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1.minutes of Kick Off Meeting - 20jul2021 R2

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Quang Trach I Thermal Power Plant Project - Contract No.

38/2021/QT1-EVNPMB2-MC-HDEC-CC1 Minutes of Kick-off Meeting

2. Contents:

Mr. Nguyen Van Thanh, on behalf of PMB2, opened the meeting by welcoming all attendees and thanking them for their time.
For the purpose of effective project execution after the Effective date, the Parties hold this meeting session to detail the following issues
which were informed to all Parties.

No Item Reference PMB2/Consultant and EPC’ s ideas Conclusion

I. I General & Technical

1. Project Organization Chart

1.1. Organization chart of EPC and Sub-Clause 4.9 <xx.Aug.2021>

main subcontractor - Quality The consortium is required to fulfill As per Attachment 1.1

1.2. Organization chart of EVN/PMB2 Following the current organization. <xx.Aug.2021>

As per Attachment 1.2

1.3. Organization chart of PECC1 Following the current organization. <xx.Aug.2021>

As per Attachment 1.3

ge1.4 List of Manpower for Project Sub-Clause 4.9 EPC shall assign the competent personnel at site As per Attachment 1.4
with CV of Key Personnel - Quality to make decision immediately and to push the
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Assurance sub-contractor’s work so as to meet the


The consortium is required to fulfill

2. Definitions Sub-Clause 1.1 All parties are fully incorporated with the
- Definitions Abbreviation in Transmittals off Contract
Documents as follows:

+ For the Owner’s Representative: Power

Management Board No.2 will be PMB2 or A2

+ For the Owner’s Engineer: Power

Engineering Consulting JSC 1 (PECC1) will be
PMC or C1

+ For the Contractor: the Consortium consisting

of MC-HDEC-CC1 or MHC.

2.1 Representative & Power of GC1.1.2 PMB2 is the Owner (EVN) representative for
Assignment implementation of Quang Trach I power plant

PMB2 informs EPC contractor that PECC1 is

assigned as Owner’s Engineer of Quang Trach I
Power Project (PMC). Their role shall cover the
comprehensive consultant’s works including

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approval of Documents/ Drawings and

supervision in the Project execution.

All documents, data, drawings from the EPC

contractor shall be submitted to both the Owner
(PMB2) and the Owner’s Engineer (PMC)

3. Communication

Owner’s representative – PMB2:

3.1. Official contacts for GC1.3
Attn: Mr. Nguyễn Văn Thành
PMB2 Director
Sub-Clause 1.3 - Address: 8th floor, Tower B, No. 11 Cua
Bac Street, Truc Bach Ward, Ba Dinh
District, Ha Noi Capital, Vietnam.
- Email:
[email protected]
- Tel: +84 - 913275106
- Fax: +84 – 246 694 1002
Mr. Lê Anh Đức
PMB2 Deputy Director/ Quang Trach PMU
- Address: Address: 8th floor, Tower B, No.
11 Cua Bac Street, Truc Bach Ward, Ba
Dinh District, Ha Noi Capital, Vietnam.

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Email: [email protected]
- Tel: +84 - 945431368
- Fax: +84 – 246 694 1002
Owner’s Engineer’s – PECC1:
Attn: Mr . Nguyễn Hữu Chỉnh – General
- Address: km 9+200 Nguyen Trai Street,
Thanh Xuan Nam Ward, Thanh Xuan
District, Ha Noi City.
- Tel.: 84-024-38544270/
- Fax: 84-024-38541208
Email:[email protected]
[email protected]
Mr. Ho Sy Quang – Project Manager.
- Deputy Directo/ TTNĐNLM/ PECC1
- Address: Km9+200, Nguyen Trai Street,
Thanh Xuan Nam Ward, Thanh Xuan
District, Hanoi City.
- Email: [email protected]
- Tel.: +84-9891286520
- Tel.: +84-24-3.854.4270
- Fax: +84-24-3.854.1208
PECC1 site office:

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Attn: Mr. Do Van Toi – Site Manager
Address: to be informed later
Tel.: 0909272269
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

EPC Contractor – The Consortium of MC-

Attn: xxx
Title: xxx
Address: xxx
Tel.: xxx
Fax: xxx
Email: xxx
MC-HDEC-CC1 site office:
Attn: xxx
Title: xxx
Address:to be issued later
Tel.:to be issued later
Fax: to be issued later

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The Parties agreed that all written
communications will be addressed to the
persons and addresses as mentioned above with
their signatures.
Contractual communications among the
Owner's Representative (PMB2), the Owner’s
Engineer (PECC1), and the EPC Contractor
(MHC) shall be in writing. For purpose of
timeliness of information, wherever these
Conditions provide for the giving or issuing of
approvals, certificates, consents,
determinations, notices and requests, one party
shall notify the other by cable, by fax or by
email; then, such information shall be sent
officially by post or by hand.
All parties are noted that the total capacity of
the electronic attachments in each email shall
not exceed 10MB.
Document Control Database Software:
3.2. Document Control Database GC1.1.6.1
Document Controlling Software:…
Software and hand over to the
Excel 2019, 2019;
A2/C1 shall be in compliance
Sub-Clause 5.9 Microsoft Project / Primavera- for Contract
with the Contract
- Contractor's Scheduling;

