Medical Management of Acute Liver Failure
Medical Management of Acute Liver Failure
Medical Management of Acute Liver Failure
Liver Failure 9
Heli Bhatt and Girish S. Rao
Up to 40–50% patients with PALF lack a spe- including electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen
cific etiological diagnosis partly due to lack of (BUN), creatinine (Cr), and albumin, liver
thorough diagnostic evaluation [8]. In infants, enzymes, total and fractionated bilirubin,
infections and metabolic diseases are the most gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT), coagula-
common known etiologies for PALF [7, 8]. tion profile along with prothrombin time (PT)
Herpes simplex virus is the most commonly with international normalized ratio (INR), a
identified infectious etiology in these children. complete blood count with differential and
Galactosemia, tyrosinemia, and fatty acid oxida- platelets, and a reliable serum ammonia level
tion defect are the commonly identified meta- should be obtained in all the patients at diagno-
bolic disorders in this age group, while neonatal sis and thereafter monitored closely. Additional
hemochromatosis was the most common cause tests to assess for etiology of liver failure should
of liver failure in the neonatal period [7]. In chil- be tailored to the age and presentation of the ill-
dren older than 7 months of age with ALF, drug ness. These should be targeted to evaluate for
toxicity, especially with acetaminophen over- infectious, metabolic, and autoimmune liver
dose, and autoimmune hepatitis are the most diseases in addition to drug or other toxin expo-
commonly identified etiologies [7, 8]. In devel- sures (Table 9.1) [9]. A complete abdominal
oping countries, infectious etiologies remain the ultrasound with Doppler should be obtained in
most common identified cause of acute liver fail- all patients with PALF, but additional imaging
ure through all age groups. Hepatitis A viral studies like CT, MRI, and/or MRCP should be
infection is the most common infectious agent in considered based on the individual case. Liver
these countries [8]. biopsy should be considered early in the course
of PALF to assess for the cause of liver failure
and the extent and pattern of hepatocyte injury.
Diagnostic Evaluation Transjugular approach is preferred in the setting
of severe coagulopathy with liver failure. The
All children with ALF should undergo thorough level of necrosis might be underestimated on
systematic evaluation for the underlying etiol- liver biopsy [10]. Submassive or massive liver
ogy of acute liver failure along with the assess- necrosis is associated with poor prognosis [11].
ment for liver injury, dysfunction, and
multisystem complications. This diagnostic
evaluation should be individualized and directed Management
toward the age-specific causes of acute liver fail-
ure. A detailed medical history including onset Management of acute liver failure is very chal-
of symptoms and neurological changes; history lenging due to multiple reasons. The multisystem
of exposure to infections or medications; family organ involvement with potential for rapid dete-
medical history including history of liver dis- rioration and death in absence of timely liver
ease, consanguinity, genetic, metabolic, or auto- transplant makes this disease one of the most dif-
immune diseases; and/or sibling death should be ficult diseases to manage. At the same time, there
obtained in all patients with acute liver failure. A is a tremendous potential for self-recovery with-
thorough physical examination with special out transplant and unnecessary morbidity can be
attention to mentation and neurological status is avoided by preventing transplants in these cases.
imperative. There is a lack of adequate data on management
Radiological and laboratory tests in PALF of PALF due to its rarity and currently, the major-
should be obtained to evaluate underlying etiol- ity of our clinical practice guidance is derived
ogy, to assess the extent of liver injury and fail- from adult studies. Hence, many principles of
ure, or to monitor for potential complications of management of this disease are currently unclear
liver failure. A comprehensive metabolic panel and controversial.
9 Medical Management of Acute Liver Failure 157
timely decision-making for critical aspects of olism that is generated from the breakdown of
patient care and interventions including trans- glutamine by glutaminase, an enzyme within the
plantation and its evaluation. enterocytes of the small intestine and colon, and
by urease-producing bacteria that inhabit the gut.
