STE-8 Research-2 Q1 LC4 MOD11

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Grade 8 STE - RESEARCH 2

Quarter 1 – Module 11:

Grade 8 STE- Research 2
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 11: Significance of the Study
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education – Schools Division of Sorsogon

Schools Division Superintendent – Jose L. Doncillo, CESO V
Asst. Schools Division Superintendent – Ma. Jeany T. Abayon
Curriculum Implementation Division Chief – Rolando F. Embile
Education Program Supervisor (Science) – Michelle H. Guadamor











Quarter 1 – Module 11:

Most Essential Learning Competency

Determine the appropriate steps in planning and

designing a research study



In the previous module, you learned to differentiate scope

and delimitation in a research study as well as write a scope and
delimitation of the identified research problem/study.
As you go through these topics, take note of certain
fundamental concepts that pervade through writing significance
of the study particularly the question who will benefit from your
study ? And how will they benefit from your research study?

\\ Most Essential Learning
\ Competency & Objectives

In this module, you will determine the appropriate steps in planning and
designing a research study.

Specifically, you should be able to:

1. Identify beneficiaries of the identified research problem/study.
2. Formulate significance of the study of the identified research

Duration: 2 meetings


Before we start our lesson, try to answer these

five (5) questions below.

DIRECTION: Read the questions carefully and choose the letter of the
correct answer.

1. Which of the following is one of the indispensable features of writing

significance of the study?
a. Validation of existing knowledge
b. Invalidation of existing knowledge
c. Implication of existing knowledge
d. Explication of existing knowledge

2. When do we say that a research problem is significant?

a. When it decline an existing process.
b. When it enable to solve a certain problem in the community
c. When it does not solve a certain problem in the community
d. When it does not contribute to the development of scientific skills.

3. Below is an example of significance of the study posted online, identify who will
benefits from the study.
“The study of dehydration technology and fabrication can be a learning paradigm
in the secondary level and vocational schools to enhance the students’
knowledge and entrepreneurial skills as well. The project’s goal is designed to
help students improve academic competence, develop employability skills,
implement a career plan after graduating from high school”.

a. Institution and students

b. Schools and technology
c. Students and academic competence
d. Technology and student’s academic performance

4. Suppose you are a young scientist doing an experiment about pesticide spray for
weeds. Which of the following best illustrates the hierarchy position of the
significance of the study ?
a. Students Institution Future researcher
b. Students future researcher Environment
c. Institution farmer students / future researcher
d. Institution Students / future researcher farmer

5. Excerpt from the Lura Glenn Ernel O. research title “ Improvised Fire Alarm
Warning System ”

Statement of the Problem

1. How effective is the Improvised Fire Alarm Warning System in

sensing the presence of heat and smoke within the area in terms of:
a. temperature
b. distance
2. Is there a significant relationship in the response-time of the device
from the varying:
a. Temperature
b. Distance
b.1 Flame - sensor
b.2 Sensor - device

After analyzing the text, what would be the potential beneficiaries and benefit
from the study
a. Households, School, Community, Bureau of Fire Protection, Future
b. Environment, School, Community, Bureau of Fire Protection, Future
c. Environment, Coastal barangays, Community, Government , Future
d. Community , Coastal barangays, Community, Government , Future
researchers, DILG

Learning Activities

E licit/ Engage
Come! Join me in this adventure in the world of
research and have more fun while learning.


Michael Faraday

He discovered that a current is induced in a coil of wire by

thrusting a magnet through it or by moving the conductor near a
magnet. The relative motion between the conductor and the magnet
induces charges to move in the conductor.
This is the principle behind the operation of dynamo,
a device that converts mechanical energy to
electrical energy.

Therefore, The Faradays work provided the theoretical basis of later

scientific and technological advances in the field of electricity. It would have not
been possible to invent dynamo without his work in electromagnetic induction.
Remarkably significant!

E xplore
Activity 1: Who are the Beneficiaries?
This activity will guide you as you acquire the skills of
identifying benefits and beneficiaries of research study. Start
with the suggested topic. After reading, make a list of who
are the target beneficiaries of the research study directly or
indirectly. Write your answer in word chart form.

Excerpt from a research study entitled “Styrosene Roof Sealant” by Abayon, Mia
Shannon B.

“The significance of the study is highlighted by the practical

and economical use of the alternative sealant and the friendly effect
to the environment. It can positively impact the financial capacity of
people by using this less expensive and more effective alternative
sealant. Instead of buying the expensive commercial sealant,
people can opt to make the sealant, and this solves the problem on
their roofs without shelling out a lot of cash. It also help the
community with the problem of pollution. By choosing to recycle and
not throwing the Styrofoam just anywhere especially in our
waterways , we contribute to less pollution ”.

