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GEC 13 Prelim Exam 3

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Table of Specifications


First Term Examination



Knowledge Comprehension Application/Evaluation

(25%) (25%) (50%)

1. Introduction to 5 34% 5 5 11 16 K: 1-5

Literature C: 16-20
A: 31-40

2. Theories in Literature 5 33% 5 5 10 15 K: 6-10

C: 21-25
A: 41-50

3. Poetry and Its 5 33% 5 5 10 K: 11-15

Elements 15 C: 25-30
A: 51-60

TOTAL 15 100 15 15 30 60

Prepared by: Instructors of GEC13 Checked by: Dr. Aprillette C. Devanadera

Department Chair, LLHD

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Southern Luzon State University
College of Arts & Sciences
Department of Languages, Literature and Humanities


Preliminary Examination

Name :_____________________________________
Course/year/section : ________________________

I. Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer.

1. Which among the following does NOT give facts about poetry? (C)

a. the art of rhythmical composition, written or spoken, for exciting pleasure by beautiful,
imaginative, or elevated thoughts.
b. It is a literary device referring to writing that is structured in a grammatical way,
with words and phrases that build sentences and paragraphs.
c. It is a genre of literature in which readers hear music as it was created by the use of
d. It recreates an experience by means of extracting different emotions, thoughts, and ideas.

2. Which of the following may be LEAST applicable in doing a literary analysis? (C)

a. one must be aware about author’s background

b. one must know the nature of the text
c. one must use a particular framework of analysis
d. one must judge the text based on the reader’s perspective

3. What is the main goal of structuralists? (K)

a. To focus on meanings rather than the structure alone

b. To analyze the conventions of a genre
c. To analyze the conscious and unconscious minds
d. To identify how the economy affects our ideologies

4. Socialist thinker Karl Marx established this branch of literary theory. It examines literature
along the lines of class relations and socialist ideals. (K)

a. Feminism
b. Structuralism
c. Marxism
d. Post- structuralism

5. Recently, Elija lost her mother in a car accident. She used to write her letters on every
occasion. One night, she decided to create a poem that reflects upon her death. It contains themes
of mourning, loss, and reflections about her mother. What kind of lyric poetry is it? (A)

a. Ode
b. Elegies
c. Sonnet
d. Song

6. “I’ll give you a definite maybe.” This figure of speech is a/an: (A)

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A. Oxymoron
B. Paradox
C. Metonymy
D. Simile

7. “The stages of love are like tapping stones to death.” This figure of speech is a: (A)
A. Metaphor
B. Simile
C. Personification
D. Paradox

8. ___________ is associated with the emotional power of literature, such that it should move
us deeply and stir our creative imagination. (K)
A. Universality
B. Style
C. Suggestiveness
D. Permanence

9. _____________ is primarily concerned with gender studies and the manner in which gender
and sexuality is discussed. (K)
A. Psychoanalytic Theory
B. Queer Theory
C. Feminism Theory
D. Poststructuralist Theory

10. In analyzing a literary text using this theory, a critic must look at the motives of the writer.

A. Marxist Theory
B. Poststructuralist Theory
C. Structuralist Theory
D. Psychoanalytic Theory

11. “A man more right than his neighbor constitutes a majority of one.” This figure of speech is
a/an: (A)

A. Allusion
B. Synecdoche
C. Oxymoron
D. Metaphor

12. ___________ is an extended narrative about heroic exploits often under supernatural
control. (K)

A. Metrical Tales
B. Epic
C. Metrical Romance

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D. Ode

13. What does the image of driftwood symbolize? (refer to Dumheb Ako Dumanis) (A)
A. It symbolizes the speaker's love for his cousins.
B. It symbolizes the speaker's achievements in life.
C. It symbolizes the speaker's failures in life.
D. It symbolizes the speaker's dreams in life.

14. Read the given lines below. Who is the speaker in the poem? (A)
My friend
Who sleeps on my lap
He says he is man
And a man needs a woman
And I disagree
Ronald Baytan, He Who Sleeps on My Lap
A. The speaker is a woman. C. The speaker is a gay.
B. The speaker is a child. D. None of the above

15. Which of the following questions can be helpful in analyzing a text using Marxist theory? (C)
A. What motivates the characters’ actions?
B. What view of life does the story present? Which character best articulates this viewpoint?
C. How is the work’s structure unified?
D. Does the story address issues of economic exploitation?