This gut-derived ammonia enters the urea cycle
Central Nervous System to be detoxified into urea and excreted in the
urine. Ammonia that bypasses this detoxification
Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is a neuropsychiat- is converted to glutamine in hepatocytes, skeletal
ric syndrome associated with liver failure in the myocytes, and astrocytes in brain. Astrocytes are
absence of a preexisting brain disease. It is char- the most abundant type of cells in the brain. They
acterized by progressive but reversible deteriora- are very sensitive to a rapid increase in ammonia,
tion of behavior, cognition, and mentation in which subsequently leads to cellular edema due
patients with PALF. The clinical features of to increased influx of water secondary to osmotic
hepatic encephalopathy can range from overt gradient created by increased intracellular gluta-
coma to irritability to minor changes in behavior mine. Although hyperammonemia has been
and motor or cognitive skills. In children, fea- implicated to play a pivotal role in development
tures of HE can be subtle and difficult to assess of hepatic encephalopathy, a consistent correla-
and range from mild irritability to inactivity to tion between the plasma concentration of ammo-
coma. Table 9.3 describes the clinical stages of nia and clinical manifestation of HE has not been
encephalopathy originally developed to assess established [14]. In addition to hyperammone-
patients with cirrhosis but is used in ALF for the mia, increased proinflammatory circulatory cyto-
lack of a better clinical tool. In the Pediatric kines like IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α can modulate
Acute Liver Failure study group database, the cerebral blood flow and cellular permeability to
majority of the patients (75%) had grade 1–2 have direct or permissive effects on development
hepatic encephalopathy, and grade 3 and 4 and progression of HE into cerebral edema [15].
encephalopathy were seen in 17% and 7%
patients, respectively. Out of 348 patients
included in this study group, more than half Management of Hepatic
developed hepatic encephalopathy [3]. Encephalopathy
The exact pathogenesis of hepatic encepha-
lopathy is complex, is not completely understood, Given the potential for rapid neurological deteri-
and involves a number of interrelated factors [4, oration in patients with PALF and HE, early rec-
13]. Ammonia is a by-product of nitrogen metab- ognition and prompt management of HE are
necessary to decrease morbidity and mortality in Currently, there is no data to support their use in
these patients. As mentioned above, these patients PALF. The benefit of continuous renal replace-
should be closely monitored in a critical care set- ment therapy (CRRT) in reducing serum ammo-
ting with frequent neurological assessments. nia and improving 21-day transplant-free survival
There should be minimal stimulation, and unnec- has been demonstrated in a recent cohort study
essary interventions should be avoided. from US ALF study group registry [21].
Endotracheal intubation for airway protection or
controlled ventilation in advanced stages of
encephalopathy should be considered. Head of Management of Intracranial
the bed should be elevated to 20–30°, and the Hypertension and Cerebral Edema
patient’s head should be maintained in the mid-
line to provide optimal CSF drainage and jugular The goal in the management of cerebral edema
venous outflow. Aggressive efforts to maintain and intracranial hypertension is maintaining ade-
normothermia are crucial as fever and shivering quate cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) while
may exacerbate intracranial pressure (ICP). lowering and maintaining intracranial pressure
Ventilation, oxygenation, and mean arterial pres- (ICP) to less than 20 mm Hg to assure adequate
sures should be meticulously monitored and perfusion of the brain [4, 22]. Close clinical mon-
maintained. itoring is strongly recommended but highly chal-
Lactulose and nonabsorbable oral antibiotics lenging in pediatric patients, especially if they
like neomycin and rifaximin have been used for have progressed to grade 3–4 HE. Cushing’s triad
prophylaxis and management of HE in patients of irregular breathing, systemic hypertension,
with chronic liver disease and cirrhosis. Lactulose and bradycardia is not uniformly present.
is a synthetic nonabsorbable disaccharide which Intracranial pressure monitoring can be used to
can be used to decrease intraluminal pH in the assess CPP to avoid hypoxic brain injury.
