Device Command may be used to
transition the slot to the Default state.
When in the Configured state, the completion of a Disable Slot Command shall
transition the slot to the Disabled state.
The Standard Device Requests (as described in section 9.4 of the USB2 spec.)
are generated to USB devices using Setup Stage TDs on a device’s Default
Control Endpoint. This section discusses the relationship of specific Standard
Device Requests to xHCI commands. Refer to the USB or Device Class
specifications for the order and timing of all other Standard Device Requests.
Note: Undefined xHC behavior may result if commands and all data structures that
they reference are not correctly formed by software. The algorithms below
define checks that xHC should perform and the error conditions that may
result when executing a command. The extent of command and data
structure validity checking performed by an xHC implementation will vary.
More comprehensive checking will ease the development and debugging
process, but it is ultimately software’s responsibility to ensure that the xHC
does not receive invalid commands.
Note: A command shall return an TRB Error code if the command (that is, A
command shall return an TRB Error code if the command (that is, TRB Type)
is not recognized by the xHC.
Note: A command may return an Undefined Error or Vendor Defined Error codes. A
vendor should identify the possible sources of these error codes to ease
debugging and error handling.
Note: Software shall not ring the doorbell of an endpoint that has a state modifying
command pending. The Configure Endpoint, Evaluate Context, Reset
Endpoint, Stop Endpoint, and Set TR Dequeue Pointer Commands affect
specific endpoints of a device. The Address Device, Disable Slot, and Reset
Device Commands affect all endpoints of a device.
Note: Software shall be responsible for all command timeouts. If a command times
out, software may abort the command using the mechanism described in
Intel Confidential
4.6.1 Command Ring Operation
The Command Ring is a dedicated TRB Ring (refer to section 4.9 for a
description of TRB Ring operation), which only allows those TRB types defined
in Table 6-91. Only one Command Ring exists per xHC instance.
System software is the producer of all Command TRBs and the xHC is the
The initial value of the Command Ring Dequeue Pointer is defined by the
Command Ring Pointer field in the Command Ring Control Register (CRCR),
described in section 5.4.5. The Command Ring Pointer field shall be set by
system software to point to the Command Ring prior to running the xHC (that
is, setting the Run/Stop (R/S) flag to ‘1’ and ringing the Host Controller
Command Doorbell for the first time). The Command Ring Pointer field may
only be modified by software while the Command Ring is stopped, as indicated
by the Command Ring Running (CRR) flag equal to ‘0’.
To ring the Host Controller Doorbell software shall write the Host Controller
Doorbell register (offset 0 in the Doorbell Register Array), asserting the Host
Controller Command value in the DB Target field and ‘0’ in the DB Stream ID
The xHC, upon detecting a Host Controller Command Doorbell ring, shall
execute commands until the Command Ring is stopped or empty.
Note: If multiple commands are posted to the Command Ring, they are executed in
order, so a delay may be incurred before a particular command is executed.
The xHC shall generate a Command Completion Event for every command. The
Command TRB Pointer field of the Command Completion Event shall point to
the Command TRB that initiated the event. The Completion Code field of the
Command Completion Event shall indicate the completion status of the
command. The Slot ID and VF ID fields shall reflect the values of the respective
fields of the Command TRB that initiated the event.
The standard and optional commands supported by the xHCI are listed in
Table 1.
xHC vendors may define proprietary commands using the Vendor Defined TRB
Type codes identified in Table 6-91. All vendor defined commands shall utilize
the Command Completion Event TRB to report completions.
Intel Confidential
Software may follow the method described in section to restart the
“stopped” Command Ring.
Note: If the xHC detects the assertion of an abort request between the execution of
two commands or after the last command, a Command Completion Event with
the Completion Code set to Command Aborted may not be found on the Event
Ring after an abort operation.
Aborting Commands
Typically when software asserts the Command Abort (CA) flag, the Command
Ring will normally stop after the completion of a command, that is, Completion
Code is not equal to Command Aborted in the last Event Ring Command
Completion Event TRB. Only if a command is “blocked” will it be aborted.
4.6.2 No Op
When an Enable Slot Command is processed by the xHC, it will look for an
available Device Slot. If a slot is available, the ID of a selected slot will be
returned in the Slot ID field of a successful Command Completion Event on the
Event Ring. If a Device Slot is not available, the Slot ID field shall be cleared to
‘0’ and a No Slots Available Error shall be returned in the Command Completion
To ensure proper operation of the xHC, system software shall provide “valid”
Input Control Context, Slot Context and Endpoint Context data structures in
the Input Context data structure.
The requirements of a valid Slot Context data structure are defined in section
The format of the Enable Slot Command TRB is defined in section
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The format of the Command Completion Event TRB is defined in section
Sections and also define the Completion Code values that will
be found in the Command Completion Event if an invalid context is detected.
To issue an Enable Slot Command, system software shall perform the following
• Insert an Enable Slot Command TRB on the Command Ring and initialize
the following fields:
o TRB Type = Enable Slot command (refer to Table 6-91).
o Slot Type = value specified by the Protocol Slot Type field of the
associated xHCI Supported Protocol Capability structure (refer to Table
o Clear all other fields of the command TRB to ‘0’.
o Cycle bit = Command Ring’s PCS flag.
• Write the Host Controller Doorbell with DB Target = Host Controller
When an Enable Slot Command is executed by the xHC it shall perform the
following operations:
• Insert a Command Completion Event on the Event Ring and initialize the
following fields:
o TRB Type = Command Completion Event (refer to Table 6-91).
o Command TRB Pointer = The address of the Enable Slot Command
o Determine if a Device Slot is available.
o If a Device Slot is available:
• Slot ID = ID of the selected Device Slot.
• Completion Code = Success (refer to Table 6-90).
• else // Device Slot is not available
o Slot ID = ‘0’.
o Completion Code = No Slots Available.
• Clear all other fields of the event TRB to ‘0’.
• Cycle bit = Event Ring’s PCS flag.
Note: If this command is aborted (that is, Completion Code = Command Aborted)
the Slot ID field should be considered by software to be invalid (for example,
no slot was allocated).
The Disable Slot Command is issued by software to force a Device Slot to the
Disabled state. A typical use would be to free a Device Slot when a USB device
is disconnected.
The format of the Disable Slot Command TRB is defined in section
Note: Before software issues a Disable Slot Command the following conditions shall
be true, otherwise undefined behavior may occur:
• Any active endpoints associated with the slot shall be in the Stopped state
or Idle in the Running state, and any outstanding Transfer Events shall
have been received.
• Any commands targeted at the slot that is being disabled shall be
complete, that is, any outstanding Command Completion Events for the
slot have been received.
To issue a Disable Slot Command, system software shall perform the following
• Insert a Disable Slot Command on the Command Ring and initialize the
following fields:
o TRB Type = Disable Slot Command (refer to Table 6-91).
o Slot ID = ID of the Device Slot to be disabled.
o Clear all other fields of the command TRB to ‘0’.
o Cycle bit = Command Ring’s PCS flag.
o Write the Host Controller Doorbell with DB Target = Host Controller
When a Disable Slot Command is executed by the xHC it shall perform the
following operations:
Intel Confidential
• Insert a Command Completion Event on the Event Ring and initialize the
following fields:
o TRB Type = Command Completion Event (refer to Table 6-91).
o Command TRB Pointer = The address of the Disable Slot Command
o Slot ID = The value of the command’s Slot ID.
o If the Device Slot identified by the Slot ID has been previously enabled
by an Enable Slot Command:
• Any xHC resources assigned to the Device Slot are freed and the Device Slot
is made available for reassignment.
• The Slot State of the associated Slot Context is set to Disabled.
• Completion Code = Success (refer to Table 6-90).
• else // The slot has not been enabled by an Enable Slot Command
o Completion Code = Slot Not Enabled Error.
• Clear all other fields of the event TRB to ‘0’.
• Cycle bit = Event Ring’s PCS flag.
Note: After software receives the Command Completion TRB for a Disable Slot
Command it shall clear the respective DCBAA entry to ‘0’. This action allows
the xHC to identify valid vs. invalid Device Slots after a Restore State
Note: Any pending events not already posted to an Event Ring may be aborted
when this command is executed.
When an Address Device Command is processed by the xHC it shall enable the
device’s Default Control Endpoint, select an address for the USB device, and
issue a USB SET_ADDRESS request to the USB Device. The SET_ADDRESS
request for a USB2 device shall be issued to Address ‘0’. The SET_ADDRESS
request for a USB3 device shall be issued using the Route String.
Note: A USB SET_ADDRESS request does not include a data stage, so the default
Max Packet Size is sufficient to issue the request. However subsequent USB
device requests require that the xHC use the Max Packet Size defined by the
device. The first request that system software should issue to a USB Device is
a GET_DESCRIPTOR request with the wLength set to 8, to retrieve is the USB
Device Descriptor. The last byte of the returned partial Device Descriptor
(bMaxPacketSize0) identifies the maximum packet size of the Default Control
Endpoint. This value shall be used by system software to update the Max
Packet Size field in the Control Endpoint 0 Context.
Note: If the Block Set Address Request (BSR) flag is ‘0’ in the Address Device
Command TRB, then the xHC shall select a USB Device Address and issue a
SET_ADDRESS request to a USB device as part of an Address Device
Command. If the Block Set Address Request (BSR) flag is ‘1’ then the xHC
shall not issue a SET_ADDRESS request to a USB device as part of an Address
Device Command. In either case, all other operations described in this section
for the Address Device Command are performed. The BSR flag may be used
by software to provide compatibility with legacy USB devices which require
their Device Descriptor to be read before receiving a SET_ADDRESS request.
Note: If the xHC detects a SET_ADDRESS request on the Default Control Endpoint
Transfer Ring, it shall generate a TRB Error Completion Status for the TD. The
xHC shall never forward a SET_ADDRESS request on a Default Control
Endpoint Transfer Ring to a USB device.
The format of the Address Device Command TRB is defined in section
The Address Device Command utilizes the Address Device Command TRB data
structure defined in section, which points to an Input Context data
structure defined in section 6.2.5.
The Add Context flags A0 and A1 of the Input Control Context data structure
(in the Input Context) shall be set to ‘1’, and all remaining Add Context and
Drop Context flags shall all be cleared to ‘0’.
System software shall initialize Slot Context and Endpoint Context 0 entries of
the Input Context. All other Endpoint Contexts in the Input Context shall be
ignored by the xHC during the execution of this command.
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• Ensure that the Device Context Base Address Array entry points to a
properly sized and initialized Device Context data structure for the device.
o Allocate and initialize an Input Context data structure for the command.
• The Add Context flags for the Slot Context and the Endpoint 0 Context
shall be set to ‘1’. All fields of the Input Context Slot Context data structure
shall define valid values, refer to section 4.5.2. The Endpoint 0 Context
data structure in the Input Context shall define valid values for the TR
Dequeue Pointer, EP Type, Error Count (CErr), and Max Packet Size fields.
The MaxPStreams, Max Burst Size, and EP State values shall be cleared to
• Insert an Address Device Command on the Command Ring and initialize
the following fields:
o TRB Type = Address Device command (refer to Table 6-91).
o Slot ID = ID of the target Device Slot.
o Input Context Pointer = The base address of the Input Context data
o Clear all other fields of the command TRB to ‘0’.
o Cycle bit = Command Ring’s PCS flag.
• Write the Host Controller Doorbell with DB Target = Host Controller
When an Address Device Command is executed by the xHC it shall perform the
following operations:
• Insert a Command Completion Event on the Event Ring and initialize the
following fields:
o TRB Type = Command Completion Event (refer to Table 6-91).
o Command TRB Pointer = The address of the Address Device Command
o Slot ID = The value of the command’s Slot ID.
o If the Device Slot identified by the command’s Slot ID field has been
previously enabled by an Enable Slot Command:
• Retrieve the pointer to the Output Device Context of the selected Device Slot.
• If the Block Set Address Request (BSR) flag = ‘1’
• If the slot is in the Enabled state:
• Copy all fields of the Input Slot Context to the Output Slot Context.
• Copy all fields of the Input Endpoint 0 Context to the Output Endpoint
0 Context.
• Set the Endpoint State (EP State) field in the Output Endpoint 0
Note: The xHC should check that all referenced contexts are valid before executing
the command. If an invalid context is detected, the state of the Output Device
Context shall not change and the Command Completion Event shall be
generated with the Completion Code set to Parameter Error.
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Note: The Slot Context (Add Context flag 0 (A0)) and the Default Endpoint Context
(Add Context flag 1 (A1)) shall be valid in the Input Context referenced by
the Address Device Command. All other Endpoint Contexts (A2 to A31) in the
Input Context shall be ignored by the xHC.
Note: If the SET_ADDRESS request was unsuccessful, system software may issue a
Disable Slot Command for the slot or reset the device and attempt the
Address Device Command again. An unsuccessful Address Device Command
shall leave the Device Slot in the Default state.
Note: If an Address Device Command is received and all available USB Device
Addresses have been assigned for the BI that the device is associated with,
then a Command Completion Event shall be generated with the Completion
Code set to Resource Error.
Note: Software shall be responsible for timing the SetAddress() “recovery interval”
required by USB and aborting the command on a timeout. Refer to section in the USB2 spec.
Note: If BSR = ‘0’ and this command is aborted (that is, Completion Code =
Command Aborted), software should assume that the USB device is in an
unknown state (for example, the USB device may or may not be in the
Address state) and take the appropriate action to recover it to a known state,
otherwise undefined behavior may occur.
Note: A USB Transaction Error Completion Code for an Address Device Command
may be due to a Stall response from a device. Software should issue a
Disable Slot Command for the Device Slot then an Enable Slot Command to
recover from this error. Refer to section Implementation note.
Note: All endpoints shall be in the Stopped state or if in the Running state, shall
be “idle” (for example, no USB Transactions are in progress, the Transfer Ring
is empty, and software has processed all outstanding events for the Transfer
Ring) when this command is executed. If this condition is not met undefined
behavior may occur.
Note: If an Address Device Command fails with USB Transaction Error and the
target device is behind a TT, software shall issue a
ClearFeature(CLEAR_TT_BUFFER) request to TT in the HS hub.
Refer to section 6.2.1 for the definition of a Device Context data structure and
its access constraints.
The requirements of a “valid” Slot Context data structure are defined in section
Note: Setting the Deconfigure (DC) flag to ‘1’ in the Configure Endpoint Command
TRB is equivalent to setting Input Context Drop Context flags 2-31 to ‘1’ and
Add Context 2-31 flags to ‘0’. If the DC flag = ‘1’, the Input Context Pointer
field shall be ignored by the xHC and the Output Slot Context Context Entries
field shall be set to ‘1’.
Note: If the device only has a Default Control Endpoint, then a Configure Endpoint
Command is not necessary prior to issuing a SET_CONFIGURATION
“deconfigure” request to a device.
• Setting an Alternate Interface on a device. To set an Alternate
Interface on a device, software shall issue a Configure Endpoint Command
to the xHC in conjunction with issuing USB SET_INTERFACE request to the
device. This command shall be used to disable, enable, or reconfigure a
selected set of endpoints determined by the target Alternate Interface.
Undefined behavior may occur if the SET_INTERFACE request associated
with this command is not successfully completed.
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Note: A USB device presents one or more Configuration options to system software.
System software selects a specific configuration with a USB
SET_CONFIGURATION request. Also, each Interface defined by a
Configuration may optionally present multiple Alternate Interface settings.
System software selects a specific Alternate Interface setting with a USB
SET_INTERFACE request. The result of the USB SET_CONFIGURATION and
SET_INTERFACE requests allow system software to enable a selected set
endpoints on a USB device. The specific endpoints enabled by a Configuration
or Alternate Interface setting depend on the respective descriptors reported
by the device. The xHC does not maintain information about the relationships
between the Configuration and Alternate Interface options presented by a
USB device and the endpoints enabled by a specific configuration option.
System software shall use the Add Context and Drop Context flags of the
Configure Endpoint Command to explicitly identify to the xHC the endpoints of
a Device Slot that shall be enabled due to the selected USB device
Configuration and Alternate Interface settings.
Note: Slot or Endpoint Contexts are found in Device and Input Contexts. A Slot or
Endpoint Context contained in the Input Context is referred to as an Input
Slot or Endpoint Context, and a Slot or Endpoint Context contained in the
Device Context data structure is referred to as an Output Slot or Endpoint
The Add Context flag A1 and Drop Context flags D0 and D1 of the Input Control
Context (in the Input Context) shall be cleared to ‘0’. Endpoint 0 Context does
not apply to the Configure Endpoint Command and shall be ignored by the xHC.
A0 shall be set to ‘1’ and refer to section for the Slot Context fields
used by the Configure Endpoint Command. The state of the remaining Add
Context and Drop Context flags depend on the specific endpoints affected by
the command. System software shall initialize the Endpoint Contexts of the
Input Context referenced by Add Context flags. All Endpoint Context data
structures not referenced by an Add Context flag shall be ignored by the xHC.
Note that Endpoint Context flags referenced only by a Drop Context flag does
not need to be initialized. Refer to section for the Endpoint Context
fields used by the Configure Endpoint Command.
• An endpoint shall be in the Stopped state or if in the Running state shall be
“idle” (for example, no USB Transactions are in progress, the Transfer Ring
is empty, and software has processed all outstanding events for the
Transfer Ring) if its Drop Context flag is set. If this condition is not met
undefined behavior may occur.
Intel Confidential
0), then the command shall be unsuccessful and a Bandwidth Error
Completion Code shall be returned in the Command Completion Event.
• If the Resource and Bandwidth requirements of the command can be met,
then the command is successful, and a Success Completion Code shall be
returned in the Command Completion Event.
xHC behavior is undefined if the Drop Context (D) flag is ‘0’, the Add Context
(A) flag is ‘1’, and the Output Endpoint Context is not in the Disabled state
(that is, software is trying to add an endpoint without dropping its current
Note that when the Input Endpoint Context is copied to the Output
Endpoint Context, the ownership of a Stream Context Array pointed to by
the Input TR Dequeue Pointer field is passed from software to the xHC.
Software shall not deallocate any Stream Context Array data structures
while they are owned by the xHC. It is software’s decision whether to set the
Input TR Dequeue Pointer equal to the Output TR Dequeue Pointer, thus
reusing the currently allocated Stream Contexts/Transfer Rings, or
allocating new data structures and changing the Input TR Dequeue Pointer
value. If new data structures are allocated, software shall be responsible for
recovering the old data structures after the command completes.
• Set the Endpoint State (EP State) field of the Output Endpoint Context to
• If the device is “deconfigured” by this command (that is, all Output
Endpoint Contexts (DCI 2-31) are in the Disabled state), the Output Slot
Context Slot State field shall be set to the Addressed state by the xHC.
• If any Output Endpoint Context (2 through 31) is not in the Disabled state,
the Output Slot Context Slot State field shall be set to the Configured state
by the xHC.
• The Command Completion Event Completion Code shall indicate Success.
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When configuring or deconfiguring a device, only after completing a successful
Configure Endpoint Command and a successful USB SET_CONFIGURATION
request may software schedule data transfers through a newly enabled
endpoint or Stream Transfer Ring of the Device Slot.
The xHC shall reject a Configure Endpoint Command with Bandwidth Error if it
determines that the bandwidth required by the configuration is not available.
The xHC shall reject a Configure Endpoint Command with Resource Error if it
determines that it does not have enough internal resources (buffer space, etc.)
available to service all the endpoints defined in the configuration.
The requirements of a “valid” Slot Context data structure are defined in section
Note: This example assumes the existence of two global variables: Bandwidth
Available, and Resource Available, which identify the amount of the respective
parameter available for allocation. And two temporary variables: Bandwidth
Required, and Resource Required, which define the amount of the respective
parameter required to successfully complete the Configure Endpoint
Command. Bandwidth is a commodity allocated by the host controller. Refer
to section 4.14.2 for the maximum bus bandwidth may be allocated to
periodic endpoints. Resource is an xHC implementation specific parameter
which may refer to internal xHC data structure or buffer space.
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When a Configure Endpoint Command is executed by the xHC it shall perform
the following operations:
• Insert a Command Completion Event on the Event Ring and initialize the
following fields:
o TRB Type = Command Completion Event (refer to Table 6-91).
o Command TRB Pointer = The address of the Configure Endpoint
Command TRB.
o Slot ID = The value of the command’s Slot ID.
o Initialize the Bandwidth Required variable to 0.
o Initialize the Resource Required variable to 0.
o If the Device Slot identified by the Slot ID field has been previously
enabled by an Enable Slot Command:
• Retrieve the Output Device Context of the selected Device Slot.
// Release the resources and bandwidth for the endpoints to be disabled.
• If the Output Device Context Slot State is equal to Configured:
o If the Deconfigure (DC) flag = ‘1’:
• For each Endpoint Context not in the Disabled state:
• Subtract the resources allocated to the endpoint from the Resource Required
• If the endpoint is periodic:
• Subtract bandwidth allocated to the endpoint from the Bandwidth Required
• Set the Output EP State field to Disabled.
• Set the Slot State in the Output Slot Context to Addressed.
• Completion Code = Success (refer to Table 6-90). This value may be overwritten by
a later operation.
• else // DC = ‘0’
• For each Endpoint Context designated by a Drop Context flag = '1':
• Subtract the resources allocated to the endpoint from the Resource Required
• If the endpoint is periodic:
• Subtract bandwidth allocated to the endpoint from the Bandwidth Required
• Completion Code = Success (refer to Table 6-90). This value may be overwritten by
a later operation.
// Calculate the resource and bandwidth requirements for the endpoints to be enabled.
• If the Output Device Context Slot State is equal to Addressed or Configured and DC = ‘0’:
• If all Input Endpoint Contexts identified by Add Context flag fields = ‘1’ are valid:
• For each Endpoint Context designated by an Add Context flag = '1':
Note that this action passes ownership of the Transfer Ring or Stream
Context Array/Transfer Rings from software to the xHC. If the Output
Endpoint Context had previously pointed to a Transfer Ring or a Stream
Context Array, software is responsible for performing any garbage
collection necessary for recovering them.
• Set the Output EP State field to Running.
• Load the xHC Enqueue and Dequeue Pointers with the value of the TR
Dequeue Pointer field from the Endpoint Context.
• If all Endpoints are Disabled:
• Set the Slot State in the Output Slot Context to Addressed.
• Set the Context Entries field in the Output Slot Context to ‘1’.
• else // An Endpoint is Enabled
• Set the Slot State in the Output Slot Context to Configured.
• Set the Context Entries field in the Output Slot Context to the index of
the last valid Endpoint Context in its Output Device Context structure.
• Completion Code = Success (refer to Table 6-90).
• else15 // The Bandwidth Required is greater than the Bandwidth Available
• If the Bandwidth Error is encountered in the primary Bandwidth Domain:
14 Note, if both the Add and Drop flags are set for an Endpoint Context, the xHC is not expected to write out the intermediate Disabled state
to the Output Device Context. The only requirement is that the Endpoint Context is correct when the Command Completion Event is
15 It is not required that the following checks for Primary and Secondary Bandwidth availability occur in this order. An xHCI
implementation may check for Secondary Bandwidth availability first.
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• Completion Code = Bandwidth Error.
• else // The Bandwidth Error is encountered in a Secondary Bandwidth
Domain, refer to section 4.16.2 for more information on Bandwidth Domains.
• Completion Code = Secondary Bandwidth Error.
• else // The Resource Required is greater than the Resource Available
• Completion Code = Resource Error.
• else // Not all Input Endpoint Contexts identified by Add Context flag fields = ‘1’ are valid
• Completion Code =Parameter Error.
• else // The Output Device Context Slot State is not equal to Addressed or Configured.
• Completion Code = Context State Error.
• else // The slot has not been enabled by an Enable Slot Command
• Completion Code = Slot Not Enabled Error.
• Clear all other fields of the event TRB to ‘0’.
• Cycle bit = Event Ring’s PCS flag.
Disabled endpoints have no resources or bandwidth allocated to them, so if the Drop Context flag
is ‘1’ for a Disabled endpoint it is ignored.
The xHC shall consider an Input Endpoint Context invalid if the DCI of an Add Context flag = ‘1’ is
greater than the value of Context Entries field of the Input Slot Context.
A Configure Endpoint Command may generate a Max Exit Latency Too Large Error, because the
current Max Exit Latency value caused the xHC to reject the configuration, for example, the Max
Exit Latency value prevented a PING required by an Isoch endpoint to be scheduled. Refer to
section for more information on the Max Exit Latency Too Large Error.
The requirements of a “valid” Slot Context data structure are defined in section
The Evaluate Context Command is issued by software to inform the xHC that
specific fields in the Device Context data structures have been modified. There
are several cases where parameters associated with a Slot Context or the
Default Control Endpoint Context are initially unknown, which shall be updated
after the slot has entered the Addressed state. for example, the Max Packet
Size of the control endpoint may be determined only after software reads the
Device Descriptor from the device through the control endpoint. The Device
Descriptor shall be read to determine whether a device is a hub or not, etc.
The format of the Evaluate Context Command TRB is defined in section
The Evaluate Context Command utilizes the Input Context data structure
defined in section 6.2.5 to define which Contexts are to be evaluated. The state
of the Add Context flags depends on the specific endpoints affected by the
command. All Drop Context flags of the Input Control Context shall be cleared
to ‘0’ (these flags do not apply to the Evaluate Context Command). System
software shall initialize Contexts of the Input Context affected by the
command. All Contexts not referenced by an Add Context flag in the Input
Context are ignored by the xHC.
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• TRB Type = Evaluate Context Command (refer to Table 6-91).
• The Add Context flags shall be initialized to indicate the IDs of the Contexts affected by the
command. Refer to sections and for the specific Context fields that shall be
• Set all Drop Context flags to ‘0’.
• Slot ID = ID of the target Device Slot.
• Input Context Pointer = The base address of the Input Context data structure.
• Clear all other fields of the command TRB to ‘0’.
• Cycle bit = Command Ring’s PCS flag.
• Write the Host Controller Doorbell with DB Target = Host Controller Command.
The requirements of a “valid” Slot Context data structure are defined in section
The format of the Reset Endpoint Command TRB is defined in section
The Reset Endpoint Command defines Slot ID and Endpoint ID fields. The Slot
ID and Endpoint ID fields identify the USB device, and the endpoint of that
device that is the target of the command.
The xHC shall perform the following operations when Resetting an endpoint:
• If the endpoint is not in the Halted state when an Reset Endpoint Command is executed:
• The xHC shall reject the command and generate a Command Completion Event with the
Completion Code set to Context State Error.
• else
• If the Transfer State Preserve (TSP) flag is ‘0’:
• Reset the Data Toggle for USB2 devices or the Sequence Number for USB3 devices.
• Reset any USB2 split transaction state associated with the endpoint.
• Invalidate any xHC TDs that may be cached, forcing xHC to fetch Transfer TRBs from memory
when the pipe transitions from the Stopped to Running state.
• else // TSP = ‘1’
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• The USB2 Data Toggle or the USB3 Sequence Number for the pipe shall be preserved.
• Maintain any USB2 split transaction state associated with the endpoint.
• The endpoint shall continue execution by retrying the last transaction the next time the
doorbell is rung, if no other commands have been issued to the endpoint.
• Set the Endpoint Context EP State field to Stopped.
• Enable the Doorbell Register for the pipe.
• Generate a Command Completion Event with the Completion Code set to Success.
After the command completes, the Transfer Ring will be reinstated on the
xHC’s Pipe Schedule the next time its doorbell is rung.
Note: The Reset Endpoint Command maintains the state of an endpoint so that the
previously executed packet may be retried, irrespective of the value of the
TSP flag. for example, if the endpoint halted retrying the 3rd 1K packet of a
4KB TRB, a doorbell ring immediately after a Reset Endpoint Command would
cause the endpoint to retry the same packet and move the data to/from a
2KB offset within the buffer referenced by the TRB. Clearing the TSP flag to
‘0’ resets the Data Toggle/Sequence Number of the endpoint, however it has
no other effect on other state associated with the endpoint,
Note: Prior to restarting the Transfer Ring, software may use the Set TR Dequeue
Pointer Command to modify the value of the TR Dequeue Pointer field of the
Endpoint Context and clear the endpoint state associated with the previously
executed packet. If the Reset Endpoint Command is followed with a Set TR
Dequeue Pointer Command, the endpoint shall start execution at the
beginning of the TRB referenced by the TR Dequeue Pointer the next time the
doorbell is rung.
Note: Software shall execute the following sequence to “reset a pipe”, that is, clear
the xHC endpoint halt condition, reset the host-side Data Toggle/Sequence
Number, clear a stall on the device, and reset the device-side Data
Toggle/Sequence Number. Also, if the device was behind a TT, the TT buffer
would also need to be cleared.
• Reset Endpoint Command (TSP = ‘0’).
• If the device was behind a TT and it is a Control or Bulk endpoint:
• Issue a ClearFeature(CLEAR_TT_BUFFER) request to the hub.
• If not a Control endpoint:
• Issue a ClearFeature(ENDPOINT_HALT) request to device.
• Issue a Set TR Dequeue Pointer Command, clear the endpoint state and reference the TRB to
• Ring Doorbell to restart the pipe.
The Set TR Dequeue Pointer Command resets the state of the endpoint so that the xHC starts
transferring data at the beginning of the TRB referenced by the TR Dequeue Pointer (rather than
at the location associated with the previous packet that caused the halt) when the doorbell is
When a Reset Endpoint Command is executed by the xHC it shall perform the
following operations:
• Insert a Command Completion Event on the Event Ring and initialize the following fields:
• TRB Type = Command Completion Event (refer to Table 6-91).
• Command TRB Pointer = The address of the Reset Endpoint Command TRB.
• Slot ID = The value of the command’s Slot ID.
• If the Device Slot identified by the Slot ID has been enabled by an Enable Slot Command:
• Retrieve the Device Context of the selected Device Slot.
• If the Slot State is set to Default, Addressed, or Configured:
• If the Endpoint State (EP State) field is set to Halted:
• Set the Endpoint State (EP State) field to Stopped.
• If the Transfer State Preserve (TSP) flag is cleared to ‘0’:
• Set the USB2 Data Toggle or the USB3 Sequence Number for the pipe to ‘0’.
• Enable the Doorbell register for the endpoint.
• Completion Code = Success (refer to Table 6-90).
• else // The Endpoint State (EP State) field is not set to Halted
• Completion Code = Context State Error.
• else // The Slot State is not set to Default, Addressed, or Configured
• Completion Code = Context State Error.
• else // The slot has not been enabled by an Enable Slot Command
• Completion Code = Slot Not Enabled Error
• Clear all other fields of the event TRB to ‘0’.
• Cycle bit = Event Ring’s PCS flag.
Note: The xHC resources and bandwidth associated with a reset endpoint are not
released by the Reset Endpoint Command.
Intel Confidential
Note: After the successful completion of a Reset Endpoint Command with TSP = ‘0’,
system software may issue a CLEAR_FEATURE(ENDPOINT_HALT) request to
the USB device to reset the halt condition on the endpoint of the device.
Note: Software shall be responsible for timing the Reset “recovery interval” required
by USB.
Note: After a Reset Endpoint Command is executed for a control endpoint, software
shall execute a Set TR Dequeue Pointer Command to ensure that the
endpoint's Dequeue Pointer references a Setup TD.
Note: Software is responsible for cleaning up any partially completed transfers after
issuing a Reset Endpoint Command, for example, after this command
completes, software shall update the associated Transfer Ring to ensure that
any endpoint specific requirements are met (for example, as identified in the
previous note), before ringing the endpoint’s doorbell.
Note: The Reset Endpoint Command may only be issued to endpoints in the Halted
state. If software wishes to reset the Data Toggle or Sequence Number of an
endpoint that isn't in the Halted state, then software may issue a Configure
Endpoint Command with the Drop and Add bits set for the target endpoint
that is in the Stopped state or Running but Idle state.
Section describes how the xHC shall halt an endpoint with a USB
Transaction Error after CErr retries have been performed. The USB device is
not aware that the xHC has halted the endpoint, and will be waiting for another
retry, so a Soft Retry may be used to perform additional retries and recover
from an error which has caused the xHC to halt an endpoint.
To support Soft Retry, the state of a partially completed TRB transfer (for
example, if 1K of a 4K TRB has been moved) shall be maintained by a Reset
Endpoint Command if TSP = ‘1’.
Note: Soft Retry attempts shall not be performed on Isoch endpoints. Any attempt
to do so may result in undefined behavior.
Note: Software shall limit the number of unsuccessful Soft Retry attempts to
prevent an infinite loop.
The Stop Endpoint Command is issued by software to stop the xHC execution
of the TDs on an endpoint. An endpoint may be stopped by software so that it
can temporarily take ownership of Transfer Ring TDs that had previously been
passed to the xHC, or to stop USB activity prior to powering down the xHC.
While the endpoint is stopped, software may add, delete, or otherwise
rearrange TDs on an associated Transfer Ring. For example, this command
allows software to insert “high-priority” TDs at the Dequeue Pointer so they will
be executed immediately when the ring is restarted, or to “abort” one or more
TDs by removing them from the ring.
Before generating a Command Completion Event for this command, the xHC
shall write the final value of the endpoint’s Dequeue Pointer to the TR Dequeue
Pointer field and CCS flag to the DCS field of the Output Endpoint Context or
Stream Context associated with the stopped Transfer Ring. And if Stopped
EDTLA Capability (SEC) = ‘1’, then the xHC shall write the value of the EDTLA
to the Stopped EDTLA field of the Stream Context associated with the stopped
Transfer Ring. The xHC shall also ensure that the Stream Context TR Dequeue
Pointer, DCS, and Stopped EDTLA fields reflect the forward progress of any
Stream that entered the Move Data state while the endpoint was in the
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Running state. Refer to section 4.12 for more information on Stream endpoint
Stopped state transitions.
Note: Stopped EDTLA Capability support (that is, SEC = '1') shall be mandatory for
all xHCI 1.1 and xHCI 1.2 compliant xHCs.
The format of the Stop Endpoint Command TRB is defined in section
The Stopped - Short Packet Capability (SPC) flag in the HCCPARAMS1 register
(5.3.6) indicates whether the xHC is capable of generating a Stopped - Short
Packet Completion Code. Any discussion of the Stopped - Short Packet
Completion code assumes that the Stopped - Short Packet Capability is
supported (SPC =’1’).
Note: The Stopped - Short Packet Capability (that is, SPC = '1') shall be mandatory
for all xHCI 1.1 and xHCI 1.2 compliant xHCs.
While an endpoint is stopped, any USB packets received for it shall be silently
dropped by the xHC.
Note that when an endpoint is stopped, the xHC maintains the state necessary
to restart the last active Transfer Ring where it left off, however software may
not want to do this. The options are discussed below:
Note: The xHC cannot distinguish whether software temporarily stopped Transfer
Ring activity or stopping the Transfer Ring to modifying the order of execution
of its TDs. In either case, if the xHC has read-ahead and cached TRBs for the
Transfer Ring, it shall invalidate all TRBs not associated with the current TD
before continuing execution of the Transfer Ring. This ensures that any TDs
modified by software shall be correctly executed by the xHC.
Note: If software is issuing the Stop Endpoint Command due to suspending a device
or a function on a device, it shall set the Suspend (SP) flag to ‘1’ in the Stop
Endpoint Command TRB (refer to SP definition in Table 6-66).
The xHC shall perform the following operations when Stopping an endpoint:
• The xHC shall stop the USB activity for the pipe.
• If a USB IN or OUT transaction is in-flight, it shall be completed.
• ERDYs shall be ignored on the pipe for that endpoint.
• If LS, FS, or HS, then polling of the pipe shall cease.
• If an SS pipe is waiting for an ERDY, the xHC shall clear the flow control condition and cease
waiting for the ERDY.
A Set TR Dequeue Pointer Command clears any transfer related state associated with an endpoint.
If an SS pipe was waiting for an ERDY when the endpoint was stopped, then if the endpoint
transfer state was not cleared by a Set TR Dequeue Pointer Command, the xHC shall reissue an IN
or OUT for the pipe when the ring is restarted.
• The current endpoint Service Opportunity (SO) shall be terminated.
• Stop the Transfer Ring activity for the pipe. Refer to Table 4-2 for Stop conditions and Actions.
• Remove the endpoint from the xHC’s Pipe Schedule.
• Generate a Command Completion Event.
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After the command completes, the endpoint shall be reinstated on the xHC’s
Pipe Schedule the next time its doorbell is rung.
Note: Prior to restarting the ring, software may use the Set TR Dequeue Pointer
Command to modify the value of the TR Dequeue Pointer field of the Endpoint
or Stream Context. The Set TR Dequeue Pointer Command shall invalidate
any xHC TDs that may be cached, forcing xHC to fetch Transfer TRBs from
memory when the pipe is restarted.
Note: If software wants to know the exact number of bytes transferred when a TD is
If the ED flag is ‘0’ and the Completion Code equals Stopped, software may
subtract the value of the TRB Transfer Length field reported by the Transfer
Event from the sum of the TRB Transfer Length fields of all Transfer TRBs in
the TD executed prior to and including the TRB referenced by the Transfer
If the ED flag is ‘0’ and the Completion Code equals Stopped - Short Packet,
software shall use the TRB Transfer Length field of the Transfer Event.
If the ED flag is ‘0’ and the Completion Code equals Stopped - Length Invalid,
software shall ignore the TRB Transfer Length field of the Transfer Event, and
simply sum of the TRB Transfer Length fields of all Transfer TRBs in the TD
executed prior to the TRB referenced by the Transfer Event.
If the ED flag is ‘1’ then the TRB Transfer Length field reflects the number of
bytes transferred prior to stopping.
Note: If the ED flag is ‘0’ in the Stopped Transfer Event software may emulate an
Event Data Transfer Event for the stopped Transfer Ring. It does this by
starting at the TRB referenced by the Stopped Transfer Event and advancing
through the TD, searching for the next Event Data TRB. If one is found, the
Parameter Component of the Event Data TRB and the “number of bytes
transferred” as described in the previous Note may be used to emulate an
Event Data Transfer Event.
Note: After the command is complete, the TR Dequeue Pointer field of all
Endpoint/Stream Contexts associated with an endpoint shall contain the
current value of the Dequeue Pointer for the respective ring.
The xHC shall generate a Stopped Transfer Event every time a Transfer Ring is
stopped with a Stop Endpoint Command. This operation is referred to as Force
Stopped Event (FSE). The forced Stopped Transfer Event explicitly indicates to
software that the selected Transfer Ring has stopped. If a Transfer Ring is
empty when a Stop Endpoint Command is issued, a Stopped Transfer Event
shall be generated on the Event Ring indicated by the Slot Context Interrupter
Target field.
The Table 4-2 identifies the Action that shall be taken by the xHC on the TRB
referenced by the Dequeue Pointer when the transfer ring stops. When
restarting a Stopped endpoint, Table 4-2 also identifies whether the xHC shall
Note: The cases in Table 4-2 that reference a “FSE” Action shall force an additional
Stopped Transfer Event.
Note: A Busy endpoint may asynchronously transition from the Running to the
Halted or Error state due to error conditions detected while processing TRBs.
A possible race condition may occur if software, thinking an endpoint is in the
Running state, issues a Stop Endpoint Command however at the same time
the xHC asynchronously transitions the endpoint to the Halted or Error state.
In this case, a Context State Error may be generated for the command
completion. Software may verify that this case occurred by inspecting the EP
State for Halted or Error when a Stop Endpoint Command results in a Context
State Error.
16 A “Transfer” TRB is a Normal, Setup Stage, Data Stage, Status Stage, or Isoch TRB. Note, this row identifies the case where the endpoint
has stopped on a TRB (that is not the last TRB of a TD), where all the data associated with the TRB has already been transferred.
17 This condition is interpreted identically to a “Transfer TRB (Incomplete)”, where 0 bytes have been transferred.
18 ISSE - If SPC = ‘1’, and a Short Packet condition has been detected, and the end of the TD has not been reached, then the xHC shall
perform an Intermediate Short Stopped Event (ISSE) operation, generating a Transfer Event for the endpoint with Condition Code =
Stopped - Short Packet, TRB Pointer = current Dequeue Pointer value, and TRB Transfer Length = EDTLA.
19 In this case the xHC is expected to complete the TD normally (for example, generate a Transfer Event with CC = Success if the IOC flag is
set and the transfer was successful) and then perform a Force Stopped Event (FSE) operation.
20 FSE - The xHC shall perform a Force Stopped Event (FSE) operation by generating a Transfer Event for the endpoint with Condition Code
= Stopped - Invalid Length, TRB Pointer = current Dequeue Pointer value, and TRB Transfer Length = 0.
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TRB Type referenced Chain Advance TR
by TR Dequeue bit Condition Action Dequeue Pointer on
Pointer (CH) Doorbell Ring
Note: If a Transfer Ring has been Halted due to error condition when a Stop
Endpoint Command is received, no Stopped Transfer Event shall be
Insert a Stop Endpoint Command on the Command Ring and initialize the
following fields:
21 Force normal completion of Event Data TRB before generating Command Completion Event.
22 When the Dequeue Pointer is advanced, the xHC shall begin parsing TRBs at the address identified by the Link TRB Ring Segment
Pointer field.
23 In this case the TRB referenced by the TR Dequeue Pointer is invalid, so use the state of the Chain (CH) bit from the last executed TRB. If
no TRBs had been executed previously, assume C = ‘0’ case.
24 The event generated by the “Stopped while waiting for more TRBs to be posted for TD.” condition uses the Slot Context Interrupter
Target field to identify the target Event Ring.
When a Stop Endpoint Command is executed by the xHC it shall perform the
following operations.
If the Stop Endpoint Command interrupted the execution of a TD, then insert a
Transfer Event on the Event Ring and initialize the following fields:
o TRB Type = Transfer Event.
o Slot ID = The value of the command’s Slot ID.
o Endpoint ID = The value of the command’s Endpoint ID.
o If the TRB referenced by the TR Dequeue Pointer is an Event Data TRB:
• ED = ‘1’.
• Parameter Component (TRB Pointer) = 64 bits of Event Data TRB
Parameter component.
• Length = The value of the Event Data Transfer Length Accumulator
(EDTLA). Refer to section for a description of EDTLA.
o else // The TRB referenced by the TR Dequeue Pointer is not an Event
Data TRB
• ED = ‘0’.
• TRB Pointer = The address of the TRB interrupted by the command.
• Length = The number of bytes remaining to be moved for the
interrupted TRB.
o Completion Code = Stopped (refer to Table 6-90).
o Clear all other fields of the event TRB to ‘0’.
o Cycle bit = Event Ring’s PCS flag.
• Insert a Command Completion Event on the Event Ring and initialize the
following fields:
o TRB Type = Command Completion Event.
o Command TRB Pointer = The address of the Stop Endpoint Command
o Slot ID = The value of the command’s Slot ID.
o If the Device Slot identified by the Slot ID has been previously enabled
by an Enable Slot Command:
• Retrieve the Device Context of the selected Device Slot.
Intel Confidential
• If the Slot State is set to Default, Configured, or Addressed:
• If the Endpoint State (EP State) field equals Running:
• Stop the USB activity for the pipe as described above.
• Stop the Transfer Ring activity for the pipe as described above.
• Write Dequeue Pointer value to the Output Endpoint or Stream
Context TR Dequeue Pointer field.
• Write CCS value to the Output Endpoint or Stream Context Dequeue
Cycle State (DCS) field.
• Removed the endpoint from the xHC’s Pipe Schedule.
• Set the Endpoint State (EP State) field to Stopped.
• Completion Code = Success.
• else // The Endpoint State (EP State) field is not Running
• Completion Code = Context State Error.
• else // The Slot State is not set to Default, Configured, or Addressed
o Completion Code = Context State Error.
• else // The slot has not been enabled by an Enable Slot Command
o Completion Code = Slot Not Enabled Error
• Clear all other fields of the event TRB to ‘0’.
• Cycle bit = Event Ring’s PCS flag.
Note: The xHC resources and bandwidth associated with an endpoint are not
released by the Stop Endpoint Command.
Note: The xHC shall wait for any partially completed USB2 split transactions to finish
before completing the Stop Endpoint Command.
The Slot ID and Endpoint ID fields of the Set TR Dequeue Pointer Command
TRB identify the USB device, and the endpoint of that device, that is the target
of the command. If Streams are enabled for the endpoint, the Set TR Dequeue
Pointer Command TRB Stream ID field identifies the Stream Context that shall
be modified.
This command may be executed only if the target endpoint is in the Error or
Stopped state.
The format of the Set TR Dequeue Pointer Command TRB is defined in section
The xHC shall perform the following operations when setting a ring address:
Note: If, when the Transfer Ring was stopped a TD was only partially executed, then
any remaining TRBs in that TD shall not be executed when the endpoints’ TR
Dequeue Pointer is updated by the Set TR Dequeue Pointer Command.
Intel Confidential
• Write the Host Controller Doorbell with DB Target = Host Controller
Note: Consider the case where there are multiple TDs posted for pipe for a single
data transfer and an error condition on one TD means that the data transfer
is terminated, and that the subsequent TDs associated with the data transfer
are now invalid. The xHC may have read ahead on the Transfer Ring and
cached the subsequent TDs. To ensure that xHC frees any cached information
associated with a pipe in a timely manner (so that it can reuse the cache
space for other pipes), software shall issue a Set TR Dequeue Pointer
Command for the pipe when the data transfer is terminated, vs. waiting for
the next data transfer to be ready before issuing the command.
Note: If software issues a Set TR Dequeue Pointer Command that points to a TRB
that had previously been partially completed TD, the xHC shall treat that TRB
as the first TRB of the TD. that is, any prior state associated with a partially
completed TRB is lost.
Note: The xHC does not maintain knowledge of which Streams are active or non-
active. If software issues a Set TR Dequeue Pointer Command that targets an
active Stream of an endpoint, undefined behavior may occur. Refer to section
4.12 for active vs. non-active Stream Context information)
The Reset Device Command is used by software to inform the xHC that the
USB Device associated with a Device Slot has been Reset (by either; setting
the Root Hub port PR flag if the device is attached to a Root Hub port, or
issuing a SetPortFeature(PORT_RESET) request the external hub port upstream
of the device). In the Slot Context of the selected device slot, the reset
operation sets the Slot State field to the Default state and the USB Device
Address field to ‘0’. The reset operation also disables all endpoints of the slot
except for the Default Control Endpoint by setting the Endpoint Context EP
State field to Disabled in all enabled Endpoint Contexts. Software should stop
all endpoint activity before issuing a Reset Device Command.
For all endpoints except the Default Control Endpoint the xHC shall:
• Terminate any USB activity (for example, packet transfers).
• Disable the endpoints’ Doorbell.
• Drop any pending events not already posted to an Event Ring.
• Free any bandwidth allocated to the periodic endpoints.
• Free any internal resources associated with the endpoint.
For the Default Control Endpoint the xHC shall terminate any USB activity,
abort any pending events not already posted to an Event Ring, and transition
the endpoint to the Running state. Undefined behavior may occur if this
command is executed and the device associated with it is not successfully
reset. For example, if the USB device is not in the Default state, then a
subsequent Address Device Command shall fail.
Intel Confidential
The format of the Reset Device Command TRB is defined in section
To issue a Reset Device Command system software shall perform the following
• Insert an Reset Device Command on the Command Ring and initialize the
following fields:
o TRB Type = Reset Device Command (refer to Table 6-91).
o Slot ID = The ID of the Device Slot to reset.
o Clear all other fields of the command TRB to ‘0’.
o Cycle bit = Command Ring’s PCS flag.
• Write the Host Controller Doorbell with DB Target = Host Controller
When a Reset Device Command is executed by the xHC it shall perform the
following operations:
• If the Device Slot is in the Addressed or Configured state:
o Abort any USB transactions to the Device.
o Set the Slot State field of Slot Context to the Default state.
o Set the Context Entries field of Slot Context to ‘1’.
o Set the USB Device Address field of Slot Context to ‘0’.
o For each Endpoint Context of the Device Context (except the Default
Control Endpoint):
• Set the Endpoint Context EP State field to Disabled.
• Insert a Command Completion Event on the Event Ring of Interrupter 0
and initialize the following fields:
o TRB Type = Command Completion Event (refer to Table 6-91).
o Command TRB Pointer = The address of the Reset Device Command
o If the Device Slot was in the Addressed or Configured state:
• Completion Code = Success (refer to Table 6-90).
o else // The Device Slot was not in the Addressed or Configured state
• Completion Code = Context State Error.
o Clear all other fields of the event TRB to ‘0’.
o Cycle bit = Event Ring’s PCS flag.
Note: Software is responsible for recovering any memory data structures (Stream
Context Arrays, Transfer Rings, and so forth) owned by disabled Endpoint
Contexts the slot when the Reset Device Command is issued.
When a Force Event Command is processed by the xHC it shall insert an Event
TRB on the target VFs’ Event Ring and copy the data pointed to by the Force
Event Command, except for the Cycle bit, to the target Event TRB. The xHC
shall set the Cycle bit to be consistent with the target VFs’ Event Ring.
Refer to section 8 for detailed information on the use of the Force Event
Command in a virtualized environment. And refer to section 3.3.11 for a high-
level description of the Force Event Command and its usage.
The format of the Force Event Command TRB is defined in section
To issue a Force Event Command system software shall perform the following
• Allocate and initialize the VF Event TRB that will be sent to the target VF’s
Event Ring. The details of the VF Event TRB initialization will depend on the
type of Event that is being forced.
o Insert a Force Event Command on the Command Ring of the PF0 and
initialize the following fields:
o TRB Type = Force Event Command (refer to Table 6-91).
o VF ID = ID of the target VF.
o VF Interrupter Target = The ID of the target Interrupter assigned to the
VF. Refer to Table 6-72 for more information on this value.
o Event TRB Pointer = The address of the VF Event TRB.
o Clear all other fields of the command TRB to ‘0’.
o Cycle bit = Command Ring’s PCS flag.
• Write the Host Controller Doorbell with DB Target = Host Controller
Intel Confidential
When a Force Event Command is executed by the xHC it shall perform the
following operations:
Insert a Command Completion Event on the Event Ring and initialize the
following fields:
• TRB Type = Command Completion Event (refer to Table 6-91).
• Command TRB Pointer = The address of the Force Event Command TRB.
• If the VF ID is valid:
o If the VF Interrupter Target is in range for the VF:
• If the target VF’s Event Ring is not full:
o Insert the VF’s Event TRB referenced by the Force Event Command
Event TRB Pointer into target VF’s Event Ring specified by the VF ID
and the VF Interrupter Target fields:
• Copy all fields of the VF Event TRB except the Cycle bit field to the
target VF’s Event Ring.
• Cycle bit = Target VF’s Event Ring’s PCS flag.
• Completion Code = Success (refer to Table 6-90).
• else // The target VF’s Event Ring is full
• Completion Code = VF Event Ring Full Error.
o else // The VF Interrupter Target is not in range for the VF
• Completion Code = TRB Error.
o else // The VF ID is not valid
• Completion Code = TRB Error.
o Clear all other fields of the event TRB to ‘0’.
o Cycle bit = Event Ring’s PCS flag.
Note: When the command completes, the VMM may release the buffer containing
the Event TRB pointed to by the Force Event Command.
Note: The “forced” event shall be dropped if the target Event Ring is full. Software
should reschedule a Force Event Command if an VF Event Ring Full Error is
This command shall complete with a Success Completion Code if the command
is supported, or a TRB Error Completion Code if the command is not supported.
The format of the Bandwidth Request Event TRB is defined in section
Intel Confidential
o else // The Slot ID identifies slot not in the Addressed or Configured
• Completion Code =Context State Error.
o else // The slot has not been enabled by an Enable Slot Command
• Completion Code = Slot Not Enabled Error
o else // The Negotiate Bandwidth Command is not supported
• Completion Code =TRB Error.
• Insert a Command Completion Event on the Event Ring of Interrupter 0
and initialize the following fields:
o TRB Type = Command Completion Event (refer to Table 6-91).
o Command TRB Pointer = The address of the Negotiate Bandwidth
Command TRB.
o Clear all other fields of the event TRB to ‘0’.
o Cycle bit = Event Ring’s PCS flag.
Note: System software may never issue a Negotiate Bandwidth Command, however
if the BNC flag is ‘1’ an unsolicited Bandwidth Request Event may be
generated by hardware, for example, if the system software is running in a
Virtual Machine and communicating with an xHCI Virtual Function. This
condition occurs when system software running in another Virtual Machine
issues a Negotiate Bandwidth Command through its xHCI Virtual Function.
System software should immediately honor an unsolicited Bandwidth Request
Event and free unused USB bandwidth by selecting lower bandwidth alternate
configurations or interfaces on the devices that it owns.
Note: If the target Event Ring for a device is full, the Bandwidth Request Event shall
be dropped by the xHC.
Note: The xHCI may generate a Bandwidth Request Event for the same slot that a
Negotiate Bandwidth Command was issued to.
Refer to section 4.13.1 for an overview of the xHCI’s USB3 Latency Tolerance
Messaging (LTM) support. This section describes the Set LTV Command which
is one component of the Latency Tolerance Reporting (LTR) mechanism.
The Set LTV Command provides a simple means for host software to provide a
Best Effort Latency Tolerance (BELT) value to the xHC. This command is
optional normative, however it shall be supported if the xHC also supports a
corresponding host interconnect LTR mechanism.
Note: The host's interconnect LTR definition is owned by the respective bus
specification and is outside the scope of this document. (for example, PCI
Express, AHBA, etc.)
Note: The manner in which these values are stored is implementation specific and
as such falls outside the scope of this specification.
Note: If LTC = 0, then this xHC implementation does not translate LTM messages
from a device into system LTM messages. However, if enabled in the DNCTRL
register (N2 = ‘1’), then LTM Device Notification TPs are received by the xHC
shall generate Device Notification Events. Refer to section 4.13.1.
This command will complete with a Success Completion Code if the command is
supported, or a TRB Error Completion Code if the command is not supported.
The format of the Set Latency Tolerance Value Command TRB is defined in
When a Set Latency Tolerance Value Command is executed by the xHC it shall
perform the following operations:
• Record the value of the BELT field as the host defined LTV.
• If the value of the BELT field is less than the “current” LTV maintained by
the xHC:
o Set the value of the BELT field as the “current” xHC LTV.
o Send the host-specific LTM to the host, reporting the new LTV to the
• Insert a Command Completion Event on the Event Ring of Interrupter 0
and initialize the following fields:
o TRB Type = Command Completion Event (refer to Table 6-91).
Intel Confidential
o Command TRB Pointer = The address of the Set Latency Tolerance
Value Command TRB.
o Completion Code = Success (refer to Table 6-90).
o Clear all other fields of the event TRB to ‘0’.
o Cycle bit = Event Ring’s PCS flag.
This command shall complete with a Success Completion Code if the command
is supported, or a TRB Error Completion Code if the command is not supported.
An xHC may support multiple USB Bus Instances (BI), where each BI
represents a “unit” bandwidth at the speed that the BI supports. Also note that
multiple Root Hub ports may be assigned to a single BI.
For the Root Hub the Port Bandwidth Context shall be at least NumPorts+1
bytes in size or for an external hub the Port Bandwidth Context shall be at least
bNbrPorts25+1 bytes in size, rounded up to the nearest Dword boundary.
The xHC overwrites the Port Bandwidth Context when it executes the Get Port
Bandwidth Command, so software does not need to initialize the context data
structure before passing it to the xHC.
• A Root Hub port assigned to the Debug Capability shall report ‘0’ bandwidth
• If the Device Speed parameter is LS, FS, or HS, then USB3 (SS) Root Hub
ports shall report ‘0’ bandwidth available.
• If the Device Speed parameter is SS, then USB2 Root Hub ports shall report
‘0’ bandwidth available.
Note: Software shall consider any port that reports ‘0’ bandwidth available as being
unusable. A port that, as far as software is concerned, does not have a device
attached may report ‘0’ bandwidth available. For example, a VMM shall report
‘0’ bandwidth for a port if the device attached to it is assigned to another VF.
The format of the Get Port Bandwidth Command TRB is defined in section
The Get Port Bandwidth Command utilizes the Port Bandwidth Context data
structure defined in section 6.2.6.
25 Refer to section in the USB2 spec for the definition Hub Descriptor bNbrPorts field.
Intel Confidential
The format of the Command Completion Event TRB is defined in section
To issue a Get Port Bandwidth Command, system software shall perform the
following operations:
• Allocate and initialize a Port Bandwidth Context data structure.
• Insert a Get Port Bandwidth Command TRB on the Command Ring
o TRB Type = Get Port Bandwidth Command (refer to Table 6-91).
o Dev Speed = The bus speed of the target device. Refer to the Dev
Speed field in Table 6-76 for the encoding.
o Hub Slot ID = ‘0’ if referencing Root Hub ports (that is, the Primary
Bandwidth Domain) or the value of the respective hub’s Slot ID if
referencing the ports of a USB2 hub (that is, a Secondary Bandwidth
Domain). Refer to section 4.16.2 for more information on Bandwidth
o Port Bandwidth Context Pointer = The base address of the Port
Bandwidth Context data structure.
o Clear all other fields of the command TRB to ‘0’.
o Cycle bit = Command Ring’s PCS flag.
• Write the Host Controller Doorbell with DB Target = Host Controller
When a Get Port Bandwidth Command is executed by the xHC it shall perform
the following operations:
• Insert a Command Completion Event TRB on the Event Ring.
o TRB Type = Command Completion Event (refer to Table 6-91).
o Command TRB Pointer = The address of the Get Port Bandwidth
Command TRB.
o Slot ID = ‘0’.
o If the Dev Speed field is valid (that is, not equal to Undefined or
• If the Hub Slot ID field = ‘0’:
• Compute Percentage of Total Available Bandwidth for each Root
Hub port based on its Speed. Use the value of the Dev Speed
field for ports that do not have devices attached.
• else
• Compute the percentage of Total Available Bandwidth for the
ports of the hub specified by the Hub Slot ID based on their
Speed. Use the value of the Dev Speed field for ports that do not
have devices attached.
o Copy the results to the Port Bandwidth Context.
o Completion Code = Success (refer to Table 6-90).
• else // The Dev Speed field is not valid
Note: If a non-zero Hub Slot ID references a Device Slot whose Slot Context Hub
field = ‘0’ or Speed field is not equal to High-speed, may result in undefined
behavior by the xHC.
Note: Inappropriate or incorrect use of this command may cause the xHC link state
machines to get out of sync with those on an attached device. Software shall
comprehend the possible side effects of the specific headers that are forced
on the USB. If a forced header results in undefined behavior by the device or
the xHC (for example, a DPH with no DP), software may have to reset the
device, a Root Hub port, the xHC, or all of them to restore normal operating
The xHC is not required to comprehend the content of the header being
forced. Depending upon the type of header forced, it is possible for various
parameters in the header (such a Data Packet sequence numbers) to be out
of sync with the host controller and/or device. In addition, some TPs may
result in Device responses which will not be comprehended by the xHC. It
may be necessary to reset the xHC to recover from these conditions.
The format of the Force Header Command TRB is defined in section
Intel Confidential
o Cycle bit = Command Ring’s PCS flag.
• Write the Host Controller Doorbell with DB Target = Host Controller
When a Force Header Command is executed by the xHC it shall perform the
following operations:
• Insert a Command Completion Event on the Event Ring.
o TRB Type = Command Completion Event (refer to Table 6-91).
o Command TRB Pointer = The address of the Force Header Command
o Slot ID = 0.
o If the value Root Hub Port Number field is in range:
• If the Force Header packet was transmitted successfully:
• Completion Code = Success (refer to Table 6-90).
o else // The Force Header packet was not transmitted successfully
• Completion Code = Undefined Error.
o else // The value Root Hub Port Number field is not in range
• Completion Code = TRB Error.
o Clear all other fields of the event TRB to ‘0’.
o Cycle bit = Event Ring’s PCS flag.
Depending upon the actual Extended Capability and Subtype in the Get
Extended Property command, the command may contain a pointer to an
Extended Property Context, in which case the xHC shall update the Extended
Property Context with the property referenced by the Get Extended Property
command. Since the context is overwritten by the xHC, it is not necessary for
SW to initialize the context before passing it to the xHC.
The format of the Get Extended Property Command is defined in section 7.9.1
• The Get Extended Property Command references a specific Extended Capability using
the Extended Capability Identifier.
o Each bit in the Extended Capability Identifier represents one specific Extended
Capability as defined in Table 4-3.
• The Get Extended Property Command may identify the specific Endpoint ID and
Device Slot ID targeted by the command, depending upon the Extended Capability
and Subtype.
• The specific subtypes and xHC actions are defined in the appropriate section in
Chapter 7 (Extended Capabilities).
This command shall complete with a Success Completion Code if the command
is supported (that is, GSC bit in the HCCPARAMS2 register is ‘1’), or a TRB
Error Completion Code if the command is not supported (that is, GSC bit in the
HCCPARAMS2 register is ‘0’).
• Insert a Get Extended Property Command TRB into the command ring.
o Extended Capability Identifier = either set to all zeroes (See section
for details) or one bit within the identifier field set to indicate the specific
capability the command is associated with.
o Slot ID = Slot ID associated with the command, or all zeroes if the command
does not reference a specific Device
• Write the host controller doorbell with the DB Target = Host Controller Command.
Intel Confidential
• Subsequently, the xHC shall insert a Command Completion Event TRB in
the Event Ring
o TRB Type = Command Completion Event (refer to Table 139).
o Command TRB pointer = The address of the Get Extended Property
Command TRB.
o Slot ID = Slot ID referenced in the Get Extended Property Command
o Extended Capability Identifier = Either of the following:
• If the Get Extended Property Command had the Extended Capability
Identifier set to zero, the xHC shall set the bit associated with each
supported extended capability, as defined by Table 4-3.
• If the Get Extended Property Command referenced a specific
extended capability (by setting one bit in the Extended Capability
Identifier field), the xHC shall set that bit in the completion TRB.
o Completion Code= Success
11:1 RsvdZ.
This command shall complete with a Success Completion Code if the command
is supported (that is, GSC bit in the HCCPARAMS2 register is ‘1’), or a TRB
Error Completion Code if the command is not supported (that is, GSC bit in the
HCCPARAMS2 register is ‘0’).
4.7 Doorbells
The xHCI presents an array of up to 256 32-bit Doorbell Registers (refer to
section 5.6), which reside in MMIO space and are indexed by Device Slot ID.
The base of the Doorbell Register Array is pointed to by the Doorbell Offset
(DBOFF) register in the xHCI Capability Registers (refer to section 5.3.7).
Each Doorbell Register contains a DB Target field, which is used to indicate the
reason for a software reference to the register. System software “rings” a
doorbell by writing a Doorbell Register with the appropriate value in the DB
Target field.
Doorbell Register 0 is dedicated to the Host Controller. For this register, there
is only one valid value for the DB Target field, 0 (Host Controller Command).
The remaining values (1-255) are reserved.
Intel Confidential
The xHC internally records all Doorbell Register write references and uses the
information to determine if the Command Ring or a Transfer Ring has newly
posted work items (TDs). There is no need to “clear” a Doorbell Register. To
inform the xHC that work has been posted to two separate Transfer Rings of a
device, system software shall post two writes to the associated Doorbell
Registers, where the value of the DB Target field identifies the respective
Transfer Ring.
An Endpoint Not Enabled Error should be generated for doorbell register writes
to Device Slots that are in the Disabled state regardless of the DB Target value
The xHC may ignore doorbell references to Device Slots in the Disabled state or
endpoints in the Disabled state.
The xHC shall ignore doorbell references to endpoints in the Halted or Error
4.8 Endpoint
A USB device supports up to 31 endpoints (EPs): for example,15 IN, 15 OUT,
and 1 Control. The Default Control EP (0) is a bidirectional EP defined for all
USB devices.
Slot Context 0
EP Number 0
EP Context 0 BiDir
(Bidirectional, 1
Direction = N/A
Direction bit ignored)
EP Context 1 OUT
Direction = 0
EP Number 1
EP Context 1 IN
Direction = 1
... ...
EP Context 15 OUT
Direction = 0
EP Number 15
EP Context 15 IN
Direction = 1
For all Endpoint Numbers greater than 0, the xHC shall ignore the OUT (even)
Endpoint Context of the pair of any endpoint that declares itself as a
bidirectional. Software shall use the IN (odd) Endpoint Context of a pair for
managing a Control Endpoint.
All fields of an Input Endpoint Context data structure (including the Reserved
fields) shall be initialized to ‘0’ with the following exceptions:
Intel Confidential Default Control Endpoint 0
• EP Type = Control. Refer to Table 6-9 for the encoding.
• Max Packet Size = For USB2 devices: Device Descriptor:bMaxPacketSize0 or for USB3 devices” Device
Descriptor:2bMaxPacketSize0. May be set to Default Endpoint Max Packet Size until USB Device Descriptor
is retrieved. An Evaluate Endpoint Command shall be used to modify the value of Max Packet Size
when the device slot is in the Addressed state.
• CErr = 3. Enables 3 retries.
• TR Dequeue Pointer = Start address of the first segment of the previously allocated Transfer Ring.
• Dequeue Cycle State (DCS) = 1. Assuming that all TRBs in the segment referenced by the TR Dequeue
Pointer have been initialized to ‘0’, this field reflects Cycle bit state for valid TRBs written by software.
1. The Address Device Command transitions the Default Control Endpoint from the
Disabled to the Running state.
2. The Configure Endpoint Command (Add (A)= ‘1’and Drop (D) = ‘0’) shall transition
an endpoint, except the Default Control Endpoint, from the Disabled to the Running
3. The Configure Endpoint Command (Add (A)= ‘0’ and Drop (D) = ‘1’) or Reset Device
Command shall transition an endpoint, from any state to the Disabled state, except
the Default Control Endpoint which may transition from the Stopped to the Running
state or remain in the Stopped state.
Intel Confidential
4. The Disable Slot Command shall transition all endpoints of a Device Slot, including
the Default Control Endpoint, from any state to the Disabled state.
5. In the Running state, a Set TR Dequeue Pointer Command should only be issued to
the non-active Transfer Rings of a Stream endpoint. Refer to section 4.12 for active
vs. non-active Stream Context information.
6. The Configure Endpoint Command (Add (A) = ‘1’ and Drop (D) = ‘1’) shall transition
an endpoint, except the Default Control Endpoint, from the Stopped to the Running
7. In the Stopped state, a Set TR Dequeue Pointer Command may be used to modify
the starting TRB of an endpoint or non-active Stream prior to ringing the Doorbell.
Refer to section 4.12 for active vs. non-active Stream Context information.
A Halt condition, for example, a Stall Error, Invalid Stream Type Error, Invalid
Stream ID Error, Babble Detected Error, Event Lost Error, USB Transaction
Error, or a Split Transaction Error detected on a USB pipe shall cause a
Running Endpoint to transition to the Halted state. A Reset Endpoint Command
shall be used to clear the Halt condition on the endpoint and transition the
endpoint to the Stopped state. A Stop Endpoint Command received while an
endpoint is in the Halted state shall have no effect and shall generate a
Command Completion Event with the Completion Code set to Context State
Note: A STALL detected on any stage (Setup, Data, or Status) of a Default Control
Endpoint request shall transition the Endpoint Context to the Halted state. A
Default Control Endpoint STALL condition is cleared by a Reset Endpoint
Command which transitions the endpoint from the Halted to the Stopped
state. The Default Control Endpoint shall return to the Running state when the
Doorbell is rung for the next Setup Stage TD sent to the endpoint.
Section of the USB2 spec and section of the USB3 spec state
of Control pipes, “Unlike the case of a functional stall, protocol stall does not
indicate an error with the device.” The xHC treats a functional stall and
protocol stall identically, by Halting the endpoint and requiring software to
clear the condition by issuing a Reset Endpoint Command.
Note: Some xHC implementations may not handle a TRB Error gracefully, resulting
in undefined behavior and possibly the assertion of HCE. It is the
responsibility of software to always present correctly formed TRBs to the xHC.
A Stop Endpoint Command shall also transition the endpoint to the Stopped
state. While in the Stopped state, the ownership of the Transfer Ring is
relinquished up by the xHC, allowing software to add, delete, or modify any TD
on the ring.
A Disable Slot Command shall transition all endpoints, including the Default
Control Endpoint, from the Running, Halted, Error, or Stopped states to the
Disabled state, as noted by the large bubble. System software is responsible
for issuing a Disable Slot Command when a device detach event is detected.
When an endpoint transitions from the Stopped to the Running state due to a
doorbell ring, the EP State field of the Output Endpoint Context shall be
updated by the xHC to running before any Transfer Events are generated.
Note: If the xHC is reset while an endpoint is not in the Disabled state, the value of
the Endpoint State (EP State) field shall be invalid.
Note: Software shall not write to the Doorbell register with the DB Target field value
set to an endpoint that is in the Disabled state.
Note: A control, bulk, or Interrupt endpoint shall transition to the Halted state if a
tHostTransactionTimeout occurs (refer to Table 8-36 in the USB3 spec). For
Isoch transactions the host shall not perform any more transactions to the
endpoint in the current Service Interval. And the host shall not halt the
endpoint and shall restart transactions to the endpoint in the next Service
Intel Confidential
Interval. And retries are not performed for any endpoint type if a
tHostTransactionTimeout occurs. Note that the tHostTransactionTimeout is an
xHC implementation specific delay within the range specified in the USB3
Note: There are several cases where the EP State field in the Output Endpoint
Context may not reflect the current state of an endpoint. The xHC should
attempt to keep EP State as current as possible, however it may defer these
updates to perform higher priority references to memory, for example, Isoch
data transfers, etc. Software should maintain an internal variable that tracks
the state of an endpoint and not depend on EP State to represent the
instantaneous state of an endpoint.
For example, when a Command that affects EP State is issued, the value of
EP State may be updated anytime between when software rings the
Command Ring doorbell for a command and when the associated Command
Completion Event is placed on the Event Ring by the xHC. The update of EP
State may also be delayed relative to a Doorbell ring or error condition (for
example, TRB Error, STALL, or USB Transaction Error) that causes an EP
State change not generated by a command.
Refer to section 6.2.3 for more information on the Endpoint Context data
A TRB Ring is defined as a circular queue of TRB data structures. TRB rings are
used to pass Work Items from the producer to the consumer. Two pointers
(Enqueue and Dequeue) associated with each ring identify where the producer
26 Note: The xHCI Producer/Consumer model is not related to the PCI Producer/Consumer model.
A Work Item is comprised of one or more TRB data structures. A Work Item
may define an operation to perform, or the result of an operation that has been
There are 3 basic types or TRB Rings; Transfer, Event, and Command. Each
type of ring defines an exclusive set of TRB data structures; however they all
employ the underlying TRB Ring mechanism to organize their work items and
the basic TRB template.
Transfer Rings provide data transport to and from USB devices. There is a
1:1 mapping between Transfer Rings and USB Pipes. They are defined by an
Endpoint Context data structure contained in a Device Context, or the Stream
Context Array pointed to by the Endpoint Context.
The Event Ring provides the xHC with a means of reporting to system
software: data transfer and command completion status, Root Hub port status
changes, and other xHC related events. An Event Ring is defined by the Event
Ring Segment Table Base Address, Segment Table Size, and Dequeue Pointer
registers which reside in the Runtime Registers.
The Command Ring provides system software the ability to issue commands
to enumerate USB Devices, configure the xHC to support those devices, and to
coordinate virtualization features. The Command Ring is managed by the
Command Ring Control Register that resides in the Operational Registers.
The Enqueue Pointer and Dequeue Pointer are terms used to refer to the
logical beginning and end of the valid entries in a TRB Ring. The size of a TRB
ring is determined by the number and size of the segments that comprise the
Note: The Dequeue and Enqueue Pointers for Transfer and Command Rings are NOT
defined as physical xHC registers. However a facsimile of these pointers are
maintained internally by the xHC and system software to manage a respective
Note: Only the Dequeue Pointer for an Event Ring is defined as a physical xHC
register. A facsimile of the Enqueue Pointer is maintained internally by the
xHC and system software to manage an Event Ring.
This section describes how these “facsimiles” are maintained. The Enqueue and
Dequeue Pointers are always advanced starting from the TRB entry pointed to
by their initial values.
The Enqueue Pointer is the address of the next TRB in a ring available to the
producer. The producer constructs new Work Items starting with the TRB at
this location, and advances the Enqueue Pointer when the construction is
The Dequeue Pointer is the address of the next TRB to be serviced by the
Intel Confidential
If the Dequeue Pointer equals the Enqueue Pointer, then the TRB Ring is
empty. If the “Enqueue Pointer + 1” = Dequeue Pointer, then the ring is full.
Note that the calculation of the “Enqueue Pointer + 1” value requires
comprehending Link TRBs. Refer to section for more information on
Link TRBs.
TRBs between the Enqueue Pointer -1 and Dequeue Pointer are owned by the
consumer of the Work Items. All other TRBs in a ring are owned by the
producer of the Work Items. TRB ownership is passed to the consumer when
the Enqueue Pointer is advanced by the producer. TRB ownership is passed to
producer when the Dequeue Pointer is advanced by the consumer.
A consumer or producer may modify any TRB that it owns, at any time, and in
any order. The producer shall never modify a TRB that is owed by the
consumer. And the consumer shall never modify a TRB that is owed by the
TRB Rings may be larger than a Page, however they shall not cross a 64K byte
boundary. Refer to section for more information on TRB Rings and
page boundaries.
Note: Refer to Table 6-91 for a definition of the valid TRB types allowed on a
specific TRB ring type. Table 6-92 defines the allowable Transfer Ring TRB
Types as function of endpoint type.
The xHC shall schedule Max Packet Size USB transactions for all packets
associated with a TD, except possibly for the last packet if the TD does not
define an integer multiple of Max Packet Size data bytes.
There are many conditions described in this specification where the xHC shall
“advance to the next TD”. However, if the xHC is processing a partially formed
TD when one of these conditions occurs, then advancing to the next TD is not
possible and the xHC shall stop advancing when it reaches the Enqueue Pointer
(that is, the Cycle bit transition). In this case, the xHC sees the Transfer Ring
as empty (that is, the Dequeue Pointer is equal to the Enqueue Pointer), and
the next time the doorbell is rung for the endpoint, the xHC shall attempt to
advance to the next TD boundary. Note that the xHC shall always interpret the
New TR Dequeue Pointer field of a Set TR Dequeue Pointer Command as a
pointer to the “next TD”, terminate any effort to “advance to the next TD”.
A “partially completed TD” is identified by the case where the Chain bit (CH)
set to ‘1’ in the TRB referenced by the Dequeue Pointer and advancing the
Dequeue Pointer sets it equal to the Enqueue Pointer.
Note: Command and Event TRBs do not support a Chain bit (CH), so all Command
Descriptors (CDs) and Event Descriptors (EDs) only consist of a single TRB.
Note: If the xHC receives a Short Packet from a device, then it shall retire the
current TD. If another TD is defined on the Transfer Ring, the xHC shall
advance to it and begin IN transactions. If the EOB flag was set in a short DP
received on a SS IN pipe, then the host shall retire the current TD, and wait
for an ERDY from the device before beginning IN transactions for the next TD
(if one exists). Refer to section for detailed information on Short
Packet handling.
Note: If an error is detected while processing a multi-TRB TD, the xHC shall
generate a Transfer Event for the TRB that the error was detected on with the
appropriate error Condition Code, then may advance to the next TD. If in the
process of advancing to the next TD, a Transfer TRB is encountered with its
IOC flag set, then the Condition Code of the Transfer Event generated for that
Transfer TRB should be Success, because there was no error actually
associated with the TRB that generated the Event. However, an xHC
implementation may redundantly assert the original error Condition Code. As
a general rule, the Completion Code of a Transfer Event represents the status
of the buffer referenced by the Transfer TRB that generated it, however there
may be exceptions.
Intel Confidential
The Cycle bit field in a TRB identifies the location of the Enqueue Pointer in a
Transfer Ring, eliminating the need to define a physical Enqueue Pointer
Software uses and maintains private copies of the Enqueue and Dequeue
Pointers for each Transfer Ring. The Enqueue and Dequeue Pointers are set to
the address of the first TRB location in the Transfer Ring and written to the
Endpoint/Stream Context TR Dequeue Pointer field, when a Transfer Ring is
initially set up. Software uses the Enqueue Pointer to determine where to place
the next Work Item on a Transfer Ring. Software advances its copy of the
Enqueue Pointer, by either incrementing it by the TRB size, or reloading it with
the value of the Ring Segment Pointer field when it encounters a Link TRB,
every time it writes a TRB to the Transfer Ring. The position of the Enqueue
pointer is also marked in the Transfer Ring itself, by a transition of the Cycle
The xHC also maintains private copies of the Enqueue and Dequeue Pointers
for each Transfer Ring. When a Transfer Ring is enabled or reset, the xHC
initializes its copies of the Enqueue and Dequeue Pointers with the value of the
Endpoint/Stream Context TR Dequeue Pointer field.
The xHC uses the Dequeue Pointer to determine where to fetch the next Work
Item from a Transfer Ring. The xHC advances its copy of the Dequeue Pointer,
by either incrementing it by the TRB size, or reloading it with the value of the
Ring Segment Pointer field when it encounters a Link TRB, every time it fetches
a TRB from the Transfer Ring.
The xHC employs the Event Ring to report the current value of the Dequeue
Pointer to system software. Each Transfer Event placed on the Event Ring
points to the Transfer TRB that generated it. Software may interpret the
pointer value from the latest Transfer Event as the “current value” of the xHC
Dequeue Pointer.
The xHC uses the Enqueue Pointer to determine when a Transfer Ring is
empty. As it fetches TRBs from a Transfer Ring it checks for a Cycle bit
transition. If a transition detected, the ring is empty.
Software uses the Dequeue Pointer to determine when a Transfer Ring is full.
As it processes Transfer Events, it updates its copy of the Dequeue Pointer with
the value of the Transfer Event TRB Pointer field. If advancing the Enqueue
Pointer would make it equal to the Dequeue Pointer then the Transfer Ring is
full and software shall wait for Transfer Events that will advance the Dequeue
The Enqueue Pointer is managed by the producer and the Dequeue Pointer is
managed by the consumer. The producer maintains a Producer Cycle State
(PCS) flag which identifies the value that it shall write to the TRB Cycle bit. The
consumer maintains a Consumer Cycle State (CCS) flag, which it compares
to the Cycle bit in TRBs that it fetches. If the CCS flag is equal to the value of
the TRB Cycle bit, then the consumer owns the TRB pointed to by the Dequeue
Pointer and may process it. If they are not equal, then the consumer shall stop
processing TRBs and wait for a notification of more work.
Owned TRB 5 ~PCS
TRBs Cycle bit
... ... Transition
Consumer TRB n-1 ~PCS Link TRB
Owned Toggle Cycle = 1
Points to the beginning
Where TRB n is the of the Transfer Ring
last TRB in the ring. Cycle bit
In Figure 4-6, TRBs are written by the producer setting the Cycle bit to the
value of PCS. Note that in Figure 4-6, “~PCS” is the inverted version of PCS.
To form a ring (or circular queue) a Link TRB may be inserted at the end of a
ring to point to the first TRB in the ring. A ring may contain multiple Link TRBs
which are used to chain together Transfer Ring Segments.
In the example of Figure 4-6 the Toggle Cycle flag is set in the Link TRB. If the
Producer encounters a Toggle Cycle flag set in a Link TRB it shall toggle the
state of its PCS flag. If the Consumer encounters a Toggle Cycle flag set in a
Link TRB it shall toggle the state of its CCS flag. The producer sets the TRB
Cycle bit to the value of the PCS flag when it writes a TRB to set the position of
the Enqueue Pointer. In Figure 4-6, the next TRB written by the producer after
encountering the Link TRB will be TRB 0. The assertion of the Toggle Cycle bit
in the Link TRB will cause the Producer to toggle the state of the PCS flag. The
Cycle bit in TRB0 will be set to the value of PCS.
Link TRBs allow Transfer Rings to span Page boundaries and to be dynamically
Note: All TRBs between the Dequeue Pointer and the Enqueue Pointer-1 are owned
by the Consumer and may not be modified by the Producer. If the Ring is
empty (Dequeue Pointer = Enqueue Pointer) then no TRBs are owned by the
Consumer. Any TRBs in a ring not owned by the Consumer are owned by the
Note: If Streams are not enabled for an endpoint, the Transfer Ring CCS flag shall
be set to the value of the Endpoint Context DCS flag by a Configure Endpoint
Command if the associated Add Context flag is ‘1’, or by a Set TR Dequeue
Pointer Command.
Intel Confidential
If Streams are enabled for an endpoint, then when a Stream is selected, the
CCS flag shall be set to the value of the DCS flag in the associated Stream
Context, and when the Stream state is saved, the DCS flag in the associated
Stream Context shall be set to the value of the CCS flag.
Figure 4-7 illustrates a Segmented Ring that contains two segments. In this
example both segments are allocated as 4KB contiguous blocks of memory.
Segment 0 defines 256 TRBs, where the last TRB is a Link TRB that points to
the beginning of the next segment. Segment 1, which defines 244 TRBs, does
not fully utilize the 4K buffer that was allocated for it. The two segments
together define ring size of 500 total TRBs, where 498 of them are available for
TDs. Note that the Toggle Cycle flag is set only in Segment 1’s Link TRB.
Once started (by a doorbell), the xHC processes TRBs until the ring is empty. A
ring is defined as “empty” if the Dequeue Pointer is equal to the Enqueue
pointer. The value of the Enqueue Pointer is defined by the Cycle bit transition.
To prevent overruns, software shall determine when the Ring is full. The ring is
defined as “full” if advancing the Enqueue Pointer will make it equal to the
Dequeue Pointer. Software shall take Link TRBs into account when evaluating
the full condition. If the Enqueue Pointer is not pointing at a Link TRB, software
can determine if the Ring is full by adding the size of a TRB (16) to the
Enqueue Pointer and checking if the result is equal to the value of the Dequeue
Pointer. If the Enqueue Pointer is pointing at a Link TRB, then software shall
compare the Ring Segment Pointer value in the Link TRB with the Dequeue
Intel Confidential
Figure 4-8: Enqueue Pointer Advancement
Initialize Ring
Write TRB?
