Rivers of Blood

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Amorce :

On July the 20th 2023, GB has changed its immigration law in order to put a stop to illegal
immigration and force them to return to their countr if they’re not considered as vulnerable refugees.

Résumé : Enoch Powell did a speechpublished by th Wolverhampton Express telling his editor this
speech will fizz like a rocket but whereas all rockets all fall to earth, this one is going to stay up. « In
this country, in 15 or 20 years, the black man will have the whip hand over the white man » he said at
a Birmingham Hotel to an invited audience of conservators.
« It almost passes belief that at this moment 20 or 30 additional immigrant children are
arriving from overseas in Wolverhampton alone every week - and that means 15 or 20
additional families a decade or two hence. Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first
make mad. We must be mad »

Alison Mackenzie a political correspondanrt said that during his speech in 1968, the cameras didn’t
capture « As i look ahead I’m filled with foreboding like the Roman I seem to see the river Tiber
foaming with much blood ».
The next day he was sacked by the shadow cabinet in Ted Heath.
 Protests from both sides. A man interviewed said he was the only one who took risks

Paul Uppal a member of the Sikh population in Wolverhamton and MP in Enoch Powell’s old seat for
5 years.
He said that they were a palpable change after this speech and immigrants didn’t feel welcome
anymore in the UK
How Britain has matured and how his predictions were wrong as he’s himself the product of 2
cultures. We should talk about this speech but commemorate the fact that, 50 years later, what he
predicted didn’t come to pass.
Different point of view from the UKIP MEP Bill Etheridge (political campaigner on the issue of
He declares that if we study what he said, ofc we wouldn’t use the same words he did use, but after
looking at the effects of uncontrolled mass immigration, he in fact predicted many things that are
happening in Europe and the way his words still have resonance for people.

Ian Austin (MP) EP was irresponsible and wrong and based his speech on différents anonymous letter
he’s received from his party’s supporters. Migrants have contributed to the community life and the
economy which is something that should be celebrated.
We should use this anniversary to show how he was completely wrong.
Current MP of Wolverhampton, Eleanor Smith : We should celebrate the cohesion and where we are
now as his speech has no intentions but divide people
PB° : How immigration still represents a heated debate in contemporan societies ?

I/ Challenges face by immigration

- Trump’s will to build a wall between Mexico and the US. In a seemingly stark policy
reversal, President Biden announced his administration will build 20 miles of new
fences along the U.S.-Mexico border. DHS Secretary Alejandro N. Mayorkas says
Biden’s hand has been forced, as Congress allocated funds for this fencing in 2019,
which could not be repurposed.
- Affirmative action in GB. Controversial debate and flourish racism  conservators don’t want
migrants bcz they have access to health and eduucation directly through taxes paid by the
- The Illegal Migration Act changes the law so that those who arrive in the UK illegally
will not be able to stay here and will instead be detained and then promptly removed,
either to their home country or a safe third country.

The act aims to:

 put a stop to illegal migration into the UK by removing the incentive to make
dangerous small boat crossings
 speed up the removal of those with no right to be here - in turn this will free up
capacity so that the UK can better support those in genuine need of asylum
through safe and legal routes
 prevent people who come to the UK through illegal and dangerous journeys from
misusing modern slavery safeguards to block their removal
 ensure that the UK continues to support those in genuine need by committing to
resettle a specific number of the most vulnerable refugees in the UK every year

II/ How countries could nonetheless benefit from immigration

- Economic contributions : Migrants are good at school and represent a vast part of well-seen
and well-paid jobs (engineer, doctor…) According to Canada’s governement 468k migrants
work in the health sector

- Cultural enrichment which is crucial


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