A Comprehensive in Vivo Study of The Antihypertensive Properties and Toxicity of Roselle Hibiscus Sabdariffa L - 2023 - Pensoft Publishers
A Comprehensive in Vivo Study of The Antihypertensive Properties and Toxicity of Roselle Hibiscus Sabdariffa L - 2023 - Pensoft Publishers
A Comprehensive in Vivo Study of The Antihypertensive Properties and Toxicity of Roselle Hibiscus Sabdariffa L - 2023 - Pensoft Publishers
DOI 10.3897/pharmacia.70.e109119
Research Article
Citation: Susilawati Y, Febriyanti RM, Febrina E, Chaerunisaa A, Sumiwi SA (2023) A comprehensive in vivo study of the antihyperten-
sive properties and toxicity of roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.). Pharmacia 70(4): 1521–1530. https://doi.org/10.3897/pharmacia.70.e109119
Background: Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) calyces have been used in traditional medicine as diuretics, mild laxatives, and antihy-
pertensive agents but to date, a comprehensive study of its pharmacological activity and safety has not been conducted.
Aims of the study: The current study aims to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the antihypertensive efficacy and toxicity
profile of Roselle (H. sabdariffa L.) calyces extract. Utilizing animal models, the investigation assessed the dose-dependent pharma-
cological effects and safety of H. sabdariffa L.
Results: The findings indicate that the extract exerts a significant antihypertensive effect at a dose of 250 mg/kg body weight (BW),
lowering systolic and diastolic blood pressures by 10.12% and 11.63%, respectively. Ethyl acetate fractions administered at 112.5 mg/
kg BW demonstrated greater efficacy than n-hexane and aqueous fractions, suggesting that the active compounds likely possess
semi-polar properties. Acute toxicity testing yielded an LD50 of 8.75 g/kg BW for male rats and 7.5 g/kg BW for female rats, classify-
ing the extract as slightly toxic. The sub-chronic toxicity study shows that H. sabdariffa L. demonstrates an effect on bodyweight and
urea levels in male and female rats, while the change in the blood parameters, creatinine level, and the liver index was only observed
in female rats. Conclusions: These data suggest that H. sabdariffa L. extract exhibits therapeutic promise but should be administered
cautiously, preferably at doses lower than 250 mg/kg BW, due to potential toxicity.
acute, diastolic, sub-chronic, systolic, toxicity
blood pressure of 90 mmHg or higher (Unger et al. 2020).
There are various pharmacological approaches to lower-
Hypertension is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease ing systolic and diastolic blood pressures in adults, such
which has a high prevalence and mortality (Pattanittum as the administration of antihypertensive drugs such as
et al. 2010; Stanaway et al. 2018). It is defined as a systol- beta-blockers, thiazide, and thiazide-like diuretics, angio-
ic blood pressure of 140 mmHg or higher and/or diastolic tensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, angiotensin
Copyright Susilawati Y et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(CC-BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source
are credited.
1522 Susilawati Y et al.: Antihypertensive and toxicity of roselle
II receptor antagonists, and calcium channel blockers identified by the Biology Department Faculty of Mathe-
(Pattanittum et al. 2010; Laurent 2017; Williams et al. matics and Science Universitas Padjadjaran with the iden-
2018). However, the use of such classes of antihypertensive tification number 207/HB/03/2019.
drugs is associated with undesirable side effects such as hy-
pokalemia, nausea, dizziness, and dry cough, thus there is Animals
a need for alternative medicine (Hopkins et al. 2013; Lau-
rent 2017; Jeffery and Richardson 2021; Salem et al. 2022). Thirty-five healthy Wistar rats (200–250 g) for antihyper-
Medicinal plants are of great interest because they are an tensive activity study and twenty-four Sprague Dawley
abundant natural source of novel therapeutic agents for the (SD) rats of both genders for sub-chronic toxicity study
treatment and prevention of hypertension (Jacob and Nar- were obtained from the animal holding facility in the Bio-
endhirakannan 2019; Ben El Mostafa and Maamri 2020; Ja- logical Sciences Center of Bandung Technology Institute.
did et al. 2020; Jeffery and Richardson 2021). For example, The rats were maintained under standard environmental
Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa, Malvaceae family) is a medicinal conditions of temperature, humidity, and light and fed
plant which has been widely used to treat hypertension, par- standard rat pellets and water ad libitum in The Labora-
ticularly in Malaysia and Indonesia where it is consumed as a tory of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas
refreshing drink (Pattanittum et al. 2010; Carvajal-Zarrabal Padjadjaran. The animals were acclimatised to the labora-
et al. 2012; Hopkins et al. 2013; Ali and El-Anany 2017). tory for four weeks before the experiment.
