320 Hypothesis
320 Hypothesis
320 Hypothesis
towards the Green Supply Chain Management economic and environmental performance
Information sharing H1
Research Questionnaire
General information of the respondent and the business
1. What is the primary type of business that your firm engaged in?
□ Transport, Logistics, and warehousing
□ Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing
□ Mining and Quarrying
□ Manufacturing
□ Electricity, Gas, and Water
□ Construction
□ Retail or Wholesale Trade
□ Accommodation, Food & Beverage and Hospitality
□ Banking and Insurance
□ Rental, Hiring, and Real state
□ Health care and Social Assistance
□ Other
2. What is the name of your business?
6. If yes, how long has it been since the implementation of the Enterprise Resource
7. Does the management keep track of the activities in the firm due to ERP implementation?
□ Yes
□ No
8. Do the problems are solved efficiently with the contribution of ERP to the firm's
operations? (H2)
□ Yes
□ No
Rate your satisfaction with the contribution of Enterprise Resource Planning with the
efficiency of the firm's supply chain.
Satisfied Dissatisfied
9. Communication
system (H3)
10. Productivity (H2)
11. Inventory
Management (H2)
12. Ease of doing
business (H2)
13. Savings of the firm
14. Pressure to innovate
15. Is the top management of your firm is familiar and interested in Green Supply Chain
Management? (H3)
□ Yes
□ No
16. How do you perceive the concept of a green supply chain? (H3)
17. Do you think your business has emphasized environmental thinking into supply chain
management so far? (H1/Dependent Variable is tested)
□ Yes
□ No
18. If yes, what practices have you implemented to ensure economically friendliness in
operations? (H2/ Dependent Variable is tested)
19. Have you experienced the benefits of green supply chain practices? (H3/Dependent
Variable is tested)
□ Yes
□ No
20. Have you recognized any reduction in additional expenses after the implementation of
enterprise resource planning? (H2)
□ Yes
□ No
Rate your satisfaction with environmental performance in terms of green supply chain
management with the contribution of enterprise resource planning (Dependent Variable is
25. Give your recommendation to improve green supply chain management practices? (H3)