Binca Metasploit

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Metasploit Cheat Sheet

by binca via

Overview BeEF and Metasploit

Most popular exploi​tation framework and largest Ruby project. Having a hooked browser allows:
Commonly associated with network explot​ation but has useful limited system privileges
auxiliary modules for web app testing. low persistence
lacks the ability to exploit vulnerabilities
Uses modular approach for payloads an exploits allowing for flexib​‐
wealth of knowledge about browsing enviro​nment
Can configure BeEF to point at Meta​sploit RPC listener to expose
Auxiliary modules available for scanning, crawli​ng/​spi​dering and
Metasploit modules.
querying web servers; > 150 unique entries in auxili​ary​/sc​ann​er/​http.
Enabling integr​ation:
Especially useful for testing off-th​e-shelf applic​ations including
1. Update config.yml in beef direoctry
WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Oracle DB, SQL Server, SCADA
2. Configure Metasploit RPC in msfconsole by typing
frontends and more.
load msgrpc Server​Hos​t=1​
Pass = password
Seeding Metasploit
3. Update config.yml in extens​ion​s/m​eta​sploit directory with info
Metasploit has two spiders:
about Metasploit RPC
4. Start BeEF
5. Inject Metasploit
But Metasp​loit's crawlers are not a replac​ement for ZAP or Burp and
instead Metasploit can import results from other tools. Sqlmap and Metasploit
db_i​mport allows Metasploit to ingest the output files of certain 2-way integr​ation: {{nl} Sqlm​ can leverage a local Meta​spl​oit
tools, parsing them into its own database structure. install or use sqlmap module within Meta​spl​oit (less common)
db_i​mport -h provides a list of supported files and formats, many Within Sqlmap, Metasploit is primarily used for shellcode (shell,
tools are included including Acunetix, AppScan, Burp, NetSpa​rker, VNC, Meterpreter)
Nikto, and Wapiti. --os-pwn : leverage Metasploit
--priv-esc: Attempts privilege escalation on Windows
WMAP --msf-path: Defines local Metasploit install location
A web scanning plugin in Metasp​loit, last updated in 2012 but still
useful. Metasploit and Known Vulner​abi​lities

Interfaces with Metasp​oit's backend database launching auxiliary and Main use in web apps is for known vulner​abi​lities
exploit modules related to the web apps results within the database. Custom applic​ation testing can be done with WMAP or auxiliary
Can create custom profiles to run using wmap​_sa​mpl​e_p​rof​ile.txt modules but exploi​tation is the main purpose.
as a template. Exploits against CMS, databases, specified SQLi Flaws, and major
Lack docume​nta​tion. vulner​abi​lities such as ShellS​hock, Heartb​leed, Drupal​geddon

Drupal and Drupal​geddon

One of the most common CMS serving content to end users and
providing functi​ona​lity.
CMS are high-value targets because of their critical purpose.
Drup​alg​eddon (CVE-2​014​-37​04) and patched on October 15, 2014
Flaw is an unauth​ent​icated SQLi vulner​ability present on all Drupal 7
Successful exploi​tation provides data access, remote code
execution and local privilege execut​ion.
Widespread automated exploi​tation within hours.

By binca Not published yet. Sponsored by Last updated 9th November, 2017. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords!
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Metasploit Cheat Sheet
by binca via

Drupal and Drupal​geddon (cont)

Reason for the flaw lies within Drupal's use of prepared statements for
SQL queries meant to defend against SQLi.
Drupal includes expa​ndA​rgu​men​ts() that explodes the arrays but it
did not handle specially crafted input properly.
Compounded by Drupal's use of PHP Data Objects (PDO), which
employs emulated prepared statements allowing for multiple queries
as one request.
The result was unfiltered input was passed to expa​ndA​rgu​men​ts()
fnction allowing for an exploit entry point (SELECT pivot to INSERT)

Metasploit and Drupal​geddon

expl​oit​/mu​lti​/ht​tp/​dru​pal​_dr​upa​lge​ddon is the exploit in msfconsole

The searcher who discovered posted 2 POC:
1. Hijacks an admin session
2. Enabled remote code execution

When Tools Fail

Tools often fail because of diff​erences in server confgu​rat​ions,

quality issues, some may not be reliable, or results are indete​rmi​‐
Additional testing may reveal an altern​ative tool or it may require
manual exploi​tation. Resear​ching the vulner​ability and exploit may
CVE-​201​4-1​6010 is a MediaWiki vulner​ability with a Metasploit exploit
available expl​oit​/mu​lti​/ht​tp/​med​ia_​wik​i_t​humb and it uses either a
DjVu (default) or PDF. The default fails.
The vulner​ability allowed for a PHP backdoor to be uploaded via
command execution
The Metasploit module works by manually uploading a PDF

By binca Not published yet. Sponsored by Last updated 9th November, 2017. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords!
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