Topsoe EFUELS Technology For Converting CO2 To Renewable Synthetic Fuel
Topsoe EFUELS Technology For Converting CO2 To Renewable Synthetic Fuel
Topsoe EFUELS Technology For Converting CO2 To Renewable Synthetic Fuel
Prepared by:
Thomas S. Christensen,
Kim Aasberg-Pedersen
and Peter M. Mortensen
Topsoe A/S, Denmark
2. eFUELS 4
The market for transportation fuel is changing. The conversion of CO2 and H2 into transportation
Smaller vehicles are shifting from gasoline and diesel fuel via Fischer-Tropsch synthesis is one of the
to electrical cars. Heavy duty vehicles are expected main routes and is experiencing increased attention
to continue to use diesel as transportation fuel for worldwide.
a foreseeable future. Likewise, jet engines in the
aviation sector will need jet fuel for medium- and To support the production of renewable synthetic
long-haul flights. With increasing requirements for fuels, and with a focus on becoming the global
lowering greenhouse gas emissions, there will be an leader in carbon emissions reduction technologies,
increasing shift from fossil-based fuels to jet fuel Topsoe has developed an eFuels solution. This is
and diesel production based on renewable sources done by utilizing green hydrogen from electrolysis
and produced in a sustainable way. together with carbon dioxide (CO2) to generate
synthesis gas for the production of eFuels. Key
In the past 2-3 decades, the Gas-to-Liquids (GTL) drivers for producing synthetic fuels from CO2
industry has paved the way for monetizing natural and hydrogen, include high carbon efficiency, high
gas to clean diesel and kerosene for transportation renewable power efficiency, and minimal use of
fuels. The technology for conversion of a carbon- hydrogen. The latter plays a major role for the overall
containing feed source to syngas and further to a economics, as renewable hydrogen typically will
transportation fuel will shift from using natural gas to be produced by electrolysis, which is both capital
CO2 as the carbon source. The CO2 can be extracted intensive and requires substantial amounts of
directly from air, or from a biogenic source, or from renewable power.
industry as unavoidable CO2.
eFuels is a synthetic fuel, where the production hydrogen. The eFuels process is climate neutral as
uses electricity produced from a renewable energy additional CO2 release is eliminated. eFuels are
source, water, and CO2 captured from air, point produced and certified to meet international standards
source emission, or from a CO2 containing process as conventional fuels from fossil origin, and eFuels can
stream (Figure 1). The hydrogen is produced from be used directly in existing engines and as drop-in fuel
water electrolysis by use of renewable power. The or as a blend component.
CO2 and hydrogen produce a syngas rich in CO and
FIGURE 1: Route from renewable energy, water, and captured CO2 to renewable synthetic fuel
Renewable Electrolysis
and water
Syngas FT crude
Atmosphere/ Carbon
Point source capture
Conversion of a carbon-containing feedstock to resulting from more CO being produced per natural
transportation fuels consists of three main process gas feed. The SynCORTM technology has been in
blocks: successful operation in integrated large-scale GTL
plants, producing 32–35,000 barrels per day diesel
– Production of synthesis gas and naphtha since 2006.
– Fischer-Tropsch (FT) synthesis
– Product upgrade (PWU) to the final desired Conversion of synthesis gas to hydrocarbons is
products such as diesel, jet fuel, and naphtha catalyzed by the FT catalyst [2]. The catalyst is
arranged in a reactor which efficiently can remove
With natural gas feedstock, the optimal way to heat from the strongly exothermic reaction.
produce synthesis gas is by the autothermal
reforming SynCORTM technology [1, 5, 6]. The main Low-temperature FT with cobalt catalyst is favoring
blocks are shown in Figure 2. The SynCORTM long chain hydrocarbon growth and is selected for
technology is the preferred technology for syngas fuels production. The reactor can be a slurry bed
manufacturing in GTL plants due to its feature of reactor, a tubular bed reactor, or a compact micro
directly producing syngas with a H2/CO ratio of 2.0 reactor. For several decades, large scale GTL plants
and its ability to operate at a low steam-to-carbon have operated with Sasol’s LTFT TM technology,
(S/C) ratio. A lower steam requirement implies that utilizing efficient slurry bed technology.
