rc7m 1
rc7m 1
rc7m 1
All products and company names mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
Note: The name of this manual has changed from the "RC7M Controller INTERFACE MANUAL" to the
RC7M controller
Connection Disconnection
To ensure operator safety, be sure to read the precautions and instructions in "SAFETY PRECAUTIONS."
Introduces you to the DENSO robot system and guides you through connecting the robot unit
and controller with each other, running the robot with the teach pendant, and making and
verifying a program. This manual is a comprehensive guide to starting up your robot system.
Describes how to set up or teach your robot with the teach pendant or mini-pendant.
For the panel designer functions, refer to the Panel Designer User's Manual (SUPPLEMENT).
Provides instructions on how to use the teaching system WINCAPSII which runs on the PC
connected to the robot controller for developing and managing programs.
Describes the specifications, installation, and use of optional devices.
For the extension board "conveyer tracking board," refer to the OPTIONS MANUAL
Defines safety terms and related symbols and provides precautions that should be observed. Be sure to
read this section before operating your robot.
Chapter 8 I/O Allocation for I/O Conversion Box (only for standard type of controller)
Lists the I/O allocation tables to apply when the I/O conversion box is mounted.
Using the I/O conversion box on the RC7M controller with an optional parallel I/O board mounted allows
the "INPUT (CN8)," "OUTPUT (CN10)," and "I/O POWER (CN7)" used on the RC5 controller to be used
on the RC7M controller as is.
Note: The I/O conversion box cannot be used for the global type of the controller.
Be sure to observe all of the following safety precautions.
Strict observance of these warning and caution indications are a MUST for preventing accidents, which
could result in bodily injury and substantial property damage. Make sure you fully understand all
definitions of these terms and related symbols given below, before you proceed to the text itself.
Task program: Refers to a set of instructions for motion and auxiliary functions that define the specific
intended task of the robot system. (Quoted from the ISO 10218-1:2006.)
2. Warning Labels The robot unit and controller have warning labels. These labels
alert the user to the danger of the areas on which they are
pasted. Be sure to observe the instructions printed on those
Label (1)
Label (2)
Risk of injury.
Be sure to perform lockout/tagout
before starting servicing.
Label (4)
Turning the power ON when a person is
inside the safety fence may move the
arm, causing injuries.
3. Installation Precautions
For standard type and The standard and cleanroom type have not been designed to
cleanroom type withstand explosions, dust-proof, nor is it splash-proof.
Therefore, it should not be installed in any environment where:
(1) there are flammable gases or liquids,
(2) there are any shavings from metal processing or other
conductive material flying about,
(3) there are any acidic, alkaline or other corrosive material,
(4) there is a mist,
(5) there are any large-sized inverters, high output/high
frequency transmitters, large contactors, welders, or other
sources of electrical noise.
For dust- & splash-proof The dust- & splash-proof type has an IP54-equivalent structure,
type but it has not been designed to withstand explosions. (The
HM/HS-G-W and the wrist of the VM/VS-G-W are an
IP65-equivalent dust- and splash-proof structure.)
Note that the robot controller is not a dust- or splash-proof
structure. Therefore, when using the robot controller in an
environment exposed to mist, put it in an optional protective box.
The dust- & splash-proof type should not be installed in any
environment where:
(1) there are any flammable gases or liquids,
(2) there are any acidic, alkaline or other corrosive material,
(3) there are any large-sized inverters, high output/high
frequency transmitters, large contactors, welders, or other
sources of electrical noise,
(4) it may likely be submerged in fluid,
(5) there are any grinding or machining chips or shavings,
(6) any machining oil not specified in this manual is in use, or
Note: Yushiron Oil No. 4C (non-soluble) is specified.
(7) there is sulfuric cutting or grinding oil mist.
3.2 Service space The robot and peripheral equipment should be installed so that
sufficient service space is maintained for safe teaching,
maintenance, and inspection.
3.4 Positioning of gauges Pressure gauges, oil pressure gauges and other gauges should
be installed in an easy-to-check location.
3.6 Grounding resistance The grounding resistance of the robot power supply should not
be more than 100Ω.
3.9 Setting-up a safety A safety fence should be set up so that no one can easily enter
fence the robot's restricted space.
(1) The fence should be constructed so that it cannot be easily
moved or removed.
(2) The fence should be constructed so that it cannot be easily
damaged or deformed through external force.
(3) Establish the exit/entrance to the fence. Construct the fence
so that no one can easily get past it by climbing over the
(4) The fence should be constructed to ensure that it is not
possible for hands or any other parts of the body to get
through it.
(5) Take any one of the following protections for the entrance/
exit of the fence:
1) Place a door, rope or chain across the entrance/exit of
the fence, and fit it with an interlock that ensures the
emergency stop device operates automatically if it is
opened or removed.
2) Post a warning notice at the entrance/exit of the fence
stating "In operation--Entry forbidden" or "Work in
progress--Do not operate" and ensure that workers
follow these instructions at all times.
When making a test run, before setting up the fence,
place an overseer in a position outside the robot’s
restricted space and one in which he/she can see all of
the robot’s movements. The overseer should prevent
workers from entering the robot's restricted space and be
devoted solely to that task.
3.10 Setting the robot's The area required for the robot to work is called the robot's
motion space operating space.
If the robot’s motion space is greater than the operating space, it
is recommended that you set a smaller motion space to prevent
the robot from interfering or disrupting other equipment.
3.12 Cleaning of tools If your robot uses welding guns, paint spray nozzles, or other
end-effectors requiring cleaning, it is recommended that the
cleaning process be carried out automatically.
3.13 Lighting Sufficient illumination should be assured for safe robot operation.
3.14 Protection from objects If there is any risk of workers being injured in the event that the
thrown by the object being held by the end-effector is dropped or thrown by the
end-effector, consider the size, weight, temperature and
chemical nature of the object and take appropriate safeguards to
ensure safety.
4.1 Creation of working When entering the robot’s restricted space to perform teaching or
regulations and maintenance inspections, set "working regulations" for the
following items and ensure workers adhere to them.
assuring worker
adherence (1) Operating procedures required to run the robot.
(2) Robot speed when performing teaching.
(3) Signaling methods to be used when more than one worker is
to perform work.