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AUTO CAD 2007, 2020 - for Drawings;
Excel 2019, 2019 – for calculation sheets, ...
Word 2019, 2019 – for Documents
Data and
MHC is required to use the software in
accordance with EVN’s document management

3.3. Language Sub-Clause 1.4 The contractual language in all Documents and
- Law and Drawings shall be in English.

3.4. Holidays and working time GC 6.5 Official Working Hours:

Monday – Friday;

08:00 AM to 12:00 AM

01:00 PM to 05:00 PM

Vietnamese public hoiday:

Descripti No. of days Date

on per year

New year 1 1st January

Tet 5 To be
Holidays informed

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Hung 1 To be
vuong informed

Reunifica 1 30th April

tion Day

Labor 1 1st May


National 2 2nd September


4. Drawing Title Block and Sub-Clause 5.9 The Drawing Title Block and Document Title
Document Title Block - Contractor's Block are agreed as Attachment 4.1 and
Drawings, Attachment 4.2.
Documents, Attachment 4.1: Quang Trach I Drawing Title
Data and Block.
Attachment 4.2: Quang Trach I Document Title

5. Numbering and Filling Index

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5.1. The correspondence numbering All parties agree to follow the following
correspondence identification code.

The identification code for correspondence

comprises the Project Name, the issuer, and the
Organization Unit, the Filing Index, the year
and the Document Number sequence of the

5.2. The numbering letter Refer to Attachment 4

5.3. Unique Project Control Number Refer to Attachment 4

(for Documents/Drawings)

5.4. Transmittal Refer to Attachment 4

5.5. Minutes of Meeting Add the Weekly Site Meetings: QTI-MoM-SM002-

following Sub- 261212
clause to
Clause 5 Monthly Meeting: QTI-MoM-MM002-0213

Design Review Meeting: QTI-MoM-DRM-
5.9.1 C002-0213

6. Coordinator Procedure Refer to Attachment 6

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Please refer to attachment 6.1 – Flow chart of
6.1. Flow chart of design review and 5.9.3
approval: Processing of design review and approval.
MHC's submission of document / drawing for
Sub-Clause Review/Information and for Approval:
5.10 - Stamp 1. Printed documents / other technical data
for Review and shall be submitted with eight (8) copies.
Approval 2. Printed Drawings shall be submitted with
nine (9) copies in which seven (7) are full
Drawings size copies and two (2) are A3-size copies.
3. Soft copies shall be included fully above
contents (Auto CAD drawing and Office
Document as mentioned in item No. 3.2
MHC's submission of Approved/Accepted
1. Printed Drawings / Documents / and other
technical data shall be submitted with six
(6) copies.
2. For the Drawings: to be submitted in full
3. Soft copies shall be included fully above
contents (Auto CAD drawing and Office

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Document as mentioned in item No. 3.2
Printed drawings, documents and other
technical data that are submitted by MHC in the
second time and later times will be the same
quantity (8 copies)as of the first time.
The period of time for Owner / Owner’s
Engineer review / approval and then return of
any comments on Contractor’s submitted
Drawings / Documents / and other technical
data which were issued for the first time will be
within twenty one (21) days from the date
which the A2/C1 receive the these Contractor's
Drawings / Documents / and other technical
data and the Contractor's notices. The second
time or later times will be within fourteen (14)
days from the date which the A2/C1 receive the
Contractor's Drawings / Documents / and other
technical data and the Contractor's notices
provided that previous revision of those
Drawings / Documents / and other technical
data are not stamped “REJECTED”. The period
of time for review / approval Drawings /

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Documents / and other technical data which
were rejected in previous submission will be
twenty one (21) days as the first time they are
The period of time for Contractor to revise and
resubmit the commented drawing, documents to
Owner / Owner’s Engineer will be within
twenty one (21) days from the date which the
Contractor receive the comments from Owner /
Owner’s Engineer.
After 3 times of comments/replies (CaRs), a
design review meeting shall be arranged for
parties discussion and final conclusion.
For shorten review / approval time, MHC is
requested to send A2/C1 Drawings / Documents
/ other technical data to be submitted in advance
by email.
Please refer to attachment 6.2
6.2. Form of Letter of Approval and
Comment Sheet from A2-C1 to

