Ange Chapter 2 Reviewer Taxation

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CHAPTER 2 : TAX ADMINISTRATION BC also collects the taxes on imports embodied in 2. Various offices that indirectly provide
the NIRC. assistance in the collection of taxes are the
Tax administration is a system of collecting taxes following:
in accordance with the country's tax policies. It 3. Land Transportation Office (LTO) the office
involves enforcement of taxes through the responsible to collect registration fees and motor i. The Courts;
following aspects of taxation (a) Assessment, and vehicle tax. ii. Register of Deeds;
(b) Collection iii. Secretary of Public Works and Highways
4. Duly and lawfully authorized collectors - these Offices;
It also includes the execution of judgment and are persons, agencies or duly accredited banks iv. Philippine Economic Zone Authority
capacity to act in all tax cases decided by the authorized by the BIR, BC, TC and LTC to collect v. Board of Investments;
court in favor of the Bureau of Internal Revenue taxes. vi. City Fiscals; and
(BIR). vii. Notaries Public.
5. Local offices in charge to enforce local
Tax Administrative Agencies taxation, such as: 4. The head of the appropriate government office
and his subordinates, with respect to the
The Department of Finance (DOF) is principally a) Provincial, City, Municipal and Barangay collection of energy tax;
responsible for the fiscal policies and general Treasurers;
management of the Philippine Government's b) Provincial and City Assessors; 5. Banks duly accredited by the BIR
financial resources. It has executive supervision c) Provincial and City Board of Assessment Commissioner with respect to receipt of
and control over other agencies, such as: Appeals; and payments of internal revenue taxes. (Sec. 12,
d) Central Board of Assessment Appeals. NIRC)
1. Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) is the
government agency primarily in charge to assess
and collect all taxes and charges imposed by the Other Tax Enforcers THE BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE
NIRC, other tax laws and regulations. (Sec. 2,
NIRC) Other governmental offices, private entities and The BIR is principally tasked with the
individuals that may have incidental functions enforcement of the National Internal Revenue
(Every time the government prepares the regarding tax enforcement are as follows: Code (NIRC). Sections 2, 10, 9, 13 and 14 of the
national budget, attention is focused on the BIR NIRC list the following BIR officers:
because it is responsible for raising the bulk of 1. The Secretary of Justice, as the Chief Legal
the country's total government revenues.) Officer of the government, has the authority to 1. The Commissioner of the Internal Revenue;
ascertain the validity of tax laws subject to 2. Deputy Commissioners of Internal Revenue;
2. Bureau of Customs (BC) and the Tariff review by the Courts of Justice. 3. Revenue Regional Director;
Commission (TC) - the main agencies tasked to 4. Revenue District Officer;
enforce the Tariff and Customs Code (TCC). The
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2. To enforce all forfeitures, penalties and fines 5. Compromise, abate and refund or credit
5. Revenue Examiners and Officers; connected with the above; taxes (Sec. 204, NIRC),
6. Division Chiefs of the BIR; and 6. Suspend the business operations of a
7. BIR Collection Agents. 3. to execute judgments in all cases decided in its taxpayer (Sec. 115, NERCH and
favor by the Court of Tax Appeals and the 7. Delegate powers. (Sec. 7, NIRC)
EO 430 dated July 28, 1987, entitled "Further ordinary courts; and
Streamlining the BIR in line with its Computerized 1. Power to Interpret Tax Laws
Integrated Tax System," designed each of the 4. To administer, supervise and effect police
Deputy Commissioners to head the following powers authorized by the National Internal The Commissioner of Internal Revenue (CIR) has
functional groups: Revenue Code (NIRC) and other laws, such as: the exclusive and original power to interpret
provisions of the National Internal Revenue Code
(1) Operations Group; a. Assigning Internal Revenue Officers to (NIRC) and other tax laws subject to review by
(2) Legal and Enforcement; establishments where articles subject to the Secretary of Finance. (Sec. 4. NIRC)
(3) Information Systems Group; and excise tax are produced;
(4) Resource Management Group (Sec. 3, NIRC). b. Providing and distributing forms, receipts, In the executive officials of the government, only
In 2003, however, the President appointed two certification, stamps and other BIR the CIR has the power to interpret the provisions
(2) more Deputy Commissioners to head the documents to concerned officials; of the Tax Code and other tax laws.
following: c. Issuing receipts for tax collected; an
(5) Tax Reform Administration Group; and d. Submitting annual report and pertinent 2. Power to Decide Tax Cases
(6) Special Concerns Group. information to the Congress.
