Abstract. In this paper a simple analytical expression for the end seal is reduced and thus the drying-out of the ca-
the current stress on the DC link capacitor of a voltage DC pacitor is delayed.Therefore, in order to meet a demanded
link converter system, as caused hy the load-side inverter MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure) of the inverter besides
is derived. There, a sinusoidal inverter output current and selecting an appropriate rated voltage of the capacitor also
a constant value of the DC link voltage are assumed. The the correct thermal design is of major importance.
DC link capacitor current rms value is determined by the
modulation depth and by the amplitude and the phase an- The temperature being important for the working life is the
gle of the inverter output current. Despite the neglection can-temperature T, (cf. Fig.8 in [3]). T,is determined by
of the output current ripple the results of the analytical the ambient temperature T, and by the power dissipation in
calculation match very well with a digital simulation even the capacitor as caused by the capacitor rms current I C . ~ , ~ ,
if the output current ripple is relatively high as given, e.g.,
for low-frequency IGBT inverter systems. Thus, the a p
proximation can advantageously be used for designing the (RESRdenotes the equivalent series resistance of the capac-
DC link capacitor of P W M converter gystems. itor which represents the sum of the frequency sensitive re-
sistance of the oxid dielectric, the temperature sensitive re-
sistance of the electrolyte and the relatively constant small
1 Introduction contributions of the foil, the tabs and the terminals [3], [4];
denotes the heat transmission resistance between
Voltage DC link inverters are frequently fed via uncon- the capacitor can and the ambience).
trolled rectifier bridges from the single-phase or the three
phase mains. There, in the DC link usually aluminium elec- Remark In connection with Eq.(l) it is important to point
out that an ahnolute maximum rating IC,,.,, of the current
trolytic capacitors (connected in series and/or in parallel)
s t r m on an electrolytic capacitor (as specified in the data sheet)
are used
is determined by the maximum allowable capacitor hot spot tem-
to compensate the difference between the power re- perature T h > T, (cf. Fig.8 in p]).(With rising temperature the
quirement of the inverter (whose mean value is con- electric strength of the dielectric material is lowered and in ad-
stant in steady state operation) and the output power dition chemical reactions between the electrolytic material and
of the input rectifier bridge varying with two or six the aluminium oxide of the anode foil take place). Hence it is
t i e s the mains frequency, neewary to emure in any ease I c , ~ - c I C , ~ , ~ , ~even ~ { ifT ~ )
to supply the input current of the inverter with pulse the working life is not of special importance.
frequency, Therefore, for a correct thermal design of the capacitor
to reduce the spreading of current harmonics with the rms value IC,.,. of the DC link capacitor current is of
pulse frequency into the mains, paramount importance. The methods for calculating Ic,rms
as proposed in the literature so far are based on a spectral
to supply transient power peaks and
analysis of the phase quantities (cf. 151, Fig.4(h) in [6], 171,
to protect the inverter from transient peaks of the [SI, 191, [lo], 1111) and/or rely on digital simulations. Be-
mains voltage. sides the considerable amount of time required for estab-
lishing a simulation model one drawback of these methods
As explained, e.g., in [l]the operating voltage and especial- is the missing possibility of demonstrating the influence of
ly the working temperature (in most cases the temperature the operating point of the inverter (which is characterized
of the capacitor-can is taken as reference value) take signif- by the modulation depth and by the amplitude and the
icant influenceon the working life of electrolytic capacitors. phase displacement of the inverter output current and volt-
If, e.g., an aluminium electrolytic capacitor is operated at age fundamentals) on the capacitor current stress as the
0.9.~ -
rated voltaw the failure rate is lowered to 60% as com- simulation is valid always only for a single set of operating
pared to an operation at rated voltage (cf. Fig.7 in 111). If parameters.
the working temperature is lowered, the typical working life
doubles for every 10°C below the rated temperature (Arrhe- However, as shown in this paper, it is also possible to calcu-
nius Law, cf. p. 6 in [2]), as due to the lower temperature late the rms current of the DC link capacitor in analytical-
the d i h i o n of the g-us parts of the electrolyte through Iv
, closed form in the time domain with su5cient accuracy.
