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CSCE 222

Discrete Structures for Computing

Dr. Hyunyoung Lee

Based on slides by Andreas Klappenecker


Suppose we have three rabbits called

Albert, Bertram, and Chris that have
distinct heights.

Let us write (a,b) if a is taller than b.

Obviously, we cannot have both

(Albert, Bertram) and (Bertram,
Albert), so not all pairs of rabbit
names will occur.
Then the set of “taller than”
Suppose: Albert is taller than relation is:
Bertram, and Bertram is taller than
Chris. { (Albert, Bertram), (Bertram,
Chris), (Albert, Chris) }


A = { Albert, Bertram, Chris }
be the set of rabbits.

Then the “taller than” relation is a subset of the cartesian

product AxA, namely { (Albert, Bertram), (Bertram, Chris),
(Albert, Chris) } ⊆ A x A.

Binary Relations

Let A and B be sets.

A binary relation from A to B is a subset of AxB.

A relation on a set A is a subset of AxA.


Let us consider the following relations on the set of


A = { (a,b) in ZxZ | a <= b }

B = { (a,b) in ZxZ | a > b }

C = { (a,b) in ZxZ | a = b or a = -b }


Let R be a relation from A to B. In other words, R

contains pairs (a,b) with a in A and b in B.
If (a,b) in R, then we say that a is related to b by R.

It is customary to use infix notation for relations.

Thus, we write a R b to express that a is related to b
by R. In other words, a R b if and only if (a,b) in R.


Let A be the set of city names of the USA. Let B be the set
of states. Define the relation C
C = { (a,b) in A x B | a is a city of b }
(College Station, Texas)
(Austin, Texas)
(San Francisco, California)
all belong to the relation C.


The concept of a relation generalizes the concept of a

function. A function f relates the argument x with its
function value f(x). The difference is that a relation can
relate an element x with more than one value.
For example, consider the relation

A = { (a,b) in ZxZ | a <= b }.


We are going to study relations as mathematical

objects. This allows us to abstract from well-known
relations such as <=, =, “is taller than”, “likes the same
sport as”.
We identify some basic properties of relations. Then we
study relations generalizing the equality relation (so-
called equivalence relations), and relations generalizing
<= (so-called partial order relations).

Basic Properties of Relations


We call a relation R on a set A reflexive if and only if

(a,a) ∈ R holds for all a in A.
Example: The equality relation = on the set of integers
is reflexive, since a=a holds for all integers a.
The less than relation < on the set of integers is not
reflexive, since 1<1 does not hold.

Test Yourself...

X1 Let | denote the divides relation on the set of

positive integers, so 2 | 4 means that there exists an
integer x such that 2x=4. Is the relation | reflexive?

X2 Let S be the set of students in this class. Consider

the relation R = “wears the same color shirt as.” Is
the relation R reflexive?


We call a relation R on a set A symmetric if and only

if (a,b) ∈ R implies that (b,a) ∈ R holds.
Example: The equality relation = on the set of integers
is symmetric, since a=b implies that b=a.
The less than relation < on the set of integers is not
symmetric, since 1<2 but 2<1 does not hold.

Test Yourself...

X1 Let | denote the divides relation on the set of

positive integers, so 2 | 4 means that there exists an
integer x such that 2x=4. Is the relation | symmetric?

X2 Let S be the set of students in this class. Consider

the relation R = “wears the same color shirt as”. Is
the relation R symmetric?


We call a relation R on a set A antisymmetric if and

only if (a,b) ∈ R and (b,a) ∈ R imply that a=b.
Formally: ∀a∀b ((a,b) ∈ R ⋀ (b,a) ∈ R) a=b.
Example: The equality relation = on the set of integers
is antisymmetric, since a=b and b=a implies that a=b.
The less than relation < on the set of integers is
antisymmetric. Why?

Test Yourself...

X1 Let | denote the divides relation on the set of

positive integers, so 2 | 4 means that there exists an
integer x such that 2x=4. Is the relation |
X2 Let S be the set of students in this class. Consider
the relation R = “wears the same color shirt as”. Is the
relation R antisymmetric?


The meaning of antisymmetry is not opposite to the

meaning of symmetry! In fact, we have already seen
that the equality relation = on the set of integers is
both symmetric and antisymmetric.
You should very carefully study the meaning of these


We call a relation R on a set A transitive if and only if

(a,b) ∈ R and (b,c) ∈ R imply that (a,c) ∈ R

Example: The equality relation = on the set of integers

is transitive, since a=b and b=c implies that a=c.
The less than relation < on the set of integers is
transitive, since a<b and b<c imply that a<c.

Test Yourself...

X1 Let | denote the divides relation on the set of

positive integers, so 2 | 4 means that there exists an
integer x such that 2x=4. Is the relation | transitive?

X2 Let S be the set of students in this class. Consider

the relation R = “wears the same color shirt as”. Is the
relation R transitive?

Equivalence Relations

Equivalence Relation

A relation R on a set A is called an equivalence relation

if and only if R is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive.