The BIR Commissioner has the power to decide
There are now 6 Deputy BIR, Commissioners, 4 Powers of the BIR Commissioner disputed assessments, refunds of internal
under Section 3, Title I of NIRC and 2 under E.O. revenue taxes, fees or other charges, penalties
430 of former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue (CIR) is the imposed arising under the Tax Code or other tax
Chief Official of the BIR who has the following laws, subject to the exclusive appellate
Powers and Duties of the Bureau of Internal powers or authority as provided in the Tax Code: jurisdiction of the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA).
Revenue (Sec. 4, par. 2, NIRC)
1. Interpret tax laws (Sec. 4, NIRC),
In the discharge of its functions, the BIR has the 2. Decide disputed tax assessments (Sec. 4, Final decisions made by the CTA shall be taken
following powers and duties as provided by NIRC); for review to higher courts within 15 days from
Section 2 of the National Internal Revenue Code: 3. Summon, and obtain information or notice of ruling, decision or judgment of the CTA.
testimony of persons (Sec 5, NIRC);
1. To assess and collect all national internal 4. Make assessments and prescribe additional
revenue taxes, fees and charges; tax requirements (Sec. 6, NIRC);
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3. Power to Obtain Information when the report or information required by law The BIR Commissioner may:
is withheld or when there is reason to believe 1. Credit or refund taxes erroneously or illegally
This power of the BIR Commissioner is intended that the report filed or submitted is false, received or penalties imposed without authority;
to ascertain the correctness of tax return, and to incomplete or erroneous. 2. Refund the value of internal revenue stamps
determine the taxpayer's liability and compliance. when they are returned in good condition by the
In the exercise of this power, he is authorized to: 2. Authority to purchaser; and
 Conduct inventory and surveillance, and 3. Redeem or change unused stamps that have
a. Examine taxpayer's records; prescribe presumptive gross sales and been rendered unfit for use and refund their
b. Obtain taxpayer's financial information; receipts. value upon proof of destruction.
c. Summon the person liable for tax;  Terminate taxable period.
d. Take testimony of the person concerned  Prescribe real property values. 6. Power to Suspend Business Operations
under oath; and  Inquire into bank deposit accounts
e. Conduct regular canvas concerning all  Accredit and register tax agents. The CIR or his authorized representative is
persons liable to pay any internal revenue  Prescribe additional procedural or empowered to suspend the business operations
tax documentary requirements. and temporarily close the business establishment
of any person for any of the following violations:
The BIR can access the records of the taxpayer's 5. Authority to Compromise, Abate and Refund
customers or suppliers to confirm accuracy of the or Credit Taxes 1. In the case of a VAT-registered person,
declared sales or purchases in the tax returns a. Failure to issue receipts or invoices;
subject to the presentation of Letter of Authority. The BIR Commissioner may compromise, abate, b. Failure to file a VAT return as required under
refund or credit the payment of any internal Section 114 of NIRC; or
4. Power to Make Assessment revenue tax when: c. Understatement of taxable sale or receipts by
thirty percent or more of his correct taxable sales
The powers of the BIR Commissioner to make 1. A reasonable doubt as to the validity of the or receipts for the taxable quarter.
assessment and prescribe additional claim against the taxpayer exists; or
requirements for tax administration and 2. The tax or any portion thereof appears to be 2. Failure by any person to register as required
enforcement are as follows: unjustly or excessively assessed; or under Section 236 of NIRC.
3. The financial position of the taxpayer
1. Examinations of demonstrates a clear inability to pay the assessed The temporary closure of the establishment shall
 Returns and determination of tax due, tax. be for the duration of not less than five (5) days
 Statements, reports and other 4. The administration and collection costs and shall be lifted only upon compliance with
documents not submitted. involved do not justify the collection of the whatever requirements prescribed by the
amount due Commissioner in the closure order. (Sec. 115,
The power to assess the proper tax based on the NIRC)
best evidence obtainable is appropriate only
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7. Authority to Delegate Power 3. Issuance of receipts or sales or commercial of the decedent and a new TIN shall be supplied
invoices; to the "Estate of the Deceased Person."
