Welded Connections of Wind Turbine Towers Under Fa
Welded Connections of Wind Turbine Towers Under Fa
Welded Connections of Wind Turbine Towers Under Fa
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Article history Abstract: Increased contemporary energy needs have led to multiple
Received: 15-07-2015 investments on wind power plants and structural improvements are
Revised: 28-07-2015 considered necessary for the construction of taller, more robust and more
Accepted: 28-07-2015 economical structures. Tubular steel wind turbine towers that are the
prevailing structural configuration, demand welding of circular subparts to
Corresponding Author: construct the tower structure. These circumferential welds between tower
Nafsika Stavridou
subparts and between the tower and the connecting flanges are proved to be
Department Civil Engineering,
prone to fatigue failure, since cracks are observed in these areas of already
Institute of Metal Structures,
Aristotle University of
constructed wind towers. The aim of the present work is to enlighten weld
Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece design procedures of wind turbine tower welds using damage accumulation
Email: [email protected] methods. For the purposes of the comparative study, two towers of same
height differing in shell thickness distribution are taken into account. The
towers are compared numerically and analytically following two methods
of calculating fatigue loads for structures; the first is an analytical method
proposed in design codes and the second is by using artificial loading
histories produced by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory software.
In both methods, shell thickness is proved to be a decisive factor for the
fatigue life of the structure and it is often a challenge to design an economic
structure with sufficient fatigue life. From the comparison of the tower’s welds
fatigue life, useful outcomes have been found on the precision of the methods
compared and the relation of fatigue life and material used for construction.
© 2015 Nafsika Stavridou, Evangelos Efthymiou and Charalampos C. Baniotopoulos. This open access article is distributed
under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 3.0 license.
Nafsika Stavridou et al. / American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2015, 8 (4): 489.503
DOI: 10.3844/ajeassp.2015.489.503
Nafsika Stavridou et al. / American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2015, 8 (4): 489.503
DOI: 10.3844/ajeassp.2015.489.503
in the material and joint geometry, holes, bolts and welds Fatigue design has very strict requirements for welds
lead to concentration of stresses and possibly on fatigue and therefore all welds realized in wind turbine towers
problems. In discontinuities like thickness-transition are designed as full penetration butt welds of high
cross-sections, eccentricities cause an increase in quality (Stathopoulos and Baniotopoulos, 2007). Weld
residual stresses due to local bending. Lotsberg (2009) fatigue life is estimated with the use of damage
assesses the reliability of reduction factors proposed in accumulation methods. European Standard provisions
literature for fatigue design of butt welds after (EC, 2005a) determine the design resistance of a full
comparing analytical results with refined finite element penetration butt weld, when welding is performed
analyses. The fabrication of the welds can often according to applicability provisions, as the design
introduce material discontinuities, especially when resistance of the weaker of the parts connected.
connecting parts with great thicknesses, since defects Therefore, in wind turbine tower structural analysis,
with uncertain structural consequences can be provoked. macroscopic numerical models are used and the
Cicero et al. (2009) applied a methodology to assess the structure is simulated as a full sized tower with no
special modelling of welds.
structural integrity of wind turbine towers where lacks of
The present work aims to enlighten weld design
penetration defects were detected in circumferential
procedures of wind turbine tower circumferential welds,
welds. The relation of the structural integrity of through life cycle assessment, using damage
structures and the defects was discussed in the same accumulation methods. Two identical towers, whose
work and predictions of similar structures’ behavior can structural analysis has been addressed in the thesis of
be made. Another wind turbine tower structural detail Bzdawka (2011), are taken into account and their fatigue
that has to be taken care of is the bottom tower flange analysis is performed in the current paper. The towers
joint. The sharpness of the joint profile along with the differ in terms of shell thickness distribution along the
thickness difference of the two connecting elements is height, since the initial constructed tower was
proved numerically in the work of Lacalle et al. (2011) overdesigned and the objective of the Master Thesis was
to provoke stress concentrations and internal tower to optimize the shell thickness distribution in order to
cracking. The residual stresses developed in the welded minimize the amount of material used. The methods
connection between the lower tower part and the flange used in the present work calculate the damage
are calculated using welding temperature time histories accumulation at certain points. For the purposes of
and the influence of the geometry and fabrication of such assessing the fatigue life of welded joints in wind turbine
joints is assessed in the work of Jiang et al. (2010). As it towers, two types of welding details are investigated in
can be concluded from all the above mentioned scientific the present work and are shown in Fig. 3.