Note: The Producer Cycle State (PCS) and the Consumer Cycle State (CCS)
flags are maintained internally by the xHC and software to aid in identifying
the value of the Enqueue pointer. These flags are NOT defined in xHC
registers or data structures.
Note: The initial state of a Transfer Ring’s CCS flag is determined by the Endpoint
Context DCS flag. The initial state of the Command Ring’s CCS flag is
determined by the Command Ring Control Register Ring Cycle State (RCS)
flag. The initial state of the Event Ring’s CCS flag is always ‘1’. The previous
two bullets assume that the DCS and RCS flags are initialized to ‘1’ by
software. If software chooses to initialize a CCS flag (DCS or RCS) to ‘0’, the
Cycle bits in the respective ring shall be set to ‘1’.
• The Cycle bit shall be written by the producer with the current value of the
PCS bit.
• The Cycle bit shall be treated as Read-Only by the consumer.
• The Consumer may execute a TRB referenced by the Dequeue Pointer
whose Cycle bit equals CCS.
Note: A Cycle bit transition takes place between a Link TRB and the first TRB of the
segment that the Link TRB Ring Segment Pointer references.
Note: The TR Dequeue Pointer and Link TRB are not required to point to the
beginning of a memory page.
Software then identifies a segment boundary (Link TRB) where it will add the
new segment.
Note: Only Link TRBs that are owned by the producer may be modified to point to
the new segment.
Segment A Segment B
TRB 0 0 TRB 0 1
TRB 1 0 TRB 1 1
TRB 2 0 TRB 2 1
TRB 3 0 TRB 3 1
Enqueue Pointer TRB 4 1 TRB 4 1
PCS = 0 TRB 5 1 TRB 5 1
Dequeue Pointer
... ... ... ...
CCS = 1
TRB n-1 1 TRB n-1 1
TRB n 1 TRB n (TC) 1
Figure 4-9 illustrates a two segment Transfer Ring (A and B) where TRBs 5 to n
of Segment B and TRBs 0 to 3 of Segment A are owned by the consumer
(xHC), and the remaining TRBs are available to the producer (software) for
creating new TDs. Note that the Toggle Cycle (TC) bit is set in the Link TRB of
segment B and not set in the Link TRB of segment A, hence the state of the
Cycle bit is toggled once each pass through the Transfer Ring.
Now, consider the case where software needs to grow the ring size of Figure
4-9. Software may pause its insertion of TDs on the Transfer Ring, which
temporarily stops the Enqueue Pointer from advancing, to insert a new
segment. Software may only modify Link TRBs that it owns, so the new
segment C may only be inserted between existing segments A and B as
illustrated in Figure 4-10.
Intel Confidential
Note: If a Link TRB is not owned by software and not an “intermediate” TRB of the
TD currently being executed by the xHCI, software may stop the Transfer
Ring to modify the Link TRB, then restart it. If the Link TRB is an
“intermediate” TRB of the TD currently being executed by the xHCI, then
software shall use a Set TR Dequeue Pointer Command after stopping the
Transfer Ring to ensure that the xHCI flushes any cached TRBs before
restarting it. Refer to section 4.6.9 for more information on the requirements
of stopping a Transfer Ring.
In this example software initializes the new segment with the following
• All TRBs in the new segment C to ‘0’, including the Cycle bit.
• The TRB Type of the last TRB (n) in segment C shall be set to Link TRB.
• And the Ring Segment Pointer field of the segment C Link TRB (n) shall be
initialized to point to the first TRB (0) of segment B.
• The Toggle Cycle (TC) flag of the segment C Link TRB (n) shall be set, to
indicate the Cycle bit transition between the last TRB in segment C and
first TRB in segment B.
Software then modifies segment A’s Link pointer to point to link the new
Segment C into the ring.
• The Ring Segment Pointer field of the segment A Link TRB (n) shall be
initialized to point to the first TRB (0) of segment C.
• The Toggle Cycle (TC) flag of the segment A Link TRB (n) shall be set to
‘1’, to indicate the Cycle bit transition between the consumer owned TRBs
in segments A and C.
Software is required to ensure that the state of the Cycle bits in the new
segment(s) and the Toggle Cycle flags in the Link TRBs that are used to
connect the new segment to existing segments, do not cause an inconsistency
in the definition of the Enqueue Pointer position.
Given the initial conditions illustrated in Figure 4-9, to ensure Cycle bit
consistency when inserting segments software may either: 1) clear all the
Cycle bits in all TRBs in the new segment(s) to ‘0’ and modify the Link TRB
Note: The producer shall not modify Link TRBs that it does not currently own.
Software may modify the Link TRB Ring Segment Pointer to map out one or
more intermediate segments and/or set the Link TRB Ring Segment Pointer to
a TRB location in the segment terminated by the Link TRB.
Software shall ensure that the state of the Cycle bits in all remaining segments
do not cause an inconsistency in the definition of the Enqueue Pointer position
by managing the Link TRB Toggle Cycle bits.
This section describes the operation of Enqueue and Dequeue Pointers in the
Command Ring.
Intel Confidential
Note: Refer to the description of the CRCR RCS bit in Table 5-24 for information on
Command Ring CCS flag initialization.
Note: While the Command Ring is in the Running state (CRR = ‘1’), it may be Busy
(actively processing Command TRBs) or Idle (not processing Command TRBs
and waiting for a doorbell ring), that is, CRR is not negated when the
Command Ring has completed all queued commands.
This section describes the operation of Enqueue and Dequeue Pointers in the
Event Ring. The operation of Enqueue and Dequeue Pointers in Transfer Rings
is described in section 4.9.2 and Command Rings in section 4.9.3. Note an xHC
may implement multiple Interrupters, each with its own Event Ring. This
section describes the operation of a single Event Ring.
The xHC maintains an Event Ring Producer Cycle State (PCS) bit, initializing it
to ‘1’ and toggling it every time the Event Ring Enqueue Pointer wraps back to
the beginning of the Event Ring. The value of the PCS bit is written to the Cycle
bit when the xHC generates an Event TRB on the Event Ring.
Software maintains an Event Ring Consumer Cycle State (CCS) bit, initializing
it to ‘1’ and toggling it every time the Event Ring Dequeue Pointer wraps back
to the beginning of the Event Ring. If the Cycle bit of the Event TRB pointed to
by the Event Ring Dequeue Pointer equals CCS, then the Event TRB is a valid
event, software processes it and advances the Event Ring Dequeue Pointer. If
the Event TRB Cycle bit is not equal to CCS, then software stops processing
Event TRBs and waits for an interrupt from the xHC for the Event Ring. When
the interrupt occurs, software picks up where it left off, checking the Cycle bit
of the Event TRB pointed to by the Event Ring Dequeue Pointer against its CCS
System software shall write the Event Ring Dequeue Pointer (ERDP) register to
inform the xHC that it has completed the processing of Event TRBs up to and
including the Event TRB referenced by the ERDP.
Note: The detection of a Cycle bit mismatch in an Event TRB processed by software
indicates the location of the xHC Event Ring Enqueue Pointer and that the
Event Ring is empty. Software shall write the ERDP with the address of this
TRB to indicate that it has processed all Events in the ring.
Event Ring segments are defined by an Event Ring Segment Table (ERST).
The ERST consists of an array of Base Address/Size pairs (ERST.BaseAddress
and ERST.Size), each defining a single Event Ring segment. The first element
in the ERST (0) is pointed to by the ERST Base Address Register (ERSTBA
section The number of elements in the ERST is defined by the ERST
Size Register (ERSTSZ section When the xHC is initialized, it
Note: The xHC may prefetch the next ERST entry before completely consuming the
current ERST entry to avoid temporarily running out of Event Ring entries to
write. As a result, if the xHC is currently writing to ERST(ERSTSZ - 1) and
software increases the size of the Event Ring by writing a larger value to
ERSTSZ (see Section the xHC may have already prefetched
ERST(0). In this case the effect of increasing the size of the Event Ring will
take effect after the xHC consumes ERST(0). Similarly, if the xHC is currently
writing to ERST(n) and software removes ERST(n+1) by shrinking the size of
the Event Ring (see Section the xHC may have already prefetched
ERST(n+1). In this case the effect of decreasing the size of the Event Ring
will take effect after the xHC consumes ERST(n+1).
Intel Confidential
• Write the ERST Base Address (ERSTBA) register with the value of
ERST(0).BaseAddress. When the ERSTBA register is written, the Event Ring
State Machine (Figure 4-12) is set to the Start state.
• System software shall advance the Event Ring Dequeue Pointer by writing
the address of the last processed Event TRB to the Event Ring Dequeue
Pointer (ERDP) register. Note, the “last processed Event TRB” includes the
case where software detects a Cycle bit mismatch when evaluating an
Event TRB and the ring is empty.
• System software is responsible for ensuring valid values for ERST entries in
paged environments.
• System software is responsible for ensuring the Size of every ERST entry
(Event Ring segment) is at least 16.
PCS = 1
Check current
segment No
TRB Count = 1?
ERST Count = 0
Check For ER Full ERST Count++ TRB Count = 0?
Advance to
next segment
Write Event TRB @ EREP
EREP += 16
TRB Count--
ERDP Write?
Wait for more room
in Event Ring
TRB Count = 0?
Figure 4-12 describes the algorithm the xHC employs for advancing its internal
Event Ring Enqueue Pointer (EREP). The left side of the figure describes the
EREP Advancement algorithm. The right side of the figure describes the
algorithm for checking if the Event Ring is full.
Note: The Producer Cycle State (PCS) flag for the Event Ring is toggled only when
the Event Ring wraps back to the beginning.
Note: The Event Ring State machine is Stopped if the USBCMD Run/Stop (R/S) flag
is ‘0’.
Note: A blocked Event Ring may impact forward progress on endpoints whose TDs
target other Event Rings.
Intel Confidential
Note: It is recommended that software process as many Events as possible before
writing the ERDP. This approach not only minimizes the number of MMIO
writes, but is particularly important if the Event Ring is full. If an Event Ring
Full condition exists, writing the ERDP after processing individual Events may
cause no work to progress because the Event Ring becomes filled with Event
Ring Full Events.
Ideally, software writes the ERDP after processing all Events on an Event
Practically, software should maximize the number of Events processed before
writing the ERDP, for example, processing a minimum of 4 Events before each
ERDP write.
Note: Section 4.23.2 describes the xHC Restore process. Step 2 in the restore
process requires software to load all registers (including the ERSTBA) with
previously saved values. Writing the ERSTBA initializes the Event Ring State
Machine internal variables and advances it to wait for Run/Stop (R/S) to be
asserted or an event to be posted. A Restore operation, which always follows
the register load by software, shall overwrite the Event Ring State Machine
internal variables (ERSTE, ERST Count, EREP, and TRB Count) with previously
saved values, allowing the Event Ring State Machine to “pick up where it left
off” after a power event.
Note: Software writes to the ERDP register shall always advance the Event Ring
Dequeue Pointer value, that is, software shall not write the same value to the
ERDP register on two consecutive write operations.
Event Ring Segment ERST Resides in host memory. Contains the addresses and lengths of the Event
Table Ring segments. Refer to section 6.5.
Event Ring Dequeue ERDP Resides in Runtime register space. Advanced by software. Refer to section
Event Ring Enqueue EREP Internal xHC variable. Advanced by Figure 4-12 algorithm
Event Ring Segment ERST Count Internal xHC variable. Identifies the offset into the ERST of the segment that
Table Count is currently being filled with Event TRBs by the xHC.
Event Ring Segment ERSTE Internal xHC variable. A pointer to an ERST entry.
Table Entry
Event Ring Segment ERSTE.BaseAddr Ring Segment Base Address field of current ERST entry.
Table Base Address
Event Ring Segment Size ERSTE.Size Segment Size field of current ERST entry.
Next Segment Pointer NSP Base address for next Segment of ERST, based on the current EREP.
TRB Count TRB Count Internal xHC variable. Identifies the number of remaining TRBs in the
current segment.
The following steps describe the xHC Event Ring Enqueue Pointer (EREP)
Advancement algorithm (left side of Figure 4-12):
4. When the ERST Base Address (ERSTBA) register is initially written the
Event Ring State Machine enters the Start state.
5. The xHC initializes its internal PCS flag to ‘1’.
6. The xHC sets its internal ERST Count to ‘0’.
7. The xHC then fetches the entry in the Event Ring Segment Table
referenced by the ERST Count (ERSTE = ERST[ERST Count]) and initializes its
Enqueue Pointer (EREP) with the value of the Ring Segment Base Address field
(ERSTE.BaseAddr), and the TRB Count with the value of the Segment Size field
8. If the USBCMD Run/Stop (R/S) flag = ‘0’ the Event Ring State Machine
shall wait for Run/Stop (R/S) to return to ‘1’27. When Run/Stop (R/S) flag =
‘1’ the xHC shall proceeds to check if an event is posted (step 6., otherwise it
proceeds immediately to step 6.
9. When an event is posted for the ring, the xHC shall first check if the ring
is full. If not, the xHC writes the Event TRB to the location identified by the
EREP, increments the EREP by 16, and decrements the TRB Count. The Cycle
bit of the Event TRB is set to the value of the PCS flag. If no event is posted,
the xHC will return to step 5.
10. As long as the TRB Count is non-zero, the xHC shall return to step 5,
continuing to check Run/Stop (R/S) or for new events.
11. When the TRB Count reaches ‘0’, the xHC shall increment the ERST Count
and evaluate it, otherwise it returns to step 5.
d. If the ERST Count is not equal to the value of the ERSTSZ register,
then the xHC returns to step 4 to process events starting in the next
segment of the ERST.
e. If the ERST Count equals the value of the ERSTSZ register, then the
xHC sets the ERST Count to ‘0’, toggles the Producer Cycle State
(PCS) flag, and return to step 3 to process events starting in the first
segment of the ERST.
If the Event Ring is full, the xHC shall flag the condition by reporting an Event
Ring Full Error, which requires placing an Event on the Event Ring. To ensure
27 A Controller Restore State (CRS) operation overwrites the Event Ring State Machine internal variables. This may occur while waiting for
Run/Stop (RS) to be set to ‘1’ when restoring state from a power event. Refer to section 4.23.2.
Intel Confidential
that there is space on the Event Ring for this error, the xHC shall consider the
Event Ring full when there is still room for one more entry.
The following steps describe the xHC algorithm for checking if the Event Ring is
full (right side of Figure 4-12):
12. If the TRB Count is greater than ‘1’, then the xHC can simply add 16 to
the EREP and compare it to the ERDP to determine whether the Event Ring is
13. If the TRB Count is equal to ‘1’, then the xHC shall check if the ERDP
points to the first entry in the next segment. To obtain the base address for the
next segment the xHC retrieves the ERST.BaseAddress entry for the ERST
Count + 1 modulus the ERSTSZ. Then calculates the address of the next Event
Ring segment (NSP).
a. If the NSP does not equal the ERDP, then the Event Ring has room
and the Event Ring Full Check exits.
b. If the NSP equals the ERDP, then the Event Ring is full. The xHC
stops processing the Transfer and Command Rings, writes an Event
Ring Full Error Event to the EREP, advances the EREP and decrements
the TRB Count. Refer to Step 2b note below.
14. If the TRB Count is not equal ‘0’, then there is room in the current
segment for more events so go to step 6 and wait for the ERDP to advance.
15. If the TRB Count is equal ‘0’, then increment the ERST Count to advance
the EREP to the next segment.
a. If the ERST Count is not equal to the value of the ERSTSZ register,
then the xHC goes to step 5 to initialize the state machine
parameters for the next segment of the ERST.
b. If the ERST Count equals the value of the ERSTSZ register, then
advance the EREP to the first segment of the ERST by setting the
ERST Count to ‘0’ and toggling the Producer Cycle State (PCS) flag,
then go to step 5 to initialize the state machine parameters for the
first segment of the ERST.
16. To initialize the state machine parameters, the xHC fetches the entry in
the Event Ring Segment Table referenced by the ERST Count (ERSTE =
ERST[ERST Count]) and initializes its Enqueue Pointer (EREP) with the value of
the Ring Segment Base Address field (ERSTE.BaseAddr) and the TRB Count
with the value of the Segment Size field (ERSTE.Size). Once the EREP has been
advanced to the next segment go to step 6 and wait for the ERDP to advance.
17. The Event Ring will remain full until the next time that software writes the
ERDP. When the ERDP is written, the xHC will determine if the new ERDP value
has freed space on the Event Ring by returning to step 1).
Note: The expectation is that the xHC shall gracefully stop execution on the
Command and Transfer Rings when the Event Ring is full. An “Event Ring
Stop” will propagate all the way to the USB when all the buffered operations
in the xHC are exhausted. The xHC is expected to not lose Control, Interrupt,
or Bulk data under these conditions, however if the condition persists, the
xHC will begin to miss periodic endpoint Service Opportunities (SOs),
resulting in the loss of Isoch data and the possible loss of Interrupt data. The
Missed Service Error may be used to report this condition in an Isoch Transfer
Note: Step 22.b above states that “the xHC stops processing the Transfer and
Command Rings” if an Event Ring is full. This action is further qualified with
the type of Event Ring that has gone full. If the Primary Event Ring is full,
then all command and transfer rings shall stop processing TRBs. If a
Secondary Event Ring becomes full, then the xHC may stop all command and
transfer ring processing, or only stop processing on those transfer rings that
target the full Event Ring. If virtualization is enabled, an xHC implementation
shall ensure that a full condition on a Secondary Event Ring does not stop the
processing of TRBs on the Command Ring, the Primary Event Ring, or other
Secondary Event Rings.
Software then initializes ERST entries, starting at the offset defined by ERSTSZ,
with the Address and Size of the new Event Ring segment(s) and writes new
size of the ERST to the ERSTSZ Register.
Software may determine when the xHC has started using the new segment by
evaluating the Completion Code of the first TRB in the new segment for a non-
zero (valid) condition.
Consider the case were there the 2 segments ‘0’ and ‘1’ (ERSTSZ = 2, ERST(0)
and ERST(1)) are active, and a new segment ‘2’ is being added. Software
initializes all TRBs in the new segment to ‘0’. Then sets the ERST(2).BaseAddr
equal to the base address of the new segment, the ERST(2).Size equal to the
number of Event TRBs supported by the new segment, and the ERSTSZ to 3.
If the EREP just passed the end of segment 1 when the ERSTSZ was written,
the xHC will not start using the new segment until the next pass through the
Event Ring. If the EREP is positioned at the last TRB of segment ‘1’ when the
ERSTSZ was written, the xHC will start using the new segment.
Note that the xHC will write the Cycle bit in the segment 2 TRBs with the same
value as it had been using for segment 1. Software may determine when the
xHC started using the new segment as it is evaluating Event TRBs pointed to
by the Dequeue Pointer. When software evaluates the Event TRB after the last
TRB of segment 1, it shall check for a Valid (non-zero) Completion Code in the
first TRB of segment 2 as an indicator that the xHC has started using the new
segment. If the Completion Code is Valid, then software shall advance the
Dequeue Pointer to the first TRB of segment 2. If the Completion Code is
Invalid (‘0’) value, software shall check the state of the Cycle bit in the first
TRB of segment 0 to see whether it matches the expected state for the next
pass through the Event Ring. If it does not match, it means that the EREP is
pointing at the last TRB of segment 1 and the Event Ring is empty. If it does
match, then software shall advance the Dequeue Pointer to the first TRB of
Intel Confidential
segment ‘0’. If the Event Ring is empty, software shall reevaluate direction of
the EREP at the segment 1 to segment 2 boundary the next time it receives an
The Valid (non-zero) to Invalid (‘0’) transition of the Event TRB Completion
Code field shall be used by software to determine the position of the Enqueue
Pointer during the first pass of the Dequeue Pointer through the new
segment(s). The TRB Cycle bit field shall be treated as invalid during the first
pass through the new segment(s) and shall not be used by software to
determine the position of the Enqueue Pointer.
After the first pass of the Enqueue Pointer through the new segment(s), the
xHC has initialized the Cycle bit in all newly added Event TRBs.
After the first pass of the Dequeue Pointer through the new segment(s),
software shall evaluate the Cycle bit state in segment 2 to determine the
Enqueue Pointer position.
Note: ERST entries (Segment Base Address and Size fields) between 0 and ERSTSZ-
1 are not allowed to be modified by software when HCHalted (HCH) = ‘0’.
Software may determine when the xHC has stopped using the segment that is
to be removed by evaluating the state of the Cycle bit of the first TRB in the
deleted segment(s).
Consider the case where there are 3 segments 0, 1, and 2 (ERST Count = 3)
and segment 2 is being deleted. Software writes the ERSTSZ register, setting it
to 2. If the EREP is pointing into segment 2 when the ERSTSZ was written, the
xHC will not stop using the “deleted” segment until the next pass through the
Event Ring. If the EREP is positioned at the last TRB of segment 1 when the
ERSTSZ was written, the xHC will stop using the new segment immediately.
Software may determine when the xHC stopped using the “deleted” segment
as it is evaluating Event TRBs pointed to by the Dequeue Pointer. When
software evaluates the Event TRB after the last TRB of segment 1, it may check
the Cycle bit of the first TRB in segment 2. If the Cycle bit state matches the
expected state then it shall continue processing the Event TRBs in the deleted
segment. If the Cycle bit state of the first TRB in segment 2 does not match
the expected state, then software shall check the state of the first TRB in
segment 0. If the Cycle bit in the first TRB in segment 0 matches the state of
the last TRB in segment 1, then the EREP is pointing at the last TRB of segment
‘1’ and the Event Ring is empty. If it does not match, then the EREP has
advanced to segment 0 and the next Event TRB to process is the first TRB of
segment 0, and the xHC has stopped using the deleted segment. If the Event
Ring is empty, software shall reevaluate direction of the EREP at the segment
‘1’ to segment ‘2’ boundary the next time it receives an interrupt.
A fully configured host controller can support 255 USB Devices, where each
device can declare up to 31 endpoints. 30 of the endpoints may declare up to
64K Streams each. This means that approximately 500M Transfer Rings may
exist for a single xHC. Of course, this is a worst case value; however the xHC
architecture shall cope efficiently with reporting the completion status of
hundreds, or possibly thousands, of Transfer Rings. Transfer Ring completions
are queued on Event Rings as Transfer Event TRBs for the host. Refer to
section for more information on Transfer Event TRBs.
When the data transfer associated with a Transfer TRB is completed, the xHC
will evaluate the completion status of the transfer and the Transfer TRB flags to
determine whether to generate a Transfer Event TRB for the Transfer TRB.
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The detection of a USB Short Packet (that is, the actual number of bytes
received was less than the expected number of bytes defined by the Transfer
TRB) during a transfer does not necessarily generate an Event. A Short Packet
will trigger the generation of a Transfer Event TRB on the Event Ring if the
Interrupt-on-Short (ISP) or Interrupt On Completion (IOC) flags are set in the
TRB that the Short Packet was detected on. The Completion Code field of the
Transfer Event shall be set to Short Packet. The Length field of the Transfer
Event shall be set to the residual number of bytes not written to the Transfer
TRBs’ data buffer. A Short Packet may occur on an intermediate TRB of a TD.
In this case the xHC shall advance to the first TRB of the next TD after
completing the transfer.
Note: The xHC shall execute the first Event Data TRB encountered while advancing
to the end of the Short Packet TD.
Note: If the xHC encounters a Cycle bit transition and is unable to advance to a TD
boundary when it encounters an error, it shall advance to the next TD
boundary the next time the doorbell is rung. The only exception is if a Set TR
Dequeue Pointer Command is issued before the doorbell is rung, modifying
the Dequeue Pointer. In this case the xHC shall assume that the modified
Dequeue Pointer references the first TRB of a TD.
A Transfer Event TRB identifies the location of the TRB that “generated the
event” (the Device ID, Endpoint ID, and address of the source TRB). The
Completion Code field of the Transfer Event TRB shall contain the originating
TRBs’ completion status. The location information in the Transfer Event TRB
allows system software to identify the device, endpoint, and TRB that
generated the event. The location information also allows the host to update its
copy of the Dequeue Pointer for the Transfer Ring that generated the event.
Note: The TRB Pointer field in a Transfer Event TRBs not only references the TRB
that generated the event, but it also provides system software with the latest
value of the xHC Dequeue Pointer for the Transfer Ring. Software may choose
to use Event Data TRBs exclusively to report TD completions (for example,
never setting an IOC flag in the Transfer TRBs of TDs). However, to keep the
software copy of the Transfer Ring Dequeue Pointer current, software will
occasionally have to set the IOC flag in a Transfer TRB, except if an Event
Data TRB is declared. The frequency with which the IOC flag is set in Transfer
TRBs will depend on many system and software factors, that are outside the
scope of this specification.
Note: System software should not generate unnecessary Events. Typically, there is
no need to set the IOC flag in more than one Transfer TRB per TD. The only
exceptions would be for 1) very large TDs (for example, > 16MB transfers)
where Intermediate Event Data TRBs are declared, or 2) if the IOC flag is set
to refresh the software Dequeue Pointer value.
Note: An Event Lost Error shall be generated for the endpoint if the xHC is unable to
generate all the Events defined by a TD. An Event Lost Error shall halt the
endpoint. By following the recommendations in the notes above, this
condition may be avoided. The conditions that generate this error are xHC
implementation specific.
If the TD Transfer Size is larger than Max Packet Size, all USB packets shall be
Max Packet Size except for the last packet, which shall be sized to contain the
remaining TD data.
A Short Packet condition shall occur if the number of bytes received for a USB
packet associated with a TD is less than the number of bytes expected.
When a Short Packet condition occurs and Event Data TRBs are being used, the
xHC shall perform the following operations:
• If the Interrupt-on Short Packet (ISP) or if the Interrupt On Completion
(IOC) flag is set to ‘1’ in the TRB that the Short Packet condition occurred
on, a Transfer Event shall be generated for that TRB with the Completion
Code set to Short Packet.
• Automatically advance the Dequeue Pointer for the Transfer Ring to the
beginning of the next TD.
When an Event Data TRB is encountered in the process of advancing the
Dequeue Pointer from the Short Packet TRB to the beginning of the next
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TD, the xHC shall parse the Event Data TRB, that is, if the IOC flag is set in
the Event Data TRB, an Event Data Transfer Event shall be generated with
the Completion Code set to Short Packet and the Length field set to the
actual number of bytes received by the TD.
⎯ If subsequent Event Data TRBs are encountered in the process of
advancing the Dequeue Pointer from the first Event Data TRB
encountered to the beginning of the next TD, the xHC shall parse them
if the Parse All Event Data (PAE) flag is set (‘1’), and shall not parse
them if the PAE flag is cleared (‘0’). Refer to section 5.3.6 for more
information on PAE.
If a Link TRB is encountered, the xHC shall parse the Link TRB and if its
IOC flag is set (‘1’), then a Transfer Event shall be generated with its
Completion Code set to Success. All Link TRBs encountered in TD shall be
If a Short Packet condition does not occur while receiving the data for a TD, the
xHC shall parse all TRBs of the TD. that is, any TRB with its IOC flag shall
generate a Transfer Event.
Note: A USB packet may be comprised of the data from many TRBs, or many USB
packets may be required to transfer a single TRB.
Note: No relationship is assumed between USB packet boundaries and TRB data
buffer boundaries.
When a Short Packet condition occurs and Event Data TRBs are being used, the
xHC shall perform the following operations:
Software shall perform the following operations when using Event Data TRBs to
flag the completion of a TD that may receive a Short Packet, then:
• The ISP and IOC flags shall be cleared (‘0’) in all Transfer TRBs.
• The IOC shall be set (‘1’) in all Event Data TRB(s).
If a Short Packet occurs and the PAE flag is set (‘1’), then all subsequent Event
Data Transfer TRBs encountered while advancing to the end of the TD shall
generate an Event Data Transfer Event with its Completion Code = Short
Packet and should set the TRB Transfer Length field equal to the number of
bytes transferred since the beginning of the TD or the previous Event Data
Transfer TRB of the TD. If a Short Packet occurs and the PAE flag is cleared
(‘0’), then subsequent Event Data Transfer TRBs encountered while advancing
to the end of the TD shall not generate Event Data Transfer Events.
If a Short Packet does not occur, then the last Event Data Transfer TRB shall
generate an Event Data Transfer Event with its Completion Code = Success
(assuming no errors) and TRB Transfer Length field equal to the number of
bytes transferred since the beginning of the TD (that is, EDTLA) or the previous
If software is not using Event Data TRBs, but it wants to flag the completion of
a TD that may receive a Short Packet, then:
• The ISP flag shall be set (‘1’) in all Transfer TRBs of the TD except the last
Transfer TRB and may be set in the last Transfer TRB, and
• The IOC flag shall be set (‘1’) in the last Transfer TRB of the TD.
If a Short Packet occurs, then a Transfer Event shall be generated with the
Completion Code = Short Packet, its TRB Pointer field pointing to the Transfer
TRB that the Short Packet occurred on, and its TRB Transfer Length field shall
indicate the residue bytes in the buffer.
If a Short Packet does not occur, then the last TRB of the TD shall generate a
Transfer Event with its Completion Code = Success (assuming there was no
error), its TRB Pointer field pointing to the last Transfer TRB, and the TRB
Transfer Length field shall equal 0.
If the Short Packet occurred while processing a Transfer TRB with only an ISP
flag set, then two events shall be generated for the transfer; one for the
Transfer TRB that the Short Packet occurred on, and a second for the last TRB
with the IOC flag set. Table 6-38 defines the Completion Code and TRB
Transfer Length for the first event. In the second event, the Completion Code
shall be set to Short Packet, and the TRB Transfer Length should be set to the
same value that was reported by the initial Short Packet Event.
Software shall not interpret a Short Packet Event as indicating that the TD that
it is associated with is “complete”, unless the TRB Pointer field of the Transfer
Event references the last TRB of the TD.
If Event Data TRBs are not used, then the total number of received bytes for a
Short Packet TD is the sum of the TRB Transfer Length fields in all Transfer
TRBs up to and including the one that generated the Short Packet Event, minus
the residue value of the TRB Transfer Length field in the Short Packet Event.
Note: Typically, an IOC flag is only set in the last TRB of a TD, and the event that is
generated by the TRB is referred to as the "TD Completion Event", that is, the
Event that completes the TD. Also note that due to errors or Short Packet
conditions, the TD Completion Event may not occur on the last TRB of a TD.
And for Transfer Ring management or other reasons, software may set the
IOC flag in any TRB of a TD, including a TD that is configured to handle Short
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Packets (that is, with the ISP flag set in one or more TRBs). Because of this
the xHC must handle the generation of multiple Events for a single TD, and
those events may occur before and after the "TD Completion Event".
Note: Setting the IOC flag in a TRB always forces an Event for that TRB (whether a
Short Packet condition occurs or not), therefore also setting the ISP flag in
the same TRB is redundant (but allowed).
4.10.2 Errors
When a STALL PID is received from a USB device by the xHC, it shall stop
further activity on the associated Transfer Ring by removing it from its Pipe
Schedule, set the associated Endpoint State (EP State) field to Halted, and
generate a Transfer Event TRB with a Stall Error.
Note: If a device responds to a SETUP packet with a STALL28 the endpoint shall
generate a Stall Error for the Setup TRB and shall be halted.
28 Typically control endpoints only return STALL TPs due to a Protocol Stall condition (as described in the USB3 spec section,
however section 8.1 of the USB3 spec states “For non-isochronous transfers, an endpoint may respond to valid transactions by:...
Returning a STALL Transaction Packet if there is an internal endpoint error”. This condition describes a “Functional Stall” case, which
applies to a SuperSpeed Control Endpoint if an internal endpoint error is detected by the device, hence any TP or DP issued to a
Control Endpoint may return a STALL TP, including a Setup DP.
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Note: The Reset Endpoint Command for the endpoint shall complete successfully
and the halt condition on the USB device shall be successfully cleared before
attempting to restart the Transfer Ring by ringing its doorbell.
19. Software intervention is required to recover the pipe within the USB
Note: The software intervention required to remove the halt condition on the USB
device shall be invoked after the pipe has been transitioned to the Stopped
state by a successful Reset Endpoint Command, but before writing to the
Doorbell register of the Endpoint to restart activity on the pipe.
Note: Since an Isoch endpoint does not generate a transaction handshake, they
cannot generate a Stall Error.
For Control endpoints, a reset of the USB device shall be required to clear the
halt or error condition if the device does not accept the next Setup PID.
Note: A Transfer Ring TRB Error should transition an endpoint to the Error state
(refer to section 4.8.3), however an xHC implementation may assert HCE29
due to the detection of TRB Error related error conditions. It is the
responsibility of software to always present correctly formed TRBs to the xHC.
29 A TRB Error is generated due to a malformed TRB or a SET_ADDRESS Setup Stage TRB, hence their generation is solely due to a xHCI
driver error. So as not to burden xHCI implementations with complex error handing logic that only applies to the driver debug
process, an xHC is allowed to assert HCE when TRB Error conditions are detected.
There is a small set of protocol errors that relate only when executing a Setup
Stage TRB and fit under the umbrella of a Bad PID error that are significant to
explicitly identify. When these errors occur, the Bus Error Counter ( is
decremented. When the USB PID Code30 indicates a SETUP, the following
responses are protocol errors and shall result in a USB Transaction Error if not
resolved after CErr retries.
• A high-speed device and returns a NAK handshake to a SETUP.
• A high-speed device and returns a NYET handshake to a SETUP.
• A low- or full-speed device complete-split receives a NAK handshake.
• An Enhanced SuperSpeed device responds to a SETUP DP with an NRDY TP.
CErr (USB2),
Timeout USB Transaction32
N/A (USB3)33
This error condition shall only be reported in a Transfer Event due to an error
detected on a Transfer TRB. This error shall not be reported in any other Event
TRB types.
30 Refer to Table 8-1 in the USB2 spec for a list of the PID Codes (Types).
31 Refer to Section 1.6 for the definition of a DPP Error. Note that the xHCI definition is slightly different than the definition of DPP Error in
the USB3 spec because it includes the case where an ACK TP is received for a DPP with the Retry Data Packet (rty) bit set,
32 If error occurs on a USB transaction, then a USB Transaction Error (XactErr) is asserted immediately on an Isoch pipe or after CErr
unsuccessful attempts on all other pipe types. In addition, non-Isoch Transfer Ring shall be halted, refer to section
33Section 8.13 of the USB3 spec states that if a tHostTransactionTimeout occurs, for control, bulk, and Interrupt transactions the host shall
assume that the transaction has failed and halt the endpoint. For Isoch transactions the host shall not perform any more transactions
to the endpoint in the current Service Interval. And the host shall not halt the endpoint and shall restart transactions to the endpoint in
the next Service Interval. No retries are performed for any transaction type if a tHostTransactionTimeout occurs.
34The xHC received a response from the device, but it could not recognize the PID as a valid PID. Not applicable to USB3.
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Note: No retries shall be performed if the xHC does not see a response to a Data
Transaction (either IN or OUT) within tHostTransactionTimeout on a
SuperSpeed or SuperSpeedPlus pipe. The endpoint shall transition to Halted
state when this condition is detected.
This error condition shall only be reported in a Transfer Event due to an error
detected on a Transfer TRB. This error shall not be reported in any other Event
TRB types.
Note: When Babble Detected Error is generated, software shall assume that any
excess received data has been lost and not attempt a Soft Retry.
Note: If a Babble Error is detected and the received data passes all integrity checks,
the host controller may write the received data (up to the expected data
length) to the data buffer, and the value of the TRB Transfer Length field in
the Babble Detected Error Transfer Event shall be consistent with the number
of data bytes written to the buffer.
35 The USB3 spec describes a (Packet) babble condition as receiving “sDataSymbolsBabble symbols without receiving a valid DPPEND
ordered set or DPPABORT”. The USB2 spec describes a (Frame) babble condition as “unexpected bus activity that persists beyond a
specified point in a (micro)frame. Refer to section 8.7.4 in the USB2 spec for more details. The EHCI spec describes two (TD and
Packet) babble conditions as “the device sends more than Transaction X Length or Maximum Packet Size bytes (whichever is less)”.
Where Transaction X Length is equivalent to TD Transfer Size, that is, a TD Babble condition. The EHCI spec also states that a babble
error “is considered a fatal error for the transfer”.
PID Mismatch and Babble Checking
When a host controller detects a data PID mismatch, it shall either: disable the Packet
Babble checking for the duration of the bus transaction, or do Packet Babble checking based
solely on Maximum Packet Size. The USB core specification defines the requirements on a
data receiver when it receives a data PID mismatch (for example, expects a DATA0 and gets
a DATA1 or visa-versa). In summary, the xHC shall ignore the received data and respond
with an ACK handshake, in order to advance the transmitter's data sequence.
The xHCI allows System software to provide buffers for a Control, Bulk or Interrupt IN
endpoint that are not an even multiple of the maximum packet size specified by the device.
Whenever a device misses an ACK for an IN endpoint, the host and device are out of
synchronization with respect to the progress of the data transfer. The xHC may have advanced
the transfer to a buffer that is less than maximum packet size. The device will re-send its
maximum packet size data packet, with the original data PID, in response to the next IN
token. In order to properly manage the bus protocol, the host controller shall disable the
Packet Babble check when it observes the data PID mismatch.
A babble condition also exists if on an IN transaction the DPP exceeds the Max
Packet Size. If a babble condition is detected the xHC shall set the Babble
Detected Error in the Completion Code field of the TRB, generate an Error
Event, and halt the endpoint.
If the Data Buffer Error occurs on a non-isochronous IN, the host controller
shall not issue a handshake to the endpoint. This will force the endpoint to
resend the same data (and data toggle) in response to the next IN to the
If the Data Buffer Error occurs on an OUT, the host controller shall corrupt the
end of the packet so that it cannot be interpreted by the device as a good data
packet. Simply truncating the packet is not considered acceptable. An
acceptable implementation option is to 1's complement the CRC bytes and send
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them. There are other options suggested in the Transaction Translator section
of the USB2 spec.
This error condition shall only be reported in a Transfer Event due to an error
detected on a Transfer TRB. This error will not be reported in any other Event
TRB types.
Note: A Data Buffer Error may be generated for a USB2 or USB3 transfer.
If a catastrophic system error occurs, it may prevent the xHC from properly
completing a TRB in the Event Ring. This means that software could receive an
interrupt with an inconsistent Event Ring. If in the process of normal Event TRB
processing software suspects a problem, it may examine the Host System Error
(HSE) bit in the USBSTS register to determine whether the problem was due to
a host controller related catastrophic fault condition.
If a catastrophic error occurs during a host system access involving the Host
Controller module the Host System Error (HSE) bit in the USBSTS register shall
be set to ‘1’. (In a PCI system, conditions that set this bit to ‘1’ include PCI
Parity error, PCI Master Abort, and PCI Target Abort.) When this error occurs,
the Host Controller shall clear the Run/Stop (R/S) bit in the USBCMD register to
prevent further execution of the scheduled TDs.
Note: A Host System Error (HSE = ‘1’) may be generated due to transfer integrity
errors on the system bus. Some modern system bus interrupt mechanisms
(for example, MSI, MSI-X) utilize specialized writes to the host address space
to generate interrupts. These writes require that the address and data paths
of the system bus to be functioning properly. A catastrophic error condition
may prevent these writes from completing successfully. It is recommended
that an xHC implementation uses and “Out-of-Band” mechanism for reporting
Host System Errors. This may be a hardwired interrupt, bus or system error
signal provided by the system bus.
Note: Host Controller Error (HCE) should be used to report internal xHC error
conditions which may be recovered from by software resetting and
reinitialization of the xHC. Refer to section 4.24.1.
Out-of-Band Error Reporting
The PCI PERR# (Parity ERRor) and SERR# (System ERRor) error reporting pins are required
for all PCI implementations. xHC implementations shall assert the PERR# pin if a parity
error is detected during a PCI transaction (other than Special Cycle). The xHC shall assert
the SERR# pin if an address parity error, data parity error on the Special Cycle command,
the Host System Error (HSE) bit in the USBSTS register is set to ‘1’, or any other system
error is detected by the xHC where the result will be fatal. Assertion of the PERR# or SERR#
pins shall set the HSE bit in the USBSTS register to ‘1’.
If SERR# is not enabled, software should implement an algorithm for checking the HSE flag
if the xHC is not responding.
Non-PCI xHC implementations shall provide an equivalent out-of-band notification mechanism
for xHC notification of catastrophic errors.
Section describes how when CErr bus errors are encountered on any
packet of a TD, the TD is aborted, the endpoint is Halted and an Error Event
will be generated. The xHC is expected to maintain an internal Bus Error
Counter for each endpoint, which allows retries and differentiating “soft-errors”
from “hard-errors”.
The xHC initializes this internal Bus Error Counter to the value defined by the
Endpoint Context Error Count (CErr) field on the first transmission of a packet
and decrements it when an error is detected, if the Bus Error Counter reaches
0, then a hard-error is generated. If a packet transmission successfully
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completes prior to the Bus Error Counter reaching 0, it is considered successful
and no error will be generated.
Error Comment
Stalled No Detection of Babble or Stall automatically halts the ring. Thus, count is not
No Error No If a bus transaction completes and the host controller does not detect a
transaction error, then the host controller should reset the Bus Error
Counter to extend the total number of errors for this TD. For example, Bus
Error Counter should be reset with value of CErr on each successful
completion of a USB transaction. The xHC shall not reset the Bus Error
Counter if the value at the start of the transaction is 00b.
Data Buffer Error No Data buffer errors are host problems. They don't count against the device's
Babble Detected No Detection of Babble or Stall automatically halts the ring. Thus, count is not
Note: Software shall not program CErr to a value of ‘0’ when the Slot Context Speed
field indicates a Full- or Low-speed device. This combination could result in
undefined behavior.
If a Timeout, USB2 CRC Error, USB3 DPP Error, or a USB2 Bad PID was
detected on an Isoch IN Data Transaction, the Completion Code of the Transfer
Event shall be set to USB Transaction Error.
Note: Isoch TD shall follow the TD Fragment rules which define when an IOC flag
may be set within a TD.
4.10.3 Events
When a Ring Overrun or Ring Underrun condition occurs, the TRB referenced by
the Dequeue Pointer is not valid. Ring Underrun and Ring Overrun Transfer
Events shall clear the TRB Transfer Length field to ‘0’ and set the TRB Pointer
field to the address of the invalid TRB (that is, the value of the Dequeue Pointer
where the Overrun or Ring Underrun condition was detected). Refer to section for a detailed description of the Transfer Event TRB. The functionality
described in this paragraph shall be mandatory for all xHCI 1.1 and xHCI 1.2
compliant xHCs.
Note: Pre-1.1 xHC implementations clear the TRB Pointer field of a Ring Underrun or
Ring Overrun Transfer Event TRB to ‘0’.
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After a Ring Overrun or Ring Underrun condition is reported the endpoint shall
remain in the Running state and be removed from the Pipe Schedule. The
endpoint shall be placed back on the Pipe Schedule the next time system
software rings the doorbell for the endpoint.
Software typically posts multiple Isoch TDs with each doorbell ring. If software
is very late (for example, multiple ESITs) when it rings the doorbell after an
Overrun/Underrun condition, then multiple Isoch TDs may not be within the
current Valid Frame Window. In this case, a Missed Service Error shall be
generated for each TD skipped in the process of resynchronizing. Refer to
section for the definition of Valid Frame Window.
Note: For Isoch TDs with SIA = '0' that are not scheduled in advance of the
Isochronous Scheduling Threshold (IST):
• If an Isoch endpoint is Running and Busy, then TDs that are not scheduled
in advance of the IST shall result in an Ring Overrun or Ring Underrun
condition, because the Transfer Ring appears empty when the xHC goes to
fetch the next TD (refer to section for more information on IST).
• If an Isoch endpoint is Running and Idle, then TDs that are not scheduled
in advance of the IST shall result in a Missed Service Error, because the
doorbell is rung too late for the xHC to schedule the TD for the ESIT
targeted by the Frame ID (refer to section for more information).
Refer to section for scheduling ESITs less than 1 ms, that is,
Microframe Alignment.
36 If the ESIT is less 1 ms., then subsequent TDs within the same frame report the same Frame ID value and pass the "current Valid Frame
Window" test, but they may still be late. Refer to section for how software may ensure that an Isoch TD is transferred
within the correct ESIT of a Frame.
A Missed Service Error shall utilize the Transfer Event TRB format. The TRB
Pointer field of Missed Service Error Transfer Event shall reference the TRB that
was missed and its TRB Transfer Length the residue data bytes in the buffer.
Since a Missed Service Error forces a Transfer Event, the Event’s TRB Pointer
field may not reference a TRB that has its IOC flag set (‘1’) within the skipped
Isoch TD.
If the conditions that cause a Missed Service Error persist, multiple consecutive
Isoch transfers may not be completed. In this case, a Missed Service Error
Transfer Event shall be generated for every ESIT missed. The only exception to
this rule is if an Event Ring full condition prevents the posting of Missed Service
Error Transfer Events. When the Event Ring full condition clears, the xHC shall
post a Missed Service Error Transfer Event for the last Isoch TD (of each
Transfer Ring) not completed.
Note: xHC implementations that do not support the Contiguous Frame ID Capability
(CFC) may not generate a Missed Service Error Transfer Event for every ESIT
A Missed Service Error shall not be reported if an Isoch transfer was not
completed due to another error condition, for example, USB Transaction Error,
and so forth.
Intel Confidential
complete-split transaction of a HS Split Interrupt IN transaction. If a Split
Transaction Error is detected, there is the possibility of data loss, and the
endpoint shall be halted.
Note: Software shall not attempt a Soft Retry to recover from a Split Transaction
Note: If a Short Packet ends between two TRBs, either of them may report a Short
Packet Completion Code.
The general rule for how the xHC should handle the IOC flag is simple: if the
IOC flag is set, then generate an event. There are some exceptions to this rule
described in the spec, for example, if the Event Ring is full, but normally this
rule should always be applied.
If software wants to know when the xHC has completed processing all the TRBs
associated with a TD, it must set the IOC flag in the last TRB of TD. The event
that the IOC in the last TRB generates informs software that last TRB of the TD
is complete, which means that the TD is complete, and that the space on the
Transfer Ring that the TD consumed may be reclaimed.
The ISP flag generates an event only if less data was received, than was
specified by a TRB. The TRB Transfer Length field of the Transfer Event that a
Short Packet condition generates informs software of the exact number of
bytes transferred when the condition was detected. Software may also set the
BEI flag if it is not interested in generating an interrupt due to a Short Packet
And if the ISP flag is set and IOC flag is not set in the last TRB of TD that
received a Short Packet, an event shall not be generated if a Short Packet
condition does not occur on that TRB, that is, if the buffer defined by the TRB is
completely filled.
In some cases, the xHC response to an error condition may look very similar to
a Short Packet condition, because after the xHC generates an event for either
condition, the xHC may automatically advance to the next TD. An example of
this behavior is when a USB Transaction Error is detected during an Isoch IN
transfer, where the Isoch pipe does not stall, but advances to the next Isoch
TD in preparation for the next Interval. The error will generate an event,
however if the event does not point to last TRB of the Isoch TD and the IOC
flag is not set in last TRB of the TD with the error, software will have to wait
until the next IOC flag is encountered by the endpoint before it can reclaim the
In summary, software can not only use the IOC flag to report specific TD
completions, but it can also be used to provide timely updates of the Dequeue
Pointer position so that TRBs can be reclaimed, to reduce error recovery times,
or to allow Transfer Rings to grow or shrink as function of system loading or
resource changes.
Note: An exception is if the PAE flag is cleared (‘0’). In this case when a Short
Packet occurs, the IOC flag in the first Event Data TRB encountered generates
an Event Data Transfer Event and the IOC flag is ignored in subsequent Event
Data TRBs that are encountered in the process of advancing the Dequeue
Pointer to the beginning of the next TD. Refer to section 5.3.6 for more
information on PAE.
4.11 TRBs
This section discusses the properties and uses of TRBs that are outside of the
scope of the general data structure descriptions that are provided in section
Status 0B-08H
All components of all Command and Transfer TRBs shall be initialized to ‘0’ by
the system software when the Command Ring or a Transfer Ring is created.
All components of all Command and Transfer TRBs shall be treated as read-
only by the xHC.
Intel Confidential
The Enqueue Pointer of a ring is defined by the transition of the Control
component Cycle (C) bit in the TRB Ring. Refer to section 4.9 for a detailed
explanation of Cycle bit operation. Cycle bit shall always reside in bit 0 of the
Control component.
If the xHC does not pre-fetch TRBs the Evaluate Next TRB (ENT) flag forces the
xHC to evaluate the next TRB of a TD before advancing to the next endpoint in
the Pipe Schedule. The ENT flag does not span TDs, therefore the ENT flag is
valid only if the Chain bit (CH) is ‘1’. Refer to section 4.12.3 for more
information on the ENT flag.
Note: If all 4 Dwords of a TRB are not written as an atomic memory operation, then
it is required that the Parameter and Status components of a TRB shall be
initialized prior to writing the Control Component. Violating this rule shall
cause undefined xHC behavior.
xHC Bus Mastering
The xHCI specification is designed around the assumption that hardware will issue a single,
atomic system bus transaction when reading and writing TRBs and other data structures. For
example, at least a 16 byte read transaction would be issued as an atomic operation to fetch
a TRB from memory. Larger read or write transactions may be used to minimize the system
bus overhead associated with moving data structures to or from memory, for example, an
xHC implementation could fetch 4 TRBs with a single 64B atomic operation, or use the system
bus’s maximum transaction size. Failure to read or write TRBs as atomic operations may result
in undefined behavior.
All components of all Event TRBs shall be initialized to ‘0’ by the system
software when the Event Ring is created.
After Event Ring initialization, all components of Event TRBs shall be treated as
read-only by system software.
System software is the producer of all Transfer TRBs and the xHC is the
In each case, the Completion code will indicate either Success or the cause of
the Transfer Event generation.
The IOC flag will typically only be set (‘1’) in the last TRB of Transaction
Descriptor (TD) to minimize Event TRB generation and system interrupts.
Each Endpoint Context defines one Transfer Ring if the MaxPStreams field = '0'
or multiple Transfer Rings if the MaxPStreams field > '0'.
Table 6-91 defines the TRB Types found on a Transfer Ring. Table 6-92 defines
the allowable Transfer Ring TRB Types as function of endpoint type.
Note: Software shall only utilize Transfer Events to determine TRB completions.
Software shall not infer TRB completions based on Frame ID, MFINDEX, or
other information.
The direction of a data transfer associated with a Normal TRB depends on the
direction defined by the Endpoint Context that it is associated with, or the
preceding Data Stage TRB in the TRB Ring associated with a Control endpoint.
The Chain bit (CH field in Figure 6-8) may be set to ‘1’ in Normal, Data Stage,
Status Stage, and Isoch TRBs to form multi-TRB Transfer Descriptors. Chaining
allows scatter/gather operations. Chaining can be used by system software to
concatenate Pages of virtual memory, or to concatenate byte aligned data.
Intel Confidential Setup Stage, Data Stage, and Status Stage TRBs
All USB devices respond to requests from the host on the device’s Default
Control Pipe. These requests are made using Control Transfers. At the USB
packet level, a Control Transfer consists of multiple transactions partitioned
into stages: a setup stage, an optional data stage, and a terminating status
stage. The xHCI defines the Setup Stage TRB, Data Stage TRB, and Status
Stage TRB to provide a 1:1 mapping to the respective USB Control transfer
stages. Refer to section 3.2.9 for an overview of xHCI Control transfer support.
Table 9-2 of the USB2 or USB3 specification defines the format of the USB
SETUP Data. The host is responsible for establishing the values passed in the
USB SETUP Data fields. Every USB Setup packet is comprised of an eight byte
USB SETUP Data structure.
Figure 4-14: SETUP Data, the Parameter Component of Setup Stage TRB
31 16 15 8 7 0
7 6 5 4 0
DTD Type Recipient
Figure 4-14 illustrates the mapping of the USB SETUP Data defined in section
9.3 (Table 9-2) of the USB2 or USB3 spec. to the Setup Stage TRB Parameter
The Transfer Ring associated with a Control Endpoint adheres to the following
• The Control Transfer Ring may contain Setup Stage and Status Stage TDs,
and optionally Data Stage TDs.
• Each Setup Stage TD shall contain a single Setup Stage TRB.
• A Data Stage TD shall consist of a Data Stage TRB chained to zero or more
Normal TRBs, or Event Data TRBs.
• A Status Stage TD shall contain of a single Status Stage TRB, optionally
chained to an Event Data TRB.
• All Control transfers require a Setup Stage TD followed by a Status Stage
TD. If a data stage is required for the transfer, then system software is
responsible for ensuring that a Data Stage TD is inserted between the
Setup Stage TD and the Status Stage TD. “No-data” Control transfers do
not require a Data Stage TD.
• A No-data Control transfer is generated by software if a Data Stage TD
does not exist between the Setup Stage and Status Stage TDs.
Table 4-7: USB SETUP Data to Data Stage TRB and Status Stage TRB mapping
Note: The Direction (DIR) flag in the Status Stage TRB indicates the direction of the
control transfer acknowledgement. For USB2 devices, DIR directly determines
the PID that shall be used for the associated USB2 transaction. For USB3
devices, a Status TP is defined which is used for the status stage of all
Enhanced SuperSpeed control transfers. Refer to section 8.5 of the USB3
spec for the definition of the SS Status TP Direction flag.
Note: The Direction (DIR) flag in the Data Stage TRB defines the transfer direction
for all TRBs in the Data Stage TD. For USB2 devices, DIR directly determines
the PID that shall be used for the Data Stage transaction. For USB3 devices, if
DIR = OUT a DP is generated with write data, if DIR = IN an ACK TP is
generated to request read data from the device.
• If the data associated with a Data Stage TD is not contiguous, then
additional Normal TRBs shall be chained in a Data Stage TD.
• System software is responsible for ensuring that the total data length
defined by a Data Stage TD (that is, the sum of the Length fields of the
Intel Confidential
Data Stage TRB and all Normal TRBs) is equal to wLength. Note that
communicating with some non-compliant devices may require violating this
rule. The transfer lengths managed by the xHC depend strictly on the TRB
Length fields.
• The Transfer Event generated by a Status Stage TRB shall report a
Success, Stall Error, or other error Completion Code.
• Success indicates that the USB device has completed the command and is
ready to accept a new command. Refer to “Function completes” row in
Table 8-7 of the USB2 spec. Refer to “Request completes” row in Table 8-
27 of the USB3 spec.
• Stall Error indicates that the USB device has an error that prevents it from
completing the command. Refer to “Function has an error” row in Table 8-7
of the USB2 spec. Refer to “Request has an error” row in Table 8-27 of the
USB3 spec. Software shall provide a timeout for all control operations and
abort them using a Stop Endpoint Command if the operation times out.
Note: If a USB device is still processing the command when the Status Stage TD is
executed, the device will return a Busy37 response. The xHC shall wait
indefinitely for a Success, Stall Error or other error response from device for
the Status stage.
• The xHC shall NOT check for the following Control transfer error
Note: Some (non-compliant) USB devices use the SETUP Data wLength field as a
custom parameter for non-data control transfers. xHCI implementations
should not tie a non-zero wLength value to the existence of a Data Stage TD
in a control transfer to ensure compatibility with those devices.
• If a Data Stage TD follows a Setup Stage TD, where wLength = ‘0’.
• If a Status Stage TD does not follow a Setup Stage TD, where wLength =
• If a Data Stage TD does not follow a Setup Stage TD, where wLength >
• If the total size of the Data Stage TD is not equal to wLength.
• If the Data Stage TRB Direction (DIR) flag does not correspond to the
definition in Table 4-7.
• If the Status Stage TRB Direction (DIR) flag does not correspond to the
definition in Table 4-7.
The xHC is NOT required to check for the following Control transfer error
conditions. If system software is properly designed these error conditions will
37 Refer to “Function is busy” row in Table 8-7 of the USB2 spec. Refer to “Device is busy” row in Table 8-27 of the USB3 spec.
38 This condition violates the definition of a USB Control Transfer, however this condition should be ignored by the xHC to ensure legacy
device compatibility. The Setup Stage Transfer Type (TRT) field strictly indicates the presence and the Direction of the Data Stage TD,
and determines the direction of the Status Stage TD so the wLength field should be ignored by the xHC.
Note: Undefined behavior may occur if software does not schedule a Status Stage
TD to terminate a control transfer.
Control Endpoint Recommendations
The USB2 specification section 8.5.3 is silent about what to do if a STALL is returned for a
Setup Transaction handshake. The EHCI spec (for example, section 4.12.1) treats a STALL
generically, retrying the transaction indefinitely. Receiving a STALL for any Transaction
handshake (including a Setup) halts the endpoint. The EHCI treats a NAK to a Setup
Transaction as a USB Transaction Error (that is, decrements CErr). It is recommended that
xHCI provides the same response.
The USB3 specification section 8.12.2 is silent about what to do if an NRDY or STALL is
returned for a Setup TP. xHCI implementations should treat these NRDYs like a USB
Transaction Error, retrying the transaction CErr times (refer to section, and if a
STALL is received for a Setup TP the xHC should halt the endpoint (refer to section
Intel Confidential Isoch TRB
An Isoch Transfer Descriptor (TD) shall consist of an Isoch TRB chained to zero
or more Normal TRBs.
The direction of a data transfer associated with an Isoch Transfer Ring (and the
Isoch TD that it defines) depends on the direction defined by the Endpoint
Context that it is associated with. Refer to the EP Type field definition in Table
6-9 for the direction encoding.
An Isoch TD defines an isochronous data transfer that will occur during a single
Interval. An Isoch TD consists of one or more TRBs, where the first TRB of TD
is always an Isoch TRB. If the data associated with an Isoch TD is not
contiguous or larger than 64K bytes, then additional Normal TRBs may be
chained to the initial Isoch TRB, forming a multi-TRB Isoch TD.
The xHC shall consume one Isoch TD each Interval on an Isoch Transfer Ring.
To ensure streaming data, system software is required to place at least one
Isoch TD on the Transfer Ring each Interval, prior to the Isochronous
Scheduling Threshold (refer to IST, section
For Isoch OUT endpoints, if the associated Transfer Ring is empty, then no
Isoch transfers shall be scheduled over the USB during the intervening
Intervals, the endpoint shall be removed from the xHC’s Pipe Schedule, and a
Ring Underrun Event shall be generated for the EPs’ Transfer Ring to flag the
For Isoch IN endpoints, if the Transfer Ring is empty, then any Isoch data that
may have been transferred during the intervening Interval(s) shall be lost, the
endpoint shall be removed from the xHC’s Pipe Schedule, and a Ring Overrun
Event shall be generated for the EPs’ Transfer Ring. In either case, the
endpoint shall remain in the Running state. The xHC shall remove the endpoint
from the Isoch Pipe Schedule and restart the Isochronous transfers the next
time the endpoint’s doorbell is rung.
Note: A Ring Underrun or Ring Overrun Event is only generated the first Interval
that an empty Transfer Ring is detected.
An Isoch Transfer Ring will be reinstated on the xHC’s Pipe Schedule the next
time its doorbell is rung.
Note: The xHC may not generate a Missed Service Error for each Isochronous
deadline missed, for example, if the Event Ring is full.
The Ring Underrun, Ring Overrun, and Missed Service Error Events shall utilize
a Transfer Event TRB format.
The Isoch TRB Frame ID field may be used to specify the Service Interval
Boundary that an Isoch transfer may start on. If the Start Isoch ASAP (SIA)
flag is cleared to ‘0’ in the Isoch TRB, the xHC shall schedule the Isoch TD
within one Service Interval of the next match of the Frame ID field with the
Frame Index portion (bits 13:3) of the Microframe Index (MFINDEX) register.
Refer to Figure 4-21. The range of possible values for the Frame ID field are 0
to 2047, with the constraints defined in section If the Start Isoch
ASAP (SIA) flag is set to ‘1’ in the Isoch TRB, the Frame ID field is ignored and
the Isoch TD is scheduled as soon as possible.
Service Interval Boundaries are aligned. That is, if Interval = ‘1’, then the
Service Interval is 2 microframes long and begins when the low order bit of the
MFINDEX register = 0. If Interval = ‘2’, then the Service Interval is 4
microframes long and begins when the low order two bits of the MFINDEX
register = 0, and so on.
The Isoch TRB Transfer Burst Count (TBC) and Transfer Last Burst Packet
Count (TLBPC) fields may be used by the xHC to identify the exact number of
packets that will comprise an Isoch TD without having to read in the complete
TD. The xHC may use this information to better manage its periodic schedules.
If Extended TBC Capability (ETC) and Extended TBC Enable (ETE) = ‘1’ then
TBC field supports the definition of Burst Counts up to 32 (and the TD Size field
is deprecated in an Isoch TRB), otherwise the TBC field supports the definition
of Burst Counts up to 3 (and the TD Size field is valid). Refer to section
for more information.
The TBC field (Table 6-34) shall be initialized by software. The following
method shall be used to compute TBC, where TDPC is the Transfer Descriptor
Packet Count described in section 4.14.1.
TBC = ROUNDUP ( TDPC / ( Max Burst Size + 1 ) ) - 1
The TLBPC field (Table 6-34) shall be initialized by software. The following
method shall be used to compute TLBPC, where TDPC is the Transfer Descriptor
Packet Count described in section 4.14.1.
IsochBurstResiduePackets = TDPC MODULUS ( Max Burst Size + 1 )
TLBPC = IF ( IsochBurstResiduePackets == 0 )
Intel Confidential
THEN Max Burst Size
ELSE IsochBurstResiduePackets - 1
Note: The ETC shall not be enabled by an xHC implementation if the Large ESIT
Payload Capability (LEC = ‘1’) is not supported.
Note: If LEC = ‘1’ and ETC = ‘0’, then the largest Isoch Transfer that the TBC and
TLBPC fields can describe is 64 KB. If the Max ESIT Payload indicates a value
greater than 64 KB, then the TBC and TLBPC fields shall be used as a hint,
rather than to compute an explicit Isoch TD packet count. TD Size
The TD Size field of a TRB defines a number of packets that remain to be
transferred for a TD after processing all Max Packet Sized packets in the
current TRB and all previous TRBs. This field may be used by the xHC to
estimate the size of a TD without requiring it to read ahead TRBs to the end of
the TD. The TD Size field shall be initialized by software in Transfer TRBs, with
a value calculated for a TRB using the following method:
where, ROUNDUP (x) rounds fractional x up, away from 0 (zero), to the
nearest integer value.
n is the index of a Transfer TRB in a TD, where n = 1 for the first Transfer TRB
of a TD.
TRB Transfer Length Sum (n) is the sum of the TRB Transfer Length fields in
TRBs 1 through n.
Packets Transferred (n) defines the number of Max Packet Sized packets
that have been transferred for the TD, up to and including the data described
by TRB (n).
Packets Transferred (n) = ROUNDDOWN( TRB Transfer Length Sum (n) / Max Packet Size )
TRB Residue (n) defines the number of bytes remaining in TRB (n)'s buffer
after processing all Max Packet Sized packets in the current TRB and all
previous TRBs of a TD.
TRB Residue (n) = TRB Transfer Length Sum (n) - (Max Packet Size * Packets Transferred (n) )
TD Size (n), For all Transfer TRBs except the last in a TD, TD Size identifies
the number of packets that still need to be scheduled to complete this TD after
sending TRB Residue (n) + the data for TRBs n+1 through x. The value of the
TD Size in the last Transfer TRB of a TD (TD Size (x)) shall be cleared to '0' to
explicitly indicate that it is the last Transfer TRB of the TD. Since the TD Size
Note: If the TRB Residue for the last Transfer TRB (TRB Residue (x)) is greater than
0, then a terminating Short Packet shall be generated for the TD. Also note
that the TRB Residue value is always less than Max Packet Size.
Note: If ETE = ‘1’, then the TD Size is not available in Isoch TRBs. Refer to section Frame ID
The Frame ID field of an Isoch TD identifies the target frame that the Interval
associated with this Isochronous Transfer Descriptor will start on. The Frame ID
is valid only if the Start Isoch ASAP (SIA) field of an Isoch TRB equals ‘0’.
Software shall not schedule an Isoch TD with a Frame ID value that is greater
than the End Frame ID, where:
End Frame ID = (Frame Index of the current MFINDEX register value + 895 ms.) MOD 2048
The End Frame ID limitation allows the xHC to properly manage Isoch TDs
when a Missed Service Error occurs.
Note: When a Missed Service Error occurs, the Isoch TD that was supposed to be
transferred during the missed service interval is dropped, and the xHC is
expected resynchronize the Isoch pipe by advancing to the next Isoch TD for
the next Interval. If the Frame ID of an Isoch TD is used to identify the
specific Frame associated with a TRB of an Isoch TD, then the scheduling limit
on the Frame ID (that is, the Valid Frame Window) allows the xHC to
unambiguously determine if an Isoch TD should be skipped or executed.
Software should not schedule an Isoch TD with a Frame ID value that is less
than the Start Frame ID, where:
Start Frame ID = (Frame Index of the current MFINDEX register value + IST + 1) MOD 2048
where IST shall be rounded up to the nearest frame boundary if it is defined in microframes
The Start Frame ID limitation allows the xHC sufficient time to fetch and
schedule Isoch TDs. For more information on the Isochronous Scheduling
Threshold (IST), refer to section
Intel Confidential
Note: The Frame ID value is calculated as the modulus of 2048, that is, the size of
the Frame Index portion of the MFINDEX register (refer to Figure 4-21).
If the Contiguous Frame ID Capability is supported (CFC = '1'), then the xHC
shall match the Frame ID in every Isoch TD with SIA = ‘0’ against the Frame
Index of the MFINDEX register. This rule ensures resynchronization of Isoch
TDs even if some are dropped due to Missed Service Errors or Stopping the
endpoint. Note that the xHC may advance through Isoch TDs faster than the
Service Interval rate to resynchronize the Isoch data flow. Refer to section for more information.
Note: If the Contiguous Frame ID Capability is supported (CFC = '1') by the xHC,
then software should set the Frame IDs (that is, SIA = '0') in all Isoch TDs.
To induce a gap in the data stream of a Running Isoch endpoint, software
simply specifies a gap in the Frame IDs assigned to the TDs of the data
stream, and the xHC will pause the data stream until the Frame ID matches
the Frame Index of the MFINDEX register.
Contiguous Frame ID Capability support (CFC = '1') is mandatory for all xHCI
1.1 and xHCI 1.2 compliant xHCI implementations.
A Valid Frame Window is defined by a Start Frame ID and an End Frame ID.
If the Contiguous Frame ID Capability is not supported (CFC = '0'), then the
xHC may start the Isoch data flow when the MFINDEX Frame Index matches
the Frame ID value specified in the first Isoch TD and ignore the Frame ID
fields in subsequent Isoch TDs until the data flow is terminated, for example,
due to an Overrun or Underrun condition. A Missed Service Error does not
terminate an Isoch data flow, therefore if a Missed Service Error occurs (that
is, one or more Isoch TDs are dropped), the xHCI will not be able to determine
whether the subsequent Isoch TDs are within a Valid Frame Window and
properly resynchronize the Isoch data flow.
Note: If the Contiguous Frame ID Capability is not supported (CFC = '0') by the
xHC, then software may set the Frame ID (that is, SIA = '0') only in the first
Isoch TD of an Isoch data flow, and shall set SIA = '1' in all subsequent Isoch
TDs of the data flow. To induce a gap in the data flow of a Running Isoch
endpoint, software must force a Ring Overrun or Ring Underrun condition (by
letting the Transfer Ring go empty), then specify the starting Frame ID in the
first Isoch TD of the next data flow, and ring the doorbell.
The ESIT of an endpoint may be smaller, equal to, or larger than the 1 ms.
Frame period that may be specified by the Frame ID field of an Isoch TD. This
section defines how to defined Frame ID values as a function of the ESIT value.
Note: Starting an IN or OUT Isoch data transfer at an ESIT that is not the first ESIT
of a Frame period is currently not supported by this specification. Resynchronization
If a Missed Service Error occurs then the xHC is required to advance through a
Transfer Ring until it is “resynchronized” or the ring is exhausted. The data
associated with Isoch TDs that are skipped over while attempting to
resynchronize a pipe is not moved, however a Missed Service Error should be
generated for every skipped Isoch TD.
The xHC shall not drop Events associated with TRBs as it attempts to
resynchronize an Isoch pipe, for example, if IOC = ‘1’ in a Link TRB then it
returns Success, if IOC = ‘1’ in an Event Data or Normal TRB then it returns
Missed Service Error, etc.
Event TRBs shall be found on an Event Ring. A Work Item on an Event Ring is
called an Event Descriptor (ED). An ED shall be comprised of only one Event
Intel Confidential
TRB data structure. This section describes the operational characteristics of the
event related TRBs.
The xHC is the producer of all Event TRBs and system software is the
Event TRBs are used to report events associated with the Command Ring and
Transfer Rings, as well as a variety of other host controller related events (Port
Status Change, Bandwidth Requests, etc.).
The field definitions of the Parameter, Length, and the high word of the Control
components of Event TRBs are all Event Type Dependent. Refer to the specific
Event definitions below for more information on these definitions. The Event
Type field shall define the contents of the Event Type Dependent fields.
The Event Type field shall indicate Event Ring TRB Types as defined in Table
6-91. Any Event Type may be found on the Primary Event Ring. Only Transfer,
Bandwidth Request, and Device Notification Events may be found on a
secondary Event Ring. Refer to section for a discussion of Primary and
Secondary Event Rings.
Event TRB Updating
The xHC shall ensure that all Dwords in an Event TRB are updated before it toggles the Cycle
(C) bit in Dword 3. An xHC implementation may update all 4 Dwords of the Event TRB as an
atomic (single DMA) operation, or if it updates the Event TRB Dwords as discrete operations,
then it shall update Dword 3 (toggling the Cycle bit) last.
When the data transfer associated with a Transfer TRB completes, a Transfer
Event shall be generated by the xHC if the TRB IOC or ISP flags are set to ‘1’,
or if an error occurs on the transfer associated with the TRB. And while
advancing to the end the current TD after generating this event, each Transfer
TRB encountered with its IOC flag set to ‘1’ shall generate a Transfer Event.
The Condition Code of the “current” Transfer Event shall be set to the value of
the Condition Code in the original Transfer Event, and the TRB Transfer Length
of the current Transfer Event should be set to value of the TRB Transfer Length
field in the original Transfer Event.
The Parameter, Status and Length TRB components shall be cleared to ‘0’ by
system software unless otherwise noted by a specific command.
The TRB Type field of the Control component shall indicate the Command Type.
Table 6-91 defines the available Command TRBs, that is, TRB Types allowed on
a Command Ring.
For every command, the xHC notifies system software of its completion by
placing a Command Completion Event TRB on the Event ring.
When a Command TRB is initialized on the Command ring, the Cycle bit will be
set to the value of the Command Ring’s Producer Cycle State (PCS) flag.
Note: The Address Device, Configure Endpoint, and Evaluate Context Commands
utilize an Input Context data structure.
The Enable Slot Command utilizes the same format as the No Op Command
TRB, described in section
Refer to section 4.6.3 for more information on the Enable Slot Command.
Intel Confidential
The format of the Disable Slot Command TRB is defined in section
Refer to section 4.6.4 for more information on the Disable Slot command.
The format of the Address Device Command TRB is defined in section
Refer to section 3.3.4 for more information on the Address Device Command.
Note: Refer to the Slot and Endpoint Context data structure descriptions (sections
6.2.2 and 6.2.3, respectively) for information on the specific Context fields
that are evaluated by this command. A typical use of this command is
immediately after an Address Device Command to inform that xHC that
software has updated the Max Packet Size field of the Control endpoint. Refer
to section 4.3 for more information on this usage.
The format of the Evaluate Context Command TRB is defined in section
Refer to section 4.6.6 for more information on the Evaluate Context Command.
Refer to section 4.6.8 for more information on the Reset Endpoint Command.
The format of the Stop Endpoint Command TRB is defined in section
Refer to section 4.6.9 for more information on the Stop Endpoint Command.
The format of the Set TR Dequeue Pointer Command TRB is defined in section
Refer to section 4.6.10 for more information on the Set TR Dequeue Pointer
The format of the Reset Device Command TRB is defined in section
Refer to section 4.6.11 for more information on the Reset Device Command.
The format of the Force Event Command TRB is defined in section
Refer to section 4.6.12 for more information on the Force Event Command.
Intel Confidential
If the BW Negotiation Capability (BNC) bit in the HCCPARAMS1 register is ‘1’,
then the xHC shall support this command.
The format of the Set Latency Tolerance Value Command TRB is defined in
Refer to section 4.6.14 for more information on the Set Latency Tolerance
Value Command.
The format of the Get Port Bandwidth Command TRB is defined in section
Refer to section 4.6.15 for more information on the Get Port Bandwidth
The format of the Force Header Command TRB is defined in section
Refer to section 4.6.16 for more information on the Force Header Command.
The format of the Get Extended Property Command TRB is defined in section
Refer to section 4.6.17 for more information on the Get Extended Property
The format of the Set Extended Property Command TRB is defined in section
Software shall invoke the following rules when constructing a TRB Ring:
• All Transfer Ring Segments shall be aligned to 16-byte (TRB) boundaries.
• All Command Ring Segments shall be aligned to 64-byte boundaries.
• All Transfer and Command Ring Segments are multiples of 16 bytes in size.
• A Link TRB shall be the last TRB of each Transfer or Command Ring
• The Ring Segment Pointer field of a Link TRB shall point to the next
Segment of a multi-segment TRB Ring, or to first segment in a single
Segment ring.
• The Link TRB of the last Ring Segment in a ring shall point to the beginning
of the first segment of the ring.
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• The Toggle Cycle flag should be set in at least one Link TRB of a ring.
Note: The Ring Segment Pointer field in a Link TRB is not required to point to the
beginning of a physical memory page.
Refer to Figure 4-15 for an illustration of TRB Ring Segments and Link TRBs.
Transfer Ring
Segment 0
Endpoint Context TRB
Ring Base Address TRB
TRB 256
EP State ...
Dequeue Pointer TRB
Enqueue Pointer TRB
Transfer Ring
Link TRB
Segment 1
Link TRB
Empty TRB 244
Pending TRB
... TRBs
TD Ring Size = 500 TRB
Link TRB
Refer to section 4.11.7 for how the Chain (CH) flag shall be set in a Link TRB.
In a Transfer Ring a Link TRB is always assumed to be linked to the first TRB of
the next segment. If the Chain bit (CH) of the previous TRB is ‘1’, then the
multi-TRB TD that it defines spans segments and shall continue with the first
TRB of the next segment. In a Command Ring the Link TRB Chain bit (CH) is
ignored by the xHC.
As software advances its Enqueue Pointer and advances over a Link TRB, the
Cycle (C) bit shall be updated with the value of the PCS flag.
The Interrupt On Completion (IOC) flag of a Link TRB may be used by system
software to generate an event indicating the Dequeue Pointer has reached the
Link TRB. This feature provides software with the ability to track the Dequeue
Pointer as a function of segment boundary crossings.
When the Link TRB resides on a Command Ring the Interrupt On Completion
(IOC) flag of a Link TRB may be used by system software to generate a
Command Completion Event, where the Command Completion Event Slot ID =
‘0’, VF ID = ‘0’, the Command TRB Pointer field shall point to Link TRB, and the
Completion Code = Success.
Note: The Primary Interrupter (‘0’) is the target of all Command Completion Events.
The Interrupter Target field shall be ignored by the xHC in Link TRBs found on
the Command Ring.
xHC TRB Fetching
All TRBs between the Enqueue and Dequeue Pointers of a TRB Ring are owned by the xHC.
No constraints are placed on how many TRBs an xHC implementation may fetch in a single
DMA operation or the order that the xHC may fetch them in. System software shall not modify
a TRB owed by the xHC.
The Event Data TRB has the unique properties of inheriting the Completion
Code of the previous (non-Event Data) TRB executed on a ring, and
accumulating the transfer Lengths of preceding TRBs.
A typical use of the Event Data TRB would be to provide a 64-bit software
defined identifier (or address) upon the completion of a TD. To accomplish this
the Event Data TRB would be chained as the last TRB of the TD, and the IOC
flag would be set only in the Event Data TRB. When the TD completes, an
event is generated where the Completion Code is supplied by the previous TRB
executed, and the Parameter Component of the event is loaded with the value
supplied by the Event Data TRB.
The Event Data (ED) field of a Transfer Event indicates whether the event was
generated by a Transfer TRB or an Event Data TRB. A Transfer Event with its
ED flag equal ‘1’ is referred to as an Event Data Transfer Event.
A key feature of an Event Data Transfer Event is its ability to report the
number of bytes transferred by a TD, rather than that of an individual TRB. To
accomplish this the xHC maintains an internal 24-bit Event Data Transfer
Length Accumulator (EDTLA) for each endpoint. The rules for EDTLA
management are:
Intel Confidential
• The EDTLA shall be cleared to ‘0’ immediately prior to executing the first
Transfer TRB of a TD or when a Set TR Dequeue Pointer Command is
• When a Transfer TRB is completed, the number of bytes transferred by the
TRB shall be added to the EDTLA. The EDTLA shall wrap, if the total
number of bytes transferred is greater than 16,777,215 (16MB-1).
• When an Event Data TRB is encountered an Event Data Transfer Event
shall be generated, where the TRB Transfer Length field shall contain the
value of the EDTLA. The EDTLA shall then be cleared to ‘0’ and begin
accumulating again.
• If a Stopped Transfer Event is generated and the Condition Code =
Stopped - Short Transfer, then the TRB Transfer Length field of the
Transfer Event shall contain the value of the EDTLA.
Note that for TDs greater than or equal to 16MBytes the EDTLA will roll-over. It
is system software’s responsibility to insert “Intermediate” Event Data TRBs
periodically within a TD to report transfer lengths before the rollover condition
occurs. Software is also responsible for accumulating the Length fields of Event
Data Transfer Events to determine the total number of bytes transferred by a
TD that declares multiple Event Data TRBs.
Note: Software shall set the IOC flag in all Event Data TRBs. Because the IOC flag
must be set in an Event Data TRB, the possible locations of an Event Data
TRBs within a TD are constrained by the TD Fragment rules described in
If a Short Packet is detected during the execution of a multi-TRB TD, the xHC
shall advance to the first TRB of the next TD or the Enqueue Pointer (that is,
Cycle bit transition), whichever is encountered first. If the TD that incurred the
Short Packet is terminated by an Event Data TRB (with its IOC flag is set), then
the xHC shall generate an Event Data Transfer Event, where the Length field
shall reflect the actual number of bytes transferred.
The following rules apply to Event Data TRBs on a Transfer Ring unless
otherwise stated:
• An event shall be generated by an Event Data TRB if its IOC flag is set to
• An event generated by an Event Data TRB (Event Data Transfer Event)
shall utilize the format of the Transfer Event TRB. The Slot ID and Endpoint
ID fields shall be set appropriately for the Transfer Ring that contained the
Event Data TRB, and the Event Data (ED) flag shall be set to ‘1’.
• The event generated when the IOC flag of an Event Data TRB is set to ‘1’
shall report the Completion Code of the previously executed Transfer TRB
of a TD, or Success if inserted as an Event Data TD (that is, a TD that
consists of just one Event Data TRB) on a ring. The “previously executed
Transfer TRB” is either the last Transfer TRB of the TD or the Transfer TRB
that generated an error which forced a premature completion of the TD.
Intermediate Event Data TRBs shall report “Success”.
Note: The above rules also apply to Intermediate Event Data Transfer Event TRBs.
Note: The Event Data (ED) flag in the Transfer Event TRB indicates to system
software whether the Parameter Component of the respective event should be
interpreted as pointer to system memory or software defined data.
Note: The IOC flag is treated generically by the xHC. If it is set in a TRB, then the
xHC shall generate an Event for that TRB. If the IOC flag is not set in an
Event Data TRB, the xHC will advance past it, clearing the EDTLA in the
Note: An Event Data TRB shall not immediately follow another Event Data TRB.
Note: Refer to section 4.12.3 for information on how the Evaluate Next TRB (ENT)
flag should be used to manage Event Data TRBs.
Note: Refer to section for more information on the handling of Event Data
TRBs if a Short Packet condition occurs while executing a TD.
Note: Software shall not define a “stand-alone” Event Data TD (that is, a TD that
only contains a single Event Data TRB) on an Isoch Transfer Ring, however
Event Data TRBs may be included in Isoch TDs.
xHC vendors may define proprietary TRB Types using the Vendor Defined TRB
Type codes identified in Table 6-91. The Vendor Defined TRB Types may be
used to define Command, Event, or Transfer TRBs.
A vendor shall define proprietary xHCI Extended Capability structures using the
xHCI Extended Capability Codes identified in Table 7-3 to enumerate any
vendor defined TRB types or xHC capabilities.
Intel Confidential
• The xHC shall treat Vendor Defined TRBs encountered on a Command Ring
like a No Op Command TRB.
• Software shall advance past and ignore Vendor Defined TRBs encountered
on an Event Ring.
Note: All vendor defined TRBs shall define a Cycle (C) bit at the same bit position as
defined in all xHCI TRBs and manage it as defined in section 4.9 for the
respective ring type.
Note: All vendor defined Event TRBs shall define a Completion Code field at the
same bit position as defined in all xHCI Event TRBs and manage it as defined
in section 4.9.4.
Note: Any vendor defined Transfer TRBs that may be included in a multi-TRB TD,
shall define a Chain bit (CH) field at the same bit position as defined in a
Normal TRB and manage it as defined in section 4.9.1.
xHC vendors may use the Vendor Defined TRB Type codes to define proprietary
xHCI commands. All vendor defined commands shall utilize the Command
Completion Event TRB to report completions.
Multiple vendors may define the same xHCI Extended Capability code or
Vendor Defined TRB code to perform different operations. All vendor defined
xHCI Extended Capability codes and TRB Types shall be qualified by system
software with the PCI Configuration Space Header Vendor ID and Subsystem
Vendor ID.