The BIR Commissioner may delegate the powers 4. Exhibition of certificate of payment at place of
vested upon him under the pertinent provisions business; Registration Period.
of the Tax Code to any subordinate official with a 5. Requirements for continuance of business of
rank equivalent to a division chief or higher, deceased person; and Every person subject to any internal revenue tax
subject to such limitations and restrictions as 6. Transfer of business to another location. shall register once with the appropriate Revenue
may be imposed under the rules and regulations District Officer (RDO)
to be promulgated by the Secretary of Finance, Registration Requirements
upon the recommendation of the Commissioner. 1. Within ten (10) days from date of employment;
(Sec. 7, NIRC) A person subject to any internal revenue tax shall 2. On or before the commencement of business;
register once with the appropriate revenue office. 3. Before payment of any tax due; or
The following powers of the Commissioner shall 4. Upon filing of a return, statement or
NOT be delegated: Any person required to file a tax return, declaration as required in the Tax Code.
statement or document shall be registered and
1. The power to recommend the promulgation of assigned a Tax Identification Number (TIN).
rules and regulations by the Secretary of Finance; BIR Forms. The BIR Forms that are needed for
2. The power to issue first interpretation Only one TIN shall be assigned to a taxpayer. Any registration are the following:
regarding rulings, or to reverse, revoke or modify person who shall secure more than one TIN shall
any existing ruling of the Bureau; be criminally liable. 1. BIR Form 1901- For registration of self-
3. The power to assign or re-assign internal employed, mixed income individuals, estates and
revenue officers to establishments where articles Exceptions: trusts.
subject to excise tax are produced or kept; and
4. The power to compromise or abate. 1. When a Foreign Currency Deposit Unit (FCDU), 2. BIR Form 1902 - For individuals earning purely
which is merely a division of a local or foreign compensation income.
ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS bank in the Philippines, is assigned another TIN
by the BIR, for purposes of filing its tax returns 3. BIR Form 1903 - For registration of
For purposes of effectively and efficiently and paying final tax on its foreign currency corporations and partnerships.
performing tax collection, the Tax Code provides transactions. The peso and other transactions of
the following requirements for compliance by the the regular banking unit of the bank shall be 4. BIR Form 1904 - For registration of one-time
taxpayer employed or engaged in business, as declared in its regular corporate income tax taxpayer and persons registering under E. O. No.
the case may be: return (BIR Form 1702), using its other TIN. 98 (securing TIN to be able to transact with any
1. Registration; 2. In cases where a registered taxpayer dies, the government agencies).
2. Printing of receipts or sales or commercial administrator or executor shall register the estate
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5. BIR Form 1905 - For updating/cancellation of Adoption of Electronic Filing and Payment 3. The same requirements (1 and 2) shall be
registration, cancellation of TIN, new copy of System (EFPS). applied in case of transfer of ownership or
certificate of registration. change of name of the business establishment.
The BIR primarily developed EFPS to provide
Contents of Registration Form. The registration taxpayers a more convenient service in Transfer of Business Place.
shall contain the following: processing and immediate confirmation of filing
tax returns and payment of taxes due. In case a registered person decides to transfer his
1. Taxpayer's name and style of business; place of business or his head office or branches,
2. Place of residence and business; and This system is paperless allowing the taxpayer to it shall be his duty to update his registration
3. Other information as required by the directly encode, submit his tax returns and pay status by filing an application for registration
Commissioner in the form. taxes due online over the internet through BIR information update.
Any person maintaining a head office, branch or The transfer of registration requires no additional
facility shall register with the RDO having EFPS also would minimize the government's registration fee to be paid by the taxpayer.
jurisdiction over the head office, branch or administrative and operational costs in
facility. interacting with taxpayers and in collecting taxes. Before a taxpayer transfers his place of business
(Rev. Memo. Order No. 5-2002) to another revenue district office, he must secure
Filing, Payment and Updates. the necessary tax clearance from the RDO where
Transfer of Ownership. the head office or branch is presently registered.
