Tactical Communications For The Digitized Battlefield - Michael J. Ryan - Artech 2002
Tactical Communications For The Digitized Battlefield - Michael J. Ryan - Artech 2002
Tactical Communications For The Digitized Battlefield - Michael J. Ryan - Artech 2002
Digitized Battlefield
Michael J. Ryan
Michael R. Frater
Artech House
Boston • London
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Ryan, M. J. (Michael J. )
Tactical communications for the digitized battlefield/Michael Ryan, Michael R. Frater.
p. cm. - (The Anech House information warfare library)
Incl udes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1-58053-323-x (alle paper)
1. Communications, Military. I. Frater, Michael R. II. Title. III. Series.
UA940 .R93 2002
358'.24-dc21 2002019679
ISBN 1-58053-323-x
All rights res erv ed. Primed and bound in rhe United Stares of America. No parr of this book
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Preface xv
Acknowledgments XIX
1.1 Introduction
Endnotes ]2
VI Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
2.1 Introduction 15
2.3 Source/Sink 17
2.5 Encryption 29
2.7 Modulation 33
2.7.3 FSK 38
2.7.4 PSK 39
2.7.5 Modems 41
2.8 Multiplexing 41
2.8.1 FDlvf 41
2.8.2 TDlvl 42
2.10.1 FDlv1J\ 46
2.10.2 TDlv1A 46
2.10.3 CDIV1A
2.11 Transmitters
2.12 Receivers
Contents VII
2.15 Antennas 53
2.15.3 Gain 55
2.15.4 Bandwidth 56
2.16 Propagation 57
2.17 Switching 64
2.1S.2 Networks 69
2.1S.4 Internetworking 72
2.19 75
viii Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
3.1 Introduction 87
5.1 Introduction 14 9
SY')tcm 162
Endnotes 257
9.1 Introduction
Index 355
Early commanders were in intimate contact with their troops. Battlefields were
small-tiny in comparison with those of today-and commanders could
direct their troops by using their voice or their physical presence to influence
the outcome of the battle. & commanders embarked on more adventurous
campaigns, the size of their forces prevented close-quarter command, and
commanders had to remove themselves somewhat from the battlefield so that
they could obtain a larger view than was possible while standing among the
troops. Effective command, therefore, required commanders to occupy a con
venient hilltop from which to oversee own-force and adversary dispositions.
While this new position increased situational awareness, it also increased the
distance between the commander and subordinates, which increased the time
to convey orders and created a delay in their transmission that had to be
accommodated for by commanders in their plans.
The increased distance also required commanders to develop commu
nications systems to assist in passing orders. Early systems were courier
based, making use of messengers to carry orders between levels of command.
For a more rapid transmission of simple orders, some form of visual or acous
tic signaling was normally employed. However, as fronts became wider,
weapons became more sophisticated, military administration developed, and
logistics tails became longer, the battlefield was no longer under the view of a
single commander and better communications were required. Effective com
mand and control required that headquarters had to be informed instantly of
events on distant battlefields-more swiftly than was possible by courier.
XVI Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
---- . . __ .. - . - ----,. '-
--------�-- - -- ------
The Need for an Architecture
voice and internetted data, from headquarters to combat units and within
combat units.
The greater demands of the modern battlefield have a number of effects
on communications systems, which must be more flexible and adaptable. No
longer can such systems be designed solely to support conventional opera
tions. Modern systems must be modular and expandable to support a wide
variety of operations in diverse environments. Additionally, the traditional
niches occupied by systems must be expanded. For example, CNR must not
only perform its traditional role of voice communications for combat forces,
but it must also provide an extension to the voice and data services of the
trunk network. Both networks must be seamlessly integrated to allow com
munication between any two points on the battlefield.
Most modern armies are entering a period of sustained and substantial
changes in structure, doctrine, and use of technology, particularly with the
current and planned introductions of a wide range of new communications
and information systems. In the face of considerable doctrinal and techno
logical change, communications requirements must be reassessed through
the development of a comprehensive, flexible architecture for the tactical
communications system required to support future land warfare.
Figure 1.1 illustrates the three interlocking grids of NCW (the informa
tion grid, the
sensor grid, and the engagement grid), and the three major types
of participants (sensors, command elements, and shooters). The information
grid provides the infrastructure through which information is received, proc
essed, transported, stored, and protected. The sensor grid contains all sen
sors, whether they are specialized devices mounted on weapons systems,
carried by individual soldiers, or embedded into equipment. The engage
ment grid consists of all available weapons systems that are tasked to create
the necessary battlefield effect. Proponents of NCW envisage that these three
grids will exist in space, in the air, on land, and on and under the sea.
The employment of a wireless, nonnodal tactical network allows an
army to disperse as required and then mass effects rapidly at an appropriate
time and place. Less reliance is required on large command posts, which can
be distributed to increase physical survivability without sacrificing processing
power. If the philosophy of network-centric warfare is desirable to modern
commanders, land forces must be supported by a communications architec
ture that will allow communication from any one point on the battlefield to
any other, as well as from any point on the battlefield to any point in the
strategic network. As will be discussed in Chapter 5, these considerations
provide significant design drivers for a suitable tactical communications
r - - - - - -
- - - - - - - �f ;matio� 1
I Igrid
I�- ------, I
- - - - -I- - - - -. I
i---f----, I
I I • I I
: �Sen± grid
_ _____
I •
I •
: I objects
l _____Engage �� rid _________ I
:1 1.3 Command and Control
Surveillance and
target acquisition
Communications Communications
Action making
are available from the sensor system through to the data processing facilities
in the command post. The commander only has eyes and ears if robust, flexi
ble communications systems with sufficient capacity can be provided.
In the next phase, information processing, the raw sensor data is pro
cessed, fused, and analyzed so that it can be turned into information. The
commander and staff could not cope with the volume of raw sensor data
coming into the headquarters. Not only would the sheer volume of it be
overwhelming, but also the raw data is unintelligible to humans and must be
filtered and displayed in an appropriate format before the commander and
staff can take action on it. Automation of this process is essential if it is to be
completed in a timely manner.
Once the sensor information has been processed into a view that pro
vides the commander with the right information in the right format at the
right resolution in sufficient time to allow the conduct of an adequate appre
ciation, or estimate, of the situation. In the decision-making phase, the com
mander makes a number of decisions and finalizes a plan, following which
orders are conveyed to subordinate units through data and voice networks,
whereupon action is tal{en on the commander's plan. Few plans last beyond
first contact with the enemy, however, so the C2 cycle must continue and
The Needfor an Architecture 7
Communications Communications
Action Decision
The term tactical has been chosen to represent the level at which communi
cations are considered. Three broad levels of warfare are defined [6J.
Strategic level of war. The level of war at which a nation, often as a member
of a group of nations, determines national or multinational (alliance or coali
tion) security objectives and guidance, and develops and uses national re
sources to accomplish these objectives. Activities at this level establish
national and multinational military objectives, sequence initiatives, define
limits and assess risks for the use of military and other instruments of na
tional power, develop global plans or theater war plans to achieve these ob
jectives, and provide military forces and other capabilities in accordance with
strategic plans.
Operational level of war. The level of war at which campaigns and major op
erations are planned, conducted, and sustained to accomplish strategic objec
tives within theaters or areas of operations. Activities at this level link tactics
The Needfor an Architecture 9
Tactical level of war. The level of war at which battles and engagements are
planned and executed to accomplish military objectives assigned to tactical
units or task forces. Activities at this level focus on the ordered arrangement
and maneuver of combat elements in relation to each other and to the enemy
to achieve combat objectives.
The levels of war are rarely distinct and often overlap, particularly in
operations other than war. In this book we use the term tactical to refer to
operations at divisional level and below. In terms of the provision of commu
nications, this level is the most difficult.
Military communications systems are not unique in this regard; in fact,
they are an extreme example of the difficulty faced in commercial systems
when attempting to deliver high-capacity communications to end-users.
Large bandwidths are relatively easy to obtain in trunk links, particularly
when fiber-optic cable can be used between cities and exchanges. Distribut
ing large amounts of information below exchanges is problematic, however,
particularly when the users are mobile. In the commercial environment, the
links between users and the exchanges are generically called the "last mile"
and represents the major stumbling block to the distribution of large
bandwidth services such as multimedia applications.
As we describe in Chapter 5, the "last tactical mile" is also the major
difficulty in military communications. It is relatively straightforward to pro
vide high-capacity communications at the strategic and operational levels; in
fact, commercial systems can invariably be used with only limited modifica
tion. In the tactical environment, and in particular in the land tactical envi
ronment, there are few commercial solutions that are directly applicable. It is
this difficult area of land tactical communications systems that is the subject
of this book.
The terms digitized battlefield and battlefield digitization have been adopted
to refer to the automation, through digital networks and processes, of com
mand and control operations across the full breadth of the battlespace. This
10 Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
Alexander, ]., Future War: Non-Lethal Weapons in TwentJ'-First CentUlJ' WaJfare, New
York: St. Martin's Press, 1999.
Allard, C, Command, Control, and The Common Defense, New Haven, CT: Yale Uni
versity Press, 1990.
Arquilla, J., and D. Ronfeldt, (eds.), In Athena's Camp: Preparmg for Conflict in the
Information Age, Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 1997.
Bellamy, C, The Future ofLand Warfore, New York: St. Martin's Press, 1987.
Campen, A., and D. Dearth, Cyber\¥lar 2.0: !l1yths and ReaMy, Fairfax, VA: AFCEA
International Press, 1998.
De Landa, M., War m the Age ofIntellIgent !l1achmes, New York: Zone Books, 1991.
Gordon, A., The Rules of the Game: jutland and British Naval Command, Annapolis,
MD: Naval Institute Press, 1996.
The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IIS), Strategic Survey 1995-1996,
London, U.l<.: Oxford University Press, 1996, p. 30.
Leonhard, R., The PmlClples of War for the InfonnatlOn Age, Novato, CA: Presidio Press,
Macgregor, D., Brealwlg the Phalanx: A New Design for Landpower in the 21st CentuJJ/,
Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 1997.
Peters, R., Fighting for the Future: Will America Triumph? Mechanicsburg, PA: Stack
pole Books, 1999.
Pfaltzgraff, R., and R . Shultz, (eds.), War in the Information Age: New Challenges for US
Secunty, Washington, D.C: Brassey's, 1997.
Rooney, D., V. KaIlmeier, and G. Stevens, Mission Command and Battlefield Digitiza
tion: Human Sciences C07lSlderatl0ns, DERA Report DERAICHS/HS3/CR98009711.0,
March 1998.
The Needfor an Architecture 13
Scales, R., Future WaJfare, Carlisle, PA: U.S. Army War College, 1999.
Toffler, A., and H. Toffler, War and Antl- War: Survzval at the Dawn of the 21st Cen
tU1J', Boston, MA: Little, Brown and Company, 1993.
Van Trees, H., "C3 Systems Research: A Decade of Progress," in Science of Command
and Control: Copmg wzth ComplexIty, S. E. Johnson and A. H. Levis (eds.), Fairfax, VA:
AFCEA International Press, 1989.
Waltz, E., Information Wmfare Princzples and OperatlOn, Norwood, MA: Artech House,
[2] "Joint Vision 2020," Director of Strategic Plans and Policy, J5 Strategic Division,
Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, June 2000.
[3] Alberts, D., J. Gartska, and F. Stein, Network Centrzc WaJfare, CCRP Publication
Series, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Defense, 1999.
[4] Cebrowski, A., and J. Garstka, "Network-Centric Warfare: Its Origins and Future,"
Naval InstItute Proceedings, 1997.
Dupuy, T., Understandmg War: HzstolJ' and Theory of Combat, New York: Paragon
House Publishers, 1987.
van Creveld, M., Command m War, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1985.
van Creveld, M., The Transformation of War, New York: Free Press, 1991.
[6] Joint Publication 1-02, "Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated
Terms," Washington, D.C.: Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1994 (as amended Sept.
[7] Kallmeier, v., et al., "Towards Better Knowledge: A Fusion of Information Technol
ogy, and Human Aspects of Command and Contro!''' Journal of Battlefield Technology,
Vol. 4, No. 1, March 2001, pp. 34-43.
[8] For a good description of the Boyd cycle, see: Lind, W., The Maneuver Waifare Hand
book, London, U.K.: Westview, 1985, p. 5.
[9] See in particular: Boyes, J., and S. Andriole, (eds.), Prmclples of Command and Control
Washington, D.C.: AFCEA International Press, 1987; and Andriole, S., (ed.), Technol
ogy for Command and Control Systems Engmeering, Fairfax, VA: AFCEA International
Press, 1990.
[10] Further information on communications EW can be found in: Frater, M., and M.
Ryan, Electronic Waifare for the Digitized Battlefield, Norwood, MA: Artech House,
[11] The recent RAND report-Libicki, M., Who Runs What in the Global Information
Grid: Ways to Share Local and Global Responsibility, Rand Report, MR-1247-AF,
14 Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
2000-makes interesting reading and concludes that it is generally undesirable for the
provision of operational information to be centralized.
[13J C4ISR Architectures Working Group, C4ISR Architecture Framework, Version 2.0,
Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Defense, Dec. 18, 1997.
An Introduction to Communications
2.1 Introduction
16 Tactical Com m u n ications for the Digitized Battlefie l d
Figure 2.1 [lJ illustrates the major functions that are performed as p art o f a
modern digital communications system [2J. The source converts the real
world original signal into an electrical signal, which is increasingly in a digital
form. This signal is then compressed through source coding to remove any
redundancy to ensure that the signal o ccupies the least amount of the chan
nel bandwidth. EnCl],ption then ensures that the signal is encoded for p rivacy,
and channel coding prepares the signal for the noise and distortion that will
o ccur in the channel. A number of signals are then multiplexed together and
then translated in frequency (modulated) up to a frequency that is appropri
ate for the particular channel in use. Frequency spreading is used to reduce the
signature of the transmission , and multiple-access techniques are necessary to
allow a number of users to share a channel . These functions are described in
more detail in the remaining sections of this chapter.
Frequency Multiple
From other sources Modulate
spread access
Source Channel
decode decode
t � Frequency � Multiple
To other destinations �- Demultiplex 1.- Demodulate
despread access
Figure 2.1 Block d iagram of a ty p ical modern d igital commun ications system [1].
An Introduction to Communications Technology 17
2.3 Source/Sink
2.3.1 An a l o g S i g n a l s
Cyc l e or
p eri o d
- �----� .. --------------- -'
18 Ta cti c a l C o m m u n i c ati o n s for th e D i g itized B a ttlefi e l d l)
property defined for the wave is the frequency, that is, how many cycles (or
periods) of the wave occur per second. The frequency, f, is therefore defined
as f= 11Tand is measured in Sl or hertz (Hz) . The frequency of the waveform
is defined by how many cycles there are per second. A high frequency wave
therefore has more cycles per second than a low frequency wave.
In the time of one period, the wave travels one wavelength, A, which is
measured in meters and is the distance between points of similar amplitude
in the propagating waveform. The wavelength of a sine wave is related to its
period by the velocity of propagation of the wave, vp' That is, vp= A T, or A =
vpT. The velocity of propagation of an electromagnetic wave in the atmos
phere is the speed of light, c, which equals 3 X 108 ms-I• The wavelength (dis
tance) of the wave is therefore related to the period (time) of the wave by the
relationship: c=AITorA= cT. Now since T= 1/f,A = c lforf= ciA .
At the beginning of this section we noted that a complex waveform can
be expressed as the sum of a number of sine waves at different frequencies.
An example of this is demonstrated in Figure 2.3, where a complex wave is
expressed as the sum of 4-, 5-, and 6-kHz waves.
Two sine waves can have identical amplitudes and frequencies, but, as
illustrated in Figure 2.4, if one is delayed compared to the other, they
are identifiably different. This difference is called phase, which is the third
important property of a sine wave. In communications systems we need
to understand the phase of received signals because in-phase signals add to
produce a stronger signal, whereas out-of-phase signals tend to cancel each
It is often useful to view the waveform in the frequency domain where the
frequency is plotted against the amplitude of the signal. This is illustrated in
PvAvAv6vDvAvAVAVAV� �6kHz
· kHz 5
P /\/\/\/\/\/
Figure 2.3 A c o m p l ex waveform expres s e d a s a s u m of s i n e waves .
An introductlOJ1 to CommumcatlOllS Techno log), 19
Figure 2.4 Two s i ne waves with identical amplitudes and frequencies but dlfierent
phases .
Figure 2.5, where a sine wave with a period of 1 ms (and therefore a fre
quency of 1 kHz) is shown in Figure 2.5(a), the time domain, and Figure
2.5(b), the frequency domain. In the frequency domain a single frequency
sine wave is depicted by a frequency spike of amplitude 17m located at 1 kHz
on the frequency axis .
This frequency-domain view is very useful for the analysis of signals
because it is difficult to represent complex signals as combinations of sine
waves in the time domain. Yet in the frequency domain, the representation
consists simply of a spike of the appropriate amplitude at the appropriate fre
quency for each component. For example, the complex waveform in Figure
2.6 can now be represented more simply in the frequency domain.
� r--+ -- -r -- �--r--4 -- -+ -- � -- '--
.g Time
1 kHz
Fre qu e ncy (Hz)
1 ms
(a) (b)
4 5 6
Frequency (kHz)
(a) (b)
Figure 2.6 A complex waveform in (a) the time domain, and (b) the frequency domain.
Figure 2.7 A number of sine waves shown (a) individually, and (b) collectively as a band.
� I
, I
,. ).
between about 300 Hz and 3,400 Hz. As illustrated in Figure 2.8, the band
width of speech signals is therefore normally considered to be 3.1 kHz.
2.3. 1 .4 The E l e ctro m a g n etic S p e ctru m
Due to the size of the electromagnetic spectrum, it is convenient to break it
up into sections, which exhibit common properties. We are interested in
those portions of the spectrum that can be used for communications systems,
notably those frequencies contained in the radio frequency (RF) ranges. In
these regions of the spectrum, the International Telecommunication Union
(ITU) Radio Regulations define the bands of frequencies outlined in
Table 2.1 (note that the RF range also overlaps with the AF range of
1 5-1 5,000 Hz) .
Extremely low frequency (ELF). The ELF band is of little use in communica
tions due to the extremely small bandwidth available and the enormous an
tennas required. Even these large antennas are inefficient, however, and
radiated powers are small even when very large transmitter powers are used.
Despite these disadvantages, however, ELF has one redeeming feature that
makes its use a viable proposition for communications with submarines. ELF
signals suffer very little attenuation by any medium, particularly the atmos
phere and seawater. Propagation is primarily via surface wave, and the signal
is very stable with little diurnal or seasonal variation. In addition to subma
rine communications, some of the audible frequencies are contained in this
band. Although not part of communications frequencies, electric power is
generated in this band (60 Hz in the United States) .
300 3,400
Frequency (Hz)
Table 2.1
RF and AF PortIOns of the ElectromagnetIc Spectrum
300-3,000 Hz VF 1-0 1 mm
3-30 MHz HF 100-10m l
30-300 MHz
300-3,000 MHz
VHF 10-1m
1-0 1m
gate very far so the communications system will not pass VF directly but will
need to transpose the band up to a higher frequency range so that it can be I
passed across the channel.
Very low frequency (VLF) and low frequency (LF). VLF and LF suffer from
the same problems as ELF in that they have small bandwidths and antennas 1
are large and inefficient, leading to low radiated powers. However, both
bands have similar advantages as ELF and have low attenuation through the
atmosphere and seawater. VLF and LF are therefore used for some subma
rine communications and maritime radio navigation systems. These bands
have more use for communications than ELF, since they have a larger band
width. Propagation is primarily by surface wave and has little seasonal or di
urnal variation. However, communications are prone to static and to
interference from other radio frequencies.
Medium frequency (MF). The lower portion of the MF band is useful for
communications systems that require reasonably stable transmission over
Very high frequency (VHF) and ultra high frequency (UHF). Both of these bands
can be used for communications systems, such as television, which require
the transmission of large bandwidths over short distances (generally line-of
sight). Small, directional antennas are economical and effective. If powerful
transmitters and high-gain antennas are used, reliable long-distance propaga
tion is possible in the UHF band by using waves scattered by turbulence in
the troposphere. The VHF and UHF bands are used for fixed communica
tions services such as radio relay, ground-to-air communications, mobile
services, and television. Other noncommunications services include radar,
space research, radio astronomy, and telemetry.
Super high frequency (SHF) and extremely high frequency (EHF).SHF and EHF
are known as the microwave bands and their wavelengths are short enough to
be propagated by highly directional antennas and waveguides. Propagation
ranges are limited to line-of-sight, but long-distance communications can be
achieved by employing a series of radio-relay stations. These portions of the
spectrum are used for television and high-speed data services requiring large
Communications frequencies other than RF and AF. The majority of the fre
quencies used for communications are contained within the RF portion of
the electromagnetic spectrum. Optical frequencies are also used for commu-
24 Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
---.----------_ .- . . _ . __ .---- ---
Many sources produce analog signals, since the world is naturally a continu
ous, or analog, medium. Many modern sources, however, produce digital
signals since the message is originated by electronic equipment such as a
computer. Additionally, analog information is also often converted into a
digital form since the transmission of digital signals has a number of signifi
cant advantages over analog signals, namely:
• All digital signals have the same form (i.e., they are either "ones" or
"zeros") , easier storage, and easier multiplexing, switching, and
• Digital signals have lower susceptibility to noise and are more easily
• If a communications system is all-digital, only one type of circuitry
is required.
• Security equipment is more easily implemented.
• Error correction and detection can be more easily implemented.
+1 5V
0 -----4-----r--�--�r_--_r-
-1 5V -----'
o o o o o
carrier for transmission over longer distances. For the moment, consider digi
tal signals transmitted in baseband.
Analog signals suffer as they pass along the communications channel because
they are attenuated (reduced in size) and have their amplitudes modified by
the addition of unwanted signals in the form of noise. At various points
along the channel, attenuation of the signals can be compensated for by
amplification of the signal, although the unwanted noise will also be ampli
fied. Therefore, amplifiers increase signal strength at the receiver but also
increase the level of received noise and distortion.
So why are digital signals less susceptible to noise? Surely the digital
signal is attenuated in the same way as analog signals as it passes along the
channel. The answer lies in the fact that the attenuation and noise in the
channel do have the same effect on the signal, but not the same effect on
the information contained within the signal. In analog signals the informa
tion is contained in the small variations in the signal with time. Attenua
tion in the channel and the addition of noise tend to distort the signal so
that some of the original information is lost, often irretrievably. Attenua
tion can be addressed by amplification at the sink. As we noted earlier,
however, amplification of a weak, noisy signal will tend to produce a
stronger, noisier signal.
The information in digital signals is contained in the gross value of a bit
at any point of time, not in the small variations of the signal. As the bit is
attenuated by the channel and noise is added, the information content
remains unchanged until the bit can no longer be distinguished as its original
value. Therefore, as illustrated in Figure 2. 1 0, as long as a " 1 " can be distin
guished from a "0," the information has not been lost and the signal can
be regenerated and received perfectly at the sink. For digital signals the
26 Tacti c a l C o m m u n i c ati o n s for th e D i g itized B attlefi e l d
_II� I I I II'----
D Distortio n
7' C7�
D Reg e neration
------,I I I I I II'----
Figure 2.10 R e g e n erati o n of a d i g ita l s i g n a l .
if the sampled signal is lower. The delta modulator only requires 1 bit per
sample. However, to avoid slope overload, it is normal to sample at twice the
Nyquist rate (i.e., for speech: 1 6,000 samples per second) so that the bit rate
required to transmit delta-modulated signals is only 1 X 1 6,000 1 6 Kbps. =
Vocoders. A PCM or DM coder does not know anything about the signal
being coded and simply follows the signal as it is presented and codes it as a
digital bit stream. When transmission bandwidth is limited, such as at HF,
more bandwidth-efficient coding techniques can be provided by vocoding
techniques. A vocoder does not blindly follow the input waveform but uses
some knowledge of the source's characteristics to create a model of the source
(voice) waveform and send some form of description of the model's parame
ters to the receiver. The vocoder analyzes the properties of speech (excitation,
formants, pitch, and volume) and estimates the dominant characteristics and
transmits them to the receiver, which uses them to recreate the source wave
form and to synthesize the voice output. Vocoders require very low data rates
(2.4 Kbps is common in military systems) but produce lower quality output,
usually sacrificing speaker recognition. i
Adaptive prediction. Many analog signals are not best digitized using uni I
form quantization steps. For example, in speech small signal amplitudes are
more common than large ones. For these signals the quantization noise can
be reduced by using smaller steps for lower amplitudes and larger steps for
higher amplitudes. Adaptive prediction techniques include adaptive differen
tial pulse-code modulation (ADPCM) , used to provide 32-Kbps telephone
quality speech; continuously variable slope delta modulation (CVSDM) , com
monly used to provide 1 6-Kbps channels in military networks; and linear
predictive coding (LPC) , which forms the basis of the regular pulse excited
An Introduction to Communications Technology 29
Vector quantization. The coders discussed so far are scalar in that they form
a single output sample for every input sample. Vector quantizers form a sin
gle output sample for a vector (or block) of input samples and can therefore
achieve very large coding gains.
2.5 Encryption
t t
S e c ret S e c ret
i nformati o n information
th i rd
pa rty
Channel coding [5J is used to enhance digital signals so that they are less vul
nerable to such channel impairments as noise, fading, and jamming. To do
this, some form of error protection, or error detection and correction is utilized.
The numbers of errors at the output of the receiver can be reduced by adding
additional information to the message to increase the receiver's decision
making ability. This additional, redundant information increases the over
head that is included in the transmission, but increases the probability that
the information will be error-free. There are two main types of channel cod
ing techniques: block codes (e.g. , parity, cyclic, Hamming, Golay, BCH, and
Reed-Solomon codes) and convolutional codes (e.g., Viterbi codes).
Once an error has been detected, it must be corrected. There are two
main error correction techniques:
32 Ta cti c a l C o m m u n i c atio n s fo r th e D i g itiz ed B a ttlefi e l d
small number of the errors that have been detected. If the receiver
cannot correct all detected errors, the data must be retransmitted.
2.6.1 B l o c k Codes
One of the most common and simplest forms of block error detection code
is through the use of a linear block code, where additional check bits (parity
bits) are transmitted with the data at the end of an existing code. The trans
mitter places these additional bits at the end of blocks of data to help the
receiver decide whether each block has been received correctly. On recep
tion, the elements are added and an error is indicated by an output of 0 (for
odd parity) or 1 (for even parity) . The parity bit is able to detect single
errors as well as detect any error patterns that contain an odd number of
errors. Parity check bits are widely used in computer communications and
information storage.
While the use of a parity bit can detect odd numbers of errors, the
receiver does not know which bit is incorrect and therefore cannot rectify the
error. More sophisticated codes can be developed to enable the receiver to
detect and correct errors, although it can normally detect more than it can
correct. In block coding this means using more than one dimension.
A simple two-dimensional block code is the product code. In a simple
product code the data is arranged in a rectangular array and parity bits used
to check both the rows and columns. If there is only one error, the receiver
cannot only determine which bit is incorrect but can also correct it. How
ever, the scheme is more expensive in terms of overhead and the information
rate is only l�O or 60% of the transmission rate, compared to % or 75% for a
single parity bit per 3-bit code.
Multiple erro rs can be detected and corrected by expanding on the
two-dimensional product code and using multidimensional vector space,
which is divided into smaller vector spaces . However, even more overhead
is required and the information rate is even less than the transmission
Cyclic codes are an important subclass of linear block codes, where a
new code word in the code can be formed by shifting the elements along one
place and taking one off the end and moving it to the beginning. Instead of
being generated by a matrix, a cyclic code is generated by a polynomial so
that the codes are sometimes called polynomial codes. Importantly, cyclic
codes have a structure that makes it possible for the encoding and decoding
to be performed by simple feedback circuitry.
An Introduction to Communications Technology 33
2.7 Modulation
The digital and analog signals we have discussed so far are baseband signals,
that is, their bandwidths extend from 0 Hz. In order to pass these frequencies
over a transmission channel, the baseband frequencies must be translated to a
frequency range that is able to pass over the channel. The shifting or transla
tion of a signal from one frequency band to another is accomplished by the
process of modulation, in which the baseband signal is impressed in some way
on a carrier signal at a higher frequency such that one or more of the charac
teristics of the carrier signal are altered.