work, welded connections are vulnerable to fatigue The first is the circumferential weld connecting the
loading and special attention has to be drawn when tower shell to the circular flange, named as FLANGE
designing and constructing structures with many welded hereafter and the second is the circumferential weld
points. In order to limit the numerical investigation and connecting consequent tower rings in order to constitute
fatigue design of such joints, an alternative bolded friction a tower subpart, named as WELD hereafter. For the
investigation described finite element analysis of the
connection has been elaborated by Veljkovic et al. (2010),
towers is performed with the aid of the commercial
in order to replace the circumferential weld connecting
software ABAQUS (DS, 2012). The fatigue life of the
subsequent steel rings in wind turbine tower structures is calculated with the damage accumulation
construction. The fatigue results of the above mentioned method and more specifically the Palmgren-Miner
connection were satisfactory but since its assembly is rule. The loads for the fatigue assessment are obtained
rather complicated, there is field for improvement before following two methods. In the first method, the loads
this solution is applied in industry. are calculated from the analytical formula provided in
Unlike the bottom flange weld, circumferential Eurocode 1991-1-4 (EC, 2005b) for variant number of
welds of wind turbine towers are very rarely cycles of load recurrence. In the second method, time-
investigated against fatigue loading since industry often history loading data are used for the calculation of the
neglects their precise calculation and practices the towers’ fatigue life. Instead of experimental wind data
increase of the tower shell thickness in order to avoid that are very often used for the fatigue assessment,
the fatigue check. In steel wind tower fatigue analysis artificial wind time-histories produced by National
damage accumulation methods are used and it is often Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL, 2015) and
considered crucial to investigate all welds and bolts National Wind Technology Center (NTWC, 2015)
since structural details are proved to be more prone to software are used for the present investigation. The
fatigue. Since limited work has been devoted to the loading time histories are produced for different wind
investigation of circumferential butt welds connecting mean speeds by TurbSim (Kelley and Jonkman,
subsequent tower parts the present work focuses on the 2012), Aerodyn (Laino, 2013) and FAST (Jonkman,
investigation of the fatigue life of wind turbine towers 2005) software. The same software is used for the
depending on the assessment of circumferential welds. production of loading time histories that are employed
Nafsika Stavridou et al. / American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2015, 8 (4): 489.503
DOI: 10.3844/ajeassp.2015.489.503
for the fatigue assessment of bolted connections in the Materials and Methods
work of Thanasoulas et al. (2014). Stress spectra are
produced with the use of Rainflow cycle counting One of the methods that fatigue assessment can be
method. Comparative results of the implementation of performed is the damage accumulation method (EC,
the two methods on the tower models are discussed. 2003) and the calculation procedure is prescribed in
Useful conclusions have been derived from the Annex A of the same document. The loading events that
comparative study, on the determination of the tower are taken into account in the method are based on prior
shell thicknesses and on the effect of fatigue loading knowledge obtained from similar structures, in order to
towards the material amount used for the construction represent a credible upper bound of the expected loading
of the towers. Important remarks on the effect of that the structure is going to be subjected to.
