Financial Product Service Terms - ASIC - Cf97e796
Financial Product Service Terms - ASIC - Cf97e796
Financial Product Service Terms - ASIC - Cf97e796
Service Terms
Risk Warning: Gleneagle Asset Management Limited (ABN 29 103 162 278) of Level 27/25 Bligh St, Sydney NSW
2000, trading as Fusion Markets, is the issuer of the Fusion Markets Products described in this communication.
Trading in Fusion Markets Products involves the potential for profit as well as the risk of loss which may vastly exceed
the amount of your initial deposit and is not suitable for all investors. You should read all of these Financial Product
Service Terms, the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and the Financial Services Guide (available on our website)
carefully, consider your own financial situation, needs and objectives for investing in these Fusion Markets Products
and obtain independent financial advice.
1. Definitions and Interpretation 1
2. This Agreement 5
3. Our Services 6
8. Formation of a Contract 9
9. Providing instructions 10
18. Delay 14
19. Rates 14
28. Tape recordings 18
31. Default 21
33. Termination 21
35. Notices 22
37. General 23
Default Event means any acts or omissions on d) A breach of any provision, obligation,
the part of: warranty or representation made under
a) the Client; these Terms (including any information
provided to Fusion Markets in connection
b) an Authorised Person; or with these Terms that is or has become
untrue or misleading;
c) the Client or Authorised Person’s employee,
agent or assignee (whether or not known to us, and e) A failure at any time or for any period deemed
whether or not acting in concert with other natural reasonable by Fusion Markets to respond to any
persons or algorithmic tools) Notice or correspondence from Fusion Markets;
which in Fusion Market’s sole discretion, are f) taking advantage of what Fusion Markets
deemed as being: considers to be abnormal trading conditions; or
Foreign Exchange means currency including g) the Client seeks or obtains protection
Australian Dollars and foreign currency. from any of their creditors under any
Fusion Markets means Gleneagle Asset
Management Limited trading as Fusion Markets h) the Client commits an act of bankruptcy
ABN 29 103 162 278; AFSL 226199. as defined in the Bankruptcy Act 1966
(Cth) as varied from time to time;
Fusion Markets Products means an OTC
Contract issued by Fusion Markets under these i) a bankruptcy petition is presented in
Terms to Clients. respect of the Client or, if the Client is a
member of a partnership, in respect of
Fusion Markets Trust Account means an account one or more of the partners;
(however named or styled) maintained by Fusion
Markets for the purposes of the Corporations Act j) any security interest becomes
to hold client moneys. enforceable against the Client and the
beneficiary of that security interest takes
General Advice is as defined in the Corporations steps to enforce the security or charge;
Act, as varied from time to time. or
Hedge Counterparty means an entity that Fusion k) any other event having substantially the
Markets enters into hedge contracts with same legal effect as the events specified
to manage Fusion Markets’ exposure to Fusion in paragraphs (a) to (j) above.
Markets Products.
Instructions has the meaning given to it in
Initial Margin means the amount which you are clause 8.2.
required to pay to Fusion Markets as Margin for any
Contract which you propose to enter into. Intellectual Property means the trade marks,
designs, patents and copyrights of the parties to
Insolvency Event means any of the following: these Terms.
a) an order, or an application for an order, is made JPY means the lawful currency of Japan.
by or to a court:
Limit Order has the meaning set out in the PDS
1) that a corporate Client be wound up; or
Long Party means the party to a Contract who
2) appointing a liquidator or provisional is treated as having notionally bought the
liquidator for a corporate Client; Underlying Instrument (or, in the case of an index
OTC Contract, a right in respect of payment
b) a liquidator, provisional liquidator or controller is arising from a change in the level of an index).
otherwise appointed to a corporate Client;
Loss means a damage, loss, cost, expense or
c) a resolution is passed to appoint an administrator liability incurred by the person concerned,
to a corporate Client; however it arises and whether it is present or
future, fixed or unascertained, actual or
d) a corporate Client enters into a deed of contingent.
arrangement or propose a reorganisation,
moratorium or other administration involving all or Lot means the unit that represents the volume of
any of the Client’s creditors; a Contract taking into consideration the Contract
Size. It can be represented as a portion of a Lot
e) a corporate Client is dissolved or wound up in any subject to the minimum lot size, for example, 0.1
other way; of a lot being referred to as a mini Lot or (0.01 of
a Lot) being referred to as a micro Lot. For
f) the Client is unable, or states that they are unable, example, 1 Lot in EUR/USD equals 100,000 EUR
to pay their debts as and when they fall due, or being the Base Currency unit and 0.1 Lot is
otherwise states that they are insolvent; therefore 10,000 units of Base Currency.
Margin Level means the Equity to Margin ratio Realised/Unrealised Loss means:
calculated as Equity divided by Margin.
a) (realised loss) – the amount by which the
Margin Closeout Level means the 20% Margin value of an Open Position on Close Out is less
Level that must be maintained before there might than the value of the Open Position when the
be automatic Close Out of all or some of your Open Position was last valued or if the Open
Open Positions. Position has never been valued previously, it
is the value when the position was opened;
Margin Cover means the amount of Margin and
available for margin trading on your Account. It
is calculated by Fusion Markets by subtracting b) (unrealised loss) – the amount by which the
from the Equity the required Margin. value of an Open Position (not on Close Out)
is less than the value of the Open Position
Material Error means a liquidity provider, Hedge when it was last re-valued or if the Open
Counterparty or Fusion Markets error, a software Position has never been valued previously, it
error, a typographical error, an off-market price is the value when the position was opened.
or obvious mistake in a Contract, Underlying
Instrument, quote or indication and includes Realised/Unrealised Profit means:
quoting delays.
a) (realised gain) - the amount by which the
Online Platform is defined in clause 9.1. This value of an Open Position on Close Out is more
may be referred to as an “Electronic Trading than the value of the Open Position when the
Platform” or as the actual name of the electronic Open Position was last valued or if the Open
trading platform in a PDS or on Fusion Markets’ Position has never been valued previously, the
website. value when the position was opened; and
Open Position means, at any time, a Contract b) (unrealised gain) – the amount by which the
which has not been Closed Out, or settled prior to value of an Open Position (not on Close Out)
the time agreed for settlement. is more than the value of the Open Position
when it was last re-valued or if the Open
Order means any order placed by you to enter Position has never been valued previously, the
into a Contract. value when the position was opened.
OTC Contract means an over the counter Registered Office means the registered office
contract to pay or receive the change in value of of Fusion Markets as notified to ASIC.
the Underlying Instrument (e.g. a currency pair,
share index, commodity or cryptocurrency) Related Entity is as defined in the Corporations
depending on whether the price rises or falls. Act.