- Reflexive: For all a in A, we have (a,a) ∈ R

- Symmetric: (a,b) in R (b,a) ∈ R

- Transitive: [ (a,b) ∈ R and (b,c) ∈ R ] (a,c) ∈ R

Example: Equality

The equality relation = on the set of integers is an

equivalence relation.
the relation = is reflexive, since a=a holds for all
integers a.
the relation = is symmetric, since a=b implies that b=a.
the relation = is transitive, since a=b and b=c implies
that a=c.

Example: Congruence mod m

Let m be a positive integer. For integers a and b, we write

a ≡ b (mod m)
if and only if m divides a-b.
For all a in Z, we have m | (a-a), since m 0 = 0 = a-a.
Thus, a ≡ a (mod m) holds for all integers a. Thus, the
relation is reflexive.
For a, b in Z, if a ≡ b (mod m), then this means that there
exists an integer k such that mk=a-b. Thus, m(-k) = b-a,
which implies b ≡ a (mod m). Thus, the relation is

Example: Congruence mod m

If a ≡ b (mod m) and b ≡ c (mod m) holds, then this

means that there exist integers k and l such that
mk = a-b and ml = b-c
Hence, m(k+l) = a-b + b-c = a-c
This shows that a ≡ c (mod m) holds.
Therefore, the relation is transitive.

We can conclude that a ≡ b (mod m) is an equivalence


Equivalence Classes

Let R be an equivalence relation on a set A. For an

element a in A, the set of elements
[a]R = { b in A | a R b }
is called the equivalence class of a.


Let us consider the equivalence relation a ≡ b (mod 4) on the

set of integers. Thus, two integers a and b are related
whenever their difference is a multiple of 4. Thus, the
equivalence classes are:
[0] = { ..., -8, -4, 0, 4, 8, ... }
[1] = { ..., -7,-3, 1, 5, 9, ... }
[2] = { ..., -6, -2, 2, 6,... }
[3] = { ..., -5, -1, 3, 7, ... }
Now note that [4] = [0], [5] = [1]. In fact, [0], [1], [2] and [3]
are all equivalence classes.


Let R be an equivalence relation on a set A. Then

the following statements are equivalent:
a) a R b
b) [a] = [b]
c) [a] ∩ [b] ≠ ∅

= + by Induction Hypothesis
2 2
2n + 2 + n2 + n n2 + 3n + 2
= =
2 2
(n + 1)(n + 2)
Therefore, the claim follows by induction on n.
Let A(n) be the claimed equality.
Suppose that
Induction Step: We aRb
need toholds.
show thatWe 8n are going
1 : [A(n) to show
! A(n + 1)] that
[a] ✓ [b] holds.
As induction hypothesis,Let c 2that[a].
suppose A(n)This means that aRc
holds. Then,
holds. Since
X R is symmetric,
X n aRb implies that bRa.
fk = fn+1 + fk
By transitivity,
bRa and
aRc imply that bRc holds.
Hence, c 2 [b]. = fTherefore,
n+1 + fn+2 1 weby have
Inductionshown that [a] ✓
[b]. The proof = fthat
n+3 1[b]by✓ [a] is similar. Hence, we
have shown
Therefore, that
the claim statement
follows by inductiona) onimplies
n. statement b).
We will show now that b) implies c). Since a 2 [a],
we know that the equivalence class of a is not empty.
As [a] = [b] 6= ;, we have [a] \ [b] 6= ;.

Proof (continued)

We will show now that c) implies a).

Suppose that [a] \ [b] 6= ;. Thus, there exists an
element c such that aRc and bRc. By symmetry, we
get cRb. It follows by transitivity that aRb holds. ⇤

Partial Order Relations

Partial Orders

A relation R on a set A is called a partial order if and

only if it is reflexive, antisymmetric, and transitive.

A set A with a partial order is called a partially

ordered set (poset).

Example 1

The “less than or equal to” relation ≤ on the set of

integers is a partial order relation.
Indeed, since a ≤ a holds for all integers a, the
relation ≤ is reflexive.
Since a ≤ b and b ≤ a implies that a = b, the relation is
Since a ≤ b and b ≤ c implies that a ≤ c, the relation is

Example 2

The divides relation | on the set of positive integers is a partial

order relation.
Indeed, since a|a for all positive integers a, the relation | is
If a|b and b|a, then there exist integers k and l such that a k
= b and b l = a. Therefore, a kl = a, so kl=1. This means that
either k=l=1 or k=l=-1. Since a and b are positive integers, we
cannot have a (-1) = b. Therefore, we must have k=l=1, which
means that a=b. Thus, | is an antisymmetric relation.
The relation | is transitive, since a|b and b|c means that there
exist integers k and l such that ak=b and bl=c, so a(kl)=c,
which implies that a | c.

Test Yourself ...

X1 Is the less than relation < on the set of integers a

partial order relation?

X2 Let S be a set. Is the subset relation ⊆ on the set

P(S) a partial order relation?

