SAndeep Verma

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S.N Particulars Content

I. Introduction
1. Name of Valuer Dr. Rajwinder Singh Bansal
2. Date of inspection 11.03.2024
Title Deed 2020-21/32/1/1738 DATED 21.10.2020
Date of Valuation 12.03.2024
3. Purpose of Valuation To Estimate the fair market value for
Bank Purposes
4. Name of Property Owner/s Mr. Sandeep Verma S/o. Mr. Sudesh Verma
(Details of share of each owner
in case of joint & Co-ownership)
5. Name of Bank/FI as applicable PNB/ Banga Road
6. Name of Developer of the Property N.A.
( in case of developer built properties )
7. Whether occupied by the owner / Self owned & Self Occupied
If occupied by tenant, since how long?
II. Physical Characteristics of the Asset
1. Location of the property in the city Plot no. 37, Seema Enclave, Hazipur
Plot No. / Survey No. As per deed
Door No. Plot no. 37, Seema Enclave, Hazipur
T. S. No. / Village Hazipur
Ward / Taluka Phagwara
Mandal / District Kapurthala
2. Municipal Ward No.
3. City / Town Phagwara
Residential Area/ Commercial Area/ Residential Area
Industrial Area
4. Classification of the area:
High / Middle / Poor Middle
Metro / Urban / Semi Urban / Rural Urban
5. Coming under Corporation limit/ Coming Under M.C., Phagwara
Village Panchayat/Municipality

6. Postal address of the property Seema Enclave, Hazipur, Phagwara

7. Latitude, Longitude and Coordinates of 31°14'15.1"N 75°46'05.0"E

the site
8. Area of the plot/land (supported by a 8.25 Marla as per deed ,8.25 Marla actual at
plan ) site
9. Layout plan of the area in which the Attached
property is located
10. Development of surrounding areas Developed
11. Details of Roads abutting the property Locality Road
12. Whether covered under any State / As on date this property is not covered under
Central Govt enactments (e.g. Urban State / Central Govt. enactments.
Land Ceiling Act) or notified under
agency area / scheduled area /
cantonment area
13. In case it is an agricultural land, any N.A.
conversion to house site plots is
14. Boundaries of the property
Side As per Sale Deed no. Actual at Site (c)
DATED 21.10.2020 (a)

North 75’-0” 75’-0”

South 75’-0” 75’-0”
East 30’-0” 30’-0”
West 30’-0” 30’-0”
Land Area 8.25 Marla (as per 8.25 Marla (actual at
deeds) site)
Extent of the site considered for 8.25 Marla (1 Marla=272.25 sq.ft.)
valuation (least of 14 A& 14 B)
15. Description of Adjoining properties
Side As per Sale Deed no. Actual at Site (c)
DATED 21.10.2020 (a)

North Plot no. 38 Plot no. 38

South Park Park
East Passage 30 Wide Passage 30 Wide
West Plot no. 35 Plot no. 35
16. Survey no. if any
17 Type of Building (Residential/ Residential Building
Commercial/ Industrial)
18. Details of the building/buildings and As detailed in ( XIV)
other improvements in terms of area,
height, no. of floors, plinth area floor
wise, year of construction, year
of making alterations/additional
constructions with details, full details
of specifications to be appended
along with building plans and elevations
19. Plinth area, Carpet area and Saleable As per Bye Laws (65%) = 1463 sq. ft.
area to be mentioned separately and As per FAR total coverage (1:1.65) = 3713 sq.
clarified ft.

Saleable Considered
Floor Plinth Area at Site Carpet Area As per Bye Laws
area for valuation
GF 1435 1004 1462.5 1435 1435
FF 0 0 1462.5 0 0
20. Any other aspect
III. Town Planning Parameters
1. Master plan provisions related to the Residential
property in terms of land use
2. Date of issue and validity of layout of PB/KXH/PHAGW/129178 DATED
approved map /plan 25.04.2022
3. Approved map / plan issuing authority Approved Map By M.C. Phagwara
4. Whether genuineness or authenticity of Yes
approved map/ plan is verified
5. Any other comments by our No
empanelled valuers on authentic of
approved plan
6. Planning area/zone Residential Zone
7. Development controls As Per MC.
8. Zoning regulations Mixed
9. FAR/FSI permitted and consumed Permissible: 1:1.65,
10. Ground coverage Permissible=65%
11. Transferability of development rights if
any, Building bye- law provisions as No T.D.R
applicable to the property viz. setbacks,
height restrictions, etc.

