Administrative Law

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Paper / Subject Code: 66811 / Administrative Law


Time: 2 Hrs

Q. No.I: Answer in two sentence (Any Six)

I. Define Administrative law,
; 2. Defmecorporation.
\` 3.
4. What
State is
anyirrelevant consideration?
two differences between tribunal and court,

5. State the difference between delay and laches.

` 6. What does mean by acting under dictation?

7. State the importance of conditional legislation.

8. Define ombudsman,
9. What is b.ias?
j 10. What does mean by speaking order.

Q. No. 2: Write short notes .on any two

1. Reserve Bank of India
2. Droit Administratiff
3. Separation of power
4. Rule of law

Q. No.3. Answer the situational based questions (12,Ma

I-) Five students were guilty of gross violence against some girl students which called for imape a
a; it created tension i; Un'iver;ity campus. In -spite of authority trying to serve notice to the udehts'inJ
question it could not be served o'n their because they had absconded. University suspend:all!o)f ith?in in
the]r absence.
a. Whether any principle oflaw violated here? Explain.
b. Explain whether order against students is justified.

2) Section 144 of Criminal Procedure Code gives power to the executive to impose
freedom of speech and expression. This power was challenged before the Court.

a. Whether freedom of speech and expression can be restricted? State the reason.
b. On what ground such power can be exercised? i

3) Anantlal approaches the High court under Article 226 of the Constitution of India!apd

a. Whether the law of limitation is applicable to Article 226? Explain those limitation if a4y;
b. Can Court refuse to entertain such petition? Explain.

4) The Director of Enforcement, foreign exchange, by an ex-parte order imposes a fine on pdti
d:rects him to pay the fine within 45 days. On failing fine, criminal prosecution initiated against
petitioner denied any communication of order.
a) Is it necessary to communicate the order? Why
b) What can be the consequences ot` non utommunication of order.

Q. No.4: Answer any two in detail (24 Marks)

i ) Discuss the different reasons of growth of Administrative law.
2) Explain the delegated legislation? What role it plays in welfare State?
3) Explain the importance of P/i#c'z.p/e o/mczf%rcr//.%s/;'ce in Administrative law
4) How Judiciary control the administrative action through writs.

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