Several animal studies have demonstrated that H. sab- For the acute toxicity study, adult healthy mice (Mus
dariffa has several pharmacological activities including musculus) weighting 20–30 g were obtained from the
antihypertensive, antidiabetic, antibacterial, antioxidant, animal holding facility in the Biological Sciences Center
anticholesterol, and hepatoprotective properties (Aba et of Bandung Technology Institute and kept in the animal
al. 2014; Adeyemi et al. 2014; Asgary et al. 2016; Ali and house of the Laboratory of Pharmacology, Faculty of
El-Anany 2017; Mohammed Yusof et al. 2017; Adusei Pharmacy Universitas Padjadjaran. The animals were kept
2020; Jeffery and Richardson 2021; Salem et al. 2022). in plastic cages in an air-conditioned environment with
The antioxidant properties of roselle are associated with ten mice per cage at room temperature with relative hu-
its anthocyanin content and protect cells from free radical midity (60% ± 10%) under 12 h night and light cycle.
damage caused by exposure to UV light (Nurkhasanah et The experimental use of animals was approved by the
al. 2016; Rizki et al. 2017; Adusei 2020). Ethics Committee of Universitas Padjadjaran with the
The main bioactive constituents responsible for the phys- ethical approval number 524/UN6.KEP/EC/2020.
iological activities of H. sabdariffa calyces are organic acids,
mainly citric and malic acids, anthocyanins, a myriad of fla- Extraction and fractionation
vonoids and glycosides, and fibre (Carvajal-Zarrabal et al.
2012; Hopkins et al. 2013). A recent phytochemical study of Dried and pulverised calyces of H. sabdariffa (2.000 g)
H. sabdariffa revealed the presence of phenolic components, were extracted by the maceration method for 3 × 24 hours
anthocyanins, flavonols, and protocatechuic acid (PCA) using 70% ethanol (3.000 ml × 3) with continuous stirring
(Essa et al. 2006). The pharmacological activity of roselle is at room temperature for 24 hours each. The extract was
attributed to the presence of gossypetin, hibiscine glucoside, concentrated in a vacuum at 30−40 °C using a vacuum
and anthocyanins. Delphinidin 3-sambubioside and cyani- rotary evaporator (IKA RV10 digital).
din 3-sambubioside are two anthocyanin compounds that
are generally believed to be the active constituents respon- Antihypertensive activity study
sible for the antihypertensive, antioxidant, and hypocho-
lesterolemic effects of H. sabdariffa (Hopkins et al. 2013). For the antihypertensive activity of H. sabdariffa (HS)
Additionally, calyces of H. sabdariffa contain several ami- extract, the animals were randomly assigned into three
no acids that are very important for improving body health groups of five rats each: Group I was the positive con-
(Da-Costa-Rocha et al. 2014; Jeffery and Richardson 2021). trol group (2.25 mg/kg BW captopril), Group II was the
There are various studies regarding the pharmacologi- negative control group (2 % of pulvis gum arabic (PGA)
cal potential of roselle extract, however, a comprehensive suspension), and Group III was the test group for the an-
study of the antihypertensive effects of roselle calyces ex- tihypertensive activity (250 mg/kg BW of HS extract). The
tract and active fractions, as well as its safety profiles is systolic and diastole blood pressure was measured using
limited. Therefore, this study aims to complement and up- non-invasive blood pressure apparatus and recorded as
date the information reported previously in the literature. initial blood pressure. The test sample was then given to
the rats orally before the rats were administered 0.25 mg/
kg BW of adrenaline intraperitoneally 30 min later to in-
duce blood pressure. After 30 min of induction, the blood
Materials and methods pressure was remeasured using non-invasive blood pres-
Plant materials sure apparatus and recorded as final blood pressure.
