SSRN Id2255121
SSRN Id2255121
SSRN Id2255121
This study examined relationships among the financial practices, financial well-being, and health of
a sample of 3,121 financially distressed consumers who were new clients participating in the debt
management program of a large national non-profit credit counseling organization. Respondents
who reported having improved health since participating in credit counseling were more likely than
others to engage in positive financial behaviors. For six out of ten financial behaviors, respondents
who reported improved health were more likely to report that their finances improved. Implications
are provided for financial counselors and educators.
Keywords: Debt repayment, debt problems, financial counseling , financial distress, personal
financial behavior , health and personal finances, financial problems
Introduction incidence of obesity and diabetes, low household
Sociological research data indicate that four factors savings rates, and high household debt. Credit Card
strongly predict happiness and overall well-being in Nation (Manning, 2000) and Fast Food Nation
most cultures: health, economic status, employment, (Schlosser, 2002), recent books that examine
and family relationships (Bernstein, 2004). People are Americans’ spending and eating habits, respectively,
happier when they are healthy, employed, married or in describe complex problems that have become
a committed relationship, and financially secure. The increasingly interrelated.
study reported here explores relationships among
financial practices, financial well-being, and health. Many Americans are unhealthy physically and fiscally;
Unlike many previous studies, however, this one they are overweight and over-indebted and are seeking
analyzes a large sample of financially distressed solutions to improve both their health and their
consumers who contacted a national non-profit credit finances. There is evidence of many parallels between
counseling organization to seek assistance with heavy factors such as environmental controls that affect good
outstanding debt. The purpose of this study is to health and foster financial success (Hollerith, 2004;
document associations between various health and O’Neill, 2004). Health and wealth are also related on a
personal finance variables, identify characteristics of macro level. Modest reductions in the death rate from
consumers who perceive that financial problems affect common killers, such as cancer and heart disease, can
their health, and explore effects of interactions between lead to trillions of dollars in economic benefits for all
health and personal finances on the well-being of Americans according to economists Murphy and Topel
financially stressed consumers. (2003) from the University of Chicago. Just one major
health problem alone, obesity, is estimated to cost $117
Health and personal finance issues, individually and in billion nationally in medical costs and lost productivity
combination with each other, affect millions of U.S. (U.S. Dept. of HHS, 2004). Obese people spend 36%
households. Major societal trends that have been more on health care services and 77% more on
widely reported in recent years include an increasing medications than average-sized people according to a
Barbara O’Neill, Specialist in Financial Resource Management, Rutgers Cooperative Extension, Cook College Office Building,
Room 107,55 Dudley Road, New Brunswick, NJ 08901, Phone: 732-932-9155 x250, Fax: 732-932-8887 e-mail:
[email protected]
Benoit Sorhaindo, Director of Research, InCharge Education Foundation, Inc. 2101 Park Center Dr. Suite 310, Orlando, FL 32835
Phone: 407-532-5704, Fax: 407-532-5750, e-mail: [email protected]
Jing Jian Xiao, Professor and Director, Take Charge America Institute for Consumer Financial Education and Research, Norton
School of Family and Consumer Sciences, University of Arizona, PO Box 210033, Tucson, AZ 85721, Phone: 520-621-5948, Fax:
520-621-3209, e-mail: [email protected]
E. Thomas Garman, Professor Emeritus, Virginia Tech University, 8044 Rural Retreat Court, Orlando, FL 32819, Phone: 407-363-
9048, E-mail: [email protected]
Appreciation is extended to the InCharge Education Foundation for supporting this research.
©2005, Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. 73
Financial Counseling and Planning Volume 16 (1), 2005
study by the Rand Corporation (Geary, 2002; Olick, filers were described by the study authors as
2003). On an individual basis, the Centers for Disease “demographically typical Americans who got sick” and
Control and Prevention (U.S. Dept. of HHS, 2003) were more likely than other filers to be middle class
estimates that a 10 percent weight loss could reduce an and have experienced a loss of health insurance.
overweight person’s lifetime medical costs by $2,200
to $5,300. Needless to say, high household medical debt may also
preclude recommended wealth-creation strategies, such
Good health is a major factor in wealth creation. It is contributing to a 401(k) plan or Roth IRA, resulting in
associated with increased workplace productivity forgone savings opportunities. As with home repairs
resulting in higher earnings and savings, fewer wealth- and other contingent expenses, many consumers do not
eroding medical expenses, and longer life expectancies plan for health care costs until a serious illness or
in which to earn compound interest on invested assets injury occurs (Vitt, Siegenthaler, Siegenthaler, Lyter,
and collect Social Security and other retirement & Kent, 2002). When unexpected medical bills arrive,
benefits (Lee & McKenzie, 1999). While good health the collective impact of unexpected medical expenses,
is affected by many factors, some of which are beyond interruption of income, and/or consumer debt can
a person’s control, healthy lifestyle choices increase trigger financial distress (Sullivan, Warren, &
the likelihood of a long and healthy life and a better Westbrook, 2000).
return on annuities and other retirement savings plans.