Please refer to attachment 6.3

6.3. Form of Transmittal Sheet among
the Parties

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All parties agree the principle of the Drawing /
6.4. The Principle of the Drawings/ Sub-Clause
Document's approval and review as follows:
Documents approval and review/ 5.10 - Stamp
The Contractor has to answer all the comments
information for Review and
from the A2/C1.
 The Contractor has to declare to the
Owner all new changes in the new
version which is not included in the
A2/C1's previous comments.
 The Contractor is responsible for the
correction of its drawings/Documents to
comply with the Contract.
 The contractor should indicate the
revised contents by cloud mark in there
submitted drawings/Documents for
approval/ review (or information).
As general design, Approval / Review (or
information) does not relieve the contractor of
any part of his obligation to meet all the
requirements of the contract document or of the
responsibility for the correctness of his design
and drawings
Please refer to attachment 6.5
6.5. Form of Letter/Fax From MHC
to other parties

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PMB2 is the Owner (EVN) representative for
6.6. Power of Assignment GC1.1.2
implementation of Quang Trach I power plant
PMB2 inform MHC that Power
Engineering Consultant J.S. Company 1
(PECC1 or C1) is assigned as Owner’s
Engineer of Quang Trach I Power Plant
Project. Its role shall cover the
comprehensive consultant works including
approval of Documents/Drawings and
supervision in the Project execution.
All documents, data, drawings from the MHC
shall be transmitted directly and officially to
both the Owner (TPMB3) and the Owner’s
Engineer (PECC3).
MHC will submit design drawings/documents
7. Stamps for design review and Sub-Clause
approval 5.10 - Stamp in 4 categories:
for Review and  “FOR APPROVAL” Documents/ Drawings
 “FOR INFORMATION” Documents/
Drawings (FI)
 “APPROVED” Documents/Drawings, for
Construction (AP)

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 “AS-BUILT” Documents/Drawings (AB)

Owner will return documents/drawings with

stamps as follow:
For the detail of stamps, please refer to
Attachment 7

All parties agreed the "APPROVED",

CORRECTION" and “REJECTED” stamps will
be applied to the Drawings/Document for
All parties agree the "ACCEPT AS

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be applied to review the Drawings/Documents
for Information, except manufacture documents
/ drawings with condition that such manufacture
documents / drawings are complied with the
Specification requirements in the Contract.
As general design, Drawings / Documents and
other technical data stamped with
INFORMATION”by the A2/C1 shall not relieve
the contractor any part of his obligation to meet
all the requirements of the contract document or
of the responsibility for the correctness of his
design and drawings.
The Contractor will take serious consideration
on such comments by A2/C1 and make the
judgment how to comply with the Contract
The A2/C1 requests that MHC shall give full
8. QA/QC Protocol Appendix 4
explanations for project Quality Assurance plan
and project Quality Control plan complying
with the ISO 9001:2008.
MHC is requested to submit the project Quality

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Assurance Procedure Manual for Quang Trach I
List of
power plant project to A2/C1 for approval and
Document for
Quality Assurance Plan two months after. This
the Owner's
manual should describe in detail the
Review or
implementation of the Quality Assurance Plan
for the Contractor's scope.
MHC confirmed to submit project quality
assurance procedure manual.

9. HSE manual Appendix 4 MHC is requested to submit HSE manual to

A2/C1 for approval.
MHC confirmed to submit HSE manual to
A2/C1 by end of xxx

List of
Document for
the Owner's
Review or

MHC is requested to submit the form of project

10. Project Monthly Report and Appendix 4
monthly report.
Monthly Meeting
The report will cover but not limited to the

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following critical issues in detail:
 Executive Summary
 Project Schedule Analysis (project
List of status, critical issues, areas of
Document for concern, ...)
the Owner's  Engineering/ Design Status (Civil,
Review or Boiler, Turbine, Electrical, I&C,
Approval BOP, ...)
 Procurement / Manufacturing Status
(Civil, Boiler, Turbine, Electrical, I&C,
BOP, ... , inspection works, subvendor)
 Status of Equipment Delivery,
 Construction Status
 Commissioning Status
 Outstanding Issues
 Quality Assurance
 Health, Safety and Environmental issue
 Commercial Issues
 Attachments
In principle, such report will cover the general
rules below:
 Critical issues to be highlighted in the
monthly report;

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 Contents to be indicated in every critical
issue, including:
 Description
 Date of identification
 Proposed corrective actions or reference
to mitigation plan or correspondence
 Target date for elimination of critical
 Present status
 Actual close-out of critical issues

Schedule for next submission of monthly

reports as follow:
The Contractor shall compose the monthly
report that covers all the issues of the Works
from nine-teenth (19th) day of the previous
month until the eight-teenth (18th) day of the
current month (reported month).
The deadline for submission of monthly report
to the A2/C1 willbe the the twenty-first (21 st)
day of the reported month. And the monthly
meeting shall be held in the twenty sixth (26 th)
day every month.