2.7. 1 An a l o g M o d u l ation
The three characteristics of a sinusoidal carrier signal that can be altered are
the amplitude, the frequency, and the phase. This section describes the three
corresponding modulation methods: amplitude modulation (AM), fiAequency
modulation (FM) , and phase modulation (PM) .
2.7 . 1 . 1 AM
As its name implies, AM uses the modulating signal to vary the amplitude of
a carrier-wave frequency. In the simplest form of AM the carrier amplitude is
switched on and off in accordance with some agreed code sequence such as
the Morse code. Figure 2. 1 2 shows the waveform of a sinusoidally modulated
wave where a I -kHz sine wave has amplitude-modulated a 1 0-kHz carrier.
Figure 2. 1 3 shows the frequency domain representation of a carrier
frequency i modulated by a single sine wave of frequency 1m. The original
frequency 1m is translated by the modulation process to become two side
--j\_--- -- --
34 Ta cti c a l C o m m u n i c ati o n s for th e D i g itized B a ttlefi e l d
(a) ( b)
-v c
c vm
( c)
frequencies around the carrier, each of which is half the size of the original
1", that is, the information contained in 1" has been translated (duplicated)
to sit either side of the carrier.
The modulating signal waveform is rarely sinusoidal, but can be viewed
as the sum of a number of sinusoids, in which case each component fre
quency of the modulating signal produces corresponding upper and lower
side frequencies in the modulated wave, and the modulation envelope will
have the same shape as the modulating waveform. The result is that, instead
of a single side frequency above and below the carrier, a band of frequencies
(in side frequency pairs) is produced above and below the carrier. The band
of side frequencies below the carrier frequency is known as the lower sideband
and the band above the carrier frequency forms the upper sideband. The fre
quency domain representation of sidebands is shown in Figure 2. 1 4 (a) .
Lower Up p e r
s ide fre q u e n cy s ide fre q u e n cy
db ( b)
( c) (d)
Single-sideband AM. Suppressing the carrier in DSB will increase the effi
ciency of the transmission, since only the sidebands are amplified. Some ineffi
ciency remains, however, since the transmission bandwidth must still be twice
that of the message bandwidth due to the transmission of both the upper and
lower sidebands. These two sidebands are redundant since all the necessary
information can be conveyed by only one sideband. When only one sideband
36 Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
2.7. 1 .2 FM
The distinct disadvantage of all forms of AM is that any noise present in the
channel will have an additive effect and will appear as additional modulation
on the carrier. This noise is impossible to remove and will be demodulated as
part of the received signal. In FM, the amplitude of the waveform remains
constant, but its frequency is varied in accordance with the instantaneous
value of the modulating signal, as illustrated in Figure 2. 1 5 , which shows the
effect on the carrier of modulation by the dotted sinusoidal waveform. Any
amplitude variations resulting from noise in the channel can be eliminated
before demodulation without affecting the information contained in the fre
quency vanatlOns.
An FM receiver has the ability to suppress the weaker of two signals
that are at or near the same frequency. This ability to pass the stronger signal
is called the capture effect. In AM both signals would be heard at the receiver
/ carrier
Figure 2.15 A sinusoida lly mod u l ated FM wave with the mod u l atin g wa veform s u p erimposed.
A n Introduction to Co mmumcatlO 7ZS Techno log), 37
as the modulation on both signals would add and the demodulated effect
would be the addition of both audio signals . In FM, only one signal (the
stronger) will be heard, which has the advantage of ignoring any interference
at or near the same frequency.
FM has a number of advantages over AM. An FM system has a much
higher dynamic range (allowable range of modulating signal amplitudes) .
The FM transmitter is more efficient since the amplitude of an FM wave is
constant and each stage in the transmitter can be operated in an optimum
way. FM systems are much less susceptible to noise since most noise in the
transmission path will be additive and most amplitude variations i n the
received signal will be ignored by the receiver. An FM receiver also has the
ability to suppress the weaker of two signals simultaneously present at its
antenna at or near the same frequency.
The main disadvantage of FM is, of course, the much wider bandwidth
(perhaps 7 to 1 5 times wider than AM) required to achieve the signal-to
noise ratio improvement. Since FM requires a wider bandwidth, higher fre
quencies must be used so that reception is normally limited to line-of-sight.
For mobile applications the capture effect may also be a disadvantage when a
mobile receiver is near the edge of the service area and it may be captured by
an unwanted signal or a noise voltage.
2.7 . 1 .3 PM
PM is very similar to FM except that, instead of the frequency, the instanta
neous phase of the carrier is at a rate proportional to the modulating fre
quency and by an amount equal to the amplitude of the modulating signal.
Again, the carrier amplitude remains unaltered. Figure 2.1 6 illustrates the
phase-modulated waveform produced from a carrier and a sinusoidal wave
form. PM is rarely used in practice, except as an intermediate step in the pro
duction of FM.
[ 2.7.2 D i g ita l M o d u l ati o n
I For the transmission of data there are three versions of these modulation
I methods that are the simplest forms of AM, FM, and PM: amplitude-shift
I: keying (ASK) , frequenC)'-shift keying (FSK) , and phase-shift keying (PS K) ,
" respectively.
2.7 .2. 1 AS K
AS K is the simplest form of AM, in which the carrier is turned off and on as
I[ illustrated in Figure 2.1 7. ASK modulation was th e fi rst tech nique develo ped
38 Ta cti c a l C o m m u n i c ati o n s for the D i g itized B attl efi e l d
� M o d u l ated waveform
C a rr i e r
M o d u l ati n g waveform
o o o o
(a )
\TV V V (b)
Figure 2.1 7 A S K i l l u strati n g ( a ) th e o ri g i n a l d i g ita l wa vefo rm, a n d ( b) t h e A S K ti m e
d o m a i n wa vefo rm.
for the transmission of digital information, but it is not in extensive use today
since it suffers from the same significant distortion of the carrier amplitude
which is associated with all AM systems.
2.7.3 FSK
o o o o
2.7.4 PSK
o o o o
f\ f\ f\ {\ f\ [\[\ f\ f\ OO f\ f\ f\
V W V VlJ V W V V V V �
f\ f\ A M f\ A f\ A f\ f\ � A A
Figure 2. 1 9 P S K illu strating (a) the original d igital waveform, ( b ) the P S K, and ( c) D P S K
time-domain waveforms .
(01 ) (00)
(0) (1)
(1 1 ) ( 1 0)
(a) (b)
F S K as a
An ImroductlOll to CommumcatlO llS Tech no log), 41
2.7.5 M o dems
2.8 Multiplexing
2.8.1 FDM
channel. The subcarriers for each channel are chosen so that, after modula
tion, the channels are stacked side-by-side in the frequency domain. At the
receiver, the main carrier is demodulated and each channel of the multi
plexed group individually separated out by channel filters located at the sub
carrier frequencies.
2.8.2 TDM
nals, such as peM or delta modulation, to form one composite digital signal
for transmission. Demultiplexing of the time-multiplexed pulse streams at
the receiver is accomplished by gating appropriate pulses into individual !
channel filters. Transmission over radio links would require further analog
modulation by either an FSK or PSK modulator.
2.9 . 1 . 1 DSSS
Signal �
' en
S p re a d i n g +-'
� Signal
Original signal f f
Tra nsm itte d s i g n a l
,� Signal
Q) R e c e ived s i g n a l
D e m o d u l ated s i g n a l f D e s p re a d i n g
co co
' '
u S p re ad i n g ......
CL Signal
Original signal f f
Tra n s m itted s i g n a l
..e- Signal
D e m odul ated s i g n a l f D e s p re a di n g
co co
'- '-
...... ......
u u
I nte rfe r e n c e
O ri g i n a l s i g n a l f f
Tra n s m itted s i g n a l
C ode
.E- Signal
CL I nte rfe r e n c e R e c eived s i g n a l
D e m od u l ated s i g n a l f D e s p re a di n g
An Introduction to Communications Technology 45
li m e 0 t (\ •
li m e I
(\ •
li m e 2 1 (\ •
li m e 31 (\ •
2. 1 0.1 FDMA
for one station to monitor transmissions in all time slots, that it is possible to
use close to 1 00% of the available channel capacity if there is either a single
transmitter or single receiver, that there is no loss of data due to one station
over-transmitting another, and that there is a fixed upper bound on delay.
The disadvantages are that timing synchronization between stations is
required, that guard intervals reduce channel capacity when multiple trans
mitters and multiple receivers are used, and that allocation of capacity
between transmitters is relatively inflexible.
Carrier-sense multiple access (CSMA) techniques are a form of asynchro
nous TDMA in which there are no fixed time slots. A station wishing to
transmit checks first that no other station is currently transmitting. If the
channel is free, the station transmits; if not, it waits a random period of time
and tries again. If two stations inadvertently transmit simultaneously, both
recognize the collision, cease transmission, and wait a random period of time
before trying again to access the channel. The advantages of CSMA are that
it is relatively easy for one station to monitor all transmissions on the chan
nel, that no central control station is required, and that the allocation of
channel capacity is very flexible. For the transmission of data, the disadvan
tages of CSMA are that the best throughput that can be achieved is approxi
' II
mately 50% of the available channel capacity, that data is lost due to one
station overtransmitting another, and that there is no fixed upper bound on
2.1 0.3 C O MA
Data can also be encoded in variations in the length of intervals between the
transmission of very short impulses. These impulses may be as short as 1 ns,
48 Ta c ti c a l C o m m u n i c a ti o n s f o r t h e D i g itize d B att l e fi e l d
- - . . _-----
2.1 1 Transmitters
At the transmitter, the info rmation signal is used to modulate a s uitable car
rier frequency, which translates the signal to an allocated part of the fre
quency spectrum [7J . The result is then amplified to the power level required
for transmission. In an AM transmitter (Figure 2.25) the carrier is generated
by a very stable local oscillator and then amplitude-modulated before being
amplified and applied to the antenna. An FM transmitter has a very similar
block diagram except that a preemphasis network is i ncluded to artificially
boost the high-frequency components to protect them against the nonlinear
noise that is introduced in the FM demodulatio n process .
2.1 2 Receivers
A nte n n a
AF P owe r
M o d u l ato r
a m p l ifi e r a m p l ifi e r
Lo c a l
o s c i l l ato r
in the appropriate format. The functions of a receiver are fairly generic, with
most receivers having the same basic form. The precise design of any particu
lar receiver will depend on what is required of it, such as the amount of
amplification and the type of demodulation [8] .
The basis of the modern superheterodyne receiver is the conversion of
the wanted signal frequency into a constant frequency known as the interme
diate frequency (IF) . It is at this IF that most of the gain and the selectivity of
the receiver is provided without affecting the bandwidth of the receiver. The
basic block diagram of the superheterodyne radio receiver is shown in Figure
2.26. The ganged-tuning arrangement ensures that the RF stage and the local
oscillator are tuned together so that they are always separated by the same
amount (the IF) . When they are combined together in the mixer, the wanted
signal is converted in frequency to the IF.
The superheterodyne receiver of Figure 2.26 is suitable for AM signals.
The FM receiver has a very similar system diagram except, of course that, due
to different demodulation requirements, the detector circuit will be different.
Additionally, an FM receiver has two further circuits: a limiter to remove
amplitude variations from the carrier before demodulation, and a deemphasis
network that redresses the preemphasis network's nonlinear amplification of
the high audio frequencies.
Transmission lines are used widely to connect pieces of equipment and par
ticularly to connect the transmitter and receivers to their respective antennas.
Ideally, transmission lines should be able to cope with wide bandwidths
(high capacities) , have low attenuation so that the signal reaches the end of
the transmission line at the same strength as it entered, and be matched to its
sta g e a m p l ifi e r a m p l ifi e r
Ganged" "
tu n i n g
j \ - --
I if
50 Ta cti c a l C o m m u n i c ati o n s for th e D i g itized B attl efi e l d i.l
II 1
termination to allow for maximum power transfer. They should also not be
affected by crosstalk or noise and interference, so that signals are not affected 11
by signals in another transmission line, or from other sources of noise and :J
interference; and have low radiation so that signals on the line cannot be II
intercepted at any reasonable distance. Additionally, transmission lines II !'·
should have low dispersion so that all frequencies have the same velocity of
propagation and arrive together at the end of the transmission line, be able to
Il I
cope with the required power levels, be easily handled and installed, and I)
maintain personnel safety. 1
There are two main types of transmission line: balanced and unbal : I
anced At any one time, balanced lines have voltages (currents) on the two
conductors that are equal and opposite relative to Earth. Unbalanced lines
have a positive or negative voltage on one conductor and the other conductor I
is earthed (at OV) .
2. 1 3. 1 . 1 Two -Wi re Li n e
Open t wo-wire line. In an open two-wire line, the two parallel conductors
provide the balanced transmission line. The balance is easily disturbed, how
ever, by nearby metallic objects, and large radiation losses can be obtained.
The balance is maintained by keeping the two wires apart by means of insu
lating bars, or spacers.
Insulated t wo- wire line.Open two-wire line is difficult to install due to the
requirement to maintain the spacing between conductors (and therefore
maintain the balance) . Insulated two-wire line uses a solid dielectric between
the conductors instead of air, which provides a cable that can be installed
more easily. This type of flat ribbon cable finds common application in con
necting home television antennas to the set.
2. 1 3. 1 .2 Twiste d P a i r
Twisted pair consists of two insulated copper wires twisted together t o main
tain the wires at a fixed distance apart. The twisting also limits radiation from
the wires by aiding in the cancellation of the electric and magnetic fields and
balances them against the effects of any induced radiation. Further reduction
Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield 51
in both effects is often obtained by placing a screen around the twisted pair
[often called shielded twisted pair (STP)]. Twisted pair has relatively high
losses, high radiation, and low bandwidth, but it has the advantages of being
very cheap and easy to install. Recent advances in technology have seen a
resurgence in the use of twisted and shielded twisted pair as a transmission
medium for local area networks in which significant data rates (IOO Mbps)
can be achieved over relatively short distances.
Coaxial Cable
Coaxial cables consist of two concentric conductors separated by a dielectric,
normally teflon or polyethylene. The majority of electromagnetic field is
restricted to the cable and most radiation losses are eliminated. The outer
conductor also shields the inner wire from any induced radiation from any
RF sources in the vicinity. The dielectric operates as a capacitor modifying
the characteristic impedance. Coaxial cables can be used for frequencies up to
3 GHz and have common characteristic impedances of 50Q, 75Q, 300Q, or
when used over more than short distances. They also suffer from interference
from RF sources along the path. Transmission quality is reduced due to the
high-frequency limitations of copper cables. As bandwidth requirements
increase, so must the operating frequencies at which component specifica
tions are increasingly difficult, and therefore more expensive, to achieve.
These disadvantages become very important for medium- to long
distance communications requiring high bandwidth, and copper cable is
now rarely used due to the high cost of providing a large number of cables
and the many repeaters required. The preferred transmission medium is
based on optical-fiber technology.
In transmission lines, the signals travel as currents and voltages on two con
ductors. Waveguides, as their name suggests, provide a medium for signals to
travel as electromagnetic waves inside a metal tube, which is normally rectan
gular. Waveguides of this form are usually only used at SHF and above. We
will not consider them here, but we will briefly outline a much more com
mon waveguide-optical fibers [9J .
An optical fiber is constructed by enclosing a thin glass fiber core in a
glass cladding and surrounding the result in a protective j acket. Electrical sig
nals are translated into light pulses by modulating a laser, and are detected at
the receiver by photoelectric diodes. A waveguide for the optical frequencies
is provided by the difference between the refractive indexes of the cladding
and the glass core. The size of the core and cladding can differ, but com
monly the cladding is 1 25 fl m in diameter and the core is between 8 and
62. 5 flm.
Optical fibers provide large bandwidth and can carry many times more sig
nals than copper cables. Because there is such a low loss associated with the
propagation of light in the fiber, optical fibers also provide extremely reliable
long-distance communications. The fibers are light and small in size, making
them ideal for installing in buildings and existing cable ducts. Since the
information is contained in light energy, there is no RF radiation from opti
cal fibers, nor are they affected by noise of interference in the areas through
which they are run. The lack of radiation provides very secure communica
tions, while the immunity to noise and interference makes them ideal for use
in heavy machinery workshops and similar locations. Since the signal in
An Introduction to Communications Technology 53
the fiber is not electrical, there are no earthing problems associated with
Although the raw material for optical fibers is plentiful and therefore cheap,
the propagation channel for the light is critical and is very hard to repair or
join. The repair process requires that the core be precisely aligned and must
ensure that the two cables abut perfectly and no dust or grime is allowed to
intrude into the joint. Multiplexing is difficult with optical fibers so they are
mainly used for high-capacity, point-to-point links. Similarly, the cables are
very hard to terminate or to split to allow switching or tapping, compared
with wire cables, which can be joined with a simple twist. If repair of a wire
cable that had a similar capacity as an optical fiber was to be considered,
however, the repair of the fiber has a similar, if not better, repair time. The
cost of fiber-optic cable can be greater for short distances, but for distances
greater than several hundred meters, fiber-optic cables are cheaper for similar
capacity since the copper cable requires many more repeaters.
2.1 5 Antennas
Although any length of wire will radiate, to be efficient, the wire length must
be half a wavelength (or some multiple) long so that all of the energy that is
54 Tacti c a l Co m m u n i c ati o n s for the D i g itized B attl efi e l d
- - - � - - - - -,
Image A
(a) (b)
J •
Side view P l a n view Th ree-dimensi o n a l view
pattern rotating through 3600• The volume swept out by the figure would be
toroidal, which, if viewed end-on would appear circular. So, in that plane,
the dipole is omnidirectional.
The pattern in Figure 2.28 is for a dipole in free space. Radiation pat
terns of antennas are significantly affected by the proximity of the ground or
other objects. For example, Figure 2.29 shows the radiation pattern for a
horizontal half-wave dipole at various heights above the ground. Generally,
as the antenna is raised above the ground, more power is radiated upward
and communications can be achieved over greater distances.
2.1 5.3 G a i n
An antenna has gain if it radiates more power (usually in one particular direc
tion) than another antenna. Gain is normally obtained by making an
antenna directional, that is, by altering its radiation pattern so that more of
the radiation is transmitted in a certain direction. Antenna gain plays an
important part in the ultimate performance of a system and is closely associ
ated with the transmitted power and the receiver sensitivity employed. The
maximum power gain obtainable in practice is usually restricted by various
factors such as antenna size, weight, and the need for mobility.
One common method of building an antenna with gain is to use some
form of antenna array. For example, consider the half-wave dipole in Figure
2.30 (a) that has two lobes, A and B. If we redirect lobe A and add it to B, we
should double the power radiated in that direction. We can do this by adding
L _ _
56 Ta cti c a l C o m m u n i c ati o n s fo r th e D i g itized B attl efi e l d
h= 0. 1 0A h= 0. 1 5A h= 0.2DA
The bandwidth of an antenna is the frequency range over which the antenna
will perform effectively. In the case of dipoles, monopoles, and related anten
nas, the bandwidth is small. These are known as "resonant" antennas because
they respond only to one frequency, which is the frequency at which they are
A/2 10ng. So if a dipole's frequency is changed, it must be pulled it down and
recut to be A/2 at the new frequency if efficiency is to be maintained. If the
dipole length is not changed, or when using a mast or whip, the ATU must
be retuned as the operating frequency is changed.
Some antennas are broadband, and are designed to be efficient over a
wide range of frequencies. Examples include the discone and the log-periodic
type of antenna. Travelingwave antennas are another class of antenna, which
are not resonant and are efficient across a range of frequencies. Their radia
tion patterns change substantially with frequency, however, so they are not
truly broadband.
An Introduction to Communications Technology 57
P a rasiti c
d i re cto r
2.1 6 Propagation
2. 1 6. 1 . 1 S p ace Waves
Space-wave communications use high frequencies that tend to travel in line
of-sight. The range of these communications is therefore limited by terrain
as well as power. There needs to be sufficient transmitter power to ensure
sufficient strength signal at the receiver, but most ground-based radio sys
tems are terrain-limited rather than power-limited. That is, the curvature
J /
58 Ta cti c a l C o m m u n i c ati o n s for th e D i g itized B a ttlefi e l d
D i re ct wave
G ro u n d - refl e cted
S u rfa c e wave
of the Earth constrains the line-of-sight that is possible between two low
antennas. The radio horizon can be stated geometrically as:
where dradzo is in kilometers and hT and hR are in meters. For example, for two
hand-held radios held waist-high (around 1 m) , the radio horizon is approxi
mately 8.24 km, even though the radios may have sufficient power to operate
over tens of kilometers in free space. If a 9-m mast is used for the antennas
for each radio, the radio horizon is extended to 24.72 km.
2. 1 6. 1 . 2 S u rfa c e W a v e s
Surface waves, as the name implies, travel along the surface of the ground,
with the ionosphere and the ground acting as two sides of a waveguide. The
wave is supported by currents flowing in the ground and follows the surface
of the terrain. Surface wave is attenuated much more than any other form of
wave and consequently has a short range. The attenuation is based on the
conductivity of the ground and the polarization of the wave, both of which
therefore have an effect on the range of surface-wave propagation.
Surface-wave frequencies are very low, extending only up to approxi
mately 5 MHz. These low frequencies require large antennas and are there
fore limited in mobile applications. Additionally, the low frequencies have
very low bandwidths.
�400 km
I o n os p h e re
80 km
Strato s p h e re and m e s os p h e re
1 1 -1 6 km
Tro p o s p h e re
. _ - --_._--
60 Ta cti c a l C o m m u n i c ati o n s for the D i g itiz ed B attl efi e l d
2. 1 6.2. 1 S ky W a v e s
Sky-wave communication [ 1 3J utilizes the ionosphere to refract waves back
to Earth, providing a mechanism by propagating over very large distances.
Since the height of formation of the ionosphere depends on the intensity of
ultraviolet radiation the layers will vary in height from day to night and fronl
summer to winter. Under normal solar radiation conditions the gases present
in the atmosphere allow up to four layers of ionization to exist during the day
(D, E, F I , and F2) . At night, when the solar radiation is reducing, recombi
nation of ions and free electrons predominates and when the solar radiation
is at a minimum, the D and E layers effectively disappear and the two F lay
ers combine to form one layer.
Radio waves travel in straight lines in free space, providing that the
medium through which they pass has a constant refractive index. Thus, as a
wavefront enters the D layer, its path is immediately altered and a slight
bending of the wavefront occurs. As the D layer has only a small number of
I o n o s p h e re
T_ _
� S ky wave
-- - - - - - - - - - -
Air tu rb u l e n c e
-- - -
S :�:� ;� d--------�
HI i
i.i An Introduction to Communications Technology 61
free electrons, only LF waves are readily affected and as a consequence, most
of the signal energy will be absorbed.
HF waves, however, are not so readily affected and will continue along
their original path up to the E layer. As the HF wavefront penetrates the E
layer, which has a greater number of free electrons, it begins to follow a grad
ual curved path. The influence of the free electrons is such that the velocity
of the wavefront is slightly reduced, thus causing a refraction of the wave. If
there is a sufficient number of electrons, the path of the wavefront is bent
back toward the Earth.
If the frequency of the radio waves being transmitted is gradually
raised, a frequency will be found beyond which the waves will not be
refracted sufficiently to curve their path back to Earth. Consequently, these
waves will continue up to the next layer, or, in the case of the F2 layer, into
Sky-wave propagation depends, therefore, very much on whether the
ionosphere will refract a wave of a particular frequency. In general, the higher
the frequency, the easier it is for the wave to pass through the layers without
being refracted. At night when there is only the F layer and a weak E layer,
the transmitting frequencies must be lower to prevent the wave from passing
through both layers and out into space.
The range of sky-wave communications varies and is determined by
three main factors: the frequency used, the angle of transmission, and the
power of the transmitter. If the frequency is raised, the wave will be refracted
by a higher layer and lead to a longer range. The distance between the trans
mitting antenna and where the first useable sky wave returns to Earth is
called the skip distance. Similarly, if the propagation angle is lowered, a
greater communications range is achieved. The propagation angle is also
known as the take-offangle and sometimes as the angle ofdeparture. A single
hop HF sky wave is limited to ranges of approximately 3,500 km. If the
power of the transmission is increased, the range of the transmission is
increased due to the occurrence of multiple hops of the transmission. As the
wave is refracted back to Earth, it has sufficient power to be reflected back up
to the ionosphere where it is again refracted. Worldwide communications are
achieved in this manner and ranges of up to 6,000 km are obtained.
The ionosphere suffers a number of variations that will have a signifi
cant effect on sky-wave communications. Ionization stops at night, while
recombination continues. Daily variations are generally predictable and are
accounted for in prediction charts. There is also obviously more ultraviolet
radiation at the equator than at the poles, and there is an east-west·variation.
Additionally, winter and summer frequencies will vary due to variations in
: 1 _-
62 Ta cti c a l C o m m u n i c ati o n s for th e D i g itized B attl efi e l d
the height of the layers. This is due not only to different quantities of ultra
violet radiation but also to the expansion and contraction of the atmosphere.
Predictions also need to be for the appropriate month. Additionally, the
Sun's intensity varies with an I I -year cycle and sudden variations can occur
in solar activity in the form of solar flares and magnetic storms.
Sky-wave communications have the following advantages:
2. 1 6.2.2 S c atte r e d W a ve s
Scattered-wave techniques are able to make use of the turbulence in the tro
posphere or the ionosphere or ionized meteor tails. Ionospheric scatter and
meteor burst techniques are not often used [ 1 4] . Troposcatter techniques
An Introduction to Communications Technology 63
2.1 7 Switch i n g
S witch
- Trunk link
D Switch
----- ------
66 Ta cti c a l C o m m u n i c ati o n s for th e D i g itize d B attl efi e l d
message may be stored by the node or sent by an alternate route. Due to this
storing and forwarding in message switching networks, the process is often
called store-and-forward and the network nodes are often called store-and
forward switches.
Message switching has an advantage over circuit switching in that
it makes good use of the available links and equipment. It does, however,
have long response times since messages are stored awaiting available links .
Although this i s acceptable for traffic for human consumption, the
types of delay experienced make message switching undesirable for data
Packet switching [ 1 6] provides both the response of circuit switching and the
efficient link utilization of message switching by imposing a maximum
length on the transmitted units by splitting all messages into packets up to a
few hundred bytes long. Long messages are therefore prevented from block
ing links and a system of TDM is forced onto the network. Packet switching
is the most economical and cost-effective technique for using data communi
cations links.
In principle, it is possible to pass digitized voice over a packet-switched
network. In practice, however, high link speeds are required with large proc
essing capability in the data terminals if an acceptable quality of service
(QoS) is to be provided. Packet switches are therefore not usually used for
the transmission of voice.
2.1 7 .4 C e l l Switc h i n g
Cell switching can perhaps be described best in terms of its major instantia
tion-asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) [ 1 7] . ATM is a cell-switching and
multiplexing technology designed to combine the benefits of circuit switch
ing (constant transmission delay and guaranteed capacity) with those of
packet switching (flexibility and efficiency for intermittent traffic) providing
support for applications that exchange information in many different for
mats (e.g. , data, voice, image, and video) .
ATM's use of small, fixed-length cells offers several important advan
tages. Because the cell headers are uniform, cell switching can be executed in
hardware, allowing greater switching speeds. Delay variability is also more
tightly bounded because fixed-length cells have a predictable service rate, and
bandwidth reservation is easier. Network scalability is perhaps ATM's most
desirable feature.
An Introduction to CommumcatlOns Techno logy 67
2. 1 8. 1 I S O O S l 7-Layer R efere n c e M o d e l
Syste m A Syste m B
A p p l i c atI O n p roto c o l
7 . A p p l i c ati o n layer 7 A p p l i c ati o n layer
Presentati o n p roto c o l
6. PresentaU o n layer 6. PresentaU o n layer
Session p roto c o l
5. SessIOn layer 5 . S e s s i o n layer
Tra n s p o rt p roto c o l
4. Tra n s p o rt layer 4 . Tra n s p o rt l ayer
N etwo rk proto c o l
3 . N etwo rk l ayer 3 . N etwo rk l ayer
D ata - l i n k p roto c o l
2 D ata - l i n k l a y e r 2 . Data - l i n k l ayer
Phys i c a l proto c o l
1 . PhYS i c a l layer 1 . Phys i c a l l a ye r
I PhYSi c a l m e d i u m
Figure 2.36 P roto c o l l a ye rs fo r th e I S O O S I refe re n c e m o d e l .
The way in which the devices on a LAN are connected together is called the
topology. As illustrated in Figure 2.37, there are three main LAN topologies:
bus, star, and ring.
