Chapter 14
Chapter 14
Chapter 14
14 Electrostatics
Practice 14.1 (p. 17) 9 When rubbed, the plastic comb is charged by
1 D friction. Suppose the comb carries a positive
2 D charge. When the comb is put close to hairs, a
3 D negative charge is induced on hairs, on the
4 D side close to the comb; a positive charge is
5 induced on hairs, on the side away from the
comb. Since the negative induced charge on
hairs is closer to the comb, the attraction
between hairs and the comb is larger than the
repulsion repulsion. Hence, the comb can attract hairs.
weight The case is similar when the comb is
negatively charged.
6 (a) True 10 When we use a piece of cloth to clean TV and
(b) False computer screens, the screens would be
(c) True charged by friction. Suppose a screen is
(d) True positively charged. When dust comes close to
(e) True it, negative and positive charges are induced
(f) True on dust, on the side close to the screen and the
− 10 side away from the screen respectively. Since
7 Number of extra electrons =
− 1.6 × 10 −19 the negative induced charge on dust is closer
= 6.25 × 10 9
to the screen, the attraction between the screen
8 The small particles of polystyrene carry and dust is larger than the repulsion between
electrostatic charge and repel one another. them. Hence, dust is attracted to the screen.
Therefore they spread around and attach to the The case is similar when the screen is
inside surface of the plastic bottle. When we negatively charged.
rub the plastic bottle, the charges of the small 11 This is because as soon as the charges appear
particles and the hand repel each other, thus on the metal rod after rubbing, they are
causing the small particles flying up and conducted away to the Earth via the human
down. body.
A metal rod can be charged by rubbing when it
is insulated from the human body and the
Section B
9 D weight
10 B
11 C (Correct free-body diagram for A.) (1A)
12 D
13 (HKCEE 2001 Paper II Q28)
force due to A
Conventional (p. 26) +
Section A force due to C
force due to A +
force due to B
6 (a) (i) When the plastic ruler is rubbed with 7 (a) (i) Electron is transferred from one
a duster, electrons are transferred material to the other. (1A)
(1A) (ii) When the charge built up is large
from the duster to the ruler. (1A) enough, sparks can be formed. (1A)
Since the ruler gains extra electrons, If sparks ignite petrol vapour,
it becomes negatively charged. (1A) explosion results. (1A)
(ii) A positive charge is left on the duster. Therefore, it is very dangerous.
(1A) (iii) A metal chain can be used to connect
(b) (i) Since like charges repel, (1A) the pipe and the Earth to prevent the
the positively-charged paint droplets build-up of charge. (1A)
repel each other (1A) (b) The granules gain the same type of charge
and spread out much more than when they pass the funnel. (1A)
uncharged paint droplets. Since like charges repel, the granules repel
(ii) Since unlike charges attract, (1A) each other. Hence, some of them are
the positively-charged paint droplets pushed out sideways and miss the
would stick to a negatively-charged container. (1A)
car door better. (1A)
(c) (i) Charges accumulate on a fuel truck. Physics in articles (p. 28)
(1A) 1 (a) The droplets of spray with the same charge
(Or other reasonable answers, like repel each other. Thus tiny droplets will
lightning.) not accumulate as a large droplet of spray.
(ii) Charges on the fuel truck can be (1A)
discharged safely by connecting the The skin is originally neutral. Charge is
truck and the Earth (1A) induced on the skin, which is opposite to
with a metal chain. (1A) the charge of the droplets. (1A)
(Or other reasonable answers. For Droplets are attracted to the skin and stick
lightning, charges on the cloud can be on it because of the induced charge. (1A)
discharged by using lightning (For effective communication.) (1C)
conductor on the roof of a building. (b) Only a little amount (about 20 millilitres)
Lightning conductor conducts of new spray is wasted in each spray.(1A)
electrons on a cloud to the Earth.) (c) If the droplets and the skin have the same
charge, the droplets and the skin will repel
each other. (1A)
The droplets will not stick to the skin.