12. Comment on surrounding land uses Residential use

and adjoining properties in terms of
13. Comment on unauthorized constructions Nil
if any
14. Comment on demolition proceedings if Nil
15. Comment on compounding/ Nil
regularization proceedings
16. Comment on whether OC has been No OC obtained
issued or not
17. Any other aspect Nil
IV. Legal Aspects
1. Ownership documents, Sale Deed dated no. 2020-21/32/1/1738
DATED 21.10.2020
2. Names of Owner/s Mr. Sandeep Verma S/o. Mr. Sudesh Verma
(In case of Joint or Co-ownership,
whether the shares are undivided or
3. Comment on dispute/issues of Nil
landlord with tenant/statutory
body/any other agencies, if any in
regard to immovable property.
4. Comment on whether the IP is Yes
independently accessible?
5. Title verification, As Per LSR
6. Details of leases if any, Nil as on date as informed by the owner
7. Ordinary status of freehold or leasehold Free Hold
including restriction on transfer,
8. Agreements of easements if any, Nil
9. Notification for acquisition if any, As per LSR
10. Notification for road widening if any, As per LSR
11. Possibility of frequent flooding / sub- Nil
12. Special remarks, if any, like threat of There is no threat of acquisition of land for
acquisition of land for public service public service purposes, road widening or
purposes, road widening or applicability applicability of CRZ provisions.
of CRZ provisions etc. (Distance from
sea-coast / tidal level must be
13. Heritage restrictions if any, All legal No heritage restriction for this IP.
documents, receipts related to electricity,
water tax, property tax and any other
building taxes to be verified and copies
as applicable to be enclosed with the
14. Comment on transferability of the As per prevailing laws.
property ownership,
15. Comment on existing mortgages/ As per LSR
charges/encumbrances on the property
if any
16. Comment on whether the owners of the As per L.S.R.
property have issued any guarantee
(personal/corporate) as the case
may be
17. Building plan sanction, illegal Nil
constructions if any done without plan
18. Any other aspect Nil
V Economic aspects
1. Details of ground rent payable, Nil as property is free hold & owner occupied
2. Details of monthly rents being received if Nil as property is owner occupied
3. Taxes and other outgoings, Tax receipts to be procured from the owner by
the bank.
4. Property insurance, to be procured from the owner by the bank.
5. Monthly maintenance charges, Nil
6. Security charges, etc Nil
7. Any other aspect Nil
VI Socio-cultural aspects
1. Description of the location of property in The property is situated in densely populated
terms of the social structure of the area, inhabited by local middle-class people of
area, population, social stratification, all age groups & is away from slums/squatter
regional origin, age groups, economic settlements
levels, location of slums / squatter
settlements nearby, etc.
VII Functional and Utilitarian Aspects
Description of the functionality and utility
of the assets in terms of :
1. Space allocation, Provided
2. Storage spaces, Provided
3. Utility of spaces provided within the Spaces are Fully utilised
4. Any other aspect Nil
VIII Infrastructure Availability
a)Description of aqua infrastructure
availability in terms of
1. Water supply Govt. arrangement
2. Sewerage/sanitation Govt. arrangement
3. Storm water drainage Govt. arrangement
b)Description of other physical
infrastructure facilities viz.
1. Solid waste management Govt. arrangement
2. Electricity Available
3. Roads & Public transportation Near By
4. Availability of other public utilities All near by
c)Social infrastructure in terms of
1. Schools Near by@ 200m
2. Medical facilities Near by@ 200m
3. Recreation facilities in terms of parks Near by @200m
and open spaces.
IX Marketability
Analysis of the market for the
property in terms of
1. Locational attributes Well located
2. Scarcity No scarcity of such property
3. Demand and supply of the kind of Demand and supply are equal
subject property.
4. Comparable sale prices in the locality. Rs.1,50,000/ Marla. to Rs. 2,00,000/ Marla.,
for land
X Engineering and Technology Aspects
1. Type of construction, It is a load bearing structure
2. Materials and technology used, Load bearing structure with locally available
3. Specifications, Refer II (18)
4. Maintenance issues No Maintenance required
5. Age of building Under Construction
6. Total life of the building, 55-60 year if maintained properly
7. Extent of deterioration, Nil
8. Structural safety Not under the purview of the valuer
9. Protection against natural disasters viz. Not under the purview of the valuer
10. Visible damage in the building if any, As on date there is no visible damage.
11. Common facilities viz. lift, water pump, N.A.
lights, security systems, etc.,
12. System of air-conditioning, No Central air conditioning available
13. Provision for firefighting, Copies of plans No firefighting arrangement available
and elevations of the building to be
XI Environmental Factors
1. Use of environment friendly building Not a general trend in this area.
materials, Green building techniques if
2. Provision for rain water harvesting, Not provided.
3. Use of solar heating and lighting No Use of solar heating & lighting systems and
systems, etc. Presence of environmental no environmental pollution is there in the
pollution in the vicinity of the property in vicinity of the property in terms of industries,
terms of industries, heavy traffic, etc. heavy traffic
XII Architectural and aesthetic quality
1. Descriptive account on whether the The building is simple looking. There is no
building is modern, old fashioned, etc., heritage value for this property. There is no
plain looking or with decorative landscape elements in this property
elements, heritage value if applicable,
presence of landscape elements, etc.
XIII In case of valuation of industrial property
1) Proximity to residential areas N.A.
2) Availability of public transport facilities N.A.
XIV Valuation
1. Here, the procedure adopted for arriving at the valuation has to be highlighted. The valuer should consider
all the three generic approaches of property valuation and state explicitly the reasons for adoption of /
rejection of a particular approach and the basis on which the final valuation judgement is arrived at A detailed
analysis and descriptive account of the approaches, assumptions made, basis adopted, supporting
data ( in terms of comparable sales ), reconciliation of various factors, departures, final valuation arrived
at has to be presented here.
Valuation of Land
Prevailing Market Rate ₹ 1,35,000/ Per Marla
Land Area 8.25 Marla
Value of Land ₹ 11,13,750/
(C)Valuation of Building
No Description G.F.
1. Foundation Spread Footing
2. Basement N.A.
3. Superstructure 1 class B.B.
4. Joinery/Doors &Windows Hard Wood
5. RCC Works M20
6. Plastering N.A.
7. Flooring, skirting, dadoing N.A.
8. Special finish as marble, granite, wooden N.A.
paneling, drills etc.
9. Roofing including R.C. Slab
weather proof course
10. Drainage Provided