In the most straightforward LAN topology, devices are connected to a
common linear transmission medium called a bus. All devices are attached to
the bus, providing a simple, economical method of interconnecting devices.
A failure in any one device will not affect the rest, but a single point of failure
on the bus will cause the entire network to fail.
In a star LAN topology, all devices are connected to a central device
that acts as a hub or a switch. Cables are not shared; each cable simply con
nects one device to the hub. More cable is required for this topology, which
means that star networks are generally more expensive to implement. How
ever, considerable redundancy is gained since a device failure will still only
affect that device, but now a single point of network failure will also only
affect the single device connected on that cable. This is a vast improvement
over the bus topology in which the whole network would be interrupted by
such a failure.
In a ring topology, devices are connected in a circular fashion so that
data is passed around the network from one device to the next, until it
:{ returns to the transmitting device. Transmission is always in the same direc-
!1 tion on the ring so that each device always receives data from the same
il upstream device and passes it on to the same downstream device. Each device
! 'I
acts as a receiver for data directed to it, and acts as a repeater for data to be
iI passed on to downstream devices.
,I ,j
I '
j I
; i
i I
j l. _ ___
70 Ta cti c a l C o m m u n i c ati o n s fo r th e D i g itize d B attl efi e l d
2. 1 8.2.2 LAN M e d i a
An Introduction to Communications Technology 71
capacity for the backbone, and twisted pair provide the light weight and
ease of termination required for each workstation. Wireless networks use
electromagnetic radiation as the medium, either in the RF bands or the
infrared band. The use of radio or infrared frequencies does not affect the
LAN topology, although a different interface method is required.
Media-access techniques allow the devices on the LAN to gain access to the
shared media. All devices cannot access the LAN simultaneously; there must
be some protocol by which an orderly, timely access is available to all devices.
There are two main baseband protocols employed: carrier-sense multiple
access/collision-detect (CSMAJCD), utilized by the Ethernet; and token
passing, utilized by the token ring.
The Ethernet is cheaper than the token ring but is less efficient in its
use of the channel. The token ring provides an orderly access technique,
while the Ethernet is far less orderly. The token ring has higher overheads at
low levels of traffic but is better under a heavy workload than the Ethernet
and is therefore better at transferring large files, particularly on a busy LAN.
The differences are hard to quantifY, although, generally, if the network will
be operating at a medium workload, the Ethernet would be preferred. If a
heavy workload is expected, the token ring would be preferred.
There are four ways in which these networks can be interconnected:
repeater, bridge, router, and gateway. These devices operate at different levels
of the OSI reference model and are also illustrated in Figure 2 . 3 8 . As
described in the following sections, repeaters and bridges extend networks;
routers and gateways are genuine internetworking devices.
The repeater is a device that operates at layer 1 and simply retimes and regen
erates the signal to transfer data from a network of one type to a network of
the same type. Repeaters therefore allow cable lengths to be extended,
increasing the coverage of a particular network. Media access techniques such
as the Ethernet and the token ring are constrained in their length, however,
and there is maximum length for a particular network that constrains those
techniques to the local area.
A bridge is slightly more intelligent than a repeater and operates at layer
2 and therefore can only interconnect LANs of the same type. Bridges read
the destination and source addresses in the packets or frames and forward
them on to another LAN depending on the address. This simple rule means
that the bridge acts as a filter, only sending frames onto a segment if they are
destined for a device on that segment. On Ethernet LANs this is a very desir
able feature since the segments can effectively operate as independent LANs
until frames need to be sent from one to another. This reduces the potential
collisions on each segment and, unlike repeaters, allows the design rules for
the maximum number of segments to begin again. A bridge could therefore
be used to join two maximum-length Ethernet segments.
Routers are configurable, multiport devices that forward data based on the
destination address and the information contained within their configura
tion. The network manager can set the configuration to route traffic by dif
ferent paths depending on a number of parameters such as priority, required
An Introductzon to Co mmunications Techno logy 73
7 7 7
6 6
G ateway
5 5
4 4
3 3 3
R o uter
2 B ri d g e 2
1 1 1
R e p e ater
Figure 2.38 I nte rc o n n e ction of two networks using a re pe ate r, b n d g e , ro ute r, a n d g ateway.
response time, or cheapest path. Unlike bridges that extend networks, routers
are used to interconnect LANs and to provide segmentation of a larger net
work rather than forming one. Routers provide similar filtering and bridging
functions as bridges, but they offer more sophisticated capabilities such as
network management and the ability to share network information with each
other using routing protocols running at layer 3. They also offer limited
security at this low level through the ability to control access lists and proto
cols. Bridges have no ability to share layer 3 information and therefore can
not perform the same load balancing and other network functions.
Two totally different networks can be connected by a gatewa),. A gate
way operates at layer 7 (the application layer) and translates between two
different protocol stacks. The gateway runs both protocol stacks-corre
sponding to the two stacks in the two disparate networks being connected.
At layer 7, the gateway can be considered to be a translator between host
machines on the two networks. In addition to protocol conversion, the gate
way routes data and therefore it is by far the slowest interconnection device.
If protocol conversion is required, however, this lower speed is normally
accepted gladly as the cost of performing protocol conversion in each device
is prohibitive and a gateway can perform the translation on behalf of a com
plete LAN.
Every computer that connects to the Internet is given its own discreet
address, which is necessary to provide a unique identification fo r each co m
puter. The identification is known as an Internet address, or IP address. Com
puters connected to the Internet through a network will generally have a
permanent IP address. A home computer, or a mobile user, will not normally
be assigned a permanent IP address but, on connection, will be allocated one
from a pool belonging to the user's I S P .
When the satellite rotates in an orbit that takes it over the north and south
poles, it is called a polar orbit. Any other orbital path is called an inclined
orbit. The altitude selected for the satellite above the Earth directly deter
mines both the period of the orbit (time to complete one cycle around the
Earth) and the velocity that must be imparted to the vehicle to achieve that
In addition to orbit shape, orbits are normally grouped by their alti
tude. Low-Earth orbit (LEO) satellites have altitudes of 1 50 to 1 ,5 0 0 km.
Medium Earth orbit (MEO) satellites have altitudes of 1 , 500 to 3 5 ,786 km.
Geosynchronous satellites have a period of rotation that is synchronized to that
of the Earth or some multiple of it. The geostationary orbit is a unique geo
synchronous one, located over the equator with a 0° inclination. The satellite
in geostationary orbit has a height and velocity such that it appears stationary
to earth-bound observation and the satellite is said to be in geostationary
Earth orbit (GEO) . The height above the Earth's surface required for geosta
tionary orbit is 35,786 km with a velocity of 3.073 kms-1 • At that height,
three satellites can provide worldwide coverage.
2. 1 9.2. 1 GEO
I n c l i n e d o r b it
E q u ato r i a l orbit
}.L _
78 Ta cti c a l C o m m u n i c ati o n s for th e D i g itized B attlefi e l d
• Points on the Earth beyond about +75 to 80° latitude are not visible
from the satellite. Inclined orbits, however, can provide visibility to
the higher northern and southern latitudes, although they require
Earth stations to continually track the satellite.
• The higher altitudes of GEO satellites also introduce much longer
propagation times.
• The round-trip propagation delay between two Earth stations
through a GEO satellite is 5 0 0 to 600 ms, which is a bearable delay
for a telephone conversation over a single satellite hop, but a two
hop telephone conversation is very difficult.
• GEO satellites also require higher transmit powers and more sensitive
receivers because of the longer distances and greater path losses.
2 . 1 9.2.2 M EO
In the early days of satellite communication, the lower altitudes of MEOs (up
to 1 0,000 km) were the only ones that could be reached with the launch vehi
cles available at the time. As greater payloads became possible, GEOs became
used almost exclusively for communications, despite the drawback of long
delay. More recently, however, MEOs have experienced a resurgence of inter
est because their transmission path loss is much less than GEOs, and the
round-trip time is reduced to 67 to 200 ms. Circular MEOs have periods of 8 i
to 1 2 hours. As a result of the lower orbit, they do not travel at the same speed
as the Earth and several MEOs are needed to provide continuous coverage. I
Although GEOs seem likely to continue their domination, the lower
transmission path loss of MEOs makes them particularly attractive for
mobile satellite systems because hand-held terminals with much lower power 1I!\
and simple omnidirectional antennas can be used. II
iI l,
2. 1 9.2.3 LEO 1
only a limited portion of the radio spectrum is available for cellular systems,
the number of carrier frequencies available is limited. This means that the
available frequencies must be reused many times in order to provide suffi
cient channels to cope with a large number of subscribers.
Each base station has allocated to it a number of channels that can be
used for voice communications or for control and signaling traffic. When a
mobile is active, it registers with an appropriate base station and the mobile's
cellular location is stored in the mobile switching center responsible for that
base station. When a call is established either from or to the mobile, the con
trol and signaling system instructs the mobile to use one of the base-station
channels through which it can obtain access to the fIxed network. When the
call is completed, the mobile releases the voice channel that can then be real
located to other users.
As the mobile moves around the cell, the quality of its allocated chan
nel will vary as the signal path varies and as the mobile gets further away from
the base station. Throughout the call, the quality of the radio channel is
monitored so that if it falls below a set threshold (most probably because the
mobile is about to leave the cell) , the mobile can be instructed to hand o ver
(or hand off) to the base station that has the strongest signal. In this way, a
continuous service can be provided to mobiles as they travel around the
The capacity of a base station is provided by sharing the carrier fre
quency between communications channels on a frequency division basis
(typically in fIrst generation analog systems) , on a time division basis (typi
cally in second-generation digital systems) or on a code division basis (also
typical of digital systems) . Most modern systems employ a combination of
access techniques.
Most services of current PCS are based on circuit switching. Maximum
data capacities per circuit are between 2.4 and 9.6 Kbps. There are four
classes of PCS :
Fixed netvvork
center ( M S C)
Ii Subscriber
BS Base station
The major difference between cordless and cellular systems is that cel
lular systems provide more support for mobility, including handoff of a
mobile station from one base station to another.
It is currently possible to purchase a user terminal that can access more
than one type of pes , although handoff between different types of pess is
not supported. Third-generation cellular systems [24] will go further and
provide a single logical network, with handoff benveen satellite and terres
trial systems being supported.
[1] This fi gure is based o n the model p resented I n S klar, B . , DIgital C0 711 I71Ull lcatlol7S. FU Il
damen tals and Apphcatlol7S, Englewood ClIffs , NJ : P rentice H al l , 200 1 , p. 5 .
[2] There are a number of excellent sources fo r those wishing to examine fu rth er the asp ects
of commun ications technology that are presented In this chapter:
S klar, B . , DIgItal C0 7!17!1If771 Cfltlom: Fundamellfa/s and App llCfltJOilS, Englewo o d Cl I ffs ,
NJ : P rentice H al l , 200 1 .
82 Ta cti c a l C o m m u n i c ati o n s fo r th e D i g iti zed B a ttl efi e l d
[3] Further details on source coding can be found in [2] as well as:
Luther, A. , Prmciples ofDigital A udio and Video, D edham, MA: Artech House, 1 9 8 5 .
Schneier, B . , Applzed Clyptography: Protocols, Algo rithms, and Source Code i n C, New
York: Wiley, 1 9 94.
Singh, S., The Code Book: The Science ofSecrecy j7-om Ancient Egypt to Quan tum Clyptog
mphy, New York: Anchor Books, 1 9 9 9 .
Stallings, S., Network and Intel7letwork Secunty, 2nd ed., Englewood Cliffs, N] : Pren
tice Hall, 1 9 9 5 .
Torrieri, D . J . , Prmczples of Secure Com m u III ca tzo ns, Dedham, MA : Artech House,
1 985.
O berg, T., Modulation, Detectzoll, and Coding, New York: Wiley, 200 1 .
[6] Frater, M . , and M. Ryan , Electronic Wmfare fo r the Digitized Battlefield, Norwood,
MA: Artech House, 200 1 .
[7] For more details, see: Shakhgildyan, V. , RadlO Transnutter Design, Moscow: MIR Pub
lishers, 1 9 87.
[8] For more details, see: Rohde, U . , and T. Bucher, Communications Receivers: Principles
and Design, New York: McGraw-Hili, 1 98 8 .
[9] For more details, see: Hoss, R. , Fzber Optic Communications: Design Handboo/c, Engle
wood Cliffs, N] : Prentice Hall, 1 9 90.
[ 1 0] For more details, see: Collin, R., Antennas and Radio wave Propagation, New York:
McGraw-Hili, 1 9 8 5 .
[ 1 2] For more details, see: Maclean, T., and Z. Wu, Radiowave Propagation over Ground,
London: Chapman & Hall, 1 993; and Collin, R. , Antennas and Radiowave PropagatlOn,
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1 9 8 5 .
Betts, J., High Frequency CommunicatlOns, London: The English Universities Press Ltd,
1 967.
Goodman, J., HF CommunicatlOns: Science and Technology, New York: Van Nostrand
Reinhold, 1 992.
[ 1 4] For more details, see: Schanker, J., Meteor Burst Communications, Norwood, MA:
Artech House, 1 990.
[ 1 5] For more details, see: Roda, G . , Tropospheric Scatter RadlO Relay Links: Guzde to Design
and Implementation, Castallanza, Italy: Applicazioni Radio Elettroniche SPA, 1 9 86.
De Prycker, M . , Asynchronous Transfer Mode: Solution for Broadband ISDN, New York:
Ellis Horwood, 1 99 3 .
Wilder, F., A Guide to the TCPIIP Protocol Suite, Norwood, MA. : Artech House, 1 99 8 .
Ha, T., Digital Satellite Communications, New York: Macmillan Publishing Company,
1 986.
Jansky, D., Communications Satellites in the Geostationary Orbit, Dedham, MA: Artech
House, 1 98 3 .
Maral, G . , and M . Bousquet, Satellite Communications Systems, 3rd ed. , New York:
Wiley, 1 99 8 .
Pratt, T., and C. Bostian, SatellIte Communications, New York: Wiley, 1 986.
Doble, ] . , Introduction to Radio PropagatlOn for FLY."ed and Mobzle Communications, Nor
wood, MA : Artech House, 1 9 96.
Hess, G., Land-Mo bzle RadlO Sptem Engll1eenng, Norwood, MA : Artech House, 1 99 3 .
ETS 300 392- 1 , " Radio Equipment and Systems (RES ) ; Trans-European Trunked
Radio (TETRA) ; Voice plus Data (V+ D ) ; Part 1 : General Network Design , " Sophia
Antipolis: ETSI , 1 996.
An IntroductlOil to Co m m Uillcatzo ilS Techn o log y 85
ETS 3 0 0 3 9 2-2, " RadIo Eq uIpment and Systems ( RES ) ; Tran s-Europcan T r U Il kcd
Radio (TETRA) ; Voi ce p l us Data (V+ D ) ; Part 2 : Au I n terface (AI ) , " S o p h I a An t I p o l i s .
ETS I , 1 9 9 6 .
ETR 300 - 1 , " Radio Equipment a n d Systems (RES ) ; Trans-European T run ked Rad I O
(TETRA) ; Voi ce p l us D ata (V+ D ) ; DesIgn ers G u ide; Part J : OvervI ew, Tec h n I ca l
D escription a n d Radio Aspects , " Sophia An tipolis: ETS I , 1 9 9 7 .
ETR 300-2, " Rad io Eq uipment a n d Systems (RES ) ; Trans-European Trun ked Rad I O
(TETRA) ; Voice p l u s D ata (V+ D ) ; Designers G u i d e ; Part 2 : Traffic Aspects , " S o p h I a
Antipolis: ETS I , 1 9 9 7 .
[23J S tandards fro m APeo P roj ect 2 5 are published b y the Teleco m m u n icati ons I n d ustry
Association i n their 1 02-series.
P rasad, R. , W. Mohr, and \Y/. Ko n hauser, (eds . ) , ThI rd GeneratlOll Mo bde Co m m llJ1 lca
tion Systems, Norwood, MA : Artech House, 2 0 0 0 .
P rasad, R. , (ed. ) , To wards a Glo bal 3 G System: Advanced Mo bde C0 771771 lfJ1lCatlOl1J lJ7
Europe, Volu me i, N o rwood, MA: Artech H o use, 20 0 l .
Introduction to Land Force Structures
3.1 Introduction
While waging war is often seen as the principal task of an army, in practice an
army's tasks are much more varied and include a range of protective and
humanitarian activities that the civilian agencies of government (such as
police and emergency services) are often unable to undertake. Peacekeeping,
88 Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield I
often under a United Nations mandate, is one such example. While some I
commentators see this as a post-Cold War phenomenon, there is in fact II1
nothing new about this variety of tasks for military forces. The armies (and i
even navies) of European colonial powers, for example, were used for centu
ries to suppress local uprisings by natives of various colonies, or as guards for
Similarly, the density of troops in the area of operations also varies with
the type of operation, once again being lower for operations in the lower part
of Table 3.1 than those in the upper part. This is driven by a trade-off between
the cost of an operation and the level of threat; where the level of threat is low
(i.e., for operations listed toward the bottom part of Table 3.1), the cost of an
operation can be reduced without introducing unacceptable risk by using a
smaller size of force than would be used for a higher threat operation.
At the tactical level, any army is required to be able to undertake a
number of tasks. These include patrolling, defending ground, protectlllg
vital facilities, and capturing either ground or facilities.
Key differences between the capabilities of an army in carrying out the vari
ous types of operation and those of civil agencies (such as the civil police) are
the power of the weapons available, the level of force that may be considered
acceptable, and the availability of a high level of integral support. One of the
key characteristics of an army that separates it from other types of organiza
tion is that it can deploy to a remote location and support itself in a hostile
Table 3.1
Range of Military Operations Outlined In JV2020
Show of force/rald/stnke
Humanitanan assistance
Protection of shipping
U S CIVil support
90 Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
Table 3.2
TYPIcal Army Units
Platoon/troop 30 500m
Company/squadron 100 1 2 km
Bngade 3,000 12 km
DivIsion 10,000 25 km
Corps 30,000 50 km
Introduction to Land Force Structures 91
• Infantry unit:
• Section
• • •
• Platoon
• Signals unit:
• Company
• Headquarters:
• Area:
C) •
• Division
• Corps
Figure 3.1 Symbols representing army units of various sizes. Organization
The infantry squad [4] (or rifle section) consists of approximately six to nine
members, usually commanded by a sergeant (U.S. army) or corporal (British
army). Its weapons normally include at least one light machine gun and
might include rocket-propelled grenades or antitank weapons. The remain
ing soldiers in the squad are equipped with automatic rifles. In most armies,
the infantry squad is organized internally into two or three smaller groups. In
the U.S. army, for example, the squad is divided into two fire teams of four
92 Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
members. As described later in Section 3.3.4, the size of squads may decrease
when infantry units have integral transport.
Figure 3.2 shows a representation of an infantry squad in defense. The
ellipse represents the area occupied by the squad. The dot in the boundary
indicates that the area is occupied by a squad-sized force. The circles inside
represent notional locations of weapons pits that are used to provide protec
tion from an adversary's fire. The area covered by a infantry squad when
patrolling or in defense is determined by a number of factors. Vulnerability
to an adversary's indirect firepower (such as mortars and artillery) is mini
mized by maximizing the spacing between squad members. The maximum
separation is limited by tactics, communications, and logistics. Tactical con
siderations require mutual support between the squad's weapons and the
requirement to provide all-around defense. The terrain also has a significant
impact on the area: It is usually required that each soldier can see those other
soldiers closest to him or her. The range of communications also limits sepa
ration within the squad. If communications is by voice, then the separation is
limited to shouting distance. Finally, the ability to move supplies around the
squad area (usually on foot) limits the separation. Communications
A dversary
Notional boundary
� "Goose egg"
-----_ /
Mutual support
o o
Max - 200m It
used. Communications cord is sometimes used in defense to relay very sim
ple messages.
Mutual support
o • • • •
o �XJ
• �-----�
Max - 500m
94 Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield Communications Organization
A rifle company usually consists of [5]:
Like lower levels, the company does not have integral support assets. It
therefore relies heavily on higher levels. A rifle company in defense is repre
sented in Figure 3.4. The structure is the similar to that of the platoon, still
employing the basic principles of depth and mutual support. Each of the pla
toons is deployed in accordance with these same principles, as outlined
above. Once again, separation between elements of the company is key to
defense, but is limited by tactics, communications, and logistics. Tactically,
the company is able to deploy over a wider area than a platoon or squad
because of the availability of heavier weapons from the support section to
provide mutual support between platoons. Communications
1><1 @� •••
···C�� I
•• •
.. Max - 1,200m Organization
The battalion differs from lower levels both in size and in the range of inte
gral support assets. This increased range of integral support provides greatly
enhanced flexibility. A typical infantry battalion consists of [6]:
! "'-
A dversary
�---- II
deployed somewhere to the rear of the battalion area. Sometimes, the com
mander may deploy an additional tactical HQ further forward.
Because of its integral support, the infantry battalion is much more
capable than a group of rifle companies. These support assets provide it with
a range of weapons not usually available at lower levels (e.g., mortars and
heavier machine guns)) communications, and engineer support, as well as a
range of logistics assets that enable the battalion to sustain itself for a short
period of time. Communications
Each battalion has a total of up to 10 radio nets, each with its own pri
mary and alternate frequencies, and a total of up to 100 RF emitters. Organization
�------ X ----�--- Communications Organization
�----- XX ---r----
XX ___________ Communications Organization
.� ctJ
X ><
ctJ ><
>< xx
xxx -.-.----- Communications
The span of command of the typical army is illustrated in Figure 3.9. This
hierarchical structure, with a span of command of approximately three at
each level, is a product of thousands of years of military experience. In prac
tice, commanders at most levels also have integral combat support and serv
ices, making their effective span of command up to approximately seven,
which is approximately the typical capacity of human short-term memory
[11]. This structure also provides flexibility in the number of different-sized
groupings that are available for tasking.
Compared to civilian organizations, the number of levels of hierarchy
in a military organization appears large, and the span-of-command low. The
apparent difference between military and civilian organizations is exagger
ated by an eagerness by management in civilian organizations to see struc
tures as flatter than they really are. The lowest level of manager in a civilian
organization may, for example, be directly responsible for a group of 20 to 30
Figure 3.9 Typical army command structure, excluding combat support and services.
102 Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
Historically, the different branches of the armed services (navy, army, air
force, and, in some countries, marines) have operated largely independently
of one another at the tactical level. Coordination of support between the
services, such as naval gunfire support or close air support for land forces, has
therefore been carried out at a very high level. This is seen as placing unnec
essary barriers to the provision of support between the services and reducing
the effectiveness of the support that is provided, including reducing the com
bat power that can be brought to bear on an adversary.
Integration of elements from all three services into a joint force at the
tactical level is seen as an important enabler for future operations, both high
and low intensity, combat and noncombat. Such a joint force would consist
Introduction to Land Force Structures 103
Up to 1,000 km
One of the important ways in which the army structure influences the char
acteristics of military communications is through the distances involved.
Table 3.3 shows characteristics distances for communications within the
various levels of the army hierarchy.
The range over which a force must communicate is strongly related to
the means of communications used, as illustrated in Figure 3.11. At the low
est levels, the primary means of communications is face-to-face, and the
required range is within shouting distance. Once the size of a force becomes
large enough that means other than direct face-to-face contact are required,
VHF combat radio is commonly used to provide a single voice channel for
command and control. At the highest levels, where the required range of
communications exceeds the line-of-sight range of VHF combat radio and
higher capacity is required, trunk communications systems are used to pro
vide long-range, high-capacity communications.
One major implication of dispersal of a formation over a very large area
is the increased distances over which it is required to communicate. At bri
gade and possibly even battalion, these distances will exceed the range of
ground-based VHF equipment, requiring the use of (possibly airborne)
relays. Similarly, logistics units are strained by the longer times taken to drive
between units deployed in the area of operations. Forces that are very fast
moving can create similar difficulties, as was the case for the British division
in the Gulf War. In support of one division, consisting of only two brigades,
Table 3.3
Characteristic Distances for Communications Within Units and Formations
Conventional Dispersed
Section 11
-------- ------------ - ------ - n
Platoon ,
Company o
-------------------------------------------- 3
Battalion ....,
-------------------------------------------- D.l
Division �
------------------------------------------------------------ ::l
3.7 Summary
Military organizations around the world are called upon to perform a large
variety of tasks, ranging from the warlike to humanitarian. The ability to
carry out this range of tasks is supported by the ability of armies to deploy to
a remote location and provide their own support and logistics, including
communications. The wide variety of tasks, and the associated need to
operate in a traditional high-intensity, high-density environment, as well as
Introduction to Land Force Structures 107
[1] "Joint Vision 2020," Director of Strategic Plans and Policy, J5 Strategic Division,
Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, June 2000.
[2] Short, M. c., quoted in Proc. AFA Air Warfare Symposium 2000, Arlington, VA: Aero
space Education Foundation, Feb. 24-25, 2000.
[3] Ripley, T., "UAVs over Kosovo: Did the Earth Move?" Defense Systems Daily, Cirences
ter, U.K.: Defence Data Ltd., Dec. 1, 1999.
[4] Relevant U.S. doctrine is contained in U.S. Army Field Manual FM 7-8, "Infantry
Rifle Platoon And Squad," April 1992.
[5] U.S. doctrine pertaining to the rifle company is contained in U.S. Army Field Manual
FM 7-10, "The Infantry Rifle Company," Dec. 1990, amended Oct. 2000.
[6] See, for example, U.S. Army Field Manual FM 7-20, "The Infantry Battalion," April
[7] U.S. doctrine for the infantry brigade is found in U.S. Army Field Manual FM 7-30,
"The Infantry Brigade," Oct. 1995, amended Oct. 31, 2000.
[8] Relevant U.S. doctrine can be found in U.S. Army Field Manual FM 71-100, "Divi
sion Operations," Aug. 1996.
[9] See, for example, U.S. Army Field Manual FM 11-50, "Combat Communications
Within the Division (Heavy and Light)," April 1991.
U.S. Army Field Manual FM 7-7, "The Mechanized Infantry Platoon and Squad
(APC)," March 1985.
U.S. Army Field Manual FM 7-7J, "Mechanized Infantry Platoon And Squad (Brad
ley)," May 1993.
[11] This rule was originally suggested by Miller, and has been empirically verified by many
researchers since. See Miller, G. A., "The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two:
Some Limits on Our Capacity for Processing Information," The Psychological Review,
Vol. 63, No. 2, 1956, pp. 81-97.
[12] Rice, M., and A. Sammes, Command and Control: Support Systems in the Gulf War,
London: Brassey's, 1994, p. 25.
Development of Tactical
1 10 Ta cti c a l C o m m u n i c ati o n s for t h e D i g itize d B a ttlefi e l d
The first major tactical and strategic use of the electrical telegraph was during
the Crimean War ( 1853- 1856). Strategically, a submarine cable laid from
Varna to Balaclava assisted in connecting the British and French command
ers with London and Paris, respectively. The cable provided great frustration
for both commanders as, for the first time, both were in intimate contact
with their political masters. Tactically, the Crimean War saw the first
deployment of a telegraph troop with two telegraph wagons, a cable cart, a
plough, and 24 miles of copper wire. By the end of the Crimean campaign,
some 2 1 miles of cable had been laid, interconnecting eight headquarters.
In 1859, the Spanish and French armies made use of electrical telegra
phy, albeit with civilian equipment and civilian operators. In 1860 the Ital
ian Army made the first use of purpose-built military telegraph equipment
and military operators. D uring the American Civil War, both the U.S. Army
Signal Corps and the Confederate Signal Corps made use of electrical
In addition to telegraphy, staff officers began to demand telephones,
which had become more common in civilian life. The first use of telephony
by the U.S. Army was during the Geronimo campaign in Arizona in 1886.
Although the telephone was also adopted by other armies in the late nine
teenth century, it did not develop into the important tool it is today until the
early twentieth century. The Japanese made the first extensive tactical and
strategic use of the telephone during the Russo-Japanese war (1904-1905).
During World War I, line telegraphy provided the major means of com
munication. Most lines were buried well below the surface to protect them
from artillery. The immobility of the buried cables and the sheer number of
them forced better cable planning, and a grid system of main arteries into
which units and formations could connect was developed. Each divisional area
/\..� 0 ________ _
112 TactIcal CommunIcatIons for the DIgItIzed BattlefIeld
had a main artery with switching and testing centers connected to the main
arteries of the division on either flank, thereby forming the grid system. H un
dreds of miles of cables were deployed to support any advance until the grid
system could be extended to cover the new positions. Tactical circuits were
then connected to strategic telegr aph circuitsto allow the transfer of orders and
information fro m he adq uarters to field c omm anders .