Pip Value means the smallest increment by Senior Officer means the Chief Executive Officer,
which a unit of currency, index level or a Managing Director or “officer” as defined in the
commodity contract changes and is quoted Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) of Fusion Markets
depending on the number of decimal places in and/or the Client, and in the case of Fusion
which the currency or index is quoted. For example, Markets, includes an employee, director or
in the case of a Foreign Exchange consultant nominated by Fusion Markets as the
Contract, a USD/JPY Foreign Exchange Contract Complaints Officer.
is quoted with only two decimal places.
Settlement Time means the time by which a
Price means, in relation to a Contract, the price Contract must be settled, as set out in the
or rate quoted by Fusion Markets as finally Confirmation for the Contract or on the Online
determined when an Order is implemented. Platform.
Short Party means the party to a Contract b) officers, directors, employees and agents.
(including an OTC Contract) who is treated as
having a financial outcome similar to having 1.2 The following rules also apply in interpreting this
effectively sold the Underlying Security. document, except if the context makes it clear that
a rule is not intended to apply.
Sophisticated Investor means a person who
would be a Wholesale Client only through the a) Headings used in these Terms are used
application of section 761GA of the Corporations for convenience only, and do not affect
Act. interpretation.
Stop Loss Order has the meaning set out in the b) A reference to legislation (including subordinate
PDS. legislation) is to that legislation as amended, re-
enacted or replaced, and includes any subordinate
Terms means these Financial Product Service legislation issued under it.
c) A singular word includes the plural and vice versa.
Trading Account means trading accounts
established under these Terms for trading d) A word which suggests one gender includes the
purposes. Each is part of the same Account you other gender.
have with Fusion Markets.
e) If a word or phrase is defined, any other
Trading Conditions means the operating grammatical form of that word or phrase has a
conditions for trading on the Online Platform from corresponding meaning.
time to time, including any pricing, leverage ratios,
parameters for Orders, details of calculations of f) A reference to time is to local time in Sydney, New
fees, charges and costs or limits to or features of South Wales, unless otherwise specified.
g) Anything permitted to be done by Fusion
Trading Day means any day in which Markets in accordance with these Terms may be
cryptocurrency markets are open done in its absolute discretion, and any opinion or
view required to be formed by Fusion Markets may
Trailing Stop Order has the meaning set out in the be formed in its absolute discretion.
h) For the avoidance of doubt, time will continue to
Underlying Instrument means the product which run on days which are not Business Days.
is used as the basis for calculations of prices for
your Fusion Markets Products, such as foreign
currency pairs, indices, metals. 2. This Agreement
Cryptocurrencies or other commodities (or any 2.1 This is a master agreement and sets out the terms
combination of one or more of those). and conditions in respect of any future Contracts
between you and Fusion Markets, relating to either
USD means United States dollar or the lawful or both of the:
currency of the United States of America.
a) provision of General Advice to the Client;
We, us or our means Gleneagle Asset and
Management Limited trading as Fusion Markets
ABN 29 103 162 278 and its successors and b) execution of Contracts relating to foreign
assignees. exchange, commodities, indices and
Wholesale Client has the same meaning as in
section 761G of the Corporations Act but does not 2.2 These Terms includes the Fusion Markets
include a Sophisticated Investor. Application Form and the PDS that may have been
exchanged and/or executed between the parties.
You means the Client, being the person or persons However, in the event of any inconsistency between
in whose name we open an Account these Terms and other contracts or documents,
(including any Authorised Person), following our exchanged and/or executed between you and
acceptance of an application by that person or Fusion Markets, the PDS shall prevail to the extent
those persons, together with its: of the inconsistency, and with respect to any other
inconsistency, these Terms shall prevail.
a) subsidiaries, affiliates, successors and/or
assigns; and
5 Fusion Markets – Financial Product Service Terms – 29 March 2021
c) the time you first place an Order in respect of a 3.3 If you do not fully understand the risks associated
Fusion Markets Product with Fusion Markets or with Fusion Markets’ services, then you should not
otherwise instruct Fusion Markets to provide the use our services.
financial service to you.
4. Your representations and warranties
2.5 You acknowledge and agree that you have received,
read and understood all documentation provided to 4.1 You warrant that in the case of:
you by us including these Terms and any PDS in
relation to any Fusion Markets Products which you a) an individual or more than one individual, you are
request Fusion Markets to make available to you in of full age and capacity; and
relation to your Account. You authorise Fusion
Markets to open an Account for you. b) a firm or corporation, it is duly constituted and
incorporated and possesses the requisite power to
2.6 You acknowledge that you have received, read and enter into these Terms,
understood our Financial Services Guide (FSG). Our
FSG may change from time to time. A copy of the 4.2 You warrant that all Contracts made and these
current FSG can be obtained on our website or Terms are , and will , constitute legally binding and
directly from us on request. enforceable obligations of you.
2.7 You acknowledge that all dealings in Fusion 4.3 If you enter into these Terms in your capacity as
Markets Products and the performance by us of our trustee of a trust, you make the following
obligations under these Terms are subject to the representations and undertakings:
Applicable Laws.
a) the relevant trust instrument is valid and
2.8 You acknowledge that we will not provide legal, tax, complies with all Applicable Laws which apply to the
financial or accounting advice to you as part of the Client;
services that we provide to you in accordance with
these Terms. b) you are properly appointed as trustee of the
2.9 You acknowledge that we do not act in a fiduciary
capacity and Fusion Markets does not owe any
c) you have a right of indemnity from the trust
fiduciary obligations to you in respect of its services
assets in respect of these Terms and the Contracts
provided to you in connection with these Terms
contemplated by it;
except as expressly stated in these Terms.
d) you will comply with your duties as trustee of the
if you are replaced or joined as trustee, you will h) the funds used by you are funds that you are
make sure the new trustee becomes bound to entitled to use, and are not derived from illegal
Fusion Markets’ satisfaction by these Terms and sources;
any other agreement relating to a Contract
contemplated by these Terms to which you are i) the information on the Online Platforms will not
expressed to be a party, or by a document which is be used for unlawful or unauthorised purposes.
identical in effect;
j) you will not “deep-link” the Fusion Markets
g) you will not resettle, set aside or distribute any of website, resell or permit access to the Fusion
the assets of the trust without Fusion Markets’ Markets website to others or copy any materials
written consent unless compelled to do so by the appearing on the Fusion Markets website for resale
trust instrument; or for any other purpose without the prior written
consent of Fusion Markets.