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In cases, the monthly meeting day coincides
with the holidays, it will be shifted to an
afterward date as informed by A2/C1.
MHC's Project Directories required to attend
every Monthly meeting together with the
relevant Site experts.
The MoM of monthly meeting should be issued
within 3 working days after the meeting.

11. Weekly Report and weekly GC 4.21 The Contractor is requested to submitted
meeting weekly report to the A2/C1 on Monday every
Sub-Clause 5.9 week.
- Contractor's Weekly Report will comprise the followings:
 summarize current site activities;
 remark and update the project baseline
Data and schedule;
 provide site activities looking ahead of two
(02) weeks;
Documents The weekly meeting shall be hold at 2:00PM
and Data every Wednesday at the site.
Besides weekly meetings at site, the Parties
agreed to hold meetings as required for critical
issues in relation to Plant, Manufacture,

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constructions, erection, test and inspection,
commissioning ...

Engineering Meetings
12. Sub-Clause 5.9 - Engineering meetings will be held weekly,
- Contractor's by the following days of Weekly meeting, or
Drawings, as required. The meeting shall take place at
Documents, PMB2/ PMC’s site office
Data and - The agenda of the engineering meeting to
Instructions clarify the PMB2/ PMC’s comments will be
informed via email to PMB2/ PMC three
Documents working days before the meeting
and Data
- In cases EPC contractor intend to discuss
new design issues, relevant documents
including hard copies and soft copy (in
electronic file) shall be available for PMB2/
PMC two weeks before the meeting. For
urgent cases, related documents including
hard copies and soft copy (in electronic file)
shall be available for PMB/ PMC one week
before the meeting (in electronic file)

- After finishing the engineering meetings, all

parties will sign in MoM.

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Commercial meetings
13. - Commercial meetings will be held as
required by official letter. The meetings will
take place at PMB2’s site office or head

Site meetings
14. - Besides, the followings may be held at site
including the Employer’s and the
contractor’s authorized persons.

+ HSE meetings will be held in every week

+ Commissioning meeting: daily or weekly

15. Critical Path Analyze & S-Curves - The critical path analyze & S-curves
Diagram diagram shall be included in the monthly
report and weekly report.

Codes and Standards A2/C1 requested MHC to use the latest version
16. Sub-Clause 5.9
of Standards and Codes to be submitted for
- Contractor's
approval (except those specified in RFP), in
compliance with Article 4 of Circular
Data and
In compliance with Article 7 of Circular

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18/2010/TT-BXD, A2/C1 requested MHC to
submit for information original full texts in
and Data
computer files or printed copies, enclosed with
English translation attached with
review/evaluation of Vietnam Authorities to the
A2/C1 for approval.

A2/C1 reminded the EPC Contractor that the

appraisal(s) shall be done by authorized third
Cost for Codes and Standards appraisal (if any)
shall be born by the EPC Contractor. The EPC
Contractor should be notified the cost in
advance or before the job started. If the cost is
unacceptable, these Codes and Standards may
be withdrawn then the EPC Contractor will
follow the RFP.

Contractor's Codes and Standards are applied

after these Codes and Standards are approved
Contractor is requested to provide the solution
17. Project Inspection and Test plan
Sub-Clause 7.4 to monitor shop test online during covide 10
pademic stage
- Testing

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The Contractor is requested to submit project
ITP for Manufacturing for approval by xxx
Field Inspection Notification/Schedule of works
18. Field Inspection
will be submitted to A2/C1 every day for
Notification/Schedule of Work
information to prepare the activities for the
following day.
MHC must submit all daily reports in every
Friday of week to A2/C1.

19. Work Plan Procedure (Method Sub-clause to MHC must submit his Work Plan
Procedure/Method statements and detailed ITPs
statement) and detailed ITPs Clause 5.9
for all parts of the Works to A2/C1 for approval
3 months before the construction of each item
of the Works
The Contractor is requested to officially submit
20. Plant Designation System (KKS
the full details of KKS system applied for Coal
Fired Power Plant including but not limited to
the detail as follows: KKS Guidelines and Total
Plant Key, Function Key, Equipment Unit Key
and Component Key, and made the presentation
of KKS in principle.
Moreover, the Contractor is asked for providing
the KKS guidelines that they applied in
previous power plant projects for reference

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21. Licenses & Permits Sub-Clause All Permits, Licenses and

10.1 - Taking Certificates for which the Contractor will be
Over of the responsible are complete and available as
Works and required by the Local regulatory Authorities
Sections in accordance with the Contract.

A2/C1 requested MHC to submit fully detailed

22. Master list of Document/Drawing Appendix 4
Master list of Documents/Drawings with target
for Approval and Review /
dates. This Master list will be first submitted by
end of Decemeber, 2021 and will be frequently
updated on the monthly basis.

List of
Document for
the Owner's
Review or

Contractor will officially submit the OTS (2nd

23. Overall Time schedule (OTS) Appendix 4
layer) by 28th January, 2013.
CDSZ is required to submit the OTS in which
3rd layer shall be provided.