Every person who is required to register with the
BIR shall file a return and pay such taxes for each When any individual who has paid the annual Cancellation of Registration.
type of internal revenue tax for which he is registration fee dies, and the same business is
obligated. continued by other person or persons interested The registration of any person who ceases to be
in his estate, the following rules shall be liable to a tax type shall be canceled upon filing
Any person registered in accordance with Sec. observed: with the RDO where he is registered and where
236 of NIRC shall, whenever applicable, update he applies for registration information update in
his registration information with the Revenue 1. No additional payment shall be required for a prescribed form.
District Office where he is registered, specifying the remaining period within which the tax was
therein any change in tax type and other paid;
taxpayer details (Sec. 236 [E), NIRC). This 2. The person who will continue the business
taxpayer is required to file BIR Form 1905. should submit inventories of goods or stocks to
the BIR within 30 days from the death of the
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Printing of Receipts, Sales or Commercial Tax Returns

Invoice c) Contain information that may be required
by rules and regulations to be promulgated Tax Returns refers to a formal report prepared by
“sales” or “commercial invoice” is a document by the Secretary of Finance, upon the taxpayer or his agent in a prescribed form
issued by the seller of goods to the buyer. recommendation of the Commissioner. showing an enumeration of taxable amounts and
description of taxable transactions, allowable
“receipt” is a document issued for sales of Issuance of Receipts, Sales or Commercial deductions, amount of tax and tax payable to the
services. Invoice government.

Before receipts, sales, or commercial invoices can The following rules are followed in the issuance Examples:
be printed, there are certain requirements that of receipts or invoices: BIR Form Nos. 1700 and 1701 - Annual Income
need to be fulfilled. These requirements are as Tax Returns for Individual.
follows: 1. The time for issuance of receipts or invoices
should be the time when transaction is BIR Form No. 1702 - Annual Income Tax Return
1. BIR's Authority to Print effected. for Corporations and Partnerships.
2. All persons subject to any internal revenue
All persons who are engaged in business shall tax are required to issue receipts or sales BIR Form No. 1800 - Donor's Tax Return.
secure from the BIR an Authority to Print receipts invoices when the value of merchandise sold
or sales or commercial invoices before a printer or service rendered is twenty-five pesos BIR Form No. 1801 - Estate Tax Return.
can print the same. (P25.00) or more.
3. Receipt/ invoice is not required Certificate of Payment
BIR Form 1906 is to be accomplished by all 4. Regardless of amount, a receipt must be
taxpayers every time printing of receipts and issued Certificate of payment means a written
invoices is needed. Such form is to be 5. The receipt should indicate the name, certificate executed by the Authority indicating
accomplished with the RDO having jurisdiction business (if any), address of the purchaser, the amount that the Trade Contractor is entitled
over the head office or branch. customer or client to be paid in connection with each Trade
6. The original receipt shall be issued to the Contractor Application for Payment.
Other requirements purchaser, and the issuer shall keep the
duplicate in his place of business for three TAX REMEDIES
The printed receipts or sales invoices should: years.
7. The purchaser or the issuer should keep his Tax remedies are procedures or actions available
a) Be serially numbered copy of receipts for a period of three years both to the government to collect taxes and to
b) Contain the name, business style, TIN and in his place of business from the chose of the the taxpayer to avoid abuses in the payment of
business address of the person or entity to taxable year in which such invoice or receipt taxes.
use such receipts or invoices; was made
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Due to the "lifeblood doctrine," the government It is the beginning and the necessary step to the Kinds of Tax Assessment
applies various tax remedies to collect taxes in issuance of a warrant of distraint or levy, and to
defraying its expenses. establish a case for judicial action. 1. Self-Assessment - this tax assessment is
made by the taxpayer himself reflecting the
The tax remedies afforded by law to the taxpayer Presumption of Correctness amount of tax due in the ITR which he has
are supported by the "due process of law" of the to pay at the time of filing his tax return.