(4) Steps that must be taken by the worker in the event of a
malfunction, according to the contents of the malfunction.
(5) The necessary steps for checking release and safety of the
malfunction status, in order to restart the robot after robot
movement has been stopped due to activation of the
emergency stop device
(6) Apart from the above, any steps below necessary to prevent
danger from unexpected robot movement or malfunction of
the robot.
1) Display of the control panel (See Section 4.2 on the next
2) Assuring the safety of workers performing jobs within the
robot's restricted space (See Section 4.3 on the next
3) Maintaining worker position and stance
Position and stance that enables the worker to confirm
normal robot operation and to take immediate refuge if a
malfunction occurs.
4.2 Display of operation To prevent anyone other than the worker from accessing the start
panel switch or the changeover switch by accident during operation,
display something to indicate it is in operation on the operation
panel or teach pendant. Take any other steps as appropriate,
such as locking the cover.
4.3 Ensuring safety of When performing jobs within the robot’s restricted space, take
workers performing any of the following steps to ensure that robot operation can be
stopped immediately upon a malfunction.
jobs within the robot's
restricted space (1) Ensure an overseer is placed in a position outside the robot’s
restricted space and one in which he/she can see all robot
movements, and that he/she is devoted solely to that task.
An emergency stop device should be activated
immediately upon a malfunction.
Do not permit anyone other than the worker engaged for
that job to enter the robot’s restricted space.
(2) Ensure a worker within the robot's restricted space carries
the portable emergency stop switch so he/she can press it
(the emergency button on the teach pendant) immediately if
it should be necessary to do so.
4.4 Inspections before Before starting work such as teaching, inspect the following
commencing work items, carry out any repairs immediately upon detection of a
malfunction and perform any other necessary measures.
such as teaching
(1) Check for any damage to the sheath or cover of the external
wiring or to the external devices.
(2) Check that the robot is functioning normally or not (any
unusual noise or vibration during operation).
(3) Check the functioning of the emergency stop device.
(4) Check there is no leakage of air or oil from any pipes.
(5) Check there are no obstructive objects in or near the robot’s
restricted space.
4.5 Release of residual air Before disassembling or replacing pneumatic parts, first release
pressure any residual air pressure in the drive cylinder.
4.6 Precautions for test Whenever possible, have the worker stay outside of the robot's
runs restricted space when performing test runs.
4.8 Precautions in repairs (1) Do not perform repairs outside of the designated range.
(2) Under no circumstances should the interlock mechanism be
(3) When opening the robot controller's cover for battery
replacement or any other reasons, always turn the robot
controller power off and disconnect the power cable.
(4) Use only spare tools specified in this manual.
6. Management of (1) Carefully handle and store the "Initial settings" floppy disks
packaged with the robot, which store special data exclusively
Floppy Disks prepared for your robot.
(2) After finishing teaching or making any changes, always save
the programs and data onto floppy disks.
Making back-ups will help you recover if data stored in the
robot controller is lost due to the expired life of the back-up
(3) Write the names of each of the floppy disks used for storing
task programs to prevent incorrect disks from loading into
the robot controller.
(4) Store the floppy disks where they will not be exposed to dust,
humidity and magnetic field, which could corrupt the disks or
data stored on them.
7. Safety Codes The safety standards relating to robot systems are listed below.
As well as observing the safety precautions given in this manual,
ensure compliance with all local and national safety and
electrical codes for the installation and operation of the robot
Standards Title
ANSI/RIA R15.06-1999 Industrial Robots and Robot Systems--Safety Requirements
ANSI/UL1740: 1998 Safety for Robots and Robotic Equipment
CAN/CSA Z434-03 Industrial Robots and Robot Systems--General Safety Requirements
ISO10218-1: 2006 Robots for industrial environments--Safety requirements--Part 1: Robot
NFPA 79: 2002 Electrical Standard for Industrial Machinery
Preface ................................................................................................................................................................................ i
Chapter 4 Connector Pin Assignment and I/O Circuits (NPN type) .......................................................................... 48
4.1 Connector Pin Assignment (NPN type) ................................................................................................................. 48
4.1.1 RS-232C (CN1): RS-232C connector...................................................................................................... 48
4.1.2 HAND I/O (CN9) .................................................................................................................................... 49
4.1.3 Mini I/O (CN5): User- or System-I/O connector ..................................................................................... 50
4.1.4 Safety I/O (CN10):System-I/O connecter (Global type of controller) .................................................. 52
4.2 Robot Controller I/O Circuits (NPN type)............................................................................................................. 53
4.2.1 Setting up Mini I/O Power Supply........................................................................................................... 53
4.2.2 User-Input, System-Input and Hand-Input Circuits (NPN type).............................................................. 54
4.2.3 User-Output, System-Output, and Hand-Output Circuits (NPN type) ..................................................... 56
4.2.4 Configuration of Emergency Stop Circuitry (Standard type of controller) ............................................. 59
4.2.5 Configuration of Safety Circuit (Global type of controller)..................................................................... 61
4.3 Wiring Notes for Controller I/O Connectors (NPN type)...................................................................................... 63
Chapter 8 I/O Allocation for I/O Conversion Box (only for standard type of controller) ...................................... 131
8.1 I/O Allocation Modes with I/O Conversion Box Mounted.................................................................................. 131
8.2 I/O Allocation in Individual Allocation Modes ................................................................................................... 132
8.3 Notes on Using the I/O Conversion Box ............................................................................................................. 132
8.4 Allocation Common to All Allocation Modes ..................................................................................................... 133
8.4.1 I/O POWER (CN9): Common to All Modes ......................................................................................... 133
8.4.2 HAND I/O (CN9): Common to All Modes............................................................................................ 133
RC7M - VSG 6 B A - B P
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g)
Position Denotes: Coding
(a) VSG Robot model name VMG: VM-G series, VSG: VS-G series,
VPG: VP-G series, HMG: HM-G series,
HSG: HS-G series, XRG: XR-G series
(b) 6 No. of controllable axes 4: 4 axes, 5/6: 5 or 6 axes, 6: 6 axes
(c) B Engineering symbol 1 B: Encoder B
C: Encoder C
(d) A Engineering symbol 2 A: 24V brake
(e) Engineering symbol 3 Blank: 200 VAC power
A: 100 VAC power
(f) B Controller type (Note) Blank: Standard type
B: Global type (with safety board)
C: Global type (with safety box)
D: UL-Listed(with safety board)
E: UL-Listed(with safety box)
(g) P I/O type Blank or N: NPN I/O
(Note) For the differences between the global and standard types, see the next page.
