Sea Math Skills Checklist

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Whole Numbers
1. Represent any number up to one million using numerals or
word names.
2. Represent whole numbers to 1000 000 using multiple models
and connect to numerals and number names.
3. Represent a number up to 1 million concretely, pictorially,
4. State the value or place value of a digit in whole numbers up
to one million.
5. Express a whole number up to one million using expanded
6. Write the numeral represented by a given expanded notation.
7. Order whole numbers to one million.
8. Compare whole numbers to one million
9. Round whole numbers to the nearest thousand.
10. Solve problems in addition (sum less than 10 000) and
subtraction (minuend less than 10 000)
11. Multiply two, three and four digit numbers by one or two-digit
12. Divide two, three and four digit numbers by one or two digit
divisors with and without remainder.
13. Use estimation strategies in problem solving contexts with
whole numbers.
14. Use estimation skills to check solutions to problems and
determine reasonableness of answer.
15. Solve one-step word problems involving any one of the four
basic operations on whole numbers.
16. Solve multi-step words problems involving any combination
of the four basic operations on whole numbers.
17. Explain or demonstrate how an answer was obtained when
solving problems.
18. Calculate the square of a number
19. Differentiate between factors and multiples and prime and
composite numbers and identify square numbers.
20. Calculate the square root of a perfect square.
21. List square numbers up to 144.
22. Explore patterns involving square numbers up to 144 and
square roots up to 12.
23. Explore patterns involving square roots up to 12.
24. Solve problems involving the use of number patterns.
25. Explore repeating, increasing and decreasing patterns.
26. Calculate the unknown in number sentences involving the
four operations and explain procedures used.
27. Interpret the remainder in relation to the context of word
28. Explain why a remainder is obtained for some division
29. Identify the missing numbers in an ordered sequence or on a
number line.
30. Use a pattern rule to determine missing elements for a given
pattern and to extend or predict subsequent elements in
31. Represent a fraction using pictorial and symbolic
32. Generate equivalent fractions using a variety of models.
33. Order proper fractions with unlike denominators using
equivalent forms.
34. Demonstrate an understanding of proper fractions, improper
fractions and mixed numbers.
35. Express improper fractions as mixed numbers.
36. Express mixed numbers as improper fractions.
37. Add and subtract fractions involving same denominator.
38. Add and subtract fractions involving one denominator as a
multiple of the other.
39. Subtract a fraction from a whole number.
40. Add a fraction to a whole number.
41. Subtract two fractions (including whole/mixed numbers).
42. Calculate fractions of a collection or set.
43. Express one quantity as a fraction of another.
44. Calculate the whole given a part as a unit fraction.
45. Solve problems involving the multiplication of a fraction by a
whole number.
46. Solve problems involving the multiplication of a fraction by a
47. Solve problems involving the multiplication of a fraction by
mixed numbers.
48. Divide a whole number by a fraction.
49. Divide a fraction by a whole number.
50. Divide a fraction by a fraction.
51. Multiply fractions by whole numbers.
52. Solve one-step problems involving fractions.
53. Solve multi-step problems involving fractions.
54. Solve real-life problems involving fractions and using the
algorithms developed.
55. State the place value of digits in decimal fractions up to
56. Explore the place value of decimals to hundredths including
expanded notation.
57. State the value of digits in decimal fractions up to
58. Compare and order decimals up to hundredths.
59. Express decimal fractions using expanded notation.
60. Convert expanded notation to decimal fractions.
61. Arrange decimal fractions in ascending and descending
order (up to hundredths).
62. Round decimals to the nearest whole number and tenths.
63. Solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of
decimals including money.
64. Solve problems involving the multiplication of a decimal by a
whole number.
65. Solve problems involving the multiplication of tenths by
66. Relate decimals to fractions and money.
67. Solve problems involving the division of a decimal fraction by
a whole number (dividend up to 2 decimal places).
68. Use a number of strategies to solve routine and non-routine
problems involving decimals.