the syngas unit can be reduced in size, thereby
reducing CAPEX investment. A low S/C ratio also Product upgrading by hydrocracking to final
enables larger single-train capacity, a lower oxygen products is described in Section 6.
consumption, and a higher carbon efficiency,
The main elements in the production of renewable source. The emission source can also be a biogenic
fuels from CO2, water, and power are shown in source or from industry as unavoidable CO2.
Figure 1. Hydrogen is produced from water by
electrolysis driven by renewable energy. The FT synthesis and the product upgrade units are
similar or identical to the units of a natural gas-
CO2 is captured from atmosphere by direct air based plant.
capture (DAC) or by capture from an emission
The main chemical reactions in the eFuels production can be given as:
Reaction (1) is the RWGS, and it is producing the 2.0 and as low inert level of CO2, CH4, and N2 as
carbon monoxide required by the FT unit. The possible. Reaction (3) illustrates that the optimal
key reaction in the hydrocarbon synthesis is the stoichiometry of the feed gas is H2/CO2≈3. In reality,
FT reaction (2), where CO and H2 in the syngas the H2/CO2-ratio should be a little higher, as an
react to long-chain hydrocarbons by the FT H/C-ratio of synthetic fuel is slightly above 2.
catalyst, typically being cobalt or iron based. For
synthetic fuels production, cobalt is the preferred In the PWU, the long-chain hydrocarbons in the wax
catalyst [2] in order to produce very long-chained and hydrocarbon condensate from the FT unit are
aliphatichydrocarbons with 20–70 carbon atoms, upgraded by hydrocracking into the desired chain
as wax material and hydrocarbon liquid condensate length and separated in the fractionation column
with 5–20 carbon atoms. into the optimal distillation ranges for the final
products, diesel, kerosene, and naphtha.
The requirements to the syngas quality for the
FT section are a ratio between H2 and CO around
The key reaction in RWGS is the CO production shown in Figure 3 as function of the reactor
from CO2 by hydrogenation – Reaction 1. The temperature for the ideal feed composition with
reaction is endothermic, and heat is required to feed ratio H2/CO2 = 3.0. Temperatures well above
drive the reaction. High temperatures are needed 1000°C are required to achieve a syngas composition
to achieve sufficient conversion of CO2 and a good with H2/CO ratio = 2.0. Recycling carbon-rich FT tail
selectivity to CO. CO2 is a stable molecule, and a gas can drive the H2/CO ratio of the syngas down
catalyst is required to activate the CO2 molecule and to the optimal stoichiometry for the FT synthesis. At
facilitate reaction with hydrogen. The equilibrium the same time, the overall carbon conversion and
concentrations for the ideal RWGS reaction are efficiency are increased.
CO2 conversion (%) CO2 conversion (at H2/CO2=3) H2/CO syngas ratio (at H2/CO2=3) H2/CO-ratio
100 6,0
90 5,5
80 5,0
70 4,5
60 4,0
50 3,5
40 3,0
30 2,5
20 2,0
10 1,5
0 1,0
400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
Temperature (Deg C)
Many metals have catalytic activity for the shift at elevated temperature. Side reactions include
reaction and the RWGS reaction, including elements methanation and methanol formation (reactions
from Group VIIB, such as the Mn, Cr, Ni, La, Ce, W, 4-6). Furthermore, formation of solid carbon by
and Pt [3], and metal oxides [4]. However, none of (reactions 7–9) must be avoided. Selection of
the active catalytic materials are selective to RWGS, catalyst and operating conditions is important to
and all show activity for side reactions, especially avoid carbon lay down.
