1-Call For Papers-EN
1-Call For Papers-EN
1-Call For Papers-EN
Today, the main source of natural and human problems that arise due to human-space
interaction is people's inadequate practices regarding space and having little knowledge of it.
So much so that after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, the Japanese emphasized that
the main reason for the unexpected destruction, damage and human losses in the earthquake
was the Japanese's insufficient knowledge of the place. Because one of the mistakes they
have made in the past 30 years regarding human-space interaction is to make the high school
geography course an elective course instead of being compulsory, Japan has re-taught the
high school geography course since 2022 in order to prevent the Japanese generation from
making the same mistake and to base human-space interaction and relations on more accurate
information and foundations. included among the compulsory courses.
Important Dates
Congress Venue
VI. International Congress on geographical Education will be held at Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin
Congress and Culture Center in Istanbul University, Istanbul, Türkiye.
Address: Istanbul University, Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Kongre ve Kültür Merkezi, 34452 Beyazıt
Cad, 34290 Fatih/Istanbul, Türkiye.
Congress and Culture Center web page:
Field Trip
Optionally, two trips are planned after the congress. To participate in the field trips, you must
register to the tour list at the registration desk on the first day of the congress.
1. Istanbul City Trip (Sunday, September 22, 2024, Time: 08.30-17.30)
2. Bosphorus Tour (Sunday, September 22, 2024, Time: 08.30-17.30)
We hope that you will join us to make the VI. International Congress on Geographical
Education (UCEK/ICGE-6) an unforgettable experience and success for all participants and
we hope to see you among us.
Congress Presidents