4.2.3 Rad io
introduced in 1918. Another important advance between the wars was the
teletypewriter, or the printer telegraph. The teletypewriter required more
power and was more complex to maintain than the Morse telegraph, but it
was more accurate, faster, and relatively simple to use. The field telephone set
was also developed between the wars and the Germans developed a small
switchboard, which was rapidly copied by most armies.
During the 1930s, radio sets were developed to meet the needs of the
infantry, artillery, armor, and aviation corps to provide the necessary mobil
ity, range, and reliability. In 1934, the United States developed the 25-
pound radio that became the first walkie-talkie. Between the wars radio sets
became smaller and were carried on a number of platforms. The horse was
finally replaced by the motorcar, leading to the mechanization of both radio
wagons and cable wagons.
During World War II radio become ubiquitous across the battlefield, used
extensively at the tactical level for the first time. The first armored command
vehicle appeared and radios provided the necessary communications within
highly mobile forces, often widely dispersed. FM radio was developed to pro
vide noise-free communications. The infantryman was issued with a man
portable radio, which greatly enhanced operations. At the beginning of the
war, only a few radios had been provided for catering to the main command
links of formations, for divisional artilleries, and for internal use in armored
and artillery units. By the end of the war, radio was used to conduct all essen
tial tactical and administrative communications. The main reason for this
was the inability of the line to keep up with highly mobile, widely dispersed
forces often operating in inhospitable terrain. Headquarters required at least
two operational command links, one for telegraph traffic and the other for
voice. In addition to command, independent radio systems had developed
for intelligence, air support, artillery, engineers, supply, and other services.
Line communications continued during World War II, although
mostly for telephony work. World War II saw the integration of all forms of
line and radio communication into high-quality links, regardless of the
medium. Multichannel trunk radio made its first appearance in during the
war, albeit in a simple form with up to eight duplex channels being provided
by the British No. 10 set, one of the few World War II radios to operate in
the UHF range. During the rapid advance eastwards from Normandy toward
the end of the war, the line could not keep up and radio relay began to pro
vide its utility on the support of fast-moving operations.
----------------- - " - ""---
1 14 Ta cti c a l C o m m u n i c ati o n s for the D i g itized B a ttlefi e l d
These two subsystems are described in more detail in the following sections.
It should be noted that in U.S. doctrine, a third subsystem, the Advanced
Data Distribution System (ADDS), is provided-the need for this third ele
ment is discussed in Chapter 5, and a more detailed description is provided
in Chapter 8.
4.3 CNR
, !
! :
I �
, I
Development of Tactical Communications 1 17
: I detail in Chapter 5 [7]. For the moment, Table 4.1 lists the traditional appli
cations of the RF bands to use in CNR nets.
As discussed in Section 4.2, radio was first used on the battlefield for
trunk communications as an alternative to line. Soon, however, radio was
used for previously difficult tasks such as connecting forward observers to
I i:
artillery batteries, which avoided the laying of hundreds of miles of cable to
support major offensives. As sets and antennas reduced in size, they began to
be employed to form artillery-infantry nets and infantry-armor nets. By the
end of World War II, the United States had deployed CNR to most elements
of the infantry and other arms.
Ste p u p Armor
Battalio n 3 Commander
Battalio n 2 Po o l
Battalio n 1 Po o l
(SIN) d B
1 d B ==
(C/N) dB
Figure 4.3 CNR net hierarchy for a notional division's command nets.
Since CNR was first deployed, there have been a number of advances in
technology. Electronic design has improved dramatically and modern CNR
makes use of frequency synthesizers, integrated ATU, and more efficient
antennas. Synthesizer design, in particular, has allowed radios to be capable of
tuning across a number of bands. Sets have become lighter, smaller, and more
reliable due to smaller integrated-circuit components, which require less space,
power, and maintenance. There have been some improvements in battery
technology that reduces the overall weight of the radio, although the battery
remains the heaviest component of the system. Cryptographic equipment has
become smaller, and is now commonly integrated into the set or handset.
Over-the-air rekeying has eased considerably the burden associated with cryp
tographic key management and distribution across the battlefield. Finally, bet
ter modems have allowed CNR to operate at higher data rates, although the
radio is still fundamentally a terminal on a voice network and is therefore not
ideally suited to acting as a data network node.
Despite these evolutionary developments, the doctrinal use of CNR has
remained largely unchanged since World War II. The major difference is in
the ability to pass data over most CNRs, although most in-service CNRs are
still analog radios and are not well placed to cope with the expansion in the
Development o/Tactical Communications 1 19
Table 4.1
Application of RF Bands to CNR Nets
UHF Squad and platoon nets Lightweight, hand-held lIne-of-slght limits range
From [8]
network; as well as with remote access to the combat radio network and
access to the trunk network. The following sections provide a brief descrip
tion of the development of trunk networks from rudimentary chain-of
command networks providing voice and telegraph, to modern area trunk sys
tems providing the full range of subscriber facilities.
As illustrated in Figure 4.4, first-generation trunk networks provided
communications links that followed the chain-of-command. This arrange
ment made sense, as it provided communications links that supported the
flow of information, which was between commanders. Commanders also
saw this as a natural arrangement as the doctrinal flow of information was up
and down the chain-of-command. In fact, doctrine generally prohib
ited-and in most armies still prohibits-any communications outside the
chain of command.
Direct chain-of-command networks had the serious disadvantage, how
ever, that each headquarters was required to act as a tactical base as well as a
communications node. These two roles are mostly in conflict. A communica
tions node requires access to sufficiently high terrain to provide the range nec
essary to reach the superior headquarters as well as to the headquarters of
subordinate units. In a tactical environment, in contrast, the commander must
• I
i i
XXX Corps
XX D ivi s i o n
X Bri g a d e
C h a i n of c o m m a n d
C o m m u n i c ati o n s
i ;
Development of Tactical Communications 12 1
conceal the location of the headquarters since it is too vital an asset to have
perched on a hilltop. The collocation of the communications equipment with
the headquarters also constrained the mobility of the headquarters and
increased its vulnerability to both visual and electronic detection. Additionally,
any movement of the headquarters or damage to the network caused a dis
proportionate disruption to communications. For example, if the communica
tions are lost to brigade headquarters, there is no mechanism for communica
tions between the divisional headquarters and that brigade's battalions.
Figure 4.5 provides an example of a second-generation tr unk network,
which alleviated earlier difficulties by taking the logical step of displacing
communications from the chain of command. By creating a physically sepa
rate communications site (often known in the British system as a communi
cations center) that communicated to the headquarters over short cable or
radio links, a separation of the tactical and communications roles of the
headquarters was achieved. As a result of this separation, tactical headquar
ters and communications sites could be planned with a higher degree of inde
pendence, although the headquarters was still constrained by having to be
. . .
C]:::, ,, ,
" , CJ XX
- --
-- --
-- --
Ii --
\1 --
- --
Ii -- -
- .. _--
Tru nk be a re r -
C h a i n of c o m m a n d
. -- -- ---_/�
124 Ta cti c a l C o m m u n i c ati o n s for th e D i g itized B attl efi e l d
As described earlier, the trunk node is the basic building block of the trunk
network. Nodes are deployed and maneuvered to provide an area trunk net
work that allows combat units to deploy and maneuver as the tactical situa
tion allows. Figure 4.8 illustrates the deployment of a trunk network in a
generic deployment. Note that, as required by convention, the network
Development of Tactical Communications 12 5
Table 4.2
NatlonaI Trunk Networks
The Netherlands Zone Digital Automatic ZODIAC
provides an interface to the network on the right, and has interfaces provided
by the higher formation and the formation on the left flank.
Of course, Figure 4.8 does not accurately reflect the number of trunk
nodes likely to be deployed in each area. Typically there are approximately
40 trunk nodes in a corps network, with approximately four allocated to each
division and the remainder allocated as corps assets. Figure 4.8 also shows
a physical grid pattern of deployment. While the network is invariably
deployed with a logical-grid connectivity, the location of the trunk nodes is
dictated by the terrain and the tactical situation.
Nodes are deployed and redeployed by the network managers to adj ust
to the needs of combat forces as dictated by the tactical battle. Nodes can be
redeployed to facilitate an advance or withdrawal, or movement to a flank.
The density of the network can also be modified to provide sufficient capac
ity to cope with any changes in force composition and location. Figure 4.9
illustrates the basic components of a trunk node:
• Switch. The nucleus of each node is the switch vehicle, which contains
a processor-controlled digital switch. In most modern networks the
switch is currently an automatic circuit switch that incorporates an
embedded packet switch. Current switches typically provide 16 or 32
126 Ta cti c a l C o m m u n i c ati o n s fo r th e D i g itized B attl efi e l d
Fro m a d ja c e nt c orps
r---ool-- X _
To strate g i c
��-..lr-- X ---
n etwork
V Tru n k n o d e
To a d ja c e nt corps
An oth er tru nk n o d e
R a d i o-re l a y
ve h i c l e
ve h i c l e
I av r�
, An oth er tru nk n o d e
RAP ����� . .
Fl a nk i nterfa c e 7' SHF
Fl a nk i nterfa c e
----:b.�� /
Ac c e ss n o d e Ac c e ss n o d e
C a bl e r
No d e operati o n
c e nter
Network m a n a g e m e nt
fa c i l ity Be a re rs
Siting. Radio-relay terminals located on high ground will give the best pos
sible radio path. For tactical reasons, headquarters and trunk nodes are usu
ally sited in more concealed positions. S ince the two sites may be some
distance apart, the radio-relay site is normally connected to the asset it is serv
ing by a cable or, for longer distances, an SHF down-the-hill radio link. Sites
are normally selected from a map reconnaissance and confirmed by a path
profile analysis. This produces a short list of possible sites that are then sub
jected to a physical reconnaissance considering such factors as local obstacles
not shown on the map; possibilities for concealment and camouflage; access
for vehicles; and whether the site has already been occupied, since high fea
tures are always attractive for many other force elements, including radar,
surveillance, EW, and communications detachments (noting that they are
also attractive to adversary artillery units).
Radio-relay range extension. As noted earlier, although UHF and SHF fre
quencies provide sufficient bandwidth, they have the planning difficulty of
requiring line-of-sight between antennas. Additionally, to maintain the re-
Development o/Tactical Communications 129
qui red signal-to-noise ratios, particularly for data links, radio paths are lim
ited to planning ranges on the order of 20 to 30 km. Often, therefore, two
trunk nodes cannot be connected by one link and, as illustrated in Figure
4. 10, an intermediate relay station, called a radio-relay relay station, is in
serted in the link to extend range. This relay is sited so that there is a good
line-of-sight path to both radio-relay terminals so that signals received from
each terminal can be automatically retransmitted to the other. Where long
internodal links are required to support widely dispersed forces, there may be
several relay stations, although satellite or troposcatter links are generally pre
ferred on long paths.
Ra dio- elay re la y
To node switch deta chment
To node switch
• They permit a long path. A single hop can have a length of hundreds
of kilometers (five or six times the usual length of a line-of-sight link) .
They therefore fit neatly between line-of-sight communications sys
tems and satellite communications systems, providing much more
bandwidth than HF systems.
• They can be used on difficult terrain, which has little influence on
the system design. This is particularly useful when the terrain has
not been secured or, for example, when repeaters would have to be
located above the snow line.
• Coverage of very large areas can be obtained with a small number of
• Only a few repeaters are required because of the long hop-length.
• Fewer frequencies are required because of the reduction in the
number of stations.
• Security against sabotage or catastrophic failure is easier to achieve,
as there are fewer stations to protect.
• Procurement and operating costs are reduced because of the lower
number of repeaters .
• There is a high immunity to interception because of very narrowbeam
Disa dvantages of trop ascatter systems. The main disadvantages are as follows:
• The cost per station is high. However, this factor may be superseded
by the advantages given above and the troposcatter solution may be
the most cost-effective choice as the overall costs (investment, opera
tion, and maintenance during the life of the link) may be less than any
alternative solution.
• High-gain antennas are difficult to orientate accurately.
• Antennas must have an unobstructed view of the horizon.
• There is a high RF hazard from the high power output at the antennas.
Development of Tactlcal CommU71lCatlO7lS 131
In addition to satel l ite links, con n ections benveen nodes can also be
extended by connections through commercial commu n i cations n e nvo rks .
However, commercial systems are not always availabl e o r su rv i v a b l e e n o ugh
132 T a cti c a l C o m m u n i c ati o n s for t h e D i g itize d B attl efi e l d
for inclusion in trunk networks. Satellite trunk links are therefore preferred
to span large distances between nodes . Acc e s s N o d e s
sional headquarters . In some networks, access nodes are provided down to
lower levels to serve subscribers at regimental or battalion command posts. In
most networks, however, access to these levels is provided through S eRA,
because the users are mobile and fixed subscriber access to the network tends 1\
to b e inappropriate. As illustrated in Figure 4. 12, subscribers are connected
to the access node, which is connected to the network (to a trunk node)
through radio-relay bearers. Large access nodes (for divisional headquarters
and above) are normally connected to two trunk nodes; small access nodes
(for brigade headquarters and below) are normally only connected to one
trunk node, with a standby link engineered to a second trunk node in case of
failure of the first.
Small access nodes normally serve approximately 25 subscribers and
the large access nodes provide for approximately 150 subscribers. As well as
the ability to interface to radio-relay bearers, both types of nodes have the
facilities to interconnect to satellite or troposcatter links, or to commercial
carriers. Figure 4. 13 shows a simplified layout of a small access node.
As illustrated in Figure 4. 14, the large access node has a similar layout
as the small node. In addition to the ability to cope with a larger number of
subscribers, the large access node is connected to two trunk nodes. The large
1 !
(� i
Development o/Tactical Communications 133
V Tru n k n o d e
D A c c ess n o d e
access node also contains an NOC and an NMF, similar to those found in
the node center of a trunk node. S e RA
Access nodes provide access for fIxed network subscribers. Access for mobile or
isolated subscribers is provided through the duplex VHF-radio access of the
SCRA subsystem. The SCRA subsystem comprises subscriber terminals that
provide mobile users with network facilities (e.g., voice, data, telegraph, and
facsimile) equivalent to those available to static subscribers of an access node,
and RAP through which subscribers access the trunk network. As illustrated in
Figure 4. 15, an RAP is normally connected to the network by connecting to a
trunk node via cable, SHF down-the-hill radio, or UHF radio-relay link. A
standby link is engineered to another trunk node to be used if the primary link
fails. RAPs are deployed like PCS base stations to provide overlapping areas of
coverage to provide continuous coverage for a mobile user.
R a dio- rel a y
veh i c le
To a nother
tru n k node
To a p p rox i m a tely
25 s u bs c r i be rs
To a nother
tru n k node
To a com mer c i a l c a rrier
To a nother SHF
tru n k node =
l':==;�=!tr=i= To s a tel l ite/tropos c atter
C a b le
Network m a n a gement
fa c i l ity To a p p roxi m ately
1 50 s u bs c ri bers
Node operation center
the actual range between the RAP and subscriber will depend on the terrain
and the heights of the RAP and mobile antenna. Figure 4. 16 shows a
simplified layout of an RAP site, which comprises an RAP vehicle containing
transmitters and receivers connected to an omnidirectional antenna. RAPs
Development o/Tactical Communications 135
n V Tru n k n o d e
1. 1
1 i
o Acc ess n o d e
� ,: o S C RA RAP
II Figure 4.1 5 C o n n e cti o n of S C R A R A P s to th e tru n k n etwo rk.
I i
1· i
I '
I '
i I
I !
are normally able to operate on a range of power settings so that the lowest
i I
j i
power level can be chosen for each user to reduce the electronic signature of
the RAP.
To tru n k node
M o b i l e s u b s c ri bers :1
the RAP and can contact each other directly. This not only reduces traffic
load on the RAP, which is only used to relay the call if the direct connection
cannot be made within a specified time, but it allows communications when
the network is not present.
4.42.5 CNRI
For NATO i n Western Europe during the Cold War, i t was important that
each corps was able to provide communications to flanking formations from
other nations. While the Cold War deployments are less likely, multinational
alliances are essential in almost all modern deployments and it is perhaps
Subscrib er equipment. Subscribers mal{e voice calls through the digital circuit
switched network using a digital or analog telephone. Data, facsimile, and tele
graph facilities are provided through the attachment of a ddta addptor. The sub
scriber equipment performs analog-to-digital conversion to provide an output
data rate, normally at 1 6 Kbps using a form of delta modulation.
Voic e se rvic es. Subscribers can move about within the network and m al'
not n ecessarily remain near the same subscriber equipm e nt all the ti m e. Jvf ost
modern networks therefore give each subscriber a unique number cal l ed a di
rectOl]' n u m ber that they can e nter on any phon e i n the netwo rk to tel l t h e
nct\vork where they can be found so that a cal l can b e p l aced t o them. A s u b -
138 Ta cti c a l C o m m u n i c ati o n s fo r the D i g itize d B a ttl efi e l d
scriber can be located at any time through affiliation and flood search. It does
not make sense to have to issue a phone directory for an organization whose
staff is changing constantly, so most networks also use the NATO 7 -digit de
ducible directory (STANAG 5046 [ 15]), in which the subscriber's directory
number is deducible from the parent unit and appointment. Trunk networks
provide the normal network voice facilities such as call waiting, transfer, and
call forward, along with the more modern facilities of compressed dialing,
abbreviated dialing, and conference facilities. Particular military require
ments are met by the precedence and preemption facilities. Preemption allows
selected subscribers to manually override other callers for access to outgoing
trunks (or if the called extension is busy), providing the caller's precedence is
greater than that of the subscribers involved in the busy conversation.
Subscribers are free to access the network from any point where
A ffilia tion.
there is a subscriber terminal. To do so, however, the network must know
where each subscriber is located so that incoming calls can be routed to the
correct location. Each subscriber is therefore required to affiliate to the net
work by entering an affiliation sequence into the nearby terminal, which tells
the local switch where the subscriber is currently located.
Floo d search. When a call is placed, the subscriber is located by the net
work through a flood-search mechanism in which the switch to which the
calling subscriber is connected calls all other switches until the called sub
scriber's parent switch responds. Once the subscriber's location has been
identified, the connection can be made.
As trunk networks have matured and have become more independent of the
chain of command, network management has also had to evolve as a separate
function. As networks have become more complex, the management task has
become an indispensable component of modern networks .
4.4.4. 1 Th e M a n a g e m e nt Ta s k
The principal role of network management is to ensure that the network pro
vides and maintains effective and reliable communications . A number of
management tasks must be conducted: assessment of the requirement,
including identification of subscriber communities for voice, data, SCRA,
and CNRI; formulation of a plan for network connectivity, including the
radio path planning for bearers; planning for the location of key network ele
ments such as radio-relay detachments. and RAPs; allocation of resources to
meet the plan; preparation and issue of orders; assignment of frequencies;
management of changes to the network, both planned and unexpected; sys
tem performance analysis; traffic engineering; cryptographic management;
system maintenance; and implementation of EP plans.
: l
The impact of the role of network management cannot be understated.
I ,
Although modern area networks are inherently flexible, they can only remain
so if they are well managed. The network must redeploy, and key network
elements will be moving, or may even be destroyed. The continual configura
tion and reconfiguration of the network must be tightly controlled if the net
work is to remain available to users. The trunk communications system is a
critical element of the commander's combat capability and must be able to
withstand the demands of the tactical environment. While the meshed area
: I
network provides great flexibility, it also introduces a significant overhead in
terms of network management.
1,_ - _ __ _ _ "" _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ , . _ _ _ _ . . . _ ------
--- - " - -- , , . '
1 40 Tactical Communications for t h e Digitized Battlefield
4 4.4.2 Fu n cti o n a l Le v e l s of M a n a g e m e nt
The evo l u tion o f tactica l co m m unications systems has seen a disassociatio n
o f co m m u nications elem ents from the units a n d formations they support .
Similarly, it is n ot common for network management elements t o have a
close affiliation with formations. In a modern area network, the management
structure is centralized to ensure the optimum usage of system resources and
the provision of maximum availability to users. That does not mean to say,
however, that there is not a hierarchy of management. Rather, there are a
number of functional levels of management and management elements are
normally associated with logical, geographical groupings of network assets to
provide the redundancy necessary for a survivable management system. The
number and the nature of functional levels of management will depend to a
large degree on the type of trunk network employed.
4.4.5 SDS
vigorously without detriment to some other, and some compromise must gen
erally be met.
mg commUnIcatlons systems.
142 T a cti c a l C o m m u n i c ati o n s fo r t h e D i g itiz e d B attl efi e l d
Development o/ TactIcal C0i71777 UmcatiOilS 1 43
Se c urity. Due to its crucial role in support of the C2 cycle, the tactical
communications network will be a prime target of adversary intelligence
gathering. Protection of the information carried by the tactical communica
tions system is therefore of prime importance. Security is a major factor in
the provision of an adequate tactical communications system, and a compre
hensive security architecture must be developed to provide guidance to the
q development of a communications architecture. There are three aspects of a
'. ,
: I
i \, __ _ _ . _ _ _ . ._ .. - -- - - -- - - --- -_ .. . _ ... _ -
144 Ta cti c a l C o m m u n i c ati o n s fo r th e D i g itized B attl efi e l d
4.6 Summary
for future tactical communications. While the Information Age has the
promise to revolutionize warfare, it is not likely to obviate the requirement
for every element of the current tactical communications system, nor invali
date all of the extant principles for military communication. Cognizant of
this background, therefore, Chapter 5 conducts an appreciation of the com
munications support required to support tactical commanders on the digit
ized battlefield.
[1] Further details on the history of military communications can be found III the
Harfield, A. , The HellOgraph, Royal Signals Museum, Blandford Camp, u.K., 1 986.
Nalder, R. , The History ofBntish A nny Stgnals in the Second World War, London: Royal
Signals Institution, u.K., 1 9 5 3 .
Nalder, R., The Royal Corps ofStgnals, London: Royal Signals Institution, U.K., 1 9 5 8 .
Royal Signals Institution, Through to 1970, London: Royal Signals Institution, 1 970.
Scheips, P., MilitmJ Stgnal CommunicatlOns, Vol. 1, New York: Arno Press, 1 980.
Scheips, P . , Militaryl Stgnal CommunicatlOns, Vol. 2, New York: Arno Press, 1 980.
[2] Further details on the use of animals in military communications systems can be found
� in the following:
;' �i
Harfield, A. , Pigeon to Packhorse, Chippenham, u.K. : Picton Publishing Ltd, 1 9 8 9 .
, I Osman, A. , and H. Osman, Pigeons in Two World Wars, The Racing Pigeon Publishing
1 \
It i:
Co. Ltd., London, 1 976.
[3 ] There has been some interesting use of pigeons in more recent times-the Swiss Army
only decommissioned their pigeons in 1 994, and Major General John Norton, com
I mander of the 1 st U.S. Air Cavalry, initiated a small (abortive) communications experi
I ment to revive use of carrier pigeons during the Vietnam War (see Meyer, c . , Division
Level Communications, Department of the Army, Washington, D.C., 1 982, p. 4 5 ) .
[4] For more details, see Wilson, G . , The Old Telegraphs, London: Phillimore & Co. Ltd.,
1 976.
[5 ] The use of heliograph, signaling lamps, and signaling flags provided early commanders
with useful systems for extending communications ranges. They quickly lost favor on
the static battlefield of World War I, as the operator had to be exposed to obtain any
reasonable ranges and they have not been used since in battlefield communications sys
tems. It should be noted, however, that each of these forms of communications persist
'j )
,i l/-
����� ------'
146 Ta cti c a l C o m m u n i c ati o n s f o r t h e D i g itized B attl efi e l d
in modern navies, where they are very useful for low-capacity line-of-sight communica
tions links when the operational environment requires radio silence.
Jane 's C4I Systems, 2000-2001, Surrey, England: Jane's Information Group, 2000.
Jane 's MilitarJ' Communicatwns Systems, 2000-2001, S urrey, England: Jane's Informa
tion Group, 2000.
Witt, M., "Tactical Radios: A Never-Ending Saga, " Milltmy Technology, J uly 1 99 9 , pp.
Blair, W. , and S. Egan , "A Common App roach to Switching in Tactical Trunk Com
munications Systems , " Joumal ofBattlefield Technology, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 1 7-2 1 .
Jane 's C4I Systems, 2000-2001, Surrey, England: Jane's Information Group, 2000.
Jane 's Mz!J tmJ' CommumcatlOns Systems, 2000-2001, Surrey, England: Jane's Informa
tion Group, 2000.
[1 1] The u s. A nn)' SIgnal C0 1pS 171 OperatIOn Desert Shield/Desert Storm, U . S . Army Signal
Center H istorical Monograph Series, Office of the Command Historian , United States
Army Signal Center and Fort Gordon : Fort Gordon , Georgia, 1 994, p. 4 .
5.1 Introduction
150 Ta cti ca l Comm u n i cati o n s fo r t h e D i g itized Battl efi e ld
5.2 Design Drivers
The following issues represent key design drivers for the development of
architecture for the tactical communications system.
that can support the transfer of information from any point to any other
Traditional hierarchical communications architectures are not well
suited to the provision of a modern battlefield network, particularly for the
transfer of data. To illustrate this point, consider a notional mechanized bri
gade, the basis of which is a mechanized platoon that has four vehicles. Real
time situational awareness would require that the location of every vehicle is
known at any instant. This is an unrealistic expectation. Near-real-time
situational awareness requires that the location of each vehicle be reported to
an accuracy within at least 10m (for battlefield identification and to prevent
significant errors on sensor-to-shooter target sharing). A location report is
likely to require at least 100 bytes (800 bits) of data, which, with the added
overhead of EDC, would be at least 200 bytes.
Assuming that the platoon is advancing at its maximum cross-country
speed of 40 km/hr [11 meters per second (mls)], each vehicle must transmit a
location report at least every second (at least) so that its location is known
within 10m. The platoon net would have therefore have to have sufficient
capacity to cope with 4 X 200 X 8 6.4 Kbps, the company net would
require capacity for 25.6 Kbps, the battalion net would require 102.4 Kbps,
the brigade net would require approximately 500 Kbps, and the divisional
net would require at least 2 Mbps.
However, the current tactical communications systems are poorly
placed to provide the capacity required. Figure 5.1 illustrates the problem. At
the platoon level, vehicles will generally be in sight of each other and can use
UHF communications, which can provide ample capacity for the needs at
this level. However, between platoon and company, VHF radio is required;
between company and battalion, VHF radio is required, with HF required
for longer ranges; and between battalion and brigade, VHF radio normally
has insufficient range and HF radio is used. Currently, the throughput of
most analog CNR is restricted to approximately 8 Kbps at VHF and 300 bps
at HF.
Thus, the data rate required increases as the situational awareness data
is passed back to brigade and divisional headquarters. Unfortunately, in most
dispersed deployments, the available capacity is significantly smaller between
higher headquarters than between lower command elements.
To avoid the aggregation of data as it is passed up the chain of com
mand, CNR nets must change in architecture from a hierarchical to a net
worked structure. Even so, the constraints of physics mean that there will not
be sufficient capacity available for more than low-capacity data rates (i.e., low
by fixed network standards). While future technological advances may allow
A CommumcatlOlZS Arclntecture for the Digitized Battlefield 153
Tru nk
D ata rate req u i red
C ap a c ity av a i l ab l e
D iv Bde Bn Coy PI Sq u ad
some increase in data rates across CNR, it is unlikely that such nets will ever
carry the volume of traffic required to support situational awareness. This is
particularly true when it is recognized that these CNR nets will also be
required to carry voice data, significantly reducing the bandwidth available
for data. It should also be noted that information will need to be passed from
higher to lower levels, making the situation even worse.
: I
, I
I '
Clearly, traditional hierarchical architectures are unsuited to the provi
I '
sion of a battlefield network across which users can share large amounts of
data. Additionally, if the data rates necessary for near-real-time situational
awareness are to be provided, the CNR and trunk subsystems are unable to
cope and a higher capacity network that is dedicated to the transfer of situa
tional awareness data must be provided.
I !
point in the battlespace and any point in the strategic communications sys
tem. While it will not always be desirable to support such extremes of con
nectivity, the possibility of such connections must be supported in the
architecture if the full power of network-centric warfare is to be realized.