Likewise, for the antihypertensive activity of fractions,
Dried roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) calyces were cultivat- animals were divided into five groups: Positive control
ed in the Lembang sub-district, West Java, Indonesia, and group (captopril 2.25 mg/kg BW), negative control group
Pharmacia 70(4): 1521–1530 1523
Acute toxicity study where, UN = Average score number of ulcers per animal,
US = Average number of severity score, and UP = Percent-
The acute toxicity study was conducted according to the age of animals with ulcers.
Organization of Economic Co-operation and Devel-
opment (OECD) guidelines for testing chemicals. One
hundred and fifty mice were randomly divided into six
groups of male mice and six groups of female mice, with
one group of male and female mice serving as the control Extraction and fractionation
group (10 mice per group). All mice were fasted overnight
before the experiment with free access to water. The con- Solvent elimination under reduced pressure resulting
trol groups received 0.3 ml of 2% gum arabic suspension 620 g (33.17% extract yield) of a dark red, concentrated
orally and the female test groups were treated with 5.00, extract of H. sabdariffa (HS). The HS was then divided
6.25, 7.50, 8.75, and 10.00 g/kg BW doses of HS extract into two parts, one part was used for an antihypertension
dissolved in 2% gum arabic suspension orally, while the study and the rest was partitioned with n-hexane and eth-
male mice group received 7.50, 8.75, 10.00, 11.25 and yl acetate (EtOAc) yielding n-hexane fraction 17.143 g
12.00 mg/kg BW doses. Signs of toxicity (convulsion, hy- (5.53%), ethyl acetate fraction 62.062 g (20.02%), and wa-
poactivity, weakness, ataxia, and salivation) and mortality ter fraction 147.653 g (47.63%).
were assessed for 24 hours after extract administration
and observation for signs of toxicity was performed daily Antihypertensive activity of roselle ex-
for 14 days. The data are presented in tabular form and an- tract and fractions
alysed statistically. Observational data in the form of the
emergence of toxic symptoms were analysed using Fried- The blood pressure decrease in each test group was cal-
man’s two-way variance. culated based on the mean decrease in blood pressure
(mmHg) and inhibition (%) to compare the percentage
Sub-chronic toxicity reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure for each
group at 1 hr (Table 1). The ANOVA revealed that the test
The animals were weighed and divided into three groups group had a p-value < 0.01, indicating that the HS extract
of four animals. After overnight fasting, the control group significantly lowers blood pressure in rats.
received a dose of 2% of PGA suspension orally once a The antihypertensive activity of n-hexane, ethyl acetate,
day for 90 days while the animals in the test and satel- and water fractions of the HS extract were then investi-
lite groups were given a dose of 250 mg/kg of the extract gated to determine which fraction exhibited the highest
orally once a day for 90 days. The animals were weighed antihypertensive activity (Table 2).
and observed daily for the manifestation of toxicity and The differences in the blood pressure reduction between
mortality until day 90th for the test group and 120th for the groups were compared using ANOVA (Table 3), showing
satellite group. that there was no significant difference between the posi-
tive control group and Hs-II, meaning that the Hs-II group
Biochemical analysis (ethyl acetate fraction 112.5 mg/kg BW) was equally ef-
At the end of the observation periods, the animals were fast- fective as the positive control (Captopril 2.25 mg/kg BW).
ed overnight in the sub-chronic toxicity studies. Anesthesia
was administered successively to the animals in a jar sat- Acute toxicity
urated with dichloromethane vapour. Blood samples were
collected via ocular puncture into EDTA-coated bottles for The acute toxicity test was conducted by observing the
the determination of haematological parameters and hepa- mortality and weight of mice for 14 days and observing the
rinised bottles for biochemical parameters. The serum was behaviour of mice for 24 hours as a result of the administra-
collected by centrifugation for biological parameters. tion of an ethanol extract of roselle calyces (BPOM 2014).
1524 Susilawati Y et al.: Antihypertensive and toxicity of roselle
Table 2. Antihypertensive activity of the n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and water fractions of the HS extract.