Healthy people provide the foundation for a wealthier In addition to the cost of medical care, another way that
America (McKinnell, 2004). health and finances are related is the sheer cost of
unhealthy habits such as smoking and alcohol
Unfortunately, one in seven American families has consumption over time, thereby resulting in lost
problems paying health-care costs, which can lead to household wealth. In states with high cigarette taxes,
“juggling” of medical expenses with basic living costs the cost of a pack of cigarettes today is as high as $7
and negative patient behaviors such as delaying for some brands, including sales taxes (Berls &
necessary medical treatment and forgoing the use of Paolucci, 2004). In addition to the increased risk for
prescription drugs (Kissel, 2004). The percentage of lung cancer, hypertension, and other health problems, a
working-age Americans aged 18 to 64 without health pack-a-day smoker could spend over $2,500 annually
insurance was 20.1% in 2003; 46.3 million Americans, to support their habit. With 8% interest over 40 years,
or 15.2% of the population, lacked health insurance $2,500 of annual savings would accumulate to almost
(Dooren, 2004). This translates into roughly one in $650,000. The American Heart Association estimates
seven Americans (Regnier, 2003), a startling statistic. that 25% of men and 21% of women in the United
Even households with health insurance have had States are smokers (Cigarette Smoking Statistics,
difficulty with rising out-of-pocket costs such as 2004).
deductibles and co-insurance as employers increasingly
shift more expenses to workers (Fuhrmans, 2004). Personal finances can negatively affect health because
Poor families, insured or not, have some of the heaviest overdue medical debt can result in delayed or
medical bill burdens with nearly 20% of those below inadequate treatment and resulting anxiety. Personal
poverty level having trouble paying medical bills finances can also be negatively affected by health as
(Kissel, 2004). when increased medical expenses result in lower
lifetime asset accumulation and a poor credit history
Not surprisingly, unpaid medical bills are associated from unpaid medical bills. There are a number of
with a high number of personal bankruptcies. health effects of poor financial behaviors such as
Approximately one in five bankrupt households overspending and unpaid debts. First, there is the
described in The Fragile Middle Class (Sullivan, associated stress and anxiety (Drentea & Lavrakas,
Warren, & Westbrook, 2000) listed a medical problem 2000). Also, families that do not have health insurance
as a reason for filing for bankruptcy, making it the third or money to pay for medical treatment or owe money
most common reason listed, after job loss and family for past health care expenses may elect to forego
problems. A more recent study of 1,771 personal treatment or be relegated to emergency rooms and
bankruptcy filers (Himmelstein, Warren, Thorne, & clinics for primary health care (Vitt, Siegenthaler,
Woolhandler, 2005) found that medical problems Siegenthaler, Lyter, & Kent, 2002). Persons
contributed to about half of all bankruptcies. This experiencing financial distress may also be unable to
included any medical cause such as a specific illness or follow recommended health maintenance practices
injury, uncovered medical bills exceeding $1,000, or such as eating a healthy diet and receiving periodic
loss of work-related income due illness or injury. The screening exams (O’Neill, Sorhaindo, Xiao, &
number of medical bankruptcies in 2001 was twenty- Garman, 2005).
three times the number in 1981. Medical bankruptcy
74 ©2005, Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.
Financially Distressed Consumers
It is clear from the above discussion that financial well- continue to climb at near-double-digit rates, more
being and physical well-being are related in a variety of Americans are being forced to cut back on retirement
ways. For the most part, however, efforts to improve savings contributions and make lifestyle changes to pay
Americans’ health and finances have operated on two for medical care (Kim, 2004). The study found that
separate, but parallel, tracks with separate literature and more than 2 in 10 Americans consider health care to be
advocacy efforts. Often, health educators do not talk the most critical issue facing the U.S. today, ranking
much about finances and financial educators do not evenly with terrorism/national security. In addition,
concern themselves much with health care costs (Vitt, one quarter of those experiencing increased health care
Siegenthaler, Siegenthaler, Lyter, & Kent, 2002). This costs reported decreasing their contributions to a
study of relationships between financial practices, retirement plan and almost half (48%) reported
financial well-being, and health is an attempt to decreasing contributions to other savings. Nearly 2 in
examine these factors together using a national sample 10 (18%) said they had difficulty paying for basic
of financially distressed adults, many of whom self- necessities (e.g., food, housing) while 3 in 10 reported
reported health problems related to their financial difficulty paying other bills. One-quarter (26%)
situation. The findings have implications for financial indicated that they have used up all or most of their
educators, credit counseling practitioners, and savings and 15% have borrowed money to pay health
employee benefit personnel. care expenses. The Health Confidence Survey was
conducted in the summer of 2004 with a nationally
Literature Review representative sample of 1,203 adults.