(1) Location of deadman switches (enable switches) on the teach pendant and mini-pendant
Deadman switch
(Enable switch) Deadman
Teach pendant
Note: In this mode, the teach pendant operation panel editor "Panel Designer" cannot
be used in External Auto.
Setting on the "I/O Hardware Settings" window Setting on the "Single point of control" window
(Ver. 2.3 or later)
Front Panel
Caution label When using an external power source, never apply the
voltage not specified. Doing so can result in a controller
Caution label After turning the power switch OFF, do not turn it ON for at
least six seconds.
[ 1 ] Specifications
The table below lists the robot controller specifications.
RC7M Robot Controller Specifications
Item Specifications
Robot series VM-G series VS-G series VP-G series HM-G series HS-G series
series series
Model (RC7M-)
6∗∗∗-∗∗ 6∗∗∗-∗∗ 5/6∗∗∗-∗∗ 4∗∗∗-∗∗ 4∗∗∗-∗∗ 4∗∗∗-∗∗ 43***G*
Controllable axes 6 axes 5 or 6 axes 4 axes
Control system PTP, CP 3-dimensional linear, 3-dimensional circular
Drive system All axes: Full-digital AC servo
Language used DENSO robot language (conforming to SLIM)
Memory capacity 3.25 MB (equivalent to 10,000 steps, 30,000 points)
1) Direct teaching 1) Remote teaching
1) Remote teaching
Teaching system 2) Remote teaching 2) Numerical input
2) Numerical input (MDI)
3) Numerical input (MDI) (MDI)
Input: 8 user open points + 11 fixed system points
Mini I/O Output: 8 user open points + 14 fixed system points
Standard (Note: The global type of the controller cannot use system-fixed emergency stop I/Os.)
Input: 8 user open points
Output: 8 fixed system points
SAFETY I/O Input: 6 fixed system points
(only on global type) Output: 5 fixed system points
2 boards Input: 80 user open points
Parallel I/O
mounted Output: 96 user open points (addition possible)
External boards Single
Input: 40 user open points
signals (option) board
Output: 48 user open points (addition possible)
(I/O) mounted
Master/ Input: 1024 points (master) + 256 points (slave)
Slave Output: 1024 points (master) + 256 points (slave)
Input: 1024 points
board Master
Output: 1024 points
Input: 256 points
Output: 256 points
Input: 128 points
board Slave
Output: 128 points
RS-232C: 1 line
External communication Ethernet: 1 line
USB: 2 lines (Supporting flash memory)
Extension slots 3 (For optional boards)
Self-diagnosis function Overrun, servo error, memory error, input error, etc.
Timer function 0.02 to 10 sec. (in units of 1/60 sec.)
Error codes will be outputted on the external I/O.
Error display Error messages will be displayed in English on the teach pendant (option).
Error codes will be displayed on the mini-pendant (option).
Standard: 4 m, 6 m, Standard: Standard: 4 m, 6 m, Standard:
Robot control Standard:
12 m (Standard 4 m, 6 m, 12 m (Standard 4 m, 6 m,
cable (option) 4 m, 6 m
type/splash-proof type) 12 m type/splash-proof type) 12m
I/O cable (option) 8 m, 15 m (for Mini I/O, HAND I/O, parallel I/O extension boards, safety I/O board)
Power cable 5m
- DO NOT touch fins. Their hot surfaces may cause severe burns.
- DO NOT insert fingers or foreign objects into openings. Doing so may cause
bodily injury.
- Before opening the controller cover and accessing the inside of the controller
for maintenance, be sure to turn off the power switch, disconnect the power
cable, and wait 3 minutes or more. This is for protecting you from electric shock.
- DO NOT connect or disconnect connectors to/from the controller when the AC
power or the 24 VDC power for I/O is being supplied. Doing so may cause
electric shock or controller failure.
- This controller is not designed to be dust-, splash-, or explosion-proof.
- Read operation manuals before installation.
- Do not place anything on the controller or apply an impact or shock to the
- Avoid mounting the controller in an environment where excessive vibration is
applied to the controller.
CAUTION: The robot controller connectors are of a screw-lock type or ring-lock type.
Lock the connectors securely. If even one of the connectors is not locked,
weak contact may result thereby causing an error.
Be sure to turn the robot controller OFF before connecting/ disconnecting the
power connector or motor connector. Otherwise, the internal circuits of the
robot controller may be damaged.
Note: For the interface to apply when an I/O extension board or I/O conversion box is
mounted, refer to Chapter 7 or 8 in this manual, respectively, and the OPTIONS
Fixed by system
No. of
Type points Function
Fixed by system
No. of
Type Function
External Emergency Stop 1, External Emergency Stop 2, Enable Auto 1,
System input 7
Enable Auto 2, Step Stop (All tasks), Protective Stop 1, Protective Stop 2
Auto Mode, Robot Initialized, Robot Running, CPU Normal,
Robot Error, Operation Preparation Completed, Battery Warning,
12 Pendant Emergency Stop 1, Pendant Emergency Stop 2,
System output
(Note) Deadman SW 1 [Enable SW 1], Deadman SW 2 [Enable SW 2],
Contactor Contact Monitor, Continue Start Permission (selectable by I/O
hardware setting) (Note)
Input for command
7 Command (3 bits), data area (3 bits), and Strobe Signal
No. of
Type Function
Inputs to read the external I/O status with an IN command or IO [ ] variable.
User input 8 Used for analysis condition identification, condition satisfaction wait, data
input from the external device, etc.
7 Outputs to issue a signal to the external device during program execution
User output
(Note) with SET and RESET commands, etc.
Note: Terminal #53 on CN5 (port 24) is assigned a user output by factory default. It can be assigned the
Continue Start Permission output signal with the I/O hardware setting.
• IN Command
The IN command inputs a signal from the user input specified by an IO type variable
and substitutes it for an arithmetic variable.