colon and prevent uptake of ammonia from the Multiple studies have been done to evaluate the
gastrointestinal lumen. Given the central role of safety and efficacy of invasive intracranial pres-
increased arterial ammonia levels in the patho- sure monitoring in management of ALF, but there
genesis of hepatic encephalopathy, one could has been no demonstrated improvement in sur-
assume that ammonia-lowering strategies might vival [23–25]. The use of invasive intracranial
be effective in halting the progression of neuro- monitoring in PALF is controversial owing to the
logical deterioration. While the abovementioned lack of sufficient evidence for its routine use and
agents have a role in preventing progression of safety. Maintaining systemic blood pressure by
HE associated with cirrhosis in patients with adequate volume resuscitation and use of vasoac-
chronic liver disease, there are no controlled tri- tive medications as well as aggressively treating
als to support the use of these medications to treat fluid overload with CRRT are crucial to maintain
hepatic encephalopathy in ALF [16–18]. In one adequate CPP.
nonrandomized retrospective series, there was no The principal therapy to reduce cerebral
improvement in outcome with lactulose therapy edema and increased intracranial pressure is
[19]. Lactulose use should be avoided in PALF as administration of osmotic agents like hypertonic
it has the potential to cause intravascular volume saline and mannitol [26]. Mannitol is a hyperos-
depletion, hypernatremia, and bowel distension molar agent, which works by promoting move-
or megacolon, which can be dangerous during ment of water from astrocytes into the serum by
transplant [16, 17]. Neomycin is also not recom- increasing osmolality of serum. Mannitol also
mended due to increased risk of nephrotoxicity decreases viscosity of blood causing vasocon-
[16]. L-Ornithine L-aspartate (LOLA) and striction, which leads to less cerebral blood vol-
L-ornithine phenyl acetate (LOPA) have shown ume and decreased ICP. It is used as a first-line
promising results in adult trials [20]. These work agent in management of increased ICP in adults
by increasing renal excretion of ammonia. with ALF [16, 17]. The recommended dose for
9 Medical Management of Acute Liver Failure 161
use is 0.25–1.0 gm/kg IV bolus that can be acute life-threatening mannitol-refractory wors-
repeated once or twice [16, 17]. The majority of ening of intracranial pressure to delay impending
information on mannitol in PALF is extrapolated cerebral herniation, but sustained hyperventila-
from adult literature. The effect of mannitol is tion should be avoided in patients with ALF.
transient, and it is difficult to achieve sustained Hypothermia prevents cerebral edema by
reduction of ICP to acceptable levels with man- decreasing cerebral metabolism, neuronal inflam-
nitol alone. The use of mannitol is not recom- mation, and oxidative stress. It also decreases
mended in presence of renal failure, hypovolemia, ammonia level and improves cerebral hemody-
or serum osmolality >320 mOsm/L [16, 17]. namics. Therapeutic hypothermia to 32–35° has
Hypertonic saline (3–30%) decreases ICP by been used in adults with ALF to reduce ICP for
mechanisms similar to mannitol. In addition, it successfully bridging these patients to liver trans-
also stabilizes cerebral endothelial cell volume plantation. There have been a few reports of ben-
and improves cerebral circulation. In a random- eficial effects of therapeutic hypothermia in adult
ized controlled trial from King’s College, patients patients with ALF [31, 32]. However, there have
who received hypertonic saline had decreased been complications reported with therapeutic
ICP from baseline in the first 24 h, and the inci- hypothermia too. These include cardiac dys-
dence of ICP >25 mm Hg or greater was signifi- rhythmias, increased risk of infection, coagulop-
cantly lower than control group; however, it did athy, electrolyte disturbances, hyperglycemia,
not show improved survival in patients treated and theoretical decreased hepatic regeneration
with HTS [27]. The use of hypertonic saline in [31, 32]. A multicenter retrospective cohort anal-
treatment of elevated ICP in PALF has not been ysis of 97 patients enrolled in the US ALF study
studied. In patients with PALF who have elevated group did not find a difference in 21-day mortal-
ICP, it is reasonable to maintain serum sodium ity as well as transplant-free survival with or
level around 145–150 mmol/L, especially now without the use of therapeutic hypothermia [33].
that hypertonic saline has been established as a There is no data to support the use of therapeutic
standard of care in management of pediatric hypothermia for neuroprotection. However,
patients with traumatic brain injury [28]. There hyperthermia should be aggressively managed to
are no randomized clinical trials regarding the avoid worsening of ICP. Currently, active normo-
use of hypertonic saline or mannitol in children. thermia (36–37°) remains the standard of care as
Hypertonic saline provides all benefits of hyper- it offers the best risk-benefit ratio [4].