Several recent studies have explored specific
relationships between health and financial well-being Kim, Garman, and Sorhaindo (2003) studied 175 credit
or practices; for example, the financial cost of counseling clients of a large non-profit credit
unhealthy habits, the financial impact of increasing counseling agency who responded to data collections at
health care costs, and links between financial stress and two points in time, an initial survey and 18 months
health. Zagorsky (2004) investigated the effect of later. They found that those who had high levels of
smoking on an individual’s financial situation. Using financial well-being and experienced fewer financial
wealth and smoking data from the National stressor events had better health than others. Using
Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 cohort, he found path analysis, these researchers found that, although
that the typical nonsmoker’s net worth is roughly 50% credit counseling did not have a direct significant effect
higher than light smokers and roughly twice the level on health, it had indirect effects through post-
of heavy smokers. There was also a statistically counseling financial stressor events and financial well-
significant negative relationship between net worth and being. Income, age, financial behaviors, financial
smoking, which harms a smoker’s wealth as well as stressor events, financial well-being, and credit
his/her health. counseling explained over one-fourth of the variance in
health. People who utilize the services of credit
While a causal relationship cannot be proven by the counseling agencies typically have recently
Zagorsky (2004) study, smokers appear to pay for experienced financial stressor events (Kim, Garman &
cigarettes with income that could be saved by Sorhaindo, 2003; Staten, Elliehausen & Lundquist,
nonsmokers. Part of the explanation is, of course, due 2002). These may be chronic patterns of overspending
to education and income levels, as smokers tend to and excessive charges on credit cards and/or
come from lower socioeconomic classes (Cigarette calamitous events such as unemployment, reduction in
Smoking Statistics, 2004). Studies show that the overtime, uninsured medical costs, and divorce.
frequency of smoking is more pervasive among those
with 9-11 years of education (35.4 percent) than among Xiao, Sorhaindo, & Garman (in press) used the same
those with more than 16 years of education (11.6 data set of credit counseling clients as the current
percent), and it is the highest among persons living study. They hypothesized that positive financial
below poverty level (33.3 percent). While lower behaviors, measured objectively and subjectively,
income households obviously have less money to save would reduce financial stress. A higher number of
than others, there is also no doubt that elimination of a positive financial behaviors such as reducing living
smoking habit has the potential to greatly increase expenses and a higher score of self-evaluation of
financial asset-building, especially among the poorest financial behaviors were associated with a lower stress
American households. level. Presumably a lower stress level has a positive
effect on one’s health as high levels of stress can cause
The 2004 Health Confidence Survey, sponsored by the or aggravate physical illnesses such as high blood
Employee Benefit Research Institute (Helman & pressure, migraine headaches, ulcers, ulcerative colitis,
Fronstin, 2004), sheds additional light on heath- and insomnia (U.S. Dept. of HHS, 1991). A stress-
personal finance connections. As health care costs laden situation or an emotionally inadequate response
©2005, Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. 75
can also “throw off the body’s natural ability to heal problems related to financial stress. Women were
itself” (Health Encyclopedia-Diseases and Conditions, more likely than men to report stress-related health
2004; Sapolsky, 2004), although the exact chain of problems. O’Neill, Sorhaindo, Xiao, and Garman
causation is not known. Indeed, in this study, a lower (2005) explored specific health effects associated with
level of financial stress was associated with having a financial distress. Using the same sample as the
lower debt load percentage and perceiving better health current study, they found that more than 40% of
and family relationships (Xiao, Sorhaindo, & Garman, respondents indicated that their health was affected in
in press). some way by their financial problems. The four most
frequently reported health effects associated with
Kim & Garman (2003) studied 262 white-collar financial distress were stress (46%), worry, nerves, and
workers in three states to examine relationships anxiety (12%), depression (10%), and insomnia and
between financial stress and absenteeism. They found sleep problems (9%).
that financial stress was negatively related to
organizational commitment and positively associated Smith and Kington (1997) examined the effects of
with absenteeism. A hypothesized relationship income and wealth upon the self-reported health status
between financial stress and stress-related illness or of older Americans. Using data from Asset and Health
health was not supported by this study. Another study Dynamics Among the Oldest Old (AHEAD) and the
by Drentea and Lavrakas (2000), however, provided Health and Retirement Survey (HRS), they found a
evidence of a link between financial stress, specifically strong positive relationship between household income
credit card debt and stress regarding debt, and mental, and wealth and the self-reported health status of
as well as physical, health. Using a representative household heads, especially among poor households.
sample of over 900 Ohio adults, they found that
individuals reporting higher levels of financial stress A national survey by the Principal Financial Group
had higher levels of illness and physical impairment (From Sick Care to Health Care, 2005) found that
than others with lower financial stress levels. The employers who were highly regarded for excellence in
higher an individual’s debt-to-income ratio, the more employee benefits were likely to utilize wellness
likely they were to be in poor health. Similarly, a study initiatives. These include paying employees to live
of credit counseling clients by Bagwell (2000) found healthier lifestyles, providing flu shots, weight
evidence that health was negatively affected by management and smoking cessation programs, and on-
financial distress. site fitness facilities. A search of “health finance”
studies in the online archive of the Journal of Health
Lyons and Yilmazer (in press) used data from the Promotion found over a dozen articles describing
1995, 1998, and 2001 Survey of Consumer Finances associations between health intervention efforts such as
(SCF) to examine the effect of financial strain on worksite wellness programs, healthy behaviors, and
health status controlling for the fact that financial positive financial effects for individuals and employers
distress can be both a cause and consequence of poor including decreased health care costs. The findings in
health. Results from models for three different most of the studies mentioned above evidence
measures of financial strain indicated that poor health associations between poor health and poor financial
significantly increases the probability of strain but well-being, but do not demonstrate causality. Causal
there was little evidence that financial strain factors are difficult to isolate; such an analysis is well
contributes to poor health. Thus, the direction of beyond the scope of this paper.
