Disputes Involving Youth Street Gang Members - Micro-Social Contexts
Disputes Involving Youth Street Gang Members - Micro-Social Contexts
Disputes Involving Youth Street Gang Members - Micro-Social Contexts
University of Nebraska at Omaha
Washington State University
We are grateful to the National Consortium on Violence Research (NCOVR) for
support of this research. We are also grateful to Irving Spergel for permission to use
as yet unpublished material and to Ray Paternoster and the anonymous reviewers
for their criticisms and suggested revisions.
David Luckenbill’s (1977) study of criminal homicide as a “situated
transaction” is generally recognized as the first serious attempt to
understand the microsocial contexts of violent encounters. In reviewing a
variety of official documents surrounding seventy fatal transactions
(including one double murder), Luckenbill (1977:176) discovered that, in
all cases, “murder was the culmination of an interchange between an
offender and victim, resembling what Goffman [1967] termed a ‘character
contest,’ a confrontation in which opponents sought to establish or
maintain ‘face’ at the other’s expense by remaining steady in the face of
Students of violence increasingly emphasize the importance of such
face-work in the resolution of disputes, focusing in particular on the role
played by third parties as peacemakers or promoters of violence (Cooney,
1998; Felson, 1982; Felson and Steadman, 1983). As Kubrin and Weitzer
(2003; see also Cooney, 1998) note, however, the uneven distribution of
homicide suggests that the extent to which status is managed through
violence varies across social contexts. Drawing on structural and cultural
approaches to violence, they argue that certain types of violent
encounters, particularly retaliatory homicides, can be understood as
resulting from a subcultural value system or “street code” that develops in
response to social disadvantage and “mandates deferential treatment of
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1. Our use of the term encompasses youth groups variously referred to in the
literature as “youth gang” (Spergel, 1995), “street gangs” (Klein, 1995), “delinquent
gangs” (Cloward and Ohlin, 1960), “violent gangs” (Yablonsky, 1962), and
“cliques” (Sullivan, 1989).
2. Of the 16,566 pages of transcription, 82 percent consisted of detached worker
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3. This definition is similar to that employed by Stafford and Gibbs (1993:72), who
identify disputes and dispute settlements as measurable, interactional phenomena
suitable for empirical research and theorizing (see also Gibbs, 1989).
4. Because detached worker and observer reports frequently indicate only that a
“fight” occurred, with no further details concerning the nature of the violence, we
do not examine the extent to which findings vary according to differences in level of
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5. Behaviors placed into this category differ from those placed elsewhere (that is,
identity attack) in that they specifically include a territorial component.
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A random sample of approximately 5 percent of all dispute-related
incidents (n = 126) was coded by another researcher (Coder B) following
the presentation of detailed instructions by the original coder. Although it
was at times necessary for the original coder to clarify codes and
categories and help locate names on gang rosters, the two coders worked
independently of one another. Overall, a high degree of inter-rater
agreement was achieved, with the majority of fields having over 80 percent
agreement. The coders met afterwards to determine the source of the
discrepancy for the two fields with low agreement: offender acquiescence
(61.9 percent) and victim acquiescence (57.9 percent).7 Differences were
accounted for primarily by Coder B’s assumption that acquiescence did
not occur (as opposed to being indeterminable) if such behavior had not
been reported.
Although the major strength of these observations is as qualitative data,
a careful search suggested that patterns related to our primary interests
might also be examined quantitatively. As expected, results of bivariate
6. Co-offenders and co-victims are defined as individuals who act or are treated as key
participants in a dispute but who are not identified as either the offender or victim.
While some authors (for example, Cooney, 1998) include co-offenders and co-
victims in their definition of “third parties,” we conceptualize third parties as being
synonymous with (nondisputing) audience members.
7. Agreement between coders for the remaining fields was as follows: dispute outcome
= 98.4 percent; dispute pretext = 78.6 percent; relationship between disputants =
81.7 percent, race relationship between disputants = 77.0 percent; gang relationship
between disputants = 93.7 percent, co-offender presence = 91.3 percent; co-victim
presence = 90.5 percent; detached worker presence = 92.9 percent; detached worker
behavior = 91.3 percent; third party presence = 89.4 percent; and third party
behavior = 84.9 percent. Differences often resulted from Coder B’s more extensive
use of the “indeterminable” option, but no other pattern was detected.