fatigue loading of structures subjected to dynamic In the present scientific work two different methods
loading are stated. are followed, assessed and compared. The damage
accumulation calculation is the case in both methods, but
Fatigue Analysis loading is taken into account following different
methodologies. In Method A the stress histories at the
Fatigue Phenomenon structural details under investigation are obtained from
artificial loading time histories applied at the finite
The phenomenon when a material is weakened due to
element model. In Eurocode provisions (EC, 2003) it is
repeatedly applied loads, a fact that can be observed by prescribed that stress histories are determined from
the propagation of localized cracks at the region of stress measurements on similar structures or from dynamic
concentration, is called fatigue. This type of material calculations of the structural response. Since
damage is noted even when the nominal maximum stress experimental data are often difficult to obtain and they
amplitude is within the elastic range of the material and differ significantly even between seemingly similar
usually beyond the material ultimate tensile stress limit. structures, artificial loading has the advantage of being
The material is subjected to repeated loading and cheaper and comparably accurate for such structures. In
unloading, microscopic cracks begin to arise at the stress Method A a preliminary static analysis is conducted in
concentration areas, they propagate suddenly and the order to determine the structural details that the above
results of the phenomenon can be disastrous with mentioned fatigue assessment will take place. This
structures collapsing without prior notice. The process is preliminary investigation is a simple linear static
rather unpredictable, showing scatter even under analysis that is conducted separately on both towers
controlled conditions. In shell structures, discontinuities compared in the present study and the loads applied are
like shell thickness changes, holes, sharp edges, the operational loads provided from the nacelle
temperature, residual stresses, surface finishing, presence manufacturer. In more detail, the loading applied on the
of chemicals etc. along with the loading cycles play a tower finite element models consists of the loads that are
vital role when performing fatigue analysis. Wind considered more important for the fatigue assessment; a
turbine towers have to be reassured against the horizontal force and an overturning moment due to the
phenomenon since the stresses are repeatedly applied wind turbine operation. The structural details at which
and relaxed by the resonant motion of the structure due the fatigue life assessment is carried out are separately
to wind loading. The mother material of the tower very chosen for each tower as the point belonging to the
rarely suffers from fatigue failure, whereas details like circumferential weld connecting shell parts and a point
local connections, welds, bolts and shell thickness at the circumferential weld connecting the tower shell
variations are more vulnerable to developing failures with a flange, where the highest normal stress
related to fatigue loading and have to be addressed with concentration is observed. In this method, after the
special attention since they are crucial for the fatigue life points with the highest stress concentration are chosen
calculation of the global structure. The endurance of from the preliminary analysis for both towers under
wind turbine towers can be assessed by the calculation of investigation, loading time histories of different wind
the fatigue life of the structure. Fatigue life is defined as mean speeds are applied at the finite element model.
the number of stress cycles of a specified character that a The stress time-histories at the structural details of each
structural detail can sustain before failure occurs. The tower are obtained and they are the primary data on
damage of the structures is cumulative and the material which fatigue analysis is based. The rainflow cycle
does not recover when it is unloaded. Due to the cyclic counting method is chosen in order to convert the
loading, steel hardening occurs and the material becomes complex stress time histories into simple cyclic
brittle, often leading to cracks and sudden collapses of loadings or stress range spectra. The result of the
the structures themselves without prior large deformation rainflow counting method can be transformed into a
occurrence. For steel specifically, there is a theoretical spectrum of amplitudes of stress cycles in one year.
stress amplitude value, called endurance limit, below After the calculation of the amplitude spectrum, the
which the material will not fail independently of the linear damage accumulation method is used in order to
number of cycles it is loaded. calculate the fatigue life of the structure.
Nafsika Stavridou et al. / American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2015, 8 (4): 489.503
DOI: 10.3844/ajeassp.2015.489.503
In the second method used in the present work the spectrum, while in Method B it is the number of loads
load is not taken into account as artificial or real time for dynamic response that is assigned to each stress
history. The stress level at the relevant structural detail is percentage from Equation 1.
