Pliant Like The Bamboo

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“Pliant like the Bamboo"

By I.V. Mallari
Class Schedule: March 7, 2024 (Thursday)
Section - Alluring (8:30 - 9:35) am
Time frame: 1 hour


The learner demonstrates understanding of: Philippine literature in the Period of
Emergence as a tool to assert one's identity, strategies in listening to and viewing
of informative and short narrative texts word relationships and associations:
informative speech forms, and use of direct/reported speech, passive/ active voice,
simple past and past perfect tenses. and sentence connectors.

The learner transfers learning by: showing ways of asserting one's identity:
comprehending informative and short narrative texts using schema and
appropriate listening and viewing strategies, expressing ideas, opinions and
feelings through various formats: and enriching written and spoken
communication using direct/reported speech, active/passive voice, simple past and
past perfect tenses and connectors correctly and appropriately


EN7LT-III-a-5: Discover literature as a tool to assert one‘s unique identity and to better
understand other people
EN7LT-III-c-2.2: Explain how the elements specific to a genre contribute to the theme of
a particular literary selection.

At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:

 Read the selection entitled “Pliant like the Bamboo”.
 Appreciate how the selection serves as an avenue in asserting Filipino identity.
 Explain the comparison used to support details in the selection.


Topic – Pliant like the Bamboo by I.V. Mallari


A. Reference- Retrieved from

1. K to 12 Curriculum G (May. 2016), p.160

2. English 7 Learners Material page 304-307

B. Materials – Handouts, books and laptop

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
A. Preparatory Activities

1. Drills

Good morning, grade 7 Alluring!

Good morning, Teacher Jessa!
Can you please lead the prayer, Regie?
Okay ma’am
Amen. Amen.

Everyone, Before you sit down, please

arrange your chairs first and pick up all the
trash that you will find underneath.
( students arranged their chairs and picks up
some pieces of paper )
Checking of Attendance

Thank you! You may have a seat. For

attendance, please raise your hand when your
surname is called and tell the class your best
trait. Understood?
Yes ma’am.
(The Teacher will start calling names for

2. Review

Now, this morning class we will have a new

lesson but before that let us have first a
review of the discussion that we had
yesterday. Anyone from the class who wants
to answer?
( students raised their hands )
Yes, Ral. What was our lesson yesterday?
It's all about the structures of Plot ma’am.

Yes, precisely! You may now take your seat.

But before anything else class, I want to

remind the class my classroom rules for us to
maintain a peaceful learning along the way,
kindly read everyone.  Listen attentively.
 Respect your teacher and your
 Raise your hand if you have questions,
clarifications, and going to answer.
 No using of phones during class hours.
Unless if it is needed.
3. Motivation
Class I want you look at this pictures in
front or flip your books in page 300 and
refer to task 2.

What can you say about the picture?

Ma’am the picture shows the events in the
Philippines during the period of emergence or
the time when the Philippines is colonize by
different countries.
What are the countries that colonized the
Philippines before class? ( students raises their hands )
 Spain ma’am
 Japan ma’am
 America ma’am

B. Developmental activities
1. Presentation
a. Setting of standards

Class today, we are going to read a story

entitled Pliant like the Bamboo by I.V.
But before we proceed into reading the story
let us first do a little time travel by answering
this activity I have prepared here.
2. Activity
Read the following statements and identify if
they are true or false based on the picture.
Write FACT if you think the statement is true
or BLUFF if the statement is false.

1. The Spanish soldiers conquered the

2. Many Filipinos suffered because of the
soldiers who invaded our country.
3. The English language was widely used in
writing during this period.
4. Writers are concerned with the social
well-being of the Filipinos.
5. Movies became popular during this

 Is everything clear about the activity

class? Do you have any questions?

None ma’am
3. Analysis
The teacher will ask the student if they’re
done answering and call for their attention so
that they can answer the statements and do
rationale together.