Ninth International Conference on Electrical Machines and Drives, Conference Publication No. 468, 0IEE, 1999
N s
Fig.1: Basic structure of the power circuit of a voltage DC link converter. The AC machine fed by the inverter is
considered by a simple equivalent circuit formed by leakage inductances L and machine countereleetromotive forces
gN,,. The inductors LN at the input (and/or an inductor at the output of the input rectifier bridge) have to be
provided for limiting the peak values of the input currents and/or the &e& on the maim and the current s t r e on the
DC link capacitor C [12],
The effort necessary for designing the capacitor regarding The relative on-times of the switching states (010) and
the current stress thus is reduced to the evaluation of a sim- (W,
ple mathematical expression. In addition the knowledge of
the functional influence of the operating parameters on the
capacitor current rms value can easily be used for deter-
mining the worst case current stress.
2 Basic Considerations
For preparing the analytical calculation of the capacitor can be determined by simple geometrical corniderations (cf,
current stress a brief review of the fundamentals of the in- Fig.2) and are defined by the location 'pu of the respective
verter control and of the formation of the inverter input pulse half period within the fundamental period of the in-
current i will be given in the following. Due to the sym- verter output voltage and by the relative amplitude of the
metries of an ideal three-phsse voltage system and due to inverter output voltage fundamental and/or the modulation
the phasesymmetric structure of the converter power cir- index
cuit there the analysis can he limited to a :-wide interval
of the inverter output voltage fundamental period.
2.1 Space Vector Modulation (With reference to the conditions given for a typical prac-
tical applications, the DC link voltage is assumed to be
For stationary operation the reference value of the inverter constant in the following.) In contrast the distribution of
output voltage can be represented by a space vector the total on-time of the non-voltage-forming (free-wheeling)
switching states (000) and (111)
= Ou e x p ( j w ) cpu = wNt (2)
Z N , R . ( ~ )= f N CO+U - V)
Re iN,S,(l) = IN C d 9 U --
- 9)
~U.10111 YU.IlWI
iN,T,(l) = fNCoS(9tJ + -2n3- V ) (10)
a low realization effort of the inverter control [14] 3.1 Mean Value of the Inverter Input Current
Eq.(12) can be expressed as the width of the current pulses (cf. Eq.(4)) appearing a t
the inverter input for increasing modulation index M or by
iavg ..T
= 6(OlO)iN.S - ~ ( ~ I o ) ~ N (13) the increase of the inverter output power due to the pro-
With this, and Eqs.(4) and (10) we receive portional increase of the fundamental output voltage as a
consequenceof the higher modulation index M (cf. Eq.(5)).
,i = I,, =-1~Mcosp.
4 (14) It is important to note that besides the (global) mean value,
Corresponding to the constant power supplied by a sym- 2ideally does not contain any low frequency harmonics but
metrical and sinusoidal threephase voltage/current system only harmonics with Switching frequency.
the inverter input current shows a constant local average
d u e,,i = Iw, i.e., local and global (related to the funds- 3.2 R M S Value of the Inverter Input Current
mental of the output voltage) mean value are identical. For
m p = 0 the generates Only fundamental reactive For the local r m value
~ of the inverter input current
power and/or no power is supplied from the DC link (har-
monic power components are neglected). Accordingly, we
have I,, = 0, the inverter input current i is d e h e d by seg-
ments out of the vicinity of the zero crogsings of the output
2rne - 2
l'Tp i2dt, (15)
phase currents Z N , , with alternating signs (cf. Fig.l(a)). We have in analOgY to Eq.(I4)
On the contrary, for cos9 = 1 we have purely active pow- c.= 6(0lO)i%,S + 6(110)i%,T (16)
er operation and/or maximum current is supplied by the Therefore, with
DC link. There, i is formed by segments of identical signs
out of the vicinity of the maxima of the phase currents i ~ , ,
(cf. Fig.l(b)). For a given value of the fundamental dis-
placement factor cos v of the output currentlvoltage system
6.= :J, $ 2
i r d w, (17)
ly defining S ( l ~ l )[17].