obtained from a linear static analysis with a percentage
of the load of the one with a return period of 50 years. Finite Element Analysis
This percentage of stress level is assigned a number of
load repetitions from the analytical Equation 1: In the present investigation, a comparative study of
the fatigue life calculation of two 76.15 m hub height
wind turbine towers is carried out. The tower height
= 0,7 × (log(N g )) 2 -17,4 × log ( N g ) +100 (1) and their shell thickness distribution are presented in
Sk Fig. 4. Tower-1 has been introduced and analyzed by
Veljkovic et al. (2006) and its structural behavior has
Where: been verified in the Thesis of Bzdawka (2011), while
∆S = The stress range (MPa) Tower-2 has been the attempt of the latter to reduce the
Sk = The stress due to a 50 years return period wind (MPa) material used for the tower construction, preserving the
Ng = The number of loads tower behavior to acceptable levels. Both of the towers
comply with certain restrictional transportation
The stress level Sk is calculated in the preliminary requirements concerning maximum top diameter and
analysis of the two towers. After having obtained the maximum tower part length. The maximum length of the
stress levels achieved for the assigned number of loads tower sections is usually governed by requirements to
and after having chosen the relevant structural detail allow for transportation while the upper limit for the
category from Eurocode Tables (EC, 2003) the loading outer diameter of land-based wind turbine towers is
cycles corresponding to the fatigue strength are obtained. usually governed by restrictions imposed by the
The loading cycles are calculated for each stress level, maximum clearance under highway bridges.
from Equation 2 and 3: The conventional maximum value for the top tower
diameter provided by the manufacturer is defined as 3.0
m m and the maximum bottom diameter is defined as 5.0 m
N i = c ⋅ 2 ⋅ 106 ,with m = 3 for N ≤ 5 ⋅ 106 (2) while the maximum length of a transported element is
∆σ i usually around 25 m long and never exceeding 30m.
Following the above mentioned restrictions imposed by
the manufacturer and by design codes, the towers under
N i = c ⋅ 5 ⋅ 106 ,with m = 5 for 5 ⋅ 106 ≤ N ≤ 108 (3) investigation consist of subsections of 2.2 m height and
∆σ i only the top section is set to 2 m in order to complete the
full tower length. The top diameter is 3.0 m and the
bottom one is 4.3 m. Both towers have been designed
∆σc = The fatigue strength at 2 million cycles (MPa)
under extreme wind conditions and additional criteria for
∆σi = The stress range due to a 50 years return period
shell thicknesses are investigated in order to minimize
wind (MPa)
the tower mass in the scientific work conducted by
Having defined the detail category (S-N curve) for the Bzdawka (2011).
details under investigation, the damage of the structures can Materials and Loads
be calculated by applying the linear damage accumulation
method, in practice called Palmgren-Miner rule. The The two towers under investigation are steel tubular
cumulated damage is given in Equation 4: wind turbine towers. The material of the towers is S355
and since in all the analyses the stress levels remain at
nEi the elastic range, no hardening is taken into account in
Dd = ∑ (4) the material law and a simple stable plateau is only used
i Ni
in case some elements enter plasticity.
As it has already been discussed, the static loads
Where: incorporated in the linear static preliminary analysis of
nEi = The number of cycles associated with the stress the towers are simple operational loads due to the
range γFf∆σi for band i in the factored spectrum function of the turbine and are provided by the
Ni = The endurance (in cycles) obtained from the manufacturers of the machinery. Since the rotor and
factored curve or from Equation 2 and 3 blades that the towers have to support are the same, the
loads applied are common and are: the horizontal force
The reciprocal value of the damage equals the of F = 75.5 kN and the horizontal axis moment of M =
approximated lifetime of the steel tower. In the case of 1091 kNm. The tower weight is not taken into account in
Method A, nEi is calculated from the annual stress the fatigue analysis.
Nafsika Stavridou et al. / American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2015, 8 (4): 489.503
DOI: 10.3844/ajeassp.2015.489.503
For the numerical analyses conducted in the frame of turbulence level B and according to Kaimal frequency
Method A, the loading time-histories are produced with spectrum, for mean wind speeds of 2, 6, 10, 14, 18 and
the aid of NREL and NTWC freeware; Turbsim, Fast 22 m/sec. The horizontal wind velocity time-histories are
and Aerodyn and for time and data saving reasons only presented in Fig. 5 for the above mentioned mean wind
the two major loading histories at the top of the tower speeds. The loading histories are applied at the tower hub
are taken into account. The time-histories correspond to height to a reference point eccentrically located simulating
variable mean wind speeds in order to cover all the the exact rotor position. This position is shifted horizontally
spectrum of operational winds. There are 6 time-histories +0.725 m from the axis of the tower and vertically +0.50 m
produced at the towers’ hub height for a wind of above the upper flange level (+76.15 m).