causality is primarily from health to socio-economic
status, indicating that serious health conditions may Methodology
result in larger financial burdens, but large financial Data Collection
burdens are unlikely to accelerate a decline in health Previous research studies that sought to understand
status (Lyons and Yilmazer, in press). more about personal finance-health relationships
among similarly situated adults were conducted with
While the Lyons and Yilmazer (in press) study did not very small samples (Bagwell, 2000; Kim, Garman, and
find evidence that financial problems affect health, Sorhaindo, 2003). Therefore, the availability of a large
other researchers have with samples of financially national sample of financially distressed adults in this
distressed consumers. A November 2004 study (Kidd, study provides a unique opportunity to more carefully
2005) of 1,590 consumers with credit card debts, 25 describe any relationships that might exist among
percent of whom had debts exceeding $10,000, found financial practices, financial well-being, and health.
that economic stress does impact physical health. This study explores interactions between health and
Headaches, inability to concentrate, and nausea were personal finance on the well-being of financially
the most common symptoms and eight percent of stressed consumers and effects that might result from
respondents reported seeing a doctor because of health participation in a credit counseling agency’s debt
76 ©2005, Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.
management program (DMP). More specifically, this Additional information on the debt load, debt load
study seeks to learn how financially distressed adults percentage, and credit card debt balance of respondents
perceive relationships between their health and were obtained from client records maintained by the
financial problems. credit counseling organization. The number of
observations with missing values for individual
The population for this study was a group of financially questions determined the sample size for specific
distressed consumers who telephoned a large national analyses. Descriptive statistics about the total sample
non-profit credit counseling organization, seeking are listed in Table 1 below. Males comprised 29% of
assistance with outstanding debt and subsequently the clients, which is a typical distribution of gender for
joined its debt management program (DMP). Thus, credit counseling clients (Garman et al., 1999;
there is a selection bias in this study because this Bagwell, 2000; Sorhaindo & Garman, 2002; Staten et
sample consists of adults who took the initiative to al., 2002). Approximately 60% were either married or
telephone a credit counseling agency stating that they living with a partner; 37% were unmarried. Median
were seeking assistance with their credit and money annual family income was between $30,001 and
problems. This is confirmed by recognizing that, as a $40,000. Four out of five were employed, with 69%
group, this sample of adults self-reported more serious working full-time; 62% were age 45 or younger. These
personal financial distress than respondents in a sample characteristics are consistent with previous
separate national sample of the general population who research studies of credit counseling clients (Bagwell,
reported high financial distress and low financial well- 2000; Kim, Sorhaindo & Garman, 2003; Staten et al.,
being (Garman, Sorhaindo, Prawitz, O’Neill, Osteen, 2002).
Kim, Drentea, Haynes, & Weisman, 2005). Hence, the
findings can be generalized only to those adults who Variables
are experiencing serious financial distress. Variables for this study were operationalized as
indicated below.
In mid-June 2003, a 32-item Personal Finances Survey
questionnaire was mailed to a sample of 7,200 people Financial behaviors. Respondents were asked to reply
who joined the program between February and April to binary questions (yes = 1 or no = 0) for nine specific
2003. Thus, the respondents were new clients having self-reported positive financial behaviors such as
joined the DMP in the previous two, three, or four “followed a budget or spending plan” and “cut down
months. Four weeks later, a follow-up postcard was on living expenses”. Five of the nine questions were
mailed to those who had not yet responded, reminding used previously by Kim, Garman, and Sorhaindo
them to return the questionnaire. After two additional (2003), and variations of the nine had been used by
weeks, a second questionnaire and follow-up letter others (Garman et. al., 1999). Two of the behaviors,
were mailed to non-respondents. relating to participation in an employer’s retirement
plan and flexible savings account, were subsequently
A total of 443 surveys were returned as undeliverable, dropped from this study because they are dependent
typically because an address was incomplete, a person upon having an employer who offers access to a plan
moved without providing a forwarding address, or the and only 70% of respondents were employed full time.
person was deceased. Thus, 6,757 questionnaires were A second financial behavior variable was respondent’s
mailed and 3,121 respondents returned useable self-evaluation of all their financial behaviors, a
questionnaires. The response rate is 46 percent, which subjective measure. The question was worded as
is more than double the return in previous studies follows: “On the whole, how would you characterize
(Garman, Camp, Kim, Bagwell, Baffi, & Redican, your financial behaviors?” very good=1, good=2,
1999; Sorhaindo & Garman, 2002). The data were satisfactory=3, and poor=4. In the analyses, the values
self-reported by the respondents on printed were reverse-coded for convenience of reading the
questionnaires and a careful review of each of the findings.
completed questionnaires suggested that there was no
reason to believe that any respondents misreported
responses to the questions. The characteristics of the
sample closely matched the age, sex and geographic
area of the population, and did not differ from the non-
©2005, Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. 77
78 ©2005, Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.