List of

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Document for
the Owner's
Review or

The Contractor confirmed to officially submit

24. Legend of P&ID Appendix 4
the full details of Legend of all P&IDs by 26th
January, 2013.

List of
Document for
the Owner's
Review or

25. Site temporary facilities GC 6.6 Except as otherwise stated in the Owner’s
Facilities for Requirements, the Contractor shall provide and
Staff and maintain all necessary accommodation and
welfare facilities for the Contractor’s Personnel.
The Contractor shall also provide facilities for
Appendix 4 the Owner’s Personnel as stated in the Owner’s
The Contractor shall not permit any of the

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Contractor’s Personnel to maintain any
temporary or permanent living quarters within
the structures forming part of the Permanent
List of Works.
Document for
the Owner's
Review or

9. General and
Drawing and
Documents of
Area and

MHC is required to submit general layout of

25.1 Lighting GC 4.8
site temporary lighting (perimeter and
concentrate lighting) inside the Power Plant
area by writing for A2/C1 review and approval.
The general drawings are required to be
25.2. Site boundary fence and GC 4.8
submitted by MHC by the end of July, 2021
temporary roads

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Site fire-fighting plan must be submitted for
25.3. Fire fighting Sub-Clause
approval to relevant Authorities and local Police
4.23 -
Department. The Works shall not commence
until the plan is approved.
Operation on

All of MHC’s manpower and supervisory staff

26. Site safety qualifications GC 4.8.
working on site must have safety training by the
Safety Authorities. All supervisors in charge
must have a Certificate of relevant Vietnamese

27. Site Environmental Protection Appendix 4 Before the start of works on site, MHC must
Plan submit the Site Environmental Protection
regulation/plan to A2/C1 for approval. The
plan has to cover all aspects of site
Environmental Protection.
MHC shall be responsible for submitting to
List of
A2/C1 an environmental report detailing the
Document for
environmental impact assessment for the
the Owner's
site every month and other environmental
Review or
reports as requirements in the Contract
MHC is required to comply with EIA
requirements approved by authorities.

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Work permits for foreign labors The EPC Contractor is requested to comply
28. Sub-Clause 6.1
with the regulations, as follows:
- Engagement
- To commit them sufficiently implementing the
of Staff and
regulations of Vietnam Law on recruitment and
management of foreign labors in Vietnam.
- To implement the work permit application at
work permit agency in Quang Binh Province for
foreign labors before working in Quang Trach I
- To carry out registrations and declarations of
temporary residence and absence with the local
police in case there are foreign labors working.
- To promptly contact to Labor and Social
Welfare Service, for instructions of establishing
the plans to use foreign and Vietnamese labors,
then submit to People’s Committee of Quang
Binh Province for approval in order to not affect
the progress of permits for foreign labors before
working in Quang Trach I project.
A3/C3 have provided the EPC Contractor with
some current regulations of Vietnam Law on
recruitment and management of foreign labors

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- Decree No. 114/2002/ND-CP dated December
31, 2002
- Decree No. 34/2008/ND-CP dated March 25,
- Decree No. 46/2011/ND-CP dated June 17,
- Circular No. 31/2011/TT-BLDTBXH dated
November 3, 2011
Contractor is requested to submit for approval
29. Mobilization date and schedule of Sub-Clause 5.9
Working plan by end of August, 2021. The
Works - Contractor's
Working plan include the organization chart,
working system, temporary yard installation,
construction method, overall schedule, a list of
Data and
Construction Equipment / Temporary Works to
be used, etc.

30. Emergency medical care GC 6.7. Health First aid room staffed by a doctor equipped
with ambulance vehicle will be provided on site
and Safety
by MHC during construction working time.
MHC will submit Operations Plan by the end of
August, 2021

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and Safety

When A2/C1 observes an unsafe or dangerous

31. Stop Order
situation on site, they can suspend the works.
The A2/C1’s discipline team leaders has
authorization to suspend the Works. A2/C1 will
issue an official letter to introduce those team
leaders by the beginning of September, 2021.

Project quality management by the MHC’s

32 Construction Decree and Protocol GC 5.4
Works must be in compliance with Vietnamese
Construction Law and any Vietnamese current
Standard and
Decrees and Circular and Letters

Sub-Clause 4.9
- Quality

Water and power for Construction


MHC is required to submit water supply plan

33.1 Water for construction Sub-Clause

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4.19 - for approval by the end of August, 2021

Water and Fuel

33.2 Power for construction Sub-Clause MHC is required to submit the construction
4.19 - power load demand by the end of August,
Electricity, 2021
Water and Fuel

34. Construction Office for the Sub-Clause

O/E 4.19 -
Water and Fuel

35. Construction Laydown Area Appendix 4 To discuss by all parties

List of
Document for
the Owner's
Review or

9. General and

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Drawing and
Documents of
Area and

working Area


Schedule of Payment
1. Sub-Clause - To discuss by all parties
14.4 -
Schedule of

2. Shipping mark Sub-Clause - All parties agreed on the Form of Shipping

7.10 - Mark as specified in the Attachment A

Shipment procedure
3. Sub-Clause - Master List of Imported Permanent
7.10 - Equipment and Materials:
Shipment MHC is requested to contact local Customs to
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be guided related legal procedures of

importation as per the Contract for the purpose
of project execution.