Nafsika Stavridou et al. / American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2015, 8 (4): 489.503
DOI: 10.3844/ajeassp.2015.489.503
Fig. 5. Horizontal wind velocity acting at the tower hub height for different values of wind mean speed
Nafsika Stavridou et al. / American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2015, 8 (4): 489.503
DOI: 10.3844/ajeassp.2015.489.503
Fig. 6. Tensile stress history of detail type WELD-Tower-1 for variable mean wind speeds
Fig. 7. Tensile stress history of detail type WELD-Tower-2 for variable mean wind speeds
Fig. 8. Tensile stress history of detail type FLANGE-Tower-1 for variable mean wind speeds
Nafsika Stavridou et al. / American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2015, 8 (4): 489.503
DOI: 10.3844/ajeassp.2015.489.503
Fig. 9. Tensile stress history of detail type FLANGE-Tower-2 for variable mean wind speeds
Fig. 10. Stress range histograms for detail WELD-Tower-1 for variable mean wind speeds
Fig. 11. Stress range histograms for detail WELD-Tower-2 for variable mean wind speeds
Nafsika Stavridou et al. / American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2015, 8 (4): 489.503
DOI: 10.3844/ajeassp.2015.489.503
Fig. 12. Stress range histograms for detail FLANGE-Tower-1 for variable mean wind speeds
Fig. 13. Stress range histograms for detail FLANGE-Tower-2 for variable mean wind speeds
Nafsika Stavridou et al. / American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2015, 8 (4): 489.503
DOI: 10.3844/ajeassp.2015.489.503
Nafsika Stavridou et al. / American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2015, 8 (4): 489.503
DOI: 10.3844/ajeassp.2015.489.503
stresses at the structural details under consideration are cumulative damage for Tower-1 is 0.0006 and for
calculated changes. In this method only simplified Tower-2 is 0.0013. The fatigue check criterion is again
static analyses are conducted, since the loading of the fulfilled for both towers showing that they are well
structures is a single static load given by the designed. For structural detail FLANGE, the
manufacturer and the theoretical number of times cumulative damage for Tower-1 is 0.0045 while for
(cycles) of occurrence of each load is associated Tower-2 is 0.0082. The fact that cumulative damage is
through the analytical equation provided by Eurocode greater in structural detail FLANGE in both methods
(EC, 2005a). The number of cycles leading to fatigue is indicative that this weld type is more vulnerable to
failure is indicative of each structural detail and is failure and special attention needs to paid in the tower
common between the two methods as presented in Fig. design. The fatigue life of the towers is again
19 and 20. The partial damage is calculated for each calculated for the results of this methodology and is
stress range and all the partial damages are summed 2500 years for WELD-Tower-1 while for WELD-
again using the Palmgren-Miner rule. This calculation Tower-2 with smaller wall thicknesses falls to 700
is presented in Table 1 for structural detail WELD and years. The situation is similar to method A since
in Table 2 for structural detail FLANGE. When FLANGE-Tower-1 presents fatigue life of 220 years
assessing the structural detail WELD, the annual while FLANGE-Tower-2 120 years.