Family relationships. This variable was measured by (1) Which respondents, by demographic charac-
the following question: “By and large, your family teristics, were more likely to report that financial
relationships are: poor=1, satisfactory=2, good=3, and problems affected their health?
very good=4.” (2) What were potential effects of perceived
associations between financial problems and
Hypotheses health on the well-being of financially stressed
Previous research, cited above, generally supports a consumers?
positive relationship between personal finances and
health. The following hypotheses for this study are Tests of Association Between Variables
based upon the results of these studies: As a preliminary analysis to test associations between
H1 :Improved health (self-reported) is positively financial practices, financial well-being, and health,
associated with the performance of positive albeit without controlling for other factors, a number of
financial behaviors. Chi-square tests were conducted. Most prior studies of
H2: Improved health (self-reported) is positively this type used small samples so this study provided a
associated with improved personal finances (self- unique opportunity to test associations between
reported). variables with a large national data set of financially
H3: Improved health (self-reported) is positively distressed households. As shown in Table 2,
associated with ten specific examples of improved respondents who reported having improved health
personal finances such as refinanced home since participating in the credit counseling program
mortgage. were more likely to engage in positive financial
H4: Perception of health status is positively associated behaviors such as “cut down on living expenses” and
with perceived effect of financial problems upon “started or increased my savings.”
H5: Perceived effect of financial problems upon health For example, 77% of respondents who reported having
is positively associated with negative financial improved health since joining credit counseling
events. reported they “developed a plan for my financial
H6: Self-reported health status is positively associated future” versus 61% of those who said their health was
with level of financial stress. not improved. There was also a 16 percentage point
H7: Self-reported health status is positively associated difference in the number of respondents who said they
with perception of financial behaviors. had “started or increased my savings”; 48% of
H8: Self-reported health status is positively associated respondents who reported improved health status
with financial satisfaction. versus 32% of those whose health had not improved.
H9: Self-reported health status is positively associated
with perception of family relationships. These findings provide support for Hypothesis 1; that
is, a positive association between health status and
Data Analysis recommended financial behaviors. Results were
Since data were collected from a cross-sectional significant for all seven non-employment related
survey, only associations between the variables listed financial practices that were included in this study.
above can be explored. To establish preliminary
relationships among variables, Chi-square tests were Table 2
used as a measure of association between categorical Chi-square Tests of Association of Financial
variables. These included perceived health status Behaviors and Improved Health
(“Overall, would you say your health is…”) and Health
Health Not
improved health status (“Since you joined [name of Improved Improved
debt management program] has your health Financial Behavior % % Sig.
improved?”), and various indicators of financial status. Developed a plan 77 61 ***
Started or increased savings 48 32 ***
For several variables that were measured with a Likert
Reduced debts 95 84 ***
scale, ANOVA analyses were used to test if there were
differences in these variables among the four health Followed a budget/spending plan 83 70 ***
categories. In addition, multiple regression analyses Cut down on living expenses 86 75 ***
were used to test two additional research questions: Contacted a financial planner 23 14 ***
Tried to determine retirement needs 42 29 ***
*** p<.0001
©2005, Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. 79
Respondents were asked to indicate if anything had Improved health status was also associated with some
happened in their life to improve their personal specific improvements in personal finances. Not
finances. If they replied yes, they were asked to check surprisingly, with a sample of credit counseling
one or more of ten specific occurrences; e.g., “received program clients, an area of improvement with a large
increase in salary or wage” and “reduced or paid off difference between groups was debt reduction.
some debts”, including an “other” category for items Respondents who reported having improved health
that were not specifically listed. Representative of the since joining credit counseling were more likely to
comments received as “other” responses were: report that they reduced or paid off some debts (57%
have worked out a budget vs. 40%).
cut up credit cards
no more harassing phone calls In six out of the ten specific areas of financial
better relationship with my spouse improvement listed in the survey, respondents who
no more calls and lower payments reported having improved health were more likely to
credit score increased report their finances were improved. Most of these
dumped non-working expensive girlfriend areas were associated with an increase in household
partner got disability income or a reduction in debt. Thus, Hypothesis 3, a
promotion in rank in national guard. positive association between self-reported improved
health and specific examples of improved personal
As shown in Table 3, respondents’ self-reported finances, was partially supported.
improved health status since joining the debt
management program was somewhat associated with Hypothesis 4 tested the association between
their self-reported improvement in personal finances. respondents’ perception of their health status and their
Respondents who reported having improved health perception that their health is affected by their financial
since joining credit counseling were more likely to problems. Table 4 indicates that respondents who
report their overall personal finances had also reported poorer health are more likely to perceive their
improved, 80% vs. 56%. Support for Hypothesis 2, a health is affected by financial problems than those in
positive association between self-reported improved very good health. For example, 65% of respondents
health and improved personal finances, was found. who reported poor health said their health is affected
by financial problems, while only 22% of those who
Table 3 reported very good health said so.