For further information about the IN command, refer to the PROGRAMMER'S MANUAL
(I), Chapter 13, Section 13.1 "IN."
• WAIT Command
The WAIT command suspends the execution of the program until specified conditions
are met. If an I/O type variable is used for the conditional statement, this command
suspends the execution of the program until the status of the signal from a specified
user input is checked and meets the specified conditions. For further information about
the WAIT command, refer to the PROGRAMMER'S MANUAL (I), Chapter 12, Section
12.5 "WAIT."
• SET Command
The SET command turns ON all user outputs specified by I/O type variables.
For further information about the SET command, refer to the PROGRAMMER'S
MANUAL (I), Chapter 13, Section 13.1 "SET."
• RESET Command
The RESET command turns OFF all user outputs specified by I/O type variables.
For further information about the RESET command, refer to the PROGRAMMER'S
MANUAL (I), Chapter 13, Section 13.1 "RESET."
• OUT Command
The OUT command outputs data to the user output specified by an I/O type variable.
For further information about the OUT command, refer to the PROGRAMMER'S
MANUAL (I), Chapter 13, Section 13.1 "OUT."
Operation Preparation Outputs when the motor power is turned on and the
Completed robot is in External auto mode.
Emergency Stop
Outputs when the robot is emergency-stopped.
(dual line)
Emergency stop circuit
Pendant Emergency Stop Outputs the status of the emergency stop button
(Standard type of (dual line) on the teach pendant or mini-pendant.
Deadman SW [Enable SW] Outputs the status of the deadman switch (enable
(dual line) switch) on the teach pendant or mini-pendant.
Pendant Emergency Stop Outputs the status of the emergency stop button
(dual line) on the teach pendant or mini-pendant.
Safety circuit Deadman SW [Enable SW] Outputs the status of the deadman switch (enable
(dual line) switch) on the teach pendant or mini-pendant.
(Global type of
controller) Outputs the status of the auxiliary contact of the
motor contactor in the robot controller.
Contactor Contact Monitor
This signal comes on when the motor is turned on;
it comes off when the motor is turned off.
(3) Usage
With this signal and Auto Mode output signal being ON, the OPERATION
PREPARATION command must be executed.
(4) ON conditions
This signal will be turned ON when:
(a) Turning the controller power on normally starts the system program in it
and the OPERATION PREPARATION command becomes ready to
(b) A robot error is cleared by the OK or Cancel key on the teach pendant or
mini-pendant or by Clear Robot Error (001) after this signal has been
turned OFF.
Robot error
(3) Usage
With this signal being ON, the OPERATION PREPARATION or PROGRAM
START command must be executed.
(4) ON condition
This signal will be turned ON when the robot controller enters Auto mode by
turning the mode selector switch on the teach pendant or mini-pendant to
AUTO with the Enable Auto input signal being ON.
Caution: The Auto Mode output signal will not be turned OFF with
(3) Usage
With this signal being ON, the robot must be in External auto mode and the
motor power must be ON to run the robot from the external device.
(4) ON conditions
The signal will be turned ON under the External auto mode and motor ON.
Operation to switch to External auto mode
(a) When the External mode is selected on the teach pendant or
(b) When the External mode is turned ON by the OPERATION
PREPARATION command from the external device.
(3) Usage
This signal is used to light the robot operating indicator lamp of an external
operating panel.
Performing the "Stop all programs" operation* turns this signal OFF, allowing
you to check that all programs are stopped.
(4) ON conditions
This signal will be turned ON during execution of the program and also in the
WAIT STATE with a conditional branch or timer command.
Robot Running ON
(output) OFF
(3) Usage
(a) This signal is used to light the robot controller error indicator lamp on the
external operating panel.
(b) If this signal is turned OFF, perform the error recovery with the PLC.
(4) ON conditions
This signal will be turned ON by the hardware when the CPU of the robot
controller operates normally.
Caution: The OFF state of this signal indicates that the robot controller
internal arithmetic circuit may be damaged. Therefore, ROBOT
ERROR, ERROR NUMBER, and other outputs may not be
(3) Usage
(a) This signal is used to light the robot error indicator lamp on the external
operating panel.
(b) If this signal is turned ON, perform the error recovery with the PLC.
(4) ON conditions
When a level 2 error or higher one occurs.
Note: Except the error caused by the wrong operation of the teach pendant
or mini-pendant.
Robot Error ON
(output) OFF
(3) Usage
This signal is used to check the timing for battery replacement (to check
when the battery voltage drops below the specified lower level).
(3) Usage
Use this signal when you want to know whether Continue Start is permitted.
(4) ON condition
This signal comes on when Continue Start is permitted. For details, refer to
the SETTING-UP MANUAL, Chapter 3, Section 3.4.5 "Continue Function."
(3) Usage
This signal is used to confirm that an Emergency Stop input has been
entered. For details about the emergency stop circuits, refer to Sections
4.2.4 and 5.2.4.
This signal can emergency-stop the external device when the emergency
stop button on the teach pendant or mini-pendant is pressed. Turning the
controller power OFF is functionally equivalent to the Emergency Stop
Note: Do not enter this signal into the controller's External Emergency Stop
input circuit. Doing so makes it impossible to reset the emergency stop
(4) Output conditions
Turning an External Emergency Stop input signal OFF or pressing the
emergency stop button on the teach pendant or mini-pendant turns OFF the
Emergency Stop output signal (mini relay contact in the controller).
(3) Usage
This signal is used to emergency-stop the external device when the
emergency stop button on the teach pendant or mini-pendant is pressed.
This signal is issued independently of the controller ON/OFF state.
For details about the emergency stop circuits, refer to Sections 4.2.4 and
(4) Output conditions (Normal close type, b contact)
Two contacts of the emergency stop button (4b) on each of the teach
pendant or mini-pendant are connected each other. Pressing the
emergency stop button turns the Pendant Emergency Stop output signal
(contacts) OFF.
(3) Usage
This signal is used to display the operation status of the deadman switch or
interlock the deadman switch with other device (e.g., stopping or running the
For details about the emergency stop circuits, refer to Sections 4.2.4 and
(4) Output conditions
Holding down the deadman switch closes the mini relay contact in the
controller, turning ON the Deadman SW output signal (Contact output:
(3) Usage
This signal is used to emergency-stop the external device when the
emergency stop button on the teach pendant or mini-pendant is pressed.