- Sequence Chart of Project Shipment:

The Owner proposed the Sequence Chart of

Project Shipment to apply for Quang Trach I

The details of this Chart shall be discussed and

agreed before the first shipment is shipped.

4. Form of Invoice The form of invoice submitted by MHC shall be

as of the form of Invoice specified in
Attachment B.

It is noted that as for the Invoice Number (QTI-

XT- XXXX), “XT” is denoted as “X” for P:
Procurement; C: Construction; I: Installation;
O: Others while “T” for the order of Payment

5. Tax and duties

5.1. Taxes and Duties on imported It is reminded by the Owner that the
Plant and Equipment Contractor shall be responsible for related

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activities to importation as per the Contract

for the purpose of project execution. Upon
his submission of Application for
Registration of Imported Plant and
Equipment according to Circular No.
194/2010/TT-BTC dated 06/12/2010
guiding customs procedures; customs
inspection and supervision; import duty,
export duty and tax administration
applicable to imports and exports, the
Owner will provide reasonable assistance
and issue a confirmation letter in accordance
with the Contract, which may facilitate such
registration for the purpose of tax-exempted
Plant and Equipment
5.2. Taxes and Duties on the EPC Sub-Clause Taxes and duties shall be breakdown to the
Contract 14.16 - Taxes detail schedule list as required of EVN
and Duties The taxes and duties are applied to Quang
Trach I Project shall be complied with
Appendix No.10 - Taxes and Duties of the
Supporting documents and other related legal

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procedure are required to submit to get tax
reimbursement for local portion under the
Contract will be discussed in detail with the
Owner in the next meetings.

6 Insurance Clause 18 – MHC is requested to submit the signed

Insurance insurance contract to the Owner in
compliance with the Contract.
In accordance with the Appendix No.10-
Insuarance Requirement of the Contract, the
Insurance Contract must be effective on the
Effective Date of the EPC Contract.

7 Forms of Payment GC 14. There are some Forms of payment regarding

CONTRACT payment under the Contract will be discussed
PRICE AND and agreed by both parties before payment for
PAYMENT the first interim application is made, including:

- Forms of payment for Plant and Equipment

PRICE AND including Transportation and Insurance to be
PAYMENT supplied from abroad for the first 40% payment
and the second 40% payment when delivered to

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the site.

- Forms of payment for Construction,

Installation and Other Services of the Works.

- Forms of payment for Construction,

Installation and Other Services of the Works
(Lump-sum Portion and Reimbursable Portion)

MHC is requested to propose the Forms of

payment for The Owner/Engineer’s review and

III Others

1 Training - EPC contractor will submit Training

Sub-Clause 5.5 program during execution stage reflecting
- Training Contract

2 Document submission schedule Appendix 4 - A2/C1 requested EPC contractor to submit

Document submission schedule

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List of
Document for
the Owner's
Review or

3 Submission schedule of technical - The meeting of technical design is required

design to be hold on…

4 Signature on Drawings/ Appendix 4 - EPC contractor is requested to supplement

Documents the signature on drawings/ documents in
complying with VN regulations
List of
Document for
the Owner's
Review or

5 Material Inspection Procedure GC 7. PLANT, - A2/C1 requested and EPC agreed to prepare
MATERIALS a procedure for receiving material at site or
AND local fabrication shop.

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6 Non-conformance/Corrective Action - Consultant propose to use the sample form

Sub-Clause 4.9 of NCR and Instruction On Site (IOS) as
Instruction on site
- Quality attached to the MoM (Attachment 3)

7 Health, Safety and Environment GC 6.7. EPC is required to submit Health, Safety and
Health and Environment Procedure as Manual Book.

27. Site Safety Contractor shall hire an agency for monitoring

Management environment during construction.
A2/C1 requests EPC to start environmental
28. monitoring immediately.
Management EPC is required tol submit relevant Contracts of
Plan Waste management to A2/C1/Quang Binh

29. Site province competent authorities.

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8. Permit to work Sub-Clause 2.1 The EPC contractor & sub-contractors before
- Right of allowing on site must submit a permit to work
Access to the to A2/C1 for approval.
Site For foreign labors, the EPC contractor is
30. Draft required to comply with the following
Permit To regulations:
Work System + To commit them sufficiently to comply with
the regulation of Vietnamese law on recruitment
and management of foreign labors in Vietnam

+ To implement the work permit application at

work permit agency in Quang Binh province for
foreign labor before working on the site.