h) you will not amend or vary the trust instrument
without Fusion Markets’ written consent; and 4.5 You acknowledge that:
i) if you are not the sole trustee of the trust, it is a
requirement that each and every trustee agrees in a) Fusion Markets will enter into the Contracts
writing to be bound by these Terms and by any contemplated by these Terms in reliance on the
Contracts entered into in connection with these representations and warranties made by you; and
b) Fusion Markets does not act in a fiduciary
4.4 You represent and warrant to Fusion Markets that: capacity in relation to you and Fusion Markets does
not owe any fiduciary obligations to you in respect
a) you have read and understood these Terms, the of its services provided in connection with these
PDS and the FSG; Terms;
b) at all times you will be able to make payments and c) Fusion Markets is not required to act in
fulfil all commitments on your part arising under accordance with your instructions if in Fusion
these Terms and under the conditions applicable to Markets’ opinion to do so would or could constitute
dealings between you and Fusion Markets; a breach by it or its agent or Hedge Counterparty of
the Corporations Act or any other Applicable Laws;
c) execution and delivery by you of these Terms, and
performance of all of your obligations contemplated d) Fusion Markets acts as principal in respect of the
under these Terms, does not violate any of the Fusion Markets Products issued by Fusion Markets;
Applicable Laws that are applicable to you;
e) Fusion Markets provides General Advice and
d) all information provided by you to Fusion execution-only services and the final investment
Markets is true in all material respects as at the date decision is always your own; and
of these Terms or, if later, when the information is
provided. You will notify Fusion Markets promptly f) if Fusion Markets provides advice to you then that
of any changes to such information. The information advice is general only and does not consider your
provided by you, your conduct or the conduct of personal objectives, circumstances or needs.
anyone acting on your behalf in relation to the
Contracts contemplated by these Terms, was or is g) a notice issued by an authorised officer or agent
misleading, by omission or otherwise; of Fusion Markets stating the amount of money due
and payable by you will be taken as conclusive
e) You shall make ongoing disclosure to Fusion evidence of notice except only in the case of
Markets of any matters that may affect the Manifest Error;
operation of these Terms or of the ability of the
Client to pay margin calls or to remain solvent; h) Fusion Markets Products traded on the Online
Platform will not be settled by the physical or
f) you will provide to Fusion Markets on request deliverable settlement of the Underlying Security
such information regarding your financial and on their Value Date - depending on the Fusion
business affairs and identity, as Fusion Markets may Markets Product, they are generally rolled or
reasonably require; “swapped” indefinitely until Closed Out (see the
relevant applicable Trading Conditions); and
g) you are not restricted by any ApplicableLaws
from using Fusion Markets’ Online Platforms or it i) an Open Position must remain open for the
services; minimum period of time as determined by Fusion
Markets and cannot be Closed Out by you during
this period.
4.6 All representations, warranties and 5.5 You acknowledge and agree that Fusion Markets
acknowledgments given by you under these Terms may disclose your name and other personal and
are taken to have been made at the time you financial information about you, and any relevant
complete the Application Form and are taken to details of an Authorised Person, to its employees,
have been repeated by you: Representatives, officers, agents, and affiliates, as
well as to a governmental entity or self-regulatory
a) each time you place an Order with us; authority, an internet service provider or any other
third party agent or service provider for any
b) each time you enter into a Contract with us; and purpose related to offering, providing,
administering or maintaining the Fusion Markets
c) each time we do anything or refrain from doing services, or to comply with Applicable Laws.
something under these Terms or as contemplated
by these Terms in connection with your Account or 5.6 The information provided on Fusion Markets’
any Contract. Online Platforms is to be used for the purpose of
your trading with Fusion Markets only, and not for
4.7 If you are comprised of two or more legal persons any other purposes. Using Fusion Markets Online
then a reference to a right or obligation of yours Platforms does not transfer intellectual property
under these Terms or under a Contract confers that rights to you.
right or imposes that obligation, as the case may be,
jointly and severally on those persons. 5.7 In appropriate cases all communications and
information concerning you held by Fusion Markets,
may be disclosed to and reviewed by law
5. Use of Personal Information enforcement agencies and regulatory authorities.
In addition, you agree to comply with all applicable
5.1 Personal Information collected by Fusion Markets is money laundering and counter terrorism financing
treated as confidential and is protected by the laws, including, but not limited to, the requirement
Privacy Act (Cth) 1988. Fusion Markets will only to obtain or provide satisfactory evidence of the
collect Personal Information which is necessary to identity of any person whom you may represent in
perform the services contemplated by these Terms. any Contract entered into with Fusion Markets.
5.2 Fusion Markets will treat your Personal Information
in accordance with its privacy policy, which you may 6. Legal Entity Identifier
obtain by contacting Fusion Markets or on the
Fusion Markets website. 6.1 In order to comply with the ASIC Derivative
Contracts Rules (Reporting), Fusion Markets must
5.3 Fusion Markets will use reasonable precautions to obtain a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) from all legal
maintain the confidentiality of information Fusion entities that trade with it.
Markets receives from you and material and/or data
you provide, create, input or develop in connection 6.2 If you are a legal entity:
with your use of the Fusion Markets services.
Nonetheless, because such information, material a) you consent to Fusion Markets obtaining a LEI on
and/or data may be provided through the Internet your behalf; and
you hereby acknowledge and agree that Fusion
Markets cannot assure that such information, b) passing on the cost of obtaining a LEI to you by
material and/or data will continue to be charging it to your Account, together with Fusion
confidential. Markets’ reasonable administration costs in
obtaining the LEI.
5.4 You accept the risk of a third party receiving
confidential information concerning you and
specifically release and indemnify Fusion Markets 7. Appointment of Authorised Persons
from any claim arising out of a third party
intercepting, accessing, monitoring or receiving any 7.1 Fusion Markets may accept your authorisation of
communication from you intended to be provided another person (Authorised Person) to give
to Fusion Markets or from Fusion Markets intended instructions, enter into Contracts and place Orders
to be provided to you. on your behalf. You must notify Fusion Markets in
your Application Form or otherwise in writing in a
way permitted by Fusion Markets of any such
authorisation, setting out the full name, telephone
number, fax number, email address and signature
of that person and any other information required
by Fusion Markets to identify the Authorised
7.2 You shall immediately notify Fusion Markets when: 7.9 You hereby indemnify and agree to hold Fusion
Markets harmless in respect of any loss incurred by
a) any new person becomes an Authorised Person; an Authorised Person or attorney entering into any
or Contract contemplated under these Terms.
b) any existing Authorised Person is no longer 7.10 You will take reasonable steps to ensure that each
entitled to be an Authorised Person. Authorised Person complies in full with these
Upon Fusion Markets receiving such a Notice, the
change in Authorised Person will be effective 7.11 Fusion Markets reserves the right at any time to
immediately. However, the Notice shall not affect refuse the appointment or continuation of an
any Contracts already executed. Authorised Person without reason.