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8. In two cases, a female gang developed as a small, auxiliary unit associated with a
well-known black male gang (see Fishman, 1995). One of the black gangs also had a
female member who was accepted as a (fringe) member by her male counterparts.
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In a social environment divided sharply on the basis of race and sex,
gang identification (especially on the street) was the most immediate
identity for both white and black gang youth (Short and Strodtbeck, 1965;
see also Suttles, 1968). It was important to others in their communities as
well. Many young boys looked up to gang members, mimicked them, and
aspired to gang membership, accounting in part for “senior,” “junior” and
“midget” gangs of the same name. Gangs with especially notorious
reputations also were well known to neighbors, police and other officials,
school and other agency personnel, and community businesspersons.
No white gang in this study could be characterized as a “conflict gang.”
Conversely, all of the highest ranking gangs on a measure of conflict were
black (see Short, Tennyson and Howard, 1963). Intra-racial gang
relationships reveal this contrast. While friendly relationships between
white gangs were promoted by strong community ties, relationships
between black gangs in contiguous neighborhoods were characterized by
rivalries that resulted in frequent clashes. Gang membership was fluid for
both races, however, and individual boys sometimes shifted allegiances
from one gang to another. In addition, “peace treaties” and “truces”
among the black gangs—almost always facilitated by detached workers, at
times in collaboration with local police—were effective in alleviating or, to
a lesser extent, eliminating rival gang hostilities. A few incidents also
involved alliances between rival black gangs in response to real or
perceived transgressions by whites, suggesting the primacy of racial over
gang identity.9 In the face of inter-racial conflict, even a lengthy history of
intergang antagonism quickly became less important:
Thursday night is when I saw all those Cobras and many
Imperials, about forty-five to fifty kids, and Vice Lords, too. They
never, never stand out there and drink wine together. They were
on 16 Street drinking wine together, talking and laughing. This
was all because of the incident of the boy who supposedly was an
9. The fact that members of one’s own race were often excluded as acceptable targets
of predatory violence also highlights the importance of racial identity.
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Imperial and was shot and killed. They claim that some white boys
shot him, and it was all directed around that. It was Imperials
mostly, and Warriors were mostly buying drinks for the Vice
Lords because they wanted to get the help of the Vice Lords to go
over there and jack up some guys. (Adapted from worker BG
During the period of observation, detached workers occupied a central
position in the gang social world. Although the workers varied a great deal
in style and effectiveness, it is clear from both worker interviews and
observer reports that their role as third parties in disputes prevented a
great deal of fighting, as well as some other forms of delinquency, such as
gang rape, robbery, and theft (cf. Klein, 1969).
Interviews with the gang boys and their nongang member counterparts
in both lower and middle-class areas strongly suggested that detached
workers compensated for “‘deficits’ in gang boys’ relations with other
adult roles” (Short, Rivera and Marshall, 1964:64; see also Rivera and
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Short, 1967). Indeed, for many gang members, workers were the strongest
link to conventional society. The workers did special favors for the boys,
supporting them in court and in other contacts with the law, getting them
out of trouble with parents, helping them find work, securing a place for
club meetings, intervening when they were in danger, transporting them
and providing access to professional sporting events and opportunities to
participate in athletics, dances and a wide range of other activities.
Consequently, they had considerable influence over rank and file gang
members and, in most cases, were able to cultivate close relationships with
gang leaders, who then could be counted on to play an active role in the
control of other gang members and in negotiations for peace with rival
The gang context was conducive to violence, and for gang youth,
willingness to fight often was critical to status management. However,
detached workers—frequently with the support of other gang members—
tended to uphold reasonably conventional behavioral standards, as did
most of the boys when assessing the consequences of their actions. Gang
youth thus were confronted with a delicate balancing of behavior
expectations and limits when they became involved in disputes. We
examine the nature of the pretexts for these disputes and the manner in
which gang youth managed this balance.