Chi-square Tests of Association of Improved
Finances By Improved Health Table 4
Health Chi-square Test of Association of Health By Health
Did Not Affected By Financial Problem
Improvement to Personal Financial Health Improve
Situation Improved % % Sig. Heath Status
Improved overall finances 80.0 56.0 *** Satis- Very
Poor factory Good Good
Reduced or paid off debts 57.0 40.0 ***
% % % %
Refinanced home mortgage 4.4 3.5 Perceived Effect of Personal
Received help from [name of debt Finances on Health
management program] 62.0 43.0 ***
Not affected 35 43 58 78
Received increase in salary or wage 15.0 10.0 **
Affected 65 57 42 22
Found a better paying job 5.2 3.4 *
Sig. ***
My partner received salary/wage
*** p<.0001
increase 5.1 3.3 *
My partner found a better paying
job 2.7 2.1
Health or day care flex account at Similarly, a higher percentage of respondents who said
work 1.0 .4
their health was not affected by their finances reported
Filed bankruptcy .3 .6 they were in very good health vs. poor health (78% vs
Other 6.7 4.3 ** 35%). At higher levels of health status, there was an
* p<.05, ** p< .01, *** p<.001 increase in the frequency of the perception that
personal finances did not affect health. Therefore,
some support for Hypothesis 4 was found.
80 ©2005, Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.
The test for Hypothesis 5 explored the association As shown in Table 5, respondents who experienced a
between the perceived effect of personal finances upon negative financial event were more likely than those
health and twelve specific negative financial events who did not to report that financial problems affected
(e.g., “took a cash advance on a credit card” and their health. This was true for all twelve specific
“bounced a check.”) related to money management and financial events presented in the table. For example,
the use of credit. Respondents were asked to indicate 48% of respondents who received an overdue notice
the frequency of occurrence of each negative financial more than once from a creditor reported that financial
event within the past twelve months as follows: never, problems affected their health, while only 29% of
once, or more than once. These responses provide an respondents who did not receive an overdue notice said
indication of the severity of their financial distress. so. These results lend support to Hypothesis 5, a
positive association of the perceived effect of financial
Table 5 problems on health and specific negative financial
Chi-square Tests of Association of Perceived Health events.
Effect by Negative Financial Events
More Test of Association of Health Status
than with Financial Variables
Never Once once As shown in Table 6, self-reported health status,
Negative Financial Events % % % Sig.
Received an overdue notice from 29 36 48 *** ranging from poor to very good, was positively
a creditor associated with self-reported financial stress levels,
Paid one or more utility bills late 33 40 50 *** which ranged from 1 = none to 5 = overwhelming.
Paid a credit card bill late 32 38 47 *** Respondents who reported having poor health had an
Paid a late fee for paying a bill 30 36 47 ***
average financial stress score of 3.52 versus those who
late reported having very good health with an average score
Received a phone call from a 34 38 48 *** of 3.23. The mean score of stress level for the total
creditor about a past due bill sample was 3.33. Thus, Hypothesis 6, a positive
Received a call from a collection 34 46 51 ***
agency about an overdue bill
association of health status and level of financial stress,
Reached the maximum limit on a 35 37 47 *** was supported.
credit card
Took a cash advance on a credit 42 40 46 * Health status was also positively associated with
card perceived financial behavior, financial satisfaction, and
Did not have enough money to 32 46 56 ***
pay for a minor emergency family relationships. Respondents perceiving poor and
Could not afford to go out when 30 34 51 *** satisfactory health reported lower than average scores
desired for these variables while those who perceived having
Could not afford to make vehicle 38 49 56 *** good or very good health reported higher than average
Bounced a check 37 46 52 *** scores for these variables.
*<.05,*** p<.0001
Table 6
ANOVA Test of Association of Health Status with Financial Variables
All respondents Poor Satisfactory Good Very good F Sig.
Financial Stress
N = 2,844 3.33 3.52 3.42 3.30 3.23 8.70 ***
Financial behavior
4-very good
N = 3,016 1.98 1.76 1.84 2.01 2.17 36.79 ***
Financial satisfaction
N = 3,034 4.38 3.98 4.11 4.50 4.55 8.88 ***
Family relationships
4-very good
N = 3,050 3.13 2.87 2.85 3.18 3.43 76.12 ***
©2005, Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. 81
For example, the average score for financial behavior study. Multiple regression analysis analyzes the
was 1.98 on a 4-point scale. Group mean scores of variability of a dependent variable due to the separate
respondents with poor, satisfactory, good, and very and collective effects of two or more independent
good health were 1.76, 1.84, 2.01, and 2.17, variables.
respectively. Similarly, the average score for financial
satisfaction for the total sample was 4.38 on a 10-point The first research question tested with multiple
scale. Group mean scores of the respondents who regression was who, among the sample of financially
reported poor, satisfactory, good, and very good health stressed consumers, was more likely to report that
were 3.98, 4.11, 4.50, and 4.55, respectively. These financial problems affect their health? Initial Chi-
findings provide some evidence to support hypotheses square tests were conducted to test the financial
7 to 9, that is, positive associations between health problems/health effect variable with several
status and characterization of financial behaviors, demographic variables. The results indicated
financial satisfaction, and family relationships. differences in terms of gender, age, number of family
members to support, and employment status, see Table
Over 40% of respondents who provided a numerical 7. Female consumers were more likely than males to
rating of their health status answered “yes” to the report health being affected by financial problems. Age
question “Do you feel that your health has been showed an inverse U-pattern with mid-aged
affected by your financial problems?” As noted respondents more likely to report financial problems
previously, this perception of a linkage between affecting health.
financial stress and health was particularly pronounced
among respondents who reported poorer health. Those The more family members to support, the more likely
who were experiencing health problems were more consumers reported health being affected by financial
likely than others to cite financial problems as a cause. problems. Unemployed and part time workers were
more likely to report the same situation. As shown in
Financial problems, for the most part, were not Table 8, multiple regression results confirm the
medically related. According to data provided by the association of the financial problem/health effect
credit counseling agency, the most frequently listed variable with age, employment status, and the number
reasons respondents gave for joining the DMP were of family members to support.
poor money management, 43%, and reduced income,
39%. Only 11 percent of respondents reported medical Table 7
debt; therefore medical debt such as doctor or hospital Chi-square Tests of Association of Finance/Health
expenses were not a primary cause of respondents’ Interaction Variable with Demographic Variables
financial problems (Sorhaindo, 2005).