This signal is issued independently of the controller ON/OFF state.
For details about the safety circuits, refer to Sections 4.2.5 and 5.2.5.
(4) Output conditions (Normal close type, b contact)
Two contacts of the emergency stop button (4b) on each of the teach
pendant or mini-pendant are connected each other. Pressing the
emergency stop button turns the Pendant Emergency Stop output signal
(contacts) OFF.
(3) Usage
This signal is used to display the operation status of the deadman switch or
interlock the deadman switch with other device (e.g., stopping or running the
For details about the safety circuits, refer to Sections 4.2.5 and 5.2.5.
(4) Output conditions
Holding down the deadman switch closes the safety relay contact in the
controller, turning ON the Deadman SW output signal (Contact output:
(3) Usage
This signal is used to confirm the ON/OFF state of the motor on the monitor.
For details about the safety circuits, refer to Sections 4.2.5 and 5.2.5.
Use to: Signal name Function
controller type
Stop Any type Releasing the signal step-stops all programs
Step Stop (All tasks)
being executed.
(Note 1)
Instantaneous Stop Releasing this signal instantaneously stops all
(All tasks) programs being executed.
(Note 2)
Standard type External Emergency Releasing this signal stops the robot in an
Stop (dual line) emergency.
Global type External Emergency Releasing this signal stops the robot in an
Stop (dual line) emergency.
Select mode Standard type Enable Auto Short-circuiting this signal enables switching to
Auto mode.
Global type Enable Auto Short-circuiting this signal enables switching to
(dual line) Auto mode.
Protective Stop The Enable Auto and Protective Stop input
(dual line) signal circuits are connected in series in the
controller, so two types of inputs are available
as an automatic operation permission signal.
Prepare for Any type Strobe Signal This signal initiates the processing of the I/O
operation commands set in the data and command areas.
Start program Data areas These areas are used to specify I/O commands
(3 bits) that enable the following:
Clear error
Command areas - Start/stop each task program.
(3 bits) - Prepare for operation
- Clear robot errors.
(Note 2)
The Instantaneous Stop signal becomes available only when an I/O extension board is used and the
allocation mode is changed to Standard or Compatible mode. Like other stop signals, this signal should be
short-circuited as long as it is not necessary to stop the robot.
(2) Terminal
#11 on connector CN5
(1) The different status between two emergency stop circuits, if kept for
at least approx. one second, will be interpreted as an occurrence of
trouble, triggering an error "279E: Inconsistent robot stop input" and
shutting down the motor power.
(2) The global type of controller should control two external emergency
stop inputs with separate contacts. Two circuits connected in parallel
with a single contact or either one circuit always short-circuited will
be interpreted as an external circuit error, producing no circuit
(3) Usage
This signal is used to connect the Auto/Teaching selector switch of an
external operating panel.
Caution: In the pendantless state, auto mode is valid even if the Enable Auto input is open. (The External
mode cannot be switched and the program cannot begin execution.)
Perform the following when operating the robot in the pendantless state:
(a) Set the robot so that it will not start to operate when the Enable Auto input is open.
(b) Enable Auto input open state and Auto Mode output (See Section 3.2.2 "Auto Mode
Set the equipment to make an emergency stop in an AND state.
Note: For the circuit configuration, refer to Sections 4.2.5 and 5.2.5. Two
Enable Auto input signal circuits must be controlled with two separate
contacts each. Two circuits connected in parallel using a single contact or
an always-shorted circuit will be interpreted as an external circuit error so
that the circuitry will not operate.
(3) Usage
This signal is used to connect the AUTO/TEACHING selector switch of an
external operating panel.
(4) Input conditions and operation (with Protective Stop input signal ON)
(a) As shown below, the selectable operation mode depends on whether this
input is shorted or open.
(b) Turning this signal OFF (open) during automatic operation turns the motor
power OFF (Continue stop) and displays ERROR21FC.
(c) If manual operation or a teach check is conducted with this input shorted,
ERROR21F2 will be displayed.
(d) With this signal being opened, turning the mode selector switch on the
teach pendant or mini-pendant from the MANUAL or TEACH CHECK to
AUTO position triggers ERROR21F3.
Since this state is shown as × in the table below, this error will remain
displayed until the robot exits this state.
(e) Although ERROR21FD or ERROR21FC will be displayed when the state
is changed from to Δ or ×, they will not be displayed when the state is
changed from Δ or × to .
(f) Turning this signal OFF (open) in External mode turns the motor and the
Operation Preparation Completed output signal OFF.
(3) Usage
This signal is used for a safety door switch and other safety devices.
(4) Input conditions and operation (with Enable Auto input signal ON)
Note: The Enable Auto and Protective Stop input signal circuits are
connected in series in the controller and have the same function. (See
Section 3.4.4.)
(a) Turning this signal OFF (open) in Auto mode turns the motor power OFF
and continue-stops the robot.
(b) Turning this signal OFF (open) in Manual mode turns the motor power
Note: For the circuit configuration, refer to Sections 4.2.5 and 5.2.5. Two
Protective Stop input signal circuits must be controlled with two separate
contacts each. Two circuits connected in parallel using a single contact or
an always-shorted circuit will be interpreted as an external circuit error so
that the circuitry will not operate.
Clear Robot Error ⋅ Clears a robot error from the external device.
(1) Set a command area and a data area (if necessary) for the command
execution I/O signal from the external device to the robot controller.
Note: The data to be set must be defined at least 1 ms before the Strobe
Signal is turned ON
(2) After completion of setting, turn the Strobe Signal ON.
Note: The command input with a Strobe Signal should be preceded by the
output of the Robot Initialized. If a Robot Error signal has been issued,
however, execute a Clear Robot Error (001) since no Robot Initialized will
be issued.
(1) Function
Specifies the commands to be executed by the Robot Controller.
Sets the command area at all times, and data area if necessary.
Caution: Perform command (Except Clear Robot Error (001)) input with a
Strobe Signal after the system output signal "Robot Initialized"
is output.
(3) Usage
The signal is used to confirm that I/O command processing is complete, or
as a timing signal for obtaining the result of I/O command processing.