+ To carry out registration and declaration of

temporary residence and absence with the local

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police in case there are foreign labors working.

13 Site security The EPC contractor is required to submit the

Sub-Clause plan of site security to A2/C1 for information.
4.22 - Security
of the Site

29. Site

14. Interfaces between Power Plant Annex B– - Technical interface: terminal point: water
Project and Others (third parties) Interface intake, discharge, elevation, coordination,
Requirements access roads, etc.
and terminal - Schedule interface
points drawing
- Contractor is requested to provide detail
schedule for advising/working with third

15. Terminal Points Annex B– -

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and terminal
points drawing

39. Project
Terminal Point

15.1 Water supply for Construction Sub-Clause - The EPC contractor is required to submit the
4.19 - construction water for coordination.
Water and Fuel

15.2 Temporary Power supply for - The EPC contractor is required to submit the
Construction Sub-Clause construction power demands for
4.19 - coordination.
Water and Fuel

15.3 Access Road to Site GC 4.15. The Contractor shall be deemed to have been
Access Route satisfied as to the suitability and availability of
access routes to the Site. The Contractor shall

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use reasonable efforts to prevent any road or

bridge from being damaged by the Contractor’s
traffic or by the Contractor’s Personnel. These
efforts shall include the proper use of
appropriate vehicles and routes.

Except as otherwise stated in these Conditions:

(a) the Contractor shall (as between the Parties)

be responsible for any maintenance which may
be required for his use of access routes;

(b) the Contractor shall provide all necessary

signs or directions along access routes, and
shall obtain any permission which may be
required from the relevant authorities for his use
of routes, signs and directions;

(c) the Owner shall not be responsible for any

claims which may arise from the use or
otherwise of any access route,

(d) the Owner does not guarantee the suitability

or availability of particular access routes, and

(e) Costs due to non-suitability or non-

availability, for the use required by the

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Contractor, of access routes shall be borne by

the Contractor.

16. Hand over schedule from EVN - The meeting for handing over schedule from
and EPC and vice versa EVN and EPC shall be held on ….

- Contractor is requested to prepare the list

and time schedule to hand over from EVN
and EPC and vice versa

17. Boxes for equipment/material - Boxes for equipment (material) transported to

and scrap materials the site shall be EVN’s property.

- For scrap material from permanent material

which can be reused, PMB2 will sign a
contract with local company to collect these
scrap material at EVN’s cost.

18. Facilities GC 4.13. - Contractor is requested to provide full

Rights of Way sufficient information on technical
and Facilities requirements as specified in EPC Contract
and project to subcontractors for ensuring
project’s quality.
and Facilities
- When domestic equipment, material are used
for parts in EPC package, prime contractor is

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requested to provide full sufficient

information on technical requirements as
specified in EPC contract to local

- Besides, prime contractor must strengthen its

supervision and provide supervising engineer
to be always at manufacturing shop for
quality management.

- Contractor has to have the construction

drawings available before starting
construction / installation.

- Equipment / material to be imported are

required to have certificate of quality and
certificate of origin.

- Equipment / material to be supplied locally

are required to have a certificate of quality.

- The Contractor shall warrant that the

goods/equipment supplied are new, unused,
of the most recent or current models, and that
they incorporate all recent improvements in
design and materials. The Contractor shall

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further warrant that all goods/equipment shall

have no defect, arising from design and/or
materials, or workmanship (except when the
design and/or material is required by the
EMPLOYER's specifications) or from any
act or omission of the Contractor, that may
develop under normal use of the supplied
goods/equipment in the conditions prevailing
in the Project location.

- The equipment / systems except some small

components which are integrated in the
equipment / system shall be manufactured or
fabricated on or after 2021.

- Test reports of equipment / material shall be

submitted to the Owner before shipping.

19. Site organization/management for Sub-Clause 4.4 There are many packages implemented during
Project – Project constructions. So there are many
Subcontractors interfaces and chaos such as: construction areas,

Sub-Clause underground items, access road for

4.9 - Quality construction, temporary fence, etc.


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20. Excellent Project + The EPC contractor is required to study and

apply “overall planning for building an
excellent project”.

+ The EPC contractor is required to make the

list of detail criteria for Quang Trach TPP and
submit to PMB2/PMC for approval.