Constitution. Basically, an assessment is presumed correct and
made in good faith in the performance of official 2. Prospective Assessment - also called a
Assessment duties and failure to present proof of error will preliminary assessment notice (PAN) which
prosper such assessment. informs the taxpayer about the findings by
By nature, internal revenue taxes are self- the tax examiner regarding the taxpayer's
assessing. When the taxpayer earns income, he Who Makes Assessment tax deficiency. The taxpayer is usually given
has the responsibility to compute, file and pay his 15 days from notice to explain his side.
tax to the BIR. Hence, the taxpayer creates his After the return has been filed, the BIR
tax liability even without the government's Commissioner or his duly authorized 3. Disputed Assessment - a tax assessment
assessment. representative may authorize the examination of that is being questioned by the taxpayer as
any taxpayer and the assessment of the correct to its validity or legality and asks the same
The tax assessment as used in the Tax Code amount of tax. to be cancelled. The taxpayer or its
involves the following: authorized representative or tax agent may
Failure on the part of the taxpayer to file a return protest administratively against the
1. Determining of the correctness of tax due in shall not prevent the Commissioner from aforesaid Formal letter of Demand (FLD)
accordance with the prevailing tax laws; authorizing the examination of any taxpayer. and Final Assessment Notice (FAN) within
2. Giving a written notice of the finding to the thirty (30) days from the date of receipt
taxpayer; Assessment Period thereof. This may be done through (a)
3. Issuing a demand for the payment of tax request for reconsideration or (b) request
liability or tay deficiency within a specified period. Assessment period refers to the span of time for reinvestigation.
allowed by law to the BIR to investigate a
a tax assessment is a formal letter made by the taxpayer's tax discrepancy to enforce collection 4. Final Assessment - an official assessment
BiR demanding the taxpayer to settle his tax of taxes. which was not disputed or properly
liability within the indicated period. It is based on appealed by the taxpayer within the
actual facts and not on hearsay evidence and it When to Effect Tax Assessment prescribed period and has become final and
must be directed to the right party subject to tax Government tax assessment could be made: executory.
1. Before a tax return is filed. The taxpayer is barred from disputing
2. After a fraudulent tax return is uncovered. the correctness of the issued
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assessment by introduction of newly discovered evidence which must be submitted within sixty Collection remedies are methods used by the
or additional evidence. (60) days from the date of filing of the protest. government to recover unpaid debts or taxes
from individuals or businesses.
5. Deficiency Assessment - an assessment 3. Motion for Withdrawal.
made by a tax assessor showing the correct The taxpayer requests the BIR or Court to remove Administrative remedies in the collection of
amount of tax after tax audit. a tax plea bargain he entered because he was taxes are available at the administrative level.
pressured to accept the agreement which he The administrative remedies for the collection of
6. Jeopardy Assessment - an assessment believes not in his best interest. the delinquent taxes are;
without the benefit of complete or partial
tax audit intended to prevent the delay of 4. Motion for Cancellation. a. Distraint of personal property;
the assessment and collection of taxes The taxpayer request the BIR or Court to stop the b. Levy of real property; and
cause by the taxpayer's failure to comply tax assessment due to prescription and violation c. Other administrative collection remedies.
with tax investigation requirements and of due process of law.
substantiate his records with proper Judicial remedies are means of enforcing tax
documents. COLLECTION OF TAXES collection through court litigations which may be
1. Civil action; and
7. Illegal or Void Assessment - an assessment By nature, the government's power to impose 2. Criminal action.
made by a BIR officer without authority or an taxes carries with it the power to enforce
assessment made in violation of law. contribution. As the lifeblood of the government, Distraint of Personal Property
taxes are not optional and the taxpayer thereof
Ways to Contest the Validity of an Assessment must make payment promptly. Distraint of Personal Property is the seizure by
the government of personal property (tangible or
The taxpayer may dispute or protest the validity Collection Remedies Available to Government intangible) to enforce the payment of taxes,
of an assessment which may involve the question followed by its public sale if taxes accruing
of fact or law or both by the following written  tax payments are not voluntarily observed thereto are not voluntarily paid.
motions or requests: within the prescribed period by reason of
delinquency This remedy shall not be availed of if the amount
1. Motion for Reconsideration.  the law provides the government various of tax involved is not more than P100.
The taxpayer requests the BIR to review the remedies to enforce effective collection of
existing records without the need of additional internal revenue taxes, fees, and charges Kinds of Distraint
evidence. and increments thereto where the taxpayer
is delinquent. 1. Constructive distraint - the government
2. Motion for Reinvestigation.  The government can use administrative prohibits the taxpayer from disposing his
The taxpayer requests the BIR to have a second remedies and judicial remedies in the personal property to enforce collection of taxes.
look based on the newly discovered or additional collection of taxes.