Table 1 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of dispute
pretexts. Normative and order violations accounted for more than a third
of all dispute-related incidents (37.7 percent) and half (50.3 percent) of
those for which a pretext could be determined. Identity attacks and
retaliation each accounted for approximately one in five dispute-related
incidents (18.4 percent and 17.1 percent, respectively) and nearly a quarter
of those for which a pretext could be determined (24.4 percent and 22.7
percent, respectively). Fewer than 3 percent of the disputes for which a
pretext could be determined, and slightly less than 2 percent of all
disputes, were associated with the “other” category.
Disputes varied considerably by pretext category (Table 2). Note,
however, that nearly two-thirds of all dispute-related incidents for which a
pretext could be determined were resolved nonviolently.10
10. Pretext-missing cases were especially violent (72.0 percent of 657 cases). Our
understanding of this anomaly is informed by examining the extent to which such
disputes were directly observed as opposed to based on secondhand information.
Pretext-missing disputes came to the attention of detached workers and graduate
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student observers via secondhand information more than twice as often as was the
case for disputes with a non-missing pretext (53.5 percent v. 22.9 percent) (data not
presented). Additional analysis (not presented) reveals that reports of violent
dispute outcomes were significantly more likely to be based on secondhand
information than on direct observation and, conversely, that reports of nonviolent
dispute outcomes more often were based on direct observation than on secondhand
information (χ = 354,871; df = 1; p < .001). Although the mere presence of workers
and their mediating behavior surely contributed to the low rate of violence among
directly observed pretext-missing disputes, the rate of violence among pretext-
missing disputes that were reported by participants is likely to be artificially
inflated. Data based on secondhand information, particularly when obtained from
those who are likely to report only those incidents that escalate into violence or
who have a stake in making themselves appear to be especially tough, skilled as
fighters, and macho, may be more questionable in terms of reliability and validity
than are data based on direct observation.
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of the Vampires attacks a newcomer to the area who had been talking bad
about him:
Some of the Seniors were in Seward Park. When I got there,
Harold had an argument with a boy and knocked him out. He hit
him twice, out like a light. The boy is new in the area, lives in the
new projects, and has been telling everybody he is going to form a
new group of Lords. The first time he came in the area I guess was
in November, and that night he had a fight with Tracy because he
asked Tracy if he wanted to get in his group, and Tracy said, “No,
Harold runs the groups over here.” The guy asked who Harold
was, and Tracy said, “My brother-in-law, and if you want to go, we
can go.” So, they had a fight that night, and Tracy beat him up. So,
this night, he had four of his buddies, huge kids, all over 6 feet,
and he was knocking off about starting this new club and getting
members. Tracy pointed him out to Harold, and he had made
some remark about he didn’t give a damn who Harold was and
that Harold didn’t mean a fuck to him or something like that, and
Harold said to him, “I don’t even know you, so what do you want
to be talking about me for?” The other guy said, “You are
supposed to be so much, the president of groups over here, but
we’re starting a new branch of the Lords over here,” and Harold
said he didn’t give a damn, but he didn’t want the stud talking
about him, and the guy said, “I talk about who I ... ” Bam! First
one knocked him down and the second knocked him out. Finally,
when we got him up, his buddies were going to take him out and
he collapsed again, but they finally got him outside and took him
out the back way of the park. I said, “This is worse than the Wild
West.” (Adapted from worker EM interview)
As with normative or order violation disputes, however, close
relationships between identity attack disputants encouraged a high rate of
nonviolent resolutions, as did mediation on the part of third parties (most
often, detached workers and/or fellow gang members). In the case below,
for example, detached worker BG, aided by one of the Nobles, prevents
Kenneth from responding with violence after being called a “punk” by an
older neighborhood local:
Saturday night, we went to the Vincennes. It’s an old rundown
hotel over there on the edge of the project that has something like
a little club in there. They sell drinks and you can dance. The kids
go in there and buy their drinks. About eight of us altogether
went around there and went in—Wallace, Bobby, Harvey, the
regular crowd... William, Buddy, Kenneth. A lot of grown-ups
were in there drinking and dancing and whatnot. During the
course of the evening, Vernon, one of the local older fellows who
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knows me and all the fellows, came in. Kenneth said, “How you
doing, Vernon?” and Vernon said, “How you doing, punk?” This
copped Kenneth. Kenneth was making it with some little girl. So
then, Kenneth said, “Don’t call me no punk. Who in the [so and
so] do you think you are?” Vernon’s a man, and I’m sure he
doesn’t respect Kenneth’s ability to fight. So, Vernon jumped up
and was getting ready to slap Kenneth. Kenneth had been
drinking. So, I got up along with Wallace and talked to both of
them and got them to calm down. They were all drinking. Looked
like the police were going to come in any minute or looked like
some type of fight was going to break out there. After the
commotion, I tried to pacify Kenneth. Vernon walked on out, and
Kenneth was steady making comments about how he was going to
kill Vernon for saying that. He said, “I don’t take that kind of
stuff off nobody.” I encouraged them to leave, and we went on
back to the poolroom. (Adapted from worker BG interview)
Disputes associated with retaliation escalated into violence more often
than did disputes associated with the other major pretexts (55.1 percent).