Plinth area
Age of

Cost of



cost of
Plinth Area

Roof Height


G.F. 1435 11' 0 700 1004500 1 1004500

F.F. 1061 11' 0 550 583550 1 583550
1588050 1588050
Total Depreciated cost of construction 1588050

Total abstract of the entire property

PART-A Land Rs. 11,13,750/
Part- B Building : Rs. 15,88,050
Total : Rs. 27,01,800/
Say : Rs.27,02,000/
As a result of my appraisal and analysis, it is my considered opinion that the present market value of
the above property in prevailing condition with aforesaid specifications is Rs.27,02,000/ (Rupees
Seventy Seven lakh two thousand only).

i) Date of purchase of immovable property 06.09.2017

ii) Purchase Price of immovable property Rs.4,80,000/ ( Rupees Four Lakh Eighty Thousand only)

iii) Book value of immovable property Rs.4,80,000/ ( Rupees Four Lakh Eighty Thousand only)

iv) Realizable Value of immovable property Rs.22,97,000/ (Rupees Twenty Two lakh Ninety Seven
thousand only)

v) Distress Sale Value of immovable property Rs.21,62,000/ (Rupees Twenty One lakh Sixty Two thousand

vi) Guideline Value (value as per Circle Rates), if Rs.. 36,000/ Marla for residential
applicable, in the area where Immovable
property is situated.

Place: Phagwara
Date: 12.03.2024 Signature
(Name and Official seal of the Approved Valuer)
1. Declaration from the valuer2. Model code of conduct for valuer3. Photograph of owner with the
property in the background4. Screen shot (in hard copy) of Global
Positioning System (GPS)/Various Applications (Apps)/Internet sites (eg
Google earth)/etc
5. Layout plan of the area in which the property is located
6. Building plan
7. Floor plan
8. Any other relevant documents/extracts



