Circumferenceofcircle 140708163044 Phpapp02
Circumferenceofcircle 140708163044 Phpapp02
Circumferenceofcircle 140708163044 Phpapp02
Grade 5
I. Learning Objectives
Cognitive: Name the unit of measure used for measuring the volume of cube
And rectangular prism
Psychomotor: Convert one cubic unit of measure to larger or smaller unit
Affective: Work cooperatively with the other members of the group
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
1 2 4 5
2. Review
1 2
b. Review on finding the diameter and radius of a circle.
Game: Flash and Tell
5 representatives from the boys, and 5 from girls.
As the teacher flashes card with the diameter d, a pupil in
line will give the value of the radius r. If the card flashed has
the value of radius, pupils will give the value of diameter.
The pupil who can give the correct answer first earns point.
The group with the most number of points wins the game.
1. d=7 6. r = 150
2. r=9 7. r = 75
3. r = 24 8. d = 40
4. d = 36 9. d = 72
5. d = 42 10. r = 300
3. Motivation
Ask the pupils: What shape is the lot on which your house stands?
Do you have any idea how large your lot is?
B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
2.8 m
c. Group the class into 4. See to it that each group has all the required
materials for the activity. Have them record their findings on the table
below. Let the pupils measure the distance around the circular objects.
Circle Circumference Diameter C ÷ d (ratio of c/d)
(See to it that pupils get the correct measure for the diameters by letting
them trace the circular object on a piece of paper and fold the circle in
d. Point out a Greek Mathematician used the Greek letter 𝜋 (pi) to name q
this number, and it has a decimal value whose digits do not end
and repeat.
e. Using this relationship c/d= 3.14 or c/d = 𝜋, elicit from the pupils the
formula. C = 3.14 x d or C = 𝜋d, and the ration of the circumference to
the diameter.
Ask the pupils: what if the ratio is given? What formula will you have
for the circumference? (Elicit from the pupils, that if the radius is
given, multiplying pi and twice the radius is equal to the
circumference, too. C =2𝜋r
Now that you know the formula for finding the circumference of a
circle, can you help Tado solve his problem?
Given the d = 2.8, let the pupils solve for the circumference of the
round table. Have them write the formula first then substitute values
before computing the answer.
2. Fixing Skills
3. Generalization
Ask the pupils: What is the formula for the circumference of the
4. Application
IV. Evaluation
1. 2. 3.
8 cm 5 cm 12 cm
V. Assignment
Prepared by:
Critic Teacher