Group Average blood pressure (mmHg) Blood pressure reduction
BP1 BP2 Blood pressure reduction (%)
Positive Control 134.92 ± 3.98 104.1 ± 7.99 104.5 ± 4.09 82 ± 1.63 30.34 22.16 22.48 21.27
Hs-I 134.67 ± 2.53 96.75 ± 3.91 130 ± 1.89 93.4± 3.09 4.67 3.34 3.47 3.45
Hs-II 133.92 ± 5.06 95.75 ± 4.77 106.1± 5.88 77.41± 1.23 27.76 18.34 20.72 19.15
Hs-III 138.33± 10.04 102.2 ± 3.97 128.0 ± 10.07 92.25 ± 0.50 10.25 9.75 7.41 9.53
BP1: initial blood pressure; BP2: blood pressure at 60th minute; S: systole; D: diastole; Hs-I: n-hexane fraction; Hs-II: ethyl acetate fraction; Hs-III:
water fraction.
Table 3. The ANOVA results of the antihypertensive activity. all groups except the control after the HS extract adminis-
tration. The mice tended to be quiet and not engage in any
Source Type III sum Df Mean F Sig.
activity but the motoric activity began to return to normal
of squares square
Corrected Model 1862.710a 11 169.337 22.413 0.000
after 24 hrs. The coordination of the locomotion of some
Intercept 1913.841 1 1913.41 253.306 0.000 mice also decreased at 4 hours after extract administration
Treatment 664.716 3 221.572 29.326 0.000 except in the control group. For example, the mice were
Time 866.165 2 433.082 57.321 0.000 unable to walk on a wire and respond to treatment such
Treatment * time 331.828 6 55.305 7.320 0.000 as clamping the ear.
Error 181.331 24 7.555 – –
Total 3957.881 36 – – –
Sub-chronic toxicity
Mortality Body weight
The observed mortality in male (Fig. 1A) and female (Fig. The average body weight of male and female rats from
1B) mice for 14 days after the administration of the extract each group was significantly different, with the test groups
compared to the control indicates that it is dose-depen- weighing less than the control group (Table 5). The aver-
dent, with 100% mortality at a dose of 12.5 g/kg BW for age body weight of male and female mice in the satellite
male mice and 10.0 g/kg BW for female mice. The mor- group was higher significantly than the control and test
tality data probit log graph illustrates the relationship be- groups (Fig. 2).
tween dose and the per cent mortality showing that there
is a difference in the LD50 dose between female and male Urine
mice (7.5 g/kg BW vs. 8.75 g/kg BW). This result is pos- The urine pH and specific gravity of the test groups were
sibly because the body resistance of male mice is stronger higher but not significantly different to the control group.
than that of female mice. The satellite group’s urine pH was higher (but still normal)
and the specific gravity was lower (remaining normal)
Pharmacology screening than the control group and test. However, the increase in
The mice were observed for 24 hours after administration urine pH and specific gravity were within normal limits,
of the HS extract and the observations included: therefore there was no significant kidney damage.
Figure 1. Percentage cumulative mortality of male mice (A) and female (B) after administration of the extract.
ence in the haemoglobin levels of male rats and there was lower than in the test group (Table 7), indicating that re-
a significant difference in female rats between the control covery occurred after the extract was discontinued.
group, the test, and the satellite groups. The hematocrit
levels of male rats were not significantly different between Organ index
the treatment groups but the female rats showed signif- The test group animals experienced a decrease in the liver
icant differences between the control group and other organ index and an increase in the kidney which indicat-
treatment groups. ed the occurrence of kidney lesions, where the size of the
glomerulus was enlarged due to toxicants that accumulated
Blood biochemical analysis in the glomerulus. Based on the statistical analysis (Table
The levels of SGOT, SGPT, and urea in all groups were 8), there was only a significant difference in the liver organ
above normal, while in the satellite group, the values were index in female rats from the satellite group to other groups.
1526 Susilawati Y et al.: Antihypertensive and toxicity of roselle
a b
Figure 2. Average body weight of male (a) and female mice (b) during sub-chronic toxicity examination.
Table 5. The statistical analysis result of effect of HS extract on Table 7. Blood biochemical analysis.
body weight.