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2. Actual distraint - the government takes enforce the payment of taxes. As in distraint, the 2. Enforcement of tax lien;
possession of the taxpayer's personal property property may be sold at a public sale if, after A tax lien is a legal claim granted to the
and sells the same through public auction to seizure, the taxes are not voluntarily paid government to secure the proper payment of the
settle the latter's unpaid tax liabilities. tax, surcharges, interest and costs on all property
This remedy shall not be availed of if the amount subject to levy or distraint.
Release of Distrained Property upon Payment of tax involved is not more than P100.
Prior to Sale. 3. Enforcement of forfeiture;
Levy shall be effected in writing upon the Forfeiture of Confiscated Article implies taking of
If, at any time prior to the consummation of the certificate detailing a description of the property property without compensation as a result of an
sale, all proper charges are paid to the officer upon which levy is made. A failure of notice is a offense committed.
conducting the sale, the goods or effects fatal defect.
distrained shall be restored to the owner. 4. Entering into compromise of tax case;
The levy, as a remedy on realty, may be repeated Compromise is a contract whereby the parties, by
Purchase by Government at Sale Upon Distraint. if necessary until the full amount due, including reciprocal concessions, avoid litigation or put an
all expenses, is collected end to one already commenced.
When the amount bid for the property under Redemption of Property Sold. The following shall be considered in a tax
distraint is not equal to the amount of the tax or compromise agreement:
when the amount of bid is substantially lower Within one year from the date of sale, the 1. The taxpayer must have a tax liability;
than the actual market value of the articles delinquent taxpayer, or anyone for him, shall 2. There must be an offer by the taxpayer or
offered for sale, the BIR Commissioner or his have the right of paying to the RDO the amount Commissioner of an amount to be paid by the
deputy may purchase the same in • behalf of the of the public taxes, penalties thereon from the taxpayer; and
National Government for the amount of taxes, date of delinquency to the date of sale, together 3. There must be acceptance by the
penalties, and costs due thereon. with interest on said purchase price at the rate of Commissioner or taxpayer, as the case may be, of
15% per annum from the date of purchase to the the offer in settlement of the original claim.
Further Distraint. date of redemption.
5. Requiring the filing of bonds;
The remedy of distraint of personal property may OTHER COLLECTION REMEDIES Posting of Bonds
be repeated if necessary until the full amount Other remedies to enforce collection of taxes are Posting of bonds is mostly applicable to customs
due and all expenses are collected. as follows: duties and excise taxes.

Levy of Real Property 1. Imposition of injunction; Exporter's Bond. Exporters of good that would
An injunction is a restraining order issued by the be subject to excise tax, if sold or removed for
Levy of Real Property is the seizure by the court having jurisdiction over the filed suit consumption in the Philippines, shall submit
government of immovable property in order to intended to forbid the continuance of the action proof of exportation satisfactory to the
of law for purposes of due process Commissioner.
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Manufacturers' and Importers' Bond. A Letter of Authority is a request to the taxpayer Additions to Tax
to permit the bearer thereof to conduct the The government may impose surcharges and
Manufacturers and importers of articles (alcohol necessary examination of said books and records, interest in addition to basic taxes to ensure tax
and tobacco products) subject to excise tax shall and signed either by the BIR Commissioner his collection once a taxpayer neglects to pay his
post a bond subject to the following conditions: deputy, officials of the investigating division, taxes.
Regional Director, Assistant Director, or the
1. Initial bond Revenue District Officer. A surcharge is a civil penalty imposed by law in
2. Bond for succeeding years of operation addition to the main tax required to be paid due
11. Use of national tax register; and to the delinquency or misinterpretation of taxes
6. Requiring proof of filing of income tax returns; The National tax register is a record of the
names of persons residing in each city or The term “delinquency” means failure on the
business or occupation or practice a profession municipality kept and maintained by every part of the taxpayer to pay the tax due on the
can be issued to a taxpayer required by law to revenue regional director of every regional date fixed by law or indicated in the assessment
file an income tax return, district. notice or letter of demand.

7. Giving of rewards to informers; It is available for use by any internal revenue or Surcharges
leads to the discovery of frauds thereby resulting other tax-collecting officer as aid in the collection The payment of surcharge is mandatory and the
in revenue recoveries, of taxes. BIR is not vested with any authority to waive the
collection thereof.