Health has been affected
by financial problems
The most frequently reported health effect of financial % Sig.
problems was stress or being “stressed out.” Gender
Additional details about the negative health effects of male 39
financial stress can be found in O’Neill, Sorhaindo, female 45
Home owner
Xiao, and Garman (2005). Examples of specific health no 43
problems associated with finances that were reported n.s.
yes 44
by respondents are as follows. Age
I can’t sleep because of worrying about paying bills. 35 or younger 40
36-55 47 *
Caused anxiety and depression to be worse than it was. 56 or older 42
Stressed out, overwhelmed with anxiety. Family Income
Could not afford to go to doctor when I was sick. 30000 or lower 44
Can’t afford to eat healthier. 30000-50000 43 n.s.
50001 or higher 41
I have high blood pressure from the stress. Number of people to support
No time to work out or exercise. 1 38
Cost of medication. 2 43 ***
I have been depressed and gained weight. 3 or more 46
Marital status
married 44
Multiple Regression Results single 41 n.s.
Nonparametric statistical tests such as Chi-square widowed 36
allow researchers to compare groups, but are not as Employment
powerful as parametric tests so the results are not as unemployed 47
work part time 44 *
conclusive (Lavine, 2005). Therefore, multivariate work full time 42
analysis is also warranted to take into account the
endogeneity of some of the variables included in the
82 ©2005, Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.
Table 8 Table 9
Regression Results for Demographic Determinants Regressions of Financial Problem/Health Effect on
of the Finance/Health Interaction Variable Well-being
Parameter Estimate for
estimate Finance/Health
Intercept .2047 * Dependent variable Interaction Sig.
Financial stress .3687 ***
Age .0169 ***
Number of negative financial events .6858 ***
Age square -.00018 ***
Health status -.4597 ***
Male (vs. female) -.0381
Family relationships -.2824 ***
Full time (vs. unemployed) -.0810 **
Financial satisfaction -.8051 ***
Part time -.0214
Number of positive financial -.1954 ***
Support 1 person (vs. 3 or -.0895 *** behaviors
more) * p<.05, ** p<.01, *** p<.001
Support 2 persons -.0313 In each regression model, control variables were age, age square,
Married (vs. not married) -.0261 gender, work full time, work part time, support one person, support
two persons, and marital status. Full regression results are available
R square .0113 *** from the authors on request.
* p<.05, ** p<.01, *** p<.001
This study provides some evidence of positive
The second research question tested with multiple associations between self-reported health status and
regression analysis was for the effects of perceived health status improvements with indicators of financial
interactions between financial problems and health on well-being and positive financial behaviors. In
the well-being of financially stressed consumers. To addition, there was a positive association between
test for effects of financial problems affecting health on perceived health status and level of financial stress.
well-being related variables, a series of multiple Respondents in poor health had the highest financial
regression models were conducted;results are in Table stress level and those in very good health the lowest
9. The dependent variables included level of financial level of financial stress. This research is limited,
stress, number of negative financial events, health however, because it is unknown which variable came
status, family relationships, financial satisfaction, and first in the lives of this sample of financially distressed
number of positive financial behaviors. The first two respondents: was it changes in their financial behaviors
variables were negatively and other variables were and financial well-being or the act of joining a DMP?
positively related to well-being. The independent
variables in the model include the financial problems- Furthermore, since this study uses cross-sectional data,
health effect variable plus several demographic only associations, rather than causation, can be
variables, such as age, gender, employment status, explored. Thus, all findings are suggestive rather than
number of family members to support, and marital conclusive. Nevertheless, they present a case for
status. The finance-health interaction variable was integrating health and financial issues in financial
positively associated with financial stress and number counseling and education interventions and for
of negative financial events, and negatively associated continued research of health and personal finance
with health, family relationships, financial satisfaction, linkages. As noted in the first paragraph of this article,
and number of positive financial behaviors. health and economic well-being are two of four factors
that strongly predict happiness and overall well-being
Discussion in life. Thus, it is not surprising to see strong
The population for this study was a large national associations between respondents’ perceptions of their
sample of credit counseling agency clients who took health and financial status, financial behaviors, and life
action to contact an agency and sign up for a specific events.
debt management program (DMP). Their finances
were such that they found it advantageous to join a Reducing debt and receiving help from the debt
debt management program. The sample is not one of management program were the most frequently
people who are financially insolvent with no hope of reported personal finance improvements associated
paying their debts; those people typically contact with improvements in health status reported by
attorneys about declaring bankruptcy. Rather, it respondents to this survey. This finding supports those
consists of overly indebted and financially distressed of Xiao, Sorhaindo, & Garman (in press) and Bagwell
people The findings are, therefore, specific to this (2000), who found that, one year following financial
population of adults, primarily females, who are counseling, debt management program participants
experiencing financial distress. indicated improvements in their health status. There
©2005, Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. 83
was also a significant difference in perception of Continued research of health and finance associations,
improved overall finances between respondents particularly with panel data over time, is also needed to
reporting improved health status and those that did not. gain insights to inform future counseling and education
This finding is congruent with that of Drentea and efforts in the areas of health and personal finance.