osmolar agent without the hemodynamic side Early identification of neurological decline
effects associated with mannitol. According to and timely therapeutic interventions to minimize
2012 guidelines for the medical management of neurological morbidity are crucial in ALF
severe traumatic brain injury in children, use of because neurological morbidity is a major deter-
hypertonic saline is favored over the use of man- minant of outcome in ALF [4]. However, clinical
nitol for management of ICH [29]. assessment of neurological status in pediatric
Patients with ALF hyperventilate due to the patients can be difficult. Head imaging with com-
metabolic milieu associated with ALF, and this, puterized tomography (CT) scan is used to
in turn, helps restore cerebral autoregulation, exclude intracranial hemorrhage as a cause of
vasoconstriction, and reduction of ICP. Effects of sudden decline in neurological status. However,
hyperventilation are temporary and continuous in a recent single-center retrospective pediatric
hyperventilation offers no survival benefit in study assessing the role EEG in management of
patients with ALF [30]. Moreover, it has the PALF by Hussain et al. [34], CT and magnetic
potential to worsen cerebral edema due to cere- resonance imaging (MRI), even though abnormal
bral hypoperfusion. According to American in 13% of patients, failed to demonstrate consis-
Association for the Study of Liver Disease tent abnormalities to suggest the presence of
(AASLD) position paper for management of cerebral edema. There was no association
ALF, hyperventilation may be used to manage between EEG and CT/MRI findings in this study.
162 H. Bhatt and G. S. Rao
However, there was increased mortality in cially deleterious in advanced stages of hepatic
patients with certain EEG abnormalities. These encephalopathy. Pain management and sedation
included moderate to severe slowing, epilepti- are important components of critical care man-
form discharge, and electrographic seizure. EEG agement of children with ALF. Sedating non-
seems to be a very sensitive tool to screen not intubated patients may be necessary, and
only for subclinical seizures but also declining anxiolytics should be used after carefully weigh-
neurological status in patients progressing to ing the benefit of reducing agitation versus blunt-
grade 3 or 4 encephalopathy or with unexplained ing the signs of neurological deterioration and
clinical deterioration [34, 35]. Transcranial exacerbating encephalopathy [4]. Also, numer-
Doppler ultrasonography has been shown to be ous drugs used for sedation and analgesia have
helpful in measuring dynamic changes in ICP in hepatic or renal clearance. There is a lack of suf-
a small retrospective study in adults with ALF ficient data for the use of standard sedative or
[36]. There are no studies for this diagnostic analgesic agents in PALF. Short-acting agents,
modality in PALF. with appropriate dose adjustments for liver dys-
Seizure activity worsens cerebral edema by function, should be used. Benzodiazepines can
increasing the oxygen requirement of the astro- have prolonged sedative effect when used in
cytes [35]. The true frequency of seizures in patients with hepatic impairment and should be
patients with ALF may be underestimated with- avoided. Furthermore, benzodiazepines and pro-
out continuous EEG. In the study by Hussain pofol have the potential to worsen HE by increas-
et al. 11% of patients had clinical seizures; how- ing gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)
ever, almost 5% of patients had subclinical non- neurotransmission [38]. Propofol in limited doses
convulsive seizures [34]. Continuous EEG should and for short period of time may be used in older
be used in patients with grade 3 or 4 HE or with children without mitochondrial disease, due to
acute decline in neurological status to rule out shorter recovery time and neuroprotective effect
subclinical seizures [4, 35]. Aggressive antiepi- through decreased cerebral blood flow and
leptic therapy should be implemented to control decrease in ICP [4, 39]. Opioid agents with short
seizures to prevent further neurological morbid- half-life such as fentanyl and remifentanil can be
ity. Phenytoin can be used for prompt control of used concurrently to improve cardiovascular sta-
epileptiform activity, and short-acting benzodiaz- bility [16]. Dose adjustments are recommended
epines can be used in phenytoin-refractory cases while using dexmedetomidine for its sedative and
[17]. Valproic acid should be avoided if mito- analgesic effect in PALF as it is metabolized pri-
chondrial disease is suspected as the underlying marily in the liver [40]. Atracurium and cisatra-
etiology for ALF. Prophylactic phenytoin has curium are the preferred agents for neuromuscular
been tried to suppress subclinical epileptiform blockade in PALF. These undergo ester hydroly-
activity in adults with ALF; however, a subse- sis and Hoffman elimination, and their duration
quent trial demonstrated no benefit of its use in of action in liver failure is similar to the same in
preventing seizures, brain edema, or improving normal liver function [41]. Vecuronium and
survival [35, 37]. There are no pediatric trials to rocuronium should be avoided in ALF as they
support the use of prophylactic phenytoin in undergo hepatic metabolism.
