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Chapter 09

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9.1 General
The content of this chapter describes the precautions that are necessary in ships carrying
petroleum cargoes.

It is of the utmost importance that every member of the crew understands the precautions
applying for entry into enclosed spaces.

9.1.1 Definition
Enclosed spaces includes, but is not necessarily limited to a room, tank, void, tunnel, passage,
or trunk with:
 Restricted entrance or exit;
 Not designed for continuous occupancy;
 Insufficient natural or mechanical ventilation;
 Oxygen depleted atmosphere; or
 Poisonous, corrosive or flammable vapours.

The following enclosures are also considered enclosed spaces; and are subject to entry permit
if personnel are working inside:
 Main engine crankcase;
 Main engine air scavenging belt/receiver;
 Exhaust ducting;
 Boiler drums;
 Air receivers;
 Condensers; and
 Sewage plants.
If in doubt, a compartment should be regarded as an enclosed space.

9.1.2 Potential hazards.

The following potential hazards shall always be considered in connection with entry permit:
 Explosive/Flammable/Toxic atmosphere;
 Oxygen deficiency;
 Accidental transfer of liquids into the space;
 Entrapment;
 Electric shock;
 Inadequate lighting;
 Inadequate ventilation;
 Slipping or falling;
 Head butting;
 Heavy rolling and pitching of the vessel;
 Falling through unsecured openings or onto unsecured sharp edges; and
 Extreme temperatures and humidity.

9.1.3 Risk mitigation measures

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All risks associated with the hazards identified in 9.1.2 above shall be mitigated to tolerable
levels by introducing risk mitigation measures such as:
 Minimize the number of personnel entering enclosed spaces;
 Introduce additional portable ventilation;
 Introduce additional portable lighting;
 Use of hand torches;
 Temporary staging including protection of openings;
 Use of safety harness when working outboard or aloft;
 Personal oxygen meter for one of the crewmembers entering an enclosed space;
 Appropriate PPE including proper foot wear and in certain cases EEBD;
 Adequate and appropriate training on all personnel;
 Positive and adequate flow of useful information;
 Use of emergency rescue equipment;
 Adequate and proper emergency rescue training;
 Testing and monitoring the atmosphere in a enclosed space for oxygen, flammable or
toxic vapours; and
 Adequate communication equipment.

9.2 Oxygen deficiency

Lack of oxygen should always be suspected in tanks and other compartments that have been
closed for some time, particularly if they have contained water or have been subjected to
damp or humid conditions.

Inert gas, by virtue of its very low oxygen content, will not support life. Its presence must
always be suspected in the cargo tanks and in adjacent compartments in tankers and chemical

The effects of oxygen deficiency are described in chapter 7.

9.3 Hydrocarbon gas

The presence of hydrocarbon gas must always be suspected in the cargo tanks, pumprooms
and adjacent compartments in tankers.

9.4 Gas tests for entry

No entry will be permitted into any enclosed space unless the atmosphere inside has been
tested and found to contain sufficient oxygen and is free of hydrocarbon and toxic gases
where applicable:
 Oxygen 21 % by volume;
 The hydrocarbon level shall be maximum 1% of the LEL; and
 Cargo tanks and Bunker fuel oil tanks that have contained oils, for which the MSDS
indicates the presence of Benzene and H2S, shall be tested for these hazardous vapours
prior to entry.

9.5 Ventilation
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Ventilation must be carried out before entry is permitted into any enclosed space and
continued throughout the period or entry. Ventilation should, however, be suspended during
pre-entry atmosphere sampling in order not to affect the readings obtained.

If forced ventilation is used at least four changes of air must take place before entry is
allowed. Where only natural ventilation is possible the space must be allowed to ”breathe” for
at least 24 hours. In certain spaces, such as double tanks, the most effective way of ensuring
full ventilation may be to fill the compartment with clean seawater and then pump it out
allowing fresh air to be drawn in.