Control Test Satellite Normal score
Sum of df Mean F Sig Duncan Male
squares square test (.05) SGOT (IU/L) 192.2 233.2 138.0 63.3
Sig. SGPT (IU/L) 87.2 112.7 116.5 23.9
Male Urea (mg/dL) 40.2 63.4 55.2 14.7
Between groups 3663.128 2 831.564 3.686 0.027 0.792 Creatinine (mg/dL) 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.5
Within groups 76029.558 153 496.925 Female
Total 79692.686 155 SGOT (IU/L) 113.7 189.2 145.2 63.3
Female SGPT (IU/L) 69 105.7 79.3 23.9
Between groups 1859.885 2 929.924 4.158 0.17 1.000 Urea (mg/dL) 35 63.2 56.2 14.7
Within groups 34217.346 153 223.643 Creatinine (mg/dL) 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.5
Total 36077.231 155
Table 8.The statistical analysis result of the HS effects on the
Table 6. Haematology examination. liver organ index.
Hb (g/dL) HCT (%) Leukocyte Erythrocyte Sum of df Mean F Sig Duncan
(103/mm3) (106/mm3) squares square test (.05)
Male Sig.
Normal Min. 11.52 37.24 6.63 6.76 Male
Control 14.65 50.25 3.55 8.59 Between groups 0.011 2 0.005 1.185 0.349 –
Test 16.22 54.25 3.14 8.31 Within groups 0.041 9 0.005
Satellite 16.12 53.25 3.82 8.80 Total 0.052 11
Normal Max. 16.13 50.63 12.63 9.75 Female
Female Between groups 0.013 2 0.007 9.476 0.006 0.155
Normal Min. 11.53 37.24 6.63 6.76 Within groups 0.006 9 0.001
Control 13.43 41.22 3.85 6.70 Total 0.019 11
Test 16.22 53.75 2.52 8.66
Satellite 16.32 51.75 3.81 8.88
Table 9. The gastric mucous index.
Normal Max. 16.1 50.6 12.6 9.75
The gastric mucosa index Male
Control 1.00 1.00 0 2.00
There was no evidence of gastric ulcers in the test and Test 1.00 1.00 0 2.00
satellite groups (Table 9), which means that the long- Satellite 1.00 1.00 0 2.00
term consumption of the HS extract does not cause gas- Female
tric disorders. Control 1.00 1.00 0 2.00
Test 1.00 1.00 0 2.00
Histopathological organ examination Satellite 1.00 1.00 0 2.00
a b
c d
Figure 3. Histopathological examination of rat liver organ with (H-E), (400X): (a) male control group, (b) male test group; (c) fe-
male control group, (d) female test group. Kuppfer cel (KC), Nucleus (N), vena centralis (VC), sinusoid (S). Histopathological
changes on the organ were marked with: black rectangle: minor damage; black circle: cell are constricted; black triangle: pyknosis.
a b
c d
Figure 4. Histopathological examination on rat kidney organ with (H-E),(400X): (a) male control group, (b) male test group, (c) fe-
male control group, (d) female test group. Glomerulus (G), Capsule Bowman (CB), Bowman’s space (BS). Histopathological changes
in the kidney were marked with: (+) enlargement and (-) narrowing on Bowman cell.
1528 Susilawati Y et al.: Antihypertensive and toxicity of roselle
diastolic blood pressure in healthy subjects (Diantini et it is important to identify any toxic potential of the sub-
al. 2021). Moreover, a recent clinical trial reported that stance by a sub-chronic toxicity test.
6 months of administration of roselle drink, could im- The use of a satellite group of test animals, given the
prove the levels of glutathione, superoxide dismutase highest dose and then observed after the ending of dosing,
(SOD), glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PDH), is to give additional information on the persistence or re-
glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), and glutathione reduc- versibility of effects (Sireeratawong et al. 2013).
tase (GSH-Rd) in healthy subjects (Chiu et al. 2022). In According to Manaharan et al. (2014), after some expo-
traditional medicine, either maceration with cold water sure to potentially toxic substances, there will be a slight
or hot decoction is the most widely applied extraction reduction in body weight gain. Our study finds that the
method for the preparation of roselle herbal teas (Salem average body weight of male and female rats from each
et al. 2022). In their study, Hopkins (2013) concluded that group was significantly different, which in the test group
there are consistent results on the beneficial effects of HS was lower than in the control group. This suggests that ad-
extracts on lowering blood pressure. Although the same ministration of the HS extract affects the body weight of
effects on blood pressure occur in normotensive animal the rats. We also observed, there was a significant differ-
models, the positive effects are greater in hypertensive ence in the liver organ index in female rats from the sat-
animals. There is evidence that the positive effects are ellite group to other groups, while the kidney organ index
dose-dependent at lower doses. had no significant difference.