Vendors may also define Completion Codes. The Vendor Defined Completion
Codes are separated into two groups: error and information. This partitioning
allows software to infer the purpose of a Vendor Defined Completion Code even
if it does not have vendor specific knowledge. Refer to Table 6-90.
If software does not have vendor specific knowledge, Completion Codes in the
range defined by Vendor Defined Info codes shall be interpreted identically to a
Success Completion Code.
If software does not have vendor specific knowledge, Completion Codes in the
range defined by Vendor Defined Error codes shall be interpreted as an
Undefined Error Completion Code, for example, if a Vendor Defined Error code
is reported in a Command Completion Event software shall assume that the
associated command did not complete successfully.
Note: A “Transfer TRB” is any TRB defined in section 6.4.1. Link and Event Data
TRBs are not “Transfer TRBs”.
On an IN endpoint, if the device class allows a device to supply less data than
the host has provided buffer space for, software has two options in forming a
4. Set the Interrupt-on Short Packet (ISP) flag in all TRBs of a TD, and set
the IOC flag in the last TRB. This action shall cause the xHC to generate a
Transfer Event if a Short Packet condition is detected while executing any TRB
in the TD, or generate a Transfer Event if the device completely fills the buffer.
To determine the number of bytes actually transferred, software shall add the
TRB Transfer Length fields of all TRBs up to and including the TRB that
generated the Transfer Event, and subtract the Transfer Event TRB Transfer
Length field.
5. Terminate the TD with an Event Data TRB that has its IOC flag set, and
not set the ISP or IOC flag in any Transfer TRB of the TD. This action shall
cause the xHC to generate an Event Data Transfer Event if a Short Packet
condition is detected while executing any TRB in the TD or if the device
completely fills the buffer.
The TRB Transfer Length field of the Event Data Transfer Event identifies the
number of bytes actually transferred, from the beginning of the TD or since the
last Event Data Transfer Event. The TRB Transfer Length field of the Event Data
Transfer Event may define up to a 16,777,215 byte transfer.
More than one Event Data TRB may be defined within a TD.
If Event Data TRBs are defined within a TD, then the IOC or ISP flags shall not
be set in any Transfer TRB of a TD. that is, the use of Event Data Transfer
Events and normal Transfer Events to report a TD completion are mutually
If the IDT flag is set in one TRB of a TD, then it shall be the only Transfer TRB
of the TD. An Event Data TRB may be included in the TD.
Software shall specify the same Interrupter Target value in all TRBs of a TD. If
an invalid Interrupter Target value is defined in a TRB, the behavior of the xHC
is undefined if the TRB generates a Transfer Event. If virtualization is
supported, an xHC implementation shall ensure that this “undefined behavior”
does not affect another function (PF0 or VFx).
The Transfer TRB TD Size field shall be valid in all Transfer TRBs that define it.
Refer to section
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Software shall not define a No Op Transfer TRB within a multi-TRB TD, that is,
software shall never set the Chain bit of a No Op TRB to '1' and a No Op TRB
shall always be preceded by a TRB whose Chain bit is also set to '0'.
Software shall not define a Link TRB as the first TRB of a multi-TRB TD.
Software shall not define a Link TRB as the last TRB of a multi-TRB TD.
One or more Link TDs may precede or follow a TD. A Link TD is a TD that
consists of just one Link TRB.
Software shall not define consecutive Link TRBs within a TD, that is, software
shall not set the Chain bit of consecutive Link TRBs to '1'.
Undefined xHC behavior may occur if the requirements defined in this section
are not met.
Note: Besides reporting an error or the completion of a TD, Events may also be
used by software to periodically update the current value of the Dequeue
Pointer, to indicate the crossing of a Transfer Ring Segment boundary so it
can add or remove a segment, etc., so the xHC shall generate an Event every
time it encounters an IOC flag equal to ‘1’, irrespective of any error events
that may be forced for earlier TRBs in a TD that did not have their IOC flag
For example, software may periodically set IOC flags in TRBs of a large TD so
that it may update its Dequeue Pointer and reuse the TRBs that have been
consumed by the xHC (rather than having to expand the Transfer Ring).
Unless an error is encountered, all the intermediate events shall report
Success. If any event generated by a TD reports an error, then that
Completion Code overrides any Successful Completion Codes that other TRBs
associated with the TD may have asserted, whether they come before or after
the error Event.
Note: Software shall not interpret an error Event as indicating that the TD that it is
associated with is “complete” (that is, ownership of all the TRBs of the TD
have been relinquished by the xHC), unless the TRB Pointer field of the error
Transfer Event references the last TRB of the TD. TD Fragments
The xHCI architecture allows TRBs to reference buffers of any length; however
hardware works most efficiently when it is dealing with regularly sized buffers,
for example, Max Packet Size or Max Burst Size. Also the event generation
mechanisms defined for Transfer Rings are extremely flexible, however
constraints must be imposed to ensure that the hardware gate count and
validation requirements are minimized for xHC implementations. TD Fragments
require software to organize the TRBs of a TD in manner that allows the xHC
hardware to optimize its internal buffer management and operation.
The Max Burst Payload (MBP) is the number of bytes moved by a maximum
sized burst, that is, (Max Burst Size + 1) * Max Packet Size bytes.
A TD Fragment may reference more than MBP bytes; if it is the last or only TD
Fragment of a TD, or if it references an integral multiple of MBP bytes.
A TD Fragment may reference less than MBP bytes, if it is the last or only TD
Fragment of a TD.
The IOC flag may be set in only one TRB of a TD Fragment, with the following
• The IOC flag may be set in a Transfer TRB that immediately precedes a
TRB Packet Boundary or the last Transfer TRB of a TD Fragment.
• The IOC flag may be set in a non-Transfer TRB (for example, a Link TRB,
Event Data TRB, etc.) that resides between two Transfer TRBs that form a
TRB Packet Boundary, or follow the last Transfer TRB of a TD.
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Figure 4-16: TRB Packet Boundary Example
TRB Packet Boundaries TD Fragment Boundaries
Packet 1 Packet 2 Packet 3 Packet 4 Packet 5 Packet 6 Packet 7 Packet 8 Packet 9 Packet 10 Pkt 11
Transfer TRB 1
Transfer TRB 2
TD Fragment 1 Transfer TRB 3
Transfer TRB 4
Link TRB
Transfer TRB 5
Transfer TRB 6
TD Fragment 2
Transfer TRB 7
Event Data TRB
The TD Fragment rules above also ensure that the last Transfer TRB of a TD
Fragment shall describe a data buffer that ends on a Max Packet Size boundary
(Transfer TRB 4) or terminates the TD (Transfer TRB 7).
Example 1 Example 2
Max Burst Size = 16KB Max Burst Size = 16KB or 8KB
Virtual Virtual
Memory Memory
TD Offset = 3KB 4K TD Offset = 3KB 4K
1 TRB 1K Pages 1 TRB 1K Pages
2 TRB 4K 2 TRB 4K
TD Fragment 1
3 TRB 4K 3 TRB 4K
MBP bytes 16KB
4 TRB 4K 4 TRB 4K
TD Fragment 1
5 TRB 3K 31K 5 TRB 4K 31K
TD Size
6 TRB 1K Virtual 6 TRB 4K 31KB Virtual
7 TRB 4K Buffer 7 TRB 4K Buffer
TD Fragment 2
8 TRB 4K 8 TRB 4K
Residue bytes 15KB
9 TRB 4K 9 TRB 2K
10 TRB 2K
Example 3 Example 4
Max Burst Size = 8KB Max Burst Size = 8KB
Virtual Virtual
Memory Memory
TD Offset = 3KB 4K TD Offset = 3KB 4K
1 TRB 1K Pages 1 TRB 1K Pages
TD Fragment 1 TD Fragment 1
2 TRB 4K 8KB 2 TRB 4K 8KB
MBP bytes MBP bytes
3 TRB 3K 3 TRB 3K
4 TRB 1K 4 TRB 1K
TD Fragment 2 8KB
5 TRB 4K 31K 5 TRB 4K 31K
MBP bytes TD Fragment 2
6 TRB 3K Virtual 6 TRB 4K 16KB Virtual
MBPx2 bytes
7 TRB 1K Buffer 7 TRB 4K Buffer
TD Fragment 3 8KB
8 TRB 4K 8 TRB 3K
MBP bytes
9 TRB 3K 9 TRB 1K
TD Fragment 4
10 TRB 1K 7KB 10 TRB 4K 7KB
TD Fragment 4 2KB
Residue bytes 2KB
11 TRB 4K 11 TRB 2K
Residue bytes
12 TRB 2K
In Figure 4-17 the TDs in all the examples describe the same Virtual Buffer,
which is 31KB in size, begins at a 3KB offset into the first physical Page, and
spans 9 Pages.
Example 2 illustrates a case where the single TD Fragment fully describes the
TD, or 31K bytes of buffer space. In this case the TD is fully formed when TRB
1 is written, and the xHC will generate the Max Burst Size transactions as
appropriate for the endpoint.
In every case, software shall write the first TRB of a respective TD Fragment
last. For instance the write order in Example 4 would be TRBs: 2->3->1, 5->6-
>7->8->4, and 10->11->9. And so on. Note that it really doesn’t matter what
Intel Confidential
order the TRBs of a TD Fragment are written in, as long as its first TRB is
written last.
Note that in each example of Figure 4-17, the data associated with a single
page is split between two TRBs to enforce a TD Fragment boundary, for
example, in example 1, the 4KB page on the boundary between TD Fragment 1
and 2 is defined by TRB 5 (3 KB) and TRB 6 (1KB), where TRB 5 defines the
last 3KB of the 16 KB TD Fragment 1 and TRB 6 defines the first 1 KB of TD
Fragment 2.
Note: Only fully formed TDs may be scheduled on Isoch endpoints, for example,
write the first TRB of a multi-TRB TD last, irrespective of the number of TD
Fragments that comprise it, and the TD Fragment rules for the assertion of
IOC in TRBs described above apply.
TD Offset = 4K
1 TRB 256B Pages
2 TRB 4K
TD Fragment 1 3 TRB 4K
MBP bytes 16KB
4 TRB 4K Max Packet Size
5 TRB 3840B Boundary
6 TRB 256B
7 TRB 4K 30.5K
TD Fragment 2
8 TRB 4K Virtual
Residue bytes 14.5KB
9 TRB 4K Buffer
10 TRB 2304B
In Figure 4-18 the example defines a TD that transfers 30.5 KB of data, where
the packet size (Max Packet Size) = 1 KB, the Burst Size = 16 KB, and the
initial offset of the data in the first 4 KB page is 3.75KB (3840B). An important
aspect of this example is that due to the initial offset (3.75KB), page
boundaries do not land on packet boundaries (as they do in Figure 4-17).
Given the rules defined above for where an IOC flag may be set in a TD
• In Figure 4-18 the IOC flag only may be set in TRBs 5 and 10. In TRB 5
because TRBs 5 and 6 split the data in the page that they reference to
force a break on a Burst Size boundary, hence the buffer described by TRB
5 ends on a packet, boundary. The IOC flag may be set in TRB 10 because
it is the last packet of a TD, which forces a packet boundary. Note that the
Link TRB does not land on a packet boundary relative to the start of TD
Fragment 1, so its IOC flag may not be set.
• In Figure 4-17 all TRBs define buffers that end on Packet boundaries;
hence an IOC flag may be set in any TRB of a TD Fragment, but only once
per TD.
4.12 Streams
Streams extend the number of Transfer Rings that may be accessible to a SS
Bulk USB endpoint. A standard endpoint defines a single Transfer Ring.
Streams allow an individual endpoint to define up to 6553339 Transfer Rings
using Linear Stream Arrays or Primary/Secondary Stream Arrays.
Streams allow the data flow of a bulk pipe to be multiplexed between multiple
Transfer Rings associated with the endpoint. The USB device determines which
Stream is active at any time, that is, which Stream Context Transfer Ring is
being used to move data.
A Stream Protocol maintained between the xHC and a SS USB device allows
the device to establish the Current Stream (CStream) of an endpoint and
control the movement of data for that Stream. At any time the device may
terminate a Stream data transfer and switch to another Stream. Before an
endpoint transitions to the Stopped, Halted, or Error state, the xHC shall
ensure that the Stream Context TR Dequeue Pointer, DCS, and if SEC = ‘1’,
Stopped EDTLA40 fields reflect the forward progress of any Stream that entered
the Move Data state while the endpoint was in the Running state, for example,
the Stream Context fields are updated with the CStream state when a Stream
exits the Move Data state (for example, after a Stream switch or due to an
error), or before the endpoint enters the Stopped, Halted, or Error state. Refer
to section 3.3.8 for more information on Stream Context state requirements
after a Stopped Endpoint Command.
Because all Streams associated with an endpoint share the same bulk pipe, if
the Current Stream causes the pipe to stall, then all Streams associated with
the pipe are also stalled. There are cases with the Stream Protocol where a
Stall may occur and there is no directly attributable TRB that can be referenced
by the Transfer Event TRB that reports the error (for example, due to sending a
Prime Pipe transaction). In this case the Slot Context Interrupter Target field
39 Stream IDs 0, 65535 (No Stream) and 65534 (Prime) are reserved.
40 Stopped EDTLA Capability support (that is, SEC = '1') shall be mandatory for all xHCI 1.1 and xHCI 1.2 compliant xHCs.
Intel Confidential
shall be used to generate the Event and the TRB Pointer and TRB Transfer
Length fields of the Transfer Event shall be set to ‘0’. Refer to section 4.17.4.
For example, a UASP data Stream Context becomes active (that is, may be
selected at any time by the device and become the Current Stream) after
software rings the doorbell with the DB Stream ID equal to the Stream ID of
the Stream Context. The Stream Context becomes non-active (that is, shall not
be selected by the device to become the Current Stream) when the UASP
command associated with the Stream Context completes, or after an Abort
Task command for the Stream Context is successfully completed by the UASP
Note: The value of CStream is not exposed for a Stream endpoint by the xHC after
an endpoint transitions to the Stopped state (for example, after to a Stop
Endpoint Command). So if the Transfer Ring of a Stream Context is not
empty, then software shall use an out-of-band mechanism to determine
whether a Stream Context is active or not.
For more information on Streams refer to the section of the USB3
The USB Stream Protocol adheres to the semantics of the standard SS Bulk
protocol, so the packet exchanges on a SS bulk pipe that supports Streams are
similar to a SS bulk pipe that doesn’t. The Stream Protocol is managed strictly
through manipulation of the packet header Stream ID field.
This section references the General Stream Protocol State Machine (SPSM)
defined in the USB3 specification (Figure 8-19), which applies to both IN and
OUT endpoints. Unless otherwise stated, refer to the USB3 specification for the
specific details of Stream ID and packet management on IN or OUT endpoints.
Refer to USB3 section for the IN Stream Protocol, and section for the OUT Stream Protocol details.
EP not
Config d &
& &
Figure 4-19 illustrates the xHCI Stream Protocol state machine, which overlays
the USB Stream Protocol State Machine described in the USB3 spec. This
section describes the xHC’s role in the execution of the Stream Protocol. There
is a 1:1 correspondence of the states described in the xSPSM and those defined
in the USB3 SPSM. The xSPSM identifies the xHCI’s role in advancing the USB3
SPSM. Refer to Appendix E for state machine notation.
The xSPSM associated with an unconfigured endpoint shall enter the Disabled
state when a Configure Endpoint Command is executed and Streams are
enabled (MaxPStreams >0).
The first time the endpoint doorbell is rung after entering the Disabled state,
the xHC shall transition the xSPSM to the Prime Pipe state, and the device
should automatically transition the xSPSM to the Idle state.
Note: The USB packet exchanges that transition the SPSM through its states
are described in USB3 specification section
The Prime Pipe state is used by the xHC to inform the USB device that host
memory buffers have been modified or added to the endpoint by system
software. The device may use this information as queue to start or restart
stream activity.
Intel Confidential
Value (DBPV) may be implemented by the xHC as a shadow flags. All three
flags are initially cleared (‘0’). The xSPSM utilizes IPPV. LFCV, and DBPV.
IPPV is cleared (‘0’) when the Idle state is entered from the Start Stream or
Move Data state and set (‘1’) when the Prime Pipe state is entered. IPPV is
used to limit Prime Pipe transitions to one per Idle state entry.
LFCV records if the LCStream was flow controlled by the device. In this case,
the xHC should not generate a Host Initiated Data Move if buffers are posted
for the LCStream. LFCV is updated when the Move Data state is exited. If the
Move Data state was exited due to an NRDY(Stream n) condition then LFCV is
set, otherwise LFCV is cleared. Refer to the IMDSM and OMDSM (Figures 8-30
and 8-32, respectively) in the USB3 specification for more information on the
NRDY(Stream n) condition.
DBPV is cleared when entering the Start Stream or Move Data states and
set if the doorbell is rung while the xSPSM is in the Start Stream or Move
Data states. DBPV records doorbell rings while the xSPSM is not in the Idle
state, so that a Prime Pipe state may be immediately forced when the Idle
state is reentered.
If the doorbell for the endpoint is rung while in the Idle state the following
algorithm shall be applied:
If HID = ‘0’:
• If the xHC captures the DB Stream ID when the doorbell is rung
If LFCV = ‘0’ and the DB Stream ID value equals LCStream41, transition to
the Move Data state.
If LFCV = ‘1’ or the DB Stream ID value does not equal LCStream:
⎯ if IPPV = ‘0’, transition to the Prime Pipe state.
⎯ if IPPV = ‘1’, remain in the Idle state.
• If the DB Stream ID is not captured when the doorbell is rung (DSICV=0),
access the Transfer Ring associated with LCStream to determine whether it
is empty:
If LFCV = ‘0’ and the Transfer Ring is not empty (TD(LCStream)), transition
to the Move Data state.
If LFCV = ‘1’ or the Transfer Ring is empty (!TD(LCStream)), transition to
the Prime Pipe state.
41 Refer to section in the USB3 specification for the definition of LCStream.
When the xSPSM returns to the Idle state from the Prime Pipe state the xHC
shall set the IPPV flag to ‘1’, flagging the fact that a Prime Pipe transition has
been executed while in Idle.
When the xSPSM transitions from the Idle to the Start Stream or the Move
Data state the xHC shall clear the DBPV flag to ‘0’, preparing it to record any
Doorbell rings while it is in the Start Stream or Move Data states.
If the endpoint’s doorbell is rung while in the Start Stream or Move Data
state, the DBPV flag is set to ‘1’.
When the Idle state is entered from the Start Stream or Move Data state,
the IPPV flag is cleared to ‘0’, enabling one Prime Pipe transition while in the
Idle state.
If in the Idle state and the IPPV flag is ‘0’ and DBPV is ‘1’, the xSPSM shall
transition to the Prime Pipe state, informing the device of the recorded
doorbell ring.
The xHC uses the value of the Stream ID field, received in an Enhanced
SuperSpeed Transaction Packet (TP) or Data Packet (DP), as an index into the
Stream Context Array(s) to access the Stream Context associated with the
packet. Refer to section 8.2 in the USB3 specification for a discussion of
Enhanced SuperSpeed Packet Types.
Intel Confidential
The MaxPStreams field in the Endpoint Context identifies the number of
Streams supported by the Primary Stream Array of the endpoint. If
MaxPStreams = ‘0’, then the endpoint is a standard endpoint and its TR
Dequeue Pointer field points to a Transfer Ring. The value of the MaxPStreams
field shall not exceed the value reported in the MaxStreams field of the
SuperSpeed Endpoint Companion Descriptor for the endpoint.
The Stream ID field of USB packets on endpoints that do not define Streams
shall be ignored by the xHC.
Some Stream usage models may operate more efficiently if the device
maintains full control over Stream selection. Host Initiated transitions from the
Idle to the Move Data state may be disabled by setting the Host Initiated
Disable (HID) flag in the Endpoint Context to ‘1’.
The xHCI architecture provides software with the ability to increase or reduce
the number of Streams supported by an xHC Endpoint Context during runtime,
and support for the case where a large number of Streams would cause a
Stream Context Array to exceed a PAGESIZE.
If the MaxPStreams field of the Endpoint Context is greater than ‘0’, then
Streams are supported by the endpoint and the TR Dequeue Pointer field points
Device Context
Stream Context Array 0
Slot Ring Stream Context 0
(PSID = 0, SSID = 0, SCT = 0) TR
TR Ring
Control EP 0 Ring Stream Context 1
(PSID = 0, SSID = 1, SCT = 0)
(Max Streams = 0)
Primary ...
(Max PStreams = 3)
Stream Context Array Stream Context 15 TR
(PSID = 0, SSID = 15, SCT = 0) Ring
EP2 OUT Stream Context 0
(Max Streams = 0) (PSID = 0, SSID = 0, SCT = 3) TR
Ring Secondary
EP2 IN Stream Context 1
(Max Streams = 0) (PSID = 1, SSID = 0, SCT = 1) Stream Context Array 2
Stream Context 2 TR
Stream Context 0
(PSID = 2, SSID = 0, SCT = 3)
(PSID = 2, SSID = 0, SCT = 0) Ring
Ring ... Stream Context 1
(PSID = 2, SSID = 1, SCT = 0)
Stream Context 15
(PSID = 15, SSID = 0, SCT = 1) TR ... TR
Stream Context 15 Ring
(PSID = 2, SSID = 15, SCT = 0)
In the example of Figure 4-20, to access a specific Stream Context, the xHCI
splits the Stream ID into two sub-fields; the Primary Stream ID (PSID) and
Secondary Stream ID (SSID). The Primary Stream ID is used as an index into
the Primary Stream Array. If the Secondary Stream ID is equal to ‘0’, then the
Stream Context in the Primary Stream Array shall contain a pointer to a
Transfer Ring (for example, Primary Stream Context 1 or 15, SCT = ‘1’). If the
Secondary Stream ID is non-zero, then the Stream Context in the Primary
Stream Array shall contain a pointer to a Secondary Stream Array (for
example, Primary Stream Context 0 or 2, SCT = ‘3’), and the Secondary
Stream ID is used as an index into the Secondary Stream Array. Also note that
the 0th element in Secondary Stream Context Array 0 (SSID = 0, PSID = 0)
does not point to a Transfer Ring because it Stream ID 0 is reserved, however
the 0th element in Secondary Stream Context Array 2 does point to a Transfer
Ring because it represents Stream ID 2 (SSID = 0, PSID = 2).
The boundary between the PSID and SSID sub-fields is defined by the
MaxPStreams field of the Endpoint Context, Refer to Table 6-8. The PSID
resides in the low order bits of a Stream ID and the SSID resides in the high
order bits.
Intel Confidential
Primary/Secondary Stream Array layout of an endpoint. Note that in the
example of Figure 4-20, Stream Contexts 0 and 2 in the Primary Stream
Context Array point to Secondary Stream Context Arrays. To access a Stream
Context in the Secondary Stream Array referenced by Primary Stream Context
0, software shall set the Primary Stream ID to 0, and the Secondary Stream ID
to the index of the Secondary Stream Context. Note that the Stream ID value
‘0’ (that is, PSID & SSID = ‘0’) is reserved by the USB3 spec and should never
be presented to the xHC by a device that declares a Stream endpoint. Hence in
the example of Figure 4-20, Stream Context 0 in Secondary Stream Context
Array 0 is reserved and shall not be accessed by the xHC.
Note: If Secondary Stream Arrays are enabled, then Stream Context 0 of the
Primary Stream Context Array shall always reference a Secondary Stream
Array (that is, SCT > ‘1’). An SCT value of ‘0’ or ‘1’ may result in undefined
The value of MaxPStreams informs the xHC of the size of the Primary Stream
Array. If Secondary Streams are enabled, then the maximum size of a Primary
Stream Array is 256 entries (MaxPStreams = ‘7’). The Stream Context Type
(SCT) field in each Stream Context identifies whether a context in the Primary
Stream Array points to a Transfer Ring or a Secondary Stream Array. The SCT
field also identifies the number of entries in a Secondary Stream Array. This
flexible mechanism must be carefully managed by software to ensure that the
SIDs that it generates shall not cause the xHC to reference an out-of-range
Secondary Stream Context.
The NSS field in the HCCPARAMS1 register (Table 5-13) identifies whether an
xHC implementation supports Secondary Stream Arrays.
If Linear Streams are enabled, then the maximum size of a Primary Stream
Array shall be 64K entries.
Note: The Stream ID values FFFFh (NoStream) and FFFEh (Prime) are reserved by
the USB3 spec. Hence, if 64K Stream Contexts are defined, the last two are
reserved and shall not be accessed by the xHC.
If Streams are enabled (MaxPStreams > ‘0’) then the xHC shall perform the
following checks when parsing a Stream ID presented by a USB packet or a Set
TR Dequeue Pointer Command.
If Linear Stream Array mode is enabled (Linear Stream Array42 (LSA) flag =
Intel Confidential
• else if Primary:Transfer Ring (SCT = ‘1’):
If the SSID is not ‘0’:
⎯ The Stream Context is not valid and the xHC shall generate a Transfer
Event with the Completion Code set to Invalid Stream ID Error and
shall halt the endpoint.
⎯ The Stream Context is valid.
⎯ Primary:SSA (SCT = ‘2’ to ‘7’).
• If the SSID is ‘0’ or out of range as defined by the Primary:SCT Secondary Stream Array
Size, then the xHC shall generate a Transfer Event with the Completion Code set to Invalid
Stream ID Error and halt the endpoint.
• Check SCT of secondary Stream Context data structure:
• If not Secondary:Transfer Ring (SCT = ‘0’):
• The Stream Context is not valid and the xHC shall generate a Transfer Event with
the Completion Code set to Invalid Stream Type Error and shall halt the endpoint.
• else
• It is a Secondary:Transfer Ring type and the Stream Context is valid.
Note: If a non-CStream SID is received in the Move Data state then the pipe shall
halt with an Invalid Stream Type Error Completion Code.
Note: If an NRDY with a non-Prime SID is received in the Prime Pipe state then the
pipe shall halt with an Invalid Stream Type Error Completion Code. The SID
shall be ignored if the Deferred bit is set in a packet, or an ERDY is received,
in the Prime Pipe state, and no Invalid Stream Type Error shall be
The Evaluate Next TRB (ENT) flag applies to all Transfer Rings, and it is
particularly important for Stream Contexts. It provides a means of forcing the
execution of a terminating Event Data TRB ( when a Stream is
If the device initiates the xSPSM (4.12.1) transition from the Move Data to the
Idle state, the xHC does not have visibility to the conditions that caused it. If
the transition is due to a temporary condition for example, the device needed
to switch to a higher priority Stream or flow control the current Stream, then
the Stream will be rescheduled at a later time by the device. However, if the
transition was due to the device completing the data transfer associated with
the Stream, then the Stream may not be scheduled again by the device.
When the transition to the Idle state occurs, the xHC is expected to save the
state of the Stream (for example, the Transfer Ring Dequeue Pointer) so that it
may pick up where it left off the next time the Stream is scheduled. Note that
the transition to the Idle state may occur in the middle of a TD, so the saved
Stream state shall support the ability to continue a partially completed TD.
Before the transitioning a Stream pipe to the Idle state, then the xHC shall
evaluate the ENT flag in the last TRB completed, and if the ENT flag is set (‘1’),
then the xHC shall evaluate the next TRB before saving the Stream state.
Setting the ENT flag in the last Normal TRB of the TD described above, allows
the xHC to execute the terminating Event Data TRB and complete the TD
before saving the Stream state, thus eliminating the lock up condition.
Note: System software shall set the ENT flag in the last Transfer TRB before a
terminating Event Data TRB in a TD. This action ensures the timely execution
of an Event Data TRB if the Transfer Ring is flow controlled.
When the xHC detects the Chain and ENT bits both set to ‘1’ in a TRB, it shall
evaluate the next TRB. If the next TRB is an Event Data TRB, the xHC shall
generate the associated Event Data Transfer Event before saving the Stream
state. If the next TRB is not an Event Data TRB, the xHC shall save the Stream
state, that is, evaluate the next TRB the next time the associated Stream is
Note: System software should only set the ENT flag in a TRB if the next TRB is an
Event Data TRB and the Event Data TRB is the last TRB in a TD. The ENT flag
does not span TDs, therefore the ENT flag is valid only if the Chain bit (CH) is
Note: The ENT flag shall “span” a Link TRB if there is a Link TRB between the TRB
with the ENT flag set and the next Transfer TRB. that is, if the ENT flag is set
in a TRB that it is immediately followed by a Link TRB, the xHC shall execute
the Link TRB and evaluate the TRB that the Link TRB points to, before
advancing to the next endpoint in the Pipe Schedule.
Intel Confidential
4.13 Device Notifications
The USB3 specification defines a Device Notification Transaction Packet. The
Notification Type field in this packet defines 16 possible notification types.
Some notification types are handled directly by the xHC and others may be
reported to software. The Device Notification Control (DNCTRL) register allows
system software to individually select which notifications are important to it
and shall generate a Device Notification Event. Refer to section for
more information on the Device Notification Event TRB.
Refer to section in the USB3 spec for a complete definition of the
various Device Notification packet format and types.
Note: To support debugging, the DNCTRL register allows Device Notification Events
to be generated for notification types that are normally only handled by the
Note: The xHC shall use the Device Slot’s Slot Context Interrupter Target field to
determine the Event Ring that shall receive the event.
The xHC's role in supporting this new platform capability is to accept latency
tolerance values from USB3 devices, evaluate the values and forward the
lowest value to the host platform, using the host platform’s Latency Tolerance
Reporting (LTR) mechanism. LTM is optional normative, however shall be
supported by any xHC implementation that also supports a corresponding host
interconnect LTR mechanism. The form of the LTR mechanism used by the xHC
to forward these latency tolerance values to system will be host-specific and
will vary based on the interconnect architecture used by the host platform for
device communications (for example, PCI Express, AMBA, etc.). The actual
host-specific LTM mechanism for a given platform is outside the scope of this
When the host bus of the platform implements a host-specific LTM mechanism,
the xHC shall:
• Maintain an internal Current BELT variable, which represents the last
BELT value reported to the host. This variable is initialized to the value of
tBELTdefault (as defined in section 8.13 of the USB3 spec.).
• For each configured USB device, maintain an internal Device BELT
variable. These variables are initialized to the value of tBELTdefault.
• Recognize receipt of an USB LTM TP.
Upon receiving an LTM TP the xHC shall determine the lowest service latency
value for the attached USB subsystem by performing the following actions:
6. Extract the BELT value and multiplier from the LTM TP.
7. Record the value received for the device in the Device BELT variable
associated with the device.
8. Compare the Current BELT value to each Device BELT value.
c. If a device’s Device BELT value represents a smaller latency than
Current BELT, then set Current BELT equal to the smallest Device
9. If the Current BELT value has been modified, then:
a. Format a host-specific Latency Tolerance Reporting (LTR) message
for transmission to the host.
b. Place the Current BELT value in the LTR message defined for the host
44 For example, If LTC = '1', then a PCIe xHC implementation is required to support PCIe Latency Tolerance Reporting (LTR) as described
in section 6.18 of the PCIe spec, USB LTM, and the Set LTV Command. If the xHC is implemented on a non-PCIe bus then it would use
the equivalent LTR mechanism defined for that bus.
Intel Confidential
Step 2 requiring that the xHC keep a record of the value received is necessary
to enable the comparison operation in step 3. In addition, this value shall also
be recorded in the event that the device is removed and under these
circumstances the xHC shall set the Current BELT value to tBELTdefault and re-
evaluate for the lowest latency of the remaining Device BELT values by
executing Step Compare the and step If the above.
Note: The manner in which the Current BELT and Device BELT variables are stored
is implementation specific and as such falls outside the scope of this
The Set LTV Command TRB provides a means for host software to provide its
own “Device BELT” value. This command is optional normative, however it shall
be supported if the xHC also supports a corresponding host interconnect LTM
xHCI Device BELT is an internal variable that maintained by the xHC. The
xHCI Device BELT value is initialized to an “unconfigured” state. While the xHCI
Device BELT variables is “unconfigured”, it is not compared with the other
Device BELT variables in Step 3 above.
Refer to section 4.6.14 for more information on the Set LTV Command.
Refer to section for more information on the Set LTV Command TRB.
45 Note that section of the USB3 spec defines “remote wake” as being device level wake signaling, “enabled when any function
within a device is enabled for function remote wakeup”, however the USB2 LPM ECN defines “remote wake” as link level Device
Initiated L1 Exit signaling.
A number of terms that are used throughout this section are described below.
The xHC uses the Max Packet Size and Max Burst Size fields in the Endpoint
Context to manage transactions on the USB.
The TD Transfer Size is defined by the sum of the TRB Transfer Length fields
in all TRBs that comprise the TD.
For IN pipes, a device may truncate the data transfer associated with a TD by
issuing a Short Packet before the TD is exhausted. In this case the xHC shall
retire the TD that received the Short Packet and advance to the next TD on the
Transfer Ring or the Enqueue Pointer (that is, Cycle bit transition), whichever is
encountered first.
A Bus Instance (BI) represents a “unit” bus bandwidth at the speed that the
BI supports. The bit rate cited for a USB bus (for example, SS 5Gb/s. HS
480Mb/s, etc.) should not be confused with the “Total Available Bandwidth”,
which is the maximum bandwidth available for actually moving data through a
The Total Available Bandwidth identifies a BI’s ability to move real data. As
rule of thumb, the Total Available Bandwidth will be at least 20% lower than
the cited bit rate of a BI, or more depending on the mix of packet sizes. Also
Intel Confidential
note that multiple Root Hub ports may share the bandwidth of a single BI. The
mapping of BI to Root Hub ports is xHC implementation dependent and not
exposed to software.
During each IN transaction, the xHC shall use the Max Packet Size to detect
Packet Babble errors. If a babble error is detected, a Transfer Event shall be
generated for the offending TRB, with the Completion Code set to Babble
Detected Error.
When the xHC detects that a Transfer Ring will be exhausted after the
execution of a TP or DP (for example, the last packet of the last TRB of the last
TD on a Transfer Ring), it should clear the ACK TP or DP Packet Pending (PP)
bit to ‘0’. If Max Exit Latency is greater than ‘0’, then the xHC should clear the
Packet Pending flag in the last packet of each Isoch TD. The Packet Pending bit
shall be set to ‘1’ in all other ACK TPs or DPs generated by the xHC.
When a doorbell is rung for a Running endpoint, the xHC places the endpoint
on a Pipe Schedule. An xHC will typically maintain two Pipe Schedules per Bus
Instance, one for periodic pipes (Isoch and Interrupt endpoints) and another
for async pipes (Control and Bulk).
The Transfer Ring Packet Count (TRPC) is the sum of the TDPCs for all TDs
on a Transfer Ring.
Normally SOPC is less than or equal to MSOPC, however the xHC is allowed to
limit the SOPC to a value less than MSOPC. And if only one endpoint is in the
Pipe Schedule SOPC may be greater than MSOPC, for example, a continuous
The endpoints assigned to a periodic schedule are closely controlled by the xHC
through the Address Device and Configure Endpoint Commands to ensure that
the periodic Pipe Schedule consumes no more than a maximum percentage of
the Total Available Bandwidth. Any USB bandwidth not consumed by periodic
pipes, is available to async pipes.
Note: The “maximum percentage” of the Total Available Bandwidth depends on the
speed of the periodic pipe. Refer to section 4.14.2 for more information.
The endpoints assigned to an async schedule are considered “Best Effort” and
may consume any USB bandwidth not consumed by periodic pipes. Each
endpoint in an async Pipe Schedule is given one Service Opportunity (SO) per
pass through the schedule.
For example, given the system bus bandwidth available to the xHC it shall
distribute that bandwidth across its active endpoints. Periodic endpoints will
have priority over async endpoints, and all async endpoints will be given fair
access to the remaining system bus bandwidth.
The xHC uses the value of the Average TRB Length field in the Endpoint
Context as a metric to help compute the system bus bandwidth requirements
of an endpoint. The accuracy of this parameter is particularly important for
periodic endpoints. An xHC will use the Average TRB Length and other metrics
to allocate/distribute system bus bandwidth to endpoints. These “other”
metrics are xHC implementation specific and outside the scope of this
specification. The Average TRB Length field is computed by dividing the
average TD Transfer Size by the average number of TRBs that are used to
describe a TD, including Link, No Op, and Event Data TRBs.
TRB Lengths and System Bus Bandwidth
System buses are most efficient when they are moving large transfers. As
transfer sizes become smaller, the throughput of a bus can fall off rapidly.
Intel Confidential
The xHCI supports byte granularity for the TRB Data Buffer Pointer and Length
fields, which enables “fine-grain” scatter/gather operations. The threshold
where it is more efficient to declare many small TRBs and allow the xHC to use
DMA to scatter/gather data vs. having software copy that data to/from larger
buffers will depend on many factors (for example, the xHC implementation,
system I/O bus performance, system memory performance, etc.). The xHCI
does not place lower limits on TRB sizes, which could constrain the ability of a
system developer to optimize the performance/throughput of their entire
system. However, an xHC will place limits on the system bus bandwidth
allocated to an individual endpoint, to ensure that other endpoints are not
affected by an endpoint that requires disproportionately large number of
system bus transactions to complete its USB transactions.
A programmer should assume that defining large numbers of small TRB Data
Buffers will affect USB throughput and design accordingly. The extent to which
the system bandwidth demands of a single endpoint will affect that endpoint or
other endpoints is xHC implementation dependent.
Note that an Average TRB Length of 16 implies that 50% of the system bus bandwidth
consumed by an endpoint moving TRBs, that is, each 16 byte TRB defines 16 bytes of data.
And an Average TRB Length of 1024 implies that 1.5% of the system bus bandwidth consumed
by an endpoint moving TRBs. Ideally the Average TRB Length represents the true average
size of the data buffers that the TRBs of an endpoint reference, which will generally be a class
specific or application specific value. If precise values for the Average TRB Length of an
endpoint are not available, software may calculate a running average of the size of TRBs
scheduled for an endpoint in real-time and periodically updating Average TRB Length.
Reasonable initial values of Average TRB Length for Control endpoints would be 8B, Interrupt
endpoints 1KB, and Bulk and Isoch endpoints 3KB.
The xHC uses the Max Endpoint Service Time Interval Payload (Max ESIT
Payload) and Interval fields in the Endpoint Context to compute the USB
bandwidth that it shall reserve for a periodic endpoint. A periodic pipe may, on
Software shall define the maximum periodic payload per ESIT as follows for
USB2 periodic endpoints:
Max ESIT Payload in Bytes = Max Packet Size * (Max Burst Size + 1).
Software shall define the maximum periodic payload per ESIT as follows if the
SuperSpeed Endpoint Companion:bmAttributes:SSP ISO Companion bit is
cleared (0):
Software shall define the maximum periodic payload per ESIT as follows if the
SuperSpeed Endpoint Companion:bmAttributes:SSP ISO Companion bit is set
Max ESIT Payload in Bytes =
SuperSpeedPlus Isochronous Endpoint Companion Descriptor:dwBytesPerInterval.
The xHC is free to schedule a isoch transfer at any time within an ESIT as long
as the complete TD shall have an opportunity to complete within the ESIT.
For Enhanced SuperSpeed pipes, if the Endpoint Context Max Exit Latency field
is greater than ‘0’, the xHC shall transmit a PING packet a minimum of Max
Exit Latency prior to initiating an Isoch transfer, to transition the links in the
path between the xHC and the device to the U0 state. PING generation is
optional for Interrupt endpoints. Refer to section for more information
on Max Exit Latency and its computation.
Intel Confidential
Counter field (refer to section 8.7 of the USB3 spec) 1/8th ms. counter values,
and the MFINDEX register. Figure 4-21 also illustrates the partitioning of the
Frame Index and µFrame Index fields of the MFINDEX register.
13 10 9 3 2 0
Microframe Index Register
Frame Index
10 0
USB2 SOF FrameNumber
Note: If the target Event Ring is full, MFINDEX Wrap Events shall be dropped
by the xHC.
Refer to section for more information on the use of the MFINDEX
If an Isoch Endpoint Context is Active, the xHC shall process one Isoch TD from
its Transfer Ring each ESIT.
Software shall not define a TD Transfer Size for a TD of an Isoch endpoint that
exceeds the Max ESIT Payload.
The xHC may schedule multiple Service Opportunities (SOs) per ESIT.
If the Transfer Ring is empty and there is no TD defined to transmit Isoch OUT
data, the xHC shall remove the endpoint from the periodic schedule and
generate a single Transfer Event with the Completion Code set to Ring
Note: Section 8.12.6 of the USB3 spec states that “If there is no data to send to an
isochronous OUT endpoint during a service interval, the host does not send
anything during the interval.” The USB2 spec is silent on this subject. When
xHC encounters a zero-length Isoch OUT TD on a Transfer Ring, it shall
transmit a zero-length DP to the USB bus regardless bus speed, consuming
the Isoch TD for the Service Interval. If the Transfer Ring is empty when the
xHC attempts to service an Isoch TD, no DPs shall be sent, and an Underrun
Event shall be generated.
The USB Endpoint Descriptor (refer to section 9.6.6 in the USB2 spec.)
wMaxPacketSize field for a high-speed isochronous endpoint is divided into two
fields: the Maximum Packet Size (bits 0-10), and the Multiplier field (bits
11-12). High-speed USB devices support “high-bandwidth” pipes via the
Multiplier field. The USB2 Maximum Packet Size and Multiplier bit fields of the
wMaxPacketSize fields are separated and passed to the xHC through the
Endpoint Context Max Packet Size and Max Burst fields respectively.
For high-speed devices, the xHC shall execute the specified number of Max
Packet Sized bus transactions specified by the Max Burst Size field in a single
microframe (MIT). The TD is used to service all transactions indicated by the
Max Burst field.
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The maximum sized High-speed isochronous packet size supported is 1024
bytes. The Max Burst Size field may define up to up to 3 contiguous packets in
a burst.
For OUT transfers, the xHC shall transmit data packets with data fields less
than or equal to the endpoint’s Max Packet Size. If a TD defines more
information than will fit into the Max Packet Size and the Max Burst Size is
greater than ‘0’, the xHC shall transmit up to Max Burst Size+1 consecutive
packets on the USB to move the TD data. If more than one Max Packet Size
packet is required to move the data defined by a TD, then all packets
associated with the TD are transmitted as a contiguous burst in a single
microframe of the ESIT. When all bytes have been transmitted for an Isoch TD
the xHC advances its Dequeue Pointer to the next TD and waits for the next
ESIT delay before scheduling the endpoint again.
For IN transfers, the xHC may issue up to Max Burst Size+1 IN transactions of
Max Packet Size for a single Isoch TD. It is assumed that software has properly
initialized the Isoch TD to accommodate all of the possible data that may be
received in an ESIT. During each IN transaction, the xHC shall use Max Packet
Size to detect Packet Babble errors.
For IN transfers, the xHC keeps the sum of bytes received in an internal TD
Payload Length register. After all transactions for the endpoint have completed
for the ESIT, the local TD Payload Length register contains the total bytes
received. If the final value of local TD Payload Length register is less than the
value of TD Transfer Size, then less data than was allowed for was received
from the associated endpoint. This Short Packet condition shall assert a Short
Packet Completion Code only if the ISP or IOC flag was set on the TRB that the
Short Packet condition was detected on. If the device sends more than Max
Packet Size bytes, then the xHC shall generate a Transfer Event with the
Completion Code set to Babble Detected Error for the TRB that the error was
detected on. Refer to section for more information on Babble Error
If the Max Burst Size field is greater than ‘0’, then the xHC shall automatically
attempt to execute Max Burst Size+1 transactions on the USB. The xHC shall
not execute all Max Burst Size transactions if:
• The endpoint is an OUT and the TD is exhausted before all the transactions
of the burst have executed (for example, ran out of data).
• The endpoint is an IN and the endpoint delivers a Short Packet, or an error
occurs on a transaction before all the transactions of the burst have been
• The endpoint is an IN and the TD is exhausted before all the transactions
of the burst have executed (for example, ran out of buffer space). This
condition shall result in the xHC terminating the Isoch TD with a Isoch
Buffer Overrun Transfer Event.
Note: The Isoch Buffer Overrun condition shall force a Transfer Event for the TRB,
irrespective of the state of the IOC flag. System software may determine
whether to treat this condition as an error or not.
The end of a microframe may occur before all packets have been executed for
a high-speed or full-speed endpoint. When this happens, the xHC shall
terminate the Isoch TD with a Missed Service Error Transfer Event.
Additionally, the Mult value defined in bits 1:0 of the SuperSpeed Endpoint
Companion Descriptor bmAttributes field identifies the number of Bursts within
an ESIT that the device supports. This value is passed to the xHC through the
Endpoint Context Mult field. Note that the range of values for the Mult field is
limited by the USB3 spec to ‘0’ to ‘2’, or 1 to 3 bursts.
For OUT transfers, the xHC shall transmit data packets with data fields less
than or equal to the endpoint’s Max Packet Size. If a TD defines more
information than will fit into the Max Packet Size and the Max Burst Size is
greater than ‘0’, the xHC may transmit a burst of up to Max Burst Size+1
consecutive packets in a single MIT. If a TD defines more information than will
fit into a single burst and Mult is greater than ‘0’, the xHC shall transmit up to
Mult+1 bursts in an ESIT. When all bytes have been transmitted for an Isoch
TD the xHC advances its Dequeue Pointer to the next TD and waits for the next
ESIT delay before scheduling the endpoint again.
For IN transfers, the xHC may issue up to (Max Burst Size + 1) * (Mult + 1) IN
transactions of Max Packet Size for a single Isoch TD. It is assumed that
software has properly initialized the Isoch TD to accommodate all of the
possible data that may be received in an ESIT. During each IN transaction, the
xHC shall use Max Packet Size to detect Packet Babble errors.
Refer to section of the USB3 spec for more information on xHC
execution of Enhanced SuperSpeed isochronous transactions.
For IN transfers, the xHC keeps the sum of bytes received in an internal TD
Payload Length register. After all transactions for the endpoint have completed
for the ESIT, the local TD Payload Length register contains the total bytes
received. If the final value of local TD Payload Length register is less than the
value of TD Transfer Size, then less data than was allowed for was received
from the associated endpoint. This Short Packet condition shall assert a Short
Packet Completion Code only if the ISP or IOC flag was set on the TRB that the
Intel Confidential
Short Packet condition was detected on. If the device sends more than TD
Transfer Size or Max Packet Size bytes (whichever is less), then the xHC shall
generate a Transfer Event with the Completion Code set to Babble Detected
Error for the TRB that the error was detected on. Note, that the xHC is not
required to update the Transfer Event TRB Transfer Length field in this error
scenario. Refer to section for more information on Babble Error
The host controller shall not execute all (Max Burst Size + 1) * (Mult + 1)
transactions if:
• The endpoint is an OUT and the TD is exhausted before all the transactions
of the burst have executed (ran out of data), or
• The endpoint is an IN and the endpoint delivers a Short Packet, or an error
occurs on a transaction before all the transactions of the burst have been
• The endpoint is an IN and the TD is exhausted before all the transactions
of the burst have executed (for example, ran out of buffer space). This
condition shall result in the xHC terminating the Isoch TD with a Isoch
Buffer Overrun Transfer Event.
In addition to the Microframe Index (MFINDEX) register, the xHC shall maintain
a 13 bit Delta Time down-counter that is cleared to ‘0’ at the MIT boundary
and incremented every 16.666~ ns. (that is, 8 HS bit times). The Delta Time
counter identifies the delay, in 16.666~ ns. increments, between the start of
the current packet to the previous MIT Boundary. A value of 7500 is reported
if the Delta Time counter is sampled exactly on a MIT Boundary.
The value of the Microframe Index (MFINDEX) register shall be written to bits
13:0 and the value of the Delta Time register shall be written to bits 26:14 of
the Isochronous Timestamp (ITS) field of Isochronous Timestamp Packets (ITP)
when they are sent. Refer to the USB3 specification section 8.7 for more
information on the ITP and the required accuracy of the ITS field.
• If an Isoch IN Transfer Ring is Active and the xHC is unable to send an isochronous IN request (ACK
TP) during an ESIT, (due to problems such as internal buffer overrun, excessive DMA access latency,
etc.) the xHC shall set the Completion Code to Data Buffer Error in the Transfer Event generated for
the associated Isoch TD. Note that this is an error condition that should never occur.
• If an Isoch OUT Transfer Ring is Active and the xHC is unable to send an isochronous OUT DP data
during an ESIT (due to problems such as internal buffer overrun, excessive DMA access latency, etc.),
the xHC discards the data and notifies software by setting the Completion Code to Data Buffer Error
in the Transfer Event generated for the associated Isoch TD. Note that this is an error condition that
should never occur.
• If the xHC receives a corrupted data packet, it discards the data and informs software by setting the
Completion Code to USB Transaction Error in the Transfer Event generated for the associated Isoch
Note: An IN Isoch endpoint may set the Completion Code to Isoch Buffer
Overrun if the Last Packet Flag (LPF) is not set in the last DP received in a
Service Interval. Refer to section 8.6 in the USB3 spec for more information
on LPF.
A value of ‘2’ in the Isochronous Scheduling Threshold (IST) field indicates that
software can add a TRB no later than 2 microframes before that TRB is due to
be executed.
If bit [3] of IST is cleared to '0', software can add a TRB no later than IST[2:0]
Microframes before that TRB is scheduled to be executed.
If bit [3] of IST is set to '1', software can add a TRB no later than IST[2:0]
Frames before that TRB is scheduled to be executed.
Note: Ideally the IST value declared by an xHC implementation represents a worst
case latency, however the xHC may encounter system latencies that cause it
to skip a scheduled Isoch TD even if software has met the IST requirements.
These conditions are normally indicated as a Missed Service Error. If Missed
Service Errors persist, software may choose to use a larger value for IST than
that reported by the xHC.
Intel Confidential
4.14.3 Interrupt Transfer Ring Scheduling
Note: Since Interrupt pipes provide reliable data delivery but the number of packets
(including retries) per ESIT is limited by the value of MSOPC, packet retries
may cause an Interrupt TD to require more ESITs than expected to complete.
If a second TD is pending on the Transfer Ring when this condition occurs, it
shall be delayed until the first TD is successfully transferred.
For High Bandwidth endpoints, the Endpoint Context Max Burst Size field
specifies the maximum number of desired transactions per microframe. If the
maximum number of transactions per microframe has not been reached, the
xHC may immediately retry a transaction that failed during the current
microframe. If possible an xHC implementation should attempt an immediate
retry of a failed transaction since this minimizes impact on devices that are
bandwidth sensitive. If the maximum number of transactions per microframe
has been reached, the xHC shall retry the failed transaction at the next ESIT
for the endpoint.
Note that for a high-bandwidth interrupt OUT endpoint, the host controller may
optionally immediately retry the transaction if it fails.
The xHC is allowed to issue less than the maximum number of transactions to
an endpoint per microframe only if the TD Transfer Size is less than the Max
ESIT Payload.
Refer to Table 4-8 for HS/FS Interrupt pipe actions based on Endpoint
Response and Residual Transfer State.
Intel Confidential
• If the xHC is unable to accept a valid Data Packet from a device due to
internal issues (for example, internal buffer overrun, and so forth), it shall
set the ACK TP Host Error (HE) bit to ‘1’.
Refer to Table 4-9 for SS Interrupt pipe actions based on Endpoint Response
and Residual Transfer State.
To ensure fairness across the pipes in the async schedule, the xHC shall
schedule Service Opportunities for each Async Pipe using a round-robin
algorithm. The maximum amount of async data moved for an Async Pipe
during a Service Opportunity is called the Max Service Transfer Size, and is
defined by an Endpoint Context’s Max Packet Size and Max Burst Size fields.
Max Service Transfer Size = Max Packet Size * (Max Burst Size + 1)
If the Max Service Transfer Size is greater than or equal to the TD Transfer
Size then one Service Opportunity is used to move the TD data. If the Max
Service Transfer Size is smaller than the TD Transfer Size then multiple service
opportunities will be necessary to move the TD data.
The xHC is allowed to schedule less packets during an Async Pipe Service
Opportunity than allowed for by the Max Burst Size.
Each Async Pipe is only given one Service Opportunity per pass through the
async schedule.
Each Stage of a control transfer is a different Async TD, and may be scheduled
during different Service Opportunities.
If there is more than one endpoint in the async schedule the xHC shall limit the
number of packets transferred during a Service Opportunity (SO) to MSOPC.
However, if only one endpoint is in the async schedule, the xHC may exceed
the default MSOPC and continuously stream packets to an endpoint. The xHC
shall interrupt a continuous stream when a second endpoint is scheduled and
revert to the MSOPC packet limit per endpoint SO.
Note: Retries are counted against the EPs SOPC. for example, If an error is
detected on the last packet of the SO, then the xHC shall advance to the next
EP and the packet shall be retried at the beginning of the next SO for the
Table 4-8: USB2 Pipe Actions based on Endpoint Response and Residual
Transfer State
Intel Confidential
Transfer State after
Direction Endpoint Response Transaction Pipe Action
(Bytes to transfer)
Note 8-1:
If Stall
Generate Stall Error Transfer Event.
Generate Babble Detected Error Transfer Event.
Set endpoint to the Halted state.
Pull endpoint from Pipe Schedule.
Advance to next Async Pipe.
Note 8-2:
Decrement SOPC.
If SOPC = 0:
Note: When retiring a TD, if its Transfer Ring is empty, pull the endpoint from the
Pipe Schedule.
Table 4-9: USB3 Pipe Actions based on Endpoint Response and Residual
Transfer State
Transfer State
Direction Endpoint Response after Transaction Pipe Action
(Bytes to transfer)
46 The assertion of EOB on a Short Packet may also retire the TD.
Intel Confidential
Transfer State
Direction Endpoint Response after Transaction Pipe Action
(Bytes to transfer)
47 DPP Error may be due to one or more of the following conditions: CRC incorrect, DPP aborted, DPP missing, ACK TP with the Retry Data
Packet (rty) bit set, or the data length in the DPH does not match the actual data payload length.
48 DPH Error may be due to one or more of the following conditions: an incorrect Device Address, the Endpoint Number and Direction
does not refer to an endpoint that is part of the current configuration, or the DPH does not have an expected sequence number. A DPH
Error may result in a tHostTransactionTimeout if an expected DPH is not received.
49 Refer to section 8.13, Table 8-36 in the USB3 spec for the range of valid tHostTransactionTimeout values.
Note: When retiring a TD, if its Transfer Ring is empty, pull the endpoint from the
Pipe Schedule.
50 ACK TP Error may be due to one or more of the following conditions: an incorrect Device Address, the Endpoint Number and Direction
does not refer to an endpoint that is part of the current configuration, or the ACK TP does not have an expected sequence number. An
ACK TP Error may result in a tHostTransactionTimeout if the expected ACK TP is not received.
51 TP Error may be due to one or more of the following conditions: Reserved Type or SubType, an incorrect Device Address, or the
Endpoint Number and Direction does not refer to an endpoint that is part of the current configuration.
Intel Confidential
The xHC shall concatenate buffers referenced by TRBs in a TD, moving Max
Packet Size transfers for all but possibly the last packet of a TD. The size of the
last packet is determined by the TD Residue.
For an Enhanced SuperSpeed bulk endpoint, the xHC shall use Max Burst Size
(which is set to bMaxBurst, refer to section to determine the
maximum number of outstanding acknowledgement packets that are allowed
for an endpoint. It may also use Max Burst Size to identify the number of
packets the endpoint should send or receive in a Service Opportunity. If more
than one async endpoint has data to move, the xHC should advance to the
next endpoint when Max Burst Size packets have been moved for an endpoint.
However if there is only one endpoint with data to move in the async Pipe
Schedule, then the xHC may exceed Max Burst Size packets to an endpoint and
stream packets to/from the endpoint until either the Transfer Ring is exhausted
or the device terminates the burst by asserting NumP = 0 (OUT pipe ACK TP)
or EOB = ‘1’ (IN pipe DP), or flow controls the pipe by returning an NRDY TP.
Note: The xHC shall timeout a Burst Transaction if acknowledgements for all
packets of the burst are not received by tHostTransactionTimeout. after the
last packet of the Burst Transaction is transferred. for example, For an OUT
pipe if Max Burst Size = 3 (that is, 4 bursts), then the xHC shall timeout the
burst if the first framing symbol of the ACK response to the last DP is not
received with tHostTransactionTimeout. after the last framing symbol of the
last DPP (4th) of the burst is transmitted.
Note: For a Burst Transaction, the xHC shall not delay the first framing symbol of an
ACK response for the first DPP of a burst more than tHostACKResponse after
the last framing symbol of the last DPP of the burst is received.
Note: When a packet retry occurs, an xHC implementation may choose to limit a
Burst Transaction to Max Burst Size packets, which may cause a retried
packet to be transferred in the next Burst Transaction, or it may choose to
allow packet retries to complete in the Burst Transaction that the error
occurred in, possibly extending Burst Transaction to more than Max Burst
Size packets.
When system software intends to suspend the entire bus, it should selectively
suspend all enabled ports, then shut off the host controller by setting the
Run/Stop (R/S) bit in the USBCMD register to a ‘0’. The xHC can then be placed
into a lower device state via the PCI power management interface (refer to
Appendix A and PCI PM).
When a wake event occurs system software will eventually set the Run/Stop
(R/S) bit to a ‘1’ and resume the suspended ports by writing a ‘0’ to their PLS
field. Software shall not set the Run/Stop (R/S) bit to a ‘1’ until it is confirmed
that the clock to the host controller is stable. This is usually confirmed in a
system implementation in that all of the clocks in the system are stable before
the CPU is restarted. So, by definition, if software is running, clocks in the
system are stable and the Run/Stop (R/S) bit in the USBCMD register can be
set to ‘1’. There are also minimum system software delays defined in the PCI
PM Specification. Refer to this specification for more information.
Note: LTSSM Clock Stopped refers to a condition where the xHC is in a D3 state and
a Root Hub port is unable to transition a link with a Connect Detect to the
Enabled state, for example, the LTSSM clocks are stopped. The occurrence of
LTSSM Clock Stopped is xHC implementation dependent, for example, it may
occur only while the xHC is in the D3cold state, or it may not occur at all.
Note: Software should transition all Root Hub ports, where it has acknowledged a
Connect (CCS = '1'), to the U3 or Disabled states before placing the xHC into
the D3 state, and unless a Device Initiated Resume or a Disconnect occurred
the port should be in the same state when Main Power is restored. Note, a
port is allowed to be in the Error state when the xHC is transitioned to the D3
Intel Confidential
• If the port transitioned to the Resume state, CAS shall be asserted when
Main Power is restored.
A disconnected Root Hub port may be in a one of several states when Main
Power is restored.
• If no device was attached while in D3 the port will be in the Disconnected
state when power is restored.
• If a device was attached after entering D3 but before entering LTSSM Clock
Stopped, then when power is restored the CAS bit shall be set and the
value of the PLS field should be ignored.
• If the port had been able to successfully train and transition to the U0 state
before entering LTSSM Clock Stopped then the upstream facing port of the
attached device should be in the USDPORT.Disabled state, and a USB2 Port
reset (PR = '1') will be required to cause the USB3 port to retrain and
transition to the U0 state.
• If the port was not able to successfully train and transition to the U0 state
before entering LTSSM Clock Stopped then the upstream facing port of the
attached device may be in one of many states, and USB2 or USB3 Port reset
may be required to cause the USB3 port to retrain and transition to the U0
• If a device was attached after entering LTSSM Clock Stopped, then when
power is restored the CAS bit shall be set and the value of the PLS field
should be ignored. The upstream facing port of the attached device should
be in the USDPORT.Disabled state, and USB2 Port reset will be required to
cause the USB3 port to retrain and transition to the U0 state.
If an overcurrent condition exists (OCA = '1') when Main Power is restored, the
condition must be cleared before the port will be usable.
Note: Any Root Hub port that is in the Resume or U3 state when the xHC is
transitioned to the D0 power state shall require software to drive the port to
the U0 state. The xHC shall not automatically transition a root hub port from
the Resume or U3 state to the U0 state.
System software places individual ports into suspend mode by writing a ‘3’ into
the appropriate PORTSC register Port Link State (PLS) field (refer to section
5.4.8). Software should only set the PLS field to ‘3’ when the port is in the
Enabled state.
The xHC may evaluate a PLS field write immediately or wait until a microframe
or frame boundary occurs. If evaluated immediately, the port is not suspended
until the current transaction (if one is executing) completes. Therefore, there
may be several microframes of activity on the port until the xHC evaluates the
PLS field. The xHC shall evaluate the PLS field at least every frame boundary.
Refer to the description of PLS in Table 5-27 for more information.
When the PLS field is written with U3 (‘3’), the status of the PLS bit will not
change to the target U state U3 until the suspend signaling has completed to
Note: U3 Entry Capability support (that is, U3C = '1') shall be mandatory for all
xHCI 1.1 and xHCI 1.2 compliant xHCs.
The following subsections describe typical device initiated and host initiated
resume process
Intel Confidential
State Change (PLC) flag is set to ‘1’. If the assertion of PLC results in a ‘0’ to ‘1’
transition of PSCEG (4.19.2), the xHC shall generate a Port Status Change
Note: Software shall ensure that the xHC is in Run (R/S = ‘1’) mode prior to
transitioning a root hub port from the Resume to the U0 state. This action
ensures that the xHC is capable of transmitting ITPs and immediately
receiving packets when the device enters the U0 state.
If system software writes the PLS field with a ‘0’ when the port is not in the
suspended state (U3), but in a low power link state (for example, U2 or U1),
the port shall generate the appropriate signaling and if successful, shall then
transition to the U0 state (PLS = ‘0’).
52 Refer to section 6.9.2 in the USB3 spec for more information on the LFPS Handshake.
53 Refer to section for more information on the Resume state.
The following steps describe a typical host initiated port resume process:
14. When a port is in the U3 state:
f. For a USB3 protocol port, software shall write a ‘0’ (U0) to the PLS
field to initiate resume signaling. The port shall transition to the
U3Exit substate and the xHC shall immediately initiate LFPS
generation to the device.
g. For a USB2 protocol port, software shall write a ‘15’ (Resume) to the
PLS field to initiate resume signaling. The port shall transition to the
Resume substate and the xHC shall transmit the resume signaling
within 1 ms (TURSM). Software shall ensure that resume is signaled
for at least 20 ms (TDRSMDN). Software shall start timing TDRSMDN
from the write of ‘15’ (Resume) to PLS. After TDRSMDN is complete,
software shall write a ‘0’ (U0) to the PLS field.
15. The completion of the resume signaling shall cause the port to transition
from the U3 to the U0 state, that is, the PORTSC register PLS field shall to be
set to U0 (‘0’) and PLC flag to ‘1’. If the assertion of PLC results in a ‘0’ to ‘1’
transition of PSCEG (Port Status Change Generation), the xHC shall generate a
Port Status Change Event.
If the resume signaling (reception of a LFPS that meets the valid t12-t10
specification in Table 6-22 of the USB3 spec) is detected, the port shall
transition to the Resume state immediately, and the Port Link State Change
(PLC) bit is set to a ‘1’.
Software may determine that the port is enabled (not suspended) by sampling
the PORTSC register and observing that the Port Enabled/Disabled (PED) flag is
‘1’ and the Port Link State (PLS) field is < ‘3’.
Table 4-10 summarizes the system wake-up events, defining the state of the
Port Link State (PLS), Current Connect Status (CCS), Port Enabled/Disabled
Intel Confidential
(PED), Over-Current Active (OCA) fields in the PORTSC register and the Port
Change Detect (PCD) bit in the USBSTS register as function of the respective
Wake Enable flag (WDE, WCE, WOE). The table values indicate the state of the
fields after the respective event. The xHC State column indicates the response
of the xHC to the system as function of its (PCIe) power state when the event
Port is in the Disabled state. Resume signaling received. No Effect N/A N/A
A port is in a state that may detect a disconnect54, and RxDetect 0 0 0 1 [10-1] [10-
the port's WDE bit is ‘1’. A disconnect is detected. [10-2] 2]
A port is in a state that may detect a disconnect54, and RxDetect 0 0 0 1 [10-1] [10-
the port's WDE bit is ‘0’. A disconnect is detected. [10-3] 3]
Port is in the Disconnected state and the port's WCE bit U0 1 1 0 1 [10-1] [10-
is ‘1’. A connect is detected. (SS) (SS) [10-2] 2]
Polling 0
(USB2) (USB2)
Port is in the Disconnected state and the port's WCE bit U0 1 1 0 1 [10-1] [10-
is ‘0’. A connect is detected. (SS) (SS) [10-3] 3]
Polling 0
(USB2) (USB2)
54 A USB2 port may detect a disconnect when the port is in the Disabled, Enabled, or Reset states. A USB3 port may detect a disconnect
when the port is in the Loopback, Compliance, Error, Polling, Enabled, or Reset states.
55 A port may detect an over-current condition in any state except Powered-off.
Note 10-1:If the assertion of change bit results in a ‘0’ to ‘1’ transition of PSCEG (4.19.2), a Port Status Change Event is generated.
Note 10-2:PME# asserted if enabled (that is, the PCI PM PMCSR PME_En bit = ‘1’). Note: The PCI PM PMCSR PME_Status bit shall be written
with a ‘1’ to stop asserting PME#.
Intel Confidential
Negotiate Bandwidth Command allows software to identify the devices with
periodic endpoints attached to the same USB instance in the xHC. The
Negotiate Bandwidth Command generates a Bandwidth Request Event for each
device attached to the same USB instance, which is currently consuming
periodic bandwidth, that is, declared Isoch or Interrupt endpoints. Using this
information, software may target the reassignment of bandwidth to allow the
initial device to be configured.
A Disable Slot Command will cause any bandwidth allocated to the periodic
endpoints of a device slot to be freed.
When a Bandwidth Request Event is received for a device slot, system software
should treat it as a request to evaluate the current bandwidth requirements of
device and free some of the bandwidth if the device is able to effectively
perform its tasks on a reduced bandwidth budget. There is no requirement that
a device give up bandwidth due to a Bandwidth Request Event, however a
“good citizen” will do their best to comply. To free bandwidth, the software
may select another configuration or an alternate interface setting for the
periodic endpoints of the device. As devices reconfigure themselves, they will
issue Configure Endpoint Commands which will free part or all of their currently
assigned bandwidth. As the xHC processes the commands it shall recompute
the available bandwidth of the USB instance. The Negotiate Bandwidth
command may allow a device to enumerate that would not have been able to
without it.
The Negotiate Bandwidth Command uses the value of the Slot ID field in the
Negotiate Bandwidth Command TRB to identify the USB instance that the
device requiring the bandwidth is attached to.
The Negotiate Bandwidth command does not block Command Ring execution,
for example, the command should not wait for all BW Requests to be delivered
before generating the associated Command Completion Event.
After a system defined delay, the software that initiated the negotiation
process may reissue the Configure Endpoint Command that failed, to test
whether enough bandwidth has been freed to allow a successful completion.
Note: The initiator of the Negotiate Bandwidth Command should allow enough time
for system software to receive the Bandwidth Request Events and to
reconfigure or choose alternate interface settings for the target device, before
attempting to issue a Configure Endpoint Command.
Each Bus Instance (BI) represents a “unit” bandwidth at the speed that the BI
supports or a Bandwidth Domain. The Transaction Translator (TT) of a USB2
hub creates one or more Secondary Bandwidth Domains on its downstream
facing ports. For a High-speed hub, a Secondary Bandwidth Domain is
equivalent to a Full-speed BI, or for a SuperSpeedPlus hub, a Secondary
Bandwidth Domain is equivalent to a SuperSpeed BI. The downstream facing
ports of a single-TT hub creates a single Secondary Bandwidth Domain, whose
bandwidth is shared across all Full- or Low-speed devices attached to the hub.
A multi-TT hub creates a separate Secondary Bandwidth Domain for each
downstream facing port attached to a Full- or Low-speed device.
Intel Confidential
A Configure Endpoint Command shall return an event with the Completion
Code set to Secondary Bandwidth Error if there was insufficient bandwidth in
the Secondary Bandwidth Domain to enable the configuration. Refer to section
3.3.5 for more information on the Configure Endpoint Command.
Note: When evaluating a Configure Endpoint Command, the xHC shall check the
upstream High-speed Bandwidth Domain of a hub first. If there is enough
bandwidth available in the primary (HS) Bandwidth Domain then the xHC
shall check the Secondary (FS) Bandwidth Domain of the hub.
4.17 Interrupters
An Interrupter manages events and their notification to the host. The xHCI
supports up to 1024 Interrupters. The MaxIntrs field in HCSPARAMS1
determines the Number of Interrupters implemented in the xHC. Each
Interrupter consists of an Interrupter Management Register, an Interrupter
Moderation Register and an Event Ring. Each Interrupter shall be mapped to a
single MSI or MSI-X interrupt vector. An Interrupter shall assert an interrupt if
it is enabled and its associated Event Ring contains Event TRBs that require an
PCI MSI and MSI-X Interrupts
Note: The xHC is not required to maintain event ordering across Event Rings. For
example, if events that are generated sequentially within the xHC target
separate Event Rings, the events may not be placed on the respective Event
Rings in the same temporal order.
Intel Confidential
4.17.1 Interrupter Mapping
The value of the Interrupter Target field in the Transfer TRB determines which
Interrupter shall receive the Transfer Events generated by the respective
Device Slot or Transfer TRB.
Valid values for a Slot Context or TRB Interrupter Target field are between 0
and MaxIntrs-1. If an Interrupter Target field is out of range for a TRB the
behavior of the xHC shall be undefined. It is recommended that the xHC does
not generate any event if this condition is detected, and let software timeouts
detect the error for the endpoint. If virtualization is supported, an xHC
implementation shall ensure that this “undefined behavior” does not affect
another function (PF0 of VFx).
The Slot Context Interrupter Target value shall be checked for a valid range
when a command inputs the Input Slot Context.
Refer to section 6.4.1 for more information on the Interrupter Target field.
The interrupt generation that results from the assertion of the Interrupt
Pending (IP) flag may be throttled by the settings of the Interrupter Moderation
(IMOD) register of the associated Interrupter. The IMOD register consists of
two 16-bit fields: the Interrupt Moderation Counter (IMODC) and the Interrupt
Moderation Interval (IMODI).
Software may use the IMOD register to limit the rate of delivery of interrupts to
the host CPU. This register provides a guaranteed inter-interrupt delay between
the interrupts of an Interrupter asserted by the host controller, regardless of
USB traffic conditions.
The optimal performance setting for this register is very system and
configuration specific. An initial suggested range for the moderation Interval is
651-5580 (28Bh - 15CCh).
The IMODI field shall default to 4000 (1 ms.) upon initialization and reset. It
may be loaded with an alternative value by software when the Interrupter is
56 EHB enables Interrupt Mitigation. High-speed serial interface operation can create thousands of interrupts per second, all of which tell
the system something it already knew: it has lots of TRBs to process. The EHB allows the driver to run with interrupts disabled during
times of high traffic, with a corresponding decrease in system load.
Intel Confidential
Figure 4-22: Interrupt Throttle Flow Diagram
Counter written to 0
No Enable?
Event Handler
Interrupt Enable = Interrupter Management
Interrupt Pending = 1 Register Interrupt Enable field (IM)
Event Handler Busy = 1
Interrupt Pending = Interrupter Management
Register Interrupt Pending field (IP)
If PCI Message Signaled Interrupts (MSI or MSI-X) are enabled, then the
assertion of the Interrupt Pending (IP) flag in Figure 4-22 generates a PCI
Dword write. The IP flag is automatically cleared by the completion of the PCI
If the PCI Interrupt Pin mechanism is enabled, then the assertion of Interrupt
Pending (IP) asserts the appropriate PCI INTx# pin. And the IP flag is cleared
by software writing the IMAN register.
Delay Delay
Interrupt Pending
Under heavy load conditions (Figure 4-23), Interrupt Pending Enable (IPE) is
asserted almost constantly, so if IPE = ‘1’ when the IMODC counts down to ‘0’
and the Event Handler is not busy (EHB = ‘0’), an interrupt is generated
immediately, that is, Interrupt Pending (IP) is set to ‘1’. When IP is asserted,
the IMODC is reloaded with the IMODI and the IMODC begins counting down
again. Thus, the next interrupt event will be delayed by the IMODI delay. Also
note that in this example, the assertion of Interrupt Pending (IP) triggers the
Interrupt Service Routine (ISR). The ISR schedules a Deferred Procedure Call
(DPC) that will process the events on the Event Ring at a later time. The DPC
processes events until Event Ring is empty then clears the Event Handler Busy
(EHB) flag. Interrupt Pending Enable is cleared when the Event Ring goes
empty, that is, the DPC writes the Event Ring Dequeue Pointer (ERDP) register
with a value that is equal to the Event Ring Enqueue Pointer.
Interrupt Pending
If no Interrupt Pending Enable, IMOD Delay Expired. If Event Handler Busy, IMOD Delay Expired
do not set Interrupt Pending Wait for do not set Interrupt Pending
Interrupt Pending Enable
Intel Confidential
Under light load conditions (Figure 4-24) it is desirable to fire off interrupts
with minimum latency. In this case, when the IMODC counts down to ‘0’ and no
interrupts are pending (IPE = ‘0’), the IMODC is not reloaded with the IMODI
but stays at ‘0’. Thus, the next assertion of Interrupt Pending Enable will
trigger an interrupt immediately. Triggering the interrupt will also cause the
IMODC to be reloaded with the IMODI and begin counting down again.
In the first case where the IMOD Delay Expires, Interrupt Pending (IP) is not
set (so the ISR is not triggered) because the Event Ring is empty. Since IMODC
= 0 when event 3 is posted, Interrupt Pending (IP) is asserted immediately.
In the second case, Interrupt Pending (IP) is not set because the Event Handler
is busy (EHB = ‘1’). The DPC was not able to empty the Event Ring the first
time it was scheduled (that is, it only processed event 3), so it rescheduled
itself to process the remaining events in the ring (that is, event 4). While
waiting for the DPC to be scheduled, events 5, 6, and 7 are posted. The
rescheduled DPC processes events until Event Ring is empty then clears the
Event Handler Busy (EHB) flag, re-enabling an immediate interrupt the next
time an event is posted.
PCI Interrupt Pins are optional. Four Interrupt Pins are supported by PCI,
however PCI only allows one Interrupt Pin to be assigned to a single PCI
Function. If an xHC implementation supports a PCI INTx# interrupt pin, xHC
asserts its INTx# line when requesting attention from its device driver unless
the xHC is enabled to use Message Signaled Interrupts (MSI, that is, the MSI
Message Control MSI Enable or MSI-X Message Control MSI-X Enable flags are
true) (refer to Sections and for more information). Once the
INTx# signal is asserted, it remains asserted until the device driver clears the
Interrupt Pending (IP) flag. When Interrupt Pending (IP) is cleared, the device
deasserts its INTx# signal.
If Interrupt Pin support is enabled, then only Interrupter 0 is enabled and any
other Interrupters are disabled.
The Interrupt Pin register in the PCI Configuration Space Header (refer to
Interrupt Pin description in section 6.2.4 of the PCI specification) identifies
which interrupt pin the device (or device function) uses. A value of 1
corresponds to INTA#, 2 corresponds to INTB#, and so on. If the xHC
implementation does not use an interrupt pin it shall declare a ‘0’ in this
An example of where the BEI flag can eliminate unwanted system interrupts is
with Isoch transfers. For a USB microphone that declares ESIT of 1 ms. and
generates 16-bit samples at a 44.1 KHz rate, software may post 10 Isoch TDs
at a time to the device’s Isoch IN Transfer Ring. The fractional sample rate
means that over a 10 ms. period, the microphone completes 9 Isoch TDs with
44 samples (88 bytes) each, and a 10th TD with 45 samples (90 bytes). Since
the number of samples per Isoch TD varies software must set the ISP or IOC
flag in each Isoch TD to generate a Transfer Event to report the number of
bytes transferred. However, since software is able to schedule 10 TDs at a
time, it only needs an interrupt every 10th TD. By setting the BEI flag in 9 of
every 10 TDs, the interrupt rate due to the Isoch transfers can be reduced.
Intel Confidential
Note that software could drop the interrupt rate by adjusting the Interrupt
Moderation Interval (IMODI) of the Interrupter, however this would affect the
interrupt latency for all endpoints that shared an Event Ring. The BEI flag
allows software to selectively reduce interrupt rates of transfers, without
affecting latency sensitive transfers.
• If BEI = ‘1’ in a TRB, then the event generated by the TRB is considered to
be a “Blocking Event”.
• If BEI = ‘0’, then the event generated by the TRB is considered to be a
“Non-blocking Event”.
• Any TRB type that does not define a BEI flag always generates Non-
blocking Events.
• If an error is detected which generates an event while processing a TRB
with BEI = '1', then BEI shall be ignored and the event generated by the
TRB shall be a Non-blocking Event.
• Any Transfer Event TRB that is not associated with a Transfer or Event
Data TRB shall be a Non-blocking Event.
Note: Only Normal, Isoch, and Event Data TRBs support a BEI flag.
Note: A Transfer Event not associated with a Transfer TRB (that is, a Transfer Event
that uses the Slot Context Interrupter Target) is always a Non-blocking Event.
4.18.1 No snoop
If the Enable No Snoop bit (Bit Location 11, Table 7-12) in the PCI Express
Capability Structure (5.2.8) Device Control Register (PCIe spec section 7.8.4) is
set, the xHC is permitted to set the No Snoop bit in the Requester Attributes of
PCIe transactions it initiates that do not require hardware enforced cache
coherency (refer to Section of the PCIe spec). Note that setting this bit
to ‘1’ will not cause the xHC to set the No Snoop attribute on all PCIe
transactions that it initiates. Even when this bit is ‘1’, the xHC is only permitted
to set the No Snoop attribute on a PCIe transaction when it can guarantee that
the address of the transaction is not stored in any cache in the system.
The xHC shall not assert the No Snoop attribute on PCIe transactions for
memory requests that are Message Signaled Interrupts, and Message Requests
(except where specifically permitted).
SW may configure the No Snoop/Relaxed Ordering PCIe attributes for each TRB
by setting the respective No Snoop (NS) flag in the TRB.
Table 4-11 defines the recommended behavior of the No Snoop and Relaxed
Ordering PCIe Requester Attributes for PCIe transactions generated by the
xHC. xHC implementations may choose other settings for these PCIe Requester
Attributes. The PCIe Transaction No Snoop attribute is also conditioned for IN
Data Writes by the TRB No Snoop (NS) bit.
No Relaxed
Transfer Type Comments
Snoop Ordering
Intel Confidential
No Relaxed
Transfer Type Snoop Ordering Comments
Note: “N” means that the respective Requester Attribute is not set in the PCIe
Transaction. “Y” means that the respective Requester Attribute is set in the
PCIe Transaction.
Section of the PCIe spec describes the Relaxed Ordering Attribute field.
And this attribute is discussed further in section 2.4 of the PCIe spec.
Note: Refer to section Suspend-Resume for how to manage a port when Main Power
is removed.
State Name
Port Link State
Signal State
Where the State Name is an informative name defined by the xHCI spec., the
Port Link State identifies the possible values for the PORTSC PLS field, and
Signal State values are:
Port Power (PP), Current Connect Status (CCS), Port Enabled/Disabled (PED),
and Port Reset (PR), respectively, for example, 0,0,0,0 all signals are ‘0’.
Note: Transitions associated with the large bubble may occur from any state defined
within the bubble as long as the Conditions match.
Note: In each state, the Signal State values defined by the state are forced when
entering the state, so actions are not declared for changing the respective bits
when transitioning from another state. For example, if the Disconnected
State is entered from the Enabled state, the CCS and PED flags are cleared.
If the Disconnected State is entered from the Reset state, the CCS and PR
flags are cleared. Notice that the big bubble to Disconnected state transition
does define any actions related to these flags.
Intel Confidential
Note: The figures in this section are provided to illustrate state transition conditions
and actions, however refer to the textual descriptions of the respective states
for their explicit definition.
Note: The Root Hub Port state machines in the following subsections only references
the Port Link State Change (PLC) flag, refer to section 4.19.2 for information
on how the remaining change flags are affected by the Root Hub Port state
Note: The xHCI state machines describe the exit conditions from a state and entry
conditions to a state. Only conditions specifically described as an entry or exit
condition shall result in a state transition, for example, setting the PR flag in
the Disconnected state has no effect on the state of a port because that
condition is not cited in section
Disabled Reset
0,0,0,0 Undefined
U0, U2, U3,
or Resume
Test Mode
Test Mode
Figure 4-25 illustrates the top-level transitions in a USB2 Protocol Root Hub
state machine.
Note: The “Change” flags (CSC, PEC, POCC, PRC, PLC, and CEC) are set to ‘1’ upon
the detection of the respective condition. Refer to Table 5-27 for the definition
of the change flags.
A write to the PORTSC register with PP set to ‘1’ shall transition from the
Powered-off state to the Disconnected state.
A write to the USB2 PORTPMSC register with Test Mode greater than ‘0’ shall
transition from the Powered-off state to the Test Mode state. Disconnected
This is the initial state after initial xHC Aux Power-up or HCRST.
A device connect detect (CCS = ‘1’) shall transition the port from the
Disconnected state to the Disabled state and set the CSC flag to ‘1’. Disabled
A write to the PORTSC register with PR set to ‘1’ shall transition the port from
the Disabled state to the Reset state. Reset
When the Reset operation completes (PR = ‘0’), the port shall automatically
advance to the Enabled state, setting PED and PRC to ‘1’.
Software shall ignore the value of the Port Link State (PLS) field while in the
Reset state.
Refer to section Port Test Modes for operation of Port Test Modes.
Note: The Current Connect Status (CCS) and Port Enabled/Disabled (PED) Signal
States vary as function of the selected Test Mode.
57 Note that a disconnect cannot be detected by a USB2 port in the Reset state because the host is driving the bus.
Intel Confidential Enabled
While in the Enabled state a write to the PORTSC register with PED set to ‘1’,
or a Port_Error (refer to section 11.8.1 of the USB2 spec for conditions that
may cause a Port_Error) shall transition the port from any Enabled substate to
the Disabled state. If the transition was due to a Port_Error the PEC flag shall
be set to ‘1’.