Regardless of method used, no entry is allowed until tests show that a safe, breathable
atmosphere exists.

Pump room fixed ventilation systems must be in operation for at least 15 minutes before any
entry is permitted.

9.6 Entry procedures

No one may enter an enclosed space without permission of the officer in charge who will first
ensure that the requirements of the enclosed space entry checklist are complied with in full.

During the Tool Box meeting prior entry, the roles must be clearly defined. In this respect it
shall be noted Supervisor and Team Leader cannot be the same person.

Normally not more than one senior officer from any department will enter an enclosed space
at one time.

9.7 Enclosed space entry permit

The permit shall be completed by the officer in charge of entry and approved by the master.
A separate permit shall be completed for each space and entry operation and shall include
details of the following:
 Space to be entered.
 Reason for entry - inspection, maintenance, repair etc.
 Emergency equipment.
 Results of atmosphere checks as applicable to type of ship and cargo.
 Names of persons entering.
 Times of entry and expected duration.
 Method and frequency of communication, e.g. Walkie-talkies.
 Name of linkman. It is important to position a man outside the entrance to the space to
act as a communication link.
 The officer on the bridge, (if ship at sea), will maintain communications with the
linkman so that he may sound the emergency alarm immediately if a problem occurs.
 Details of ventilation methods and, where appropriate, checks that inert gas has been
 Personal oxygen meters function should be tested.
 an entry log shall be kept, indicating persons entering and leaving the enclosed space
9.7.1 Emergency Equipment
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Minimum 2 crewmembers shall stand by the entrance to the enclosed space as long as any
personnel are inside. The following equipment shall be available and be ready for immediate
use at the entrance to the enclosed space:
 Two sets of SCBA fully charged, and with a clean facial mask. The equipment shall be
tested prior to use in enclosed space;
 Resuscitator;
 Intrinsically safe hand torch; and
 Rescue line with safety harness.
If a person has passed out in an enclosed space, no rescue crew shall enter the space without

9.7.2 Communication
At least one of the stand by crew at the entrance of the enclosed space shall be in radio
contact with the OOW, and if practically possible with the personnel inside the enclosed
The batteries in the portable radio shall be fully charged, and shall be tested prior to entry.

9.7.3 Required PPE

The Supervisor shall ensure that all personnel entering the space use the required PPE as
specified on the work permit. The following equipment will normally be required during all
entries to enclosed spaces:
 Coveralls and safety shoes or safety boots;
 Hard hat;
 Intrinsically safe hand torch;
 Intrinsically safe portable radio;
 Personal oxygen meter with alarm;
 Safety harness if working at elevated heights inside the space; and
 Suitable gloves.

9.7.4 Precautions after Completion of Entry

The Supervisor shall upon completion of the work in an enclosed space ensure that:
 All personnel that entered the enclosed space are accounted for;
 All equipment and materials used during the work have been removed from the
confined space;
 Locks and tags have been removed, and all blind flanges has been removed from all
valves and piping; and
 All openings to the enclosed space have been secured for normal operations.

Any problem observed during an enclosed space entry operation shall be noted on the
enclosed space entry permit or on a separate sheet of paper attached to the permit, to be used
to evaluate whether changes are need to the work permit procedures.

9.7.5 Entry into Enclosed Spaces during Stays at Shipyard

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If an enclosed space has been certified as safe for entry by a certified Marine Chemist, an
enclosed space entry permit is not required.
The space certified as safe by a certified Marine Chemist shall be tagged with status at the
entrance of the space.
No crewmember shall enter an enclosed space without informing the Chief Officer, Chief
Engineer or the OOW.