69. Express decimals as common fractions.
70. Use decimal notation as another form of writing base ten
fractions (tenths, hundredths).
71. Solve real-world problems involving the addition and
subtraction of decimals to hundredths using the algorithm.
72. Calculate simple percent of quantities e.g.10% of $200 =
1/10 of $200 = $20.
73. Express percentages (e.g. 50%, 25%, 20% and 10%) as
fractions (e.g. ½, ¼, 1/5, 1/10).
74. Express percentages (e.g. 50%, 25%, 20% and 10%) as
decimals (e.g. 0·5, 0·25, 0·2 and 0·1).
75. Order fractions, decimals and percentages.
76. Express quantities as percentages of other quantities.
77. Solve one – step problems involving percentages (no gain
and loss per cent, no calculation of whole quantities given
parts expressed as percent and no calculations of part of
quantities given another part
expressed as a per cent).
78. Solve multi – step problems involving percentages (no gain
and loss percent, no calculation of whole quantities given
parts expressed as per cent and no calculations of part of
quantities given another part expressed as a per cent).
79. Identify coins, bills, their value and the value of a set of
coins/bills (up to 100 cents and $100).
80. Determine the possible combinations of coins/bills, which are
equal to given amounts (up to 100 cents and $100).
81. Record money values using decimals.
82. Calculate total cost and the change in money transactions.
83. Solve real-life, one-step problems involving whole numbers,
(including profit and loss, best buy, discount, savings, salaries,
wages, loans, simple interest, VAT).
84. Solve real-life, multi-step problems involving whole numbers,
(including profit and loss, best buy, discount, savings, salaries,
wages, loans, simple interest, VAT).
85. Solve problems involving direct proportions.
86. Solve problems involving unequal sharing (not the use of
Linear Measure
87. Select and use the most appropriate standard unit for
measuring various lengths/distances.
88. Convert linear measure from one form to the other
(millimetres, centimetres, metres, kilometres).
89. Apply decimal knowledge to record measurements. e.g.
123cm = 1.23m
90. Solve computational problems involving the metre and the
centimetre by using the relationship between them.
91. Write and explain the formulae for finding the perimeter of
any given rectangle and square.
92. Calculate and compare perimeters of squares and
93. Construct or draw two or more rectangles for a given
perimeter in a problem solving context.
94. Find the perimeters of simple composite figures that may be
dissected into rectangles and squares.
95. Solve problems in real-life contexts involving perimeter.
96. Solve problems involving length.
97. Solve problems involving perimeter of compound shapes.
98. Select the appropriate unit of measure when measuring
surfaces of varying sizes and explain the suitability of the unit.
99. Write and explain the formula for finding the area of squares
and rectangles.
100. Compare and order area of surfaces and explain reasoning
using appropriate vocabulary.
101. Approximate the area of surfaces to the nearest square
metre or square centimetre
102. Estimate and verify the area of shapes using square metres
and centimetres, and determine reasonableness of answer.
103. Develop and use formula to calculate the area of squares
and rectangles.
104. Draw different shapes of a given area on grids.
105. Calculate area of shapes drawn on a grid with unit squares.
106. Calculate the areas of compound shapes that may be
dissected into rectangles and squares.
107. Solve problems involving area and perimeter of plane
108. Solve problems in real-life contexts involving area.
Volume and Capacity
109. State the relationship between the litre and millilitre and
convert from one to the other.
110. Identify the cubic centimetre and cubic metre (cm³ and m³)
as the standard units for measuring volume.
111. Measure the volume of boxes by stacking and packing
cubic blocks into them and counting to determine the volume.
112. Calculate the volume of cubes and cuboids.
113. State the relationship between the metric units of volume
and capacity (e.g.1L = 1000 cm3).
114. Solve problems involving capacity, number and money.
115. Solve problems involving volume/capacity.
116. Measure and compare the masses/weights of objects in
kilograms and grams using a set of scales.
117. Convert kilograms to grams and vice versa.
118. State the relationship between the kilogram and gram
119. Determine the most appropriate standard unit for
measuring mass/weight.