Reset Disabled
U0 U2Entry
1,1,1,0 U0
1,1,1,0 1,1,1,0
U3 U2Exit U2
1,1,1,0 U2 U2
1,1,1,0 1,1,1,0
Powered-off U0
A write to the PORTSC register with the PLS field set to U2 and LWS set to ‘1’
shall cause the xHC to issue an LPM transaction to the device and transition the
port to the U2Entry substate.
If the entry to the U0 state was from the U2Exit substate due to a write to the
PORTSC register with the PLS field set to U3 and LWS set to ‘1’ in the U2
substate, then the port shall automatically transition the port to the U3Entry
substate and suspend the device. U2Entry
In this state the xHC shall attempt to transition the device to the L1 suspend
state by issuing an LPM transaction to the device:
• If the device responds with an ACK handshake (the L1 suspend attempt
was successful), the port shall set the L1S field to Success (‘1’) and
transition to the U2 substate, and the device shall enter the L1 standby
• If the device responds with a NYET handshake (the L1 suspend attempt
was rejected by the device), the port shall set the L1S field to Not Yet (‘2’)
and transition to the U0 substate and set the PLC flag to ‘1’ (PLC
Condition: L1 Entry Reject), and the device shall remain in the L0 state.
Note that in this case there is no PLS transition, it shall remain in the U0
• If the device responds with a STALL handshake (the L1 suspend attempt
was not recognized by the device), the port shall set the L1S field to Not
Supported (‘3’), transition to the U0 substate, and set the PLC flag to ‘1’
(PLC Condition: L1 Entry Reject).
• If a Timeout occurs or a Transaction Error is detected (the L1 suspend
attempt was unsuccessful), the port shall set the L1S field to Timeout/Error
(‘4’), transition to the U0 substate, and set the PLC flag to ‘1’ (PLC
Condition: L1 Entry Reject).
Note that when the STALL, Timeout, or transaction Error cases above occur
software may inspect the USB2 PORTPMSC register L1S field to determine the
specific cause of the transition. Refer to section for more
information on the L1S result values.
Refer to sections 4.15.2 and 4.23.5 for more information on USB2 LPM
operation. U2
The port is in the L1Suspended state and shall remain in the U2 substate until
a Host or Device Initiated Resume occurs.
Host Initiated L1 Resume - A write to the PORTSC register with the PLS field
set to U0 or U3 and LWS set to ‘1’ shall cause the port to initiate resume
signaling to the device and transition to the U2Exit substate.
Intel Confidential
Device Initiated L1 Resume - If Resume Signaling is generated by the
device, then the port shall transition to the U2Exit substate.
If the entry to the U0 state was from the U2Exit substate due to a write to the
PORTSC register with the PLS field set to U3 and LWS set to '1' in the U2
substate, then the port shall automatically transition the port to the U3Entry
substate, and suspend the device.
When the resume signaling is complete and the device has entered the L0
state, the port shall transition to the U0 substate and set the PLC flag to ‘1’
(PLC Condition: USB2 L1 Resume complete).
In this state the xHC shall wait for transfers associated with the current
microframe or other internal operations to complete before Idling the bus and
suspending the device. When the enters the Idle state, the port shall transition
to the U3 substate, and if U3C and U3E = ‘1’, set PLC flag to ‘1’ (PLC
Condition: U3 Entry complete).
The port is in the Idle state (that is, suspended) and shall remain in the U3
state until a Host or Device Initiated Resume occurs.
Note: Section of the USB2 specification states that devices begin to
transition “into the Suspend state after they see a constant Idle state on their
upstream facing bus lines for more than 3.0 ms. The device must actually be
suspended, drawing only suspend current from the bus, after no more than
10 ms of bus inactivity on all its ports.“
The PLS field of a USB2 Root Hub port reflects the Idle state of the port’s bus
lines, not whether the attached device has actually transitioned to the
Suspend state.
Host Initiated Resume - A write to the PORTSC register with the PLS field set
to Resume and LWS set to ‘1’ shall cause the xHC to initiate resume signaling
to the device and transition to the Resume substate.
A write to the PORTSC register with the PLS field set to U0 and LWS set to ‘1’
shall cause the port to transition to the RExit substate and complete the
resume signaling. RExit
When the resume signaling is complete and the device has entered the L0
state, the port shall transition to the U0 substate and set the PLC flag to ‘1’
(PLC Condition: USB2 Device Resume complete).
Refer to Table 5-27 for the conditions that affect the change flags.
Undefined Enabled
1,1,0,1 U0, U1, U2,
U3, Resume,
or Recovery
Polling Compliance
Polling, U0, 1,0,0,0
RxDetect, or
Loopback 1,0,0,0
Test Mode
Powered-off 1,0,0,0
Disabled or
Note: The dashed arrows represent optional state transitions that may occur if the
Debug Capability is supported. Refer to section for more
Note: Figure 4-27 does not illustrate a transition from the Enabled state to the
Loopback state, which may occur. Refer to note in section for
additional information on transitions to the Loopback state.
Intel Confidential Disabled
A write to the PORTSC register with the PED field set to ‘1’ shall transition the
port, from any state except Powered-off, to the Disabled state.
A write to the PORTSC register with the PLS field set to RxDetect and LWS set
to ‘1’ shall transition the port to the Disconnected state.
A write to the USBCMD register with the HCRST flag set to ‘1’ shall transition
the port to the Disconnected state. Powered-off
A write to the PORTSC register with PP cleared to ‘0’ shall transition from the
port from any state to the Powered-off state.
An over-current condition (OCA = ‘1’) shall transition from the port from any
state to the Powered-off state, and if the CCS, PR or PED flags are set to ‘1’,
they shall be cleared to ‘0’.
A write to the PORTSC register with PP set to ‘1’ shall transition the port to the
Disconnected state.
A write to the USBCMD register with the HCRST flag set to ‘1’ shall transition
the port to the Disconnected state. Disconnected
Note: If a port has transitioned to this state from the Powered-off or Disabled
states due to the assertion of HCRST by software, then a Hot or Warm Reset
shall be issued by the port when its LTSSM enters to the Rx.Detect state or
after a receiver detection in the Rx.Detect state.
Note: The completion of Host Controller Reset (that is, the HCRST ‘1’ to ‘0’
transition) does not depend on the completion of any port activity other than
entering the Disconnected state.
The assertion of HCRST = ‘1’ shall cause the port to remain in the
Disconnected state.
Note: An xHC implementation may assert WPR or PR to reflect the associated reset
operation if HCRST is asserted while the port is in the Disconnected state.
A device Connect Detect58 shall transition the port to the Polling state.
58 SuperSpeed far-end receiver terminations are detected. Refer to section 6.11 in the USB3 spec. Polling
While in the Polling state the port may transition between the Training,
CfgExcg, and DbC substates.
Disabled or
CfgExcg Disabled
Disconnected U0
1,0,0,0 Powered-off
Polling Error
Figure 4-28 illustrates the Polling substate transitions in a USB3 Protocol Root
Hub state machine.
Note: The dashed arrows represent optional state transitions that may occur if the
Debug Capability is supported. Refer to section DbC for more information. Training
A Connect Detect shall cause the port to transition to the Training substate.
59 A LTSSM transition from the any state to the Rx.Detect state due to Removal(DS Port Only). Refer to section 7.5 in the USB3 spec.
60 Refer to section 7.5.4 in the USB3 spec for the LTSSM conditions that shall transition a downstream port from the Polling to the
Rx.Detect state. Note, the LTSSM Rx.Detect state maps to the USB3 Port state machine Disconnected state.
Intel Confidential
If the Compliance Transition Capability (CTC) flag in the HCCPARAMS2 register
= ‘1’, then the xHC supports software control of the transition to the
Compliance state and Compliance Transition Enabled (CTE) flags. The CTE flag
is an internal xHCI flag associated with each Root Hub port, that is, CTE is not
software visible. If CTE = ‘1’ then the transition path to the Compliance
substate shall be enabled, otherwise the transition is disabled. Upon Chip
Hardware Reset, the assertion of HCRST = ‘1’, or a Warm Reset (WPR = ‘1’),
CTE shall be cleared to ‘0’. Only if the port is in the Disconnected state, then
a write to the PORTSC register with the PLS field set to Compliance Mode and
LWS set to ‘1’ shall set CTE to ‘1’.
If CTE = ‘1’, then the detection of the first LFPS Timeout shall transition the
substate to the Compliance state.
The reception of a TS2 Ordered Set with the Loopback bit set shall transition
the substate to the Loopback state. CfgExcg
In this state, the Port Capabilities and Port Configuration LMPs are exchanged
as described in sections 8.4.5 and 8.4.6 of the USB3 spec.
Note: If the xHCI Debug Capability is enabled and a Debug Host has not been
detected yet, the Direction field of the Port Capabilities LMP shall be set to ‘3’
for all ports, indicating that the Root Hub port is both upstream and
downstream capable. An Upstream Config Successful condition indicates that
a downstream facing port is attached to a Root Hub port and implies that a
Debug Host is attached. Once a port is mapped to the Debug Capability, all
remaining ports shall assert ‘1’ (that is, the port shall only be configured as
downstream) in the Direction field of subsequent Port Capabilities LMPs. Refer
to section 7.6 for more information on the operation of the xHCI Debug
Note: If a Debug Host and a Debug Target are cabled together, but the xHCI Debug
Capability has not yet been enabled, then the Direction field of the Port
Capabilities LMP shall be set to ‘1’ for all ports, indicating that the Root Hub
ports on both the Debug Host and the Debug Target are only downstream
capable. After the link trains, a Config Error condition will occur because two
downstream ports are connected together (that is, an undefined Port Type
selection occurred), causing the port to transition to the Error state. If
software resets the port to recover from the error, this Config Error scenario
will repeat until the cable is disconnected or the DbC is enabled.
If the port fails to successfully configure (Config Error), the substate shall set
the CEC flag to ‘1’ and exit to the Error state. DbC
In this substate, the port is mapped to the Debug Capability and the DbgCap
substates shall emulate a port that never detects an attach
Note: This substate is optional, and shall only exist for xHC implementations that
support the xHCI Debug Capability.
While in the DbC (Debug Capability) substate the port may transition between
the DbC Disconnected, DbC Disabled, and the DbC Powered-off substates.
Note: Section 7.5 of the USB3 spec describes the behavior of the LTSSM for
upstream and downstream facing ports. The default behavior of an xHC Root
Hub is that of a downstream facing port. However, while in the DbC state the
LTSSM of a Root Hub port is mapped to the Debug Capability and shall
behave as an upstream facing port.
61 A DbC enabled port may bias the Port Capability LMP exchange so that it becomes an upstream facing port by randomly choosing low
Tiebreaker values, for example, < 8.
Intel Confidential
Figure 4-29 illustrates the DbC substate transitions in a USB3 Protocol Root
Hub state machine.
A write to the PORTSC register with the PED field set to ‘1’ shall transition the
port to the DbC Disabled substate.
A write to the PORTSC register with the PP field set to ‘0’ shall transition the
port to the DbC Powered-off substate.
A write to the DCCTRL register with the DCE field set to ‘0’ or a Disconnect
Detect59, shall transition the port to the Disconnected state.
A write to the PORTSC register with the PLS field set to RxDetect and LWS set
to ‘1’ shall transition the port to the DbC Disconnected substate.
A write to the PORTSC register with the PP field set to ‘0’ shall transition the
port to the DbC Powered-off substate.
A write to the DCCTRL register with the DCE field set to ‘0’ or a Disconnect
Detect59, shall transition the port to the Disabled state.
A write to the PORTSC register with the PP field set to ‘1’ shall transition the
port to the DbC Disconnected substate.
A write to the DCCTRL register with the DCE field set to ‘0’ or a Disconnect
Detect59, shall transition the port to the Disconnected state. Reset
A write to the PORTSC register with PR or WPR set to ‘1’ or a write to the
USBCMD register with HCRST set to ‘1’, shall transition the port from any state
except the Disconnected, Powered-off, or Disabled states, to the Reset
If the Reset operation completes successfully, the port shall transition to the
Enabled state, clearing PR to ‘0’ and setting PED to ‘1’.
If the Reset operation does not complete successfully, the port shall transition
to the Disconnected state.
Note: If a port has transitioned to this state due to the assertion of HCRST by
software, then a Hot or Warm Reset shall be issued by the port when its
LTSSM enters to the Rx.Detect state. Depending on the link state when
HCRST is asserted, an xHC implementation may choose to issue a Hot Reset
rather than a Warm Reset to accelerate the USB recovery process.
Software shall ignore the value of the Port Link State (PLS) field while in the
Reset state. Error
The port shall transition to the Error state if a serious error condition (SError)
occurs while attempting to operate the link, that is, the LTSSM transitions to
the SS.Inactive state, an unsuccessful LTSSM Loopback.Exit, etc. Refer to
section “DSPORT.ERROR” of the USB3 spec for the SError conditions
that shall cause a Root Hub port to transition to the Error state.
The transition to the Error state shall set the PLC flag to ‘1’ (PLC Condition:
Error). Compliance
A write to the PORTSC register with the PED field set to ‘1’ shall transition the
port, to the Disabled state.
A write to the PORTSC register with WPR set to ‘1’ or the assertion of HCRST =
‘1’ shall transition the port to the Reset state.
Refer to section for the conditions that shall transition the port to
the Powered-off state. Loopback
Refer to section for the conditions that shall transition the port to
the Powered-off state. Enabled
While in the Enabled state a port may transition between the U0, U1’, U2’,
U3’ and Recovery substates.
Intel Confidential
Figure 4-30: USB3 Root Hub Port Enabled Substate Diagram
U0, U3,
U0 or U1
Resume or
U0 or U2
Note: Figure 4-30 does not illustrate a transition from the Recovery or U3’ states
to the Loopback state, however they may occur. Refer to note in section for additional information on transitions to the Loopback state. U0
62 For example, if a Ux_EXIT_TIMER timeout occurs in the Recovery state while attempting to transition from the U1’ or U2’ state to the
U0 state.
The reception of an LGO_U2 from the link partner, or a U2 Timeout shall cause
the port to transition to the U2’ substate.
A write to the PORTSC register with the PLS field set to U3 and LWS set to ‘1’
shall cause the port to transition to the U3’ substate.
If the entry to the U0 state was from the Recovery substate due to a write to
the PORTSC register with the PLS field set to U3 and LWS set to '1' in the U1 or
U2 substate, then the port shall automatically transition the port to the U3'
substate and suspend the device.
The port shall transition to the Recovery substate if errors defined in section
7.3 of the USB3 spec occur. U1’
U0 & U1 Recovery
Figure 4-31 illustrates the U1’ substate transitions in a USB3 Protocol Root Hub
state machine.
If the transition to the U1’ substate was due to an LGO_U1 received from the
device, the xHC shall transition to the U1_Rx substate.
If the transition to the U1 substate was due to a U1 Timeout, the xHC shall
transition to the U1_Tx substate.
Intel Confidential U1_Rx U1_Tx U1
Host Initiated U1 Resume - A write to the PORTSC register with the PLS field
set to U0 or U3, and LWS set to ‘1’ shall cause the xHC to initiate an LFPS
Handshake with the device. If the handshake is successful, the device has
entered the U0 state, the port shall exit the U1’ substate machine and
transition to the U0 substate. U2’
U2 Recovery
U0 1,1,1,0
U0 Error
If the transition to the U2’ substate was due to an LGO_U2 received from the
device, the xHC shall transition to the U2_Rx substate.
If the transition to the U2’ substate was due to a U2 Timeout, the xHC shall
transition to the U2_Tx substate.
If the transition to the U2’ substate was from the U1’ state (due to an L2
Timeout), the xHC shall transition to the U2 substate. U2_Rx U2_Tx U2
Host Initiated U2 Resume - A write to the PORTSC register with the PLS field
set to U0 or U3, and LWS set to ‘1’ shall cause the xHC to initiate an LFPS
Handshake with the device. If the handshake is successful, the device has
entered the U0 state, the port shall exit the U2’ substate machine, and
transition to the U0 substate.
Intel Confidential U3’
U0 Recovery
U3Entry Resume
U0 Resume U0
1,1,1,0 1,1,1,0
U3 U3Exit
U3 Recovery
1,1,1,0 1,1,1,0
Figure 4-33 illustrates the U3’ substate transitions in a USB3 Protocol Root Hub
state machine.
Upon entry into the U3’ substate machine transitions to the U3Entry substate.
Figure 4-33 does not illustrate a transition from the RExit or U3Exit states to
the Loopback state, however it may occur. Refer to note in section for additional information on transitions to the Loopback state. U3Entry
The port shall remain in this substate until a LAU is received from the device,
then transition to the U3 substate, and if U3C and U3E = ‘1’, set PLC flag to ‘1’
(PLC Condition: U3 Entry complete). U3
The port is suspended and shall remain in the U3 substate until a Host or
Device Initiated Resume occurs.
Host Initiated Resume - A write to the PORTSC register with the PLS field set
to U0 and LWS set to ‘1’ shall cause the xHC to initiate Link Activity (LFPS
Handshake) with the device and transition to the U3Exit substate.
A write to the PORTSC register with the PLS field set to U0 and LWS set to ‘1’
shall cause the xHC to initiate Link Activity (LFPS Handshake) with the device
and transition to the RExit substate. RExit
The LTSSM is in the Recovery state. Refer to section 7.5.10 in the USB3 spec.
When the handshake is successful; the port shall exit the U3’ substate
machine, transition to the U0 substate, and set PLC flag to ‘1’ (PLC Condition:
USB3 Device Resume completion). Note that a USB device is not allowed to
reject a resume request from the host.
If a TS2 Ordered Set is received with the Loopback bit set, the port shall
transition to the Loopback state.
If a TS2 Ordered Set is received with the Reset bit set, the port shall transition
to the Reset state. U3Exit
The LTSSM is in the Recovery state. Refer to section 7.5.10 in the USB3 spec.
When the handshake is successful; the port shall exit the U3’ substate
machine, transition to the U0 substate, and set PLC flag to ‘1’ (PLC Condition:
USB3 Software Resume complete). Note that a USB device is not allowed to
reject a resume request from the host.
If a TS2 Ordered Set is received with the Loopback bit set, the port shall
transition to the Loopback state.
If a TS2 Ordered Set is received with the Reset bit set, the port shall transition
to the Reset state. Recovery
The LTSSM is in the Recovery state. Refer to section 7.5.10 in the USB3 spec.
If the recovery does not complete successfully; the port shall transition to the
Error state.
If a TS2 Ordered Set is received with the Loopback bit set, the port shall
transition to the Loopback state.
Intel Confidential
Note: The xHC USB3 Root Hub Port state machine figures do not illustrate a
transition from the Enabled, Recovery, RExit, or U3Exit to Loopback state
transition, however they may occur.
The LTSSM shall transition from the Recovery.Idle state to the Loopback state
if a TS2 Ordered Set is received with the Loopback bit set. A xHC Root Hub
port is a Loopback Slave. To perform loopback tests a specialized Test Device
is required. The Test Device, which acts as Loopback Master, may transition a
port to the Enabled state before transitioning the port to Loopback state.
However, typically a Loopback Master will only assert the Loopback bit in a
TS2 Ordered Set when it is initially connected, asserting an LTSSM Polling.Idle
to Loopback transition.
The xHC defines a Port Status and Control (PORTSC) register for each Root Hub
There are seven status change bits in the PORTSC register Connect Status
Change (CSC), Port Enabled/Disabled Change (PEC), Warm Port Reset Change
(WRC), Over-current Change (OCC), Port Reset Change (PRC), Port Link State
Change (PLC), and Port Config Error Change (CEC), Refer to section 5.4.8 for
more information on these bits.
Root Hub port status change bits may be set due to hardware or software
initiated conditions. When set, these bits remain set until cleared by a system
software write to the PORTSC register with the appropriate status change bit(s)
set to ‘1’, or the assertion of a Chip Hardware Reset or HCRST.
The Connect Status Change (CSC) bit shall be asserted if there is any
connection change, that is, connect or disconnect, that is, a ‘1’ to ‘0’ or ‘0’ to
‘1’ transition of CCS or CAS.
The Warm Port Reset Change (WRC) bit is set only when a warm reset
completes, that is, a ‘1’ to ‘0’ transition of WPR.
Note: The definition of PRC states that it is set “when any reset processing (Warm
or Hot) on this port is complete”. If an over-current condition (OCA => ‘1’)
occurs while a port is in the Reset state, then reset processing is aborted and
the PR flag shall be cleared. Hardware may or may not set the PRC and WRC
flags under these conditions. If the OCC flag is set, then the PRC and WRC
flags should be ignored by software.
The Port Link State Change (PLC) bit is asserted for specific Port Link State
(PLS) field transitions. Refer to section 4.19.1 for the specific Root Hub port
state transitions that will assert PLC.
The Port Config Error Change (CEC) bit is set only when a Port Configuration
error is detected. Note that there is no corresponding port config status or
error flag in the PORTSC register, so the assertion of CEC is the only means of
flagging this error condition.
The Port Status Change Event reports port status changes on a per-port basis.
The Port ID field of the Port Status Change Event TRB (shown in Table 88),
indicates which port has experienced a status change.
Figure 4-34 shows an example creation mechanism for Port Status Change
Event and PME# generation.
A ‘0’ to ‘1’ transition of the Port Status Change Event Generation (PSCEG)
signal shall cause a Port Status Change Event to be generated. PSCEG is an
internal xHC variable, not directly exposed to software.
Note: The generation of a Port Status Change Event is triggered by the assertion of
the PSCEG signal. Due to internal xHC scheduling and system delays, there
will be a lag between a change bit being set and the Port Status Change
Event that it generated being written to the Event Ring. If SW reads the
PORTSC and sees a change bit set, there is no guarantee that the
corresponding Port Status Change Event has already been written into the
Event Ring.
Note: There are no ordering requirements between Transfer Events and Port Status
Change Events. For example, a due to a disconnect, transfer events for the
disconnected device may be placed on an Event Ring after the Port Status
Change Event generated by the port.
Intel Confidential
The change bits (CSC. PEC, etc.) of each port are ORed together and gated by
the HCHalted (HCH) flag to form the Port Status Change Event Generation
signal. A port shall generate a Port Status Change Event when there is ‘0’ to ‘1’
transition of the PSCEG signal.
The PME wake events detected by each port (PEx) are ORed together and
gated by the PCI PM PMSCR.PME_En flag. Refer to Appendix A.1.1 for more
information. PME# shall be asserted when there is a ‘0’ to ‘1’ transition of the
PME# Generation signal.
Figure 4-34: Example Port Change Bit Port Status Change Event Generation
PORTSC 1 Per Port Logic Logic for all Ports
Port Status Change Event
CSC Generation (PSCEG)
Change WRC
Detect OCC
Logic PRC
Connect Detect
... PME#
WDE Generation
PLS=Resume PEn
Note: A Port Status Change Event may be the result of multiple status change bits
being set.
Note: Port Status Change Events for a port are blocked until all status change bits
are cleared (‘0’), that is, PSCEG = ‘0’.
Note: Under some conditions the xHC may not be capable of generating Port Status
Change Events, that is, if HCHalted (HCH) = ‘1’ or the Event Ring is full. If the
HCHalted (HCH) = ‘0’ and the Event Ring is not full, the xHC shall generate
Port Status Change Events.
Note: For USB2 ports the Connect Detect signal is identical to CCS.
For USB3 ports the Connect Detect signal is asserted when far-end receiver
terminations are detected, and negated if there is a LTSSM transition from the
any state to the Rx.Detect state due to Removal(DS Port Only). Refer to
section 7.5 in the USB3 spec.
The xHC shall perform the following operations when Port Power is asserted (PP
= ‘1’) and a USB Device attach is detected on a Root Hub port:
1. The CCS bit in the respective PORTSC register is set to ‘1’, indicating that
a device presence has been detected.
2. The CSC bit in the respective PORTSC register is set to ‘1’, indicating that
a transition has been detected in the CCS bit.
3. If the assertion of CSC results in a ‘0’ to ‘1’ transition of PSCEG, post a
Port Status Change Event TRB with the following field values to the Event Ring.
• TRB Type = Port Status Change Event.
• Port ID = Port Number of the Root Hub Port that detected the device
• Completion Code = Success
• Cycle bit = Current Event Ring Producer Cycle State.
When software parses the Port Status Change Event, it can evaluate the Port
ID field to determine the Root Hub port that was the source of the change
event. And examine the port’s PORTSC register to determine that the event
was generated by a Connect Status Change (CSC = ‘1’) and that the change
was an Attach (CCS = ‘1’).
For a USB2 Protocol port, “device presence” is indicated by the PORTSC PLS
field transitioning from the RxDetect to the Polling state. Software shall reset
the port to transition it to the U0 state.
For a USB3 Protocol port, “device presence” is indicated by the PORTSC PLS
field transitioning from the Polling to the U0 state.
The Port Power Control (PPC) flag indicates whether the xHC supports port
power switches.
Note: After a Chip Hardware Reset the xHC is allowed to delay the assertion
of the Port Power (PP) flag until after the software sets Max Device Slots
Enabled (MaxSlotsEn) field in Configure (CONFIG) register. This feature allows
an implementation to hold off device and link power consumption until a
driver is loaded.
This requirement means that Root Hub port may report a device is connected
(CCS and CSC = ‘1’) before the xHC is running (that is, HCHalted (HCH) = ‘0’),
and that when software enables the xHC and HCHalted (HCH) transitions to ‘0’,
Intel Confidential
PSCEG shall be asserted for each port with a connected device, generating a
respective Port Status Change Event. In this case:
• A USB2 protocol port shall be in the Disabled state.
• A USB3 protocol port shall be in the Enabled state.
• When PP = ‘0’:
• The port is forced to the Powered-off state.
• CSC shall be asserted if the PP transitioned to ‘0’ due to an over-current
condition. If PP transitions to ‘0’ for any other condition no status change
flags or wake-up events shall be asserted.
• The port’s receiver and transmitter are disabled, however the port’s
receiver terminations shall be maintained.
If device is not connected, then a USB2 or USB3 protocol port shall transition to
the Disconnected state.
If a device is connected:
• A USB2 protocol port shall transition to the Disabled state.
• A USB3 protocol port shall transition to the Disconnected state, detect the
device and immediately transition to the Polling state.
⎯ If training is successful, the port sets the CSC flag to ‘1’ and transitions
to the Enabled state.
⎯ If training is not successful63, the port transitions to the Disconnected
⎯ If a timeout is detected on the first LFPS handshake, the port
transitions to the Compliance state and no change flag is set.
⎯ If the Loopback bit is set in a TS2 Ordered set, the port transitions to
the Loopback state and no change flag is set.
Note: Before the xHC driver is unloaded, the driver should clear the Port Power (PP)
flag of all Root Hub ports to place them into the Disabled state and reduce
port power consumption.
63 Refer to section 7.5.4 in the USB3 spec for the LTSSM conditions that shall transition a downstream port from the Polling to the
Rx.Detect state. Note, the LTSSM Rx.Detect state maps to the USB3 Port State Machine Disconnected state.
Each Root Hub port maintains a logical PM Timers for keeping track of when the
U1 or U2 inactivity timeout are exceeded. The U1 or U2 timeout values may be
set by software writing the U1 Timeout and U2 Timeout fields of the USB3
PORTPMSC register at any time. The PM timers are reset to ‘0’ every time the
USB3 PORTPMSC register is written. The timers shall be reset every time a
packet of any type except an isochronous timestamp packet is sent or received
by the port’s link. The U1 PM Timer shall be accurate to +1/- 0 µs. The U2 PM
Timer shall be accurate to +500/-0 µs.
The port behaves as follows for the various combinations of U1 Timeout and U2
Timeout values:
U1 Timeout = 0, U2 Timeout = 0
• This is the default state before the PORTPMSC register is written.
• The port’s link shall reject all U1 or U2 transition requests by the link
• The PM Timers may be disabled and the PM Timer values shall be ignored.
• The port’s link shall not attempt to initiate transitions to U1 or U2.
64 The value defined by the U1 Timeout field. Refer to Table 5-29 for U1 Timeout values.
65 The value defined by the U2 Timeout field. Refer to Table 5-29 for U2 Timeout values.
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• If the U2 Timeout = FFh, the port shall be disabled from initiating U2 entry
but shall accept U2 entry requests by the link partner unless the xHC has
one or more packets/link commands to transmit on the port.
• If the U2 Timeout < FFh and the U2 PM Timer reaches Y, the port’s link
shall initiate a direct transition from U0 to U2. In this case the delay
defined by the U2 Timeout field represents an amount of inactive time in
Resetting a Root Hub port resets the attached USB device, and if successful;
the port logic reports the speed of the attached device and transitions the port
to the Enabled state. Whether successful or not a change bit is set (‘1’). And if
setting the change bit results in a ‘0’ to ‘1’ transition of PSCEG, then a Port
Status Change Event shall be generated.
When system software writes the PORTSC register with the PR bit set to ‘1’, the
xHC shall:
4. Update the PORTSC register:
Set the PR bit (‘1’).
Clear the PED bit to the disabled state (‘0’).
5. Execute the appropriate reset signaling to the device attached to the port.
If the bus reset sequence completes successfully, the xHC shall update the
PORTSC register:
• Set the PLS field to U0 (‘0’).
• Clear the PR bit (‘0’).
• Set PED to the enabled state (‘1’).
• Set the PRC bit (‘1’).
• For a USB3 protocol port, if a Hot Reset transitioned to a Warm Reset, set
the WRC bit (‘1’).
• Set Port Speed field to the speed of the newly attached device.
If the bus reset sequence does NOT complete successfully, the xHC shall
update the PORTSC register:
• Set the PLS field to RxDetect (‘5’).
• Clear the PR bit (‘0’).
• Set the PRC bit (‘1’).
• For a USB3 protocol port, if a Hot Reset transitioned to a Warm Reset, set
the WRC bit (‘1’).
• Set the Port Speed field to Undefined Speed (‘0’).
• Clear the CCS bit (‘0’).
If setting PRC results in a ‘0’ to ‘1’ transition of PSCEG, then generate a Port
Status Change Event with the following field values.
• TRB Type = Port Status Change Event.
• Port ID = Port Number of the Root Hub Port that detected the Reset
change transition.
• Completion Code = Success.
• Cycle bit = Current Event Ring Producer Cycle State.
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Note: Only a USB3 protocol port may fail the bus reset sequence. USB2 protocol
ports never fail the bus reset sequence.
Note: When PR transitions from ‘1’ to ‘0’, the USB device is in the “Default state”
(that is, responding to USB Device Address 0). System software should
immediately transition the device to the Address state (with an Address
Device Command) or disable the port, to allow the enumeration of other
newly attached USB devices.
Note: Speed detection is performed by the port hardware during the bus reset
sequence, hence the Port Speed field of the PORTSC register shall not be
considered valid by software until after the PR bit transitions from a ‘1’ to a
Note: A “Successful Reset” is determined by the xHC hardware for the attached
The operations performed during a Hot Reset are described in the section
above (4.19.5). The operations performed for a Warm Reset are similar, except
that software initially writes the PORTSC register with the Warm Port Reset
(WPR) bit set to ‘1’. The Port Reset (PR) flag shall be ‘1’ while Hot or Warm
Reset is being executed. The Port Reset Change (PRC) flag shall be set (‘1’)
when the reset execution is complete and PR transitions to ‘0’.
If the ‘1’ to ‘0’ transition of PR was due to a software initiated Warm Reset, or
Hot Reset that transitioned to a Warm Reset because of errors66, the Warm
Reset Change (WRC) flag (and PRC) shall be asserted (‘1’).
Note: The PORTSC WPR and WRC bits only apply to USB3 protocol ports. The bits
shall be RsvdZ for USB2 protocol ports.
For USB2 protocol Root Hub ports, the xHC shall implement the port test
modes Test_J_State, Test_K_State, Test_Packet, Test_Force_Enable,
and Test_SE0_NAK as described in the USB2 Specification. For USB3 protocol
Root Hub ports, no test modes are supported. System software is allowed to
66 Refer to section of the USB3 spec, “Note: If the port initiates a hot reset on the link and the hot reset TS1/TS2 handshake fails a
warm reset is automatically tried.”
A USB3 hub is the logical combination of two hubs: a USB 2.0 hub and an
Enhanced SuperSpeed hub, where each hub operates on a separate upstream
facing connection (data bus). When a USB3 Hub is attached to a Root Hub port
it may actively utilize both the USB2 and Enhanced SuperSpeed connections,
depending on the speed of the devices attached to the hub’s downstream
facing ports. Note that a USB Peripheral Device is required to only utilize one
connection at a time.
In a USB3 hub, two independently addressable hub ports exist for each
physical downstream connector; a USB2 compatible port accessed through the
USB2 connection and a USB3 compatible port accessed through the
SuperSpeed connection. The Root Hub of the xHCI emulates this operation by
defining a Root Hub PORTSC register for each connection type; USB2 (Low-
/Full-/High-Speed) or USB3 (Enhanced SuperSpeed).
Note: A Root Hub port that supports the USB3 protocol is comprised of a PORTSC, a
USB3 PORTPMSC, and PORTLI register (sections 5.4.8,, and, and Root Hub port that supports the USB2 protocol is comprised of
a PORTSC and a USB2 PORTPMSC register (refer to sections 5.4.8 and
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The mapping of xHCI Root Hub Ports to the physical USB connectors of a
system is defined by platform implementations and outside the scope of this
specification. Refer to Appendix D for a method of mapping xHCI Root Hub
ports to system USB connectors.
Note: xHC Root Hub ports are numbered from 1 to MaxPorts. MaxPorts is defined in
the HCSPARAMS1 register (5.3.3).
Root Hub
Port 1 Port 2 Port 3 Port 4 Port 5 Port 6 PORTSC
Physical USB
1 2 3 4 Connectors
SS USB Cables
For USB2 protocol ports the Current Connect Status (CCS) flag is capable of
reporting a device attach in any xHC power state. However, for USB3 protocol
ports CCS is asserted only after the link has successfully trained and advanced
to the U0 state. This is a problem if an xHC implementation is incapable of
advancing a link to U0 while in the D3 state, which can occur if the LTSSM
clocks required to train the link are not running. And without clocks, CCS
cannot be used to assert PME#.
The Cold Attach Status (CAS) flag addresses this issue by asserting itself (‘1’)
• Far-end Receiver Terminations are detected,
• The xHC is placed into the D3 state, and is in a low power state where the
LTSSM and the controller clocks are stopped, or the controller is powered
down (for example, the LTSSM is unable to Train)), and
• The LTSSM is not in the Error, U3, or Disabled state.
Note that CAS is only asserted under these circumstances. It is not a general
purpose indicator that a USB3 device is attached. Also, CAS does not apply to
USB2 protocol ports and shall always be ‘0’.
Before software places the xHC into the D3 state it should perform the
following operations:
• Halt any device activity.
• For each USB3 device that it wants to be awakened by:
Issue a SetFeature(FUNCTION_SUSPEND, Function Remote Wake Enable)
• For all connected devices:
Transition their Root Hub ports to the Enabled:U3 state (suspend).
Set the PORTSC Wake On Disconnect Enable (WDE) flag, if wake on
disconnect is desired.
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• For all ports in the Disconnected state:
Set the PORTSC Wake On Connect Enable (WCE) flag, if wake on connect is
This approach allows wake enabled devices to wake up the system, provides
suspend current to all other devices, and enables PME# to be asserted if a
disconnect, connect, or overcurrent condition is detected.
Note: The assertion of CCS may also clear CAS if, after turning on the Core Power
Well, the LTSSM of a port is able to successfully transition to the U0 state.
The USB 3.2 spec requires that the value returned by a Get Port
Status(PORT_SPEED) request to an SSP capable hub always returns ‘0’ (that is,
5Gb/s), irrespective of the actual speed that the device attached at. This
ensures that a legacy driver, which was only designed to support SS devices,
does not become confused by reading an unexpected PORT_SPEED value. that
is, a legacy driver thinks that an SS device is attached, even if the device
actually connected at SSP speeds. To determine the actual speed of an
attached device, a driver that supports SSP devices, must issue a Get Port
Status(EXT_PORT_SPEED) request.
This means that when a legacy xHCI driver sets the value of the Address
Device Command Input Slot Context:Speed field for a device attached behind a
hub, it will always indicate 5Gb/s. To ensure that an SSP capable xHC that is
being managed by a legacy driver, knows the true speed that the device
connected at, SSP devices are required to generate a Sublink Speed Device
Notification TP, immediately following a SET_ADDRESS request. This allows an
An SSP capable xHC shall report the actual connect speed of a device attached
to a Root Hub port in the PORTSC:Port Speed field.
SSP Scheduling with Legacy Drivers
A controller must do the SSP scheduling correctly, even if it is running under a legacy
Software is required to set the Hub bit in the Slot Context if a hub is controlled by the
slot. Also the Slot Context Route String field is required to be accurate for all devices,
including USB 2 devices. These values allow the xHC to know where hubs are in the
topology. The Sublink Speed Device Notification TP generated by a SSP device allows the
xHC to know if a device (hub) has attached at a SS or SSP rate, because the xHC can
match the Device Address received in the TP with the USB Device Address field in the
Slot Context.
The combination of the legacy Slot Context information (that is, the Slot
Context Hub and Route String fields) and the Sublink Speed Device Notification
TP provide enough information for the xHC to properly schedule transactions to
SS devices behind SSP hubs.
The number of pages that the xHC requires is identified by the Max
Scratchpad Buffers Hi and Lo fields in the HCSPARAMS2 register (section
5.3.4). An xHC implementation may declare zero Max Scratchpad Buffers.
67 The xHCI spec (Section 4.5.2) requires software to set the value of the Input Slot Context:Speed field to the value “Defined by
downstream facing port attached to the device.” However it appears that most legacy drivers ignored this requirement and
always set the Input Slot Context:Speed to a 5Gb/s value, irrespective of the Speed value that a Root Hub or an external hub
reports. This violation drove the definition of the Sublink Speed Device Notification TP.
Intel Confidential
System software shall allocate the Scratchpad Buffer(s) before placing the xHC
in to Run mode (Run/Stop (R/S) = ‘1’).
The following operations take place to allocate Scratchpad Buffers to the xHC:
1. Software examines the Max Scratchpad Buffers Hi and Lo fields in the
HCSPARAMS2 register.
2. Software allocates a Scratchpad Buffer Array with Max Scratchpad Buffers
3. Software writes the base address of the Scratchpad Buffer Array to the
DCBAA (Slot 0) entry.
4. For each entry in the Scratchpad Buffer Array:
h. Software allocates a PAGESIZE Scratchpad Buffer.
i. Software clears the Scratchpad Buffer to ‘0’.
j. Software writes the base address of the allocated Scratchpad Buffer
to associated entry in the Scratchpad Buffer Array.
Note: If the Scratchpad Restore (SPR) field in the HSCPARAMS2 register = ‘1’, then
the xHC shall use Scratchpad Buffers to store its internal state when
executing the Save State operation. For the Restore State operation to work
successfully, the content of the Scratchpad Buffers shall be intact when
exiting a power down state (D3.cold). Refer to section 4.23.2 for more
Note: xHC references to the Scratchpad Buffer Array and Scratchpad Buffers should
not snoop. Refer to section
The xHC Contexts provide public and private areas, for example, The EP State,
TR Dequeue Pointer, etc. fields in the Endpoint Context are public, and the
xHCI Reserved (Opaque / RsvdO) areas are private. The xHCI spec leaves it as
an implementation decision whether the Endpoint Context Opaque areas, the
Scratchpad, or internal memory is used for caching/saving internal endpoint
Section 4.23.2 describes the sequence of events that should take place to save
and restore the state of the xHC when suspending a system. The 1.0
specification assumes that Stop Endpoint Commands would push public and
private endpoint state into memory, and the Save State operation would push
all remaining internal xHC state into memory, so that system software could
save it, and restore it later.
Note that some xHC implementations support FSC-like behavior but predate
the definition of the flag, as a result, some OS drivers assume FSC-like
behavior is supported, and do not issue Stop Endpoint Commands to all
endpoints before executing a Save State operation. It is highly recommended
that all new xHC implementations support FSC to ensure compatibility with
legacy OS drivers.
An xHC contains a single physical PCIe core interface. In Normal mode, the
xHCI is designed so that all USB devices (Device Slots 0-n) appear in a single
function. In Virtualization mode, the xHCI is designed to appear as distinct
Virtual Functions, where each of the USB devices (Device Slots 0-n) may be
mapped exclusively to a specific Virtual Function. In Normal case, the xHCI
implements, amongst other registers, the PCIe device header space as
Intel Confidential
described in section 5.2. In Virtualization case, the VMM implements the PCIe
device header space through emulation.
System software may occasionally need to disable the bus mastering capability
of the xHC. In a PCI system, this is accomplished by setting the Bus Master
Enable (BME) bit of the Device Control Register in PCI Configuration register
space, to '0'. The xHC should be Halted, that is, with the Run/Stop (R/S) bit set
to '0', and HCHalted (HCH) verified as being '1' before system software
disables bus master activity by clearing the BME bit. If the BME bit is set to '0'
when the xHC is running, the xHC may treat this as a Host Controller Error,
asserting HCE (‘1’) and immediately halt (R/S = ‘0’ and HCH = ‘1’). Recovery
from this state will require an HCRST. Refer to section Internal Errors for more
A system configuration may include support in the BIOS (also referred herein
as Pre-OS software) for control of the xHC. The OS Handoff Synchronization
capability provides the mechanisms to allow a BIOS to enable SMI support for
xHC events and also a set of registers that are used to implement a semaphore
to synchronize ownership changes of the xHC. The hand-off mechanism should
be clean and precise and each participant shall adhere to the protocol defined
below. Failure to do so will result in two software agents believing they each
have exclusive ownership of the xHC and attempt to use the controller
The second 32-bit register is the USB Legacy Support Control/Status register
(USBLEGCTLSTS), refer to section 7.1.2 for the field definitions. This register
defines a set of control bits that BIOS can use to enable SMIs and a set of
read-only bits that shadow a subset of the bits from the USBSTS register. The
specific USBSTS register bits that are shadowed represent all of the xHC events
that can be detected and enabled to generate an interrupt. The USBLEGCTLSTS
register provides the mechanism for BIOS to map all xHC events, all necessary
reconfiguration events and OS ownership requests to SMIs.
The follow figure illustrates the protocol state machine for the BIOS ownership.
The OS Handoff Synchronization registers are located in the Aux Power well, so
any system event that removes power from the Aux Power well will result in
these registers being reset to their default values when the Aux Power well is
BIOS Owned1
HC BIOS Owned semaphore = 1 HC BIOS Owned semaphore = 1
The BIOS is allowed to claim control of the xHCI as a result of POST (Power On System Test) or as
a result of the OS relinquishing control of the xHCI. The BIOS must never attempt to claim the xHCI
once it has relinquished control.
When power is applied to the Aux Power well, the BIOS Owned and OS Owned
semaphores in the USBLEGSUP go to their default values (for example, ‘0’s).
BIOS may take ownership of the xHC by setting the BIOS Owned semaphore to
a ‘1’. BIOS is only allowed to take ownership of the xHC when the OS Owned
bit is a ‘0’. BIOS then may configure the SMI events it needs including the SMI
on OS Ownership Change. The BIOS now owns the xHC, so it can configure the
controller, enumerate the bus and use the devices found as necessary.
Eventually, the operating system will load. If the operating system has support
for the xHC, it will need exclusive control over the xHC. The OS driver shall
utilize the protocol defined in Figure 4-37 to request ownership of the xHC
before it takes ownership and uses the controller. The OS driver initiates an
ownership request by setting the OS Owned semaphore to a ‘1’. The OS waits
for the BIOS Owned bit to go to a ‘0’ before attempting to use the xHC. The
time that OS shall wait for BIOS to respond to the request for ownership should
Intel Confidential
not exceed ‘1’ second. Note that there is no similar SMI-type of event defined
allowing BIOS to request ownership from the OS.
Below are some recommended steps for software implementers to consider just
prior to the transition of xHC ownership.
1. Gracefully pause any outstanding bus activity. (for example, allow
completion of in-flight transactions, suspend signaling, reset signaling, etc.)
2. Disable all interrupts,
3. Save all critical state from the xHC and relevant USB devices (for
example, Human Interface Device, Mass Storage, etc.)
4. Enable “Wake” events from USB devices (for example, Human Interface
Device, Network, etc.) before suspending platform.
5. Disable all other USB root ports not enabled for wake events in step 4.
HC OS Owned semaphore = 11
OS Not Owned
OS Owned
(DX) HC BIOS Owned semaphore = 0
Modifications to the OS Owned semaphore results in an SMI when the SMI on OS Ownership Enable
bit in the USBLEGCTLSTS is set to a one.
In the event that the OS driver unloads and/or wants to relinquish ownership of
the xHC, it shall set the OS Owned semaphore to a ‘0’. Again, if BIOS has set
SMI on OS Ownership Enable in the USBLEGCTLSTS register to a ‘1’, it receives
an SMI when the OS Driver sets the OS Owned semaphore to a ‘0’. The BIOS
observes that the OS has relinquished control and can then take over control of
the xHC as appropriate. Once system software has relinquished control of the
controller, it shall then request ownership as described above.
4.22.3 Virtualization
Refer to Chapter 8.
The reader should also remain aware that common industry specifications may
impose particular power delivery requirements that the design shall conform to
for compliance under that industry standard.
Note: The specification and white paper references provided in this section do not
represent an exhaustive list and the reader is encouraged to refer to other
specifications that may be relevant to the designer’s specific implementation.
This section describes the expected feature of the Core Power and Aux Power
(Auxiliary) Wells.
Registers in the Aux Power well are reset under different conditions than the
registers in the Core well. The Aux Power well, memory-space registers are
initialized to their default values in the following cases:
• Initial power-up of the Aux Power well, or
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• a value of ‘1’ in HCRST (refer to Section 5.4.1)
Note: The USB Legacy Support Capability registers are an exception to the Aux
Power well reset rule. Refer to section Pre-OS to OS Handoff Synchronization
for more information.
The Core well, memory-space registers are initialized to their default values in
the following cases:
• Assertion of Chip Hardware Reset, or
• a value of ‘1’ in HCRST, or
• transition from the PCI PM D3hot state to the D0 state
PCI configuration-space registers implemented in the Aux Power well are reset
under different conditions than the registers in the Core well. The Aux Power
well, configuration-space registers are initialized to their default value in the
following case:
• Initial power-up of the Aux Power well.
The Core well PCI configuration-space registers are initialized to their default
values in the following cases:
• Assertion of the system (Core-well) hardware reset, or
• transition from the PCI PM D3hot state to the D0 state.
After initial power-on or HCRST (Chip Hardware Reset or via HCRST bit in the
USBCMD register), all of the Operational and Runtime Registers shall be at
their default values, as defined in sections 5.4 and 5.5. After a “light” hardware
reset (via the Light Host Controller Reset (LHCRST) bit in the USBCMD
register), only the Operational and Runtime Registers not contained in the Aux
Power well shall be at their default values. And all registers in the Aux Power
well shall maintain the values that had been asserted prior to asserting Light
Host Controller Reset (LHCRST). Refer to section 5.4.1 for more information.
Note: The method for enabling or disabling the Core Power well voltage supply (for
example, to transition from a D3hot to a D3cold state) is outside the scope of
this specification. Typically a platform level power control mechanism is used.
When system software decides to power down the xHC with the intent of
resuming operation at a later time, it shall read the xHC registers and save
their state. After powering up the xHC, but before placing the xHC into Run
mode (Run/Stop (R/S) = ‘1’), system software shall restore all xHC registers.
The Save State and Restore State flags may only be set when the xHC is
Stopped (Run/Stop (R/S) = ‘0’).
Required system software steps for saving xHC state and powering it down are:
1. Stop all USB activity by issuing Stop Endpoint Commands for Busy
endpoints in the Running state. If the Force Save Context Capability (FSC = '0')
is not supported, then Stop Endpoint Commands shall be issued for all Idle
endpoints in the Running state as well. The Stop Endpoint Command causes
the xHC to update the respective Endpoint or Stream Contexts in system
memory, for example, the TR Dequeue Pointer, DCS, etc. fields. Refer to
Implementation Note “0”.
Note: Force Save Context Capability support (that is, FSC = '1') shall be mandatory
for all xHCI 1.1 and xHCI 1.2 compliant xHCs.
2. Ensure that the Command Ring is in the Stopped state (CRR = '0') or Idle
(that is, the Command Transfer Ring is empty), and all Command Completion
Events associated with them have been received.
3. Stop the controller by setting Run/Stop (R/S) = ‘0’.
4. If FSC = '1', then software shall ensure that any Running endpoint that
did not receive a Stop Endpoint Command is Idle when Run/Stop (R/S) is
5. Read the Operational Runtime, and VTIO registers in the following order:
and VTIO and save their state.
6. Set the Controller Save State (CSS) flag in the USBCMD register (5.4.1)
and wait for the Save State Status (SSS) flag in the USBSTS register (5.4.2) to
transition to ‘0’.
7. The Save State operation shall save all internal xHC Slot, Endpoint,
Stream or other state to the memory locations described in steps 6 and 7 that
is necessary for the successful restoration of xHC state, as described below.
8. If Max Scratch Pad Buffers is > ‘0’ and Scratchpad Restore (SPR) = ‘1’,
then save an image of the Scratchpad Buffers.
9. Save a memory image of the DCBAA, Contexts and other data structures
referenced by the xHC.
10. Remove Core Well power.
Note: The DCBAA and the complete tree of data structures that it references
(Device Contexts, Transfer Rings, Stream Arrays, etc.), as well as the
Command and Event Rings, and Scratchpad Buffers shall be preserved by
system software.
Required system software steps for powering up and restoring xHC state are:
1. Enable Core Well power.
Intel Confidential
2. Restore the saved memory image of the DCBAA, Contexts and other data
structures to their original physical locations in system memory, so that any
addresses saved in steps 4 and 6 above reference valid objects.
3. If an image of the Scratchpad Buffers was saved, restore it.
4. Restore the Operational Runtime, and VTIO Registers with their
previously saved state in the following order: DNCTRL, DCBAAP, CONFIG,
5. Set the Controller Restore State (CRS) flag in the USBCMD register
(5.4.1) to ‘1’ and wait for the Restore State Status (RSS) flag in the USBSTS
register (5.4.2) to transition to ‘0’.
6. Reinitialize the Command Ring, that is, so its Cycle bits are consistent
with the RCS value to be written to the CRCR.
7. Write the CRCR with the address and RCS value of the reinitialized
Command Ring. Note that this write will cause the Command Ring to restart at
the address specified by the CRCR.
8. Enable the controller by setting Run/Stop (R/S) = ‘1’.
9. Software shall walk the USB topology and initialize each of the xHC
PORTSC, PORTPMSC, and PORTLI registers, and external hub ports attached to
USB devices.
10. Restart each of the previously Running endpoints by ringing their
Note: It is critical for correct xHC restore operation that all system memory data
structures referenced by xHC registers when it is stopped are intact and
reside at the same physical addresses when it is restarted. Software shall not
modify any Contexts, data structures, or Opaque areas referenced by the xHC
when it is stopped if the intent is to use the Restore State operation to restart
the xHC.
Note: After a Save or Restore State operation completes, the Save/Restore Error
(SRE) flag in the USBSTS register should be checked to ensure that the
operation completed successfully.
Note: To properly restore the xHC it is critical that the registers are written (step 4)
before the Restore operation is performed (step 5). The Restore operation
overwrites internal default values asserted by a xHC reset.
Note: Some legacy software implementations may not follow the precise ordering of
the steps described above.
The internal state of the xHC shall be valid until it enters the D3cold state.
When the xHC is Stopped, software may issue a Save State operation with the
expectation of subsequently placing the xHC in the D3cold state. If prior to
setting the xHC into the D3cold state, software decides to restart the xHC, then
a Restore State operation is not required.
For example, the BIOS may save the state of xHC before it hands off the xHC
to the OS, then restore that state when control of the xHC is returned to it.
However, while the OS has control, it may execute its own Save and Restore
State operations every time it transitions in and out of a Suspend or Hibernate
The Save and Restore operations may be used to accelerate the initialization
process of the xHC. Rather than resetting the xHC and issuing multiple
commands to bring Device Slots on line, software could take a “snapshot” of
the xHC state after set of Device Slots is configured. The snapshot could then
be used to bring the xHC to the same state, without having to run through the
initial command sequence. This approach may be useful to quickly bring a set
of permanently attached USB devices on a motherboard on line, that is, the
USB topology is fixed.
If the Scratchpad Restore (SPR) flag is set in the HCSPARAMS2 register, the
xHC Save and Restore State operations use the Scratchpad Buffer space for
storing the internal xHC state while it is powered down, and it is critical that
the system maintain the integrity of the Scratchpad Buffer space across power
events if the xHC is to be restored correctly. Refer to section 5.3.4 for more
Note: An xHC implementation is responsible for checking the saved state during a
Restore State operation. If the saved state is corrupted, the Save/Restore
Error (SRE) flag in the USBSTS register shall be set to ‘1’, the Restore
operation terminated, and the Restore State Status (RSS) flag cleared to ‘0’.
Note: The state of a Root Hub port is not covered by a Save or Restore operation.
Refer to sections 5.4.8, 5.4.9, and 4.19 for more information on how xHC
ports are managed during power events.
Note: When xHC state (for example, Scratchpad Buffers, Contexts, Transfer Rings,
and so forth) is saved by system software, the data structures must be
restored to the same physical addresses that they were at when they were
saved, otherwise undefined behavior may occur.
Intel Confidential
This also implies that any USB devices that were attached when the Save
State took place should still be attached and in the same internal state (that
is, their USB Device Address is unchanged) when the Restore State takes
place. If these conditions are not true, then software is responsible for doing
any "fix-ups" that may be required.
Refer to Appendix A. USB2
Refer to USB2 Specification. USB3
Refer to USB3 Specification.
Note: xHC implementations shall support Link Power Management for all USB
protocols that it supports. Refer to the xHCI Supported Protocol Capability
Refer to the section 11 of the USB3 spec for more information on Link Power
Refer to the USB2 LPM ECN and errata for more information on USB2 Link
Power Management.
USB2 defines 3 ‘L’ link states and USB3 defines 4 “U” link states.
Fine- U1 is a low exit latency standby state. Refer to section of the
grain NA U1 USB3 spec for more information. In this state the port is capable exiting
LPM to the On state in less than ~10 μs.
Coarse- U2 is a low to medium range exit latency standby state. Refer to section
grain U2 of the USB3 spec for more information. In this state the port is
LPM capable exiting to the On state in ~1 ms.
This is a deep power saving state where interface (for example, Physical Layer)
power may be removed, except as needed to perform the various functions such
as reset signaling, connect/disconnect detection, and wakeup.
This is the formalized name for USB Suspend.
Entry in to this state is nominally triggered by a command to a hub or root hub
Suspend L2 U3 port to transition to suspend, at which point the port ceases signaling to the
downstream port.
This state also imposes power draw requirements (from VBUS) on the attached
device. Exit from this state is via remote wake, resume signaling, reset signaling
or disconnect.
VBUS remains on in this state.
68 This table provides USB3 extensions to Table 1-1 in the USB2 LPM ECN.
69 The USB2 L1 state is mapped to the USB3 U2 state because both represent coarse-grain LPM modes, that is, they take approximately 1
ms. to enter.
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Link Encoding Encoding Description
State USB268 USB3
In this state, the port is not capable of performing any data signaling. It
Off L3 Not defined corresponds to the powered-off, disconnected, and disabled states.
VBUS is off in this state.
The xHCI reports the current Link State in the Port Link State (PLS) field of the
PORTSC register. The interpretation of the PLS field depends on the PORTSC
Port Speed field. If Port Speed reports Low-, Full-, or High-speed, then the PLS
field shall never report a U1 state.
This section applies only if a USB2 xHCI Supported Protocol Capability structure
(section 7.2) is declared (that is, the Major Revision field = 02h).
Note: The device responds to the LPM transaction with an ACK if it is ready to make
the transition or a NYET if it is not currently ready to make the transition,
usually because it has data pending for the host.
Note: Success - Upon receipt of an ACK, the xHC shall set the PLS field in the
PORTSC register to the L1 state (U2) and the L1S field in the USB2 PORTPMSC
register to Success (‘1’). The Port Link Status Change bit is not set and no
Port Status Change Event is generated.
Note: Not Yet - Upon receipt of a NYET, the xHC shall set the L1S field in the USB2
PORTPMSC register to Not Yet (‘2’), set the Port Link Status Change (PLC) bit
to ‘1’. If the assertion of PLC results in a ‘0’ to ‘1’ transition of PSCEG
(4.19.2), a Port Status Change Event shall be generated for the port.
Note: Not Supported - A USB2 device shall transmit a STALL handshake if it does
not support the requested link state (Lx, refer to the bmAttributes field of the
extended LPM transaction, Table 2-3 in the USB2 LPM ECR). Upon the receipt
of a STALL handshake the xHC shall set the L1S field in the USB2 PORTPMSC
register to Not Supported (‘3’), disable hardware USB2 LPM (HLE = '0'), and
set the PLC flag to ‘1’. If the assertion of PLC results in a ‘0’ to ‘1’ transition of
PSCEG (4.19.2), a Port Status Change Event shall be generated for the port.
Note: The PLC flag is not set (and an event is not generated) if the port successfully
enters the L1 state. In the latter two cases above, the port asserts the PLC
flag (PLC Condition: USB2 L1 Entry Reject), however the PLS field does not
change, that is, the port’s link remains in the U0 state. Software may
examine the L1 Status (L1S) field of the PORTPMSC register when the Port
Status Change Event is received for the port to determine the problem with
entering the L1 state.
This information allows software to tune its use of the L1 state, identify
misbehaving device, etc. For example, software could identify a device which
consistently NAKs L1 entry but rarely moves data and notify the end user.
The L1 state may be reset to the L0 state by a software request or from the
device attached to the port. To accommodate this operation, software may
write a ‘0’ (U0) to the PLS field of a USB2 protocol port attached to a Low-,
Full-, or High-Speed device that supports LPM. Refer to the definition of the
PLS field in Table 5-27 for more information.
Note: The Remote Wake Enable (RWE) flag (Table 5-30) shall be used to enable or
disable xHC remote wake from L1.
Note: The L1 Device Slot field in the USB2 PORTPMSC register references a Device
Slot that is the target for the LPM Token. The USB Device Address field in the
Slot Context of the referenced Device Slot, specifies the value of the ADDR
field in the generated LPM Token. The ENDP field of the LPM Token shall be
set to ‘0’70.
70 The value of ENDP is not specified in the USB2 LPM ECR, however there is errata against the ERC that clarifies the use of ENDP = ‘0’.
Intel Confidential
supported, then the Hardware LPM Enable (HLE) bit in the USB2 PORTPMSC
register ( may be used to enable or disable it.
Each USB2 Root Hub port maintains a logical Link Power Management
Timer (LPM Timer) for keeping track of when the inactivity timeout is
exceeded. If Hardware LPM is enabled and the LPM Timer reaches the L1
Timeout value, the port's link shall initiate a transition to L1.
Two methods of Hardware USB2 LPM are supported by the xHCI; HIRD and
BESL. If HLC is set to '1' and the BESL LPM Capability (BLC) flag in the USB 2.0
Protocol Defined field of the USB2 xHCI Supported Protocol Capability structure
( is cleared to '0', then the HIRD71 LPM method is supported. If HLC
is set to '1', then the PORTHLPMC register exists. And if HLC and BLC are both
set to '1', then the BESL LPM method is supported.
If HIRD LPM is supported (HLC = '1' and BLC = '0'), then the Best Effort
Service Latency value should be programmed by software in the BESL field of
the USB2 PORTPMSC register. Refer to Table 4-13 for the encoding of the BESL
If BESL LPM is supported (HLC = '1' and BLC = '1') then there are two values
of Best Effort Service Latency that should be programmed by software; the
BESL field in the USB2 PORTPMSC register and the BESL Deep (BESLD) field in
the USB2 PORTHLPMC register. The BESLD field is programmed with a value
that is much larger than the BESL value, allowing both the host platform and
the device to go into deeper low power states. The BESL field shall be
programmed to a value smaller than the BESLD field for mode 1 (HIRDM = ‘1’),
in which both the BESL and BESLD fields are used. Refer to Table 4-13 for the
encoding of the BESL and BESLD fields.
Prior to enabling hardware controlled USB2 LPM, software shall initialize the
BESL and RWE fields of the USB2 PORTPMSC register and if BLC = ‘1’ the
BESLD, HIRD Mode (HIRDM), and L1 Timeout fields of the USB2 PORTHLPMC
The optimal values for programming the BESL and BESLD fields depend on the
overall latency characteristics of a platform. If an xHC is an integrated
component of a platform, then a vendor may specify the preferred default BESL
and BESLD values using the PCIe Config space Default Best Effort Service
Latency (DBESL) and the Default Best Effort Service Latency Deep (DBESLD)
fields. If these fields are non-zero, software may use their values to program
the respective BESL and BESLD values in the xHC Port registers. Refer to Table
4-13 for the encoding of the DBESL and DBESLD fields.
If HIRD LPM is supported (HLC = '1' and BLC = '0'), the DBESL and DBESLD
registers are not implemented.
71 Refer to Section 4.1 of the USB2 LPM spec for more information on the use of the HIRD field.
Note that xHC is required to retain the last BESL duration that it used to
generate a USB2 LPM transaction to a device, and to drive resume signaling for
that time minus 50 µs. when waking the device.
While Hardware USB2 LPM (HLE = ‘1’) is enabled, software shall not modify the
BESL or RWE fields of the USB2 PORTPMSC register or the BESLD, HIRD Mode
(HIRDM), and L1 Timeout fields of the USB2 PORTHLPMC register, or attempt
to transition the port to the L1 (PLS = U2) state, that is, shall not write the
PORTSC register with PLS = ‘2’ and LWS = ‘1’.
Note: BESL LPM support (that is, HLE = ‘1’ and BLC = ‘1’) shall be mandatory for all
xHCI 1.1 and xHCI 1.2 compliant xHCs.
Note: If Hardware USB2 LPM (HLE = '1') is enabled the Slot Context Max Exit
Latency field shall be initialized to a non-zero value. Refer to section
( for more information.
Note: The port behavior described below only applies to devices that are attached to
a Root Hub port.
Note: Software may select different values for BESL, BESLD and L1 Timeout based
on device's class, type of endpoints, poll interval (for periodic endpoints), etc.
Note: If Hardware LPM is enabled (HLE = '1'), the Hardware LPM state machine
automatically transitions a port in the Enabled state between the U0,
U2Entry, U2, and U2Exit substates. Refer to the USB2 Root Hub Port
Enabled Substate Diagram ( The notable differences are:
• The U0 to U2Entry transition is initiated by a L1 Timeout.
• For U2Enty to U0 transitions, the PLC flag shall not be set ('1') if a NYET
response occurs. The PLC flag shall be set ('1') for STALL or timeout/error
• The U2 to U2Exit transition is initiated by an xHC initiated L1 exit, or a
Device Initiated L1 Exit.
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• The PLC flag shall not be set ('1') by a U2Exit to U0 transition.
Note: A USB2 link transitions through L-states, and these states are reflected in the
associated USB PORTSC register as U-states in the PLS field. Refer to Table
4-12 for the mapping of USB2 L-states to PLS field U-states.
Note: For devices that support Device Initiated L1 Exit, when HW LPM is enabled
(HLE = '1'), software should set the RWE bit of USB2 PORTPMSC register to
• When Hardware LPM is enabled (that is, HLE transitions from '0' to '1'):
The port's LPM Timer shall be reset to '0' and start counting up.
• If Hardware LPM is enabled (HLE = '1'), then:
The port's LPM Timer shall be reset to '0' and start counting up, every time
a data packet is sent or received by the port's link.
When resume signaling completes, the LPM Timer shall be reset to '0' and
start counting up.
If HIRD Mode (HIRDM) = '0':
• When the LPM Timer equals the L1 Timeout value:
The PLS field shall be set to U2.
The port's link shall initiate a transition to L1 by issuing an LPM Token to
the device, where the HIRD72 field of the LPM Token shall be set to the
value of the PORTPMSC BESL field.
If the LPM Token (using the BESL value) is accepted by the device:
⎯ The LPM Timer shall be stopped.
⎯ The link then waits for an xHC initiated L1 exit, or a remote wake to be
initiated by the device.
• If the LPM Token is rejected by the device (NYET response):
The PLS field shall be set to U0.
The LPM Timer shall be reset to '0' and start counting up.
72 In the USB2 LPM ECN the parameter TL1HubDrvResume is represented by the HIRD field in the LPM Token.
Note: For Bulk OUT, Interrupt OUT, an Isoch IN, an Isoch OUT EP, or a Control EP
the xHC shall initiate a L1 exit if it needs to move data, that is, a doorbell for
a non-Isoch endpoint has been rung, or if an Isoch Interval has expired and
an Isoch TD is available.
Note: For Interrupt IN endpoints that are actively moving data, the xHC shall
initiate L1 exit when the poll interval has expired and a TD is available. For
Interrupt IN endpoints which have TD available but have responded with a
NAK to a poll, the xHC will not poll the device till it has data to move and has
initiated an L1 exit (Remote wake).
Note: In the case of a High-speed Bulk OUT Endpoint that has returned a NYET
handshake for an OUT transaction and then the Hardware LPM mechanism
transitions the link to the L1 state, the xHC shall not initiate a L1 Exit (that is,
wake up the link) to do a PING transaction. The device is expected to initiate
an L1 exit (Remote Wake) when it is ready to accept data.
For instance, mass storage devices are command driven, that is, any bus
activity they generate is only due to commands issued by the host. Since
asynchronous notifications are not associated with these devices they
typically do not support a Remote Wakeup capability. However, a rotational
mass storage device's link may be inactive for 10's of milliseconds while it
performs a seek operation, allowing the link to enter L1. When data is
available, the disk must use the Remote Wakeup capability to return the link
to the L0 state so that it can move the data and complete the command.
Note: For devices that do not support Remote Wakeup, if HW LPM is enabled (HLE =
'1'), software should not set the RWE bit of USB2 PORTPMSC register to '1'
• When Hardware LPM is enabled (HLE transitions from '0' to '1'):
The port's LPM Timer shall be reset to '0' and start counting up.
• If Hardware LPM is enabled (HLE = '1'), then:
The port's LPM Timer shall be reset to '0' and start counting up, every time
a data transfer is attempted (IN or OUT tokens).
Intel Confidential
• If HIRD Mode (HIRDM) = '0':
For periodic endpoints (both isochronous and interrupt), the xHC will put
the link in L1 when the LPM Timer equals L1 Timeout value. The xHC will
initiate an L1 exit prior to the next poll if there are pending TDs.
For Bulk endpoints, the LPM Timer shall be reset to '0' and start counting
up, every time a data transfer is attempted (IN or OUT transaction).
Note: For all devices that do not support remote wake, the L1 Timeout value should
be large enough so that L1 entry is not triggered by delays in PING retries,
delays in generating IN or OUT tokens due to bandwidth sharing with high
bandwidth isochronous devices, etc.
• HIRD Mode (HIRDM) = '1':
Software shall not set HIRD Mode to '1' when Remote Wakeup is not
supported by the device
• HIRD Mode (HIRDM) = '2' or '3':
Reserved. Undefined behavior may occur if HIRDM is set to a reserved
If the BESL LPM Capability (Table 7-15) is supported by the xHC (BLC = '1'),
then the xHC shall support the BESL Duration (as shown in the “BESL Duration
BLC = 1” column of Table 4-13) and resume signaling shall be asserted by the
Root Hub port for the HIRD Duration (as shown in the “HIRD Duration BLC = 1”
column of Table 4-13).
If the BESL LPM Capability is not supported (HLC = ‘1’ and BLC = '0'), that is,
the xHC implementation predates the USB2 LPM Errata, then the resume
signaling shall be asserted for the HIRD Duration (as shown in the “HIRD
Duration BLC = 0” column of Table 4-13).
0 125 75 50
73 Note: A device may NAK an LPM Token because the resume duration identified by the received LPM Token's HIRD/BESL field exceeds
its resume latency requirements. Software can determine if a device supports the BESL or (legacy) HIRD interpretation of the LPM
Token by inspecting the bmAttributes field of a device’s DEVICE CAPABILITY:USB 2.0 EXTENSION descriptor. If BLC = '1' and the
attached device supports HIRD (that is, the device predates the USB2 LPM Errata), then xHC BESL or BESLD field values less than or
equal to '4' result in an xHC resume duration that is less than or equal to the resume duration expected by the device, while values
greater than '4' will exceed the device's expectations. If BLC = '0' and the attached device supports BESL, then xHC BESL or BESLD field
values greater or equal to '4' result in an xHC resume duration that is less than or equal to the resume duration expected by the device,
Note: If Hardware USB2 LPM (HLE = '1') is enabled, PLC shall not be affected by
LPM state transitions, that is, the L1 Resume complete (U2 -> U0) or L1 Entry
Reject (U0 -> U0) conditions shall not assert PLC.
while values less than '4' will exceed the device's expectations. Software should choose xHC BESL/BESLD field values that do not
violate a device's resume latency requirements, for example, not program values > '4' if BLC = '1' and a HIRD device is attached, or not
program values < '4' if BLC = '0' and a BESL device is attached.
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2. The minimum Interval value set for any Isoch endpoint of the device.
3. The worst case time it takes to transfer the Isoch data.
Note that the value of this component may not be determined by the largest
Max ESIT Payload declared by a device endpoint. For example, an endpoint
with a Max ESIT Payload of 48KB and an Interval of 2 microframes allows a
larger Max Exit Latency value than an endpoint with a Max ESIT Payload of
24KB and an Interval of 1 microframe.
For Enhanced SuperSpeed Isoch Transaction Limits refer to Appendix F.3.
A Max Exit Latency value of ‘0’ indicates to the xHC that no links in the path to
the device are being power managed.
For USB2 devices, if the attached device supports Link Power Management (as
described in the USB2 LPM ECN) and LPM is enabled in the device, then the
Max Exit Latency should be set to the value of BESL. From the BESL value, the
actual maximum exit latency value (TL1ExitLatency1) may be calculated by the xHC
using the following formula. Otherwise, the Max Exit Latency shall be set to ‘0’.
TL1ExitLatency1 = BESL + TL1ExitDevRecovery (10us.)
For USB3 devices, refer to section C.1.5.2 of the USB3 spec for the method of
computing the value of Max Exit Latency.
Note: If Max Exit Latency = ‘0’ and the Slot Context Speed field equals Enhanced
SuperSpeed, then the xHC may not schedule any PING TPs for endpoints
associated with the Device Slot.
Note: System software sets the allowable U-states for the links in the path to a
device. Software knows, based on the depth and the exit latencies of the
intervening links, what the worst case time is for a PING TP to reach a device
and the PING_RESPONSE TP to be returned. Software shall ensure that a
device is prevented from entering a U-state where its worst case exit latency
(that is, the delay between the transmission of a PING TP and the reception of
the PING_RESPONSE TP by the xHC) approaches the ESIT.
If software is going to change device or link related parameters on the bus that
would result in a shorter Max Exit Latency value for a Device Slot, then it
should change the Max Exit Latency value in the device’s Slot Context using an
Evaluate Context Command, before it changes any bus parameters.
If software is going to change device or link related parameters on the bus that
would result in a longer Max Exit Latency value for a Device Slot, then it should
change any bus parameters, before it changes the Max Exit Latency value in
the device’s Slot Context using an Evaluate Context Command.
Note: The xHC shall complete any changes to its internal Pipe Schedules before it
generates a Command Completion Event for Evaluate Context Command that
modifies Max Exit Latency.
The xHC schedules the data transfer for a SS Isoch endpoint, and if the Slot
Context Max Exit Latency value is non-zero, it shall send a PING TP to the
endpoint Max Exit Latency µs. before the scheduled data transfer to wake up
all the links in the path. If a PING_RESPONSE TP is not received by the time
the data transfer is scheduled to take place, a No Ping Response Error should
be generated for the TD.
If the error occurs, the data associated with the TD in error shall be lost and
the xHC shall advance to the next TD for the next ESIT.
Note: A No Ping Response Error shall utilize the Transfer Event TRB format. The TRB
Pointer field of No Ping Response Error Transfer Event may be ‘0’. If the TRB
Pointer = ‘0’, then the TRB Transfer Length field shall be invalid.
Refer to section 6.2.2 for the definition of the Slot Context the Max Exit
Latency field.
Refer to section C.2 in the USB3 spec for U1 and U2 Exit Latency calculation
The Max Exit Latency Too Large Error may be generated by an Evaluate
Context Command or optionally by a Configure Endpoint Command, and
informs software that the specified Max Exit Latency value would not allow the
xHC to reliably schedule Isoch transfers for the Device Slot.
When software receives this error it knows that it can change some of the link
power state options in the path to the device to less aggressive settings (which
allows it to assert a smaller Max Exit Latency value) and retry the configuration
with the same Interval and Max ESIT Payload size.
Note: In addition to waiting for the PING_RESPONSE and transferring the Isoch
data, the xHC must include the Isoch Scheduling Delay. The Isoch Scheduling
Delay comprehends the additional time the xHC requires to parse the
PING_RESPONSE TP then enable the associated Isoch transfer, and to
accommodate schedule jitter the PING and the Isoch transfer may incur
within the Interval due to the other transfers that it must manage. The Isoch
Scheduling Delay is an xHC implementation specific value. The Max Exit
Latency Too Large Error allows the xHC to reject a proposed Max Exit Latency
Intel Confidential
value because it could not be made to work after it evaluated the Isoch
Scheduling Delay by the other endpoints that it had to schedule.
The Host Controller Error (HCE) flag is asserted when an internal xHC error is
detected that exclusively affects the xHC. When the HCE flag is set to ‘1’ the
xHC shall cease all activity. Software response to the assertion of HCE is to
reset the xHC (HCRST = ‘1’) and reinitialize it.
Software should implement an algorithm for checking the HCE flag if the xHC is
not responding.
Note: HCE may be asserted due to a soft or hard error. An SRAM parity error while
accessing an internal data structure is an example of a soft error that may
assert HCE. However a hard error shall cause the xHC to reassert HCE
immediately after it is reinitialized. In this case, software should employ some
heuristics to prevent the case where the xHC is continually in an error-reset-
reinitialize loop and report this condition to the user.
Note: Host System Error (HSE) shall be used to report errors detected by xHC that
may affect the system as a whole. Refer to section for more
This section discusses how the xHC Root Hub registers ports shall be mapped
to the External Ports of the xHC device, and the USB A connectors of a
system, where a “system” may be a motherboard or a standalone controller
card. Consistent mapping is required to ensure that software may effectively
manage the USB devices attached by the user.
An xHC may integrate one or more Tier74 2 USB 2.0 hubs. These hubs shall be
referred to as Integrated Hubs. An Integrated Hub may be connected to a
Root Hub port associated with a High-speed Bus Instance to provide Low-speed
(LS), Full-speed (FS), and High-speed (HS) functionality on External Ports
presented by the xHC device or to expand the number of USB2 Protocol
External Ports.
74 Refer to section 4.1.1 of the USB2 spec for more information on Tiers and USB Topologies.
When the xHC External Ports associated with an Integrated Hub and the
External Ports associated with a USB3 Protocol Root Hub port are assigned to
the same USB connector, a mismatch is created between the Tiers presented at
the connector. The USB 2.0 signal pair from the External Hub is at Tier 2 and
the Enhanced SuperSpeed signal pairs from the Root Hub port are at Tier 1. To
minimize the impact on software management of power at the connector, the
Tier mismatch created by Integrated Hubs is limited to 1.
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A system may incorporate USB2 or USB3 hubs that are external from the
device that contains the xHC. In this section these hubs will be referred to as
Embedded Hubs. Embedded Hubs may be used to expand the number of
USB2, or USG3 A or C connectors presented by a system.
A system may define the mapping of xHC External Ports to USB connectors
using ACPI or other methods.
Software may assume the following “default” mapping of xHC External Port
numbers to USB connector numbers if no other method is defined by a system.
Note: If USB2 and USB3 protocol ports share the same over-current detection logic
(whether Integrated or Embedded hub(s) are implemented or not), then an
over-current condition shall assert OCA on both ports and transition both
ports to the Powered-off state.
Root Hub
Integrated Hub
Tier 2 IP1 IP2 IP2 IP4
Hub Ports
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 External
Tier Mismatch
C1 C2 C3 C4 USB
USB Cables
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P1 and P2 are attached to motherboard connectors C1 and C2,
respectively, providing the LS/FS/HS support for the USB3 connectors.
P3 and P4 are attached to the motherboard USB2 compatible connectors C3
and C4, respectively.
• External Ports 5 and 6 (P5, P6) are attached to motherboard connectors C1
and C2 respectively, providing the SS support for the USB3 connectors.
• External Ports P1 through P4 present a USB2 data bus (that is, a D+/D-
signal pair). External Ports P5 and P6 present an Enhanced SuperSpeed
data bus (that is, SSRx+/SSRx- and SSTx+/SSTx- signal pairs).
XHCI VTIO calls for an alternate DMA-ID (in addition to the primary DMA-ID) to
be assigned for use by a USB Controller. This alternate DMA-ID is a unique
value that is not used by another function within the system and enables
identification of xHC requests for supporting USB VTIO capability. The
existence of this alternate DMA-ID for use by the xHC is disclosed to the OS
using a PCI Vendor Specific method along with the XHCI VTIO Capability
Register. The alternate DMA-ID is not discoverable by the standard PCI
enumeration/discovery process. It is implementation specific as to how the
SOC enables handling and routing of alternate DMA-ID DMA requests and
completions from and to the USB Controller.
USB VTIO relies upon an infrastructure that can isolate memory access on a
per PCI function basis. The infrastructure details are implementation specific
and are not defined in this specification. An example of such infrastructure is
the Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed IO
spec.pdf]. To further facilitate hardware isolation SW should ensure that
structures in memory corresponding to different DMA-ID’s do not share the
same page as defined by the PAGESIZE field in the Page Size Register.
The USB VTIO capability should not be confused or conflated with the xHCI-IOV
capability defined in the xHCI Extended Capabilities. These are two distinct
capabilities meant for different applications. The usage of xHCI-IOV requires
that USB VTIO will be disabled.
An xHC implementing USB VTIO can be used in manner where a single DMA-ID
is used by having SW exclusively use only one of its DMA-ID’s. Either of the
two DMA-ID’s can be used to operate in a single DMA-ID mode.
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• Transfer Ring and Segments and Data Buffers
Per Endpoint
• Stream Context and Array(s)
Per Endpoint
• Command Ring and Segments
• Event Ring Segment Table and Segments
Per Interrupter
• Scratch Pad Buffer Array and Buffers
• Port Bandwidth Context
• Extended Property Context
The VTIO Registers define the registers that control which DMA-ID will be used
to access the above structures by the XHCI HW.
XHCI HW can also support various XHCI defined extended capabilities that may
have an interaction with VTIO. The Debug Capability introduces additional
memory structures which are used for the SW and HW to interact. VTIO will
not define a per structure DMA-ID assignment control and will simply
categorize all the structures used for DBC under a single control. This allows
for the XHCI DBC SW to map the entire debug controller under one of the
DMA-ID’s available.
The flexibility to control many structures is provided with the assumption that
any one structure’s DMA-ID mapping will be setup prior to enabling the XHCI
HW to access it. Structures can fall into one of these categories:
• Single structure per XHCI Controller
For example, command Ring, Input Context, Device Context Base Address
Array and Scratch Pad Buffers
• Single Structure per Device
For example, device Context
• Single Structure per Endpoint
For example, endpoints’ Stream Context Arrays, Transfer Rings, and Data
• Single Structure per Interrupter
By default, all access to XHCI defined data structures use the Primary DMA-ID.
All data structures identified with the VTIO capability will be allowed to
transition from using the Primary DMA-ID to the Alternate DMA-ID (or vice-
versa). Such structures will require the XHCI HW to be quiesced by XHCI SW
to prevent accesses during this transition. Some of these structures are global
hence information may be required prior to XHCI HW initialization to discover
the correct DMA-ID assignment. In some situations, it may also result in a
XHCI HW re-initialization if the XHCI SW needs to switch between the Primary
and Alternate DMA-ID. Additionally, some of these structures are device or
endpoint specific thus will require information from the device discovery
process to determine the proper settings. The following table provides the
requirements as to which steps in the established XHCI flows must occur after
DMA-ID setup requirements are determined.
Table 4-14. Structure and DMA-ID
Device Context Base Address Array Prior to placing the controller into the Run state (R/S=1)
or triggering a Context Restore flow.
Device Context Prior to Slot State entering the Default State (that is,
before Set Address is issued)
Input Context Prior to placing the controller into the Run state (R/S=1)
Transfer Ring & Segments and Default Control EP: Prior to Set Address on this device
Data Buffers or while in the Running.Idle state.
Event Ring Segment Table and Segments Prior to placing the controller into the Run state (R/S=1)
Command Ring Prior to placing the controller into the Run state (R/S=1)
Scratch Pad Buffer Prior to placing the controller into the Run state (R/S=1)
or triggering a Context Restore flow or DCBAA
Port Bandwidth Context Prior to placing the controller into the Run state (R/S=1)
Extended Property Context Prior to placing the controller into the Run state (R/S=1)
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5 Register Interface
The extensible USB Host Controller contains many software accessible
hardware registers. A large portion of the registers appear as Memory-mapped
Host Controller Registers. Other registers may appear using non-memory
address mechanisms, as in the case of a PCI or PCIe based Host Controller. For
these designs it is required to implement the required registers as defined by
the respective specification.
Note that the xHCI does not require support for exclusive-access mechanisms
(such as PCI LOCK) for accesses to the memory-mapped register space.
Therefore, if software attempts exclusive-access mechanisms to the host
controller memory-mapped register space, the results are undefined.
Refer to Table 7-2 for a breakdown of the xHCI Extended Capability register
4 5.4
not supported
PF0 = 32
Page 32
VFn = Page
PF0 = 4
Page 4
VFn = Page
If the xHC supports 32-bit addressing (AC64 = ‘0’), then the high Dword of
registers containing 64-bit address fields are unused and software should write
addresses using only Dword accesses.