management of PALF. Prophylactic phenytoin,
therefore, cannot be recommended in PALF at
this time. Although there are rare reports of drug- Cardiovascular
induced liver injury with levetiracetam, it can be
safely used in management of seizures in PALF. Hyperdynamic circulatory failure with low mean
Pain can arise from multiple diagnostic and arterial pressure occurs in ALF due to peripheral
therapeutic interventions and procedures in vasodilation caused by elevated circulatory cyto-
patients with PALF. Psychomotor agitation is kines. This significantly decreases peripheral tis-
known to increase ICP, and this may be espe- sue oxygenation exacerbating multi-organ
9 Medical Management of Acute Liver Failure 163
failure. Depleted intravascular volume due to pressor/fluid refractory hypotension may benefit
decreased intake as well as increased transuda- from a trial of systemic corticosteroid adminis-
tion into extravascular space adds to this hemo- tration [16, 45, 46].
dynamic instability.
As with any patient with hypotension, intra-
vascular volume status should be assessed and Respiratory
replenished with adequate volume replacement
[17]. If the patient remains hypotensive after fluid In adults, about 20–30% patients with ALF are
resuscitation, vasopressors should be initiated to diagnosed with acute respiratory distress syn-
maintain mean arterial pressures within the age- drome (ARDS) [47]. Exact incidence of ARDS in
appropriate normal range. This is crucial to PALF is unknown. According to the PALF study
assure adequate cerebral perfusion pressure. group data, almost 40% children with PALF
Norepinephrine has been the preferred agent in required ventilator support [3]. Endotracheal
adults, mainly, because it provides a more consis- intubation may be required in PALF either for
tent and predictable increase in cerebral perfu- airway protection in patients with hepatic
sion while minimizing tachycardia and preserving encephalopathy or for management of respiratory
splanchnic circulation [16]. Despite the lack of failure secondary to sepsis, fluid overload-associ-
adequate pediatric data on choice of vasopres- ated pulmonary edema, pulmonary hemorrhage,
sors, norepinephrine does seem to be a reason- or ARDS.
able choice to optimize organ perfusion in PALF There are no pediatric trials directing mechan-
[4]. Vasopressin and its analogues can be used in ical ventilation in children with PALF. Mechanical
volume- and norepinephrine-refractory cases to ventilation strategies in PALF should aim at
potentiate its effects; however, these should be decreasing ventilator associated lung injury while
used cautiously due to the potential direct cere- providing maximum neuroprotection in the set-
bral vasodilatory effect that may worsen intracra- ting of elevated intracranial pressure.
nial hypertension [16, 17]. Echocardiography can Conservative tidal volume ventilation (5–8 ml/kg
be used to assess for systolic and diastolic dys- of predicted body weight) with moderately ele-
function in patients not responding to volume and vated positive end expiratory pressures should be
vasoactive support. titrated to maintain normocapnia and avoid
hypoxemia [48]. As mentioned above, sustained
hyperventilation should be avoided as the effects
Adrenal of hyperventilation on intracranial pressure are
temporary, and there is a potential risk of worsen-
Although there is a discrepancy in the definition, ing cerebral edema by causing cerebral hypoxia
relative adrenal insufficiency/hepatoadrenal syn- [17]; however, it may be used briefly in sudden
drome has been well described in septic shock as life-threatening worsening of intracranial pres-
well as ALF [42]. A third of adults with ALF may sure that is refractory to osmotic agents to delay
develop relative adrenal insufficiency, and its impending cerebral herniation.