Nafsika Stavridou et al. / American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2015, 8 (4): 489.503
DOI: 10.3844/ajeassp.2015.489.503
Table 1. Damage accumulation calculation for Method B for structural detail WELD
Tower-1 Tower-2
---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
ni ∆S/Sk σi Νi ni/Ni σi Νi ni/Ni
1 100.00 22.16 6.19E+07 1.62E-08 28.03 3.06E+07 3.27E-08
5 88.18 19.54 9.02E+07 5.54E-08 24.72 4.46E+07 1.12E-07
10 83.30 18.46 1.07E+08 9.34E-08 23.35 5.29E+07 1.89E-07
50 72.46 16.06 1.63E+08 3.07E-07 20.31 8.03E+07 6.22E-07
100 68.00 15.07 1.97E+08 5.08E-07 19.06 9.72E+07 1.03E-06
500 58.14 12.88 3.15E+08 1.59E-06 16.30 1.56E+08 3.21E-06
103 54.10 11.99 3.91E+08 2.56E-06 15.17 1.93E+08 5.18E-06
5*103 45.22 10.02 6.69E+08 7.47E-06 12.68 3.31E+08 1.51E-05
104 41.60 9.22 8.59E+08 1.16E-05 11.66 4.24E+08 2.36E-05
5*104 33.69 7.47 1.62E+09 3.09E-05 9.45 7.99E+08 6.26E-05
105 30.50 6.76 2.18E+09 4.59E-05 8.55 1.08E+09 9.28E-05
5*105 23.57 5.22 4.72E+09 1.06E-04 6.61 2.33E+09 2.14E-04
106 20.80 4.61 6.88E+09 1.45E-04 5.83 3.40E+09 2.94E-04
5*106 14.85 3.29 1.89E+10 2.65E-04 4.16 9.33E+09 5.36E-04
107 12.50 2.77 2.00E+13 5.01E-07 3.50 6.17E+12 1.62E-06
5*107 7.53 1.67 2.52E+14 1.98E-07 2.11 7.77E+13 6.43E-07
108 5.60 1.24 1.11E+15 9.03E-08 1.57 3.42E+14 2.93E-07
Dd= 0.0006 Dd= 0.0013
Table 2. Damage accumulation calculation for Method B for structural detail FLANGE
Tower-1 Tower-2
---------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
ni ∆S/Sk σi Νi ni/Ni σi Νi ni/Ni
1 100.00 21.53 8.43E+06 1.19E-07 26.30 4.63E+06 2.16E-07
5 88.18 18.99 1.23E+07 4.07E-07 23.19 6.75E+06 7.41E-07
10 83.30 17.93 1.46E+07 6.85E-07 21.91 8.00E+06 1.25E-06
50 72.46 15.60 2.22E+07 2.26E-06 19.06 1.22E+07 4.11E-06
100 68.00 14.64 2.68E+07 3.73E-06 17.88 1.47E+07 6.80E-06
500 58.14 12.52 4.29E+07 1.17E-05 15.29 2.35E+07 2.12E-05
103 54.10 11.65 5.33E+07 1.88E-05 14.23 2.92E+07 3.42E-05
5*103 45.22 9.73 9.12E+07 5.48E-05 11.89 5.00E+07 9.99E-05
104 41.60 8.96 1.17E+08 8.54E-05 10.94 6.43E+07 1.56E-04
5*104 33.69 7.25 2.20E+08 2.27E-04 8.86 1.21E+08 4.13E-04
105 30.50 6.57 2.97E+08 3.36E-04 8.02 1.63E+08 6.13E-04
5*105 23.57 5.08 6.44E+08 7.77E-04 6.20 3.53E+08 1.42E-03
106 20.80 4.48 9.37E+08 1.07E-03 5.47 5.14E+08 1.95E-03
5*106 14.85 3.20 2.57E+09 1.94E-03 3.91 1.41E+09 3.54E-03
107 12.50 2.69 7.21E+11 1.39E-05 3.29 2.65E+11 3.77E-05
5*107 7.53 1.62 9.09E+12 5.50E-06 1.98 3.34E+12 1.50E-05
108 5.60 1.21 4.00E+13 2.50E-06 1.47 1.47E+13 6.81E-06
Dd= 0.0045 Dd= 0.0083
a. ni is the theoretical number of cycles associated with the stress level, ∆S/Sk load and stress percentage of the effect due to wind with 50
years return period, σi is the stress at the structural detail under consideration, Νi is the number of cycles leading to fatigue failure
Nafsika Stavridou et al. / American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2015, 8 (4): 489.503
DOI: 10.3844/ajeassp.2015.489.503
Nafsika Stavridou et al. / American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2015, 8 (4): 489.503
DOI: 10.3844/ajeassp.2015.489.503
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