Note: The USB Legacy Support (USBLEGSUP) Extended Capability requires support
for Byte accesses for Semaphore address, refer to section 7.1.
All multi-byte register fields follow little-endian ordering; that is, lower
addresses contain the least significant parts of the field. Bytes/characters
within a field shall be in little-endian order, that is, first char of string in least
significant byte, second char next significant byte, etc.
5.1.1 Attributes
HwInit Hardware Initialized: Register bits are initialized by firmware or hardware mechanisms such
as pin strapping or serial EEPROM. (System firmware hardware initialization is only allowed for
system integrated devices.) Bits are read-only after initialization and may only be reset (for
write-once by firmware) with a HCRST.
RO Read-only: Register bits are read-only and may not be altered by software. Register bits may
be initialized by hardware mechanisms such as pin strapping or serial EEPROM.
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RW Read-Write: Register bits are read-write and may be either set or cleared by software to the
desired state. Note that individual bits in some read/write registers may be Read-Only.
RW1C Write-1-to-clear status: Register bits indicate status when read, a set bit indicating a status
event may be cleared by writing a ‘1’. Writing a ‘0’ to RW1C bits has no effect.
RW1S Write-1-to-set status: Register bits indicate status when read, a clear bit may be set by
writing a ‘1’. Writing a ‘0’ to RW1S bits has no effect.
ROS Sticky - Read-only: Register bits are read-only and may not be altered by software. Where
noted, registers that consume AUX Power shall preserve sticky register values when AUX Power
consumption (either via AUX Power or PME Enable) is enabled. In these cases, registers are not
initialized or modified by Chip Hardware Reset.
RWS Sticky - Read-Write: Register bits are read-write and may be either set or cleared by software
to the desired state. Where noted, registers that consume AUX Power shall preserve sticky
register values when AUX Power consumption (either via AUX Power or PME Enable) is enabled.
In these cases, registers are not initialized or modified by Chip Hardware Reset.
RW1CS Sticky - Write-1-to-clear status: Register bits indicate status when read, a set bit indicating
a status event may be cleared by writing a ‘1’. Writing a ‘0’ to RW1CS bits has no effect. Where
noted, registers that consume AUX Power shall preserve sticky register values when AUX Power
consumption (either via AUX Power or PME Enable) is enabled. In these cases, registers are not
initialized or modified by Chip Hardware Reset.
Rsvd Reserved: Reserved for future RO implementations. Registers or memory that shall be treated
as read-only by system software. Rsvd registers shall return ‘0’ when read. Software shall
ignore the value read from these bits.
RsvdO Reserved and Opaque: Reserved for exclusive xHC use, for example, temporary xHC
workspace. Register or memory values may be modified by the xHC at any time. Software
manipulation of this space may cause undetermined results. Software shall not write this space
unless explicitly allowed by vendor specific instruction.
RsvdP Reserved and Preserved: Reserved for future RW implementations. Software shall preserve
the value read for writes to bits.
RsvdZ Reserved and Zero: Reserved for future RW1C implementations. Software shall use ‘0’ for
writes to these bits.
Note: System software shall mask all reserved fields (Rsvd, RsvdP or RsvdZ) to ‘0’
before evaluating a register or data structure value. This will enable current
system software to run with future xHCI implementations that define the
reserved fields.
Note: When a Reserved attribute (Rsvd, RsvdP, RsvdO or RsvdZ) is used to define a
data structure field, system software shall set all reserved register fields to ‘0’
when initially allocating the data structure.
Note: Registers that define “Sticky” bits shall preserve their values when the Aux
Power well is enabled and the xHC is in the D3cold state. Refer to section
4.23.1 for more information on power wells and register initialization.
Figure 5-1 describes the PCI Configuration Space for an xHC. PCI-based xHCs
are required to implement a PCI, Type 0 PCI device header as depicted below.
xHCs are also required to implement at least the first two Base Address
Registers (BAR 0 and BAR 1) to enable 64-bit addressing. These Base Address
Registers are used to point to the start of the host controller’s memory-mapped
Input/Output (MMIO) register space.
BAR0 Size Allocation
Intel Confidential
Figure 5-1: PCI Type 00h Configuration Space Header
31 24 23 16 15 8 7 0
Device ID Vendor ID 00h
Status Command 04h
Class Code Revision ID 08h
BIST Header Type Master Latency Timer Cache Line Size 0Ch
Base Address Register 0 10h
Base Address Register 1 14h
(Reserved) 20h
Subsystem ID System Vendor ID 2Ch
(Reserved) Capabilities Pointer 34h
Max_Lat Min_Gnt Interrupt Pin Interrupt Line 3Ch
(Reserved for 5Ch
and PCI Capability
Registers) 64h
Many of the fields of the PCI header space contain hardware default values,
which are either fixed or, if an implementation permits, may be overridden
using EEPROM, but may not be independently specified for each logical xHC
instance in a platform. These fields include: Revision, Header Type, Subsystem
ID, Subsystem Vendor ID, Class Code, Capability Pointer, Max Latency, and
Min Grant.
The following fields are unique to each xHC instance: Device ID, Command,
Status, Latency Timer, Cache Line Size75, Memory BAR, and Interrupt Pin.
Attribute: RO
Size: 24 bits
Bit Description
7:0 Programming Interface (PI) - RO. 30h = USB3 Host Controller that conforms to
this specification.
15:8 Sub-Class Code (SCC) - RO. 03h = Universal Serial Bus Host Controller.
23:16 Base Class Code (BASEC) - RO. 0Ch = Serial Bus controller.
Attribute: RO
Size: 8 bits
This register contains the release of the Universal Serial Bus Specification with
which this Universal Serial Bus Host Controller module is compliant.
Bit Description
7:0 Serial Bus Specification Release Number - RO. All other combinations are reserved.
Bits[7:0] Release Number
30h Release 3.0
31h Release 3.1
32h Release 3.2
Attribute: RWS
Size: 8 bits
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This register is in the Aux Power well. This feature is used to adjust any offset
from the clock source that generates the clock that drives the SOF counter.
When a new value is written into these six bits, the length of the frame is
adjusted for all USB buses implemented by an xHC. Its initial programmed
value is system dependent based on the accuracy of hardware USB clock and is
initialized by system software (typically the BIOS). This register should only be
modified when the HCHalted (HCH) bit in the USBSTS register is ‘1’. Changing
value of this register while the host controller is operating yields undefined
Bit Description
5:0 Frame Length Timing Value - RWS/RsvdP. If NFC = ‘0’, then each decimal value change to this
register corresponds to 16 high-speed bit times. The SOF cycle time (number of SOF counter
clock periods to generate a SOF microframe length) is equal to 59488 + value in this field. The
default value is decimal 32 (20h), which gives a SOF cycle time of 60000.
Frame Length
(# HS bit times) FLADJ Value
(decimal) (decimal)
59488 0 (00h)
59504 1 (01h)
59520 2 (02h
59984 31 (1Fh)
60000 32 (20h)
60480 62 (3Eh)
60496 63 (3Fh)
If NFC = ‘1’ then this field shall be RsvdP.
6 No Frame Length Timing Capability (NFC) - RO. This flag indicates whether the host controller
implementation supports a Frame Length Timing Value. A ‘1’ in this bit indicates that the Frame
Length Timing Value is not supported. A ‘0’ in this bit indicates that the Frame Length Timing
Value is supported.
7 RsvdP.
Note: A USB3 Bus Interval Adjustment Message is used by the host to adjust its 125
μs. bus interval up to +/-13.333 μs. The FLADJ establishes the center point
for this adjustment. The contents of this register are not affected by the
receipt of a BUS_INTERVAL_ADJUSTMENT_MESSAGE from a USB3 device.
Refer to section in the USB3 spec.
Bit Offset: 0
Attribute: RO
Size: 4 bits
This register contains the optimal value for programming the PORTPMSC Best
Effort Service Latency (BESL) field. Refer to section for more
If BESL LPM is not supported (HLC = '0' or BLC = '0') then this register is
Bit Description
3:0 Default Best Effort Service Latency (DBESL) - RO. Default = Vendor defined. If
the value of this field is non-zero, it defines the recommended value for
programming the PORTPMSC register BESL field. Refer to sections and for more information.
Bit Offset: 4
Attribute: RO
Size: 4 bits
This register contains the optimal value for programming the PORTPMSC Best
Effort Service Latency - Deep (BESLD) field. Refer to section for
more information.
If BESL LPM is not supported (HLC = '0' or BLC = '0') then this register is
Bit Description
7:4 Default Best Effort Service Latency Deep (DBESLD) - RO. Default = Vendor
defined. If the value of this field is non-zero, it defines the recommended value for
programming the PORTPMSC register BESLD field. Refer to sections and for more information.
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5.2.7 PCI Power Management Interface
The following figure is a depiction of the registers defined in the PCI Power
Management Capability. xHCI compliant host controllers shall implement the
PCI Power Management capability registers as defined in the PCI Specification,
which is nearly identical to the structure defined in PCI PM specification, with
some additional requirements. Refer to Appendix A.1 for additional xHCI
operational requirements for PCI Power Management.
31 24 23 16 15 8 7 0
The following section describes the PCI Power Management capability structure,
which fields are required or optional for compliance, and how they are
implemented by the xHC.
The PCI Capability List76 is used to provide a standard way for software to find
and use the PCI Power Management. Refer to section 3.2 in the PCI PM
specification for the definition of Power Management Register Block.
If the PCI No_Soft_Reset flag is set to '1', it will also prevent the USB from being reset when the controller
transitions from to D3hot from D0. Setting the No_Soft_Reset flag has the benefit of not having to re-
initialize all of the USB devices on the bus. The No_Soft_Reset flag does not have any effect on a D3cold
(Core power well disabled) to D0 transition, since PERST# is required to be asserted when the main power
supply is removed. Refer to section 3.2.4 PMCSR in the PCI PM specification.
76 PCI Capability List is defined in the PCI Local Bus Specification (Section 6.7)
In contrast to the MSI capability structure, which directly contains all of the
control/status information for the function's vectors, the MSI-X capability
structure instead points to an MSI-X Table structure and a MSI-X Pending Bit
Array (PBA) structure, each residing in Memory Space.
The MSI-X Table structure typically contains multiple entries, each consisting of
several fields: Message Address, Message Upper Address, Message Data, and
Vector Control. Each entry is capable of specifying a unique vector.
The Pending Bit Array (PBA) structure contains the function’s Pending Bits, one
per Table entry, organized as a packed array of bits within Qwords.
31 16 15 8 7 3 2 0
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Refer to section 6.8.2 in the PCI specification for the definition of the MSI-X
Capability and Table Structures. The following subsections describe xHC related
MSI-X implementation issues.
MSI-X Table entries and Pending bits are each numbered 0 through N-1, where
N-1 is indicated by the Table Size field in the MSI-X Message Control register.
For a given arbitrary MSI-X Table entry K, its starting address can be
calculated with the formula:
Entry starting address = Table base + K*16
For the associated Pending bit K, its address for Qword access and bit number
within that
Qword can be calculated with the formulas:
Qword address = PBA base + (K div 64)*8
Qword bit# = K MOD 64
Software that chooses to read Pending bit K with DWORD accesses can use
these formulas:
Qword address = PBA base + (K div 32)*4
The structure depicted below represents a PCI Express Capability structure that
shall be implemented for any xHC designed to operate as a PCIe device within
PCIe capable systems. Refer to section 7.8 of the PCIe spec, for details
regarding implementation of this structure.
31 16 15 8 7 0
PCI Express Capabilities Register Next Cap Pointer PCI Express Cap ID 00h
Device Capabilities 04h
Device Status Device Control 08h
Link Capabilities 0Ch
Link Status Link Control 10h
Device Capabilities 2 24h
Device Status 2 Device Control 2 28h
Link Capabilities 2 2Ch
Link Status 2 Link Control 2 30h
This optional capability is only required for xHC that provides hardware support
for virtualized system environments. The Single Root I/O Virtualization and
Sharing Specification (SR-IOV) defines virtualization related extensions to the
PCI Express (PCIe) specification. SR-IOV is a PCIe Extended Capability.
All Capability Registers are Read-Only (RO). The offsets for these registers are
all relative to the beginning of the host controller’s MMIO address space. The
beginning of the host controller’s MMIO address space is referred to as “Base”
throughout this document.
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Table 5-9: eXtensible Host Controller Capability Registers
Base Offset Mnemonic Register Name Section
01h 1 Rsvd
Attribute: RO
Size: 8 bits
This register is used as an offset to add to register base to find the beginning of
the Operational Register Space.
Attribute: RO
Size: 16 bits
Note: Pre-release versions of the xHC shall declare the specific version of the xHCI
that it was implemented against. for example,. 0090h = version 0.9.0.
Attribute: RO
Size: 32 bits
Bits Description
7:0 Number of Device Slots (MaxSlots). This field specifies the maximum number of
Device Context Structures and Doorbell Array entries this host controller can support.
Valid values are in the range of 1 to 255. The value of ‘0’ is reserved.
23:19 Rsvd.
31:24 Number of Ports (MaxPorts). This field specifies the maximum Port Number value,
that is, the highest numbered Port Register Set that are addressable in the
Operational Register Space (refer to Table 5-18). Valid values are in the range of 1h
to FFh.
The value in this field shall reflect the maximum Port Number value assigned by an
xHCI Supported Protocol Capability, described in section 7.2. Software shall refer to
these capabilities to identify whether a specific Port Number is valid, and the protocol
supported by the associated Port Register Set.
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5.3.4 Structural Parameters 2 (HCSPARAMS2)
Attribute: RO
Size: 32 bits
Max Scratchpad Bufs Lo SPR Max Scratchpad Bufs Hi Rsvd ERST Max IST
Bit Description
7:4 Event Ring Segment Table Max (ERST Max). Default = implementation
dependent. Valid values are 0 – 15. This field determines the maximum value
supported the Event Ring Segment Table Base Size registers (, where:
The maximum number of Event Ring Segment Table entries = 2 ERST Max
For example, if the ERST Max = 7, then the xHC Event Ring Segment Table(s)
supports up to 128 entries, 15 then 32K entries, etc.
20:8 Rsvd.
25:21 Max Scratchpad Buffers (Max Scratchpad Bufs Hi). Default = implementation
dependent. This field indicates the high order 5 bits of the number of Scratchpad
Buffers system software shall reserve for the xHC. Refer to section 4.20 for more
26 Scratchpad Restore (SPR). Default = implementation dependent. If Max Scratchpad Buffers is >
‘0’ then this flag indicates whether the xHC uses the Scratchpad Buffers for saving state when
executing Save and Restore State operations. If Max Scratchpad Buffers is = ‘0’ then this flag
shall be ‘0’. Refer to section 4.23.2 for more information.
A value of ‘1’ indicates that the xHC requires the integrity of the Scratchpad Buffer space to be
maintained across power events.
A value of ‘0’ indicates that the Scratchpad Buffer space may be freed and reallocated between
power events.
31:27 Max Scratchpad Buffers (Max Scratchpad Bufs Lo). Default = implementation dependent. Valid
values for Max Scratchpad Buffers (Hi and Lo) are 0-1023. This field indicates the low order 5
bits of the number of Scratchpad Buffers system software shall reserve for the xHC. Refer to
section 4.20 for more information.
Bit Description
7:0 U1 Device Exit Latency. Worst case latency to transition a root hub Port Link State
(PLS) from U1 to U0. Applies to all root hub ports.
The following are permissible values:
Value Description
00h Zero
01h Less than 1 µs
02h Less than 2 µs.
0Ah Less than 10 µs.
0B-FFh Reserved
15:8 Rsvd.
31:16 U2 Device Exit Latency. Worst case latency to transition from U2 to U0. Applies to
all root hub ports.
The following are permissible values:
Value Description
0000h Zero
0001h Less than 1 µs.
0002h Less than 2 µs.
07FFh Less than 2047 µs.
0800-FFFFh Reserved
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5.3.6 Capability Parameters 1 (HCCPARAMS1)
Address: Base + (10h)
Default Value: Implementation Dependent
Attribute: RO
Size: 32 bits
The default values for all fields in this register are implementation dependent.
Bits Description
0 64-bit Addressing Capability77 (AC64). This flag documents the addressing range capability of this
implementation. The value of this flag determines whether the xHC has implemented the high order 32
bits of 64 bit register and data structure pointer fields. Values for this flag have the following
Value Description
0 32-bit address memory pointers implemented
1 64-bit address memory pointers implemented
If 32-bit address memory pointers are implemented, the xHC shall ignore the high order 32 bits of 64-
bit data structure pointer fields, and system software shall ignore the high order 32 bits of 64-bit xHC
1 BW Negotiation Capability (BNC). This flag identifies whether the xHC has implemented the
Bandwidth Negotiation. Values for this flag have the following interpretation:
Value Description
0 BW Negotiation not implemented
1 BW Negotiation implemented
Refer to section 4.16 for more information on Bandwidth Negotiation.
2 Context Size (CSZ). If this bit is set to ‘1’, then the xHC uses 64 byte Context data structures. If this
bit is cleared to ‘0’, then the xHC uses 32 byte Context data structures.
This flag does not apply to Stream Contexts.
3 Port Power Control (PPC). This flag indicates whether the host controller implementation includes
port power control. A ‘1’ in this bit indicates the ports have port power switches. A ‘0’ in this bit
indicates the port do not have port power switches. The value of this flag affects the functionality of
the PP flag in each port status and control register (refer to Section 5.4.8).
77 This is not tightly coupled with the USBBASE address register mapping control. The 64-bit Addressing Capability (AC64) flag indicates
whether the host controller can generate 64-bit addresses as a master. The USBBASE register indicates the host controller only needs
to decode 32-bit addresses as a slave.
4 Port Indicators (PIND). This bit indicates whether the xHC root hub ports support port indicator
control. When this bit is a ‘1’, the port status and control registers include a read/writeable field for
controlling the state of the port indicator. Refer to Section 5.4.8 for definition of the Port Indicator
Control field.
5 Light HC Reset Capability (LHRC). This flag indicates whether the host controller implementation
supports a Light Host Controller Reset. A ‘1’ in this bit indicates that Light Host Controller Reset is
supported. A ‘0’ in this bit indicates that Light Host Controller Reset is not supported. The value of this
flag affects the functionality of the Light Host Controller Reset (LHCRST) flag in the USBCMD register
(refer to Section 5.4.1).
6 Latency Tolerance Messaging Capability (LTC). This flag indicates whether the host controller
implementation supports Latency Tolerance Messaging (LTM). A ‘1’ in this bit indicates that LTM is
supported. A ‘0’ in this bit indicates that LTM is not supported. Refer to section 4.13.1 for more
information on LTM.
7 No Secondary SID Support (NSS). This flag indicates whether the host controller implementation
supports Secondary Stream IDs. A ‘1’ in this bit indicates that Secondary Stream ID decoding is not
supported. A ‘0’ in this bit indicates that Secondary Stream ID decoding is supported. (refer to
Sections 4.12.2 and 6.2.3).
8 Parse All Event Data (PAE). This flag indicates whether the host controller implementation Parses all
Event Data TRBs while advancing to the next TD after a Short Packet, or it skips all but the first Event
Data TRB. A ‘1’ in this bit indicates that all Event Data TRBs are parsed. A ‘0’ in this bit indicates that
only the first Event Data TRB is parsed (refer to section
9 Stopped - Short Packet Capability (SPC). This flag indicates that the host controller
implementation is capable of generating a Stopped - Short Packet Completion Code. Refer to section
4.6.9 for more information.
10 Stopped EDTLA Capability (SEC). This flag indicates that the host controller implementation Stream
Context support a Stopped EDTLA field. Refer to sections 4.6.9, 4.12, and for more
Stopped EDTLA Capability support (that is, SEC = '1') shall be mandatory for all xHCI 1.1 and xHCI 1.2
compliant xHCs.
11 Contiguous Frame ID Capability (CFC). This flag indicates that the host controller implementation
is capable of matching the Frame ID of consecutive Isoch TDs. Refer to section for more
15:12 Maximum Primary Stream Array Size (MaxPSASize). This fields identifies the maximum size
Primary Stream Array that the xHC supports. The Primary Stream Array size = 2MaxPSASize+1. Valid
MaxPSASize values are 0 to 15, where ‘0’ indicates that Streams are not supported.
31:16 xHCI Extended Capabilities Pointer (xECP). This field indicates the existence of a capabilities list.
The value of this field indicates a relative offset, in 32-bit words, from Base to the beginning of the
first extended capability.
For example, using the offset of Base is 1000h and the xECP value of 0068h, we can calculated the
following effective address of the first extended capability:
1000h + (0068h << 2) -> 1000h + 01A0h -> 11A0h
Intel Confidential
Default Value: Implementation Dependent
Attribute: RO
Size: 32 bits
This register defines the offset of the Doorbell Array base address from the
Bit Description
1:0 Rsvd.
31:2 Doorbell Array Offset - RO. Default = implementation dependent. This field defines
the offset in Dwords of the Doorbell Array base address from the Base (that is, the
base address of the xHCI Capability register address space).
This register defines the offset of the xHCI Runtime Registers from the Base.
Bit Description
4:0 Rsvd.
31:5 Runtime Register Space Offset - RO. Default = implementation dependent. This
field defines the 32-byte offset of the xHCI Runtime Registers from the Base. that is,
Runtime Register Base Address = Base + Runtime Register Set Offset.
The default values for all fields in this register are implementation dependent.
Bits Description
0 U3 Entry Capability (U3C) - RO. This bit indicates whether the xHC Root Hub ports
support port Suspend Complete notification. When this bit is '1', PLC shall be
asserted on any transition of PLS to the U3 State. Refer to section 4.15.1 for more
1 Configure Endpoint Command Max Exit Latency Too Large Capability (CMC) -
RO. This bit indicates whether a Configure Endpoint Command is capable of
generating a Max Exit Latency Too Large Capability Error. When this bit is '1', a Max
Exit Latency Too Large Capability Error may be returned by a Configure Endpoint
Command. When this bit is '0', a Max Exit Latency Too Large Capability Error shall
not be returned by a Configure Endpoint Command. This capability is enabled by the
CME flag in the USBCMD register. Refer to sections and 5.4.1 for more
2 Force Save Context Capability (FSC) - RO. This bit indicates whether the xHC
supports the Force Save Context Capability. When this bit is '1', the Save State
operation shall save any cached Slot, Endpoint, Stream or other Context information
to memory. Refer to Implementation Note “FSC and Context handling by Save and
Restore”, and sections 4.23.2 and 5.4.1 for more information.
3 Compliance Transition Capability (CTC) - RO. This bit indicates whether the xHC
USB3 Root Hub ports support the Compliance Transition Enabled (CTE) flag. When
this bit is ‘1’, USB3 Root Hub port state machine transitions to the Compliance
substate shall be explicitly enabled software. When this bit is ‘0’, USB3 Root Hub port
state machine transitions to the Compliance substate are automatically enabled.
Refer to section for more information.
Intel Confidential
Bits Description
4 Large ESIT Payload Capability (LEC) - RO. This bit indicates whether the xHC
supports ESIT Payloads greater than 48K bytes. When this bit is ‘1’, ESIT Payloads
greater than 48K bytes are supported. When this bit is ‘0’, ESIT Payloads greater
than 48K bytes are not supported. Refer to section for more information.
5 Configuration Information Capability (CIC) - RO. This bit indicates if the xHC
supports extended Configuration Information. When this bit is 1, the Configuration
Value, Interface Number, and Alternate Setting fields in the Input Control Context
are supported. When this bit is 0, the extended Input Control Context fields are not
supported. Refer to section for more information.
6 Extended TBC Capability78 (ETC) - RO. This bit indicates if the TBC field in an
Isoch TRB supports the definition of Burst Counts greater than 65535 bytes. When
this bit is ‘1’, the Extended EBC capability is supported by the xHC. When this bit is
‘0’, it is not. Refer to section for more information.
7 Extended TBC TRB Status Capability (ETC_TSC) - RO. This bit indicates if the
TBC/TRBSts field in an Isoch TRB indicates additional information regarding TRB in
the TD. When this bit is ‘1’, the Isoch TRB TD Size/TBC field presents TBC value and
TBC/TRBSts field presents the TRBSts value. When this bit is ‘0’ then the ETC/ETE
values defines the TD Size/TBC field and TBC/RsvdZ field. This capability shall be
enabled only if LEC = ‘1’ and ETC=’1’. Refer to section for more information.
8 Get/Set Extended Property Capability (GSC) – RO. This bit indicates support for
the Set Extended Property and Get Extended Property commands. When this bit is
‘1’, the xHC supports the Get Extended Property and Set Extended Property
commands defined in section 4.6.17 and section 4.6.18. When this bit is ‘0’, the xHC
does not support the Get Extended Property and Set Extended Property commands
and the xHC does not support any of the associated Extended Capabilities.
This bit shall only be set to ‘1’ if the xHC supports one or more extended capabilities
that require the Get Extended Property and Set Extended Property commands.
9 Virtualization Based Trusted I/O Capability (VTC) – RO. This bit when set to
1, indicates that the xHC supports the Virtualization based Trusted IO (VTIO)
Capability. When this bit is 0, the VTIO Capability is not supported. This capability is
enabled by the VTIOE flag in the USBCMD register.
31:10 Reserved.
The default values for all fields in this register are implementation dependent.
78 The Extended TBC Capability (ETC) was added to enable support for Transfer Burst Count (TBC) values greater than 4, which are
required to fully support SSP Isoch bandwidths.
This register defines the offset of the xHCI VTIO Registers from the Base.
Bit Description
11:0 Reserved
31:12 VTIO Register Space Offset – RO. Default = implementation dependent. This
field defines the offset in 4 KByte offset of the VTIO Registers from the Base. That
is, VTIO Register Base = Base + VTIO Register Space Offset.
Note: The VTIO Register Space offset shall always reside in a 4KB page not to be
shared with any other XHCI capability. In other words, VTIO Register Space
offset should be the only pointer into this 4KB page. No other structure or
register space should encroach onto the 4KB page where the VTIO Registers
These registers are located at a positive offset from the Capabilities Registers
(refer to Section 5.3).
0C-13h RsvdZ
Intel Confidential
14h DNCTRL Device Notification Control 5.4.4
20-2Fh RsvdZ
3C-3FFh RsvdZ
Note: The MaxPorts value in the HCSPARAMS1 register defines the number of Port
Register Sets (for example, PORTSC, PORTPMSC, and PORTLI register sets).
The PORTSC, PORTPMSC, and PORTLI register sets are grouped (consecutive
Dwords). Refer to their respective sections for their addressing.
The Offset referenced in Table 5-18 is the offset from the beginning of the
Operational Register space.
The Operational registers are located at a positive offset from the Capabilities
Registers (refer to Section 5.3).
When the Operational Registers are exposed by a Virtual Function (VF), they
are emulated and managed by the VMM for the xHC instance presented by the
selected VF. The VMM has full discretion as to how writes to these registers will
affect the operation of a VF and the value of the read data returned by a VF,
however recommendations are provided where appropriate. Refer to Chapter 8
for more information.
31 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 4 3 2 1 0
Bits Description
0 Run/Stop (R/S) – RW. Default = ‘0’. ‘1’ = Run. ‘0’ = Stop. When set to a ‘1’, the xHC proceeds with
execution of the schedule. The xHC continues execution as long as this bit is set to a ‘1’. When this bit
is cleared to ‘0’, the xHC completes any current or queued commands or TDs, and any USB transactions
associated with them, then halts.
Refer to section for more information on how R/S shall be managed.
The xHC shall halt within 16 ms. after software clears the Run/Stop bit if the above conditions have
been met.
The HCHalted (HCH) bit in the USBSTS register indicates when the xHC has finished its pending
pipelined transactions and has entered the stopped state. Software shall not write a ‘1’ to this flag
unless the xHC is in the Halted state (that is, HCH in the USBSTS register is ‘1’). Doing so may yield
undefined results. Writing a ‘0’ to this flag when the xHC is in the Running state (that is, HCH = ‘0’) and
any Event Rings are in the Event Ring Full state (refer to section 4.9.4) may result in lost events.
When this register is exposed by a Virtual Function (VF), this bit only controls the run state of the xHC
instance presented by the selected VF. Refer to section 8 for more information.
1 Host Controller Reset (HCRST) – RW. Default = ‘0’. This control bit is used by software to reset the
host controller. The effects of this bit on the xHC and the Root Hub registers are similar to a Chip
Hardware Reset.
When software writes a ‘1’ to this bit, the Host Controller resets its internal pipelines, timers, counters,
state machines, etc. to their initial value. Any transaction currently in progress on the USB is
immediately terminated. A USB reset shall not be driven on USB2 downstream ports, however a Hot or
Warm Reset79 shall be initiated on USB3 Root Hub downstream ports.
PCI Configuration registers are not affected by this reset. All operational registers, including port
registers and port state machines are set to their initial values. Software shall reinitialize the host
controller as described in Section 4.2 in order to return the host controller to an operational state.
This bit is cleared to ‘0’ by the Host Controller when the reset process is complete. Software cannot
terminate the reset process early by writing a ‘0’ to this bit and shall not write any xHC Operational or
Runtime registers until while HCRST is ‘1’. Note, the completion of the xHC reset process is not gated by
the Root Hub port reset process.
Software shall not set this bit to ‘1’ when the HCHalted (HCH) bit in the USBSTS register is a ‘0’.
Attempting to reset an actively running host controller may result in undefined behavior.
When this register is exposed by a Virtual Function (VF), this bit only resets the xHC instance presented
by the selected VF. Refer to section 8 for more information.
79 Depending on the link state when HCRST is asserted, an xHC implementation may choose to issue a Hot Reset rather than a Warm Reset
to accelerate the USB recovery process.
Intel Confidential
Bits Description
2 Interrupter Enable (INTE) – RW. Default = ‘0’. This bit provides system software with a means of
enabling or disabling the host system interrupts generated by Interrupters. When this bit is a ‘1’, then
Interrupter host system interrupt generation is allowed, for example, the xHC shall issue an interrupt at
the next interrupt threshold if the host system interrupt mechanism (for example, MSI, MSI-X, etc.) is
enabled. The interrupt is acknowledged by a host system interrupt specific mechanism.
When this register is exposed by a Virtual Function (VF), this bit only enables the set of Interrupters
assigned to the selected VF. Refer to section 7.7.2 for more information.
3 Host System Error Enable (HSEE) – RW. Default = ‘0’. When this bit is a ‘1’, and the HSE bit in the
USBSTS register is a ‘1’, the xHC shall assert out-of-band error signaling to the host. The signaling is
acknowledged by software clearing the HSE bit. Refer to section for more information.
When this register is exposed by a Virtual Function (VF), the effect of the assertion of this bit on the
Physical Function (PF0) is determined by the VMM. Refer to section 8 for more information.
6:4 RsvdP.
7 Light Host Controller Reset (LHCRST) – RO or RW. Optional normative. Default = ‘0’. If the Light
HC Reset Capability (LHRC) bit in the HCCPARAMS1 register is ‘1’, then this flag allows the driver to
reset the xHC without affecting the state of the ports.
A system software read of this bit as ‘0’ indicates the Light Host Controller Reset has completed and it is
safe for software to re-initialize the xHC. A software read of this bit as a ‘1’ indicates the Light Host
Controller Reset has not yet completed.
If not implemented, a read of this flag shall always return a ‘0’.
All registers in the Aux Power well shall maintain the values that had been asserted prior to the Light
Host Controller Reset. Refer to section 4.23.1 for more information.
When this register is exposed by a Virtual Function (VF), this bit only generates a Light Reset to the
xHC instance presented by the selected VF, for example, Disable the VFs’ device slots and set the
associated VF Run bit to Stopped. Refer to section 8 for more information.
8 Controller Save State (CSS) - RW. Default = ‘0’. When written by software with ‘1’ and HCHalted
(HCH) = ‘1’, then the xHC shall save any internal state (that may be restored by a subsequent Restore
State operation) and if FSC = '1' any cached Slot, Endpoint, Stream, or other Context information (so
that software may save it). When written by software with ‘1’ and HCHalted (HCH) = ‘0’, or written with
‘0’, no Save State operation shall be performed. This flag always returns ‘0’ when read. Refer to the
Save State Status (SSS) flag in the USBSTS register for information on Save State completion. Refer to
section 4.23.2 for more information on xHC Save/Restore operation. Note that undefined behavior may
occur if a Save State operation is initiated while Restore State Status (RSS) = ‘1’.
When this register is exposed by a Virtual Function (VF), this bit only controls saving the state of the
xHC instance presented by the selected VF. Refer to section 8 for more information.
9 Controller Restore State (CRS) - RW. Default = ‘0’. When set to ‘1’, and HCHalted (HCH) = ‘1’, then
the xHC shall perform a Restore State operation and restore its internal state. When set to ‘1’ and
Run/Stop (R/S) = ‘1’ or HCHalted (HCH) = ‘0’, or when cleared to ‘0’, no Restore State operation shall
be performed. This flag always returns ‘0’ when read. Refer to the Restore State Status (RSS) flag in
the USBSTS register for information on Restore State completion. Refer to section 4.23.2 for more
information. Note that undefined behavior may occur if a Restore State operation is initiated while Save
State Status (SSS) = ‘1’.
When this register is exposed by a Virtual Function (VF), this bit only controls restoring the state of the
xHC instance presented by the selected VF. Refer to section 8 for more information.
10 Enable Wrap Event (EWE) - RW. Default = ‘0’. When set to ‘1’, the xHC shall generate a MFINDEX
Wrap Event every time the MFINDEX register transitions from 03FFFh to 0. When cleared to ‘0’ no
MFINDEX Wrap Events are generated. Refer to section 4.14.2 for more information.
When this register is exposed by a Virtual Function (VF), the generation of MFINDEX Wrap Events to VFs
shall be emulated by the VMM.
11 Enable U3 MFINDEX Stop (EU3S) - RW. Default = ‘0’. When set to ‘1’, the xHC may stop the
MFINDEX counting action if all Root Hub ports are in the U3, Disconnected, Disabled, or Powered-
off state. When cleared to ‘0’ the xHC may stop the MFINDEX counting action if all Root Hub ports are
in the Disconnected, Disabled, Training, or Powered-off state. Refer to section 4.14.2 for more
12 RsvdP.
13 CEM Enable (CME) - RW. Default = '0'. When set to '1', a Max Exit Latency Too Large Capability Error
may be returned by a Configure Endpoint Command. When cleared to '0', a Max Exit Latency Too Large
Capability Error shall not be returned by a Configure Endpoint Command. This bit is Reserved if CMC =
‘0’. Refer to section for more information.
14 Extended TBC Enable (ETE). This flag indicates that the host controller implementation is enabled to
support Transfer Burst Count (TBC) values greater that 4 in isoch TDs. When this bit is ‘1’, the Isoch
TRB TD Size/TBC field presents the TBC value, and the TBC/RsvdZ field is RsvdZ. When this bit is ‘0’,
the TDSize/TCB field presents the TD Size value, and the TBC/RsvdZ field presents the TBC value. This
bit may be set only if ETC = ‘1’. Refer to section for more information.
15 Extended TBC TRB Status Enable (TSC_EN). This flag indicates that the host controller
implementation is enabled to support ETC_TSC capability. When this is ‘1’, TRBSts field in the TRB
updated to indicate if it is last transfer TRB in the TD. This bit may be set only if ETC_TSC=’1’. Refer to
section for more information.
16 VTIO Enable (VTIOE) – RW. Default = ‘0’. When set to ‘1’, XHCI HW will enable its VTIO capability
and begin to use the information provided via that VTIO Registers to determine its DMA-ID. When
cleared to ‘0’, XHCI HW will use the Primary DMA-ID for all accesses. This bit may be set only if VTC =
31:17 RsvdP.
Note: The R/S flag has no effect on the operation of the Debug Capability.
To expedite the xHC halt process, software should ensure the following before
clearing the R/S bit:
• All endpoints are in the Stopped state or Idle in the Running state, and all
Transfer Events associated with them have been received.
• The Command Transfer Ring is in the Stopped state (CRR = ‘0’) or Idle
(that is, the Command Transfer Ring is empty), and all Command
Completion Events associated with them have been received.
Intel Confidential
Software should apply the following rules to determine when a Busy Transfer
Ring becomes Idle:
• For Isoch endpoints:
⎯ Wait for a Ring Underrun or Ring Overrun Transfer Event or,
⎯ Issue a Stop Endpoint Command and wait for the associated
Command Completion Event.
• For non-Isoch endpoints:
⎯ If the IOC flag is set in the last TRB on the Transfer Ring, then wait
for its Transfer Event.
⎯ If the IOC flag is not set in the last TRB on the Transfer Ring, then
there will be no Transfer Event generated when the last TRB on the
ring is completed, so software shall issue a Stop Endpoint Command
and wait for the associated Command Completion Event and Stopped
Transfer Events. Refer to section 4.6.9.
Note: Software shall ensure that any pending reset on a USB2 port is completed
before R/S is cleared to ‘0’.
Note: The xHC is forced to halt within 16 ms. of software clearing the R/S bit to ‘0’,
irrespective of any queued Transfer or Command Ring activity. If software
does not follow the “halt process” recommendations above, undefined
behavior may occur, for example, xHC commands or pending USB
transactions may be lost, aborted, and so forth.
This register indicates pending interrupts and various states of the Host
Controller. The status resulting from a transaction on the serial bus is not
indicated in this register. Software sets a bit to ‘0’ in this register by writing a
‘1’ to it (RW1C). Refer to Section 4.17 for additional information concerning
USB interrupt conditions.
80 Note, the CNR flag may be asserted (‘1’) when the USBSTS is first examined by software.
Bit Description
0 HCHalted (HCH) – RO. Default = ‘1’. This bit is a ‘0’ whenever the Run/Stop (R/S)
bit is a ‘1’. The xHC sets this bit to ‘1’ after it has stopped executing as a result of the
Run/Stop (R/S) bit being cleared to ‘0’, either by software or by the xHC hardware
(for example, internal error).
If this bit is '1', then SOFs, microSOFs, or Isochronous Timestamp Packets (ITP) shall
not be generated by the xHC, and any received Transaction Packet shall be dropped.
When this register is exposed by a Virtual Function (VF), this bit only reflects the
Halted state of the xHC instance presented by the selected VF. Refer to section 8 for
more information.
1 RsvdZ.
2 Host System Error (HSE) – RW1C. Default = ‘0’. The xHC sets this bit to ‘1’ when
a serious error is detected, either internal to the xHC or during a host system access
involving the xHC module. (In a PCI system, conditions that set this bit to ‘1’ include
PCI Parity error, PCI Master Abort, and PCI Target Abort.) When this error occurs,
the xHC clears the Run/Stop (R/S) bit in the USBCMD register to prevent further
execution of the scheduled TDs. If the HSEE bit in the USBCMD register is a ‘1’, the
xHC shall also assert out-of-band error signaling to the host. Refer to section for more information.
When this register is exposed by a Virtual Function (VF), the assertion of this bit
affects all VFs and reflects the Host System Error state of the Physical Function
(PF0). Refer to section 8 for more information.
3 Event Interrupt (EINT) – RW1C. Default = ‘0’. The xHC sets this bit to ‘1’ when
the Interrupt Pending (IP) bit of any Interrupter transitions from ‘0’ to ‘1’. Refer to
section 7.1.2 for use.
Software that uses EINT shall clear it prior to clearing any IP flags. A race condition
may occur if software clears the IP flags then clears the EINT flag, and between the
operations another IP ‘0’ to '1' transition occurs. In this case the new IP transition
shall be lost.
When this register is exposed by a Virtual Function (VF), this bit is the logical 'OR' of
the IP bits for the Interrupters assigned to the selected VF. And it shall be cleared to
‘0’ when all associated interrupter IP bits are cleared, that is, all the VF’s Interrupter
Event Ring(s) are empty. Refer to section 8 for more information.
4 Port Change Detect (PCD) – RW1C. Default = ‘0’. The xHC sets this bit to a ‘1’
when any port has a change bit transition from a ‘0’ to a ‘1’.
This bit is allowed to be maintained in the Aux Power well. Alternatively, it is also
acceptable that on a D3 to D0 transition of the xHC, this bit is loaded with the OR of
all of the PORTSC change bits. Refer to section 4.19.3.
This bit provides system software an efficient means of determining if there has been
Root Hub port activity. Refer to section for more information.
When this register is exposed by a Virtual Function (VF), the VMM determines the
state of this bit as a function of the Root Hub Ports associated with the Device Slots
assigned to the selected VF. Refer to section 8 for more information.
7:5 RsvdZ.
Intel Confidential
Bit Description
8 Save State Status (SSS) - RO. Default = ‘0’. When the Controller Save State
(CSS) flag in the USBCMD register is written with ‘1’ this bit shall be set to ‘1’ and
remain 1 while the xHC saves its internal state. When the Save State operation is
complete, this bit shall be cleared to ‘0’. Refer to section 4.23.2 for more
When this register is exposed by a Virtual Function (VF), the VMM determines the
state of this bit as a function of the saving the state for the selected VF. Refer to
section 8 for more information.
9 Restore State Status (RSS) - RO. Default = ‘0’. When the Controller Restore State
(CRS) flag in the USBCMD register is written with ‘1’ this bit shall be set to ‘1’ and
remain 1 while the xHC restores its internal state. When the Restore State operation
is complete, this bit shall be cleared to ‘0’. Refer to section 4.23.2 for more
When this register is exposed by a Virtual Function (VF), the VMM determines the
state of this bit as a function of the restoring the state for the selected VF. Refer to
section 8 for more information.
10 Save/Restore Error (SRE) - RW1C. Default = ‘0’. If an error occurs during a Save
or Restore operation this bit shall be set to ‘1’. This bit shall be cleared to ‘0’ when a
Save or Restore operation is initiated or when written with ‘1’. Refer to section 4.23.2
for more information.
When this register is exposed by a Virtual Function (VF), the VMM determines the
state of this bit as a function of the Save/Restore completion status for the selected
VF. Refer to section 8 for more information.
11 Controller Not Ready (CNR) – RO. Default = ‘1’. ‘0’ = Ready and ‘1’ = Not Ready.
Software shall not write any Doorbell or Operational register of the xHC, other than
the USBSTS register, until CNR = ‘0’. This flag is set by the xHC after a Chip
Hardware Reset and cleared when the xHC is ready to begin accepting register
writes. This flag shall remain cleared (‘0’) until the next Chip Hardware Reset.
31:13 RsvdZ.
Note: The Event Interrupt (EINT) and Port Change Detect (PCD) flags are typically
only used by system software for managing the xHCI when interrupts are
disabled or during an SMI.
Note: The EINT flag does not generate an interrupt, it is simply a logical OR of the
IMAN register IP flag ‘0’ to ‘1’ transitions. As such, it does not need to be
cleared to clear an xHC interrupt.
Intel Confidential
Table 5-22: Page Size Register Bit Definitions (PAGESIZE)
Bit Description
15:0 Page Size – RO. Default = Implementation defined. This field defines the page size supported by the
xHC implementation. This xHC supports a page size of 2^(n+12) if bit n is Set. For example, if bit 0 is
Set, the xHC supports 4k byte page sizes.
For a Virtual Function, this register reflects the page size selected in the System Page Size field of the
SR-IOV Extended Capability structure. For the Physical Function 0, this register reflects the
implementation dependent default xHC page size.
Various xHC resources reference PAGESIZE to describe their minimum alignment requirements.
The maximum possible page size is 128M.
31:16 Rsvd.
31 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Description
15:0 Notification Enable (N0-N15) – RW. When a Notification Enable bit is set, a
Device Notification Event shall be generated when a Device Notification Transaction
Packet is received with the matching value in the Notification Type field. For
example, setting N1 to ‘1’ enables Device Notification Event generation if a Device
Notification TP is received with its Notification Type field set to ‘1’
31:16 RsvdP.
The Command Ring Control Register provides Command Ring control and
status capabilities and identifies the address and Cycle bit state of the
Command Ring Dequeue Pointer.
Bit Description
0 Ring Cycle State (RCS) - RW. This bit identifies the value of the xHC Consumer
Cycle State (CCS) flag for the TRB referenced by the Command Ring Pointer. Refer to
section 4.9.3 for more information.
Writes to this flag are ignored if Command Ring Running (CRR) is ‘1’.
If the CRCR is written while the Command Ring is stopped (CRR = ‘0’), then the
value of this flag shall be used to fetch the first Command TRB the next time the Host
Controller Doorbell register is written with the DB Reason field set to Host Controller
If the CRCR is not written while the Command Ring is stopped (CRR = ‘0’), then the
Command Ring shall begin fetching Command TRBs using the current value of the
internal Command Ring CCS flag.
Reading this flag always returns ‘0’.
1 Command Stop (CS) - RW1S. Default = ‘0’. Writing a ‘1’ to this bit shall stop the
operation of the Command Ring after the completion of the currently executing
command and generate a Command Completion Event with the Completion Code set
to Command Ring Stopped and the Command TRB Pointer set to the current value of
the Command Ring Dequeue Pointer. Refer to section for more information on
stopping a command.
The next write to the Host Controller Doorbell with DB Reason field set to Host
Controller Command shall restart the Command Ring operation.
Writes to this flag are ignored by the xHC if Command Ring Running (CRR) = ‘0’.
Reading this bit shall always return ‘0’.
Intel Confidential
Bit Description
2 Command Abort (CA) - RW1S. Default = ‘0’. Writing a ‘1’ to this bit shall
immediately terminate the currently executing command, stop the Command Ring,
and generate a Command Completion Event with the Completion Code set to
Command Ring Stopped. Refer to section for more information on aborting a
The next write to the Host Controller Doorbell with DB Reason field set to Host
Controller Command shall restart the Command Ring operation.
Writes to this flag are ignored by the xHC if Command Ring Running (CRR) = ‘0’.
Reading this bit always returns ‘0’.
3 Command Ring Running (CRR) - RO. Default = 0. This flag is set to ‘1’ if the
Run/Stop (R/S) bit is ‘1’ and the Host Controller Doorbell register is written with the
DB Reason field set to Host Controller Command. It is cleared to ‘0’ when the
Command Ring is “stopped” after writing a ‘1’ to the Command Stop (CS) or
Command Abort (CA) flags, or if the R/S bit is cleared to ‘0’.
5:4 RsvdP.
63:6 Command Ring Pointer - RW. Default = ‘0’. This field defines high order bits of the
initial value of the 64-bit Command Ring Dequeue Pointer.
Writes to this field are ignored when Command Ring Running (CRR) = ‘1’.
If the CRCR is written while the Command Ring is stopped (CRR = ‘0’), the value of
this field shall be used to fetch the first Command TRB the next time the Host
Controller Doorbell register is written with the DB Reason field set to Host Controller
If the CRCR is not written while the Command Ring is stopped (CRR = ‘0’) then the
Command Ring shall begin fetching Command TRBs at the current value of the
internal xHC Command Ring Dequeue Pointer.
Reading this field always returns ‘0’.
Note: Refer to section 4.6 for more information on Command Ring Stop and Abort
Note: Setting the Command Stop (CS) or Command Abort (CA) flags while CRR =
‘1’ shall generate a Command Ring Stopped Command Completion Event.
Note: Setting both the Command Stop (CS) and Command Abort (CA) flags with a
single write to the CRCR while CRR = ‘1’ shall be interpreted as a Command
Abort (CA) by the xHC.
Note: The Command Ring is 64 byte aligned, so the low order 6 bits of the
Command Ring Pointer shall always be ‘0’.
Note: The values of the internal xHC Command Ring CCS flag and Dequeue Pointer
are undefined after hardware reset, so these fields shall be initialized before
setting USBCMD Run/Stop (R/S) to ‘1’. Refer to section 4.6.1.
Note: After asserting Command Stop (CS) if the Command doorbell is rung before
CRR = ‘0’, (that is, the ring is not fully stopped), then the behavior is
undefined, for example, the Command Ring may not restart.
Figure 5-18: Device Context Base Address Array Pointer Register (DCBAAP)
31 6 5 0
Table 5-25: Device Context Base Address Array Pointer Register Bit Definitions
Bit Description
5:0 RsvdZ.
63:6 Device Context Base Address Array Pointer - RW. Default = ‘0’. This field
defines high order bits of the 64-bit base address of the Device Context Pointer
Array. A table of address pointers that reference Device Context structures for the
devices attached to the host.
31 10 9 8 7 0
Intel Confidential
Table 5-26: Configure Register Bit Definitions (CONFIG)
Bit Description
7:0 Max Device Slots Enabled (MaxSlotsEn) – RW. Default = ‘0’. This field specifies
the maximum number of enabled Device Slots. Valid values are in the range of 0 to
MaxSlots. Enabled Devices Slots are allocated contiguously. For example, a value of
16 specifies that Device Slots 1 to 16 are active. A value of ‘0’ disables all Device
Slots. A disabled Device Slot shall not respond to Doorbell Register references.
This field shall not be modified by software if the xHC is running (Run/Stop (R/S) =
8 U3 Entry Enable (U3E) – RW. Default = '0'. When set to '1', the xHC shall assert
the PLC flag ('1') when a Root Hub port transitions to the U3 State. Refer to section
4.15.1 for more information.
9 Configuration Information Enable (CIE) - RW. Default = '0'. When set to '1', the
software shall initialize the Configuration Value, Interface Number, and Alternate
Setting fields in the Input Control Context when it is associated with a Configure
Endpoint Command. When this bit is '0', the extended Input Control Context fields
are not supported. Refer to section for more information.
31:10 RsvdP.
Note: Writing the Max Device Slots Enabled (MaxSlotsEn) field with a non-zero
value, signals to the xHC that the host controller driver for the xHC is loaded.
The Run/Stop (R/S) flag in the USBCMD register can be checked to determine
if the driver is running.
Note: The value of the Max Device Slots Enabled (MaxSlotsEn) field may allow
software to scale back its memory usage, in cases where it doesn’t need to
support the full number of slots supported by the xHC hardware. It may also
be used by the xHC to modify internal algorithms for distributing its internal
resource, that is, more data buffering per slot, modify its endpoint scheduling
algorithms, and so forth.
Note: If the xHC is stopped to reduce the MaxSlotsEn value, software shall ensure
that no active Device Slots (that is, not in the Disabled state) are being
disabled, otherwise undefined behavior may occur. For example, if
MaxSlotsEn is being changed from 16 to 8, Device Slots 9 through 16 shall be
in the Disabled state before MaxSlotsEn is changed.
A host controller shall implement one or more port registers. The number of
port registers implemented by a particular instantiation of a host controller is
documented in the HCSPARAMS1 register (Section 5.3.3). Software uses this
This register is in the Aux Power well. It is only reset by platform hardware
during a cold reset or in response to a Host Controller Reset (HCRST). The
initial conditions of a port are described in Section 4.19.
Note: Port Status Change Events cannot be generated if the xHC is stopped
(HCHalted (HCH) = ‘1’). Refer to section 4.19.2 for more information about
change flags.
Note: Software shall ensure that the xHC is running (HCHalted (HCH) = ‘0’) before
attempting to write to this register.
Software cannot change the state of the port unless Port Power (PP) is asserted
(‘1’), regardless of the Port Power Control (PPC) capability (section 5.3.6). The
host is required to have power stable to the port within 20 milliseconds of the
‘0’ to ‘1’ transition of PP. If PPC = ‘1’ software is responsible for waiting 20 ms.
after asserting PP, before attempting to change the state of the port.
Note: If a port has been assigned to the Debug Capability, then the port shall not
report device connected (that is, CCS = ‘0’) and enabled when the Port Power
Flag is ‘1’. Refer to Section 7.6 for more information on the xHCI Debug
Capability operation.
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 10 9 8 5 4 3 2 1 0
Table 5-27: Port Status and Control Register Bit Definitions (PORTSC)
Bits Description
0 Current Connect Status (CCS) – ROS. Default = ‘0’. ‘1’ = A device is connected81
to the port. ‘0’ = A device is not connected. This value reflects the current state of
the port and may not correspond directly to the event that caused the Connect Status
Change (CSC) bit to be set to ‘1’. Refer to sections 4.19.3 and 4.19.4 for more details
on the Connect Status Change (CSC) assertion conditions.
This flag is ‘0’ if PP is ‘0’.
81 For USB2 ports, CCS shall be asserted when the port transitions from the Disconnected to the Disabled state. Refer to section
Note that if a D- pull-up resistor is detected, then a Low-speed device is connected and CCS shall be asserted immediately (refer to
section of the USB2 spec). If a D+ pull-up resistor is detected, then a Full- or High-speed device may be connected. PED shall not
be asserted until after the High-speed Detection Handshake described in section of the USB2 spec completes and determines
the speed of the device. For USB3 ports, CCS shall be asserted when the port transitions from the Polling to the Enabled state. Refer to
Intel Confidential
Bits Description
3 Over-current Active (OCA) – RO. Default = ‘0’. ‘1’ = This port currently has an
over-current condition. ‘0’ = This port does not have an over-current condition. This
bit shall automatically transition from a ‘1’ to a ‘0’ when the over-current condition is
82 The PED and PR flags are mutually exclusive. Writing the PORTSC register with PED and PR set to ‘1’ shall result in undefined behavior.
4 Port Reset (PR) – RW1S. Default = ‘0’. ‘1’ = Port Reset signaling is asserted. ‘0’ =
Port is not in Reset. When software writes a ‘1’ to this bit generating a ‘0’ to ‘1’
transition, the bus reset sequence is initiated83; USB2 protocol ports shall execute the
bus reset sequence as defined in the USB2 Spec. USB3 protocol ports shall execute
the Hot Reset sequence as defined in the USB3 Spec. PR remains set until reset
signaling is completed by the root hub.
Note that software shall write a ‘1’ to this flag to transition a USB2 port from the
Polling state to the Enabled state. Refer to sections and
This flag is ‘0’ if PP is ‘0’.
83 A ‘0’ to ‘1’ transition of PR initiates a USB2 or USB3 reset signaling protocol (refer to section in the USB2 spec and section 6.9.3 in
the USB3 spec). The USB reset protocols are not designed to be interrupted or restarted before they are complete, therefore setting PR
= ‘1’ when it is already equal to ‘1’ shall be ignored by a port to avoid possible USB reset protocol violations.
Intel Confidential
Bits Description
8:5 Port Link State (PLS) – RWS. Default = RxDetect (‘5’). This field is used to power
manage the port and reflects its current link state.
When the port is in the Enabled state, system software may set the link U state by
writing this field. System software may also write this field to force a Disabled to
Disconnected state transition of the port.
Write Value Description
0 The link shall transition to a U0 state from any of the U states.
285 USB2 protocol ports only. The link should transition to the U2 State.
384 The link shall transition to a U3 state from the U0 state. This action
selectively suspends the device connected to this port. While the Port Link State = U3, the hub
does not propagate downstream-directed traffic to this port, but the hub shall respond to
resume signaling from the port.
5 USB3 protocol ports only. If the port is in the Disabled state (PLS = Disabled,
PP = 1), then the link shall transition to a RxDetect state and the port shall transition to the
Disconnected state, else ignored.
10 USB3 protocol ports only. Shall enable a link transition to the Compliance
state, that is, CTE = ‘1’. Refer to section for more information.
185,4,6-9,11-14 Ignored.
15 USB2 protocol ports only. If the port is in the U3 state (PLS = U3), then the
link shall remain in the U3 state and the port shall transition to the Resume substate, else
ignored. Refer to section 4.15.2 for more information.
The Port Link State Write Strobe (LWS) shall also be set to ‘1’ to write this field.
For USB2 protocol ports: Writing a value of '2' to this field shall request LPM,
asserting L1 signaling on the USB2 bus. Software may read this field to determine if
the transition to the U2 state was successful. Writing a value of '0' shall deassert L1
signaling on the USB. Writing a value of '1' shall have no effect. The U1 state shall
never be reported by a USB2 protocol port.
Read Value Meaning
0 Link is in the U0 State
1 Link is in the U1 State
2 Link is in the U2 State
3 Link is in the U3 State (Device Suspended)
4 Link is in the Disabled State86
5 Link is in the RxDetect State87
6 Link is in the Inactive State88
7 Link is in the Polling State
8 Link is in the Recovery State
9 Link is in the Hot Reset State
10 Link is in the Compliance Mode State
11 Link is in the Test Mode89 State
12-14 Reserved
15 Link is in the Resume State90
This field is undefined if PP = ‘0’.
Transitions between different states are not reflected until the transition is complete.
Refer to section 4.19 for PLS transition conditions.
Refer to sections 4.15.2 and 4.23.5 for more information on the use of this field.
Refer to the USB2 LPM ECR for more information on USB link power management
operation. Refer to section 7.2 for supported USB protocols.
9 Port Power (PP) – RWS. Default = ‘1’. This flag reflects a port's logical, power
control state. Because host controllers can implement different methods of port
power switching, this flag may or may not represent whether (VBus) power is actually
applied to the port. When PP equals a '0' the port is nonfunctional and shall not report
attaches, detaches, or Port Link State (PLS) changes. However, the port shall report
over-current conditions when PP = ‘0’ if PPC = ‘0’. After modifying PP, software shall
read PP and confirm that it is reached its target state before modifying it again91,
undefined behavior may occur if this procedure is not followed.
0 = This port is in the Powered-off state.
1 = This port is not in the Powered-off state.
If the Port Power Control (PPC) flag in the HCCPARAMS1 register is '1', then xHC has
port power control switches and this bit represents the current setting of the switch
('0' = off, '1' = on).
If the Port Power Control (PPC) flag in the HCCPARAMS1 register is '0', then xHC does
not have port power control switches and each port is hard wired to power, and not
affected by this bit.
When an over-current condition is detected on a powered port, the xHC shall
transition the PP bit in each affected port from a ‘1’ to ‘0’ (removing power from the
If this is an SSIC Port, then the DSP Disconnect process is initiated by '1' to '0'
transition of PP. After an SSIC USP disconnect process, the port may be disabled by
setting PED = 1. As noted, the SSIC spec does not define a mechanism for the USP to
request DSP to be re-enabled for a subsequent re-connect. If PED is set to 1 without
a prior negotiated disconnect with the USP, subsequent re-enabling of the port
requires DSP to issue a WPR to bring USP back to Rx.Detect. Refer to section 5.1.2 in
the SSIC Spec for more information.
Refer to section 4.19.4 for more information.
84 Refer to section for more information on the U0 to U3 transition of USB2 ports.
85 The USB3 spec allows software to issue a SetPortFeature(PORT_LINK_STATE, U1 or U2) request. These requests are strictly used for
compliance testing to generate an LGO_U1 or LGO_U2 LMP. The xHCI does not support this capability directly, for example, by writing
the PORTSC register with PLS = U1 or U2 and LWS = ‘1’ to immediately transition a Root Hub port link to a U1 or U2 state. To initiate
the transition of a Root Hub port link to a U1 or U2 state, software should write the USB3 PORTPMSC register and set the U1 Timeout
or U2 Timeout fields, respectively, to a value of ‘1’. This shall cause an LGO_U1 or LGO_U2 LMP to be generated after the respective
minimum delay, which is sufficient for compliance testing.
86 Disabled corresponds to the SS.Disabled Port Link State defined by the USB3 spec (section
87 RxDetect corresponds to the Rx.Detect Port Link State defined by the USB3 spec (section
88 Inactive corresponds to the SS.Inactive Port Link State defined by the USB3 spec (section
89 Test Mode indicates that the PORTPMSC Test Mode field of a USB2 protocol port is non-zero or a USB3 protocol port is in the Loopback
link state, or an SSIC port is in TEST_MODE (that is, Configured to the MPHY.TEST state, refer to the SSIC spec).
90 The Resume state is not defined as a Port Link State by the USB3 spec (section Refer to section 4.15.2. for xHCI use of the
Resume state.
91 A port implementation shall initiate a Port Power change immediately when PP is written, however the PP flag may be delayed in
reflecting this change, for example, due to waiting for a port related state machine to complete reset signaling or other operation.
Intel Confidential
Bits Description
13:10 Port Speed (Port Speed) – ROS. Default = ‘0’. This field identifies the speed of the
connected USB Device. This field is only relevant if a device is connected (CCS = ‘1’)
in all other cases this field shall indicate Undefined Speed. Refer to section 4.19.3.
Value Meaning
0 Undefined Speed
1 -15 Protocol Speed ID (PSI), refer to section 7.2.1 for the definition
of PSIV field in the PSI Dword
This field is invalid on a USB2 protocol port until after the port is reset.
15:14 Port Indicator Control (PIC) – RWS. Default = 0. Writing to these bits has no
effect if the Port Indicators (PIND) bit in the HCCPARAMS1 register is a ‘0’. If PIND bit
is a ‘1’, then the bit encodings are:
Value Meaning
1 Amber
2 Green
3 Undefined
Refer to the USB2 Specification section 11.5.3 for a description on how these bits
shall be used.
This field is ‘0’ if PP is ‘0’.
16 Port Link State Write Strobe (LWS) – RW. Default = ‘0’. When this bit is set to ‘1’
on a write reference to this register, this flag enables writes to the PLS field. When
‘0’, write data in PLS field is ignored. Reads to this bit return ‘0’.
17 Connect Status Change (CSC) – RW1CS. Default = ‘0’. ‘1’ = Change in CCS. ‘0’ =
No change. This flag indicates a change has occurred in the port’s Current Connect
Status (CCS) or Cold Attach Status (CAS) bits. Note that this flag shall not be set if
the CCS transition was due to software setting PP to ‘0’, or the CAS transition was
due to software setting WPR to ‘1’. The xHC sets this bit to ‘1’ for all changes to the
port device connect status92, even if system software has not cleared an existing
Connect Status Change. For example, the insertion status changes twice before
system software has cleared the changed condition, root hub hardware will be
“setting” an already-set bit (that is, the bit will remain ‘1’). Software shall clear this
bit by writing a ‘1’ to it. Refer to section 4.19.2 for more information on change bit
92 The assertion of CSC is optional if CCS was cleared by the assertion of OCA. The assertion of OCC generates the necessary Port Status
Change Event.
19 Warm Port Reset Change (WRC) – RW1CS/RsvdZ. Default = ‘0’. This bit is set
when Warm Reset processing on this port completes. ‘0’ = No change. ‘1’ = Warm
Reset complete. Note that this flag shall not be set to ‘1’ if the Warm Reset
processing was forced to terminate due to software clearing PP or PED to '0'.
Software shall clear this bit by writing a '1' to it. Refer to section Refer to
section 4.19.2 for more information on change bit usage.
This bit only applies to USB3 protocol ports. For USB2 protocol ports it shall be
20 Over-current Change (OCC) – RW1CS. Default = ‘0’. This bit shall be set to a ‘1’
when there is a ‘0’ to ‘1’ or ‘1’ to ‘0’ transition of Over-current Active (OCA). Software
shall clear this bit by writing a ‘1’ to it. Refer to section 4.19.2 for more information
on change bit usage.
21 Port Reset Change (PRC) – RW1CS. Default = ‘0’. This flag is set to ‘1’ due to a '1'
to '0' transition of Port Reset (PR). For example, when any reset processing (Warm or
Hot) on this port is complete. Note that this flag shall not be set to ‘1’ if the reset
processing was forced to terminate due to software clearing PP or PED to '0'. ‘0’ = No
change. ‘1’ = Reset complete. Software shall clear this bit by writing a '1' to it. Refer
to section 4.19.5. Refer to section 4.19.2 for more information on change bit usage.
Intel Confidential
Bits Description
22 Port Link State Change (PLC) – RW1CS. Default = ‘0’. This flag is set to ‘1’ due to
the following PLS transitions:
Transition Condition
Note that this flag shall not be set if the PLS transition was due to software setting PP
to ‘0’. Refer to section 4.23.5 for more information. '0' = No change. '1' = Link Status
Changed. Software shall clear this bit by writing a '1' to it. Refer to “PLC Condition:”
references in section 4.19.1 for the specific port state transitions that set this flag.
Refer to section 4.19.2 for more information on change bit usage.
23 Port Config Error Change (CEC) – RW1CS/RsvdZ. Default = ‘0’. This flag
indicates that the port failed to configure its link partner. 0 = No change. 1 = Port
Config Error detected. Software shall clear this bit by writing a '1' to it. Refer to
section 4.19.2 for more information on change bit usage.
This flag is valid only for USB3 protocol ports. For USB2 protocol ports this bit shall
be RsvdZ.
93 PLC shall not be set if an L1 Resume Complete or L1 Entry Reject condition was due to HW initiated LPM transitions, that is, while HLE =
‘1’. Refer to section for more information on USB2 LPM support.
94 The Any state -> Inactive transition shall assert PLS only when an attached device has entered the Inactive state. If a device is
disconnected when the link is in U0, the PLS will transition through the U0->Recovery->Inactive->RxDetect states. This requirement
eliminates the assertion of PLC due the Recovery->SS.Inactive transition of a disconnect.
95 Refer to section 4.15.1 for more information.
24 Cold Attach Status (CAS) – RO. Default = ‘0’. ‘1’ = Far-end Receiver Terminations
were detected in the Disconnected state and the Root Hub Port State Machine was
unable to advance to the Enabled state. Refer to sections 4.19.8 for more details on
the Cold Attach Status (CAS) assertion conditions. Software shall clear this bit by
writing a '1' to WPR or the xHC shall clear this bit if CCS transitions to ‘1’.
This flag is ‘0’ if PP is ‘0’ or for USB2 protocol ports.
25 Wake on Connect Enable (WCE) – RWS. Default = ‘0’. Writing this bit to a ‘1’
enables the port to be sensitive to device connects as system wake-up events96.
Refer to section 4.15 for operational model.
26 Wake on Disconnect Enable (WDE) – RWS. Default = ‘0’. Writing this bit to a ‘1’
enables the port to be sensitive to device disconnects as system wake-up events96.
Refer to section 4.15 for operational model.
27 Wake on Over-current Enable (WOE) – RWS. Default = ‘0’. Writing this bit to a
‘1’ enables the port to be sensitive to over-current conditions as system wake-up
events96. Refer to section 4.15 for operational model.
29:28 RsvdZ.
30 Device Removable97 (DR) - RO. This flag indicates if this port has a removable
device attached. ‘1’ = Device is non-removable. ‘0’ = Device is removable.
31 Warm Port Reset (WPR) – RW1S/RsvdZ. Default = ‘0’. When software writes a
‘1’ to this bit, the Warm Reset sequence as defined in the USB3 Specification is
initiated and the PR flag is set to ‘1’. Once initiated, the PR, PRC, and WRC flags shall
reflect the progress of the Warm Reset sequence. This flag shall always return ‘0’
when read. Refer to section
This flag only applies to USB3 protocol ports. For USB2 protocol ports it shall be
Figure 11-10 in the USB2 Specification describes the Downstream Facing Hub
Port State Machine of a USB2 hub port. Table 5-28 enumerates the
Downstream Facing Hub Port State Machine states defined in section 11.5.1 of
the USB2 spec and maps them to their equivalent xHCI Port Link State (PLS)
96 If host software sets this bit to a ‘1’ when the port is not enabled (that is, PED = ‘0’) the results are undefined.
97 The DR field mimics the function of the USB Hub Descriptor DeviceRemovable flag for xHC Root Hub ports. Refer to section in
the USB3 spec for more information.
Intel Confidential
Table 5-28: USB2 to USB3 Port Link State Mapping
Powered-off Disabled
Disconnected RxDetect
Disabled Polling99
Resetting Undefined
Enabled U0
Transmit U0
TransmitR U0
Suspended U3
Resuming Resume
Restart_S N/A101
Restart_E N/A102
WLPM103 U0
L1Suspend103 U2
L1Resuming103 Resume
The definition of the fields in the PORTPMSC register depend on the USB
protocol supported by the port.
This register is in the Aux Power well. It is only reset by platform hardware
during a cold reset or in response to a Host Controller Reset (HCRST).
Refer to the section 11 of the USB3 spec for more information on Link Power
Figure 5-21: USB3 Port Power Management Status and Control Register
RsvdP FLA U2 Timeout U1 Timeout
Table 5-29: USB3 Port Power Management Status and Control Register Bit
Definitions (PORTPMSC)
Bit Description
7:0 U1 Timeout – RWS. Default = ‘0’. Timeout value for U1 inactivity timer. If equal to
FFh, the port is disabled from initiating U1 entry. This field shall be set to ‘0’ by the
assertion of PR to ‘1’. Refer to section for more information on U1 Timeout
operation. The following are permissible values:
Value Description
00h Zero (default)
01h 1 µs.
02h 2 µs.
7Fh 127 µs.
80h–FEh Reserved
FFh Infinite
Intel Confidential
Bit Description
15:8 U2 Timeout – RWS. Default = ‘0’. Timeout value for U2 inactivity timer. If equal to
FFh, the port is disabled from initiating U2 entry. This field shall be set to ‘0’ by the
assertion of PR to ‘1’. Refer to section for more information on U2 Timeout
operation. The following are permissible values:
Value Description
00h Zero (default)
01h 256 µs
02h 512 µs
FEh 65,024 ms
FFh Infinite
A U2 Inactivity Timeout LMP shall be sent by the xHC to the device connected on this
port when this field is written. Refer to Sections 8.4.3 and of the USB3
specification for more details.
16 Force Link PM Accept (FLA) - RW. Default = ‘0’. When this bit is set to ‘1’, the
port shall generate a Set Link Function LMP with the Force_LinkPM_Accept bit
asserted (‘1’). When this bit is cleared to ‘0’, the port shall generate a Set Link
Function LMP with the Force_LinkPM_Accept bit de-asserted (‘0’).
This flag shall be set to ‘0’ by the assertion of PR to ‘1’ or when CCS = transitions
from ‘0’ to ‘1’. Writes to this flag have no effect if PP = ‘0’.
The Set Link Function LMP is sent by the xHC to the device connected on this port
when this bit transitions from ‘0’ to ‘1’ or ‘1’ to ‘0’. Refer to Sections 8.4.2 and of the USB3 specification for more details.
Improper use of the SS Force_LinkPM_Accept functionality can impact the
performance of the link significantly. This bit shall only be used for compliance and
testing purposes. Software shall ensure that there are no pending packets at the link
level before setting this bit.
This flag is ‘0’ if PP is ‘0’.
31:17 RsvdP.
Refer to the section of the USB3 spec for more information on U1 and
U2 Timeouts.
Refer to the USB2 LPM ECR for more information on USB2 Link Power
Figure 5-22: USB2 Port Power Management Status and Control Register
Test Mode RsvzP HLE L1 Device Slot BESL RWE L1S
Bit Description
2:0 L1 Status (L1S) - RO. Default = 0. This field is used by software to determine
whether an L1-based suspend request (LPM transaction) was successful, specifically:
Value Meaning
0 Invalid - This field shall be ignored by software
1 Success - Port successfully transitioned to L1 (ACK)
2 Not Yet - Device is unable to enter L1 at this time (NYET)
3 Not Supported - Device does not support L1 transitions (STALL)
4 Timeout/Error - Device failed to respond to the LPM Transaction or
an error occurred
5-7 Reserved
The value of this field is only valid when the port resides in the L0 or L1 state (PLS =
‘0’ or ‘2’). Refer to section for more information.
3 Remote Wake Enable (RWE) - RW. Default = ‘0’. System software sets this flag to
enable or disable the device for remote wake from L1. The value of this flag shall
temporarily (while in L1) override the current setting of the Remote Wake feature set
by the standard Set/ClearFeature() commands defined in Universal Serial Bus
Specification, revision 2.0, Chapter 9.
7:4 Best Effort Service Latency (BESL) - RW. Default = ‘0’. System software sets this
field to indicate to the recipient device how long the xHC will drive resume if it (the
xHC) initiates an exit from L1. The BESL value encoding is defined in Table 13.
Note that the BESL field is used by both software and hardware controlled LPM. Refer
to section for more information on BESL use. Refer to section 5.2.5 for
information on how DBESL may be used to establish an initial value for BESL.
15:8 L1 Device Slot - RW. Default = ‘0’. System software sets this field to indicate the
ID of the Device Slot associated with the device directly attached to the Root Hub
port. A value of ‘0’ indicates no device is present. The xHC uses this field to lookup
information necessary to generate the LPM Token packet.
16 Hardware LPM Enable (HLE) - RW. Default = ‘0’. If this bit is set to ‘1’, then
hardware controlled LPM shall be enabled for this port. Refer to section
If the USB2 Hardware LPM Capability is not supported (HLC = ‘0’) this field shall be
Note the BESL LPM Capability support (that is, HLE = ‘1’ and BLC = ‘1’) shall be
mandatory for all xHCI 1.1 and xHCI 1.2 compliant xHCs.
27:17 RsvdP.
Intel Confidential
Bit Description
31:28 Port Test Control (Test Mode) – RW. Default = ‘0’. When this field is ‘0’, the port
is NOT operating in a test mode. A non-zero value indicates that it is operating in test
mode and the specific test mode is indicated by the specific value.
A non-zero Port Test Control value is only valid to a port that is in the Powered-Off
state (PLS = Disabled). If the port is not in this state, the xHC shall respond with the
Port Test Control field set to Port Test Control Error. Refer to section 4.19.6 for the
operational model for using these test modes.
The encoding of the Test Mode bits for a USB2 protocol port are:
Value Test Mode
0 Test mode not enabled
1 Test J_STATE
2 Test K_STATE
3 Test SE0_NAK
4 Test Packet
6-14 Reserved.
15 Port Test Control Error.
Refer to the sections 7.1.20 and of the USB2 spec for more information
on Test Modes.
Note: All fields in this register apply only to the device attached to and immediately
downstream of the associated Root Hub port. It is the responsibility of system
software to ensure the L1 Device Slot field is consistent with the selected
Note: L0 and L1 refer to the USB 2.0 “Line” states referred to in the USB2 LPM ECR.
These “Line” states map to the xHCI Port Link States (PLS) U0 and U2,
Note: Due to similar exit latencies (~1ms.), the USB 2.0 L1 state is mapped to the
USB3 U2 state.
Note: The L1 Device Slot field provides the device address for generating USB2 LPM
transactions to the device attached to the Root Hub port.
The definition of the fields in the PORTLI register depend on the USB protocol
supported by the port.
Refer to the section of the USB3 spec for more information on Link
error count reporting.
Table 5-31: USB3 Port Link Info Register Bit Definitions (PORTLI)
Bit Description
15:0 Link Error Count – RW. Default = ‘0’. This field returns the number of link errors detected by the
port. This value shall be reset to ‘0’ by the assertion of a Chip Hardware Reset, HCRST, when PR
transitions from ‘1’ to ‘0’, or when reset by software by writing 0 to it. This register will increment
by one each time a port transitions from U0 to Recovery to recover an error event and will
saturate at max.
19:16 Rx Lane Count (RLC) - RO. Default = '0'. This field that identifies the number of Receive Lanes
negotiated by the port. This is a "zero-based" value, where 0 to 15 represents Lane Counts of 1
to 16, respectively. This value is valid only when CCS = '1'. RLC shall equal '0' for a simplex
Sublink. Refer to section 7.2.1 for more information.
23:20 Tx Lane Count (TLC) - RO. Default = '0'. This field that identifies the number of Transmit Lanes
negotiated by the port. This is a "zero-based" value, where 0 to 15 represents Lane Counts of 1
to 16, respectively. This value is valid only when CCS = '1'. TLC shall equal '0' for a simplex
Sublink. Refer to section 7.2.1 for more information.
31:24 RsvdP.
The definition of the fields in the PORTHLPMC register depend on the USB
protocol supported by the port.
Intel Confidential
This register is in the Aux Power well. It is only reset by platform hardware
during a cold reset or in response to a Host Controller Reset (HCRST).
Figure 5-24: USB3 Port Extended Status and Control Register (PORTEXSC)
31 15 0
Table 5-32: USB3 Extended Status and Control Register Bit Definitions
Bit Description
15:0 Link Soft Error Count – RW. Default = ‘0’. This field returns the number of link errors detected
by the port. This value shall be reset to ‘0’ by the assertion of a Chip Hardware Reset, HCRST,
when PR transitions from ‘1’ to ‘0’, or when reset by software by writing 0 to it. This register will
saturate at max and will increment by one for all the conditions listed in section (Soft
Error Count) of the USB3.2 Specification.
31:16 RsvdP.
Figure 5-25: USB2 Port Extended Status and Control Register (PORTEXSC)
31 14 13 10 9 2 1 0
Bit Description
1:0 Host Initiated Resume Duration Mode (HIRDM) - RWS. Default = 0h. Indicates which HIRD value
should be used. The following are permissible values:
Value Description
0 Initiate L1 using BESL only on timeout. (default)
1 Initiate L1 using BESLD on timeout. If rejected by device, initiate L1 using
3-2 Reserved.
9:2 L1 Timeout – RWS. Default = 00h. Timeout value for the L1 inactivity timer (LPM Timer). This
field shall be set to 00h by the assertion of PR to ‘1’. Refer to section for more
information on L1 Timeout operation. The following are permissible values:
Value Description
00h 128 µs. (default)
01h 256 µs.
02h 512 µs.
03h 768 µs.
FFh 65,280 µs.
13:10 Best Effort Service Latency Deep (BESLD) - RWS. Default = ‘0’. System software sets this field
to indicate to the recipient device how long the xHC will drive resume on an exit from U2. Refer
to section for more information on BESLD use. The BESLD value encoding is defined
in Table 13. Refer to section 5.2.6 for information on how DBESLD may be used to establish an
initial value for BESLD.
31:14 RsvdP.
Intel Confidential
Table 5-34: USB2 Port Hardware LPM Control Register Bit Definitions
Bit Description
1:0 Host Initiated Resume Duration Mode (HIRDM) - RWS. Default = 0h. Indicates which HIRD value
should be used. The following are permissible values:
Value Description
0 Initiate L1 using BESL only on timeout. (default)
1 Initiate L1 using BESLD on timeout. If rejected by device, initiate L1 using
3-2 Reserved.
9:2 L1 Timeout – RWS. Default = 00h. Timeout value for the L1 inactivity timer (LPM Timer). This
field shall be set to 00h by the assertion of PR to ‘1’. Refer to section for more
information on L1 Timeout operation. The following are permissible values:
Value Description
00h 128 µs. (default)
01h 256 µs.
02h 512 µs.
03h 768 µs.
FFh 65,280 µs.
13:10 Best Effort Service Latency Deep (BESLD) - RWS. Default = ‘0’. System software sets this field
to indicate to the recipient device how long the xHC will drive resume on an exit from U2. Refer
to section for more information on BESLD use. The BESLD value encoding is defined
in Table 13. Refer to section 5.2.6 for information on how DBESLD may be used to establish an
initial value for BESLD.
31:14 RsvdP.
Unless otherwise stated, all registers should be accessed with Dword references
on reads, with an appropriate software mask if needed. A software
read/modify/write mechanism should be invoked for partial writes.
Software should write registers containing a Qword address field using only
Qword references. If a system is incapable of issuing Qword references, then
001Fh:0004h RsvdZ
… … …
The Offset referenced in Table 5-35 is the offset from the beginning of the
Runtime Register space.
This register is used by the system software to determine the current periodic
frame. The register value is incremented every 125 microseconds (once each
The value of this register affects the SOF value generated by USB2 Bus
Instances. Refer to section 4.14.2 for details. Also see Figure 4-21.
Intel Confidential
Table 5-36: Microframe Index Register Bit Definitions (MFINDEX)
Bit Description
13:0 Microframe Index – RO. The value in this register increments at the end of each microframe (for
example, 125us.). Bits [13:3] may be used to determine the current 1ms. Frame Index.
31:14 RsvdZ.
RsvdP IE IP 03-00H
RsvdP 0F-0CH
0Ch 32 RsvdP
Bit Description
0 Interrupt Pending (IP) - RW1C. Default = ‘0’. This flag represents the current state of the
Interrupter. If IP = ‘1’, an interrupt is pending for this Interrupter. A ‘0’ value indicates that no
interrupt is pending for the Interrupter. Refer to section 4.17.3 for the conditions that modify the
state of this flag.
1 Interrupt Enable (IE) – RW. Default = ‘0’. This flag specifies whether the Interrupter is capable of
generating an interrupt. When this bit and the IP bit are set (‘1’), the Interrupter shall generate an
interrupt when the Interrupter Moderation Counter reaches ‘0’. If this bit is ‘0’, then the
Interrupter is prohibited from generating interrupts.
31:2 RsvdP.
Note: In systems that do not support MSI or MSI-X, the IP bit may be cleared by
writing a ‘1’ to it. Most systems have write buffers that minimize overhead,
but this may require a read operation to guarantee that the write has been
flushed from posted buffers.
Intel Confidential
Table 5-39: Interrupter Moderation Register (IMOD)
Bit Description
15:0 Interrupt Moderation Interval (IMODI) – RW. Default = ‘4000’ (~1ms). Minimum inter-interrupt
interval. The interval is specified in 250ns increments. A value of ‘0’ disables interrupt throttling
logic and interrupts shall be generated immediately if IP = ‘0’, EHB = ‘0’, and the Event Ring is not
31:16 Interrupt Moderation Counter (IMODC) – RW. Default = undefined. Down counter. Loaded with
the IMODI value whenever IP is cleared to ‘0’, counts down to ‘0’, and stops. The associated
interrupt shall be signaled whenever this counter is ‘0’, the Event Ring is not empty, the IE and IP
flags = ‘1’, and EHB = ‘0’.
This counter may be directly written by software at any time to alter the interrupt rate.
Software may use this register to pace (or even out) the delivery of interrupts
to the host CPU. This register provides a guaranteed inter-interrupt delay
between interrupts asserted by the xHC, regardless of USB traffic conditions.
To independently validate configuration settings, software may use the
following algorithm to convert the inter-interrupt Interval value to the common
'interrupts/sec' performance metric:
interrupts/sec = 1/(250×10-9sec × Interval)
For example, if the interval is programmed to 500, the xHC guarantees the CPU
will not be interrupted by it for 125 microseconds from the last interrupt. The
maximum observable interrupt rate from the xHC should never exceed 8000
The optimal performance setting for this register is very system and
configuration specific.