List down the beneficiaries of the study.



You already know how to determine beneficiaries of a

certain study. Now, do activity 2.

Activity 2A: Formulating significance of the study

Probably the mostly used graphic display of information from an article is the
information of classification map. Let’s try to do it here.

Here are some guidelines for correct information mapping:

1. Read through the excerpt study and identify the topic.

2. Write down the topic at the center
3. Draw a line directed to the topic. The number of lines depends on the number of
beneficiaries details given by the study.

Excerpt from the research entitle “ SUBSTITUTE INDELIBLE INK

USING Bixa orellana L. (ANNATTO) AND
Corcus sativus L. (KASUBHA) EXTRACTS ”

A research was conducted to find out the feasibility of natural plant dyes from the
market and cartridge ink as an alternative indelible ink. In the aim to produce an
alternative indelible ink using atsuete and kasubha extracts and is also comparable in
quality to the commercial ink. The researchers intend to answer the following questions:

1. Will the alternative indelible ink adhere when applied to fingernail?
2. What will be the effect of the natural dyes to the days of indelibility of the ink?
3. What is the reaction of each ratio to the following solutions which are water
with soap, acetone and alcohol?

Based on the research title you will see potential significance of the study. What
are the significance of the study? Fill in the information using the classification chart

The research study will benefit:

Okay ! You want to do more? Do the next task From the

classified details mentioned in activity # 2, arrange
Hierarchically from the significance of the study.

Activity 2B: Formulating significance of the study

Hierarchy of Beneficiaries

Okay ! You want to do more? Do the next task From the

classified details mentioned in activity # 2, arrange
Hierarchically from the significance of the study.

Activity 2.2 : Formulating significance of the Study

Guidelines for correct writing :

1. Make an introductory statement

Example . Through this study, …will become aware of…
This study is deemed significant to…

2. Present the beneficiaries of the research by hierarchical position (highest to

lowest position), example: the institution, administrator, teachers, parents,
students, researcher

3. After listing down each of you beneficiaries by hierarchical method each aspect
should contain a short discussion on what the benefits would be.

Referring to the chart and hierarchical position which you have just
accomplished, write the significance of the study in paragraph form. Be sure to that
you strictly observe the conventions you have learned.


Scoring Rubric
Points Description
4 Students understanding of the task is clearly evident
Students uses effective strategies to itemized beneficiaries and benefit of the
Students uses logical thinking to formulate significance of the study
3 Student understanding of the task is evident
Students uses appropriate strategies to itemized beneficiaries and benefit of the
Students shows thinking skills to formulate significance of the study
2 Students had limited understanding of the concept
Students uses strategies that are ineffective.
Students attempt to show thinking skills.
1 Students has a complete understanding of concept
Students makes no attempt to show thinking skills
Students shows no understanding.

E xplain
Take time to understand the following ideas or concepts for you..

Significance of the Study

Contains the importance, the benefits of the study or research. It can be divided
into two parts: The introductory statement containing a short print of your research. And
the presentation of the beneficiaries.

The common way in presenting the research significance is by Hierarchical

Method means that you are considering the position of the beneficiaries starting from
the higher position to the lowest position until you reach the last level usually the
students or the researcher.

Remember also that after listing down each of your beneficiaries hierarchically,
each aspects should contain a short discussion on what the benefits would be.
Example for hierarchical method



Student / Future researcher-


Significance of the study is often referred to as the “ rationale ” is crucial because

it is one place in which researcher tries to convince an audience that the research is
worth doing or validation of existing knowledge. It should establish why the audience

should read on. It could also persuade someone of why he or she would want to support
or fund, a research project.

I hope you now have a good points of identifying and formulating

The significance of the study . Read on the next part to relate success
research stories.

E Laborate/ Extend
This is an excerpt copied from the book Dynamic Science: An Integration of
Physical and Biological Science.

In 1928, Alexander Fleming, a researcher unintentionally left a dish (in which

bacteria were growing) exposed in his laboratory when he went on vacation. When he
returned, he noticed certain areas of the culture medium where no bacteria were
growing. Upon investigation, it turned out that those areas were occupied by the mold
Penicillium notatum. He investigated the phenomenon further. His experiment showed
that the mold produced this substance prevented the growth of certain bacteria. This
was how the first antibiotic was discovered.

When antibiotics first became available they were immediately hailed as

miracle drugs. This is because they are effective against bacterial infections,
which incurable before. Since then, antibiotics have been used to treat bacterial
disease. This proves that the consequence or simple discovery and use of the
antibiotic is beneficial in the field of Medicine until today.