The conversion of CO and H2 into wax and Conversion of the hydrocarbons from the FT tail
condensate products by the FT catalyst is less gas proceeds according to the steam reforming
than 100%. Furthermore, light hydrocarbons and reactions, and the catalysts in the RWGS section
methane are formed in the FT synthesis section. must be able to catalyze the steam reforming
The FT tail gas comprises these light hydrocarbons reaction of methane and higher hydrocarbons.
and unconverted CO and H2, as well as components Co-feeding the FT tail gas with CO2 and hydrogen
inert in the FT unit, such as CO2 and nitrogen. Most to the syngas section is key to the optimal layout
of the FT tail gas is therefore recycled back to the of the RWGS section and to obtaining high carbon
synthesis gas generation unit. efficiencies.
Topsoe SynCORTM technology is the reliable and Through adjustment of the tail gas addition, a syngas
optimal choice for traditional GTL plants using suited for FT is obtained with the optimal composition
natural gas feedstock. The technology is adopted and purity. The H2/CO ratio is adjusted to the optimal
to convert CO2 and H2 through the Topsoe two-step value close to 2.0, and the syngas is further
RWGS layout and is shown in Figure 4. characterized by a high content of H2+CO > 90%
and a low level of inert components. The CO2
In the two-step layout, the 1st step is activation of conversion is high, and this, in combination with
CO2 and H2 in fixed-bed reactors over nickel-based a high utilization of the FT tail gas, means that
catalyst. In the 2nd step, a high overall conversion overall carbon efficiencies in excess of 85% can be
of CO2 is obtained by combining the activated obtained. The carbon efficiency is from captured
CO2 from the 1st step and FT tail gas. The high CO2 to carbon in final liquid fuels, i.e. diesel, jet fuel,
temperature conversion is aided by oxygen in an and naphtha.
autothermal reforming. Oxygen from the electrolysis
or from other sources is used. The 2nd step is similar
to the Topsoe SynCORTM technology.
FIGURE 4: Process layout with Topsoe’s two-step RWGS using SynCORTM technology
CO2 Process
2nd step RWGS Heat recovery condensate
1 step RWGS
SynCORTM and separation
H2O O2 HP steam
The two-step RWGS process combines two The first RWGS step in the scheme shown in Figure 4
established process technologies; methanation and is activation of the CO2 by the methanation process,
autothermal SynCORTM reforming. and adiabatic fixed-bed reactors are applied to drive
the following two reactions:
Topsoe has a comprehensive understanding of the with multiple industrial scale references in place.
catalysis to activate and convert CO2 by RWGS and In eFuels plants, the partially converted CO2 feed
methanation, and the optimum temperatures that from the 1st RWGS step and the carbon feed in the
are required for maximum conversion of the feed FT tail gas are converted in the second step with
gas. The commercial methanation and SynCORTM Topsoe SynCORTM technology at high temperature
units have an onstream factor of 97-99% and can be using oxygen for internal combustion. Thus optimal
turned down to 30-50% load. syngas for FT with H2/CO = 2.0 and a high overall
carbon efficiency are ensured.
From a process, equipment design, and catalyst
perspective, the SynCORTM solution is well proven
Electrification and Topsoe development
The heat required for endothermic processes is today platform by which the required energy is supplied
directly or indirectly provided by combustion directly by electrical power. Development of such
of either imported fuel or various off-gasses in a reactor platform involves various disciplines and
industrial plants. Regardless of the fuel source, this fundamental studies [7]. The CO2 emissions can be
combustion leads to loss of efficiency and to greatly reduced or even eliminated if the power
emissions of carbon dioxide. A good example is supplied by renewable sources such as wind or
is the well-known steam reformer (SMR) in hydrogen photovoltaics.
plants where the off-gas from the purification
pressure swing adsorption unit is used as primary fuel. As part of the development of the electrical
reactor platform, the electrical steam reformer,
A main trend today in the industry is to increase eREACT TM technology, has been developed. This
electrification and to reduce or eliminate CO2 is schematically illustrated in Figure 5. The effect
emissions. One way of doing this is to eliminate of producing syngas for a methanol plant with
the firing of fuel for supplying the required energy eREACT TM technology compared to a standard SMR
for endothermic processes. For some years, Topsoe is shown, and the CO2 emissions are substantially
has been actively developing a new electrical reactor reduced.