, ~ This kind of optimization is of special
importance if foil capacitors (which are characterized by a hiph-
er admissible current stress and higher service life as compared
to electrolytic capacitors, but show a eonsiderahly lower eapaci-
t a m ) are employed for realizing the DC link capactior.
(b) 4
DC Link Capacitor Current
RMS Value
Fig.4 Time behavior of the inverter input current a and the
output phase current i N , R within a fundamental period of the The DC link current is defined by the difference
converter output voltage for cosv = 0 (cf. (a)) and cosq = 1
(cf. (b)). ic =' i - i (19)
of the inverter input current i and the output current ir. of 0.750
the converter input stage which in most cmes is realized as
uncontrolled three-phase rectifier bridge.
one receives for the global rms value of the DC link capac- 0.625
itor current
The problem with a mathematical evaluation of this equa-
tion usually m i s t s in the calculation of the integral being
dependent on ,i and i ~ , If,~however,. as in the cme at 0.2s0
hand the currents i~ and i do not contain harmonica in the
same frequency range - harmonics of higher amplitudes are
usually only present for ordinal numbers n 4 50 in the out-
put current of uncontrolled rectifier bridges (cf., e.g., Fig.13
in 1181); the frequency range being occupied by harmonics
of i is defined by the inverter switching frequency and shows
typically a lower bound of n w 200.. .5M) for a realization
of the turn-offpower semiconductors by IGBTs - we have
and inverter controls (cf. section 3 in [Zl] and [ZZ]).The maxi- the resulting current stress I C , ~is~independent
,I of the
mum current stress on the DC link capacitor current occurs for value of cas 9.
eompletly 'uncorrelated' operation of the input- and output-side
systems (related to the power flowinto and out of the DC link). According to Fig.6 for a coarse worst case estimation of
As shown in [23] (cf. Eg.(50) in [23])in this case the current s t r e s on the DC link capacitor as a basis for
= L,m+ I L , ~ , ~ , ~
Ic3rms3ma (26) the capacitor dimensioning one has to start from
CM be given a8 a worst case estimate. For a more accurate
determination of I C , ~ one
, ~ would have to refer to c digital sim-
independent of the value of the fundamental displacement
For the r m value Ic,.,.,~ of the AC component ,i of i we factor cos 9.
have in general
2 2
= 1:-
Ic,rms,l - I,, . (27) 5 Accuracy Estimation
and with Eq.(14) (251 In order to be able to derive a simple expression for the
on C and for being in-
inverter-side current stress Ic.rms.l
d3 A
= I N J ~2 ~M [ - +cos2 q(- -9
-M)] , (28) dependent of details of the inverter control scheme, the r i p
4n ?r 16 ple of the inverter output currents iN,i has been neglected
Eq.(Z8) represents the wanted functional dependency of the and/or only the fundamentals ~ N , s , ( I )of the phase currents
current stress on C on the inverter operating parameters (cf. i ~ ,have i been considered so far. Thus, a very clear approx-
Fig.5). The proportional relationship of I C , ~ , , , ~and
,I imation being independent of the absolute values of the DC
and/or a can be explained clearly by considering the link voltage (lo,the pulse frequency f p and the stray in-
fact that i is formed by segments out of the phase currents ductance L of the AC machine (cf. Fig.1) has been derived.
with a width being linearily dependent on the modulation Now in the following the error which is caused by the ne-
index M (cf. Eq.(8)). (For M = 0 the inverter remains in glection of the phase current ripple as compared to an exact
the &wheeling state within the entire pulse half period; calculation by digital simulation is determined and/or the
therefore, we then have i = 0 or ic,rms,l= 0, respectively). limit of the applicability of Eq.(28) for the design of the DC
link capacitor is determined.
However, if now MS 9 = 1 is assumed, besides Irms also the
DC component IDvgincreases with increasing M, according There, for characterizing the ripple of the phase currents a
to Eqs.(l4) and (18). Therefore, according to Eq.(27) a
maximum of the DC link capacitor current rms value I c , ~ ~ ~
occurs about in the middle of the modulation range
is de&&. Thus all operating parameters being of influence
on the formation of the output current ripple are combined
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