120. Calculate unknown mass/weight on a balance (including
the use of algebraic reasoning).
121. Solve problems involving different units of mass/weight
(e.g. Find the total mass/weight of three items weighing 50g,
750g and 2.5kg.
122. Solve computational and real-life problems involving grams
and kilograms
123. Solve real-life problems involving mass/weight, number and
124. Tell time in five minute intervals using the digital and analog
125. State the time after given intervals on analog and digital
126. Match times shown on standard digital clocks, 24 hour
digital clocks and analog clocks to the minute, and record the
127. Calculate the duration of events using starting and finishing
times (elapsed time).
128. Convert minutes to hours.
129. Convert hours to minutes.
130. Interpret simple time schedules (e.g. the calendar).
131. Solve computational and real-life problems involving hours
and minutes.
132. Solve problems involving time and other related concepts
(using proportional reasoning).
Solids and Plane Shapes
133. Recognize solids from pictorial representations.
134. Draw the faces of solids and explore their properties.
135. Describe the properties of solids in relation to number and
types of faces, edges and vertices.
136. Name the solids with uniform cross-sections.
137. Solve problems involving solids.
138. Recognize plane shapes from pictorial representations.
139. Investigate the properties of solids by examining their
cross-sections, base, height and angles.
140. Solve problems involving plane shapes.
141. Construct and draw regular and irregular polygons given
their properties using the principles of parallel and perpendicular
lines, angles and number of sides.
142. Differentiate between regular and irregular polygons
(triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, octagons).
143. Describe the properties of specific quadrilaterals (rectangle,
square, trapezium, parallelogram and rhombus)
144. Describe a given pattern (repeating, increasing or
145. Determine the pattern rule and extend the pattern using
concrete materials or pictorial representation.
146. Classify and compare quadrilaterals according to their
attributes (no. of sides and angles, no. of equal sides, no. of
pairs of parallel sides, no. of perpendicular sides).
147. Classify triangles (same, similar or different) based on
properties of sides and angles.
148. Identify and name triangles as scalene, right angled,
isosceles and equilateral.
149. Compare and describe the properties of the sides and
angles of the scalene, right angled, isosceles and equilateral
150. Create repeating, increasing and decreasing patterns using
solids or plane shapes (concrete and pictorial) and explain the
pattern rule.
151. Insert the missing elements in given patterns (concrete or
pictorial) and explain the reasoning.
152. Determine whether plane shapes, letters and numerals are
153. Complete a symmetrical shape given half of the shape and
a line of symmetry.
154. Determine the number of lines of symmetry in plane shapes
– (regular, irregular and curved) and in numerals and letters.
155. Create symmetrical shapes
156. Solve problems involving line symmetry.
157. Describe an amount of turn (e.g. whole turn, three quarter
turn, half turn or quarter turn).
158. Recognize an angle as an amount of turn.
159. Identify angles on faces of solids or plane shapes that are
right angles, greater than right angles or smaller than right
160. Investigate angles (right angles, angles greater than and
smaller than right angles) in regular and irregular polygons and
faces of solids.
161. Describe an angle as a measure of turn and name the
quarter turn as a right angle or the angle formed when
perpendicular lines meet.
162. Draw shapes with angles of various sizes and describe the
163. Represent data using tally charts, frequency tables and
graphs (pictographs, block graphs, bar graphs) using various
scale factor
164. Interpret the findings displayed in the tables, charts
(including tally charts, no pie charts) and graphs (pictographs,
block graphs, bar graphs).
165. Compare the effectiveness of different representations of
the same data.
166. Determine a suitable scale for data and record the scale in
a key.
167. Use analysed data to solve problems, draw conclusions
and make decisions.
168. Communicate findings and decisions made using
appropriate vocabulary associated with statistics. Determine the
mode of a given set of data.
169. Apply findings from analysis of data to solve problems.
170. Evaluate decisions made based on analysis of data
represented in tables, charts and graphs.
169. Calculate the mean of a given set of data.
170. Solve problems involving mean/average.

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