Within all available assets the brigade must have the ability to provide scalable
communications. That is, a small advance party must be able to deploy taking
with it sufficient communications for its task. As the force builds, the commu
nications system must be able to grow to accommodate the size of the force.
The tactical communications system must be able to support the force
when it is deployed in any one of its roles. In the extreme, the communica
tions system must be able to provide communications in conventional high
density deployments where brigades might be deployed with a 25-km front
age, as well as support widely dispersed deployments where a single brigade
may be spread over an area with a 500-km radius.
A Communications Architecture for the Digitized Battlefield 155
The second aspect of range is the ability to reach back from the tactical
communications system to the strategic communications system. The tacti
cal communications system must therefore be able to support high-capacity
communications from the area of operations back into the strategic environ
ment, which may require communications around the world.
5.2.10 OoS
A Communications Architecture for the Digitized Battlefield 1 57
The tactical communications system must be able to support the force when
it is deployed in any one of its roles. In the extreme, the communications sys
tem must be able to provide communications in conventional high-density
deployments where brigades might be deployed with a 25-km frontage, as
well as support widely dispersed deployments where a single brigade may be
spread over an area with a 500-km radius.
The second aspect of range is the ability to reach back from the tactical
communications system to the strategic communications system. The tacti
cal communications system must therefore be able to support high-capacity
communications from the area of operations back into the strategic environ
ment, which may require communications around the world.
Communications systems provide ranges that vary from several meters
to thousands of kilometers, with capacities from hundreds of bits per second
to more than 1 Gbps, and with degrees of mobility varying from hand
portable systems that are operable on the move to large fixed installations
that must be shut down before moving. An ideal communications system
would provide long range, high capacity, and high mobility. However, as dis
cussed in Chapter 4, the delivery of all three of these characteristics is prob
lematic, and a communications system with ground-based terminals may be
able to exhibit two of them, but not all three at once.
the channel bandwidth or increasing the transmit power. High capacity can
be achieved by the use of a cable, optical fiber, light through air (usually a
highly directional beam generated by a laser), or wireless RF connection op
erating in the VHF or higher frequency band. RF propagation in the VHF
and higher bands is by direct wave (implying line-of-sight). Over-the
horizon ranges can be achieved by scattered-wave communications. High
capacity channels are not usually available in the HF and lower frequency
bands due to the limited bandwidth available, although HF has also been
used to provide overflow capacity when VHF nets became overcrowded [3].
160 Ta cti c a l C o m mun i c ati o n s f o r th e D i g itiz e d B attl efi e l d
Optical fiber. Optical fiber can provide capacities in excess of 100 Gbps over
ranges of many kilometers. It is time-consuming, however, to lay and recover,
allowing network terminals essentially no mobility during communications. In
tactical communications systems the utility of optical fiber is therefore limited
to providing high-capacity links within vehicles and command posts. In some
cases, for example, when at the halt, vehicles can be interconnected with fiber
to create a high-capacity LAN. Optical fiber would usually be avoided on
longer links due to the long setup and teardown times required.
Low c ap a c ity
• Trunk n etwo rk
Low S h o rt
H i g h c ap a c ity
m ob i l ity ra n g e
CNR. The main role of CNR is to provide communications for the com
mand and control of combat troops, which requires high mobility, with full
operation on the move. VHF CNR, therefore, sacrifices capacity compared
to terrestrial radio relay to provide moderate range with high mobility. HF
CNR can provide longer range while still maintaining mobility, through the
use of surface-wave propagation. The capacity of current analog VHF CNR
(usually 16 Kbps per channel) is higher than HF CNR (usually less than 3
Kbps per channel) because of the larger channel bandwidth used for VHF
CNR (25 kHz for VHF versus 3 kHz for HF).
• Due to its hierarchical, analog voice net structure, the CNR subsys
tem is poorly placed to provide a network to transfer data between
combat units.
• The networks are not seamlessly integrated to allow the transfer of
information between any two points in the batdespace.
A Communications Architecture for the Digitized Battlefield 163
..__ CNR ----1.�..f_------ Tru nk
subsystem subsystem
Tactical communications system communications
and rhe Jl Clw o rk. M:1jor s\'stems in c l u d e terrestrial mobile telephony and
wir cl ess nCl\vorking.
Cellular phones. In cellular phone systems, mobile telephone users are con
nected by wireless telephone handsets to one of a number of base stations,
each of which serves a number of mobile users within an area called a cell.
Bases stations are then interconnected using high-speed trunk lines provided
by fixed infrastructure, normally that of the PSTN. A group of base stations
is controlled by a mobile switching center, which supports the handover of a
mobile user as that user moves from one cell (base station) to another. Users
are therefore able to make calls as they roam throughout the network. Cellu
lar telephone networks are designed predominantly for voice, but can also
pass data at rates of up to 9.6 Kbps (although the introduction of third
generation systems promises to increase data rates considerably).
! jI WLANs provide some flexibility for computer users who want to be able to
Ii detach and attach quickly to a network, or for networks-such as those pro
i!\ I vided in classrooms-where users move in and out of the network on a regu
\ ! lar basis. WLANs can be based on IR or RF bearers. IR WLANs have very
I i
i j limited range, since they are constrained by line-of-sight and high atmos
pheric attenuation. RF WLANs have longer ranges but are still too short for
: I
! wide-area coverage. While wireless networking has great utility within com
mand posts and other locations where computers are deployed on the battle
field, ranges are too limited to participate in the broad-area coverage required
of the tactical communications system.
I, "
166 Ta cti c a l C o m muni c ati o n s fo r th e DIgiti z e d B attl efi e l d
actlve connectlons.
These limitations mean that fixed-infrastructure systems have little utility for
inclusion in the tactical communications systems because they cannot pro
vide the minimum, organic, flexible communications required to support
voice requirements. Additionally, such systems do not easily support the pro
vision of a data network. However, mobile telephone systems provide a very
useful adjunct to the tactical communications systems and must be able to be
used when available.
168 Ta cti c a l C o m mun i c ati o n s f o r th e D i g iti z e d B attlefi e l d CNR
CNR is the traditional means of providing communications on the move.
Small, robust radios are combined into a flexible tactical system providing
single-frequency, half-duplex, all-informed communications in support of
the command and control of combat troops. Radios are mounted in vehicles
or are carried in soldiers' packs. Radios provide both user terminals and net
work nodes. Mostly voice communications have been provided, although
data communications are increasingly available in modern radios. The major
disadvantage of CNR is that it is generally terrain-limited, rather than
power-limited, which causes additional difficulties in establishing and main
tammg commUnIcations.
While packet radio systems can have fixed infrastructure, they are most use
ful for military use when mobile. Packet radio networks provide one of the
! few architectures available for providing a data network on the battlefield
170 T a cti c a l C o m m u n i c ati o n s f o r th e D i g itized B attl efi e l d
that could support mobile users with mobile network infrastructure. Like
CNR, however, they are terrain-limited, which causes difficulty in maintain
ing network connectivity between mobile forces that naturally keep low in
the terrain.
: i
, L __ _
172 Ta cti c a l C o m mun i c ati o n s fo r th e D i g it i z e d B a ttlefi e l d
Range. CNR and packet radio solutions are difficult to provide and main
tain because the radios are terrain-limited in range, rather than power
limited. This is a function of low antennas mounted on low-profile vehicles
or on soldiers' backs. Range limitations are even worse for fully meshed sys
tems such as ]TIDS, where it is unlikely that one terminal can see any more
than a few others at any one time when deployed in ground-based units. Due
to their significantly greater heights, satellite and airborne systems are able to
cover the area of operations and be visible to all ground terminals. UHF
CNR can have very long-range extensions offered by satellite-based systems.
Capacity. CNR and packet radio solutions have capacities limited by the
transmission techniques and modulation schemes as well as the possible mul
tiple access techniques. GEO systems are limited in capacity by the size of an
tenna that can be mounted on the mobile platform-significant rates can
only be sustained by semimobile terminals. Mobile terminals can be used
with LEO systems, but data rates are constrained to 9.6 Kbps in the near
term. UHF satellite communications also have limited capacity, particularly
for a reasonably large number of terminals.
range of deployments. Data rates are generally very low, however, and only
able to support limited transfer of situational awareness data. Unfortunately,
the cost of satellite PCS systems tends to preclude their widespread use, al
though they are very effective forms of communications for limited use by
reconnaissance teams and advance parties. Airborne systems provide high
capacity, long-range, flexible communications at some significant cost (al
though aerostat solutions are an order of magnitude less than uninhabited
aerial vehicles (UAVs) [8]).
Flexibility. CNR (and its packet radio variant) has evolved to provide very
flexible communications to combat forces in a wide variety of deployments
and operational environments. All-informed communications can be pro
vided across the deployed force enhancing the coordination of complex tasks.
The additional range extension provided by airborne platform increases the
usefulness of such systems. Satellite-based systems are constrained by their
circuit-switched nature-the only thing a user can do with a satellite phone
is make a phone call-this limits the usefulness of such systems in support of
military operations as it is difficult (i.e., expensive) to form an all-informed
voice net or a robust data network using circuit-switching.
subsystem would also provide an overflow capability, should the tactical data
distribution subsystem be unable to meet all the data needs.
A minimum organic tactical communications system will be able to pro-
�f; vide a basic level of service and must be able to be augmented where possible
/1rl by overlaid communications systems such as the public telephone network,
satellite-based communications systems, and PCSs. These overlaid systems
II cannot be guaranteed to be available and cannot therefore be included in the
, '
' i
minimum organic system. However, if they are available, great advantage is to
be gained from their use.
In order to simplify the user interface to these subsystems, a local com
munications subsystem (most probably containing a level of switching) is
required. This local subsystem could take a number of forms, from a vehicle
harness to a LAN around brigade headquarters.
To support command and control in future land warfare, the tactical
communications system is therefore required to evolve from the two subsys
tems of Figure 5. 5 to five subsystems [9] . The combat radio subsystem pro
vides the mobile infrastructure to carry voice and data communications to
support the command and control of combat troops. The tactical data distri
bution subsystem provides high-capacity data communications to support the
situational awareness required for the command and control of combat
troops. The tactical trunk subsystem provides the transportable infrastructure
to support communications between command elements and other large
volume users. The tactical airborne subsystem extends communications ranges
and provides additional capacity when the tactical situation allows. Finally,
the local subsystem simplifies the user interface to the other communications
subsystems and to overlaid communications systems.
The architecture of Figure 5. 5 illustrates the major architectural com
ponents of the tactical communications system. It recognizes that, while the
tactical communications system is to be considered as one logical network,
for practical deployment reasons, it will be provided as a number of physical
networks (at least in the short term). It is also a convenient starting point
since it broadly coincides with the current deployed architecture, requiring
the addition of a tactical data distribution subsystem as a high-capacity data
system and a tactical airborne subsystem to increase capacity and range.
However, the concept of a single logical network must remain paramount, as
it is a crucial aspect of the architecture in Figure 5. 5.
The tactical communications system does not exist in isolation; it exists
to support a number of battlefield, joint, and combined systems. These sup
ported systems interface to the tactical communications system as illustrated
in Figure 5. 5. As also illustrated in Figure 5. 5, the minimum-essential
1 76 T a cti c a l Co m m u n i c ati o n s for th e D i g itized B attl efi e l d
O v e r l a i d c o m m u n i c ati o n s syste m s
P u b l i c vO i c e a n d d ata n etworks
T h e ate r b ro a d c a st
Sate l l ite c o m m u n i c ati o n s syst e m s
Ta cti c a l c o m m u n i c ati o n s syste m CI)
c::= Ta cti c a l a i rb o r n e s u b syste m
,..--- '
Lo c a l s u bsystem +-'
;:=2��� "
S u p p o rted syste m s r
C o m m a n d e l e m e nts
M a n e u v e r e l e m e nts
I nf o r m a t i o n syste m s
I nf o r m a ti o n s e rvi c e s 1\
Lo g i sti c s e l e m e nts
S e n s o rs
N etwo rk m a n a g e m e nt
We a p o n s p l atfo rms Ii
( B a ttlefi e l d , J O i nt, a n d c o m b i n e d ) i1
'iI l
maneuver, and logistics elements. Interfaces betvveen these elements and the
tactical communications system are provided by the local subsystem, which is
described in more detail in Chapter 10.
5.4. 1 . 2 S e n s o rs
In NCW, it is highly desirable for a user at any point in the battlespace to be
able to access information provided by any sensor. However, this does not
imply that raw sensor data is transferred across the tactical communications
system, which simply cannot be provided with enough capacity to cope with
large volume sensors connecting into the netvvork at any point. What is
required is a transfer of information, which does not necessarily require the
transfer of the original sensor data. Each sensor system must be examined in
the context of the architecture of the tactical communications system, with a
view to determining the most effective way of interfacing that sensor to the
• Those information systems that intend to transfer data across the tac
tical communications system, either between systems within the tacti
cal environment, or from outside the tactical communications system
to an information system within;
• The nature of information transfer between systems;
• Suitable database architectures for tactical information systems;
• Limitations of the tactical communications system to support infor
mation transfer;
• Recommendations for the development of future information systems
to be more suited to the transfer of information within the tactical
, :
fi tional awareness is to be feasible. Further study of this important area is
required to address suitable message formats for use within the tactical com
I ' munications system, techniques for retaining interoperability with command
i ' systems at theater level and above (including systems within the strategic
I :
I i
t II communications system), and joint and combined systems [particularly in
I '
light of U.S. use of tactical data link (TADIL-J) series of standards].
User interface. Commercial user terminals are typically not operable with
nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) gloves/hood. This is exemplified
by commercial cellular telephones, whose keypads are now so small as to be
A Communzcations Architecture for the DzgItIzed Battlefield 183
difficult to use for those with large fingers. This difficulty can be overcome
by the procurement of military terminals for direct access of the overlaid
communications system (e.g., a ruggedized G SM handset) , or the provision
of an interface between the tactical communications system and the overlaid
communications system that enables user terminals attached to the tactical
communications system to access the services of the overlaid communica
tions system.
5.5 Summary
This chapter has discussed the key design drivers for the development of an
architecture for the tactical communications system. These design drivers
include the traditional principles of military communications as well as a
number of important issues governing the way in which the tactical commu
nications system is to be employed.
The tactical communications system must be organic to the supported
force and must support communications between any two points in the bat
tlespace and between any point in the battlespace and the strategic commu
nications system. Communications support must be provided to a range of
battlefield, joint, and combined systems. Access must also be gained to a
range of additional overlaid communications systems to increase the capacity
of the minimum organic network.
While it is essential that the tactical communications system provide a
single logical network, it is not possible to provide a single physical network.
The range of candidate technologies available to provide access to mobile
users constrains the physical architecture to the provision of two major sub
systems-the tactical trunk subsystem and the combat radio subsystem. To
extend the range of these t\vo subsystems in dispersed operations, a tactical
airborne subsystem is required. Additionally, there is not sufficient capacity,
in the combat radio subsystem in particular, to cope with the high volume of
data transfer required to support real-time situational awareness for com
manders of combat forces-this need is met by the tactical data d i stributi on
1 84 T a cti c a l C o m m u n i c ati o n s f o r th e D i g itiz e d B attl efi e l d
subsystem. The local subsystem simplifies the user interface to the other
communications subsystems and the overlaid communications systems. Each
of the subsystems of the tactical communications system is considered in
more detail in Chapters 6 through 10.
[1 ] Here we define the upper-level view of the systems architecture in the context of the
C4ISR Architectures Working G roup, C4ISR Architecture Framework, Version 2 . 0 ,
Washington, D . C : U . S . Department o f Defense, Dec. 1 8 , 1 9 97.
[ 2] "Joint Spectrum Center Eases Foxhole Frequency Allocation , " Signa� Vol . 5 1 , No . 6 ,
1 9 97, p . 5 9 .
[3] For example, see U . S . use of HF in Vietnam War as described in Bergen, ]., MilitaJY
Commumcations, A Test for Technology, Washington, D . C : Center for Military History,
United States Army, 1 9 86, p. 2 8 0 .
[4 ] ANSI/IEEE Std 802. 1 1 , "Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical
Layer (PHy) Specifications , " Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, 1 99 9 .
[5 ] "Specification of the Bluetooth System, " Bluetooth SIG, Version 1 . 1 , Feb. 200 1 .
[6] The classifications provided here are sufficient for our discussion of a suitable architec
ture. A more detailed analysis in a similar vein can be fo und in Feldman , P . , Emerging
Commercial Mobzle Wireless Technology and Standards: Suitable for the Army? RAND
Corporation Report MR-960-A, 1 9 9 8 .
[ 8] Edwards, T . , "More Than J ust Hot Air," Communications Internationa� Sept. 1 999,
pp. 42-4 5 .
[9 ] Ryan, M . , and M . Frater, "An Architectural Framework for Modern Tactical Commu
nications Systems," IEEE MilitaJ)' Communications Conference (MIL COM 2000), Los
Angeles, CA, Oct. 23-25 , 2000 .
[ 1 0 ] For a good overview of message fo rmats, see: Peach, W. , "Message Text Formats-A
Solution to the Problem of Interoperability, " Journal of Battlefield Technology, Vol . 2,
N o . 1 , March 1 9 9 9 , pp. 1 1 - 1 6 .
[ 1 2) The U s. A rm)' Signal Co rps m OperatIon Desert SIJleLdIDesert Storm, U . S . Arm : ' S i g n a l
C e n ter H i s to ri cal M o n ograph S e ries, O ffice of t h e C o m m a n d H i s t o f l a n , U n i t ed S t ates
Army S i gnal Center and Fort Gordo n : F o rt G o rd o n , GA, 1 9 94, pp. 5-6 .
[ 1 3) The U s. A rm)' Szgnal Co rps m Operatzon Desert SIJleLdIDesert Storm, U . S . Arm y S i gnal
Cen ter H i s t o ri cal M o n ograph Series, O ffice o f the Command H istorI a n , U n i ted S ta tes
Army S i gn al Center and Fort G o rdo n : Fort Gordo n , GA, 1 9 94, p . 1 4 .
Tactical Trunk Subsystem
6.1 Introduction
1 88 Tactical Comm unications for the Digitized Battlefield
Low capacity
Low Short
High capacity
mobility range
6.2.2 Integration
Interfaces. The tactical trunk subsystem will take the major responsibility
for the provision of seamless connectivity within the tactical communications
system. In general, the terminals in the combat radio subsystem will be too
small to be able to incorporate additional components for interfaces. Similarly,
the interfaces required for the tactical data distribution subsystem, the overlaid
communications system, and the strategic communications system will also
need to be contained within the tactical trunk subsystem. Detailed discussion
on the interfaces required between subsystems and systems is contained in
Chapter 1 0.
190 Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
-------------_ . . . . __ __.
._._ ... _. _ . . . . ---.----� --- - . . . -� --_. __ . .
6.2.3 Reliability
6.2.4 Simplicity
While the elements of the trunk network do not need the mobility of those
in the combat radio subsystem, they must be able to deploy and redeploy
rapidly. Therefore, the various discrete components of the network (i. e.,
bearers, switches, and node control centers) must be designed to allow the
network to adj ust to fluid changes in tactical situation. While the functions
required of modern trunk networks become more complex, their architec
ture must remain easy to deploy and operate and simple to repair.
:, \I
Tactical Trunk Subsystem 1 91
6.2.5 Capacity
Bearers. The higher capacities required between nodes force the use of
bearers in higher frequency bands with higher signal-to-noise ratios. In turn,
these requirements force the use of higher-gain antennas that are more diffi
cult to deploy and orientate. In all, these factors result in the reduction of the
range of terrestrial trunk radio bearers, at a time when networks are required
to cover wider areas of operation. Long-range bearers are difficult to provide
for a number of reasons:
• HF radio provides long ranges but with bandwidths that are far too
low to be useable in trunk networks, except perhaps for last-ditch
• Troposcatter systems can provide high-capacity long-range commu
nications (up to 200 km for tactical systems). The terminals are
large, however, and require large parabolic antennas that are not very
• Longer ranges are possible using satellite communications, although
there is only a limited capacity available from these systems (limited
192 Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
6.2.6 OoS
The radio bearers of the trunk network carry large volumes of data commu
nications. Whereas voice communications is generally very robust and effec
tive communications can be maintained over quite noisy links, data
communications requires the addition of significant levels of overhead to
provide the error protection required to accommodate noisy channels. This
error protection overhead consumes b earer bandwidth and should be as low
as possible and only applied when necessary. Additionally, some services
impose tight controls on transmission delay, which must be supported by the
trunk network, yet other services can cope with quite significant delays. The
selection of appropriate data communications protocols is therefore particu
larly important and the requirement of providing varying QoS requirements
is perhaps the most significant design driver in modern networks.
6.2.7 Mobility
The tactical trunk subsystem must therefore be as mobile as the forces it sup
ports. The components of the subsystem must therefore not only be flexible,
modular, and easily reconfigured, but they must be able to support forces
with varying degrees of mobility-from foot-mounted, to motorized to
mechanized/ armored formations.
6.2.B Security
A key concern is that the security architecture in the tactical domain may be
driven by different imperatives than those in the strategic domain. Care must
be taken in developing the trunk system technical architecture to ensure that
interoperability with other communications and information systems (bat
tlefield, joint, and combined) is not prej udiced by incompatible security
archi tectures.
6.2.9 Survivability
Since command and control on the modern battlefield are heavily reliant on
electronic communications, the survivability of the tactical trunk subsystem
is paramount if interheadquarter communications are to be maintained. Pro
vision of a robust survivable network traditionally relies on a significant level
of redundancy in network components to ensure that loss of a number of
nodes does not significantly affect network performance. It would be reason
able to expect a trunk network to be designed to continue to provide a 1 00%
grade of service with only 50% of its nodes available.
( ,
i! 6.2.10 Communications Support for the Spectrum of Operations
[i Current network topologies were developed to suit conventional high
intensity deployments, notably in northwest Europe during the Cold War.
Within these environments, a corps network would be expected to have
some 40 trunk nodes to guarantee coverage of fast-moving forces within an
i area of operations that could be as small as 50 km by 70 km. In dispersed
operations, however, it would not normally be feasible to provide the signifi
cant numbers of trunk node assets across the entire area of operations to
allow commanders to redeploy without significantly affecting the network
1 94 Tacti cal Commu nications for the Digitized Battlefield
There are three distinct needs for mobile communications on the battle
field. The first, directly between combat commanders, is served by the
highly-mobile combat radio subsystem. The second need is to provide com
munications between this level of command and higher levels, which is
served either by extending the combat radio subsystem or by the intercon ",
nection of combat radio nets via the trunk subsystem. The third require
ment is between a mobile user and a fixed trunk user, either by allowing the ii
use of a combat radio as the mobile terminal operating through a gateway
q; �
(currently CNRI) or as a direct trunk interface using technology such as Ii
S CRA or the commercial PCSs. ;1
The major difficulty with supporting command and control on the I
A tactical trunk subsystem comprises four main entities: access nodes to provide
local switching for a community of users and to connect that community to
trun!, nodes, which provide backbone switches that are interconnected by b ea r
ers to interconnect nodes into a network. Finally, RAPs provide single-channel
radio access to mobile trunk subscribers. (Note that the term switch is used
here as a generic label for a device that enables interconnection between
users/user applications-possible switching architectures are discussed in Sec
tion 6.6.) In principle, a user or group of users should be able to connect to the
communications system at any point on the battlefield and have seamless
access to any other user or group of users who are similarly connected without
needing to know precisely where any other user might be located. Addition
ally, while the network of trunk nodes may need to reconfigure to accommo
date the tactical plan, the movement of users or switching nodes should not
impact on the performance of the nenvork.
The separation of the user community and the switch nenvork is often
depicted as a cloud (see Figure 6.2) to emphasize that the user community i s
1 96 Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
Capacity. High data rates are required between trunk nodes. Based on ex
perience with most trunk networks, data rates of at least 2 Mbps are required
to support communications between trunk nodes. Future requirements are
likely to increase the necessary data rates by an order of magnitude. HF radio
does not have sufficient capacity to support communication between trunk
nodes, and is really only useful for last-ditch communications at very low
data rates. Fiber-optic systems are able to provide many times more than this
capacity. VHF/UHF radio relay and tropospheric scatter systems have suffi
cient capacity to support these rates. S atellite communications can also sup
port these rates, although, as a system, satellite capacity is constrained by the
capability of the transponder and a number of technical parameters. It does
not all follow, therefore, that a large number of 2-Mbps links could be sup
ported by a single satellite, particularly when the ground terminals are widely
types of bearers, with radio relay representing the best compromise between
system complexity and capacity. The longer ranges required to support dis
persed operations, however, cannot be totally supported using line-of-sight
bearers (even using two or three hops). For longer ranges, HF or satellite
communications are required.
Command and control on the move. Clearly, fiber-optic cables are totally
unsuitable for mobile communications. Each of the other systems can sup
port mobile operations-but only by moving between bounds-and they
typically cannot operate in a high capacity mode when totally mobile. In that
regard, most bearer systems are generally considered to be semimobile. The
exceptions are with HF and low-capacity (small antenna size) satellite appli
cations, as well as the S CRA interface to trunk networks.
Jamming resistance. Jamming is not an issue for optical fiber systems due
to the difficulty of the j ammer in gaining access to the channel. HF commu
nications are also relatively difficult to j am due to the powers required by the
j ammer and the management systems that are employed by the communica
tions systems to accommodate variations in the ionosphere. VHF/UHF ra
dio relay bearers are possibly easier to j am because the j ammer can be
deployed closer. However, the use of high-gain antennas in these systems al
lows them to be deployed so that they can largely ignore potential jammers
[2J. Troposcatter communications are inherently resistant to j amming due
the propagation mechanism and their narrow beamwidth. Satellite systems
are inherently much more vulnerable to j amming than any of the other sys
tems, largely because a j ammer can be located anywhere in the footprint of
the transponder. The provision of j amming resistance on satellite links is
possible, but significantly reduces the bandwidth available. In particular,
most commercial FD.MA satellites will provide little or no protection against
. .
r------ X
V Trunk node
istence of a number of alternative routes between any two points in the net
work. This advantage tends to diminish, however, as the network is strained,
either by losses of nodes or by rapid movement that may prohibit the com
plete meshed network from being available continuously. The hub-spoke is
generally less reliable due to a potential single point of failure, although this
I: can be addressed by the provision of alternative hubs. If the hub is located
out of the area of operations (perhaps within the strategic domain), this vul
I: nerability is further reduced and can be addressed mostly by equipment re
i i
dundancy. The hub-spoke configuration may also be more reliable in widely
i I
; I
dispersed or fast-moving deployments where the meshed network planners
! i struggle to maintain the interconnectivity between nodes .
! i
I i
, ,
: I
! i
I 'I
.''.J 1.,
202 Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
x --��---
V Trunk node
pologies are not preferred for satellite bearers because the uplink and II
downlink delay normally limits internodal links to two hops, which creates a i!
: I
sparsely meshed network that has few of the advantages of such topologies. 'I
, I
Integration. The two main requirements for integration for the trunk sub
system are the internal aspects of integration with the combat-radio tactical I
data distribution and tactical airborne subsystems, and the external aspects of
integration with overlaid and strategic communications subsystems. For
meshed networks, these issues generally relate to the location of suitable in
terfaces within the network to these other subsystems and systems. The ad
vantage of a meshed network is that the mesh provides a robust way to
interconnect any point of the network with the appropriate interface, no
matter where that interface is located. Within the hub-spoke topology, inter
faces are naturally best supported at the hub, which can increase the difficul
ties with flexibility, reliability, and survivability. These difficulties may be
eased if the hub is located in the strategic domain, where the support of inter
faces is easier, particularly in terms of integration between the tactical com
munications system and overlaid and strategic systems. If the hub is located
in the strategic environment, however, internal interfaces with the combat
radio, tactical data distribution, and tactical airborne subsystems will be diffi
cult to arrange, as these will have to be supported at each of the spoke nodes.
r "- -
204 Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
to jamming, because the hub can operate in a very tight beam while the
spokes operate in the best spot beam available, avoiding the jammer if possi
ble. A jammer in the spot beam provides a significant threat, however, par
ticularly to an FD MA transpo nder that is fairly easily captured by the
Economy_ The meshed network is the most expensive in trunk nodes and
bearers, although redundancy and survivability result. The requirement to
deploy nodes so that there is connectivity between the desired nodes places a
significant burden on network planners, unlike the hub-spoke network that
only requires each spoke node to be able to communicate to the hub. Hub
spoke can be significantly more economical, especially for satellite bearers,
providing that survivability issues can be addressed.