9.8 Cargo pump rooms

Entry into cargo pump room is a normal operational requirement during cargo handling,
ballasting, tank cleaning or maintenance. The frequency of pumproom entry for routine
inspection purposes during cargo operations should be at a level where operational safety is
not compromised, taking into account the necessity to minimise personnel exposure.
The following precautions shall be observed:
 ventilation must have been operating for at least 15 minutes and remain in operation.
 the fixed gas detection system must be correctly calibrated and tested.
 pump room entry permit to be issued prior entry
 an entry log shall be kept, indicating persons entering and leaving the pumproom
 the officer on watch or another responsible person must always be informed before a
person enters a pump room and immediately on returning to deck.
 personal hydrocarbon gas monitoring equipment shall be readily available at the
pumproom entrance.

Pump room bilges must always be kept clean and dry.

A permanently rigged lifeline and rescue harness will be maintained at the top of each pump

9.9 Opening up equipment and pipelines

There is always s risk that cargo liquid or vapour may be released when opening up
equipment and piping associated with the cargo system.

The associated sections of the cargo system should first be flushed through with clean
seawater, localised ventilation arranged as necessary. Breathing apparatus of escape sets
should be kept in the vicinity of the work and continuous gas monitoring conducted while
opening up lines, valves or equipment.

9.10 Entry into non gas-free spaces

Entry into a space that is not gas free or does not contain 21% oxygen will only be permitted
if there is no alternative and such cases will be regarded as an emergency.

The number of persons entering will be kept to a minimum but will normally be at least two,
and each will wear a full breathing apparatus.
Under these circumstances entry will be considered an emergency and a rescue team fully
equipped with breathing apparatus and rescue equipment will be standing by.

9.11 Breathing and resuscitation equipment

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Different types of equipment

Air may be used is several different ways to provide life support and consequently breathing,
rescue and resuscitation equipment is available in many different forms depending on the
particular requirements, and is produced by a number of manufacturers.

The main basic types may be listed as follows:

 Self contained breathing apparatus, both demand and positive pressure types,
 Air line breathing equipment served by cylinder pack.
 Short duration escape breathing apparatus.
 Emergency life support apparatus.
 Filter canisters.
 Resuscitation equipment.

The equipment above does not cover underwater diving equipment.

Self contained breathing apparatus (S.C.B.A.)

The self- contained breathing apparatus is the most versatile and commonly used item of
safety equipment found aboard ships.

In normal use, the wearer draws his air supply from air cylinders, (there are also twin -
cylinder models), which is an integral part of the unit and he is thus able to move about

Working duration of S.C.B.A.

The work duration of a self-contained breathing apparatus will vary considerably from one
wearer to another and will also depend in the amount of effort being expended. As a rough
guide, it can be assumed that a trained wearer in fit condition and working reasonably hard
will consume about 40 liters of free air per minute: an inexperienced person can easily double
this rate of consumption.

Compressed air cylinders are of various sizes, usually of either 9 or 6 litre water capacity.
Twin cylinder sets often have two 4 liters cylinders, totalling 8 liters water capacity.

The fully charged pressure of cylinders also varies. Some types are charged to as high as 300
bars, (45000 psi), but 200 bars / atmospheres / kg / cm 2 is more common for shipboard use.
The maximum charging pressure is always stamped on either the neck or the shoulder of a

To obtain the approximate quantity of free air in a cylinder simply multiply the water
capacity in liters by the pressure in either bars, atmospheres or kg / cm 2. For example, a 6 litre
cylinder charged to 200 bars -
6 x 200 = 1200 liters, (approximately).

On the basis of a consumption of 40 litters / minute the rated total duration of such a cylinder
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be -
1200 = 30 minutes.

However, the working duration always allows for a safety reserve of 10 minutes and in this
case it will therefore be 20 minutes.

Using the same simple calculation, the working duration of 9 litre and twin 4 litre 200 bars
cylinders will be found to be 35 minutes and 30 minutes respectively.

It must, however, be stressed that these times should be regarded as guidelines only and
individuals should obtain an assessment of their own endurance capabilities by practising
under different conditions.

Demand type S.C.B.A.