8.5 If Fusion Markets declines to exercise the right to 2) Fusion Markets may, at its sole discretion
create a Contract, Fusion Markets shall not be (without or without notice), close out your
obliged to: Open Positions at prices it considers fair and
reasonable at that time, and you agree not to
a) give a reason for declining; or make any claim against Fusion Markets in this
b) notify you that Fusion Markets has not created a
Contract with you. f) Fusion Markets may change the minimum
specification required to access the Online Platform
8.6 You shall indemnify Fusion Markets for any error and also may make operational changes to and alter
made by you, an Authorised Person or an attorney the services currently available at any time. Fusion
in providing Instructions to Fusion Markets Markets will notify you of such changes by either
placing a message on the Fusion Markets website,
log on page of the Online Platform or by email or
9. Providing instructions SMS.
9.1 If you, an Authorised Person or an attorney use g) You are responsible for obtaining, maintaining
Fusion Markets’ online trading system (Online and ensuring compatibility of your electronic
Platform), you confirm and accept the following: software, devices and equipment. Fusion Markets
will not be responsible for any loss of or damage to
a) you may be able to enter into Contracts at the your data, software, computer, electronic devices,
rates and/or prices quoted on the Online Platform. telecommunications or other equipment caused by
use of the Online Platform, unless such loss or
b) all Contracts must be completed using the damage is directly and solely caused by our
Security Information allocated to you by Fusion negligence or deliberate default.
Markets and valid entry of such Security
Information will constitute an authorisation by you h) You are responsible for ensuring that your
to complete the Contract specified irrespective of electronic devices and equipment are free from
whether the Security Information is entered by an viruses and other malware and Fusion Markets will
Authorised Person or an attorney. not be responsible for any losses incurred by
failure to do this. Fusion Markets shall use
c) You must ensure that the Security Information is reasonable endeavours to keep the Online Platform
kept secure and confidential. You must also ensure free from viruses and corrupt files but cannot
that each Authorised Person or attorney to whom guarantee that the Online Platform will be free from
Security Information is provided, will keep them infection by viruses or anything else with
secure and confidential. You will advise Fusion contaminating or destructive properties. Fusion
Markets immediately if you have any reason to Markets is not able to guarantee that access to the
believe that the Security Information allocated to Online Platform will be uninterrupted, continuous
you, an Authorised Person or an attorney has not or error free.
been kept secure and confidential.
i) You must not:
d) you must ensure that no unauthorised person is
able to use the Security Information. As part of this 1) misuse the Online Platform by knowingly
obligation you must ensure that each Authorised introducing viruses, trojans, worms, logic
Person and attorney quits the internet browser bombs or other material which is malicious or
after using the Online Platform. technologically harmful;
e) Fusion Markets may taking steps it considers 2) attempt to gain unauthorised access to the
reasonable at any time without Notice suspend, Online Platform or any server, computer or
withdraw or deny access to the Online Platform for database connected the Online Platform;
any reason including but not limited to security,
quality of service, failure by you to pay an amount 3) attack the Online Platform via a denial-of-
when due or breach by you of any provision of these service attack or a distributed denial-of-
Terms. If and while such access is suspended: service attack.
1) you will be able to close any Open By breaching this provision, you may also commit a
Positions but will not be entitled to enter into criminal offence. Fusion Markets may report any
new Contracts such breach to the relevant law enforcement
authorities and will co-operate with those
authorities by disclosing your identity to them.
In the event of such a breach, your right to use the 10.2 Any sums that you owe to Fusion Markets must be
Online Platform will cease immediately and without paid in one of the following ways:
Notice. Fusion Markets will not be liable for any loss
or damage caused by a distributed denial-ofservice a) by online bank transfer;
attack, virus or other technologically harmful
material that may infect your electronic devices and b) by same day bank transfer;
c) by cheque (with the consent of Fusion Markets);
j) You will be liable for all Contracts made when
using the Online Platform including instances of any d) by international telegraphic transfer; or
misuse, fraud or abuse by you, an Authorised
Person or an attorney or where the Client, an e) by payment through a credit card or electronic
Authorised Person or an attorney has disclosed any gateway provider approved by Fusion Markets from
Security Information to a third party. time to time.
9.2 Fusion Markets will not typically accept 10.3 You must have sufficient cleared funds deposited in
Instructions face to face at Fusion Markets’ Fusion Markets Trust Account before Fusion
Registered Office. However, Fusion Markets may at Markets will execute any Contracts. Fusion Markets
its discretion allow an Authorised Person or will indicate to you the sum required as the Initial
attorney to request Fusion Markets to accept Margin for each Contract.
Instructions, enter into Contracts and make
financial dealings by physically visiting Fusion 10.4 Fusion Markets may not have time to notify you of
Markets’ Registered Office. You acknowledge and any change in the amount of the Initial Margin or
agree that upon the acceptance by Fusion Markets further margin for any Contract by giving Notice.
of the Authorised Person or attorney’s Instructions, Any increase in the amount of the Initial Margin will
you shall be bound by those Instructions. be due and payable immediately without Notice to
9.3 An Authorised Person or attorney may request
Fusion Markets to accept Instructions and enter 10.5 Fusion Markets may impose other fees and charges
into Contracts by telephone. Fusion Markets may for using its services, by providing Notice to you. If
check the authority of the caller by requesting the you do not consent to the charges, you can
caller give his or her name and confirming that such terminate these Terms and the charges will not
name has been notified to Fusion Markets by you as apply to new Contracts. If you terminate these
an Authorised Person. Fusion Markets may at its Terms under this clause, all existing Contracts will
discretion ask the caller for additional information survive the termination of these Terms.
to confirm the caller’s identity. Upon such check
confirming the identity of the caller, Fusion Markets 10.6 Fusion Markets is not responsible for any fees or
may assume that the caller has the full authority as charges imposed by third party banks or other
previously advised by you. counterparties, which are incurred by you in
connection with the use of Fusion Markets services.