II. True or False. Identify if the statement is correct or incorrect.

16. Imitation of reality is a substandard form of literature. (K)

a. True

b. False

17. If a certain literary piece possesses a so-called sense of beauty, then it could be
classified as a standard for style. (C)

a. True

b. False

18. There is one aspect of life that can be the source of literature which is the self. (K)

a. True

b. False

19. The medium of literature is language. (K)

a. True
b. False

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20. In Post Structuralism Theory, the writer and not the reader became paramount as the
author’s intended meaning was less important than the reader’s perceived meaning. This
statement is: (C)

a. True
b. False

21. In Psychoanalysis Theory, the literary text is a manifestation of the reader’s own neuroses.
This statement is: (K)

A. True
B. False

22. Marxist Theory posits that literature reflects class struggle and materialism. This statement
is: (C)
A. True
B. False

23. Structuralist writing tends towards abstraction and generalization while poststructuralist is
more emotive. This statement is: (K)
A. True
B. False

24. Feminism challenges the matriarchal society. This statement is: (K)

A. True
B. False

III. Essay. Answer the following items briefly.

1. Why is it important to study Philippine Literature? Write your answer in 3-5 sentences.
(10 points)

3. Analyze the poem given below using a feminist perspective. You will be graded based on
the rubric that follows: (10 points)

8-10 5-7 0-4 SCORE

(Excellent) (Satisfactory) (Fair)

Organization The analysis is well- The analysis missed to The analysis provides
structured that allows introduce a stand but is good points but needs
clear understanding of well-concluded. to be organized.
the work.

Use of the selected The chosen theory is The chosen theory is A different perspective
literary theory utilized appropriately somewhat used in was used in analyzing
all throughout the analyzing parts of the the poem.
analysis. poem.

Interpretation Points and meanings Points and meanings Interpretation are

raised are well- are identified but are limited on the literal
discussed and well- somewhat unclear. level.


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Angela Manalang Gloria

I have outgrown them all, and one by one,

These loves I took so mightily to heart
Before you came; the dolls that overran
My childhood hours and taught me fairy act;
The books I ravished by censored score;
Music that like delirium burned my days;
The golden calf I fashioned to adore
When lately I forsook the golden phrase.
And then I shall outgrow this love of you
Sooner or later I shall put away
This jeweled ecstasy for something new
Brand me not fickle on that fatal day;
Bereft of change that is my drink and bread,
I would not love you now, I would be dead.

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Current Item Placement: (can be rechecked po)
Topic 1 Needs:
K (5) - 8, 16, 18, 19, 38 = 5
C (5) - 1, 17 = 2 3
A (11) - 39, Essay: 10 = 11

Topic 2
K (5) - 3, 4, 9, 21, 23, 24 = 6
C (5) - 2, 10, 15, 20, 22 = 5
A (10) - Essay: 10

Topic 3
K (5) - 12, 30, 35, 36, 37 = 5
C (5) - 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 = 5
A (10) - 5, 6, 7, 11, 13, 14, 31, 32, 33, 34 = 10

For questions 25-29, classify the following poems below to which kind of poetry they belong.

25. May Day Eve ni Nick Joaquin

A. Epic C. Metrical Romance
B. Metrical Tale D. Ballad

26. Biag ni Lam-ang

A. Epic C. Metrical Romance
B. Metrical Tale D. Ballad

27. Dandansoy ng The Mabuhay Singers

A. Song C. Psalm
B. Ode D. Hymn

28. Anima Christi ni Marco Frisina

A. Song C. Psalm
B. Ode D. Hymn

29. Walang Sugat ni Severino Reyes

A. Lyric poetry C. Dramatic poetry
B. Narrative poetry D. Musical poetry

30. The simplest and shortest type of narrative poetry that tells a single incident in similar meter
and stanza and is meant to be sung.
A. Epic C. Metrical Romance
B. Metrical Tale D. Ballad





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35. Musical poetry is poetry that tells a story in a poetic form revealed through speech and
A. True B. False

36. A psalm is considered as the most majestic of lyric poems, it is written in a spirit of praise of
a person or things.
A. True B. False

37. Lyric poetry is poetry that is accompanied by a musical instrument and is meant to be sung.
A. True B. False

38. Literature is derived from a Latin word “litera” which means letter.
A. True B. False

39. Florante at Laura is considered to be a good literature since its message is still relatable in
the newer generations.
A. True B. False

40. A good literature elevates the spirit by bringing out moral values which makes us better
A. True B. False

41. Studying Philippine literature can help us discover ourselves and our heritage distinct from
A. True B. False

42. Studying Philippine literature can help us discover other nation’s values and practices that
are better than our own.
A. True B. False

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