In most types of S.C.B.A., the air passes from the cylinder to a pressure reducer where the
pressure is reduced to about 10 bars, (varies with type and make), before passing to the
demand regulator which is attached to the facemask. These sets are often referred to as twin -

In some other types, the air is led at full cylinder pressure direct to the demand regulator.
These sets are known as single - stage. Essentially, from the wearer’s point of view, both
types meet the same requirements though the signal - stage sets are perhaps simpler to

The air supply hose is attached to a demand regulator, which is often attached or screwed
direct into the facemask. The flow into the mask is controlled by a tilt valve, which is
actuated by a diaphragm in the demand regulator. When the wearer is not breathing, no
airflow’s into the mask. When inhaling, however, a slight vacuum is created in the mask
causing inward movement or the diaphragm, which pushes against and opens the tilt valve
resulting in supply of air to the mask. During exhalation, the diaphragm returns to its normal
position and the tilt valve closes. The exhaled air exhausts to atmosphere through a separate
non - return exhalation valve.

Correct wearing of the facemask is very important. An incorrectly fitted mask will allow
outside atmosphere to be drawn in during the vacuum stage: a similar danger exists if the
wearer has a beard, heavy side burns or wear spectacles.

Positive pressure S.C.B.A.

This type of breathing apparatus is usually if twin - stage though single - stage sets are being
developed by some manufacturers.

The equipment is designed to ensure that a positive pressure, (i.e. above atmospheric), is
maintained in the facemask at all times. The essential difference from the demand type lies in
the demand regulator and in the exhalation valve.

The demand regulator is fitted with a simple spring-loaded piston, usually controlled by an on
/ of switch on the front of the regulator. When switched on, the piston is released and the
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spring causes it to push against the diaphragm, which in turn opens the tilt valve allowing air
to flow into the mask. In order to maintain the slight positive pressure in the mask the exhale
valve is also spring - loaded and only opens when the wearer further increases the pressure by
breathing out. The additional pressure during exhalation also pushes out the diaphragm
temporarily stopping the air supply.

In the case of a badly fitted face mask, a beard or spectacles, air will leak outwards thus
providing protection at all times.

It must, however, be stressed that in any of these eventualities the loss of air would reduce the
normal working duration at all times.

The fitting of an on / off switch is to enable the facemask to be properly adjusted without loss
of air and must not be regarded as providing optional modes if use. Not all positive pressure
sets are fitted with this switch. Because of the increased resistance in the exhalation valve
breathing difficulties, and consequent loss of efficiency, will result if the positive pressure
switch is not put in the on position use.

Positive pressure switch must always be ON when in use!!!!

Positive pressure S.C.B.A. offers much greater protection particularly when operating in a
toxic environment. Contrary to popular supposition, it does not result in increased air
consumption but is slightly more economical.

Face mask
Most modern facemasks are made of neoprene or similar durable chemical resistant materials.
There are, however, a good many in existence, which are made of rubber-based materials.

Regardless of type, facemasks should always be washed in soapy, (not detergent), water after
use and then rinsed in clean fresh water, wiped with a clean cloth and allowed to dry gently.

Rubber based masks should periodically be treated with paraffin wax to prevent perishing.

Visors should be protected against scratching. Minor scratching and marks are sometimes
unavoidable but most can be easily removed by polishing with brass polish.
Exhale valves, which are allowed to become dirty will not seal properly and toxic atmosphere
may then enter the mask. Rubber valves found in the demand type sets will become stretched
or perished after a while and it is important to renew them in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions.

Many masks are fitted with an inner or ori - nasal mask, the purpose of which is two - fold.
All exhaled air is confined to the space in this inner mask before it is exhausted into the
atmosphere. This not only reduces the possibility of a build - up of CO 2 within the mask as a
whole but it effectively minimise misting if the visor.

Low pressure warning

All breathing sets, whether of the demand type or positive pressure are required to have a
device which gives adequate warning when the cylinder pressure is getting low. Most devices
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are designed to give 10 minutes warning based a consumption of 40 liters/minute but the time
interval must never be relied upon and the prudent wearer will always check the pressure
gauge regularly.