FIGURE 5: Feed gas consumption and CO2 emissions for production of methanol using a conventional steam
reformer and Topsoe’s eREACT TM technology
1 MeOH 1 MeOH
Product gas
Table 1: Proof of concept data from bench-scale operation of electrical reactor concept in eREACT TM Hydrogen and eREACT TM Fuels modes.
Process design with eREACT TM Fuels technology
Process scheme of an eFuels plant with eREACT TM desired final products. These two sections are similar
Fuels technology is illustrated in Figure 6. The CO2 to the units used in natural gas-based plants in
and H2 feedstocks are fed to the eREACT TM . FT tail commercial operation today.
gas is fully recycled to the eREACT TM Fuels section
and after pretreatment it is mixed with the CO2 and The eREACT TM Fuels technology requires no
H2 feedstocks. Only a small fraction of tail gas is combustion of a fuel gas for providing the heat for
purged to prevent build-up of inerts such as nitrogen. the endothermic reactions, and instead the required
energy is supplied directly by electrical power.
In the eREACT TM Fuels section, the CO2, H2, and the This has the advantage that there are no losses
hydrocarbons are converted by the RWGS reaction associated with producing the fuel needed for the
(1) and the steam reforming reactions. The results RWGS reaction, and there is no CO2 emission from
are a synthesis gas with the desired H2/CO-ratio of furnaces in syngas generation. The net result is that
approx. 2 and a low inert content. This synthesis gas high carbon efficiencies (>95%) can be obtained
is supplied to the FT synthesis section and finally along with minimum hydrogen consumption close to
to the product workup unit for upgrading to the the theoretical level of H2/CO2 = 3.
CO2 Process
Heat recovery condensate
and separation
Electrolysis HP steam
Demonstration program A pilot plant demonstration unit has been started
and is in early operation. The pilot plant converts
biogas (a mixture of approx. 60% CH4 and 40% CO2)
into a synthesis gas for methanol. The capacity of
The eREACT TM technology is ready for the plant corresponds to synthesis gas production
commercialization. eREACT TM technology is of about 2000 kg per day. In the next phase,
applied in both eREACT TM Hydrogen for hydrogen a methanol synthesis loop will be constructed
production and in eREACT TM Fuels for synthetic and commissioned, allowing demonstration of
diesel and SAF production. The technologies the complete green value chain from biogas to
have been developed over the last few years. Key methanol. The results of the pilot plant operation
elements of the technology development include will be forming the basis for the design and
laboratory and bench-scale experiments, reactor commercialization for industrial scale electrified
and process design, and optimization of a range of reactors. The pilot plant demonstration unit is shown
applications, including eFuels. in Figure 7.
The FT syncrude consisting of wax and hydrocarbon of the unit to obtain product specifications in
condensate is upgraded to final eFuels products accordance with the ASTM/European specifications
in the refinery section. High-purity hydrogen at high for diesel and kerosene (see Figure 8 below).
pressure is mixed with the liquid hydrocarbons.
