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Ee Tutorials

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Tutorials for


Dr. S & S. S. Ghandhy Government Engineering

College, Surat.

Directorate of Technical Education

Gandhinagar, Gujarat


Course Outcomes (COs):
CO.1: Determine the quantity and quality of water required for public water supply.

CO.2: Interpret the effect of wastewater characteristics on human health and environment.

CO.3: Design different units of water and sewage treatment plant.

CO.4: Classify solid waste and interpret the components of solid waste management system.

CO.5: Analyze the effects of air and noise pollution on human and environment and develop its
remedial measures.
Tutorial- I
Water treatment plant
1 Draw the layout and section of a typical water treatment plant. CO 1
2 What is design Period? What are the factors affecting the selection of design CO 1
period? Also give the design period of important component of water supply
3 The following data have been noted from the census department. CO 1
Year Population
1960 7000
1970 12000
1980 16000
1990 23000
Calculate probable population in the year of 2000, 2010 and 2020 by using
Arithmetic increase method, Geometric increase method & Incremental increase
4 Explain the factors affecting rate of water demand? CO 1
5 Explain the different treatment trains that are commonly used in the water treatment CO 1
Tutorial- II
Collection and conveyance of raw water from source.
1 What is intake? Give the classification of the intake structures. CO 1
2 Explain the river intake with a neat sketch showing all the components. CO 1
3 Define rising main. Explain the design procedures for rising main. CO 1
4 Explain different types of pump used in water supply. CO 1
5 A city with 1.8 lakh population is to be supplied water at 100 lpcd from a river 1 Km CO 1
away. The difference in water level of sump and reservoir is 30 m. if the demand has
to be supplied in 8 hr, determine the size of main and B.H.P of the pumps required.
Assume maximum demand as 1.5 times the average demand. Take f=0.0075, velocity
of the pipe 2 m/s and efficiency of the pump is 75%.
Tutorial- III
Water treatment process and treatment unit
1 State and explain different components of water supply scheme. C0 3

2 Why sedimentation aided with coagulant is necessary for removing colloidal and C0 3
fine suspended impurities in water treatment.
3 What is optimum dose of coagulant? How it is determined? C0 3
4 Differentiate between slow Sand filter and Rapid sand filter. C0 3
5 Why water softening is required? Explain Different methods used for water C0 3
6 Explain types of chlorination. C0 3
7 Define Disinfection and explain minor methods of disinfection. C0 3
8. Design a water treatment plant for a town whose past population data is given C0 3
Year Population
1971 14000
1981 24300
1991 31500
2001 40000
2011 45000
1) Source of the water is canal
2) The distance between treatment plant and source of water is 2 km.
3) The water is supplied only for 10 hours per day and water level in canal
is 1.7 m
4) Design period is =30 year
5) Peak factor is 1.5
Design the intake, Pump, Plain sedimentation Tank, Flash mixer, Flocculator,
Clarifloculator, Rapid sand filter, Underground sump.
Tutorial – IV
1 What is distribution system? State the function of the distribution system. CO 3
2 Explain the different methods of water distribution with neat sketch. CO 3
3 Explain layout of distribution network. CO 3
4 Explain how you will find the capacity of distribution reservoir. CO 3
5 State the requirements of a good distribution system. CO 3
Tutorial – V
Definition of various term, Collection and estimation of
wastewater, Sewer Appurtenances
1 Derive shield expression of self-cleansing velocity. CO 4

2 Calculate the diameter and discharge of a circular sewer laid at a slope of 1/ 500 CO 4
when it is running half full and with a velocity of 1.0 m/s. Manning formula
3 Distinguish between BOD & COD. CO 4
4 Explain various sewer Appurtenances. CO 4
5 Explain testing of sewers. CO 4

6 Differentiate between: CO 4
1. Separate and combined sewer
2. Shallow and deep manhole.
Tutorial – VI
Waste Water Engineering Mapped
1 Explain Activated sludge process. CO2& 3
2 Explain oxidation pond. CO 2& 3
3 Explain the working of trickling filter with neat sketch. CO 2& 3
4 What is F/M ratio? What is its significance in activated sludge process? CO 2& 3
5 Design a conventional activated sludge treatment plant to treat domestic waste CO 2& 3
water with diffused air aeration system.
Bod of waste water =250 mg/l
Average waste water flow rate -200l/c/d
Bod removal in PST=30 %
Overall BOD reduction desired =80%
Assume certain assumption.
6 Determine the size of high rate trickling filter CO 2& 3
1) Sewage flow 5 MLD
2) Recirculation ratio-2.0
3) Raw sewage BOD – 200 mg/l
4) Bod removal in PST- 30 %
5) BOD of final effluent- 20 mg/l
7 Define air pollution. Explain sources and effect of air pollution on human being. CO 5
8 Define Noise pollution. Explain sources and effect of noise pollution on human CO 5
9 Write a short note on EIA. CO 5
 S.K. Garg, Environmental engineering Vol. I & II, Khanna Publication.
 Metcalf and Eddy, Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, disposal Reuse, Tata-
McGraw Hill education (India).
 B.r.shah, A.m.malek Water and waste water engineering Mahajan publishing house.
 M. L. Davis, Water and waste water Engineering, Mc Graw Hill education (India).
 Manual on Sewerage and Sewage Treatment Systems, Part A, B and C. Central
Public Health.
 CPCB & GPCB Manual.

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