(4) ON conditions
(a) The signal will be turned ON upon completion of processing the I/O
command given.
(b) If an error occurs as a result of executing an I/O command, the Robot
Error signal and the Command Processing Completed signal will be
turned simultaneously ON.
These bits can be set at the same time and can be executed. If plural bits are
set, the commands are executed in order.
For example: If the 0 bit, 1 bit and 2 bit are set, commands are executed as
Motor Power ON, CAL Execution, External speed 100 and External mode
(3) Description
This command can be executed in Auto mode. In other modes, an error
occurs at execution. When executing this command, select the Internal auto
mode on the teach pendant or mini-pendant beforehand.
(2) Format
Command area (3 bits, input)
Data area (3 bits, input):
Nothing will be input.
(3) Description
If a robot error occurs, this command clears it. When there is no failure, no
processing will take place
When an error is displayed, the same processing as when the OK or Cancel
key of the teach pendant or the mini-pendant is operated will be performed.
(2) Format
Command area (3 bits, input)
Data area (3 bits, input)
Program number: Program number to be started.
If the specified number is "n", PRO n starts.
(3) Description
This command is executable only in External mode. An error will occur in other
modes. This command starts the program of the program number specified in
data area. PRO 0 to PRO 7 can be started.
One of the following operations takes place according to the operating status
of the program.
⋅ If the specified program is terminated (stopped), it will start from the
⋅ If the specified program is step-stopped, it will resume from the step
following the suspended step.
⋅ If the specified program is instantaneously stopped (Halt), it will resume
from the step following the suspended step. When the program is
instantaneously stopped in while in execution of an operation command, it
will resume from the operation still undone.
⋅ If the specified program is running, an error (ERROR21F5) will be
displayed, and the program will stop.
(2) Format
Command area (3 bits, input)
Data area (3 bits, input):
Nothing will be input.
(3) Description
This command is executable only in External mode. An error will occur in
other modes.
An attempt to execute this command when the Continue Start Permission
signal is off, will cause an error (ERROR 27A8).
(2) Format
Command area (3 bits, input)
(3) Description
This command can reset the programs for PRO 0 to PRO 7.
One of the following operations takes place according to the operating
status of the program.
⋅ When the specified program is terminated (stopped), nothing will
⋅ When the specified program is step-stopped or immediately stopped
(halt), it will be initialized. The initialized program will resume from the
⋅ When the specified program is running, it will immediately stop (halt)
and also be initialized. If started after the stop, the stopped program
will resume from the beginning.
(2) Format
Command area (3 bits, input)
(3) Description
This command can reset all programs.
One of the following operations takes place according to the operating
status of the program.
⋅ When the specified program is terminated (stopped), nothing will
⋅ When the specified program is step-stopped or immediately stopped
(halt), it will be initialized. The initialized program will resume from the
⋅ When the specified program is running, it will immediately stop (halt)
and also be initialized. If started after the stop, the stopped program
will resume from the beginning.
Equipment power ON
Enable Auto ON (Internal processing)
selector switch to
Operation OK indicator
Executing Operation
Preparation command Motor power ON
Setting SP100
Switching mode to
external mode
Run the user program for moving
robot arm close to the home
position, when the robot home
position indicator is OFF.
Program Number
(c) Automatic operation
Program start
command ON
(d) Operation end
5 SG
Note 1: The optional I/O cable for the above connector consists of twisted pair wires--pairs of #1 and #35, #2 and #36, #34 and #68.
Note 2: The reserved pins and output pins should be prevented from direct contact with other pins or conductive part. Direct contact could
result in a controller failure or damage.
1 External Emergency Stop 1, b-1 (input) Black 19 External Emergency Stop 1, b-2 (input) Pink
2 External Emergency Stop 2, b-1 (input) Brown 20 External Emergency Stop 2, b-2 (input) Pink
9 ⎯ Brown 27 ⎯ Gray
13 Pendant Emergency Stop 1, b-1 Green 31 Pendant Emergency Stop 1, b-2 Gray
(output) (output)
14 Pendant Emergency Stop 2, b-1 Blue 32 Pendant Emergency Stop 2, b-2 Gray
(output) (output)
Note 1: The optional I/O cable for the above connector consists of twisted pair wires--pairs of #1 and #19, #2 and #20, #18 and #36.
Note 2: The reserved pins and output pins should be prevented from direct contact with other pins or conductive part. Direct contact could
result in a controller failure or damage.
Note 3: To use Pendant Emergency Stop output signals, be sure to supply 24 V to terminals #13 and #14.
Note: Switching the power supply setting for I/O from external to internal changes the
assignment to terminals #32 to #34 and #66 to #68 on CN5 from external DC power input to
internal DC power output. For details, refer to the circuit configuration examples in Sections
4.2.2 and 4.2.3.
(3) Select an induction load, such as a relay coil, which has a built-in diode (for
absorbing inverse electromotive force).
(4) Connecting a lamp requires a circuit through which dark current flows and
use a lamp whose rating is 0.5W or less.
(5) Use a multi-core shielding cable for the purpose of protecting the devices
from external noise. Ground it to the robot controller.
(6) +24V internal power source of the robot controller must not be grounded.
(7) For three seconds after the controller power is turned on, the I/O board will
be in a transient state, so do not use its output as valid signals.
External Emergency Stop and Enable Auto Input Circuits (Standard type of controller)
Note: Different stop states resulting from emergency stop input, Protective Stop, and Enable Auto (OFF)
(1) The emergency stop input (External Emergency Stop or teach pendant/mini-pendant input) shuts down
the power to the motor and resets the program, provided that the Continue parameter is set to the default
(0: Disable) in Continue setting.
(2) The Protective Stop or Enable Auto (OFF) input signal shuts down the power to the motor and places the
robot in the Continue Stop state.
Caution: If the connector wiring between the Robot Controller's "+24V terminal" and "0V
terminal" and between the "E24V terminal" and the "E0V terminal" is shorted,
damage to the power circuit of the Robot Controller will result.
Caution: If the wiring between "each signal output terminal" and "+24V terminal" or "E24V
terminal" of each connector is shorted, damage to the output circuit and power
circuit of the Robot Controller will result.