Upgrading is done by the isomerization and The main catalyst in the hydrocracker reactor is
hydrocracking of the liquid hydrocarbon streams in a Topsoe’s TK-928 base metal hydrocracking and
reactor section where the required reactions take isomerization catalyst, which has been tested on real
place under high pressure and a H2 rich atmosphere. FT wax feed and shown to be the best in terms of
The outlet from the hydrocracker reactor is separated product yield and quality.
in the various products in the fractionation section
FT wax
Feed eJet fuel
Hydrocracking Fractionation
FT hydrocarbon condensate conditioning reactor eDiesel
The design and operation of the upgrading section product. In the situation where interest is for both
are optimized to give a product slate to meet the diesel and jet fuel as products, then flexibility is
market product demand. When market demand included in design so both products can be
is mainly for diesel, the operating conditions and produced on specification. Figure 9 shows the
catalyst loading are selected for maximizing diesel. product slate for three different cases; a diesel case,
Similar when market demand is mainly for jet fuel for a mixed case, and a jet fuel case.
aviation, design is tailored for maximizing kerosene
4 3 5
13 13 13
83 82
High-value products are produced. The diesel The naphtha product is in high demand as premium
product complies with ASTM D975 or the European feedstock to steam crackers. Paraffinic GTL
standard for synthetic diesel EN15940. The jet fuel naphtha gives higher ethylene and propylene yields
complies with the internationally accepted standard than crude derived naphtha. A further advantage
ASTM D7566 (Appendix 1) specification for FT-SPK of GTL naphtha is that longer times between
(Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene). The synthetic cracking furnaces’ decoking are achieved, owing to
eJet fuel is used as sustainable aviation fuels (SAF). the absence of aromatics.
eFuel technologies have been compared in large- been based on utilization of a fixed amount of CO2
scale feasibility studies for industrial eFuels from either a biogenic point source emission
capacities of eDiesel and eJet fuel. Results are or from an unavoidable industrial source.
summarized in Table 2. The feasibility studies have
Three cases have been considered: internal combustion of light hydrocarbons in the
FT tail gas and to generate high temperature in
• Case 1 is a conventional thermal RWGS process. the final RWGS reactor. FT tail gas is recycled to
The RWGS reactor is a tubular reactor with fulfill the syngas quality requirement of H2/CO
external heating and fixed-bed catalyst filled in the ratio = approx. 2.0 and to optimize C-efficiency.
tubes. The external heating is provided by burning
FT tail gas. The amount of FT tail gas, which is not • Case 3 is the Topsoe eREACT TM Fuels process.
consumed as fuel, is recycled to the process. The heat for conversion in the eReactor is
provided by electrical heating. FT tail gas is fully
• Case 2 is the Topsoe SynCORTM based, two-step recycled to maximize the C-efficiency and reduce
RWGS process. Oxygen from the electrolysis, or the consumption of hydrogen. The syngas quality
from other sources, is used as energy input for requirement of H2/CO ratio = 2.0 is fulfilled.
Natural gas,
rich gas
and biogas
Syngas Fischer Tropsch Waxy Product
generation Syngas conversion syncrude upgrade
Topsoe’s Sasol’s LTFT TM Topsoe’s
SynCOR™ technology hydroprocessing
and eREACT TM and hydrogen
Fuels technology technologies
Renewable High-quality...
electricity Jet fuel, Diesel
and water and Naphtha
Point source
For production of eFuels – diesel and/or jet fuel – the ideal ratio H2/CO2 of 3. The carbon efficiency is
Topsoe provides a broad range of technologies to from captured CO2 to carbon in final liquid fuels, i.e.
maximize utilization of CO2 and green hydrogen/ diesel, jet fuel, and naphtha. Fully commercialized
renewable energy. In combination with low- solutions for syngas production are available
temperature FT technology and product based on two-step RWGS using SynCOR™
upgrading technology based on hydrocracking. The technology. The Topsoe eREACT TM Fuels technology
integrated eFuels solution provides an energy is a further improvement in fully utilizing the CO2
efficient process with very high (>95%) overall carbon and green H2 sources for the production of eFuels
efficiency and very low H2 consumption close to and is ready for commercialization.
Topsoe A/S
Haldor Topsøes Allé 1
2800 Kongens Lyngby
Tel. +45 45 27 20 00
CVR no. 41 85 38 16
© Topsoe A/S,