Correction Curves for 26. Correction To be determined during Kick-off meeting

Acceptance Tests. Curves for

during Kick-
off meeting

Subcontractors Sub-Clause 4.4 Before selection of one Subcontractor in the

– proposed Subcontractor List, the Contractor
Subcontractors shall submit the qualification documents for the

37. List of Owner’s approval during kick-off meeting (if

possible), or not later than four (04) months
Orders and before the relevant works commence for the
Owner’s approval. The Owner reserves the right

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to reject any Subcontractor who has abnormally

incident record/declaration. Any arising from
the rejection shall be under Contractor’s
responsibility, i.e. delay of progress, expenses,

Interim Payment Sub-Clause The application for Interim Payment shall

14.3 - include the supporting documents as required
Application for by the Owner.
Interim (i) Payment of Cost of
Payment Plant/Equipment/materials supplied from

Forty percent (40%) of the CIP Price of

respective items as indicated in the column
“CIP Price” of the Price Schedules shall be paid
upon submission of the Contractor of the
Application for Interim Payment with the
following supporting documents:

(a) One (1) original and five (5) copies of the

Contractor’s signed invoice;

(b) One (1) original and five (5) copies of the

packing list;

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(c) One (1) original and five (5) copies of the

Certificate of Origin in the country that
exported the goods;

(d) One (1) original and five (5) copies of

Manufacturer’s Certificate of Quality;

(e) (3/3) Full set of Bill of Lading and two (2)

non-negotiable copies, made out to order, blank
endorsed, and marked “Freight prepaid” –

 Consignee: To Order

 Notify: Vietnam
Electricity Power
Projects Management
Board No. 2 for
Quang Trach I
Thermal Power Plant

Or: Airway Bill, in one (1) original and two

(2) copies, marked “Freight prepaid”;

(f) One (1) original and five (5) copies of

insurance certificate covering all risks for 110
percent of invoice value;

(g) Test and Inspection report shall be approved

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by the Owner.

(h) Contractor’s claims for payment.

(i) Other documents/forms required by

banks/institutes lending money.

Fifty percent (50%) of the CIP Price of

respective items as indicated in the column
“CIP Price” of Price Schedules shall be paid
upon submission of the Contractor of the
Application for Interim Payment with the
following supporting documents:

(a) Contractor’s signed invoice in one (1)

original and five (5) copies;

(b) One (1) original and five (05) copies of the

detailed packing list;

(c) Inspection Report prepared by the

Contractor and approved by the Owner in one
(1) original and two (2) copies signed and
stamped by the Owner for receipt of
Plant/Equipment, including spare parts, at Site;

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(d) Custom declaration in three (3) copies;

(e) Certificate of Delivery;

(f) Contractor’s claims for payment.

(ii) Payment of Cost of

Plant/Equipment/materials supplied from
Owner’s Country

Ninety percent (90%) of the total amount shall

be paid, upon delivery to the Site, within forty-
two (42) days after receipt of the documents

(a) One (1) original and five (5) copies of the

Contractor’s signed invoice;

(b) One (1) original and five (5) copies of the

packing list and detailed packing list;

(c) One (1) original and five (5) copies of

Manufacturer’s Certificate of Quality;

(d) One (1) original and five (5) copies of

Certificate of Delivery of the Goods delivered
at the site;

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(e) One (1) original and five (5) copies of

Factory test report(s);

(f) Inspection report prepared by the Contractor

and approved by the Owner in one (1) original
and 2 (two) copied signed and stamped by the
Owner for receipt of the Goods at Site;

(g) Contractor’s claims for payment.

(iii) Payment of Cost of Construction,

Erection and Testing of the Works

Ninety percent (90%) of the Price of the

Construction, Erection and Testing Work of the
respective items as indicated in the Price
Schedules shall be paid upon submission of the
Contractor of the Application for Interim
Payment with the following supporting

(a) One (1) original of Certificate of Work Done

issued by the Owner;

(b) One (1) original and five (5) copies of

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Contractor’s signed invoice;

(c) Contractor’s claims for payment.

(iv) Payment of the “Others” of the Contract


Ninety percent (90%) of price of the

respective item indicated in the Price Schedules
shall be paid shall be paid upon submission of
the Contractor of the Application for Interim
Payment with the following supporting

(a) One (1) original and five (5) copies of

Contractor’s signed invoice;

(b) One (1) copy of the invoice issued by the

insurance company (applicable to insurance

(c) One (1) original and five (5) copies of

Certificate of Training Completion issued by
the Owner for execution of the Owner’s
Personnel training (applicable to training only);

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(d) drawings relating to corresponding

engineering fee shall be approved by the Owner
before proceeding the relevant payment;

(e) Contractor’s claims for payment.

(v) Payment of the case as prescribed in Sub-

Clause 4.4

If the Contractor fails to comply with the b2) as

prescribed in Sub-Clause 4.4 above, the
Materials/Plant/Services shall be paid only 90%
of the price of the respective item indicated in
the Price Schedules. The difference of ten
percent (10%) thereof shall be deducted in
Contract Price accordingly.

Namely, eighty percent (80%) of price of the

respective item indicated in the Price Schedules
shall be paid upon submission of the Contractor
of the Application for Interim Payment.

Details of the procedure for such Application

will be discussed and mutually agreed by both

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Parties in the kick-off meeting.

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