 Alright, let’s start checking if your

answer are right class, who wants to
answer read the first question and tell us
your answer

Yes Glen? ( students raised their hands )

1. The Spanish soldiers conquered the

Philippines. My answer ma’am is FACT.
Thank you jewel, and yes you are right.
During this period the Philippines was
colonized by the spaniards.

 Now any volunteer for statement number

( students raised their hands )
Yes Kylie?

2. Many Filipinos suffered because of the

soldiers who invaded our country. FACT
Yes exactly, it is a fact because during the
colonization of the Spaniards there are a lot of
abuses that occurred with that suffering from
our fellow Filipino during that time happened
as well.

 Very well, let’s now have the third

statement, yes Camille?

3. The English language was widely used in

Why do think it’s a bluff class? writing during this period. BLUFF ma’am.

Because it was the Spaniards time ma’am, and

I think it was the Spanish language which
were adapted not the English language which
Yes you are right Camille, it was not yet the is a language of the Americans.
reign of Americans during this times thus
English language was not widely used rather,
it was the Spanish language.

 Let’s move on with number four, let have

John mark read it.

4. Writers are concerned with the social well-

Yes this is a fact because during this times being of the Filipinos. FACT ma’am.
many write ups surfaced trying to fight for the
Filipino's freedom by using their pens and
quills. Speaking and standing for their rights
by expressing their emotions in a way of

 Now let us hear the number five

statement, Nina kindly read.

5. Movies became popular during this period.

Yes this is a fact because? FACT also ma’am.

Because this statement actually happened

Yes exactly, movies are prominent during the during the period ma’am.
period and people during this time even falls
in line because many are interested in

Now did you get a perfect score class?

Well done class! Yes ma’am!

4. Abstraction
Now for us to know more of how Filipinos
before are able to survived the colonization
and even became a country rich with culture
and versatile enough to overcome adversities
let us read together the story “Pliant like the
Bamboo” by I.V Mallari.

But before that we will have a goals for

today. And this will serve as a key points that
we must need to attain for today’s lesson.
Everybody read.

 Read the selection entitled “Pliant like

the Bamboo”.
 Appreciate how the selection serves as
an avenue in asserting Filipino
Thank you, class.
 Explain the comparison used to
support details in the selection.
Who is I.V. Mallari, kindly read here class.

Ismael Villanueva Mallari was one of the

early Filipino writers in English, he was
primarily an essayist and is ranked as the
By values he refers to the manner of leading literary and art critic in the
behaviour a human being should exhibit Philippines.
towards another. Man has to be
compassionate and empathetic towards others
instead of being always pre-occupied with
himself. It is the values that will enlighten and
uplift Man. He should never forget his values
in life

( read the story “Plaint like a Bamboo” by

I.V. Mallari )