The main types of warning devices are:

 Whistle.
 Reserve air valve.

The type of device is often dictated by the national flag administration, where some insists on
an approved audible alarm where as some countries argue that this might not always be heard
and insist on an alternative such as the reserve air valve.

The latter device operates by markedly reducing the airflow when the pressure reaches a
certain minimum level. Normal flow is restored by the weather pulling a toggle or pushing a

Whichever is fitted never depend solely on it.

Pressure gauge
Every S.C.B.A. is fitted with a pressure gauge so positioned that it can be easily read by the
user when wearing the facemask. Pressures are usually indicated in one of the following

Atmospheres (1 atmosphere = 14,7 PSI)

Bars (1 bar = 14,5 PSI)
Kg / cm2 (1kg / cm2 = 14,2 PSI)

Emergency Escape Breathing Devices

Sets normally have a total duration of at least 15 minutes to meet IMO requirements and, as
they will be worn until either the air has been exhausted or the wearer is clear of the
dangerous area, warning whistles are not always fitted. The pressure gauge is normally fitted
to the cylinder in order to register continuously thus enabling easy checking of sets in storage
without having to open the cylinder valve.

This equipment comprises a small air cylinder, which is contained in a specially designed
jerkin. On opening the cylinder valve, air is supplied to a clear polythene hood, which the
wearer puts over his head. Air is supplied at a constant flow of 40 litres / minute thus giving a
total duration of minimum 15 minutes. When not in use, the hood is stowed in a pouch in
front of the jerkin.

Resuscitation equipment
Resuscitation equipment is available in various forms ranging from a simple, hand operated
bellows pump to sophisticated equipment that will give automatic resuscitation for periods of
30 minutes and upwards and which will function even when a victim is in the process of
being hoisted out of a compartment.
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The media used for resuscitation are either oxygen or air. If oxygen is used, the resuscitation
equipment must not be taken into a potentially flammable atmosphere unless it is approved
for that purpose - oxygen escaping under pressure can cause a spontaneous explosion in such

Air has the advantage of being readily available and where the equipment is fed by cylinders
these can be readily recharged if there is a medical air compressor on board or, alternatively,
can be charged by decanting from a larger cylinder.

It is clearly of utmost importance that breathing and resuscitation equipment be maintained in
efficient working condition at all times. It should be checked by a responsible officer at least
once a month and after every occasion when it has been used. Servicing should be carried
out according to applicable regulations or instructions by the manufacturers or by some other
competent person. Only the manufacturer spares should be used.

Cylinders should be inspected for scratches or other breakdown or the painted surface and
repainted as necessary. They are required to be hydraulically tested and re - certificated every
five years. Cylinders should not be left empty with their valves open as this will allow moist
air to enter and corrosion of the internal walls will result.

S.C.B.A wearer’s test

Before using a self - contained breathing apparatus the following tests should be carried out
by the wearer:
 open cylinder valve and listen for audible leaks, (with positive pressure sets, the
positive pressure switch to be ”off”).
 check pressure gauge and ensure air cylinder full.
 close cylinder valve and observe pressure gauge: pressure should not drop by more
than 10 atmospheres, (or bars), in one minute.
 slowly bleed off air pressure and check that low level warning device operates at
correct gauge pressure.
 re - open cylinder valve and put on facemask.
 close cylinder valve and breathe normally until air is exhausted from the system.
Facemask should then pull onto the face, indicating that the seal is effective.
 if all correct, re - open cylinder valve and proceed.

9.12 Anoxia - anaesthesia - heart - brain - first aid - rescue - resuscitation

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The heart - the circulatory system

The centre of the circulatory system is the heart, which functions in a similar manner to a

The blood picks up oxygen from the lungs from where it passes to the left hand side of the
heart and is then distributed around the body through the arteries to the cells. The cells take a
little oxygen from the blood and release a little carbon dioxide in its place

The blood circulates back through the arteries to the right hand side of the heart and then to
the lungs where it releases the carbon dioxide and picks up a fresh supply of oxygen for the
recalculating cycle to begin again.

