Adaptive Impedance Matching and Antenna Tuning For Green Software-Defined and Cognitive Radio
Adaptive Impedance Matching and Antenna Tuning For Green Software-Defined and Cognitive Radio
Adaptive Impedance Matching and Antenna Tuning For Green Software-Defined and Cognitive Radio
Abstract- Impedance matching between the power amplifier the operating wavelength. While such antennas can often be
and antenna is crucial for efficient power transfer in a green designed with acceptable performance, this usually results in
transmitter. A single antenna with a software-configurable feed-point impedance that differs widely from the value that is
tuning unit can serve the functions of multiple antennas which optimum for good PA efficiency or LNA noise performance.
are otherwise required by multistandard wireless
Therefore a passive impedance matching network is generally
communications. Impedance matching and tuning must be
included between the antenna and transceiver. This might be part of
adaptive and in real time for fast varying frequencies and
surroundings of mobile communications. Small size and low
the antenna structure, or physically separate lumped or distributed
power consumption must also be met in such tuning systems matching components. However, a small antenna with reasonable
for mobile phones and terminals. This paper overviews efficiency inherently has impedance that varies rapidly with
automatic antenna tuning for modern and future generation frequency, and enviromnental effects also cause substantial
mobile communications. Recent advances in impedance impedance variations over time, for example the proximity of a
monitoring methods, fast tuning algorithms and mobile phone handset antenna to the user's body. As a result, it is
programmable matching systems are discussed. Latest effort in not feasible to design a single impedance matching network with
integrating automatic impedance tuning systems on a silicon fixed component values that will provide accurate matching over a
chip is also introduced.
wide range of frequency and operating conditions.
A solution to the matching problem is to incorporate a tuneable
I. INTRODUCTION impedance matching network between the transmitter/receiver and
the antenna This has long been widespread practice in the MF, HF
Research into automatic impedance matching and antenna and VHF ranges where automatic antenna tuners with
tuning has gone through some significant stages, from traditional discrete-component LC networks are used in order to achieve the
HFNHF applications employing electro-mechanical tuning and relatively large inductances and capacitances required at lower
discrete components [1] to the latest research aimed at 4G wireless frequencies [1, 3]. Recently, integrated on-chip matching networks
and mobile applications employing integrated devices at UHF and have been investigated for UHF and microwave transceiver
GHz frequencies. antennas, since it is feasible to produce the smaller components
In any wireless communication system, antennas are inherently required in integrated form. The following sections discuss the
part of the signal path and have a major impact on overall system design and operation of automatic antenna tuning units (AATU) in
performance. Important parameters of transmitting antenna the context of integrated transceivers for wireless applications.
performance include efficiency, radiation pattern and feed point
impedance [2]. In the majority of wireless systems, the same
antennas are used for transmission and reception; due to the II. ANTENNA IMPEDANCE MATCHING AND TUNING
principle of reciprocity, these antenna parameters have an equal
significance for a receiving antenna From the wireless transceiver In order to maximise the transfer of power between transmitter
circuit designer's viewpoint, the most important antenna parameter and antenna, and maximise the signal-to-noise ratio of the received
is the feed point impedance. This is the impedance at the antenna signal, the electrical impedance at the antenna terminals must
terminals, which is the load impedance for the transmitter power match the requirements of the transmitter power amplifier and
amplifier (PA), and the source impedance for the low-noise receiver low-noise amplifier. The degree of impedance mismatch
amplifier (LNA) receiver input stage. is usually represented by the reflection coefficient,
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varies widely with frequency. Fig. 1 is a Smith chart showing the III. MATCHING NETWORK
locus of r and Zant for a particular monopole antenna as the
A large number of reactive impedance-transforming networks
operating frequency varies from 800MHz to 2.8GHz.
exist. The nO network of Fig. 3 is widely used for
discrete-component antenna tuners, and has also been proposed for
on-chip antenna tuning systems [4]; it is possible in principle to
design component values to provide conjugate matching between
any input and output impedances. Also, the nO network provides a
low-pass filtering characteristic, which can be beneficial in reducing
unwanted signal levels.