9.4 You acknowledge and agree, and will ensure that
each Authorised Person and attorney
11. Credit Limits
acknowledges and agrees, that Fusion Markets may
make a recording of any telephone conversation 11.1 You understand that:
between any person and Fusion Markets at any
time. The recording remains the property of Fusion a) Fusion Markets may grant certain Clients a
Markets. The telephone recording can be used by Credit Limit. A Credit Limit is:
Fusion Markets to confirm the terms and conditions
of any Contract where there is dispute with a Client 1) a pre-agreed amount of currency that can
as to the Trade Contract Terms of the Contract, and be offset against a negative mark to market
for training, monitoring and compliance purposes. value on an Open Position; or
(b) if the negative mark to market of an Open (b) For selling of one currency against the purchase
Position is approaching or has exceeded your Credit of another currency and the currency sold has a
Limit, Fusion Markets reserves the right to Margin higher interest rate than the currency bought, the
call you in an amount entirely at Fusion Markets’ amount of interest arising therefrom shall be
discretion; subtracted from the Account.
c) Fusion Markets is not obliged to provide credit to c) For commodities contracts and cryptocurrency
you; and contracts, any interest entitlement or liability
arising from buying or selling the commodities shall
d) any Credit Limit set by Fusion Markets may be be respectively added to, or subtracted from, the
reduced or withdrawn at any time by giving Notice Account.
to you.
d) In the case of a negative interest rate, interest
11.2 You acknowledge that if Fusion Markets acts on an arising therefrom shall be subtracted from the
Instruction which would result in a Credit Limit Account.
being exceeded:
e) In all cases, interest shall be at the annual rate to
a) Fusion Markets is not obliged to advise you that be determined by Fusion Markets from time to time
the Credit Limit will be exceeded; without Notice.
d) if at any time the pre-agreed Credit Limit g) crediting or debiting sums to the Account as
assigned to you by Fusion Markets is no longer appropriate; and
sufficient to cover the negative mark to market
value of any or all Open Positions that you have h) taking any and all such other action, as Fusion
open with Fusion Markets. Markets considers reasonably necessary.
any other amounts due under these Terms on 23.4 Any amount or rate or formula which is to be
demand by Fusion Markets in cleared funds or specified by Fusion Markets may be specified by a
otherwise as required by these Terms; PDS, FSG, a supplementary disclosure document or
in any other permitted way of notifying you, such
b) a Contract Fee for each Fusion Markets Product as on Fusion Markets’ website or the Online
or Contract (as the case may be) being the fee from Platform. The amount of any fees and charges or
time to time specified by Fusion Markets to be the other amounts payable by you to Fusion Markets in
amount payable by you to Fusion Markets in respect of any Contract will be set out on the Online
respect of each such Contract; Platform to the extent known at the time.
c) any royalty or other fee which must be paid for 23.5 GST-inclusive. The amounts of or basis of
the use of prices or information provided to you via calculating the fees, commissions, charges and
access through the Online Platform or otherwise by credits referred to in this clause 23 will be as
any Exchange; notified from time to time in writing by Fusion
Markets, either by way of a PDS, posting on the
d) (if applicable) a monthly access charge for the use Online Platform (including by way of Contract
of the Online Platform provided by Fusion Markets, prices), notification to your contact address, posting
as specified by Fusion Markets from time to time; to Fusion Markets’ website or as otherwise agreed
with you or permitted by these Terms.
e) the Finance Charge calculated as disclosed in the
PDS, FSG, a supplementary disclosure document or 23.6 If:
in any other permitted way of notifying you, such as
on Fusion Markets’ website or the Online Platform, a) you are required to make a deduction or
in the amount of the Finance Charge Adjustments withholding in respect of Tax from any payment to
from time to time; be made; or
f) Finance Charge Adjustments applicable to any b) Fusion Markets is required to pay any Tax (other
Contract or Account; than income tax) in respect of any payment made in
relation to these Terms at your request, then you:
g) any fees, Taxes, stamp duty or other charges as
may from time to time be levied on or in connection c) indemnify Fusion Markets against the Tax; and
with any Contracts entered into with you; and
d) agree to pay to Fusion Markets an additional
h) in respect of any unpaid amounts required to be amount to ensure Fusion Markets receives a net
paid under these Terms including, (without amount (after payment of any Tax in respect of each
limitation) any amounts due as a result of your additional amount) that is equal to the full amount
failure to pay interest on all such amounts Fusion Markets would have received had a
denominated in Australian dollars at the Base Rate deduction or withholding or payment of Tax not
then generally applicable for debit amounts on been made.
Accounts plus a rate of interest per annum as
23.7 You must reimburse Fusion Markets for all fees
reasonably determined by Fusion Markets (but so
(both direct and indirect) and expenses charged in
that the total rate does not exceed generally
connection with any Contract (other than Tax on
prevailing rates for personal unsecured loans in
the income of Fusion Markets) and for all costs and
comparable amounts), such interest to accrue daily
expenses incurred by Fusion Markets in
from and including the due date to and including the
implementing these Terms and in enforcing its
date of its payment in full.
rights under these Terms (including its legal costs
of external or internal legal advisers on a full
Guidance note: this is the rate of interest you pay if you
indemnity basis).
default on making any payment to Fusion Markets. It is
not the rate for any Finance Charge Adjustment 23.8 Open Positions will be charged a Finance Charge
Adjustment or will be entitled to receive a Finance
23.3 We owe you and must pay you (in accordance with
Credit Adjustment, depending on the Contract
these Terms) Finance Credit Adjustments
chosen by you. These accrue (and so are calculated)
applicable to any Contract or Account from time to
on a second-by-second basis as determined by
time, calculated as disclosed in the PDS, FSG, a
Fusion Markets (unless otherwise notified by you).
supplementary disclosure document or in any other
The accrued charges or credits will be applied to an
permitted way of notifying you, such as on Fusion
Account at any time chosen by Fusion Markets.
Markets’ website or the Online Platform.