The human body is composed of billions of living cells, all of which need oxygen to survive,
but vary in their requirement. The brain cells need the most oxygen and therefore, are the first
to suffer if the supply of oxygen is restricted or cut off. A lack of oxygen is known as anoxia.

The function of the brain

The brain is an extremely complicated structure consisting of millions of cells.

The function of the brain is to receive ”messages” from special nerves connected to the
senses: sight, smell, hearing, etc., decide upon the necessary action and send out orders
through outgoing nerves to the various muscles of the body.

It also acts as a memory storehouse.

The brain can be considered to consist of two main parts: the ”higher centres” and the ”lower
(vital) centres”.

The higher centres consist of smaller and more delicate cells, which control the senses:
though, judgement, smell, sight, hearing and so on. When a person suffers from anoxia, (lack
of oxygen) these are the first cells to be affected.

The lower (vital) centre cells are a little more robust than the higher centre cells and control
the main body muscular functions such as breathing, blood circulation and body temperature.

To a large extent the lower cells are self-regulating and control bodily functions without help
from the higher centres. In sleep, for example, the higher centres are at rest while the vital
centres keep the body functioning.

Anaesthesia - effects of gas poisoning

As mentioned, the higher centres of the brain are effected first by anoxia or by the
introduction of a poison or anaesthetic into the blood circulation system.

It is immaterial for the purpose of this part, to consider separately whether the poison gets
into the blood circulation system by inhalation through the mouth or nose and via the lungs or
it is injected into a vein, as in most cases with modern anaesthetics. Once a poison is
introduced into the circulation system, it will reach the brain cells very rapidly.
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The effect of the presence of a poison in the blood thereby depriving the cells of oxygen is
also a contributory factor to unconsciousness and death in some cases.

Consciousness depends on the higher centres, so when these stop functioning the result is
unconsciousness. As the effect of a poisonous gas, (or anoxia), progresses, so the vital centres
become affected which will result in the more serious failure or the chest muscles and the
victim will cease to breath. Shortly afterwards the heart will stop and death occurs.

The effects on a person who is inhaling a poisonous gas (or being anaesthetised) will depend
upon the concentration and exposure. Broadly the following will be the pattern from medium
to low concentration above the threshold limit value:
 the sensations are blunted, the skin becomes numb and movements are clumsy.
 an excitable and emotional phase usually follows as the higher centres become
inhibited and primitive emotions are set free.
 as the vital centres become affected, a state resembling sleep follows which becomes
deeper and deeper as more gas in inhaled. At first the breathing is normal but becomes
weaker as the ”anaesthetic effect” of the poisonous gas takes over the vital centres.
 finally, the vital centres become paralysed, berthing eventually ceases and death soon

If the concentration of gas is sufficiently high, the above effects may take place very rapidly
to the extent that total unconsciousness will follow after two or three inhalations.
If the brain cells are deprived of oxygen from more than four minutes they will die, it will be
remembered that the cells in the higher centre will become affected first.

Some forms of hydrocarbon gas act by preventing the cells from using oxygen. In such cases,
recovery will occur when the poison effects ”wear off” provided the body can be kept
supplied with oxygen. This is particularly the case with hydrogen sulphide, (H2S), poisoning.

The sum effect of hydrocarbon gas poisoning can, therefore, be due to either of the following,
alone, or a combination of both:
 lack of oxygen in the air breathed.
 toxic effects of the gas breathed poisoning the brain cells or / and depriving the cells
of oxygen.

The need to get oxygen to the brain cells becomes vital if the victim is to be saved. The time
factor of four minutes has been adopted for the period between a person seen to be overcome
by gas and the arrival of the emergency squad.