Table 5-40: Event Ring Segment Table Size Register Bit Definitions (ERSTS
Bit Description
15:0 Event Ring Segment Table Size – RW. Default = ‘0’. This field identifies the number of valid
Event Ring Segment Table entries in the Event Ring Segment Table pointed to by the Event Ring
Segment Table Base Address register. The maximum value supported by an xHC
implementation for this register is defined by the ERST Max field in the HCSPARAMS2 register
For Secondary Interrupters: Writing a value of ‘0’ to this field disables the Event Ring. Any events
targeted at this Event Ring when it is disabled shall result in undefined behavior of the Event
For the Primary Interrupter: Writing a value of ‘0’ to this field shall result in undefined behavior
of the Event Ring. The Primary Event Ring cannot be disabled.
31:16 RsvdP.
Note: The Event Ring Segment Table Size may be set to any value up to ERST Max,
however software shall allocate a buffer for the Event Ring Segment Table
that rounds up its size to the nearest 64B boundary to allow full cache-line
The Event Ring Segment Table Base Address Register identifies the start
address of the Event Ring Segment Table (ERST). Refer to section 6.5 for the
definition of an ERST entry.
Table 5-41: Event Ring Segment Table Base Address Register Bit Definitions
Bit Description
5:0 RsvdP.
Intel Confidential
63:6 Event Ring Segment Table Base Address Register – RW. Default = ‘0’. This field defines the
high order bits of the start address of the Event Ring Segment Table.
Writing this register sets the Event Ring State Machine:EREP Advancement to the Start state.
Refer to Figure 4-12 for more information.
For Secondary Interrupters: This field may be modified at any time.
For the Primary Interrupter: This field shall not be modified if HCHalted (HCH) = ‘0’.
The Event Ring Dequeue Pointer Register is written by software to define the
Event Ring Dequeue Pointer location to the xHC. Software updates this pointer
when it is finished the evaluation of an Event(s) on the Event Ring.
Table 5-42: Event Ring Dequeue Pointer Register Bit Definitions (ERDP)
Bit Description
2:0 Dequeue ERST Segment Index (DESI) – RW. Default = ‘0’. This field may be used by the xHC to
accelerate checking the Event Ring full condition. This field is written with the low order 3 bits of
the offset of the ERST entry which defines the Event Ring segment that the Event Ring Dequeue
Pointer resides in. Refer to section 6.5 for the definition of an ERST entry.
3 Event Handler Busy (EHB) - RW1C. Default = ‘0’. This flag shall be set to ‘1’ when the IP bit is set
to ‘1’ and cleared to ‘0’ by software when the Dequeue Pointer register is written. Refer to
section 4.17.2 for more information.
63:4 Event Ring Dequeue Pointer - RW. Default = ‘0’. This field defines the high order bits of the 64-
bit address of the current Event Ring Dequeue Pointer.
When software finishes processing an Event TRB, it will write the address of
that Event TRB to the ERDP. Before enqueuing an Event, the xHC shall check
that space is available on the Event Ring. This check can be skipped if the xHC
is currently enqueuing Event TRBs in a different ERST segment than the one
that software is using to dequeue Events.
To enable this optimization, software provides a hint to the xHC by writing the
Dequeue ERST Segment Index (DESI) with the low order bits of the index of
the segment that the ERDP resides in when it writes the ERDP. The xHC may
For example, consider an ERST that defines multiple segments (ERSTSZ > 1),
and software is dequeuing an Event TRB in the 1st segment of the ERST. In
this case, the Dequeue ERST Segment Index (DESI) field shall be written with
the value of ‘0’ (that is, the index of the associated Event Ring Segment Table
Entry data structure). If the Dequeue Pointer references an Event TRB in the
2nd segment, then the Dequeue ERST Segment Index (DESI) field shall be
written with the value of ‘1’, and so on.
Note: If the ERSTSZ is > 8, then the Dequeue ERST Segment Index (DESI) shall
provide an alias of the actual ERST Segment that was written. For example,
ERST Segment Index(2:0).
Note: Software shall not write ERDP consecutively with the same value unless it is a
FULL to EMPTY advancement of the Event Ring.
These registers are pointed to by the Doorbell Offset Register (DBOFF) in the
xHC Capability register space. The Doorbell Array base address shall be Dword
aligned and is calculated by adding the value in the DBOFF register (section
5.3.7) to “Base” (the base address of the xHCI Capability register address
All registers are 32 bits in length. Software should read and write these
registers using only Dword accesses.
Note: Software shall not write the Doorbell of an endpoint until after it has issued a
Configure Endpoint Command for the endpoint and received a successful
Command Completion Event.
Intel Confidential
Table 5-43: Doorbell Register Bit Field Definitions (DB)
Bit Description
7:0 DB Target – RW. Doorbell Target. This field defines the target of the doorbell reference. The
table below defines the xHC notification that is generated by ringing the doorbell. Note that
Doorbell Register 0 is dedicated to Command Ring and decodes this field differently than the
other Doorbell Registers.
Device Context Doorbells (1-255)
Value Definition
0 Reserved
1 Control EP 0 Enqueue Pointer Update
2 EP 1 OUT Enqueue Pointer Update
3 EP 1 IN Enqueue Pointer Update
4 EP 2 OUT Enqueue Pointer Update
5 EP 2 IN Enqueue Pointer Update
… ...
30 EP 15 OUT Enqueue Pointer Update
31 EP 15 IN Enqueue Pointer Update
32:247 Reserved
248:255 Vendor Defined
This field returns ‘0’ when read and should be treated as “undefined” by software.
When the Command Doorbell is written, the DB Stream ID field shall be cleared to ‘0’.
15:8 RsvdZ.
31:16 DB Stream ID - RW. Doorbell Stream ID. If the endpoint of a Device Context Doorbell defines
Streams, then this field shall be used to identify which Stream of the endpoint the doorbell
reference is targeting. System software is responsible for ensuring that the value written to this
field is valid.
If the endpoint defines Streams (MaxPStreams > 0), then 0, 65535 (No Stream) and 65534
(Prime) are reserved Stream ID values and shall not be written to this field.
If the endpoint does not define Streams (MaxPStreams = 0) and a non-'0' value is written to this
field, the doorbell reference shall be ignored.
This field only applies to Device Context Doorbells and shall be cleared to ‘0’ for Host Controller
Command Doorbells.
This field returns ‘0’ when read.
Software should write registers containing a Q-word address field using only Q-
word references. If a system is incapable of issuing Qword references, then
the writes to the Q-word address fields shall be performed using 2 D-word
references: low D-word first, high D-word second.
… … …
0024h VTIODA8 VTIO Device Assignment 8
002Fh:0028h RsvdP
… … …
00ACh VTIOIA32 VTIO Interrupter Assignment 32
00FFh:00B0h RsvdZ
… … …
04F8h VTIOEA255 VTIO Endpoint Assignment 255
Intel Confidential
Size: 32 bits
Bits Description
15:0 Primary DMA-ID (PDMAID) – RO. This field specifies the ID number in a binary encoding that composes the
Primary DMA-ID.
31:16 Alternate DMA-ID Number (ADMAID) – RO. This field specifies the ID number in a binary encoding that composes
the Alternate DMA-ID.
This register is in the Core Power well. It is only reset by platform hardware
during a cold reset or in response to a Host Controller Reset (HCRST). The
initial conditions of a port are described in section 4.19.
Bits Description
0 Reserved
1 Command Ring DMA-ID Assignment (CRDIDA) – RW. Default = ‘0’. This bit provides XHCI software with a means
of controlling the DMA-ID used when accessing the Command Ring. When set to ‘1’, XHCI HW accesses to the
Command Ring will use the Alternate DMA-ID. When cleared to ‘0’, XHCI HW accesses to the Command Ring will
use the Primary DMA-ID.
2 Device Context Base Address Array DMA-ID Assignment (DCBAADIDA) – RW. Default = ‘0’. This bit provides XHCI
software with a means of controlling the DMA-ID used when accessing the DCBAA. When set to ‘1’, XHCI HW
accesses to the DCBAA will use the Alternate DMA-ID. When cleared to ‘0’, XHCI HW accesses to the DCBAA will
use the Primary DMA-ID.
3 Scratch Pad Buffer Array DMA-ID Assignment (SPBADIDA) – RW. Default = ‘0’. This bit provides XHCI software
with a means of controlling the DMA-ID used when accessing the Scratch Pad Buffer Array. When set to ‘1’, XHCI
HW accesses to the Scratch Pad Buffer Array will use the Alternate DMA-ID. When cleared to ‘0’, XHCI HW accesses
to the Scratch Pad Buffer Array will use the Primary DMA-ID.
4 Scratch Pad Buffer DMA-ID Assignment (SPBDIDA) – RW. Default = ‘0’. This bit provides XHCI software with a
means of controlling the DMA-ID used when accessing the Scratch Pad Buffer. When set to ‘1’, XHCI HW accesses
to the Scratch Pad Buffer will use the Alternate DMA-ID. When cleared to ‘0’, XHCI HW accesses to the Scratch Pad
Buffer will use the Primary DMA-ID.
5 Reserved
6 Input Context DMA-ID Assignment (ICDIDA) – RW. Default = ‘0’. This bit provides XHCI software with a means of
controlling the DMA-ID used when accessing the Input Context. When set to ‘1’, XHCI HW accesses to the Input
Context will use the Alternate DMA-ID. When cleared to ‘0’, XHCI HW accesses to the Input Context will use the
Primary DMA-ID.
7 MSI DMA-ID Assignment (MSIDIDA) – RW. Default = ‘0’. This bit provides XHCI software with a means of
controlling the DMA-ID used when issuing MSI’s. When set to ‘1’, XHCI HW issuing MSI’s will use the Alternate
DMA-ID. When cleared to ‘0’, XHCI HW issuing MSI’s will use the Primary DMA-ID.
8 Port Bandwidth Context DMA-ID Assignment (PBDIDA) – RW. Default = ‘0’. This bit provides XHCI software with a
means of controlling the DMA-ID used when accessing the Port Bandwidth Context. When set to ‘1’, XHCI HW
accesses to the Port Bandwidth Context will use the Alternate DMA-ID. When cleared to ‘0’, XHCI HW accesses to
the Port Bandwidth Context will use the Primary DMA-ID.
9 Debug Capability DMA-ID Assignment (DCDIDA) – RW. Default = ‘0’. This bit provides XHCI software with a means
of controlling the DMA-ID used when accessing all structures on behalf of the Debug Capability. When set to ‘1’,
XHCI HW accesses on behalf of DbC will use the Alternate DMA-ID. When cleared to ‘0’, XHCI HW accesses on
behalf of DbC will use the Primary DMA-ID.
10 Extended Property Context DMA-ID Assignment (EPDIDA) – RW. Default = ‘0’. This bit provides XHCI software
with a means of controlling the DMA-ID used when accessing the Extended Property Context. When set to ‘1’, XHCI
HW accesses to the Extended Property Context will use the Alternate DMA-ID. When cleared to ‘0’, XHCI HW
accesses to the Extended Property Context will use the Primary DMA-ID.
31:11 Reserved
Intel Confidential
5.7.3 VTIO Device Assignment Registers 1 to 8 (VTIODA{1..8})
Address: VTIO Base + 08h
Default Value: 0000 … 0000h
Attribute: RW
Size: 256 bits (8 32b registers)
This register is in the Core Power well. It is only reset by platform hardware
during a cold reset or in response to a Host Controller Reset (HCRST). The
initial conditions of a port are described in section 4.19.
Bits Description
0 Reserved
MaxSlots : 1 Device Context DMA-ID Assignment (DCDIDA) – RW. Default = ‘0’. Each bit provides XHCI
software with a means of controlling the DMA-ID used when accessing each Device Context. When
set to ‘1’, XHCI HW accesses to the Device Context will use the Alternate DMA-ID. When cleared to
‘0’, XHCI HW accesses to the Device Context will use the Primary DMA-ID.
Bit 1: Slot/Device ID 1
Bit 2: Slot/Device ID 2
Bit 3: Slot/Device ID 3
Bit MaxSlots: Slot/Device ID MaxSlots
This implies access to the Slot and Endpoint Contexts using the same DMA-ID as these are all
contained within the Device Context. There is no finer access granularity when it comes to
accessing the information in the actual Slot and Endpoint Context.
Bits Description
MaxIntrs-1 : 0 Interrupters DMA-ID Assignment (IDIDA) – RW. Default = ‘0’. Each bit provides XHCI software with a
means of controlling the DMA-ID used when accessing each Interrupter’s Event Ring Segment
Table and Segments. When set to ‘1’, XHCI HW accesses to the Event Ring Segment Table and
Segments will use the Alternate DMA-ID. When cleared to ‘0’, XHCI HW accesses to the Event Ring
Segment Table and Segments will use the Primary DMA-ID.
This register is in the Core Power well. It is only reset by platform hardware
during a cold reset or in response to a Host Controller Reset (HCRST). The
initial conditions of a port are described in section 4.19.
Intel Confidential
Table 5-49: VTIO Endpoint Assignment Registers (ECDIDA{1..255})
Bits Description
0 Reserved
31:1 Endpoint Context DMA-ID Assignment (ECDIDA) – RW. Default = ‘0’. Each bit provides XHCI
software with a means of controlling the DMA-ID used when accessing stream context and arrays,
transfer rings/segments and data buffer associated with an Endpoint within a Device. When set to
‘1’, XHCI HW accesses to this Device/Endpoint structures will use the Alternate DMA-ID. When
cleared to ‘0’, XHCI HW accesses to Device/Endpoint structures will use the Primary DMA-ID.
Endpoint structures are stream context and arrays, transfer rings/segments and data buffer. Not
the Endpoint Context itself as that is controlled by the VTIODA{} Registers.
Bit 1: DCI 1
Bit 2: DCI 2
Bit 3: DCI 3
Bit 31: DCI 31
All transfer types (Isoch, Interrupt, Control, and Bulk) utilize the same basic
TRB structure. TRBs also support Scatter/Gather operations for Data Page
concatenation in systems that employ Virtual Memory.
TRBs are optimized to reduce the total memory footprint of the schedule and to
reduce (on average) the number of memory accesses needed to execute a USB
Table 6-1 identifies the Max Size and alignment requirements of the various
xHCI data structures. Note that software shall ensure that no interface data
structure with a Max Size less than or equal to 64KB spans a 64KB boundary,
and that no interface data structure with a Max Size less than or equal to
PAGESIZE spans a PAGESIZE boundary.
The data structures defined in this chapter are (from the host controller’s
perspective) a mix of read-only and read/writable fields. Software shall
preserve the read-only fields on all data structure writes.
Note: Refer to notes at the end of section 5.1.1 for a description of the
Reserved field (RsvdZ, RsvdO, etc.) use in data structures.
Note: Whenever possible, software should read and write xHCI data
structures as “cache line” operations.
All multi-byte data structure fields follow little-endian ordering, that is, lower
addresses contain the least significant parts of the field. Bytes/characters
within a field shall be in little-endian order, that is, first char of string in least
significant byte, second char next significant byte, and so forth.
Table 6-1: Data Structure Max Size, Boundary, and Alignment Requirement
Intel Confidential
Max Size in Alignment in
Data Structure Bytes Requirement Bytes Section
System software initializes the Device Context Base Address Array to ‘0’, and
updates individual entries when the respective Device Slot is allocated. The
xHC reads an entry in the Device Context after a doorbell associated with the
entries’ Device Slot is rung.
The Device Context Base Address Array shall be indexed by the Device Slot ID.
The Device Context Base Address Array shall be aligned to a 64 byte boundary.
105 Using the Primary/Secondary Stream Array mechanism described in section 4.12.2, Stream Arrays may be limited to 4KB while
allowing access to approximately 64K stream IDs.
The Device Context Base Address Array shall contain MaxSlotsEn + 1 entries.
The maximum size of the Device Context Base Address Array is 256 64-bit
entries, or 2K Bytes.
Software shall set Device Context Base Address Array entries for unallocated
Device Slots to ‘0’.
Software shall set Device Context Base Address Array entries for allocated
Device Slots to point to the Device Context data structure associated with the
System software shall not modify a Device Context Base Address Array entry
while the respective Device Slot is enabled.
The address of the Device Context Base Address Array shall be written to the
Device Context Base Address Array Pointer Register (DCBAAP, refer to section
5.4.6) before the xHC is placed into “run” mode (R/S = ‘1’).
The Device Context Base Address Array data structure is also used to reference
the Scratchpad Buffer Array data structure. Refer to section 4.20 for more
information on Scratchpad Buffer allocation.
If the Max Scratchpad Buffers field of the HCSPARAMS2 register is > ‘0’, then
the first entry (entry_0) in the DCBAA shall contain a pointer to the Scratchpad
Buffer Array. If the Max Scratchpad Buffers field of the HCSPARAMS2 register is
= ‘0’, then the first entry (entry_0) in the DCBAA is reserved and shall be
cleared to ‘0’ by software.
Individual elements of the Device Context Base Address Array are defined in
Table 6-2 and Table 6-3.
Table 6-2: Device Context Base Address Array Element 1-n Field Bit Definitions
Bit Description
5:0 RsvdZ.
63:6 Device Context Base Address – RW. Default = ‘0’. This field contains a pointer to a Device
Context data structure. Device Context data structure is aligned on a 64-byte boundary; hence
the low order 6 bits are reserved and always cleared to ‘0’ when initialized by software.
Intel Confidential
Table 6-3: Device Context Base Address Array Element 0 Field Bit Definitions
Bit Description
5:0 RsvdZ.
63:6 Scratchpad Buffer Array Base Address – RW. Default = ‘0’. This field contains the high order
bits of a 64-bit pointer to a Scratchpad Buffer Array data structure. Scratchpad Buffers are
aligned on a Page Size boundary; hence the low order bits are reserved and always cleared to ‘0’
when initialized by software. The number of low order bits cleared to ‘0’ depend on the value of
the Page Size register.
Note: The xHCI shall not access the Device Context Base Address Array entry
associated with a Device Slot that is in the Enabled state prior to receiving
the first Address Device Command for the slot, or a Device Slot that is in the
Disabled state.
6.2 Contexts
xHC Contexts are data structures that act as containers for state information.
In some cases, a Context may contain other Contexts.
Note: Software shall not modify Contexts “owned” by the xHC unless specifically
The Device Context data structure consists of up to 32 entries. The first entry
(entry_0) is the Slot Context data structure and the remaining entries are
Endpoint Context data structures. The Context Entries field in the Slot Context
identifies the number of entries in the Device Context. Refer to section Slot for
the definition of the Slot Context data structure. Refer to section Endpoint
Context for the definition of the Endpoint Context data structure.
Slot Context 0
EP Context 0 BiDir
Direction = N/A
EP Context 1 OUT
Direction = 0
EP Context 1 IN
Direction = 1
The Device Context data structure is used in the xHCI architecture as Output
by the xHC to report device configuration and state information to system
software. The Device Context data structure is pointed to by an entry in the
Device Context Base Address Array (refer to section 6.1).
The Device Context Index (DCI) is used to reference the respective element of
the Device Context data structure.
All unused entries of the Device Context shall be initialized to ‘0’ by software.
Note: Figure 6-1 illustrates offsets with 32-byte Device Context data
structures. That is, the Context Size (CSZ) field in the HCCPARAMS1 register
= '0'. If the Context Size (CSZ) field = '1' then the Device Context data
structures consume 64 bytes each. The offsets shall be 040h for the EP
Context 0, 080h for EP Context 1, and so on.
Software shall not write the Device Context data structure while the xHC has
ownership of it. This means that software shall not attempt to allocate an
Input Context data structure that overlaps or overlays an Output Device
Context that is owned by the xHC.
Intel Confidential
6.2.2 Slot Context
The Slot Context data structure defines information that applies to a device as
a whole.
Note: Unless otherwise stated: As Input, all fields of the Slot Context shall be
initialized to the appropriate value by software before issuing a command. As
Output, the xHC shall update each field to reflect the current value that it is
Number of Ports Root Hub Port Number Max Exit Latency 07-04H
Bits Description
19:0 Route String. This field is used by hubs to route packets to the correct downstream port. The
format of the Route String is defined in section 8.9 the USB3 specification.
As Input, this field shall be set for all USB devices, irrespective of their speed, to indicate their
location in the USB topology106.
23:20 Speed. This field is deprecated in this version of the specification and shall be Reserved.
This field indicates the speed of the device. Refer to the PORTSC Port Speed field in Table 5-27
for the definition of the valid values.
24 RsvdZ.
106 If HS or FS hub in the path supports more than 14 ports the associated Route String Port field shall be set to 15.
25 Multi-TT (MTT)107. This flag is set to '1' by software if this is a High-speed hub that supports
Multiple TTs and the Multiple TT Interface has been enabled by software, or if this is a Low-
/Full-speed device or Full-speed hub and connected to the xHC through a parent108 High-speed
hub that supports Multiple TTs and the Multiple TT Interface of the parent hub has been
enabled by software, or ‘0’ if not.
26 Hub. This flag is set to '1' by software if this device is a USB hub, or '0' if it is a USB function.
31:27 Context Entries. This field identifies the index of the last valid Endpoint Context within this
Device Context structure. The value of ‘0’ is Reserved and is not a valid entry for this field. Valid
entries for this field shall be in the range of 1-31. This field indicates the size of the Device
Context structure. For example, ((Context Entries+1) * 32 bytes) = Total bytes for this structure.
Note, Output Context Entries values are written by the xHC, and Input Context Entries values are
written by software.
Bits Description
15:0 Max Exit Latency. The Maximum Exit Latency is in microseconds, and indicates the worst case
time it takes to wake up all the links in the path to the device, given the current USB link level
power management settings.
Refer to section for more information on the use of this field.
23:16 Root Hub Port Number. This field identifies the Root Hub Port Number used to access the USB
device. Refer to section 4.19.7 for port numbering information.
Ports are numbered from 1 to MaxPorts.
31:24 Number of Ports. If this device is a hub (Hub = ‘1’), then this field is set by software to identify
the number of downstream facing ports supported by the hub. Refer to the bNbrPorts field
description in the Hub Descriptor (Table 11-13) of the USB2 spec. If this device is not a hub (Hub
= ‘0’), then this field shall be ‘0’.
107 Software shall issue a Set Interface request to select the Multi-TT Interface of the hub prior to issuing any transactions to devices
attached to the hub.
108 A “parent High-speed hub” is the hub whose downstream facing port isolates the High-speed signaling environment from the Low-
/Full-speed signaling environment for a device.
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Table 6-6: Offset 08h – Slot Context Field Definitions
Bits Description
7:0 Parent Hub Slot ID. If this device is Low-/Full-speed and connected through a High-speed hub,
then this field shall contain the Slot ID of the parent High-speed hub109.
For SS and SSP bus instance, if this device is connected through a higher rank hub110 then this
field shall contain the Slot ID of the parent hub. For example, a Gen1 x1 connected behind a
Gen1 x2 hub, or Gen1 x2 device connected behind Gen2 x2 hub.
This field shall be ‘0’ if any of the following are true:
• Device is attached to a Root Hub port
• Device is a High-Speed device
• Device is the highest rank SS/SSP device supported by xHCI
15:8 Parent Port Number. If this device is Low-/Full-speed and connected through a High-speed
hub, then this field shall contain the number of the downstream facing port of the parent High-
speed hub109.
For SS and SSP bus instance, if this device is connected through a higher rank hub110 then this
field shall contain the number of the downstream facing port of the parent hub. For example, a
Gen1 x1 connected behind a Gen1 x2 hub, or Gen1 x2 device connected behind Gen2 x2 hub.
This field shall be ‘0’ if any of the following are true:
• Device is attached to a Root Hub port
• Device is a High-Speed device
• Device is the highest rank SS/SSP device supported by xHCI
17:16 TT Think Time (TTT). If this is a High-speed hub (Hub = ‘1’ and Speed = High-Speed), then this
field shall be set by software to identify the time the TT of the hub requires to proceed to the
next full-/low-speed transaction.
Value Think Time
0 TT requires at most 8 FS bit times of inter-transaction gap on a full-/low-
speed downstream bus.
1 TT requires at most 16 FS bit times.
2 TT requires at most 24 FS bit times.
3 TT requires at most 32 FS bit times.
Refer to the TT Think Time sub-field of the wHubCharacteristics field description in the Hub
Descriptor (Table 11-13) and section 11.18.2 of the USB2 spec for more information on TT
Think Time. If this device is not a High-speed hub (Hub = ‘0’ or Speed != High-speed), then this
field shall be ‘0’.
21:18 RsvdZ.
31:22 Interrupter Target. This field defines the index of the Interrupter that will receive Bandwidth
Request Events and Device Notification Events generated by this slot, or when a Ring Underrun
or Ring Overrun condition is reported (refer to section Valid values are between 0 and
109 A “parent High-speed hub” is the hub whose downstream facing port isolates the High-speed signaling environment from the Low-
/Full-speed signaling environment for a device.
110 A “higher rank hub” is a hub whose downstream facing port isolates the signaling between upstream and downstream ports. Rank of
the hubs and devices are based on the USB3.2 specification as defined in the Polling.Portmatch section.
Bits Description
7:0 USB Device Address. This field identifies the address assigned to the USB device by the xHC,
and is set upon the successful completion of a Set Address Command. Refer to the USB2 spec
for a more detailed description.
As Output, this field is invalid if the Slot State = Disabled or Default.
As Input, software shall initialize the field to ‘0’.
26:8 RsvdZ.
31:27 Slot State. This field is updated by the xHC when a Device Slot transitions from one state to
Value Slot State
0 Disabled/Enabled
1 Default
2 Addressed
3 Configured
31-4 Reserved
Slot States are defined in section 4.5.3.
As Output, since software initializes all fields of the Device Context data structure to ‘0’, this field
shall initially indicate the Disabled state.
As Input, software shall initialize the field to ‘0’.
Refer to section 4.5.3 for more information on Slot State.
Note: The remaining bytes (10-1Fh) within the Slot Context are dedicated for
exclusive use by the xHC and shall be treated by system software as
Reserved and Opaque (RsvdO).
Note: Figure 6-2 illustrates a 32 byte Slot Context. That is, the Context Size (CSZ)
field in the HCCPARAMS1 register = ‘0’. If the Context Size (CSZ) field = ‘1’
then each Slot Context data structure consumes 64 bytes, where bytes 32 to
63 are also xHCI Reserved (RsvdO).
Note: The Speed, Parent Hub Slot ID and Parent Port Number are used to construct
the Split Transaction token to the parent hub’s Transaction Translator. Refer
to section 4.3.7 for more information on these fields.
Note: The value of Max Exit Latency shall depend on the link states that software
has allowed the links in the path to go to. This value is used by the xHC for
generating PINGs for periodic endpoints. Its value does not need to be
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modified when the device is placed on the U3 state because the expectation is
that all periodic endpoints of the device are stopped before the device is
placed in U3 state, for example, no Pings will be generated if the periodic
Transfer Rings are empty.
Prior to the first command execution, a 'valid' Output Slot Context for the first
Address Device Command issued for a Device Slot requires that the value of
the Slot State field shall be equal to Disabled and all other Slot Context fields
should be cleared to ‘0’. Refer to section 4.6.5 for more information on valid
Slot Context field values.
Any Output Slot Context is 'valid' for subsequent Address Device Commands
because all fields of the Output Slot Context are overwritten by the xHC.
Note: Unless otherwise stated: As Input, all fields of the Endpoint Context shall be
initialized to the appropriate value by software before issuing a command. As
Output, the xHC shall update each field to reflect the current value that
it is using.
Max ESIT Payload Hi Interval LSA MaxPStreams Mult RsvdZ EP State 03-00H
Rsvd Rsvd
Max Packet Size Max Burst Size HID Z EP Type CErr Z
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Table 6-8: Offset 00h – Endpoint Context Field Definitions
Bits Description
2:0 Endpoint State (EP State). The Endpoint State identifies the current operational state of the
Value Definition
0 Disabled The endpoint is not operational
1 Running The endpoint is operational, either waiting for a doorbell ring or
processing TDs.
2 Halted The endpoint is halted due to a Halt condition detected on the
USB. SW shall issue Reset Endpoint Command to recover from the Halt condition and transition
to the Stopped state. SW may manipulate the Transfer Ring while in this state.
3 Stopped The endpoint is not running due to a Stop Endpoint Command or
recovering from a Halt condition. SW may manipulate the Transfer Ring while in this state.
4 Error The endpoint is not running due to a TRB Error. SW may
manipulate the Transfer Ring while in this state.
5-7 Reserved
As Output, a Running to Halted transition is forced by the xHC if a STALL condition is detected
on the endpoint. A Running to Error transition is forced by the xHC if a TRB Error condition is
As Input, this field is initialized to ‘0’ by software.
Refer to section 4.8.3 for more information on Endpoint State.
7:3 RsvdZ.
9:8 Mult. If LEC = ‘0’, then this field indicates the maximum number of bursts within an Interval that
this endpoint supports. Mult is a “zero-based” value, where 0 to 3 represents 1 to 4 bursts,
respectively. The valid range of values is ‘0’ to ‘2’.111 This field shall be ‘0’ for all endpoint types
except for SS Isochronous.
If LEC = ‘1’, then this field shall be RsvdZ and Mult is calculated as:
ROUNDUP(Max ESIT Payload / Max Packet Size / (Max Burst Size + 1)) - 1.
14:10 Max Primary Streams (MaxPStreams). This field identifies the maximum number of Primary
Stream IDs this endpoint supports. Valid values are defined below. If the value of this field is ‘0’,
then the TR Dequeue Pointer field shall point to a Transfer Ring. If this field is > '0' then the TR
Dequeue Pointer field shall point to a Primary Stream Context Array. Refer to section 4.12 for
more information.
A value of ‘0’ indicates that Streams are not supported by this endpoint and the Endpoint
Context TR Dequeue Pointer field references a Transfer Ring.
A value of ‘1’ to ‘15’ indicates that the Primary Stream ID Width is MaxPstreams+1 and the
Primary Stream Array contains 2MaxPStreams+1 entries.
For SS Bulk endpoints, the range of valid values for this field is defined by the MaxPSASize field
in the HCCPARAMS1 register (refer to Table 5-13).
This field shall be '0' for all SS Control, Isoch, and Interrupt endpoints, and for all non-SS
111 Note that there is no requirement that Max Burst Size must equal 15 (that is, 16 bursts) if Mult is greater than 0.
15 Linear Stream Array (LSA). This field identifies how a Stream ID shall be interpreted.
Setting this bit to a value of ‘1’ shall disable Secondary Stream Arrays and a Stream ID shall be
interpreted as a linear index into the Primary Stream Array, where valid values for MaxPStreams
are ‘1’ to ‘15’.
A value of ‘0’ shall enable Secondary Stream Arrays, where the low order (MaxPStreams+1) bits
of a Stream ID shall be interpreted as a linear index into the Primary Stream Array, where valid
values for MaxPStreams are ‘1’ to ‘7’. And the high order bits of a Stream ID shall be interpreted
as a linear index into the Secondary Stream Array.
If MaxPStreams = ‘0’, this field RsvdZ.
Refer to section 4.12.2 for more information.
23:16 Interval. The period between consecutive requests to a USB endpoint to send or receive data.
Expressed in 125 μs. increments. The period is calculated as 125 μs. * 2Interval; for example, an
Interval value of 0 means a period of 125 μs. (20 = 1 * 125 μs.), a value of 1 means a period of
250 μs. (21 = 2 * 125 μs.), a value of 4 means a period of 2 ms. (24 = 16 * 125 μs.), etc. Refer to
Table 6-12 for legal Interval field values. See further discussion of this field below. Refer to
section for more information.
31:24 Max Endpoint Service Time Interval Payload High (Max ESIT Payload Hi). If LEC = '1', then this
field indicates the high order 8 bits of the Max ESIT Payload value. If LEC = '0', then this field
shall be RsvdZ. Refer to section for more information.
Bits Description
0 RsvdZ.
2:1 Error Count (CErr)112. This field defines a 2-bit down count, which identifies the number of
consecutive USB Bus Errors allowed while executing a TD. If this field is programmed with a non-
zero value when the Endpoint Context is initialized, the xHC loads this value into an internal Bus
Error Counter before executing a USB transaction and decrements it if the transaction fails. If the
Bus Error Counter counts from ‘1’ to ‘0’, the xHC ceases execution of the TRB, sets the endpoint
to the Halted state, and generates a USB Transaction Error Event for the TRB that caused the
internal Bus Error Counter to decrement to ‘0’. If system software programs this field to ‘0’, the
xHC shall not count errors for TRBs on the Endpoint’s Transfer Ring and there shall be no limit
on the number of TRB retries. Refer to section for more information on the operation of
the Bus Error Counter.
CErr does not apply to Isoch endpoints and shall be set to ‘0’ if EP Type = Isoch Out ('1') or Isoch
In ('5').
112 Software should set CErr to ‘3’ for normal operations. The values of ‘1’ or ‘2’ should be avoided during normal operation because they
will reduce transfer reliability. The value of ‘0’ is typically only used for test or debug. Note that the xHCI handles CErr differently than
the EHCI did. EHCI – if software programs a value of ‘1’ or ‘2’, that value will apply only for the first load of the EHCI Bus Error Counter.
And all subsequent reloads of the EHCI Bus Error Counter will use ‘3’. If software programmed ‘0’, then the EHCI will leave it at ‘0’ and
disable error counting. xHCI – the Bus Error Counter is always reloaded with the value of CErr, which means transactions will be less
robust (for example, devices may halt due intermittent errors more frequently) if CErr = ‘1’ or ‘2’.
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Bits Description
5:3 Endpoint Type (EP Type). This field identifies whether an Endpoint Context is Valid, and if so,
what type of endpoint the context defines.
Value Endpoint Type Direction
0 Not Valid N/A
1 Isoch Out
2 Bulk Out
3 Interrupt Out
4 Control Bidirectional
5 Isoch In
6 Bulk In
7 Interrupt In
6 RsvdZ.
7 Host Initiate Disable (HID). This field affects Stream enabled endpoints, allowing the Host
Initiated Stream selection feature to be disabled for the endpoint. Setting this bit to a value of ‘1’
shall disable the Host Initiated Stream selection feature. A value of ‘0’ will enable normal Stream
operation. Refer to section for more information.
15:8 Max Burst Size. This field indicates to the xHC the maximum number of consecutive USB
transactions that should be executed per scheduling opportunity. This is a “zero-based” value,
where 0 to 15 represents burst sizes of 1 to 16, respectively. Refer to section for more
31:16 Max Packet Size. This field indicates the maximum packet size in bytes that this endpoint is
capable of sending or receiving when configured. Refer to section for more information.
Bits Description
0 Dequeue Cycle State (DCS). This bit identifies the value of the xHC Consumer Cycle State (CCS)
flag for the TRB referenced by the TR Dequeue Pointer. Refer to section 4.9.2 for more
information. This field shall be ‘0’ if MaxPStreams > ‘0’.
3:1 RsvdZ.
63:4 TR Dequeue Pointer. As Input, this field represents the high order bits of the 64-bit base
address of a Transfer Ring or a Stream Context Array associated with this endpoint. If
MaxPStreams = '0' then this field shall point to a Transfer Ring. If MaxPStreams > '0' then this
field shall point to a Stream Context Array.
As Output, if MaxPStreams = ‘0’ this field shall be used by the xHC to store the value of the
Dequeue Pointer when the endpoint enters the Halted or Stopped states, and the value of the
this field shall be undefined when the endpoint is not in the Halted or Stopped states. if
MaxPStreams > ‘0’ then this field shall point to a Stream Context Array.
The memory structure referenced by this physical memory pointer shall be aligned to a 16-byte
Bits Description
15:0 Average TRB Length. This field represents the average Length of the TRBs executed by this
endpoint. The value of this field shall be greater than ‘0’. Refer to section and the
implementation note TRB Lengths and System Bus Bandwidth for more information.
The xHC shall use this parameter to calculate system bus bandwidth requirements.
31:16 Max Endpoint Service Time Interval Payload Low (Max ESIT Payload Lo). This field indicates
the low order 16 bits of the Max ESIT Payload. The Max ESIT Payload represents the total
number of bytes this endpoint will transfer during an ESIT. This field is only valid for periodic
endpoints. Refer to section for more information.
Note: The remaining bytes (14-1Fh) within the Endpoint Context are dedicated for
exclusive use by the xHC and shall be treated by system software as
Reserved and Opaque (RsvdO).
Note: Figure 6-3 illustrates a 32 byte Endpoint Context. That is, the Context Size
(CSZ) field in the HCCPARAMS1 register = ‘0’. If the Context Size (CSZ) field
= ‘1’ then each Endpoint Context data structure consumes 64 bytes, where
bytes 32 to 63 are xHCI Reserved (RsvdO).
Note: The requirement that TD Fragments shall not span Transfer Ring
Segments places a lower limit on the value of Average TRB Length. For
example, a 4KB Transfer Ring Segment may describe up to 256 TRBs, where
the last TRB of the segment is a Link TRB. If the MBP is 16K, then the 16KB
payload defined by a TD Fragment may not be contain more than 255
Transfer TRBs, which means that software shall not specify an Average TRB
Length value less than 65B. Larger Transfer Ring Segments allow smaller
Average TRB Length values. Refer to section
Note: Software shall set Average TRB Length to ‘8’ for control endpoints.
Note: The Max Packet Size field of the Control Endpoint Context 0 shall be set by
system software to the default max packet size for the endpoint as function
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of the devices’ speed. for example, 8 bytes for a Low/Full-speed device etc.
After the Device Descriptor is read from the device using the default Max
Packet Size, software may issue an Evaluate Context Command to inform the
xHC of the actual Max Packet Size for the control endpoint if it is different
than the default value.
After the first Address Device Command execution, any Output Endpoint
Context is 'valid' for an Address Device Command because all fields of the
Output Endpoint Context are overwritten by the command.
After the completion of the Evaluate Context Command, the updated field
values will be used by the xHC for the next transfer performed by the
respective endpoint. It is system software’s responsibility to coordinate the
execution of Evaluate Context Commands with Transfer Ring operations.
For High-Speed control and bulk endpoints this field shall be cleared to ‘0’.
For Enhanced SuperSpeed endpoints this field shall be set to the value defined
in the bMaxBurst field of the SuperSpeed Endpoint Companion Descriptor.
Refer to section 9.6.7 of the USB3 Specification.
Refer to section for more information on the use Max Burst Size.
This field shall be set to the value defined in bits 10:0 of the USB Endpoint
Descriptor wMaxPacketSize field. Note that the Max Packet Size field is not
encoded the same as the USB wMaxPacketSize field Max Packet Size (for
example, as a base 2 multiple), but as a linear byte count value. Interval
The Interval field defines the Interval for polling endpoint for data transfers,
expressed in 125 µs units. The periodic interval defined by the Endpoint
Context Interval field is computed as 125μs * 2Interval, where Interval = 0 to 15.
For SuperSpeedPlus and SuperSpeed bulk and control endpoints, the Interval
field shall not be used by the xHC.
For all other endpoint types and speeds, system software shall translate the
bInterval field in the USB Endpoint Descriptor to the appropriate value for this
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Table 6-12: Endpoint Type vs. Interval Calculation
Endpoint Context
Endpoint bInterval Range Time Range Time Computation
Valid Interval range
If LEC = ‘0’, then the largest value the xHC supports for the Max ESIT Payload
is 48K bytes. Note that only devices attached to SSP or faster USB3 Root Hub
ports may support Max ESIT Payload values greater than 48KB.
If LEC = ‘1’, then the largest value the xHC supports for the Max ESIT Payload
is 16MB-1 bytes.
Refer to section 4.14.2 for the definition of an “ESIT” and more information
related to setting the value of Max ESIT Payload.
For periodic endpoints, the Max ESIT Payload is used by the xHC to reserve the
bus transfer time for the endpoint in its Pipe Schedule.
113 For FS/LS Interrupt endpoints software shall round the computed value of Endpoint Context Interval field down to the nearest base 2
multiple of bInterval * 8.
The xHCI supports hierarchal Stream Context Arrays. Refer to section 4.12 for
more information on their use. A Stream Context Array contains Stream
Context data structures. Entries are addressed by a Stream ID. Steam ID 0 is
reserved and does not reference a Transfer Ring or another Stream Context
Note: Unless otherwise stated: As Input, all fields of the Stream Context
shall be initialized to the appropriate value by software before issuing a
command. As Output, the xHC shall update each field to reflect the current
value that it is using.
Table 6-13: Offset 00h and 04h – Stream Context Field Definitions
Bits Description
0 Dequeue Cycle State (DCS). This bit identifies the value of the xHC Consumer Cycle State (CCS)
flag for the TRB referenced by the TR Dequeue Pointer. Refer to section 4.9.2 for more
3:1 Stream Context Type (SCT). This field identifies whether the Stream Context is a member of a
Primary or Secondary Stream Context Array, if the TR Dequeue Pointer field references a
Transfer Ring or a Stream Context Array, and if a Stream Context Array is referenced, the size of
the array.
Value Stream Array Type Dequeue Ptr
Secondary Stream Array Size
0 Secondary Transfer Ring N/A
1 Primary Transfer Ring N/A
2 Primary SSA 8
3 Primary SSA 16
4 Primary SSA 32
5 Primary SSA 64
6 Primary SSA 128
7 Primary SSA 256
Refer to section for more information.
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Bits Description
63:4 TR Dequeue Pointer. This field represents the high order bits of the 64-bit base address of the
TRB ring or Stream Context Array associated with this Stream.
The memory structure referenced by this physical memory pointer shall be aligned to a 16-byte
boundary. This field is initialized by software and shall be overwritten by the xHC to save the
value of the Dequeue Pointer when the endpoint enters the Halted or Stopped states. The value
of the this field shall be undefined when the endpoint is not in the Halted or Stopped states.
Table 6-14: Offset 08h and 0Ch – Stream Context Field Definitions
Bits Description
23:0 Stopped EDTLA. If the Stopped EDTLA Capability (SEC) field in the CCSPARAMS register = ‘1’,
then this field shall identify the value of the EDTLA when the Stream is in the Stopped State. If
SEC = ‘0’, then this field shall be RsvdO. Refer to sections 4.6.9, 4.12, and 5.3.6 for more
63:24 RsvdO.
Note: The Context Size (CSZ) field in the HCCPARAMS1 register does not apply to
Stream Context data structures, they are always 16 bytes in size.
The Input Context data structure specifies the endpoints and the operations to
be performed on those endpoints by the Address Device, Configure Endpoint,
and Evaluate Context Commands. Refer to section 4.6 for more information on
these commands.
Slot 1 0
EP Context 0 2 1
EP Context 1 OUT
3 2
Direction = 0
EP Context 1 IN
4 3 Device
Direction = 1
0C0h Context
The first entry (offset 000h) of the Input Context shall be the Input Control
Context data structure. The remaining entries shall be organized identically to
the Device Context data structures. Refer to section for the definition of
the Input Control Context data structure. Refer to section 6.2 for the definition
of the Device Context and its data structures.
If the Add Context flag is set for an entry in the Input Context, then the entry
shall be initialized appropriately by software. All other entries of the Input
Context are ignored by the xHC. The Add Context and Drop Context flag indices
are calculated identically to the Device Context Index (DCI) described in
section 4.5.1 for the Device Context portion of the Input Context. for example,
EP context 1 OUT maps to D2 and A2, and so on, up to EP 15 IN mapping to
D31 and A31.
Note: Figure 6-5 illustrates offsets with 32 byte Input Control Context data
structures. that is, the Context Size (CSZ) field in the HCCPARAMS1 register
= '0'. If the Context Size (CSZ) field = '1' then the Input Control Context data
structures consume 64 bytes each. The offsets shall be 040h for the Slot
Context, 080h for EP Context 0, and so on.
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Figure 6-6: Input Control Context
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
D31 D30 D29 D28 D27 D26 D25 D24 D23 D22 D21 D20 D19 D18 D17 D16 D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 RsvdZ 03-00H
A31 A30 A29 A28 A27 A26 A25 A24 A23 A22 A21 A20 A19 A18 A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 07-04H
RsvdZ 0B-08H
RsvdZ 0F-0CH
RsvdZ 13-10H
RsvdZ 17-14H
RsvdZ 1B-18H
Note: Figure 6-6 illustrates a 32-byte Input Control Context data structure. that is,
the Context Size (CSZ) field in the HCCPARAMS1 register = '0'. If the Context
Size (CSZ) field = '1' then the Input Control Context data structure consumes
64 bytes, where bytes 32 to 63 are RsvdZ.
Bits Description
1:0 RsvdZ.
31:2 Drop Context flags (D2 - D31). These single bit fields identify which Device Context data
structures should be disabled by command. If set to ‘1’, the respective Endpoint Context shall
be disabled. If cleared to ‘0’, the Endpoint Context is ignored.
Bits Description
31:0 Add Context flags (A0 - A31). These single bit fields identify which Device Context data
structures shall be evaluated and/or enabled by a command. If set to ‘1’, the respective Context
shall be evaluated. If cleared to ‘0’, the Context is ignored.
Bits Description
7:0 Configuration Value. If CIC = ‘1’, CIE = ‘1’, and this Input Context is associated with a Configure
Endpoint Command, then this field contains the value of the Standard Configuration Descriptor
bConfigurationValue field associated with the command, otherwise the this field shall be cleared
to ‘0’.
15:8 Interface Number. If CIC = ‘1’, CIE = ‘1’, this Input Context is associated with a Configure
Endpoint Command, and the command was issued due to a SET_INTERFACE request, then this
field contains the value of the Standard Interface Descriptor bInterfaceNumber field associated
with the command, otherwise the this field shall be cleared to ‘0’.
23:16 Alternate Setting. If CIC = ‘1’, CIE = ‘1’, this Input Context is associated with a Configure
Endpoint Command, and the command was issued due to a SET_INTERFACE request, then this
field contains the value of the Standard Interface Descriptor bAlternateSetting field associated
with the command, otherwise the this field shall be cleared to ‘0’.
31:24 RsvdZ.
Note: The fields in this data structure shall not be modified by software from the
time the command is placed on the Command Ring until the associated
Command Completion Event is received.
Note: The Add Context and Delete Context flag indices are calculated identically to
the Device Context Index (DCI) described in section 4.5.1 for the Device
Context portion of the Input Context. For example, EP context 1 OUT maps to
D2 and A2, and so on, up to EP 15 IN mapping to D31 and A31.
The Add Context and Delete Context flag indices relative to Input Context are
calculated as follows:
The Input Context Index (ICI) (refer to Figure 6-5) of the Input Control
Context is 0.
The ICI of the Slot Context is 1.
For the remaining Input Context indices 2-31, the following rules apply:
1. For Isoch, Interrupt, or Bulk type endpoints the ICI is calculated using the
Endpoint Number and Direction with the following formula;
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Note: If the Configuration Information Capability of an xHC is enabled (CIE = ‘1’)
the system software shall ensure that each Configure Endpoint Command to
the xHCI represents the endpoint changes due to exactly one
The Port Bandwidth Context data structure is used to provide system software
with the percentage of periodic bandwidth available on each Root Hub Port, at
the Speed indicated by the Device Speed field of the Get Port Bandwidth
Command. Software allocates the Context data structure and the xHC updates
it during the execution of a Get Port Bandwidth Command. Refer to section
4.6.15 for more information.
Port n Port n-1 Port n-2 Port n-3
Note: Figure 6-7 illustrates a generic Port Bandwidth Context data structure.
System sizes this data structure as a function of the number of Root Hub
ports supported by the xHC (that is, MaxPorts). Software shall round up the
size of the buffer to the nearest 8-byte boundary.
Bits Description
7:0 RsvdZ.
15:8 Port 1 Bandwidth (Port 1). Percentage of Total Available Bandwidth available on Port 1.
23:16 Port 2 Bandwidth (Port 2). Percentage of Total Available Bandwidth on Port 2.
31:24 Port 3 Bandwidth (Port 3). Percentage of Total Available Bandwidth on Port 3.
Bits Description
7:0 Port n-3 Bandwidth (Port n-3). Percentage of Total Available Bandwidth on Port n-3.
15:8 Port n-2 Bandwidth (Port n-2). Percentage of Total Available Bandwidth on Port n-2.
23:16 Port n-1 Bandwidth (Port n-1). Percentage of Total Available Bandwidth on Port n-1.
31:24 Port n Bandwidth (Port n). Percentage of Total Available Bandwidth on Port n.
Note: Refer to section 4.14 for the definition of “Total Available Bandwidth”.
Note: The range of valid values depends on the value of the Dev Speed field in the
Get Port Bandwidth Command. 0 to 80% for HS, and 0 to 90% for SS and FS.
Refer to section 4.14.2 for more information.
Note: The Port fields of the Port Bandwidth Context shall report decimal percentage
values in hex, that is, 0Ah = 10%, 50h = 80%, etc.
The size of the context and the description of the contents are provided in the
appropriate extended capability description.
Each TRB has the basic format described in section 4.11.1. TRBs are used for
all transactions performed by an xHC, which includes commands sent to the
host controller, events generated by the host controller, and transactions
associated with USB endpoints.
Note: Vendor defined TRBs are shall support the TRB Type and Cycle bit fields.
Intel Confidential
6.4.1 Transfer TRBs
Note: If a zero-length transfer is specified, the Data Buffer Pointer field is ignored
by the xHC, irrespective of the state of the IDT flag.
Note: Data buffers referenced by Transfer TRBs shall not span 64KB boundaries. If a
physical data buffer spans a 64KB boundary, software shall chain multiple
TRBs to describe the buffer.
Table 6-20: Offset 00h and 04h – Normal TRB Field Definitions
Bits Description
63:0 Data Buffer Pointer Hi and Lo. These fields represent the 64-bit address of the TRB data area
for this transaction or 8 bytes of immediate data. The Immediate Data (IDT) control flag selects
this option for each Normal TRB.
The memory structure referenced by this physical memory pointer is allowed to begin on a byte
address boundary. However, user may find other alignments, such as 64-byte or 128-byte
alignments, to be more efficient and provide better performance.
Bits Description
16:0 TRB Transfer Length. For an OUT, this field defines the number of data bytes the xHC shall send
during the execution of this TRB. If the value of this field is ‘0’ when the xHC fetches this TRB, the
xHC shall execute a zero-length transaction.
If a zero-length transfer is specified, the Data Buffer Pointer field is ignored by the
xHC, irrespective of the state of the IDT flag. Refer to section 4.9.1 for more information on zero-
length Transfer TRB handling.
For an IN, the value of the field identifies the size of the data buffer referenced by the Data
Buffer Pointer, that is, the number of bytes the host expects the endpoint to deliver.
Valid values are 0 to 64K.
21:17 TD Size. This field provides an indicator of the number of packets remaining in the TD. Refer to
section for how this value is calculated.
31:22 Interrupter Target. This field defines the index of the Interrupter that will receive events
generated by this TRB. Valid values are between 0 and MaxIntrs-1.
Bits Description
0 Cycle bit (C). This bit is used to mark the Enqueue Pointer of the Transfer ring.
1 Evaluate Next TRB (ENT). If this flag is ‘1’ the xHC shall fetch and evaluate the next TRB before
saving the endpoint state. Refer to section 4.12.3 for more information.
2 Interrupt-on Short Packet (ISP). If this flag is ‘1’ and a Short Packet is encountered for this TRB
(that is, less than the amount specified in TRB Transfer Length), then a Transfer Event TRB shall
be generated with its Completion Code set to Short Packet. The TRB Transfer Length field in the
Transfer Event TRB shall reflect the residual number of bytes not transferred into the associated
data buffer. In either case, when a Short Packet is encountered, the TRB shall be retired without
error and the xHC shall advance to the next Transfer Descriptor (TD).
Note that if the ISP and IOC flags are both ‘1’ and a Short Packet is detected, then only one
Transfer Event TRB shall be queued to the Event Ring. Also refer to section
3 No Snoop (NS). When set to ‘1’, the xHC is permitted to set the No Snoop bit in the Requester
Attributes of the PCIe transactions it initiates if the PCIe configuration Enable No Snoop flag is
also set. When cleared to ‘0’, the xHC is not permitted to set PCIe packet No Snoop Requester
Attribute. Refer to section 4.18.1 for more information.
NOTE: If software sets this bit, then it is responsible for maintaining cache consistency.
4 Chain bit (CH). Set to ‘1’ by software to associate this TRB with the next TRB on the Ring. A
Transfer Descriptor (TD) is defined as one or more TRBs. The Chain bit is used to identify the
TRBs that comprise a TD. The Chain bit is always ‘0’ in the last TRB of a TD.
5 Interrupt On Completion (IOC). If this bit is set to ‘1’, it specifies that when this TRB completes,
the Host Controller shall notify the system of the completion by placing an Transfer Event TRB
on the Event ring and asserting an interrupt to the host at the next interrupt threshold. Note that
the interrupt assertion may be blocked for the Transfer Event by BEI. Refer to sections 4.10.4
and 4.17.5.
Intel Confidential
Bits Description
6 Immediate Data (IDT). If this bit is set to ‘1’, it specifies that the Data Buffer Pointer field of this
TRB contains data, not a pointer, and the Length field shall contain a value between ‘0’ and ‘8’ to
indicate the number of valid bytes from offset 0 in the TRB that should be used as data.
If the IDT flag is set in one Transfer TRB of a TD, then it shall be the only Transfer TRB
of the TD. An Event Data TRB may be included in the TD. Failure to follow this rule may result in
undefined xHC operation.
IDT shall not be set (‘1’) for TRBs on endpoints that define a Max Packet Size < 8 bytes,
or on IN endpoints.
8:7 RsvdZ.
9 Block Event Interrupt (BEI). If this bit is set to ‘1’ and IOC = ‘1’, then the Transfer Event
generated by IOC shall not assert an interrupt to the host at the next interrupt threshold. Refer
to section 4.17.5.
15:10 TRB Type. This shall be set to Normal TRB type. Refer to Table 6-91 for the definition of the
valid Transfer TRB type IDs.
31:16 RsvdZ.
Note: The IOC flag should only be set in the Status Stage TRB of a Control transfer.
Bits Description
7:0 bmRequestType. Refer to Table 9-2 “Format of Setup Data” in the USB2 or USB3 specification.
15:8 bRequest. Refer to Table 9-2 “Format of Setup Data” in the USB2 or USB3 specification.
31:16 wValue. Refer to Table 9-2 “Format of Setup Data” in the USB2 or USB3 specification.
Bits Description
15:0 wIndex. Refer to Table 9-2 “Format of Setup Data” in the USB2 or USB3 specification.
31:16 wLength. Refer to Table 9-2 “Format of Setup Data” in the USB2 or USB3 specification.
Bits Description
21:17 RsvdZ.
31:22 Interrupter Target. This field defines the index of the Interrupter that will receive events
generated by this TRB. Valid values are between 0 and MaxIntrs-1.
Bits Description
0 Cycle bit (C). This bit is used to mark the Enqueue point of a Transfer ring.
4:1 RsvdZ.
5 Interrupt On Completion (IOC). If this bit is set to ‘1’, it specifies that when this TRB completes,
the Host Controller shall notify the system of the completion by placing an Event TRB on the
Event ring and sending an interrupt at the next interrupt threshold. Refer to section 4.10.4.
6 Immediate Data (IDT). This bit shall be set to ‘1’ in a Setup Stage TRB. It specifies that the
Parameter component of this TRB contains Setup Data.
Intel Confidential
Bits Description
9:7 RsvdZ.
15:10 TRB Type. This field is set to Setup Stage TRB type. Refer to Table 6-91 for the definition of the
Type TRB IDs.
17:16 Transfer Type (TRT). This field indicates the type and direction of the control transfer.
Value Definition
0 No Data Stage
1 Reserved
2 OUT Data Stage
3 IN Data Stage
Refer to section for more information on the use of TRT.
31:18 RsvdZ.
A Data Stage TRB is used generate the Data stage transaction of a USB Control
transfer. Refer to section 3.2.9 for more information on Control transfers and
the operation of control endpoints. Also refer to section 8.5.3 in the USB2 spec.
for a description of “Control Transfers”.
Table 6-27: Offset 00h and 04h – Data Stage TRB Field Definitions
Bits Description
63:0 Data Buffer Pointer Hi and Lo. These fields represent the 64-bit address of the Data buffer area
for this transaction
The memory structure referenced by this physical memory pointer is allowed to begin on a byte
address boundary. However, user may find other alignments, such as 64-byte or 128-byte
alignments, to be more efficient and provide better performance.
Bits Description
16:0 TRB Transfer Length. For an OUT, this field is the number of data bytes the xHC will send during the execution of
this TRB.
For an IN, the initial value of the field identifies the size of the data buffer referenced by the Data Buffer Pointer, that
is, the number of bytes the host expects the endpoint to deliver.
Valid values are 1 to 64K.
21:17 TD Size. This field provides an indicator of the number of packets remaining in the TD. Refer to section for
how this value is calculated.
31:22 Interrupter Target. This field defines the index of the Interrupter that will receive events generated by this TRB. Valid
values are between 0 and MaxIntrs-1.
Bits Description
0 Cycle bit (C). This bit is used to mark the Enqueue Pointer of the Transfer ring.
1 Evaluate Next TRB (ENT). If this flag is ‘1’ the xHC shall fetch and evaluate the next TRB before
saving the endpoint state. Refer to section 4.12.3 for more information.
2 Interrupt-on Short Packet (ISP). If this flag is ‘1’ and a Short Packet is encountered for this TRB
(that is, less than the amount specified in TRB Transfer Length), then a Transfer Event TRB shall
be generated with its Completion Code set to Short Packet. The TRB Transfer Length field in the
Transfer Event TRB shall reflect the residual number of bytes not transferred into the associated
data buffer. In either case, when a Short Packet is encountered, the TRB shall be retired without
error and the xHC shall advance to the Status Stage TD.
if the ISP and IOC flags are both ‘1’ and a Short Packet is detected, then only one Transfer Event
TRB shall be queued to the Event Ring. Also refer to section
3 No Snoop (NS). When set to ‘1’, the xHC is permitted to set the No Snoop bit in the Requester
Attributes of the PCIe transactions it initiates if the PCIe configuration Enable No Snoop flag is
also set. When cleared to ‘0’, the xHC is not permitted to set PCIe packet No Snoop Requester
Attribute. Refer to section 4.18.1 for more information.
NOTE: If software sets this bit, then it is responsible for maintaining cache consistency.
4 Chain bit (CH). Set to ‘1’ by software to associate this TRB with the next TRB on the Ring. A Data
Stage TD is defined as a Data Stage TRB followed by zero or more Normal TRBs. The Chain bit is
used to identify a multi-TRB Data Stage TD. The Chain bit is always ‘0’ in the last TRB of a Data
Stage TD.
5 Interrupt On Completion (IOC). If this bit is set to ‘1’, it specifies that when this TRB completes,
the Host Controller shall notify the system of the completion by placing an Event TRB on the
Event ring and asserting an interrupt to the host at the next interrupt threshold. Refer to section
Intel Confidential
Bits Description
6 Immediate Data (IDT). If this bit is set to ‘1’, it specifies that the Data Buffer Pointer field of this
TRB contains data, not a pointer. If IDT = ‘1’, the Length field shall contain a value between 1 and
8 to indicate the number of valid bytes from offset 0 in the TRB that should be used as data.
If the IDT flag is set in one Data Stage TRB of a TD, then it shall be the only Transfer TRB of the
TD. An Event Data TRB may also be included in the TD. Failure to follow this rule may result in
undefined xHC operation.
9:7 RsvdZ.
15:10 TRB Type. This shall be set to Data Stage TRB type. Refer to Table 6-91 for the definition of the
valid Transfer TRB type IDs.
16 Direction (DIR). This bit indicates the direction of the data transfer as defined in the Data State
TRB Direction column of Table 7. If cleared to ‘0’, the data stage transfer direction is OUT (Write
Data). If set to ‘1’, the data stage transfer direction is IN (Read Data). Refer to section for
more information on the use of DIR.
31:17 RsvdZ.
A Status Stage TRB is used to generate the Status stage transaction of a USB
Control transfer. Refer to section 3.2.9 for more information on Control
transfers and the operation of control endpoints.
RsvdZ 03-00H
RsvdZ 07-04H
Bits Description
21:0 RsvdZ.
31:22 Interrupter Target. This field defines the index of the Interrupter that will receive events
generated by this TRB. Valid values are between 0 and MaxIntrs-1.
Bits Description
0 Cycle bit (C). This bit is used to mark the Enqueue Pointer of the Transfer ring.
1 Evaluate Next TRB (ENT). If this flag is ‘1’ the xHC shall fetch and evaluate the next TRB before
saving the endpoint state. Refer to section 4.12.3 for more information.
3:2 RsvdZ.
4 Chain bit (CH). Set to ‘1’ by software to associate this TRB with the next TRB on the Ring. A
Status Stage TD is defined as a Status Stage TRB followed by zero or one Event Data TRB. The
Chain bit is used to identify a multi-TRB Status Stage TD. The Chain bit is always ‘0’ in the last
TRB of a Status Stage TD.
5 Interrupt On Completion (IOC). If this bit is set to ‘1’, it specifies that when this TRB completes,
the Host Controller shall notify the system of the completion by placing an Event TRB on the
Event ring and asserting an interrupt to the host at the next interrupt threshold. Refer to section
9:6 RsvdZ.
15:10 TRB Type. This field shall be set to Status Stage TRB type. Refer to Table 6-91 for the definition
of the valid Transfer TRB type IDs.
16 Direction (DIR). This bit indicates the direction of the data transfer as defined in the Status State
TRB Direction column of Table 7. If cleared to ‘0’, the status stage transfer direction is OUT
(Host-to-device). If set to ‘1’, the status stage transfer direction is IN (Device-to-host). Refer to
section for more information on the use of DIR.
31:17 RsvdZ.
A Transfer Event generated by this TRB shall reflect the status state response
from the USB device.
Intel Confidential
Table 6-32: Offset 00h and 04h – Isoch TRB Field Definitions
Bits Description
63:0 Data Buffer Pointer Hi and Lo. This field represents the 64-bit address of the TRB data area for
this transaction or 8 bytes of immediate data. The Immediate Data (IDT) control flag selects this
option for each Isoch TRB.
The memory structure referenced by this physical memory pointer is allowed to begin on a byte
address boundary. However, user may find other alignments, such as 64-byte or 128-byte
alignments, to be more efficient and provide better performance.
Bits Description
16:0 TRB Transfer Length. For an OUT, this field is the number of data bytes the host controller will
send during the execution of this TRB.
For an IN, the initial value of the field is the number of bytes the host expects the endpoint to
deliver, that is, the number of bytes the host expects the endpoint to deliver.
Refer to section 4.9.1 for more information on zero-length Transfer TRB handling.
Valid values are 0 to 64K.
21:17 TD Size/TBC. If ETE = ‘0’, then this field defines the TD Size, which provides an indicator of the
number of bytes remaining in the TD. Refer to section for how this value is calculated. If
ETE = ‘1’, then this field defines the Transfer Burst Count (TBC), which identifies the number of
bursts - 1 that shall be required to move this Isoch TD. All bursts except the last shall transfer
Max Burst Size packets. The last burst shall transfer TLBPC + 1 packets. Refer to section
for more information.
31:22 Interrupter Target. This field defines the index of the Interrupter that will receive events
generated by this TRB. Valid values are between 0 and MaxIntrs-1.
Bits Description
0 Cycle bit (C). This bit is used to mark the Enqueue point of a Transfer ring.
1 Evaluate Next TRB (ENT). If this flag is ‘1’ the xHC shall fetch and evaluate the next TRB before
saving the endpoint state. Refer to section 4.12.3 for more information.
2 Interrupt-on Short Packet (ISP). If this flag is ‘1’ and a Short Packet is encountered for this TRB
(that is, less than the amount specified in TRB Transfer Length), then a Transfer Event TRB shall
be generated with the with its Completion Status set to Short Packet. In either case when a Short
Packet is encountered, the TRB shall be retired without error and the xHC shall advance to the
next Transfer Descriptor (TD). Also refer to section
if the ISP and IOC flags are both ‘1’ and a Short Packet is detected, then only one Transfer Event
TRB shall be queued to the Event Ring.
3 No Snoop (NS). When set to ‘1’, the xHC is permitted to set the No Snoop bit in the Requester
Attributes of the PCIe transactions it initiates if the PCIe configuration Enable No Snoop flag is
also set. When cleared to ‘0’, the xHC is not permitted to set PCIe packet No Snoop Requester
Attribute. Refer to section 4.18.1 for more information.
NOTE: If software sets this bit, then it is responsible for maintaining cache consistency.
4 Chain bit (CH). Set to ‘1’ by software to associate this TRB with the next TRB on the Ring. An
Isoch Transfer Descriptor is defined as an Isoch TRB followed by zero or more Normal TRBs. The
Chain bit is used to identify the TRBs that comprise the TD. The Chain bit is always ‘0’ in the last
TRB of an Isoch TD.
5 Interrupt On Completion (IOC). If this bit is set to ‘1’, it specifies that when this TRB completes,
the Host Controller shall notify the system of the completion by placing an Event TRB on the
Event ring and sending an interrupt at the next interrupt threshold. Refer to section 4.10.4.
6 Immediate Data (IDT). If this bit is set to ‘1’, it specifies that the Data Buffer Pointer field of this
TRB contains data, not a pointer, and the Length field shall contain a value between ‘0’ and ‘8’ to
indicate the number of valid bytes from offset 0 in the TRB that should be used as data.
If the IDT flag is set in one Transfer TRB of a TD, then it shall be the only Transfer TRB the TD.
An Event Data, Link TRB may also be included in the TD. Failure to follow this rule may result in
undefined xHC operation.
The IDT flag shall not be set ('1') for TRBs on endpoints that define a Max Packet Size < 8 bytes,
or on IN endpoints.
8:7 Transfer Burst Count (TBC/TRBSts). If ETE = ‘0’, then this field identifies number of bursts - 1
that shall be required to move this Isoch TD. All bursts except the last shall transfer Max Burst
Size packets. The last burst shall transfer TLBPC + 1 packets. Refer to section for more
information. If TSC_EN = ‘1’ and ETC_TSC=’1’, then this field is set to 1 to explicitly indicate that
it is the last Transfer TRB of the TD. Other values for TRBSts are reserved. If ETE=’1’ and
ETC_TSC=’0’ and ETC=’1’, then this field shall be RsvdZ.
9 Block Event Interrupt (BEI). If this bit is set to ‘1’ and IOC = ‘1’, then the Transfer Event
generated by IOC shall not assert an interrupt to the host at the next interrupt threshold. Refer
to section 4.17.5.
15:10 TRB Type. This field is set to Isoch TRB type. Refer to Table 6-91 for the definition of the Type
19:16 Transfer Last Burst Packet Count (TLBPC). This field identifies the number of packets -1 that
shall be in the last burst of this Isoch TD, for example, ‘0’ = 1 packet, ‘1’ = 2 packets, etc. Refer to
section for more information.
30:20 Frame ID. The value in this field identifies the target 1ms. frame that the Interval associated with
this Isochronous Transfer Descriptor will start on. Bits [13:3] of the Microframe Index field of the
MFINDEX register may be used to determine the current periodic frame. This field is ignored by
the xHC if the Start Isoch ASAP flag is set (‘1’). For more information on the programming of this
field refer to section
31 Start Isoch ASAP (SIA). If this flag is set (‘1’), the Frame ID is ignored and the Isoch TD is
scheduled as soon as possible. If this flag is cleared (‘0’), the Frame ID is valid and the Isoch TD is
scheduled the next time there is a match between the Frame ID and the Frame Index portion
(bits 13:3) of the Microframe Index (MFINDEX) register. Refer to Figure 4-21. For more
information refer to section
Intel Confidential No Op TRB
The No Op TRB provides a simple means for verifying the operation of the basic
Transfer Ring mechanisms offered by the xHCI. It may be inserted on a
Transfer Ring to generate a Transfer Event.
Note: Consecutive No Op TRBs may impact xHC performance and should be avoided
by software. Refer to section 4.11.7 for more information on No Op TRB
placement rules.
RsvdZ 03-00H
RsvdZ 07-04H
Bits Description
21:0 RsvdZ.
31:22 Interrupter Target. This field defines the index of the Interrupter that will receive Transfer
Events generated by this TRB. Valid values are between 0 and MaxIntrs-1.
Bits Description
0 Cycle bit (C). This bit is used to mark the Enqueue Pointer of a Transfer Ring.
1 Evaluate Next TRB (ENT). If this flag is ‘1’ the xHC shall fetch and evaluate the next TRB before saving the endpoint
state. Refer to section 4.12.3 for more information.
3:2 RsvdZ.
4 Chain bit (CH). Set to ‘1’ by software to associate this TRB with the next TRB on the Ring. A Transfer Descriptor (TD)
is defined as one or more TRBs. The Chain bit is used to identify the TRBs that comprise a TD. The Chain bit is always
‘0’ in the last TRB of a TD.
5 Interrupt On Completion (IOC). If this bit is set to ‘1’, it specifies that when this TRB completes, the Host Controller
shall notify the system of the completion by placing a Transfer Event TRB on the Event ring and sending an interrupt
at the next interrupt threshold. Refer to section 4.10.4.
9:6 RsvdZ.
15:10 TRB Type. This field identifies the type of the TRB. Refer to Table 6-91 for the definition of the No Op TRB type ID.
31:16 RsvdZ.
Event TRBs shall be found on an Event Ring. A Work Item on an Event Ring is
called an Event Descriptor (ED). An ED shall be comprised of only one Event
TRB data structure. This section describes the event related TRBs.
Note: The Primary Event Ring (0) or a Secondary Event Ring may receive a Transfer
Event TRB. Normally the xHC shall use the Interrupter Target field of the
originating Transfer TRB to determine the Event Ring that shall receive this
event. Refer to section 4.17.4 for the exception cases, which use the Slot
Context Interrupter Target field.
Table 6-37: Offset 00h and 04h – Transfer Event TRB Field Definitions
Bits Description
63:0 TRB Pointer Hi and Lo. This field represents the 64-bit address of the TRB that generated this
event or 64 bits of Event Data if the ED flag is ‘1’.
If a TRB memory structure is referenced by this field (ED = ‘0’), then it shall be physical memory
pointer aligned on a 16-byte boundary, that is, bits 0 through 3 of the address are ‘0’.
Intel Confidential
Table 6-38: Offset 08h – Transfer Event TRB Field Definitions
Bits Description
23:0 TRB Transfer Length. This field shall reflect the residual number of bytes not transferred.
For an OUT, this field shall indicate the value of the Length field of the Transfer TRB, minus the
data bytes that were successfully transmitted. A successful OUT transfer shall return a Length of
For an IN, this field shall indicate the value of the TRB Transfer Length field of the Transfer TRB,
minus the data bytes that were successfully received. If the device terminates the receive
transfer with a Short Packet, then this field shall indicate the difference between the expected
transfer size (defined by the Transfer TRB) and the actual number of bytes received. If the
receive transfer completed with an error, then this field shall indicate the difference between the
expected transfer size and the number of bytes successfully received.
If the Event Data flag is ‘0’ the legal range of values is 0 to 10000h. If the Event Data flag is ‘1’ or
the Condition Code is Stopped - Short Packet, then this field shall be set to the value of the
Event Data Transfer Length Accumulator (EDTLA). Refer to section for a description of
31:24 Completion Code. This field encodes the completion status that can be identified by a TRB.
Refer to section 6.4.5 for an enumerated list of possible error conditions.
Bits Description
0 Cycle bit (C). This bit is used to mark the Dequeue Pointer of an Event Ring.
1 RsvdZ.
2 Event Data (ED). When set to ‘1’, the event was generated by an Event Data TRB and the
Parameter Component (TRB Pointer field) contains a 64-bit value provided by the Event Data
TRB. If cleared to ‘0’, the Parameter Component (TRB Pointer field) contains a pointer to the TRB
that generated this event. Refer to section for more information.
9:3 RsvdZ.
15:10 TRB Type. This field identifies the type of the TRB. Refer to Table 6-91 for the definition of the
Transfer Event TRB type ID.
20:16 Endpoint ID. The ID of the Endpoint that generated the event. This value is used as an index in
the Device Context to select the Endpoint Context associated with this event.
23:21 RsvdZ.
31:24 Slot ID. The ID of the Device Slot that generated the event. This is value is used as an index in
the Device Context Base Address Array to select the Device Context of the source device.
Note: A Ring Overrun or Ring Underrun Event utilizes a Transfer Event TRB to report
the error. In this case, the TRB Pointer field is invalid.
Note: If an error occurs during the execution of a Transfer TRB that does not have
its IOC or ISP flags set, a Transfer Event shall be generated for the error and
the Transfer Event shall point to the offending TRB. Refer to sections 4.10.1
and 4.10.2 for more information on handling errors related to Transfer TRBs.
Note: CStream is not valid until a Streams endpoint transitions to the Start Stream
state for the first time. A Transfer Event generated by a Stop Endpoint
Command shall report ‘0’ in the TRB Pointer and TRB Length fields if the
command is executed and CStream is invalid. Refer to section 4.12.1.
Note: The Primary Event Ring (0) shall receive all Command Completion Events.
Table 6-40: Offset 00h and 04h – Command Completion Event TRB Field
Bits Description
3:0 RsvdZ.
63:4 Command TRB Pointer Hi and Lo. This field represents the high order bits of the 64-bit address
of the Command TRB that generated this event. Note that this field is not valid for some
Completion Code values. Refer to Table 6-90 for specific cases.
The memory structure referenced by this physical memory pointer shall be aligned on a 16-byte
address boundary.
Intel Confidential
Table 6-41: Offset 08h – Command Completion Event TRB Field Definitions
Bits Description
23:0 Command Completion Parameter. This field may optionally be set by a command. Refer to
section for specific usage. If a command does not utilize this field it shall be treated as
31:24 Completion Code. This field encodes the completion status of the command that generated the
event. Refer to the respective command definition for a list of the possible Completion Codes
associated with the command. Refer to section 6.4.5 for an enumerated list of possible error
Table 6-42: Offset 0Ch – Command Completion Event TRB Field Definitions
Bits Description
0 Cycle bit (C). This bit is used to mark the Dequeue Pointer of an Event Ring.
9:1 RsvdZ.
15:10 TRB Type. This field identifies the type of the TRB. Refer to Table 6-91 for the definition of the
Command Completion Event TRB type ID.
23:16 VF ID. The ID of the Virtual Function that generated the event. Note that this field is valid only if
Virtual Functions are enabled. If they are not enabled this field shall be cleared to ‘0’.
31:24 Slot ID. The Slot ID field shall be updated by the xHC to reflect the slot associated with the
command that generated the event, with the following exceptions:
- The Slot ID shall be cleared to ‘0’ for No Op, Set Latency Tolerance Value, Get Port Bandwidth,
and Force Event Commands.
- The Slot ID shall be set to the ID of the newly allocated Device Slot for the Enable Slot
- The value of Slot ID shall be vendor defined when generated by a vendor defined command.
This value is used as an index in the Device Context Base Address Array to select the Device
Context of the source device. If this Event is due to a Host Controller Command, then this field
shall be cleared to ‘0’.
Note: All Vendor Defined Event TRBs shall support the Completion Code, Cycle bit,
and TRB Type fields. The remaining fields and reserved areas may be vendor
Note: The Primary Event Ring (0) shall receive all Port Status Change Events.
RsvdZ 07-04H
Table 6-43: Offset 00h – Port Status Change Event TRB Field Definitions
Bits Description
23:0 RsvdZ.
31:24 Port ID. The Port Number of the Root Hub Port that generated this event.
Table 6-44: Offset 08h – Port Status Change Event TRB Field Definitions
Bits Description
23:0 RsvdZ.
31:24 Completion Code. This field encodes the completion status that can be identified by a TRB. The
Completion Code field shall be set to Success.
Table 6-45: Offset 0Ch – Port Status Change Event TRB Field Definitions
Bits Description
0 Cycle bit (C). This bit is used to mark the Dequeue Pointer of an Event Ring.
9:1 RsvdZ.
15:10 TRB Type. This field identifies the type of the TRB. Refer to Table 6-91 for the definition of the
Port Status Change Event TRB type ID.
31:16 RsvdZ.
Intel Confidential Bandwidth Request Event TRB
A Bandwidth Event TRB shall be generated by the xHC when the Negotiate
Bandwidth Command is received. Refer to section 4.6.13 for more information
on Bandwidth Request Events.
Note: The Primary Event Ring (0) or a Secondary Event Ring may receive a
Bandwidth Request Event TRB. The xHC shall use the Interrupter Target field
of the Slot Context indexed by the Bandwidth Request Event TRB Slot ID field
to determine the Event Ring that shall receive the event.
RsvdZ 07-04H
Table 6-46: Offset 08h – Bandwidth Request Event TRB Field Definitions
Bits Description
23:0 RsvdZ.
31:24 Completion Code. This field encodes the completion status that can be identified by a TRB. The
Completion Code field shall always be set to Success for a Bandwidth Request Event.
Table 6-47: Offset 0Ch – Bandwidth Request Event TRB Field Definitions
Bits Description
0 Cycle bit (C). This bit is used to mark the Dequeue Pointer of an Event Ring.
9:1 RsvdZ.
15:10 TRB Type. This field identifies the type of the TRB. Refer to Table 6-91 for the definition of the
Bandwidth Request TRB type ID.
23:16 RsvdZ.
31:24 Slot ID. The ID of the Device Slot that should evaluate its bandwidth requirements. This is value
is used as an index in the Device Context Base Address Array to select the Device Context of the
source device.
Note: The Primary Event Ring (0) shall receive all Doorbell Events.
RsvdZ 07-04H
Bits Description
4:0 DB Reason. This field contains the value written to the DB Target field of the associated
31:5 RsvdZ.
Bits Description
23:0 RsvdZ.
31:24 Completion Code. This field encodes the completion status that can be identified by a TRB. The
Completion Code field shall always be set to Success for a Doorbell Event.
Bits Description
0 Cycle bit (C). This bit is used to mark the Dequeue Pointer of an Event Ring.
9:1 RsvdZ.
15:10 TRB Type. This field identifies the type of the TRB. Refer to Table 6-91 for the definition of the
Doorbell Event TRB type ID.
Intel Confidential
23:16 VF ID. The ID of the Virtual Function that generated the event.
31:24 Slot ID. The ID of the Device Slot that generated the event. This is value is used as an index in
the Device Context Base Address Array to select the Device Context of the source device. If this
Event is due to a Host Controller Command, then this field shall be cleared to ‘0’.
Note: The Primary Event Ring (0) or a Secondary Event Ring may receive a Host
Controller Event TRB, for example, Event Ring Full Error.
RsvdZ 03-00H
RsvdZ 07-04H
Table 6-51: Offset 08h – Host Controller Event TRB Field Definitions
Bits Description
23:0 RsvdZ.
31:24 Completion Code. This field encodes the completion status that can be identified by a TRB.
Refer to section 6.4.5 for an enumerated list of possible Completion Code values.
Table 6-52: Offset 0Ch – Host Controller Event TRB Field Definitions
Bits Description
0 Cycle bit (C). This bit is used to mark the Dequeue Pointer of an Event Ring.
9:1 RsvdZ.
15:10 TRB Type. This field identifies the type of the TRB. Refer to Table 6-91 for the definition of the
Host Controller Event TRB type ID.
31:16 RsvdZ.
Note: The Primary Event Ring (0) or a Secondary Event Ring may receive a Device
Notification Event TRB. If enabled in the DNCTRL register (5.4.4), the xHC
shall use the Interrupter Target field of the Slot Context indexed by the
Device Notification Event TRB Slot ID field to determine the Event Ring that
shall receive the event.
Table 6-53: Offset 00h and 04h – Device Notification Event TRB Field
Bits Description
3:0 RsvdZ.
7:4 Notification Type. This field reports the value of the Notification Type field of the received USB
Device Notification Transaction Packet.
63:8 Device Notification Data. This field reports the value of bytes 05h through 0Bh of the received
USB Device Notification Transaction Packet (DNTP), that is, Device Notification Event (DNE) TRB
byte 01h = DNTP byte 05h,..., DNE TRB byte 07h = DNTP byte 0Bh.
Table 6-54: Offset 08h – Device Notification Event TRB Field Definitions
Bits Description
23:0 RsvdZ.
31:24 Completion Code. This field encodes the completion status of the TRB, and shall always be set
to Success. Refer to section 6.4.5 for an enumerated list of the Completion Code values.
Table 6-55: Offset 0Ch – Device Notification Event TRB Field Definitions
Bits Description
0 Cycle bit (C). This bit is used to mark the Dequeue Pointer of an Event Ring.
Intel Confidential
9:1 RsvdZ.
15:10 TRB Type. This field identifies the type of the TRB. Refer to Table 6-91 for the definition of the
Device Notification Event TRB type ID.
23:16 RsvdZ.
31:24 Slot ID. The ID of the Device Slot that generated the event. This value is used as an index in the
Device Context Base Address Array to select the Device Context of the source device.
Note: The Primary Event Ring (0) shall receive all MFINDEX Wrap Events.
RsvdZ 03-00H
RsvdZ 07-04H
Table 6-56: Offset 08h – MFINDEX Wrap Event TRB Field Definitions
Bits Description
23:0 RsvdZ.
31:24 Completion Code. This field encodes the completion status of the TRB, and shall always be set
to Success. Refer to section 6.4.5 for an enumerated list of the Completion Code values.
Table 6-57: Offset 0Ch – MFINDEX Wrap Event TRB Field Definitions
Bits Description
0 Cycle bit (C). This bit is used to mark the Dequeue Pointer of an Event Ring.
9:1 RsvdZ.
15:10 TRB Type. This field identifies the type of the TRB. Refer to Table 6-91 for the definition of the
MFINDEX Wrap Event TRB type ID.
31:16 RsvdZ.
Note: Data buffers referenced by Command TRBs shall not span PAGESIZE
RsvdZ 03-00H
RsvdZ 07-04H
RsvdZ 0B-08H
Bits Description
0 Cycle bit (C). This bit is used to mark the Enqueue Pointer of a Command Ring.
9:1 RsvdZ.
15:10 TRB Type. This field identifies the type of the TRB. Refer to Table 6-91 for the definition of the
No Op Command TRB type ID.