This will usually be at the Calculation Time and at
the end of Contract, but it may also be (without
a) either immediately at the time of entering 23.10 You acknowledge that you are responsible for your
into the Contract; own legal costs associated with or arising from (at
any time) entering into these Terms and for all
b) at day’s end, or month’s end; Taxes and expenses incurred by you in connection
with these Terms, including any Contract made
c) at a rollover of the Contract; or under it.
g) we may owe from time to time Finance Credit b) in order to enforce other rights that Fusion
Adjustments (which are posted to the Account); Markets has under these Terms or in the PDS; and
h) different rates apply at the same time to other c) for any other reason allowed by law.
clients’ accounts;
24.4 You agree that when Fusion Markets uses the
i) the charge is applied at rollover but is not levied or Monies for a lawful purpose as set out in this clause
enforced until termination of the Contract; 24, the Monies do not belong to you and do not
constitute a loan or constructive trust in your
j) the Contract is denominated in a currency other favour.
than Account Currency;and
24.5 If you have an open Contract, and Fusion Markets
k) the rates will be as determined by Fusion Markets is entitled to make a deduction for any reason as
in its absolute discretion and you might not have set out in these Terms or the PDS, that deduction
prior notice of the current rate. may occur immediately, and the Monies will
become Fusion Markets monies. Conversely, if you
have an open Contract and Fusion Markets is e) whether any of those persons hold any part of
required to apply a credit to the client’ monies for these funds on any nominee, segregated account,
any reason as set out in these Terms or the PDS, trust or any other basis for your protection or
that credit will typically be applied to your Monies security.
as after completing Fusion Markets’ end of day
reconciliations. 25.5 If Fusion Markets determines that your Account has
been inactive for a reasonably long period, you
authorise Fusion Markets to withdraw any
25. Payments into your Account Withdrawal Funds from the Client Moneys Trust
Account to be paid into your nominated bank
25.1 You must ensure that: account.
a) payments into the Account are from you as the 25.6 You acknowledge that from the time any funds
holder of the Account and not from any third party; withdrawn from the Client Moneys Trust Account
in connection with your Contracts:
b) without limiting the above, payments from an
account are payments from your account and not a) lose the protections given to a Client Moneys
from any account of any third party. Trust Account of that kind;
25.2 You agree and acknowledge that Fusion Markets b) you are an unsecured creditor of Fusion Markets
may refuse to accept or return any payment of for its obligations on your Contracts; this includes
money from any third party or from any account of exposure as an unsecured creditor for payment to
any third party, and that Fusion Markets does not you of the net Account balance (if any) after closing
accept any liability or responsibility for any loss, all your Open Positions;
cost or expense incurred or suffered by you in
connection with such non-acceptance or return, (c) the funds are no longer held beneficially for you.
including because the Client is subsequently in
default of their obligations to Fusion Markets.
26. Rolling over Open Positions
25.3 The moneys to which you are entitled under these
Terms and which are under the control of Fusion 26.1 In respect of each Open Position, subject to:
Markets will be paid directly to you and not to any
third party, unless you have otherwise instructed us a) prior Close Out of that Open Position;
to do so and we agree. You must provide relevant
account details for payment instructions in respect b) any express terms of the Contract; or
of payments to be made by Fusion Markets to you.
Although Fusion Markets will take reasonable steps c) the express agreement of Fusion Markets to
to comply with your payment instructions, Fusion settle that Open Position, Fusion Markets is by
Markets accepts no responsibility for any failure to these Terms instructed:
comply with those instructions and, if such failure
occurs, the relevant moneys will continue to be held d) to vary the Open Position (in which case it will be
by Fusion Markets in accordance with the deemed to be a new Contract) so that its settlement
Corporations Act and Applicable Laws. date is deferred to a Trading Day to be agreed
between Fusion Markets and you (and if there is no
25.4 If Fusion Markets pays your funds to another agreement by the Calculation Time on the Trading
person at your request, Fusion Markets is not liable Day immediately prior to the then applicable
to you for the performance by the other person who settlement date as agreed previously, it will be the
receives the benefit of the payment of your funds. following Trading Day); and
In particular, without limitation, Fusion Markets is
not obliged to enquire into: e) to Close Out the Open Position and enter into a
new Contract for the same Underlying Security and
a) the use of those funds by the third party; being the same bought or sold position except that
the settlement date is to be one Trading Day later
b) any persons to whom the third party pays all or and adjusted for any interest differential.
any of these funds;
d) the compliance by any of those persons with the 27.1 Except to the extent that this clause is inconsistent
Corporations Act, Applicable Laws and Rules; with the requirements of any legislative or
regulatory regime, the dispute resolution process 28.2 Recordings may be used to assess the performance
set out in this clause shall apply. The parties must of or to train Fusion Markets’ representatives,
use all their reasonable endeavours to resolve any monitoring compliance with Fusion Markets’
dispute arising in connection with these Terms or respective regulatory and contractual obligations
any Contracts thereunder. and resolving disputes.
27.2 If the parties fail to resolve a dispute within 5 Days 28.3 Fusion Markets is not obliged (unless Applicable
of one party giving Notice to the other of the Laws requires) to keep any transcripts or copies of
dispute, either party may, by giving Notice to the any telephone recording or conversation nor to tell
other, refer the dispute to the parties' Senior you when it disposes of the record.
Officers (where you are an individual no such
referral is applicable) who, each party must ensure, 28.4 Subject to clause 28.3, Fusion Markets may upon
must co-operate in good faith to resolve the dispute request, provide copies of any telephone recording
as amicably as possible within 10 Days of the or transcript relating to your dealings to you in if
dispute being referred to them. there is a dispute or anticipated dispute with
respect to such dealings. You agree to pay any
27.3 If the Senior Officers (or individual and the Fusion reasonable cost associated with providing any such
Markets Senior Officer) fail to resolve the dispute transcript or copy.
within 45 Days of the dispute being referred to
them, the parties must, at the written request of
either party and within 10 Days of receipt of the 29. Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism
request, refer the dispute to mediation in Financing
accordance with, and subject to, the Institute of
29.1 You acknowledge that:
Arbitrators and Mediators Australia Rules for the
Mediation of Commercial Disputes. The costs of the
a) Fusion Markets is subject to various antimoney
mediator shall be met equally by the parties. If the
laundering and counter-terrorism financing laws
dispute or difference is not settled within 30 Days
(AML/CTF Laws) which may prohibit us from
of the submission to mediation (unless such period
offering services or entering into or conducting
is extended by Agreement of the parties), it shall be
Contracts; and
submitted to arbitration in accordance with, and
subject to, the Institute of Arbitrators Australia
b) the AML/CTF Laws include prohibitions against
Rules for the Conduct of Commercial Arbitrations.
any person dealing with the proceeds of or assets
27.4 This clause, however, does not limit your rights (if used in criminal activity (wherever committed) and
applicable) to take any dispute to an external from dealing with any funds or assets of, or the
dispute resolution scheme of which Fusion Markets provision of finance to, any person or entity
is a member. involved (or suspected of involvement) in terrorism
or any terrorist act.
29.3 You agree to provide all information and documents 30.5 Fusion Markets will use all reasonable endeavours
to Fusion Markets which we reasonably require to to execute Contracts or make payments to you or
comply with any law in Australia or any other to any third party specified by you, in accordance
country, including any AML/CTF Laws. You agree with the timing specified in your Instructions.
that Fusion Markets may disclose information However, Fusion Markets shall not be liable under
which you provide to us, or about Contracts you any circumstances for any direct, indirect or
have with us or which you seek to conduct with us, if consequential loss (including any loss of profits)
we are required to do so by any law or Rule in incurred as a result of a delay in funds reaching
Australia or in any other country. your nominated account.