Pliant Like the Bamboo

byI. V. Mallari

There is a story in Philippine folklore about

a mango tree and a bamboo tree. Not being
able to agree as to which was the stronger of
the two, they called upon the wind to make
the decision.
The wind blew hardest. The mango tree
stood fast. It would not yield. It knew it was
strong and sturdy. It would not sway. It was
too proud. It was too sure of itself. But finally
its root gave way, and it tumbled down.
The bamboo tree was wiser. It knew it was
not as robust as the mango tree. And so every
time the wind blew, it bent its head
gracefully. It made loud protestations, but let
the wind have its way. When finally the wind
got tired of blowing, the bamboo tree still
stood in all its beauty and grace.
The Filipino is like the bamboo tree. He
knows that he is not strong enough, to
withstand the onslaught of superior forces.
And so he yields. He bends his head
gracefully with many loud protestations.
And he has survived. The Spaniards came
and dominated him for more than three
hundred years. And, when the Spaniards left,
the Filipinos still stood—only much richer in
experience and culture.
The Americans took place of the Spaniards.
They used more subtle means of winning over
the Filipinos to their mode of living and
thinking. The Filipinos embraced the
American way of life more readily than the
Spaniard‘s vague promises hereafter.
Then the Japanese came like a storm, like a
plague of locusts, like a pestilence—rude,
relentless, cruel. The Filipino learned to bow
his head low, to ―cooperate‖ with the
Japanese in their ―holy mission of
establishing the Co-Prosperity Sphere.‖ The
Filipino had only hate and contempt for the
Japanese, but he learned to smile sweetly at
them and to thank them graciously for their
―benevolence and magnanimity‖.
And now that the Americans have come back
and driven away the Japanese, those
Filipinos who profited most from cooperating
with the Japanese have been loudest in their
protestations of innocence. Everything is as if
the Japanese had never been in the
For the Filipino would welcome any kind of
life that the gods would offer him. That is why
he is contented and happy and at peace. The
sad plight of other people of the world is not
his. To him, as to that ancient Oriental poet,
the past is already a dream, and tomorrow is
only a vision; but today, well-lived, makes
every yesterday a dream of happiness, and
tomorrow is a vision of hope.
This may give you the idea that the Filipino
is a philosopher. Well he is. He has not
evolved a body of philosophical doctrines.
Much less has he put them down into a book,
like Kant for example, or Santayana or
Confucius. But he does have a philosophical
outlook on life.
He has a saying that life is like a wheel.
Sometimes it is up, sometimes it is down. The
monsoon season comes, and he has to go
undercover. But then the sun comes out
again. The flowers bloom, and the birds sing
in the trees. You cut off the branches of a
tree, and, while the marks of the bolo* are
still upon it, it begins to shoot forth-new
branches—branches that are the promise of
new color, new fragrance, and new life.

 How was the selection class?

Great to know that you love it class.

It was inspiring ma’am and just like the

5. Application bamboo in the story I want to embody how it
Class, if you are to choose what do you want was in the story.
to be like? The mango tree who stood
proudly, then eventually was unable to endure
that much or the bamboo who knows when to
bend and stand back after bending?

 For me ma’am, I want to be like the

bamboo because not every time is our
wins and everything is still unsure so to
know when to bend and whom to bend is
an important ability.
 In my opinion ma’am, being like the
bamboo is not something we should be
ashamed of, because it is just showing
C. Concluding Activities
how flexible Filipino's can be. Admitting
1. Generalization
inferiority is not a failure, it is a win and a
 Yes exactly, now can anyone tell the
fact of knowing reality.
class why Filipino’s were compared to
such tree?
It is because just the bamboo tree ma’am, we
are able to endure struggles and we are aware
Yes exactly class! and flexible of when to bend and to whom to
bend. We don’t stop fighting just because we
2. Valuing bend once, we will always try to stand back
 Now, why is it important for us to live and fight back to whatever life has to throw at
like a bamboo class? us.

 Living like a bamboo tree ma’am will

allow us to live like a real fighter ma’am,
we may fall unto our knees but as long as
the roots of determination is holding still
we can always choose to stand and we
will always have the opportunity to
continue life after the fall.

Get your books and kindly turn it into page
307. Take a look at the task 7 (What kind
of persons are Filipinos?) Write it in a ½
crosswise, copy and answer the following

None ma’am.
Any clarifications class?

(Students are now answering)

If none start answering now.

Do an advance reading about the selection we
were unable to finished today.


A. No. of learners who requires activities

for remediation.

B. No. of learners who earned 80% on

the formative assessment.
C. No. of learners who requires activities
for remediation.

D. Did the remedial lesson/s work? No.

of learners who have caught up with
the lesson.

E. No. of learners who continue to

require meditation.

F. F. What difficulties did I encounter

that my
supervisor/principal/department head
helped me solve?

G. G. What innovation or localized

materials did I discover which I wish
to share with other teachers?

Prepared by:


Student Teacher

Checked by:

Cooperating Teacher

Noted by:

English Coordinator

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