"t H,
r = o. x = O !-----+----/-+'\-----j.-=::;lIIa..II
x = -1 Figure 3 It-network
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order of picofarads, with inductances of several nanohenries. The
layout parasitics in the capacitor array could be of the order of tens
of femtofarads. Thus, the useful tuning resolution of a capacitor The performance of the switches used for matching network
array would be limited at the order of 1% at this frequency. component selection has a major effect on overall tuning system
performance. The choice of switching technique depends on the IC
technology used. CMOS designs typically use NMOS transistors
operating in the triode region [9, 13]. GaAs or HEMT devices have
also been used with MMIC technologies [11, 14]. Active devices
2L 4L ;1\
used as switches also introduce additional loss and circuit parasitics
and, since they are non-linear, generate harmonics and
intermodulation products. They also place constraints on the
power-handling capability of the matching network due to their
limited breakdown voltages. Active devices perform best when
configured as shunt switches, since the full supply voltage can be
applied as bias between the gate and source electrodes and, since
Figure 4 Binary switched capacitor and inductor arrays
the source is grounded, VGS is not modulated by the signal voltage,
as would be the case for a series switch. This minimises the switch
on-resistance and reduces production of intermodulation products
due to switch non-linearity. Selection of switching transistor
The switched inductor of Fig. 4 is problematic for an on-chip
dimensions is a compromise between increased resistive losses in
application, since it is difficult to provide numerous integrated
switches with small widths, and increased shunt capacitance in
inductors without using excessive chip area, and introducing
larger widths. MEMS switches have also been proposed as low-loss
excessive shunt parasitic capacitance. The series connection of the
matching network switches [10, 12].
switches in the array also leads to a high total switch resistance,
increasing overall losses due to the inductance. For limited
bandwidth applications, the 1t-network with series tuneable inductor
can be replaced with a shunt tuneable capacitor in conjunction with IV. IMPEDANCE SENSORS
impedance inverting networks as shown in Fig. 5 [8], leading to the The impedance sensor provides the automatic tuning control
circuit topology shown in Fig. 6. system with feedback to determine if a satisfactory impedance
To maintain low losses in the matching network, the unloaded match has been achieved. Numerous methods for sensing the
Q factor of the network components should be large compared to Qo impedance match have been used. The simplest scheme is to detect
in (3). Therefore it is desirable to design matching networks with Qo the amplitude of the transmitted signal at the antenna terminals [13];
as low as possible. Integrated inductors in particular have relatively at any given frequency, this amplitude is a function of the
high losses (unloaded Q typically below 10 for standard CMOS transmitter power reaching the antenna, so maximising the
technologies). It is quite possible that the signal losses in the amplitude also maximises radiated power. However, the maximum
matching network will exceed those due to the impedance mismatch power condition does not necessarily coincide with the optimum
that would exist without the matching network for some ranges of load impedance conditions for the transmitter power amplifier. Thus
impedance [7, 9]. A number of designs have therefore favoured the power amplifier may operate with compromised efficiency or
off-chip inductors, using bond wires or inductors fabricated within distortion levels with this scheme and at high power levels may be
LTCC (Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramic) substrates forming subjected to electrical over-stress. A phase detector can be used at
part of the chip packaging. the power amplifier output to monitor the phase relationship
between the output voltage and current from the power amplifier.
Shunt tunable
Series tunable The control system then adjusts the matching network for minimum
phase difference between voltage and current, i.e. making the load
;.......... -_ ..: ;_ ............., impedance at the PA output resistive. This scheme does not detect a
mismatch in the resistance level. However for high-Q antenna
structures, such as electrically-small loops, the largest proportion of
the impedance mismatch is normally due to the reactive component
.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - � .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - �
Impedance Impedance
of the antenna impedance, and ensuring the antenna system is tuned
inverting network inverting network to resonance in this way results in a substantial improvement in
power transfer [15].
Figure 5 Transformed matching network with shunt tuning capacitor
A directional coupler, equipped with a detector at the reverse
1 "-" �
coupled port, connected between the power amplifier and matching
�PA 1 1 1 fYYY'
YY' 1 -"
1 1 1fY'-+- � lenna network, provides an output signal that is a function of the
reflection coefficient at the input to the matching network [4, 8]. In
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V. TUNING ALGORITHMS possible impedance match with the available matching network,
while requiring simple impedance sensors and minimising the
A major challenge in devising tuning algorithms for automatic
number of iterations needed to complete the tuning process.
antenna tuning systems is that only incomplete input data is usually
available to the tuning algorithm. In most cases, impedance sensors
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