Because these disputes typically emerged between members of rival gangs,
they were the most likely to involve strong social pressures supportive of
violence (see also Decker, 1996).11 Violence in such cases often was
opportunistic and took the targeted party by surprise. This dispute
between members of the Warriors and Senior Vice Lords is a good
So all the guys were over there, and some of the Warriors walked
up, wanting to talk peace. I told my boys that, if anything goes on,
I don’t want them to get involved. So, they told the Midgets not to
fight. They came to talk peace, so let them talk and then leave the
area. So, they were talking, about fourteen Warriors. They started
talking, and everything was nice, and Ball said, “There is one of
the mother-fuckers that hit me on top of my head,” and Glen ran
over and said, “No peace, no mother-fucking peace.” Pep was
across the street, and he started over there, and G [detached
worker] told him not to go. So, Ball ran over there and knocked
the boy down and then everybody got in it, except Sammy.
11. Most intergang disputes did not involve a large number of gang members; rather,
they took the form of so-called “wolf-packing,” in which smaller groups of rival
gang members took it upon themselves to stir up trouble with the enemy. The rare
occasions when rival gangs came together in large numbers specifically to do battle
were more volatile and even the potential for serious harm and the presence of
constraining influences such as third party intervention did not ensure a nonviolent
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Lords at different times and the same thing with Vice Lords
jumping on Comanche at different times, and I guess both groups
wanted to bring it to a head and have a showdown. But, by them
talking to each other and not yelling, the fight never came off.
They know John’s role as consultant, and they all felt glad that
John was there to arbitrate for them, because most of these boys
in the Juniors are not able to talk to different groups, especially
groups they are fighting against. (Adapted from worker CB
Table 3 presents outcome findings of the disaggregated pretext
categories, revealing important variations within each of the major pretext
girl for quite some time, and he was displeased about something
she had done. It had to do with another ... she was sitting with the
boy at the show. The girl went into restaurant, and the fellow let
her go back to wash her face and try to stop her nose from
bleeding. (Adapted from worker LW interview)
Toward the end of the dance, I noticed Bobby dancing with one of
the more attractive girls at the dance. This was unusual, because
Bobby seldom dances with a girl. I had never seen him do so
before. After the dance, he told John and me about it. He said he
was dancing with this girl when Freddie came over to him and told
him that was his girl and for Bobby to stop dancing with her.
Freddie also hit Bobby as he told him this, sending all the stuff in
his shirt pocket flying. Bobby said usually he doesn’t, but this time
he controlled his temper and didn’t swing back at Freddie. The
girl told Fred to get lost, and he quickly disappeared. Bobby
continued to dance with her. (Adapted from observer WP interview)
Raymond was telling me that some older fellow was talking to
Laddy’s girl. Laddy hit him with a steel pipe and put him in the
hospital. He hit him about three or four times and broke his arm
and some ribs. Laddy doesn’t like anyone talking to his old lady.