Although the meshed topology is the most expensive in trunk nodes and
bearers, it provides the greatest redundancy, capacity, survivability, and flexi
bility using organic bearers (radio relay and troposcatter). When satellite
bearers are required for range extension, however, the hub-spoke topology is
more appropriate to restrict internodal connections to a maximum of two
satellite links. The preferred option, therefore, is to use a meshed topology
for organic radio relay and troposcatter bearers and to overlay a hub-spoke
topology for satellite bearers.
debates over the relative merits of ATM versus IP technology and the use of : i
voice over IP (VoIP). I
I ,
! i
Tactical Trunk Subsystem 205
Since World War II, voice users have generated the major part of the
traffic carried by the tactical communications system. Until recently, the
requirement for data was limited to a small number of low-capacity links
used to carry text-based message traffic between major headquarters and
logistics installations. Therefore, the trunk and CNR subsystems have
evolved to support voice traffic, but are not necessarily well suited to carrying
the extensive data traffic associated with digitization.
, , Voice can be carried efficiently by a circuit-switched network and
:I requires low transmission delay (usually less than 150 ms) and low transmis
J f
sion delay jitter, but is relatively tolerant of loss and errors introduced during
transmission. Most computer data (including text-based messaging), in con
trast, is very inefficiently carried by a circuit-switched network and is intoler
ant of loss and errors introduced in transmission, but is tolerant of large delay
(up to several seconds) and delay j itter. The key to mixing voice and data in
the tactical communications system is to be able to provide simultaneously
two different qualities of service. For real-time services (e.g., voice and video
Ii conferencing), low delay is required; while for non-real-time services (e.g.,
data for message traffic), low loss is required.
The aim is to provide appropriate qualities of services for both real
time and non-real-time services across links with capacities ranging from 1
Kbps (CNR) up to 1 00 Mbps (optic fiber) . The tactical communications sys
tem should provide a single logical network (i.e., be seamlessly integrated),
I supporting both connection-oriented and connectionless services. The archi
I! tecture should aim to use a single network-layer protocol within the network.
, I
ATM was developed in the late 1 9 80s as a very fast packet-switching proto
col. By restricting packets to a fixed length, and establishing virtual circuits
Tactical Trunk Subsystem 207
.: ·
6.6.3 Native I P
One means for overcoming some of the drawbacks of ATM is to use IP to
provide both voice and data services, running directly over the data-link lay
ers associated with the network's bearers. This approach has some difficulty
providing QoS for real-time services, especially in large networks. Systems
providing VoIP are an example of this approach.
208 Tactical Comm uni cations for the Digitized Battlefield
" .':
� �
�:" �
. -
� �
ATM : ATM switc h
Figure 6.6 N ative ATM sol ution to providing m ultiple Go S .
Tactical Trunk Subsystem 209
� �
R: I P ro ute r
Figure 6.7 Native I P solution to providing multiple GoS ,
R: I P router
M/S: I P multiplex/switch
Mobile remote access is required for trunk network subscribers so that com
manders are not confined to their command posts and can command and
control on the move. The functionality of the remote access should include
full-duplex voice telephony as well as data connectivity at substantial data
Tactical Trunk Subsystem 21 1
R: I P router
ATM : ATM switch
rates. The remote access channel should be secured to the same level as the
remainder of the trunk links in the network. In most major trunk networks
this access is currently provided via SCRA access to RAPs that are connected
to trunk nodes as described in Chapter 4.
One of the major limitations with mobile access is the ability to provide
ubiquitous coverage of the area of operations . Commercial networks have a
considerable investment in fixed infrastructure to provide coverage, and even
then there are normally considerable gaps in which it is not cost-effective to
provide coverage due to the low density of subscribers. MilitalY networks will
always struggle to provide the same extent of coverage, primarily because the
forward edge of troops may often only be able to be supported by a base sta
tion located within the adversary's area. Additionally, network planners must
continually move the base station infrastructure if continuous coverage is to
be provided to mobile subscribers moving in accordance with the tactical
plan. These issues are discussed in more detail in Chapter 7 .
Another major limitation with terrestrial infrastructure for mobile
subscribers is the effect of terrain in limiting coverage, and it is likely that
comprehensive coverage will only be possible over a force deployed in high
density formations (and even then a significant number of base stations is
required to bring mobile coverage down to a company level) . More widely
dispersed operations will require the range extension of an airborne base sta
tion, or use of overlaid (satellite-based) PCS systems .
Capacity. The mobile access system must have sufficient capacity to sup
port digitized voice and reasonable data rates . Since the subscriber's interface
is via a radio channel, the available battlefield spectrum will constrain capac
ity. Longer ranges (and fewer base stations) will be possible for lower fre
quencies, so it makes sense for mobile access to operate in the VHF band.
Since it also make sense to allocate bandwidth for mobile access on the same
basis as other battlefield RF users, 25-kHz channels are appropriate, which
will support 1 6 Kbps encrypted voice or data. It should be noted that the de
cision to implement mobile access to lower tactical levels will further exacer
bate the difficult issue of frequency management in the congested VHF
with the much simpler system that requires the user to manually affiliate to
the best base station.
j ,. -
21 4 Ta ctical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
M o b i l e s u b s c r i b ers
.I I,
Tactical data
distri bution Tactical trunk subsystem
6.9 Summary
The architecture of the tactical trunk networks of most modern armies is well
placed to accommodate the requirements of the digitized battlefield. The
architectural components of switching nodes, access nodes, bearers, and
mobile subscriber facilities are still required in future systems. The internal
structure of these components must be modified, however, with the most
change needed to the switching fabric within the subsystem. Additionally,
the components must be modified to accommodate the greater mobility
required by users, as well as the dispersion necessary to support the spectrum
of operations.
Perhaps the largest architectural change is in the interface requirements
for the subsystem. Currently, the trunk subsystem is only required to inter
face to other trunk subsystems as well as provide limited interface to CNR
users (CNRI). Future trunk subsystems will take the prime role in integrat
ing all of the other subsystems in the tactical communications system-these
issues are discussed in much more detail in Chapter 1 0. Chapters 7 through
1 0 continue to take a more detailed look at the combat radio, tactical data
distribution, and tactical airborne subsystems.
216 Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
11 J Ricc, M . and /\. Sammcs, CO"l1Illlilf/alld CrJlJtro/: SlIpport ,)J'.ltclII.i iii til(" (,'u(( \r�li',
12J Frater, M., and M. Ryan, Electrollic Vll7lforc fiJi' thc Digitized BflttlljiCIrl. Norwood,
MA: Ancell HOllse, 2001, Chapter 3.
The Combat Radio Subsystem
7.1 Introductio n
21 8 Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
The main advantages of CNR are that it is simple, flexible, robust, and
easily deployed, providing the fully mobile infrastructure that is required for
the command and control of combat troops. The position of the CNR sub
system in the range/capacity/mobility trade-off, sacrificing capacity to maxi
mize range and mobility, is shown in Figure 7.1.
The requirement to provide a b attlefield communications system with
a fully mobile infrastructure will continue for the foreseeable future, espe
cially at battalion and below, where it will continue to provide the primary
means of command and control, and to a lesser extent at higher levels where
it is required to supplement the array of trunk communications systems
available to commanders and staff. This fully mobile system, which we call
the combat radio subsystem, is the subj ect of this chapter. We begin by
Low capacity
• Trunk network
Low Sh ort
High capacity
mobility range
Figure 7.1 The place of the combat radio subsystem in the range/capacity/mobility
The Combat Radio Subsystem 21 9
examining the basic requirements for the combat radio subsystem, and use
this analysis to compare a range of currently available mobile communica
tions technologies.
The basic requirements of the combat radio subsystem are based on the
requirements for the tactical communications system detailed in Chapter 5,
but with refinements to meet the need for a battlefield communications sys
tem with fully mobile infrastructure.
Command and control on the move. The primary purpose of the combat radio
subsystem is to support command and control of combat troops. User termi
nals and network infrastructure must be capable of operation while on the
move without stopping. This requires that either there is no ground-based in
frastructure or that this infrastructure is fully mobile. The requirement for
command and control on the move makes line unsuitable as a sole means of
communications; it favors, however, the use of radio with omnidirectional an
tennas. Radios and terminals must also be small and robust with low power
requirements if they are to provide integral support to motorized and mecha
nized forces and especially light-scale forces. Requiring users to type all infor
mation into a computer is not acceptable; voice communications must be
provided as a primary means, with data supported when required.
Multiple acc ess. The spectrum available for military use is not likely to ex
pand, while the number of systems that make use of the electromagnetic
spectrum increases constantly. Sharing of the electromagnetic spectrum
among users is required. Possible multiple access techniques include FDMA,
synchronous TDMA, CSMA, and CDMA or some combination of these ba
sic techniques. In current systems, multiple access is achieved by grouping
stations into nets. Each net operates in a single-frequency, half-duplex mode,
with different nets being assigned different frequencies.
220 Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
Support for the chain of command. Support for the chain of command re
quires that communication between a commander and subordinates is
achieved with maximum efficiency, and that each level of the command hier
archy (at least from brigade down to platoon) is provided with integral com
bat radio communications assets and the capability to manage these assets.
This is achieved in current systems by hierarchical nets that follow the chain
of command. Support for the chain of command also requires that ground
based equipment used for communications within a unit or subunit is inte
gral to that unit or subunit. The combat radio subsystem should not con
strain the locations of headquarters or other elements. This applies both
while on the move and in static locations. A commander should also be able
to alter command arrangements within his or her formation or unit without
having to fundamentally restructure the combat radio subsystem.
minimal differences between the equipment used for different types of opera
tions. Any controls must be able to be used while the operator is wearing
gloves, either for protection from the cold or in an NBC environment.
Se curity. In the past, the use of secure communications has been limited by
the weight and bulk of encryption devices, and procedural restrictions on the
circumstances under which such devices could be used. With the increased
use of secure communications equipment in the commercial world and the
availability of low-cost, integrated communications security for combat ra
dio, secure communications should now be provided by the combat radio
subsystem at all levels.
Minimal mutual interferen ce. Equipment forming the combat radio subsys
tem should be capable of operation in close proximity with other equipment
of the same or similar type. The major practical implication is that frequency
management is required to ensure that closely spaced frequencies and certain
harmonic combinations are not used in the same location.
In the combat radio system, many stations transmit RF energy onto a single
channel. A multiple access technique is required to share the electromagnetic
spectrum between these stations.
The requirement for seamless connectivity means that the combat
radio subsystem should operate as a single logical network. This requirement
does not, however, dictate that there should be a single physical network. An
examination of traffic flows in a typical network will show that users tend to
form groups within which large amounts of data are exchanged, but with
much smaller amounts of external traffic. It is for this reason that the concept
of a subnet is commonly used in computer networks. The nets typically used
in the combat radio subsystem also have this property.
For the purposes of this discussion, we define a user community as a
group of stations among which the combat radio subsystem allows direct
communications, assuming that the radio operating range permits, without
passing through a bridge or router. We do not impose any particular struc
ture of these user communities; indeed, they need not follow current doc
trine of CNR nets. In the extreme of aggregation each station in the network
may be part of a single, all-encompassing, user community. This definition
can also encompass a circuit-switched cellular telephone system, for which a
user community is formed by a base station and the set of mobile units that
can communicate directly with it.
The implementation of a multiple-access scheme requires the resolu
tion of two key issues: the mechanism for controlling access by users to the
bandwidth assigned to the user community and the mechanism for limiting
the interference between different user communities. The utility of the vari
ous multiple-access techniques is discussed next.
, I
advantages of UWB radio are that it has the potential to completely remove
the need for frequency management as it is now practiced, it allows for very
flexible allocation of channel capacity to a transmitter, and it makes possible
extremely simple digital receivers. The major disadvantage is the high level of Ii'
CSMA. CSMA is the access technique used by current CNR, for both ana
log and digital voice. By shortening transmissions through digitization,
throughput in a CSMA system may be significantly increased. The major re
maining drawback of CSMA is that it is unlikely that a throughput higher
than approximately 50% of channel capacity can be achieved for data.
COMA. Because of the near-far effect, COMA is not suitable for use as a
multiple-access technique except where there is only a single transmitter or a
single receiver. This is achieved in mobile telephone networks because all
transmissions either emanate from or are destined for a base station. In many
military applications, it is usually the case that all stations are required to be
able to transmit and to receive transmissions from all other stations.
CDMA. The near-far effect usually makes the use of CDMA for providing
multiple access between user communities infeasible.
7.3.3 S u mmary
Of all the technological options for the provision of multiple access, only a
relatively small number are suitable as part of the combat radio subsystem.
Within a user community, synchronous TDMA, CSMA, CDMA, or time
The Combat Radio Subsystem 227
hopping may be used. Between user communities, FDMA and time hopping
are likely to be the only feasible options.
In this section, candidate solutions for the provision of a fully mobile tactical
communications system are examined. The following technologies are candi
date solutions: CNR with a capability to pass digital data, packet radio, a
repeated TDMA system, cellular telephone/PCS , and trunked radio.
Command and control on the move. Command and control on the move are
supported by VHF and UHF CNR, and HF CNR using ground-wave
propagation. Voice is the primary mode of operation. HF sky-wave propaga
tion is not usually possible without the erection of large, fixed antennas. Effi
cient operation for data requires that direct communications be possible
between all stations on the net, that is, the net must not be fragmented. This
depends strongly on terrain. Retransmission stations can be used to minimize
the impact of fragmentation, although this can be difficult on the move.
DoS. Voice and data can be supported with a single piece of equipment.
This is common for VHF CNR, al though a separate modem is often re
quired for carrying data on HF CNR. A net can operate in either a data
mode or voice mode. A data net may drop back to voice operation when an
operator presses the pressel switch, providing an appropriate QoS to each
Multicast capability. All-i nformed voice and a multicast capability for data
are to be supported.
Flexibility. Similar equipment can be used to support troops across the spec
trum of operations. Ancillary equipment, such as RF amplifiers and antenna
tuning units, is used to provide increased functionality for vehicle-mounted
systems. Weight can be a limitation for foot-mounted operations, especially
where separate equipment (and therefore separate batteries) is required for se
cure operation and EP.
Security. Secure operation for voice and data has traditionally been pro
vided by external cryptographic equipment such as the KY-57 VINSON and
KY-99A MINTERM. However, more recent designs, including recent ver
sions of SINCGARS , have an integral cryptographic capability.
Operation in all geographic and climatic conditions. CNR systems are typi
cally designed to meet the full range of battlefield conditions.
7.4.2 Pa cket R a d i o
The major disadvantage of data transfer over CNR is that there is no support
for automatic rebroadcast of data in fragmented nets. This can be overcome,
at the expense of added complexity, by the use of packet radio [5] .
A packet radio system uses the same net structure as conventional
CNR, as illustrated in Figure 7.2. Because of the presence of the left-to-right
links and the collocation of stations on multiple nets within headquarters,
this net structure is highly meshed, which can provide a high level of redun
dancy as long as procedures exist for taking advantage of this meshing.
Packet radio takes advantage of the collocation of stations by providing an
internet bridge between nets at each of these locations. These internecbridges
allow automatic delivery of messages addressed outside a particular net and
--- -"
230 Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
o Location with
stations on
two or more nets
�:�: ----- -':\-,�,---
r - - - ----
� � _.- -
.. ...
.. ..
Figure 7.2 Illustration of the operation of the tactical internet, showing locations of pos
sible internet bridges.
alternate routes around parts of the network that are unavailable. The overall
structure of the network is called a tactical internet.
Within a net, messages are automatically relayed if the net becomes
fragmented. This process is known as intranet rebroadcast. This is illustrated
in Figure 7.3. With a raw capacity of 16 Kbps for each net, it is likely that a
throughput of approximately 1 to 3 Kbps will be achieved. In reality, inter
net rebroadcast may be limited to two or three hops before the throughput of
the network becomes unacceptably low.
The internet bridging and intranet rebroadcast functions of packet radio
are applicable only to data. Voice traffic is accommodated by allowing the
packet radio network to drop back to a chain-of-command, hierarchical net�
work when an operator depresses the press-to-talk switch. The secure-voice
mode therefore has priority over the data mode. In the voice mode, operation
of nets is identical to that of conventional secure-voice radio nets. The data
mode is resumed immediately when transmission of voice ceases. Voice opera
tions in fragmented nets are similar to those of conventional CNR nets.
Secure communications can be provided using on-line, military-grade
encryption. By the implementation of partially programmable encryption
systems, new algorithms can be supported side-by-side with those from the
previous generation of secure communications equipment. Packet radio may
be used in conjunction with frequency hopping and free-channel search to
reduce vulnerability to interference and jamming in a hostile electromagnetic
The Combat Radio Subsystem 23 1
V Station on net
V Station acting as
intranet relay
Message source
or destination station
Figure 7.3 Illustration of operation of the tactical intranet, showing relay stations.
• Because of the low data rates available ( 1 -3 Kbps) , the network can
easily become congested.
{j • It may be necessary to limit the number of intranets across which a
message is passed to prevent the whole network becoming congested
Ij in the event of failure of one part of it.
i I
rI The advantages of the tactical intranet are:
• Efficient operation of a fragmented net is possible.
• Rebroadcast is provided with a single radio at each site.
• Adversary intercept of transmissions is hindered by use of lower
power levels than would be required for direct communication
between all stations on a net.
• Traffic analysis of a net may be made more difficult, with many trans
missions being rebroadcasts rather than new messages.
----� ---
232 Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
• An operator has less control over the transmission a radio than in tra
ditional hierarchical nets.
• Because of the low data rates available ( 1-3 Kbps) and the require
ment for a multiple access protocol, the network can easily become
e Operation with highly fragmented nets does not appear to be feasi
ble, with intranet rebroadcast limited in practice to one or two hops.
Command and control on the move. Command and control on the move are
supported in a similar manner to data-capable CNR. Provision of intranet
rebroadcast simplifies the maintenance of connectivity in a net. Data com
munications on the move may be limited by the ability of soldiers to operate
terminals while moving.
Multiple access. Mul tiple access is provided in the same way as for tradi
tional CNR; FDMA separates nets, while CSMA is used to share a single
channel between stations on a net.
Support for the chain of command. The net structure for packet radio would
typically be identical to that used for traditional CNR. Constraints on the lo
cations of headquarters are reduced by the removal of the requirement for di
rect communications between all stations in an intranet and by the ability to
have a station other than a headquarters act as the bridge to another net.
Oos. Voice and data are usually provided as separate modes of operation,
providing different QoS to each.
Security. Encryption for both voice and data is usually provided using inte
gral cryptographic devices. This is advantageous in terms of the performance
offered at the reduction in weight compared to the use of separate crypto
graphic equipment, but may impose significant procedural and administra-
. .
tlve constramts.
Operation in all geographic and climatic conditions. Packet radio systems, be
ing specifically designed for military applications, are typically designed to
meet the full range of battlefield conditions.
234 Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
i:l Command and control on the move. The ad hoc network is likely to be ori-
II ented toward data. Support for command and control on the move probably
requires that the system be able to fall back to a chain-of-command, voice
iI network.
Multiple acc ess. Multiple access is controlled by the ad hoc networking
protocols. The efficiency of multiple access is likely to be lower than for a
planned system, such as CNR or packet radio. This reduced efficiency may
not be acceptable in a congested electromagnetic environment.
236 Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
+- �� Intercluster backbone
Support for the chain of command. The structure of the ad hoc network adapts
to the physical disposition of a force. So long as the connectivity of the net
work is maintained, communications supporting the chain of command are
possible. Maintenance of the structure of the network in dispersed operations
may be difficult without additional network infrastructure. B ecause the com
bat radio subsystem must be provided as integral assets at a number of levels of
hierarchy, relevant network management assets must also be provided at each
OoS. Provision of a suitable QoS for data is easily achieved in an ad hoc net
work; provision of QoS for real-time voice is unlikely to be possible except
for stations that can communicate directly. This difficulty may be overcome
in the same manner as for packet radio, allowing operation to drop back to a
hierarchical, chain-of-command, voice network when the operator depresses
the press-to-talk switch.
-- - - -----
238 Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
Command and control on the mo ve. Repeated TDMA systems are capable of
operating at full capacity while stations on the net are moving. Manpack op
erations may be limited by current requirements for the network control sta
tions to be vehicle mounted.
Oos. Typically, repeated TDMA systems support only data. While some
capacity could be allocated to provide sufficient data rates for voice, insuffi
cient capacity is available to support all the required voice nets in a brigade
sized force.
I EP. Protection against j amming as well as LPD can be provided through the
: I
! I use of CDMA, TDMA, and FDMA. In addition, frequency hopping can be
used. Typical hop rates are in excess of 1 ,000 hops per second.
, I
i- --- - - - - --- _
- - _. - . _ ..... --.-' �- -- . . _- ... _. _ - - . - --
240 Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
The potential solutions for the combat radio subsystem discussed so far have
not required the support of any network infrastructure. A range of options
exists, however, that make use of a base station in their architecture. These
are cellular telephones (or more generally, peS) , trunked-radio systems, and
two-frequency, half-duplex radios. Note that we consider satellite-based PCS
as overlaid systems, and therefore do not include them as part of an organic
tactical communications system.
(! cove rage i s ach i eved . I t i s d o u b tful i f effective coverage co u l d b e ach i c\"(:,d b:'
() a m ovi ng base stati o n , al t h o u gh th i s m ay be ove rco m e by a step- u p p ro c e
!1 dure. Res tri cti o n s o n th e l o cati o n o f b ase s tat i o n s , especi al ly i n fo rward are,1 S ,
m ay also m ake area coverage very d i ffl cu l t t o ach i eve .
' 1
Wh i l e curre n t tech n o l o gy perm i ts co n s tructi o n of rob u s t , l i gh t-wei gh t
f 1\
\ '
m o b i l e han dsets , base s tati o n s are b u l ky and vlo u l d be e i t h e r fi xed o r
veh i cl e - m o unted .
I, Tru n k e d R a d i o Syste m s
D i gi tal trunked-ra d i o systems are a i m ed at a range of vo i ce a n d data a p p l i ca
ti o n s that h ave b een met p revi o usly by th e a l l o cat i o n o f ded i cated rad i o
I chan n e l s . App l i cati o n s i nclude a range o f p u b l i c safety com m u n i cati o ns sys
: I
I: tems (including p o l i ce , am b u l ance , and fl re) an d co m m ercial com m u n i ca
i i tions systems, such as those used by taxi s . The p r i m ary mode of operati o n fo r
tru n ked- radio systems u s u ally req ui res that all com m u n i cati o n s pass t h ro u g h
a b as e stati o n , altho ugh some sys tems s u p p o rt a di rect m o b i le-to- m o b i l e
m o d e . D i gi tal trunked radi o systems p rovide typ ically a co m b i n ed v o i ce/data
n e twork. A user term i n al typ ically s u p p orts a s i ngle vo i ce chan n e l and a d a ta
capab i l i ty wi th capaci ties s i m i lar to o r greater than fo u n d i n typi cal P C S
I ; The two m aj o r digital trunked- radi o systems In use are TETRA ( a n
, I
I abb revi ation fo r Terrestrial Trunked Rad i o ) , wh i ch was deve l o p ed by t h e
I :I Europ ean Teleco m m u n i cati o n s S tandards I nstitute (ETS I) [8] , and APCO
, I
2 5 , which was developed by the Asso c i ati o n o f P u b l i c-Safety Com m u n i ca
I ,
I '
tions O ffl c i als (APCO) I n ternati o n al [9] .
I 'I Two - F re q u e n c y H a lf- D u p l e x R a d i o
, ; A two-freq u e n cy, half-duplex rad i o system i s i l l us trated i n F i gu re 7 . 6 . T w o
I, I
I :' rad i o chan n els are used . The base stat i o n transm i ts i n o n e o f these ch a n n e l s ,
I ! wh i l e a l l m o b i l e s tati o n s tran s m i t i n the o th er. Al l s ta t i o ns h e a r trans m i s s i o n s
, . m a d e by the b ase s tati o n . A n al l - i n fo r m e d n e t can b e created i f th e base sta
, ti o n reb ro adcasts s i gn als it rece ives fro m other stati o n s on t h e net.
O ther pro perti es o f a nvo- fre q u e n cy, hal f-d u p lex rad i o system arc t h e
. i s a m e as those fo r CN R .
i I
I i'
I '
7 .4.5.4 M i l ita ry Uti l ity
,I :
242 Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
f, f,�
Station 1
' t. Tx
Station 2
assistance of a base station greatly enhances the ability to command and con .j
trol on the move compared to cellular telephony. A base station is still re II
Command and control on the move. There is no doubt that command and
control on the move would be enhanced by the provision of a battlefield
wide cellular network. Commanders would be able to roam throughout the
network as dictated by the tactical environment and affiliate to the closest
base station; It is doubtful, however, whether sufficient infrastructure could
be provided to facilitate such mobility, particularly in forward areas.
Support for the chain of command. For PCS and trunked radio systems, con
nections must be established before communications can occur. No automa
tion of this process is supported by off-the-shelf systems. Additionally, in
cellular systems, all-informed communications are difficult to provide. While
conference calls can be initiated, the number of duplex channels required
rises in proportion to the square of the number of stations. Two-frequency,
half-duplex systems are able to provide all-informed communications by re
peating at the base station.
i I protect a base station within an armored vehicle allows deployment closer to
combat troops, although high-capacity trunks must still be available to inter
connect base stations. I
Seamless conne ctivity. Interfaces to the public switched network exist from
PCS and trunked radio systems. Interfaces to military-specific systems could
be achieved either directly through specially designed interfaces or indirectly
through the strategic network. Two-frequency, half-duplex radios have simi
I , lar connectivity properties to conventional CNR.
i i
.J - - - --- - - - - - - _ __. _ _ _ __ _ .- .__ . __ __ ..
_ __ _ _ __ _
244 Tactical Communi cat ions for the D i g i t i zed B attlef iel d
- . _ - - - - _ . . . __ . .. ----- .. - - - - - _ . . . _- -------
EP. PCS and trunked radio systems do not provide an EP capability. Even
systems such as CDMA employing DSSS do not provide an effective EP ca
pability because, while the spreading codes are effective to provide multiple
access, they are not sufficiently secure to provide LPD . PCS also have an un
intentional EP capability in that adversary intercept assets would have to ac
quire the appropriate access channel of a p articular base station and then
follow the call as it is handed off between base stations.
Minimal mutual interference. PCS and trunked radio handsets and base sta
tions are designed for operation in close proximity to other terminals. Fre
quency management requirements for a military two-frequen cy, half-duplex
radio are similar to those for conventional CNR.
Po wer source. Mobile stations can be operated for long periods with very
small batteries. Larger power supplies are, however, required for base sta
tions. In GSM, this is accentuated by the requirement for the base station to
transmit all the time to provide timing for the network.
Ruggedization of commer
Operation in all geographic and climatic conditions.
cial terminals will most probably be required to enable them to operate across
the full range of climatic conditions required, especially with regard to im
mersion in water and the temperature range.
7.4.6 UWB R a d i o
Figure 7.7, the information content is encoded in time, rather than fre
quency or amplitude. In its simplest form, a one may be encoded as a pulse
arriving shortly before a nominated time, a zero as the pulse arriving shortly
after this time [ 1 0] .
While a uniform pulse-train spacing may be used (i.e., � jT) , multi
O . - 1 .5 n s
----.. +- 1
o +---;� 1 o .-,�
I 1 o +---;I� 1
� +1
Figure 7.7 Time-coding of information in UWB radio.
246 Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
P o ss i b l e c l a s h
Jj Jj
0 i4 1 ° i4 1 O�
J\ i� Af\
1 0 +:'-+ 1
0 i'-+0 li 1
: : I
1\ t lIT f
(a ) (b )
Figure 7.9 Relationship between (a) pulse length, and ( b) freq uency content.
Multicast capability. lJW'B radios are able to provide multicast for both
voice and data.
Flexibility. lJW'B
radios are likely to be useable over only short ranges. This
is because only low transmit power will be permissible, due to the interfer
ence caused to other communications systems.
248 Tactica l Communications for the D ig i t i zed B a ttlefield
- -_. . - - - - . . _-- - - - - _. - - -- - . . _- - - ' _.- ------ - --
EP. Avery high level of protection against detection, intercept, and jam
ming can be obtained if a sufficiently secure pseudorandom time hopping se
quence is employed. The requirement to use low transmitter powers to limit
interference to other communications systems further reduces the likelihood
of detection and intercept, but also limits antij am performance.
Power source. Because of their very low-power operation, UWB radios are
likely to provide long battery life. The potential simplicity of receivers also
has the potential to increase battery life beyond that available from more con
ventional communications systems.