Caution: Wind adhesive vinyl tape around all ends of the unconnected wiring of each
connector to prevent them from contacting other wiring and parts, which results in
Circuit tester
"+24V terminal" and device
"E24V terminal" of
the controller
Checking Example
5 SG
Note 1: The optional I/O cable for the above connector consists of twisted pair wires--pairs of #1 and #11, #2 and #12, #10 and #20.
Note 2: The unused pins should be prevented from direct contact with other pins or conductive part. Direct contact could result in a
controller failure or damage.
1 Enable Auto (Internal +24V) (input) ⎯ Black 35 Enable Auto (input) ⎯ Pink
Note 1: The optional I/O cable for the above connector consists of twisted pair wires--pairs of #1 and #35, #2 and #36, #34 and #68.
Note 2: The reserved pins and output pins should be prevented from direct contact with other pins or conductive part. Direct contact could
result in a controller failure or damage.
1 External Emergency Stop 1, b-1 (input) Black 19 External Emergency Stop 1, b-2 (input) Pink
2 External Emergency Stop 2, b-1 (input) Brown 20 External Emergency Stop 2, b-2 (input) Pink
9 ⎯ Brown 27 ― Gray
Note 1: The optional I/O cable for the above connector consists of twisted pair wires--pairs of #1 and #19, #2 and #20, #18 and #36.
Note 2: The reserved pins and output pins should be prevented from direct contact with other pins or conductive part. Direct contact could
result in a controller failure or damage.
Note 3: To use Pendant Emergency Stop output signals, be sure to supply 24 V to terminals #13 and #14.
Note: Switching the power supply setting for I/O from external to internal changes the
assignment to terminals #32 to #34 and #66 to #68 on CN5 from external DC power input to
internal DC power output. For details, refer to the circuit configuration examples in Sections 5.2.2
and 5.2.3.
(3) Select an induction load, such as a relay coil, which has a built-in diode (for
absorbing inverse electromotive force).
(4) Connecting a lamp requires a circuit through which dark current flows and
use a lamp whose rating is 0.5W or less.
(5) Use a multi-core shielding cable for the purpose of protecting the devices
from external noise. Ground it to the robot controller.
(6) +24V internal power source of the robot controller must not be grounded.
(7) For three seconds after the controller power is turned on, the I/O board will
be in a transient state, so do not use its output as valid signals.
External Emergency Stop and Enable Auto Input Circuits (Standard type of controller)
Caution: If the connector wiring between the Robot Controller's "+24V terminal" and "0V
terminal" and between the "E24V terminal" and the "E0V terminal" is shorted,
damage to the power circuit of the Robot Controller will result.
Caution: If the wiring between "each signal output terminal" and "+24V terminal" or "E24V
terminal" of each connector is shorted, damage to the Output circuit and power
circuit of the Robot Controller will result.
Caution: Wind adhesive vinyl tape around all ends of the unconnected wiring of each
connector to prevent them from contacting other wiring and parts, which results in
Circuit tester
"+24V terminal" and device
"E24V terminal" of
the controller
Checking Example
Caution (1) The controller mounting screws must not be more than
the thickness of the mounting panel plus 4 mm in length. If
their length is out of the specified range, the nut welded
holes may be damaged.
(2) Fix the robot controller at all of the five nut-welded holes.
Location of Mounting Screw Holes (on the bottom of the robot controller)
Caution Do not place anything within 200 mm from the air inlet and outlet of
the robot controller.
Caution The robot controller has no air filter on the air outlet side. In
wall-mounted installation, therefore, to prevent free-fall dust or dirt
from getting into the controller, set up the controller with the air
outlet side not facing upward as shown below.
If you do not use optional cables listed above, use the recommended connectors and
cables listed below.
Connector Connector
Cable Standards Remarks
name model/manufacturer
PCR-E68FS connector UL2789 - With shield Caution: Be sure to modify the
PCS-E68LPA-1E cover shielding wire at the end of the
Mini I/O Equivalent to AWG28x34P
cable to be used, as shown
below. Without this modification,
the robot may malfunction due to
PCR-E20FS connector UL2789 - With shield noise.
PCS-E20LA cover Equivalent to AWG28x20P
Crimp terminal
Vinyl tube
The connector shell
Braided should be made of
shielding wire Shielding wire conductive metal.
I/O cable
I/O power
connector Vinyl tube
(8) Do not bundle the teach pendant cables, I/O cables or motor cables together with
high power lines such as 200/100 VAC lines and peripheral device cables, or route
the motor cables near high power devices (motor, welder, parts feeder, etc.).
(9) Do not route any additional cables or air tubes of end-effectors through the robot
unit. Doing so will result in broken cables or tubes.
(10) Use the correct power source (200 VAC or 100 VAC) for the controller specification.
Step 3 Disconnect the power cable from connector CN6 on the robot controller.
<Cleaning Procedures>
Step 1 Turn the controller power OFF.
Step 2 Remove the four filter covers from the front panel by loosening the screw each.
If the filter is excessively dirty, wash it with water or warm water (40°C or lower). A
neutral detergent is most effective.
Notes (1) Dry the washed filter completely before mounting it.
(2) If the filter is still dirty after air blowing or washing, replace it
with new one.
Step 4 Set the filters back into place in the reverse order of removal.
Caution: Before replacing the memory backup battery, be sure to save the
memory data in the robot controller to the PC using WINCAPSII.
Step 1 Save the memory data held in the controller to the PC.
Step 3 Turn the controller power ON, wait at least one minute, and then turn it OFF again.
Caution Complete Steps 5 through 7 within three minutes. Taking more time
will lose the memory data.
Step 8 Mount the battery cover with the new backup battery into the controller and secure
the cover with the screw.
Caution Take care not to pinch the battery lead wires between covers or
internal parts. Shorting may occur, resulting in an unexpected
Step 1 On the top screen of the teach pendant, press [F6 Set].
The Settings (Main) window appears.
IPM board
Caution F2 fuse is provided for protecting the circuitry from getting damaged if a voltage
of 30V or above is applied to the 24V external power source terminals. F2 fuse is
not mounted on a Mini I/O board in controllers whose product number is 02H018
or later (short-circuited instead).
Warning Do not touch the inside of controller before turning off the
power switch and waiting 3 minutes or more, or you can easily
receive an electric shock.