8. Making arrest, search and seizure; 12. Imposition of civil and criminal action.
internal revenue officer has the authority to A civil action is one that is brought to enforce, Tax surcharges are classified as simple neglect
make arrests and seizures for the violation of redress or protect private rights. In general, all and willful neglect.
internal revenue code types legal action other than criminal
9. Deportation of aliens; proceedings are civil actions. A. Simple Neglect - 25% surcharges
Any alien is subject to deportation if he
knowingly and fraudulently evades the payment For tax purposes, this refers to civil actions A simple neglect surcharges of 25% in addition to
of any Internal Revenue Tax, instituted by the government to collect national tax assessed to be paid shall be imposed when
internal revenue taxes in the ordinary courts. the taxpayer:
10. Inspection of books of accounts; 1. Fails to file any return and pay the tax due on
As authorized by the CIR, the Internal Revenue A criminal action is a penal prosecution. It is an the date prescribed
Officers (IRO) are authorized to examine and action, suit or cause instituted to punish an 2. Files income tax returns with an internal
inspect books of accounts and other accounting infraction of the criminal laws. revenue officer other than with whom the return
records of taxpayers. is required to be filed;
Due dates refer to the last day for filing return
and payment of tax.
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3. Fails to pay deficiency tax within the time 1. Tax Avoidance - Before the payment of tax, 5. Applying for No Audit Program (NAP) - for a
prescribed for its payment in the notice of the taxpayer can reduce or totally escape the taxpayer to qualify for the NAP
assessment, or payment of tax through legally permissible
4. Fails to pay the full or part of the amount of means such as applying for tax exemption in the 6. Entering into a Compromise - the taxpayer
tax shown on any return required to be filed, or sale of his principal residence classified as capital may offer an amount which is lesser than the
the full amount of tax due for which no return is asset or choosing the lesser tax rate applicable to amount of tax liability assesed to him.
required to be filed, on or before the prescribed the taxable transaction.
date for its payment JUDICIAL REMEDIES
Tax avoidance is valid if used by the taxpayer in
B. Willful Neglect - 50% of the tax or the good faith. The law does not forbid it and it does 1. Civil Action
deficiency tax. not constitute tax fraud.
a. Appeal to the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) - If
A willful neglect surcharges of fifty percent in 2. Amendment of Tax Returns - As a rule, a tax the is denied in whole or in part, or is not acted
addition to tax assessed to be paid shall be return once filed cannot anymore be withdrawn upon within 180 days from submission of
imposed when the taxpayer: but it can still be modified for as long as (a) the documents
amendment is made within three (3) years from
1. Presents false or fraudulent return to the BIR, the date of the filing of such return; and (b) no b. Secure Injunction Order from CTA - The
2. Willfully (intentionally) neglects to file the notice for audit or investigation of such return taxpayer may secure injunction against
return with the period described by the Tax Code has been served to the taxpayer administrative collection by distrain or levy of
or by the rules and regulations. when collection of taxes would jeopardize his
Tentative Annual Income Tax Returns interest subject to the posting of bond
Interests on Deficiency Tax vs. Delinquency Tax
It shall be the policy of the BIR to consider a C. Appeal from CTA to the Supreme Court (SC) -
DEFICIENCY- is the amount still due and “tentative ITR” as a final return, unless a final This should be filed within 15 days from the
collectible from the taxpayer upon audit or amended return is filed by the concerned receipt of the decision of the CTA
investigation; while delinquency is the taxpayer.
nonpayment of tax on time after issuance FLD 2. Criminal Action
and FAN 3. Demand for the letter of authority (LA) - it The taxpayer could file a complaint against erring
authorizes or empowers a particular Revenue BIR officials and employees who commit any of
Administrative Remedies Enforcement Officer (REO) to go over, the delinquencies specified in the Tax Code, like
extorting, conspiring to violate the provisions of
The administrative remedies usually availed by 4. Protesting an Assessment - the taxpayer can the Code, etc
the taxpayer are the following: contest the assessment within 30 days from the
receipt of the notice of assessment.
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3. Other Judicial Remedies

a. Action for Damages against Revenue Officers

- An action may be brought against any Internal
Revenue Officer to recover damages by reason of
any act done in the performance of official duty.

b. Action to Contest Forfeiture of Chattel - The

owner desiring to contest the validity of the

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