Preferred Gombat radio solution. In the above analysis, only the packet radio
solution is capable of meeting the full range of basic requirements for com
munications on the battlefield with fully mobile infrastructure. This solution
is therefore preferred as the basic communications system that is organic to
all units. An ad hoc network capable of being manually configured to accom
modate dispersed operations may be a long-term alternative once this tech
nology matures. The capability of both these solutions will be greatly
enhanced by developments in the area of software radio [ 1 4] .
Limitations. The major shortcoming of packet radio is the low data rates
available, which is not sufficient to support some digitization requirements,
such as real-time situational awareness. Addressing this issue is the primary
purpose of the tactical data distribution subsystem (see Chapters 4 and 8) .
250 Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
Ta b l e 7.1
S u m m a ry of Characteristics of C a n d idate S o l utions
Capable Pa cket Ad H o c Rep eated Base-Stati o n
Req u i rement CNR Radio N etwork TDMA Arch itecture UWB
Flexi b i l ity Good G ood Poor for Poor for Poor: Base Poor for
d i spersed di spersed stat i o n i s a dispersed
opera- opera- l i a b i l ity opera-
tions tions tions
squad radio that provided squad leaders with small, handheld transmitters
and all squad members with receivers clipped onto their helmets. The PRT-4
transmitter ( 1 8 ounces) and PRR-9 receiver (8.6 ounces) were hailed as the
answer to the infantry soldier's need to talk in the dense vegetation of South
Vietnam. However, to reduce weight, the batteries were strapped unpro
tected to the radio, and the heat and humidity turned them into masses of
dripping cardboard. Not realizing that the helmet served as part of the
antenna, soldiers tried to use the receivers apart from the helmet and were
disappointed with the reception. Despite test findings that squad members
needed only receivers, soldiers in South Vietnam were unhappy without a
means to respond to directions. Following a period of heavy use, the squad
radio gradually disappeared from the battlefield as soldiers left the radios
behind when going out on patrol and commanders consigned them into
footlockers for safekeeping [ 1 5J .
More recently, there has been a resurgence of interest in squad radio in
support of programs aimed at developing soldier-level combat systems, such
as Land Warrior in the United States, the Future Integrated Soldier Technol
ogy (FIST) project in the United Kingdom, and Fantassin a Equipement et
Liason Integrees (FELIN) in France.
The basic requirements for squad radio are very similar to those
described in Section 7.2. The major differences are:
• Only very short range is required, perhaps I ,OOOm at the most (Brit
ish requirements suggest a maximum range of only 5 00m) .
• The requirement for low weight is paramount, which tends to mean
low transmit power.
• The ability to carry data and the requirement for seamless integra
tion may be sacrificed, especially for near-term solutions.
• The requirement for encryption to provide security may be sacri
ficed if LPD is provided by the use of low transmit power from
antennas that are placed close to the ground.
• If the radio is small in size and cheap, ruggedization to military stan
dards may not be required, as small size itself provides some physical
protection and a replacement of a low-cost radio may be a suitable
alternative to repair.
• The need for long battery life is increased by the number of radios
(potentially one for each soldier) that must be supplied, making
it vital to achieve the goal of 24 hours of operation without
"i�1 - - - - - -- �. .
-� /
-- -. - . ---- � - -
- - � -- - � - -- - . - - --- --- � . - - -.
- -� . - - - -
I I:
i Ii
sufficiently simple that once it is configured for a task, the operator is not tI
Voice -only CNR. While voice-only CNR was rejected in Section 7.4 as a so n
lution for the main component of the combat radio subsystem, the unique �'�
requirements of the squad radio for light weight and short range allow EP C[
shelf reduces cost to the point where disposal is a viable alternative to repair. bl
Data-enabled CNR. For longer-term solutions in which the ability to ex 'I
change data such as CPS location data or images from a weapon sight may be
required, data-enabled CNR offers many of the same advantages as voice £)
only CNR, but with the added data capability. Such a radio is likely to offer n�
voice and data encryption, which has associated with it a large administrative fi:
overhead for the generation and distribution of key material . In many coun- 1
tries, there are also additional administrative requirements for stocktaking of ,> '
tive requirements relating to security, there are important arguments against If
the seamless integration of a squad radio network with the other parts of the ,I hii
tactical communications system. ,I
,I Of
Packet radio. While packet radio is able to provide a higher data capability 'I
than data-enabled CNR, this comes at the cost of additional weight (espe II
cially in batteries) and complexity. The short range over which a squad radio §�
is required to operate make it unlikely that the intranet rebroadcast would
11 pi
have significant value, leaving little additional capability over a data-enabled :1 I
CNR. I �\
Ii I 1
The Combat Radio Subsystem 253
Base-station architecture. The key issue with the use of a base-station archi
tecture as a squad radio is: Who carries the base station? Even if it were feasi
ble to build a light-weight base station, the power requirement for the base
station would require a significant extra weight in batteries. A base-station ar
chitecture is not likely to be successful in the squad-radio role.
UWB radio. In many ways, UWB radio is ideally suited to the squad radio
role. It has the potential to provide an effective low-cost, light-weight, short
range communications system. Its major drawbacks, especially in the near
term, are the immaturity of the technology and a lack of understanding of
the seriousness of interference with other UWB nets and other parts of the
tactical communications system.
A number of armies have recently made decisions to purchase radios to
meet these requirements. The U.S. Army has selected a voice-only radio, the
leom F3S, whose characteristics are listed in Table 7.2, for use as a soldier
intercom. The radio is intended for use in certain ranger, airborne, air assault,
light infantry and mechanized infantry units. The F3S is manufactured to
commercial, rather than military, standards. Extensive testing was carried out
in a tropical environment because the humidity and heavy foliage represented
a probable worst-case scenario for both propagation and equipment failure.
I j
ii As the first major procurement of its Bowman program, the British Army has
purchased a similar radio for use as a personal role radio. In both cases, the
use of commerical off-the-shelf (COTS) equipment has enabled short lead
: i
i :
! i times in the procurement process. A number of armies have also purchased the
i r
\ ___f
254 Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
higher level of performance (including encryption and data), but at the expense
of higher weight, cost, and much shorter battery life, as shown in Table 7.3.
Many armies have only j ust introduced analog CNR subsystems into service
at a significant cost. It is not reasonable to expect that the current single
channel subsystem can be discarded within the next 1 0 to 1 5 years. So, while
a packet radio network solution is preferred, procurement of such a system
will not solve the short-term problem. Therefore, the most reasonable, cost
effective strategy is to migrate existing CNR systems to be capable of provid
ing a packet radio network.
With regard to the provision of a packet radio network, the primary
deficiencies of the in-service analog CNR equipment are the poor support for
digital data, including the inability to directly interface to the asynchronous
Ta b l e 7.2
Characteristics of Icom F3S R a d i o
C h a n n e l ba ndwidth 2 5 kHz
C h a n n e l step 1 2 .5 kHz
2 1 -36 h o u rs (disposab l e AA c e l l s )
Tra n s m it power Up to 5W
D i mensions ( i n c l u d i n g battery) 54 € 1 32 x 35 m m
Ruggedizati o n Nil
The Com bat Radio Subsystem. 255
serial communications port of a computer; the low data rates that can be
achieved (with raw data rates no higher than 1 6 Kbps for VHF and 2.4 Kbps
for HF) ; and the lack of a packet controller that enables either routing of data
between nets or intranet rebroadcast within nets.
7.6.1 VHF R a d i o
Depending on the type and age of the analog radios, the following enhance
ments may be required to upgrade current systems to a packet radio network:
provision of internal or external packet controllers to provide intranet
rebroadcast within nets and routing between nets; provision of an interface
between the external packet controller and the analog radio; and provision of
an interface between the user terminal and the external packet controller.
Options for increasing the throughput of any current data channel
should be investigated. Using the current frequency-shift-keyed modulation,
Ta b l e 7.3
Characteristics of AN/PRC 1 48 (MBITR)
Battery voltage 1 6V ( n o m i n a l )
Ruggedization Im mersion to 2m
L _ . _ ____ _ __
256 Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
7.6.2 HF Radio i
The following enhancements would be required to upgrade current in
service HF radios to a packet radio network: provisions of a high-speed
modem, an internal or external packet controller, an interface between the
external packet controller and the radio, and an interface between the user
terminal and the external packet controller. Depending on the age of the HF
radio, it may not be economically viable to upgrade to a packet radio,
although much higher data rates would be available from an improved
It should be noted that it is likely that there will be a significant resource cost
associated with migrating the existing CNR variants to packet radios. Fund
ing would be required to address retraining of technicians, drafting training
documentation, rewriting of test program sets for any CNR maintenance
subsystems, additional purchases of spare parts, investigation and establish
ment of supporting technical data, and drafting and reproduction of sup
porting documentation.
[1] These requirements may sometimes be relaxed in less stressful environments, such as
rear areas, allowing less costly radios to be used. The downside of this cost saving in
purchase price may, however, be increased maintenance costs due to the increase i n the
types of equipment that must be supported, which is likely to require a larger inventory
of spare parts and consumables (such as batteries) .
[2 ] The advantages and disadvantages of COMA listed here apply to the use of DSSS as a
multiple-access technique. They do not necessarily apply to the use of DSSS for
[4] EPLRS uses TDMA to provide multiple access within an NCS area of responsibility,
which is equivalent to a net in the terminology used here. EPLRS supports multiple
access within a net by the use of TDMA to provide needlines for communication
between stations.
Bertsekas, D . , and R. Gallagher, Data Networks, 2nd ed. , Englewood Cliffs, NJ : Pren
tice Hall, 1 992.
Kahn, R. , et al. , "Advances in Packet Radi o Technology," Proc. IEEE, Nov. 1 978.
[6] Rice, M . , and A. Sammes, Command and Control: Support Systems in the C;;ulf War,
London: Brassey's, 1994, p. 1 1 7.
258 Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
Johnson, D. B . , and D. A. Maltz, "Protocols for Adaptive Wireless and Mobile Net
working, " IEEE Personal Communications, Vol . 3, No. 1 , Feb. 1 996.
ETS 300 392- 1 , "Radio Equipment and Systems (RES ) ; Trans-European Trunked
Radio (TETRA) ; Voice Plus Data (V+ D ) ; Part 1 : General Network D esign , " S ophia
Antipolis: ETSI , 1 996.
ETS 3 0 0 3 92-2, " Radio Equipment and Systems (RES ) ; Trans-European Trunked
Radio (TETRA) ; Voice Plus Data (V+ D ) ; Part 2: Air Interface (AI) ," Sophia Antipolis:
ETSI , 1 996.
ETR 3 00-2, "Radio Equipment and Systems (RES ) ; Trans-European Trunked Radio
(TETRA) ; Voice Plus Data (V+ D ) ; Designers' Guide; Part 2: Traffic Aspects , " Sophia
Antipolis: ETS I, 1 9 97.
ETR 300-3, "Radio Equipment and Systems (RES) ; Trans-European Trunked Radio
(TETRA) ; Voice Plus Data (V+D); Designers' Guide; Part 3 : Direct Mode O peration
(DMO ) , " Sophia Antipol is: ETS I , 1 9 97.
ETS 300 393- 1 , "Radio Equipment and Systems (RES ) ; Trans-European Trunked
Radio (TETRA) ; Packet Data Optimized (PDO) ; Part 1 : General Network Design , "
Sophia Antipolis: ETS! , 1 9 9 8 .
[9] Standards from APCO Project 25 are publ ished by the Telecommunications Industry
Association in their 1 02-series.
[ 1 0] See, for example, Scholtz, R. A. , "Multiple Access with Time-Hopping Impulse Modu
lation," in Proc. MIL COM, Oct. 1 99 3 ; or Win, M. Z . , and R. A. Scholtz, "Impulse
Radio: How It Works," IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 2, No. 1 , Jan. 1 9 9 8 , pp.
1 0- 1 2.
[ 1 1 ] Multiple Access Communications Ltd , "An Investigation into the Potential Impact of
Ultra-Wideband Transmission Systems," U.K. Rad i ocommunications Agency,
RA0699/TD OC/99/002, Feb. 2000.
[ 1 3] A waiver for limited use of UWB radio by fi re and pol ice departments i n the United
States was granted by the FCC on June 29, 1 99 9 . This waiver is subject to the use not
interfering with other services.
The Combat Radio Subs),stem 259
[ I S] Bergen, J . , MzlltaJ]' Communz catlOns, A Test for Techno logy, Center for Military History,
U . S . Army: Washington, D . C . , 1 9 86, pp . 448-4 5 0 .
Tactical Data Distribution Subsystem
8.1 Introduction
262 Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
-------... ---- ._ .- . . _. _ . . . ._ .. -.__
. - ---_.-_._-
Low capacity
• Trunk netwo rk
mobility range
The basic requirements for the tactical data distribution subsystem are as
Command and control on the move. Like the combat radio subsystem, the
tactical data distribution subsystem must be capable of operation while on
the move without stopping. This requires that either there is no ground
based infrastructure or that this infrastructure is fully mobile. The require-
264 Tactical Communications fo r the Digitized Battlefield
ments of command and control on the move makes line unsuitable as a sole
means of communications; it favors, however, the use of radio with omnidi
rectional antennas. All radios and terminals must also be sufficiently small
and robust enough that they can operate mounted in vehicles. Some termi
nals should also be capable of operating in a manpack role, although these
terminals may have a lower level of capability than those mounted in vel
Multiple access. The spectrum available for military use is not likely to ex
pand, while the variety of systems that make use of the electromagnetic spec Se
, .
tion subsystem should not constrain the locations of headquarters or other CO�
elements. This applies both while on the move and in static locations. A
commander should also be able to alter command arrangements within a for
mation or unit without having to fundamentally restructure the tactical data
distribution subsystem. Finally, support for precedence and preemption is
required, including a formal management capability.
OoS. The tactical data distribution subsystem would normally support m:t
only data (i.e., non-real-time services) and would normally be optimized to vul
carry real-time situational awareness data. While not imposing the same de dir
lay constraints as voice, much of this data (such as location information) is su�
time-critical. Such data is usually not sensitive to loss, however, because it
is transmitted at regular intervals.
for extended periods. As discussed for the combat radio subsystem in Chap
ter 7, continuous operation of equipment for 2 4 hours should be able to be p�
achieved without replenishment of batteries. n
The tactical data distri
Operation in all geographic and climatic conditions. n
In the tactical data distribution subsystem, like the combat radio subsystem,
many stations transmit RF energy onto a single channel. Multiple access is
required to share the electromagnetic spectrum between these stations.
For the purposes of this discussion, we define a user community as a l�
' ( "s
ble allocation of channel capacity is not required, synchronous TDMA can �
J !
, '
CSMA. CSMA is the access technique used by current CNR, for both ana
log and digital voice. By shortening transmissions through digitization,
throughput in a CSMA system may be significantly increased. The major re
maining drawback of CSMA is that it is not possible to achieve throughput
higher than approximately 50% of channel capacity for data.
CDMA. Because of the near-far effect, CDMA is not suitable for use as a
multiple-access technique except where there is only a single transmitter or
a single receiver. This is achieved in mobile telephone networks because all
transmissions either emanate from or are destined for a base station. In the
tactical data distribution subsystem, it is usually the case that all stations are
required to be able to transmit and to receive transmissions from all other
of retransmission (both of which are often required for the exchange of situa
tional awareness data between mobile terminals), it may make sense to sepa
rate user communities in the same geographic area using TDMA, while using
a different multiple-access technique (such as FDMA) to separate these
groups of user communities. This use of TDMA also facilitates demand
assignment of capacity, increasing the flexibility of allocation of communica If
tions resources. Use of TDMA as the sole multiple-access technique to sepa I
rate user communities spread over very large areas is inefficient because large '/
CSMA. Efficient operation of CSMA requires a small number of transmit II
ters and that all transceivers can hear all other transmitters. This is rarely the II
'I I
case across a wide area, making CSMA infeasible as a multiple-access tech I ;!:
.\ J:\
nique between user communities.
II !
COMA. The near-far effect usually makes the use of CDMA for providing
multiple access between user communities infeasible. 8,
Time hopping. The use of time hopping to provide multiple access between L tr
user communities allows for very flexible allocation of capacity and the re i tl
moval of the need for frequency management, and makes possible simple, I: I�' �
digital receivers. In the tactical data distribution subsystem, however, termi CI
nals may be required to retransmit signals associated with different user com- Ii )� 0'(
\ 1 1:
1' 1
il l
Tactical Data Distribution Subsystem 269
In this section, possible solutions for the tactical data distribution subsystem
are reviewed. These solutions are data-capable CNR, packet radio, ad hoc
networks, repeated TDMA (such as EPLRS and TADIL-J), base-station
architectures, UWB radio, and low-capacity TADILs such as TADIL-A,
Many of the systems reviewed here provide capabilities other than com
munications, which are not discussed.
II Command and control on the move. Data-capable VHF CNR is capable of
I operation on the move in both manpack and vehicle configurations.
---j -�-- -
- - - ----. ----..
•.. --
270 Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
Support for the chain of command. Little support for precedence or preemp
tion is provided. The allocation of capacity between nets is also relatively
DoS. As long as a net is not congested, relatively low delay can be obtained,
so long as preambles are not used for synchronization of crypto-equipment.
Delays of several seconds may be caused by such preambles, which are com
monly used by the current generation of CNR equipment.
EP. Integral forward error correction may be provided. Other EP, such as
frequency hopping may be available by the use of an applique device.
Command and control on the move. Packet radio provides a high level of mo
bility, and does not require ground-based infrastructure.
Support for the chain of command. Support for precedence and preemption
is not provided within a net. A limited capability could be provided by inter
net bridging.
Simplicity. While the use of a fixed net structure is a useful means for mini
mizing the technical risk of fielding a packet radio, it greatly reduces the abil
ity of the radio to cope with changes in the internet topology, even though
changes in the intranet topology are managed transparently.
Security. Packet radio systems usually have built-in security devices. The
use of preambles for synchronization leads to very low efficiency in handling
large quantities of small messages, however, as is required for the tactical data
distribution subsystem.
EP. The use of lower transmit power in packet radio than in data-capable
CNR provides one means of EP. Additional measures, such as frequency
hopping and FEC, are also likely to be available. NTD R
NTDR is an experimental system being developed by the U.S. Army under
the Force XXI program to explore the limits of near-term technology and to
provide a technical baseline for development of a multiband, multimode
digital radio system. Its architecture is based on:
throughput is available depending on the geographic relationship of users 11
employing automatic frequency reuse and availability of additional frequen 1
cies. In a typical brigade application the aggregate throughput can be more :1
than 2 Mbps. Message delivery times are claimed to be less than 0.10 second ilI
for a single hop. A typical mission thread comprising four hops takes less F
The NTDR will operate from a single 28-V dc source. Its output er
power will be dynamically set between 2 mW and 20W. The operating fre
quency range is 225 to 450 MHz, with a channel bandwidth of 4 MHz. Ii
Because each unit is capable of acting as an information relay point, a net
work of NTDR may extend over a large area. Dynamic multipath equaliza
tion is claimed to maintain the on-the-move range at 50 km per hour to i1
within 10% of the static range.
I, p;
. I M i l itary Uti l ity
Support for the chain of command. Support for precedence and preemption
requires a network management function. In addition to any automation,
some means for human intervention is necessary, suggesting that a com
pletely self-managing network is not necessarily ideal. ill
DoS. As long as the network does not become congested, an ad hoc net
work is able to provide an appropriate QoS for data. The difficulties that this
! .
, ,
: 1
, I
, I Tactical Data Distribution Subsystem 275
r] technology has with real-time services are probably not relevant to the tacti
I! cal data distribution subsystem. TA D IL-J
TADIL-J operation is based on all-informed nets. Multiple access
between nets is provided by a combination of frequency hopping, FDMA,
and CDMA. The 51 channels are supported. Multiple access within a net is
provided by TDMA. The TDMA structure is shown in Figure 8. 2. Time slots
of 7. 8125 ms are allocated to stations on the net. The 1,536 time slots malze
Tactical Data Distribution Subsystem 277
up a time frame, and 64 time frames form an epoch. Each station on the net is
allocated at least one time slot per epoch.
Table 8.1 shows the TADIL-J maximum range and data rates, which
depend on the operating mode.
EP in TADIL-J is provided by a combination of frequency hopping with
an instantaneous hop rate of 77,000 hops per second over 51 frequencies [4],
DSSS with a spreading gain of 6.4 and a chip rate of 5 MHz, repeated trans
mission with data optionally transmitted twice in successive hops, and forward
error detection and correction, using a (31, 15) Reed-Solomon code. In each
hop, the transmitter is turned on for 6.4 flS, which means that power from a
jammer with transmitter-jammer-receiver path length 2 km longer than the
transmitter-receiver path length will reach the receiver after the end of the data
transmission [5] . TADIL-J contains an embedded cryptographic system to
provide secure communications.
In the u.S. Army, TADIL-J terminals will be assigned to division,
corps, and echelons above corps (EAC) . These terminals will support
12.8-minute epoch
; i
Guard interval
Syncronous burst
Table 8.1
TADIL-J Operati n g Mode s
After Error
Guard Interval Correction Hops per
Mode Guard Interval (ms) Range Limit (nm) (Kbps) Second p EPLRS
The value of being able to accurately locate friendly forces has long been
clear, even though it has not been technically feasible to build an automated e:
position locating and reporting system until relatively recently. Technology
developments in the 1970s made possible a radio network in which stations
could use time delay to measure their distances from other stations, and with
the help of a control facility, to use this information to build up a picture of pi
the locations of surrounding friendly forces. This system, which first saw n
service with the U.S. Marine Corps, was known as the Position Locating and
Reporting System (PLRS). While such a locating system may seem redun c;
dant with the availability of GPS, it still provides an important means for
locating friendly forces, especially in high-intensity conflicts where the integ
rity of the GPS system may be threatened locally by jamming or globally by
destruction of satellites [6]. The parallel requirement to pass data other than
location data led to the development of the EPLRS [7], which is entering
service with the U.S. Army.
The two basic types of EPLRS unit are the EPLRS User Unit (EPUU),
and the EPLRS NCS. The EPLRS NCS, which is vehicle-mounted, controls
the net and provides timing for synchronization. All other EPLRS stations
can be either vehicle-mounted or manpacked with a weight of approximately
12 kg. A limited-functionality, light-weight terminal (approximately 3 kg)
has also recently been released. p,
Tactical Data Distribution Subsystem 279
Frequencies in the range of 420 to 450 MHz are used, with the band
being segmented into eight channels, each having 3-MHz bandwidth. Multi
ple access within a net is provided by TDMA technology, in which users
transmit information in bursts during predetermined time slots. Multiple
access between nets is provided by a combination of FDMA, frequency hop
ping, and CDMA.
The EPLRS radio supports a variety of data communications services,
providing both point-to-point links and an extensive multicast capability,
including all-informed nets. Data rates up to 57.6 Kbps per connection,
known as a needline, are possible, with rates in excess of 200 Kbps likely to
be available in the near future. Common use sees one EPLRS user commu
nity per brigade, with a maximum area of approximately 47 X 47 km. Each
EPLRS user community has a maximum practical data capacity of between
300 and 450 Kbps, depending on configuration. This capacity is reduced
when retransmission is required. Capacity is also reduced when the area over
which the user community increases because of the requirement for larger
guard intervals between TDMA slots.
The EPLRS NCS has evolved from the PLRS master station through
the addition of processing capabilities to automatically manage the initial
assignment of the communication paths. The actual relay assignments and
evaluation of the performance of the communication paths between host ter
minals is monitored by the firmware in the individual EPUU. In the event
that distribution paths are disrupted due to adversary jamming and terrain,
the EPUU will take action to reestablish the required needline. The NCS
provides position location, navigation, and identification services and all the
, '
network management for the EPLRS control net.
[II i The network management capability also enables EPLRS to automati
cally build the network from scratch with no prior connectivity information
and to automatically adapt to the changing battlefield conditions of terrain
masking, user motion, jammer dynamics, and varying subscriber data com
munications requirements. In addition, the net management design accom-
, modates assignment and deletion of military users to the network.
Continuity of operations in EPLRS is maintained by software that per
mits data communications to continue along established paths if an NCS is
lost. If the loss of a station occurs, the division's NCS or an adjacent brigade's
NCS automatically assumes net control of the affected EPUU community.
Additional continuity of operations can be gained by the placement of an
additional NCS in division rear to assume net control either in planned dis
placement or during unplanned sudden loss of any NCS. In dispersed opera
tions a brigade may need an internal redundant NCS.
280 Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
Support for the chain of command. The ability to support large user commu
nities maximizes the flexibility of support for changes in command arrange
ments. The support of these large user communities is especially important
for communications supporting situational awareness.
DoS. Appropriate QoS for data is supported. Providing low delay voice
services may also be possible, assuming that sufficient capacity is available.
that are within direct communications range. Efficient rebroadcast can also
be supported where range-extension is required.
EP. Built-in EP, including spread spectrum and FEe, is commonly avail
able. In TOMA systems, where most stations are transmitting at regular in
.� tervals, high-performance EP systems are of great importance.
�. ,1
' .1
Command and control on the move. Base stations typically require extensive en
gineering in addition to being stationary during operation, and are unlikely to
be able to operate on the move.
Flexibility. .As long as sufficient base stations are deployed and sufficient
resources are available for inter-base-station communications, base-station
architectures can support dispersed forces. The inter-base-station trunk infra
structure would therefore require augmentation for dispersed operations. The
ability of a base-station architecture to provide area coverage in dispersed op
erations may also be limited by the coverage of the limited number of available
base stations. This difficulty could be reduced by the use of a base station
mounted on an airborne platform, as described in Chapter 9.
8.4.6 UWB Radio
The operation of UWB radio is described in Section 7.4.6. Its primary dis
tinguishing feature is the use of extremely wide bandwidths, with time hop
ping used to provide multiple access.
Command and control on the move. Full operation on the move is possible.
Support for the chain of command. With the use of a control station, the to
Flexibility. UWB radio may require bridging between enclaves in dispersed fa,
operations, which is likely to be based on more conventional communica eu
tions technology. all;J
Tactical Data Distribution Subsystem 285
EP. The use of time hopping for multiple access is itself a means of EP,
which provides a high level of protection against detection and intercept, and
a moderate level of protection against jamming (which is limited by the need
to use low transmitter powers to minimize interference with other parts of
the tactical communications system) . FEe may also be used.
Power source. Because of their low transmit power, UWB radios are likely
to provide high efficiency and a long battery life.
8.4.7 . 1 TA D IL-A
TADIL-A (also known as Link- I IA) employs netted communicatio ns tech
niques using standard message formats. TADIL-A radios can operate in the
HF band, giving a range of up to 300 nm, or the UHF band, giving a range
of approximately 25 nm surface-to-surface or up to 150 nm surface-to-air.
TADIL-A data links operate at rates of 1,364 bps (HF/UHF) or 2,250 bps
(UHF) . The modulation scheme is differential QPSK [8] .
TADIL-A normally operates on a polling system with a net control sta
tion polling each participant in turn for his or her data. In addition to this J TA D I L- 8 TA D I L- C
Command and control on the move. The use of HF in some systems limits the
capability for communications on the move. Other systems, operating the
VHF and UHF bands, do have sufficient mobility.
QoS. Non-real-time services are supported. Some FEC is provided, but the
primary means of error recovery is to wait for the same data to be transmitted
again. This works well for data such as platform tracks, where the loss of a
single transmission has little impact on the overall track plotted.
Multicast capability. Some systems support multicast data within nets. The
low capacities of these systems and the difficulty of providing rebroadcast be
tween nets make the establishment of flexible user communities, as required
for land situational awareness, difficult.
J L - - _ _ _
288 Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
8.5 Preferred S o l ut i o n
8.6 Conclusion
R a n g e/ c a p a c l ty/ I n sufficient I nsuffi c i e n t I n suffic i ent H i g h capac ity Base stat i o n must be Pote ntial for I nsuff i c i e n t
mobility tra d e-off capac ity capac ity c a p acity a n d m o b ility stati o n a ry h i g h capacity c a p a city
a n d m o b ility I �
'N •
Command and Yes Yes Yes Yes Base stat i o n must be Yes Yes
co ntrol stati o n a ry
on the m ove ;:,
Support for c h a i n Poor Poor Pos s i b ly poor Yes Base stati o n s Yes Unli kely to be t;
of c o m m a n d p e rform a n c e p e rfo r m a n c e p e rfo r m a n c e unli kely to be integral asset ::t
...: .
when when when i ntegral a s s ets at all l evels :;::
'N •
[1] U . S . Army Field Manual F M 1 1 -7 5 , "Battlefield Information S ervices (BIS ) , " Sept.