incidence seems to be directly proportional to the
severity of liver failure [43]. Low HDL levels
with increased circulatory endotoxins and proin- Renal
flammatory markers like TNF-α lead to impaired
cortisol secretion and impaired adrenal function Acute kidney injury (AKI), and subsequent renal
that can depress sensitivity to catecholamines failure, is a relatively common complication of
[43, 44]. No data is available to define this condi- ALF. In large retrospective review using patients
tion in PALF or to guide diagnosis and manage- in the US Acute Liver Failure study group
ment of relative adrenal insufficiency in (ALFSG), AKI was seen in almost 47% patients
PALF. However, children with PALF and vaso- with ALF [49]. In this study, there was decreased
164 H. Bhatt and G. S. Rao
overall survival in patients with AKI versus cient data. RRT (hemofiltration or dialysis) can
patients without AKI. Also, there was decreased help correct electrolyte imbalances, worsening
transplant-free survival in patients needing renal acidosis, fluid overload, and hyperammonemia.
replacement therapy (RRT) or with advanced The degree of kidney injury, electrolyte distur-
AKI versus those without AKI [49]. Although bance, and fluid imbalance should be integrated
exact incidence of AKI in PALF is unknown, the into the decision to start RRT in patients with
prospective PALF study reported the need for PALF [4]. Continuous renal replacement therapy
hemofiltration in nearly 10% of patients [3]. AKI is preferred over intermittent hemodialysis due to
has been reported in 15–20% of children with lower risk of hemodynamic instability and wors-
ALF where it was associated with decreased sur- ening ICP [17, 55]. In a recent study on a large
vival [50]. cohort of patients enrolled in ALFSG, serum
AKI in ALF can be multifactorial, and causes ammonia modulation with CRRT improved
include hypovolemia, sepsis, acute tubular necro- 21-day transplant-free survival [21]. Although
sis, nephrotoxic medications, acetaminophen- there is inadequate data in PALF regarding use of
induced renal injury, and functional renal failure CRRT in management of HE, early use of CRRT
[51, 52]. Functional renal failure can arise from a should be considered in patients at a greater risk
mechanism similar to hepatorenal syndrome in of progression of HE (e.g., high-grade encepha-
chronic liver disease. Intrarenal vasoconstriction lopathy, advanced AKI, vasopressors, etc.).
leads to decreased renal perfusion and subse- AKI in PALF resolves after restoration of liver
quent kidney injury [51–53]. function in majority of cases. However, in certain
Assessment of renal dysfunction in chil- circumstances, simultaneous liver and kidney
dren with ALF may be augmented by using transplantation must be considered. In adults,
multiple criteria such as the combination of indications for concurrent liver/kidney transplan-
serum creatinine (sCr), urinary output, and tations are based on degree and duration of renal
fluid balance aid in diagnosing AKI. SCr by injury and are strongly considered if patient has
itself may overestimate renal function, and needed dialysis for 8–12 weeks [57]. However,
change of SCr over baseline is more relevant there is minimal data, mainly based on single-
over a single value to assess progression of center experience, available for guidance regard-
renal injury [54, 55]. Urinary biomarkers like ing liver/kidney transplant in children [58].
neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin,
IL-18, kidney injury molecule-1, and liver-
type fatty acid-binding protein are emerging Fluid, Electrolytes, and Nutrition
for evaluation of pediatric AKI; however, these
have not been studied in PALF [56]. Acid-base imbalances, electrolyte abnormalities,
Management of AKI in PALF should be and metabolic derangements are common in
focused on interventions to reduce kidney injury PALF and need to be identified and corrected fas-
and prevent progression to renal failure. Adequate tidiously due to their life-threatening potential.
hydration, avoiding excessive diuresis, maintain- Serum electrolytes should be monitored fre-
ing adequate renal perfusion pressure, and mini- quently and corrected meticulously to prevent
mizing the use or adjusting the dose of intravenous mortality and decrease morbidity in these criti-
contrast and nephrotoxic medications are some cally ill patients. Alkalosis and acidosis both may
measures to prevent AKI in ALF [16, 17, 52]. occur in ALF and should be managed by correct-
Intravenous fluid challenge should be considered ing the cause of acid-base imbalance [17].
in patients with suspected prerenal azotemia, but Hyponatremia and hypokalemia can be second-
volume overload should be avoided in patients ary to ascites, dilution from aggressive volume
with PALF [4]. resuscitation, and urinary losses from diuretic
The criteria for initiation or discontinuation of use. Hyponatremia should be strictly avoided as
RRT in PALF are ill-defined due to lack of suffi- it can exacerbate cerebral edema.