Lavrakas (2000), who found evidence of a link Another research need is the inclusion of medical debt
between credit card debt, stress, and physical health, as a variable for analysis in studies of associations
and Kim, Sorhaindo, and Garman (2003), who found between financial problems and health effects.
financial well-being was associated with health in a According to internal data provided by the credit
similar, but smaller, study of credit counseling clients. counseling agency cited in this study, 11% of clients
In all of these studies, including the present one, the surveyed between February and May 2003 cited
direction of causality is unknown, however. medical expenses as a reason for joining the DMP. Of
Conclusions must, therefore, be very conservative and those who gave “medical” as a reason for joining, over
not, in any way, imply that financial problems directly a quarter (26.5%) carried medical debt (Sorhaindo,
affect health or vice versa. 2005).
All nine hypotheses proposed for this study were The great majority of financially distressed clients are
supported, indicating positive associations between employed because, without an income, they would be
various aspects of heath and finances. Intuitively, it unable to join a DMP. Employers have these people on
makes sense that poor health and financial distress are their payrolls. Therefore, employers, in particular,
related. Poor finances are one of many life events that have an important role to play in helping Americans
can cause people to experience the physical effects of improve their health and finances by offering targeted
stress that are associated with many health problems. programs and incentives. After all, the workplace is
Results from this study add to the growing body of where their employees spend the bulk of their time.
literature that establishes relationships among financial Employers also stand to benefit tremendously from
stressor events, financial well-being, and health. They workers’ improved financial well-being. Not only are
also make the case for possible health benefits, as well there potential productivity benefits (Garman, Leech,
as financial benefits, associated with credit counseling & Grable, 1996) but it is also likely that health care
debt management programs. costs associated with stress would be reduced, perhaps
resulting in lower health care cost increases for
Implications employer-provided health plans.
As noted above, educational and intervention programs
to help Americans improve their health and finances The time has also come for health maintenance
have generally operated on separate, but parallel, tracks organizations, health insurance companies, and others
(Vitt, Siegenthaler, Siegenthaler, Lyter, & Kent, 2002). who provide group health care services to pay attention
This is certainly true in Cooperative Extension and to the growing body of literature demonstrating
other adult education programs. Results of this study specific relationships between people’s personal
and others, however, indicate statistically significant finances and their health. It would be entirely logical,
associations between financial practices, financial well- for example, for the health care industry to request that
being, and health. Findings suggest that holistic mid- and large-size employers, who are already
programs should be developed to purposely blend providing financial education on retirement planning to
health and financial topics rather than having one area their employees, broaden that effort to include topics
of life (e.g., health) be viewed simply as a “byproduct” such as cash flow management and credit. Quality
of the other (e.g., finances). basic financial education could lead to improvements
in personal financial behaviors, increases in financial
The potential audience of people who have both health well-being, and reduced levels of stress. Well-
and financial “issues” is large. An example of a designed prototype financial education programs that
blended program is Small Steps to Health and Wealth, emphasize the basics of money and credit management
developed by Rutgers Cooperative Extension (O’Neill, and result in improved employee finances might very
2004), which teaches learners about behavior change well result in better employee health. Large employers
strategies that can be simultaneously applied to and health maintenance organizations concerned about
improve their health and finances. Educators should containing rising medical care costs for employees and
also pay special attention to learners with certain fostering a healthy workplace (Woolf, 2005) would be
characteristics. For example, in this study, middle- foolish to overlook the accumulating evidence of the
aged consumers were found to be more likely to report relationship between personal financial well-being and
financial problems affecting their health and targeted health.
programs could be developed to address the needs of
this age group.
84 ©2005, Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.
Findings from this study demonstrate a need for positive effects resulting from credit counseling, on
coordinated assistance, especially to those households both the health and finances of clients, can help
that are simultaneously experiencing poor health and reputable counseling firms distinguish themselves from
financial distress. Many, undoubtedly, have low those with questionable business practices and past
incomes and net worth, making it difficult to weather inquiries by government regulators.
either a health or a financial crisis. Regardless of
causality (i.e., health causing financial problems or A final implication of this study is that the financial
vice versa), it is clear that these two aspects of life are problem-health effect variable may be a good indicator
closely associated and should be better integrated. An to measure perceived consumer financial well-being, at
example of a coordinated outreach effort would be least for financially distressed populations. Other
hospital social workers or billing departments working existing literature such as Lyons & Yilmazer (in press),
in cooperation with credit counseling agencies to implied that financial problems are unlikely to affect
develop a workable repayment plan for financially health. However, 42% of respondents in this study
stressed patients in poor health. reported that their health is affected by financial
problems. Note that this question was asked directly to
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