31:16 RsvdZ.
Intel Confidential
Figure 6-23: Enable Slot Command TRB
31 21 20 16 15 10 9 1 0
RsvdZ 03-00H
RsvdZ 07-04H
RsvdZ 0B-08H
Table 6-59: Offset 0Ch – Enable Slot Command TRB Field Definitions
Bits Description
0 Cycle bit (C). This bit is used to mark the Enqueue Pointer of a Command Ring.
9:1 RsvdZ.
15:10 TRB Type. This field identifies the type of the TRB. Refer to Table 6-91 for the definition of the
Enable Slot Command TRB type ID.
20:16 Slot Type. This field identifies the type of Slot that will be enabled by this command. Refer to
Table 7-9 for more information on the usage of Slot Type.
31:21 RsvdZ.
RsvdZ 03-00H
RsvdZ 07-04H
RsvdZ 0B-08H
Table 6-60: Offset 0Ch – Disable Slot Command TRB Field Definitions
Bits Description
0 Cycle bit (C). This bit is used to mark the Enqueue Pointer of a Command Ring.
9:1 RsvdZ.
15:10 TRB Type. This field identifies the type of the TRB. Refer to Table 6-91 for the definition of the
Disable Slot Command TRB type ID.
23:16 RsvdZ.
RsvdZ 0B-08H
Table 6-61: Offset 00h and 04h – Address Device Command TRB Field
Bits Description
3:0 RsvdZ.
63:4 Input Context Pointer Hi and Lo. This field represents the high order bits of the 64-bit base
address of the Input Context data structure associated with this command. Refer to section 6.2.5
for more information on the Input Context data structure.
The memory structure referenced by this physical memory pointer shall be aligned on a 16-byte
address boundary.
Table 6-62: Offset 0Ch – Address Device Command TRB Field Definitions
Bits Description
0 Cycle bit (C). This bit is used to mark the Enqueue Pointer of a Command Ring.
8:1 RsvdZ.
9 Block Set Address Request (BSR). When this flag is set to ‘0’ the Address Device Command shall
generate a USB SET_ADDRESS request to the device. When this flag is set to ‘1’ the Address
Device Command shall not generate a USB SET_ADDRESS request. Refer to section 4.6.5 for
more information on the use of this flag.
15:10 TRB Type. This field identifies the type of the TRB. Refer to Table 6-91 for the definition of the
Address Device Command TRB type ID.
23:16 RsvdZ.
31:24 Slot ID. The ID of the Device Slot that is the target of this command.
Intel Confidential Configure Endpoint Command TRB
The Configure Endpoint Command TRB evaluates the bandwidth and resource
requirements of the endpoints selected by the command. Refer to section 4.6.6
for more information.
RsvdZ 0B-08H
Table 6-63: Offset 00h and 04h – Configure Endpoint Command TRB Field
Bits Description
3:0 RsvdZ.
63:4 Input Context Pointer Hi and Lo. This field represents the high order bits of the 64-bit base
address of the Input Context data structure associated with this event. Refer to section 6.2.5 for
more information on the Input Context data structure.
The memory structure referenced by this physical memory pointer shall be aligned on a 16-byte
address boundary.
Table 6-64: Offset 0Ch – Configure Endpoint Command TRB Field Definitions
Bits Description
0 Cycle bit (C). This bit is used to mark the Enqueue Pointer of a Command Ring.
8:1 RsvdZ.
9 Deconfigure (DC). Set to ‘1’ by software to “deconfigure” the Device Slot. If the DC flag = ‘1’, the
Input Context Pointer field is ignored by the xHC.
15:10 TRB Type. This field identifies the type of the TRB. Refer to Table 6-91 for the definition of the
Configure Endpoint Command TRB type ID.
23:16 RsvdZ.
31:24 Slot ID. The ID of the Device Slot that is the target of this command.
RsvdZ 0B-08H
The Evaluate Context Command TRB uses the same format as the Address
Device Command TRB, with the following exceptions: 1) the TRB Type field is
set to the Evaluate Context Command TRB type ID, and 2) the BSR field is not
used. Refer to Table 6-62 for the definitions of the remaining fields in the
Address Device Command Control component.
31 24 23 21 20 16 15 10 9 8 2 1 0
RsvdZ 03-00H
RsvdZ 07-04H
RsvdZ 0B-08H
Table 6-65: Offset 0Ch – Reset Endpoint Command TRB Field Definitions
Bits Description
0 Cycle bit (C). This bit is used to mark the Enqueue Pointer of a Command Ring.
8:1 RsvdZ.
9 Transfer State Preserve (TSP). Set to ‘1’ by software if the Reset operation does not affect the
current transfer state of the endpoint. Cleared to ‘0’ by software if the Reset operation resets the
current transfer state of the endpoint, that is, The Data Toggle of a USB2 device or the Sequence
Number of a USB3 device is cleared to ‘0’. Also refer to section
15:10 TRB Type. This field identifies the type of the TRB. Refer to Table 6-91 for the definition of the
Reset Endpoint Command TRB type ID.
20:16 Endpoint ID. This field identifies the DCI of the endpoint to be reset.
23:21 RsvdZ.
Intel Confidential Stop Endpoint Command TRB
The Stop Endpoint Command TRB command allows software to stop the xHC
execution of the TDs on a Transfer Ring and temporarily take ownership of TDs
that had previously been passed to the xHC. Refer to section 4.6.9 for more
RsvdZ 03-00H
RsvdZ 07-04H
RsvdZ 0B-08H
Table 6-66: Offset 0Ch – Stop Endpoint Command TRB Field Definitions
Bits Description
0 Cycle (C). This bit is used to mark the Enqueue Pointer of a Command Ring.
9:1 RsvdZ.
15:10 TRB Type. This field identifies the type of the TRB. Refer to Table 6-91 for the definition of the
Stop Endpoint Command TRB type ID.
20:16 Endpoint ID. This field identifies the DCI of the endpoint to be stopped. Valid values are ‘1’ to
Output Slot Context Context Entries.
22:21 RsvdZ.
23 Suspend (SP). When ‘1’ this bit indicates that the Stop Endpoint Command is being issued to
stop activity on an endpoint that is about to be suspended, and the endpoint shall be stopped
for at least 10 ms. The xHC may use this information to power manage the endpoint hardware
resources. Refer to section 4.15 for more information.
In order to assure proper USB device operation, software shall wait for at least
10 ms. after a port indicates that it is suspended (PLS = ‘3’) before initiating a
port resume.
Table 6-67: Offset 00h and 04h – Set TR Dequeue Pointer Command TRB Field
Bits Description
0 Dequeue Cycle State (DCS). This bit identifies the value of the xHC Consumer Cycle State (CCS)
flag for the TRB referenced by the TR Dequeue Pointer.
3:1 Stream Context Type (SCT). If the Stream ID field is non-zero, this field identifies the type of the
Stream Context, otherwise this field shall be ‘0’. Refer to section Table 6-13 for the definition
the SCT field values.
63:4 New TR Dequeue Pointer Hi and Lo. This field represents the high order bits of the 64-bit base
address to be written to the TR Dequeue Pointer field in the target Endpoint or Stream Context.
The memory structure referenced by this physical memory pointer shall be aligned on a 16-byte
address boundary.
Table 6-68: Offset 08h – Set TR Dequeue Pointer Command TRB Field
Bits Description
15:0 RsvdZ.
31:16 Stream ID. If Streams are enabled for this endpoint, this field identifies the Stream Context that
will receive the new TR Dequeue Pointer. Refer to section for the bounds checking that
the xHC shall perform on this value.
Table 6-69: Offset 0Ch – Set TR Dequeue Pointer Command TRB Field
Bits Description
0 Cycle bit (C). This bit is used to mark the Enqueue Pointer of a Command Ring.
9:1 RsvdZ.
15:10 TRB Type. This field identifies the type of the TRB. Refer to Table 6-91 for the definition of the
Set TR Dequeue Pointer Command TRB type ID.
Intel Confidential
Bits Description
20:16 Endpoint ID. This field identifies the DCI of the endpoint that is the target of this command. If
Streams are not enabled for the endpoint, the Endpoint Context will receive the new TR
Dequeue Pointer.
23:21 RsvdZ.
Note: This command shall not be issued by software unless the target Transfer Ring
is in the Error or Stopped state or if it is a Streams endpoint and the target
Stream ID is active.
RsvdZ 03-00H
RsvdZ 07-04H
RsvdZ 0B-08H
Table 6-70: Offset 0Ch – Reset Device Command TRB Field Definitions
Bits Description
0 Cycle bit (C). This bit is used to mark the Enqueue Pointer of a Command Ring.
9:1 RsvdZ.
15:10 TRB Type. This field identifies the type of the TRB. Refer to Table 6-91 for the definition of the
Reset Device Command TRB type ID.
23:16 RsvdZ.
31:24 Slot ID. The ID of the Device Slot that is being reset.
Table 6-71: Offset 00h and 04h – Force Event Command TRB Field Definitions
Bits Description
3:0 RsvdZ.
63:4 Event TRB Pointer Hi and Lo. This field represents the high order bits of the 64-bit address of
the Event TRB that will be posted to the target Event Ring.
The memory structure referenced by this physical memory pointer shall be aligned on a 16-byte
address boundary.
Table 6-72: Offset 08h – Force Event Command TRB Field Definitions
Bits Description
21:0 RsvdP.
31:22 VF Interrupter Target. This field shall indicate the ID of the Interrupter, whose Event Ring will
receive the forced event. The Interrupter ID is the virtual value used by the target VF (based on
the Interrupter Offset field of the VF Interrupter Range Register), not a physical value. Refer to
section 7.7.2 for more information on virtual Interrupter mapping.
Table 6-73: Offset 0Ch – Force Event Command TRB Field Definitions
Bits Description
0 Cycle bit (C). This bit is used to mark the Enqueue Pointer of a Command Ring.
9:1 RsvdZ.
15:10 TRB Type. This field identifies the type of the TRB. Refer to Table 6-91 for the definition of the
Force Event Command TRB type ID.
23:16 VF ID. The ID of the Virtual Function who’s Event Ring will receive this Event.
31:24 RsvdZ.
Intel Confidential Negotiate Bandwidth Command TRB (Optional Normative)
The Negotiate Bandwidth Command TRB is used by system software to initiate
Bandwidth Request Events to periodic endpoints. This command may be used
to recover unused USB bandwidth from the system. Refer to section 4.6.3 for
more information.
The Negotiate Bandwidth Command TRB uses the same format as the Disable
Slot Command (, with the exception that the TRB Type field is set to
the Negotiate Bandwidth Command TRB type ID, and the Slot ID is set to the
ID of the slot that requires the bandwidth negotiation. Refer to Table 6-60 for
the definitions of the remaining fields in the Negotiate Bandwidth Command
Control component.
RsvdZ 03-00H
RsvdZ 07-04H
RsvdZ 0B-08H
RsvdZ Best Effort Latency Tolerance Value (BELT) TRB Type RsvdZ C 0F-0CH
Table 6-74: Offset 0Ch – Set Latency Tolerance Value Command TRB Field
Bits Description
0 Cycle bit (C). This bit is used to mark the Enqueue Pointer of a Command Ring.
9:1 RsvdZ.
15:10 TRB Type. This field identifies the type of the TRB. Refer to Table 6-91 for the definition of the
Set Latency Tolerance Value Command TRB type ID.
27:16 Best Effort Latency Tolerance Value. The Best Effort Latency Tolerance (BELT) value provided
by software. This value shall be formatted as defined in the section of the USB3 Specification
describing Device Notification (DEV_NOTIFICATION) Transaction Packet (TP).
31:28 RsvdZ.
RsvdZ 0B-08H
Table 6-75: Offset 00h and 04h – Get Port Bandwidth Command TRB Field
Bits Description
3:0 RsvdZ.
63:4 Port Bandwidth Context Pointer Hi and Lo. This field represents the high order bits of the 64-
bit address of the Port Bandwidth Context data structure that will receive the Port Bandwidth
The memory structure referenced by this physical memory pointer shall be aligned on a 16-byte
address boundary.
Table 6-76: Offset 0Ch – Get Port Bandwidth Command TRB Field Definitions
Bits Description
0 Cycle bit (C). This bit is used to mark the Enqueue Pointer of a Command Ring.
9:1 RsvdZ.
15:10 TRB Type. This field identifies the type of the TRB. Refer to Table 6-91 for the definition of the Get Port Bandwidth
Command TRB type ID.
19:16 Dev Speed. The bus speed of interest. Refer to the Port Speed field in Table 5-27 for a definition of the allowed
values. The Undefined and Reserved Speeds are invalid values for this field.
23:20 RsvdZ.
31:24 Hub Slot ID. This field identifies the hub ports that the bandwidth information shall be returned for. A value of ‘0’
shall update the Port Bandwidth Context with the Root Hub port bandwidth information. If this field is set to the Slot
ID of a High-speed hub, the Port Bandwidth Context shall be updated with that port’s bandwidth information. This
field is ignored if SBD = ‘0’. Refer to section 4.16.2 for more information on the use of this field.
Intel Confidential Force Header Command TRB
A Force Header Command TRB is used to generate a USB Transaction or Link
Management Packet to a USB Device. Refer to section 4.6.16 for more
Table 6-77: Offset 00h, 04h, and 08h – Force Header Command TRB Field
Bits Description
4:0 Packet Type (Type). This field identifies the packet type. Refer to section in the USB3
specification for valid values.
95:5 Header Info. This field defines the value of bytes 00h through 0Bh of the transmitted USB
Transaction or Link Management Packet.
Refer to Section 8 in the USB3 specification for the definition of this field.
Table 6-78: Offset 0Ch – Force Header Command TRB Field Definitions
Bits Description
0 Cycle bit (C). This bit is used to mark the Dequeue Pointer of an Event Ring.
9:1 RsvdZ.
15:10 TRB Type. This field identifies the type of the TRB. Refer to Table 6-91 for the definition of the
Force Header Command TRB type ID.
23:16 RsvdZ.
31:24 Root Hub Port Number. This field identifies the number of the Root Hub Port that the header
packet shall be issued to. Refer to section 4.19.7 for port numbering information.
Table 6-79: Offset 00h and 04h – Get Extended Property Command TRB Field
Bits Description
3:0 RsvdZ.
63:4 Extended Property Context Pointer Hi and Lo. This field represents the high order bits of the
64-bit address of the Extended Property Context data structure that will receive the extended
property information.
The memory structure referenced by this physical memory pointer shall be aligned on a 64-byte
address boundary.
Table 6-80: Offset 08h – Get Extended Property Command TRB Field Definitions
Bits Description
15:0 Extended Capability Identifier (ECI) This field specifies the Extended Capability Identifier that is
associated with the Get Extended Property command. See Table 4-3.
If this field is set to all zeroes, the xHC shall execute the Get Extended Property Command
SW shall not set more than one bit in this field when issuing a Get Extended Property Command.
31:16 Reserved
Table 6-81: Offset 0Ch – Get Extended Property Command TRB Field
Bits Description
0 Cycle bit (C). This bit is used to mark the Enqueue Pointer of a Command Ring.
9:1 RsvdZ.
Intel Confidential
15:10 TRB Type. This field identifies the type of the TRB. Refer to Table 6-91 for the definition of the
Get Extended Property Command TRB type ID.
18:16 Command SubType This field identifies the specific extended capability specific action that the
xHC is required to perform.
SW shall set this field to zero when the ECI field is zero.
23:19 Endpoint ID. This field identifies the Endpoint ID associated with the Get Extended Property
Command. If the Slot ID field is non-zero, the xHC executes the Get Extended Property
command using the Slot ID and this EP ID.
If this field is non-zero, the Slot ID field shall be valid.
SW shall set this field to zero when the ECI field is zero.
31:24 Slot ID. This field identifies the Slot ID associate with the Get Extended Property Command. If
the Slot ID field is non-zero, the xHC executes the Get Extended Property command using this
Slot ID and the specified EP ID.
SW shall set this field to zero when the ECI field is zero.
Table 6-82: Offset 08h – Set Extended Property Command TRB Field Definitions
Bits Description
15:0 Extended Capability Identifier (ECI) This field specifies the Extended Capability Identifier that is
associated with the Set Extended Property command. See Table 4-3.
SW shall set one bit in this field, and no more than one bit when issuing a Set Extended Property
23:15 Capability Parameter This field specifies a parameter that is interpreted by the xHC based upon
the Extended Capability Identifier specified in the command.
31:24 Reserved
Bits Description
0 Cycle bit (C). This bit is used to mark the Enqueue Pointer of a Command Ring.
9:1 RsvdZ.
15:10 TRB Type. This field identifies the type of the TRB. Refer to Table 6-91 for the definition of the
Set Extended Property Command TRB type ID.
18:16 Command SubType This field identifies the specific extended capability specific action that the
xHC is required to perform.
SW shall set this field to zero when the ECI field is zero.
23:19 Endpoint ID. This field identifies the Endpoint ID associated with the Set Extended Property
Command. If the Slot ID field is non-zero, the xHC executes the Set Extended Property command
using the Slot ID and this EP ID.
If this field is non-zero, the Slot ID field shall be valid.
SW shall set this field to zero when the ECI field is zero.
31:24 Slot ID. This field identifies the Slot ID associate with the Set Extended Property Command. If
the Slot ID field is non-zero, the xHC executes the Set Extended Property command using this
Slot ID and the specified EP ID.
SW shall set this field to zero when the ECI field is zero.
Note: Consecutive Link TRBs may impact xHC performance and should be
avoided by software. Refer to section 4.11.7 for more information on Link TRB
placement rules.
Intel Confidential
Table 6-84: Offset 00h and 04h – Link TRB Field Definitions
Bits Description
3:0 RsvdZ. Ring Segments are TRB aligned (16 Byte boundaries).
63:4 Ring Segment Pointer Hi and Lo. These fields represent the high order bits of the 64-bit base
address of the next Ring Segment.
The memory structure referenced by this physical memory pointer shall begin on a 16-byte
address boundary.
Bits Description
21:0 RsvdZ.
31:22 Interrupter Target. This field defines the index of the Interrupter that will receive Transfer
Events generated by this TRB. Valid values are between 0 and MaxIntrs-1.
This field is ignored by the xHC on Command Rings.
Bits Description
0 Cycle bit (C). This bit is used to mark the Enqueue Pointer location of a Transfer or Command
1 Toggle Cycle (TC). When set to ‘1’, the xHC shall toggle its interpretation of the Cycle bit. When
cleared to ‘0’, the xHC shall continue to the next segment using its current interpretation of the
Cycle bit.
3:2 RsvdZ.
4 Chain bit (CH). Set to ‘1’ by software to associate this TRB with the next TRB on the Ring. A
Transfer Descriptor (TD) is defined as one or more TRBs. The Chain bit is used to identify the
TRBs that comprise a TD. Refer to section 4.11.7 for more information on Link TRB placement
within a TD. On a Command Ring this bit is ignored by the xHC.
5 Interrupt On Completion (IOC). If this bit is set to ‘1’, it specifies that when this TRB completes,
the Host Controller shall notify the system of the completion by placing an Event TRB on the
Event ring and sending an interrupt at the next interrupt threshold.
9:6 RsvdZ.
15:10 TRB Type. This field is set to Link TRB type. Refer to Table 6-91 for the definition of the Type
31:16 RsvdZ.
Note: When applying Event Data TRBs to control transfer: 1) An Event Data TRB
may be inserted at the end of a Data Stage TD in order to report the
accumulated transfer length of a multi-TRB TD. 2) An Event Data TRB may be
inserted at the end of a Status Stage TD in order to provide Event Data
associated with the control transfer completion.
Table 6-87: Offset 00h and 04h – Event Data TRB Field Definitions
Bits Description
63:0 Event Data Hi and Lo. This field represents the 64-bit value that shall be copied to the TRB
Pointer field (Parameter Component) of the Transfer Event TRB.
Bits Description
21:0 RsvdZ.
31:22 Interrupter Target. This field defines the index of the Interrupter that will receive Transfer
Events generated by this TRB. Valid values are between 0 and MaxIntrs-1.
Bits Description
0 Cycle bit (C). This bit is ignored by the xHC in a Link TRB.
1 Evaluate Next TRB (ENT). If this flag is ‘1’ the xHC shall fetch and evaluate the next TRB before
saving the endpoint state. Refer to section 4.12.3 for more information.
Intel Confidential
Bits Description
3:2 RsvdZ.
4 Chain bit (CH). Set to ‘1’ by software to associate this TRB with the next TRB on the Transfer
Ring. The Chain bit is used to identify the TRBs that comprise a TD. The Chain bit is always ‘0’ in
the last TRB of a TD.
5 Interrupt On Completion (IOC). If this bit is set to ‘1’, it specifies that when this TRB completes,
the Host Controller shall notify the system of the completion by placing an Event TRB on the
Event ring and sending an interrupt at the next interrupt threshold.
8:6 RsvdZ.
9 Block Event Interrupt (BEI). If this bit is set to '1' and IOC = '1', then the Transfer Event
generated by IOC shall not assert an interrupt to the host at the next interrupt threshold. Refer
to section 4.17.5.
15:10 TRB Type. This field is set to Event Data TRB type. Refer to Table 6-91 for the definition of the
Type TRB IDs.
31:16 RsvdZ.
The following TRB Completion Status codes will be asserted by the Host
Controller during status update if the associated error condition is detected.
0 Invalid Indicates that the Completion Code field has not been updated by the TRB producer.
2 Data Buffer Error Indicates that the Host Controller is unable to keep up with the reception of incoming data
(overrun) or is unable to supply data fast enough during transmission (underrun). Section defines the requirements of the host controller when a Data Buffer Error occurs.
3 Babble Detected Asserted when “babbling” is detected during the transaction generated by this TRB 115.
4 USB Transaction Asserted in the case where the host did not receive a valid response from the device
Error (Timeout, CRC, Bad PID, unexpected NYET, etc.).
5 TRB Error Asserted when a TRB parameter error condition (for example, out of range or invalid
parameter) is detected in a TRB. Refer to section for examples.
6 Stall Error Asserted when a Stall condition (for example, a Stall PID received from a device) is detected
for a TRB. Refer to section for more information on Stalls.
This code also indicates that the USB device has an error that prevents it from completing a
command issued through a Control endpoint. Refer to section of the USB2
specification for more information.
7 Resource Error Asserted by a Configure Endpoint Command or an Address Device Command if there are not
adequate xHC resources available to successfully complete the command. Refer to sections
4.6.5 and 4.6.6 for more information.
8 Bandwidth Error Asserted by a Configure Endpoint Command if periodic endpoints are declared and the xHC is
not able to allocate the required Bandwidth. Refer to section 4.16 for more information.
9 No Slots Asserted if a adding one more device would result in the host controller to exceed the
Available Error maximum Number of Device Slots (MaxSlots) for this implementation. Refer to section 4.6.3
for more information.
10 Invalid Stream Asserted if an invalid Stream Context Type (SCT) value is detected. Refer to section
Type Error for more information.
11 Slot Not Enabled Asserted if a command is issued to a Device Slot that is in the Disabled state. The Slot ID is
Error reported.
12 Endpoint Not Asserted if a doorbell is rung for an endpoint that is in the Disabled state. The Slot ID and
Enabled Error error Endpoint ID are reported. Also refer to section 4.7.
13 Short Packet Asserted if the number of bytes received was less than the TD Transfer Size.
14 Ring Underrun Asserted in a Transfer Event TRB if the Transfer Ring is empty when an enabled Isoch
endpoint is scheduled to transmit data. Refer to section
Note that the Transfer Event TRB Pointer field is not valid when this condition is indicated and
should be ignored by software.
15 Ring Overrun Asserted in a Transfer Event TRB if the Transfer Ring is empty when an enabled Isoch
endpoint is scheduled to receive data. Refer to section
Note that the Transfer Event TRB Pointer field is not valid when this condition is indicated and
should be ignored by software.
Intel Confidential
Value Definition Description
16 VF Event Ring Asserted by a Force Event command if the target VF’s Event Ring is full. Refer to section 4.9.4
Full Error for more information.
Note that the Transfer Event TRB Pointer field is not valid when this error is indicated and
should be ignored by software.
18 Bandwidth Asserted during an Isoch transfer if the TD exceeds the bandwidth allocated to the endpoint.
Overrun Error
19 Context State Asserted if a command is issued to transition from an illegal context state.
20 No Ping Asserted if the xHC was unable to complete a periodic data transfer associated within the
Response Error ESIT, because it did not receive a PING_RESPONSE in time. Refer to section for
more information.
21 Event Ring Full Asserted if the Event Ring is full, the xHC is unable to post an Event to the ring (refer to
Error section 4.9.4). This error is reported in a Host Controller Event TRB.
22 Incompatible Asserted if the xHC detects a problem with a device that does not allow it to be successfully
Device Error accessed. for example, due to a device compliance or compatibility problem. This error may
be returned by any command or transfer, and is fatal as far as the Slot is concerned. Software
shall issue a Disable Slot Command to recover116,114.
23 Missed Service Asserted if the xHC was unable to service a Isochronous endpoint within the Interval time
Error (ESIT). Refer to sections 4.9.4 and for more information.
24 Command Ring Asserted in a Command Completion Event due to a Command Stop (CS) operation. Refer to
Stopped section 4.6 for more information.
25 Command Asserted in a Command Completion Event of an aborted command if the command was
Aborted terminated by a Command Abort (CA) operation. Refer to section 4.6 for more information.
26 Stopped Asserted in a Transfer Event if the transfer was terminated by a Stop Endpoint Command.
Refer to section 4.6.9 for more information.
27 Stopped - Length Asserted in a Transfer Event if the transfer was terminated by a Stop Endpoint Command and
Invalid the Transfer Event TRB Transfer Length field is invalid. Refer to section 4.6.9 for more
114 USB system software stacks commonly support a number of “Quirk” devices. A Quirk device is any device that is not compliant with the
USB spec and requires software or the xHC to make a compliance exception to support it. An Incompatible Device Error should be
generated if the xHC detects a Quirk device that it does not support.
28 Stopped - Short Asserted in a Transfer Event if the transfer was terminated by a Stop Endpoint Command, and
Packet the transfer was stopped after Short Packet conditions were met, but before the end of the
TD was reached. The Transfer Event TRB Transfer Length field shall contain the value of the
Refer to section 4.6.9 for more information on the Stop Endpoint Command, section
for Short Transfer information, and section for EDTLA information.
29 Max Exit Latency Asserted by the Evaluate Context Command if the proposed Max Exit Latency would not
Too Large Error allow the periodic endpoints of the Device Slot to be scheduled. Refer to sections
30 Reserved
31 Isoch Buffer Asserted if the data buffer defined by an Isoch TD on an IN endpoint is less than the Max ESIT
Overrun Payload in size and the device attempts to send more data than it can hold 115. Refer to
sections and
32 Event Lost Error Asserted if the xHC internal event overrun condition. If the condition is due to TD related
events, then the endpoint shall be halted. The conditions that generate this error are xHC
implementation specific116. Refer to section 4.10.1.
33 Undefined Error May be reported by an event when other error codes do not apply. The conditions that assert
this condition code are xHC implementation specific. Refer to section 4.11.6 for more
information. An Undefined Error shall be treated as a fatal error by software.
34 Invalid Stream ID Asserted if an invalid Stream ID is received. Refer to section for more information.
35 Secondary Asserted by a Configure Endpoint Command if periodic endpoints are declared and the xHC is
Bandwidth Error not able to allocate the required Bandwidth due to a Secondary Bandwidth Domain. Refer to
section 4.16 for more information.
36 Split Transaction Asserted if an error is detected on a USB2 protocol endpoint for a split transaction. Refer to
Error section
115 When a TD Babble condition occurs on non-Isoch endpoints it generates a Babble Detected Error and halts the endpoint. However for
Isoch endpoints, a TD Babble condition generates an Isoch Buffer Overrun and does not halt the endpoint.
116 Refer to the xHC vendor data sheet for more information on the possible sources of this error.
Intel Confidential
Value Definition Description
37- Reserved
192- Vendor Defined Asserted by a vendor to indicate an error condition has occurred. Refer to vendor
223 Error documentation to identify specific error condition(s). If software does not recognize the code,
it shall interpret this range of vendor defined values as a Undefined Error condition. Refer to
section 4.11.6 for more information.
224- Vendor Defined Asserted by a vendor for informational purposes. Refer to vendor documentation to identify
255 Info specific information reported. If software does not recognize the code, it shall interpret this
range of vendor defined values as a Success condition code. Refer to section 4.11.6 for more
If multiple error conditions occur during the execution of a TRB only the first
detected condition will be reported.
TRB Types fall into three categories: Command, Event, or Transfer. These
categories relate to the TRB Ring that specific TRB(s) may appear on. Table
6-91 identifies the specific TRB Types that are “Allowed” on each Ring type.
Note: In Table 6-91 the ID values are uniquely assigned to each TRB Type,
however, to conserve IDs as new TRB Types are defined in the future the
same ID value may identify different TRB types as a function of Ring type. for
example, a new TRB that is only allowed on a Command Ring may
use ID = 2.
Command Ring Ring Transfer Ring
0 Reserved
Allowed 1 Normal
Command Ring Transfer Ring
Allowed 5 Isoch
Allowed 8 No-Op
Allowed 23 No Op Command
26-31 Reserved
Intel Confidential
Allowed TRB Types
Command Ring Transfer Ring
40-47 Reserved
Note: Only the TRB Types specifically “Allowed” in the Command Ring column of
Table 6-91 shall be executed on a Command Ring by the xHC. All other TRB
types found on a Command Ring shall generate a Command Completion
Event with the Completion Code set to TRB Error, the Command TRB Pointer
set to the address of the TRB in error, and the Slot ID field cleared to ‘0’.
Note: Only the TRB Types specifically “Allowed” in the Event Ring column of Table
6-91 shall be generated on an Event Ring by the xHC.
Note: Only the TRB Types specifically “Allowed” in the Transfer Ring column of
Table 6-91 shall be executed on a Transfer Ring by the xHC. All other TRB
types found on a Transfer Ring shall generate a Transfer Event with the
Completion Code set to TRB Error, the TRB Pointer set to the address of the
TRB in error, and the Slot ID and Endpoint ID fields should reflect the Slot ID
and Endpoint ID of the Transfer Ring in error.
Note: The IDs available for the Vendor Defined TRB types shall be assigned by the
xHC vendor. System software shall qualify all Vendor Defined TRB type IDs
with the Vendor ID and Device ID fields in the PCI Configuration Space
Header. If the xHC is not based on PCI, then the xHC vendor shall provide an
alternate means of identifying the Vendor and Device Type to system
Table 6-92 defines the allowable Transfer Ring TRB Types as function of
endpoint type.
Allowed Isoch
Note: If the xHC detects a disallowed TRB type on a Transfer Ring, it shall generate
Transfer Event for the TD with the TRB Error Completion Code set and set the
state of the ring to Error.
Table 6-93 defines the allowable Transfer Ring TRB Types as function of
Transaction type.
Control Setup Stage, Data Stage, Status Stage, Normal, Event Data, No Op
Intel Confidential
Vendor Defined Vendor Defined, Event Data, No Op
Note: If the xHC detects a disallowed TRB type on a Transfer Ring, it shall generate
Transfer Event for the TD with the TRB Error Completion Code set and set the
state of the endpoint to Error.
This section defines the properties of a single Event Ring Segment Table
element. Refer to section 4.9.4 for more information.
RsvdZ 0F-0CH
Table 6-94: Offset 00 and 04 – Event Ring Segment Table Entry Field
Bits Description
5:0 RsvdZ.
63:6 Ring Segment Base Address Hi and Lo. These fields represent the high order bits of the 64-bit
base address of the Event Ring Segment.
The memory structure referenced by this physical memory pointer shall begin on a 64-byte
address boundary.
Table 6-95: Offset 08 – Event Ring Segment Table Entry Field Definitions
Bits Description
15:0 Ring Segment Size. This field defines the number of TRBs supported by the ring segment, Valid
values for this field are 16 to 4096, that is, an Event Ring segment shall contain at least 16
Note: The Ring Segment Size may be set to any value from 16 to 4096, however
software shall allocate a buffer for the Event Ring Segment that rounds up its
size to the nearest 64B boundary to allow full cache-line accesses.
The location of the Scratchpad Buffer Array is defined by entry 0 of the Device
Context Base Address Array (6.1).
The size of the Scratchpad Buffer Array is defined by the Max Scratchpad
Buffers field in the HCSPARAMS2 Register (5.3.4).
Table 6-96 defines the properties of a single Scratchpad Buffer Array element.
All elements in the Scratchpad Buffer Array are identical. Refer to section 4.20
for more information.
Bit Description
11:0 RsvdZ.
PSZ:12 RsvdZ.
Valid values for PSZ are 12 to 20, depending on the value of PAGESIZE. Note if PAGESIZE = 4K, then this field is
zero bits wide. Refer to section 6.6.1 for how PSZ is calculated. If PSZ = 12, then no bits are reserved by this field.
63:PSZ Scratchpad Buffer Base Address – RW. Default = ‘0’. This field contains bits 63 to PSZ of a pointer to a Scratchpad
The actual number of bits used for the Scratchpad Buffer Base Address field depends on the value of the PAGESIZE
register. If PAGESIZE = 4K then bits 31-12 of the Scratchpad Buffer Base Address field are valid, if PAGESIZE = 8K
then bits 31-13 of the Scratchpad Buffer Base Address field are valid, and so on. Valid values for PSZ are 12 to 20.
6.6.1 PSZ
The Page Size register determines the low-order boundary of the Scratchpad
Buffer Base Address field of a Scratchpad Buffer Array Element. This boundary
is referred to as “PSZ”. The calculation of the PSZ bit offset equals the Page
Size bit offset + 12. For example, if the Page Size register defines a 4K system
page size, then the bit offset of PSZ = 12, if the Page Size register defines a
16K system page size, then the bit offset of PSZ = 14.
Intel Confidential
Document Number: 625472, Revision: 1.2b 475
7 xHCI Extended Capabilities
The xHC exports xHCI-specific extended capabilities utilizing a method like the
PCI extended capabilities. If an xHC implements any extended capabilities, it
specifies a non-zero value in the xHCI Extended Capabilities Pointer (xECP)
field of the HCCPARAMS1 register (5.3.6). This value is an offset into xHC
MMIO space from the Base, where the Base is the beginning of the host
controller’s MMIO address space. Each capability register has the format
illustrated in Table 7-1.
Bit Description
7:0 Capability ID – RO. This field identifies the xHCI Extended capability. Refer to Table 7-2 for a list of
the valid xHCI extended capabilities.
15:8 Next xHCI Extended Capability Pointer – RO. This field points to the xHC MMIO space offset of
the next xHCI extended capability pointer. A value of 00h indicates the end of the extended capability
list. A non-zero value in this register indicates a relative offset, in Dwords, from this Dword to the
beginning of the next extended capability.
For example, assuming an effective address of this data structure is 350h and assuming a pointer
value of 068h, we can calculate the following effective address:
350h + (068h << 2) -> 350h + 1A0h -> 4F0h
31:16 Capability Specific. The definition and attributes of these bits depends on the specific capability.
0 Reserved
1 USB Legacy This capability provides the xHCI Pre-OS to OS Handoff 8B 7.1
Support Synchronization support capability.
2 Supported This capability enumerates the protocols and revisions 12B 7.2
Protocol supported by this xHC. At least one of these capability
structures is required for all xHC implementations.
3 Extended Power This capability is required for all xHC non-PCI Refer to 7.3
Management implementations. PCI PM
5 Message Either this or the xHCI Extended Message Interrupt Refer to 7.5
Interrupt capability is required for all xHC non-PCI PCI spec.
Intel Confidential
ID Name Description Size Section
7-9 Reserved
11- Reserved
17 Extended Either this or the xHCI Message Interrupt capability is Refer to 7.4
Message required for all xHC non-PCI implementations. PCI spec.
18 USB3 Tunnelling This capability is required for all implementations that 7.11
Support support USB3 Tunneling. It is optional-normative for
implementations that do not support USB3 Tunnelling.
19- Reserved
192- Vendor Defined These IDs are available for vendor specific extensions Vendor
255 to the xHCI. defined
xECP+0h USBLEGSUP USB Legacy Support Capability Aux Power RO, RWS
xECP+4h USBLEGCTLSTS USB Legacy Support Control and Aux Power RWS,
Status Register RW1CS
Note: The USB Legacy Support Capability registers reside in the Aux Power well.
Refer to section 4.22.1 for reset conditions.
Bit Description
7:0 Capability ID – RO. This field identifies the extended capability. Refer to Table 7-2 for the value
that identifies the capability as Legacy Support.
This extended capability requires one additional 32-bit register for control/status information
(USBLEGCTLSTS), and this register is located at offset xECP+04h.
15:8 Next Capability Pointer - RO. This field indicates the location of the next capability with respect
to the effective address of this capability. Refer to Table 7-1 for more information on this field.
16 HC BIOS Owned Semaphore – RW. Default = ‘0’. The BIOS sets this bit to establish ownership of
the xHC. System BIOS will set this bit to a ‘0’ in response to a request for ownership of the xHC
by system software.
23:17 RsvdP.
24 HC OS Owned Semaphore – RW. Default = ‘0’. System software sets this bit to request
ownership of the xHC. Ownership is obtained when this bit reads as ‘1’ and the HC BIOS Owned
Semaphore bit reads as ‘0’.
31:25 RsvdP.
Note: To support the BIOS’s and OS’s ability to modify the Owned Semaphores
Byte (8-bit) accesses shall be supported by this register.
Intel Confidential
Table 7-5: USB Legacy Support Control/Status (USBLEGCTLSTS)
Bit Description
0 USB SMI Enable – RW. Default = ‘0’. When this bit is a ‘1’, and the SMI on Event Interrupt bit
(below) in this register is a ‘1’, the host controller will issue an SMI immediately.
3:1 RsvdP.
4 SMI on Host System Error Enable – RW. Default = ‘0’. When this bit is a ‘1’, and the SMI on Host
System Error bit (below) in this register is a ‘1’, the host controller will issue an SMI immediately.
12:5 RsvdP.
13 SMI on OS Ownership Enable – RW. Default = ‘0’. When this bit is a ‘1’ AND the OS Ownership
Change bit is ‘1’, the host controller will issue an SMI.
14 SMI on PCI Command Enable – RW. Default = ‘0’. When this bit is ‘1’ and SMI on PCI Command
is ‘1’, then the host controller will issue an SMI.
15 SMI on BAR Enable – RW. Default = ‘0’. When this bit is ‘1’ and SMI on BAR is ‘1’, then the host
controller will issue an SMI.
16 SMI on Event Interrupt – RO. Default = ‘0’. Shadow bit of Event Interrupt (EINT) bit in the
USBSTS register. Refer to Section 5.4.2 for definition.
This bit follows the state the Event Interrupt (EINT) bit in the USBSTS register, for example, it
automatically clears when EINT clears or set when EINT is set.
19:17 RsvdP.
20 SMI on Host System Error – RO. Default = ‘0’. Shadow bit of Host System Error (HSE) bit in the
USBSTS register refer to Section 5.4.2 for definition and effects of the events associated with
this bit being set to ‘1’.
To clear this bit to a ‘0’, system software shall write a ‘1’ to the Host System Error (HSE) bit in the
USBSTS register.
28:21 RsvdZ.
29 SMI on OS Ownership Change – RW1C. Default = ‘0’. This bit is set to ‘1’ whenever the HC OS
Owned Semaphore bit in the USBLEGSUP register transitions from ‘1’ to a ‘0’ or ‘0’ to a ‘1’.
30 SMI on PCI Command – RW1C. Default = ‘0’. This bit is set to ‘1’ whenever the PCI Command
Register is written.
31 SMI on BAR – RW1C. Default = ‘0’. This bit is set to ‘1’ whenever the Base Address Register (BAR)
is written.
Note: For all enable register bits, ‘1’ = Enabled, ‘0’ = Disabled.
PSIC Protocol Defined Compatible Port Count Compatible Port Offset 0B-08H
... ...
Protocol Speed ID Mantissa LP RsvdP PFD PLT PSIE PSIV
Table 7-6: Offset 00h - xHCI Supported Protocol Capability Field Definitions
Bits Description
7:0 Capability ID – RO. Refer to Table 7-2 for the value that identifies the capability as Supported
15:8 Next Capability Pointer – RO. This field indicates the location of the next capability with respect
to the effective address of this capability. Refer to Table 7-1 for more information on this field.
23:16 Minor Revision – RO. Minor Specification Release Number in Binary-Coded Decimal (that is,
version x.10 is 10h). This field identifies the minor release number component of the
specification with which the xHC is compliant.
31:24 Major Revision – RO. Major Specification Release Number in Binary-Coded Decimal (that is,
version 3.x is 03h). This field identifies the major release number component of the specification
with which the xHC is compliant.
Table 7-7: Offset 04h - xHCI Supported Protocol Capability Field Definitions
Bits Description
31:0 Name String – RO. This field is a mnemonic name string that references the specification with
which the xHC is compliant. Four ASCII characters may be defined. Allowed characters are:
alphanumeric, space, and underscore. Alpha characters are case sensitive. Refer to section 7.2.2
for defined values.
Intel Confidential
Table 7-8: Offset 08h - xHCI Supported Protocol Capability Field Definitions
Bits Description
7:0 Compatible Port Offset – RO. This field specifies the starting Port Number of Root Hub Ports
that support this protocol. Valid values are ‘1’ to MaxPorts.
15:8 Compatible Port Count – RO. This field identifies the number of consecutive Root Hub Ports
(starting at the Compatible Port Offset) that support this protocol. Valid values are 1 to
27:16 Protocol Defined. This field is reserved for protocol specific definitions. Refer to section
31:28 Protocol Speed ID Count (PSIC) – RO. This field indicates the number of Protocol Speed ID (PSI)
Dwords that the xHCI Supported Protocol Capability data structure contains.
If this field is non-zero, then all speeds supported by the protocol shall be defined using PSI
Dwords, that is, no implied Speed ID mappings apply.
Refer to section 7.2.2 and its subsections for protocol specific requirements related to this field.
Note: An xHCI Supported Protocol Capability shall not reference a Root Hub port
number referenced by another xHCI Supported Protocol Capability.
Table 7-9: Offset 0Ch - xHCI Supported Protocol Capability Field Definitions
Bits Description
4:0 Protocol Slot Type117 – RO. This field specifies the Slot Type value which may be
specified when allocating Device Slots that support this protocol. Valid values are ‘0’
to ‘31’. Refer to sections 4.6.3 and
31:5 RsvdP.
Protocol Speed ID (PSI) Dwords immediately follow the Dword at offset 10h in
an xHCI Supported Protocol Capability data structure. Table 7-10 defines the
fields of a PSI Dword.
117 The value of the Protocol Slot Type field declared by a xHCI Supported Protocol Capability structure is unique to an xHC implementation.
Software shall not assume a fixed mapping of the Protocol Slot Type value to a specific type of Supported Protocol. Note that for
compatibility reasons, the Protocol Slot Type value of ‘0’ is the exception to this rule and reserved for the USB Protocol Device Slot type.
Bits Description
3:0 Protocol Speed ID Value (PSIV) – RO. If a device is attached that operates at the bit rate
defined by this PSI Dword, then the value of this field shall be reported in the Port Speed field
of PORTSC register (5.4.8) of a compatible port.
Note, the PSIV value of ‘0’ is reserved and shall not be defined by a PSI.
5:4 Protocol Speed ID Exponent (PSIE) – RO. This field defines the base 10 exponent times 3,
that shall be applied to the Protocol Speed ID Mantissa when calculating the maximum bit rate
represented by this PSI Dword.
PSIE Value Bit Rate
0 Bits per second
1 Kb/s
2 Mb/s
3 Gb/s
7:6 PSI Type (PLT) – RO. This field identifies whether the PSI Dword defines a symmetric or
asymmetric bit rate, and if asymmetric, then this field also indicates if this Dword defines the
receive or transmit bit rate.
Note that the Asymmetric PSI Dwords shall be paired, that is, an Rx immediately followed by a
Tx, and both Dwords shall define the same value for the PSIV.
PLT Value Bit Rate Note
0 Symmetric Single PSI Dword
1 Reserved
2 Asymmetric Rx Paired with Asymmetric Tx PSI Dword
3 Asymmetric Tx Immediately follows Rx Asymmetric PSI
8 PSI Full-duplex (PFD) – RO. If this bit is ‘1’ the link is full-duplex (dual-simplex), and if ‘0’
the link is half-duplex (simplex).
13:9 RsvdP.
15:14 Link Protocol (LP) - RO. if xHCI Protocol Extended Capability:Major Revision = 03h, then this
field identifies the link-level protocol supported by the ports associated with this PSI Dword.
Refer to section in the USB3 spec for more information. If xHCI Protocol Extended
Capability:Major Revision = 02h, then this field shall be ‘0’, and the link protocol (LS, FS, or
HS) depends on the reported link speed.
LP Value Protocol
0 SuperSpeed
1 SuperSpeedPlus
3-2 Reserved
31:16 Protocol Speed ID Mantissa (PSIM) – RO. This field defines the mantissa that shall be
applied to the PSIE when calculating the maximum bit rate represented by this PSI Dword.
Note: An xHC implementation that employs an Integrated Hub to provide USB Full-
speed and Low-speed support and only provided a USB 2.0 High-speed BI
may define a USB2 xHCI Supported Protocol Capability data structure with a
Intel Confidential
single PSI Dword (PSIC = 1), where the PSI Dword at offset 0Ch would define
PSIV = 3, PLT = 0, PFD = 0, PSIE = 2, and PSIM = 480.
Note: If the PSI Exponent (PSIE) and Mantissa (PSIM) fields do not allow the exact
definition of a protocol’s bit rate, then the PSIM should be rounded to the
closest value.
Note: The "symmetry" of a port is determined by the current PSI Type (PLT). To
determine the current PSI Type, inspect the value reported by the PORTSC
Speed field. If the Speed value refers to a PSI Dword whose PSI Type =
Symmetric, then the receive and transmit speed and lane counts are
identical, that is, the PSI Dword defines the speed of the port and the USB3
PORTLI RLC and TLC fields shall report identical values. If the Speed value
refers to a PSI Dword whose PSI Type = Asymmetric, then the receive and
transmit speeds and/or the lane counts of the port may be different. The PSI
Dword with PLT = Asymmetric Rx identifies the speed of the ports' receive
path and the USB3 PORTLI RLC identifies the lane count of the receive path,
and the PSI Dword with PLT = Asymmetric Tx identifies the speed of the
ports' transmit path and the USB3 PORTLI TLC field identifies the lane count
of the transmit path. An Asymmetric port may report the same speed in both
directions, but different lane counts. Refer to section for more
information on the PORTLI register.
Note: One xHCI Supported Protocol Capability shall define a Compatible Port Offset
of ‘1’.
Note: Gaps are allowed in the port numbers assigned by xHCI Supported Protocol
Capabilities, for example, the Compatible Port Offset of a xHCI Supported
Protocol Capability may not be equal to the sum of the Compatible Port Offset
and Compatible Port Count fields of the previous xHCI Supported Protocol
118 The Major and Minor Revision fields implement the same BCD format as described in Section 9.6.1 of the spec for the bcdUSB
Note: Undefined behavior may occur if software references Root Hub port numbers
not defined by xHCI Supported Protocol Capabilities.
Note: The Major Revision and Minor Revision fields contain a BCD version number.
The value of the Major Revision field is JJh and the value of the Minor Revision
field is MNh for version JJ.M.N, where JJ = major revision number, M - minor
version number, N = sub-minor version number, for example, version 2.1.3 is
represented with the value 0213 and version 3.1 is represented with a value
of 0310h. The intent is to follow the USB3 spec (section 9.6.1) defined format
for the Standard Device Descriptor bcdUSB field.
Note: The set of ports defined by a USB3 xHCI Supported Protocol Capability shall
not overlap those defined by a USB2 xHCI Supported Protocol Capability, and
vice versa.
Note: To support USB3 device certification requirements for USB2 user attached
devices, USB 2.0 and USB 3.x Supported Protocol Capabilities shall be
declared if any USB3 connectors are associated with xHCI Root Hub ports that
enable user attached devices. Refer to sections 11.1 and 11.3 in the USB3
PSI Dwords shall be used to define the bit rate associated with an SSIC Profile.
Table 7-12 provides an example of values that define an SSIC implementation
capable of supporting HS-GEAR 1, 2, or 3 and Rate Series A or B speeds in
each GEAR. Also notice that in each case the protocol on the wire is USB3 and
that the SSIC-gB-Ll (that is, Series B) PSIM values are rounded to the nearest
value. Refer to section 2.2.1 in the SSIC Spec for more information.
119 Refer to the SSIC spec for the specific protocol requirements of SSIC ports, for example, and SSIC port may support a SuperSpeed
protocol (that is, 3.0), an Enhanced SuperSpeed protocol, for example, 3.1, etc.
Intel Confidential
SSIC-G2A-L1 2496 USB 3.0 2 0 1 2 2496
The following default mappings apply to the USB2 and USB3 protocols.
USB xHCI Supported Protocol Capability data structures may define PSIC = ‘0’
field under the following conditions:
• For a USB 3.2 xHCI Supported Protocol Capability data structure (that is,
Name String - 20425355h, Major Revision = 03h, and Minor Revision =
20h) a PSIC value of ‘0’ implies that only the default SuperSpeed Gen1 x1,
SuperSpeedPlus Gen2 x1, SuperSpeedPlus Gen1 x2 and SuperSpeedPlus
120 The Default Speed ID Values shall be presented in PORTSC Port Speed field only if no PSI Dwords are defined (PSIC = ‘0’).
The Protocol Defined field only applies to the specific protocol referenced by its
xHCI Supported Protocol Capability. This section identifies how the Protocol
Defined field applies to each of the protocols defined in this specification.
Intel Confidential USB3
The following Protocol Defined fields are defined by a USB3 xHCI Supported
Protocol Capability.
27 25 24 23 16
Bits Description
23:16 RsvdP.
24 Link Soft Error Count Capability (LSECC) – RO. Default = Implementation dependent. If this
field is ‘0’, then the XHCI hardware does not support reporting Link Soft Error Count. If this field
is ‘1’, hardware supports reporting Link Soft Error Count through PORTEXSC register as per
USB3.2 specification section
27:25 Hub Depth (MHD) - RO. Default = Implementation dependent. If this field is ‘0’, then the
standard USB3 hub depth constrains apply, if this field is > ‘0’, then it indicates the maximum
hub depth supported by the USB3 ports.
The following Protocol Defined fields are defined by a USB 2.0 xHCI Supported
Protocol Capability.
Bits Description
16 RsvdP.
17 High-speed Only (HSO) - RO. Default = Implementation dependent. If this bit is cleared to ‘0’, the
USB2 ports described by this capability are Low-, Full-, and High-speed capable. If this bit is set to
‘1’, the USB2 ports described by this capability are High-speed only, for example, the ports don’t
support Low- or Full-speed operation. High-speed only implementations may introduce a “Tier
mismatch”, refer to section 4.24.2 for more information.
18 Integrated Hub Implemented (IHI) - RO. Default = Implementation dependent. If this bit is
cleared to ‘0’, the Root Hub to External xHC port mapping adheres to the default mapping described
in section If this bit is set to ‘1’, the Root Hub to External xHC port mapping does not
adhere to the default mapping described in section, and an ACPI or other mechanism is
required to define the mapping.
19 Hardware LPM Capability (HLC) - RO. Default = Implementation dependent. If this bit is set to ‘1’,
the ports described by this xHCI Supported Protocol Capability support hardware controlled USB2 Link
Power Management. Refer to section Note the Hardware LPM Capability support (that is,
HLC = ‘1’) shall be mandatory for all xHCI 1.1 and xHCI 1.2 compliant xHCs.
20 BESL LPM Capability121 (BLC) - RO. Default = Implementation dependent. If this bit is set to '1',
the ports described by this xHCI Supported Protocol Capability shall apply BESL timing to BESL and
BESLD fields of the PORTPMSC and PORTHLPMC registers, as defined in Table 13. If this bit is cleared
to '0', the ports described by this xHCI Supported Protocol Capability shall apply HIRD timing to BESL
and BESLD fields of the PORTPMSC and PORTHLPMC registers, as defined in Table 13. Refer to section for more information.
Note the BESL LPM Capability support (that is, BLC = ‘1’) shall be mandatory for all xHCI 1.1 and
xHCI 1.2 compliant xHCs.
24:20 RsvdP.
121 In 2007, an ECN to the USB2 spec defined the "USB 2.0 Link Power Management Addendum". This ECN added the concept of an LPM
Token and Host Initiated Resume Duration (HIRD) to the USB2 spec to support better link power management. And in 2011, the
"Errata for USB 2.0 ECN: Link Power Management (LPM) - 7/2007" was generated to address some shortcomings of the original ECN,
which redefined the HIRD field of the LPM Token to be Best Effort Service Latency (BESL). The BESL LPM Capability flag in the xHCI
Supported Protocol Capability identifies whether an xHCI implementation supports the pre- or post-errata USB2.0 LPM definition. A
key aspect of the LPM Errata is that it makes a distinction between the Best Effort Service Latency that a device should expect, and the
Host Initiated Resume Delay that will be signaled on the bus to exit the L1 state.
Intel Confidential
Bits Description
27:25 Hub Depth (MHD) - RO. Default = Implementation dependent. If this field is ‘0’, then the standard
USB2 hub depth constrains apply, if this field is > ‘0’, then it indicates the maximum hub depth
supported by the USB2 ports.
The Protocol Slot Type field of a USB3 or USB2 xHCI Supported Protocol
Capability shall be set to ‘0’.
The xHCI Extended Power Management Capability shall utilize the format of the
Power Management Register Block Definition defined in section 3.2 of the PCI
PM Specification with the following exception. For xHCI the definition of the
“Next Capability Pointer” register field is modified from the PCI definition. A
non-zero value in the “Next Capability Pointer” register indicates a relative
offset, in 32-bit words, from this 32-bit word to the beginning of the first
extended capability.
Note: Refer to section 5.2.7 for details on register definition and structure
The xHCI Extended Message Interrupt Capability shall utilize the format of the
MSI-X Capability and Table Structures defined in section 6.8.2 of the PCI
Specification with the following exception. For xHCI the definition of the “Next
Capability Pointer” register field is modified from the PCI definition. A non-zero
value in the “Next Capability Pointer” register indicates a relative offset, in 32-
bit words, from this 32-bit word to the beginning of the first extended
Note: Refer to section 5.2.8 for details on register definition and structure
The xHCI Message Interrupt Capability shall utilize the format of the MSI
Capability Structure defined in section 6.8.1 of the PCI Specification with the
following exception. For xHCI the definition of the “Next Capability Pointer”
register field is modified from the PCI definition. A non-zero value in the “Next
Capability Pointer” register indicates a relative offset, in 32-bit words, from this
32-bit word to the beginning of the first extended capability.
Note: Refer to section 5.2.8 for details on register definition and structure
This section describes the xHCI USB Debug Capability used by a Debug Target
to present a Debug Device to a Debug Host. A Debug Device is fully compliant
with the USB Framework. A Debug Device provides the equivalent of a very
high performance full-duplex serial link between a Debug Host and a Debug
Intel Confidential
• The Root Hub port assigned to the Debug Capability appears through the
xHCI as a fully functional Root Hub port that never sees a device attach.
• The Debug Capability is operational anytime the port is not suspended AND
the host controller is in D0 power state.
• The Debug Capability works through standard USB3 Hubs, allowing large
numbers of systems to be debugged with a single host.
• High bandwidth data transfers are supported.
Wherever possible, the Debug Capability attempts to reuse logic blocks defined
for the xHCI architecture. For instance, the operation and definition of the
Debug Capability Event Ring Management register block is identical to the xHCI
Event Ring Registers defined in section, except that it provides an
Event Ring that is dedicated to the Debug Capability.
Because the Debug Capability presents a “device side” interface to USB, which
is used to manage the upstream facing port of a device rather than the
downstream facing port of a Root Hub, some of the register definitions in the
Debug Capability may appear to be very similar to those in the xHCI, however
they may have subtle differences to support “device side” operation. For
example, many of the fields in the Debug Capability DCPORTSC Register are
named the same as fields in the xHCI PORTSC register, however they work
differently because the DCPORTSC register shall manage “device side”
The Debug Capability also utilizes xHCI Endpoint Context data structures;
however, their organization is different than the xHCI’s.
Note: Keep the “device side” difference of the Debug Capability in mind when
reading the register definitions in the following sections.
System 2 Debug
Hub Debug Target (Enabled)
P1 P2 P3
P1 P2
System 3 Debug
Device A Debug Target (Enabled)
P1 P2 P3
Device B Device C
The Debug Host provides a USB Debug Capability class driver, which will
manage Debug Targets when they are enumerated and provide an API for
debugger applications.
Note: A Debug Target may only expose its USB Debug Capability through a Root
Hub port. A Debug Target cannot connect to a Debug Host through the
downstream facing port of a hub owned by the Debug Target.
Figure 7-5 shows an example of the software stacks in the Debug Host and
Debug Target, and their relationships.
Intel Confidential
Figure 7-5: Example Debug Software Stacks
Class ... Class
Class ... Class
Driver Driver Driver Driver
USB Bus Driver Driver USB Bus Driver
Debug Debug
xHCI Capability Capability xHCI
(Disabled) (Enabled)
P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3
In Figure 7-5, the Debug Host provides a Debug Class Driver which
communicates with the System Debug Hooks in the Debug Target, through the
Debug Capability (blue path).
On the Debug Host, the xHCI Debug Capability is disabled and there is no
driver associated with it. And the standard USB OS stack manages all USB
devices attached to the system, including the Debug device presented by the
Debug Capability Driver on the Debug Target.
The user interface through which a programmer enables a system’s xHCI USB
Debug Capability or its features are outside the scope of this specification. The
Debug Device Class is defined in section 7.6.10.
The xHCI Debug Capability register set resides in the xHCI MMIO space. The
MMIO space is located through the xHCI Extended Capability chain.
The Event Ring Segment Table is pointed to by the Debug Capability Event
Ring Segment Table Base Address Register described in section Event Ring
Segment Table Base Address Register (ERSTBA). The number of entries in the
Event Ring Segment Table is defined by the Debug Capability Event Ring
Segment Table Size Register described in section Event Ring Segment Table
Size Register (ERSTSZ).
Intel Confidential Endpoint Contexts and Transfer Rings
The Debug Capability maps all its endpoints to two Transfer Rings. Endpoint
Context data structures (as described in section 6.2.3) are used to define and
manage these Transfer Rings. The Debug Capability Endpoint Contexts are
organized as a two-element array, where element ‘0’ defines an OUT Transfer
Ring and the element ‘1’ defines an IN Transfer Ring.
The IN and OUT Bulk endpoints presented by a Debug Device to a Debug Host
are cross-coupled to the two OUT and IN Transfer Rings, respectively. This is
because the USB Debug Device presented by the Debug Capability shall output
data when it receives an IN TP from the Debug Host, and it shall input data
when it receives an OUT DP from the Debug Host.
The Debug Capability Endpoint Contexts are contained in the Debug Capability
Context data structure (7.6.9) which is pointed to by the Debug Capability
Context Pointer Register described in section
Note: xHCI power management effects the DbC. Software should shut down all DbC
activity prior to transitioning the xHC a D3 state. If not, undefined behavior
may occur.
The Endpoint Context Interval, LSA, MaxPStreams, Mult, HID, CErr, FE, and
Max ESIT Payload fields do not apply to the DbC.
The DbC shall update the Endpoint Context TR Dequeue Pointer field, if the
HOT or HIT flags are set to '1', the DbC Port State Machine exits the DbC-
Configured state, or if SBR = ‘0’ and HCRST is set to '1'.
This section describes the general operational model for the xHCI Debug
Capability (DbC) interface. This model is managed by the xHCI Debug
122 Note that a DbC implementation may utilize a smaller Max Burst Size than set by software.
The xHCI Debug Capability Structure (or DbC Structure) is located using the
methods described at the beginning of section 7. The DbC Structure (section
Debug Capability Structure) defines a set of registers that Debug Target
software uses to emulate USB Debug Device to a Debug Host.
The DbC Structure is divided into seven register sets; Capability, Doorbell,
Event Ring Management, Control, Status, Port Management, and Endpoint
Management. The Capability registers allow the DbC to be linked into the
xHCI’s list of Extended Capabilities and define static features of the DbC. The
Doorbell and Endpoint Management registers are used to define and manage
the Control and Bulk pipes presented by the DbC. The Event Ring Management,
Control, and Status registers provide the Debug Capability driver with the
means to track and manage the execution of DbC operations.
Intel Confidential
At this point, the Debug Capability is initialized, the Root Hub ports are looking
for an attached Debug Host, and the DCPORTSC register is enabled to report a
Debug Host connection.
When a Debug Host connection is detected, a Port Status Change Event will be
generated on the DbC Event Ring.
To detect the Debug Host connection, or any event generated by the DbC,
software shall periodically poll the Event Ring Not Empty bit in the Debug
Capability Status Register (DCST), or evaluate the DbC Event Ring for change
in the Event Ring Enqueue Pointer (that is, a Cycle bit change, refer to section
4.9.4 for more information on the Event Ring Enqueue Pointer).
After the Debug Host connection is detected, software shall wait for the Debug
Device to be configured by the Debug Host. The transition of the DbC Run
(DCR) bit to ‘1’ indicates the successful configuration of the Debug Device.
Software shall impose a timeout between the detection of the Debug Host
connection and the DbC Run transition to ‘1’. If the DbC Run transition takes
too long, software may toggle the DCE bit to disable then re-enable the DbC to
retry the Debug Device enumeration process.
Note: If a Debug Host attempts to attach to a Debug Target before the DCE flag is
set, both ends of the link shall transition to the Inactive state. So, a Debug
Host should periodically issue a Warm Reset to ports that are Inactive to
enable a connection to the DbC of the Debug Target.
Note: If the OS code that is being debugged resets the xHC (for example, asserts
HCRST), then the Debug Capability will also be reset. This condition may be
detected by the Debug Capability Driver if DCE = ‘0’, after having previously
been enabled (set to ‘1’). If this condition occurs, the Debug Capability Driver
is required to re-initialize the Debug Capability to continue communication
with the Debug Host.
Note: The Debug Capability registers should not be accessed while the Controller
Not Ready (CNR) bit is set.
All DCPORTSC status change bits are ORed together to form an internal Debug
Capability DCPORT Port Status Change Event Generation variable (DCPSCEG).
When a DCPORTSC status change bit is set, if the assertion of a status change
The Port ID field of the Port Status Change Event TRB (shown in Figure 6-16) is
always ‘0’ for Port Status Change Events found on the Debug Capability’s Event
Note: DbC Event Ring management is performed identically to xHCI Event Ring
management, as described in section 4.9.4.
Note: Possible Completion Codes for DbC Transfer Event are Success, Stall Error,
USB Transaction Error, Babble Detected Error123, TRB Error, Short Packet,
Undefined Error, Event Ring Full Error, and Vendor Defined Error (refer to
Table 6-90).
The HIT or HOT flags may be set by the DbC hardware if Data Buffer Error,
Parameter Error, TRB Error, Vendor Defined Error, or Undefined Error is
detected, or by software.
123 Section 8.11.3 of the USB3 spec defines a possible cause of a DPP Error as “Data length in the DPH does not match the actual data
payload length”, that is, a Packet Babble condition. And Table 8-27 states that if a device detects a DPP Error it shall “Discard DP, send
an ACK TP with the sequence number of the DP expected (thereby indicating that the DP was not received), the Retry bit set and the
number of DPs that the device can receive for this endpoint.” So for a USB3 device, a Packet Babble condition, is not fatal. The USB3
spec is silent in how a device should interpret a TD Babble condition. A DbC shall not generate Babble Detected Error due to a Packet
Babble condition, however if a TD Babble condition is detected, it may treat it as fatal, generating a Babble Detected Error and
STALLing the endpoint, or “silently”, that is, sending an ACK TP with the sequence number of the DP expected and the Retry bit set,
then waiting for the host to resend the DP in error. Refer to section for more information on Babble Errors.
Intel Confidential
address stored in the TR Dequeue Pointer field of the Endpoint Context the
next time the doorbell is rung.
The DbC shall not support the Set Halt Feature option. Note, section 9.4.5 in
the USB3 spec defines the Set Halt Feature option, with the statement "The
Halt feature may optionally be set with the SetFeature(ENDPOINT_HALT)
request", however it does not explicitly define a device's response (that is, ACK
or STALL) to a SetFeature(ENDPOINT_HALT) request if a device chooses not to
set Halt feature when it receives the request. It is highly recommended that
the DbC respond with an ACK because this is what the USB device compliance
tests expect when a SetFeature(ENDPOINT_HALT) request is issued to a
device, irrespective of whether a device supports the Set Halt Feature option or
Refer to Table 7-22 for more information on the HOT and HIT flags.
Note: The DbC is not required to advance the Dequeue Pointer of an endpoint to the
next TD boundary when the HIT or HOT flag is asserted.
Note: The value of the Endpoint Context TR Dequeue Pointer field may not be equal
to the value of the last Transfer Event TRB Pointer field when a halt condition
Note: A port transition from the DbC-Configured state to the DbC-Error state shall
also cause the DbC endpoints to transition to the Error state. And when the
Debug Host issues reset the endpoints shall transition to the Stopped state.
When the DbC exits the DbC-Configured state or if the HIT or HOT flags are set
to ‘1’, the following actions shall occur:
• If there is a valid Transfer TRB on the Transfer Ring, a Transfer Event shall
be generated and:
The TRB Pointer field of the Transfer Event shall reference the Transfer TRB
that the event occurred on.
The TRB Transfer Length field of the Transfer Event may indicate that the
Transfer TRB had been partially completed.
The Completion Code field of the Transfer Event shall indicate USB
Transaction Error.
Software may detect the actions described above have occurred by reading the
DCCTRL.DRC field as ‘1’ and the Endpoint State as Disabled. In response,
software may read the TR Dequeue Pointer field in the Endpoint Context to
determine where the DbC will restart the Transfer Ring, or update the TR
Dequeue Pointer field to point to the next TRB that shall be executed after
software clears DCCTRL.DRC and rings the doorbell.
Note: The DbC is not required to advance the Dequeue Pointer of an endpoint to the
next TD boundary when exiting the DbC-Configured state.
Figure 7-7 provides a detailed view of the state of the Debug Capability Port
Multiplexing mechanism after a Root Hub port (P1) is assigned to the Debug
Capability xHCI Driver
xHC Debug
DCPORTSC 1 2 3 4
Register Registers
Port Mux
Root Hub ports P1 P2 P3 P4
Debug Device
The xHCI Driver accesses the xHCI Port Status and Control (PORTSC) registers
(5.4.8) and the Debug Capability Driver accesses the Debug Capability Port
Status and Control (DCPORTSC) register (Debug). When the Root Hub port (P1
Intel Confidential
in Figure 7-7) is assigned to the Debug Capability, the associated PORTSC
register (PORTSC 1 in Figure 7-7) shall mimic operations as if no device is
attached it. Refer to section for the states presented by PORTSC
register to system software during this condition. The remaining PORTSC
registers are still associated with their respective Root Hub ports and are fully
operational through the xHCI.
After the Root Hub port is assigned to the DbC, the xHC shall begin emulating a
USB Debug Class device, responding to enumeration related USB requests from
the Debug Host, transitioning the Debug Device emulator through the standard
USB Device States described in section 8.1 of the USB3 specification.
This section describes the DbC Port state machine. The following state
machines utilize the following notation:
State Name
Port Link State
Signal State
Upstream Mode
DbC- Debug Port Number >0
Disconnected Inactive
RxDetect 1,1,x,0,0
DbC Port Capability LMP
CSC=1 DbC-
Enabled Resetting
Not Inactive RxDetect
1,1,1,0,0 1,1,0,1,0
Disabled Error
DbC-Off 1,1,0,0,0 Configured
Disabled U0, U1, U2,
0,0,0,0,0 U3, Resume,
or Recovery
The PLS values cited in Figure 7-8 are not comprehensive. Refer to the
respective state descriptions below for the more details on the specific PLS
values that may be presented while in a state. DbC-Off
This is the initial state after a Chip Hardware Reset or the assertion of HCRST.
A write to the DCCTRL register with DCE cleared to ‘0’ or a write to the
USBCMD register with the HCRST flag set to ‘1’ shall transition from the DbC
port from any state to the DbC-Off state (Wr(DCE=0)).
A write to the DCCTRL register with DCE set to ‘1’ shall transition from the DbC
port to the DbC-Disconnected state (Wr(DCE=1)). DbC-Disconnected
In this DbC port state:
• The DbC Capability shall be in the Attached USB Device State.
• The ports’ LTSSM state may be in the RxDetect, Polling, or U0 state.
• The Debug Port Number = ‘0’.
A transition of the USB3 Root Hub Port Polling substate machine (
from the CfgExg state to the DbC state shall transition the DbC port to the
DbC-Enabled state (DbC Port Capability LMP Exchange Successful). This
transition shall set the CSC flag to ‘1’.
A Disconnect Detect in the any state, except DbC-Off, shall transition the DbC
port to the DbC-Disconnected state (Disconnect Detect). This transition shall
set the CSC flag to ‘1’.
Intel Confidential DbC-Enabled
In this DbC port state:
• The Debug Host enumerates the DbC Capability, and the USB Device State
of the DbC Capability attempts to advance from the Powered state, through
the Default and Address states, to the Configured state. Refer to section
9.1 of the USB3 spec for more information on USB Device States.
• The ports’ LTSSM shall not be in the SS.Inactive or SS.Disabled states.
• The Debug Port Number > ‘0’.
If the USB Device State of the DbC Capability successfully advances to the
Configured state, the DbC Port shall transition to the DbC-Configured state
(Set_Config Successful).
If the USB Device State of the DbC Capability fails to enumerate successfully
(that is, the DbC USB Device State fails to advance to the Configured state),
the DbC Port shall transition to the DbC-Error state (Enum Error). Note that
this transition occurs only if an internal DbC resource or other issue caused an
enumeration failure. Normally the Debug Host gives up if there is an external
error (for example, link, retry, etc.) that prevents the enumeration process
from completing successfully, not vice versa. The DbC does not maintain any
timers, retry counts, etc. related to external enumeration errors.
If a Hot or Warm Reset is detected, the DbC Port shall transition to the DbC-
Resetting state (Reset Rcvd). DbC-Configured
In this DbC port state:
• DCR is asserted (‘1’).
• The USB Device State of the DbC Capability is the Configured state.
• The ports’ LTSSM may be in the U0, U1, U2, U3, or Recovery states.
If the LTSSM exits the Recovery state after a timeout, the DbC Port shall
transition to the DbC-Error state (Timeout). This transition shall set the PLC
flag to ‘1’ (PLC Condition: Error).
If a Hot or Warm Reset is detected, the DbC Port shall transition to the DbC-
Resetting state (Reset Rcvd).
Note: While in this state the PLC flag shall be set to ‘1’ if the DbC enters or exits the
suspend state (PLC Condition: U0 -> U3 or U3 -> U0).
When the reset signaling is complete, the DbC Port shall transition to the DbC-
Enabled state, and PED and PRC shall be asserted (‘1’) (Reset Cmp).
Note: Reset Cmp is true for a Hot Reset when the LTSSM Exit from Hot Reset.Active
conditions described in section of the USB3 spec is met.
Reset Cmp is true for a Warm Reset after a Port Capability LMP Exchange is
successful. DbC-Disabled
Software may place the DbC Port in this state to disconnect from the Debug
Host but maintain ownership of the Root Hub Port (that is, the USB3 Root Hub
Port Polling substate machine remains in the DbC state).
A write to the DCPORTSC register with PED cleared to ‘0’ shall transition from
the DbC port from the DbC-Enabled, DbC-Configured, DbC-Resetting, or
DbC-Error state to the DbC-Disabled state (Wr(PED=0)).
A write to the DCPORTSC register with PED set to ‘1’ shall transition the DbC
port to the DbC-Enabled state (Wr(PED=1)). DbC-Error
This state is entered due to the detection of an error condition in the DbC port
DbC-Enabled or Configured states.
If a Hot or Warm Reset is detected, the DbC Port shall transition to the DbC-
Resetting state (Reset Rcvd).
Intel Confidential
7.6.7 The USB Debug Device
A DbC is a standard USB device, in the sense that it supports a Default Control
Endpoint, which responds to standard USB requests, for example,
the DbC supports a single configuration with a single interface that contains a
pair of bulk endpoints (one IN and one OUT). The xHC hardware provides the
necessary logic to enumerate a DbC to a Debug Host and advance the Debug
Device to the Configured state, where the two bulk endpoints are enabled.
When the Debug Device is configured and the bulk endpoints are operational,
the DbC Run bit in the DCCTRL register shall transition to ‘1’.
The Debug Host will expect the DbC to be ready to accept standard requests
(GET_DESCRIPTOR, SET_ADDRESS, etc.) as soon as an attach is detected.
The USB descriptors presented by the Debug Device during the enumeration
process are defined in section 7.6.10.
The protocol used to move debugger information between a Debug Host and a
Debug Target is outside the scope of this specification.
While in Enumeration Mode, debug capability logic services the standard USB
enumeration related requests from the Debug Host (GET_DESCRIPTOR,
though its Default Control Endpoint.
In Enumeration Mode, the IN and OUT Transfer Rings of the Debug Capability
are disabled.
In Run Mode, the IN and OUT Transfer Rings of the Debug Capability are
dedicated to the OUT and IN Bulk endpoints of the Debug Device, respectively.
Any IN TP or OUT DP targeted at a Data Endpoint of the Debug Device while it
is in Run Mode, shall automatically be flow controlled, for example, transmit a
NRDY TP if the target Transfer Ring is empty.
Software use Normal TRBs on the IN and OUT Transfer Rings to transfer data
from/to the Debug Host. Software rings the Debug Capability Data IN or OUT
doorbells to notify the xHC that work items are available on the respective
Transfer Ring.
If a DbC Bulk pipe had previously sent an NRDY, a doorbell ring shall cause the
xHC to generate an ERDY. If an IN TP or OUT DP had not been received, the
xHCI shall wait for the TP/DP transaction from the Debug Host. Software may
use the TRB IOC flag to generate a Transfer Event on the Debug Event Ring
when a Data TD completes.
Note: The Debug Capability software shall not set the Immediate Data (IDT) flag to
‘1’ in any TRB.
Software shall use the TRB IOC flag to generate Transfer Events on the Debug
Event Ring when a TD completes.
Intel Confidential
the Debug Device shall be ready to receive standard USB requests and
enumerate itself.
When the Debug Capability reports a port reset operation by the Debug Host to
software, software is responsible for resetting the state of its USB Debug
Device emulator.
When the port assigned to the Debug Capability is reset by the Debug Host
(that is, a transition to the DbC-Resetting state), the Debug Capability Transfer
Rings shall be automatically disabled, and shall remain disabled until a
SET_CONFIGURATION() request is received from the Debug Host. Any Debug
Host generated TP or DP will not be responded to by the Debug Capability while
the Transfer Rings are disabled and will time out. This action allows software to
remove TDs that were pending before the port reset, reinitialize its internal
Debug Device state, and cleanly restart Transfer Ring operation. The endpoints
are re-enabled when the SET_CONFIGURATION() request is received from the
Debug Host, after which the DbC bulk endpoints shall respond to any Debug
Host generated TP or DP with an NRDY until software notifies the DbC that the
respective Transfer Rings have been initialized by ringing their doorbells.
The xHCI Extended Capability List is used to provide a standard method for
software to find and use the xHCI Debug Capability. Figure 7-9 illustrates the
Debug Capability register layout, which consists of seven register sets;
Capability, Doorbell, Event Ring Management, Control, Status, Port
Management, and Endpoint Management.
RsvdP DCERST Max Next Capability Pointer Capability ID = Debug Port 03-00H
RsvdZ 0F-0CH
DCE Device Address Debug Max Burst Size RsvdP DRC HIT HOT LSE DCR 23-20H
RsvdP 2F-2CH
Port Management
Endpoint Management
The Debug Capability ID Register links the USB Debug Capability into the xHCI
list of Extended Capabilities and defines its basic capabilities.
Bits Description
7:0 Capability ID – RO. Refer to Table 7-2 for the value that identifies that the function
supports a Debug Device.
Intel Confidential
Bits Description
15:8 Next Capability Pointer – RO. Default = Implementation defined. This field indicates
the location of the next capability with respect to the effective address of this
capability. Refer to Table 7-1 for more information on this field.
20:16 Debug Capability Event Ring Segment Table Max (DCERST Max) – RO. Default =
implementation dependent. Valid values are 0 – 15. This field determines the
maximum value supported the Debug Capability Event Ring Segment Table Base Size
registers (, where:
The maximum number of Event Ring Segment Table entries = 2 DCERST
For example, if DCERST Max = 7, then the Debug Capability Event Ring Segment
Table(s) supports up to 128 entries, 15 then 32K entries, etc.
31:21 RsvdP.
Bits Description
7:0 RsvdP.
15:8 Doorbell Target (DB Target) – RW. This field defines the target of the doorbell reference. The
table below defines the Debug Capability notification that is generated by ringing the doorbell.
Value Definition
0 Data EP 1 OUT Enqueue Pointer Update
1 Data EP 1 IN Enqueue Pointer Update
2:255 Reserved
This field returns ‘0’ when read and the value should be treated as undefined by software.
23:16 RsvdP.
Bit Description
15:0 Event Ring Segment Table Size – RW. Default = ‘0’. This field identifies the number of valid
Event Ring Segment Table entries in the Event Ring Segment Table pointed to by the Debug
Capability Event Ring Segment Table Base Address register. The maximum value supported by
an xHC implementation for this register is defined by the DCERST Max field in the DCID register
Software shall initialize this register before setting the Debug Capability Enable field in the
DCCTRL register to ‘1’.
31:16 RsvdP.
The Debug Capability Event Ring Segment Table Base Address Register
identifies the start address of the Debug Capability Event Ring Segment Table.
Bit Description
3:0 RsvdP.
63:4 Event Ring Segment Table Base Address Register – RW. Default = ‘0’. This field defines the
high order bits of the start address of the Debug Capability Event Ring Segment Table.
Software shall initialize this register before setting the Debug Capability Enable field in the
DCCTRL register to ‘1’.
Intel Confidential
The Debug Capability Event Ring Dequeue Pointer Register is written by
software to define the Debug Capability Event Ring Dequeue Pointer location to
the xHC. Software updates this pointer when it has finished the evaluation of
an Event(s) on the Debug Capability Event Ring.
Bit Description
2:0 Dequeue ERST Segment Index (DESI) - RW. Default = ‘0’. This field may be used by the xHC to
accelerate checking the Event Ring full condition. This field is written with the low order 3 bits of
the offset of the ERST entry which defines the Event Ring segment that the Event Ring Dequeue
Pointer resides in.
3 RsvdP.
63:4 Dequeue Pointer - RW. Default = ‘0’. This field defines the high order bits of the 64-bit address
of the current Debug Capability Event Ring Dequeue Pointer.
Software shall initialize this register before setting the Debug Capability Enable field in the
DCCTRL register to ‘1’.
The Debug Capability Control Register is used to manage the Debug Capability.
Bits Description
0 DbC Run (DCR) – RO. Default = 0. When ‘0’, Debug Device is not in the Configured state. When ‘1’, Debug
Device is in the Configured state and bulk Data pipe transactions are accepted by Debug Capability and
routed to the IN and OUT Transfer Rings. A ‘0’ to ‘1’ transition of the Port Reset (DCPORTSC:PR) bit will
clear this bit to ‘0’.
1 Link Status Event Enable (LSE) - RW. Default = ‘0’. Setting this bit to a ‘1’ enables the Debug Capability to
generate Port Status Change Events due the Port Link Status Change bit transitioning from a ‘0’ to a ‘1’.
Refer to section 4.19.2 for more information.
2 Halt OUT TR (HOT) - RW1S. Default = 0. While this bit is ‘1’ the Debug Capability shall generate STALL
TPs for all IN TPs received for the OUT TR. The Debug Capability shall clear this bit when a
ClearFeature(ENDPOINT_HALT) request is received for the endpoint. This field is valid only when the
Debug Capability is in Run Mode (DCR = ‘1’). When not in Run Mode, this field shall return ‘0’ when read,
and writes will have no effect. Refer to section
3 Halt IN TR (HIT) - RW1S. Default = 0. While this bit is ‘1’ the Debug Capability shall generate STALL TPs
for all OUT DPs received for the IN TR. The Debug Capability shall clear this bit when a
ClearFeature(ENDPOINT_HALT) request is received for the endpoint. This field is valid only when the
Debug Capability is in Run Mode (DCR = ‘1’). When not in Run Mode, this field shall return ‘0’ when read,
and writes will have no effect. Refer to section
4 DbC Run Change (DRC) - RW1C. Default = 0. This bit shall be set to '1' when DCR bit is cleared to '0', that
is, by any DbC Port State transition that exits the DbC-Configured state. While this bit is ‘1’ the Debug
Capability Doorbell Register (DCDB) is disabled. Software shall clear this bit to re-enable the DCDB.
15:5 RsvdP.
23:16 Debug Max Burst Size - RO. Default = xHC Vendor defined. This field identifies the maximum burst size
supported by the bulk endpoints of this DbC implementation.
30:24 Device Address – RO. Default = 0. This field reports the USB device address assigned to the Debug Device
during the enumeration process. This field is valid when the DbC Run bit is ‘1’.
31 Debug Capability Enable (DCE) – RW. Default = 0. Setting this bit to a ‘1’ enables xHCI USB Debug
Capability operation. This bit is a ‘0’ if the USB Debug Capability is disabled. Clearing this bit releases the
Root Hub port assigned to the Debug Capability, and terminates any Debug Capability Transfer or Event
Ring activity. Note that DCE may be cleared to ‘0’ by the assertion of a reset condition. Refer to the
definition of SBR in Table 7-23 for more information on DbC reset conditions.
