What are the elements of visual art? 4. COLOR - is the light reflected by an object
➔ Visual tools that the artist uses to create a - has the strongest impact on emotions and
composition, to help the artist the artwork
communicate. These are building blocks ● Red - love, passion, anger
to create necessary things/components. ● Orange - energy, happiness, vitality
● Yellow - happiness, hope, deceit
● Green - new beginnings, nature,
1. LINES - foundation of all drawings ● Blue - responsible, calm, sadness
● Violet - royalty, wealth, creativity
10 Kinds and its psychological response
● Black - elegance, mystery, evil
1) Curve - comfort and ease ● White - purity, cleanliness, virtue
2) Horizontal - distance and calm ● Gray - conservative, formality
3) Vertical - height and strength ● Brown - wholesome, dependability
4) Jagged - turmoil and anxiety ● Pink - beauty, femininity
5) Broken - insubstantial
5. PATTERN - repeating a certain element of art
6) Freehand - personal energy and mood of
to create a sense of balance, harmony, and
the artist
7) Mechanical - rigid control
8) Thick - strength 1) Natural - base on nature, leaf, branches of
9) Continuous - can lead the eye to different a tree. Inspiration from observing the
directions natural pattern that occurs in nature.
2) Manmade - patterns made by humans, fro
2. SHAPE - graphical representation of an objects
structural and decorative purposes
form or external boundary, outline or external
surface 6. TEXTURE - the roughness or softness of
materials by which it is made. The surface quality.
1) Square and Rectangle - strength and
stability Two ways:
2) Circle and Ellipses - continuous movement
3) Triangle - can lead the eye to the upward 1) Optically - sight
direction 2) Physical - touch
4) Inverted Triangle - create a sense of
imbalance 7. FORM - the shape of an artwork
3. TONE - lightness or darkness of color - the physical volume of shape and the
space it occupies
❖ to create the contrast of light and dark
❖ to create the illusion of form
❖ to create a dramatic or tranquil
❖ to create a sense of depth and strength
➔ The representation of how the artist used - refers to the sense of harmony and
the elements of arts to create meaning wholeness by using similar elements and
and convey the artist intent or purpose placing them in a way that create a feeling
➔ Determine wether or not it is successful or of oneness
finished - elements fit together
- “is it significant?”
- “what do you think of the artwork?”
- “why do you think the art work is worthy or
- personal evaluation regarding your
understanding of the artpiece/work
- its benefits to viewers, does the others
benefits to this art work