(Adapted from worker GD interview)
Although disputes associated with “fun/recreation” typically involved
members of the same gang or a gang member and another person with
whom he had a close relationship, the high rate of violence in such cases
appeared related to the sometimes fluid and uncertain boundaries
between acceptable behavior (wrestling, body-punching, and so forth) and
more direct challenges to status (use of excessive force or force directed at
the “wrong” body part):
Friday night, Frank and Tracy were body-punching, and Frank hit
Tracy in the jaw accidentally. Tracy got mad and they fought.
Frank split his hand—a gash about an inch and a half or two
inches—on Tracy’s tooth and by the time they got them broken
up both of them had gotten their licks in. Tracy is crazy. He’s on
the verge of being nuts, especially when he gets that wine in him.
(Adapted from worker EM interview)
Only one dispute developed solely over racial concerns, and the
resulting violence reflects the tenor of black-white relationships during the
period of observation. Interracial relationships also appeared to increase
the likelihood of violence among territory/neighborhood honor disputes,
as did intergang relationships.
Disputes stemming from “rumors” were placed in the retaliation
category because they hinted strongly that retaliatory action might be
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The importance of audience behavior to the outcome of potentially
violent encounters has been noted by other researchers (Anderson, 1999;
Cooney, 1998; Felson, 1982; Felson and Steadman, 1983; Luckenbill, 1977;
Luckenbill and Doyle, 1989), as have relationships between the
participants (see Sampson and Lauritsen, 1994). However, the gang
literature is virtually silent with respect to both of these issues. Qualitative
data suggest that the manner in which disputes involving gang boys are
resolved depends largely on such micro-level variables.
We use logistic regression to analyze the impact of disputant (gang and
race) relationship and audience behavior on our three dichotomous
measures of dispute outcome and to examine the influence of other micro-
level variables (dispute pretext, the presence of co-offenders and co-
victims, and acquiescent behavior by the offender or victim). The results
of these analyses are presented in Table 4.12
12. Data were recoded such that the partial coefficient associated with the missing data
category reflects the difference between cases with missing data and all other cases.
The significance of this coefficient for dispute pretext (Models 1, 2 and 3), gang
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information did not weigh heavily into the analyses, however, because of the
limited amount of useful material they typically contained. Moreover, few
substantive differences emerged when such cases were omitted.13 Of
greater significance is the variation in the quality of reports based on
direct observation. Because detached workers were interviewed at weekly
or, at times, biweekly intervals, they were not always able to recall
comprehensively and/or accurately the dispute-related incidents they had
observed. In addition, despite the fact that the research team actively
discouraged workers from imputing theoretical significance to what they
observed, the perception of some of the detached workers and what they
eventually reported may have been influenced by ideas about the
importance of status threats and opportunity structure, to which they had
been exposed in staff meetings and in interaction with members of the
research team. Some detached worker reports also may have been
compromised intentionally. While workers were informed of the strict
rules of confidentiality adhered to by the research team, they were aware
that the information contained within their reports would be read by
members of the research team whom they held in high regard and knew to
be closely associated with the Director of the Program for Detached
Workers. The role workers played in preventing disputes from escalating
into violence occasionally may therefore have been exaggerated.
Unreliability is likely to be especially serious when reasons for
behaviors are imputed. Throughout the research, however, pains were
taken to avoid or minimize imputations of motivation. Furthermore, it was
often possible to combine reports from multiple workers and observers,
with each serving as a check on the other. Because graduate student
reports were required to be completed within a day or two following
observation, they tended to be more detailed than the worker reports and
were less susceptible to problems of recall.
Youth gangs have increased in numbers in the United States (Klein,
1995; National Youth Gang Center, 2000) and elsewhere in the world
(Hagedorn, forthcoming; Klein, Kerner, Maxson and Wietekamp, 2001),
suggesting that gangs remain of continuing theoretical and empirical
significance. Recent studies have yielded important insights into the
nature of gangs and their influence on the adult lives of gang members (for
13. When all cases known to be based on secondhand information were excluded from
the analyses, co-offender presence is no longer significant in Models 1 and 2.
However, the direction of the relationship remains unchanged.
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