Thesis Gray
Thesis Gray
Thesis Gray
City, La Union.
The internet spawned the era of the information age of the histories. It had paved the way for
major technological developments and ushered the world into the ‘fourth phase of industrial
revolution’. This was explicitly elaborated in Castells’ (1996) three volume information age analyses
where he contended that ICT revolution is a major historical event as the 18th century industrial
revolution. In his work, he explained that the previously conceived organizational categories such as
class, state, and nation are superseded by another unit which is the ‘network’. As a historical trend,
Castells (1996) argued that dominant functions and processes in the information age are increasingly
The development of the internet changed the course of the different dimensions of human life.
Its influence is felt in almost all areas of human activities such as in education, healthcare,
entertainment, labor, finance as well as in politics and governance (World Bank, 2015). The internet
modified traditional ways and methods of doing things which has to a large extent altered previous
notions of governmental systems, processes, and functions. It provided dynamic avenues that served a
doorway for governments to a more accessible delivery of public services. This sparked the interests
of researchers to the newcomer yet now well-written and widely discussed genre in academic
scholarship on ‘e-governments.’
Various definitions of the term ‘e-government’ had been formulated since it gained
widespread attention. Among the earliest was provided by McClure, Sprehe, and Eschenfelder (2000)
who defined it as the government’s use of technology, particularly web-based internet applications, to
enhance access and delivery of government information and services to citizens, business partners,
In the Philippines, e-government research did not gain must attention as it did in in the other
side of the world. Only a handful studies have examined e-government from a local perspective such
as the studies of Delmo Rosel, and Pascual (2018), Magno (2018), Pasco and Ona (2017), Olaño
(2014), and perhaps some others which were not published and just kept in libraries and other
repositories. It is a concerning problem for both the government and the academe especially noting
that funding support for e-government is institutionalized in the national budget, i.e. E-Government
Fund (EGF), which amounts to an average of Php 38.5 billion pesos a year. With this huge amount of
public funds appropriated for such purpose, a comprehensive assessment should be conducted. This
ensures that the public administrators are held accountable in their task to developing such platforms
The study's main objective is to assess San Fernando City, La Union residents' perceptions of
the value of e-government. Effective governance requires a grasp of the dynamics of e-government
1.1. Age :
1.2. Gender :
2. Is there a significant difference between usefulness of the Internet And Traditional use of
3. Is there a significant difference between effectiveness of the Internet And Traditional use of
3.1 Communication :
as utilizing the internet and the world-wide-web for delivering government information and services
to citizens... (it) includes virtually all information and communication technology (ICT) platforms and
Grant and Chau (2005) defined e-government as, “A broad-based transformational initiative
and deliver high quality, seamless, and integrated public services; (2) to enable effective constituent
relationship management; and (3) to support the economic and social development goals of citizens,
businesses, and civil society at local, state, national, and international levels.”According to World
Bank definition, government organizations usage of e-government or online technology that have the
The major idea of e-government is that providing information easily andin a betterway to
people and government offices also too government itself (Fang, 2002). By using Internet capable
tools and through telephone connection we can communicate anywhere in the world to anyone by
putting the web based as a means of online communication, it means that it is possible to access to
government 365 days a year (Teicher, Hughes,& Dow, 2002). By avoiding difficulty to deal with
frontline staff government can be available when the user requires this means that they can access
improving communications with all sectors and enabling citizen through access to online
internal and external government communications, modifications to service delivery, changing ideas
of democracy and wider administrative improvement and citizenship(Otubu, 2009). The use of
modern technologies for distributing one-way information is the early understanding of e-government
recent research places better emphasis should be given on the importance ofe-government services
(Norris, 2005&Homburg, 2008).Government has to use e-government servicesto build better and
The main idea of e-government is usage of information technology products by all citizens
and private sector to provide services, products and to deliver information and complete financial
operation (Fang, 2002). For convenient service, electronic services are widely used for interactive
information flow in the transaction process (Santos, 2003). The major difference of e-service delivery
from traditional service delivery are due to the two- way communication of information flow between
In the Philippines, e-government research did not gain must attention as it did in in the other
side of the world. Only a handful studies have examined e-government from a local perspective such
as the studies of Delmo Rosel, and Pascual (2018), Magno (2018), Pasco and Ona (2017), Olaño
(2014), and perhaps some others which were not published and just kept in libraries and other
Fundamentally, this paper wants to analyse the effectiveness of the Philippine Government
using the Information Techonology in the government of San Fernando City, La Union. Specifically,
this paper aimed to find out what perceived usefulness of e-government in government and for the
Division of PublicEconomics and Public Administration and the AmericanSociety for Public
World Bank (2003), “World development indicators 2003”, Washington, DC: World Bank
Teicher, Julian, Hughes Owen and Dow Nina (2002),“E-government: a new route to public
Norris, Donald F. and Moon, M. Jae (2005),“E-Government at the American Grassroots:
Commission of the European communities (2003), “The Role of E-Government for Europe’s
Future”, Communication from the commission to the council, the European Parliament, the European
Economic and social committee and the committee of the regions, Brussels,
Santos, Jessica (2003), “E-service quality: A model of virtual service quality dimensions”,
ManagementService Quality,
World Bank. (2015). New data on new business creation in 100 countries. World Bank Open.
Castells, M. (1996). The rise of the network society: The information age: Economy, society,
Delmo, K., Rosel, M., & Pascual, M. (2018). Government for development: A descriptive and