I hereby declare that-
a. The information furnished in my valuation report dated 12.03.2024 is true and correct
to the best of my knowledge and belief and I have made an impartial and
true valuation of the property.
b. I have no direct or indirect interest in the property valued;
c. I have personally inspected the property on 11.03.2024 The work is not sub-Contracted
to any other valuer and carried out by myself.
d. I have not been convicted of any offence and sentenced to a term of Imprisonment;
e. I have not been found guilty of misconduct in my professional capacity.
f. I have read the Handbook on Policy, Standards and procedure for Real Estate
Valuation, 2011 of the IBA and this report is in conformity to the
“Standards” enshrined for valuation in the Part-B of the above handbook
to the best of my ability.
g. I have read the International Valuation Standards (IVS) and the report submitted to the
Bank for the respective asset class is in conformity to the “Standards” as
enshrined for valuation in the IVS in “General Standards” and “Asset
Standards” as applicable.
h. I abide by the Model Code of Conduct for empanelment of valuer in the Bank.
(Annexure III- A signed copy of same to be taken and kept along with this declaration)
i. I am registered under Section 34 AB of the Wealth Tax Act, 1957.
j. I am the proprietor / partner / authorized official of the firm / company, who is
competent to sign this valuation report.
k. Further, I hereby provide the following information.
Sl No. Particulars Valuer comment
1 background information of the asset It is an Under Construction Residential
being valued; building situated at Plot no. 37, Seema
Enclave, Hazipur, Phagwara Distt.
2 purpose of valuation and appointing Fair Market Value of property for
authority banking purpose.
3 identity of the valuer and any other Dr. Rajwinder Singh Bansal
involved in the valuation;
4 disclosure of valuer interest or conflict, Nil
if any;
5 date of appointment, valuation date and 11.03.2024&12.03.2024
date of
6 inspections and/or investigations The property was inspected on
undertaken; 11.03.2024 in the presence of owner.
7 nature and sources of the information Through Market Survey.
used or
relied upon;
8 procedures adopted in carrying out the Land & Building Method.
and valuation standards followed;
9 restrictions on use of the report, if any; 1. Value is time found & purpose
found. The valuation report is as
on 12.03.2024&forspecific
purpose mentioned under I(1).The
Report is not to be referred if the
purpose is Different other than
mentioned I(1)
10 major factors that were taken into a) Location & Amenities
account during b) Infrastructure
the valuation; c) Availability of Land
d) Demand & Supply
e) Affordability
f) Structures
11 major factors that were taken into Same as above
account during
the valuation;
12 Caveats, limitations and disclaimers to a) This report is given as an expert
the extentthey explain or elucidate the opinion on the available material
limitations faced byvaluer, which shall & based on the inspection and as
not be for the purpose oflimiting his identified by the owners
responsibility for the valuation report.
concerned, however the valuation
may be taken into account or
rejected at the discretion of the
bank & it is only suggestion as
regards the value.
b) We have not verified the title deeds of
the properties with the records of
registrar‟s office as this is beyond the
agreed scope of our services
c) If this property is offered as
collateral security, the concerned
financial institution is requested to
check to the extent of land &
Boundaries as shown in this
valuation report with Respect To
the latest legal opinion.
d) The valuer has endeavoured to
visually identify the land boundaries
and dimensions; however, he is not a
surveyor. So, where there is a doubt
about the precise position of the
structures, it is recommended that a
Licensed Surveyor be contacted.
e) Where a sketched plan is attached to
this report, it does not purport to
represent accurate architectural plans.
Sketch plans and photographs are
provided as general illustrations only.
f) Unless otherwise stated as part of the
terms of engagement, the valuer has
not made a specific compliance
survey or analysis of the various
permits and licenses under central,
state and local laws / regulations
applicable to the operation and use of
the subject property, and this
valuation does not consider the effect,
if any, of non-compliance.
h) The actual market price achieved may
be higher or lower than our estimate of
value depending upon the circumstances
of the transaction (for example the
competitive bidding environment, the
purchaser’s perception of potential
synergies. The knowledge, negotiating
ability and motivation of the buyers and
sellers and the applicability of a discount or
premium for control will also affect actual
market price achieved. Accordingly, our
valuation conclusion will not necessarily be
the price at which actual transaction will
take place.

