Hexcrawl-Solo - English v3
Hexcrawl-Solo - English v3
Hexcrawl-Solo - English v3
The day is divided into three sections of +/- 8 hours, called „watches“. Each PC has one action per
watch. At the beginning of the day you can roll on the weather-table.
The PCs set up camp and eat a day's rations. For every day that an SC
cannot rest or is forced
Roll the dice on the event table.
to march, he is deprived
If it’s quiet and the PCs can rest, they lose all their fatigue from the and receives an
inventory. exhaustion.
Event table
1d10 + Travel Explore Supply Make Camp
<=1 Encounter Encounter Encounter Encounter
Terrain modifier
Plains/Grassland, Settlements: 0 | Forest, Hills/Highlands, Barren/Desert, Odd: -1 | Mountains,
Jungel, Swamp: -2
Terrain (1d12)
* travel, explore or supply in extreme weather adds one fatigue per watch.
Travel speed
easy: Plains/Grassland, difficult: Forest, mountains, dangerous: Swamp, desert,
barren hills/highlands jungle