More so, the pandemic has catalyzed the development of Covid-19
vaccines across biotech industry both by pharmaceutical companies, and
research organization all over the world. Let’s be optimistic that someday a
researcher / scientist discover a virus cure.

Congratulations for finishing the module. Hope you enjoy

and learned a lot from the tasks given.

Vocabulary List

You may refer to the following vocabulary words used in this module:

Consequence- having important effects, values or influence.

Hierarchical – arranged in order or rank.
Importance - the quality of being recognized as important and worthy of note.
Rationale – an explanation of controlling principles of opinion, belief, practice or
Significance – the quality of being significant or important or valued or meaningful or of


E valuate
DIRECTION: Read the questions carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is one of the indispensable features of writing significance

of the study?
a. Validation of existing knowledge
b. Invalidation of existing knowledge
c. Implication of existing knowledge
d. Explication of existing knowledge

2. When do we say that a research problem is significant?

a. When it decline an existing process.
b. When it enable to solve a certain problem in the community
c. When it does not solve a certain problem in the community
d. When it does not contribute to the development of scientific skills.

3. Below is an example of significance of the study posted online, identify who will
benefits from the study.

“ The study of dehydration technology and fabrication can be a learning paradigm

in the secondary level and vocational schools to enhance the students’
knowledge and entrepreneurial skills as well. The project’s goal is designed to
help students improve academic competence, develop employability skills,
implement a career plan after graduating from high school ”.

a. Institution and students

b. Schools and technology
c. Students and academic competence
d. Technology and student’s academic performance

4. Suppose you are a young scientist doing an experiment about pesticide spray
for weeds. Which of the following best illustrates the hierarchy position of the
significance of the study ?
a. Students Institution Future researcher

b. Students future researcher Environment
c. Institution farmer students / future researcher
d. Institution Students / future researcher farmer

5. Excerpt from the Lura Glenn Ernel O. research title “ Improvised Fire Alarm
Warning System ”

Statement of the Problem

→ How effective is the Improvised Fire Alarm Warning System in sensing

the presence of heat and smoke within the area in terms of
a. Temperature
b. Distance
→ Is there a significant relationship in the response-time of the device from
the varying:
a. Temperature
b. Distance
b.1 Flame - sensor
b.2 Sensor - device

After analyzing the data , what would be the potential beneficiaries and
benefit from the study?
a. Households, School, Community, Bureau of Fire Protection, Future
b. Environment, School, Community, Bureau of Fire Protection, Future
c. Environment, Coastal barangays, Community, Government , Future
d. Community , Coastal barangays, Community, Government , Future
researchers, DILG

CONGRATULATIONS ! You are now a competent learner !

Answer Keys

Pre-Test Answer Keys

1. A 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. A

Learning Activities Answer Keys

Act. #. 1

• Homeowners
• Environment
• Community

Act. #. 2

Substitute Indelible Ink using Bixa orellana L. (Annatto) and Corcus sativus L.
(Kasuba) Estracts

Future National
Student Voters
researcher Government

Act. #. 2.1 Hierarchy of beneficiaries


National Government


Act. #. 2.2 ( answers may vary)

Scoring rubric

Points Description
4 Students understanding of the task is clearly evident
Students uses effective strategies to itemized beneficiaries and benefit of the
Students uses logical thinking to formulate significance of the study
3 Student understanding of the task is evident
Students uses appropriate strategies to itemized beneficiaries and benefit of the
Students shows thinking skills to formulate significance of the study
2 Students had limited understanding of the concept
Students uses strategies that are ineffective.
Students attempt to show thinking skills.
1 Students has a complete understanding of concept
Students makes no attempt to show thinking skills
Students shows no understanding.

Post-Test Answer Keys

1. A 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. A

Printed References:

Calderon, Jose F. Methods of Research and Thesis Writing.

Mandaluyong City. National Bookstore, 1993

Merriam Webster Dictionary. “ hierarchical ”. Accessed July 29, 2020

Merriam Webster Dictionary. “ importance ”. Accessed July 29, 2020
Merriam Webster Dictionary. “ significance ”. Accessed July 29, 2020

Rabago, Lilia M. Dynamics Science: An Integration of Physical and Biological


Online References:

Abayon, Mia Shannon B., “ Styrosene Roof Sealant “.

Retrieved from

De Fiesta, I.A.Co and Odivilas I. last updated july 2018. Retrieved from

How to write significance of the study? Last updated April 29, 2020. Retrieved from

Lura Glenn Ernel O. . Last updated October 2019. Retrieved from the research title
“ Improvised Fire Alarm Warning System ”


Cover Art Photo retrieved from


Teacher Graphics by


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