Bits Description
0 Event Ring Not Empty (ER) – RO. Default = ‘0’. When ‘1’, this field indicates that
the Debug Capability Event Ring has a Transfer Event on it. It is automatically
cleared to ‘0’ by the xHC when the Debug Capability Event Ring is empty, that is, the
Debug Capability Enqueue Pointer is equal to the Debug Capability Event Ring
Dequeue Pointer register.
1 DbC System Bus Reset (SBR) - RO. When ‘1’, this field indicates that the assertion
of Chip Hardware Reset, a System Bus (for example, the assertion of PCI RST#), or a
transition from the PCI PM D3hot state to the D0 state shall reset the DbC. When ‘0’,
this field indicates that a Chip Hardware Reset or the assertion of Host Controller
Reset (HCRST = '1') or Light Host Controller Reset (LHCRST = '1') shall reset the
DbC. Resetting the DbC shall clear DCE to ‘0’.
Intel Confidential
Bits Description
23:2 RsvdP.
31:24 Debug Port Number – RO. Default = 0. This field provides the ID of the Root Hub
port that the Debug Capability has been automatically attached to. The value is ‘0’
when the Debug Capability is not attached to a Root Hub port.
The fields of the Debug Capability PORTSC Register are defined below and
provide information about the state of the Root Hub port that is assigned to the
Debug Capability. Note that the fields in this register function differently than
those in a normal Port Status and Control Register (described in section 5.4.8)
because the Root Hub port assigned to the Debug Capability is acting as an
Upstream Facing Port, not a Downstream Facing Port.
Bits Description
0 Current Connect Status (CCS) – RO. Default = ‘0’. ‘1’ = A Root Hub port is connected to a Debug
Host and assigned to the Debug Capability. ‘0’ = No Debug Host is present. This value reflects the
current state of the port and may not correspond to the value reported by the Connect Status Change
(CSC) field in the Port Status Change Event that was generated by a ‘0’ to ‘1’ transition of this bit.
This flag is ‘0’ if Debug Capability Enable (DCE) is ‘0’.
1 Port Enabled/Disabled (PED) – RW. Default = ‘0’. ‘1’ = Enabled. ‘0’ = Disabled. This flag shall be
set to '1' by a '0' to '1' transition of CCS or a '1' to '0' transition of the PR. When PED transitions from
'1' to '0' due to the assertion of PR, the port's link shall transition to the Rx.Detect state. This flag may
be used by software to enable or disable the operation of the Root Hub port assigned to the Debug
Capability. The Debug Capability Root Hub port operation may be disabled by a fault condition
(disconnect event or other fault condition, for example, a LTSSM Polling substate timeout,
tPortConfiguration timeout error, etc.), the assertion of DCPORTSC PR, or by software.
0 = Debug Capability Root Hub port is disabled.
1 = Debug Capability Root Hub port is enabled.
When the port is disabled (PED = ‘0’) the port’s link shall enter the SS.Disabled state and remain there
until PED is reasserted ('1') or DCE is negated ('0'). Note that the Root Hub port is remains mapped to
Debug Capability while PED = '0'. While PED = '0' the Debug Capability will appear to be disconnected
to the Debug Host.
This field is ‘0’ if DCE or CCS are ‘0’.
3:2 RsvdZ.
4 Port Reset (PR) – RO. Default = ‘0’. ‘1’ = Port is in Reset. ‘0’ = Port is not in Reset. This bit is set to
‘1’ when the bus reset sequence as defined in the USB Specification is detected on the Root Hub port
assigned to the Debug capability. It is cleared when the bus reset sequence is completed by the Debug
Host, and the DbC shall transition to the USB Default state.
A ‘0’ to ‘1’ transition of this bit shall clear DCPORTSC PED (‘0’).
This field is ‘0’ if DCE or CCS are ‘0’.
8:5 Port Link State (PLS) – RO. Default = undefined. This field reflects its current link state. This field is
only relevant when a Debug Host is attached (Debug Port Number > ‘0’).
Value Meaning
0 Link is in the U0 State
1 Link is in the U1 State
2 Link is in the U2 State
3 Link is in the U3 State (Device Suspended)
4 Link is in the Disabled State
5 Link is in the RxDetect State
6 Link is in the Inactive State
7 Link is in the Polling State
8 Link is in the Recovery State
9 Link is in the Hot Reset State
15:10 Reserved
Transitions between different states are not reflected until the transition is complete.
9 RsvdZ.
13:10 Port Speed (Port Speed) – RO. Default = ‘0’. This field identifies the speed of the port. This field is
only relevant when a Debug Host is attached (CCS = ‘1’) in all other cases this field shall indicate
Undefined Speed.
Value Meaning
0 Undefined Speed
1-15 Protocol Speed ID (PSI), refer to section 7.2.1 for the definition of PSIs.
The Debug Capability does not support LS, FS, or HS operation.
16:14 RsvdZ.
17 Connect Status Change (CSC) – RW1C. Default = ‘0’. ‘1’ = Change in Current Connect Status. ‘0’ =
No change. Indicates a change has occurred in the port’s Current Connect Status. The xHC sets this bit
to ‘1’ for all changes to the Debug Device connect status, even if system software has not cleared an
existing DbC Connect Status Change. For example, the insertion status changes twice before system
software has cleared the changed condition, hardware will be “setting” an already-set bit (that is, the
bit will remain ‘1’). Software shall clear this bit by writing a ‘1’ to it.
This field is ‘0’ if DCE is ‘0’.
20:18 RsvdZ.
21 Port Reset Change (PRC) – RW1C. Default = ‘0’. This bit is set when reset processing on this port is
complete (that is, a '1' to '0' transition of PR). ‘0’ = No change. ‘1’ = Reset complete.Software shall
clear this bit by writing a '1' to it.
Intel Confidential
Bits Description
22 Port Link Status Change (PLC) = RW1C. Default = ‘0’. This flag is set to ‘1’ due to the following
PLS transitions:
Transition Condition
U0 -> U3 Suspend signaling detected from Debug Host
U3 -> U0 Resume complete
Polling -> Disabled Training Error
Ux or Recovery -> Inactive Error
Software shall clear this bit by writing a '1' to it.
This field is ‘0’ if DCE is ‘0’.
23 Port Config Error Change (CEC) – RW1C. Default = ‘0’. This flag indicates that the port failed to
configure its link partner. 0 = No change. 1 = Port Config Error detected. Software shall clear this bit
by writing a '1' to it.
31:24 RsvdZ.
Note: If the Debug Capability Event Ring is full, the xHC will be unable to generated
Port Status Change Events due to transitions in the Change bits. In this case,
a Change bit will remain set until cleared by software.
The Debug Capability Context Pointer Register identifies the start address of
the array of data structures that are used to manage the Debug Capability
Transfer Rings.
Table 7-25: Offset 30h - Debug Capability Context Pointer Field Definitions
Bits Description
3:0 RsvdP.
63:4 Debug Capability Context Pointer Register – RW. Default = ‘0’. This field defines the high order
bits of the start address of the Debug Capability Context data structure (refer to section 7.6.9)
associated with the Debug Capability.
Software shall initialize this register before setting the Debug Capability Enable bit in the Debug
Capability Control Register to ‘1’.
This register shall be initialized before enabling the DbC (DCE = ‘1’).
Table 7-26: Offset 38h - Debug Capability Device Descriptor Info Field
Definitions (DCDDI1)
Bits Description
7:0 DbC Protocol – RW. This field is presented by the Debug Device in the USB Interface Descriptor
bInterfaceProtocol field.
Value Function
0 Debug Target vendor defined.
1 GNU Remote Debug Command Set supported.
2-255 Reserved.
15:8 RsvdZ.
31:16 Vendor ID – RW. This field is presented by the Debug Device in the USB Device Descriptor idVendor
This register shall be initialized before enabling the DbC (DCE = ‘1’).
Intel Confidential
Table 7-27: Offset 3Ch - Debug Capability Device Descriptor Info Field
Definitions (DCDDI2)
Bits Description
15:0 Product ID – RW. This field is presented by the Debug Device in the USB Device Descriptor idProduct field.
31:16 Device Revision – RW. This field is presented by the Debug Device in the USB Device Descriptor bcdDevice field.
The Debug Capability Context Pointer Register (DCCP) references the Debug
Capability Context, which is a data structure that contains a Debug Capability
Info Context (DbC Info) data structure followed by 2 Endpoint Context data
structures. The Endpoint Context entry at offset 40h defines the Endpoint
Context for the OUT Transfer Ring, and the entry at offset 80h defines the
Endpoint Context for the IN Transfer Ring. The Transfer Rings referenced by
the Endpoint Contexts are Bulk endpoints as described in section Endpoint
Contexts and Transfer Rings.
Note: Figure 7-10 illustrates the Debug Capability Context, which includes 64 byte
DbC Info and Endpoint Contexts. The Context Size (CSZ) field in the
HCCPARAMS1 register does not apply to DbC related contexts. All DbC data
structure consume 64 bytes. Refer to section 6.2.3 for more information on
the Endpoint Context data structure.
The Debug Capability Event Ring Registers work identically to the normal Event
Ring Registers described in section 4.9.4. that is, the Debug Capability Event
Ring Segment Table Base Address Register references an Event Ring Segment
Table data structure as described in section 6.5.
Normally if the Debug Capability Enable (DCE) bit in the Debug Capability
Control Register (DCCTRL) is ‘1’, the xHC maintains ownership of the data
structures, except while an endpoint is in the Stopped state where the
ownership of the Transfer Ring is relinquished by the xHC, allowing software to
add, delete, or modify any TD on the ring.
Serial Number String Length Product String Length Manufacturer String Length String 0 Length 23-20H
RsvdZ 27-24H
RsvdZ 3B-28H
RsvdZ 3F-2CH
The String referenced by this field shall be returned when the Debug Device
receives a GET_DESCRIPTOR(STRING, 0) request.
Table 7-28: Offset 00h - Debug Capability Info Context Field Definitions
Bits Description
0 RsvdZ.
63:1 String 0 Descriptor Address. This field represents the high order bits of the 64-bit pointer to a
USB String Descriptor that contains which specifies the Languages Supported by the DbC.
The String referenced by this field shall be returned when the Debug Device
receives a GET_DESCRIPTOR(STRING, 1) request.
Table 7-29: Offset 08h - Debug Capability Info Context Field Definitions
Bits Description
0 RsvdZ.
63:1 Manufacturer String Descriptor Address. This field represents the high order bits of the 64-bit
pointer to a USB String Descriptor that contains which describes the manufacturer.
Intel Confidential
The String referenced by this field shall be returned when the Debug Device
receives a GET_DESCRIPTOR(STRING, 2) request.
Table 7-30: Offset 10h - Debug Capability Info Context Field Definitions
Bits Description
0 RsvdZ.
63:1 Product String Descriptor Address. This field represents the high order bits of the 64-bit pointer
to a USB String Descriptor that contains which describes the product.
The String referenced by this field shall be returned when the Debug Device
receives a GET_DESCRIPTOR(STRING, 3) request.
Table 7-31: Offset 18h - Debug Capability Info Context Field Definitions
Bits Description
0 RsvdZ.
63:1 Serial Number String Descriptor Address. This field represents the high order bits of the 64-bit
pointer to a USB String Descriptor that contains which describes the device’s serial number.
Table 7-32: Offset 20h - Debug Capability Info Context Field Definitions
Bits Description
31:24 Serial Number String Length. The size of Serial Number String in bytes.
This section defines the USB descriptors that shall be returned by a USB Debug
Device when it receives GET_DESCRIPTOR requests.
The Debug Device is built using one interface which declares 2 Bulk endpoints,
an IN and an OUT. Refer to section 8 of the USB3 specification for more
information on the following descriptor types.
Intel Confidential
Table 7-33: DbC Device Descriptor
Offset Size
Part (Byte) (Bytes) Description Value
124 The DbC declares its Class Code, Subclass Code, and Protocol values in the Interface Descriptor to enable implementation in a
composite device refer to section
125 Refer to section, Table 7-26.
126 Refer to section, Table 7-27.
Offset Size
Part (Byte) (Bytes) Description Value
wTotalLength 2 2 Total length of data returned for this configuration. Includes 002Ch
the combined length of all returned descriptors
(configuration, interface, and endpoint) returned for this
bMaxPower 8 1 Maximum power consumption of USB device from bus in this xHCI
specific configuration when the device is fully operational. vendor
Offset Size
Part Description Value
(Byte) (Bytes)
Intel Confidential
Offset Size
Part Description Value
(Byte) (Bytes)
Offset Size
Part Description Value
(Byte) (Bytes)
bLength 0 1 Numeric expression specifying the size of this descriptor in bytes. 07h
bEndpointAddress 2 1 The address of the endpoint on the USB device described by this 01h
bmAttributes 3 1 This field describes the endpoint’s attributes when it is configured 02h
using the bConfigurationValue. Transfer Type = Bulk, Direction =
Offset Size
Part Description Value
(Byte) (Bytes)
bMaxBurst 2 1 The maximum number of packets the endpoint can send DCCTRL Debug
or receive as part of a burst. Valid values are from 0 to 15. Max Burst
wBytesPerInterval 4 2 The total number of bytes this endpoint will transfer every 0000h
service interval. This field is only valid for periodic
Offset Size
Part Description Value
(Byte) (Bytes)
bLength 0 1 Numeric expression specifying the size of this descriptor in bytes. 07h
bEndpointAddress 2 1 The address of the endpoint on the USB device described by this 81h
bmAttributes 3 1 This field describes the endpoint’s attributes when it is configured 02h
using the bConfigurationValue. Transfer Type = Bulk, Direction =
Intel Confidential
wMaxPacketSize 4 2 Maximum packet size this endpoint is capable of sending or 0400h
receiving when this configuration is selected. Size = 1KB.
Offset Size
Part Description Value
(Byte) (Bytes)
bMaxBurst 2 1 The maximum number of packets the endpoint can send DCCTRL Debug
or receive as part of a burst. Valid values are from 0 to 15. Max Burst
wBytesPerInterval 4 2 The total number of bytes this endpoint will transfer every 0000h
service interval. This field is only valid for periodic
Offset Size
Part Description Value
(Byte) (Bytes)
Offset Size
Part (Byte) (Bytes) Description Value
Intel Confidential
This capability is chained through the xHCI Extended Capabilities Pointer
(xECP) field and resides in MMIO space.
... ...
RsvdP 103-100h
... ...
VF Device Slot Assignment Register 255 4FF-4FCh
Note: The xHCI limits the maximum number of VFs supported to 63, that is, the SR-
IOV Extended Capabilities structure TotalVFs field shall be <= 63 for xHCI
For example, Logically the PF0 Interrupter Base Offset and Interrupter Count
are initialized to ‘0’ and MaxIntrs, respectively. As Interrupters are allocated to
VFs, the number of Interrupters available to PF0 are reduced accordingly. At
any time, the number of Interrupters available to PF0 is equal to the MaxIntrs
– SUM(Interrupter Count 1-1024).
Page Size Management
Bits Description
7:0 Capability ID – RO. Refer to Table 7-2 for the value that identifies the capability as xHCI I/O
15:8 Next Capability Pointer – RO. This field indicates the location of the next capability with respect
to the effective address of this capability. Refer to Table 7-1 for more information on this field.
Intel Confidential
31:16 RsvdP.
One VF Interrupter Range Register exists for each VF supported by the xHC.
The number of VFs supported by an xHC implementation is defined by the
TotalVFs field in the SR-IOV Extended Capability Structure. These registers are
addressed by the VF ID. They are used by a VMM to assign physical
Interrupters to VFs.
After hardware reset, all Interrupters are assigned to PF0. The VMM shall use
the Interrupter Count and Interrupter Offset fields of this register to allocate
the PF0 Interrupters to the associated VF.
The Interrupter Count field establishes the number of Interrupters that shall be
mapped to the VF. The value of the Interrupter Count field shall be identical to
the value of the MaxIntrs field in the emulated HCSPARAMS1 register
presented by the VMM to a VM.
The xHC uses these register values to translate and filter VM references to the
Interrupter Registers. For example, if the xHC supports 16 interrupters and 3
VFs. VF Interrupter Range registers 4-63 would be invalid. If the Interrupter
Count fields for VF Interrupter Range Registers 1-3 were set to 4 and the
Interrupter Offset fields were 4, 8, and 12, respectively. Then PF0 would own
Interrupters 0-3, VF 1 Interrupters 4-7, VF 2 Interrupters 8-11, and VF 3
Interrupters 12-15. The VMM would be required to present MaxIntrs = 4 in the
HCSPARAMS1 registers that it emulates to each VM.
Software uses these registers to manage the state and Interrupter resources of
a VF. Software shall not modify the Interrupter Count and Interrupter Offset
fields if VFH = ‘0’.
Bit Description
9:0 Interrupter Offset (IRROFF) – RW. Default = ‘0’. This field specifies the index of the starting PF0 Interrupter
allocated to the VF. Valid values set by software are ‘0’ to MaxIntrs-1. Writing a value of ‘0’ “unmaps” the
Interrupters from a VF back to PF0.
19:10 Interrupter Count (IRRCNT) – RW. Default = ‘0’. This field identifies the number of PF0 Interrupters allocated to
the VF. Valid values set by software are ‘1’ to MaxIntrs-1.
20 VF Run (VFR) – RW. Default = ‘0’. ‘1’ = Run. ‘0’ = Stop. When set to ‘1’, the Host Controller places endpoints
associated with this VF on its Pipe Schedule. When this bit is cleared to ‘0’, the xHC completes the current and
any actively pipelined transactions on the USB associated with this VF, then removes all endpoints associated
with this VF from its Pipe Schedule. The Host Controller shall halt VF endpoints within 16 microframes after
software clears the VFR bit. The VF Halted bit indicates when the xHC has finished its pending pipelined
transactions and has entered the stopped state for this VF. Software shall not write a ‘1’ to this field unless the VF
is in the Halted state (that is, VF Halted is a ‘1’). Doing so will yield undefined results.
21 VF Halted (VFH) – RO. Default = ‘1’. This bit is a ‘0’ whenever the VF Run bit is a ‘1’. The xHC sets this bit to ‘1’
after it has stopped executing as a result of the VF Run bit being cleared to ‘0’, either by software or by the xHC
hardware (for example, internal error).
31:22 RsvdP.
These registers are used by the VMM to assign a Doorbell Register (that is,
Device Slot) to a VF. All device slots are assigned to the PF0 (0) after reset.
22 21
Intel Confidential
Table 7-44: VF Device Slot Assignment Register Field Definitions
Bit Description
5:0 Device Slot VF ID (DSAVFID) – RW. Default = ‘0’ (all slots are assigned to PF0). This field
specifies the ID of VM that the respective Device Slot is allocated. Valid values set by software
are ‘0’ to NumVFs (defined in the SR-IOV Capability). A value of ‘0’ reassigns this Device Slot to
6 Slot Emulated (DSASE) – RW. Default = ‘0’. This field specifies if the Device Slot is emulated or
direct-assigned. A value of ‘1’ shall cause the host controller to generate a Doorbell Event to the
PF0 Primary Event Ring when the doorbell is rung. A value of ‘0’ shall cause the host controller
to process the DB Target code when the doorbell is rung.
31:7 RsvdP.
Note: The USB Device Address for the slot shall be cleared to ‘0’ by the xHC when
this register is written.
Note: The VMM shall issue a Slot Enable Command to obtain an emulated (DSASE =
‘1’) Device Slot to assign to a VF.
Size 07-04H
... ...
Memory Dword (Size*256)
Table 7-45: Offset 00h - xHCI Local Memory Capability Field Definitions
Bits Description
7:0 Capability ID – RO. Refer to Table 7-2 for the value that identifies the capability as Local
Memory Protocol.
15:8 Next Capability Pointer – RO. This field indicates the location of the next capability with respect
to the effective address of this capability. Refer to Table 7-1 for more information on this field.
16 Local Memory Enable (LME) - RW. Default = ‘0’. Setting this bit to a ‘1’ enables the Local
Memory Capability. Clearing this bit to a ‘0’ disables the Local Memory Capability.
31:17 RsvdZ.
Bits Description
31:0 Size – RO. This field identifies the size of the Local Memory space exposed by this capability in
1KB blocks.
Bits Description
(Size*256) 31:0 Local Memory – RW. This field is a byte addressable array of read/write memory
locations that is exposed by the xHCI Local Memory Capability.
Note: The xHCI Debug Capability requires that the data structures necessary to
manage it (Debug Capability Data Structure, Transfer Rings, Event Ring, etc.)
are set up in read/write memory. This is problematic if attempting to debug
the code that initializes the system memory controller, and system memory is
not available. This capability allows the xHC to temporarily map a portion of
its internal SRAM in to MMIO space for use by the debugger prior to system
memory being available.
Intel Confidential
Table 7-48: xHCI Audio Sideband Capability Field Definitions
Bits Description
7:0 Capability ID – RO. Refer to Table 4-3 for the value that identifies this as Audio Sideband
15:8 Next Capability Pointer – RO. This field indicates the location of the next capability with respect
to the effective address of this capability. Refer to Table 7-1 for more information on this field.
The following Get Extended Property Commands are defined for Audio
Sideband Capability.
Table 7-49: Extended Capability ID and supported values of SubType field for
Get Extended Property Command for Audio Sideband Capability
When the Get Supported Resources Command is executed by the xHC, it shall
perform the following actions:
• Write the Supported Resource Count to the location specified by the
Extended Property Context Pointers
• Insert a Command Completion Event TRB into the Event ring with the
following attributes:
⎯ TRB Type = Command Completion Event
⎯ Command TRB pointer = The address of the command TRB
⎯ Slot ID = 0
⎯ Bit [0] of the Command Completion Parameter set to ‘1’ to indicate that
this is associated with the Audio Sideband capability.
⎯ Completion code = Success (refer to Table 138).
Figure 7-18: Command Completion TRB for Get Supported Resource SubType
Figure 7-19: Context Structure for Get Supported Resource Command Subtype
Bits Description
31:8 RsvdZ
7:0 Resource Count: This field indicates the number of Endpoints that can have payload mapped to
the audio sideband datapath.
Intel Confidential
Table 7-51: Structure of the Extended Property Context for Get Endpoint
Properties Offset 04h – 07h
Bits Description
31:0 RsvdZ
Table 7-52: Structure of the Extended Property Context for Get Endpoint
Properties Offset 08h – 0Bh
Bits Description
31:0 RsvdZ.
Table 7-53: Structure of the Extended Property Context for Get Endpoint
Properties Offset 0Ch – 0Fh
Bits Description
31:0 RsvdZ
Figure 7-21: Command Completion Event TRB for Get Endpoint Properties
Command SubType
Figure 7-22: Extended Property Context Structure for Get Endpoint Properties
Table 7-54: Structure of the Extended Property Context for Get Endpoint
Properties Offset 00h – 03h
Bits Description
31:21 RsvdZ
20 TT: This bit is set if the Endpoint referenced by the command is behind a USB2.0 Transaction
The value returned in this field is only valid when the slot state of the “Slot ID” that the
command is targeted to is either in the Addressed State or the Configured State.
19:16 Port Speed: Protocol Speed ID Value. See Table 39 for definition.
The value returned in this field is only valid when the slot state of the “Slot ID” that the
command is targeted to is either in the Addressed State or the Configured State.
Intel Confidential
Bits Description
15:8 Resource Number: This value is the Audio Sideband resource number that the Endpoint is
mapped to. Return to Zero if the endpoint is not mapped to a resource.
7:0 Root Hub Port Number: This field identifies the Root Hub Port Number used to access the USB
device. Refer to section 4.19.7 for port numbering information. Ports are numbered from 1 to
The value returned in this field is only valid when the slot state of the “Slot ID” that the
command is targeted to is either in the Addressed State or the Configured State.
Table 7-55: Structure of the Extended Property Context for Get Endpoint
Properties Offset 04h – 07h
Bits Description
31:0 RsvdZ
Table 7-56: Structure of the Extended Property Context for Get Endpoint
Properties Offset 08h – 0Bh
Bits Description
31:0 RsvdZ.
Table 7-57: Structure of the Extended Property Context for Get Endpoint
Properties Offset 0Ch – 0Fh
Bits Description
31:0 RsvdZ
The following Set Extended Property Commands are defined for the Audio
Sideband capability.
Table 7-58: Extended Capability ID and supported values of SubType field for
Set Extended Property Command for Audio Sideband Capability
When software issues a Set Extended Property Command for sideband audio, it
shall perform the following actions in addition to the baseline steps described in
section 4.6.18
• Bit[0] of extended capability ID set to ‘1’ to indicate that this command
targets the sideband audio capability.
• SubType = “001” to indicate a Set Resource Assignment Command sub-
• Slot ID = Slot ID of the Audio device targeted for sideband audio
• Endpoint ID= Endpoint ID of the audio interface target for sideband audio
• Resource Number = Sideband resource assigned to the EP/Slot ID
combination specified above.
When the xHC executes a Set Resource Assignment command, it shall perform
the following steps:
• Perform the appropriate internal datapath assignment to map the resource
number specified in the command to the Slot/Endpoint ID specified
If the Resource number is set to zero, this indicates a de-allocation of a
previously allocated resource.
• Insert a Command Completion Event TRB in the Event ring, with the
following attributes:
TRB Type = Command Completion Event
Command TRB pointer = The address of the command TRB
Slot ID = Slot ID specified by the command
Bit [0] of the Command Completion Parameter set to ‘1’ to indicate that
this is associated with the Audio Sideband capability
Bit [23:1] of the Command Completion parameter set to zero
Intel Confidential
Figure 7-24: Command Completion TRB for Set Resource Assignment Command
Subtype of Set Property Command
Bits Description
7:0 Capability ID – RO. Refer to Table 4-3 for the value that identifies this as Time Stamp
Correlation Capability.
15:8 Next Capability Pointer – RO. This field indicates the location of the next capability with respect
to the effective address of this capability. Refer to Table 7-1 for more information on this field.
31:16 RsvdZ.
If this capability is supported, the xHC shall support the Get Extended Property
and Set Extended Property commands to Intel Time Stamp Correlation
Capability, if GSC bit in HCCPARAMS2 is set.
The Intel Time Stamp Correlation Capability is identified by bit 12 of the ECI
Table 7-60: Extended Capability ID and supported values of SubType field for
Intel Time Stamp Correlation Capability
The Time Stamp Correlation Extended Capability is identified by setting bit [12]
in the Extended Capability Identifier of the Get Property Command to ‘1’.
The Time Stamp Correlation Extended Capability uses only the Get Extended
Property Command.
Software shall not issue a Set Extended Property Command with Bit [12] of the
Extended Capability Identifier set to ‘1’.
Table 7-61: Supported Get Extended Property SubTypes in the Time Stamp
Correlation Extended Capability
Value Description
000 Reserved. SW must not use this value with this Extended Capability.
010 – 111 Reserved. SW should not use these values with this extended capability.
The Get Time Stamp Command is a subtype of the Get Extended Property
command and used by software to obtain an accurate relationship between the
USB Frame Time and the HW system time.
When issuing this command, software shall perform the following steps:
• Allocate an Extended Property Context and set the Pointer fields in the TRB
to point to the location of the Extended Property Context.
• Set bit[12] of the ECI field to ‘1’ to indicate that the command is to be
executed on behalf of the Time Stamp Correlation Extended Capability
• Set the SubType = 001
• Set Slot ID and Endpoint ID to zeroes
When executing a Get Time Stamp Command, the xHC shall perform the
following actions:
Intel Confidential
• Capture a synchronous snapshot of the HW System Time and the USB Bus
Interval Counter and Delta Time, and write the results to the Extended
Property Context.
See definition of Isochronous Timestamp Packet in the USB3.1 specification
for definition of Bus Interval Counter and Delta.
See Figure 7-27 for the structure and content of the information written
into the Extended Property Context.
• Insert a Command Completion Event TRB into the Event Ring with the
following attributes
TRB Type = Command Completion Event
Command TRB pointer = The address of the command TRB
Slot ID = 0
Bit [12] of the Command Completion Parameter set to ‘1’ to indicate that
this is associated with the Intel Time Stamp Correlation capability
All other bits of the Command Completion parameter set to zero
Figure 7-26: Command Completion Event TRB for Get Time Stamp Command
Figure 7-27: Extended Property Context with Get Time Stamp Results
Table 7-62: Structure of the Extended Property Context for Get Timestamp
Command Offset 00h – 03h
Bits Description
Table 7-63: Structure of the Extended Property Context for Get Timestamp
Command Offset 04h – 07h
Bits Description
Bits Description
31:0 RsvdZ.
Table 7-65: Structure of the Extended Property Context for Get Timestamp
Command Offset 0Ch – 0Fh
Bits Description
31:30 RsvdZ
15:13 RsvdZ
12:0 Delta
This Capability is required for all xHC implementation that support USB3
Tunneling over USB4. It is optional-normative for xHC implementations that do
not support USB3 Tunneling over USB4.
Table 7-66: Offset 00h - USB3 Tunneling Support Capability Field Definitions
Bit Description
7:0 Capability ID – RO. Refer to Table 7-2 for the value that identifies the capability as
USB3 Tunneling Support Capability.
15:8 Next Capability Pointer – RO. This field indicates the location of the next capability
with respect to the effective address of this capability. Refer to Table 7-1 for more
information on this field.
16 Tunneled Mode Bit Supported – RO. This field indicates whether the Tunneled
Mode bit in PORTSC is supported.
0 – bit is not supported
1 – bit is supported
When this field is set to 1b, the value in the Tunneled Mode bit is valid. When this
field is set to 0b, the value in the Tunneled Mode bit shall be ignored.
31:17 RsvdZ
Intel Confidential
8 Virtualization
Virtualization allows multiple Operating System Instances (OSI) to
concurrently run within a platform. The default interface (that is, virtualization
is disabled) presented by the xHC to the host system is a single Physical
Function (PF or PF0) or eXtensible Host Controller Interface (for example,
Figure 3-3). When the xHC virtualization capabilities are turned on, multiple
Virtual Functions (VF) are enabled. To minimize hardware requirements, the
physical interface presented by an xHC VF is a subset of that presented by the
PF and the virtualization software shall emulate portions of the VF interface to
fill the gaps.
Only the PF shall present xHC virtualization capabilities, that is, SR-IOV and
xHCI-IOV Capability Structures. All VFs appear as non-virtualization capable
xHC instances.
Note that the xHC virtualization capabilities discussed in this document rely
heavily on the virtualization concepts and mechanisms defined in the PCIe
Single Root – I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV) specification.
Low touch registers can be trapped and emulated by the VMM because the
performance impact of VMM intervention is minimal. The xHCI Capability
Registers and Operational Registers are Low Touch registers. The Capability
Registers are generally only referenced at initialization time, and the
Operational Registers are referenced infrequently during runtime, that is,
during initialization or when a USB device is attached or detached.
The high touch registers are the Interrupt and Event Ring management
registers, and the Doorbell registers. The Interrupt and Event Ring registers
reside in the Runtime Register Space. The Runtime and Doorbell Registers are
physically presented by the xHC to each VF.
The xHCI defines independent base addresses in MMIO space for the Runtime
and Doorbell Registers so that they can be positioned on page boundaries to
allow easy mapping to a VM.
Additionally, the xHCI supports the ability for the VMM to emulate a USB device
to a VM. In cases were the resources of single USB device needs to be shared
across multiple VMs, the VMM may own the physical device and emulate the
operation of that device to multiple VMs. For example, the VMM would own the
Device Slot assigned to a USB keyboard and create emulated versions of that
keyboard for each of the VM. The VMM will manage switching the keystroke
stream to the VM that currently has user focus. The USB device emulation
support of the xHCI also allows the VMM to emulate external USB hubs to VMs,
the importance of which will be discussed below.
8.1 Operation
For the VMM to provide xHCI functionality to a VM, it shall present an xHC VF in
the VM’s address space. To enable the xHC virtualization capabilities the VMM
shall perform the following basic steps:
Intel Confidential
• Create the VFs by enabling and configuring the PCIe Single Root – IO
Virtualization (SR-IOV) capability.
• Assign xHC resources to a VF (Interrupters and Device Slots) by enabling
and configuring the xHCI – IO Virtualization (xHCI-IOV) capability.
• Allocate PCI Configuration Space and Memory Mapped I/O (MMIO) Space in
the VMs address space for the VF.
• Establish Hypervisor traps for VM references to the emulated VF registers.
These steps allow the combination of xHC hardware and VMM register-level
emulation to present a fully functional xHC to a VM, without requiring hardware
support for every feature of a VF. They also allow the VMM to act as an
intermediary, managing the shared xHC resources across many VMs.
The VMM shall always own PF0. And only PF0 shall present the SR-IOV and
xHCI-IOV Extended Capabilities Structures.
The SR-IOV VF Enable field shall be set to ‘1’ to enable xHC virtualization
The SR-IOV TotalVFs field identifies the maximum number of VFs that can be
associated with the PF.
The SR-IOV NumVFs field identifies the number of VFs that shall be visible in
the MMIO space after both NumVFs is set to a valid value and VF Enable is set
to ‘1’. Valid values for NumVFs are 1 to TotalVFs, SR-IOV VF BAR0 and VF
BAR1 fields contain a 64 bit address that points to the base of the xHC VF
MMIO space. This pointer will be referred to as VFBAR0. These fields behave
as normal PCI BARs, as described in the PCI specification section 6.2.5. They
can be sized by writing all 1’s and reading back the contents of the BARs as
described in the PCI Specification, complying with the low order bits that define
the BAR type fields. The size decoded by VFBAR0 is referred to as
VFBAR0.Size. The amount of address space decoded by VFBAR0 shall be an
integral multiple of SR-IOV System Page Size field. VFBAR0 determines the
alignment requirement and size (VFBAR0.Size) for a single VF. The total MMIO
space consumed by the xHC is VFBAR0.Size * NumVFs. The MMIO space
associated with each VF begins on a page boundary as defined by the System
Page Size field of the SR-IOV Extended Capability structure.
On Page
Boundaries Runtime
Registers VF2
(Aperture 2)
Doorbell Pad
PF0 Array
Runtime Capability
Registers Standard Registers
VFBAR0.Size x NumVFs
DBOFF xHCI-IOV Doorbell Virtual
Extended Array Function
RTSOFF Capability
Operational Physical
xECP Registers Function
Capability Registers VF1
Registers VFBAR0.Size xHCI
BAR 0,1
(Aperture 1) Extended
Pad Capability
VFBAR0 Emulated
Operational Registers
Capability Physical
Registers Registers
Figure 8-1 illustrates an xHC implementation that supports two VFs. Note that
the MMIO address space allocated for VFs is a contiguous array. Each
VFBAR0.Size space may also be referred to as an “aperture”.
Intel Confidential
Note: The SR-IOV VF MSE field shall be set to ‘1’ for the xHC to respond to VF MMIO
memory space accesses.
If Virtualization is enabled:
x = VF Device Slot Assignment Register:Device Slot VF ID, valid values = 0
to NumVFs
n = VF Device Slot Assignment Register index, valid values = 1 to MaxSlots
If x = 0:
Address of Doorbell n = PBAR0 + DBOFF + (n * 4)
If x > 0:
Address of Doorbell n = VFBAR0 + (VFBAR0.Size * (x-1)) + DBOFF + (n *
When a Device Slot n is remapped from PF0 MMIO space to a VF’s MMIO space,
the associated Doorbell Register shall be inaccessible by the VMM through the
PF0 Doorbell Array. Device Slot n shall be accessible to the VM through the
Doorbell Register n of the VF assigned to the VM. Interrupters
The VF Interrupter Range Registers (section 7.7.2) allow the VMM to map
specified Interrupters out of its (PF0) Runtime Register space and into a VFs
Runtime Register space. The Primary Interrupter Register Set (0) is always
assigned to PF0. Only secondary Interrupter Register Sets (1 to MaxIntrs-1)
may be assigned to a VF. Assignment of an Interrupter Register Set to a VF is
If Virtualization is enabled:
IRROFF = VF Device Interrupter Range Register:Interrupter Offset, valid
values = 1 to MaxIntrs-1
IRRCNT = VF Device Interrupter Range Register:Interrupter Count, valid
values = 1 to MaxIntrs-1
IRRINDX = VF Device Interrupter Range Register index, valid values = 0 to
Note: Interrupter Register Sets are mapped exclusively. that is, If virtualization is
enabled and Interrupter Register Set np is remapped via a VF Interrupter
Range Register, then Interrupter Register Set np is no longer accessible at
PBAR0 + RTSOFF + (np * 32).
Note: The Event Ring of physical Interrupter Register Set 0 shall receive all non-
Transfer Events generated by the xHC. And until reassigned by the VMM or a
VM, the Event Ring of physical Interrupter Register Set 0 shall also receive all
Transfer Events generated by the xHC.
Note: Only secondary Interrupter Register Sets may be assigned to VFs, therefore
only Transfer Events may be redirected to an Interrupter owned by a VF,
including its Interrupter Register Set 0. All other Event types presented on the
VFs’ (“Primary”) Interrupter Register Set 0 Event Ring are generated by the
VMM through Force Event Commands.
Note: All Events generated by a Force Event Command are automatically directed to
Interrupter Register Set 0 Event Ring of the VF specified in the Force Event
Command. For example, if the Interrupter Offset field for VF Interrupter
Range Register 1 = 4, then the Event Ring of Interrupter 4 shall receive the
Event TRBs pointed to by all Force Event Commands targeted at VF 1.
If more than one Interrupter Register Set is available to a VF, a VM can direct
the Transfer Events of selected device slots to the alternate Interrupters (1-n),
using the Interrupter Target field in Transfer TRBs. The xHC shall translate the
Interrupter Target field of TRBs associated with Device Slots owned by a VF
with the following formula:
Physical Interrupter Register Set index = VF Interrupter Target + IRROFF
By default, all Device Slots are assigned to PF0, hence they are all owned by
the VMM. Since the VMM owns PF0, it also has access to the physical Root Hub
Intel Confidential
ports of the xHC. When a device is attached on a Root Hub Port, the VMM also
follows the steps described in section 4.3, up to the point of configuring the
device. The VMM only needs to retrieve enough information from a USB device
to determine how it should be managed. That is, whether the device is to be
owed by the VMM and emulated to VMs, direct-assigned to a VM, or simply
owned and used by the VMM itself.
In the latter case, the VMM will configure the device and manage it like any
other USB device in a non-virtualized environment.
In the direct-assigned case the VMM, which is emulating the PORTSC registers
and Command Ring of the VM, shall emulate an attach event for the device to
the VM, then map the Device Slot that it used to enumerate the device to the
VF owned by the VM.
If the device is to be emulated to VMs, then the VMM should load a “master”
driver that can share the resources of the device across multiple VMs, and for
each VF that the device will be shared with, emulate an attach event for the
device to the VM, establish an emulated Device Slot, and map that slot to the
VF owned by the respective VM. Subsequent work items generated by VFs will
be processed by VMM’s master driver for the device and forwarded to the
physical USB device owned by the VMM.
Note: Undefined behavior may occur if the VMM does not ensure that no more than
one VM has a USB device in the Default state.
Once the target VM has been identified, the following steps should be
performed to pass the device to the VM:
1. The VMM generates a Port Status Change Event to the VM.
a. Issue a Force Event Command on its Command Ring. The Force
Event Command points to a Port Status Change Event TRB and
identifies the VM whose Event Ring will receive the TRB.
2. Upon reception of the Port Status Change Event TRB, the VM will begin
initiating the steps described in section 4.3. The first step requires the VM to
reset the device.
a. Reset a USB2 device by setting the Port Reset (PR) bit to ‘1’ in the
PORTSC register that was indicated by the Port Status Change Event.
Not necessary for USB3 devices because they are implicitly reset.
3. The VMM traps the VM’s reference to its PORTSC register.
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10. When a decision has been made, the VM shall issue a Configure Endpoint
Command to enable the endpoints defined by the target configuration.
11. Again, the VMM which is trapping VM Command Ring operations simply
forwards the Configure Endpoint Command to the xHC on the PF0 Command
Ring and returns the returned Command Completion Event to the VM using a
Force Event Command. This operation also informs the xHC that the Endpoint
Context data structures associated with the Device Slot have changed.
From this point on, unless the device is detached or the VM attempts to power
manage or reconfigure the device, the VMM is not involved. The direct-
assignment feature of the xHCI allows the VM to communicate directly with the
xHC hardware interface and the device.
If the VMM does present external hubs to a VM, then the physical hub shall be
assigned to the VMM and the VMM shall present an emulated instance of the
hub to VMs. As described above, when a device is attached the VMM shall
evaluate it and selectively assign it to a VM, however in this case the VMM will
emulate an attach event on the VM’s emulated external hub instance, rather
than generating a Port Status Change Event on the VMs Event Ring.
The VMM uses an additional feature of the xHCI to emulate external hubs to
VMs. An external hub is enumerated to a VM by the VMM the same way that
any other USB device is (as described above). To emulate a hub (or device) to
a VM, the VMM utilizes the Doorbell Event TRB. To enable Doorbell Events the
VMM shall set the Slot Emulated (SE) flag in the VM Slot Assignment Register
when it assigned the Device Slot to the VM. If the Slot Emulated flag is ‘1’, the
xHC shall not process the DB Target field when the VM rings the doorbell
associated with an emulated slot, but shall generate a Doorbell Event to Event
Ring 0, which is owned by the VMM. The Slot ID, VM ID, and DB Reason fields
of the Doorbell Event TRB will indicate the source VM and value of the DB
Target written to the Doorbell register.
The VMM shall manage all Transfer Rings associated with an emulated device,
retrieving information from them when the doorbell is rung, and emulating
Note, that to eliminate VMM involvement for direct-assigned devices, all Event
Rings are managed by xHC hardware. Transfer Events for direct-assigned and
emulated Device Slots are placed on an Event Ring. To ensure Event Ring
consistency, the xHCI provides the Force Event Command for a VMM to insert a
Transfer Event generated for an emulated slot on the same Event Ring that is
used by the xHC hardware for Transfer Events generated by direct-assigned
The VMM is also responsible for hiding a USB device assigned to one VM from
another. Consider a case where Device A is attached to Port 1 of a physical hub
and Device B is attached to Port 2 of the same hub, however the devices are
assigned to VMs A and B, respectively. Figure 8-1 illustrates the views of the
USB topology seen by the VMM and each of the VMs. Each VM sees an
emulated instance of the physical hub. But the VMM will have generated an
attach event for Device A on Port 1 to VM A, and an attach event for Device B
on Port 2 to VM B. As far as VM A is concerned, Port 2 of its emulated hub has
no device attached, and VM B thinks that Port 1 has no device attached. The
Devices themselves are direct-assigned to the respective VMs.
If VM B decides to place the Device B into suspend mode, it will generate the
appropriate requests to its emulated hub. Since as far as VM B is concerned
there are no other devices attached to the hub, it will attempt to propagate the
power state up the topology by placing the hub in suspend mode as well. The
VMM shall filter these requests to ensure that Device A remains operational for
VM A. Since the VMM owns the physical external hub, it determines whether
the hub will be placed in the suspend state or not. The VMM can fake a
response back to VM B for the emulated hub, allowing the VM to think that it
has placed the emulated hub in the suspend state.
Intel Confidential
The SR-IOV capability structure is used to discover and configure a Physical
Function’s (PF) virtualization capabilities. These virtualization capabilities
include the number of Virtual Functions (VF) the PCIe Device will associate with
a PF and the type of BAR mechanism supported by those VFs.
When VFs are enabled, the PF MMIO space pointed to by a BAR is replicated for
each VF. The replication of the PF MMIO space is in the form of an array of
MMIO Apertures. The base of the VF Aperture array is pointed to by a VF BAR
in the SR-IOV capability. The size of an MMIO Aperture is defined by the
standard BAR sizing mechanism. The number of MMIO Apertures is defined by
the NumVFs field in the SR-IOV capability structure. The Aperture ID is the
index of a specific MMIO Aperture in the array. Valid Aperture ID values are 1
to NumVFs.
The VMM emulates a PF-like Configuration Space to each VM. The SR-IOV
specification defines the mapping between the PCI defined Configuration Space
Header and the SR-IOV defined PF/VF Configuration Space Headers (SR-IOV
spec, section 3.4). The SR-IOV specification requires that a subset of the fields
in the PFs Configuration Space Header be replicated in the VF Configuration
Space Headers by xHC hardware. The xHCI VF Configuration Space is used by
the VMM to manage VFs and not accessed by VMs. Refer to the SR-IOV
specification for details.
VF n
VF 1
Figure 8-3 illustrates the VF MMIO Aperture configuration for the xHC. To
minimize the hardware requirements for virtualization, many of the xHC MMIO
registers are emulated by the VMM. The SR-IOV and xHCI-IOV Extended
Capability structures (blue bordered) exists only for PF0. The SR-IOV capability
defines the starting memory space address of VF1 MMIO Aperture. The xHCI-
IOV Extended Capability defines the xHC registers needed to manage the
individual Virtual Functions. The (orange bordered) xHCI Capability Registers,
Operational Registers, and Extended Capabilities presented by a VF are
emulated by the VMM. The (green bordered) xHCI Extended Runtime Registers
and Doorbell arrays are physical registers presented by a VF. The (orange
bordered) PCI Configuration Space as seen by the VMs is emulated by the
Intel Confidential
8.2.1 SR-IOV Extended Capability Structure
xHCI support for VF Migration is outside the scope of this specification and left
to definition by specific implementations.
Note: The PCI Express Capability Structure is required by the SR-IOV capability.
The xHC shall respond to Valid VF Doorbell Register References through MMIO
The xHC shall not respond to Doorbell Register references through MMIO
Apertures, if the value of a VM Device Slot Assignment Register Device Slot VF
ID field is equal to ‘0’ or if the value is greater than NumVFs.
The Doorbell Register of any Device Slot not assigned to a VF by the VM Device
Slot Assignment Register Device Slot VF ID field, shall be accessible by through
the PF0 Doorbell Array.
System software rings the Doorbell Register of a Device Slot to indicate to the
xHC that it has changed the slot’s Device Context or the added work items to a
Transfer Ring.
If for a Valid VF Doorbell Register Reference the Slot Emulated flag equals ‘1’,
then the xHC shall not process the Doorbell Register DB Target field, but
capture the value of the field and pass it to the VMM through Event Ring 0 in
the DB Reason field of a Doorbell Event.
A minimum of one Interrupter shall be assigned to each VF. The VMM may
allocate remaining Interrupters to VFs as desired by presenting the appropriate
values in the Interrupter Range Registers, and the emulated Structural
Parameters 2 (HCSPARAMS2) register MaxIntrs field.
The VF Run (VFR) and VF Halted (VFH) bits in the VM Interrupter Range
Register provide the VMM with ability to manage the state of each VF. These
bits provide for a VF, what the Run/Stop (R/S) and HCHalted (HCH) bits
provide for the xHC as a whole. When the VMM detects a VM manipulating the
Run/Stop (R/S) bit in their emulated USBCMD register, it shall reflect that state
in the VFR bit for the respective VF.
The VMM shall monitor the associated VFH bit and reflect its status in HCHalted
(HCH) bit of the emulated USBSTS register.
Intel Confidential
A xHCI PCI Power Management
An advanced power management capabilities interface compliant with PCI Bus
Power Management Interface Specification (PCI PM) is incorporated into the
xHCI. This interface allows the xHCI to be placed in various power
management states offering a variety of power savings for a host system.
Table A-1 highlights the xHCI support for power management states and
features supported for each of the power management states. An xHC
implementation may internally gate-off USB clocks and suspend the USB
transceivers (low power consumption mode) to provide these power savings.
The methods utilized by each xHC vendor to achieve the required behavior, is
implementation specific. The xHC will assert PME# and retain chip context in
accordance with the rules defined in the PCI PM Specification and this
The controller software driver shall place all enabled downstream USB ports of
the xHC in the USB suspended state before exiting the D0 state. This is to
ensure all downstream devices are in an inactive, low-power mode.
D0 Required Fully awake backwards compatible state. All logic in full power mode.
D1 Optional USB Sleep state with xHC bus master capabilities disabled. All USB ports in
suspended state. All logic in low latency power savings mode because of low
latency returning to D0 state.
D2 Optional USB Sleep state with xHC bus master capabilities disabled. All USB ports in
suspended state.
D3hot Required Deep USB Sleep state with xHC bus master capabilities disabled. All USB ports
in suspended state.
D3cold Required Fully asleep backwards compatible state. All downstream devices are either
suspended or disconnected based on the implementation’s capability to supply
downstream port power within the power budget.
All other registers and field should follow the PCI PM specification.
Power management software transitions the xHC through D0, D1, D2, and
D3hot power states via xHC-owned PCI Power Management register accesses.
Additional power management policy may be implemented to switch or
continuously apply an Aux Power well voltage supply (for example, PCIe
3.3Vaux power), to the xHC when Vcc (that is, the Core Power well voltage
supply) is removed. While in this power state, referred to as D3cold, the xHC
exhibits identical behavior as the D3hot power state (except that configuration
space accesses are not supported) and no additional xHC hardware is required
to distinguish between the D3hot and D3cold states.
Per the PCI PM specification, the xHC function asserts an internal reset during
the D3hot to D0 transition. The host controller shall retain all relevant wake
context when transitioning from D3hot to D0 in order for system software to
process a wake request. In PCI configuration space, this means that the
PMCSR.PME_Status and PMCSR.PME_En bits shall be maintained. Additionally,
the PMC.PME_Support(D3cold) bit shall be maintained.
Additionally, the xHC shall retain function-specific context that meets any of
the following criteria:
1. BIOS-configured registers that are programmed during system
Intel Confidential
2. Context needed to avoid USB re-enumeration
3. Context needed for properly generating wake events
4. Status bits for software to determine the source of a wake event
Specifically, the following xHC registers shall not be reset during the D3hot to
D0 transition and shall be maintained in the Aux Power well (refer to section
Power State Definitions):
• USB Legacy Support Registers
• Port Status and Control Registers
Note that all of the registers described above are only reset upon initial Aux
Power-up or software reset. Software should specifically clear any of these bits
during subsequent initialization sequences, if desired. The memory-space bits
may also be cleared using the Host Controller Reset (HCRST) mechanism in the
USB Command Register.
Any wakeup events as specified in Table A-2 will set PMCSR.PME_Status when
the xHC is programmed with PMCSR.PowerState set to D0, and a PCI PME#
wake-up shall be signaled if enabled via PMCSR.PME_En. It is possible for one
interrupt event, which is also a wakeup event to cause the xHC, to signal both
a PCI interrupt and a PME# to the host. Power management software shall
either be designed to handle this condition or to mask the PME# signal when
the xHC is in D0.
Software shall place each downstream USB port with power enabled into the
Suspend or Disabled state before it attempts to move the xHC out of the D0
power state.
All xHC contexts are retained in all power states except D3cold. For D3cold, the
same context that is described in the previous section relative to the D3hot-to-
D0 internal reset shall be retained.
The functional and wake-up characteristics for the xHC power states are
summarized in Table A-2.
Wake-up Characteristics
Power State Functional Characteristics (Associated Enables shall be Set)
D3hot xHC shall preserve PCI configuration. Resume Detected on suspended port.
xHC shall preserve USB configuration. Connect or Disconnect detected on port.
Hardware masks functional interrupts. Over Current detected on port.
All ports are disabled or suspended.
D3cold PME Context in PCI Configuration space is preserved. Resume Detected on suspended port.
Wake Context in xHC Memory Space is preserved. Connect or Disconnect detected on port.
All ports are disabled or suspended. Over Current detected on port.
Note: Software is responsible for placing root hub ports associated with devices that
have been enabled for Remote Wakeup into the suspend before transitioning
to a non-D0 state.
Intel Confidential
B High Bandwidth Isochronous
B.1 High-speed
High-speed High Bandwidth isochronous streams utilize addition PIDs in the
USB2 protocol. The tables in this appendix completely enumerate all the
required responses an xHC shall make in the execution of a high-bandwidth
isochronous data stream.
Inputs: lists the inputs or initial conditions for the behavioral data point. The
input values are:
• Burst: The number of USB transactions generated per Burst is defined as
the value of the Max Burst Size field (+1) in an instantiation of an Endpoint
Context. This is a constant value for the lifetime of the Endpoint Context. It
serves as the initial value for Cnt (see below). This field is set based on
USB framework parameters provided by the device. It is not set relative to
buffer size, etc.
• Cnt: this is the transaction iterator. It is the current value of an internal
transaction counter that for an OUT, is initially loaded with the contents of
Burst. For an IN, Cnt is initially set from the first bus transaction’s PID
response (see below).
• Remaining Buffer: the amount of buffer remaining is indicated by the
current value of the Transaction X Length field in the current transaction
record. The initial value of this field is set by software to indicate the
amount of buffering available for this transaction record. It is adjusted by
the xHC as transactions are executed and data is moved.
Response: lists the response from the device (PID code and data size) and the
effects on the Transfer Event Completion Code field and transaction iterator
• PID/(data size): indicates the host stimulus, data PID or other response
from the device.
• Maxpacket = value of Endpoint Context Max Packet Size field.
• Result: list the effects of the response on the bits in the Status field and
the iterator.
• Advance = Advance Dequeue Pointer to the next TD. Refer to section
4.10.1 for more information on advancement rules.
• Babble = The assertion of a Babble Detected Error. Refer to section
• BufErr = The assertion of a Data Buffer Error. Refer to section
Each row in each table illustrates the required xHC behavior for all of the
inputs/response combinations for a HS high-bandwidth isochronous
transaction. There are two tables in this appendix. The first enumerates the
required behavior for OUT transactions and the second enumerates the
required behavior for IN transactions.
Inputs Response
Results Explanation
Burst Cnt PID (data size)
1 1 < Maxpacket PID → DATA0(Xfer Advance Normal completion (for frame) of 1, 2, or 3 high-
2 Length) bandwidth transaction; send as many bytes as are
PID → DATA1(Xfer available in the buffer.
PID → DATA2(Xfer
2 2 ≤ Maxpacket PID → DATA0(Xfer Advance Software did not have Burst*Maxpacket bytes to
3 Length) send for this transaction (microframe).
PID → DATA1(Xfer
3 3 ≤ Maxpacket PID → DATA0(Xfer Advance Software did not have Burst*Maxpacket bytes to
Length) send for this transaction (microframe).
3,2,1 >1 ≥ Maxpacket PID → MDATA(buffer Advance xHC experienced a buffer error before being able to
error) BufErr deliver all of the data. It shall not execute any
further requests on this endpoint.
132 Note that the ≥ Maxpacket where the > applies is just to account for the case where software has incorrectly programmed Burst or Max
Packet Size.
Intel Confidential
Any time there is a buffer error (in this case a buffer under-run), the host
controller will abandon the remaining portions of a high-bandwidth transaction.
For example, if the current PID was an MDATA, and there was a buffer error on
getting the data from main memory to the HC in a timely fashion, then the
host controller will set the Buffer Error status bit to a ‘1’ and immediately clear
the Active status bit to ‘0’. This will cause the host controller to effectively skip
the remaining bus transactions (if there was any pending, based on the value
of Cnt).
The intent of this section is to clearly define the appropriate data PID
sequences for a high bandwidth isochronous data stream and set a priority on
detection and reporting of errors that are detectable during a high-bandwidth
transaction sequence.
The premise of the high-bandwidth PID tracking state machine is that the
sequence of DATA PIDs for the current microframe is determined by the
device’s response to the first IN of the microframe. Based on PID response, the
host controller sets an internal count variable (Cnt) that is used to drive the
state machine through the remaining phases (states) of the high-bandwidth
transaction sequence.
Each microframe, the machine is initialized to the Start state. In this state, the
value of the internal counter is a don’t care (X). The host controller issues the
initial IN, and then sets the internal counter (Cnt) to the value number (Y) of
the data PID received. For example, if the PID response is DATA2, then Cnt is
loaded with the value ‘2’. When the PID is a DATA1 or DATA2, then two
additional checks are performed. If neither of these checks fail, then the host
controller transitions to the Next state.
1. The size of the data payload shall be equal to maximum packet length (Maxpacket),
2. The host controller shall check that the starting PID response is in the range
configured for this endpoint, as specified in Mult. If the PID value number (Y) is less
than the value of Burst, then the received data PID is in the appropriate range. For
example, if Burst is 2 and the device returns a DATA1, then Y=1 is less than Burst so
the received PID is acceptable.
When the PID received in the Start state is DATA0, then the high-bandwidth
transaction is complete for this microframe and the host controller shall set the
Active to Inactive. A valid DATA0 PID is allowed to have a data payload size
less than or equal to Maxpacket. If a babble error is detected, then the host
controller will additionally set the Babble bit to a ‘1’.
Endpoint Response
Results Explanation
Cnt PID[Y]
Start X PID← Y < Burst = Maxpacket Cnt = Acceptable PID response. If no babble
[2,1] error, then go to Next state.
Y ≥ Burst Don’t care Advance, Done Starting DATA PID is larger than
XactErr allowed for this
Next 2 PID← DATA2 Don’t care Advance, Done Endpoint responded twice with DATA2
XactEr PID.
PID← DATA0 Don’t care Advance, Done Device went from DATA2 to DATA0;
XactErr invalid transition.
1 PID← DATA[2,1] Don’t care Advance, Done Endpoint repeated a DATA2 or DATA1
XactErr PID.
Intel Confidential
State Endpoint Response
Results Explanation
Cnt PID[Y]
In the Next state, the xHC issues an IN token and checks the value number
(Y) of the PID response against the value of the internal counter (Cnt). If the
value number (Y) is equal to (Cnt – 1), then the PID response is correct, and
the host controller sets the internal counter (Cnt) to the value number of the
data PID received.
When the received PID response is acceptable and is a DATA1, then the xHC
shall also check that the size of the data payload is equal to the configured
maximum packet length (Maxpacket). If the length check passes, the PID
check has passed and the xHC does a final babble check. If no babble error,
the xHC remains in the Next state and executes another bus transaction. If
there was an error, the xHC flags the error and advances to the next TD. If the
length check fails, the xHC generates a Transaction Error (XactErr) for the TD.
If the babble check fails, the xHC shall generate a Babble Error (Babble) for the
When the received PID response is acceptable and is a DATA0, then the high-
bandwidth transaction is complete for this microframe and the xHC shall
advance to the next TD and wait for the next Interval. The data payload is
allowed to be less than or equal to the configured maximum packet size. If a
babble error is detected, then the xHC shall generate a Babble Error (Babble)
for the TD.
Any time the individual transaction completes in a Timeout, the xHC shall
Advance to the next TD and generate a Transaction Error (XactErr) for the TD.
Note that this state machine is for illustrative purposes. Implementations may
optimize appropriately to avoid arithmetic operations where possible, if the
resultant behavior is correct.
Data Data
Status Bulk
(Streams) (Streams) Endpoints
USB Mass Storage devices utilize a three phase command execution sequence;
Command, Data, And Status. Figure C-1 illustrates an example where 4 USB
pipes are employed to support read and write commands to the disk; a
Command OUT (Cmd) pipe, Data IN and OUT pipes, and a Status IN pipe. All
are Bulk pipes, however the Data pipes also support Streams.
Consider a disk read: Before posting a disk command to the Cmd pipe, system
software would first post a buffer to the Status pipe to receive the completion
status for the command, and set up a Stream to receive the data associated
with the command. Once both the Data and Status were set up for the
command, software would post the Command to the Cmd pipe.
To set up the Stream associated with the Read Data transfer, software would
select an available Stream ID, initialize a Transfer Ring to point to the host
memory that will receive the read data, load a pointer to the Transfer Ring into
the TR Dequeue Pointer field of the Stream Context in the Stream Array
associated with the selected Stream ID, and ring the doorbell for the Data IN
Endpoint. Note that the selected Stream ID is written to the Doorbell register
when software rings the Data IN doorbell, however it is not necessary for basic
Stream Protocol operation.
Intel Confidential
To post the Command, software adds a TD to the Cmd OUT Transfer Ring. The
data portion of the Command packet will include the Stream ID allocated for
the Command.
When the Device returns the Read Data for the Command, it uses the Stream
ID provided by the Command to set the Current Stream in the xHC for the
pipe, then moves the Read Data. The xHC uses the Current Stream to select a
Stream Context in the Stream Array. The Transfer Ring referenced by the
Stream Context will be used to move the Read Data into host memory.
When the Data transfer is complete, the Device sends the completion Status up
the waiting Status pipe. After software receives the completion Status for the
command it can free the associated Stream ID for reuse by another disk
FPDMA is enabled by the fact that separate data buffers may be assigned to
each Stream. This allows the disk, as the “First Party”, to direct the data
associated with a particular Command to specific buffers in host memory as a
function of the Stream ID.
Streams may also be used for Core Targeting. Core Targeting is the ability to
direct the interrupt associated with a transfer (or Command) to a specific core
in a multi-core system. The fact that separate Transfer Rings may be specific
for each Stream and that the Transfer Event for a TRB in a Transfer Ring can
be directed at any Interrupter via the Interrupter Target field allows the device
to direct completions at specific cores as function of the Current Stream that it
This method utilizes the ACPI USB Port Capabilities (_UPC, refer to section 9.14
in the ACPI spec) and Physical Device Location (_PLD, refer to section 6.1.6 in
the ACPI spec) objects.
Note: The _UPC declarations for LS/FS/HS and Enhanced SS ports that are grouped
to form a USB3 compatible connector. A “group” is defined by two or more
ports that declare _PLDs with identical Panel, Vertical Position, Horizontal
Position, Shape, Group Orientation, Group Position and Group Token
parameter values.
D.1 Example
The following is an example of the ACPI objects defined for an xHC that
implements a High-speed and SuperSpeed Bus Instance, that are associated
with USB2 and USB3 Protocol Root Hub Ports, respectively. The xHC also
supports an integrated High-speed hub to provide Low- and Full-speed
functionality. The External Ports defined by the xHC implementation provide
either a USB2 data bus (that is, a D+/D- signal pair) or an Enhanced
SuperSpeed data bus (for example, SSRx+/SSRx- and SSTx+/SSTx- signal
• The motherboard presents 5 user visible connectors C1 – C5.
Motherboard connectors C1 and C2 support USB2 (LS/FS/HS) devices.
Motherboard connectors C3, C4 and C5 support USB3 (LS/FS/HS/SS)
• The xHC implements a High-speed Bus Instance associated with USB2
Protocol Root Hub ports, for example, HCP1 and HCP2 are High-speed only,
that is, they provide no Low- or Full-speed support.
• The xHC presents 7 External Ports (P1 – P7).
External Port 1 (P1) is HS only and is not visible or connectable.
External Ports 2 – 5 (P2 – P5) support LS/FS/HS devices.
• P2 is attached to motherboard USB2 connector C1.
• P3 is attached to motherboard USB2 connector C2.
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• P4 is attached to the USB 2.0 logical hub of the Embedded USB3 Hub on
the motherboard. The USB 2.0 logical hub supports the LS/FS/HS
connections for 2 ports (EP1 – EP2).
The USB 2.0 connections of motherboard hub ports EP1 and EP2 are
attached to motherboard connectors C3 and C4 respectively, providing the
LS/FS/HS support for the USB3 connectors.
• P5 is attached to motherboard connector C5, providing the LS/FS/HS
support to the motherboard USB3 connector C5.
• External Port 6 (P6) is attached to the SuperSpeed logical hub of the
Embedded USB3 Hub on the motherboard. The SuperSpeed logical hub
supports the SS connections of 2 ports (EP1 – EP2).
The SuperSpeed connections of motherboard hub ports EP1 and EP2 are
attached to motherboard connectors C3 and C4 respectively, providing the
SS support for the USB3 connectors.
• External Port 7 (P7) is attached to motherboard connectors C5, providing
the SS support for the USB3 connector.
• The xHC implements 4 internal HS Root Hub ports (HCP1 – HCP4), 2 High-
speed and 2 SuperSpeed.
Internal Port 1 (HCP1) maps directly to External Port 1 (P1).
Internal Port 2 (HCP2) is attached to a HS Integrated Hub. The Integrated
Hub supports 4 ports (IP1 – IP4).
⎯ Ports 1 to 4 (IP1-IP4) of the Integrated Hub attach to External Ports 2
to 5 (P2-P5), respectively.
Internal Ports 3 and 4 (HCP3, HCP4) attach to External Ports 6 and 7 (P6,
P7), respectively.
• All connectors are located on the back panel and assigned to the same
• Connectors C1 and C2 are USB2 compatible and their color is not specified.
Connectors C3 to C5 are USB3 compatible and their color is specified.
• External Ports P1 - P5 present a USB2 data bus (that is, a D+/D- signal
pair). External Ports P6 and P7 present a SuperSpeed data bus (that is,
SSRx+/SSRx- and SSTx+/SSTx- signal pairs).
Root Hub
Integrated Hub
Hub Ports
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 External
USB3 Hub
Hub Ports
Physical USB
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 Motherboard
USB Cables
Scope( \_SB ) {
Device( PCI0 ) {
// Host controller ( xHCI )
Device( USB0 ) {
Intel Confidential
// PCI device#/Function# for this HC. Encoded as specified in the ACPI
// specification
Name( _ADR, 0xyyyyzzzz )
// Root hub device for this HC #1.
Device( RHUB ) {
Name( _ADR, 0x00000000 ) // must be zero for USB root hub
// Root Hub port 1 ( HCP1 )
Device( HCP1 ) { // USB0.RHUB.HCP1
Name( _ADR, 0x00000001 )
// USB port configuration object. This object returns the system
// specific USB port configuration information for port number 1
Name( _UPC, Package() {
0x01, // Port is connectable but not visible
0xFF, // Connector type (N/A for non-visible ports)
0x00000000, // Reserved 0 – must be zero
0x00000000} ) // Reserved 1 – must be zero
} // Device( HCP1 )
// Root Hub port 2 ( HCP2 )
Device( HCP2 ) { // USB0.RHUB.HCP2
Name( _ADR, 0x00000002 )
Name( _UPC, Package() {
0xFF, // Port is connectable
0x00, // Connector type – (N/A for non-visible ports)
0x00000000, // Reserved 0 – must be zero
0x00000000} ) // Reserved 1 – must be zero
// provide internal connection point info
Name( _PLD, Buffer( 0x10) {
0x00000081, // Revision 1, Ignore color
// Color (ignored), width and height not
0x00000000, // required as this is not a user visible
// connector
0x00808000, // Not user visible, Group Token = 1,
// Group Position 1 (This is the group for all
// internal connections. Each connection should
// have a unique position in this group)
0x00000000} ) // Ignored for not visible connectors
// Integrated hub port 1 ( IP1 )
Device( IP1 ) { // USB0.RHUB.HCP2.IP1
// Address object for the port. Because the port is
// implemented on integrated hub port #1, this value must be 1
Name( _ADR, 0x00000001 )
Name( _UPC, Package() {
0xFF, // Port is connectable
0x00, // Connector type – Type ‘A’
Intel Confidential
0x00, // Connector type – (N/A for non-visible ports)
0x00000000, // Reserved 0 – must be zero
0x00000000} )// Reserved 1 – must be zero
// provide internal connection point info
Name( _PLD, Buffer( 0x10) {
0x00000081, // Revision 1, Ignore color
// Color (ignored), width and height not
0x00000000, // required as this is not a user visible
// connector
0x01008000, // Not user visible, Group Token = 1,
// Group Position 2
0x00000000} )// Ignored for not visible connectors
// Motherboard Embedded Hub 2.0 Logical Hub port 1 ( EP1 )
Device( EP1 ) { // USB0.RHUB.HCP2.IP3.EP1
Name( _ADR, 0x00000001 )
// Must match the _UPC declaration for
// USB0.RHUB.HCP3.EP1 as this port provides
// the LS/FS/HS connection for C3
Name( _UPC, Package() {
0xFF, // Port is connectable
0x03, // Connector type – USB 3 Type ‘A’
0x00000000, // Reserved 0 – must be zero
0x00000000} ) // Reserved 1 – must be zero
// provide physical connector location info
Name( _PLD, Buffer( 0x10) {
0x0072C601, // Revision 1, Color valid
// Color (0072C6h), width and height
0x00000000, // not required as this is a standard
// USB ‘A’ type connector
0x01800c69, // User visible, Back panel, Center,
// Left, shape = vert.
// rect, Group Token = 0,
// Group Position 3
//(that is, Connector C3)
0x00000003} ) // ejectable, requires OPSM eject
// assistance
} // Device(EP1)
// Motherboard Embedded Hub 2.0 Logical Hub port 2 ( EP2 )
Device( EP2 ) { //USB0.RHUB.HCP2.IP3.EP2
Name( _ADR, 0x00000002 )
// Must match the _UPC declaration for
// USB0.RHUB.HCP3.EP2 as this port provides
// the LS/FS/HS connection for C4
Name( _UPC, Package() {
Intel Confidential
// Root Hub port 3 ( HCP3 )
Device( HCP3 ) {
Name( _ADR, 0x00000003 )
// Must match the _UPC declaration for USB0.RHUB.HPC2.IP3 as
// this port shares the connection point
Name( _UPC, Package() {
0xFF, // Port is connectable
0x00, // Connector type – (N/A for non-visible ports)
0x00000000, // Reserved 0 – must be zero
0x00000000} )// Reserved 1 – must be zero
// Internal connection points require a _PLD that identifies
// the shared connection point info
Name( _PLD, Buffer( 0x10) {
0x00000081, // Revision 1, Ignore color
// Color (ignored), width and height not
0x00000000, // required as this is not a user visible
// connector
0x01008000, // Not user visible, Group Token = 1,
// Group Position 2
0x00000000} )// Ignored for not visible connectors
// Motherboard Embedded Hub SS Logical Hub port 1 ( EP1 )
Device( EP1 ) {// USB0.RHUB.HCP3.EP1
Name( _ADR, 0x00000001 )
// Must match the _UPC declaration for
// USB0.RHUB.HCP2.IHUB.IP3.EHUB.EP1 as this port
// provides the SS connection for C3
Name( _UPC, Package() {
0xFF, // Port is connectable
0x03, // Connector type – USB 3 Type ‘A’
0x00000000, // Reserved 0 – must be zero
0x00000000} ) // Reserved 1 – must be zero
// provide physical connector location info
Name( _PLD, Buffer( 0x10) {
0x0072C601, // Revision 1, Color valid
// Color (0072C6h), width and height
0x00000000, // not required as this is a standard
// USB ‘A’ type connector
0x01800c69, // User visible, Back panel, Center,
// Left, shape = vert.
// rect, Group Token = 0,
// Group Position 3
//(that is, Connector C3)
0x00000003} ) // ejectable, requires OPSM eject
// assistance
Intel Confidential
// Left,
// Shape = vert. rect, Group Token = 0,
// Group Position 5 (that is, Connector C5)
0x00000003} ) // ejectable, requires OPSM eject
// assistance
} // Device( HCP4 )
} // Device( RHUB )
} // Device( USB0 )
// Define other control methods, etc.
} // Device( PCIO )
} // Scope( \_SB )
Note: The USB spec recommends that USB 3.x specific connectors are identified
with a standardized blue color (Pantone 300C). In this example Pantone 300C
is mapped to the RGB value of 0(R), 114(G), 198(B) (0072C6h).
Figure 8-25 shows the legend for the state machine diagrams. A circle with a
three line border indicates a reference to another (hierarchical) state machine.
A circle with a two line border indicates an initial state. A circle with a single
line border is a simple state.
The Entry and Exit symbols are used by lower lever state machines to indicate
an entry from, or an exit to, a higher level state machine.
A transition is labeled with a block with a line in the middle separating the
(upper) Conditions and the (lower) Actions. If no line is displayed the transition
label is a Condition. The Condition is required to be true to take the transition.
The Actions are performed if the transition is taken. The syntax for actions and
conditions is VHDL. A circle includes a state name in bold and optionally
additional state information, for example, one or more actions that are
performed upon entry to the state, signal states, etc.
Hierarchy - Contains other state machines
State - Initial state of state machine
Intel Confidential
Note: The xHCI state machines describe the exit conditions from a state, and entry
conditions to a state. Only conditions specifically described as an entry or exit
condition shall result in a state transition.
Refer to in the USB3 spec for the overhead (32 symbols) associated
with a SS DP (DPH + DPP).
Refer to in the USB3 spec for the symbol overhead associated with a
SS Link Command. Two Link Commands (a GOOD_n and an L_CRD) are
transmitted on the downstream link for every header (TP or DPH) received on
the upstream link.
Refer to in the USB3 spec for the overhead (20 bytes) associated
with each SS TP (Header Packet).
Table Labels
Protocol Overhead
The downstream link overhead in bytes. The components of overhead are
described by the cell to the right.
TD Transfer Size
TD Transfer Size in bytes.
Max Bandwidth
The maximum achievable bandwidth, given the TD Transfer Size in
KBytes/second, for the respective transfer type (for example, the Max
Bandwidth column in Table F-2 defines the maximum Interrupt Bandwidth).
Max TDs
The maximum number of TD Transfer Size TDs than may be scheduled per
Bytes Remaining
The remaining byte times in a microframe after transferring one TD.
Intel Confidential
F.1 Bulk Transfer Bus Access Constraints
Refer to section 5.8.4 of the USB2 spec for a general overview of USB bulk
transfer access constraints, and for the Full-speed and High-speed Transaction
The bus frequency and microframe timing limit the maximum number of
SuperSpeed bulk DPs within a microframe for any USB3 system to less than
905 one-byte data payloads. Table F-1 lists information about different-sized
SuperSpeed bulk transactions and the maximum number of transactions
possible in a microframe, for the downstream link of a bulk OUT pipe while the
upstream link is saturated with bulk IN traffic.
The Protocol Overhead is calculated for the downstream link as follows: For
each DP moved for a TD in the OUT direction (32B), there is one ACK TP for the
DP in the IN direction, which requires 1 LGOOD_n and 1 L_CRD Link Command
(8B each) to be transmitted in the OUT direction for a total of 48 bytes.
xHC implementations are free to determine how the individual bus transactions
for specific bulk transfers are moved over the bus within and across
microframes. An endpoint could see all bus transactions for a bulk transfer
within the same microframe or spread across several microframes. An xHC, for
various implementation reasons, may not be able to provide the above
maximum number of transactions per (micro)frame.
For a given TD Transfer Size, simultaneous bulk IN and OUT transfers would
incur an additional 36 bytes of Protocol Overhead per OUT TD, that is, 1 for the
IN DP’s ACK TP (20B) and 2 Link Commands for the IN DP (8B each).
No more than 3 Max Packet Size DPs (3KB or 3072B) may be scheduled for a
single interrupt endpoint within a single microframe, that is, the minimum
ESIT. Interrupt TDs that exceed 3KB shall transfer over multiple ESITs at up to
3KB per ESIT.
Intel Confidential
Protocol Overhead (48B) 1 DP, 2 Link Commands
Note: For a given TD Transfer Size, simultaneous interrupt IN and OUT transfers
would incur an additional 36 bytes of Protocol Overhead on the downstream
link per OUT TD, that is, 1 for the IN DP’s ACK TP (20B) and 2 Link
Commands for the IN DP (8B each).
For only Isoch OUT transfers the downstream Protocol Overhead is that
associated with the transmission of a single DP (32B).
No more than 48 Max Packet Size DPs (48KB or 49152B) may be scheduled for
a single Isoch endpoint within a single microframe, that is, the minimum ESIT.
If an Isoch TD Transfer Size exceeds the Max ESIT Payload or the Maximum
Allowed ESIT Payload (48KB), then a Bandwidth Overrun Error shall be
Note: For a given TD Transfer Size, simultaneous isoch IN and OUT transfers
would incur an additional 16 bytes of Protocol Overhead on the downstream
link per OUT TD, that is, 2 Link Commands for the IN DP (8B each).
Intel Confidential
G 0.96 Exceptions
This appendix defines the significant differences between 0.96 and 1.0
implementations. See following exceptions:
Bit Description
8 Force Stopped Event (FSE). This flag indicates whether the host controller implementation generates a Stopped
Transfer Event when a Transfer Ring stops between TDs. A ‘1’ in this bit indicates that Forced Stopped Events are
supported. A ‘0’ in this bit indicates that Forced Stopped Events are not supported. Refer to Section 4.6.9 for more
information on the use of this flag.
Bits Description
9 Secondary Bandwidth Domain Reporting (SBD). This flag indicates whether the host controller implementation is
capable of reporting Secondary Bandwidth Domain information. A ‘1’ in this bit indicates that Secondary Bandwidth
Domain reporting is supported. A ‘0’ in this bit indicates that Secondary Bandwidth Domain reporting is not
supported. Refer to Section 4.16.2 for more information on the use of this flag.
Bits Description
16 L1 Capability (L1C) - RO. Default = Implementation dependent. If this bit is set to ‘1’ the xHC supports the USB2 Link
Power Management L1 (Sleep) state and the associated USB2 protocol fields as defined in the PORTSC and USB2
PORTPMSC registers are valid, specifically USB2 protocol functionality of the PLS and PLC fields in the PORTSC
register, and the fields of the USB2 PORTPMSC register.
Note that software is prohibited from using the PLS field initiate a transition to an L1 state or using the USB2
PORTPMSC fields unless this bit is set to ‘1’.
Intel Confidential
H Release 1.1 Notes
H.1 Required 1.0 Capabilities/Features
The following capabilities/features that were optional for xHCI 1.0
implementations are now required in xHCI 1.1 implementations.
Intel Confidential
I Release 1.2 Notes
I.1 Required 1.2 Capabilities/Features
There are no capabilities/features that were optional for xHCI 1.1
implementations are now required in xHCI 1.2 implementations.
I.4.3 Frame ID
If the Contiguous Frame ID Capability is supported (CFC = '1'), then the xHC
shall match the Frame ID in every Isoch TD with SIA = ‘1’ ‘0’ against the
Frame Index of the MFINDEX register.
Intel Confidential
I.4.7 USB3 Protocol PORTLI Definition
15:0 Link Error Count – RO RW. Default = ‘0’. This field returns the number of link errors detected by
the port. This value shall be reset to ‘0’ by the assertion of a Chip Hardware Reset, HCRST, when
PR transitions from ‘1’ to ‘0’, or when CCS = transitions from ‘0’ to ‘1’ reset by software by writing
0 to it. This register will saturate at max and will increment by one each time a port transitions
from U0 to Recovery to recover an error event.
25 Multi-TT (MTT). This flag is set to '1' by software if this is a High-speed hub (Speed = ‘3’ and Hub
= ‘1’) that supports Multiple TTs and the Multiple TT Interface has been enabled by software, or
if this is a Low-/Full-speed device or Full-speed hub (Speed = ‘1’ or ‘2’, and Hub = ‘0’) and
connected to the xHC through a parent High-speed hub that supports Multiple TTs and the
Multiple TT Interface of the parent hub has been enabled by software, or ‘0’ if not.
7:0 TT Parent Hub Slot ID. If this device is Low-/Full-speed and connected through a High-
speed hub, then this field shall contain the Slot ID of the parent High-speed hub.
For SS and SSP bus instance, if this device is connected through a higher rank hub then this
field shall contain the Slot ID of the parent hub. For example, a Gen1 x1 connected behind a
Gen1 x2 hub, or Gen1 x2 device connected behind Gen2 x2 hub.
If this device is attached to a Root Hub port or it is not Low-/Full-speed then this field shall
be '0'.
This field shall be ‘0’ if any of the following are true:
• Device is attached to a Root Hub port
• Device is a High-Speed device
• Device is the highest rank SS/SSP device supported by xHCI
15:8 TT Parent Port Number. If this device is Low-/Full-speed and connected through a High-
speed hub, then this field contains shall contain the number of the downstream facing port
of the parent High-speed hub.
For SS and SSP bus instance, if this device is connected through a higher rank hub then this
field shall contain the number of the downstream facing port of the parent hub. For
example, a Gen1 x1 connected behind a Gen1 x2 hub, or Gen1 x2 device connected behind
Gen2 x2 hub.
If this device is attached to a Root Hub port or it is not Low-/Full-speed then this field shall
be '0'.
This field shall be ‘0’ if any of the following are true:
• Device is attached to a Root Hub port
• Device is a High-Speed device
• Device is the highest rank SS/SSP device supported by xHCI
9:8 Mult. If LEC = ‘0’, then this field indicates the maximum number of bursts within an Interval that
this endpoint supports. Mult is a “zero-based” value, where the 0 to 3 represents 1 to 4 bursts,
respectively. The valid range of values is ‘0’ to ‘2’, where ‘0’ = 1 burst, ‘1’ = 2 bursts, etc. . This
field shall be ‘0’ for all endpoint types except for SS Isochronous.
If LEC = ‘1’, then this field shall be RsvdZ and Mult is calculated as:
ROUNDUP(Max ESIT Payload / Max Packet Size / (Max Burst Size + 1)) - 1 rounded up to the
nearest integer value.
Intel Confidential
Transfer Events for the VF are targeted at the Interrupter identified by the
Interrupter Offset field. Refer to section 6.4.1 for more information on the
Interrupter Target field.
3 Over-current Active (OCA) – RO. Default = ‘0’. ‘1’ = This port currently has an over-current
condition. ‘0’ = This port does not have an over-current condition. This bit shall automatically
transition from a ‘1’ to a ‘0’ when the over-current condition is removed.
17 Extended Either this or the xHCI Message Interrupt capability is Refer to 7.4
Message required for all xHC non-PCI implementations. PCI spec.
1819- Reserved
This Capability is required for all xHC implementation that support USB3
Tunneling over USB4. It is optional-normative for xHC implementations that do
not support USB3 Tunneling over USB4.
Intel Confidential
Table 7-66: Offset 00h - USB3 Tunneling Support Capability Field Definitions
Bit Description
7:0 Capability ID – RO. Refer to Table 7-2 for the value that identifies the capability as USB3
Tunneling Support Capability.
15:8 Next Capability Pointer – RO. This field indicates the location of the next capability with respect
to the effective address of this capability. Refer to Table 7-1 for more information on this field.
16 Tunneled Mode Bit Supported – RO. This field indicates whether the Tunneled Mode bit in
PORTSC is supported.
0 – bit is not supported
1 – bit is supported
When this field is set to 1b, the value in the Tunneled Mode bit is valid. When this field is set to
0b, the value in the Tunneled Mode bit shall be ignored.
31:17 RsvdZ