Administration HS extract and fractions markedly re- The gross and microscopic observations conducted in
duced the elevated blood pressure that could be related all the above-mentioned organs further suggested there is
to the anthocyanins’ hypotensive constituent of Hibiscus minor damage caused by the administration of the extract
sabdariffa, including delphinidin-3-O-sambubioside (hi- at the concentrations studied for 90 days consecutively.
biscin) and cyanidin-3-O-sambubioside (gossypicyanin), The previous reports on the toxicity profile of HS
which were reported to possess the ACE inhibition activ- showed no observed toxicity at 15 g/kg calyces (high
ity (Salem et al. 2022). dose) of aqueous and ethanol extracts in mice within
In our study, the ethanol extract and ethyl acetate frac- 7 days after oral administration. Sireeratawong et al.
tion showed significant antihypertensive effects and were (2013) also reported the safety HS (red species) aqueous
known to contain secondary metabolites of the flavonoid calyces extract when administered a single oral dose of
and polyphenol groups. This was also reported by other 5,000 mg/kg BW after fourteen days. They also reported
studies which stated that the main bioactive compounds safety at doses between 50 and 200 mg/kg BW of extract
in roselle flower petals were flavonoids, polyphenols and after oral administration every day for two hundred and
anthocyanins, as well as organic acids (Da-Costa-Rocha seventy days.
et al. 2014). This study revealed H.sabdariffa extract has some tox-
Medicinal plants are presumed to be safe without any ic effects in rats on sub-chronic administration. In addi-
compromising health effects. Appropriate use of medici- tion, the extracts produced a significant diuretic activity.
nal plants in dietary supplementation is very important in Hence, prolonged oral consumption of the extract may
the maintenance of health (Manaharan et al. 2014). Many not be recommended (Njinga et al. 2020).
studies have reported the harmful effects of the improper
use of medicinal plants. Therefore, evaluating the toxico-
logical effects of any medicinal plant extract intended to Conclusions
be used in animals or humans is a crucial part of its as-
sessment for potential toxic effects. This study finds that Based on the comprehensive analysis, it is evident that
H.sabdariffa belongs to the slightly toxic category because the ethyl acetate fraction of Hibiscus sabdariffa L. petals
the dose is in the 5–15 g/kg BW. exhibits remarkable antihypertensive activity compa-
Different from several previous similar studies, Sari rable to that of the positive control. In the context of
et al. (2016) reported that the administration of ethanol acute toxicity, the ethanolic extract from roselle caly-
extract of rosella calyces to SD rats found the LD50 at ces falls within the classification of slight toxicity. Neu-
850.90 mg/kg BW. Adeyemi et al. (2014) reported that ropharmacological assessment indicates that the test
methanol extract of roselle calyces also showed LD50 at a preparation has a profound impact on both central and
dose of 3200 mg/kg BW within 72 hours. Sireetawong et autonomic nervous system activities. Sub-chronic tox-
al. (2013) reported that water extract with a single dose icological evaluations reveal significant adverse effects
5,000 mg/kg BW did not cause death in test animals for in specific physiological parameters for both male and
14 days (Sireeratawong et al. 2013; Adeyemi et al. 2014; female Wistar rats, in addition to minor hepatic and re-
Sari et al. 2016). nal damage. Therefore, caution is advised when admin-
While sub-chronic toxicity deals with the adverse ef- istering the extract, particularly at doses approaching
fects of single doses, many chemical substances which are or exceeding the identified threshold, underscoring the
given in repeated doses do not produce immediate toxic necessity for further mechanistic studies and clinical
effects. Delayed effects may occur due to the accumulation evaluations to substantiate the safety and efficacy of
of the chemical in tissues or to other mechanisms. Thus, this plant-based intervention.
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