Comparable Elements

A partial order on a set S is often denoted by

symbols resembling the notation commonly used for
“less than or equal to”, namely ≤ or ⊑ or ≼
Let (S, ≼) be a partially ordered set. For two
elements a and b of S, we do not necessarily have
that one of the relations a ≼ b or b ≼ a holds. If one
of them holds, then we call a and b comparable
elements of S, otherwise a and b are incomparable.

Total Orders

A partially ordered set (S, ≼) in which any two

elements are comparable is called a total order.

A totally ordered set is also called a chain.

For example, consider the set of positive integers N

with <=. Any two positive integers are comparable
with <=. It can form a chain such that 1 <= 2 <= 3
<= 4 <= …

Lexicographic Ordering

Suppose that we have two partially ordered sets:

(A, ≼1 ) and (B, ≼2).
We can construct a partial order on AxB by defining
(a1, b1) ≼ (a2, b2)
if and only if (a1 = a2 and b1 ≼2 b2) or (a1 ≺1 a2) holds.
We call the relation ≼ the lexicographic order on the
cartesian product AxB.


Let Z be the set of integers, totally ordered with the

“less than or equal to” relation ≤.

In the lexicographic order ≼ on ZxZ, we have

(3,4) ≼ (4,2)
(3,7) ≼ (3,8)

Hasse Diagram

Let (S, <=) be a finite partially ordered set.

Suppose that a and b are distinct elements of S such
that a <= b. We say that b covers a if and only if
there does not exist an element c in S such that a < c
< b.
The Hasse diagram of (S, <=) is a diagram in which an
element b of S is written above a and connected by a
line if and only if b covers a.


Consider {2,4,5,10,12,20,25} with divisibility condition.

The Hasse diagram is given by
12 20
The cover relation for this
Hasse diagram is
4 10 25
{(2,4), (2,10), (4,12), (4,20),
(5,10), (5,25), (10,20)}.
2 5
The Hasse diagram is more economical than representing the
partial order relation by a directed graph (with an edge from
a to b whenever a <= b). Self-loops and transitively implied
relations are omitted.

Maximal and Minimal Elements

Let (S, <=) be a partially ordered set.

An element m in S is called maximal iff there does not
exist any element b in S such that m < b.

An element m in S is called minimal iff there does not

exist any element b in S such that b < m.


12 20
Determine the maximal elements of the set
{2,4,5,10,12,20,25}, 4 10 25

partially ordered by the divisibility relation. 2 5

The elements 12, 20, and 25 are the maximal elements.

Determine the minimal elements of the above partially
ordered set ( {2,4,5,10,12,20,25}, | ).
The elements 2 and 5 are the minimal elements.

Least and Greatest Element

Let (S, <=) be a partially ordered set.

An element a in S is called the least element iff a <= b
holds for all b in S.
[A least element does not need to exist. If it does, then
it is uniquely determined.]
An element z in S is called the greatest element iff
b <= z holds for all b in S. 12 20

[A greatest element does not need to exist. 4 10 25

If it does, then it is uniquely determined.]
2 5

Test Yourself...

X1 Determine the least and the greatest elements of

the set of positive integers partially ordered by

X2 Let S be a nonempty set. Partially order the power

set P(S) by inclusion. Determine the least and the
greatest elements of P(S).


Upper and Lower Bounds

Let (S, <=) be a partially ordered set.

Let A be a subset of S.
An element u of S is called an upper bound of A if and
only if a <= u holds for all a in A.
An element l of S is called a lower bound of A if and
only if l <= a holds for all a in A.


Let {2,4,5,10,12,20,25} with divisibility condition.

The Hasse diagram is given by
12 20

4 10 25

2 5
The subset A = {4,10} has 20 as an upper bound, and 2 as a
lower bound.
The subset A = {12} has 12 as an upper bound, and 2, 4 and 12
as lower bounds.
Least Upper Bounds

Let (S, <=) be a partially ordered set, and A a subset of

S. An element u of S is called a least upper bound of A
if it is an upper bound that is less than any other
upper bound of A.

[Unlike upper bounds, the least upper bound is uniquely

determined if it exists]

Greatest Lower Bounds

Let (S, <=) be a partially ordered set, and A a subset

of S. An element l of S is called a greatest lower
bound of A if it is a lower bound that is greater than
any other lower bound of A.

A greatest lower bound is uniquely determined if it



Consider the poset (S={2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, 27, 36, 48, 60, 72}, | ).
Draw the Hasse diagram: 72
60 48

12 18 27

4 6

2 9
What are the upper bounds of the subset A={2, 9} ?
What are the lower bounds of the subset B={60, 72} ?


A partially ordered set in which every pair has both a

least upper bound and a greatest lower bound is called
a lattice.


Consider the set (N,|) of positive integers that is

partially ordered with respect to the divisibility
Let a and b be two distinct positive integers. Then the
least upper bound of {a,b} is the least common multiple
of a and b. The greatest lower bound is the greatest
common divisor of {a,b}. Therefore, (N,|) is a lattice.


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