The rescue operation will depend upon circumstances, and can be divided into two basic

A: When the victim is still breathing when the rescue team arrives, he may partially
conscious or even unconscious.
B: Where the victim has stopped breathing when the rescue team arrives. In this case he will
be unconscious.
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A: When the victim is still breathing

No 1 of the emergency squad wearing a breathing apparatus and carrying a spare face
mask plugged into his own set, together with the resuscitator will enter the pumproom or
enclosed space, accompanied by no 2 and no 3 of the emergency squad. No 2 and no 3
will wear individual breathing apparatus and both will carry a spare facemask plugged
into their own sets.

On reaching the victim no 1 with the assistance from no’s 2 and 3 will place the facemask
over the mouth of the victim. If the latter is conscious and capable of moving, the rescue
team will assist the victim to ”rescue himself”. If the victim is unconscious, but still
breathing, the spare facemask should be placed on his face and providing he is breathing
strongly enough to lift the demand valve on the facemask, he will probably regain
consciousness within a few minutes.

If more than one victim is found then the additional facemasks from no’s 2 and 3 should
be utilised in a similar manner to that from no 1.

The victim, although breathing, may not be capable of inhaling with enough strength to
lift the demand valve sufficiently to provide himself with an adequate air supply. Help to
the victim can be provided by depressing the diaphragm in the demand valve thus
continually flooding the mask with fresh air. Under these circumstances a close watch
must be kept on the air consumption and the resuscitator used.

The victim may well react violently and may probably vomit as he recovers consciousness
and a close watch should be maintained.

B: When the victim has stopped breathing

Upon reaching a victim who has stopped breathing, or one who is breathing too weakly to
inhale air through a face mask, no 1 will immediately unpack the resuscitator whilst no’s
2 and 3 place the victim on his back in a reasonably clear space. If a resuscepac is
supplied to the ship the following procedure will now take place:

No 1 will place the resuscepac on the victims chest so that one fluorescent marker strip is
visible on each shoulder.

The victims head should then be lifted, and the apparatus drawn down until the top
cylinder is under the neck, the lower part of the equipment rests on a lower trunk. The two
fluorescent strips should now be visible on the casualty’s chest.

No 1 will then open the remaining zip fasteners to reveal the facemask and two control
valves. Turning the latter valves about one turn anti clockwise to the click stop will allow
the ”resuscepac” to start cycling and discharging to the face mask, at regular intervals.

No 1 will then clear any obstructions from the victim’s mouth, fully extend the neck to
open the air passage to the lungs and place the facemask over the casualty’s nose and
mouth. A warning ”chatter” will be emitted from the face mask should the oxygen be
obstructed from entering the victim’s lungs. If this occurs no 1 must check that the air
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passages are clear, by fully extending the casualty’s neck. During this operation the
facemask must be held tightly to the victim’s face, and 3 straps are provided for securing
this to the face if necessary. A ”book airway” is provided with each set and may be used
to keep the victim’s air passage clear.

The duration of each cylinder when full is 15 minutes. Since the lower cylinder is always
discharged first, this may be replaced when empty without interrupting resuscitation.
When replacing this cylinder with a full one it is important to fit the regulator to the spare
cylinder before passing it into a gas filled atmosphere.

Number 2 and 3 of the emergency squad will evacuate the victim from the area, once no 1
has administered resuscitation.

During either of these operations no 4 of the emergency squad will collect the
explosimeter from the emergency headquarters and proceed to the pumproom top or tank

He will be prepared to substitute for either no 1, no 2, no 3 in the event of their late arrival
or render assistance if necessary. However, if none of this is required he will measure the
gas concentration in the vicinity of the victim using the explosimeter. Should no 4 be
required to help with the rescue, the gas sampling will be carried out by no 5. The rest of
the emergency squad must be able to reach the victim and commence administering
resuscitation as detailed in the above situations within 4 minutes of the casualty losing

After the victim has been brought into the fresh air, the ”resuscepac” should be removed
and, if necessary, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation applied.

Note: emergency squad duty cards in chapter 2.

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