29.4 You represent and warrant to Fusion Markets that 30.6 Nothing in the Terms is intended to limit or exclude
the payment of moneys by us in accordance with any liability Fusion Markets may owe you under any
this document, or any instructions given by you, will statutory rights you may have.
not breach any law in Australia or any other
country. 30.7 Subject to those provisions of the Competition and
Consumer Act 2010 (Commonwealth), the
Australian Securities and Investments Commission
30. Limitation of liability, indemnities & Payments Act 2001 (Commonwealth), the Corporations Act,
any other legislation and any other rights, duties or
30.1 You shall indemnify and hold Fusion Markets other obligations imposed or implied by law which
harmless from any and all liabilities, claims, costs, cannot be excluded by agreement between the
expenses and damages of any nature, including, parties, to the extent each of the following is not
but not limited to, reasonable legal fees and any prohibited by those laws:
fees and expenses incurred in connection with
litigation, arising out of or relating to your, an a) we make no warranties either expressly or
Authorised Person’s or attorney’s negligence, impliedly as to merchantability, fitness for a
mistake or wilful misconduct, the violation of any particular purpose, or otherwise (including as to
law by you, or the breach by you of any provision accuracy, currency, availability, completeness or
of these Terms or if a Default Event occurs. quality),with respect to any services we provide
under these Terms including, without limitation, the
30.2 You also agree to promptly pay Fusion Markets for
Online Platform;
all damages, costs and expenses, including
reasonable legal fees and expenses, incurred by
b) Fusion Markets excludes all liability in contract,
Fusion Markets in the enforcement of any of the
tort or otherwise relating to or resulting from use of
provisions of this Agreement. Your obligations
any services we provide under these Terms and for
under this Clause shall survive the termination of
any Loss incurred by you directly or indirectly,
this Agreement.
including without limitation as a result of or arising
30.3 In calculating or mitigating its loss due to a Default out of:
Event or Material Error, Fusion Markets is entitled
to: 1) any inaccuracy, error or delay in or omission from
any information provided to you under these Terms
a) crystalise, unwind, reverse, repair or close any including the Online Platform;
Open Positions by closing any open Contracts; and/
or 2) any delays or failures or inaccuracies, or loss of
access to, the provision of a service to
b) nominate the date on which the open Contracts you including, without limitation, any delay, failure
are valued; and/or or inaccuracy in, or the loss of access to, the Online
Platform or in respect of the transmission of Orders
c) nominate the methodology used to calculate the or any other information;
open Contracts’ value; and/or
3) any misinterpretation of your Orders or
d) take any other action that Fusion Markets instructions which are unclear, ambiguous, or not
determines to be reasonably necessary to protect specific;
its legitimate interests.
4) any government restriction, Exchange or market
30.4 You acknowledge you will be liable for any losses rulings, suspension of trading, computer or
which may be realised as the result of entering into telephone failure, unlawful access to our Online
a Contract, regardless of the trading resources Platform, theft, sabotage, war, earthquakes, strike,
available in relation to the Account at the time the force majeure and, without limitation, any other
Contract is executed. conditions beyond our control;
c) Fusion Markets is not liable in contract, tort k) except only to the extent attributable to the
(including negligence) or otherwise for any loss of breach of these Terms by Fusion Markets or the
prospective profits or expenses or special, indirect gross negligence or fraud by Fusion Markets.
or consequential damages resulting from the supply
of a service including, without limitation the Online 30.9 If GST is payable on a taxable supply made by
Platform; Fusion Markets under, by reference to, or in
connection with these Terms, you must also pay the
30.8 To the fullest extent permitted by law, you release, amount of GST payable in respect of that taxable
discharge and indemnify and agree to keep Fusion supply. This clause does not apply to the extent
Markets and its respective officers, employees, that consideration for a supply is expressly stated
agents and representatives indemnified from and to you to be GST inclusive. Terms which have a
against all claims arising out of: defined meaning in the A New Tax System (Goods
and Services Tax) Act 1999 have that meaning in
a) any default, whether by your act or omission these Terms.
under these Terms or any Order or Contract;
30.10 You acknowledge that you are responsible for your
b) any breach by you of any Applicable Laws; own legal costs associated with entering into these
Terms and for all Taxes and expenses incurred by
c) any representation or warranty made or given by you in connection with these Terms, including any
you under these Terms proving to be untrue or Contract made under it.
30.11 All payments by you under these Terms are:
d) any error, omission, fraud, malfeasance,
negligence, misappropriation or criminal act or a) to be made without any set-off by you, counter
omission by you or by any of your clients, claim or condition made by you and without you
employees, agents or Authorised Persons, making any deduction or withholding for any Tax or
consultants or servants; any other reason unless the deduction or
withholding is required by applicable law or the set-
e) any failure of any of your computer or electronic off arises by express application of the Terms; and
systems or networks to perform, be available or
successfully transmit data to Fusion Markets, or any b) payable in any currency that Fusion Markets may
error or inadequacy in the data or information input require or determine
into such systems or networks by you;
f) any delays in processing any Order including, for
example (but not limited to), as a result of systems c) you are required to make a deduction
or market delays, or due to verification or filtering orwithholding in respect of Tax from any payment
procedures or unauthorised processes, email delays to be made; or
or due to telephone call waiting time or adherence
to internal policies and procedures; d) Fusion Markets is required to pay any Tax (other
than income tax) in respect of any payment made in
g) anything lawfully done by Fusion Markets in relation to these Terms at your request,
accordance with, pursuant or incidental to these
Terms; Then you:
h) any instruction, request or direction given by you; e) indemnify Fusion Markets against the Tax; and
i) arising from and in connection with or in any way f) agree to pay to Fusion Markets an additional
related to Fusion Markets in good faith accepting amount to ensure Fusion Markets receives a net
and acting on instructions received by facsimile amount (after payment of any Tax in respect of each
transmission, email or by other means of any kind additional amount) that is equal to the full amount
which are signed by or purported to be signed by Fusion Markets would have received had a
you or any Authorised Person; or deduction or withholding or payment of Tax not
been made.