9 Medical Management of Acute Liver Failure 165
bleeding in patients with ALF is mainly stress no clear guidelines for the use of prophylactic
induced or acid related. The AASLD guidelines on antibiotics or antifungals for liver failure in
management of ALF recommend H2 blockers or adults or children, and these should be avoided
proton pump inhibitors (PPI) for prophylactic pre- [16, 17]. Pulmonary, urinary, and blood stream
vention of this type of GI bleeding [17]. Variceal infections are the most common sites for bacte-
bleeding is rare in patients with ALF. Ascites may rial infection, and gram-positive cocci like
develop in a minority of patients with ALF, and staphylococci and streptococci and enteric gram-
spironolactone is the drug of choice to manage negative bacilli are the most commonly isolated
ascites of hepatic origin. Diuresis is indicated only organisms [66]. Obtaining appropriate evalua-
if there is respiratory compromise or significant tions in patients with ALF and signs/symptoms
discomfort due to abdominal distension. of infection should not be delayed. This may
Aggressive diuresis should be avoided to prevent include chest x-ray and urine and blood cultures
precipitation of hepatorenal syndrome [5]. with any suspicion of infection, SIRS, refractory
hypotension, or worsening encephalopathy [16,
17]. Empiric antibiotics should be initiated in
Infection: SIRS patients exhibiting SIRS and should have ade-
quate coverage for the abovementioned bacterial
The liver is involved in multiple immune-related infections.
functions which are disturbed in ALF making
these patients more susceptible to infection.
Additionally, these patients have defects in many Liver Support Systems
other host defense mechanism pathways which
decrease their ability to fight against infections. In acute liver failure, CRRT is highly effective in
As a result, infection and systemic inflammatory the removal of smaller molecules of water-solu-
response syndrome contribute to significant mor- ble toxins, i.e., urea, ammonia, etc. However, the
bidity and mortality in these patients. Bacterial larger or albumin-bound non-water-soluble mol-
infections account for 10–37% of mortality in ecules like cytokines, bile acids, bilirubin, and
adults with ALF [69, 70]. In a retrospective metabolites of aromatic amino acids and medium
review, the incidence of bacterial infection in chain fatty acids are not successfully removed
children with PALF was about 25%, and bacterial during hemodialysis. These large albumin-bound
infections were associated with increased mor- non-soluble molecules accumulate and contrib-
bidity in these patients [71]. Systemic inflamma- ute to progression of liver failure [73, 74]. High-
tory response syndrome (SIRS) has been reported volume hemofiltration has been used to remove
in 50–60% of adults with ALF [69]. Increased circulatory cytokines and was associated with
SIRS components are directly correlated to improved hemodynamics and encephalopathy
increasing mortality and are strongly associated [75]. In a randomized control trial in adults with
with worsening encephalopathy. Encephalopathy ALF, high-volume nonselective plasmapheresis
has been shown to progress in majority of patients demonstrated improved transplant-free survival
with infection and in 50% of patients with greater when compared to a control group along with
than two SIRS components versus 25% of decreased SIRS score and SOFA score [76].
patients without SIRS [72]. There are no retro- High-volume plasmapheresis dampened innate
spective or prospective studies to assess the asso- immune response, and early use of plasmapher-
ciation or incidence of infection or SIRS with esis might provide a window of homeostasis for
outcomes in PALF. the liver to regenerate [76]. However, a small ret-
In spite of several studies examining the use rospective pediatric study failed to show survival
of prophylactic antibiotics in management of benefit with the use of plasma exchange [77].
ALF, the results remain inconclusive. There are
9 Medical Management of Acute Liver Failure 167
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