(Name of the Approved Valuer and Seal of the Firm /


{Adopted in line with Companies (Registered Valuers and Valuation Rules, 2017)}
All valuers empanelled with bank shall strictly adhere to the following code of conduct:
Integrity and Fairness
1. A valuer shall, in the conduct of his/its business, follow high standards of integrity and
fairness in all his/its dealings with his/its clients and other valuers.
2. A valuer shall maintain integrity by being honest, straightforward, and forthright in all
professional relationships.
3. A valuer shall endeavour to ensure that he/it provides true and adequate information
and shall not misrepresent any facts or situations.
4. A valuer shall refrain from being involved in any action that would bring disrepute to
the profession.
5 A valuer shall keep public interest foremost while delivering his services.
Professional Competence and Due Care
6. A valuer shall render at all times high standards of service, exercise due diligence,
ensure proper care and exercise independent professional judgment.
7. A valuer shall carry out professional services in accordance with the relevant
technical and professional standards that may be specified from time to time
8. A valuer shall continuously maintain professional knowledge and skill to provide
competent professional service based on up-to-date developments in practice,
prevailing regulations/guidelines and techniques.
9. In the preparation of a valuation report, the valuer shall not disclaim liability for his/its
expertise or deny his/its duty of care, except to the extent that the assumptions are
based on statements of fact provided by the company or its auditors or consultants or
information available in public domain and not generated by the valuer.
10. A valuer shall not carry out any instruction of the client insofar as they are
incompatible with the requirements of integrity, objectivity and independence.
11. A valuer shall clearly state to his client the services that he would be competent to
provide and the services for which he would be relying on other valuers or professionals
or for which the client can have a separate arrangement with other valuers.
Independence and Disclosure of Interest
12. A valuer shall act with objectivity in his/its professional dealings by ensuring that
his/its decisions are made without the presence of any bias, conflict of interest,
coercion, or undue influence of any party, whether directly connected to the valuation
assignment or not.
13. A valuer shall not take up an assignment if he/it or any of his/its relatives or
associates is not independent in terms of association to the company.
14. A valuer shall maintain complete independence in his/its professional relationships
and shall conduct the valuation independent of external influences.
15. A valuer shall wherever necessary disclose to the clients, possible sources of
conflicts of duties and interests, while providing unbiased services.
16. A valuer shall not deal in securities of any subject company after any time when
he/it first becomes aware of the possibility of his/its association with the valuation, and
in accordance with the Securities and Exchange Board of India
(Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 or till the time the
valuation report becomes public, whichever is earlier.
17. A valuer shall not indulge in “mandate snatching” or offering “convenience
valuations” in order to cater to a company or client‟s needs.
18. As an independent valuer, the valuer shall not charge success fee (Success fees
may be defined as a compensation / incentive paid to any third party for successful
closure of transaction. In this case, approval of credit proposals).
19. In any fairness opinion or independent expert opinion submitted by a valuer, if there
has been a prior engagement in an unconnected transaction, the valuer shall
declare the association with the company during the last five years.
20. A valuer shall not use or divulge to other clients or any other party any confidential
information about the subject company, which has come to his/its knowledge without
proper and specific authority or unless there is a legal or professional right or duty to
Information Management
21. A valuer shall ensure that he/ it maintains written contemporaneous records for any
decision taken, the reasons for taking the decision, and the information and evidence
in support of such decision. This shall be maintained so as to sufficiently enable a
reasonable person to take a view on the appropriateness of his/its decisions and
22. A valuer shall appear, co-operate and be available for inspections and
investigations carried out by the authority, any person authorised by the authority, the
registered valuers organisation with which he/it is registered or any other statutory
regulatory body.
23. A valuer shall provide all information and records as may be required by the
authority, the Tribunal, Appellate Tribunal, the registered valuers organisation with
which he/it is registered, or any other statutory regulatory body.
24. A valuer while respecting the confidentiality of information acquired during the
of performing professional services, shall maintain proper working papers for a
of three years or such longer period as required in its contract for a specific valuation,
for production before a regulatory authority or for a peer review. In the event of a
pending case before the Tribunal or Appellate Tribunal, the record shall be
maintained till the disposal of the case.
Gifts and hospitality:
25. A valuer or his/its relative shall not accept gifts or hospitality which undermines or
affects his independence as a valuer.
Explanation.─For the purposes of this code the term „relative‟ shall have the same
meaning as defined in clause (77) of Section 2 of the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013).
26. A valuer shall not offer gifts or hospitality or a financial or any other advantage to a
public servant or any other person with a view to obtain or retain work for himself/ itself,
or to obtain or retain an advantage in the conduct of profession for himself/ itself.
Remuneration and Costs.
27. A valuer shall provide services for remuneration which is charged in a transparent
manner, is a reasonable reflection of the work necessarily and properly
undertaken, and is not inconsistent with the applicable rules.
28. A valuer shall not accept any fees or charges other than those which
are disclosed in a written contract with the person to whom he would be
rendering service.
Occupation, employability and restrictions.
29. A valuer shall refrain from accepting too many assignments, if he/it is unlikely to be
able to devote adequate time to each of his/ its assignments.
30. A valuer shall not conduct business which in the opinion of the authority or the
registered valuer organisation discredits the profession.
(Name of the Approved Valuer and Seal of the Firm / Company)


31°14'15.1"N 75°46'05.0"E

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