<Replacing fuses>
Step 1 Turn the controller power OFF.
Warning Do not touch the inside of controller before turning off the
power switch and waiting 3 minutes or more, or you can
easily receive an electric shock.
Step 4 Using a circuit tester, check the removed fuse for continuity.
If continuity is observed with the fuse in Step 4, set the removed fuse back into place
in the controller.
Step 6 Set the controller upper cover back into place and restart the controller in the reverse
order of Steps 1 through 3.
Step 7 If an output signal error persists even after replacement of the output fuse, the related
output IC needs to be replaced.
Caution (1) When replacing a damaged output IC, fix the cause that
damages the IC before replacement.
(2) Do not directly touch the electronic devices and their
terminals on printed circuit boards by hand.
Remove the three screws and take the Mini I/O board out of the controller.
Step 8 Check the IC No. on the printed circuit board and pull out the target output IC with an
IC pull-out jig. Mount a new output IC.
Robot SLOT
VM-G Joint # 6 5 4 3 1 2
IPM model SS SS SS S L M
Motor capacity (W) 100 200 200 400 1500 750
VS-G Joint # 6 5 4 3 2 1
IPM model SS SS SS S S M
Motor capacity (W) 50 80 100 200 400 750
VP-G Joint # 6 5 4 3 2 1
Motor capacity (W) 30 30 30 50 80 80
HM-G Joint # -- -- 4 3 2 1
IPM model -- -- M M L LL
Motor capacity (W) -- -- 300 300 600 1000
HS-G Joint # -- -- 4 3 2 1
IPM model -- -- S S M L
Motor capacity (W) -- -- 150 200 400 750
XYC-G Joint # -- -- 4 3 2 1
IPM model -- -- SS S S S
Motor capacity (W) -- -- 100 200 200 400
XR-G Joint # -- -- 4 3 2 1
IPM model -- -- SS S S M (S) *
Motor capacity (W) -- -- 50 400 400 750 (400) *
Note: The "--" in the above table denotes no board installed.
* Differs depending on the controller model.
Step 2 Remove the eight screws and take off the top cover of the controller.
Warning Do not touch the inside of controller before turning off the
power switch and waiting 3 minutes or more, or you can easily
receive an electric shock.
Step 4 Secure the top cover of the controller with eight screws.
Tightening torque: 1.35 to 1.45 Nm
0 – – – √
1 – S-LINK V board – √ √
2 – DeviceNet master board – √
3 – DeviceNet master board Parallel I/O board √
4 – DeviceNet master board S-LINK V board √
5 Parallel I/O board – – √ √ √
6 Parallel I/O board Parallel I/O board – √ √ √
7 Parallel I/O board S-LINK V board – √ √ √ √
8 DeviceNet slave board – – √ √
9 DeviceNet slave board Parallel I/O board – √ √
10 DeviceNet slave board S-LINK V board – √ √ √
11 DeviceNet master/slave board – – √ √ √
12 DeviceNet master/slave board Parallel I/O board – √ √ √
13 DeviceNet master/slave board S-LINK V board – √ √ √
14 CC-Link board – – √ √
15 CC-Link board Parallel I/O board – √ √
16 CC-Link board DeviceNet master board – √ √ √
17 CC-Link board S-LINK V board – √ √ √
18 PROFIBUS-DP slave board – – √ √
19 PROFIBUS-DP slave board Parallel I/O board – √ √
20 PROFIBUS-DP slave board DeviceNet master board – √ √ √
21 PROFIBUS-DP slave board S-LINK V board – √ √ √
Note 1: Out of check-marked modes in the "Allocation modes" column, only one mode can be selected.
Note 2: Up to two I/O extension boards can be mounted on the controller. There are no restrictions on the choice of
extension slots or the mounting order.
Note 3: When two I/O extension boards are mounted, the controller recognizes the one inserted in the left-hand
extension slot as Extension 1. The allocation I/O port numbers on Extension 1 and 2 boards differ with each other.
(2) Power supply setting for mini I/O board (CN5) or parallel I/O board
When using the mini I/O board (CN5) or parallel I/O board, you need to set up the
24 V power supply (internal or external). The factory default is external power
For details about the mini I/O board, see Section 4.2.1 or 5.2.1.
For details about the parallel I/O board, refer to the RC7M Controller OPTIONS
MANUAL, Section 5.2.2.
User output/
19 User input 8 53 Continue Start Permission (output) 24
(2) Power supply setting for mini I/O board (CN5) or parallel I/O board
To use the I/O conversion box, select 24 V power supply (internal or external) on
I/O POWER (CN7). You also need to set up the power supply for the mini I/O board
and parallel I/O board to match the power supply setting on I/O POWER (CN7).
The factory default is external power supply.
For details about the mini I/O board, see Section 4.2.1 or 5.2.1.
For details about the parallel I/O board, refer to the RC7M Controller OPTIONS
MANUAL, Section 5.2.2.
PNP type
Terminal Terminal
Signal name Port No. Signal name Port No.
No. No.
1 Hand output 64 11 Hand input 50
2 Hand output 65 12 Hand input 51
3 Hand output 66 13 Hand input 52
4 Hand output 67 14 Hand input 53
5 Hand output 68 15 Hand input 54
6 Hand output 69 16 Hand input 55
Internal power output
7 Hand output 70 17 ⎯
for hand (0V)
Internal power output
8 Hand output 71 18 ⎯
for hand (+24V)
9 Hand input 48 19 No connection ⎯
10 Hand input 49 20 No connection ⎯
Note: Terminal numbers with asterisks (*) are used only in the dual-safety emergency stop circuit version.
Note: Terminal numbers with asterisks (*) are NOT used in the dual-safety emergency stop circuit version.
Note: Terminal numbers with asterisks (*) are used only in the dual-safety emergency stop circuit version.
Note: Terminal numbers with asterisks (*) are NOT used in the dual-safety emergency stop circuit version.
Note: Terminal numbers with asterisks (*) are used only in the dual-safety emergency stop circuit version.
Note: Terminal numbers with asterisks (*) are NOT used in the dual-safety emergency stop circuit version.
First Edition July 2005
Eighth Edition March 2008
Ninth Edition September 2008