j) any failure or delay by a Hedge Counterparty to
meet its obligations to Fusion Markets in respect of
or in relation to (including by corresponding with)
your Contracts and any payments made in
respect of them,
31. Default this case we can close all or part of the Open
Position in order to minimise the amount in dispute;
31.1 If a Default Event occurs, Fusion Markets may take
all or any of the following actions, or any other step b) Fusion Markets identifies or reasonably suspects
it considers reasonably necessary: that the Client has manipulated its prices, execution
process or other practices; or
a) Immediately require payment of any amount you
owe to Fusion Markets including any Margin call; c) there is a material breach of these Terms in
relation to the Contract.
b) terminate these Terms;
32.2 Fusion Markets may also, in its absolute discretion,
c) close any of your Open Positions; choose to enforce any Contract of a type referred
to in clause 32.1.
d) limit the size of your Open Positions either in
monetary terms or a number of Contracts;
33. Termination
e) refuse orders to establish new Contracts;
33.1 These Terms may be terminated immediately by
you or Fusion Markets by Notice in writing to the
f) convert any ledge balances to the Account
Currency of the Account
33.2 The termination of these Terms shall not affect any
g) exercise Fusion Markets’ right of set off Contract previously entered into and shall not
relieve either party of any outstanding obligations
h) impose new Margin Cover requirements to your arising under these Terms, nor shall it relieve you
trading or to your Account; of any obligations arising out of any Contract
entered into prior to such termination.
i) lower the Credit Limit, or withdraw the provision
of any credit, in relation to the Account; 33.3 Each indemnity provided within these Terms
survives the termination of these Terms.
j) suspend the Account
33.4 Upon termination of these Terms, this clause
k) open one or more new Contracts on the Account survives and Fusion Markets may do one or more
of the following:
l) call on any guarantee in respect of your
obligations; a) cancel any outstanding Orders;
m) require you to immediately close our any Open b) enter into one or more Contracts to effect the
Position or settle any Contract in such a manner as Close Out of one or more unsettled Contracts or
Fusion Markets reasonably determines necessary; Open Positions (and determine the value at which
the Contract or Contracts will be Closed Out);
n) combine, close or consolidate any Accounts and
offset any and/or amounts owed to, or by, Fusion c) settle any Contract which has not at the time of
Markets in such a manner as Fusion Markets may in termination settled;
its absolute discretion determine; or
d) exercise any other rights Fusion Markets has
o) retain any amount owed by Fusion Markets to under these Terms; or
you against any contingent liability of yours or so
long as the contingency subsists. e) do, or refrain from doing, anything else which
Fusion Markets considers reasonable in the context
of these Terms (or any part of them) having been
32. Fusion Markets’ rights to close, void or enforce terminated.
33.5 In the event that Fusion Markets is made aware of
32.1 Without limiting any other right Fusion Markets has or has reason to believe any of the following:
under these Terms, Fusion Markets may close or
void any Contract or take any other steps it a) that you have provided false or misleading
considers reasonably necessary where: information to Fusion Markets;
b) that you have participated or are participating or 34.2 If you do not consent to the amendment you can
have assisted or are assisting in money laundering terminate these Terms and the amendment will not
or terrorist financing; or apply retrospectively. Termination in this case does
not affect any obligations owed by you, or rights of
c) that you are being officially investigated by law Fusion Markets with regard to any open Contracts
enforcement and/or regulatory agencies; or held by you.
b) upon providing Notice to you by email; 35.3 A Notice sent by email will be deemed to have been
given on the first to occur of:
c) on the date of you entering any Contract after the
amendment. Any other amendments must be a) receipt by the sender of an email
agreed to in writing between Fusion Markets and acknowledgement from the recipient’s information
you. system showing that the Notice has been delivered
to the email address stated above;
b) the time that the Notice enters an information in or provided under these Terms, as later amended
system which is under the control of the recipient; only in accordance with these Terms.
37.3 These Terms are governed by and construed in
(c) the time that the Notice is first opened or read by accordance with the laws in force in New South
an employee or officer of the recipient. Wales, Australia and the parties submit to the
nonexclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New
35.4 If an Account is opened in the joint names of more South Wales, Australia.
than one person, each person agrees that we may
discharge any obligation we have to give a notice 37.4 Each part of these Terms is severable from the
or a document to those persons under these Terms balance of these Terms and if any part of these
or Applicable Laws by giving notice to any one of Terms is illegal, void, invalid or unenforceable, then
those persons. that will not affect the legality, effectiveness,
validity or enforceability of the balance of these
36. Appointment of Fusion Markets as attorney
37.5 No failure by us to exercise, and no delay by us in
36.1 In consideration of Fusion Markets entering into exercising, any right, power or remedy in
the agreement on these Terms, you irrevocably connection with these Terms will operate as a
appoint Fusion Markets and each director, waiver of that right, power or remedy. No single or
secretary and principal executive officer and each partial exercise of any right, power or remedy will
employee (which employee’s title of office includes preclude any other or further exercise of such right,
the word “Manager” or "Head") of Fusion Markets power or remedy or the exercise of any other right,
and any other authorised representative of Fusion power or remedy.
Markets (including an authorised representative of
a related body corporate of Fusion Markets) 37.6 These Terms are not to be interpreted against our
severally as your attorney at any time and from time interests merely because we proposed these Terms
to time following a Default, to execute and deliver or some provision in it or because we rely on a
all documents and to do all things which your provision of these Terms to protect our interests.
attorney may consider necessary or desirable to
give effect to the provisions of these Terms, and in 37.7 You may not assign or otherwise transfer any of
particular, without limitation, in connection with, or your rights under these Terms to another person
incidental to, the exercise of any of the rights and without our prior written consent. Fusion Markets
powers of Fusion Markets under these Terms. may assign, novate or otherwise transfer any of its
Those powers may be exercised in the interests of rights under these Terms to another person without
Fusion Markets notwithstanding any conflict with your prior written consent including, without
the interests of Fusion Markets. This appointment limitation, in connection with a sale or transfer of all
survives termination of these Terms. or part of our business to another person. Such
an assignment shall only take place if a reasonable
person would not expect it to cause detriment to a
37. General typical client of Fusion Markets. You will execute
any documents (including a deed of novation)
37.1 Fusion Markets may from time to time delegate any reasonably required by Fusion Markets to effect
or all of its obligations, powers and discretions to such a transfer. If you do not agree to Fusion
anyone or more or all of its employees or any other Markets assigning its rights, you may terminate this
authorised representative of Fusion Markets (or a Agreement. However, termination in this case does
related body corporate of Fusion Markets). Fusion not affect any obligations owed by you, or rights of
Markets remains responsible for the acts or Fusion Markets with regard to any open Contracts
omissions of its employees and any authorised held by you.
representative of Fusion Markets (including an
authorised representative of a related body
corporate of Fusion Markets). A delegation by
Fusion Markets under this clause need not be in