1 9 94.
[2] See, for example, Chapter 3 of Frater, M. R., and M. Ryan, Electronic Warfare for the
Digitized Battlefield, Norwood, MA.: Artech House, 200 1 .
[3] See, for example:
Stiglitz, M., "The Joint Tactical Information Distribution System," Microwave Journal,
Oct. 1 9 87.
Toone, ] . , and S . Titmas, " Introduction to JTIDS," Signal, Aug. 1 987, pp. 5 5-5 9 .
[4] B ecause guard intervals are required to accommodate the changing distances between
transmitters and receivers, the transmitter is turned off for some of the time. The
number of hops actually occurring in 1 second is therefore less than the instantaneous
hop rate.
[5 ] Frater, M . R. , and M. Ryan, Electronic Warfare for the Digitized Battlefield, Norwood,
MA.: Artech House, 200 1 , pp. 79-84 .
Bond, L., "Global Positioning Sense," Proc. 2 5 th Annual Convention and Technical
Symposium, International Loran Association, S an Diego, CA, Nov. 1 99 6 .
Tactical Data Distribution Subsystem 29 1
[7] U . S . Army Field Manual FM 24-4 1 "Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures fo r the
Enhanced Position Locatio n Repo rting System (EPLRS) , " Final D raft, J uly 1 9 9 9 .
9.1 Introduction
294 Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
critical operations from a helicopter-borne command post, there was less need
for airborne relays when commanders were airborne [3] .
This chapter examines the utility of a tactical airborne subsystem in
support of future land warfare. Advantages of an airborne communications
platform are discussed and payload requirements are analyzed. Some limita
tions are examined before an upper-level architecture is presented. Potential
platform types are discussed and relative costs are outlined.
Although most commercial systems are proposed for operation in the strato
sphere, an airborne platform could potentially operate at any height. Table
9.1 shows some representative operating heights that offer possible solutions
to requirements for the tactical airborne subsystem.
As can be seen from the table, the lower the altitude, the shorter the
communications range to ground terminals, and more platforms would
therefore be required to cover a particular area of operations (AO). Addition
ally, a larger number of platforms would be required at the lower height to
maintain 24-hour coverage due to the shorter endurance.
296 Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
Table 9.1
Possible Platform Heights for the Tactlca I Airborne Subsystem
loiter Altitude 65,000 feet 45,000 feet 25,000 feet 13,000 feet
(above (above (In commercial (In commercial
commercial commercial airspace) airspace)
airspace) airspace)
500-650 km 400 km 300 km 150 km
From [5]
cations platform been available during the Gulf War, true communications
I on the move could have been provided to support a fast-moving, wide
, I
: i
298 Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
- 500 km
Once the requirement for a tactical airborne subsystem has been accepted on
the basis of range extension for the other subsystems in the tactical commu
nications system, a number of additional communications services can be
provided from the airborne platform.
� · -----zz _____ �
pes access. It may be possible to mount a cellular pes base station on the
airborne platform and provide digital mobile telephony coverage within the
footprint. However, commercial pes base stations tend to be large and
heavy, although there are some initiatives within the commercial industry to
reduce size and weight. There are a number of programs in the United States
and Europe that are examining the possibility of airborne pes base stations.
300 Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
Theater broadcast. The airborne platform offers two opportunities with re
gard to theater broadcast: broadcast relay and in-theater broadcast.
Tactical Airborne Subsystem 301
1\ ,---- __ _ _
302 Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
Direct line-of-sight
Direct line-of-sight control would require that the gro und control station is
always in line-of-sight of the airborne platform, thereby limiting the range
of the airborne platform. As noted in Section 9 5. . 1 . 2 , at the highest operat
ing points of 20 km, this range is often limited to 2 0 0 km for antennas with
a 5° takeoff angle. The requirement fo r line-of-sight would also invariably
imply that the control station and the platform are forward-deployed
into the area of operations, increasing system vulnerability and support
req Ulremen ts.
UHF satellite
Satellite command links are perhaps the best option, as the control station
can be anywhere within the satellite footprint. One of the advantages of
satellite-based command links is that the control station can remain in the
strategic environment and the platform does not necessarily have to be
forward-deployed. For the Global Hawk UAV, for example, this means that
the control station and aircraft base can remain in the strategic environment
and reach operating areas that are up to 5,600 km (8 hours transit time)
away. This operating range adequately covers those areas required by most
countries for tasks in defense of regional interests .
Despite its major advantages, the use of an airborne platform does have a
number of operational limitations.
While weather will have a small effect on propagation to and from the air
borne platform, that effect is either negligible or easily accommodated. At
frequencies above 1 GHz, propagation to and from the airborne platform
will suffer attenuation by rain and cloud as the radio wave passes through the
E �
Elevation angle 0°
(I) 400
300 /"
/ ---
200 c...--
--- l-f...--
10 20 30 40 50 60
Platform height (x 1,000 ttl
Figure 9.5 Airborne range extension radius as a function of height, for various antenna
elevation angles [9].
306 Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
I '
munications ranges when the supported force is dispersed. If the force is dis
persed, then it must be assumed that air superiority has been attained, in
which case the airborne platform is not vulnerable. The corollary is that, if air
superiority has not been attained, the force will not be dispersed and the
requirement for an airborne platform is not so great because communica
tions ranges are much shorter.
UHF Line-of-sight control
SATCOM data link communications
C CM I--- Subsystem interconnection (ATM switch) bus, switching
and control
I I 1
Combat Theater JTIDS communications
radio broadcast (Link 16) systems
Figure 9.6 Upper-level view of the tactical airborne subsystem's payload architecture.
There are three main potential platforms for the tactical airborne subsystem:
piloted aerial vehicles, UAV, and aerostats (balloons) . While piloted airborne
communications platforms have been employed during World War II and
other conflicts such as the Vietnam War, UAV and aerostat platforms have
generally been considered somewhat eccentric. However, a number of com
mercial consortia-such as Angel Technologies, Sky S tation, Astrolink,
EuroSkyWay, SkyBridge, and Teledesic-are currently developing systems
in competition with broadband satellite-based projects [ 1 0] . §
;: 1[
,I i,
\ l
\.. "
Tactical Airborne Subsystem 309
9.7.2 UAV
� E
...c Q.)
en � en
Q.)o >-
1iJ1n en co
0 en en en en
o::t co co >- >-
�.s co
co co co
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of-' "-
:.c<l: :::>
- Q.) :::l
U C/)
:::.:::: co
C/) >-
0 co en ..... en
� -
co .....
Q.)o::t E
C/) en
.... . .:!:
...c 0)0
C::o - co
Cl- .....
.- 0 In
:::l of-' :::l ._
� co
..... U
w C/)
r >
314 Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
• A flyaway transit case launch and recovery element that can deploy
early in a contingency operation and allow in-theater mission con
trollers to direct the can;
for terrestrial line-of-sight radio relays, and provide new types of communica
tions services directly to the warfighter.
Tethered aerostats. Aerostats may be tethered, that is, tied to the ground.
Tethered aerostats have found particular application in elevating sensors and
are used in surveillance tasks in such locations as U.S. -Mexico and Iraq
Kuwait borders. In the commercial environment, tethered aerostats are also
finding increasing application. For example, Platform Wireless International
Corporation plans to use a tethered 1 ,25 0-pound airborne payload to pro
vide cellular telephone service to a 1 40-mile-diameter region in Brazil [20J .
However, tethered aersotats tend to have limited ranges due to their low alti
tudes of around 1 7, 5 0 0 feet (constrained by the technology of the tethering
cable and weather conditions) .
als and weaves. However, in the event of a loss of b uoyancy, the automated
master control system can be enabled to propel the platform safely to a water Ii
9.8 Costs
·m 'I
AJ- I,1 Current proposals for commercial stratospheric systems anticipate costs of
for between $ 5 0 million and $ 1 billion as opposed to approximately $9 billion
the :; for an LEO satellite constellation. In the absence of detailed user require
me !i ments, accurate costs are currently difficult to estimate and compare for each
:1 potential platform. However, the following indicative costs allow some basis
ted for comparison.
Iter The U.S. ACN is currently under design by three U.S . teams headed by
II ii Raytheon, Sanders, and TRW. DARPA believes that a full flyaway capability
can be achieved for less than $5 million per aircraft unit. Taking into account
full operating costs, Australian estimates for Global Hawk life-cycle costs
de- (one platform and ground equipment) are approximately $ 1 billion in Aus
bile tralian dollars over 1 0 years (acquisition cost and 7 years of operating costs)
[23J . For a smaller platform, estimates for 1 3 Predator-based platforms are
on- I $ 1 8 million over fiscal years 1 997 to 2002 [24J .
slg- II Although difficult to quantify precisely, costs for aerostat-based solu
iI tions are expected to be at least one-half that of UAV solutions, depending
, m
on the desired mission profiles . For example, the total investment for the
318 T a c U c a l C o m m u n i c a t i o n s f o r t h e O I Q l t l z e d 8 a t1 1 e f l e l d
9.9 Co n c l us i o n s
The tactical airborne communications system provides a s i gn i fican t improve
ment in communications ranges by extending the combat radio, tactical
� i
trunk, and tactical data distribution subsystems. In addition, it allows for 1�
:1 I'
command and control on the move across an AO with a radius of between ii fi
Ii I: ,
200 and 500 km. The deployment of an airborne platform offers additional 'I
opportunities in the provision of other communications services such as r/, !
theater broadcast and pes. I
i :!
Despite the need to resolve a number of technical challenges, there are
a number of potential subspace platforms that will be able to meet the
I 'I
requirements of a tactical airborne subsystem in support of land operations.
The precise platform type and payload will depend of the nature of the
;I:1 'i
operational requirement, but it is considered that the larger systems have the II I
most potential due their larger capacities and higher operating altitudes, lead
ing to longer ranges for communication range extension.
Endnotes I
[1] Meyer, c . , Division-Level Communications 1962-1973, D epartment of the Army: I
Washington, D . C . , 1 982. I
Bergen, J . , Militmy Communications A Test for Technology, Center for Military History,
[2] I
United States Army: Washington, D . C . , 1 9 86, pp. 1 4 2, 1 5 6, and 2 8 5 . II
[3] Bergen, ] . , Militmy Communications A Test for Technology, Center fo r Military History, II
United States Army: Washington, D . C . , 1 986, p . 1 6 4 . I
Bern, D . , T. Wieckowski, and R. Zielinski, " B roadband Satellite Systems, " IEEE Com
munications Surveys, Vol. 3, No. 1 , 2000, available on-line at http : //www . com
soc. org/pubs/surveys/ 1 qOOissue/zielinski .html.
[5] This table is based o n the similar UAV requirements of Warfighter Infonnation Network
(WIN) Master Plan, Commander, U . S . Army Signal Center and Fort Gordon: Forr
Gordon, GA, Version 3, June 3, 1 9 97.
TactIcal An'bonze Subsystem 3i 9
[6] McAl l ister, M . , and S. Zabradac, " H i gh -Alti tude-En d u rance Un m a n n e d AerIal Veh i
cles P i ck U p Com m un i cations N o d e , " A mI)1 CommUillcator, S p r I n g 1 9 9 6 , p p . 2 1 -2 3 .
[7] Ai rborne relays were used fo r this p u rpose by U . S . fo rces In Vietn am ; see, fo r exam p l e :
Berge n , J . , Milum), Co mmumcatzo 72S A Test jor TechnoLogy, Center fo r M I l I tary H I s tory,
U n ited S tates Army: Was h i n gto n , D . C . , 1 9 8 6 , pp. 3 9 2-3 9 3 .
[8] Ackerman, R. , " D efense D epartm e n t Res earch ers Ai m fo r S ky-Based SwItchboard s , "
Signal, Ap ril 1 9 9 9 , p p . 65-67.
[ 1 0] I n addition t o t h e references cited i n the fol lowi n g secti o n s , further i n format I o n can b e
fo u n d i n :
Kop p , c . , "Angels, HALOs and Atm ospheric Networks , " A ustralian CommU771CatlollS,
Sept. 1 9 9 9 , p p . 23-3 0 .
[ 1 2] See S caled Composites LLC p ress release a t http :// www .scaled . com/news/p r 1 1 0 1 0 0 . h t m .
[ 1 3J Unless o th e rwise noted, t h e i n formation i n this annex is b ased o n detai ls l o cated a t the
[ 1 6J This annex is largely an extract o f t h e ACN descri ption i n Wlarfighta Injormatloll Nct
Vers i o n 3 , J u n e 3 , ] 9 9 7 .
wor/;: !l1aster PLan, Com mander, U . S . Army S i gnal Center and F o rt G o rdo n ,
[ 1 7J Warfighter Injo rmatio n Networ/;: (1)(111") !l1asta Plall, Commander, U.S. Army S i gnal
Center and Fort G o rd o n , Vers i o n 3 , J u n e 3 , 1 9 9 7 .
:1 '
[ 1 9] An n o u n ced a t t h e S e o u l Air S h ow 2 0 0 1 -see http: //seo u l airs h ow . c o m / E n g/N e\\'sIA ITI
c1e/article_ 1 4 . h tm .
6 8_ST0 5 8 3 2 ] , 0 0 . h t m l .
:" 1
Tactical Network Interfaces
10.1 Introduction
Previous chapters have described the tactical trunk subsystem, the tactical
data distribution subsystem, and the combat radio subsystem. This chapter
describes the internal interfaces between these subsystems within the tactical
communications system and the external interfaces between the tactical com
munications system and supported systems, overlaid communications sys
tems, and strategic communications system. These interfaces are the key to
the future of the tactical communications system, because they are the glue
that will allow a network to be built from the previously separate subsystems.
It has been shown in previous chapters that because there are differing
requirements for mobility and capacity, it is not feasible with current or
foreseeable technology to provide the tactical communications system as a
physically homogeneous network. It is essential, nonetheless, to provide a
system that forms a single logical network to facilitate the movement of data
throughout the battlespace. This is in line with current trends in commercial
networking technology. The interfaces between the different parts of the tac
tical communications system and between it and other systems play an
important part in this integration.
Within the tactical communications system, the following interfaces
are required:
322 Tactic a l Com m unications for the Dig itized B a ttl efie l d
The local subsystem will provide the interface between supported sys
tems and the tactical communications system. It will also provide limited
interfaces between the various subsystems. Because one of the primary pur
poses of the local subsystem is to provide interfaces, we do not consider
explicitly the interfaces between it and other systems.
This chapter begins with a general consideration of the basic require
ments of interfaces, followed by an overview of the local subsystem. The
more detailed structure of the interfaces nominated above is then considered
in turn. The chapter concludes with an overview of the remaining issues that
require further study.
Like other parts of the tactical communications system, the interfaces, both
internal and external, have a number of basic requirements.
Flexibility. A user should be able to connect the same terminal to the tactical
communications system at any interface regardless of location with minimal
variation in the procedures used. The only major difference that is visible to
the user should be the variation in capacities across the network. There
should also be minimal differences between interfaces provided for concen
trated forces to those provided for dispersed forces.
Simplicity. Interfaces will often be operated by personnel who are not spe
� cialist communicators. It is therefore necessary that use of an interface does
I'J Precedence and preemption. Support for precedence and preemption at in
terfaces is especially important to resolve contention for the use of limited re
Security. Interfaces must support the security architecture of the tactical
communications system. Interfaces may therefore provide encryption and
decryption services. They may also provide support for services such as over
the-air rekeying of cryptographic equipment.
I Power source. An interface should be capable of being operated from the
I same type of power source as other elements of the tactical communications
system operating in the same location.
! l
1\-----.---. ___. . ____. "__ ._
324 Tactical Com m unications for the Dig itized B a ttl efield
Aggregation of traffic from user terminals may occur in a local area such as a
headquarters. The system performing this function will be referred to as the
Tactical Network Inteifaces 325
Table 10.1
Possible Types of User Terminals and Their Associated Users
Data terminal, varying Data, including text, graphics, Staff officers and commanders at all
from personal digital and Imagery levels; for users at battalion and
assistant (PDA) to desk- above, the data terminal is likely to
top computer be integrated Into multimedia
terminal in the future
Multimedia terminal A wide range of voice and Staff officer or commander supported
data, supplying all services by vehicles, most likely at battalion
provided by other types of and higher
terminals, but at the cost of
higher cost and complexity
f fc
326 Ta ctica l Com m unications for the Dig itized B a ttl efie l d
for making local telephone calls or telephone calls via the tactical trunk sub
system. The local subsystem may also provide an alternate for routing
between nets in the combat radio subsystem, and the interface between the
combat radio subsystem and the tactical data distribution subsystem.
In a larger headquarters, as illustrated in Figure 1 0.2, the local subsys
tem may support a range of multimedia terminals, allowing users to access
the full facilities of all subsystems of the tactical communications system.
This local subsystem may provide an access node for the tactical trunk sub
system, and an alternate for routing between nets in the combat radio subsys
tem, routing and switching in the tactical trunk subsystem, the interface
between the combat radio subsystem and the tactical data distribution sub
system, the interface between the tactical data distribution subsystem and the
tactical trunk subsystem, and the interface between the tactical trunk subsys
tem and overlaid communications systems.
The various types of local subsystems are summarized in Table 1 0.2.
The basic requirements of interfaces in the tactical communications system
are applied to the local subsystem as follows.
s ubsystem
, l
328 Tactical Com munications for the Digitize d B a ttlefield
Table 10.2
Types of Local Subsystems
Location Description
Flexibility. While equipment providing the local subsystem may vary due to
differing requirements of mobility, capacity, and power source, commonality
of interfaces to user terminals and communications equipment should be
subsystem that connects only to the tactical data distribution subsystem may
Security. The operation of a local subsystem should not conflict with secu
rity requirements. This may require the provision of encryption within a lo
cal subsystem where cabling runs over significant distances .
Minimal mutual interference. The local subsystem should not generate any
electromagnetic interference (EMI) that inhibits the operation of another in
terface or any other part of the tactical communications system. This should
hold regardless of whether all ports of the local subsystem are in use, or some
are unconnected.
Power source. The power source of a local subsystem should be the same as
either the attached user terminals or communications equipment.
mUnICatlOns eqUlpment.
Connectivity between the combat radio subsystem and the tactical trunk
subsystem must support the passage of both voice and data.
330 Tactical Commurllcatlons for the Digitized Battlefield
Connectivity between the combat radio subsystem and the tactical data dis
tribution subsystem must support the passage of data. A real-time voice
interface is only required if the tactical data distribution subsystem carries
this type of traffic. It is expected that this would not normally be the case, as
, I
Tactical Network Inte1faces 331
Connectivity between the tactical data distribution subsystem and the tacti
cal trunk subsystem must support the passage of data. No requirement exists
for a voice interface between the tactical data distribution subsystem and the
tactical trunk subsystem. This is because the tactical data distribution subsys
tem does not carry real-time conversational services such as voice.
For non-real-time data, the interface should permit the passage of mes
sages and other data in both directions. Unless the protocols used in the tac
tical trunk subsystem and tactical data distribution subsystem are identical,
the interface will need to provide the full functionality of a gateway.
Gateway functions associated with this interface should be part of the
trunk communications subsystem, since its mobility requirement is less than
that of the tactical data distribution subsystem. The interface is therefore
managed as part of the tactical trunk subsystem.
In addition to providing a gateway to the tactical data distribution sub
system, the tactical trunk subsystem may also provide a direct bridging capa
bility between nets on the tactical data distribution subsystem. This differs
from the gateway function in that it does not require messages and other data
to be converted to protocols known to the tactical trunk subsystem. In this
situation, the tactical trunk subsystem provides a VPN functionality for the
tactical data distribution subsystem.
Every node in the tactical trunk subsystem should be capable of provid
ing an interface to the tactical data distribution subsystem.
The tactical airborne subsystem is used to extend the range of the tactical
trunk subsystem, the tactical data distribution subsystem, and the combat
radio subsystem.
This interface creates no new interface requirements. If it extends the
combat radio subsystem, it carries equipment from the combat radio subsys
tem. If it provides an interface between combat radio and tactical trunk sub
systems, it will carry equipment from both subsystems, including the same
interface as would be used if this interface were provided on the ground.
Two possibilities are foreseen for which a new interface may be
required in the future. These are situations in which the tactical airborne
subsystem includes a surrogate satellite transponder, in which case different
ground-based equipment may be required from that used for conventional
\1 --
Tactical Network Intelfaces 333
There exist a large number of external systems to which the tactical commu
nications system must interface, including supported systems, the strategic
communications system, and overlaid communications systems. This section
describes interfaces to these external systems.
satellites [4]. The GIG allows operational and strategic networks to act as
overlaid communications systems.
The basic requirements of interfaces in the tactical commUnIcatlons
system are applied as follows.
DoS. This interface should support both real-time services such as voice and
non-real-time data services.
Flexibility. It is desirable that the differences other than capacity in this in
terface due to the use of different bearers be minimized.
Simplicity. While part of this interface resides with a node of the tactical
communications system, it should be managed as part of the strategic com
munications system. A higher level of complexity is therefore permissible
than for interfaces that must be managed by users.
Security. The interface must support the security architectures of the tacti
cal communications system and strategic communications system and maxi
mize the ability of services to be provided across both systems.
Minimal mutual interference. This interface should not generate any electro
magnetic interference that inhibits the operation of another interface or any
other part of the tactical communications system.
The PSTN provides a circuit-swi tched network that supports a range of serv
ices, including voice, video, and data. The services available depend on the
type of connection used. Commonly available connections are a single chan
nel analog interface, that can carry either one voice call or data at rates up to
approximately 30 Kbps in ideal operating conditions; an ISDN basic rate
interface, which provides two 64-Kbps channels, each of which can carry a
single voice call, and a 16-Kbps signaling channel; and an ISDN primary rate
interface, providing a data rate of 2 Mbps or 30 multiplexed voice circuits.
The PSTN also provides a range of interfaces that support global roaming,
including interfaces to PCS and satellite communications systems.
Not all types of interface are available in all locations. ISDN interfaces,
in particular, are likely to be available only in maj or population centers.
The PSTN may be used as an overlaid communications system in order
to supplement the capacity of the tactical communications system, connect
the tactical communications system to the strategic communications system,
and provide connectivity between user terminals in the tactical communica
tions system and terminals attached to the PSTN.
Advantages offered by the use of the PSTN as an overlaid commu
nications system include provision of interconnection between tactical
communications system users and locations not served by the tactical com
munications system, such as civil authorities and civil logistics suppliers;
Tactical Network lnteifaces 337
Table 10.3
Interfaces to pes
Access for remote users Users who are outside the coverage
of Integral elements of the tactical
communications system may use pes
handsets to access the tactical
communications system via the PSTN
10.7 Conclusion
Table 10.4
Issues Requiring Study in the DeSign of Interfaces In the Tactical Communications System
Location Issues
Location Issues
[1] This concept of the local subsystem is similar to the LAS concept in BOWMAN. See,
for example, "Bowman Watershed," Military Technology, Nov. 1 998, pp. 51-53.
[ 2] ANSI/IEEE Std 802. 1 1 , "Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical
Layer (PHy) Specifications," Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 1 999.
[3] "Specification of the Bluetooth System," Bluetooth SIG, Version 1 . 1 , Feb. 200 1 .
[4] Policy for the GIG is defined in: U.S. Department of Defense Chief Information Offi
cer Guidance and Policy, Aug. 24, 2000, Memorandum 1 0-8460, "GIG Network
Operations," Memorandum 7-8 1 70, "GIG Information Management," and Memoran
dum 4-8460, "GIG Networks."
[5] Mouly, M., and M. Pautet, The GSM Systems for Mobile Communications, Palaiseau:
Cell and Sys, 1 992.
List of Acronyms
ac alternating current
AF audio frequency
AM amplitude modulation
AO area of operations
344 T a ctic a l Co mmun i c a t I O ns for the Digitized B a ttlefie l d
.. _ - _ . - -- - - -- _ . - -_. - - - - - ----- ------
AS K a m p l i tude s h i ft keyi ng
. .
ATU an t enn a tu nm g u nI t
BS base station
CA certificate authority
CO commanding officer
CP command post
CW carrier wave
de direct current
DF direction finding
EA electronic attack
EP electronic protection
ES electronic support
EW electronic warfare
List ofAcronyms 347
FH frequency hopping
FM frequency modulation
HF high frequency
348 Tactical Com m unications for th e Dig itized Battlefield
HQ headquarters
IF intermediate frequency
10 information operations
IP Internet Protocol
IR infrared
LF low frequency
I MF medium frequencies
Ii MOOW military operations other than war
:Ii1 MSC mobile switching center
'I I
MSE Mobile Subscriber Equipment
II MSS mobile satellite service
'I ,I
MTF message text format
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
. .
PM phase modulation
PN pseudo n o ise
ampl i tu d e m o dulati o n
keyin g
List ofAcrony ms 351
RF radio frequency
RS Reed-Solomon
SF special forces
' r-�--..- -. - � ------ -. - . - --- ----
352 Tactical Com m unications for the Dig itiz e d B attlefield
VF voice frequency
Dr. Michael ]. Ryan received his B.E., M.Eng. Sc. , and Ph.D. in electrical
engineering from the University of New South Wales, Canberra, Australia,
in 1 9 8 1 , 1 989, and 1 996, respectively. Since 1 98 1 , he has held a number of
positions in communications and systems engineering and in management
and proj ect management as a lieutenant colonel with the Royal Australian
Signal Corps. Since 1 998, he has been with the School of Electrical Engi
neering at the University of New South Wales at the Australian Defence
Force Academy, where he is currently a senior lecturer. His research and
teaching interests are in communications systems (network architectures,
electromagnetics, radio wave propagation, mobile communications, and sat
ellite communications) , information systems architectures, data compression
for remote sensing applications, systems engineering, project management,
r and technology management. He is the editor-in-chief of the Journal ofBat
tlefield Technology and has authored a number of articles on communications
I and information systems as well as a book on battlefield command systems.
He has also coauthored books on communications and information systems,
I tactical communications electronic warfare, and systems engineering.
Dr. Michael R. Frater is an associate professor at the School of Electrical
i Engineering at the University of New South Wales at the Australian Defence
I Force Academy. He has more than 1 0 years of experience in the development
i of communications systems and services, including videoconferencing and
I video and image surveillance. He has led a number of collaborative proj ects
I 353
i i,
354 Tactical Com m unications for th e Dig itized Battlefield
356 Tactical Com m un ications for the Digitized B a ttlefield
I )
i 1., _ __ _
360 Tactical Com munication s for the Digitize d B attlefield
j '---L. ___ _ ___ _ _____.. ___
364 Tactical Commun ication s for the Digitized B a ttlefield
range e x t e n S I O n , 1 2 8-29
tactl cal n e rw o rk II1 te rt�1ces , 3 2 3
siti ng, 1 2 8
P ro d u ct c o d e . 3 2
stations, 1 29
P r o p ag a t l o n , 5 7-64
Sa also T r u n k co m m u n i ca t i o n s
g ro u n d waves . 5 7 - 5 8
l o ng - d I S t a n c e 5 9
p a c k e t r3d i o , 2 3 2 , 2 7 1
a d v a n tages / d isadvan tages , 3 3 6 3 7 -
rep eatcd T D MA , 2 3 8 , 2 8 0
d e fl n e d , 3 3 6
t a c t i c a l d a t a d i s t r i b u t i o n s u b sy s t e m 263
I I1 te rfa c e , 3 3 6- 3 7 :.j
t 3 c r i c a [ n e two rk i n t e rfa ces , 3 2 2 ';1
P u l s e code m o d u l a n o ll ( p e M ) :;�.
t a c t i ca l uu n k s u b s ys t e m , 1 8 8 q
a d a p [ J v e d i lTe r e n r i a l (AD P C M ) , 2 8
U\X/B rad i o , 24 6 , 2 8 4 n
compariso n , 28 ii
d e fi n e d , 2 7
RA P s , 1 3 3-3 5 if
c o n n e C t i o n to t r u n k nerwork, 1 3 5 il
I, i\
Q u a d r a t u re 3 m p l i t u d e m o d u b t i o n l ayo u t , 1 3 6
(QAM ) , 3 9 [1
Qu a d ra t u r e PSK (QP S K)
m o b i l e s u bscri bers, 1 3 3
Receivers, 4 8 -4 9
d e fi n e d , 3 9
\ I
I ,
I i
' I
Index 367